#inspired by berserk and dark souls yes
sundove88 · 1 year
Merman!Sad Warrior Dad (MerMay)
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Yes, I simply HAD to draw my own version of Merman!Dark Cacao! Plus, this is the only way I can draw some characters shirtless- because I can’t do NSFW artwork. Plus, that purple really suits him if I do say so myself! Here, he’s looking out towards the Cookie Kingdom after a quick dip in the ocean on a rock near the shore. And yes, I included the bracelets.
And btw… (Body Horror ahead)
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(Cue Pomegranate Cookie’s maniacal laughter in the background)
Yes, I got inspired by both Poor Unfortunate Souls and when Pomegranate makes DC go berserk mode.
Needless to say, he’s in a LOT of pain during the transformation. And FYI, that purple magic is actually from his Soul Jam, changing only his lower half into that of a merman’s instead of his entire body becoming fishlike. In other words, his swim pants are gonna get torn when his legs finally fuse into that gorgeous purple tail.
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Pretty good answers :) spoiler alert: Mario wonder didn’t win lol
1: does the duo like to make gingerbread houses?
2: are they fans of the YouTube series Death Battle?
3: if they were in death battle; separately of course, who would you choose to go against them?
4: imagine this scenario: Kon-El is a fan of the hip-hop group insane clown posses, & decides to paint his, & when they were little, Chris’s & Jon’s faces like juggalos, what would be Clark’s & Lois’s reaction be?
5: between the duo, who’s the better gamer? Or are they both equally good?
6: if the answer above is equally: the duo play five rounds of any fighting game, the loser gets stinkfaced by the winner, or since they both “dislike” gross out humor, I say Jon or Kon does it instead.
7: not a question but new powers for the duo:
Chris: I saw a ghost au from you earlier & think that’s pretty cool; he’s able to become intangible by sending his real body like kamui from naruto. He also has a transformation Similar to Naruto’s nine-tails charka mode, but blue.
Jake: At full power, he creates a massive tamaran warrior made of out starbolt energy that surrounds his body like how Superman did a few action comics books ago
Oh…ah well at least it was a nominee which is what truly matter lol @gothicghost2000
But anywho, onto our main program….
1) Oh yes they will but each with unique twists to them. Chris for instance based his on the Fortress of Solitude while Jake makes a gingerbread Titans Tower. And they’re big ones too, easily covering about half the dinner table in terms of how big they are. They thankfully take pictures of them before they gobbled up entirely by the end of the week.
2) I say the Duo will be fans of that show ever since way back when it used to be under the Screwattack under website. Their favorite matches from have been Guts (from Berserk) vs Nightmare (from Soul Caliber), The MegaMan Battle Royale, and Mario vs Sonic II.
3) Hmmm…..
Nightwing Phantom (Chris Kent) vs Son Gohan (Cell Games Saga, Dragon Ball)
Three Way Match: Skybird (Jake Grayson) vs Sarutobi Konohamaru (Shippuden Era, Naruto) vs Dai (Post Second Battle with Baran, Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai)
4) Lois would be rather intrigued and genuinely curious about this trend going on. A tad bit of concern once the boys are into it but not on the same level as Clark is.
Speaking of whom and putting it a bit mildly, he’d be very concerned. He’d use his super speed to quickly wash that paint off the boys’ faces and then fly over as Superman to ICP’s place for some questioning. Don’t worry he doesn’t use the red eyes as he’s not entirely there to intimidate them. But that doesn’t mean he’s not exactly in the best mood when asking.
5) Chris and Jake are just about equal in their gaming prowess on many fields and types. The only game genre that Jake beats Chris in will City Building simulators including but not limited Tropico, Surviving Mars and Cities Skylines. In turn, Chris usually tops out between them when it comes to JRPGs as evidence by the fact while Jake had so far made it halfway into his play through of Dragon Quest 9, Chris had already beaten it three times over.
6) Well and I dearly have to apologize to you friend but there’s no way any of them are doing Rikishi’s finisher as the loser’s prize for losing some video games. For me I see more likely that if the Duo were streaming on their Twitch channel like say a Five Round Match on say Mortal Kombat (Each Round has Three Matches, best out of three), it’s more the case that the loser will instead serve the winner a parfait both in the stream itself and for the next few days of the week.
7) Now having Chris create an aura shaped like that Nightwing entity itself with him at the center of it is such an amazing visual to put into comic book artwork, let alone maybe even a full animated series. A display of dark blue, black and sapphire that can potentially be on par with the awe inspiring visuals of a Super Saiyan transformation
As for Jake’s Starbolt construct that surrounds him, I say for bonus points, his eyes can be glowing very tightly (Either Blue or Green or even, pink, depending on how you views his Starbolt colors) to further to the fact he’s no longer playing around. I like it. I like it A Lot XD
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autism-purgatory · 8 days
❄️ Snow, ☀️ Sun, 🔥 Wildfire, and ☁️ Cloudy? :)
❄️ Snow - Who is your coldest / most stoic character and how do they express themselves (if at all)? In sculpted lands? Probably Ura from A Place To Forget. She’s basically samurai Guts. While she does show emotion here and there, she has a serious case of resting bitch face and only shows physical affection to her pet wolf, Tera. Ura is aroace and Tera is the only one she feels a true connection to. Something something societal misconceptions around platonic love something something platonic love and friendship exists.
