#its so ungodly HOT in my area
blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
These days are a bit boring and slow~ [Blank Scripts AU]
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Mano or pagmamano is similar to hand-kissing. It's performed by a person giving the greeting by bowing down toward the person or the elder or taking his hand or her hand and pressing it on the forehead.
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wheeboo · 1 year
insomniac | lee jihoon
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SYNOPSIS. in which jihoon has trouble falling asleep. PAIRING. lee jihoon x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship WARNINGS. mentions of insomnia WORD COUNT. 1.2k
notes: just a random jihoon comfort drabble because he works so hard for us and deserves everything in the world <3
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Jihoon can’t fall asleep.
It was nothing out of the ordinary for him, as he finds his days filled with exhausting schedules that easily wears him out, yet he spends his nights specifically to produce new music for the group. But as the rest of the world around him settled into deep slumber, Jihoon remained wide awake in those ungodly hours, fueled by nothing but the intensity of his creative passion.
He couldn’t tell if there was any reasoning behind it𑁋if there was a reason why his brain is so full of ideas that it can’t seem to just shut up and be quiet for once, so he feels the need to put it all down first until the wee hours of the night before having to force himself to sleep, which in itself doesn’t really do his body well. 
The cycle had started over a month ago𑁋that’s what he told you at least𑁋but time seemed to lose all meaning when he was in the zone. The days blurred together, punctuated only by the occasional meeting or performance. Jihoon couldn't remember the last time he had a good night's rest. His mind resembled a galaxy of inspiration, and he was just a mere person trying to capture its brilliance in sound.
Jihoon finds himself staring at his computer in front of him, eyes dry and a bit heavy, yet his mind is completely awake. It’s around three in the morning and he’s probably gotten up once or twice in the last few hours. He knows himself that whatever he was doing was unhealthy; you nagged him about it just an hour ago, and now you were coming over.
His phone vibrates and he takes it in his hands, reading through your short text.
[my y/n 🤍] can you let me inside?
Jihoon’s heart twinges with guilt as he reads your message. He knows he should have listened to you and taken better care of himself, but the allure of his music and the pressure of his work had consumed him. He had become a slave to his insomnia, unable to break free from its grasp.
[my jihoon ❤️] door is unlocked. be careful
The moment he sends the text he hears some footsteps outside his door. He stands up from his chair, releasing a groan from the slight ache in his step, and heads his way to greet you. 
Immediately once he opens the door, he frowns at how disheveled and tired you look when taking off your shoes, knowing that you made the effort to come to his studio for him. You carried a bag from what he presumes is food from the convenience store at your side. Gosh, what time did he last eat?
“You didn’t have to come here, Y/N.” Jihoon reaches a hand out to help steady you as you chuck your shoes off to the side. 
“I had to, honey.” The term of endearment sends something through his heart. “I can’t stop thinking about you continuously pushing yourself these days. I miss having you at home.”
Before he could respond, you take his hand in yours and lead him to the couch, placing down the plastic bag on the table. Jihoon helps you unpack the contents inside. It was just two bowls of ramen and a pack of microwaveable rice. 
“Here, I’ll warm this up for us. Just wait on the couch.” Jihoon takes lead and grabs the two bowls of ramen and rice, bringing it to the little kitchen area to the side and filling the bowls up with preprepared hot water. 
You find yourself sprawled on top of the couch, watching your boyfriend quietly hum his way through the studio. Even though you were tired yourself, you made an objective to not fall asleep right on the spot. You wanted him to be with you. You wanted him to try and fall asleep with you, and maybe just maybe help him get some decent sleep even for one night. 
And if you had to keep showing up to his studio to coax him out of work, then that’s what you were going to do. Nothing was going to stop you. 
Once Jihoon finishes warming up the rice and letting the ramen cool down, he brings the food back to where you are and sits himself down on the couch right next to you.
The two of you eat in comfortable silence, though there was a bit of lingering tension in the air knowing that the elephant in the room had to be addressed at some point. For now you both just cherish the time together since a lot of Jihoon’s work had interfered the two of you from fbeing able to spend time with each other. 
Once you finish eating, you glance over at him, pushing back some of his dark loose strands in his face behind his ear so that you could see his side-profile better. You see his lips curve up in small appreciation, but he can’t seem to get himself to make eye contact with you. The guilt coursing through him felt as if he was a bit more distant than usual.
“You know you deserve a break sometimes, right?” You ask him, watching him take in your words so heavily that it makes him momentarily pause.
Jihoon nods his head, a small sigh leaving his lips. “I know. But ever since we discussed our comeback preparations, I... I can’t help myself, you know? I need to make everything perfect.”
You listen to him carefully, taking in his words like the gentle melody he has the art in making. Jihoon had always been aware of the immense pressure on his shoulder over the years and it just now began to take an obvious toll on his health both mentally and physically. 
“I just can’t rest knowing I have all these ideas, all these words for lyrics...” Jihoon scrunches his face up together, exhaling a deep breath. “But I do wish I can just sleep and rest.”
That’s when your face lights up just a bit. “That’s why I’m here. You’re going to take a rest with me, whether you like it or not.”
Jihoon peers at you as if you were crazy. “Y/N𑁋”
“Jihoon, honey, please rest with me. One night is all I ask for,” You practically beg him. “At least lay here with me until morning. I know your work is important to you, but... I miss you. I miss holding you and when you hold me.”
You stare at him with pleading eyes and Jihoon can never get himself to resist you. Though he has a lot of trouble expressing how he feels, he can never deny just how vulnerable and sensitive you make him sometimes. You always found the smallest ways to take care of him, even if it meant sacrificing yourself in a way. He’s always been grateful for that, and he knows that someday he will repay you. He has to.
Jihoon glances between you and his open computer in the background, finally letting his shoulders relax. 
“Okay.” He stands up, motioning to his computer. “Let me just turn all this off and then I can hold you.”
You shake your head amusedly. “I’d rather hold you this time if that’s okay with you.”
Jihoon feels a smile creep on his face as he walks to turn off his computer and soundboard. He’s not against that idea either.
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!An Autumn Coffee Date With Dabi!
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Request:- could i request some fluff dabi headcanons please ?
scenario:- a little autumn coffee date with your favourite arsonist<3
pairing:- Dabi x gn!reader,
For @june-moonz ! Thank you for the request! And thank you @izukuisbaby for recommending me!! This is my first dabi piece so i hope you like it junee
with an appearance by twice and toga!
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it was 10:00 am and the coffee shop was still bustling with people getting their morning people-fuel
you sat down at a booth in the back knowing itd be at least five minutes till your date arrived
he was always late.
and true to form,when the little overhead bell above the door rang exactly five minutes after you had arrived,he walked in; your knight in a tee shirt and jeans
he sat down on the bench opposite you and placed his head in his hands with a grunt
"long night?"you asked,
he nodded with his face still in his hands
it felt a little weird asking whether he wanted some coffee when you were in fact on a COFFEE date,but hey,
you go over to the counter and order a PSL for yourself(ITS NOT JUST A CLICHE,ITS A TRADITION!)
and a cappuccino for dabi.
most people pinned him as a black coffee kinda guy,but you knew he liked cappuccinos (shhhh dont tell anyoneeee)
when the drinks are done,you pick em up and thank the barista before heading back to your seat
when you get back you notice he's shifted to your bench
you promptly sit down next to him and set the drinks down as you do
he takes the coffee with a little thank you and as he sips the hot beverage,he visibly brightens
coffee really was modern magic!
you sat there for an hour or two just talking and enjoying eachother's company
he tells you about his most recent missions and how the league is doing and although he knows he shouldnt tell you much he tells you just enough that you wont worry
pretty soon the barista says yall have to leave because youve already consumed an unGodly amount of coffee and nothing else.
so you head out for a walk
the cold autumn air hits you right in the face and a shiver runs through your entire body
you cling onto dabi and relax,
as usual he's warm...
he looks down at you and pulls away before wrapping an arm around you.
you snuggle into his side and go on your way.
you head to the park and walk among the trees that had turned from green to a mixture of different calming shades of orange red and yellow.
piles of leaves lay all around you and on impulse you run
you run straight toward a pile of leaves that was almost as tall as you
and you dragged dabi right behind you
if he'd been able to anticipate what you were gonna do he'd have been able to pull the breaks but since he was caught off guard he ended up stumbling after you and landing right beside you in the pile.
he groaned a little as he tried to get back the air that'd just been knocked out of him.
and as he was going to get up he heard your strangled laughter and turned to look at you with a still-confused expression on his (pretty) face.
this made you burst out and even he couldnt resist laughing just a little bit.
he shook his head and looked at you,his eyes softer than youd ever seen them before
at this you bolted up into a sitting position and have him a tight and firm hug.
when you pulled away you looked into his eyes and he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips.
you both then collapsed back into the leaf pile and just stayed there basking each other's company.
soon enough you both fell asleep and just stayed there.
twice and toga who'd been following you,(totally just recon *cough* not like they were *cough*spyinggg or anythinggg) saw the two of you in the leaf pile and just covered you in leaves.they of course left the areas around your noses and mouths open but the rest of your bodies were gone. and with that they dusted their hands and left the scene~
you woke up about five hours later and dabi walked you home before vanishing out of sight.when you looked through ur little bag you saw a sticky note that read "till next time" with a lil fire emoji next to it.
you stuck it on your fridge~
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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redscharms · 1 year
I'm pretty sure I did ATEEZ's Kim Hong Joong personality reading before. I have notes from May 19th(!) when my cousin firstly introduced me to this group and asked me to do a quick personality reading for these guys. She was curious to see how my readings would go with me knowing literally nothing about the group and its members.
Since I'm still waiting for my new decks to arrive, I'll post the notes I have and when I get the decks I'll do more readings about them.
I'm actually curious to reread myself my initial notes on the guys. I'm still new to the group and I know very little about them but I really enjoy their music, it's really unique.
These notes are about
Park Seong Hwa's personality reading:
- he has complicated personality
- it feels like he's a little two-faced but not in a bad way if that makes sense
- more like he's restraining himself in certain situations
- to contain something really wild that lives inside him, a side he's not always sure if he wants others to see
- it almost feels like he's afraid of being judged?
