#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it
emometalhead · 16 days
#having a day full of mixed feelings#I suppose this is how life goes#I'm officially done with my Bachelor's degree as of today#obviously I'm proud of myself for the accomplishment and I was excited to be celebrated today#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it#I'm the first person in my family to get this degree and I was really looking forward to having today be my day#I had a really lovely morning and then things kind of waned#there were a few arguments. someone I spent the day with repeatedly made negative comments about something I care about#it felt awful. I know it was intended as more of a playful jab than anything but I directly asked for the comments to stop and they didn't#it especially hurt that it was a fandom thing and the person is so invested in their own fandoms yet they felt it fair to step on mine#even though I've never done that to them#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences#also as I said in the last post I was deeply upset by how my family members spoke of my 12 year old cousin#she's just a kid and some of our close family members have such a nasty opinion of her. she's so young and she's had a rough few years#but it seems like no one except my brother and I are willing to give her any grace#I think everyone else has forgotten what it feels like to be a kid and feel as if the world is against you#on a more positive note. I had a decadent slice of chocolate cake. it was heavenly#unfortunately I was really too in my head to fully enjoy it#literally every day for 3 weeks I've been talking about the lunch I planned to have today#I knew exactly what meal and dessert I wanted from the restaurant. it's my absolute fave and isn't available at any other local restaurant#I was totally starving by time we got to the restaurant. we were out all morning and I ate a tiny breakfast in anticipation of this meal#when we got there we found out they removed what I planned to order from the menu. I was devastated.#I know it's stupid but like this was the one part of my day that I've had planned for MONTHS and I've been thinking about it for weeks#we had a 40 minute car ride where I mentioned my excitement for the food no less than 10 times so this crushed me#also I'm just really picky in general and typically restaurants only have one or two things I'm able to eat#I offered to just eat the dessert while everyone else ordered food because they were all really hungry too but they wouldn't allow it#we left the restaurant and I still feel horrible for walking out. if I had known the item was removed we wouldn't have even gone there#it happened so recently though and I feel dumb for not even thinking to check the menu online beforehand#so we went to another restaurant and I barely ate anything and now I have no appetite for dinner and I feel bad for ruining the afternoon#even though it's my day and my celebration and I feel like I'm entitled to a slight amount of unreasonableness
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nobodyfamousposts · 6 months
Do you think people cling on too much to Adrien's high road advice as a reason to salt on him?
Yes, especially when there are plenty of other reasons to salt him that have previously been ignored. But to that end, it DOES serve as the final straw for people after a SERIES of problems that had previously gone unaddressed.
Much like many aspects of the show, Adrien has displayed problematic behaviors that have been overlooked and waved off in the earlier seasons. This is likely or especially due to the way how in each and every incident, Adrien was narratively shown to be correct. In his stance. In his choices. In his behaviors. He was always right. It doesn't matter if he shouldn't be, because he is.
Now unless you're a hater or anti or salter or whatever negative name people tend to get for not liking a story as it's presented, readers and watchers tend to follow along with the narrative as it presents things and how it presents things. It's a common setup in any story. Protagonist Centered Morality, I feel framed best by Susan in the Discord series:
Susan: ...and then Jack chopped down the beanstalk, adding murder and ecological vandalism to the theft, enticement and trespass charges already mentioned, but he got away with it and lived happily ever after without so much as a guilty twinge about what he had done. Which proves that you can be excused anything if you're a hero, because no one asks inconvenient questions.
Pretty much this. Most people will follow what the narrative says because it's the narrative. If the narrative wants you to focus on Marinette being embarrassed, you're going to focus on how much she's cringe. And if the narrative wants you to view Adrien as a perfect sunshine boy who never does anything wrong, anything he does is going to be framed through that lens and it's difficult to break from that view and call out the times when he is wrong. Not unless he does something particularly severe.
It should be noted that outside of Chameleon, Adrien had, among other things: lied to his partner, caused someone to get akumatized and had his partner take the blame, was messing around during life-threatening and city-threatening situations, did nothing as Chloe tormented people right in front of him, DEFENDED Chloe after she tormented people right in front of him, bailed on an event with friends to set up a date with someone who said she had other plans and then got mad at HER for it, tried to flirt or confess in the middle of an active crisis which took necessary attention away from said crisis, caused himself AND his partner to get hit by akuma powers and needlessly be taken out of commission.
And yet people could mostly overlook these instances. They weren't his fault. Chloe is his friend. Marinette is worse. He's just a kid. He has a tragic backstory. So on and so forth. Easy to overlook. Easy to ignore in favor of the Sunshine Boy setup people were given and want to believe in.
But there were three major instances that really grabbed people's attention and stayed:
His attitude in Frozer. It probably wouldn't have been so bad except this rejection already happened in Glaciator, where he was supposed to have learned a lesson and accepted just being Ladybug's friend and now apparently didn't, despite it happening earlier that very season. Then in response, he decides to date Kagami as a rebound, drags Marinette with him on his date (without realizing how he's asking his friend to be a third wheel on a DATE) and focuses on her when he's supposed to be with Kagami, throws another tantrum in the middle of an akuma fight and refuses to work with his partner when the city is literally frozen, and requires Ladybug to apologize to him for hurting his feelings before he finally working with her. Again. But okay, he's a teenage boy in love. Not used to rejection and got his feelings hurt. Lovesquare is endgame so of course it'll work out anyway, so it's not like this bump in the road is really going to matter long term so we shouldn't hold it against him. Fine. Dumb, but fine. We've forgiven it in other shows and other poorly done teen romances, we can forgive it here.
His behavior in Syren in which he demanded to know secrets from people when the secrets were not theirs to tell him, and went so far as to attempt to blackmail his kwami (which was funny) and threaten to quit and abandon the Ring that the big bad is after while the city is flooded and people were trying to not drown (which was decidedly less humorous). But it was played for wholesome when Plagg reassured him and he got what he wanted by Fu revealed himself even if Adrien did nothing to actually show he earned it, so all's well that ends well, I guess? And people could justify it because "they're partners" and "part of a team" and "she should trust him" and "it's not fair he's the only one left out of the loop" and "he has a right to know" and just general "Fu is an idiot" (which is admittedly hard to argue). So people were disgruntled, but most were willing to overlook it.
His holier than thou lecture to Marinette in Maledictator over everyone being happy Chloe was leaving. When all Marinette was doing at the time was watching everyone else have fun. When Adrien specifically guilted Marinette and not any of the other actual partiers involved who were literally throwing a party over his friend leaving and probably should have warranted a lecture more than the girl just standing there. When the girl in question was also Chloe's main target and out of everyone had valid reasons to be happy that her bully won't be around to bully her anymore. When Adrien himself has historically been present to witness Marinette being targeted including twice he witnessed Chloe attempt to steal from Marinette, once he witnessed her try to blackmail Marinette, and numerous other times when she actively caused harm to Marinette and others. When Adrien then proceeded to sit in a corner and pout rather than do anything else or just leave if the party really bothered him. When Adrien, if he really cared so damn much, could have gone after Chloe himself! Or y'know...have stood up for Chloe earlier when she got upset in the first place. But fine, okay, Chloe is his childhood friend. So maybe he's just being biased and oblivious to the fact that his "friend" is a horrible person. But people can excuse and justify it in that they are friends and friends support each other, and the longer someone is friends with someone else, the harder it is to break from them. And that Marinette was probably just the target of his lecture because she was the one there in the moment (and the only one who would listen without arguing). And her calling Chloe useless was "mean" despite it being quite frankly the least of what she could have said about her in the moment (coughcough theft cough blackmail cough punished the entire school cough TRIED TO CRASH A TRAIN AND NEARLY KILLED HER AND HER PARENTS COUGH-FREAKINGCOUGH). Fine. Childhood friend means Adrien supports her in all her horrible and even deadly actions. Frustrating, but again, able to be explained and you can see where he's coming from.
These are all things that definitely got Adrien some side eye at best and some detractors at worst.
BUT if you really think about it, all of these examples are objectively worse than his lecture to Marinette in Chameleon. Not accepting being told "no" and continuing to chase a girl who isn't that in to him (while leading on another). Putting lives at risk over personal wants that could quite honestly wait until AFTER the crisis is over. Defending someone who is harmful and guilt tripping the victims. Compared to those, telling someone to leave a liar to their lying seems relatively minor.
So why this? Why here? Why is it Chameleon that has people saying enough is enough? Why is it this episode that is causing the sunshine boy to be so tarnished and the subject of salt in fan fiction?
Because this is the time when it couldn't be rationalized. There wasn't even a valid sensible canon-based reason for his stance. The arguments that Adrien "knew confronting her wouldn't work" or that he "handled her like paparazzi" or that he "knew Marinette previously failed when she tried" (even though he wasn't there and didn't know) or that he "didn't think anyone would believe him" don't come from canon. Those were fan arguments made after the fact to justify him after the base was broken and the outcry became too much to ignore.
This case didn't have any of the ties or rationales of the previous incidents. Adrien wasn't defending himself or his place in a partnership. He wasn't fighting for his love or his dream or an outcome he wanted and that we all knew was coming—if anything, he was fighting against her. He wasn't defending a friend like he did with Chloe—I mean, it's pretty evident he doesn't even really know or like Lila at this point, and for all intents and purposes, this is apparently only the second day he actually had any interaction with her. There was no notable reason Adrien really had for why he essentially chose to protect Lila over literally anyone else as she wasn't a friend and it wasn't in his interests to protect her from a consequence that wouldn't hurt her short term as much as it would likely harm everyone else long term.
And yet, he still defended her and her freedom to lie. Over Marinette. Over Ladybug. Over his friends. Over any sense of right and wrong he seems to have no problem throwing around when it comes to Marinette/Ladybug. Which seems like he targets her 9 times out of 10 compared to pretty much anyone else by this point. So it's little wonder then that people who didn't already hate the lovesquare because of the cringe factor from Marinette started to hate it for being incredibly unhealthy given that their relatively limited interactions tend to involve him lecturing her for failing to live up to his double standards that only seem to apply to her in any given situation.
This incident by itself doesn't seem like much, but when looked at as part of the series as a whole, it's when people couldn't keep overlooking this trend. Where he seems to admonish the wrong person. Where he acts like a mouthpiece rather than a person. Talks like he’s wise in a situation he seems to have a childish and one-sided view of. Acts like a brat but is treated as though he has no accountability in the situation he causes. Where he is wrong but no one and certainly not the narrative acknowledges it (not until season five and two seasons too late when it doesn't matter and he's still not the one facing consequences for it).
And it's not like he actually follows the stances he himself promotes. In Chameleon, canon presents him with this idealistic stance that Lila could change if given a chance, except he doesn't give her a chance. He doesn't push her to be a better person. He doesn't support or in any way help her to be the better person he insisted to Marinette she could be. He also doesn't do anything or warn anyone when she keeps lying and actively harms the people he says he cares about. He doesn't do anything one way or the other other than some lackluster encouragement to stop lying and a warning that goes nowhere. It just further gives credit to the argument that Adrien either simply doesn't care about other people, or that he doesn't care for Marinette specifically. Neither is conducive to the lovesquare or the increasingly tarnished view of the "sunshine boy".
And it could have worked. Canonically and intrinsically to his character. His idealism and trust in the wrong person comes back to bite him. He learns and grows from it. Except that, much like with nearly everything he does in canon, Chameleon set it up that Adrien was the writers' mouthpiece and thus was not "wrong". I'll grant that they did have him admit it and apologize to Marinette for it two seasons later, but it is pretty evident that during Chameleon, they intended his lecture to be right, with no foreshadowing and no implication otherwise. And I'm fairly certain they only backtracked and had him do that much because of the amount of fan outrage over the episode.
So yes, I think his lecture in Chameleon was really a final straw since unlike Chloe, Adrien has NO relationship with Lila to justify his defense of her. Especially when the argument is in favor of letting her lie to the people he's supposed to care about. That combined with how jarring it was how most of the class just sided with Lila over the seat issue in the first place, and I think people were less inclined to just ignore the problems in the episode specifically and with the series as a whole as they were compared to the first and second seasons. Not just with Adrien, as we see that Alya also started getting more callout and salt since then as well as more retrospective scrutiny over her behavior in earlier seasons.
But yeah...Chameleon was where things seemed to take a 180, so it's bound to be the deciding episode and deciding incident that sticks out in people's minds with these characters. That's probably why it ends up the go-to for salt and complaints on the characters involved instead of any of the other incidents that would arguably warrant it more.
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jamjaemin · 8 months
One more night (M)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: idol bf!jeno x f!reader
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: +18 mdi pls
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⚠: explicit content, hard!dom jeno kissing, fingering, unprotected sex, doggy, possessive, orgasm denial, dirty talk, rough sex, Praising and degradation....
𝐰𝐜: 1.5k
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ONE MORE NIGHT is about missing your boyfriend jeno and the times you spent together. It's difficult to find that time again because of his work as a kpop idol, he's been so busy and you couldn't handle the distance asking to end this relationship just to threaten him. What's gonna happen when you tell him?
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Lately you had the idea that this relationship will not last forever, there's no deep-rooted feelings anymore those late-night conversations that lead to intimacy, confessing his love for you so many times and much more. It's just different now although he told you about how his job works and it's not the first time that you had an argument about this topic.
the night you opened your mouth again, jeno seemed like he was going to explode with anger, trying his best to control himself. Every word that came out of your lips burned the heart that loved you blindly. It is okay to be impatient but he's no different than u, you did not think about how much he was trying to make your relationship successful even if your intentions were not to end it, most of times he come tired and see you after work.
On the night he found free time in his schedule, in his car and after a date. The timing was fucked up the situation was fucked up and you were just fucked up. You noticed that he drove faster and how his grip tightened on the steering wheel, instead of getting in the same argument. His veins want to burst from his skin. He had enough of your complaints and it's time to make you pay for your unforgivable mistake.
"I think we finished this nonsense a long time ago baby, no?", he said with a low voice smirking, he know you can't just turn your back at him because you loved each other's and can't spend a day without hearing his voice, either seeing him in person or on a phone call when he's away. Jeno have his own ways to change your mind no matter what you tried to say but this time he will do what he want to do.
“Did you really think that talking it out would change anything?” you whispered grabbing hard on your bag .You knew you were hasty when you said that, and you regretted it deeply.
You shivered hearing his next words, “do you think threatening me would, kitten?” He said rising one eyebrow not expecting you to talk back like this glancing at you for a moment before looking at the road and sighed deeply.
"Tonight can't be enough to teach you some manners, i need one more night" his lips moved again while turning the steering wheel all the way to the right parking the car near the familiar place where you spend most of time with him.
"I didn't mean it i-" you stuttered panicking when he get out of the car opening your door and pulling you by your wrist strongly, slamming the door behind you "get the fuck out" his grip firm and you never seen him like this before.The possessive nature within him swelled, the need to keep you close overwhelming. He led you towards the entrance of the house, his presence providing a sense of security and stability but its scary because u never seen him this mad. With every step, his dominance and control radiated, a silent reminder of the power dynamic between you. You were his, and he was yours, and he relished in the knowledge of the depth of your need for him, "My wrist hurts so much jeno! Relax your grip, please"
Your body was slightly trembling like it's your first time although you had sex many times with jeno but this time feels different...like you're a virgin.
"Shhhh" his eyebrows furrowed shushing you. Your trembling only fuelled his desire, he tightened his grip on your wrist, offering a silent reassurance that worse is coming if you don't shut up. The realization that this time felt different, the power he held over you, the effect he had on your body and mind. With each step, your weakness only seemed to intensify.
As both reached the entrance, jeno's other hand slid into his pocket, retrieving the keys to the door. The cool metal pressed against his palm, With a flick of his wrist the door unlocked, dragging you inside. The click of the lock echoes in the silence and you know its your end.
"Look at me and say it again" He murmured "you can't" and he was right you wanted him so badly, his voice laced with longing closing the distance between your bodies and without wasting a second he smashed his lips on yours, he start kissing you hungrily and aggressively, pulling your hair while breathing heavily. Moving step by step, It didn't take long for him to push you making you lay down on the couch....the bedroom was upstairs and he's so impatient and desperate to fuck you here and now.
He takes his white dress-shirt off after unbuttoning it, ripped some buttons from the strength that he can't control especially when mad and turned on before he's hovering above you.
"Jeno no-" He didn't let you finish your sentence and attacked your lips again doing the same thing to your shirt sliding it off your arms and throwing it on the floor.
From your lips, he kisses down to your jawline. Then to your neck sucking on it hard as if this is the last sex he'll ever have leaving his marks of ownership. You bite your bottom-lip to stop any moans you make, but it wasn't worth it.. you were a moaning mess he knows your body so well and everytime you moan jeno would go wilder, he snipes your bra off and keep going down to your cleavage and breasts fingers find their way to your hardened nipples, pinching and squeezing the sensitive buds. You let out a sharp cry. "not t-there"
“here?”he suppresses a groan lips are attached to your bare nipples teasing the hell out of you, swirling his warm tongue and sucking loudly. Your hands tugging at the strands of his hair as you moan his name. 
"I don't want this" You squeezed your thighs together bucking your hips as he kiss on your tummy reaching to your skirt taking it off too as he growls "spread those legs for me, cmon" before he loses his shit.
So ashamed from yourself to do so because of your arousal, thinking for too long what to say but he can solve this with force, he's so strong for you making you spreading them wide enough.
"Please stop" you breathed trying to hide the wet spot in your panties with your hands but he uses more force grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head with one hand. "What's this baby, hm?"..your body jolted when jeno's long fingers slipped inside your panties feeling your wetness and teasing your clit making you squirm softly, even your own body betrayed you.
"Oh no, you lied to me twice princess" adding a rough whisper "Promise I'll not go easy on you" that ruined you immediately before he does.
"Jeno im sorry" You begged him, hoping he let it slide but lee jeno is lee jeno. your eyebrows frowning on how good he's making you feel waiting for his answer eagerly. "Too late" without a warning his fingers find their way inside your folds curling them and hitting every sweet spot of your needy pussy that makes writhing in pleasure.
"just like that...fucking slut, let me hear every sound you make" He added, straightening the fingers inside of you and going a little faster, loving how wet you were.“God, you're so wet and desperate for me.” 
You moaned louder as his thumb circled your clit, hips jutting up. “Ahh!—” Your pleasure soon turned to be unbearable “Oh, my god! hnn—Jeno!” He wasn’t gentle in the slightest, fingers working you until you were a sobbing mess beneath him, and just when you think you’ll come, he’s pulling away and slapping a hand against your quivering pussy. “You'll cum only when I allow you to” He rasps, mouth hot against yours.
"P-please don't do this to me I said I'm sorry" He let you whine but it wasn't long before you were interrupted by the sound of his belt, which made your poor body shiver.