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
A lot of things really! I love fleshing out the history and the wildlife specifically, little historical tidbits and freaky ass animals that are seen as completely normal in the sculpted lands. Also disabled and neurodivergent characters in a medieval setting is fun to write and the fantasy dweebs who say it isn’t realistic can suck it.
🔥 Wildfire - Who is your most emotional character and why?
I’d say Dreary from Fall Together. He’s a cragman (spooky lanky earth monsters with holes for faces). He’s very emotive and (sort of) cries very easily, which happens a lot since 90% of the sculpted lands see him as a freak. Yes this is another metaphor for neurodivergence 🫠. Don’t worry, he finds a friend by the end of the story (a dragon hatchling) and also did I mention he’s been witnessing the end of the world and just hasn’t picked up on it yet?
☁️ Cloudy - What inspired you to start writing your WIP? (or in general)
in general? NieR and Drakengard. For sculpted lands? Originally Dark Souls, but I took in other inspirations like Berserk, shadow of the colossus, and Fear & Hunger. I tried to replicate fromsofts storytelling in writing form and lemme tell you the original version of Scuplted Lands was just Walmart Dark Souls 3.
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
Top 10 Projects!
1. My Dark Twisted Fantasy- Kanye west
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In my eyes Kanye West, also known as Ye, is one of the greatest contemporary artists. Its more of a personal thing for me as I’ve grown up to his music. His albums are the sound track to my life, certain songs bringing me back to a certain time. I remember when my friend first showed me one of my now favorite songs All of the Lights on the bus ride to D.C. His release of The Life of Pablo brings me back to my freshman year of my college undergrad.
2. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge- My Chemical Romance
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You can probably tell I’m heavily influence by music. This band, at its core, is what got me into rock music. For many it’s Led Zeppelin or Metálica but for me it was this band. I now am a proficient guitarist and I believe it was also this band that made me want to play music initially. I recently saw them preform live, it was amazing!
3. Berserk- Kentaro Miura
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Is this the greatest manga ever made? Most would debate me but I’m pretty adamant about it. The story and artwork are on a different level. The manga had inspired many works of art such a Dark Souls and Elden Ring. To me the story was very spiritual and consisted deeper meanings that could be viewed in real life. Duality is a big theme , heaven and hell, the need for both to have a balance.
4. The National
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This band is a big influence for my guitar playing. The guitarists in this band are twins who have amazing ability and are dialed in with their sound. Their use of finger picking is the main reason why I don’t use a pick often, I use my fourth fingers. I find their music to be mature most likely because they themselves are older. Kind of like wine rather than vodka.
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Another musical group that has been part of my life. I’m from Ecuador and our culture is very festive , when we party we party. As a kid I would hear this bands music as the family parties. They are one of the most known Spanish rock bands in the world and their music brings me back to happy times in my life and also a more sad one but even that brings tears of joy. I really hope I can see this band live!
6. MMA
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Mixed martial arts is a sport that’s been established pretty recently. It started in the 90s but now is rapidly becoming a more popular sport. I could never get into any sport but finally this is the one sport I will follow. I was never good at team sports but my parents thank god for them pushed me to do some form of activity. So they put me in martial arts and it’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever done. I now appreciate me being forced to do partake in martial arts training as a kid. Now watching MMA I view it as something good for me because it makes me want to work out and hit the gym. Seeing what these people can do with their bodies is inspiring and really shows me what the body is capable of.
7. Alien - H.R. Giger
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Giger is a Swedish artist thats work is widely known because of the film Alien. A true visionary in the horror genre. His grotesque imagery consisted of bio mechanical creatures and forms perfect for a sci-fi movie. It’s so wild that he could create a world , the essence of world building. His work shows me the heights of what an artist can achieve
8. A Course in Miracle’s
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This is a book I am currently reading. I find my self on a spiritual path or some would say The Path. This a great book on keeping ones faith high. I’ve been very interested in the occult. The occult means hidden knowledge and for some reason has a negative connotation to it. I’m searching for truth in a world that has been built on lies. The world is changing before our eyes and thankfully I’ve been into self growth and researching. I believe the system is allowing the people to descend into madness. In them doing that I am fortified into strengthening my mind to combat that. I’m here to help my fellow people and that could only be done if I keep my mind protected from those who want to control it and implant things that is not in my nature. I stand against evil and I believe it’s presence is being shown more and more. This book is filled with postive affirmations , Ive even modified my own. God is the light I see, God is the power within me.
9. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
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I am a huge nerd when it comes LOTR even though i haven’t read the books. I plan too ! My father took me to see this movie as a kid and till this day is one of my favorites! God what a great movie!
10. Jesus Christ
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My family is super catholic so I was raised catholic. I still go to church as a means of respect to my parents they are super religious. I hate going to the Catholic Church, it’s so bleak. I do like Jesus, I look up to Him in a spiritual way. He was just telling people to be nice to each other and got killed for it. I also hate the way they use the scene of him being crucified as basically their logo. Why do they have to show him in agony and use that image. If I died that way I wouldn’t want people wearing me being crucified as a necklace and being sold like merch.
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bnhavalkyries · 2 years
Prompt Explanations, Day One
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Dark Fantasy
There is no one definition for dark fantasy but it often refers to tropes that combine fantasy elements with horror, stories/art with dark, brooding tones and/or a sense of horror and dread. How exactly you interpret this theme is up to you but popular examples include: The Vampire Chronicles, Sandman, The Masque of the Red Death, Berserk, Attack on Titan, Pan’s Labyrinth, Soul Eater, Vampire Knight, etc.
