#im posting from bed again somebody stop me
ardentpoop · 6 months
visited sp*n ao3 for the first time in ages remembered that i don’t respect any of u ppl 💀
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sturnsbella · 5 months
the right person
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matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: matt was right about the guy y/n was talking to being an asshole, but he helps her anyways.
warnings: underage drinking, panic attack and cheating (?)
y/n - pink
matt - blue
madi - red
nick - purple
chris - orange
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marylou is my mom’s best friend since college, because of their friendship, me and the triplets grew up together. they were like family, we always spent holidays together and we met every week. getting older, we just got closer. nick was always my best friend, chris was like a older, annoying, funny and carrying older brother, and matt… he was kinda different?
when we were like 13, i had a crush on him, and everyone knew it, i was really bad at hiding it. he probably didn’t like me back, since he was 15 and probably saw me as a younger sister or something like that. i hated that, he was so weird with me. he acted like we were just friends but when i started to talk to a boy he was super overprotective, almost like he was jealous. i never understood that.
i got over him years ago, but recently he has been kinda flirty with me. i always take it as a joke, but sometimes i don’t know if it really is..
anyways, it doesn’t matter ‘cause i’m talking to somebody else now.
madi, one of the friends we have in common, is throwing a party today, i have 10 minutes until matt, chris and nick come to pick me up. my hair is loose and i did two little braids in the front. i’m wearing a black open backless top, and a tight jeans skirt. my makeup is done, i just apply gloss to finish while admiring myself in the mirror. i take a couple of selfies before laying on my bed and posting it.
matt’s pov
i’m scrolling on instagram waiting for my brothers when i see y/n’s post. she looks really good. i like the picture and comment:
@matthew.sturniolo - “picking you up rn. good pics btw 📸”
it only takes her a few seconds to reply:
@y/n.y/l/n - “ok im waiting. tks 📸”
under my comment a see the comment of the guy she’s talking to:
@evan_williams - “🔥”
i roll my eyes. he’s an asshole and it pisses me off that y/n doesn’t see it. she deserves someone better than him, she is so sweet and kind and i’m not even sure he likes her.
y/n’s pov
i grab my purse while walking to the door when the triplets arrive at my house. i get in the car sitting next to nick.
“hii you’re looking so good y/n/n”
“thank youu” i say smiling.
chris looks at me and smiles
“you really are”
matt glances at me
“yeah you look hot”
i giggle a bit and blush
“shut up”
we listen to music and sing all the way to the party, not talking about anything. we get to the house and we all leave the car.
“y/n/n do you know if evan’s coming?”
“yeah he’ll come. but he won’t stay much tho, he’s grounded or something”
i say as we go to the door. and i notice matt guets quiet when we talk about evan.
i say staring at him.
“what is it?”
“you know he’s an asshole, right?”
i roll my eyes at him, i know he doesn’t like evan but he never likes any guy i talk to, is annoying.
“i’ll go grab a drink, do you guys want anything?”
i go to the kitchen after they all said no. in the kitchen i find madi, we take a few shots and then we go dancing.
mini time skip
me, madi and a bunch of other people are dancing with the loud music playing. i still haven’t seen evan, so i text him.
“heyy, are u still coming?”
he took a few minutes to answer the text
“hey, no i won’t make it sorry”
“oh, okay” i text back. i show my phone to madi.
“it’s okay we don’t need him here, let’s drink”
we go to the kitchen once again, and while i’m making my drink i notice madi’s eyes going wide, i look to where she was looking.
“y/n don’t-“
she says trying to stop me from seeing evan hooking up with another girl on the corner of the room. i’m speechless. i mean, we didn’t have anything too serious but i wasn’t hooking up with any other guys, and he told me he liked me… i turn my head to madi again
“i can’t believe him”
“omg i’m so sorry y/n”
“it’s fine”
it’s not, he was so nice to me, i really liked him. and it all just reminded me from when i caught my ex boyfriend cheating on me with my (ex) best friend. my mind racing as my breath got heavier.
“i’ll be right back”
i go to the bathroom, close the door and lean myself on the sink. i stare at myself in the mirror with my eyes filled with tears. it gets hard to breathe when my tears run down my face. i hear someone knock on the door.
matt opens the door, i look at him crying and trying to breathe. he closes the door behind him and rushes to come try to calm me down.
“y/n it’s okay. you are okay”
i shake my head
“you can get through this, okay?” he says breathing deeply trying to make me follow his breath.
“focus on my breathing”
he wipes my tears, i begin to slow down my breathing and calming down.
“matt” i try to speak
“shh, is okay.” he gives a slight smile trying not to look so nervous to help me. i hug him, trying to stop crying.
“i should’ve listened to you”
“don’t say that, you couldn’t know”
“why does everyone fucking replace me like that?”
“it’ll be okay, y/n/n, you got me”
we stay like that in silence for a while. he lets me go and holds my face, wiping my last tear.
“let’s get out of here before i fucking punch him”
i nod, smiling slightly. i’m kinda embarrassed matt saw me like this. i’m not even that sensitive but i think with the alcohol and all.. it was a just lot.
the drive back was silent. i was sitting on the passenger’s seat, chris didn’t even said anything about it, he understood something had happened.
i notice that matt isn’t driving back to my place.
matt’s pov
“matt where are we going?”
y/n asks me looking confused
“you’re sleeping over at our house today”
she smiles. i wouldn’t let her be alone right now, she’s too drunk, plus with what happened with evan i don’t want her to do anything stupid.
after 10 minutes in the car i notice y/n fell asleep. “she’s cute” i think to myself, hoping chris and nick didn’t notice me blushing over her. when we get to our house, nick and chris go inside letting me with y/n.
i carry her inside the house and to my bedroom, where i place here on my bed. i turn around to pick up a hoodie for her to sleep in, when i turn to her i see she woke up.
“hey” she smiles
“wear this, i’ll be sleeping on chris’s room if you need anything.” i say turning my back at her.
“matty” i look at her waiting for her to speak.
“can you stay here?”
i smile at her question and nod. i go to lay down next to y/n, facing her.
“you’re okay?”
“i will be. i just…” she pauses “i wish someone would really stay. what is wrong with me? why does everyone always leaves?”
“nothing’s wrong with you, y/n. you’re perfect. he was the problem.”
“he wasn’t even the first one to cheat on me”
“you’ll be alright, y/n/n. you’ll find the right person”
“you think so?”
“i’m sure.” i smile and nod. i wrap my arm around y/n’s waist as she lays her head on my chest. i caress her hair until she falls asleep.
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first fic ughhhh how do we feel?
i have ideas for part 2 but idkk..
i hope you guys like it, sorry for any mistakess
- xoxo bella
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necroromantics · 6 months
🧺 — Laundry And Taxes
chapter 8. // (masterlist)
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AN: MB BOUT THE WAIT Ive been adjusting to new medication but Im getting the ball rolling again. Im gonna try and post daily or every other day :]
Toby awoke the next morning to the muffled sound of arguing coming from the living room. It sounded as if somebody was fighting over the phone. Sluggishly, Toby walked out of his room to see what was going on. As he quietly lingered in the entrance, he saw his mother crying to herself as she continued to quietly fight with whoever was on the other end of the call.
“Mom? What's wrong?” Toby called out, causing Connie to jump and quickly hang up.
“Nothing, sweetie,” she assured softly as she wiped her tears and stood up to head into her bedroom. Toby watched her for a moment, trying to push down the worry he had felt.
He made himself a bowl of cereal before sitting down on the couch, turning on the TV to a slasher film which had been playing on a channel for Halloween. As Toby watched the killer brutally hack a woman to pieces, the boy’s face scrunched in disgust.
‘That's not accurate at all, come on’ he thought to himself as he took another bite of his breakfast.
As he gulped down his cereal, he couldn’t help but put himself in the position of the killer on the screen. Toby couldn’t help but imagine himself as the one to drill that knife into the chest of the pleading victim. He couldn’t stop from wandering into the terrifying depths of the decayed forest in his mind. Hatchet in his hand, huffing as drool drips from the deep gash in his cheek, blood staining his shoes. His dishes clattered as he dropped them into the sink, turning on the water to rinse them off. Running his hands under the cool downpour, Toby’s gaze turned over to a small orange container hiding behind the toaster on the kitchen counter. His brow creased as he turned off the tap and grabbed the bottle, quickly realizing it was full of pills. The boy tilted his head slightly — he hadn’t refilled his medication in months. As his eyes scanned over the label, he could feel a strange sort of sickness bubbling up from his chest and into his throat.
Toby swung open the door to his mothers room, causing her to take a seated position from the bed she had been laying on.
“Are these yours?” He asked, holding up the bottle of antidepressants. Connie rushed over to the boy and grabbed the pills from his hand.
“Where did you get this?” She demanded to know, guilt pouring from her eyes.
“I found them on the counter. Who were you on the phone with earlier? Was it Frank?”
Toby’s voice got louder as his mother stayed silent. The boy let out an exasperated sigh as he stared at the woman who promised she was done with that man for good.
“Are you fucking kidding me? After everything he did?” He began to shout as Connie did nothing but avoid looking her boy in the eyes, shame dancing on her aged face, her eyes more tired than usual. Toby scoffed and left the room, closing her bedroom door hard behind him, and storming out of the house.
He hadn’t thought about where he was going, his feet were moving faster than his mind. It was almost instinct for the boy to end up at the park, standing by the edge of the forest which surrounded the area. Toby sighed as he took a seat on an empty park bench, leaning back as he attempted to collect himself. The sound of children's laughter filled the crisp October air, the trees had begun to drop their orange and golden leaves, forming decaying piles of foliage on the ground below the swaying branches. He turned his head over to the playground as he made a mental note of the families chatting amongst themselves.
Toby watched as a father pushed his young daughter on the swing. The boy assumed the girl must’ve been starved at home, judging by her small size. He looked over to the monkey bars and saw a middle school boy call out to his parents to watch him cross over the bars. Toby thought to himself that the boy must be looking for attention in public because his parents would never give him the time of day at home. They must spend all their time arguing, he thought. It made him sick, watching all of these families feign innocence. He knew the truth, Toby knew the types of things that happened behind the scenes with people like this. He had seen it back in the old world, and back in the place he grew up in. He knew that behind the smiles and laughter, behind the childsplay and parental praise, there was only violence. At least he had the balls to admit it, he thought to himself as he stared bitterly at the people around him. Once again, Toby had felt as though he was deemed nothing but a leper. Sick, cruel, rejected. The autumn heat was gentle as the warm rays danced on his pale skin. He couldn’t seem to take deep breaths, his chest felt like it was collapsing in on itself slowly. He didn’t understand why the park choked him, devoured him whole. Toby thought that it must have been because he was so close to the forest.
Suddenly, his maggot-filled train of thought came to a halt as Toby noticed a little boy awkwardly standing idle beside him. He grimaced as he looked over to the child, who was holding something in his hands.
“What do you want,” Toby muttered, looking annoyed at the presence of the boy. Without a word, the small, sickly looking youth placed a rock into Toby’s hand and then proceeded to run off back to his mother, who had been watching closely the entire time.
Confusion took over his initial repulsion as he glanced down to examine the gift. It was a regular rock, there was nothing special about it. Toby looked up once more, and watched as the young boy quietly clung to his mothers side, standing close towards her leg, not daring to play with the other kids. His mother chatted with another lady who had also brought her child to the playground that warm weekend afternoon, laughing over the latest gossip. Toby felt himself being overtaken by a feeling he hadn’t felt since that night on the porch with Jack, back in Mississippi. Something he didn’t have a name for. It felt like a heavy coat, or like a quiet prayer that somebody you love would linger in the doorway a bit longer before they took their leave. He squeezed the rock in his hand and tried to shake off the weight that washed over him and stood up, making his way back home.
The walk back to his house was quiet. The subtle ambience of nature and man mingled in a harmonized symphony; there was a pair of siblings putting out decorations for the quickly approaching Halloween, and a few cars whizzed past the boy. He tried not to think about what would’ve happened to them if they had met him while he was still branded with the mark of a proxy.
As he opened the front door, he noticed his mother humming along to the radio as she washed dishes and prepared for dinner. Neither of them said a word as the boy silently shuffled past, and headed into his room. Toby placed the rock the young boy had given him on the surface of his dresser, sitting it neatly beside the portrait of his family.
The following day, Toby found himself shopping with his mother, following her around mindlessly, lost in his own thoughts. As they passed the home renovation section, he eyed the axes locked onto the wall, ignoring most of what Connie had been saying to him. Something about how the pipe under the sink had been leaking, something about what to make for dinner. Something about a clock. Taken by surprise at the word, Toby’s heart skipped a beat, it nearly knocked the wind out of him.
“What?” He asked.
“We need to get you a new clock,” Connie repeated. Toby remembered that he had destroyed his previous one, and shook the shock off. The uneasiness took hold of him.
“No, it’ll be fine.”
On the drive back home, Toby had gotten himself excited over a box of candy he had bought for himself, though he knew deep down his sister would take half of it as soon as he took his eyes off of it. It was some sick revenge of hers for all of the years he would steal her Halloween candy. He looked out the window at all of the passing buildings of the city, listening to the music playing on the radio. As the song faded out and the next one chimed in, he immediately recognized the sound, and his heart dropped. Toby quickly scrambled to turn it off, feeling the same sense of dread squeezing his chest as he did in the store.
“What was that for? I thought you loved that band,” Connie asked, glancing over at her son who looked as if he was going to be sick.
“Not anymore.”
The band that had been playing was Three Days Grace, he had loved their music since their first album. The girl he knew as Natalie loved their music as well. It was something they typically bonded over. He would secretly try to impress her by stealing CDs or downloading their music onto his MP3 player. Toby hoped the car ride would end soon, he didn’t want to think about it anymore. He didn’t care for clocks, or Three Days Grace. He didn’t want anything to do with her, and insisted to himself that it was better off if she had died alongside that forest in the old world. There was little to no chance she had made it into the new world anyways, there was no use in dwelling.
Over the next few days, Toby asked his mother for homework to do to keep himself busy. She had printed out a large booklet on various math and sciences, which he had gotten a quarter way through. The boy sat at his desk, tapping his pencil against the table as he bounced his leg. He was never good at math or science. He hated all the rules and logistics. Toby couldn’t force his mind to focus on the nonsense questions as much as he wanted to. He stared down at his empty paper for a moment before looking up through his bedroom window, peering out at the dark nightly forest that draped around his backyard. There was a burning desire within him, like he was missing something. He was unable to stop his mind from wandering into the past again. Toby thought about Natalie, and the last time he had seen her. She had forced him to make a decision, that he would come with her and leave everything behind, to get out while they still could, or to stay in that forest and watch her as she left. Being the stubborn boy that he was, Toby told her off, shouted that she didn’t understand, demanded that she leave him anyways, because he was better off without her nagging. And she did. Without screaming, or fighting, she left him alone in that abandoned cabin that they had made into their wreckage of a home.
She didn’t want anything to do with him or the life he lived. Natalie wanted better for herself, and Toby knew that wasn’t realistic. He knew better than anyone that there is no life outside of the warzone. He knew the bitter truth that you cannot make a human being out of a weapon.