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“I’ve ap- apologized, jeno sl- ow down.”Jeno ignored you and thrusted harder, earning another whimper from you. no matter how you move he wouldn’t budge.
Since you didn't stop moving and without hesitation he flipped you onto your stomach and spanked your ass until it's numb and red, grabbed your waist harshly making sure to leave his fingerprints on your skin as you arch your back from pain and pleasure. “This is what you deserve for being impatient" ,tugging you back against him until his cock went inside you again "you can do better than just apologizing with words, prove it to me needy girl.”
You moan, fingers clutching against the couch as he rains down another series of slaps against your ass, each one stinging more than the last. It’s on the fifth one that you bite down on the leather fabric, desperate to muffle the annoying sound of your voice.
Jeno doesn’t like it that much wrapping his fingers in your hair, tugging you up until your back is pressed against his chest. He growls against the shell of your ear. “You’re gonna cry, and you’re gonna do it loud, show me how sorry you are"
Your eyes were burning from all the crying, you ended up submitting to him. Allowing him to use your body however he liked. You were on the verge of passing out when he picked you up and began fucking you as hard as possible "scream my name and make me fucking proud"
"Jeno! I wanna cum please" You sob fingernails digging into his forearm. Him telling you how good you're taking his cock and that your apology is still not accepted, the tears of yesterday’s forgotten placed by tears of pleasure. "So pretty" a low growl escaped his lips.
an hour passed – maybe two – you’ve lost count from the amount of times jeno has made you cum after denying your orgasms for long enough to make you break, your legs are giving out, shaking from pleasure after teaching you a lesson of respect.
it seems he misses you just as much, can't stop fucking you even when your pussy is dripping full of his cum, breasts swollen all marked and ready to learn your second lesson of patience, one more night.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: hope you enjoyed it as mush as I did writing it, i ended up choosing jeno for this one bc he fits it perfectly and bc I couldn't stop thinking about being manhandled by him ^^ anyways ty for reading♡
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oliversrarebooks · 1 month
The Rare Bookseller Part 48: Fitz's Charms
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June 1905
TW: mind control, blood drinking
Fitz once again had a plan.
It wasn't much of one. But the past few days in the auction house, he'd had little to do but sleep, eat, play solitaire, read the books and magazines Alexander brought him, and think about how he could escape his seemingly inevitable fate.
It certainly didn't help that Alexander would fix him with a look of intense longing every time he returned to the room, catching Fitz in his gaze and invoking the intense, unnatural urge for fangs in his neck. The horror of the night of the auction hadn't washed that compulsion from his mind at all, and his dreams as he drifted off to sleep were full of  Alexander pulling him close, whispering his mesmeric song in Fitz's ear, humming softly as he bit into Fitz's tender flesh...
And yet, despite Alexander's very obvious desire, and the fact that he now owned Fitz (give or take his terrifying sire, who Fitz wished to put far from his mind), he never so much as laid a hand on him, explaining that he'd rather feed at home.
Fitz didn't accept this. They had complete privacy in the auction house room and  Alexander had originally intended to buy Fitz for exactly this purpose. He'd barely been able to hold himself back in the showroom, and he was obviously struggling to hold himself back now. No, there was something else at play. After giving it a great deal of thought, Fitz concluded that the most likely explanation was that Alexander did not want to grow too attached to him. Despite his grand promises, it was clearly difficult for Alexander to defy his sire in any way. If Alexander's plans to kill the Maestro failed, it would be much easier for Alexander if he didn't care, if he could simply hand over Fitz without a second thought.
Well, that wouldn't do.
Endearing himself to Alexander would be the key to his safety and eventually his escape, Fitz reckoned, particularly if Fitz could avoid getting entangled in inconvenient affection himself. It would possibly afford him more freedom and privilege, and the more Alexander valued him, the more he'd be spurred on to save Fitz from his cruel sire.
And there was one obvious way to start that process: enticing Alexander to feed.
The fact that this plan happened to dovetail with his own enthralled desires was just a happy accident, nothing more.
Fitz had been scheming the entire carriage ride to Alexander's manor, trying to look as enticing as possible in the shapeless frock the auction house had provided for him. Alexander spent most of the ride very interested in the bland scenery of the country road, looking anywhere but at Fitz, his aura betraying where his interests truly lay and sending Fitz's head spinning.
"Well, here we are. Please make yourself at home." said Alexander, removing his coat and shoes at the doorway as Fitz looked around. The manor looked considerably smaller than his childhood home, certainly older, and infused with the musty smell of old books.
A dusty intellectual, then, just as Fitz had suspected. He could work with that. Lord knows he'd charmed his way into the homes of many such an intellectual just by feigning interest in rare plants or mystery stories or whatever bee they had in their bonnet.
"I should show you around," saidAlexander. "This will be your home, now, and I want you to be comfortable. You're free to go where you please in the manor, and use what you will, as long as you don't harm the books or the instruments, or enter my private chambers uninvited. Is that clear?"
"Clear as crystal, sir," said Fitz, deliberately stepping much too close to Alexander, enjoying how he squirmed. It gave Fitz the welcome illusion that he had the upper hand, despite being locked into the manor of the vampire who owned him.
Alexander first took Fitz into an old-fashioned kitchen that was spotlessly clean. "I'll provide you with whatever food you request, but I'll expect you to cook it yourself. Can you cook?"
No, no he could not. Fitz's family had had a chef, and since running away, Fitz had only rented out rooms without access to a kitchen. He'd subsisted mainly on sandwiches, the cheapest diner food he could find, and, when he'd worked as a waiter, as much food from back of house as he could snatch. But Alexander didn't need to know that. How hard could basic cooking be? "I'll try not to burn the place down, sir."
"Burn the place down? You wouldn't --"
"That was a joke, sir."
"...Oh, yes." Alexander took a deep breath, apparently having taken that entirely seriously. 
"Are there any other thralls living here, sir?" Fitz already suspected the answer, given Alexander's air of desperation and how clean the kitchen was.
"No, it's only you."
"Very good, sir." That would certainly work to his advantage.
As Alexander left the kitchen and Fitz followed at his heels, he couldn't help but think of the food that awaited him. He believed that Alexander would keep him fed -- after all, he was apparently depending on Fitz alone for blood, and even the auction house had kept its prisoners fed well. His mouth was watering thinking of the steak and chicken he could be eating.
He'd just need to learn how to use a stove first. A minor detail.
"I hope you'll enjoy this. It's my music room," said Alexander, leading Fitz into an ornate room with a grand piano at its center. It was covered in a mess of sheet music and the bench was worn, indicating that it wasn't just a piano for show as many rich families had, but very well-used. An impressive collection of other instruments sat on the floor or hung from racks on the walls - a beautiful guitar that Fitz immediately coveted, several fine-looking violins, a brightly-painted harpsichord, a polished oboe.
"Yes, I do enjoy it, sir," said Fitz, lighting up. This was ideal -- music would be a way to pass the time and endear himself to his new master all at the same time. He gestured toward that gorgeous piano. "Do you mind, sir?" 
"Not at all. You did mention you play, didn't you?"
"I do, sir," said Fitz with a cheeky grin. "Just listen." He sat down at the bench, making a dramatic show of stretching his arms and cracking his knuckles, pleased to see Alexander giving him full attention. With a deft hand, he launched into a familiar ragtime tune, keeping time by tapping his foot on the floor. He was out of practice, having not played a music gig in several months, but despite a wrong note here and there he could still produce a pleasant enough tune. He looked up to see Alexander absolutely enraptured, a better response than expected considering his rusty piano skills.
"That was wonderful," he said. "What song was that? I've never heard it."
"You've never heard the Maple Leaf Rag, sir?" 
"I tend to be rather sheltered when it comes to newer music."
"Is that so, sir?" With a smile and a flourish, Fitz stood up and gestured to the piano bench. "In that case, I would like to hear some of your older music, if you don't mind playing, sir."
Alexander looked surprised and pleased at Fitz's request. "If you don't mind listening, I don't mind playing. It's far from perfect, though, I should warn you."
As Fitz leaned gently against the piano, Alexander took a small breath before starting in on the most complicated and arresting piano music Fitz had heard in his life. Nimble hands flew across the keys in patterns that were nearly impossible to follow with the naked eye, and despite Alexander claiming his performance was far from perfect, Fitz couldn't have identified one wrong note or missed beat if he tried. It was the sort of song and performance that demanded full attention, driving all other considerations out of the listener's head.
Despite the intense skill required to play the piece, Alexander's expression was not one of concentration. Instead, he seemed far away, as though his mind had departed his body.
"I'm a bit rusty. Apologies," said Alexander in all seriousness as he finished, as though he hadn't just given a virtuoso performance as casually as Fitz could plunk out a children's tune.
"That was... astounding, sir," said Fitz, caught off guard enough by the music that he didn't have a calculated answer. "I've never heard anything like it. What was the song?"
"It's a piano concerto written by a vampire composer, so not one you would have likely heard of. His works take advantage of the greater nimbleness afforded our kind." Alexander seemed oddly melancholy about having had the chance to show off a truly impressive skill. "Anyway, why don't we move on?"
He stood up abruptly from the piano bench, leaving Fitz to follow again, wondering what his next move should be. He'd thought the piano would be a winner, but it had only seemed to increase the distance between him and Alexander. 
"Allow me to show you my pride and joy, the library," said Alexander.
Fitz inwardly scoffed. How could a library possibly be more interesting than the music room? He'd seen plenty of personal libraries in his time, and had never been all that impressed by a rich person's ability to gather a bunch of dusty books they never actually read. Still, he'd have to pretend to be impressed.
It turned out that there was no need to pretend. This wasn't some small parlor with a few bookshelves. No, this so-called library actually took up what looked to be an entire wing of the manor. It was two stories high with bookshelves stretching straight to the ceiling, punctuated by rickety wooden ladders. And like the piano, it was very clearly in use, with books scattered all around the chairs and tables and lying in big stacks on a large wooden desk. 
"Well, what do you think?" said Alexander, clearly looking for approval in a way he hadn't with his piano playing.
"It's an astonishing amount of books, sir," said Fitz. "Have you actually read every one of these?"
"Most of them, yes, but there are some I haven't read cover to cover. Some of them are astoundingly dull histories that mostly have a place in cross-referencing other works."
Fitz leaned in close once more. "Astoundingly dull histories, sir? You certainly do know how to charm a man."
 Alexander didn't move away. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've attempting to charm me."
"And is it working, sir?" Fitz stepped closer, pleased when  Alexander found himself nearly pressed against one of his bookshelves.
"Perhaps."  Alexander seemed to be trying to compose himself. "Although I confess I don't see what the purpose is. At the auction house, you were trying to convince me to buy you. You did succeed, even if the ultimate outcome wasn't what either of us hoped. What are you trying to accomplish here?"
"Isn't it enough to want to please you, sir? Must you assume I have an ulterior motive?"
 Alexander seemed amused. "Oh, I know you have an ulterior motive. I'm only asking what it is."
"I was just thinking that you bought me for a reason, sir." Fitz had him practically backed up against the bookshelf by now. "And that reason so happens to coincide with the spell that our mutual acquaintance placed on me. So it's less of an ulterior motive, and more that our interests conveniently align."
 Alexander's eyes darted to Fitz's neck, his composure rapidly waning, and Fitz felt a thrill of power. For the first time since that fateful night when Miss Lily had volunteered to be his assistant, he felt like he had control over the situation, that he could skillfully manipulate things to go his way.
"Lily did condition you very well," said  Alexander, his voice wavering. "But I did intend for you to get settled in first before I sated my appetite."
"I'm pretty well settled, sir. I think I'm going to be able to make myself very comfortable here. But I don't want you holding back on what you really want to do. That never works out for anyone."
"Is that so?"
"You wanted me to offer my blood to you, didn't you, sir? That's what you told me when we first met. Well, here I am. Offering." Fitz shamelessly pulled aside the collar of his frock, exposing his neck, enjoying the way  Alexander's desire was settling around his mind, the way he had the vampire eating out of the palm of his hand. 
It happened so fast.
Fitz was being pushed onto the couch, cold hands gripping his shoulders, a mesmerizing song ringing in his ears. Unlike  Alexander's measured song at the auction house, this was desperate, needy, wrapping around Fitz's mind and pulling it beneath the waves before he could even comprehend what was happening. His plans and manipulation no longer mattered, dashed to pieces in the whirlpool of  Alexander's irresistible voice.
The only thing that mattered now was listening.
"You will obey, won't you?" whispered Alexander in his ear.
"Yes, Master." The instinctive reply tumbled from his lips, and he wasn't remotely prepared for how right it felt. How good he felt falling back into the magic.
No, the vampire was never eating out of the palm of his hand. That was an illusion, smoke and mirrors he set up to trick himself. Alexander was absolutely in control, and there was nothing he could do about it. But unlike the absolute control Alexander's sire had used on his body, this was like rest and calm and bliss all at once, quieting his busy mind, soothing it in a way he was rarely soothed, forcing a sweet surrender.
"You'll feel no pain. Only pleasure when I drink from you."
"Only pleasure, Master." That's it, that's all there was. Only pleasure from being buried in a tidal wave of his master's desire.
And then the fangs were in his neck, finally fulfilling the promise that was made to him the moment he'd been enthralled, and the remainder of his mind crumbled in an instant. His master drank hungrily from the twin wounds, lapping at the precious drops of blood, as Fitz slumped onto his shoulder, sinking into a euphoric daze. Fitz could somehow feel every drop of his master's intense desire for him, and it felt like Narcissus looking into his pool, like a starving man served a lavish banquet, like he would never be satiated.
He was wanted, oh, he was wanted and wanted and wanted --
The feeding was over too soon, too soon for Fitz to fully savor the dizziness in his head and the heaviness in his limbs from his master's feast, the proof of his quality. The proof that Fitz was worth something to someone.
"Such a good thrall," Alexander murmured as he cradled Fitz's head against his chest. "You're perfect, Fitz. You're absolutely perfect. And I'm not going to let anyone else touch you, not my sire, not anyone. You're mine."
"Yours, sir," said Fitz, and he had promised that very thing to so many people, but he'd never actually meant it until now.
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Next time, Alexander gets drunk.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin
@whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist
@xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini
@sowhumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada
@typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia
@a-formless-entity @gobbo-king @writinggremlin @the-agency-archives @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
@enigmawriteswhump @foresttheblep @bottlecapreader @whump-on-a-string @whumpinthepot
@cinnamoncandycanes @avvail-whumps @tauntedoctopuses @secret-vampkissers-soiree @whatamidoingherehelpme
@strawbearydreams @ghost-whump
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Dude I absolutely adore your Sephiroth angst fics, they're such good reads! I was wanting to request some angst with him around the Nibelheim Incident, his s/o accompanies him but ends up on the fire and he realises at the last second if thats a decent idea. Thank you again for all the quality fics :D
Thank you so much, it's always awesome to hear ppl lovin' them! I'm so psyched that people are finally requesting more Sephiroth 😁 Here you go and please enjoy.
Hold on (Sephiroth x Reader angst)
You had arrived at Nibelheim far later than Sephiroth and the others as Shinra, for some reason, had decided to put you in a separate truck and send you to join them at a later date. That, combined with the fact that the truck was overrun by monsters halfway through the trip, delayed you even furter, though that didn't stop you from coming up with a way to turn a disappointing situation into a happy one. You intended to surprise Sephiroth with your unexpected arrival, but unfortunately, you happened to set foot past Nibelheim's gate at the worst time imaginable.
You couldn't believe your eyes when you got there; the entire town and the woods surrounding it was on fire. Tall, bright orange and red flames shot up from the treeline, iluminating the sky with an ominous amber glow, meanwhile, terrified villagers ran out of their smoldering homes, scrambling for the path that led down to the road where they hoped they would be safe. Others were desperately trying to escape exhausted militiamen trying to guide them to safety, their terrified minds fixated on freeing a trapped or long dead family member crushed under the rubble.
As you beheld the scene, your mind grew frantic and began to spin with questions. What happened here? Where did this massive fire come from? Where were the SOLDIERS? Why weren't they helping the civilians? More importantly, what about Sephiroth, was he alright?
Panicking, you raced into town, ignoring the loud warnings of the rescue volunteers as they tried to keep you from rushing into your doom. You sped through the village, leaping over crackling logs and ducking falling planks of wood. The billowing gray smoke stung your eyes and burned your lungs, drying out your throat and making the simple act of breathing very difficult. Choking and hacking, you continued further into the blazing town square, soon arriving in the center of the smoldering village, where you were met with a collapsed water tower that burned just as brightly as the many crumbling homes around you.
"Sephiroth!" You screamed, voice hoarse and cracking. "Where are you?!" Shouting was a grave mistake. Your already irritated throat burned with the effort, causing you to double over, coughing so violently, you saw stars.
The flames were rising even higher now, to the point that the world seemed to be trapped in a cage of red and orange streaks. It would have been beautiful, had the smoke emanating from these flames not been choking you to death.
You were starting to feel lightheaded and dizzy and your knees were quivering fiercely, a sign you wouldn't last much longer. You were now faced with two choices: you could either stumble back out of town, and join the fleeing civilians, or continue onward in your search for Sephiroth.
Of course you chose the latter; how could you live with yourself if you didn't?
"Sephiroth!" You cried, again, still pushing forward despite your shaking knees. "Where are you?!" You suddenly tripped over a rock, hitting the dirt much harder than you expected. Your bones ached; they were probably badly bruised now, but that didn't stop you from continuing to claw at the dirt in a vain attempt to stand, key word being "attempt". Your limbs, which felt like wobbly twigs, gave out without much resistance. You crumbled to the ground once again and lay there as scorching hot walls of fire spiraled out of control all around you.
There was so much smoke now, it made your stomach churn and breathing painful. You knew you weren't going to last much longer, but what could you do to save yourself? You couldn't even move. Tears began to well up in your burning eyes and slide down your cheeks as fear and worry overwhelmed you. It didn't matter what happened to you; all you wanted was to know Sephiroth was safe.
As if the universe were answering your plea, you faintly caught sight of a pair of black combat boots slowly trooping across the scorched ground.
"Sephiroth?" You rasped, voice barely audible over the crackling of burning wood.
"This cannot be...Y/N?" The pair of black boots hurried towards you with speed you'd never witnessed before. In seconds, the silver-haired male was at your side, strong, gloved hands gently lifting you up and turning you over. Your hazy, smoke-clouded eyes blinked at him slowly as you struggled to focus on his worried face and those beautiful, yet strangely sad green eyes that were so intently focused on you.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The longer you looked at him the more you realized how different he seemed. There were dark shadows under his eyes; shadows you don't remember seeing. There was also a strange, almost insane gleam to his eyes, like a light shining at the end of a dark hallway.
"Sorry I'm a little late," You chuckled, coughing. "Surprise."