- he can receive constructive criticism but he's not a big fan of criticism directed at him in any form
- he doesn't enjoy being in the wrong or when people find something to criticise about him or his actions
- but he's very calm and tends to digest all that silently
- however that calmness feels at times "fake" as if he's just really good at controlling his emotions but they take over at times
- it almost feels like he sometimes feels ashamed of being perceived as 'not mature enough'
- there's a certain sensitivity to him (back to him not enjoying being criticised) but also a sweet softness that somehow perfectly coexists with his fiery nature
- if he was a fire he would be a bonfire that gathers everyone around it to share its warmth
- cozy and playful
- despite his fierce personality he has a 'cold' intellect
- he's smart, collected when it comes to making quick decisions in difficult situations but sometimes is not immune to his emotions overpowering his judgment
- it's rare and it seems that he's able to catch himself on it quickly yet he also seems to be a little stubborn to admit it right away
- it really depends on the situation and how much of his pride it affected
- I heard a phrase "I'm not a kid" in my head
- it feels as if he really cares about not being viewed as immature or disrespectful
- he might appear soft and weak (physically and mentally) but he's the complete opposite
- he might be naive in some areas of life where he didn't have enough experience to know more about that specific topic but he learns quickly and seems to be somewhat "street smart" (this is something that surprises me in this reading because as I'm looking at his photo to do this reading the guy on the photo looks like a little prince who was raised on soft cushions and sweet raisins and the word 'street smart' doesn't really fit with what I see in front of me)
- but the cards say he's a very strong individual
- resilient, determined and oh, so stubborn at times
- and it's funny because again I feel this duality
- he can be extremely flexible and compromise easily but on the other hand I see him being so stubborn and unwilling to compromise in certain situations that it feels exasperating
- he's a very interesting person
- he also seems to be... hmm.. it's like he likes to self sabotage a lot
- mentally mostly and sometimes emphatically
- can be very scary when truly angry but... it's not like "ooh he's so hot when he's angry" it's more like "he's being a dick about it at this point and I wish he would stop"
- it doesn't feel like this side of him comes out often but it's there and he's not a fan of it and works on it
- he's not proud of moments like that and regrets not being more composed
- again... duality: frugal to the point of being irritating yet somehow also seems to be someone who's able to spend ungodly amounts of money in short periods of time (the latter doesn't happen often)
- also.. order.
- I feel like he likes when everything around him (and preferably others) is in order and clean
- it seems to be coming from his childhood or family
- this sort of intertwines with his temper, I don't know how to explain it
- he doesn't like when things are out of place because it distracts him and he gets irritated
- seems that at times it's easier for him to do everything by himself for his own sanity's sake but there are times when ... oh wait! I see
- it's not about cleaning, it's about doing chores in general
- if it's something he can do, it's easier for him to just do it himself
- but if there were other things that had to be done by others he'll pester that person like an alarm clock set on snooze with no option of turning it off
- ahahah he can be a real pain in the ass
- he'll also be very critical of someone's work if it was halfassed
- plus he won't be doing everything himself unless it directly affects him
- someone else's responsibilities are not his business
- what I mean by that is he won't let himself be 'used'
- he's a romantic at heart
- probably wants a 'something out of k-drama' romance
- I didn't look much into that aspect of his personality so I don't have further notes on that
- likes the nature but more like... looking at it from a distance
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lgcjisoo · 1 year
XANDER: Off the Runway ⇀ Episode 001 
it’s episode one, the one where ought to start off with a bang, but jisoo knows he should ease into it and not burn himself out with the first episode. this is a project that he is extremely excited to do and it’s a nice departure from the typical industry he works in. and nothing wrong with that, the model adores the clothes and fragrance, jewelry and makeup that he gets to work with, but he wanted a casual side, one where everyone could see what he was like at home. well, not really at home. that was a bit too personal. and he didn’t like displaying all of that for everyone to see. jisoo was a bit introverted, private, so while he does want to share parts of himself, it’s selective.
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but hey, it doesn’t hurt taking the scene out of seoul. this explains why the staff and jisoo are both awake, at the very ungodly hour of anytime-before-5am, and on their way to jeongseon county, with an approximate ETA of 3 to 4 hours. eternally thankful that he doesn’t have to drive, he apologizes briefly to the cameraman who is filming, that it is very likely he may end up passing out for a large portion of the way there. which is promptly what occurs with the white and brown noise in the air with the travels there. 
but it’s no surprise to those who are familiar with the area, that there are some popular skiing regions in jeongseon and when the film makes its cut again, they’re at the skiing high1 resort and jisoo is dressed for the occasion, and with one of the instructors for his day trip of skiing at the resort. “i am a complete beginner, you guys! i’ve never had that much of a chance to do winter sports, with the exception of when i was a child back in canada and they dragged us to skate and skii, and sled for gym class. this will be a sincere blast to my childhood, but don’t feel too bad for me if i fall over, because it will probably happen a lot.”
they pan out to a scenic shot of the hills where no audio can really be heard but the view does have the instructor and jisoo in the shot, of him being shown how to do some of the rudimentary movements, and follow the leader, basically. and even then, the amount of strain that jisoo has to put on his body for this. it’s definitely a full body excercise. and no matter how many workouts someone does in the gym, when they’re out of their element and not doing their basic one-two-three routine, it’s a lot.
eventually, jisoo does get a shot where he comes down the hill ( the baby hill !!! ) successfully, he makes a victory whoop as he skids down to where the camera is, though his joy is short-lived as it pans directly to the next slope that is the next challenge. “already? maybe after a hot cocoa...” 
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cool intro post
★hello! welcome to the elevator
★this is an askblog centered around my ocs, girly gradient, flower and ?, you are weird floating device that can speak and ask questions, ain't that neat?
don't be mean or hateful
no nsfw or suggestive asks, i (the op) i'm minor, so don't do that, thanks
M!A are alright! you have the abilities williamplays has and a few more, so go ham with that
you can make fanart if you want
no spam asking, thats annoying, you will be blocked
•characters you can ask
♥︎girly gradient
•current location
★the regretevator
homophobes/transphobes(terfs, truscum, you get the idea), proshipers/anti-antis, maps, pro-israel, zoos, etc
(the list will probably grow with time)
•other stuff about op
★my roblox sideblog is @get-a-snack-at-an-ungodly-hour . i got by it/they and i'm a minor, this is just a hobby for me so don't expect the biggest quality
other info about the characters
? ref
flower ref
girly ref
lore and stuff under the cut:
about ?: it is a cruel experiment from the area 51 floor, it used to be a researcher in there named abigail until it found out way too much about the experiments being conducted in the deeper levels of the facility and then trying to rat it out to others, to silence it, the US goverment made it the subject for their latest try at a super soldier. it twiches a lot and it is made of a goop like non-newtonian substance that sticks to surfaces pretty well, it cannot feel any physical feelings, like pain, or hotness, or cold, so it clinges onto other sensory outlets like sounds and textures. it doesn't have much in its mind most of the time, and just stares blankly at the floor, but they are highly aggresive when provoked, so don't try it!
about flower: flower is a fleshcousin that was adopted by the now kind of dead abigail when she was an infant, she was found eating the flowers off the flowerbed in their garden so she was named after that, original i know. as she grew up she took many of the features of abigail (both physical and personality wise) and exaggerated them a bit, that's why she doesn't look like your typical fleshcousin! she isn't the most socially aware but she tries to not be a nuinsance (she's horrible at boundaries but she's working on it), she "researches" a lot, well, in quotations because her meaning of reasearch is a bit... stalkery, she thinks of every single person as their own separate species and so must be found everything about, routines, life, personality, conections, everything, though she will stop if you ask her to, she knows no means no and that's the same with stop! she nice and talkative and loves to ask questions! she's niceys i swear
about girly: girly is a gradient, yeah, there's not much of interest about him, besides that he's a trans man and he's the oldest one in the elevator, he's polite and sweet, not very confrontative, and tries to be in good terms with everyone he meets, he sees unpleseant as a little sibling but they aren't related
0 notes
umichenginabroad · 2 years
Bearing the Forty Foot, Seeing Glasnevin Cemetery, and Food!
Hey readers! I’m Aidan McKiernan, and I’m studying abroad in Ireland with the Big 10 STEM and Irish Studies program with UCD. Week 3 is just wrapping up now, and it’s been another fun one. I’m getting a bit homesick these days and missing some people back home, but there’s a ton of fun times and cool people to meet here, so it’s hard to feel down for long. The coolest things we did this week were taking a trip to the Forty Foot, a swimming area on the east coast of Ireland, and a trip to Glasnevin cemetery, a surprisingly impressive site. Of course I haven’t slowed my ungodly ice cream consumption rates, and I tried a few new notable places as well. 
Starting off last Sunday evening, I visited La Caverna, an Italian restaurant, with a group of friends. We had quite a group, so we split up into two tables. My group had to wait a bit to be seated, so we decided to try McDonalds in Ireland. The food options are pretty similar to what we have in the States, but they had a curry-flavored dipping sauce for the nuggets which I wasn’t familiar with and was pretty good. I also picked up a strawberry and cream frappe, which was quite good. After that we got our seats back at the restaurant, and I ordered a traditional carbonara.
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Carbonara from La Caverna- it was super!
We got a new physics lecturer this week who happened to be better than our previous one. Also, our labs this week were much more manageable than the past ones. In my other class, we had a brilliant new lecturer on Irish history, who was very entertaining. There is a 1500 word essay I’m writing on Irish emigration that is due this coming Wednesday, but finishing that shouldn’t be a big deal.
On Wednesday we took a trip to Dún Laoghaire for a dip in the Forty Foot and to try Teddy’s ice cream, rumored to be some of the best. Despite its name, the Forty Foot is really just an eight foot jump into about 20 foot deep water. Though I was misled about the height, the coldness and saltiness of the water definitely went beyond expectations! I was shivering for the next few hours, but it was definitely worth taking the plunge. 
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Me, trying to soak up some sun and totally not posing dramatically. (photo by Nate)
After drying off and a short walk, we grabbed ice cream from the famous Teddy’s ice cream. Personally, I had to double up, so I got a classic cone and a Ferrero crunch. The ice cream certainly lived up to expectations, even if I was left shivering and on a sugar rush.
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Me, amazed by my sweet ice cream picks- loved them both. (photo by Noah)
Saturday saw a trip to the Glasnevin cemetery, one of the biggest cemeteries in Europe. A stunning 1.6 million people are buried here, including many Irish legends like Michael Collins. By the way, that's more people than the entire population of Dublin! The headstones and scenery here was very pretty, a pleasant distraction from the morbidity. 