Based on a Painting
Artists, pick your favourite pictures, most inspiring artworks and insert your ships! Go wild, whether you try to copy a picture's style (think Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss) or you only let the poses inspire you (maybe think of an old advertisement), everything goes. Writers, have you ever thought about what went on behind the scenes of your favourite paintings? Dive into some gallery catalogues, browse for some vintage advertisements and let the creative juices do the rest.
Omegaverse | Marking
Omegaverse is also known as Alpha/Beta/Omega or A/B/O, meaning that humans are divided into these groups depending on their genitals. Since there are no fixed rules for this trope, you are free to explore it for your WLW piece to your heart’s content. Marking means any sort of it. Easy as that. Often, you see Marking in the context of Omegaverse, but if you choose to combine these two, go for scent marking or a marking bite, is completely up to you!
Toxic Relationships
Some relationships aren’t the healthiest, yes, but why don’t explore them in fiction? This tag can be also related to “Unhealthy Relationship”. Signs of a toxic relationship can be: jealousy, manipulation, controlling behaviour, dishonesty.
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abz-j-harding · 3 years
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Lord of the Roooooks 
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asexualchad · 3 years
the pervert who made berserk died will you people fucking get over your disgusting rape fantasies now
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lanseax · 2 years
i dont mean to be rude but it would be really impossible to make a protagonist with a disability work in games like elden ring and dark souls
I get you don’t want to be rude but you have to understand how ableist this comes off as, right?
And not only is it ableist it’s just plain false. Miyazaki himself takes inspiration from the Berserk comic which has a dark fantasy world with a character with a disability. Homeboy doesn’t have a left arm.
Plus having a missing arm or leg or substituting them with a prosthetic doesn’t change gameplay that heavily. Malenia herself has a fully working prosthetic arm and she’s one of the hardest bosses in the game.
You could be missing an arm or leg and still wield a sword, still carry a shield, still hold a staff, etc. There could be so many iterations of shields that just attach to where you arm is missing and all you have to do is raise your arm and boom shield. Your staffs could become part of your body, your swords would be an extension on the missing limb.
Now yes wheelchairs could be very difficult to balance and test with games like this but if you want to make the best game for ALL users you should take the time to include wheelchairs. And this goes for any RPG, not just the soulsbourne series.
But off the top of my head: shields could be set to the side of the wheelchair and all the character has to do is raise it or just turn the chair. Your equipment load would determine how fast you can go with your chair, too heavy and it takes more effort to propel yourself forward, super light and YOURE FLYING. Your cannon or firearm? just hook that bad bow to the armrest. You could even make certain weapons only wheelchair characters can use like only strength builds or faith builds can use.
My last and final point, which I believe is the trump card of all points: You can be okay with a hand composed of only two fingers being the voice of god but not disabled protagonists!?
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interact-if · 3 years
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Day 8 of the interviews! The talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular Pol, everyone!
Pol, author of All Paths Lead to the Underground
Pride Month Featured Author
Welcome to Deadline, the city of the lost ones. Here, in the near dystopian future, there’re only two ways to survive: engage in something illegal or pretend that you don’t notice anything that’s happening around you. Too bad that the latter one isn’t that easy in a place like this, where you need to be on guard every other minute in order to get through the day and not catch a bullet. Trying to live like normal people do wasn’t ever an option for you anyway, whether you like it or not.
And now you’re a mercenary who works side-by-side with a group of poor souls who are also unfortunate enough to be stuck in the same position. But there’s a problem, of course, because you’re not entirely human yourself, and it’s the fact that constantly puts your companions in danger whenever they’re with you. Not only this, you also have some other unpleasant things to take care of, but let’s deal with it a little bit later. The consequences of the things you’ve done, or were forced to, are hot on your heels and are threatening to crush you at any moment. You’re pretty certain that your strength, that goes far beyond the limits of human abilities, can help you withstand everything that’s coming for you. But it’s not always about strength and power, is it? The beast inside of you is trying to take over, and day by day it becomes more persistent.
Can you stand against it and retain your sanity, or will you succumb to the madness like many others? Lose yourself in the icy embrace of the darkness, or fight it until your last breath?
Well, the choice is yours only.
Be careful and remember, all paths lead to the Underground.
Demo: TBA
Tags: 18+, dystopian
Q1: Tell us a little bit about your project(s)!
The Paths is a story that’s set in a dystopian city of the near future, where mafia and banditry rules instead of the government and secret organizations conduct disturbing human experiments. It’s a story about people who’re trying to survive by doing not very honorable and humane things which put their lives in danger. It’s about people who live in a cruel place, try not to become cruel themselves, and whose paths inevitably cross under different circumstances, leading all of them to the one destination nonetheless.
In this story, you play as a mercenary, and more specifically - a genetically modified human, who’s desperately trying to run away from their past. You’re faced with countless obstacles along your way, and things are heating up progressively. Fortunately, you have a few people on your side to help you deal with that, even if some of them don’t really intend to in the first place.
But hey, we’re in for an exciting ride! Five people, including you, and one task for all: save the city, or maybe the whole world, who knows? There’s a war coming, so buckle up!
Q2: Why interactive fiction? What drew you to the medium?