"You fool." Sephiroth mumbled, shaking his head at you. A few locks of his long, soft hair fell over his shoulder and cascaded onto the ground, the shimmering silver a stark contrast with the dark, scorched ground.
"Why did you come all this way? You should have remained at the entrance, or left. You know it isn't safe." You shook your head, smiling.
"I...wanted to...make sure....you're...ok..." You reached up and gripped his hand as tightly as you could; your head was getting lighter and lighter and you needed something to ground you.
"You...were concerned? For me?" Sephiroth sounded as if he couldn't believe you cared about him, which was odd because you always showed and told him you did.
"Of course..." You replied, realizing how hard speaking was growing. "I love you...why...wouldn't I be concerned?"
"Don't you know what I am?" Sephiroth asked, shaking you slightly. "Do you not understand with whom you are conversing?"
"You're...the love of....my life, Seph...that's...good enough...for me..." You punctuated your words with another series of violent coughs. Sephiroth could see your already labored breathing was worsening and could tell by the way you were squinting that your eyes burned so much you couldn't keep them open. When he felt your grip on his hand loosen, he felt true fear for the first time in his life.
"No, no, no, no, no, don't let go. Do not let go. Hold on to me. I...I will get you to safety." He was breathing heavily himself, his heart pounding in his hands. This wasn't supposed to happen. You shouldn't have come here. He couldn't lose you, not here, not anywhere. He refused to lose you. He was the Chosen One, come to reclaim the Planet, and you--you were to be his beloved bride. He couldn't lose you here, he refused to even consider the possibility!
"I can't hold on," You whispered, shaking your head weakly. "I...I'm slipping..." Your vision blurred, but you were vaguely aware of something warm and wet falling onto your face--tears, perhaps?
"Please...don't go...I need you," Sephiroth said, voice brittle, grip around your hand tightening. "Hold on. Please."
"I can't," You repeated, feeling consciousness starting to fading away; the sensation akin to falling asleep. "I'm sorry...I...just...want you to know...I love...you."
Your entire body had gone numb and cold now; you couldn't see and your throat hurt too much for you to even talk. It was a good thing your vision had left you, because it meant you couldn't see the horrified, pained expression plastered on Sephiroth's face as he desperately tried to keep you awake--but his efforts were in vain. You were gone.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
(12) fake stories. 📝
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I found this here and i haven’t seen this compilation or post before. I might have read some on it’s own but it’s only now that I knew where it came from.
The proxies are not written by me, they were discovered by archaeologists, everyone can just read them as fakes. I am a proxy shooter, although I know that I have the same status as an illegitimate student in the fan circle, but I also want to support a family.
In the four years of working in the industry, I have photographed many celebrities, and because of this, I accounted for the first pot of gold in my life. Received from last December, It is a job similar to illegitimate life. It is very labor-intensive to follow two boys in my city, so I accepted it. I did, but I didn't expect to fall into the pit of these two people, which made me feel so lucky to meet them. Tell you what I know.
Big / Older = XZ ; Small / Younger = WYB.
Before you start reading, based on the stories below, this was 2018 when they were still filming CQL. Probably some early 2019, the gist is, their popularity did not “explode” yet because of the Drama. So this is why, they were not as careful yet. This will never happen after their change in status as celebrities. They are very much guarded all the time now. Even if there are slip-ups in the years ahead like 2020.
Take this as fake. Fan fiction. This is not me “confirming” things or anything. I primarily wanted to post and share for archive purposes.
Some might be confusing, I tried hard to make sense of what was being said by OP.
1. At the beginning of February, the younger one met the older one at a tea house near a high-end residential area in Beijing. This is CK Tea House. In fact, there is a private chef, with relatively high concealment, there are three people at the same time, eating normally, and the big one after eating drove away by himself, and the small one went with another person.
2. The two met in March and recorded a song. The older one arrived first and it was difficult to park. His driver was in Guangzhou. I wandered around the field for a long time. The big one waited until the small ones came and got off. It was normal to meet and say hello. ( OP might be talking about Wuji recording )
3. At the end of March, my colleagues told me not to go to the original community to squat anymore, saying that the older one moved out of the community, so it was I who came to the address of the new community he gave me, squatting for a whole day without seeing anyone, watching their fans. this time should be in Beijing. That's right, I think it might be that he really is a nerd. He is not out today.
Well, just getting ready to go. I found out, the little one after following up for a while, I found out that he is walking @ Qingliu in the village, without an assistant to accompany him, he entered the community with a lot of food in his hand. This community — If you are not a resident, you can't get in, unless you have to verify with a resident before you can go through the registration, which means that he has a verification on his body.
The door is locked, I guess he also lives here, sure enough, he has not been out all night, he lives in this community, Real hammer. I reported this matter to the girl who gave me money, because no photo of the same frame was taken. So the salary is very little.
4. The father of the gold master gave me three times the money and asked me to follow the itinerary. I didn't know that the drama they filmed was about to be broadcast. To follow, under the temptation of money, I still left my dear Beijing. mid june, the older one was in a white T-shirt and the small one appeared on the side of the parking lot of a certain gold square on a certain Jing Road, probably waiting for the car to come out, and it was him. The two of them, I did not see the assistant, both of them wore masks, I have to say that the big one is really tall, and the small one passed a bag of things to the big one, the big one takes it, shakes it, looks at the small one, and laughs under the mask.
5. It was still June, and I found that my Alipay in June was really contributed to them. The price of a certain place is really almost the same as Beijing. Let’s continue, the big one and the small one came out together after the publicity, and there is a certain tolerance in the same industry. A young boy, probably promoted together. I'm such a bad fan, I really haven't watched their drama, so I can't name the boy, but I do know, 4 people got into two cars, the big one and the small one didn't get into the same car, and the assistant followed them to a restaurant hall. A total of seven people went in, the big one went in last, the big one didn’t know what to say to the young one. Well, it's the kind of ear-whispering that the two assistants may be familiar with it, and didn't look up at them. They all held their mobile phones to look at their own, and when they finished talking, the older one touched the little one's head, and the little one looked at it.
You can’t tell if you’re smiling or not, and here’s the point, the point where I got into the pit! That’s the point,. I didn't give the photo to the donor's father, so now I can only take pictures of other small fresh meat to pay off the mortgage.
It was 11 o'clock after dinner, I was lying on the steering wheel like a dog, they came out, they went in. There were seven at the time, but for some reason, nine came out. Well, I don't know about the other two either,They seemed to be saying goodbye, they patted each other on the shoulders, the big and small saw off the others, and the big assistant handed over a black jacket, the big one placed it on the little one, and zip him up. The weather is really fine this time, there is no need to wear clothes, the little one stretched his big arms, the big one lowered his head. I don't know what they said, and we walked to the side together. I really can't see it from that angle, I can't see it
Yes, I don't make it up. The two assistants were still chatting about themselves without looking at them, and about five minutes passed.
When the milk tea in their hands was ready to drink, they came over and said something to the assistant, they gestured. Then the two took the same car and left, they took the other one, and the assistant gave the younger one a bag and a brown paper bag. I continued to follow them to the center of XX Wen Avenue, the gate of XX Community in Times
The small one and the big one got off the car, but the car didn't go into the basement, these two people really have big hearts, the big one took things from the bag. the small one holds the bag in one hand, and the other hand starts to walk on the back of the big one, and the big one takes out the things. He touched Xiao's head again and smiled. I'm sure both of them were smiling, although they were wearing masks, their eyes is curved, very sweet smile. I suddenly felt that maybe it wasn't really brotherhood, it was a beautiful danmei. The plot made me delete the picture of two beautiful people looking at each other. Two people showed things to the property manager to look in. I guess they belong to one of the houses, but they definitely don’t live there often. I’ve been in this business for four years, and I’ve met a lot. Many surface brothers stabbed in the back, this kind of pure feeling is very beautiful.
6. After sending a photo to Xiaoxianrou and expressing his satisfaction, will I rely on him for my future funding source?
After going in, I didn't go out all night, of course it was already a little bit faster when I went in. i didn't drink in the shop, just make do with one night in the car to save money. The little one came out at five o'clock, wearing a black mask. The hood and hat, the top of the clothes were changed, and a brown Buick went in, and the big one didn't come out. The older one came out by 7:00 with no change of clothes, carrying a paper bag, wearing a hat and a mask, his eyes were obviously tired, and got into a car
I was very hesitant about whom to separate from, I decided to go with the older one, but he got on the highway, I wondered if I had returned to Xiangshan, so I reported it to the benefactor, but I didn't dare to say that I saw it last night.
7. After returning to Beijing, I did the math and spent a total of more than 6,000 yuan. You may ask me why I spent so much? Let me tell you, the oil price is really high, I didn't fly because it's not easy to hide, but the Lord is very generous and reimbursed them all. When I got home, I seriously searched Baidu for the two boys I was following. The drama is a danmei drama, no wonder the gold master keeps asking me if I see any sparks, she is one their fans, I've seen a lot of girls like her, basically I don't have time, but I'm curious about what celebrities are doing
They will send us out, They asked me to go to Xiangshan with the big one, I said you don’t like small one? Why? Why do you have to talk to the big one? They told me that since he finished his class visit in Hengdian last June, he felt Of course I have accepted it now, but I still want to know if it is true, so I I went to Zhejiang with full expectations. The plane I took this time was too far away, and my friend over there was picking me up at the airport is also in this business. He told me that he is very familiar with the places where the big one were photographed, and even the place where he lived.
I also know that Xiangshan Film and Television City is very broken. When I saw the big one, I felt that he was with the young one.
It's different, it's very quiet, and when I'm not taking pictures, I hold my phone and make a voice call, and I don't know what to send.
8. In late June, it started to get hot on the Xiangshan side, and there were a lot of mosquitoes. The big filming was very serious, although it was far away, but from the lens, the expression is still in place. There is a shot of a girl, that's that the little girl of 101, she is very good-looking, in a dilapidated town, she gave him a hand.
The drama may be a fairy tale drama, why do you wear such clothes. The hostess handed him iced water, he took it and smiled. He might have said thank you but I can’t see the shape of the mouth clearly. The heroine left. The older one put down the water and picked up a cup on the ground. After drinking water, I took out my mobile phone and continued to make a voice call. The voice was very obvious, because I used my ears to hear it after I finished speaking.
Listen, I laughed sweetly throughout the whole process, I was wondering if he sent it to the little one, but there is no evidence, so let’s not talk about it.
9. The filming is over at 8:00 p.m., there is no big night filming today, and it takes 30 minutes to drive back to a certain hotel. The fast one, the big one signed autographs and took photos with three or four fans at the entrance of the hotel, very gentle, without losing his temper,
After he entered, the fans left. When I was considering whether to leave, the older one came out again. He was already driving.Wearing a black jacket with shorts underneath, a hat and a mask, the assistant drove a black car. The SUV went out, took the Yongguan Expressway (belonging to Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province), and finally got off in Shanghai, I followed. It took three hours. I have to say that the big car has very good driving skills. I was driving a friend's car and almost lost track.
Closer to home, the older one stopped and drove in the green city community of a certain village. Even though the star is not very popular, he is a public figure after all. If he is so laborious, how should he meet. About an hour later, that is, around 12:40, because my mobile phone is almost out of battery,I took a look, and a small car appeared, got off the car, but the car did not enter the community. With a Shoulder bag, carrying things, I can’t tell what I’m carrying, there’s a lot of them in the bag, I carried them in.
The next day at 6:00 a car came out and parked on the parking lot outside the community, a small car came, and a small car got off. In the car, the clothes were not changed. The older one got out of the car and said something to the younger assistant, and patted the younger one on the back.
After watching the video, the assistant got into the car and took breakfast for the older one. After the older one got on the bus, the younger one also got on.
10. The older one returned to the set at almost 11 o'clock, and the assistant waited for him while walking and talking, walking very quickly, at night. It was a big night filming, and the howling sound from the heavy rain was heard far away. After returning to the hotel, he didn't come out again. End of june, I have been in Xiangshan for almost half a month, and I only saw the two of them once. I wonder if I am overthinking it, but I think it's the best way to give money back to the sponsor. After six o'clock in the evening, the crew puts out the meal, and the older ones enter the house to eat. I couldn’t get a picture of the meal, so I asked my friend, and he said that it would be finished in half a month, and asked me to wait another two weeks
God, I said yes, that night a black business car came to the crew and parked at the south corner of the film and television city, near the big car, the big one. After a while, I quickly walked out of the crew and got into a black business car. I didn’t look like it. The small car followed, they drove to the beach of the fishing village, the big one got off, the headgear was not taken off, and the clothes were changed into Simple T-shirts and shorts, and small ones, long sleeves and black slacks, two people on the beach. Walking up is very weird, because the seaside is very cold at this time and there is no one there. The small car parked in my car about 15 minutes.
I was really worried that I would be discovered, so I drove the car calmly to the east side of the beach in the fishing village, getting closer to these two people, I can only see that the older one took off the smaller hat and put it on his own head, and the hair was covered
From my point of view, he really looks like a woman with a good figure, with his small hands wrapped around his waist. Two people are talking, I don't understand lip language, and I can't see clearly, so I see the big one leaning back, and the small one may be afraid that he might fall, the stairs should be tighter. After about five minutes, the little one sat on the beach with his hands loose, and the big one sat down.
Looking at him, the little one looked up, and the two looked at each other. The older one sat down and definitely held the younger one's hand. I can see that the big one took the small hand and put it on his lap, and then he kept his head down and talked,
Maybe the big one rubbed his arms when it was cold, and the small one rubbed his hands back and forth on the big arm, and then pointed to the car, after a while, two people got into the car, the big one went back to the set, the young one continued in the car, early morning. It was three o'clock when the filming was over, and after taking off my make-up, I got into the small car, and the two of them went to a villa in a certain town, but I couldn't get in,
I really couldn't bear it anymore, so I went to find a place to sleep. When I woke up, it was past ten o'clock. I don't know if I should go or not.
I went back to the film and television city. My benefactor no longer needs me to follow, I have already witnessed this beautiful relationship. The love is young, but pure, don't destroy this relationship, so everyone just wait silently. Many people ask me if I am the king of the mountain, I don't know how can two people be so absolute when they are together, I believe it more —- Bo Jun Yi Xiao, that's all
11. When I arrived at the film and television city, my friend brought me fruit and told me that these two dramas were about to be broadcast, and they were not bad. It was the first time in my life that I became a member to watch a TV series, and it was because of their good drama. I don’t know when it was filmed.
At that time, whether the relationship between the two people was so good, but now I feel the contact like a family member, which is what I like.
I went back to the set, and it was like this again. I didn't go out after nine days, and everything was normal. At the beginning of July, the itinerary says to go to Changsha and recorded an entertainment program, and both of them went, so I bought a ticket, but I didn't get the program list. On-site tickets at production time. I left one day earlier than the older one, because I had to find a place to live and I had to pack a car. Bare feet can't keep up with the speed of the two of them. Two days ago, I squatted at the door of a certain electric station, the first time I recognized. Realizing that they are really popular, many fans are already outside, it is not the same as half a month ago, The small one who came first, the bodyguards and assistants were all there after getting off the car, and went in after getting off the car, and then the older one came. It's the second time I saw the big one with bodyguards. I followed it so many times, except for attending the endorsement, There are bodyguards, I have never seen his bodyguards, the big one also went in. I'm bored waiting, I'll just turn around at the door
Turn around, I heard a little girl say that Bo Jun and Yi Xiao must be real, that's when I knew they still have CP fans name the little girl is very cute, ask me brother, you also kowtow cp, I said my girlfriend likes them, so I will come and see
At a glance, the little girl gave me a popular science about the interaction between the two of them, saying that the brotherhood is very strong, I laughed.
The recording lasted around nine o'clock. I thought it was very fast to watch the show, but I didn't expect it to be recorded for so long. The older one and the other two men come out together, the big one wears a white t-shirt, the small one wears a black t-shirt, the other man wears a black hat and a green t-shirt, they come out. Then I drove to a fast food restaurant. There were not many people in the restaurant, so it was not easy to find an angle to take pictures. There was no shelter around, the big one sat with another man, and the small one sat opposite, one of the scenes was impressive, the small one
The one who didn’t know what he ate had a tangled expression on his face, the older one gave his own water to the younger one, and the younger one took it and went straight to drink it immediately, and the buddy next to me didn't say anything.
maybe it's not surprising, except for me, I really don't use other people's cups, even my parents. After dinner, the three of us went to the Rongguo Hotel, I feel that artists are really rich, the security is very good, I can't get in.
12. I went back to Xiangshan to continue filming at 6 o'clock on the second day. In fact, it was a reshoot. It’s green, the crew was too dark when it was finished, and the lights were yellow, which made the big one look very lonely, I don’t know — is it because I have seen him happy, I always feel that he is very distant from people and things in the crew, and the fireworks rise.
From now on, the trip to Xiangshan is over.
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bradtomlovesya · 1 year
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You only have a couple minutes left and you still have to say goodbye.
Warnings: ANGST! (in capital letters). Mentions of death, mentions of blood, injuries.
w/c: 2.1k +
A/N: This is the most harmful shit I have ever written so read under your own risk. I went to sleep at 3 am for this. I was literally sobbing. I hope you like it and likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciate it. Love ya.
Support and author by sharing their work. (Gif not mine)
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You should have listened to Peter when he told you not to go on that road trip alone. You didn't want to put it off. A member of your family was going through a difficult situation and you had to be there for support. Your home was 3 states away from where you lived with Peter so it would be a long road trip, you hated planes so you went by car.
It's too late now to regret it.
"I don't like the idea of you going alone. Let me come with you." Begs your boyfriend as you pack your suitcase in the car.
"You know you can't, you have a thesis to present and I can't keep putting it off. My family needs me, Peter."
"I know they need you. I'm not telling you not to go but please take me with you." He takes your hand.
"I'll be fine." You kiss his lips and get into the car.
The smell of blood now flooded your nostrils and your ears endured a ringing that seemed to have no end.
Breathing burned. Your lungs begged for oxygen but it felt like a burn every time you gave it to them.
You had no reason for time or space. You had no idea why everything looked so blurry. Maybe it's a dream, one of those many bad dreams you've had.
There is a face in front of you. A young man with a bloody forehead and nose. You want to ask him if he's okay but you're too stunned to utter a word.
You know he's saying something by the way his lips are moving but you can't hear it, yet.
Your brow is furrowed. You try to bring yourself back to the here and now. ~Concentrate, y/n.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry." You manage to finally hear what the young man says and pick up his phone to call an ambulance. You don't look at all well. "Can you hear me? Are you okay?" He tries to get your attention.
"I can't move," you mumble. The more you regain consciousness, the more you notice the terrible pain in your head and in your stomach. Right in your right side.