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A small fraction of the innumerable, ornate headstones we viewed. 
Before our guided tour I stopped into the SI Café for a quick breakfast croissant (and an ice cream cone!).
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A nice hot ham and cheese croissant from the café, much needed for the cloudy, windy, sub-60°F weather.
After the tour, our bus was a bit late, so a few of us took a quick walk to a bar called Gravediggers for the so-called best pint of Guinness you can get. …it wasn’t great.
Later that day I went to town with a couple friends for dinner. We got rejected from a couple places for wearing sweatpants, but we eventually found a really nice restaurant where I got a hearty beef stew. 
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Dinner at Quays Irish Restaurant with Daniel, Chase, Carson, Me, and Justin (left to right) (photo by Justin)
And finally, this Sunday has been pretty relaxed. I’ve just been catching up on sleep and doing some classwork. So that’s just about everything for this week, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading. Join me next week for another post!
Aidan McKiernan
Computer Science
University of Michigan
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downywrites · 3 years
Hello, bird is getting to everyone’s requests. Please hang on, your items will be delivered asap.
Enjoy this little drabble, beans! Love you all! /p
Ranboo(Lethe)  gets a back massage from Nikki(Nemesis).
Nikki was very used to helping people when they needed it, regardless of whether or not they asked for her help or not. The smiles that lit up their face made the toil worth it, no matter how small or fleeting that smile was. She loved the feeling of love. Soft, warm, fluffy like the soft curves of her famous loaves of sweet bread. .But love was fleeting. Change was imminent. Soon, her soft, warm bread went from something akin to a gift to the people to something the people expected of her. The love she so desperately seeked drained from the place. She felt lonely in the crowd, a source of love that seemed to be infinite to the people who so desperately craved it. Soon, her love ran dry. She wasted away, feeling less and less whole every day. She lashed out, hurt people she didn’t want to hurt, made people cry when all she wanted was to make people’s tears run dry. All she ever wanted was love, full, mutual, trusting love. But there was none where she searched. All of her ventures left her beaten and broken, forcing her to return to the land where bombs and bows were the norm, not the exception. Where swords were drawn over the slightest encroaching of anyone’s boundaries. Where blood moistened the ground more than pure, fresh water. She was tired of it.
So she left.
She cast aside her name during the bloodshed she was forced to cause, forced to enable, in order to end the never ending cycle that the people followed. She cast aside the memories, the thoughts of love and warmth and cookies, for the sake of the iron tang of blood and victory, the feeling of accomplishment and rush she felt when she rode into battle. She cast aside her old baker’s apron for one that she washed nightly to rid it of the tears and blood of her enemies.
She rose again from the ashes of the baker’s oven, wings of fire and fury glowing like hot coals rebirthed sprouting from her back. In her ex-friend’s eyes, she was a monster. She was terrifying, something too wild to tame and too strong and smart to fool. But, to her allies, she was a powerful creature, a person so strong, she could fell an entire army with a single sword and a burning, all consuming rage.
That didn’t mean she didn’t remember her past, though.
She sat on the windowsill of the stronghold they had been calling their home, wind whistling by her ear as she stared at the twinkling, shimmering stars. Her teammates had built in above and below ground, making sure that the area was fully protected from any attacks made by the enemy groups of the government. Her gossamer cape flowed behind her, sunset-orange and beautiful against the dark clothes she wore to blend in with the environment, at least a little. She adjusted her glasses to look closer at a certain cluster, before penning down a general shape in a small notebook beside her. The wind played with her hair and the pages of the notebook, making her clutch the pages tightly as particularly strong breezes racked the area. Her bleached hair fluttered slightly into her face, making her shift her face to the side a little. She huffed in slight annoyance at the disruption in her work, but continued to map out a general shape of the stars. Nibbling at the end of the quill, she dipped its tip into a well of blood red ink, careful not to get any on the stones. No need to make Techno lose any sleep. Nikki heard the sound of claws scraping against the hewn stone bricks, tensing up instinctually. The footsteps stopped almost immediately, giving her good reason to think of a few specific people up at such an ungodly time.
“Hmm, is that Ranboo or Techno up at this time? I don’t think any other hybrids would be up so late- er, so early.” She patted the side of the area not covered by her parchment and work. “Take a seat, dear. Star-gazing can help take your mind off of things.” A enderspeak-warbled voice echoed behind her. “I would, but...my muscles hurt a lot, and...I guess it kept me up?” Ah, Ranboo. He didn’t seem like much to most people, but the Syndicate saw his worth the second the man teleported in and out of one of the most respected facilities and grabbed Dream’s mask from the top of the pedestal, all without tripping off a single trap. (Granted, he forgot why he needed it in the first place, and tried to keep it for himself due to his confusion with the object once he came back. They still counted it as a win.) Even then, Ranboo was not a threat, no matter how hard he tried.
Nikki sighed, soft voice hinting a slight smile. “Oh? Muscles are hurting? Now that’s a first.” She turned around, looking into the shadows to look for the slightest bit of off-white. A shift in the left side of her eyes made her focus on the spot, trying to see the enderman through the inky blackness without making him startle. Ranboo immediately backtracked. “D-don’t worry about me, though. It’s not your problem- I’m so sorry for intruding on your peace, I’ll just see myself out.” He backed away, slowly losing his shape in the shadows. “Wait, Lethe.”
Ranboo went stock still in the depths of the darkness. “I can give you a massage. I used to do that for people back in L’manberg! Besides, I needed to stop focusing on those silly clumps for a tiny bit, anyways.” She swung her legs onto the floor, scuffing her shoes on the cold, icy ground. She winced at the change in temperature, already wishing for the semi-warm winds of the nearby desert again, but she ignored the nagging wish in favor of flicking the nearest lever to her person. The lights flickered on, casting the whole hallway in a burst of warm, soft lighting, Even though the lights were relatively dim, both Nikki and Ranboo winced, shielding their eyes from the piercing white flash.
Once the ivory light dimmed to a soft, gentle color, Nikki gently grabbed the enderman’s arm, careful not to grab at his fragile claws. The bi-colored hybrid yelped, eyes still trying to focus on the shape in front of him. “H-hey!”
Nikki didn’t even glance back at the stumbling man. “I found Phil’s grooming area a while ago. I think we can use that to massage your muscles in some nice positions, okay? I won’t slam you into a wall, trust me.”
From the way Ranboo’s slitted pupils flicked to the side, he wasn’t too sure, but he followed along anyways. Nikki stifled a giggle at the semi-nervous look on the obviously taller person. What does he have to be afraid of? It’s just her. She steered the two of them into a large, softly-styled room.
Dimming the lights as to make it more comfortable for the enderman hybrid, she tugged her ally onto the cushioned platform in the middle. She glanced around, scanning for items she could use to relax his muscles. Dozens of tools lay scattered all over the soft, padded floor. She walked slowly over to one specific pile, feet bouncing slightly off of the bouncy fabric on the floor as she did so. `Kneeling down carefully, as to not aggravate her own sore muscles, she picked up a few tools she deemed were useful to her endeavor.
From across the room, Ranboo’s tail swished nervously from side to side, almost afraid of the shadows of her figure dancing in the light of the redstone-powered lamps. “A-are you sure we’re allowed to be in here?” Small warbles of fear laced his voice. Nikki sighed patiently. “Yes, it’s fine.” She returned to his side, guiding him onto his back. The enderman hybrid vwooped quietly, eyes flitting back and forth on the objects he could still see. “You’re sure we can do this. Like, really, really sure?” She didn’t even reply to that one, rolling her eyes from behind him.
That was one thing she never could understand about the boy. He could literally kill anyone he wanted with his claws, tear muscle and flesh apart like it was nothing. He could claw and bite and scratch until all around him were bloody and broken from his onslaught. He could simply screech, and nobody would be able to stand long enough to get in his way.
Yet he didn’t.
Ironically, and almost eerily like her, he loved to make people happy. He stumbled over himself to keep others safe and satisfied, even injuring himself badly to create a new axe for techno when his went missing. He loved his people, even when they failed to love him back. He kept on giving and giving, just like her. Yet he persevered in it. She almost wanted to ask him how he did it. She could, if she wanted to. He was right there, in front of her. If she could only open her mouth to ask.. No. She turned her head away slightly. “Nikki?” She turned back to see him glancing back at her, heterochromatic eyes slitting with worry. “Is something wrong? I can get up, if you want me to. I’m so sorry for bother-”
“No!..I mean, no, don’t leave. It’s okay, I just had...a flashback, of sorts.” Ranboo nodded, head movements limited by his positioning on the cushion. She moved closer, tools lying on the side of the table beside the cushion. A part of her wanted to ask where they came from. Did she do that? Prime if she knew. She was too tired to think about it, too tired to notice that she didn’t place it there herself. Nikki slowly started rubbing the backs of her hands against the tense muscles on the enderman’s shoulders, moving in small circles as she did so. As she put more and more pressure on the taut muscles, they began to relax under her careful eye. The effort it took to make just the tops of his shoulders relax was monumental for the smaller warrior, but the sighs of relief from Ranboo made it all worthwhile to her. She smiled slightly, empathetic side of her soaking in a similar amount of happiness. Her arms moved downwards of their own accord. She let her muscle memory do the talking, allowing her mind to wander away. In a haze of softened focus and the sweet, sweet scent of chorus fruit wafting in the air, she bathed in the calmness and the warmth of the situation.
It was almost pleasant to feel the boy’s muscles give way underneath her. Almost, being the key word. The slight amounts of pressure she had to keep on Ranboo at all times to keep him from teleporting away was the only thing keeping her grounded. All the same, she enjoyed his company. He never really spoke much outside of small, casual conversations, leading to comfortable stretches of silence between them. Personally, Nikki loved it. If she could, she’d love to have the team lounge about together. She knew it would be the most quality time she would ever get with a group of people who respect her for more than her baked goods. Nevertheless, she knew it was nigh impossible. When one side of the team was awake, the other was asleep. When all of them were around, they would all be in separate rooms. When they were all in the same place, they always had to go out to get new supplies, or fight off another horde of fools. Nikki longed to have more time with them, but… thus was their life. She-they chose it. She wouldn’t trade it for the world, even though there were a great many downsides to- “Ah- Nihikki!”