Honestly, I don’t have an interesting story to tell you about that particular decision. I think I discovered IF around three years ago from my friend, but at that time The Paths was nothing more than just a story with no particular plot floating around in my head, and I didn’t really have any intentions on making it something that it’s now. But I guess that discovering IF had a huge impact on me after all, and made me think about actually creating something interesting and bringing all these stories I made up to use.
Plus, creating IF seemed much more intriguing and fascinating to me than just writing a book! What can I say; reading all the stories by really amazing authors left a great impression on me. But honestly, when I started working on my WIP I didn’t have the slightest idea about what I’m going to do, I just told myself that I’ll figure everything out as I go, so it was kind of an impulsive decision which is not really typical of me. But we’re here now, and I’m pretty glad that I made this decision, after all.
Q3: Are your characters influenced by your identity? How?
I’d say yes and no, because I certainly put some pieces of myself into almost every character I write, that’s an inevitable occurrence in writing for me, but I don’t think that my identity really influenced character creation in one way or another.  Or maybe it did and it’s just not quite obvious to me, really. I mean, I have a character who’s canonically trans and is Armenian, and the other one is a Slavic non-binary person who’s attracted to women (hence the influence), and that’s about it.
Even though The Paths isn’t really focused on the relationships and romance, I think that my experience helps me to write more diverse characters and their interpersonal relationships, as well as making the RO’s romanceable by people of any gender and regardless of their preferences. Not going to lie, some character backstories are also influenced by my own life experience and some struggles I had to face, but I’ve to keep quiet about those for now.
Q4: What or who are some of your biggest inspirations?
I don’t really have any inspirations among celebrities, so I’d say that my biggest inspirations are ordinary people from my daily life, be they my friends or acquaintances, or just strangers that I see every day, and their life experiences. To be honest, one of my main characters was totally inspired by one of my close friends!
Q5: What’s a super vague spoiler for your current project?
I can give you a small advice – try to not go berserk unless you absolutely must, because it’ll have a lot of grave consequences and will most certainly end badly for your loved ones and for many other people in general. And oh, don’t trust your “family”, that’s also an important one. Even if you see a familiar face, it doesn't mean that they’re not going to stab you the moment you turn away.
Q6: Lastly, what advice would you give to your readers?
Do what you love and not what you think you should love because somebody told you so. Write stories you want to read, create what you want to, do what you love! Even if it takes a lot of time, it’s worth it if it makes you happy. And always prioritize your own comfort, because you are the most important person in your life <3
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allthingsroleplay · 2 years
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SOULHOUND is currently a project in the making and will be playable sometime early Winter 2022 (or Summer for Australians & co). It will be an original 18+ Medieval Fantasy RP forum focused around a civilisation that heavily relies on magic in their day-to-day lives. PLOT There will be a main (site) plot along with player-made sub-plots for writers to enjoy. The main plot has yet to be fully hammered out, but we’re thinking of going a Hero VS Greater Trials, as is often presented in Final Fantasy and other JRP games. INSPIRATIONS Final Fantasy, Suikoden, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, NieR Gestalt, Berserk, .hack//GU, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild PERKS
Jcink Premium
Custom skin by Von
Player-made sub-plots
Player-made sub-divisions
Player-made species based on Folklore
SPECIES Players will be able to draw inspiration from a variety of folklores - such as Japanese, Greek, and Celtic - when creating their characters. One can even make up their own species. We just ask that players refrain from evangelical (e.g angels) or undead (e.g. vampires) species to try and contain it somewhat. SOULHOUNDS Regardless of a character’s species. all player-characters are a type of “Soulhound.” Soulhounds are sentient beings attuned to the elements (e.g. water). What type of magic and/or abilities an individual can use depends on the type of Soulhound they are. The four types of Soulhounds are as follows:
SUNDOG This is the Tank or DPS type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are offence, defence, and/or DoT (damage over time) orientated.
MOONDOG This is the Healer or Support type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are curative or passive (including HoT [heal over time] or illusions and the like].
ECLIPSE This is the “adaptive” Soulhound and are very rare; it can switch between “sundog” and “moondog” stances.
TERMINATOR This is the “bogeyman” of the Soulhounds, and is very rare. Unlike the other three, they can’t use magic - they can only negate magic. They can, however, use familiars.
ELEMENTS There are several elements: AQUA, IGNIS, VENTUS, TERRAM, ASTROLOGIA, NEUTRUM, OMNI. Each character may have up to two elements: one that they’re born with, and one that they acquire through their life’s experiences. While these elements dictate what sort of magic or ability your character may use, they are flexible provided they fit within the element. For example: Aqua is both ice and water, but you don’t have to go for outright water; you can go for something like blood instead. SOULNAMES & GIVEN NAMES Characters are born with a “soulname” that are used in place of a given or surname. Soulnames are a word that describe their soul, like “Vigil” if a person’s core characteristic is to be vigilant. INNATE ABILITIES The Soulname gives an individual an ability that’s relative to their Soulname -an ability they’re born with. For example, the name Vigil means to watch. Maybe Vigil’s innate ability is to see in the dark without aid of a light source, or perhaps their sight is generally better than most and can see long distances without the aid of a scope. FACTIONS There will be four main factions: Armoury, Drug, Info, and Force. Each have their own purpose, and each have their own main villages. Armoury has craftsmen. Drug has alchemists. Info has scholars. Force has militants. SUB-FACTIONS are player-made divisions that exist within one of the four aforementioned factions. A player-made tribe of warriors would be under Force, for example. ADVENTURES & QUESTS While our main RP hub is in the Northern Territory (and everyone needs to be located there so we don’t stretch too thinly location-wise), there are three other locations across the continent in which players may go out and explore of their own volition. Every once in a while, they may find some relics of the past, and/or ye olde lore tidbits. DEITIES At some point, there will be playable “false deities,” one for each element. A player may only have one. I’m thinking we may unlock one or two at a time as the main plot unfurls.