Toby groaned and leaned back into his seat. Even when she was gone, that girl haunted him. She tortured his sleep, overtook his thoughts. All he wanted now was to be free from her. And a small part of him only wanted to see her again. That small part quietly hoped that somehow, by some miracle, she wanted to see him again too.
“Haven’t you taken enough from me?” He whispered out quietly. Toby closed his weary eyes for a moment, and the only thing he could picture was how she looked when she was mad at him. The way she glared at him with her one good eye, the way her brows creased, her shoulders raised. The way she crossed her arms and scoffed. The tone of voice when she told him to shut up or to watch his mouth. Frustrated, Toby dropped his head onto his desk with a thud and grumbled to himself before lifting himself up and grabbing his cellphone.
He hesitated before punching in digits to a familiar phone number. It rang for a moment as Toby waited impatiently, until he heard a click as the man on the other end of the call picked up.
“Hey Brian, it’s me.”
“Toby? What do you want man, it’s past midnight,” Brian groaned, audibly having just been woken up.
“Do you have any information on Natalie? Where she grew up, where she might be?”
“Jesus christ, go to sleep.”
“I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t important man, please just help me out,” Toby pleaded.
Brian sighed to himself for a moment, “I’ll figure something out for you tomorrow, alright? Get to bed already.”
Toby smiled victoriously to himself as he hung up the call, heading over to his bed. He thought to himself as he laid his head onto the pillow, that maybe, the girl would finally stop tormenting him if he saw her again and got the last word. The world around him was quiet as he drifted off to sleep.
That night, he fell into a dream where he sat on an old, stained and torn mattress in an abandoned cabin which was full of smoke. Beside him, sat Natalie.
“What’re you doing here, Toby?”
“I came here to see you Nat, I came all this way to find you.”
The two found themselves standing face to face in a snowy wasteland, smoke was rising from her mouth and draped around her face, covering her like a mask.
“Don’t you know how to leave me alone? I don’t ever want to see you again.” Mountains of ash and smog poured out as Natalie spoke. She turned around, and began to walk away from the boy, leaving bloody footprints as she left. Toby followed after her, but was weighed down by something, and could only drudge through the heavy snow as the distance between them grew further and further.
“Nat, come back! Fuck! Stop walking away, don’t be a pussy about this,” he shouted out. The girl's tall silhouette disappeared into the horizon, and Toby stood still in the snow, anger burning through him like a wildfire.
“Fuck you, you stupid bitch! You always do this shit, I’m fucking done with it!”
As he screamed out, Toby jolted awake, breathing heavy through the sting of lingering anger. His empty heart was beating fast as he placed a hand over his chest, falling back onto his bed. The sun began to rise, lightening the skies of dawn. He closed his eyes again as he fell back asleep.
Later in the morning, Toby awoke to a soft knock on his bedroom door, and his mother calling out that there’s someone on the phone for him. The boy quickly went over to grab the phone from her hand, closing his door behind him.
“Your mom sounds like a sweet lady,” Brian teased through the phone.
“Shut up dude. Do you have anything for me?” Toby asked, still half-asleep.
Brian told the boy that he had found a ‘Natalie Ouellette’ residing in a small town in North Dakota, but that he couldn’t confirm she’s the one that Toby was looking for.
“Thanks, you’re the best.”
“I know.”
Toby ended the call and quickly scribbled down the information Brian provided before it slipped his mind. He decided that he was going to take the chance and head to North Dakota as soon as he could. There was no more time to be wasted. To him, it was comparable to a bandaid that needed to be ripped off.
Toby sat at the dinner table later that evening, picking at his food as he listened to his sister share about her day at work. He had already begun to pack his bag, and mapped out a route to take. He wanted to be gone by the end of the week, and didn’t know how to break the news to his family.
“Uh, mom… I know I just got back home, but I have an old friend I need to visit in North Dakota,” Toby mumbled to himself, staring down at his plate of food to avoid the looks his mother and sister were giving him. Connie raised an eyebrow at the boy as Lyra glanced over at him, taking another bite of her dinner slowly.
“She’s a good friend of mine, and I-”
“She?” Lyra blurted out, mouth full of food. Toby looked up at his mother, who gave Lyra a nudge to mind her manners.
“What’s her name?” Connie said, interlocking her fingers and feigning excitement.
“Uh… Natalie.”
“You met her before right? She’s not just some creepy old guy you met on the net?” Lyra asked, leaning into the conversation.
“Yes Lyra, she’s a real person. Is it really so hard to believe I have a friend who’s a girl? Jesus you guys.”
“No no sweetie, it’s not that. Just, wow, all the way up north? She must be a very good friend,” his mother spoke as she continued to work at her food. Toby furrowed his brow as he ate.
“Yeah. She’s my best friend.”
After an awkwardly long dinner, Lyra went into her room, and Connie continued the conversation with her boy as they cleaned off the table.
“When are you leaving?” She asked softly.
“I was hoping sometime tomorrow, or the day after.”
His mothers eyes widened with a hint of sorrow.
“That soon? How are you getting there?”
“Probably just hitch hike,” Toby said as he placed the last of his dishes into the sink.
“You know, aunt Lori almost got killed doing that.”
“I’ll be fine mom, I know how to handle myself.”
As Toby attempted to brush his mother off, she put her foot down and stood in front of him, placing a wad of cash from her purse into his hands and squeezing.
“Use this money for a train and something to eat, please.”
“I don’t want your money, I promise I’ll be fine.”
“Please Toby, you know my heart can’t take anymore worrying.”
Toby looked into his mothers pleading eyes and took the money, nodding a thank you as he turned to his bedroom for one last sleep in his own bed. He wasn’t sure when he would be back home, he never liked to plan too much.
Lyra leaned over towards Toby, who was sitting in the passenger's seat of the car while their mother drove. It was a spot Lyra usually sat in, but Toby had claimed rights to the seat as it was his ‘going away present’. She pestered him about the trip from the backseat, the boy's bag sitting beside her. He quietly prayed to himself that no one would notice the hatchet residing inside of his backpack.
“Take some pics for me once you get there. My friend has family in North Dakota and she said the scenery is nice,” Lyra requested, which Toby agreed to.
Once they reached the train station, the boy grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder. He gave his sister a side hug, and a quick goodbye. Connie tried her best to contain herself as she stood composed in front of her son. It wasn’t easy for her to accept that her little boy was grown up now. Toby reached for his mother and brought her into a tight hug, letting the embrace linger on a bit longer than usual.
“You be safe, and you know I’m just a call away if you need anything, and don’t forget to watch your health, and be careful. If you need me to send you more money or clean clothes or-”
“I’ll be alright, mom. I mean it. The trains gonna leave soon,” Toby interrupted his mothers worried ramble as he squeezed her hand in a bittersweet goodbye.
“Goodbye sweetie, I love you” she said softly, squeezing his hand back.
“I love you too.”
Toby took his seat on the train and held his bag closely beside him as it began to move slowly down the tracks. Staring out the window, he watched his sister wave wildly at him as he passed, which he awkwardly waved back to before his family fell out of view. He chuckled silently to himself as he reclined into his seat. The countryside was beautiful this time of year. Dense forests painted with rust and sunset danced along the tracks, occasionally he’d spot a deer or a coyote. He had never been on a train before, nor had he ever been up north. Toby thought back to his time with Jack, and the paintings that he had made which hung up on his wall. It was as if they both had been discovering the new world in their own ways. Then, he thought about what Tim had told him, that this world was a fresh start for all of them, a second chance. As he looked out at the world passing by him, for a moment, he almost believed it.
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Just wanted to ask what your *favorite* like, Top 10 furniture/build cc is? also where we could get it? sry if you dont do asks i just like your stuff
Hey! Okay, this is SUCH a hard question asdfghjhgfd so i'm gonna be super annoying and do a broader version with some of my favourite buildbuy creators. because i am not joking when i say i could easily list like hundreds of my top cc asdfghjkjhgfdfghjjhgf i hope thats okay!!!
asdfghjjhgf this post uhm. got away from me and ended up being SO LONG lmao but i think its worth it!
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If you like retro/mid century modern style cc, then teekalu's stuff is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
literally obsessed with their colour palettes! everything matches SO nicely and you could easily decorate whole rooms/houses with just their stuff alone
THE WALLPAPERSSSSSSSSSSSSS argh my ultimate favourite!!!! like, i mean it when i say that if i could only have one set of CC in my mods folder and nothing else, it would be teekalu's wallpapers. i use them in every single build ever and would actually be bereft without them
not JUST build buy cc but also lots and cas cc!!!! and its all amazing and such a vibe!!!!
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did somebody say colour options? because there's COLOUR OPTIONS GALORE!!!!!!
MATCHING!!!!!!!!! leading on from the point about colour options, most of her cc comes in MULTIPLE colour palette options, so the options for matching different sets is ENDLESS. seriously, it's like, incredible and sooooooo appreciated
awesome mix of build AND buy!!! i must admit that i go ham mostly on her wallpaper cc (are we sensing a theme here? listen i hoard wallpaper cc like there's no tomorrow i cant help it) BUT the buy items are ALSO AMAZING???? and again, everything MATCHES!!!!!!!! oh, AND there's some incredible builds, too?!?!? the talent!!! and it would be remiss not to mention that pictureamoebae is like, the reshade master
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as we all know by now, i LOVE quirky cc. if it's colourful and fun, i'm THERE, and kiwisim4's content totally fits that bill
the tui series is my FAVOURITE!!! the COLOUR! the STYLE! the PIZAZZ!
ANDDDDD for those who want something a lil' more mainstream and less super specific, there's also a bunch of other sets in different styles that can fit any type of aesthetic and decor choice!
FOR EVERY ROOM TOO! kitchens? bathrooms? studies? living rooms? kids bedrooms? check, check, check, check and CHECK!
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aight buckle up y'all because i am constantly perplexed that zx-ta doesn't receive more love because LET ME TELL YOU, her cc is SO! FREAKING! GOOD! STOP READING MY POST RN AND GO CHECK OUT HER CREATIONS!!!!!
truly consider this to be the swiss army knife of cc creation - you want ts3 and ts2 to ts4 conversions? what about medieval and historical cc? genius additions to existing game content like separated sinks? wall art? planters? WELL HERE IT IS! literally every style/aesthetic/era/furniture type you could ever wish for
ik i mentioned it already but the SEPERATED SINKS!!!!! GENIUS! GALAXY BRAINED! also the movie hangout kitchen set IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD
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aaaaaaaand no build/buy cc list of mine would be complete without mentioning the incredible sforzinda. listen, if you see cool clutter in any of my pics, there's a 90% chance its by them
aight they do truly chefs kiss CAS cc, BUT, i am OBSESSED with their separated clutter sets in particular. how many times have you looked at game asset and thought, hey, there's some rlly cute bits in this but then its like, part of a MASSIVE object that you never really use. well, sforzinda basically solves that time and time again and me and my mods folder are SO thankful. AND THE WALL ART ITEMS!!!!! THE MESH EDITS!!!!!!!!!
my most favourite one is undoubtedly the separated little campers clutter set, but also THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS BED PACK!!!! ARGH!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry i didnt like answer your question really asdfghjhgfds i just, i have SO many favourites id never be able to narrow it down asdfghjhgfds. if you (or anyone else!) ever wants like a specific idk top beds, top coffee tables, top floors etc tho pls let me know because i'd definitely be able to make myself be SLIGHTLY more specific then asdfghjhgfdsdfghj. this was rlly fun tho!!! thank you so much for your ask, I hope this was at least a wee bit useful asdfghjkjhgfdfghjkjhg
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This is the very latest chapter of my fanfic I've only posted a snippet of the beginning then this but its jus teasers if people want read the whole thing just le me know
This part gives me "Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You" vibes and I love it so darn much
Matty's POV
I slept through the night again, I can't really confirm wether my dreams were good or bad but I slept and I feel great. It's a bit cold since I didn't sleep with much on so I pull my blanket around me George is still there fast asleep bless him , I know he'll have to be awake soon enough but I don't want to wake him up he's so pretty just asleep although there's not much of it his hair is draped across the pillow and he's pretty much holding the duvet too his chin so sweet. Right on que Lou comes bouldering into my room "oh your awake today". I sit up and rub my eyes the room is still a little bit blurry as I've just woken up
"Yeh sweet one I'm awake but we have to be quiet , Matty's friend is sleeping okay" as I tell him we have to be quiet I put my finger to his lips indicating that we have to shush. He then climbs onto my bed and sits on my legs like he's sitting on my knees "how are you this morning kiddo ?" . I ask him as I pull him into a hug.
He settles into my hug and plays with the hair on the nape of my neck "I'm still a little bit sleepy, but I've got school don't I?", he turns to look at my screen and looks at me pointing to the screen "who's that ?"
"That's just Maffu's friend George" , I smile at him still just laying there , then look at Louis I ruffle his hair he looks a little confused but what can you say he's a kid "what's up kid?"
"Why did you just call him if he's sleepin ?", A childs innocence is so lovely to me. Not understanding the world fully.
"We were talking last night and we just feel asleep that's all kiddo, but Maffu has to get dressed for school now, do you want my help getting you ready or can you do it like a big boy ?"
"Can you help ?" , I ruffle his hair and hug him into me a little again and let him go to get his uniform , while he's away I quickly find a T-shirt to put on before he comes back. He comes back a few moments later with his uniform bundled in his arms, he's so grown up I can't deal with it
"Come on then, come ere, did you brush your teeth?" , he looks at me and smiles , which is a tell tale sign that he hasn't yet but will try to say he has, I know that trick to well im the king of that one "Come on Maffu will do it with you" . I take his uniform and place it on my bed, lift him up and take him to my bathroom , I keep a toothbrush in my en-suite for him because he does like to do his with me sometimes, he gets his little stool and drags it over to the sink so he can see in the mirror when he brushes. He's like me he likes to watch himself no matter what he's doing. "What do we need first?", I know what we need obviously but I'm helping him learn.
"We need toothpaste silly", he stretches over the sink and grabs the toothpaste and our brushes and hands me mine, "it's got to be only a little bit though not to much only small" . He's so cute, I put the toothpaste onto his brush and then my own . He then starts brushing and I join in. I watch him brush while I do, I can't believe how grown up he's gotten, he's so little still but sooo grown up and it makes me want to cry. We brush for the amount of time your supposed to then we rinse again obviously.
" want me to brush your hair too". I pick up my brush and the gel but he shakes his head and jumps down from the stool and pushes it back into the corner
"Mummy doesn't brush my hair until after I'm dressed Maffu". That would make sense, he runs back throough to my room as I follow after him, He stands awkwardly waiting for me. I begin to get him dressed trousers first and he stops me before I do up his button. "I can do it" , I let him do it for himself , next is his polo shirt and he does the same again I get it on for him and he does up his own buttons, then he pulls his jumper on. Arghh that's my little brother right there he's so smart. "You can brush my hair now , can you make it like yours?" . We trundle back through to my bathroom and I start brushing his hair making sure there's no tiny knots in it , and then rub in a little bit of gel and slick it back a little bit, It can't be exactly like mine as he's got a full head of hair mine is a mullet but I try
"Is that good for you", he's smiling in the mirror so I can tell he's happy with it , he then spots my glasses on the sink where I left them yesterday and he puts them on. I smile at him, there too big for him so they keep sliding down but he persists. "Take a picture" I quickly grab my phone from the bedroom making sure we haven't woken George up but he's still sound asleep it's nearly 7 so assume he will be soon. I open Snapchat and take a picture of us in the mirror , he's standing with his tongue out and making the little rocker kid sign his hands they are so small my god, I save it and let him see "yes I like it"
"I like it too kid , should we send it too daddy, for when he gets to work"
"And show mummy, can I show mummy?"