Nikki snapped back into focus, worry coloring her words. “Oh, I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you?” His tail curled around her arm, wagging slightly. Wait, wagging? She pushed gently at the spot that elicited the reaction, getting a similar squeak and a giggle. Oh. Nikki processed the information for a moment more, before snapping back to attention again. “Ranboo, are you, by any chance, ticklish?” Ranboo’s whole body froze, even his tail. “U-Uhhh….Would you believe me if I said no?” She tutted slightly. “Hmm, no, I don’t think so.” She moved her hands lower, delighting in the fact that the enderman had to bite his lip in order to keep all of the giggles in. His ears and tail flicked slightly, broadcasting how much he actually enjoyed it, even though he tried to protest every time she slowed down her testing for even a moment. “Why are you hiding you little giggles? I just want you to be happy, little enderboo!” At the nickname, the poor boy melted, small little warped giggles escaping. She stopped massaging in favor of lightly scratching all over his back, giggling softly herself when she felt his tail wiggle slightly because of the change. “Coochie coo, cutie pie! Giggle for me, dearie!” Ranboo couldn’t hold it in anymore. His giggles increased in volume and in pitch as she scratched at his lower back, tail unwinding and wagging from side to side in mirth. “Ehihihi! Nihihikkihihi!”
She cooed softly at him, enjoying his flustered whimpering and high-pitched giggles that starkly contrasted the low, deep voice her ally normally had. She found it even more endearing that, even though she couldn’t see the whole of his face, she knew that he was flushed a deep plum all over his cheeks and ears. “What’s the matter, Ranboo? Are you okay? You look a little...plum, if I may!” Ranboo groaned through his laughter. “Nihihikki! Nohoho puhuhuns…” “Oh, no Punz, you say? Of course there’s no Punz! You think that greedy pink piggy would want to come out to see us at this time of night?” At that, Ranboo’s squirming increased, forcing Nikki to pin him down further into the cushion with one of her hands. “You know, if you keep struggling like this, I may have to bring out the heavy-duty tools.” Ranboo shuddered violently, blush deepening at her words. “Unless, of course, you can keep your arms up for me~” She rolled him over, careful not to tense up the relaxed muscles by moving him around violently
. As his deep purple blush was revealed to the cooing baker, Ranboo’s hands twitched, having to fight the urge to simply curl up into a little duochromatic ball and avoid all contact from the other in a bid to keep his last shreds of dignity intact. But Nikki’s command, albeit concealed by soft, loving almond eyes and a sugar-sweet tone, was final, and he knew it. He chose to turn his head to the side instead, ears twitching madly in equal parts embarrassment and joy. Nikki took a step back from the cushion, looking down at her feet to avoid the enderman’s swishing tail. Watching to make sure her little victim didn’t escape while her back was turned, she picked up a small set of preening tools, all intended for other purposes. She would have to make do; after all, most people didn’t have a set of perfect grooming tools for the soft, almost silky fur of an enderman hybrid such as Ranboo.
Especially not him himself. No, that altruistic enderman refused to take care of himself. He refused to take dust baths or lava baths, saying that it was ‘too much to ask’ of them to give him some sand or a fire resistance potion (and some privacy). He refused to use Phil’s preening brushes, insisting that ‘enderman fur don’t get as gunked up as wing feathers’. Yeah, right. Even as she moved back towards the trembling, whimpering hybrid, she knew that brushing his fur would be a real challenge. The only way she was going to get the whole of his back and sides, along with his legs and tail, would be with his full cooperation. And boy, even though he could be a real pushover, he somehow always ended up refusing help at the very last minute, She sighed, resigning herself to a very, very long night.
Haha I just speedran this fic feeling good :3
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ask-rp-devra · 3 years
The slow pace was pleasant, despite the snow the sun shone brightly, and the pair was able to enjoy taking in the routes sights and sounds, plenty of Pokemon near by, you could see their tracks in the snow, the odd traveller moving from the station too. As Devra moved to the tree, Peach followed, standing out of her shot, looking up at the trees immense size and fresh colour.
“‘it’s really beautiful here...” her eyes squinted up further into the tree, something beyond the lower branches moving, then suddenly flying at speed from the tree. A moment later and snow hit the Professor square in the face, going down the back of her coat, getting an ungodly screech from her as she jumped about very suddenly to get the snow out, her poor Pokemon holding on for dear life.
Devra jumped at the sound, clutching her camera to her chest to keep from dropping it. She turned around to see the woman in distress. She rushed over and started to help shake the snow out of her coat. “Can you warm things up please Valka?” She finished getting the snow out and then started patting Peach’s back to try and warm her up.
The woman was already having a wailord of a time, the snow being so horribly cold, she was great full when Val fanned her tail out, increasing the ambient temperature around them all by easily 15 degrees, trying not to melt too much of the snow around them while heating up her trainer. Peach huffed, laughed a bit, and tanked everyone, hacking her bag to see if Dreepy was ok. He had been shocked yes but seemed fine once the situation had been explained, returning to the bag, his little face sticking out to watch everything going on.
“ok, ok. I think I’ll survive, got to remember not to stand under trees so much here hah.” She grinned in her weird lopsided way at Devra and thanked her, a little damp but otherwise fine now Val was doing her heat thing. “hope you got the shot you wanted, sorry to startle you all.” She even looked to Cole who had stopped what he was doing to investigate.
The little pup was sniffing at Peach’s feet, her behavior making him very curious. “Don’t worry I got it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had snow fall on me while taking pictures during the winter. But yeah, maybe avoid that.” She laughed with the Professor as they continued down the road. “Must have woken you up real food though.”
“‘I don’t think I’ve ever been this awake in my life, and I don’t know how to feel about it.” A bit of a joke, as the pair wandered towards the town, the tops of roofs starting to show up in the distance, and the smell of chimney smoke giving them both a sense of the warmth to come.
She took a deep breath of the cold and crisp air. “First thing I’m doing is getting some coffee. I might like the snow but I like it with hot drinks even more.” She glanced around, noticing a small open area tucked to the side of the trail. “Hey! Why don’t we let Aliza see the snow there?”
Spotting the same opening the woman nodded, honestly focused on the mention of a hot coffee, but the untouched snow begged for prints to be added to it.
“you know she’ll be all legs, excited, trying to jump things, running about madly. Yes. Let’s let her loose.” It’d be cute, a pokemons first snow is always a special little moment. The pack moved to the opening, peach sitting to one side, Val and her scraping snow off of a fallen tree, sitting neatly together, while the little Dreepy came out to see what was going on.
“‘get your camera ready for it, you know it’ll be cute.”
Devra was already ahead of her, getting her camera set for the bright light of the snowy area. She then took out a pokeball and released Aliza, camera ready for anything. The young ponyta shook herself after being in her ball for so long, then looked around her her person. She snorted in confusion when she noticed all of the white around her, ears flicking about. “Look Ali! It’s snow!” Devra snapped a couple pictures before kneeling down to show her it was okay to touch. Coal even came over and showed her you could leave prints in the snow. Aliza slowly lowered her head, sniffing at the snow. But before Devra could warm her the ponyta let out a loud sneeze as some loose snow got into her nose. She reared back and snorted, shaking her head before she started running laps with little bucks and kicks.
Yep. Disgustingly sweet. Dreepy looked to the little hybrid ponyta with fondness and familiarity, but while she bolted about in excitement, kept his distance. Peach noticed this little moment, petting him every so slightly as he sat on her lap with its little arms folded. “‘don’t worry bud, she’ll come over when she’s ready, she’s never seen the snow before, I bet you were excited your first time too.” He made a weird chirping sound before continuing to watch quite patiently. Devra was busy snapping pics and playing, Coal too, everyone seemed content for the moment, it was very quaint.
“‘I don’t think anyone would mind us travelling with the whole group out of their pokeballs, they’re not exactly a difficult bunch of Pokemon. You should keep her with you, she’s obviously enjoying it a lot.” A laugh escaped her as coal and Aliza collided with a skid and sudden stop, not bothered by the slippery terrain, or the tumble taken, back up in no time.
“I think I will. She’s having so much fun I don’t want to stop her.” She finished taking her massive amounts of pictures, going over to join peach on the log. Aliza kept going for another ten minutes before she came skidding to a halt, snorting from all the running she’d done. She then trotted over to Devra for attention, leaning into her for the pets she so desperately wanted. As the ponyta stood there she noticed the little dreepy, abd stretched her nose out to give him a sniff.
Dreepy hid, just for a brief moment, before slowly peeking out, touching noses with the pokemon, to get to know her smell. He seemed happy after a moment where they got to interact, Aliza reminded him of the other ponyta he had gotten to know, though not quite, and he couldn’t quite put his little mitts on why.
“I must admit, I’m worried about this Dragon type with all this snow around. I’ve seen nothing but ice types since we got here, hopefully he stays out of too much trouble, maybe the ghost in him will balance it out a bit.” Peach was unfamiliar with both dragons and ghosts, having had very few in her lifetime, mostly dual type grass or bug, making them much easier to work with, this Pokemon actually did unnerve her a little, she couldn’t help but worry about him constantly in the back of her mind.
“‘fire types are so straight forward in comparison hah!” The cluster of Pokemon around them all fell into the fire category, bar the little dragon, and you could tell, their ambient heat was slowly melting the snow where they sat, puddles forming around their feet over time.
“I’m sure he’ll be okay. Just got to keep him out of any fights for the time being.” She stood up after a minute to stretch. “Should we get going then? It looks like the little girl got her energy out for the time being.” Aliza snorted and gave Devra a little headbutt, making her giggle.
“sounds like a plan.” And so the group stood, brushed any snow off, and began their trek to the village close by, all Pokemon actually quite happy to walk together, aside from Val who took her watch post on Peach’s shoulder as per usual. It was however nice to see that little Dreepy being part of something now Aliza was out and about. He seemed a bit more confident for it.
“Hot coffee sounds amazing right about now, you really hit the nail on the head with that earlier.”
Aliza stuck close to Devra at they went, wanting to be close to the human that smelled like home. Coal on the other hand kept bounding ahead, keeping the group in eyesight. “So what area do you think we should go to first?”