QUESTIONS Here are some questions others have asked:
Q: Will this be a statless, stat-heavy, or stat-light RP? A: Tentatively stat-light. You’ll have points to distribute into attributes, but there’ll be no math, dice rolling, or RNG. It’s more for a quick visual reference like, “okay, my character is much faster than theirs; however, their character is much more durable than mine.”
Q: Will there be any sort of stat progression, or just a set sheet with all stats from day 1? A: There’ll be stats progression along with level progression. We’ll have 7-8 levels and each level will be allotted X amount of points to distribute. Levelling will be optional for those who want to keep their characters at a low level.
CONCLUSION I think that’s all I have to share at the moment! Please let me know if you’re interested. I’ll be sure to share a link here when it’s up. :3 It’s possible my mod and I may need help upon opening, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there! Thanks for reading.
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theravenlover115 · 2 years
Howdy guys! I am back with some good news. My friend Corvi, someone who draws anthro birds that I know for a few years, drew the designs my other friend did a while back and refined them. She only draws the ritos from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, who are essentially anthro birds. So I asked Corvi if she could draw the new designs (Or redux as I call them) similar to the Ritos since she ended up giving a massive appreciation for them. As for Factory of Darkness, it's certainly getting some changes, it's still gonna be like Resident Evil, but now I taking inspiration from Dark Souls and Berserk. Anyhow, the new designs.
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Allen the messenger crow, the main character of the story. He is quite crow that likes to read. He does however have some trauma from his childhood. Corvi like the design my other friend did of Allen, he hence why he is looking particularly happy in this pic.
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Huginn the pyromancer raven. A raven who has the ability to control blue flames and is stuck between the normal and astral plane because his soul is fused with a certain item. He helps the crew to make it through the factory, but ended up causing trouble because of certain character
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Muninn, Huginn's strange sister who owns a cult dedicate to studying the paranormal. She loves her brother and all, but she is jealous he gets the cool flame powers while she is stuck with spewing toxic gas. She is super fascinated with the paranormal and is in the factory since she sensed something big is happening there.
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Amelia the witch magpie. A strange bird lady who spends her time traveling the world to get a better understanding of the paranormal, she owns a shop selling pagan related items and occasionally does tarot reading. She came from a religious family that hated witchcraft. She ended up rebelling against them out of spite and turned into a witch. She entered the factory because something evil is oozing out of there and wants to put a stop on it. She becomes best friends with Muninn later.
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Esther, the rook nurse. A nurse from a family with a long military history, who wanted to join the army to continue the tradition, but even she did, they decided to put her in the factory they are making as the nurse there, much to her annoyance. She is a bird who will not go without a fight, easily annoyed and takes no nonsense. Despite finding the crew a bit annoying She sticks around since she is pretty much what keep everyone alive, and due to how she also likes them.
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Ruben the jackdaw guard. Ruben has a long history revolving around childhood from his mom and siblings, he ended up running away and met up with Walther, a large snake like creature who eventually come to power and created the factory to help with his inventions. Ruben stuck around and started to work out in so he doesn't get beaten down again by anyone. As you can see, he went a bit excessive. He ended up becoming Walther's personal guard, who made him armor from scrap metal. He is stoic with a strange sense of humor, but he will do his best to protect both Walther and his new found friends.
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Quoth the raven of darkness. Huginn accident created Quoth when a certain creature possessed him, and to get it out some way. The creature ended up turning into a crimson and out came out Quoth, who is the evil embodiment of his darkest desires and thoughts. Quoth spends a time manipulating and deceiving the crew just for his satisfaction. His current objective is to take over the factory and it's power.
And now we get to the characters I got from Corvi, one isn't exactly her's since I goy from someone else.
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Raven the Trickster. I got him from a friend who drew this certain character a decade ago and I asked him if I could keep him. He said yes, redraw him, and later I asked Corvi to draw him in her style. He is based of many native american myths about a shape shifting trickster raven who once stole the sun. He is funny, cool, and kind raven who only seeks to have fun and wants to help out others in his own quirky way. He has the ability to shapeshift into anything his heart desires thanks to the mask he wears, one he stole from the gods. He entered the factory purely out of curiosity, and ended up befriending the group. He is mischievous, but in a good way.
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Horus. The Egyptian god of war and the sky. Corvi a mummified bust of him a while back. She gave it to me and I asked her if she could a normal pic of him, which she did. I consider adding him to the story since I like the design. He used rule a kingdom that was destroyed by the carrion, and was cursed to be bound a sarcophagus. Walther found it through a expedition and took it to his factory for research. Amelia ended up opening, revealing a mummified Horus whose magic now only serves as life support. Amelia them went a small adventure to bring him back to his former glory. After doing that and nursing or a bit, he ends up joining the group since he has nowhere else to go and hopes that maybe they would help him regain his kindom. Funny thing is that Factory of Darkness takes place in a world inhabited by only corvids, buy eventually I decided to include other bird species like owls and birds of prey.