"In a moment yeh" , I send it to George captioned "Morning from us G", I then select the picture again in my memories and give it to him so he can go show Mum. This will give me sometime to get myself ready, I hop into the shower after I strip down and give myself a quick clean up washing the events of yesterday off of me and relaxing in the heat, I only take about ten minutes because I'm sure Louis will be back anytime soon, then I wrap a towel around myself after getting out , I hear an alarm going off in my room must be George. I'll let him wake before I go see him so I do my hair brushing it to get all the knots out I have far more knots in mine than Louis did, mine is much curlier than his. I spray myself with some deodorant and some aftershave then look in my cupboard for my contacts but I can't seem to find them "oh well, I'll just ave to wear my glasses", I pad through to my room pulling out some clean boxers and some clean trousers and pull them on then I decide it's finally time to go see George , I jump onto my bed careful not to just to hard incase I brake it again "Good Morning" , he's smiling at his phone I guess he's opening the snap, I start to blush again even though he's not looking at me but the fact he's smiling at our picture it's making me feel things.
"Good morning love, did you get your brother dressed ?" He shows the picture to me still smiling like a twat "who's glasses are they ?"
"There mine, he likes to wear them a lot makes him feel like me , he likes to be like me as you can probably tell from the picture", I get back up to get my shirt and blazer, then to pack my rucksack for today double checking maybe even triple checking that I have everything I need today , going over it in my head , History , French , English and Art not a terrible day today the only thing I can't find is my art folder but I think my mum maybe has it, she likes looking at what I do
"Can I save it" he sounds further away from the camera as I can't hear him as clear he must be getting dressed too , once I've got myself completely ready I sit back down on the bed. Putting my shoes on , it makes me smile when he asks and I blush again
"Yeh if you like". I'll have to resend it as I'm sure it's already gone from the snap as there not on that long , so I do. Then Louis comes back into my room mid way through a game I believe since he's not really paying much attention and he's just stood at the door with my phone, Once he's finished playing what I assume is a level on angry birds he comes bounding over and hands me it back and my glasses, "Thanks kiddo , you can say good morning to Georgie now he's awake"
"Good Morning George" , he's stood there stood at the side of my bed waving at the camera I can see he has his shoes on but there not tied "How about I tie those for you Kid ?" He jumps up onto the bed and he puts one foot on my leg as I quickly start tying it. I can see in my peripheral that George has come back into the screen and is actually wearing his uniform today and he's smiling at me waving at Louis who's just blindly staring at him. "Next one" he replaces his foot with the other and I tie that one too. He then jumps back down off the bed after waving goodbye to George and stands looking at me "Do I look just like you Maffu" , I wipe my glasses clean and place them on for the first time in what four days and smile at him while telling him he does and he leaves again. I was right my glasses do enhance everything and any light that's in my room reaches my retinas tenfold but I try to get used to it. It's just George and I again
"Your good with him", he's just watching me trying to adjust to my glasses and the screen is a little blurry but I can still make everything out, it's already giving me a sore head this won't be good but I have to wear them.
"I did say we were inseparable didn't I"
"That you did" , he gets up and starts packing his bag none of his things are in folders and he just has papers upon papers piled in his bag which is the most typical 16 year old bag just a black Nike bag , he's wearing a shirt and tie with black trousers like most uniforms but he's still wearing a black hoodie and red vans that's a bold choice but I love it , I can hear movement on his side that isn't coming from his room and he turns to me "I'll have to go now Matty , my mum will want to make sure I'm ready but I'll message you on my way to school yeh ?"
"Yeh that sounds good" I smile at him and wave "See you later darlin"
"Talk later love" he waved and the then the call ended. Leaving me alone for the first time in maybe 8 hours, it's weird I miss him the minute he's gone but I can do it. I pick up my rucksack and a few fags and a joint or two and then exit my room waiting for my mother to bombard me with questions
"Good morning sweetheart" . I walk over to my mother and kiss her on the cheek Louis is sitting eating coco pops and I put my rucksack on the chair beside him and begin making some food. Just toast but it's something and my mother is looking at me weirdly.
"Good morning mum , how are you this morning" , she hands me a mug of coffee which I am internally great full for and sits down across from Lou making sure he isn't getting milk all over his clean uniform. I too sit down once my toast is ready and make my way through it. It's only a slice but I do it. My mother starts telling me about how her night was and her plans for today after she takes Louis to school and asking if I'm going to manage today , to make sure to message her if I need to leave but I tell her I'll be fine that I've got Jamie in a few of my classes today and that's it's not a bad day today. After I've finished my coffee I kiss Louis on the head and say goodbye to both of them and leave for school feeling great for the first time in a while
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wujico · 5 months
first post.. wow hello void. this is a little more awkward than i thought. i know i should treat this like im writing on paper again in my little taco journal i got from my friend back in elementary, but... idk maybe its the thought that somebody might read this that puts me off. and also the fact that i just.... havent written anything in any sort of journal since i was 16 and making goodbye letters (ToT) what a life
anyway today is a saturday... well its sunday morning at 5am but im riddled with anxiety and cant sleep so :,) im trying to keep my thoughts busy. i work again tomorrow, only six hours which is usual for me, but its fucking -50⁰ where i live rn and I REALLY dont wanna force myself out of bed..... ugh
but ive been really good at never skipping work unless im throwing up all over the place so :,) speaking of that, i just got done being sick with the flu for the SECOND TIME within two months !!!!! i have a horrid immune system.. most of the time when im sick i spend hours rotting away in my bed and on the bathroom floor... these two times were no different
i genuinely was up at like 5am unable to sleep sobbing in my bed because it hurt so much !!! i gen wanted to die lmfao i hate being sick
but its whatever... at least i got to talk to 🍀 while i was high on meds and a 39.8⁰ fever... i said some funny shit but he just entertained me... i love looking back at our messsages.. he really seems to care for me.... crazy
neway yes saturday.. today.. what did i do- well i had work. i was stressing the entire day over being able to get my hw done for uni classes on time but then i just.. decided not to work on it at all. idk.. work was okay. i love working. even though its a a gross fast food restaurant with shady people coming and making a mess 24/7. all that bad cancels out when it comes to my cowokers. ive had so... so so so many people ive loved at this job. people ive loved more than i should and who have left me (WHATS NEW) BUTTT thats a story for another day
well anyway i got to see one of my besties who is always talking about her boy troubles ... i think everyone still thinks im a lesbian there since im not out to them as trans and have a gf 🙃 its kinda funny.. especially with all my male coworkers
who can just goof off and be close to me without the added stress of thinking its going to go anywhere (for the two of us).
wow this is already becoming so long shksjjsskjslk i have a feeling each post is gonna be like this... just a ramble about my life
anyway. i went home and immediately one of my headmates made himself know... his names nikki and hes... newish? hes been around since august 2023 but just recently showed himself. well we played sky together for a while, just the two of us. i sorta.. soft called out 🍀 on my discord status saying something like "chill cr w/ nikki!! anyone can join!" hoping theyd join my game LOL
well it was a call out to any one of my sky friends on disc (my new friend mochi actually ended up seeing it and we got to talk propery on sky for one of the first times... i was so happy)
i felt bad for 🍀 at first because he couldnt see mochis chat messages while we were having a whole ass conversation with 🍀 piggy on my shoulders... but they added each other a little later and i think the convo went well :)
🍀 's sky friend actually joined us as well.. i dont know her... nor do i really care that 🍀 seemed so close with her (well that was definitely a lie i told myself)
im so jealous LMFAOOOO definitely problems related to being stuck in a toxic friend group for 12 years BUT AGAIN thats a story for another day
anyway i was a bit sad at first because there are just things you cant say in a chat with your queer platonic partner when theres a random who you sort of know but have never personally talked to... so i shut off a bit... nikki tho bless him wtf was like- urging me to stop being so closed off towards sky friends sjhdksjsk especially because this person was really nice and even asked if she could tag along (which i said was fine because i cant say no to anything, no matter how hard i try)
it got better tho, when mochi joined
i really am a horrible person, because i felt i finally had equal grounds on 🍀 by being able to talk to mochi while they couldnt
curse being literally delusionally attached to 🍀 because he is my o n l y true friend !!!
i really am selfish for wanting to have all his attention. i am such a shitty human being
anyway... we went to eden (i lead everyone) and then sat and talked for a bit. being on equal ground with mochi about our interest in skz was super refreshing. its been a while since ive talked to anybody... but i recently joined the sky server and mochi and a few others dmed me
half way through i saw me and 🍀 's mutal friend come online.... ill call him 🌟 on here.... i only recently got to know him because i was online on sky alone and decided to join him.. he was doing quests by himself so i got some 1 on 1 time with him and omg hes so cool
i always have this habit of putting everyone else in an "untouchable" catergory, because everyone compared to me is just so much better. i guess i idolized 🌟 in a way because i never got to talk to him... he was only mutals to me through our sky friend group
anyway after that 1 on 1 i immediately felt so amazing and i wanted to talk to him every chance i get... so after mochi left and he hadnt joined our game (which was suprising because i was with 🍀 and the other person who are close to 🌟 and he likes them a lot better than me so i thought hed join one of them.... but he didnt) so i just went and joined his game immediately
i kinda ditched 🍀 but its whatever, i was still in a bad mood from earlier
i was kinda upset and sad all day so.... i was distant in my head and wasnt talking to anyone.. but that wore off the moment i got the chance to talk to 🍀 again
which was when my dad suprised me with mcdonalds !!! i really felt gross after eating it- and still do- but it helps sometimes. to eat that garbage.. ive always been a binge eater
where the hell even was i
yea i teleported to 🌟 to hang out with him and 🍀 warped to me... i didnt really mind because theyre both super cool and my idols but i got a dry ass greeting from 🌟 wheres as 🍀 got a enthusiastic one !! so yeah immediately i was like aight i see how it is
but 🍀 left to do a cr so i got more 1 on 1 time with 🌟 WHICH WAS SO NICE!! i feel like we are getting closer and closer everyday... anyway he was playing some music and i offered to stay and listen and it was gen so nice... i wanted to fall asleep just listening to him play hehe and after every song id complement him and we'd talk about what hed just played (if it was from a game or a movie) .... and well he seemed gen grateful for the compliments which made me fill up with pride
eventually 🍀 came back but i didnt really mind since i got my 1 on 1 time and i enjoy talking to both of them anyway
we had a nice convo going then 🌟 left
i always feel so prideful when i can make people laugh, even though it might even just be a lol or hahaha
then me and 🍀 had one on one time... which is what brings me to writing this
he mentioned he had a secret tumblr diary. this isnt the first time he mentioned it- back when we met irl he said if i could find it i could read it.... i tried to find it lol but couldnt so i just gave up
i didnt even think about it again until tonight.... i thought about trying to find it again but then i was like- yk what would be a better idea !!! make my own !!
so yeah i got the idea from him... a little secret vent diary place that i hope nobody can find (especially him, but if you do find it, im sorry LOL)
really i kinda wanna go looking for his but.... idk after making my own im just like how fucking awkward would it be for him to find mine and read it 😀😀 LIKE THAT WOULD BE SO BAD
so ive given up again
im gonna wait until he shares it with me.. idk when that'll be, but maybe when he does ill have wrote a lot on here and can share this with him as well
after all, i am kinda crazy. ill tell him every little secret about me if he asked.
i have so much to say but no brain power left. oh well
- ji
(1 / 13/ 2024)
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tweekfilms · 1 year
it was enchanting to meet you
back on my gertchase one shot posts
despite noticing it constantly after everything had gone down months ago, the hostel was strangely quiet
gert had gone out of her room to start eating breakfast because she was hungry and she couldn’t sleep anymore
it was strange not hearing any noise, everyone was else was probably sleeping or they were awake but doing something else but the silence was nice
until she heard the cd player in her room start blasting enchanted and there was only one other person in there
it had been months since she’s gotten used to chase blasting music in the morning and it usually was the rotation of the same songs, ever since their lives had gone back to normal at least somewhat, everyone’s guilty pleasures had statted coming out
in chase’s case, it was random pop songs that she would have just rolled her eyes at
she really needed to give karolina the credit for that, in fact the reason why chase was into taylor’s music was because of karolina and together the two of them blasted songs much to her and nico’s dismay
“chase its like 9 am in the morning” gert peeked her head inside the room
“shit i thought you were in the kitchen” chase immediately stopped the cd player
“so you were waiting for me to leave so you could play your music” gert looked annoyed to which chase pouted
“no its just… i know how you hate that i do this sometimes and so i figured when you went outside to eat breakfast then i could play it without bothering you” chase looked like a kid who just got in trouble
gert’s inside started to melt because of course chase cared about her opinion and whatever she was comfortable with, he loved her too much
“i mean i guess ive been a little too hard on the music” gert put her cup on the nightable and sat next to chase
“what do you mean” chase asked
“i honestly don’t get what about this song in particular is so meaningful to you so it kind of annoys me and the fact that you blast in the early hours of the morning but if you can explain it to me…” gert looked at him
“you want me to explain why i like this song” chase asked again for clarification
“if you can of course” gert shrugged
“i guess its because… it reminds me of you somewhat. this is a love song gert and you know im somewhat of lovesick idiot or at least that’s how nico describes me” chase started blushing
“so the reason you like this song is because of me” gert tried to hide her emotions because she didn’t want to cry right now
“yeah i mean one of the lyrics is “i was enchanted to meet you” and i was in fact enchanted when i first met you” chase smiled brightly
“you’re a sap” gert hid her hands in her face to hide her blushing
“yeah but i’m your sap” chase shrugged
“any other reason?” gert asked
“its a good song to scream to especially when you’re trying to get your emotions out when you feel emotional? im not sure how to describe it” chase frowned
“i think i get it” gert tried to understand him but she couldn’t quite pinpoint the exact point
“i have an idea… im going to start singing the lyrics and you just follow me. i think its better if i show you instead of explaining it” chase pressed play on the cd player again
“chase i really don’t think this is a good idea” gert immediately regretted asking the question
“please don’t be in love with someone else… please don’t have somebody waiting on you” chase started singing and smirking
“please don’t make me do this” gert was starting to turn red
he didn’t listen of course but hearing the excitement in his voice sort of broke her out of her shell and she started quietly singing along
“see that’s the spirit” chase said and gert just smacked him on the shoulder
there was a point in which they started screaming the lyrics and gert would never ever in her life admit this to anyone but she enjoyed it
they both fell into the bed in a fit of giggles
“that was therapuetic” gert admitted
“see now you get what i mean” chase looked at her again
“i got it now” gert nodded
someone shifted from under the bed and old lace looked at them probably in confusion
“sorry girl. did we wake you” gert looked at her dinosaur
old lace seemed to just grunt and go back to bed
“i’ll stop now” chase turned off the cd player and got off the bed
“hey” gert asked as chase was leaving
“what?” chase looked back
“i think this song is growing on me” gert confessed to which chase just threw her a thumbs up and went to the kitchen
if you asked gert months ago that she would enjoy enchanted by taylor swift, she would have laughed in your face but now… she was growing quite fond of it
not that she won’t admit it to anyone because then nico and molly would tease her for years to come
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actualbird · 3 years
irt marius has an ankle tattoo HE HAS ONE IT IS VISIBLEEEE
okay so @kamiaka left this reply on that post
Okay but what if it’s a matching tattoo of some kind? Like…with Giann 👀✨ Apparently both of them were really close (plsIjustneedvonhagenbrotherlylovecrumbs)
and now it's BASICALLY CANON TO ME. YES. ABSOLUTELY. I BELIEVE THEYRE VERY CLOSE and that marius we see now misses him so frigging much and will stop at nothing to find giann. but enough about present angst bc it's time to go into the past
yes marius and giann have matching tattoos and heres how they (emotionally) end up getting it
wc: 1.5k
i imagine it goes like. at 15, marius is on a mission to get as MANY PIERCINGS as he can before he goes off to study in Florence. and giann is stressed because okay yes piercings are deffo safe in 2030 as long as u get them done by a professional and marius does get them by a professional! and that bolsters his confidence to go get a tattoo as well because hello?? art on the body??? thats FANTASTIC!!!!
but marius is 15 and hasnt gone thru his insane growth spurt yet (i hc it happened from 16-18 years old) and most sane professionals are NOT gonna tattoo a tiny little tyke, ESPECIALLY NOT A KID WHO IS VERY OBVIOUSLY THE YOUNGEST VON HAGEN, THEY DONT HAVE A DEATH WISH.