"Yes, yes she's conscious but she's on the tarmac. It's very dark, I can't see anything." The stranger sobs next to you. "You have to come now, please." He mumbles an address you can't make out and focuses his gaze on you. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He moves his free hand towards you but regrets it just before he touches you.
"Hey, take it easy." You try to stay calm for both of us. "What's your name?"
"Tyler" he replies wiping his nose and puts the phone aside as soon as the call cuts off.
"Tyler, it's y/n." You make a great effort to speak. Only one of you can move and that's not you so you do your best to calm him down.
"Are the paramedics coming?" You look him in the eye and feel your side twinge.
"The call went dead." He explains. "The girl on the phone said to stay calm."
"Did you give them our location?" you ask hopefully.
"Yes, I did. They said they would send someone as soon as possible but the call was cut off."
You close your eyes for a moment trying to let the pain subside but it only gets worse. "Try calling them again and stay with whoever answers the phone while they arrive."
Tyler nods and after a few tries manages to connect the call. The girl behind the phone asks him to describe what he sees and that's when you get an idea of how bad it is.
The front window of your car is broken. You were thrown out because of a seatbelt failure. Your leg looks broken, according to Tyler, and worst of all, there's a pool of blood coming out of your right side. That explains the stinging you feel.
"That's not good, is it?" You ask trying to hope. The paramedics will arrive and everything will be fine.
"The girl says to put my hands on your wound and keep them there until the paramedics arrive." Tyler moves his hands and asks permission before placing them on your wound making you cry out in pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeats over and over.
"It's okay," you try to control your breathing and feel your eyes roll back in your head.
The girl on the other end of the phone, now in a loud voice, asks Tyler not to stop talking to you and he does. You must stay conscious.
You respond a few times to his nervous attempt at conversation, tell him about your life and try to focus on something beyond the pain.
Minutes pass. Many minutes. Forty minutes, to be exact, and still no sign of help.
Your body feels weak and keeping your eyes open becomes increasingly difficult. That's when you remember how far you were from the nearest town or city when you had the accident and reality hits you in the face.
"Tyler?" You put your hands on top of his looking for some warmth. You're cold. it's cold.
"Yes?" he replies almost immediately.
"What does the ambulance girl say?" You ask.
"That we should wait a little longer. Help is on its way," he says with feigned assurance. He tries to convince himself that the paramedics will arrive on time.
"I need your help with something." Tyler nods for you to continue. "Please look for my phone in my car and call Peter. He's my boyfriend."  You ask. Now you understand you're on borrowed time.
"No, the girl said my hands are the only thing that stops the bleeding long enough for help to arrive. I'm not moving." He denies.
"Please." You beg, feeling an immense urge to cry but you're too weak to do so. "We're in the middle of nowhere and, look at me, I don't have much time left."
"No, please. They're going to come and you're going to be fine." he cries again inconsolably. He knows you're right.
"Tyler, please," you plead with every ounce of strength you have left. "I don't want to leave without saying goodbye."
The young man hesitates, not wanting to take his hands away and then regret it. But he feels so guilty about the accident that he agrees and reaches for your phone.
One ring, two rings, on the third ring, Peter answers the call. Tyler puts the speakerphone on and puts his hands back on your side.
"Love, are you coming back? Did you stop for lunch?" Peter asks through the speaker.
"Peter..." you smile sadly at the sound of his voice and feel tears well up in your eyes.
"Is everything alright? You don't sound so good." The concern in his voice is noticeable.
"Peter, I had an accident on the way home. You get straight to the point, you have no time to waste. "It doesn't look very-" you cut off your coughing breath and the metallic taste of blood floods your mouth. "It doesn't look good for me."
"Wh-what?" you hear her breathing hitch. "Where are you? I'll come right away. Tell me where you are," he asks.
"I'm far away, Pete," you murmur and close your eyes to rest for a moment, just a moment. "I don't have much time left."
"What about the paramedics? Are you alone? I'll call 911," you hear the keys on the phone in your shared flat click and you open your eyes again.
"I'm with Tyler, he was in the accident with me and he's looking after me" you smile weakly at him. "But we're so far away from everything, love. I don't want to waste my last minutes talking about how far away the paramedics are." You plead.
"Don't say that, please. You're going to be fine" He reasons as fast as he can. He's still processing the information.
"I love you, Peter Parker. I love you with every fiber in my body." You struggle to hold on a little longer. Just a few more minutes, please.
Peter walks out into the street and gets into a taxi.
"I'll track your phone. I'm going to find you. You're not going to die, okay?" You hear his voice crack.
"Remember that summer at the beach when we saw that family playing ball?" You change the subject.
"Y/n..." tries to stop you from speaking but you continue.
"You said you wanted a family as happy as that." You smile at the memory. "A wedding, two or three kids, a little house in the suburbs, a job from home so you could spend time with the kids, and a Golden Retriever for a pet." You feel tears running down your cheeks. "I would have loved to have been able to give you all that, it was my dream too."
"We will. We will, just-" he takes a big breath of air so you he doesn't collapse in the taxi. "Hang in there."
Peter would have preferred to swing but there are no buildings outside the city and he would have had to hang up the call. He wasn't going to hang it up for the world.
"I'm sorry I argued with you about that new TV. I love our movie Fridays." You admit. "It wasn't an unnecessary expense."
"I know. I bought it for you," he sobs. This can't be the end.
"Little May and little Ben would have loved movie Fridays too. Especially since their dad would have made the richest and weirdest popcorn combinations." You laugh before coughing again and spitting up blood.
"May and Ben are the best names" he laughs sadly. "Y/n please, I can't lose you too. You're all I have left" you hear him crying on the other end of the phone. It's clear he's not trying to control himself anymore.
"I'll love you even when I'm gone" you whisper and leave your eyes closed for a longer period of time.
"Please open your eyes, y/n" Tyler moves your face with one of his hands and you open your eyes again.
"Listen to him, don't close your eyes," your boyfriend denies into the phone. He has never felt so helpless in his entire life.
"I'm tired" you fix your blurred gaze on the phone lying on the tarmac next to you.
"You can't leave, not like this" he wipes away his tears and tries to control his breathing but it's unavoidable. "I have to marry you..." he pleads.
"If you want me to marry you you have to ask me first" you joke.
"Will you marry me?" Peter asks between sobs as he thinks about the box with a ring hidden in his old Spiderman uniforms. He was going to ask you very soon, he didn't expect it to be like this.
"Yes and a thousand times yes," you smile with your eyes closed but open them again to look at Tyler. "Did you hear that, Tyler? I'm getting married." You say with as much excitement as you can muster. "You're invited to the wedding." You mumble closing your eyes again.
They stay open too little time, they're too heavy.
"You can take the ring out of your uniform box now," you mutter lower and lower.
"Did you know that?" your boyfriend asks in surprise.
"I know all about it, my super hero" your breathing slows down.
Peter looks at his phone. There are miles between you. He won't make it in time.
"No, you're the super hero. It's always been you," he presses the phone to his ear. "I love you, Y/n y/l/n."
"I love you too, Peter," you murmur almost inaudibly. "Can I ask you something?" You use the last of your strength to speak a little louder.
"Whatever" Parker nods quickly.
"Promise me that you won't stop looking for love and that you'll try to be happy even if it's not with me." You say earnestly.
"I can't do-" you stop him before he says anything else.
"Promise me, Peter. Please promise me. I have to hear you say it."
Peter swallows hard. He doesn't want to do anything you just said. How could he be happy without you? But nevertheless, he responds.
"I promise," he says before bursting into tears again.
This can't be goodbye.
You're exhausted, you don't think you can keep your eyes open for much longer. A few seconds pass and all you hear is Peter's sobs on the other end of the line.
"Y/n?" he asks but you don't answer. You vaguely hear him but the voice is getting further and further away. "No no no no, y/n answer. Please" exclaims your boyfriend. "Don't go" he clenches the phone tightly in his hand.
Endless memories flash through your mind.  You are glad that they are happy for the most part.
Is this what it feels like to die? At least you were able to say Goodbye.
Peter Parker Tags:
@raajali3 @fangirling-galore @powerpuffluuvv @itszulli @hallecarey1 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kaitieskidmore1 @lnmp89 @pure-a-tea @vixparker @army24--7 @spiderydreams00 @my-name-duh @nani-2305 @mochimm @ietss @prancerrparkerr @Lynnzilla3000 @hpsgirlrw @Lynnzilla3000 @hollandweather
Let me know if you want to be added/removed.
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imahinatjon · 1 month
The Train Ride Home
Ranpo x Reader 💗
Decided a Rewrite was in order. So many mistakes in the last one.
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A Detective, stood behind you, swaying side to side in all his 'glorious fatigue', trying to prove to you how tired he really was... but, well, you were on the train, heading home, standing up because there were no seats available. It would be less than ideal if he were to fall asleep right now.
"Why didn't we get the earlier train?" He whined
Sure, the Train was busy, it always was at this time with the work and school traffic - many other people also going home.
"Do I need to remind you WHO insisted on visiting the bakery and WHO told you it would make us late?"
He ignored you.
You hadn't meant to come across so snappy, but you were also tired, a little annoyed. Ranpo understood that at least, and left it alone, taking to leaning on your back instead.
"I'm tired"
"Aren't we all"
You sighed "you can't go to sleep yet Ranpo"
It got quiet between the two of you, almost too quiet. You took a glance back, praying to the gods that he was still awake.
He was not.
"Damnit" you cursed
Your stop was close, and there was Ranpo, snoozing away on your back.
"Hey" you tried to nudge him "You need to wake up, seriously"
He didn't budge. He was off and away in dreamland.
You didn't do this often, but seeing as your stop was next up, you saw no other choice you'd have to carry him home. Lest you wanted to leave him and loose the 'worlds greatest detective'
All things considered, it wasn't too difficult, but that didn't mean it was easy either. Guy was playing deadweight, leaving you to wobble off of the train with him hoisted up on your back, ignoring the stares of the quiet passerbys.
It got easier as it went on, the walk. You begun to resent the situation much less as you looked around yourself, admiring the landscape, encased in a warm glow, painted on every building and evert road; the occasional tree providing much needed areas of shade. The honey glazed sun was ethereal on the soft horizon.
You weren't aware of the eyes that watched you, taking in your individual beauty. Ranpo had woken up a while ago, and wanted to take advantage of your obliviousness to get a free ride home, no walking necessary. So he had taken to watching you as your wondering eyes shone in the light and the sun kissed your skin and reflected off your hair, like a halo. You really were beautiful.
But the walk had to end eventually. As you arrived home, he hopped off your back, swiftly snatching the keys to unlock the door, leaving you slightly bewildered.
"How long have you been awake?"
"A while"
I know there were so many typo's and errors in the original one. Even one so bad where instead of 'minute' I wrote 'minimalistic'. I missed a letter and autocorrect didn't like that.
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redbird-tf · 8 months
Graveyard pickup
nightwing x (platonic) reader
Summary: Dick's simple school pickup mission takes a twist when he finds himself searching for you in a graveyard.
Notes: really tried to capture his caring and brother characteristics from the comics (fluff)
Word count: 804
Warning: talk of death
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“MaStEr DicK i NeEd A faVoR” dick mocked as he stood against his car in the empty park lot. Alfred had asked dick to pick you up from school as he was running late from picking up Damien and Bruce was on one of his many “missions”
You were the newest addition to the batfamily, you had only been around for two months. he had met you a few times in uniform and maybe twice at the manor. That being said he was a little reluctant to take the favor, but hell, he had been through this more than 3 times, and if Alfred asked anything dick would do it.
The task was simple enough; class gets out at 5:30, stand next to the pull to the left hand side of the school, you’ll come out five to ten minutes after. Simple. 5:30 rolled around and groups of students filled out, dicks eyes shot around trying to spot you but no site of you just yet. After 10 minutes most kids had left and you were still no where in sight and at 15 minutes he was the only one standing outside. “you told her id be here, right?” Dick questioned holding hjs phone to his ear “yes master dick” “and you said left hand side correct?” He smiled through his words “master dick is something wrong?” Alfred asked. “Noo, i think shes walking out right now, gotta go” he said quickly hanging up.
He sighed as he leaned against his car, dialing another number “Hey Babs, you wouldn’t have already put a tracker on your phone would you?” He asked nervously. “I have” she replied, “could you ping me her last location?” He asked in his nicest tone “Sure…may I ask why?” She asked with a little worry “i was supposed to pick her up from school but shes nowhere to be seen, i just want to check things out before making a big deal out of it.” Dick explained “you don't want to tell Batman you lost his kid” Babs stated. “Can't a man want two things?” He remarked making Babs laugh. “Ok, her last location was Gotham cemetery” The tone immediately changed. “I'll go check it out, thank you, Babs”
It didnt take dick long to arrive as the cemetery was only a few roads down. Stepping into the cemetery was completely silent, the only sound being the autumn leaves cracking under his feet. He walked down the graveyard looking for anything out of place. It wasn’t until he got to the back did he see you laying beside a grave, he sighed in relief.
He made his way to your sleeping figure and knelt examining the grave, he didn’t receive the first name but knew the last name was also yours. Dick thought he knew about your family tragedy, but not well enough. His gaze came back to you, he gently placed his hand on your shoulder, your eyes shot open, “hey” he greeted “Hey” you replied groggily. “I was supposed to pick you up from school, kind of difficult if you’re not there” he half-joked. “I'm sorry” you apologized sitting up. Silence fell between you two and dick felt he had to be the one to break it “So, who is this?” He asked trying to be as sensitive as possible. “My sibling” you stated blankly “i didn't know you had any siblings” dick replied “They passed before… before everything else happened” you explained standing up. “I'm sorry i left without telling you” you apologized as you both started walking to his car.
“Don't worry about it,” he said with a small smile. your gaze was set on the ground and dick hoped he wasn't overstepping “you know, you think after losing someone it gets easier the next time around, but i never dos. Each loss affects us differently” Silence fell again and dick was sure he messed up. “Do you think Bruce knows about my sibling?” You asked quietly “The greatest detective in the world? I'm sure he does but he's not much of a talker.” Dick chuckled. “Does he have to know about today?” You asked looking up at him “And know what? That i lost his kid? No way” That made you laugh which made him smile.
“Thank you dick,” you said with a smile “I'm an older brother of 3, i do this all the time” he chanted. “Really?” “Really,” he replied opening the car door for you. “What I'm trying to say y/n, is that if you ever need anything I'm here for you.” He said with a soft smile “Thank you dick, really” you say as tears edge your eyes “Every time, i know what it's like living with the bat. Now let's get you some food, I'm starving”
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wenclairfamily · 3 months
Wednesday and Enid's Children: Harmony and Ana Addams in "Dreams Come True"
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A Fanfiction Tale by Yours Truly, with Art by: @annietheartsyartist
Story Summary: Wednesday and Enid's twin daughters: Harmony and Ana have always grown up in a home full of love, affection... and torture rooms and deadly animals. However they've always depended on their two mothers to guide them on their path. But while on a class field trip, both teenage girls finally begin to forge a new path for themselves on their own. For Harmony, she begins to contemplate whether or not she and her girlfriend: Megan are ready to take their romantic relationship to the next level. For Ana... she adopts a cat, and begins a career as a bounty hunter. Pretty much the same thing though, right? ;)
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"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." It is a quote by Edgar Allen Poe shared to me by my mother, which I never forgot. My name is Harmony Addams, and all my life I was raised to be the best at everything I did. My mother: Wednesday Addams most notably always pushed me to be more and more self-sufficient, to be as intelligent as possible, and to never show weakness. While there have been moments in my life where I felt like giving up, I always kept going thanks to the ultimate light in my life - my girlfriend Megan. She's been my long time best friend, my other half, and my everything. Wanting to be her girlfriend was the easiest decision of my life. However... deciding if we were ready to become something much more... that was much more difficult; due to my perception of if I was ready: feeling as visible as a dream within a dream. However... one night... my dreams finally came true, and my perceptions: one with reality. But I'm getting ahead of myself. This tale of love and passion actually begins the last way you'd ever expect...
A giant minitoar like monster that was wearing a large black coat: roared loudly as it walked towards a populated city. Then suddenly from the ground - a giant robot raven, spider, and piranha emerged. The three animal robots then transformed and combined into a giant human shaped robot. In the cockpit of the giant robot was Harmony Addams, along with her sister: Ana, and her girlfriend: Megan. Harmony grinned as she said, "All right Gothic Ranger Megazord. Attack!" The giant robot then began to brawl against the giant minitoar . After many blows were exchanged, the monster pushed the giant robot down to the ground. Then Ana said, "Aw man. We need the Gothic Sword now!" Then the giant robot pulled out a sword and swung it at the minitour monster. The sword then tore away the monster's black coat... revealing it was wearing brown lingerie. A wide eyed and surprised Megan then said, "The monster is wearing lingerie!?" The monster then had an embarrassed look on its' face and tried to turn away. Then a determined Harmony yelled, "Quick! While it's experiencing body shame; attack with full power!"
Then the giant robot had it's sword get powered up... and then it swung it hard at the minitoar monster; causing it to explode. The monster was instantly destroyed, while it's lingerie exploded into many scraps as well. An impressed looking Ana said, "Wow. Exploding lingerie. Didn't think I'd see that this morning." A smiling Harmony then said, "Great work team!" Then Harmony, Ana, and Megan climbed out of their giant robot. From nearby, Enid ran over to three girls and said, "Wow! You girls saved the city! That was amazing! But... where in the world did you all find the materials to build a giant robot?" Then Harmony and Megan glanced at each other for a second, and then both looked at Enid as they casually said, "Found it."
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Several days later: Harmony, Ana, Megan, and many other Nevermore Academy students were sitting on a bus that was traveling down a long road. As Enid sat near the front of the bus, she smiled while saying, "Okay guys. We should be arriving at our destination soon." A smiling Ana then said, "Oh yeah. Spending the weekend at a five star mountain lodge! I so totally deserve this." Then Megan casually said, "Yeah. I mean after we saved the city from that monster, it was totally nice of the mayor to give our entire class an all-expense paid vacation." Then Ana leaned back in her seat and put on a pair of sunglasses as she casually said, "No. I mean I totally deserve this for just existing. I should be receiving this kind of treatment all of the time because I'm awesome!" Then Harmony raised an eyebrow as she said, "You do realize that me and Megan did all the work putting those robots together, right? You only got up from your chair when it was time to finally use them." Then as Ana continued to lean back, she said, "Hey. I was supervising." Then Harmony squinted her eyes as she said, "You were watching Tik Tok videos the entire time we built that thing." Then Ana in a mater of fact tone said, "Yeah. I was supervising while I was watching Tik Tok videos. Multi-tasking is hard."