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Tezla the young merchant. Corvi gave me this guy to me along with many other bird characters. I like the idea so i decided to include him despite already having a merchant character. Still thinking about his back story, but I thought of him being a weapons smith in training
Corvi is doing more of my birds characters, but she won't be doing my other ocs since she only likes birds. So no Walther, Fluch, or Zeta pics anytime soon.
Characters designs by Gato
Drawn by Corvi
TLDR: Here are my quirky bird characters for a game/story I am doing.
Heh, I am weird.
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therpsource · 2 years
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SOULHOUND is currently a project in the making and will be playable sometime early Winter 2022 (or Summer for Australians & co). It will be an original 18+ Medieval Fantasy RP forum focused around a civilisation that heavily relies on magic in their day-to-day lives. PLOT There will be a main (site) plot along with player-made sub-plots for writers to enjoy. The main plot has yet to be fully hammered out, but we’re thinking of going a Hero VS Greater Trials, as is often presented in Final Fantasy and other JRP games. INSPIRATIONS Final Fantasy, Suikoden, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, NieR Gestalt, Berserk, .hack//GU, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild PERKS
Jcink Premium
Custom skin by Von
Player-made sub-plots
Player-made sub-divisions
Player-made species based on Folklore
SPECIES Players will be able to draw inspiration from a variety of folklores - such as Japanese, Greek, and Celtic - when creating their characters. One can even make up their own species. We just ask that players refrain from evangelical (e.g angels) or undead (e.g. vampires) species to try and contain it somewhat. SOULHOUNDS Regardless of a character’s species. all player-characters are a type of “Soulhound.” Soulhounds are sentient beings attuned to the elements (e.g. water). What type of magic and/or abilities an individual can use depends on the type of Soulhound they are. The four types of Soulhounds are as follows:
SUNDOG This is the Tank or DPS type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are offence, defence, and/or DoT (damage over time) orientated.
MOONDOG This is the Healer or Support type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are curative or passive (including HoT [heal over time] or illusions and the like].
ECLIPSE This is the “adaptive” Soulhound and are very rare; it can switch between “sundog” and “moondog” stances.
TERMINATOR This is the “bogeyman” of the Soulhounds, and is very rare. Unlike the other three, they can’t use magic - they can only negate magic. They can, however, use familiars.
ELEMENTS There are several elements: AQUA, IGNIS, VENTUS, TERRAM, ASTROLOGIA, NEUTRUM, OMNI. Each character may have up to two elements: one that they’re born with, and one that they acquire through their life’s experiences. While these elements dictate what sort of magic or ability your character may use, they are flexible provided they fit within the element. For example: Aqua is both ice and water, but you don’t have to go for outright water; you can go for something like blood instead. SOULNAMES & GIVEN NAMES Characters are born with a “soulname” that are used in place of a given or surname. Soulnames are a word that describe their soul, like “Vigil” if a person’s core characteristic is to be vigilant. INNATE ABILITIES The Soulname gives an individual an ability that’s relative to their Soulname -an ability they’re born with. For example, the name Vigil means to watch. Maybe Vigil’s innate ability is to see in the dark without aid of a light source, or perhaps their sight is generally better than most and can see long distances without the aid of a scope. FACTIONS There will be four main factions: Armoury, Drug, Info, and Force. Each have their own purpose, and each have their own main villages. Armoury has craftsmen. Drug has alchemists. Info has scholars. Force has militants. SUB-FACTIONS are player-made divisions that exist within one of the four aforementioned factions. A player-made tribe of warriors would be under Force, for example. ADVENTURES & QUESTS While our main RP hub is in the Northern Territory (and everyone needs to be located there so we don’t stretch too thinly location-wise), there are three other locations across the continent in which players may go out and explore of their own volition. Every once in a while, they may find some relics of the past, and/or ye olde lore tidbits. DEITIES At some point, there will be playable “false deities,” one for each element. A player may only have one. I’m thinking we may unlock one or two at a time as the main plot unfurls.
QUESTIONS Here are some questions others have asked:
Q: Will this be a statless, stat-heavy, or stat-light RP? A: Tentatively stat-light. You’ll have points to distribute into attributes, but there’ll be no math, dice rolling, or RNG. It’s more for a quick visual reference like, “okay, my character is much faster than theirs; however, their character is much more durable than mine.”
Q: Will there be any sort of stat progression, or just a set sheet with all stats from day 1? A: There’ll be stats progression along with level progression. We’ll have 7-8 levels and each level will be allotted X amount of points to distribute. Levelling will be optional for those who want to keep their characters at a low level.
CONCLUSION I think that’s all I have to share at the moment! Please let me know if you’re interested. I’ll be sure to share a link here when it’s up. :3 It’s possible my mod and I may need help upon opening, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there! Thanks for reading.
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foxingpeculiar · 3 years
Dark Souls (3) Diary:
Hooookay. I have made it through the Ringed City as far as the Midir boss fight.
The Dreg Heap wasn't so bad, actually. The Angels were obnoxious, but at least they don't respawn once you kill their anchors, which made exploring poison swamp #3 (I believe) far easier. The worst part about the whole affair was that pyromancer phantom lady who kept giving me the business.