(bc listen, by this point in marius' life, giann is 25 and im sure hes made himself quite the bigshot in the business sphere. commanding, confident, friendly, but very much still hiding the snake fangs that everybody in his family has. fiercely protective over his kid brother, too. mess with the kid and ur gonna go bankrupt for generations.)
so yea marius is going into tattoo parlors with a facemask and hoodie as if that makes the DISTINCTIVE PURPLE EYES any less frigging noticeable. and so with every tattoo artist who turns him away, marius gets more and more frustrated and so hes like "fine!! i'll do it myself!!" and since he knows he wont be able to purchase a real tattoo machine since itd get delivered to the house and somebody might open the package (austin and giann are JUST as nosy as marius ends up being when hes older), marius just decides to fuckinnnn
stick n poke himself
which, when done correctly and cleanly, is fine!!
but marius is 15 and stupid and FRUSTRATED and he disinfects NOTHING. giann's "my baby brother is doing something monumentally idiotic" radar pings like crazy at some point, 2am of a saturday, and he just YEETS outta bed and finds marius in the bathroom about to stab himself several times with NOT DISINFECTED ANYTHINGS!!!
marius gets scolded so much and hes not taking it well because shut up!! shut the fuck up!!! he just wants this and if he cant get it he needs to take matters in his own hands and also please dont tell dad because he'll go "im not angry, im just disappointed" which sucks because disappointed hurts MORE and youre better because at least youre actually angry and----
giann, sighing: im not angry, you idiot. im worried. come on, let's go
marius: go? where?
giann: someplace where you can get a tattoo without the hepatitis
2:30am and marius is in the passenger seat of giann's car, excited but also confused because why? whys giann doing this? sure, it's a weekend but surely hes got more important shit to do than indulge his moron brother. but sometimes marius asks himself questions he doesnt want answers to (because what if giann answers "yes"? whatll marius do then but just shrink into himself so that giann never has to deal with him ever again), questions hes scared to get answers to, so he shuts up and just lets himself look forward to this.
he lets himself squawk when giann jokes around and reaches over to ruffle his hair, lets himself give giann a fucking headache by hooking up his phone to the aux cord and playing music he loves that giann cant stand (i currently have no hcs on marius' taste in music, will revisit later), he lets himself go quiet at some point. when a single red light stops them at an intersection, marius looks out the window, at the city asleep and the both of them awake, and part of marius feels like as long as he's got giann with him, everything will always work out.
3:00am they get to the tattoo parlor (and shhhh the parlor is open all hours, idk, theres a LOT of shifts) and giann has a friend there whos an artist, very lovely woman and shes like "heyyy, finally gonna get that serpent design i showed y----OH MY GOD, GIANN, THAT IS A CHILD."
marius, offended: IM FIFTEEN!!!
and giann asks her this as a favor. she'll get paid, duh, but the favor here is to just close her eyes at the fact that yes, marius is a child. hell, giann tries to do puppy eyes and they SUCK (marius does it so much better) and she rolls her eyes and agrees because it's obvious that giann just wants to give the world to this kid.
and the way marius is going through her design portfolio with a twinkle in his eye, well---and marius comments on her wonderful command of colors and how she makes sure that no matter the skin tone, the design is always striking and bold---well, that seals the deal. he's deffo somebody who understands the beauty of wearing art on one's skin.
she agrees tho on the condition that the design he picks is a simple one thatll only take one visit, tonight's visit, bc if she has a kid coming back here often, thatll be sketchy. and marius is like ok and he picks the solid black inverted triangle design we see in the linked post above. alls well and good until she asks "cool, where do you want it?"
marius: ankle
her: oh jesus fucking christ
so, context!!! ankle tattoos fucking hurt severely!!! generally, places near bones likely has more nerve endings, and thus hurt very much. less nerve endings are found in places with more fat, and thus are less painful. theres some exceptions to this rule here n there tho, so heres a nifty chart!!! (bc who knows, maybe you, dear reader, want a tattoo. i come from a family of tattoo lovers and my dad has tattoos on backs of both his hands and MANNNN the way he was in agony. fantastic shit to watch)
Tumblr media
huh, where was i? OH YEAH. ANKLE. tattoo artist explains to marius that hes signing himself up for a WORLD OF PAIN and hes like "yeah idc" and he doesnt even have a ~profound~ reason for why he wants the ankle, he just thinks it's cool (which is def reason enough, doesnt have to be deep, with tatts, live ur life!!) so he doesnt care
giann: for the love of god, get it somewhere less painful, please
marius: nope! :3
marius: iM!!! NOT GONNA CRY!!!!!
giann: YES YOU WILL!!!
marius: it'll be fine, youre worrying too much. geez, it's as if youre getting the tatt instead of me. i'll be the one to feel it, 'kay? dont make it your problem
giann, groaning: fuck off, im making it OUR problem
and marius watches just absolutely befuddled and awed as giann rolls up his pants cuff and settles down to get the same tattoo design in the same place with marius.
the tattoo artist is impressed and touched. shes been wanting to get giann tattooed for years, she even made him a killer serpent design, but all those years of nagging never worked. what worked was marius. because giann will always give in to that kid.
tattooing time!! marius indeed doesnt cry, where the HELL did this 15 year old get such a high pain tolerance???? giann does shed a few tears tho. and it's hilarious to marius but he lets giann squeeze his hand whenever he needs to.
when it's all done, they both gingerly walk back to the car (ankle tatts r near the bone so walking is gonna have to be gentle for a while) and when theyre in there, marius feels his question from earlier bubble up again.
why did giann do this? whyd he bring marius here when hes so busy? whyd he get a tattoo with marius when he didnt want to for years?
marius doesnt ask. hes too scared of the answer. but giann knows his little brother like the back of his palm.
he reaches over and pats marius on the head a few times and says "anything you wanna do, kid, i'll always have your back."
and so they go home and marius remembers that. giann will always have his back.
he remembers that years later when giann goes missing
and all of a sudden
nobody is in his corner anymore
(bonus: that tatt design the artist made for giann? the serpent? marius gets it on himself at some point, starting from his back shoulder blade and curling up and over to settle its head close to his collarbone. a protective kind of position, wrapped around him and close to his heart.
he gets it not as a eulogy, but as a promise he isnt going to break. hes going to find giann and giann will be okay. he needs to believe this.
because believing otherwise will destroy him)
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oddaodd · 3 years
can you make one where the reader is the youngest maid in Tommy's house and she's helping serve the dinner for christmas and taking care of the kids and in some point Finn gets closer to her and try to flirt with her (she's just a few years older than him) and the reader don't know how to react but Tommy comes and help her (because he already likes the reader but don't get too close because she's too young for him) and by the end of the night when everybody is sleeping and they have sex
· A Whimsical Tale · 
Author’s note: I know we are no longer near Christmas but I love living a dangerous life so I’m just going to post this now.  
 Anddd I loved writing this story so thanks for requesting! and as always, I hope everyone has a lovely day. ❤️
Warnings: smut, mentions of alcohol and a drunken Finn. 
Christmas Day was a heavy day on Arrow House and despite the numerous staff, there was always something to be done. Y/n was one of the youngest maids so she was never the one in charge of cooking and preparing dinner, instead she helped pour drinks and look over the children, which Y/n was thankful for since it didn’t require as much elbow grease as cooking for an abundance of people.  
“More wine Tomm...” she caught her mistake and made it up clearing her throat “Mr. Shelby?”
“Thank you, Y/n” He politely answered pretending he hadn’t heard her almost call him Tommy.
Y/n poured the wine with shaky hands hoping that nobody  had noticed her mistake and blushing cheeks. She knew Tommy didn’t mind her calling him by his name when they were alone, but she wasn’t sure if he would still be as lax on the topic if there were other people present.
As she poured some for Ada, Polly gave her nephew a knowing stare that indicated she had noticed and knew what it implied, which triggered complex emotions in Tommy.
He enjoyed Y/n’s company when she served him breakfast and lit the chimney in his office and when sometimes she engaged in conversation with him. She told him everything about her life, whimsical tales of mundane occurrences that sounded worthy of a novel. He wondered what kind of character he played in it.
He would be lying if he were to say that he only enjoyed having her around because she was good at her job. Truth was, Tommy felt infatuated with her and her bubbly smile and occasional kind words when he was feeling the world closing in, but he knew he couldn’t do anything about it because she was much younger than him.
Y/n threw occasional smiles at Tommy through the night. She helped entertain the children while the other adults drank and enjoyed the evening. As the night progressed the alcohol began taking tolls, calling some to bed and inciting some others to questionable actions.
“Do you maybe want to go out sometime? Came Finn’s voice while Y/n tidied up around the kitchen.  
“Excuse me?” She asked even though she had heard him loud and clear.
“We should go out sometime” Finn spoke again in boozy confidence
“Um...” she began with an amused smile that disguised her discomfort for she wished the one asking were a different Shelby.
As if summoned by mention in a passing thought,  Tommy’s deep voice interrupted whatever excuse she was  machinating.
“Leave her be, Finn”
“But I’m not doing anything, Tom” he complained in a slur.
“You’re making a fool of yourself Finn” interrupted Arthur before dragging Finn away and out of the kitchen.
She didn’t miss the way Tommy’s eyes lingered on her figure before he left the room after his brothers.
After a while everybody including all the maids had gone to bed, Y/n stayed behind to have a cup of tea in the kitchen so she could mull over her feelings for Tommy in peace.
She had been attracted to him since her arrival to arrow house, but what began like a stupid crush soon turned into more complex feelings. She was always looking forward to seeing him and talking to him at late hours of the night at his office when he couldn’t sleep. She had tried not to think too much into his stares and considerate actions, but her infatuation with him had reached a point in which she couldn’t pretend not to notice.
She wanted his actions to hide a deeper meaning and she believed they did, but she felt her reasoning was tainted by her own wants. Tommy was significantly older than her and she felt immature in comparison.
“I knew you’d still be here”
She knew he would come.
She looked up from her teacup to the kitchen door to see Tommy strolling in. She forced a smile and shoved all her thoughts about him aside.
“Want a cup?” She signaled to the teapot as Tommy leaned against a cupboard.
“Alright” he said and Yn poured him a cup. His eyes following her every move. Her features seemed to be highlighted by the moonlight flowing in through the window making her look more divine than ever despite the tiredness hiding in her movements.
She felt an old wave of nerves creeping up her spine, making her heart beat faster and she didn’t know why. It wasn’t the first time Tommy and her were alone together, but that night’s air weighed differently.  
“Im sorry about Finn” he commented while she poured the tea.
“Its alright” she spoke softly walking towards him “Thanks for coming to my rescue”
Tommy’s mouth curved into a small smile, the way it did whenever she was around.
“Anytime” he said
“You are staring” she commented when she handed him the cup, noticing his gaze.
Tommy hummed taking a sip of his tea before placing it on the counter behind him, not even attempting to deny her accusation. “You look beautiful”
Her cheeks turned a soft shade of scarlet and her heartbeat quickened at his words. She wasn’t expecting him to say that. Still, she couldn’t help but smile at his honest complement.
Feeling comforted by the intimacy that the kitchen late at night provided, he cupped her face as leaned close to her lips. Y/n  did the same in a heartbeat and when their lips came together she felt a thousand matches lighting up inside her body.
She melted into the kiss as it turned more passionate, Tommy’s hands went to her waist, pulling her closer to him.
“Tell me to stop” he murmured against her lips.
“God no” she murmured back.
Tommy felt reassured knowing that she had wanted this just as badly as him and let himself get lost in the  soft moans and blissful sighs he coaxed from her with his wandering tongue and expert hands.  
Y/N hadn’t noticed Tommy began leading her to the table until she felt the cold surface against her lower back. Tommy prompted her up on it and smoothly hitched up her skirt. He ran his index finger teasingly along her clothed folds earning a whine from her pretty lips.
“Take them off Tommy” she pleaded.
Tommy complied and slid her underwear off her legs, his mind clouding at the sight of her, needy and wet in front of him. He kneeled in front of her and spread her legs open with his hands sending shivers through her body. Y/n felt her stomach drop in expectation at the sight of his handsome face close to her cunt.
“Tommy, ple..” Her place came short at the feeling of warm tongue on her sex. A teasing lick first that soon developed into passionate wet strokes and kisses  lapping against her folds and teasing at her entrance.
Her fingers tangled on his dark hair as she became a withering mess, submissive to Tommys experienced tongue. she felt her arousal building up, bringing her closer and close to the edge with each lick. She couldn’t get enough of him but she was eager to have him in her so bad.
“I need you inside me”
Tommy looked up at her with teasing eyes, her juices glistering on his chin and lips and when she felt the absence of his tongue on her she almost regretted being so impatient. But Tommy didn’t give her time to dwell on that regret when he went to passionately kiss her again and she felt his bulge through his trousers against her bare entrance.
Her impatient hands went to fumble with the buttons that held the basted trousers in place and Tommys went to assist her moments after, never breaking apart from the searing kiss, Y/n got a glimpse of Tommy’s cock and she felt like gasping when she felt Tommy guiding his head to tease at her entrance.
She moaned at the feeling and gasped when he pushed into her.