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
tiny love || v
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➵ as tooru’s younger sister, falling in love with iwaizumi hajime was easy. iwaizumi ultimately decided to rebuff you. but that was a year ago - things are different now. and you have other things to worry about. things like moving halfway across the world for university; and moving in with the very boy who’d broken your heart. 
warnings: f!reader
wc: 4.3k
m.list | ch. 4 ↞ ch. 5↠ ch. 6
Life moved too quickly.
That was the only logical conclusion you could come to after the past few weeks. One minute you’re finding out you’ve got a scholarship to a university overseas, the next you’re spending as much time with your friends as you can without burning out, and then suddenly you’re standing at the airport, suitcase in hand and loved ones lined up in front of you like this is some fantasy RPG and you’re about to go into the final battle.
Your family had said goodbye before, but that didn’t seem to make it any easier. You’re the youngest, after all. The baby.
“Remember to call if you need anything, okay?” Your mother said, smoothing a hand over your hair.
“I know, mum,” you smiled. “I love you.”
She sighed, pulling you into a hug. She said nothing more, letting the slight tremble in her arms say all that was in her heart.
Your father was next, ruffling your hair with a certain melancholy. “Be good, you hear?” He chastised. “Don’t talk to boys.”
You rolled your eyes, grinning. “Dad…”
“I’m just saying, there are more important things to focus on,” he nodded sagely. “And don’t go causing any trouble.”
“I won’t,” you nodded. “Promise.”
Kaori was next, a certain mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Send me a photo of every pigeon you come across,” Kaori said.
You grinned at her. “Really?”
“Mhm,” she nodded. “That way I’ll know you’re alive every day.”
You stuck your tongue out at her. “That’s a terrible plan.”
“Is it so wrong for me to want to check up on my little sister?” She teased. “I just want to make sure you won’t forget about me.”
“I won’t,” you laughed. “I’m sure you won’t let me.”
“Too right,” she grinned.
She gave you one good, tight hug. She, more than anyone else in your family, seemed to be the best at swallowing this whole situation. It was a relief to know that someone would be there to console your parents.
Finally, Amaya. She pouted at you, pulling you into a rough hug.
“Don’t forget to text me, okay?” Amaya mumbled, her arms tight around her shoulders. “Or I’ll knife you.”
“I know,” you chuckled, squeezing your grip on her waist. “I’ll keep you updated on everything, don’t worry.”
“You better,” she huffed, pulling away slowly.
Once, you might’ve dreamed of going to the same university together. But life had a funny way of taking your plans and crumbling them to dust in the palm of its hand.
But you were sure that no matter what, your friendship would hold steadfast. Amaya wasn’t the type of person to let things die so easily.
You couldn’t delay any longer.
As you walked through the gate, you wondered if Tooru had felt like this. If he’d been hounded by this unrelenting fear, doubt, and anxiety. If he’d also felt like throwing up. If he had, he’d covered it up well.
That thought didn’t do much to quell the lurching in your stomach.
Tokyo had once felt unbelievably far away. But California? That was a different beast.
✧ ✧ ✧
After a twenty-hour plane ride and two stop offs later, you’d come to the conclusion that airports, in fact, were the most unholy places known to man. Whose fault was it that airports were labyrinthine hellholes which were impossible to navigate?
By the grace of God, or perhaps as an apology for the godforsaken pilgrimage that was your flight, you managed to find the luggage pickup area with relative ease. By the time you managed to haul your suitcase off the baggage carousel you were ready to take a nap for the next three months.
You sighed, looking up at the clock hung high on the wall. 5:21 AM. Ew.
You felt a touch of pity for all the workers rostered on at such an ungodly hour.
Oh, and whoever was responsible for escorting you to your new ‘home’.
As you trundled through that godforsaken place, suitcase trailing behind you and carry-on slung over your shoulder, you were too tired to think and too tired to worry about who might be waiting for you.
That clawing anxiety had gripped you for the first hour or so of your flight, but it’d been completely replaced with other worries.
There’s only fiberglass separating you and an absurdly high fall… what happens if the plane goes down? What happens if one of the wings caught fire? What if one of the doors inexplicably ripped off mid-flight and sucked you out through a vacuum?
Regardless, you’d landed with your soul very much attached to your body – although that in itself presented you with a host of new problems.
You glared at the signs pointing in every conceivable direction, praying that your English was good enough to decrypt this mess for you.
Arrivals. That sounded right.
You dragged your feet in that direction with a big yawn, decorum be damned.
A thin crowd was gathered at the gate, waiting to greet the ragtag group of travellers who filtered through. Mothers, daughters, beloved friends, lovers…
You scanned the crowd with narrowed eyes and the hope that you’d catch sight of some familiarity.
There was your name on a placard, written in hiragana.
And holding it…
Iwaizumi Hajime. He was glancing around the airport, seemingly a little bleary-eyed.
Your flight-or-fight response was well and truly activated. Had he really shown up at the airport at five in the morning just to pick you up?
Oh no. Oh God. That’s… not what you were expecting. Sure, you’d been told you’d be “picked up” from the airport, but you’d just expected some taxi service or something. Your mum had sorted that all out anyway – she’d insisted that you let her do that, at least, to give her some peace of mind.  
But she hadn’t told you it would be Iwaizumi picking you up. Were you supposed to have assumed that? Fuck.
With the inside of your cheek trapped between your teeth and a sinking feeling in your gut, you dragged yourself towards him.
Each step you took towards him just seemed to make him look even hotter. He was wearing a loose white shirt, but you could tell that he was built. Even more built than he’d been when he left. He hadn’t done his hair in that spiky Godzilla style he used to, and it’s longer than when you’d last seen him. He’s gotten a tan, too – an unfairly flattering golden tan.
And he was wearing a pair of fucking grey sweatpants.
I’m going to die, you thought. It’s official. I am the world’s biggest idiot, and Iwaizumi Hajime will be the cause of my death via cardiac arrest.
Was it too presumptuous to text your family your goodbyes?
He caught sight of you.
You made eye contact for the first time in a year.
What do I do? Your thought, cursing yourself out for being so… so like this.
But Iwaizumi just waved at you with a small smile on his face.
You closed the distance between the two of you with trepidation, scouring your mind for what to say to him.
Hi? How are you? It’s good to see you?
None of those felt quite right. You were much too tired for this. And he was much too hot—
“Hey,” he smiled, dropping his hand to his side.
“Hi,” you nodded, resisting the urge to bow. Should you bow? He is your senior… but this isn’t Japan. But that didn’t change the rules of etiquette, did it?  
“I can carry that, if you need,” he said, nodding towards your luggage.
Under normal circumstances, you probably would have refused on the basis of pride alone. But you’d just flown halfway around the world, and you were doing your best not to drool at the bloody Adonis standing before you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, handing him your carry-on. You managed to finish the hand off without your fingers brushing, much to your relief.
Iwaizumi observed you for a second, a touch of concern in his eyes. “You okay?”
“Just tired,” you smiled at him weakly. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a lie.
“Understandably,” he chuckled, pulling a set of keys out of his pocket.
You frowned as he jangled them around one finger. “You drive?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I got my license back in Japan. Managed to transfer it over.”
“Huh,” you said. When had he learned to drive? That’d been happening right next door and you’d had no idea?  
“You ready?” He asked, looking at you over his shoulder as he turned around.
You nodded, tugging on the handle on your suitcase.
The two of you made your way to his car, which turned out to be a dingy-looking thing cobbled together with dull navy metal and rubber.
You said nothing as you packed the luggage into the boot, Iwaizumi doing most of the grunt work. Part of you felt bad, but you knew full-well that he had more strength in his right middle finger than you could ever dream of having.
He strolled around to your side of the car before you had time to remember which side of the road Americans drove on.
“Here you go,” he said. The asshole just had to open your door for you too, didn’t he?
You nodded your thanks, settling into your seat with a little more frustration than feasible.
He’d slipped into the driver’s seat as you finished buckling yourself in, and before you had time to take much of anything in, he was backing out of his parking lot.
You watched him from the corner of your eye.
He looked so… casual, doing this. The Iwaizumi you knew had never been behind the wheel of a car. And yet now, he’s moving like it’s second nature.
How much had you missed? So much must’ve happened while you were out of contact.
“Hey, uh… Iwaizumi?” You mumbled, clenching your fists in your lap.
“Thanks for picking me up,” you said, chewing on your cheek. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“No problem,” he chuckled.
You felt like you should say something else. But you’re weren’t sure what. He seemed relatively calm, given the situation. Saying the wrong thing could potentially fuck that up.
“How was your flight?” He asked, gently making his way through the car park.
“Uh…” Was there a polite word for ‘awful’? “It was fine.” You shrugged. “I made it here in one piece, so…”
Iwaizumi chuckled. The sound made your stomach flip.
You leant back in your chair, closing your eyes with a sigh. You didn’t know how far away your apartment was. Fifteen minutes? Ten? An hour?
Your brain reeled with potential small-talk topics. There might be a lot of time to fill.
“Take a nap if you need to,” Iwaizumi said.
“Thanks,” you hummed.
Maybe he was aware that he was giving you an out. Maybe he had no idea.
But you were more than happy to take it regardless.
✧ ✧ ✧
A pre-made bed was waiting for you in your room. You blinked at it a few times, the brain-fog of a long flight still clouding your mind.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Iwaizumi said, leaning against your doorframe. “I just got you some sheets because I didn’t think you’ have the energy to sort all that out today.”
You’re going to cry. Cry, and then die.
“Do you need help unpacking?” He asked.
You turned around sharply at those words, waving your hands about. “Oh no, no… I’m fine.”
He looked at you for a moment longer, as if he was appraising you. He simply nodded. “Well, call out if you need me.”
“Yep!” You offered him an unbearably stretched smile.
“Alright,” he said. With that, he was gone.
You sighed, turning to your suitcase. It was laid on the floor, unopened.
Shit. This really was a big move, wasn’t it?
And, you’d moved in with Iwaizumi. Something you’d never expected – not like this, anyway.
Shaking that thought out of your head, you kneeled in front of your suitcase. Something about it felt more reverent than it had any right to. You unzipped it slowly, pushing back the battered red lid to reveal your belongings.
You bit the inside of your cheek, starting with the first layer. You’d packed your pyjamas on the top – a move you’d like to thank younger you for.
As you placed it in your lap, you gazed at the rest of your belongings crammed into your suitcase.