Then a Latina teenager who was sitting nearby said, "Well Harmony, you and Megan are the real power team in our book. You both are heroes, you get the best grades of anyone in school, and you were both voted Queen and Queen of the school dance. How do you both do it?" Then Megan smiled as she held Harmony's hand while saying, "Well Emmy... we always lift each other up and support one another. That's part of it anyway. I mean... we've been best friends, and sort of a couple since we were six years old. We've always had each other's back." Then another girl on the bus with dark hair immediately said, "Awww! That's so cute! You too have been together like your whole lives. So, are the two coolest girls in school gonna one day be the coolest brides after they graduate from school?" Suddenly many other teenagers on the bus began to look interested, while Harmony and Megan suddenly began to look nervous. Harmony then cautiously said, "Well Sophia... the future isn't written yet... so lets just wait and see."
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As many teenagers from Nevermore Academy walked into a large mountain lodge building, Enid walked behind them as she loudly said, "Okay everyone. You got an hour to get situated in your rooms before we go on our nature hike. And remember - just because you all each get a room to yourselves, don't use that an excuse to be doing any drugs or alcohol. Miss Wednesday might not be here with us on this trip, but I still have the heightened smell of someone with werewolf DNA, so don't try anything!" Nearby, Harmony was carrying several bags alongside Megan. The two then walked into a bedroom together as Megan said, "Well, here's the room I'm staying in. Thanks for helping me carry all my stuff in Harmony."
Harmony smiled as she said, "No problem. What's with all the stuff you got in these bags though?" An excited Megan then said, "Oh. Mountains are the best place to set up special antennas to try to intercept radio stations from far away. It's something I used to do with my dad a lot when I was little. I know most radio stations are online now; but it's the challenge of intercepting them that's fun. I was planning to mess around with this stuff after the party tonight." Harmony sat down with Megan on her bed as she said, "That sounds cool. I should join you for that after the party is over." Then Megan gently touched Harmony's hand as she slowly said, "Well... if you want... you could spend the whole night with me... and maybe we could have a lot more fun than just listening to the radio." Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "I... um..."
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Then suddenly Ana walked into the room wearing thin armor around most of her body (along with pink and blue highlights on her neck length dark hair) as she said, "What's up peoples. Just a warning. Don't talk to the junior lifeguard working at the indoor pool. I tried chatting with him just now while trying to gather intel on the local mafia gangs, but I think he somehow thought I was flirting with him, and tried to ask me to spend the night with him in his bedroom. I mean… yuck! I'm never having sex till I'm married. Don't need all that drama right now at this stage of my life." A confused Megan then said, "Um… okay. But… why are you wearing armor all over your body?" Then Ana looked at herself for a moment, and then looked at Harmony and Megan as she casually said, "Why not?"
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Later that day, Enid was leading the Nevermore Academy students through the woods as she said, "Okay everyone. The lake should be right up ahead." Soon the group saw a large lake near a waterfall surrounded by many trees. With a big smile, Enid said, "Okay. Make sure you can always see at least two other people from the group wherever you are. Aside from that, spread out and have some fun." Then Ana stood in front of the group (still wearing her armor) as she said, "And if anyone is missing something, or needs to enact retribution against someone who wronged them... just talk to me." A confused looking Enid then said, "Ana, what are you doing?" Then Ana casually said, "Oh, I'm a bounty hunter now. I'm testing it out as a career path. It seems like a cool type of self-employment I could really get into."
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A short time later, many of the Nevermore Academy students were hanging out near the lake and swimming in it. Enid sat under a tree nearby watching the students as she smiled. From nearby, Harmony walked over and sat next to Enid. Harmony made a little sigh, as a concerned Enid said, "What's wrong Harmony? Why aren't you hanging out with Megan?" A slightly worried Harmony then said, "Well... it's because... I'm a little nervous about talking to her. You see... she brought up something with me earlier, and... I'm not sure how to respond." Enid made a little smile as she said, "Well... you and Megan have been close for years now. It can't be that difficult to talk about." Harmony looked down, and then said, "She... she wants us to have sex... and I'm not sure what to say to her." Enid looked surprised for a moment, but then calmly said, "Well... how do you feel?" Harmony then began to fiddle with her fingers as she kept her eyes focused on the ground while saying, "I really love Megan mom. Like... I really, really, really love her. But... the biggest thing I'm worried about is... what if we break up one day? I know it would really hurt inside if it happened... but I think it would hurt a lot more if we broke up after having a sexual relationship. But me and her have known each other a long time... but people do change when they become adults, and... Uuugh! I don't know what to do or even think!"
Enid then looked right at Harmony as she made a little smile while saying, "Well first Harmony... thank you for coming to me with this. I am so proud of you for turning to anyone for help at trying to figure this out, and I am so honored you chose me to be the one you talked to. Now with that being said... don't feel wrong for having conflicted thoughts. Choosing to have sex with anyone is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. It does have a huge impact on your feelings and emotions, and you do need to consider the consequences to your actions and if the timing is right." Harmony then sighed and said, "So... am I about to hear the part now where you tell me I should wait to have sex until I get married?" Enid looked down, sighed, and then said, "I should tell you that, and I'd prefer if you did wait... but if you didn't... know that I would never look down upon you... considering I lost my virginity when I was even younger than you.
Harmony began to have her fingers make lines in the dirt near her feet, while she said, "So... when do you now think is the right time to have sex or get married? Is it when I graduate from high school? Graduate from college? When I get a steady job? When I become a manager of a company? When I become very wealthy?" Then Enid with a look of certainty in her face said, "Harmony... if you're asking me: when is the perfect time in your life to take your relationship to the next level... that day is never going to come. Times will never be 100 percent perfect for you." Then Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "But... you and mother taught me to always aim to succeed, to never fail, to always be exceptional, to be perfect..." Then Enid interrupted Harmony as she said, "Yes, we always wanted you to aim to succeed and be your best... but no one is perfect." Harmony began to look a bit more nervous as she said, "But... I can't mess things up with Megan. I can't. I mean... we're both the top two students on the Honor Roll, the Queen and Queen of the Raven Dace... we're practically role models to our peers. I feel like if I make any mistake now... especially a mistake in my relationship with my Megan... I'll be ruining my entire reputation, my entire legacy, my entire life, and even hurt others around me."
Enid looked away for a moment... but then looked at Harmony once again while saying, "When your mother and I taught you and your sister how to face adversity while growing up, we weren't just teaching you both how to navigate through problems the world would throw at you... we were also teaching you both how to navigate through problems you would inevitably unintentionally throw at yourselves. Harmony... you're going to make mistakes sometimes... and that's okay. It's all about what you do after those mistakes that matters most. You know... your mother and I didn't let the shame of our past dictate our identities, or our love lives. I mean your mother wasn't able to tell that the first teenage boy she ever kissed was a murderous Hyde... until five seconds after... but still, she didn't let the shame of opening up her heart to the wrong person destroy herself or her self-respect she had. As for me... I was left behind by the first person I first had sex with... but I didn't let that experience destroy my ability to be open to finding someone else. The point I'm trying to make is... you may make a mistake in who you choose to be in a romantic relationship with, you may make a mistake in who you choose to marry, and you may make a mistake in who you choose to have sex with... but you have to be okay with the fact that you might mess up, and try to have a plan for what's going to happen if things do get messed up."
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Harmony sighed again, as she closed her eyes briefly and then said, "So... what do you think I should do?" Enid looked down as she said, "Well... unlike Wednesday and Tyler, or me and my first lover... you and Megan have been together a long time. That means something. But it's up to you two together to decide how slow or fast you take things." Then a worried Harmony said, "What if we take things too fast?" With a calm loving voice, Enid then said, "Then you accept the consequences to whatever you did, and do your best with whatever the situation is. And if that causes some people to look down upon you... that'll be sad... but know that me, your mother, and the rest of our family will continue to support you no matter what." Then Harmony said, "And... what happens if we take things too slow? Is there a point where me and Megan wait too long?"|
Enid looked hesitant for a moment, and then said, "Harmony... a part of me wants to keep you my pure innocent little girl forever. However... you're growing up and changing... and I know you're going to start exploring your feelings, and I know you're going to find a way to explore your sexuality whether I like it or not. Again, a part of me does really want you to delay considering taking your relationship with Megan to the next level for a very long time. However... there's something important I've never told you before, that I've always been uncertain of telling you... but I think you should know." A curious looking Harmony looked right at Enid as she said, "What is it?"
Enid kept her face turned slightly away from Harmony as she said, "Well... shortly before you and your sister were conceived... your mother and I had our first dealings with visitors from another part of the multiverse. Two girls one day appeared through a dimensional rift and literally fell into our lives. One of those two visitors was a girl who was supposed to be a potential daughter I could've had in another universe. She actually looked a lot like you (and also a little bit like your sister too), but there were still some differences. However, the other girl we met... looked just like Megan. She had a different name... but the thing is: that alternate universe daughter I met... the girl who looked a lot like you... she told me that she was in love with her best friend; essentially: Megan's doppelganger... but for her it was too late. She thought she had more time... but in the end, she didn't. Look... I'm not telling you to move fast. I want you to slow down when it comes to how your relationship progresses... but... if you had met that sort of doppelganger of yours, and asked her for advice... I know she would tell that while you shouldn't take things too fast... you shouldn't waste time either... because you never know when you might lose someone."
Harmony took a long deep breath, and then said, "Okay. Thanks mom." Enid nodded her head, and then said, "Any time. But please... be as responsible and safe as possible with any choice you make... and speaking of which... when we get back to the building, I have a bunch of items to give you just in case. I've got water based lubricants, dental dams, lots of sanitary wipes, and birth control pills to give you." A confused Harmony then said, "Wait. Megan is a girl. How is she going to get me pregnant?" Enid rolled her eyes and said, "Hey. I thought the same thing with your mother. And then she surprised me with a rare magical plant she ingested that apparently changed all the rules of human biology without telling me. Trust me. You're gonna wanna play it as safe as possible."
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That evening: Harmony was walking down a hallway in the mountain lodge while wearing a long sleeveless black dress, and had her blonde hair in braids. Suddenly though, Harmony saw Ana (still wearing her armor) carrying a small kitten with brown and white fur down the hallway. Harmony stopped, and looked confused as she said, "Ana... what is that?" Ana then casually said, "Oh. It's a small abandoned kitten I found in the woods while I was trying to do my first bounty hunter job. I waited around trying to see if the kitten had a mother or owner, but no one came. So I've decided to adopt this little guy and name him: Stormageddon the Conqueror. He'll be my apprentice and join me on all of my bounty hunter missions from now on; because if there's anything that binge watching The Mandalorian has taught me: it's that bounty hunters make the perfect care givers. So anyway, I know there's going to be a little dance going on in the party room tonight; but I'm about to head out to... Wait a minute! Hold on Harmony. Your bedroom is on the other side of the building, and you're not walking towards the party room. What are you doing over here?" Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "Well..."
Ana then giggled as she said, "Oh, I see. You're heading to Megan's room for a fun sleepover." Harmony sighed, and then in a worried voice said, "Look. I don't need you making fun of me. I know you said that it's better if I wait until marriage to..." Then Ana interrupted Harmony and said, "Whoa! I didn't say you should wait till marriage. I said that I should. That's because I'm not sharing my body with anyone until they sign a legal document binding themselves to me; with an addendum that states if they ever cheat on me, or break up with me, or even flirt with someone else online: I get everything. It's part of my master plan to get rich. A lot of guys may be after just one thing, but I'll take advantage of their hormones to get everything. However you don't need that kind of system in place with Megan. You two are perfect for each other. Now if you excuse me; I have to give Stormageddon the Conqueror a bath, before we go on our first secret mission." Ana then walked away with her kitten, while Harmony made a little smile... and then walked over to Megan's bedroom.
Harmony stood wearing her dress as she knocked on the door to Megan's bedroom. Megan then answered the door and immediately paused as she looked at Harmony, just as Harmony paused to look at Megan. Megan's dark hair was currently in it's naturally curly state, and she was wearing red lipstick on her lips, and was also wearing a long sleeveless red dress. Megan then finally broke her pause as she said, "Oh. Hey Harmony." Harmony looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hey Megan. Um... I was hoping to see you at the party, but when you weren't there; I decided to come here and talk to you. Can I come in?" Megan nodded her head, and then Harmony stepped into the bedroom.
As Megan closed the door behind her, Harmony said, "So... I see you got dressed up still." Megan looked nervous as she said, "Yeah. I was intending to go to the party. But... after getting all my make up on... I started to feel nervous about going." Harmony sighed, and then said, "Look Megan. I just want you to know that..." Then Megan interrupted Harmony as she said, "No. Let me speak first. Harmony... I'm sorry that I tried to make you feel pressured to do something with me that you're not ready to. It's just... you mean everything to me. I mean, ever since I gave you that Valentine's Day card in kindergarten and you kissed me on the cheek... I knew you were the one. And as I've gotten older... you're still the only one for me. My feelings for you are just so strong that I just want to give everything I am to you."
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Harmony smiled as she took Megan's hand and looked into her eyes as she said, "Megan... if I've seemed nervous about us taking our relationship to the next level... it's only due to how much I love you. I don't want to make any mistake that could hurt our relationship, and I especially don't want to unintentionally do anything that hurts you. However... I believe that if we make a mistake... we'll find a way to fix things up, or simply grow from what happens together... because our love is strong... which is why... I'm ready to make love with you Megan... right here... and right now." With a look of pure joy on her face: Megan said, "You mean it?" Harmony then took out from her pocket: a corsage with white flowers, and red and pink ribbons. Harmony then attached the corsage to Megan's right wrist, and then nodded her head as she said, "I do."
Harmony and Megan then embraced one another and kissed as they immediately wrapped their arms around one another. As they kissed though, both teenage girls slowly began to move their hands down the other's body... and then up the other's dress. The two both stopped their kiss to look at the other in the eyes. Megan smiled and nodded her head. Harmony smiled and nodded back. Then... Harmony pulled off her black dress, as Megan took off her long red dress. Both teenage girls were now standing in just their underwear while smiling. The two then put their hands behind the backs, as they began to remove their undergarments. The breathing of the young women began to get faster and deeper in anticipation for what was about to happen. Then... both Harmony and Megan were completely naked before one another.
Harmony suddenly began to look a bit nervous as she said, "Do I look nice?" Megan made a big smile as she said, "Harmony... you are nothing short of perfectly beautiful. Now hold on. Let me put this beautiful corsage on a shelf, so it doesn't get damaged." Megan took off her corsage, and then crawled onto the bed and placed her corsage on a shelf over the bed. As Megan reached up: she kept her left knee on the bed, while putting her right foot on the bed three feet ahead of it. As this occurred, Harmony giggled a bit. Megan turned her head slightly to the right (to look at Harmony) as she smiled while saying, "What?" Harmony sighed as she said, "It's just... right now... you look nothing short of perfectly beautiful as well." Megan made a happy smile as she looked at Harmony.
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Harmony then eventually got onto the bed, and used some wipes she had to clean her lower regions briefly, while Megan watched. Harmony then put one closed fist below her chin, and made a sexy smile; causing Megan's heart rate to increase.  Soon Megan sat on the bed, and then Harmony sat right in front of her. The two just gazed upon the other's nude beauty for a moment... and then wrapped their arms around each other. Then in a private moment only the two young women would ever remember... they began to make love. Within moments, two teenage girls lost their virginity to one another as they began explore and pleasure one another in the deepest and most powerful way possible. What was once two souls, then became one that night.
Then once the night of passion concluded: Megan laid on top of Harmony, with Harmony's arms holding Megan close. As the two began to look at one another, suddenly both Harmony and Megan realized that tears were beginning to escape from their eyes. Megan giggled a bit as she said, "Oh great. Now I'm crying." Then a smiling Harmony said, "Well if you're crying, I'm just gonna cry more." The two teenage girls then simply laid together as they hugged one another very tightly; their chins resting on the others' shoulder. Tears continued to come from their eyes, as Megan said, "You make me so happy Harmony. I love you so much!" Harmony squeezed Megan tight, as she said, "I love you so much too. This is like a dream come true." Harmony then moved her head back a bit to look right at Megan in the eyes as she said, "Soul mates. That's you and me. We're soul mates forever. I love you Megan." A happy and content Megan then said, "I love you too Harmony. Now and forever." Then both teenage girls laid on their sides as they continued to hug one another... and eventually the two lovers fell asleep in the others' arms.
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The next morning, in her room: Enid was getting the last of her clothing on as she was talking on the phone with Wednesday. As Enid held the phone close to her, she heard Wednesday say, "I assume the students have been giving you no trouble on the weekend trip." Enid smiled as she said, "No. They've actually all been great." Then Enid heard Wednesday say, "Excellent. Then my threats I made upon them worked." Then as Enid put her socks and shoes on, she said, "So... how was Melissa's funeral yesterday?" Enid then heard Wednesday slowly say, "The event caused... emotions... to be felt. However for the most part, it was as pleasing as any other funeral. So... have our children been well?" Enid suddenly began to sound a bit nervous as she said, "Oh. Well... Ana is fine. And Harmony is... um... um..." A concerned sounding Wednesday then said, "Enid... what are you not telling me?" Enid sighed, and then said, "It's probably nothing. We'll talk about it when we get home tonight. Anyway, have fun checking in on Wenclair Fashion today. Tell all our old workers that I miss them, will you?" Then Wednesday in a cold voice say, "I won't." Then Wednesday hung up the phone.
Enid then stepped out into the hallway of the lodge she was staying at as she softly said to herself, "Okay Enid. Just calm down. Yes, Harmony had a long talk with you about potentially having sex with her girlfriend yesterday. And then you noticed Harmony leaving the party early last night. But that doesn't mean anything concrete. Despite letting her know that it was her choice, you emphasized several times how important it is to wait. Plus, she still seemed confused and uncertain last time you saw her. I'm sure when I see her this morning, she'll still be her sweet innocent confused little self that definitely did not..."
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Then suddenly Enid's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of old rock music being played on a nearby speaker. Then suddenly Harmony slid into the hallway (with her back to Enid) while wearing just a pink button down shirt, white booty shirts, and socks. Then suddenly Harmony turned around (but didn't notice Enid) and held her phone close to her face (like it was a microphone), and then began to dance around with a giant smile on her face while singing, "Just take those old records off the shelf. I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself. Today's music ain't got the same soul. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony began playing air guitar while she jumped up on a couch in the hallway, as she continued to excitedly sing, "Don't try to take me to a disco. You'll never even get me out on the floor. In ten minutes I'll be late for the door. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony fell down on the couch on her back while shaking her legs as she gleefully sang, "Still like that old time rock and roll. That kind of music just soothes the soul. I reminisce about the days of old; with that old time rock and roll."