“So fucking tight” he whispered to her ear.
She sighed lewdly at his sinful praise and when he was fully inside her she felt so sinfully full she wondered how she could have lived for so long without this feeling.
She held onto his broad shoulders as he started pumping in and out of her, teasingly slow at first and speeding up deliciously with each thrust.
The table started creaking under her and the teacup and cup she had put there earlier fell off at their movements, loudly crashing onto the floor. She felt a twinge of concern about the noise, trying to break through the dense cloud of pleasure Tommy had summoned around her. However, Said concern became less and less concerning with each thrust of Tommy’s. It was the stuff of dreams.
He felt her clenching around his cock telling her that she was close. He wanted to make her cum, he needed to make her cum.  
He began rubbing circles on her sensitive bundle of nerves and soon after she came beautifully. Her legs tightened around his waist wanting to keep him close, still reeling in the aftershock of her orgasm as Tommy chased his own, which came not long after with a groan of her name. The expression of his face as he came into her was one Y/n knew would never leave her mind.
“What if somebody heard us?” She whispered as she collected her discarded garments with a smile.
“I hope they heard. Maybe that way Finn will know better next time”
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @writeroutoftime @babylooneytoonz
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badfvith · 4 years
dating draco malfoy would include:
A/N: im so in love with him help. hope you guys like this!! :)
warnings: mentions of smut
in the beginning of the relationship draco very much just plays it cool; although he’s affectionate you can tell he’s holding back a bit for the sake of keeping his reputation intact
he also maintains this facade because he’s never actually felt this strongly for somebody and he’s scared because he figures nothing this good can actually last
but then after a few months of you proving time and time again you aren’t going anywhere he’ll finally start to open up a lot more
pet names like “angel” “princess” and “darling”
hogsmede dates
him buying you everything in sight
no seriously you can never just say that you like something or it looks cute if you don’t really mean it because once those words leave your mouth he’s on his way to the checkout line
going into the 3 broomsticks in the winter and being all cute and cozy in a corner booth with some butterbeer
helping him try to be more civil towards younger students as well as people from houses besides slytherin
him being the best & worst study buddy
best because when he actually helps you you end up finishing your work so much faster than normal
but also worst because he gets distracted by you very easily
he’ll stare at you and lightly kick your leg under the table or play with your hair which annoys you at first but then finally you just give in and go cuddle with him 
speaking of cuddles
this boy would never say it out loud, but he loves your cuddles
he’d be sitting on the couch in the common room and you would just go over and lay on top of him earning a cheeky “comfy there darling?” from him
he’d play with your hair and rub your back to help you fall asleep
he loves being the little spoon sometimes but once again, he’d never admit it
lots of random hugs from behind where he just envelops you in his appley, rich cologne scent
sometimes he’ll leave hickeys in the most conspicuous places to show everyone that you’re his
he is so protective over you
you obsessing over his rings and absentmindedly playing with them while you hold hands
as fluffy as the relationship is, it is equally as spicy
draco is absolutely a god in bed once he learns your body and what you like
he knows exactly how to use his fingers
1000% he would just randomly buy you lingerie sometimes and leave it in a box on your bed with a note saying “wanna show me how pretty you’re gonna look in this baby girl?”
he’s a master at teasing you
he would get you so worked up by just all these suggestive soft touches
he’d trace your collarbones or your legs or slowly work his hands down your back while you’re making out
he usually likes to be in control but he’ll let you take the reigns if you give him head
he turns into such a blushing moaning mess when you go down on him and you love it
there’s lots of subtle dirty talk
“need to feel you right now princess” “god i love your mouth” “i can’t get enough of you”
he would send an owl to your house over christmas with presents
meeting up in the middle of the night in the astronomy tower for deep talks and cuddles
blaise crabbe & goyle always making fun of how cheesy you both are
pre quidditch makeout sessions to get him pumped up
post quidditch makeout sessions (which lead to more) during the afterparties bc you’re so proud of him
wearing his jersey at games to show your support
sometimes he gets into these moods where he’s kind of distant and snappy because he feels like you deserve better
you just go over and wrap yourself around him and tell him how much you love and appreciate him
catching him staring at you during class and him blushing when you give him a wink
narcissa is obsessed with you because you make draco so happy
lucius is a little different; it took quite a while and lots of questioning for him to warm up to you
you have your occasional fights but always come out stronger in the end
forcing you to take his jacket even if you aren’t cold because he loves seeing you in his clothes
sneaking out to the quidditch pitch to look at the stars in the middle of the night
you’d be each others rock
overall so much love even through the tough times my goodness i have to stop or else im gonna start crying
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marktuansvevo · 3 years
got7 reacts to something theyve never experienced before in a relationship
warning(s); slight cursing, sexual content in bam’s part
mark; being jealous
mark understood why his past partners could be jealous of him in his line of work. as long as it didn’t get out of hand, he thought it was cute. he was never the jealous one in the relationship. he didn’t even know what jealousy felt like....
....until tonight.
you were mark’s entire world. you excited him, you built him up like no other. never before could he see himself spending his life with someone before you came along. you made the world brighter to him.
but now he was only seeing red. 
you had been a trainee and never debuted, which you weren’t too upset about, you had a boyfriend you loved and a career with less physical and time demands than being in the entertainment industry. this meant that you knew a lot of other bands, stray kids being one of them. chan was, quite frankly, your best friend during your trainee days, so when you saw him at this afterparty you were attending with mark, you threw yourself into his arms.
mark just watched you from afar.
and his blood boiled.
chan spun you around in his arms, the biggest smile on his stupid, handsome face. “yah!! y/n! mark didn’t say you’d be here.”
you giggled, trying to keep your tears at bay. you put your hands on his face, poking his dimples. mark scoffed at the blush that was forming on his friend’s face. “god, chan i missed you so much.”
“bro, you look constipated,” bam snuck up behind him. “dude, your face is so red right now.”
mark rolled his eyes. “these parties are so annoying.” he didn’t take his eyes off of you as you caught up with chan, who still had his hand around your waist.
bam followed his line of vision. “shit, you’re not constipated, you’re jealous. yugyeom, come look at him!”
mark walked away from his intoxicated friends and up to you. you smiled at him before returning to your conversation with chan. 
“y/n, we have to go,” mark said lowly, smiling a sickly fake smile at chan, who immediately dropped his hand from your waist. 
“why, baby, we just got here? are you not feeling good?” you asked. he wanted to feel bad, your voice was laced with concern.
“something like that. see you, chan.”
as you got in the car, you smiled at him, poking his cheek. “somebody’s jealous, huh?”
“huh? of chan? i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he clenched his jaw, not making eye contact with you as he steered his car out of the parking lot. you were giggling now.
“you’re cute when you’re jealous. maybe i should make more time for chan.”
jaebeom; wearing disguises in public
jaebeom never thought he would have to dress up in a disguise to go out in public. and jae would never want to put you in such a position. it was draining, and you, as his girlfriend knew that he despised it.
but you wanted to go to a concert with him.
and you wanted to stand in the pit with him and be part of it. don’t get you wrong, you loved when he bought you suite seats or could watch his shows from backstage, but you wanted to sway to ariana grande in th pit with your boyfriend.
“cmon, jae, i think everyone is going to be paying attention to ari. we can skip the opening act?” you suggested.
“y/n, i don’t want to take a chance...im sorry,” he pouted at you. you sighed, trying to figure out what to do.
“what about disguises?” he said. “like, we could wear our halloween costumes?” you were giggling to yourself, but your boyfriend seemed like the idea.
“i could wear my jesus wig and you could paint a beard on me?” he said with serious eyes.
“jae, you hate going out in disguises.”
“true...but, babe, this will be fun. you could wear your sailor mars wig, it’d be cute,”
okay, this was a really cute idea and you were warming up to it...if it made your boyfriend more comfortable to be out in a crowd of so many people, you were down to try it out.
“this really feels like halloween in july,” you giggled as you used mascara to draw a beard on his chin.
“do I look like jesus??” he asked childishly.
“well, you don’t look like im jaebeom of got7, that’s for sure,”
“you look like an egirl,” he laughed at himself. “don’t hate, you know you love it,” you said. “we look so cute, let’s take a mirror selfie and post in later,”
“no, then people will be on to us,” your boyfriend sent a pout in your direction as he looked at his makeshift beard in the mirror. “I look sexy as fuck in a beard,”
“super sexy aegyo please?”
the two of you arrived at the arena, not be noticed by anyone, but jae was still on edge, so you held his hand tight as you made your way into the pit.
“im so excited!!” you shouted over the noise. he shook his head before leaning in to kiss you. the two of you danced the whole night away to arianas crooning, his arms around you as you swayed to her pretty, soothing voice. the two of you let the world fade away while ariana sang honeymoon ave in the background.
jackson; his significant other saying ily first.
it was no secret that jackson was stock full of love and kindness. he had had other partners before you, all with him ending up getting too attached, or scaring them away when he said “I love you” too early.
he did not want to scare you away, and honestly, he had known he loved you two months into dating, but he didn’t want to scare you away, so he never outwardly said those three little words to you.
he wasn’t expecting you to say it, first though.
you had invited him over for dinner and a movie, just wanting a chill night in with your boyfriend. he brought the wine and promised to give you a back massage, so really, what more could you want on this chilly thursday night?
“what’s been going on, honey? you know you can tell me anything,” jackson whispered into your ear as he helped you out of your clothes.
“I feel like I deserve to oversee my department at work. i have the most education of all of them, more experience than them, and generally, I am more optimistic than my superiors….,” you sighed, letting him rub just under your shoulder blades, which had been itching all week.
“i think they might be scared of powerful women who like to wear hot pink fendi suits to work,” you smiled, knowing he would be offended at your joke. you could almost feel him pouting.
“so the reason you can’t get the job is because your superiors don’t like the suits your boyfriend buys you? wow, what a way to hurt a guy’s pride…,” he followed your lead on the joke, trying to make you laugh because he knew this was really getting to you. “baby, I think you should go to their boss and see if you can get a promotion…tell them everything you told me, okay? i know you’re not only the best woman for the job, but the best person for the job…period,” he said, making you feel so overwhelmed with emotion. none of your previous partners had ever revered you the way jackson had. you felt so incredibly blessed and in love, you couldn’t help yourself.
“god, jackson, I love you so much,” you whispered.
the movement of his soft hands on your back stopped abruptly at your words. ‘oh god, was it too early to say that?’
“j-jackson…im sorry-“
“ive been waiting to say that to you,” he breathed against your lips, closing the distance that was between them.
“jackson wang….you love me?” you could feel the tears building. the man of your dreams was in love with you, too.
“i love you,” he whispered reverently.
“say it again,” you begged. he said it like a mantra.
“i love you, i love you….i love you..”
jinyoung; moving in together
jinyoung thought you were so cute. you were ecstatic to move with jinyoung. you had been living in your shared apartment with your mom your whole life and we’re excited to start a new chapter of your life. jinyoung didn’t think you were taking in the fact that moving is one of the most stressful things a person can go through.
he didn’t want to rain on your parade, though.
the two of you got settled into your new apartment after a long day of unpacking. jinyoung kissed you as you laid onto your new king sized bed. “im gonna grab takeout, you want your usual?” he asked sweetly, squeezing your hand. you just nodded, squeezing his hand back.
you watched as jinyoung walked out of your shared bedroom. that’s when the dam broke. you were so overwhelmed. you didn’t know how to make warm water happen in your shower, you didn’t have your wifi set up, and you forgot your favorite teddy bear at your moms. you missed teddy and your wifi and your mom.
“hey, i ordered you two egg rolls and they gave us three - hey, baby, are you crying?”
“no,” you replied lamely. “I miss teddy,” you wailed miserably.
“teddy...the...stuffed bear?” he asked.
“i slept with him every night for the past 20 something years.”
“baby...we can get your bear in the morning...,”
“we don’t have netflix set up so how am i supposed to sleep tonight?”
“y/n...,” he chuckled. you frowned harder now that he was laughing at you. “moving isn’t as exciting as it looks. tomorrow, we will fix the wifi, okay? and we can visit your mom and rescue teddy.”
“okay...okay. im sorry, im just a bit overwhelmed,” you confessed.
“its gonna be okay, honey. it’s a lot to take in, i know. but you can hold me instead of teddy, and ill sing you to sleep,” he whispered, the takeout now long forgotten. before you could fall asleep, he pulled his iphone out of his back pocket and pulled you into his chest to take a selfie. “there. now we have a picture of us in our bed for the first time.”
“i love you, you sap.”
even though you called him the sap, the next day you went to the pharmacy to get the photo printed and frame it. when jinyoung came home from the market that day, he eyed the frame on your bed stand, smirking at you.
“oh, so im the sap, hmm?”
youngjae; picking up the tab
it was the first date the two of you had been on since youngjae had been on tour. he told you to get dressed up and that the two of you would go out for a fancy dinner and catch up on everything. this is why you loved him, because while you wanted to hear all about his stories of life and tour abroad, he always wanted to hear about everything that was going at home, to see if you were alright.
youngjae looked dazzling in a black checked suit, while you matched him with a little black dress that made him groan when you stepped out of the bathroom. “can we skip dinner?” he’d ask cheekily. you rolled your eyes at him before kissing him on the cheek. “we aren’t skipping dinner, and we definitely won’t be skipping dessert,” you winked before leading him to the car.
the two of you ate dinner together, him holding your hand and looking at you with stars in his eyes as you told him stories that had happened while he was away. you ordered appetizers, drinks, shared an entrée, and youngjae even ordered you a slice of apple pie for the two of you to share.
“baby, I’m going to go use the restroom,” youngjae said before kissing your hand. “’kay, don’t get mugged, please,” you teased him. he shook his head at your playfulness. you watched as he left before frantically waving your arms at your waitress. she ran over to you, checking if you were alright.
“I just wanted to wonder if I can pick up the cheque really quick? I wanted to pick it up for my boyfriend as a surprise,” you spoke in a hushed tone, making the waitress giggle. she nodded her head before handing it to her. you handed her your credit card, thanking her before your boyfriend had any suspicions of what you were up to.
youngjae came out of the bathroom as soon as the waitress set the cheque down. you were applying your lipstick so you couldn’t snatch it in time. you watched as his pretty brown eyes scanned the receipt, looking confused as ever. “is this a joke? what kind of waitress lets the girlfriend pay?”
“jae,” you giggled. “you don’t always have to pay for dinner. I wanted to treat you…I missed you so much,” you confided, watching his expression from anger into warmth.
“oh, thank you honey, you are so sweet and thoughtful, I love you so much,” you let him wrap his suit jacket around your arms before planting a kiss to your forehead. “but that will be the last time you ever do that.”
“shut up, i like doing nice things for you,” you pouted.
“since you paid for dinner tonight, i have to put out, right?”
he ran to the car before you could slap him in the chest.
bam; his s/o borrowing his clothes
remember how joey never shared his food? well that’s how bam was with his wardrobe. he was very particular about his clothing, not letting people borrow them at all. yugyeom used to steal his clothes just to be petty and piss his best friend off. he had never let past partners borrow his clothes, and nothing was going to change, it wasn’t his fault, it was an obsession. if you were sure of one thing, it was to not steal your boyfriends clothes.
but one day, while he was gone from work, you thought you would take pictures of yourself in only one of his blazers to tease him.
you weren’t expecting him to walk through the door while you were trying to take self timer pictures of yourself.