You hadn’t brought all that much. Mostly clothes that you thought would be appropriate for the Californian weather, a few knick-knacks and keepsakes that you felt particularly attached to, a handful of your favourite books, your polaroid camera…
So much had been left behind. You didn’t mind that, for the most part; but it still felt like you were abandoning a part of yourself. Everything you’d accumulated over the past nineteen years, just…
Maybe your parents would hold onto all your things. But it wouldn’t be remiss for them to throw them away.
It’s all just part of growing up. That’s what you told yourself – you had to change, move on and get over it.
If Tooru could do it, you could to. You had to.  
But now it felt like his shadow was hanging over you darker than ever. Part of your own journey had been dictated by him; if he hadn’t recommended you live with Iwaizumi, where would you be?
What was Iwaizumi even like now? Was he a good person? He’d been very nice and polite ever since you’d seen him at the airport, but…
Was he trying to be warm? Or was he keeping you at an arm’s length? Could your ‘friendship’ ever recover from… that?
You swallowed, running a hand over one of your dresses.
Honestly, you just wanted to go to sleep.
You didn’t want to leave the room because that meant you might bump into Iwaizumi. You didn’t want to unpack because you had the sneaking suspicion that it was going to make you feel like crying. You didn’t want to call anyone because you knew you didn’t have the energy to do so.
There was only one thing to do, then.
You managed to drag yourself towards your bed, hoisting yourself onto it with a grunt. You curled up on top of the sheets, wrapping your arms around your knees.
The ache in your eyes didn’t subside as your closed them, but there was nothing else to do.
Attempting to rest was better than nothing.
✧ ✧ ✧
A knock on your door.
You bolted upright, startled out of your uneasy slumber.
“Hey.” Iwaizumi’s voice was distant but distinctive.
“Hm?” You didn’t trust your own voice to hold up.
“You okay?”
You bit your lip. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.”
It wasn’t your best lie,
A long pause followed.
“No, you’re not.” His voice was soft, gentle. Not like what you’d expected.
Although, you weren’t even sure what that was.
“Can I come in?” He asked.
“Uh…” You swallowed roughly, crossing your legs. “Yeah. Sure.”
He needed no more prompting, letting himself in and leaning himself against the wall.
There was good distance between the two of you. You’re grateful for it.
“What’s wrong?” He looked genuinely concerned. Why, you didn’t know.
Nor did you know if you should actually tell him. There was admittedly no reason to; at this point in your life, he was just a roommate.
“It’s just…” You sighed, your mouth moving before your brain. “It’s a big move, you know? I don’t think I’m ready for it.”
You’d had this conversation over and over again, both with Tooru and with Amaya. I’m not ready. I’m not ready. I’m not ready. It was the one thought you couldn’t escape, no matter how hard you tried to justify this whole thing to yourself.
“You’re more ready than you know,” he said softly. “You’re here, aren’t you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I guess…”
“It’s not easy, but you can do it.” His tone was resolute, not harsh but firm. It almost makes you feel like he’s right. Almost.
“And…” He swallowed, his gaze flicking to the ground. “I’ll look out for you. You’re not alone.”
You weren’t quite sure what those words made you feel.
“Thank you, Iwaizumi.” Your voice is quiet enough to go unheard, but he smiled. It was only a little smile – one someone who hadn’t known him for so long might’ve missed – but it was genuine. You couldn’t tell if that was a good omen or a grim portent.
“You shouldn’t be thinking about this tonight,” he nodded, standing up straight. “You’re already exhausted, so you’ll only make it harder for yourself.”
You pouted at him, much to your own surprise. Unfortunately, he was right.
“Give me a moment,” he said suddenly, disappearing.
You sighed, lying back on your bed and closing your eyes.
It felt like you’d entered the Twilight Zone.
Maybe things would improve when you started uni. Then you’d have something else to think about that wasn’t just ‘oh God, I moved in with Iwaizumi Hajime and that was stupid, dumb, and a colossal mistake.’
Your instincts were begging you to book a flight and go straight home to Japan. Surely, you might be able to get into some university – sure, you missed the entrance exams, but perhaps…
Were you already chickening out? Tooru had moved halfway across the world entirely on his own, but he’d never once thought about turning back. And yet here you were, lying in your bed feeling like you were about to disintegrate just because your roommate happened to be someone you used to have feelings for.
God, that was pathetic. It was only day one.
“Here you go.”
You flinched, sitting up suddenly.
Iwaizumi stood at the side of your bed, holding a mug out to you. You hadn’t even heard him come in.
“Oh, thanks,” you nodded. As you took it from him, you peeked at the tea bag.
Your favourite. He’d made you your favourite tea. You took a tentative sip.
“I hope you still like it that way,” he said, a touch of pink to his cheeks.
It reminded you of winter back home.
“I do.” You looked up at him, giving him a genuine smile.
He smiled right back, his face softening in that rare but stunning way you remembered.
You were a little proud of yourself for keeping it together.
“I, ah…” Iwaizumi cleared his throat, taking a few slow steps away from the bed. “I’m going to go to bed. I’ve got practice early tomorrow, so…”
You nodded.
As you watched him leave, closing your bedroom door on the way, you wondered if you should’ve asked him what his training was for.
But you just sipped your tea.
This really was going to be difficult, wasn’t it?
✧ ✧ ✧
By the time you woke up in the morning, Iwaizumi was out. That was something of a relief. Iwaizumi not being around meant you could explore the apartment without the fear of bumping into him.
So, you took the opportunity, sneaking out of your room and taking stock of the layout of your apartment. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room attached to a kitchen… it wasn’t big, but you weren’t about to complain.
It’s quite a change from the family home you grew up in, but the change is a little exciting. It’s certainly liveable, and you know your parents are grateful for the fact rent was affordable enough.
The apartment was well-tended and clean. You weren’t sure if he’d cleaned it up before you’d arrived – which wasn’t unlikely – or if he usually kept it this neat – which also wasn’t unlikely.
A few photos hung on the wall, some with people you knew, some you didn’t. There were a few photos of the Seijoh team, exhibiting various degrees of chaos. Some others included people that you recognized as his friends from high school, and there were several of himself, Tooru, Hanamaki and Matsukawa. 
Other photos were a total mystery, though. Probably friends from university, a mix of men and women you didn’t recognize.
You didn’t let yourself look at them for too long; your mind was concocting too many questions, too many narratives that made your gut feel all funny.
The only other thing of particular interest was the television and the DVD stand next to it, stuffed full of both Japanese and English movies. Most people streamed these days, but Iwaizumi had always been a bit of a traditionalist when it came to technology.
Regardless, the small size of the apartment meant there wasn’t all that much to explore.
You slunk back to your room after a close inspection of the bathroom, which you decreed as ‘clean enough’.
By the time you passed through the threshold of your room, a quiet blanket of exhaustion settling over you. Jetlag really was a piece of shit.
You tossed yourself on your bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Maybe you could call someone. But you weren’t sure how the time zones lined up. Your parents wouldn’t be happy with you if you woke them up at some ungodly hour, and Kaori needed the rest. Amaya might be up, but you didn’t want to stress her out…
Tooru was an option. He wasn’t that far away in the grand scheme of things, and he might’ve been able to offer some advice…
But he was probably busy. And you’d already bothered him enough.
God, why were you so frustrated? Was it exhaustion? Anxiety? How difficult it was to wrap your head around the situation? You just wanted to sleep for a week.
Before you knew it, your eyes fluttered closed, and you drifted into an uneasy nap.
✧ ✧ ✧
A firm, steady knock cut through your barely conscious mind.
You blinked rapidly, frowning. Shit, did you have another nap? That better not become a habit.
With a groan (and a great deal of strain) you managed to get off your bed, dragging yourself to your door.
You opened it with trepidation.
Iwaizumi stood on the other side with a glass of water in one hand and a bowl of yakisoba with chopsticks poking out of it in the other.
“Uh,” he cleared his throat, eyes flicking to the ground, “you didn’t come out to eat, and I didn’t see any dishes in the sink, so…”
“Ah,” you swallowed. “Right.”
You hadn’t eaten yet. All day.
“Thanks,” you nodded, taking the bowl from him. To his credit, it looked good; plenty of vegetables, and nothing seemed to be burnt. That might be a low bar, but you digressed.
“Would you like to eat at the table?” He asked.
You resisted the urge to stare at him.
Eat at the table? Like… like… a family? Did roommates do that?
“Sure,” you nodded. You’re not really sure why – some fear of hurting his feelings, probably.
But you tottered after him, hoping to God that your stomach would settle enough to allow you to eat.
Iwaizumi settled himself down at the table, his seat already prepared with a glass of water, a bowl, and a pair of chopsticks.
He set the glass of water in his hand down opposite from him, in what seemed to be your designated spot.
You slipped yourself into the seat, taking note of just how uncomfortable it was. Affordability over comfort – a student mantra, apparently.
“How was practice?” You asked. You just wanted to fill the silence. Once upon a time, silence between the two of you wouldn’t have made you feel like crawling out of your own skin.
“It was good,” he nodded. He didn’t seem like he was trying to be terse of anything – Iwaizumi was just a man of succinct, short sentences.
“I’m assuming it’s volleyball?”
He chuckled. “Yeah.”
You took a small bite of your yakisoba. It reminded you of home. “Are you still a wing spiker?” You asked.
“Mhm,” Iwaizumi nodded. “Although there’s a fair bit of competition for the spot.”
“Really?” You asked. You couldn’t imagine a volleyball team where Iwaizumi wasn’t heralded as a magnificent player.
“A lotta guys wanna be the ace,” he grinned.
You smiled. That made sense.
Silence fell over the two of you for a moment as you both focused on your meals. Your appetite was voracious, now – you hadn’t even realised how hungry you were until you’d started eating.
“Did you leave the apartment today?” Iwaizumi asked, making you jump.
“Ah, no,” you shook your head. “I was worried about getting lost.”
Another silence settled over you, a more pensive expression taking over Iwaizumi’s face.
He was completely unreadable. Probably because you knew nothing about him. Not anymore.
“Would you like me to show you around tomorrow?” He asked.
You blinked at him, completely blindsided.
“We could get lunch,” he offered.
You stared at him for a long moment, trying to process the muddle of feelings inside you.
What on earth was going on? Perhaps he was just reaching out a friendly hand. And, chances were, he felt some kind of duty to protect you.