As all of this occurred, Enid stood with complete shock and horror on her face. Then after a long moment of her body being frozen, Enid finally opened her mouth and said, "Oh God. You actually did it." Harmony suddenly noticed Enid, and then turned off her music and stood up as she said, "Oh. Mom. Um..." Enid stepped forward as she said, "You don't need to tell me Harmony. I know exactly what the happy morning after your first time face looks like." Harmony with a slightly cautious voice said, "Well..." Enid then interrupted Harmony as she said, "You know what... it was your body, and your choice. You're a responsible mature woman, and I trust you. Just... be safe. Anyway, I need to check on the other students now." Enid then walked away, as Harmony looked a bit nervous.
Suddenly Ana popped out from around a corner as she said, "Dude. You got off easy." Harmony jumped up for a second as she said, "Ah! Ana! Where did you come from?" Ana smirked as she said, "Just happened to be close to turning the corner right when that conversation started. Me and Stormageddon the Conqueror just got back from our mission. Check out his new look!" Then Ana held up her kitten, and showed that it was now wearing a small brown vest and a brown top hat with old style goggles on it. A confused looking Harmony then said, "You turned your new pet into a Steam Punk Kitten?" Then Ana casually said, "How else is he supposed to dress? Anyway, you should enjoy the fact that mom acted so chill about your sleepover with Megan. You're gonna have a real peaceful day... until we get home, and mother finds out you totally banged the first weekend she wasn't around."
Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "Oh no. You don't think... I mean... mom was okay with it. So shouldn't mother be chill about it too?" Ana giggled as she said, "Since when is mother chill about anything!? Anyway, I'm gonna go see mom for a minute and say I'm sick." A confused looking Harmony then said, "Are you sick?" Then Ana (in a matter of fact tone) said, "Nah. I'm just gonna fake it so I can skip the activities she has planned for the class today. Once you all are gone, I am heading over to the nearby city with Stormageddon the Conqueror for our next secret mission." A still confused Harmony then said, "But... how are you gonna fake being sick to mom?" Ana smirked as she said, "Easy. You show off clammy hands. It's very non-specific and an easy symptom to pull off. You fake a stomach cramp; and when you're bent over: moaning and wailing - you lick your palms. It's a little childish and stupid... but then so is any form of high school. I know it seems wrong... but I have to go do my thing Harmony, and just have a day off. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it." Then Ana walked away, as Harmony just looked confused.
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Wednesday walked into an office where a young man in a t-shirt was sitting. Wednesday looked down at the man, and in a cold voice said, "Hello Mike." The young man: Mike, quickly stood up and said, "Hey Wednesday! Good to have you back!" Mike held out his arms, but Wednesday stepped back while showing great discomfort in her face. Wednesday then went back to having no expression on her face, as she said, "You will address me as Mrs Addams. I may have left my day to day managerial duties when my wife and I departed to begin work at Nevermore Academy. However I am still a majority share holder in this company; so you will address me with the respect that position dictates." Mike nodded his head as he said, "Yeah. Sure. But anyway, I heard you wanna take a tour and check out how the place has been since you left. So follow me, and I'll give you the grand tour."
Mike then led Wednesday into an office space where many workers (in very casual attire) were sitting in front of their computers; while several dogs sat near them. Wednesday then looked very concerned as she said, "Why are there pets with foul odors in this work space?" Mike had a big smile as he said, "Oh. Those aren't pets. They're emotional support animals. They help all our workers feel more at peace while working." Wednesday looked horrified as she said, "Workers aren't supposed to be focused on being at peace while working. They should be be working while working. If the common person feels stressed and undervalued; they can sort out their problems on their own time. In fact... why are so many seats here missing? Where are the other staff?" Then a casual sounding Mike said, "Oh. Well for many of the office staff, we let them work from home now. It lets them work more comfortably and be closer to their families." Then Wednesday with a confused face said, "So in order to improve productivity... you allow workers to be in an environment where they can more easily lounge about without any supervisors around to ensure they're being as efficient as possible... while also putting your workers as close as possible to their family members: the one set of individuals in the world that could be most distracting to them?"
Then a slightly nervous Mike said, "Well... how about we check out the new break room we have. It makes lunch time and coming to work so much more fun for our employees now." Then Mike led Wednesday into a break room, and inside Wednesday saw employees playing at multiple old style arcade game machines that were set up, along with a Ping Pong table and Air Hockey table. Wednesday began to looked mortified as she said, "You've turned this workplace into a play place!?" Mike then casually said, "Just the break room. It creates a fun environment for people to blow off steam, and it builds comradery amongst the staff. We also started a new inner-office social media platform where staff can give uplifting shout-outs to their co-workers, and also share their favorite hobbies with one another." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with anger in her eyes as she said, "Let me get this straight. Employees of the company are encouraged to play games and post on social media while on the clock; all the while they have peers not even present that get to claim they're working all day without any real supervision. How is that beneficial to the growth and efficiency of this company!?"
Mike began to back up looking nervous as he said, "But... we're just creating a positive work environment where people can be themselves." Then Wednesday stepped towards Mike with fury in her eyes as she said, "Yes, I am aware there is this modern belief that everything will be better in the world if we all just: be ourselves. However the problem with the modern workplace environment isn't that people aren't be themselves... rather, it's that they are being themselves. People are selfish, moronic, single minded, and can't stay on task when given the freedom to do things their way. They need the cold, organized, and unrelenting structure of a rigid workplace that forces them to live up to standards higher than their own. So as the majority shareholder of this company: I demand you remove the games, animals, and social media platform from this company at once; and then force everyone to come back to working in the office 40 hours a week. And if you refuse or attempt to have my shares in the company bought out - there is a clause in my contract that allows me to pull my name and endorsements from all advertisements related to any products sold from this business."
A concerned looking Mike then said, "But Mrs Addams...due to the success of your books and the TV series it spawned: that would destroy our business. Please... we've built a work environment that people enjoy now." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with disgust as she said, "People aren't meant to enjoy being at work. They're supposed to be miserable at work. So miserable that they lose any will power to find any other meaning in their pathetic lives beyond working at their jobs, and thus they'll work as hard as possible to get their work done on time so that they don't have to work late at the job they despise. But then due to their misery destroying their self-esteem: they'll lose all will power to do anything enjoyable over the weekend - and thus will be stuck in the cycle of wanting to come back to work, because this is the only pathetic existence they know. That is how you run an efficient workplace. Do I make myself clear!?"
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Near a large waterfall and lake, many teenagers from Nevermore Academy were playing in the water. As one teenage girl stood near the top of the waterfall, Enid called out and said, "Hey Emmy! I said no jumping from up there! The water down below isn't that deep and you could get hurt!" As the girl carefully walked away, Megan slowly walked over to a cooler that was near Enid. Enid then turned to get a drink from the cooler at the same time as Megan. Enid and Megan then both paused for a moment as they glanced at one another... and then Enid slowly said, "Oh, hey Megan." Megan looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hi Ms Enid. Um... I'm just getting a drink." Megan then grabbed a drink from the cooler, and began to walk away: when suddenly Enid said, "Megan, wait. I... I don't want things to be awkward between us." Megan then turned to look at Enid as she slowly said, "Well... I don't want that either."
Then Enid sighed and said, "Look. I know that for you and Harmony - your childhood was long ago. However to me... you were both were just little girls yesterday. As much as you both truly have matured so much... this advancement in your relationship sort of feels sudden to me. However... I know I need to accept you both are becoming real women now. It's just gonna take a little time. Do you understand?" Megan nodded her head and said, "Yeah." Enid smiled, as she said, "Good. But with all that being said... I'm proud that neither of you two has ever lied to me about what you both do together... and thank you choosing to love my daughter completely and unconditionally. She deserves the best... so never stop aiming to be that for her." Megan made a little smile as she said, "I will Ms Enid... and thank you."
Megan then walked over with two drinks in her hands and headed to the other side of the lake where Harmony was sitting. As Megan sat down next to her, Harmony said, "Was my mom being awkward with you?" Megan smiled as she said, "No. She's just a parent trying to be helpful... and honestly... that's more than most people have." Harmony then held Ana's hand, and the two girls kissed one another briefly. As the two looked at the lake, Harmony said, "This has become the most perfect weekend ever." Megan smiled as she said, "Yeah. This lake especially is so peaceful and nice. Too bad Ana is missing out on this. What do you think she's doing right now?" Then Harmony casually said, "Probably just wandering around town with her cat. Since she doesn't want mom to know that she left her room though, I'm sure she's laying low and not doing some big crazy stunt that could get her lots of attention."
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In the middle of a giant parade that had ten thousand people standing around watching: on top of a large float in the middle of the parade was Ana holding a microphone, as she danced around while singing, "Well shake it up baby now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up next to her and sang, "Meow, meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana happily sang, "Twist and shout!" Then the kitten happily sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana continued to dance to her enthusiastic crowd as she sang, "Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped on Ana's shoulder and loudly sang into the microphone: "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Come on and work it on out!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up and down as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana moved around the float and danced some more as she sang, "Well, work it on out!" Then the kitten continued to sing, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana waved her arms around as she sang, "You know you look so good!" Then the kitten swayed it's head back and forth as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow" Then Ana swayed her head back and forth as she sang, "You know you got me goin' now." Then the kitten cutely sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Just like I knew you would." Then Ana and her kitten continued to dance around the float, as the ten thousand people watching began to dance with them and cheered loudly.
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In her large room at Nevermore Academy, Enid had a large table set up in the middle of the room with five chairs. As Enid was setting up food at the table, Wednesday walked in. With a big smile, Enid said, "Howdy roomie!" Enid then ran over to Wednesday and instantly kissed her. After a moment of kissing, Wednesday broke her kiss to look at Enid with a straight face as she said, "Enid... being without your presence for 53 hours and 17 minutes straight was like torture... and I'm not referring to the good kind." Enid grinned as she said, "I missed you too." Wednesday and Enid kissed again, as they wrapped their arms tight around each other. However as they did, Wednesday started to pull Enid's shirt off. However, Enid stopped Wednesday and said, "Um... maybe we should stop. The girls said they'd be here right around now, and I don't want to make anything more awkward with them." Wednesday suddenly looked concerned as she said, "More awkward? Enid... what are you not sharing with me!?"
Suddenly, Harmony and Megan walked into the room looking exhausted but happy as Harmony said, "Sorry if we came in a little late. We were a little... uh... busy." Suddenly Wednesday's eyes widened as she looked very carefully at Harmony and Megan. As Wednesday kept her eyes wide, she starred directly and intently at Harmony and Megan while saying, "Flushed faces, larger than normal smiles upon entering, untidy hair, increased sweat that is visible on your skin and yet not your wrinkled clothes..." Then an astonished Enid said, "Really!? Again!?" Then Wednesday looked at Enid with confused wide eyes as she said, "Again!?" Then Enid sighed and said, "Well... Harmony did come and talk to me for advice before it happened. I know you said you always wanted to be part of that conversation if it ever came up, but you were busy with the funeral, so I didn't call you." Harmony now began to look very nervous as she said, "Mother... are you mad at us?" Wednesday then marched over to Harmony and Megan, and glared at them both.
Then as Wednesday kept her piercing eyes focused on the two girls she said, "Did you treat the other well? Did you treat the other like they were the most important individual in your life, and afterwards: found yourself unable to even imagine yourself with another individual for the rest of your life?" Harmony nodded her head as she said "Yeah." Megan nodded her head too and said, "Yes Mrs Addams." Then Wednesday suddenly showed a calmer demeanor as she said, "Very well then. Lets prepare to have dinner then."Then suddenly Ana walked into the room with her kitten on her shoulder as she casually said, "What's up peoples!? Oh hey Harmony. You and Megan weren't killed by mother. Good for you two." Then a concerned looking Enid said, "Okay Ana. Why weren't you on the bus ride home? How did you get back to the Academy? And what have you been doing all day!?" Then Ana casually said, "Stuff. By the way. This kitten on my shoulder is Stormageddon the Conqueror. He's a member of the family now. We're gonna go wash our hands before we eat." Then Ana walked over to the nearby bathroom with her kitten, as a confused looking Enid said, "You know what... everything else is changing around here already... so I'm not gonna question anything anymore." Then as everyone began to sit at the dinner table together, Megan said, "So Mrs Addams, I saw some people roasting marshmallows around a large bonfire outside. The other students said you were the one that set up the bon fire. Where did you get all that wood?" Then Wednesday with a straight face said, "From the broken remains of ping pong and air hockey tables, along with several arcade cabinets... and many absurd dreams."
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Later that evening as the sun set: Wednesday and Enid stood outside their room at Nevermore Academy on the balcony that looked down at the school. As Enid leaned her hands on the balcony railing she said, "You know Wednesday... I'm pretty surprised at how chill you acted when you realized Harmony and Megan are now having sex." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Well if I remained too predictable, then you would all become complacent." Then as Enid looked out at the sky she said, "It's just... you always attempt to prepare for the worst, assume the most negative things in other people, and see so much darkness when you think about the future. In fact the only time you didn't assume anything was going to go wrong in your future was when our kids were going to be born, and when you married me; but that was probably just because you had visions of the future that showed you..." Then suddenly Enid stopped and gasped loudly. Then Enid with excitement, turned her head to look at Wednesday as she said, "You had a vision about Harmony and Megan's future, didn't you!?" Then Wednesday crossed her arms, and kept a straight face as she said, "I believed we both agreed long ago that it would not be best if I reveal any more details of our family's nearly certain destiny." Then Enid tried to calm down as she said, "Okay, okay. You're right. You're probably right."
The two remained silent for a moment... but then Wednesday turned her head to look at the sky as she said, "Try to hold back your tears at their wedding though, as you're going to greatly embarrass yourself. Also: if you offer to babysit our grandchildren any time Harmony and Megan ask, they will take total advantage of you." Then Enid suddenly started to shake and squeal in excitement while saying, "Eeeee! I'm gonna be a grandma! YAY!" Then suddenly, Ana stuck her head out from the nearby window and said, "Hey mom, mother. Me and Stormageddon the Conquer are looking for some peanut butter, a blow torch, and some active plutonium. Know where we can find any of that stuff?" A confused looking Enid then said, "No... and why do you need those things?" Then Ana casually said, "Reasons." Then Ana walked away, as a concerned looking Enid turned towards Wednesday as she said, "Have you had any visions about Ana's future?" Then with a disturbed look, Wednesday said, "Oh... you don't want to know."
-Download Link to Read All my Past Wenclair Stories in One PDF
-https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14168842/1/The-Passion-of-a-Moment-Enid-and-Wednesday-s-Family-and-Legacy (Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://archiveofourown.org/works/43420609 (alternate Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://www.wattpad.com/user/WenclairFamily (Web link for T-rated version of my stories)
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simpforchuchu · 3 months
Can I request part 2 of Love will remember | Yosuke Todoroki x Ebara!reader? It's fine if you can't do it now. We can wait for it. Thank you!!
Love will remember | part2
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Prompts: DAY 26 - help them @febuwhump Characters: Todoroki x reader Fandom: High and Low
A/n for this fic: It’s been really very long time but I was keeping this for the challenge and wanted to write this one. Im sorry for being too late but I hope you like it 🥺💜
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of fights and arguments
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Shoji Sameoka was not happy with this alliance. He and his childhood friends were discussing this issue and he was angry about it. He didn't like that shitty bastard at all. He couldn't stand what his friends did just to get revenge on Todoroki.
Y/n, on the other hand, was silently listening to what was happening next to her brother. She didn't need to say where she was today or her history with Todoroki. Shoji didn't know this. But she was wondering what Todoroki was doing.
Todoroki was about to do something they never expected. He stopped in front of the old junkyard and looked inside. He recognized the young girl he saw next to three arguing men as soon as he saw her.
He didn't wait long. He slowly entered the junkyard and looked at his old "friends" who were staring at him in surprise.
Shoji took the young girl behind him as soon as she entered. Todoroki was sure that he was indeed her older brother.
"What are you doing here ?"
Shoji wasn't happy that y/n was here. Y/n, on the other hand, was calm, like she knew what was going to happen.
“I heard you were looking for me.” Todoroki replied. Then he finished his short discussions with an interesting offer.
“If I win, you will withdraw from the alliance.”
His friends quickly objected, but Shoji saw this as a way out of the alliance he never wanted. He accepted without hesitation.
Y/n watched the fight carefully, thinking things were getting interesting. Todoroki took one last look at her before the fight and then turned his attention to the duo in front of him.
Even though it was a difficult fight, Todoroki won. Her brother was as surprised as she was. But what was even more surprising was that Todoroki said he did this for his friends.
After the fight, Todoroki left and a while later y/n left, telling her brother that she was going home.
She soon realized that Todoroki was waiting for her on the road to Oya. She smiled and walked over.
“I was hoping you would wait.”
Todoroki turned his tired gaze to the young girl and shook his head.
“There are so many questions I want to ask, but I have to go.”
Y/n smiled and nodded. She took a small piece of paper from her pocket and gave it to the young boy.
“Your friends… Go and help them. They need you.”
Then she pulled her hand away and shrugged
“We will meet again, I am waiting for you to contact me”
Todoroki knew that there was a phone number written on the paper in his hand, he nodded his head and closed his palm. He watched from behind as the young girl walked away from him.
But Todoroki wasn't the only one watching her, the black-haired boy watching them from behind the wall was shaken by his sister's betrayal...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @emperorsnero @koala-yuna @little-miss-naill
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raceweek · 2 years
Alex Albon: Williams driver says ‘you need to be a fighter to be a driver’
BBC SPORT: Andrew Benson
Alex Albon knows what it's like to think he's at the end of the road.
"You're right on that mental edge of panic and worry," he says. "I sat on that worry for so long that you start to not care. You can't panic forever. You can't worry about it forever.
"And I think: 'Well, l've only got to give it my all. I've only got to put everything on the table.'
His story is one of resilience - of numerous knocks through his life from which he has drawn on remarkable reserves of self-belief to bounce back each time.
On his respiratory failure and being dropped from red bull:
"In terms of setbacks, it's a small one really," he says. "I've had very good doctors around me, who were in Italy, to get me back into a good place. I feel very fortunate."
Two years ago, it looked as though Albon's career was coming to an end before it had really got going.
The decision was tough to take.
"I would be lying if I told you I didn't expect it," Albon says. "I felt like I didn't perform that season. I knew there was a strong chance of it happening.
"I had dreamed of being in F1 since I was four years old, almost completely obsessed with it. You inevitably hit this heartbreak where it is like, almost: 'OK, is this the end? And you've only spent two years in it.'
"It's a brutal business - and how quickly everything came about. It was a true fast-track from Toro Rosso into one of the very top teams in the sport and then out. And it was like: 'Wow, OK. It did hit me hard, as it would anyone."
Albon's voice falters as he talks, and his eyes well up a little.
"I remember the meeting," he says. "I remember everything as clear as day. And I have to say, first, I have a very strong network of people. My family. My friends. And people around me that you see today.
"Very quickly, I was back to work. I was in the simulator very early in January. 'OK, what's my job, how am I going to get back into F1?' And I kind of had a goal and a plan to do that.