“baby? what are you doing?” bam asked, laughing as you let out a squeal of surprise.
“i..i wanted to surprise you...,” he tsked, pulling away to look at his blazer. “i know you don’t like me wearing your things..,” you stammered as he circled you.
“you have such pretty things, though, bam,”
“you look so sexy in this,” he purred. “you were trying to get me worked up while im trying to work?”
“u...uhhh,” you couldn’t think coherently with you boyfriend acting so domineering. you gasped as he slid his hand up to your cunt, rubbing your clit in little circles. “bam...please...,” you groaned. 
“keep the blazer on,” he said as you writhed in his grip.
“its gonna get all sweaty though and then you’ll yell at me,” you teased him as you followed him to the bed. 
bam just groaned. “baby, im sorry I haven’t let you borrow my clothes before but you look better in them than me. now, let me fuck you and i promise you can have anything you want in that closet.”
he knew exactly how to shut you up.
yugyeom; his s/o buying him flowers
yugyeom was always so stressed during comeback season. you always scolded him when he forgot to eat, or wasn’t staying hydrated enough, but you were so proud of him. seeing the smile on his face and the way he walked a little taller was so worth it.
he was still busy during comeback season, coming home late after all the videos he had to shoot for publicity.
one night, yugyeom had gotten home around midnight to a bouquet of pink roses and a handwritten note from you. it read; “I am so proud of you, my love. congrats on breath… I can always feel your love,” he blushed and giggled to himself, thinking, “isn’t the guy supposed to buy the girlfriend the flowers?” he wandered into your shared bedroom to see you sprawled into his side, with your book in your hands, a soft snore leaving your lips. he nudged you, not intending to wake you up, he could thank you in the morning. but he did accidentally. “yeom?” you whispered. 
“shh, baby go back to sleep,” he shushed, changing into his pjs. 
“did you like the flowers?” you asked, suddenly awake now. 
“theyre really pretty, baby, but aren’t I supposed to buy you the flowers?” 
you narrowed your eyes at him. “not my boyfriend being a sexist,” 
“yah! y/n stop it, I didn’t mean it that way!! I love them, you remembered I said I love roses,” he was pouting now, pulling you into his chest to spoon you. his voice got quieter now. “no one’s ever remembered my favorite flowers…much less bought them for me,” he paused, kissing the back of your neck before closing his eyes and falling fast asleep.
he was whipped.
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
okay im gonna try and remember all the ones i chose but i genuinely want to read all of them 😔😢
- 24,43,68,243 for literally any ship (coops, o’knutzy, kuny and jackson (i forgot their ship name), o’darwin, talkie and noelle, you get the gist)
cant wait to read what you write ❤️
Thank you!! I hope you enjoy these!
Okayyyy, so we're just going to forget about the 100 word thing 😂
CW for food mention in 68
"I told you we were going to be late," Jackson huffed, slamming the car door behind him.
Evgeni stumbled after him, clutching a neatly wrapped present. "I no give your mother messy present!"
"It was fine before."
When Evgeni stumbled again, Jackson sighed, stopping abruptly. "We're already late. You might as well tie them," he gestured to the bulky boots on his boyfriend's feet.
"Don't like when you angry," Evgeni pouted, passing the present to Jackson, before pressing a hand to his cheek.
"I'm not angry. I'm stressed."
"Not be stressed," Evgeni smiled, a dimple appearing as the corners of his mouth curled. "I'm very charming"
Jackson sighed again, but he was unable to help the smile creeping onto his own face. "Just tie your damn shoelaces."
"Al? Kase?" Natalie rubbed at her eyes as she traipsed through the apartment, looking for her boyfriends. The sky was only just taking on an orangey haze, but neither of them were in the bed when she's stirred awake.
She blinked away the sleep, hearing a whispered squabble from the kitchen. She followed the noise finding the two of them tugging an apron between them.
"Nat!" Alex turned to her, a low growl rumbling through his chest when Kasey took the opportunity to grab the apron from his hands. "We need your help."
"Do you think you can jump rope with an apron?" Kasey asked, folding his arms.
Natalie frowned. How was this her life? "Why are we attempting to jump role with an apron? In our kitchen. This early in the morning."
"Alex says he and Finn used to do it all the time which is clearly not possible."
"We did!"
"I'm going back to bed. You two can carry on here or you can join me?"
"Re, what takeout do you want?"
"Err, whatever? I think the Thai menu is on the fridge. Or we we could try that Greek place? The new one," Remus answered, pouring kibble into the bowl they had brought for the kitten that had claimed their house as its own. They had seen it around for a few weeks now, but after finding it curled up in their lounge a few morning ago and a trip to the vets to find it was unchipped, it seemed the little creature was theirs now.
Remus bit his lip thoughtfully, glancing around to try and figure out what the kitten wanted. He had moved the water away from the food like the blog posts had suggested. The cat had seemed to enjoy the exact same food this morning.
"Re! Are you listening to me?"
"Sorry, I was listening to the other motherfucker screaming at me!"
"What?" Sirius asked, wandering into the lounge. The unkempt kitten hopped off the couch and wound itself around Sirius' leg purring softly.
"Well. That's rude."
Logan was raging. "Turn this bullshit off," he fumed at no one in particular, throwing his towel into his stall. The TV that was airing the interview with their opponent's coach faded to black with a click.
"I do think Knut was a little reckless," he repeated the words mockingly. "How the hell is he going to blame you when you were nowhere close to him when that happened?"
"Lo. Please, just leave it." Leo whispered, slumped in his own stall. Finn knelt in front of him, resting against his pads - he hadn't bothered to take them off yet - and grasped his hand.
"Hey, Pea," he smiled gently. "We know it was just a freak accident. It wasn't your fault. They just want somebody to blame."
"It wasn't your fault," Logan repeated, halting his pacing in front of Leo's stall. He turned to the rest of the locker room, "Anybody here think it was Leo's fault?"
Leo gave a small laugh. Nobody was going to answer with anything but a no, unless they weren't fond of their heads being attached to their bodies.
"Knut," Coach Weasley called, stepping out of his office. "Get changed. I want to see you in my office."
The room seemed to fall even quieter than it already was.
"Relax. I just want to show you some tape. They can blame you all they want, but it's right there. You were nowhere near him."
"See." Logan gave a smug grin, pressing his lips to Leo's forehead. "Nowhere near him. I always know where you are."
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bridoesotherjunk · 3 years
Venom 3: All in the Family
Bit One -- I'm posting this not in chapters, but in bits as long as tumblr will let me. I will also be adding the link to it on AO3 once I'm done editing everything, as well as going back and adding links to previous and next bits.... Once I actually post more bits...
The part here on tumblr will be under a Read More, and will have a small note at the beginning. :) Hope you enjoy!
This story won’t be written like a traditional one. I write some parts to include what we as the audience will see and what the camera is doing. Hope that doesn’t bother people too much. Also I’m using he/him pronouns for Venom in keeping with the movies. This will contain mild spoilers from Venom 2, so if you haven’t seen that yet, be warned.~~~~~
We see a wide shot of the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s sunny and beautiful out. The next shot is the camera slowly moving down to the outside of a familiar apartment. The neon blue lights of the Schuler building aren’t on this early in the morning. The camera moves toward the window.
The next thing we see is a pillow. A dark, clawed hand slides across the surface of the pillow. The music turns dark and ominous just until the hand yanks the pillow back, revealing Eddie Brock’s sleeping face. (This is a direct parallel of Venom one.) The clawed hand then takes the pillow and whaps Eddie in the head with it.
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Eddie jolts.
“Good morning~,” Venom coos in his much too deep voice, smacking Eddie again.
Eddie groans and lamely tries to throw the pillow back at the floating hand. He misses.
Another tendril of Venom slides into frame with a mug wrapped up at the end as Venom’s head forms. This new tendril hands Eddie the mug.
“Coffee,” Venom says before moving in to lick Eddie’s cheek.
Eddie makes a face, wipes the slobber off his cheek with his sleeve, and takes a sip. “Mmm,” he grimaces, swallowing, “Did you put chocolate syrup in this?”
“Of course.”
“Ah, yeah, course. Ask a silly question…”
Venom’s limbs are wiggling around, a few stretched out around the shelves in the apartment. “I am making breakfast right now.” He grins in Eddie’s face. “Chocolate chip pancakes!”
Eddie still drinks his coffee and hums. “Sounds nice.” He looks sleepy. It takes a moment and then venom pulls breakfast in. Two plates stacked high with sloppy looking pancakes rest on top of a plastic tray. The pancakes are drenched in syrup. At the last second another tendril brings in a fork. “Ah, breakfast in bed,” Eddie grins, “Somebody’s in a good mood.”
Venom purrs and Eddie reaches out to gently pet his head.
The camera cuts to Eddie and Venom doing dishes. Venom is helping dry them with a towel, tendrils extending from Eddie’s back.
“So, what did you think of that Spider kid?” Eddie asks as he rubs a sponge in circles. Venom only makes a grunting noise in answer. “Didn’t like him, huh?”
“I did not say that.”
Eddie smirks. “You didn’t say you liked ‘im either, bud... It’s okay,” he shrugs his shoulders, “I know he’s not the same species as you or anything.”
Venom scoffs. “If he were, I would like him even less.”
Making a confused noise, Eddie stops washing. “Whaddoyou mean?”
“My kind do not care for our young,” Venom elaborates. “You remember how Carnage tried to kill us! Carnage’s behavior is completely normal among us symbiotes. With us, it is either ‘Eat. Or be Eaten.’ Literally.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot Carnage was your kid… That sounds awful.” Eddie stands there for a minute. Venom hums in agreement.
“Do… do you think that if you have any more, uh… kids, that uh… That they’d be like Carnage?”
Venom is quiet for a long while. When he finally speaks, his voice is soft. “Most likely,” he says, “Those of my kind who are not ruthless and cruel are either eaten… or exiled.”
Eddie blinks a few times, surprised. He leaves whatever question he had unsaid.
“Maybe…” Venom starts, then hesitates.
Setting down the dish he had been holding, Eddie asks, “Yeah, V?”
“Maybe if they grow up with you, Eddie… Maybe our next spawn would not be so… bad.”
Eddie grins, looking almost wistful. “Ya think so?” He looks down into the soapy water in the sink. “I always kinda did want to be a dad, you know?” He looks at Venom, who has formed a head beside him. “Prove to myself that I could be better than my father was.”
“You would make an excellent parent, Eddie,” Venom says.
“Thanks, bud. I appreciate it.” He chuckles. “Never thought I’d be a parent to some weird alien slime monsters, but I suppose it’s something. Now come on, help me clean up. There’s still syrup all over the silverware.”
Cut to the next scene.
Eddie is walking down a street later in the day. He’s smiling and talking to himself, hands in his pockets. We can’t hear his conversation yet, he’s too far away. The camera stops moving with him, and he passes by it. It zooms out just enough to see a man’s face. He is staring in the direction that Eddie went off to. His face looks very serious.
The next shot is Eddie’s back. He’s laughing and hunching his shoulders up. “Geeze, come on, man, that’s gross.”
“You like it,” Venom teases in his head.
Eddie starts to answer back, but he is interrupted by a woman shouting his name. He pauses and turns, frowning and visibly confused.
“Oh, oh Mister Brock!” A young woman with red hair jogs over to his side. She is slightly out of breath. “Oh my gosh, Mister Brock, I am such a huge fan! I used to watch the Brock Report, like, all the time!”
“Ah, thanks, uh – Eddie’s fine.” He shuffles and looks down sheepishly.
“Can I get you a coffee or something? I have so many questions about the show!” She’s smiling up at him, starry eyed.
Eddie grimaces a little bit and looks toward where the sun hangs low in the sky. “Ah, I dunno,” he says, “it’s kinda late for coffee, don’t you think?”
The woman does not relent. “Okay, okay, how about dinner then?”
Fidgeting a little, Eddie looks at the sun again and then back at her pleading face. “Get a steak,” Venom says in his ear. “And a chocolate shake.”
Holding back a laugh, Eddie concedes, agreeing to the dinner. The woman introduces herself as Donna Diego as they start to walk.
We next see them sitting at a booth at some restaurant and we hear snippets of their conversation. Donna is asking questions about the Brock Report and about Cletus Kasady. When we come in, the question we hear from Donna is, “Man, and Cletus Kasady, I just can’t believe- I mean, last I heard you were a person of interest in that whole thing! You were a suspect!”
Eddie laughs and takes a sip of his chocolate shake, nearly empty by now. “Ah, yeah. I guess having an ex-fiancée that’s a really good lawyer pays off in one way or another. Saving a cop’s life doesn’t hurt, either.” He smiles at the awestruck look on her face. “But, really, I’m just visiting. Just checking in on the apartment and stuff, friends have a wedding in a little bit. You know how it is.”
They end up staying there late into the night. It is dark out by the time they exit the restaurant.
When they come outside and actually see how dark it is, Donna gets nervous. She’s moving her feet back and forth and fidgeting.
“Hey, um, I’m real sorry to ask this of you, after, you know… Everything, but. Uh… Would you walk me back to my apartment?”
Eddie makes a face at this.
Donna gets visibly flustered and says, “Ne-nevermind! It was stupid, I’ll just- I’ll just call a cab or something.”
Venom mutters to Eddie that she seems worried. “We could protect her,” he suggests.
“I guess.” Clearing his throat, Eddie addresses her. “Hey, yeah, I guess I can walk you home.”
Donna thanks him profusely. He just nods, pats her on the back once, and they begin walking the darkened streets.
Venom is chattering in Eddie’s head pretty much the entire time about what they should do once they go home. Eddie isn’t really paying much attention to Donna anymore. They’re just walking.
Donna pauses at the end of an alley. She points and says, “I’m the building just across the street there…” She looks at Eddie and he just shrugs and turns down the alley with her.
In an instant, everything goes wrong.
Suddenly there’s a horrible, screeching, wailing noise. It’s everywhere. Ringing off the walls and through the air.
Eddie yelps and slams his hands over his ears, but he can’t escape the horrible sound. He and Venom collapse to the ground, on hand and knee. His form is trembling and warping.
It is unclear to the audience if Venom is ejected from Eddie’s body before Eddie is struck and knocked unconscious. The last thing the camera sees as it falls and tilts, are a pair of shoes entering frame. Then everything goes black.
The camera comes back on, zoomed close in on Eddie’s face. He’s lying on the ground and begins blinking his eyes open. With a little groan (Tom Hardy noises) he pushes himself up onto his knees.
At first, we think everything is fine. Maybe Eddie just got mugged.
But then Eddie regains awareness and immediately clutches at his chest. “Venom?”
… Silence…
“Venom!?” Again, now more distressed. Eddie scrambles to his feet, looking around frantically. He screams for Venom.
There is no answer. There is no sound other than Eddie’s breathing getting more and more erratic.