“Sure,” you smiled. “Sounds great.”
You weren’t stupid enough to push away the only ally you had in this strange new world. Hopefully, other friends would come. But for now, it was just you and Iwaizumi in this little apartment, trying to make this arrangement work.
You had to make it work.
You’d find a way.
✧ ✧ ✧
a/n: aaaa thank you for your support so far! sorry this one’s a bit choppy, but i think you’ll enjoy chapter 6 (i hope sfdlkdfj)
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xmyshya · 3 years
summary: I am a firm believer that Atsumu CAN be soft. When he wants to. And now he just might. genre: fluff, crack, smut warnings: fem!reader, soft Atsumu, sexual tension, making love at the end, MINORS DNI special thanks: HQHQ and our lovely Atsumu sessions, you guys gave me so much inspiration for the last part. I love you. I love you all. a/n: I don’t want to say that I’m proud of this one, but I am. wc: 2.7k
Looking at the friend sitting across the table in the quiet corner of this adorable cafe, you can’t help but think how crazy it has been. Mostly because he’s an idiot, but you LOVE that idiot. “Y/N? Are ya even listenin’?” “Uhh… yes?” “What were ya thinkin’ ‘bout so hard anyway?” “Okay, uhm, remember when…”
The gym was huge and offered a lot of equipment, half of it having names you’d never heard before. The only problem? It was constantly crowded. Except for crazy early hours, which is why you were dressed in your tracksuit and drenched at 5 am. Yet, you were still not alone at this ungodly time. On the first day, he visibly hesitated before entering, clearly wanting absolutely no company. You couldn’t really blame him, he was probably followed by throngs of fans and paparazzi every day. The man must have deemed you harmless however, because he stayed. Well, at the other end of the enormous room, but stayed. He came back on the next day. And next one. And another, and soon enough you were nodding at each other in a silent greeting. This odd ritual continued on for a few weeks, until… “Hey, ya… come here often?” Fuckfuckfuck, he was still sporting the smug smile, though his eyes were filled with panic. You stared at him dumbfounded. Guess even celebrities struggle sometimes. “Uhh… I… N-no, this is my first time.” Both of you erupted in laughter. “Miya Atsumu, nice to meet ya.” “Oh yeah, I know.” He raised an eyebrow. “I mean… L/N Y/N, nice to meet you too”
“D’ya really gonna rub it in ma face til the end of ma life?” “Nah, I’m pretty sure I’ll forget when I’m old, so I gotta make use of it till I can.” The blonde doesn’t look happy. Amusing. “So what were you talking about?” “Oh right, so there’s gonna be a party for the team and friends, and… uhh… would you like to… be my plus one?” Of course you would like to. Love to. “Lemme know what colours ya wanna wear.” “Ehh? You wanna match or something?” There is a teasing undertone in your question. He either misses it or ignores. “I’ve always wanted to do that…” But you already know. Black and gold, the colours of his team. Yes, obviously that’s the only reason. It’s completely unrelated to your current imaginations of Atsumu looking smoking hot in a black fitted suit, black shirt, and matte gold tie. Totally not.
You’re still adding final touch ups, when the doorbell rings through the air. “Open!” In response there’s a click of the door, opening and closing, and Atsumu announces his arrival with a sigh saying why aren’t ya ready yet. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” You shift from your bedroom to the hall, and he whistles. Sharply. You know you look good in that black dress, hugging tightly all your curves (extra points for a deep notch on the back and thin golden chains), and golden heels. And now, he knows it too. Just like you assumed, he does look great. So great, that the only image filling your head as your eyes run down and up on him is how much you want to rip that suit off of him. Party? You’d rather have a one-on-one party against the wall he’s leaning on. Or a kitchen counter. Or a sofa. Shower maybe? “Are ya checkin’ me out?” Again that smug look on his face. You really want to wipe it off. With your lips. “Must be your imagination.” You push him out of the apartment and lock the door.
One of the greatest mysteries of this world must be why elevator scenes are so… weird. Weirdly hot. You’re both on the opposite ends of the tiny cube, ogling each other and turning your gaze away. “Ya really look beautiful.” “Thank you.” Silence. “You look great too. Perfect ten.” You look him straight in the eyes, and if you have the timing right… “Very fuckable.” Ding and the door opens. You brush his chest while walking out. Atsumu forgets to leave the elevator.
Party hall is already swarming with people when you arrive. Faces from magazine covers flash here and there, some of them entertaining whoever wants to listen, some whispering mysterious promises in eager ears, some just roaming around in search of god knows what. “I’ll get us some drinks” is one of those promises, and Atsumu leaves your side. He’s quickly replaced by one of those roaming creatures. “You here alone?” He’s much too close to your liking. “Actually I-” “You’re beautiful. Absolutely stunning. I’m Shugo-” “Meian!” The voice of your companion startles you with its sudden proximity, but also brings comfort. As soon as the drink is passed in your hand, you feel his touch on the small of your back. “Oh, I didn’t know you two were-” “We’re not.” “We’re friends.” Both of your replies come immediately. Meian straightens up and smiles. “So, you wouldn’t mind if I went for her?” “Not like I have any right to stop ya.” Miya says calmly, but you can feel his whole body tense up against yours.
“Alright everyone, we’d like to make a toast…” Clinking of glasses interrupts your surprisingly pleasant conversation with the MSBY captain, but soon enough he’s back to flooding you with questions. Atsumu walks away to join his other teammates. “Please excuse me.” You don’t even look at the male next to you, focused only on catching up with the blond friend. His questioning gaze burns a hole at the side of your head. “I came here with you.” “Is that the only reason?” Your eyes meet and you give him a lopsided grin. “Nah, you’re much hotter.” He stands a little taller, visibly more confident, fuller of himself. His hand finds its way to your hip and he pulls you a little closer.
Next two hours are spent on the dance floor, countless people already pulling you back before you even step outside of the designated area. You’re currently trapped in the arms of none other than Bokuto Koutarou, and you could swear you were swayed by the sheer force of his alone. But you don’t mind, his energy of a nuclear reactor and megawatt smile fully compensate for any inconveniences. The song comes to an end however, and you quickly follow him back to the table. “Ya don’t wanna dance anymore?” Atsumu asks when you settle in your chair, looking for something to replenish your energy. “Why?” “Ya looked so happy on the dance floor. And yet, yer sittin’ here now.” “Were you watching me this closely?” His ears fire up like Christmas lights. “I do.” “Huh?” “I do wanna dance.” For a moment you’re both just staring at each other in silence. Then you notice gears turning slowly in his head, and, at the moment of realisation, a light bulb. “May I please have this dance?” He holds a hand out, and you place yours in it. Atsumu leads you towards the swaying crowd, and then pulls you close. So close, that your bodies could merge. “And the next one too.” He purrs in your ear.
Miya’s breath on your skin is hot and distracting. Does he feel you shiver every time he exhales on your neck? He must, you conclude, since his palm is resting on your bare back. “Ya smell so good…” The whisper caresses your ear, his lips so close, yet so far. “Mmm… you too.” And those lips curl up.
It’s not just this dance. And not just the next one either. Many dances later and you’re still glued to his body, surrounded by a muscular arm, and one hand still in his. The other one playing mindlessly with his undercut. “Looks like Meian found someone to take home t’night.” “Hmm? Did you?” You pull a strand of his hair and lightly scratch his nape. “Do that again and I might get dangerous.” “Maybe I like doing dangerous things?” There’s a movement near your thigh, and you both hope those words carry a promise.
It’s well into the night and people start leaving, but it seems like the blonde is still not ready to let you out of his embrace. You lean your head on his shoulder, forehead right under his jaw, and let him rock you gently to the slow music. With eyes closed, breathing in his scent, it feels almost as if you two were the only people here. “Are ya tired?” You only purr in response. “Lessgo home then. Wanna stay at mine?” “Oya?” “I-i-it’s… not whatcha think… A won’t… won’t touch ya.” “But if you won’t, then what’s the point?” He freezes, agape, and you wonder how the hell someone so hot can become so flustered. “But seriously, I don’t have a change of clothes” which is a lie, because you do have spare panties in your tiny purse “or cosmetics, or-” “I’ll give ya somethin’ to sleep in.”
The door behind you closes with a quiet click. God, it feels so good to finally, finally take these heels off. You put your purse on a drawer right next to the door, and proceed to take your earrings off, placing them neatly in a tiny pouch. “Tsumu? Could you help me with the necklace?” He doesn’t say anything, instead coming behind you and trying to unclasp the piece of jewelry. Trying, because his hands shake. You take a sneak peek at him through the mirror, at his focused face and slightly poked tongue. He’s so adorable. In the meantime you reach to your hair and start removing the pins, but soon your hands are pulled away and replaced with his. It’s surprising but endearing how gentle this giant man can be. You close your eyes and just enjoy the moment, as your strands tickle your nape one by one. And then something hot and wet tickles your neck, right below your ear. Oh. Oh. “A… ‘m sorry, a didn’t mean to…” Nononono, come back here. You grab his tie and pull him down to a kiss, a searing clash of lips, slowly beginning to move against one another. One of his hands caresses your back, right under the edge of your dress, the other one pulls your hair gently making you gasp. His tongue slides along your lips painfully slowly, and you chase it with yours until the tips meet. The feeling is electrifying, sending shivers through your whole body.
Undressing Miya Atsumu is similar to unwrapping a Christmas present you’ve been waiting for for months. Button after button, you reveal more and more of his heavenly sculpted chest and stomach, your lips following the hands. He loves it, the feeling of your wet muscle soothing the bites drives him crazy, little purrs he lets out make his chest vibrate. It’s almost unbearable. He decides he can’t take it anymore when you hook your fingers under his pants and start unzipping them, grazing his cock. He pulls you close, sliding your dress off of you, and letting it pool at your feet. And then drags you to the bathroom, where he rids both of you of your underwear. The man enters the shower, extending his hand to you, and you grab it by instinct, before being pulled right under the stream of steamy water. “‘Tsumu, I’m gonna look like a panda!” “Eh? But pandas are cute tho?” “I’d rather look hot right now” He laughs boyishly, almost innocently, as he pumps some of his face wash and rubs it gently all over your features. His calloused fingertips massage your forehead and temples, while thumbs work on your chin and nose. It fills you with millions of bubbles, cotton candy surrounding your heart as fluffy as the foam. “‘Tsumu?” “Mmm?” “Kiss me.” And he does. At first it’s slow and sweet, but as your hands wash away the evening from the skin, there’s more hunger, more passion. Atsumu pulls and lifts you, throwing you over his shoulder as he walks out of the bathroom. “‘Tsumuuuu! The towels! We’re NOT sleeping in a wet bed!” “Who said anything about sleepin’, princess?”