"I would say I want F1 more than any other driver. Everyone will say that. But I genuinely believe it. And I knew I had to really do what it takes, in a way that was quite strange because I can't actually prove myself. It was almost like, what can you do without driving the car?"
On 2012:
This was far from the first setback of Albon's career. For many years, he had struggled to keep things on track.
Born to a British father - former racing driver Nigel Albon - and a Thai mother, he'd been a Red Bull-backed driver early in his career, but lost their support after an indifferent season in Formula Renault in 2012, caused by a major personal upheaval.
His mum Kankamol - with whom he is particularly close - was jailed for fraud, leaving a 15-year-old Albon to look after his younger brother and three sisters.
He still doesn't like to talk about it. But in the first series of Netflix's Drive to Survive series, he admitted it was "by far the hardest year l've had in my life", recalling how he "saw her get locked up and taken away".
Albon says now the difficult road "helped" when it came to rebuilding his career. "It's just because l've gone through it," he says.
"I've had it before, personal stuff, as well as I had it in Formula Renault, where I wasn't going to race the year after and we scrambled along and pretty much got a budget together within, like, two weeks of the first race.
On his personality and determination:
In person, Albon is modest and unassuming. It's hard to square such an apparently gentle character with the steel he must have required to get where he has.
"The general public get me wrong," he says. "They think I'm this happy-go-lucky kid constantly, and that I'm not hungry; maybe too nice.
"They will never see the fiery side because they don't have a headset. They don't listen to me when I'm driving. I am naturally quite happy. I do love what I do. It's the reason why I wanted to be in F1 so much. And I felt like I've learnt to enjoy and relax about it. But you definitely need a fiery side if you want to be in F1."
I tell him that what got him to this point seems more like steel than fire, and he says: "It's both. It's the resilience and at the same time it's determination.
"As a driver, you almost need to be a fighter. When you have a helmet on, you're fighting other drivers. And I am fired up. I really am not a nice person when I have my helmet on. Speak to the engineers here and they'll tell you that."
On fighting for his return to the grid:
Albon's answer was to throw himself into work behind the scenes with Red Bull. There were weeks, he says, when he would spend six days out of seven in their simulator.
He prepared a data sheet that proved, he said, his results at Red Bull were better than the general perception and "well in line with the people who I took over from or replaced me".
Albon said they showed the 2020 car "wasn't that easy".
At the Austrian Grand Prix in July 2021, he met Williams chief executive officer Jost Capito and gave him the data as he made a pitch for the drive. The sheet, he told Capito, "showed not just what I can bring but also on a pure performance side, I'm a good driver and you should take me".
Williams knew they would need a replacement for Russell, who was being promoted to Mercedes for 2022. In the background, Russell was making Albon's case to the team.
"He played a part for sure," Albon says of his close friend. "He got my name on the map.
"I've raced against George for a lot of my career and I'm in a very thankful position where he does respect or believe in my ability. He did mention my name a few times to Jost and the board; I joked about it but it is true, almost a bit too much, to the point where they said they wouldn't listen to him!"
Marko and Red Bull team principal Christian Horner also weighed in for Albon. "I know that they both also convinced Jost to take me," he says. "I'm sure - I know - that they also told Jost the job that I was doing.
On his support system and marketing:
Outside the car, Albon has revamped his support structure, taking on a manager, and forming a new relationship with a performance coach.
With them, he says he can "talk about offloading marketing stuff as much as I can".
Williams have turned Albon's distaste for marketing activities into a bit of a running joke on their social media channels. He smiles and agrees, but adds: "It's a genuine thing. There is a lot of noise in F1 and I think I most probably got caught up in it a bit too much in 2020. There was a lot of firing going on and I was trying to avoid all the bullets.
"Red Bull were very good to me and were trying to help me and support me, but having that circle around me has allowed me to really focus on the driving side - the thing that I really like.
"I'm much more of a quy who is comfortable with the engineers than in front of a TV camera and that kind of thing.
"With stuff like Daniel and Oscar, to be able to drive with so much talk going around, it's not an easy thing to do," he says. "I think as a rookie, even in 2020, I wish I could tell myself the stuff I know now. But you can't, so hindsight is a wonderful thing."
On 2022:
His performances have been so good it's almost as if Williams have lost Russell and replaced him with the same driver. Albon's advantage over team-mate Nicholas Latifi is almost identical to the one Russell had.
Albon says his focus right from the start at Williams was getting himself back to being the driver he always believed he could be.
"I had a vision of the areas I wanted to work on from back in 2020," he says. "I was like, 'OK, I want to fix my areas almost first and really understand. I've got to get comfortable with the team and all that kind of thing.'
"That's almost slightly separate to the performance of the car and where it was at. I've got to look at myself and really... I wouldn't even call it shake off the rust, but really focus on my development."
In the end, all this introspection and hard work has paid off.
"I can only say that I feel comfortable," Albon says. "I feel confident in the car. I feel confident with myself in the team and I know for a fact that I'm driving better than I did in 2020.
"If I look at it almost selfishly, independently, I feel like the year has gone as good as I could have hoped for."
He hopes, he says, he has proved a point.
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trillscienceofficer · 3 months
A long time ago @nebulouscoffee asked me to write the DVD commentary of “Best Left” (which is a Raffi/Seven/B'Elanna fic set between Picard S1 and 2) and now I'm finally doing that.
This is inevitably going to get long because the fic itself is much longer than anything else I've ever posted, and I still have so many feelings for a story I put a lot of effort and heart into! But first things first, here's chapter one.
Cris, I know you’re really busy these days on the Stargazer, so I’ll keep this short.
As I was coming up with ideas for “Best Left”, my main goal was to have Raffi (which I knew would be the POV character) in a very different place than where we see her first on Star Trek: Picard. I wanted her, by this point established, long-distance relationship with Seven be a part of the network in which Raffi is now deeply enmeshed (ie La Sirena's crew). That said though, both canon events (by this time Rios has been made captain) and my plot ideas were not very accommodating of having literally everyone on board the ship. It would've been too unwieldy for a project that was already shaping up to be very ambitious for my standards. But while Jurati and Picard's absence is, I think, not that big of a deal, I still very much wanted to underline Raffi and Cris' friendship, which I think is essential in order to understand Raffi and one of the few relationships she's had that didn't go sour on her. I obviated to his physical absence with both real and imaginary correspondence, from which Raffi could draw strength in difficult moments. The fic both begins and closes with Raffi writing a message to him.
Raffi hits send on the message and looks up only to find Elnor at her side, looking just as morose as he’d been a few days earlier, when she’d told him first about the road trip idea. She sighs internally; the queue to transporter hub number four advances. It’s a busy day on the new Betazed spacedock, but luckily no one among the crowd seems the wiser to a Romulan young adult carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He holds the straps of his bag and his staff with a white-knuckle grip. Raffi hooks her left arm into the crook of Elnor’s right. “What’s the matter?”
Rereading this I remembered how fun it was to write Raffi and Elnor interact. My intention here (and throughout the fic) was to have Raffi obviously care for him while also not losing her somewhat world-weary attitude because of her affection. Raffi is still a woman who analyzes everything around her, and acts accordingly—not to mention all the unacknowledged guilt she carries wrt her son Gabe. I didn't want to have Raffi be straightforwardly ‘maternal’, it didn't feel right and I think older women in fiction should be allowed to have mixed feelings about this role more often. Plus, like Raffi herself realizes later in the fic, Elnor has already had plenty of other women bossing him around all his life, he doesn't need one more.
Soji is at the navigation console, smiling and waving a little awkwardly. And finally, Seven watching them from the captain’s chair, which she occupies with ease, leaning on one armrest. The very image of the roguish pirate captain; Cris wishes he could pull it off this well. “Welcome aboard,” Seven says, the hint of a smirk on her lips, as if she’d just heard every single one of Raffi’s thoughts.
I honestly think Raffi is constantly roasting Cris in her head. Also when rereading I was surprised about this reprise of the idea of mind-reading from the previous dialogue between Raffi and Elnor, that was cool and I can't remember if I even wrote it entirely on purpose. In any case, I wanted to have both Soji and Elnor along for this story because (1) they could offer an interesting outsider perspective on the older women drama about to unfold and (2) I wanted to have them interact with each other and have an adventure that had nothing to do with their specific backstories. Writing Soji in this story was so much fun! It was a nice challenge to balance her characterization between the right amounts of deadpan honesty and genuine care, and making it obvious that she's still figuring out how she wants to live her life.
“I don’t think Cris would forgive me if I tried to take La Sirena into another Borg transwarp conduit,” Soji says. “And honestly I’m not sure the ship can take it.” “It wasn’t particularly pleasant on a Borg cube either,” Seven adds. “As I’m sure Elnor remembers.” “Crashing on the surface was worse,” he replies, and some of the gloom lifts from his face. The effect Seven has on people sometimes—but Raffi should be the last to judge, shouldn’t she? It’s not as if seeing Seven again, sitting on that chair so lazily and yet still projecting intent, isn’t reminding Raffi of the few weeks they’d spent on board La Sirena before. But it’s probably best if she revisits that particular recap reel in private.
I based this little Seven-Elnor interaction from my own feelings about my Cool Aunt, which I think are fitting lmao (ie especially as kid, if she was speaking to me I would immediately feel better no matter what)
Also while rereading I was like, damn I made this first half of the chapter so horny... but I've been in a ldr myself and this is pretty true to my own experience. Reuniting always means a mixture of attraction and awkwardness, and it's what I wanted to convey about Raffi and Seven here, especially since they both have a hard time trusting in people or believing that they're capable of being around people without fucking it up. The following misunderstanding about room assignments is part of this pattern.
She’s re-learning restraint, in the hardest way possible, in other facets of her life.
So here comes the part of this fic I agonized over the most... Raffi's history of substance abuse and her current commitment to sobriety. I thought the latter is what fit better with Raffi's actions on the second half of S1 (ie locking herself out of the replicator) and some scenes of S2—imho those are clues that she (wants to) simply quit. Now, a commitment to complete sobriety (including weed snakeleaf, like in a 12-step program) is not necessarily an effective way to treat addiction long term—actually quite the opposite, from what I could learn from the research I did, even if still the most popular recommended form of treatment today. I'm not entirely sure it would be at all recommended in the 24th century. So how to reconcile this with the hints about Raffi quitting cold-turkey? Is it even something I would want to depict in a good light? What I eventually tried to do is treat the matter strictly from a character perspective. I hinted that Raffi is seeing a counselor, and now feeling part of a network of people, and is now restored to her place in society via Starfleet (from her perspective). Sobriety is something she thinks she should do and can do now, so that's what Raffi did; it's all part of her wider commitment to live a different life. If this also has a whiff of self-punishment... I don't think you'd be entirely wrong. I tried to hint that Raffi has her own thoughts on her addiction but I don't necessarily share them myself (see the disclaimer on top of chapter 4), and those thoughts might be another way in which she's denying herself (because no one else grants it to her either) the compassion I think she deserves. It's a really complex topic and I don't know if I did it justice here. I welcome feedback if you have any.
She’d thought she’d lost any interest in making out, over the years—she was surprised to find out how much Seven enjoys it, and how much of that enjoyment is infectious.
I have this headcanon that Seven really enjoys making out (it's appeared in other fic of mine too, eg “Doing the Unstuck”) and her partners never expect this of her. I think I like the idea that Seven's approach to sex and intimacy is still about the sudden thrill of closeness she displayed when she twirled Chakotay around in order to kiss him lol. I especially like the idea it's one of the things about Seven that's not changed despite all that happened to her since said kiss, and that she could bring Raffi to enjoy making out again as well.
It’s still the same suitcase-shaped contraption that she cobbled together months earlier with Borg parts from the Artifact, as far as Raffi can tell. Some other parts Seven had replicated on La Sirena, and then had proceeded to build the device with surprising ease. She’d explained that it was a modular design she and other friends had come up with over the years. It hadn’t been the first time she’d found herself needing a regenerator without having one handy. Raffi had admired her resourcefulness then, and still does now.
I ranted a lot about Seven's regeneration last summer, and all my thoughts and headcanons ended up in this fic. Regeneration for Seven is now a bit different than what it used to be on Voyager; still a necessity but quicker, and something that doesn't tie her down to bulky machinery any longer. Something that ultimately Seven has more control over. However, it's also a necessity that now needs to be articulated explicitly to the people she's close to, and that other people have to learn to take into account about her. I also wanted Seven to determine clear boundaries around regeneration—eg, here she doesn't want other people around when she regenerates—but boundaries that she is still constantly renegotiating, as it happens in chapter two when she invites Raffi to stay. Seven isn't used to be around people much anymore, so she's still adapting to new realities (like her relationship with Raffi) and rethinking what is comfortable for her.
“I hope your other stops were less frustrating than Trill,” Raffi offers, making her presence known. Soji looks up at her, and her face breaks into a smile. “Oh hey, I didn’t realize you were here, Raffi. But yes, I can honestly say it was the worst one so far. I think, and Agnes agrees, that their academic institutions really opposed the lifting of the synth ban for some reason.”
This little piece of Trill worldbuilding came to be because in “Second Self” Una McCormack wrote that Raffi has taken part in the zhian'tara of a colleague. Which is absolutely bonkers to me!! I couldn't help myself and expand on it a bit, all the while maintaining my stance on Trill being very conservative when it comes to decide on people's personhood. I know it's maybe controversial but I really don't think Trill institutions are that enlightened on the topic. They might think they are, but in presence of someone like Soji the appearance would crumble immediately. I honestly loved revisiting my Trill feelings through Raffi and Soji, I haven't written Dax fic in a very long time, so this was a nice way for me to scratch that itch.
Raffi crosses her legs, raises an eyebrow. She’s reminded all too well of when Soji had first come aboard, the confusion of a young woman whose entire life as she knew it had been a deception. She can recall how Soji described her relationship with Narek, and how Raffi had been the one to name his behavior for what it was. Maybe some pointing out of the obvious is needed here too.
This is one of the things that caught my attention the most when I rewatched S1—Raffi has been looking out for Soji practically from the start, calling out Narek's presence for what it was (abusive). I wanted to let Raffi speak her mind here as well, about the kind of interactions Soji has had while on tour.
A scratchy, stuttering audio signal starts playing from La Sirena’s bridge speakers. ‘—damage. Propulsion systems offline. Atmospheric controls—’ More digital artifacting of the signal. ‘—predict where the subspace eddies will take the ship. I don’t know how long I still have—’ The audio signal cuts off, then the message repeats once again. ‘—damage. Propulsion systems offline. Atmospheric controls—’ “I think that’s all of it,” Soji says, soberly. “Damn,” Raffi says, at a loss. “She’s dying, if not already dead,” Elnor says, voicing what everyone is thinking. He turns to Raffi. “What do we do?”
When she read this chapter, my partner asked me about the use of pronouns for the yet unknown person in distress—here Elnor assumes it's a she, while Raffi and Soji don't. It was actually on purpose, I wanted to hint at the fact that Elnor's default assumption is that the people that do stuff out there in space are women because the Qowat Milat usually speaks in these terms as well. Maybe it's silly, I don't know, but I wrote it in anyway as a subtle wordlbuilding detail. Maybe too subtle if it leads to pronoun confusion.
“I’m not sure I could live with myself if we didn’t try to save the crew of that ship. There’s a chance they might still be alive.” “Then let’s do it,” Raffi says with a curt nod. “You’re in command of La Sirena now.”
In the rescue scene I tried very hard to let Raffi do tactical evaluation in a way that didn't come off as callous as it sometimes does for Worf on TNG or Tuvok on Voyager—she's honestly trying to give Soji, now in command, a good overview of the situation.
Raffi takes a long look at Elnor, and to his credit he looks genuinely curious, hands folded together, leaning with his elbows on his knees. She knows better than to doubt his intentions, but—when he wants, he knows exactly when and how to ask one of his blunt questions for maximum effect, doesn’t he? In this case, distraction. She idly wonders if this is a skill that everyone in the Qowat Milat picks up, along with the assassin training. Using the truth as a finely honed blade, rather than the cudgel it’s always reminded her of.
That the absolute candor tenet of the Qowat Milat may be used in more than one way and for more than one goal is something I already written about before (ie in “Policy of Truth”). I think Raffi has her own different ideas about telling the truth because she's trained in intelligence gathering and also because pursuing the truth has always been painful for her—see her quest to find out who was behind the Mars attack. So here she's surprised to find out that Elnor's honesty is not at all a weakness, which she's assumed so far, but rather a very well-honed skill.
“It is the ship we’re looking for,” Soji confirms, going through the readings with, once again, an ease that belies her actual experiences. “It is still transmitting the distress call, though it’s extremely garbled. The hull is pressurized, somehow, at least partially. Life signs—one, I think. Humanoid. Very faint” She looks at Raffi, eyes wide, and Raffi braces herself. “We have to beam them over. The subspace tug might breach the hull at any time. I know that we have no idea who we’ll find, but they’re dying.” Goddammit. They really should’ve woken Seven up before getting here. Then again, at this point it’s probably best to ask for forgiveness than permission. If they’re all still alive to do so. But they will; a boy assassin, an android with super strength, and Raffi. Risk assessment used to be her job in Starfleet, long ago.
I still really like Raffi thinking 'oh well, too late to go back now, but at least I have backup'. I thought about her characterization a lot while writing this fic, and tried to convey her dry humor at best I can. She's really funny in canon! I really enjoyed writing her constant quips, even if they're just in her head.
Down the stairs, she hears Emil grumble. “I can’t deliver proper emergency care if you rush me.” “You’ll replicate what you need, as you need it,” Soji retorts impatiently. “Just initiate the transport.”
All EMHs are the same.
She’s older now, and out of uniform, looking much worse for wear after what she just went through. But there’d been a time more than twenty years prior when her face had been on every Federation newsfeed, along with the rest of the crew of the USS Voyager. “You know her?” Raffi turns to Soji, frozen in bemusement beside Emil. “I’ve never met her but yes, I know who she is,” Raffi says. “You two stay here and keep an eye on things. Seven needs to see this.”
I really like the way this chapter ends (so much so that it's the quote I chose for the fic summary on AO3). I thought about the idea of generational difference a lot when coming up with this fic, and how Raffi has witnessed so many momentous events, like the return of Voyager, that Elnor and even Soji really have no context for. It's an interesting aspect of having older characters that weren't around in previous shows, and an opportunity for a different perspective that unfortunately I think Star Trek: Picard squandered completely (Una McCormack was more attentive in her novels, luckily). Regardless, Raffi's experience turns out to be an asset more than once in this fic—no one aboard La Sirena at this point is as intimately aware of the events of the Dominion War as she is.