He destroys the alley. Throws an entire dumpster over, looks under things, breaks things open. He is panicked. After throwing everything, Eddie lets out one last desperate scream for Venom.
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AO3 Link -> here
Next Bit ->
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chojuuro · 2 years
character/s: Karatachi Kagura, Shimizu Hiroki (oc), Chojuuro rating: T (language? mentions of almost-death) content: kagura deals with survivor's guilt, post-stabbing from boruto e246 (im still not taking it well), takes place in my canon-divergent oc canonverse a bit after this fic. oh and father/son bonding <3 words: 1456
Hiroki’s awoken to the sudden sounds of something that his sleep-hazed brain can’t quite place and a gentle illumination coming from the other side of the hospital room.  He runs through his mental checklist, making sure everything else in the room is secure, and of course it is – Kiri’s hospital is one of the more secure buildings in the village.  Even still, he’d made sure to place an extra seal on the windows for the extra security as soon as his arm felt good enough to weave chakra without putting up a fuss.  And it did still put up a fuss; he’d exacerbated his old injury for sure during the fight with the Funato’s roach, that much is certain.  Even now, a few days later, his nerves ache and burn dully under his skin and the stiffness makes even regular movement tough.
Maybe Misuno’s right.  Maybe he’s getting old after all.
Hiroki checks his phone but stops just as he’s unlocking it at the sounds, again, and he feels the hair at the back of his neck prick and raise and mentally, he makes a list of everything in the room that could be used as a weapon both by and against him as his arm flexes–
And then he realizes what he’s hearing is crying.  Ah.
“Oh, uh–”  Kagura shakes his head, wipes at his eyes with the back of his arm.  He offers Hiroki a weak smile; the same one that Hiroki’s been seeing since Kagura was little, the one that tells him that his boy just needs a little reassurance, a little care and love.  “I…thought you were asleep.  Sorry.  I’m fine.”
Slowly, Hiroki shrugs off his hospital bed and perches at the edge of Kagura’s, reaches over and ruffles the boy’s hair when he sits up.  Kagura tries to protest, he really does, but Hiroki knows half-assed when he hears it.  The smile he throws Kagura’s way is softer than normal, gentle in the wake of his eldest’s distress.  His bad arm hangs limply at his side, closer to Kagura, so he’s twisted awkwardly in a way that, really, right now, he doesn’t mind.  
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
Kagura looks at him, finally, and in the weak lighting from his phone plus the puffiness from crying, the dark circles under his eyes are that much more pronounced.  He hesitates a moment and Hiroki’s ready to tell him that he doesn’t have to, that really, if Kagura isn’t feeling ready to talk about it then he’s not obligated, but Kagura beats him to the punch.  He reaches up and moves Hiroki’s hand off his head – Kagura warns him of the inevitable stiffness in his back if he stays twisted like that, and Hiroki can’t really argue.  
Kagura sighs gently through his nose, frowning down at the bed sheet over his legs; Hiroki watches quietly as Kagura finds the words, searches his mind for exactly how he wants to go at this.  
“Do you…”  Kagura’s brows furrow and his frown deepens, and Hiroki swears he can see tears collecting at the corners of his eyes again.  “Do you ever feel like, maybe, the first time they attacked…”
Hiroki waits patiently as Kagura tries so, so hard to get the words out, but he can see how desperately Kagura’s trying to force the words out and how badly it hurts.
“...Do you ever wonder if maybe you shouldn’t have made it?”
It feels like somebody reaches into Hiroki's stomach, grabs hold of his guts, twists and yanks.  He feels his heart shatter; Hiroki knows how fucking badly it hurts and now empty Kagura must feel and he wishes so, so badly he could take the hurt, take the pain, take the grief.
"Sure," Hiroki says, finally, voice quiet. "Sometimes."
Hiroki laughs once, humorlessly. There's a far away look in his eyes as if he's focusing on something in the distance that isn't quite there.  "It gets better the more time passes.  Easier.  A lot of people died during that first incident and I very nearly was one of them.  But y’know what?”
“I wasn’t.”
Kagura’s mouth drops open for a brief moment in some cocktail of surprise and uncertainty of whether this is a joke.  But Hiroki’s face is steeled, for once; the comforting little smile of a father leveling with the son that he very nearly lost.  
“And neither were you,” Hiroki continues.  “I know it hurts now, and it probably will for a long time, and you don’t have to talk about it till you’re ready to.  But your dad and I are so fucking proud of you.”
Kagura looks down at his hands, brows furrowed deeply as he mindlessly rubs a finger along his knuckles, over an old callus.  Tears prick at the corners of his eyes and he takes in a shuddery breath, and Hiroki doesn’t dare to say anything, to move; he watches Kagura carefully, trying not to let his heart break.
“It just kinda feels like, why me?  You know?”
It’s at that moment that Hiroki caves.
He reaches over and carefully – so, so carefully – wraps his useful arm around Kagura’s shoulders, pulls him in for a hug with half the normal amount of arms but just as much love and affection as he always has.  Kagura curls into him, fists a hand into the front of his shirt; he leaves tear and snot stains in the fabric, and knows that Hiroki welcomes them the same way he’s welcomed everything else. With an open mind and an open heart, a big grin and a bigger hug.  
"You just gotta remember," Hiroki says, and Kagura thinks it may be the most gentle sound he's heard from his papa in a long time, "you survived for a reason.  You're still here for a reason.  You're a strong kid, Kagura; you've got a huge heart and a bright future ahead of you. You're gonna be okay, kiddo.  Promise."
Kagura nods slowly, but the look on his face is grim.  And, Hiroki supposes, he can understand why; Kagura is barely 16 years old.  Barely 16 and has already stared death in the face, turned his back on it and said not today.  Many lives were lost, both shinobi and civilian alike, in the war  with the Funato, and among all of them, Kagura was not one of them.  Kagura is a survivor, and that’s not easy for anybody.  
Kagura is just a boy, and it’s hard to remember that sometimes.
They’re quiet for a long time and that’s when Hiroki notices the room getting lighter; the sun’s rising slowly outside, Hiroki realizes with a sigh.  He goes to move off the edge of Kagura’s bed so they can both try and get some sleep, but he’s cut off at the pass before he can make a real move.
“I…  Thanks, for this,” Kagura tells him, gratitude written all over his face.  Hiroki gives him a big grin, the signature Hiroki grin that shows off his teeth – and he stands, reaches over to ruffle his hair and revels in the soft, half-hearted protests.
“You know you can always talk to us.  None of that Kiri pride bull here, right?”
Kagura sighs softly, but he nods, looks up at Hiroki with a tired little smile of his own.  “I know,” he says.  “Thanks, mama.”
“–What did you just say?”  
It takes Kagura a long moment before the realization sets in and he flushes to his ears, rolls over onto his side with his back to his father’s side of the shared hospital room and yanks his covers up almost over his face.  “Nothing, goodnight!”
Hiroki laughs from deep inside himself and finally climbs back into his hospital bed, and though he doesn’t fall asleep right away – though he’s a little too busy unexpectedly playing back some old childhood memories of his eldest – he finally dozes off, feeling warm and full.
He and Chojuuro really did raise a great kid.
(“You’re mama!” a young Kagura declares with all the confidence of a five year old.  His finger is inches from Hiroki’s nose as he changes the victim of his point from Chojuuro to Hiroki, and it takes everything in the new fathers to keep their laughter inside.
“Why am I mama?” Hiroki asks, and he’s not even sure if it’s genuine curiosity or if it’s just to see what he says.  Probably both.
Kagura puts his hands on his little hips and nods, so incredibly sure of himself.  “‘Cause!  He’s daddy.  And you can’t have a daddy without a mama.”
Chojuuro looks at Hiroki with a mischievous sparkle in his eye.  “You hear that, mama?”
Hiroki can’t explain the way his heart swells.)
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nct-lian · 3 years
nct 127’s relation to lian
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taeil used to wake her up for school when she was still a teenager :((
such a soft but overlooked duo
will appreciate each other forever and ever
lian teaches him roasts in english that he can say to johnny
remain each other’s hype man and woman
taeil was the first to suggest he and the other nct members react to the trailers of her dramas on video so they can boost them in popularity
promotes the HELL out of lian’s solo career over twitter
lian loves coming up behind him and just giving him hugs because he’s soft (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
they watch movies together a lot! but taeil has to come down to the fifth floor because lian hates it up on the tenth one
he was once able to grab her hand in an airport and they held hands the entire time :(( a few pictures went a little viral
they share hoodies NSHDHSHCJA
lian keeps bugging him to get an instagram
taeil will ALWAYS take her side in silly arguments she and the other members have sometimes
he makes fun of her height because she’s shorter than him-
he also used to help her with her homework :(
cried when lian went on her first date
“my child is growing up (´∩`。)”
had to do a background check on the guy before he even allowed him to come in contact with her again, though
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johnny is her dad, period
no questions asked he is her father
will give her piggyback rides all the time
he was once woken up by her jumping on his bed and asking if they could go shopping
at 6:00 am
he actually got up, got ready and took her shopping but since it was so early, the stores were all closed
he took her out for japanese fluffy pancakes, though!
whenever lian is sick, johnny makes her his mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup recipe :((
speaking of johnny’s mom, she loves lian to death and always asks johnny if he’s taking good care of her
if they’re not being asked any questions or having to translate anything during interviews, they always whisper jokes in each other’s ears to try and make the other one laugh
because of how lian dies during the trailer of her new drama, johnny cried in front of twenty-two other men while they reacted to it
he was NOT embarrassed
“how are you guys not crying? this is so sad. what a cruel world we live in ໒( ˵ •̀ □ •́ ˵ )७”
kept screaming at lian’s “dream of you” performance video
he once effortlessly picked up lian and moved her somewhere else because she wasn’t standing where she was supposed to be
everyone says that their ship name is something a white, suburban mom would be named. now nctzens pronounce joann like “joanne” ・x・
it was said on the zach sang show that johnny used to measure her height every month to see if she grows or not, and that’s the only reason why he has her height memorized
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has lost lian in so many airports it’s not even funny
“hyung, what happened to lian?” “oh, you have GOT to be kidding me-“
whenever he doesn’t see her he goes into panic mode and starts asking if anyone has seen his little sister
“about this tall with really shiny hair? her cheekbones are insane, i swear. OH OH OH SHE WAS WEARING JOHNNY’S HOODIE- you don’t know what johnny’s hoodie looks like.. okay, well thank you for your help.”
one of the first members that she was comfortable with
lian said that he was her role model :’(
as the leader, he’s always taking care of her and will not sleep until he knows for sure she’s eaten
because of how lian never participated in any of nct’s first bit of promotions due to being too uncomfortable around them, she was allowed to skip out on the viewings of their relay video letters
but she was still required to make one for somebody and that somebody was taeyong ˵ ຈ ︿ ຈ ˵
she said that she was glad he was her leader and that she hoped to become closer one day
he cried
declares that he will take care of lian till the day he dies
taeyong had yelled at lian’s former manager until he voluntarily quit working for her- he had found out that lian was being overworked to the point where she collapsed during their dance practice and he wasn’t okay with it
always cheering her on backstage when she performs solo
he always tries to include her in guiding the members for their dances because he knows how happy it makes her
instead of having her carry her glasses around with her, he does it instead :D
“nana, do you have to wear your glasses now?”
taeyong tucks her into bed every night he can ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
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totally doesn’t have feeling for her, yeah
yuta is obsessed and when i tell you he’s obsessed, he’s obsessed
did i mention obsessed?
he’s jealous of everyone :(
yun stans insist that the only reason yuta is so touchy with winwin and mark is because he’s trying to cover up his feelings for lian
bye if that’s true-
hyuck wanted to give her a hug (a rare occurrence) and yuta straight up just said,
“mine. go away”
i have proof guys :// johnny recorded it and literally posted it on instagram
lian died internally when yuta cut his long hair because she couldn’t put it into ponytails anymore :((
but his hair is growing back now so she’s able to do it again :)
yuta teaches her japanese every tuesday and thursday!
we don’t bring this up because it’s pretty embarrassing but,, when nct 127 were backstage before performing kick it, yuta asked doyoung (who was in a direction where he could get a clear view of lian’s face) if lian was staring at him
how do we know this, you may ask?
it was caught on camera and everyone made fun of him for a solid week straight
he’s caught staring at her from afar way too often for comfort
lian says that he’s very pretty
much like the other memebers that have instagram, he makes story countdowns that he posts about a week before lian plans to release her solo music
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another member of the lian protection squad
doyoung was the first to start calling her cupcake
it all started when doyoung was sick and lian made him cupcakes to make him feel better
will slap anyone who makes a flirty remark towards lian
was embarrassed for yuta when he asked if she was staring at him
said “no” and walked away
lian is the only one who ever shows him any mercy :’)
they have very similar taste in decor so they often go shopping together for things to put around the dorm
doyoung said that he spends the most time in lian’s room because it smells like vanilla all the time
he spoils her SO MUCH
like so much
half the plushies she owns at the moment were gifts from doyoung
has a tendency to watch over her and make sure she’s content at all times
“cupcake, are you hungry? i can make you some food if you’d like” “oppa, it’s 3:00am-“ “and?”
they take such pretty instagram pictures :((
at one point in time, doyoung was jealous of his older brother because lian used to crush on him a tiny bit :0
not because doyoung likes her or anything, she just couldn’t stop talking about how nice he looked in revolutionary love
disapproves of the staff giving lian such short clothing sometimes
“um, excuse me, she can’t wear that. are you crazy? go get her a new outfit, please”
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not many people bring this up because we know it’s honestly a sensitive topic :|
but he lowkey has deep feelings for her (he makes it so obvious sometimes it’s kinda disappointing to see how oblivious lian really is to it)
jaeli + yun love triangle anyways
jokes aside, though, jaehyun loves lian so so much
once cried to johnny about how he doesn’t know what to do and that he didn’t want to make anything awkward by confessing to her
makes sure to be near her as often as possible
once scared away a whole kim taehyung from talking to her during isac ╰[ ⁰﹏⁰ ]╯ (let’s pretend bts were there for 2019 pls)
“jungkook, keep your friend away, please :D”
didn’t work, though, because they ended up having a conversation later in the day either way
*in the 97’ liner groupchat* “HYUNG IM SORRY HE RAN AWAY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DOl
it was uncalled for but what can you do amirite ┐(´~`)┌
lian pokes his dimples a lot and squishes his cheeks
just randomly hugs him but he’s not complaining
johnny isn’t picking sides but he became team jaeli after jaehyun broke into tears in front of him for the first time since they were trainees about how much he loves lian
sad,, i know
lian judges jaehyun for not sleeping with sheets
continues to believe he is not a human being, but a robot created in a lab
jaehyun smiles at her for no reason
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an instant bond formed between them when they first met!
jungwoo learned a lot about her and has developed so many ways to deal with her anxiety :(
gave the staff a guide on how to keep her calm when he went on hiatus because he couldn’t be there with her
buys her colouring books because he knows that they calm her down well!
liwoo went viral and become a popular ship when lian accidentally changed the nct 127 instagram profile picture to a jungwoo icon
she got scolded but it was iconic orange haired jungwoo with a chain-
an untouchable duo when they do double aegyo
nctzens think jungwoo is her favourite member
maybe because lian said he was
“ “who’s your favourite member?” hmm i’ll have to say woo-oppa!”