The Demon Prince(s), I got in three tries. The first time they just ganked me to death and the second time, I got to the second phase and just was careless and got smashed. But the third time I summoned in Lapp and Gael and, with some good fire defense, Blooming Purple Moss at the ready, and a Black Knight Greatsword +5 and they went down easy--just hug that ass and punish.
So then into the Ringed City proper and holy fuck, what a welcome. It took me like 10 tries to get past all those fucking archers cos I couldn't figure out where to go and I couldn't kill the Judicator/summoner before getting turned into a goddamn pincushion. And then, when I finally did figure out how to get past them, I'm headed down the path and the first hollow past the Locust Priest pops out of an alcove and shoves me off a cliff. The torrent that came out of my mouth at that point would've embarrassed a sailor.
Also, holy hell, this place is unforgiving. Those turtling hollows that summon spike rings are the worst, not to mention the random curse buildup on the regular ones. The Ringed Knights aren't so bad one-on-one, but when 2-3 of them are ganking you... yeesh. And those big dudes on the staircase take for-fucking-ever to kill (yes, I know the plunging attack strategy, but I can't get all of them with that and even when it lands, I can only do it once successfully). But eventually, I made it down to the Abyssal Swamp and mucked around there for quite a while, getting all the items and such.
Then I did Lapp's questline and found the purging monument and all that and boy, howdy... some things never change, do they?
Fighting Midir on the cliff was annoying--not because he, himself, was all that difficult, but because he's so huge, he kept blocking the camera and I yeeted myself off the cliff like 6 times trying to attack him. Very irritating.
Then, once I finally got past that, it took some time to figure out how to even get to the boss fight proper, but once I did, he annihilated me after I carved out maybe 1/8 of his health. So this one's gonna be a challenge, but kinda knew that. But I'm done for the night.
BTW, I know I'm posting a lot about playing through this game, but it's been a long time since I've been this into something. It feels good, being immersed like this. And there's a sense of accomplishment, even though it's not anything especially serious in the grand scheme of things.
On a tangential note, I also started watching Berserk (the 2016 series, I believe) since the manga is a notable inspiration on this series and it's pretty interesting. Psychedelic as fuck and I only kind of know what's going on, but I'm into it. Also, that big skeleton-armor dude fucks.
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rpings · 2 years
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SOULHOUND is currently a project in the making and will be playable sometime early Winter 2022 (or Summer for Australians & co). It will be an original 18+ Medieval Fantasy RP forum focused around a civilisation that heavily relies on magic in their day-to-day lives. PLOT There will be a main (site) plot along with player-made sub-plots for writers to enjoy. The main plot has yet to be fully hammered out, but we're thinking of going a Hero VS Greater Trials, as is often presented in Final Fantasy and other JRP games. INSPIRATIONS Final Fantasy, Suikoden, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, NieR Gestalt, Berserk, .hack//GU, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild PERKS
Jcink Premium
Custom skin by Von
Player-made sub-plots
Player-made sub-divisions
Player-made species based on Folklore
SPECIES Players will be able to draw inspiration from a variety of folklores - such as Japanese, Greek, and Celtic - when creating their characters. One can even make up their own species. We just ask that players refrain from evangelical (e.g angels) or undead (e.g. vampires) species to try and contain it somewhat. SOULHOUNDS Regardless of a character's species. all player-characters are a type of "Soulhound." Soulhounds are sentient beings attuned to the elements (e.g. water). What type of magic and/or abilities an individual can use depends on the type of Soulhound they are. The four types of Soulhounds are as follows:
SUNDOG This is the Tank or DPS type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are offence, defence, and/or DoT (damage over time) orientated.
MOONDOG This is the Healer or Support type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are curative or passive (including HoT [heal over time] or illusions and the like].
ECLIPSE This is the "adaptive" Soulhound and are very rare; it can switch between "sundog" and "moondog" stances.
TERMINATOR This is the "bogeyman" of the Soulhounds, and is very rare. Unlike the other three, they can't use magic - they can only negate magic. They can, however, use familiars.
ELEMENTS There are several elements: AQUA, IGNIS, VENTUS, TERRAM, ASTROLOGIA, NEUTRUM, OMNI. Each character may have up to two elements: one that they're born with, and one that they acquire through their life's experiences. While these elements dictate what sort of magic or ability your character may use, they are flexible provided they fit within the element. For example: Aqua is both ice and water, but you don't have to go for outright water; you can go for something like blood instead. SOULNAMES & GIVEN NAMES Characters are born with a "soulname" that are used in place of a given or surname. Soulnames are a word that describe their soul, like "Vigil" if a person's core characteristic is to be vigilant. INNATE ABILITIES The Soulname gives an individual an ability that's relative to their Soulname -an ability they're born with. For example, the name Vigil means to watch. Maybe Vigil's innate ability is to see in the dark without aid of a light source, or perhaps their sight is generally better than most and can see long distances without the aid of a scope. FACTIONS There will be four main factions: Armoury, Drug, Info, and Force. Each have their own purpose, and each have their own main villages. Armoury has craftsmen. Drug has alchemists. Info has scholars. Force has militants. SUB-FACTIONS are player-made divisions that exist within one of the four aforementioned factions. A player-made tribe of warriors would be under Force, for example. ADVENTURES & QUESTS While our main RP hub is in the Northern Territory (and everyone needs to be located there so we don't stretch too thinly location-wise), there are three other locations across the continent in which players may go out and explore of their own volition. Every once in a while, they may find some relics of the past, and/or ye olde lore tidbits. DEITIES At some point, there will be playable "false deities," one for each element. A player may only have one. I'm thinking we may unlock one or two at a time as the main plot unfurls. QUESTIONS Here are some questions others have asked:
Q: Will this be a statless, stat-heavy, or stat-light RP? A: Tentatively stat-light. You'll have points to distribute into attributes, but there'll be no math, dice rolling, or RNG. It's more for a quick visual reference like, "okay, my character is much faster than theirs; however, their character is much more durable than mine."