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jelzorz · 4 months
a and b
It's quiet in the castle when they're out. Opeli had thought she was used to it, and there was a time, not so long ago, that she'd welcomed the peace. It's not to say she didn't enjoy their company—they were younger in those days, louder and more boisterous, and she was a stick in the mud to begin with, let alone a stick in the mud with frequent migraines.
They're all grown now, and these days, they are her friends, not her wards. Ezran can rule without her guidance, and Callum and Rayla are married, and Soren is a fine Captain of the Crownguard, and a better friend to her than she will admit. They go where they're needed, when they're needed, and Opeli stays to hold the fort as she's always done, managing their correspondence with the other kingdoms and praying for their safe return.
She still worries though. It's a difficult habit to shakw. It was part of her job to worry over them for so long that it's second nature now, and they're only in Duren, where the road is familiar and wide and well traveled, and they are a knight, an ex-assassin, an archmage, and a king who can talk to animals, but still, Opeli frets, and moreso than usual. Three times now, she has caught herself watching the northern horizon, hoping to see their horses on the road into to town, and three times, she has had to go to Barius for tea to help shake the anxiety gnawing at her bones.
"You worried less when they were younger," points out Barius, sliding a plate of jelly tarts across the table to her as well. Her tea is still steeping and Opeli drums her fingers on her tea cup, eyes drifting to the empty seat beside her and thinking of early morning conversations in the near dark. "You know they're fine."
"Yes," says Opeli levelly. "But be fair, Barius, they went to help Queen Aanya with a recent attempt on her life, you cannot blame me for being concerned."
"There's a difference being concerned and being neurotic," drawls Barius, taking the seat across from her. "This is the third time this week you've asked me to brew Claudia's calming tea for you. Should you perhaps see someone about your concerns?"
"Who is there to see? I am usually the one people come to to discuss their troubles."
"Yes, and one of the things I've heard you say many a time is to know when it's time to seek further help."
Opeli snorts into a jelly tart. "You of all people should know I am terrible at taking my own advice."
"I do know that," chuckles Barius. He studies her for a moment, and too late Opeli realises she's staring at the empty seat beside her again. Her eyes flit away, but not quickly enough for Barius to misunderstand. He waits until she sips at her tea and pours his own, eyes far too knowing to be comfortable. "Is this because of the last assassination attempt?"
Opeli tries not to wince. The last assassination attempt, though taken care of quickly and discreetly, was not without injury on their side. Opeli can still feel blood on her hands sometimes, warm and sticky and too red against the white of her hood. They never even came near Ezran, but it was Soren who took the brunt of the damage, and her fingerprints are still marked on her copy of Iustita in his blood. "No," she says stubbornly, which is only half a lie.
Barius raises an eyebrow at her. "I meant no disrespect, High Cleric," he says. "The Captain was fine, after all, but I can see how the early mornings can feel lonely without him."
Opeli almost spills her tea. She makes a face at him, scandalised, affronted, but her mouth goes dry at the mention of him and she's too caught off guard to deny it. "I—what—I did not say—"
"This is my kitchen, Opeli," says Barius drily. "There are two cups left here most mornings, and who it's for is a relatively easy process of elimination. We've known each other long enough now that I'd hope you can be honest with me about these things."
Opeli feels warmth flood her cheeks, because the way Barius looks at her over his tea is too knowing, and there's no lying her away around this. "You can't say anything," she says sharply.
"What would I say?" asks Barius. "Who would I tell? My loyalty is to the crown and royal family."
"That is not comforting, neither of us are the crown."
"But you are both the royal family," he points out. "No one would argue that. In a few years, you may be formally."
She shuts her mouth, her face warm and not because of the steam rising from the lip of her teacup. "You're not..." She trails off, unsure how to finish the sentence, but Barius eyes her seriously over his cup, and for the first time, Opeli knows what it's like to be on the other side of her stare.
"It's your business," he says, "but you're still my friend, Opeli. Whatever is going on between you both... it has consequences for you. I don't doubt the Captain's intentions but you still have vows to uphold."
Opeli looks away. She's broken them already, and Barius does not ask, but she knows he knows that too.
"Are you happy?"
Opeli blinks then, caught off guard again for the second time in the same conversation. Barius reminds her of her father sometimes, and she'd thought he would disapprove or reprimand her for being involved in something so scandalous. But there is only concern there; genuine concern, and hope for her and for something even she doubts she can really have.
"Yes," she says quietly. "More than I thought I would be."
He chuckles and reaches across the table to pat her hand. "I'm glad for that at least."
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celestiall0tus · 1 month
Mental Health Awareness - Miraculous AU: Alix Kubdel
Well, let's get into this one.
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This version of Alix comes from the first AU for Miraculous that I made. It was this incarnation that paved the road for many other incarnations.
In Miraculous AU, Alix is a sixteen-year-old typical rebellious teen delinquent. She sneaks around, gets tangled up in the law, indulges in substance use, and always has a massive chip on her shoulder as she's always ready for a fight. The friends she has brush it off as Alix being Alix, unaware of the storm that rages just below the surface.
Alix was once set on a golden path to success, following the same path that her brother took as her mother set it in Alix's mind that Alix had to do this in order to be happy. Alix excelled in school, found a passion she could make a career, but it all faltered when she was expected to find a partner young, just as her brother had.
Alix went through middle school without finding that partner, repulsed by the simple romantic gestures that turned her away from the idea of finding a partner. This started the decline of her relationship with her mother as her mother continued to push and push that Alix needed to get over herself, that she'd grow out of it, find the right person, etc.
Fight after fight, Alix fell off the path set by her mother, refusing to follow that path because she couldn't find anyone she could love romantically. The fights with her mother got worse as praise became terrible remarks that Alix was wrong, defective, acting selfish, and was just being difficult.
It was this that broke Alix as she doubled down on being rebellious, but also began when she acted recklessly, purposely putting herself in danger on a subconscious level. She turned to all manner of vices that offered a quick relief from the anguish she felt be it alcohol, drugs, sex, and fighting. They didn't fix the problem, but they helped her forget it for the moment.
By the start of the story, Alix is no better off. She's rash, blunt, bitter, and guarded. She takes jabs at people, egging them on, and excited at the prospect of a potential fight. It's not until the villain, Nightshade, that she has her first true near death experience.
While in this state, Alix experiences the parts of herself that she has become, what she hates about herself, and those around her. This includes how her mother belittles her and always compares her to her older brother, her father that kneels to what her mother wants, her golden child brother, and the anger in herself. She doesn't commit to change here, but is given an outlet to escape.
With Kaalki at her side, Alix was given the means to escape her home and be prevented from returning to it. She continues her lifestyle until her second near death experience where she is nearly suffocated. With her life flashing before her eyes, she sees what she had been doing.
At Alix's core, she was tired. She had given up long ago, but still fought against that part of herself. Every reckless decision she ever made was to hopefully bring her own death, but never did. She does state several times that she didn't need to become a hero to endanger herself, and that she had been doing it for longer than anyone realized. In this second experience, Alix gives up, but is brought back just before she could fully fall.
Once Alix was back and her eyes opened, she made a conscious effort to be better. The recklessness remained, but she worked on it, until she relapsed. When her best friend, Ondine, spoke out of blind ignorance, Alix snapped. She relapsed as she looked for trouble, finding it in Ripper.
Alix fought Ripper, but when the tables were turned and Ripper severely wounded her, she did nothing. Kaalki plead that Alix teleport to Viperion, the healer that saved her, but Alix had given up again, believing that no one would truly understand her and that those she held closest to her would always break her heart. She is spared death again when Ripper shows a hint of understanding and empathy and chooses not to kill her.
Though Alix's struggles remain and she often fights herself, she found a pair of people she could turn to. Volpina and Mayura. Mayura quickly became a surrogate mother for Alix while Volpina is the companion Alix longed for. A person that was Aromantic like herself and explained what that was and what it meant to Alix. In Volpina, she saw she was no longer alone. There was another person like her.
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Cowboy like me
Javier Peña x fem!reader
You both ran away from life, just to run into eachother.
warnings: language, alcohol consumption, swearing, mentions of drugs? inaccuracies?
Word count: 2.6k
also on ao3
chapter 2
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The 80s were not a great decade for a woman aspiring to be a doctor- a surgeon to be precise. No matter how many degrees you had, how skilled or smart you were, if you were a woman you weren't good enough to perform surgeries, not just the more complex, even simple ones.
So as soon as you graduated med school and realized what a shit show the world was you ran away. Where? Colombia. Why? It’s complicated. You were angry and scared and wanted to run far far away from your home country. You quickly got a job at a hospital there, still angry at all your sexist colleagues, but content with the fact that at least you were helping people. That is where you met Connie, who soon became one of your best friends.
One night after a long shift at the hospital, you were waiting with Connie for her husband to pick her up, not wanting to let her wait alone this late at night in an empty parking lot. Disrupting you both from your conversation a car appeared and lit up the empty road, Steve -Connie's husband- greeted you and waited for his wife to get in. As you bid Connie goodnight and turned to leave and walk to your apartment complex, Connie half asked and half dragged you to their car so they could give you a ride. After a few seconds you were convinced and got in, repeatedly thanking them both, as you opened the back door and got in you saw an unfamiliar face. Sunglasses and lit cigarette in hand, leather jacket and strong mustache where the first things you saw.
"Oh, this is Javier, we work together at the embassy, I don't believe you've met eachother.", said Steve
"No, we haven't", you replied and introduced yourself to the dark haired man, who now turned his body and faced you from the passengers seat. He replied with his name and turned back around, after spending a few seconds scanning your face, your body, analyzing, calculating, creating a file with your name and stacking it inside his brain, ready to add information about you if he deemed important.
The four of you talked about your day, the guys complaining about all the paperwork at the embassy and you mentioning the difficult cases you had to deal with at the hospital. As you were getting close to your apartment, Connie suggested you go out for drinks, you weren't needed at work the next day and Steve and Javier usually went to a quiet bar that was actually near your place. You weren't ready to face the quietness of your home so you said yes.
Fast forward to two rum and cokes, you were laughing with Connie about something a patient said to a resident during your shift, when Javier asked you "So Doctor, what are you doing in Colombia of all places?"
His question startles you, you guys haven't really spoken to each other all night, didn't really have the courage to look at him, not without a few sips of alcohol in your system to boost your confidence and help you relax, having forgotten what's its like speaking to attractive men. Tall, dark, mysterious and most importantly: unavailable, Javier was exactly what women fell for. You'd heard the stories Connie told you, about her husbands friend "having broken the heart of half the women in Colombia", and he also looked the part. His gaze was intense and filled with mystery. He said the right things, looked at women in a way that made their toes curl and stomachs flutter, as if they were teens being asked to prom for the first time. But you weren't like that, wouldn't let yourself be fooled and be used by a man who was in fact just another guy.
"It's a long story" you pause for a moment, thinking "let's just say, I had the ticket and nothing keeping me home", you reply, with confidence (mostly thanks to the rum).
"Now that makes us more curious, come on tell us, we have time!", said Steve in a tone that told you alcohol had affected him also.
You looked at Connie, she was smiling, waiting for you to share your story, then turned to Javier whose eyes revealed that, your file, the one with your name on it, was open waiting for your words to fill in the blank space.
"Well" you start, careful with your words "I finished med school and realized I would never be able to help people the way I wanted to", you take a sip from your drink and continue " I wanted to make a difference and couldn't because in the medical field it doesn't matter how smart you are or how good you are with your hands, no one will ever take you seriously if you are a woman"
"You can't perform surgeries and be back at home to help the kids with their homework, the same day", you shrug and look at Javier who is looking more closely now, interested "When I graduated someone bought me plain-tickets to Colombia as a present, I took the ticket, but never came back.", more uncomfortable now, while keeping eye contact with Javier you confess "I wasn't only running away to avoid the sexism in medicine, I had to also get away from someone, the one who gifted me the tickets." You can't think of anything else to say, and feel your face getting hotter and hotter. Connie is looking at her drink, Javier is staring at your face, as if he expected a different response, Steve is the one to break the silence with a half choking and half laughing.
"It is fucked up and doesn't make sense, I know ", you exclaim, ready for the conversation to change to something lighter, like football or a new song that Steve heard in the radio today, but Javier says "Its not and it does".
And that is when a tiny window leading to something neither of you could tell at that moment cracked open. Letting inside thoughts and feelings entirely new and unfamiliar to the both of you. While hearing you speak Javier felt as if he was standing in front of a mirror, you wanting to make a change, running away from what sounded like a relationship, reminded him of himself back in Laredo and the engagement he broke off. What you saw in his face was understanding, the one no-one from your past gave you, instead they bombarded you with criticism and opinions you never asked and had nothing to do with the reality you were facing at the time.
After that night a friendship grew between the four of you. Bar nights became a weekly thing, along with dinner at the Murphys and rides from work.
A rainy Friday night, unusual this time of year, the four of you were gathered around Connies and Steves kitchen table, drinking wine and whiskey and talking about everything and nothing.
"When you catch him", you ask your three friends, "what then?"
"We will go back home.", Steve replies, looking at his wife, who nods and takes a small sip of wine.
"What about you, Peña, what's your next adventure?", you ask grinning. He scoffs before he answers, "I can't plan that far ahead", he replies and with gleaming eyes asks you, "How long will you stay here?" "Until I feel not needed", you say, not really believing yourself.
As much as you wish for the Escobar chase to be over, for Javier and Steve to finally get some peace, you hate to think there will come a day when your days won't be spent with them and Connie. And it is selfish but its true. These three are the closest thing you have to a family and you'll miss them, miss him. Javier Peña has found away to creep inside your heart the past year and his presence has been something you crave. You never thought a man would make you feel like this, let alone a man who was nothing more than a friend. Everything about him is right- right for you. He understands you in ways no-one ever has tried to. He isn't scared by the darkness you carry inside you, neither are you by his. He knows better than anyone why you feel the need to help and save the world, because he is like that. You understand why he can't commit to women, why drunk bar hookups and one night stands with unavailable women work for him, they are less messy, people don't get hurt, emotions aren't involved, it's easy. Knowing he can't and probably doesn't want to give you anything more than a night of pleasure and maybe if you're lucky a cup of coffee in the morning, makes your insides want to explode. Normally you wouldn't care, you'd wish you could find a man willing to give you just that. You push the thoughts away, not wanting to deal with the consequences of you being in love with Javier fucking Peña of all people. You sigh, "It's getting late, we should probably go" and stand up. You hug Connie, bid the Murphys goodnight as you and Javier leave their apartment and head down the stairs. As you say your goodbyes, a strong clap of thunder is heard and you jump startled. Javier laughs and asks you how you're planning on going home. You lift your half-broken umbrella to him and smile. "No way!", he exclaims, "Come have a drink at my place until the storm cools off, or let me give you a ride." After a few minutes of convincing you agree and head inside his apartment.
It's dark and smells of smoke and cologne, a mix of his and of his night partners. You take a seat in his leather couch, legs sprawled in front of you and head lying back. Calm, relaxed, that is how it feels with him. You never need to pretend, not there, not with him. He sits next to you, passes you a glass of wine and sips his drink-whiskey neat. He calls your name, and something flutters inside you with the gentle tone of his voice and the familiarity of it- as if it was made to fall from his lips. "What are running from?", he asks, with genuine interest, waiting for your truth to be laid on him.
"I don't know" you reply, "I really don't." "Everything, I guess, my family and their version of me, the world, society, and..." you stare into his eyes asking him if it is ok for you to share this new secret with him, if it will ruin his opinion of you. You know it won't and he let's you know it with a reassuring smile and a hand on yours. "I dated someone in medschool, we were classmates then friends and then we were together... We said we would travel here as soon as we were finished with school and he gifted me the tickets along with a proposal. I said I would think about it and that same night I felt like I saw my future all planned out infront of me, married with kids, in a job where I never felt enough with a man who I felt I didn't really know. We were practically kids when we started dating and as we grew up I fell out of love with him I guess, loved him, I still do, I'll always be thankful for him, but we weren't meant to be. And im blabbering, sorry..." "Don't be, I'm not.", you smile and look away at his words, and say "I broke up with my boyfriend, lost our friends, gained all the disappointment I could from my parents regretted my degree as soon as I graduated and fled the country, to sum it up. At least work is going great." You shake your head and laugh. "How is it going for you and Steve anyway?" "Honestly? We are fucked, and I can't see us making any progress soon doc.", he sighs and shuts his eyes. You reach and grab his hand, trying to offer him any sense of comfort you can "Im sure you'll find a way, I have faith in you Peña, I wish you gave yourself more credit.", you smile at him and he just rubs your fingers never letting go of your hand.
You spend the next few hours talking about your homes and your families, the way you grew up, he told you about his ex-fiancé and you told him about your ex. You laughed over stupid jokes and observed how his eyes lit up whenever he mentioned his parents. You bonded over your love for a small quiet restaurant near his apartment, how it brought you both peace, he talked about books he liked and you shared memories from medschool, how fascinating and horrific it could be. He told you about the first person he saw shot during work and you mentioned how it felt like losing a patient for the first time. Before you knew it, the rain had stopped, without making any move to leave you said "It stopped raining", he nodded, "I should probably leave." "No" he said "Stay, please..." he moved closer to you and you let him. Slowly closing your eyes as you felt his breath on your face, "Javi", you said and he kissed you. It was like everything that each of you had gone through led you to this moment, like it was all meant to happen, to experience this with each other. You leaving your country, moving to Colombia, befriending Connie and then meeting him. Suddenly it all made sense. And that is why you couldn't bring yourself to stop kissing him, not when life finally felt right.
You woke up a few hours later, tangled and naked. His arm hugging your waist, your back to his front, his breath in your hair. Everything was perfect, he was perfect and that is what scared you. In the morning reality would hit you, your lives would go back to how the were before tonight, him chasing Escobar and then chasing his worries away with alcohol and sex with strangers and you would be just another person that brought him the comfort he needed, for just one night. He would mean to you more than you meant to him and that hurt you more than you liked, more than you could handle. So you got dressed up, stared at his sleeping form, relaxed and calm, a rare occurrence, and with a sigh you left.
The next few weeks were weird for all of you. Connie and Steve never found out what happened that night, but could tell something was off between the two of you. You ignored Javier, couldn't look him in the eyes. Every time he tried to talk to you you ran away and avoided him. Every sense of maturity had left your being and you acted like a child. Running from your problems, once again. One day, Steve came by the hospital to ask for a favor, "Look, I don't know what's going on between you two, or what stupid shit he said but we need a favor and he doesn't want us to ask you, but it would really help us."
He needed you to examine a dead body, didn't give you a lot of information to protect you, he just told you that the report from the first forensic pathologist didn't seem right, they suspected Escobar and his men had paid the doctor. You agreed, couldn't say no, you wanted to help them, help Javier, knew how much this meant for him, to finally be a step forward than the people he chased.
"Alright, I'll help."
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