*cue jungwoo laughing at yuta’s face because he was that shocked*
they share secrets with each other so now they probably know the other like the palm of their hand
even though he’s off his hiatus, he still has to guide the staff members through lian’s little moments because sm staff suck at their job sometimes
they’re the two members who go grocery shopping together
more like jungwoo dragging lian to the grocery store with him but okay
jungwoo loves kissing her cheeks (〃▽〃)
their vocals mixed together are confirmed to be noises from heaven
lian misses his blonde bowl cut :/
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leader of lian’s natural length hair committee
like when i tell you mark hates her extensions-
mark was the first friend lian was able to make in nct!
they bonded over canada and it was very rare to see them speaking in korean
mark goes into straight panic when he’s with her sometimes
has to remind himself they’re like siblings
lian ans mark covered “your eyes” by hoody and jay park during a vlive!
it was adorable :((
lian had him saved in her phone as “android user” but now she doesn’t know what to change it to
they had a fight in 2019
mark let’s her call him the weirdest freaking nicknames ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ
mars bar, markie, mork, marko
he says it’s because czennies consider her to be addicting and since marijuana is addicting as well he thought it’d be a good fit
someone on twitter absolutely ENDED HIM though and wouldn’t stop making fun of him (;⌣̀_⌣́)
they can read each other’s mind just by looking at each other
“dude i hate this shit why does she keep asking us who we wanna collab with?” *cue lian laughing hysterically*
“what’s so funny (゜-゜)” — interviewer
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haechan makes fun of her kissing scenes in dramas
calls her short all the time
“lian give me a high five- oh haha nevermind it’s too bad you’re so short”
they’ve actually been so close to fighting each other and i’m not even joking
they’re the two members who fight the most out of all of them
but despite this, they love each other very much
hyuck says he’s the only one who’s allowed to make her mad
and if anyone else makes her mad he’d kill them
limark 2019 fight flashbacks where haechan kept threatening mark
there are actually moments when they’re clingy with each other-
haechan loves her hugs :((
like ??????? one minute they’re at each other’s throats and the next, they’re all lovey dovey hugging each other make it make sense ?????
lian could be speaking english and he’d say, “korean, please. i can’t understand canadian”
“shut up <3”
hello haechan cried and wouldn’t let go of her during her and mark’s graduation ceremony in 2018
she makes fun of him for it but never takes it too far
he goes to her for dance advice
during their nct 2018 weekly idol appearance when they were doing the random kpop dance thing, they beat everyone أ‿أ
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
somebody else PT 2
SUMMARY: Mae has been in love with Draco Malfoy since her first year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy fell in love with Mae in their fourth year, and then promptly fell into Pansy’s bed instead. All the while, Mae clings to the hope that Draco will change. That is, until, Ron Weasley takes his chance.
PAIRINGS: toxic!Draco x OC, Ron x OC, Ginny x Luna
im not sure that I like how this turned out, but hopefully you all enjoy it! I was very surprised I got so much positive feedback on that little one shot i posted. thank you all for the love! 
also, let me know if you want to be on the taglist for the next part. 
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Perhaps it was her conversation with Ginny the previous night, or perhaps it was because she felt so hollow inside, but Mae resolved herself on confronting Draco. Of course, he didn’t make things easy for her. He never did.
“Pansy and Draco are sitting awfully close, aren’t they?” Blaise said conversationally, taking a sip of his morning coffee. Full of cream, three sugars. As always.
Mae eyed Draco and Pansy warily, noting the way Pansy laughed into Draco, her hand seeming to move onto his leg although it was hidden from the table. “They’re just friends.”
“Rubbish,” scoffed Blaise harshly, stabbing an egg. “You’re much smarter than that, love.”
Pansy took that moment to brush Draco’s hair out of his face, and something broke inside Mae as Draco caught her hand in his own, bringing her knuckles to his lips and ghosting a kiss across them.
“It’s none of your business though, innit?” snapped Mae, slamming her glass of pumpkin juice down so harshly it brought the attention of the entire half of their table, including Draco and Pansy. “If Draco wants to fuck a slut, let him.”
Blaise choked on his eggs, slamming a fist into his chest as he attempted to swallow. Draco tilted his head, a sneer on his face, while Pansy began hurling insults at Mae. 
“Perhaps if you weren’t a filthy half-blood, Draco would be more interested. He wants a real woman.” Pansy declared wickedly, her lips lifted up in a snarl.
“A real woman with real STDs, hm?” retorted Mae, standing up from the table. “Everyone knows you fucked Theodore Nott last week, and he had to go to Madam Pomfrey from whatever you gave him!”
The part about Pansy fucking Theodore Nott was true, although the STD part was not. But Mae was so angry, so fed up with how the both of them were treating her, that she couldn’t contain it anymore. At this point, most of the Great Hall had caught sight of what was happening, although the teachers at least pretended to be oblivious. She caught sight of Ginny grinning at her encouragingly.
“I’m going to be honest with you, because no one else will,” Draco said the words slowly, casually, as though he were speaking of the weather. “Anyone who says they’re interested in you, beyond just fucking you, is a liar.”
Mae felt her cheeks burn, as the Slytherin table began laughing and oohing under their breath, and she rushed out of the Great Hall. She heard footsteps behind her, but she ignored them, until someone tugged harshly on her arm, the rings on his fingers alerting her to who it was.
“Why?” demanded Mae, turning around with unshed tears. An amused Draco stood in front of her, looming over her. “Why do you do this to me?”
Perhaps the question caught him off guard, because Draco replied with “I don’t know.”
Mae let out a strangled sob, wiping her hands harshly down her face. “I just want to be the one you love.”
“Oh darling,” Draco said the words softly, reaching out to caress her cheek. Mae closed her eyes for a moment, and she could pretend everything was fine. “I’ll never love you.”
With those words, Draco shoved her jaw harshly, causing a loud popping noise to sound as pain reverberated through the lower half of her face.
“I’m breaking up with you.” Mae said the words first, opening her eyes to see Draco actually looking.. Hurt, by her words.
“Took you long enough.” 
Mae looked to see Ginny heading her way, her hand intertwined with Luna’s, with the Golden trio, Pansy, and Blaise following close behind.
“We would have never made it anyways.” Draco responded quietly, and Mae felt a bit vindicated to see that he appeared to feel at least partially upset.
“That’s your fault.” her voice shook, but Mae said the words passionately.
“How?” he had the nerve to sound incredulous, and Mae balled up her fists as tears of anger came to her eyes.
“You always cheated on me with Pansy! You treated me like I was your pet, like you could keep fucking around without any care for my feelings!” the words she had been keeping in for so long burst out, and she felt a rush of vindication that she finally got to say them aloud.
Draco scoffed, and any hope of him apologizing or fighting for her went out the window. “You really think I give a shit about you? It’s your loss, Callisto.” he sneered her last name, looking over his shoulder to see the others approaching them.
Mae’s eyes hardened, hatred growing as Pansy ran pathetically over to Draco. “Your whore’s here.”
Pansy rolled her eyes. “Sorry you don’t know how to keep a man.”
“Don’t make this harder than it has to be Callisto,” Draco drawled out, slinging an arm over Pansy. “Nobody likes a slut that doesn’t understand when her time is up.”
“What did you just say?” Ron Weasley was the last person Mae expected to speak to Draco after he said those words.
Draco scoffed. “You heard me, Weas-”
Before Draco could get the full word out, Ron’s fist collided with Draco’s delicate features. Mae’s eyes widened as Ron wound his fist back once more, knocking Draco flat on his back. Pansy started screaming, and Blaise started laughing.
“Blaise, help him!” Pansy shrieked, slapping a hand to her mouth in horror.
Blaise sighed, rolling his eyes. He gave Mae a quick look, (perhaps in an apology?) before he gave Ron a swift kick to his stomach. Ron stumbled backwards, falling on his bottom, and Draco lay on the ground clutching his bruised and bloody face.
Pansy promptly threw herself down onto Draco, and Blaise stood there with his arms crossed as though he were just waiting for the show to be over. Mae, on the other hand, had nothing left to say to Draco, and turned her attention to Ron, who had just gotten off the floor with the help of Harry. 
“Thank you,” the words were quiet, but sincere. Ron nodded to her, his eyes not wavering from hers.
“He’s not worth it, yeah?” said Ron, shaking his bruised knuckles. “He never deserved you.’
Mae, suddenly flooded with emotion, just shook her head, and with tears burning in her eyes, she left the scene behind her.
The hardest thing was seeing Draco be so openly affectionate with Pansy. It broke her, each time she entered the common room to see her sitting on his lap. Getting a kiss on the cheek. A hug. A tender embrace. It burned like hell.
So, she began spending less time in the common room. She began joining Luna and Ginny on their outings, normally in the astronomy tower, and at some point, the Golden Trio started joining them. It became a routine, the six of them hanging out in either the tower or the library, if Hermione got her way. 
On the bright side, her grades had never been better. 
A month after the incident with Draco, Mae found herself feeling the wound particularly harshly. She paced outside the Gryffindor common room, hoping to find Ginny coming out of the portrait hole. Instead, she got Ron Weasley, who didn’t seem all too surprised to find her out there.
“You alright?” Ron asked awkwardly, halfway in the doorframe and halfway out.
Mae shook her head silently, her chest aching. “Not really.”
“How ‘bout we take a way, yeah?” suggested Ron, stepping out of the portrait hole. It swung shut loudly behind him.
Mae shrugged her shoulders, and together they walked in silence. They had no clear destination in mind, and Mae found she felt slightly better having his company around her. Ron, she had found, had a fairly dry sense of humor and it was ever so easy to laugh around him. Sometimes, the others didn’t quite understand the joke, but Mae always did. His humor was similar to hers, if she could just find it again.
“I always wondered,” Ron broke their silence, stopping to sit on a ledge overlooking the black lake. “If the squid really existed.”
“Oh, it does,” Mae assured Ron, hopping up on the opposite side of the stone ledge, wrapping her robe tightly around herself. “Sometimes in the common room, we get to see it swim by.”
Ron’s eyes flashed with admiration. “Wicked.”
“I suppose it might be a bit more exciting than overlooking the grounds,” Mae said the words pretentiously, sniffing as she hid a grin from Ron. “We get to see the inside of the black lake, while you boring Gryffindors just get landscape.”
“At least during winter we haven’t got to sleep under ten blankets just to get by,” protested Ron, bringing a hand up to brush his hair out of his face. “Then again, you might just have an iron deficiency.”
Mae’s eyes widened. “That’s a big word for Ronald Weasley.”
“Hermione mentioned it!” defended Ron, moving his hands as he spoke. “She’s the one who suggested you go to Madam Pomfrey for it! You’re always freezing!”
“It’s a perk of being damaged goods, I suppose.” Mae said the words without much thought, as she had gotten distracted by Ron’s rather large hands moving around.
Ron went still, and he gave Mae a confused look. “Damaged goods?”
Mae’s feelings of inadequacy came back, and she felt the stinging of tears hit her eyes. She tried to play it off, giving a weak laugh. “Well, yeah, what else would you call me?”
“Beautiful,” the word rolled off Ron’s tongue rather quickly, as though he hadn't had to think about it at all. 
Tears slipped out of her eyes as Mae processed his words. How could anyone think she was beautiful? Couldn’t he see how damaged she was? Draco had used her up and thrown her out, and no one else would ever want his seconds. He had told her that many times.
“Don’t,” the words came out wet and wobbly. “Don’t lie to me.”
Ron was rarely serious, but he completely focused on her as he reached out to grab her hand in his large one. “Mae, why would I lie about that?”
The tears came freely now, and she could feel a sob building up in her chest. “Ronald Weasley, don’t you dare sit there and lie to me! Don’t fucking sit there, and tell me I’m beautiful, because I’m not. I’m used up and I’m damaged, I will never be anything beyond that!”
Before she could protest, Ron had pulled her into a hug, engulfing her small frame in his large one. Mae had forgotten what it was like to be embraced like this, and she buried her head into Ron’s wide chest as she cried. In the back of her mind, she understood that was likely having a panic attack. 
“Calm down Mae,” Ron held her close, caressing her hair. “You’ll be alright.”
They sat like that, until Mae’s cries subsided and she took a shaky breath, pulling out of Ron’s embrace. She was suddenly embarrassed that she had overreacted as she did, and a blush stained her wet cheeks.
“‘M sorry about that,” mumbled Mae, wiping her cheeks roughly. “I didn’t mean to make you all soggy.”
Ron laughed at that. “Why would I complain, a beautiful girl cried on me today. Sounds like a win to me!”
Mae hit Ron on his arm for that, a small laugh coming out of her as well. If anything, Ron Weasley knew how to switch the mood. “Don’t be a prat, Weasley.”
Ron’s eyes crinkled in the corners as he tossed his head back in a loud bout of laughter, and Mae found herself staring at his full lips. Really, how had she not noticed how perfectly shaped Ron’s lips were before? And Merlin, how were his teeth so straight and white?
As quickly as she began admiring Ron Weasley, images of silver hair and grey eyes flashed through her mind, and she shut her eyes and swallowed hard. There would never be Draco and Mae, that much was clear. It did not do to dwell on things that would never change.
“Imagine leaving me for a Weasley.”
Mae’s stomach dropped as she saw Draco swaggering towards her and Ron, Blaise close behind him. She hated how she still got butterflies as he eyed her appraisingly, before sneering at Ron.
“Shut it, Malfoy.” snapped Ron, his ears growing pink as he dug in his robes for his wand.
“Oh,” whistled Draco, drawing out the vowel. “Weaselbee is going to show off how big of a man he is. Trust me, Weasel, been there, done that. I’m the best she’ll ever have had.”
“Tell me Malfoy, you ever been hexed so hard you had to fight for your life?” snarled Ron, standing before the silver haired boy and brandishing his wand.
Mae quickly got down from the stone ledge, standing in between Draco and Ron, placing a hand on both of their chests. “Both of you, stop it!”
Ron’s jaw clenched, and he didn’t lower his wand. Draco smirked at the sight of her hand on his chest, his eyes flicking down at it before backup to look her in the eyes. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” Mae said the words firmly, glaring at Draco. “We aren’t together anymore. Stop acting like this.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t fight little Weaselbee.” drawled Draco, flexing his fingers on his wand. “I still had you first.”
“And I fucking left you!” shouted Mae, shoving Draco back from her and Ron. “Get that through your thick skull, and go back to Pansy. The bitch you always cheated on me with!”
“You said you loved me.” Draco said the words softly, bitterly, so quickly that Mae almost didn't catch it. 
For a moment, it felt as though it were just the two of them, Draco and Mae, just as it should have been.
Mae stepped back, away from Draco, away from Ron. Her mouth twitched, her eyes grew wet, and she was at a loss for words. She turned then, and hurried out of the courtyard.
How dare he do this to her. 
taglist: @xoxohollands @phantomsmalfoystyles @lidiyabest @justmimithings
Part one
Part three
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