Q: Will there be any sort of stat progression, or just a set sheet with all stats from day 1? A: There'll be stats progression along with level progression. We'll have 7-8 levels and each level will be allotted X amount of points to distribute. Levelling will be optional for those who want to keep their characters at a low level.
CONCLUSION I think that's all I have to share at the moment! Please let me know if you're interested. I'll be sure to share a link here when it's up. :3 It's possible my mod and I may need help upon opening, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there! Thanks for reading.
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ani-nexus · 2 years
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SOULHOUND is currently a project in the making and will be playable sometime early Winter 2022 (or Summer for Australians & co). It will be an original 18+ Medieval Fantasy RP forum focused around a civilisation that heavily relies on magic in their day-to-day lives. PLOT There will be a main (site) plot along with player-made sub-plots for writers to enjoy. The main plot has yet to be fully hammered out, but we're thinking of going a Hero VS Greater Trials, as is often presented in Final Fantasy and other JRP games. INSPIRATIONS Final Fantasy, Suikoden, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, NieR Gestalt, Berserk, .hack//GU, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild PERKS
Jcink Premium
Custom skin by Von
Player-made sub-plots
Player-made sub-divisions
Player-made species based on Folklore
SPECIES Players will be able to draw inspiration from a variety of folklores - such as Japanese, Greek, and Celtic - when creating their characters. One can even make up their own species. We just ask that players refrain from evangelical (e.g angels) or undead (e.g. vampires) species to try and contain it somewhat. SOULHOUNDS Regardless of a character's species. all player-characters are a type of "Soulhound." Soulhounds are sentient beings attuned to the elements (e.g. water). What type of magic and/or abilities an individual can use depends on the type of Soulhound they are. The four types of Soulhounds are as follows:
SUNDOG This is the Tank or DPS type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are offence, defence, and/or DoT (damage over time) orientated.
MOONDOG This is the Healer or Support type of Soulhound. Their magics/abilities are curative or passive (including HoT [heal over time] or illusions and the like].
ECLIPSE This is the "adaptive" Soulhound and are very rare; it can switch between "sundog" and "moondog" stances.
TERMINATOR This is the "bogeyman" of the Soulhounds, and is very rare. Unlike the other three, they can't use magic - they can only negate magic. They can, however, use familiars.
ELEMENTS There are several elements: AQUA, IGNIS, VENTUS, TERRAM, ASTROLOGIA, NEUTRUM, OMNI. Each character may have up to two elements: one that they're born with, and one that they acquire through their life's experiences. While these elements dictate what sort of magic or ability your character may use, they are flexible provided they fit within the element. For example: Aqua is both ice and water, but you don't have to go for outright water; you can go for something like blood instead. SOULNAMES & GIVEN NAMES Characters are born with a "soulname" that are used in place of a given or surname. Soulnames are a word that describe their soul, like "Vigil" if a person's core characteristic is to be vigilant. INNATE ABILITIES The Soulname gives an individual an ability that's relative to their Soulname -an ability they're born with. For example, the name Vigil means to watch. Maybe Vigil's innate ability is to see in the dark without aid of a light source, or perhaps their sight is generally better than most and can see long distances without the aid of a scope. FACTIONS There will be four main factions: Armoury, Drug, Info, and Force. Each have their own purpose, and each have their own main villages. Armoury has craftsmen. Drug has alchemists. Info has scholars. Force has militants. SUB-FACTIONS are player-made divisions that exist within one of the four aforementioned factions. A player-made tribe of warriors would be under Force, for example. ADVENTURES & QUESTS While our main RP hub is in the Northern Territory (and everyone needs to be located there so we don't stretch too thinly location-wise), there are three other locations across the continent in which players may go out and explore of their own volition. Every once in a while, they may find some relics of the past, and/or ye olde lore tidbits. DEITIES At some point, there will be playable "false deities," one for each element. A player may only have one. I'm thinking we may unlock one or two at a time as the main plot unfurls.
QUESTIONS Here are some questions others have asked:
Q: Will this be a statless, stat-heavy, or stat-light RP? A: Tentatively stat-light. You'll have points to distribute into attributes, but there'll be no math, dice rolling, or RNG. It's more for a quick visual reference like, "okay, my character is much faster than theirs; however, their character is much more durable than mine."
Q: Will there be any sort of stat progression, or just a set sheet with all stats from day 1? A: There'll be stats progression along with level progression. We'll have 7-8 levels and each level will be allotted X amount of points to distribute. Levelling will be optional for those who want to keep their characters at a low level.
CONCLUSION I think that's all I have to share at the moment! Please let me know if you're interested. I'll be sure to share a link here when it's up. :3 It's possible my mod and I may need help upon opening, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there! Thanks for reading.
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gabzilla-z · 3 years
Are you familiar with the video games dark souls and bloodborne who were inspired by Berserk?
Yes I am
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