Bonus scene: “Good morning sunshine.”
He whispers against your forehead after your lashes tickle his neck. His palms embrace your cheeks, and his lips on yours are as soft as summer rain. Pecks become open mouthed kisses, invitations and promises of summer heat. Breaths and sighs remind you of a seaside breeze, carrying the freshness of waves and hotness of sand. Your hands are roaming in search of a buried treasure, but no matter how much they find, it’s not enough. It’s never enough. His mouth ghost over the shells of your ears, spilling words smooth and shiny like pearls, while fingers trail new paths under the veil of your shirt. They discover new lands, gliding along the skin, making it bloom in tiny goosebumps wherever they touch. Kisses and licks flow at the surface of your neck, sealing and sucking over sensitive spots, painting them in pinks, reds, and purples. Big palms cover the hills of your breasts, thumbs sweep over the nipples so gently, that you’re not even sure if you imagined it.
Your naked body shivers underneath his, and arches into his warm embrace, as his lips press silent praises into your skin. You open your eyes, and you don’t know which is brighter - the sunshine pouring through the windows, or the sunshine of his hair. You can touch his hair though. So you do, and the soft rivers of gold cascade and tickle in between your fingers. Atsumu raises his gaze and smiles against your skin, lighting up your heart.
Reaching your heat, he pulls the strings of your pleasure with each kiss, each flick of his tongue, and you sing the ballad he composes. In this concert you’re the star, you’re the diva, and he’s merely there to worship you, to accompany your voice, to encourage and appreciate. He’s guiding you through the quiet breathy parts, not much louder than a whisper. He’s caressing the keys, adding more passion, more force, more depth, eliciting notes reaching higher, pushing you through a crescendo, rapidly, lovingly, until you’re nothing but an effusion of pleads and cries of his name.
“Atsumu, come back to me.” You breathe out.
And he’s walking the path again, kissing the ground he steps on, coming back to where he belongs, where he wants to belong. Your eyes meet when he glides into you, slowly, carefully, as if any sharp movement would shatter you and this moment. Atsumu nibbles at your lips and you let him in, let his tongue dance with yours, as your fingers intertwine.
One more push joins your hips, and you both let out a breathy sigh. He pulls back and rolls back in, making sure you feel all the veins, until his tip kisses your cervix. And again. And once more.
“Ah… Tsumu…” And he knows he’s lost.
“God, yer so beautiful.”
You’re sinking in his eyes like molten chocolate, and the whole world ceases to exist. There’s only you and him, and the flame spilling from where you’re joined, overtaking your bodies, minds, and senses. It’s too much, it wells up in your eyes and overspills, and he’s quick to brush it away. A kiss is placed on your temple and travels down your cheek and onto your neck. With a free hand you rub mindless patterns on his back, scrape at his nape, while his roams down along your skin, adorning all the curves.
You moan into his shoulder at the sudden touch. He only grazes your clit and you’re fluttering, pulling him deeper inside of you. The movement is slow, as slow as the roll of his hips, as the drag of his tongue on your throat. But it spreads like a wildfire, floods your mind in waves until everything is drowned in a white haze and explodes in a million stars.
“Come with me”
And he does. He paints his own milky way inside of you, releasing galaxies upon galaxies until he pours everything he has, until he’s empty and you’re full. He does, because he would follow you anywhere.
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Title: Intermingle: part 1
Pairing: dom! yoongi x inexperienced reader
Warnings: co-workers to lovers, angst, smut, public sex, dry humping, oral (f) receiving (brief), oral (m) receiving (brief), fingering, squirting, orgasm denial, daddy kink, fluff, teasing, pussy spanking, talks of cheating
Rating: 18 and over
“You think I can make you cum just by sucking on your sweet little nub?” He questions from between your thighs, gripping tightly at your flesh. You nod desperate for him to lap up your arousal before it reaches your knees. “Beg me, I want to hear you beg for my tongue in your cunt.” “Please, Yoongi, eat my pussy. I want you to so bad.” He smirks up at you, moving slowly to your dripping sex. You drop your head back in anticipation of his tongue.
Your eyes shoot open as your alarm clock goes off at exactly 6:45am. You whimper like a spoiled child, flailing in bed with need, your panties soaked. Another painstakingly good dream about your office crush that never really goes anywhere. “Meow.” Your Chartreux cat hops onto the bed to inform you it's time for her feeding. “Go away Frenchie.” You shoo, leaning over to your side table and pull out your pocket rocket, deciding to take a few minutes to relieve yourself before you must hop in the shower. “Don't judge me.” You look down at her before throwing yourself back onto your pillow. You release a lustful sigh, your room soon filled with the sounds of your moans and the buzzing of your favorite toy.
“Good Morning everyone. Welcome. Let’s get started quickly, we have a lot to cover and not a lot of time to cover it.” Your boss begins the Monday morning meeting. You take a seat next to your friend Rebecca and hand her a coffee you bought for her. She mouths a Thank you and your boss begins. “Okay. The launch of the new game is in a month's time. We need all testers working with the graphics team to get this game up and running for release time,” He looks around the conference room, “Where is Yoongi?” You look around and realize that he isn't seated in the meeting this morning. “Someone get him on the goddamn phone!” Your boss commands, his assistant hoping up to run out of the conference room to make the call. Just as she twirls in her seat, as if summoned, Yoongi walks into the conference room looking like pure sin. Your breath hitches at the sight of him mouth open wide as if he's been running, dressed in all black with a thin diamond crusted choker around his neck, his messy hair covering his eyes enough to cause him to have to tilt his head up to scan the room. “Fuck Yoongi, if you weren't essential to the team, I'd fire your ass.” Your boss calls out to him. Yoongi yanks his headphones from his ears and gives your boss a tight smile. “Sorry I'm late. There was traffic.” Your boss rolls his eyes while you bite your lip. It was ungodly for a man to look this good.
“As I was saying, for you Yoongi, we need to get the kinks out of this game before launch. The higher ups don’t want excuses they want results! I am putting you all in teams to finish up the last of the projected maintenance, testing, and graphics updates. I want all your work submitted to me one week before launch so we can revisit and correct any errors that pop up. Any questions?” He looks around at all the faces in the room. “Good, please see the assigned teams listed on the white board behind me. No excuses people. If it's my ass, its sure as hell your asses! Got it. Now get to work!” He stands quickly, exiting the room as his assistant flips the white board to reveal the assigned teams. You linger for a moment to gather your things. “Oh, girl, your dream has come true.” Rebecca elbows you. “What are you talking about?” You walk over towards the board and catch Yoongi pinch his nose. “Great looks like I'm stuck with Mother Teresa.” He whispers to himself. You swallow thickly, moving forward to catch a glimpse of the list. Your heart begins to thump heavily in your chest as you see in big bold letters under tester/graphics team 2: Y/N/ Min Yoongi. Never once had you had to work so closely with someone you were crushing over. You and Yoongi worked together in the same office but never.... closely. Hell, your conversations were so minimal you weren't sure he even knew your name.
You jump at Yoongi hitting his knuckles against the white board before you. He gives you a perplexed look, “Are you ok? You spaced out I think.” “I’m fine.” You whisper. His eyes pop open in a worrisome way and you clear your throat, standing a bit taller. “I am excited to work with you.” You brighten up. He gives you a tight smile and quick nod before walking off. “What the hell was that creepy?” Rebecca scolds. “I have no idea. I just completely shut down.” You groan. “You think! He probably thinks you're a weirdo now, on top of the fact that you dress like a nun!” She points at your outfit. “What's wrong with my clothes?” You whine, stepping into your shared cubicle space. “You look like a librarian and not a hot one.” She notes, plopping into her seat. You run your hands over your favorite buttoned up black cardigan, tugging the fabric down to meet your black dress pants. “I think I look fine.” You shrug, taking your seat. She snorts. “You missed a button.” She teases. “That was purposeful!” You snap at her.
“Hey,” Yoongi appears at your cubicle, “If you have time today to go over our assignment, maybe we can grab lunch or something.” “Uh, sure thing.” You say quickly. “Cool, I’ll shoot you an interoffice message around noon.” “Yeah, sounds like a date… I mean plan…meeting. You know what I mean.” You ramble. He chuckles pointing at your shirt. “You missed a button.” You look down and fumble with your cardigan. “That was on purpose.” You mutter. “Oh, I like it. Living on the edge.” He teases, walking away with a wave. You drop your head into your hands, feeling your face heat with embarrassment. “Smooth Y/N, really smooth.” “Shut up Becca.” At noon your computer pings with a notification from the interoffice messenger:
Minyoon93: ‘I ordered sushi. Hope that’s ok. Going down to grab it. We can eat in my area. Meet you there.’
Y/L/N/Birth year: ‘Yum, sounds good.’ “Catch you in an hour.”
You tell Rebecca, scooping up your notes from today’s tests runs. “Mm, unbutton a couple more buttons.” She yanks at your cardigan. You swat her hands away, “Stop that! Goodbye.” You walk off towards the rear of the office, pass the larger glass door that separates where the graphics team sits, from where the testers sit. You walk past the single seated cubicles, catching everyone lost in their own worlds. You finally make it to the last cubicle before a left turn that’ll ultimately take you to your boss’ office. You run your fingers along the plaque with Yoongi’s name on it, surprised by how neat his cubicle is. He isn’t back from grabbing the food, but he’s set up another chair for you. You snoop a bit around his area, looking over his equipment, notes, and random Knick knacks on his desk. “You know its impolite to snoop.” You jump at the sound of Yoongi’s voice. “I’m sorry. I was just looking at your equipment. It’s really state of the art. I wasn’t snooping, I mean…” “I’m fucking with you. Are you always this wound up?” He tilts his head to the side looking you over. You feel your face heat under his gaze. “Uh, how much do I owe you?” You dig in your pocket. “Oh, don’t worry about it. You get next time.” You nod, your pulse racing at the idea that he wants to have another lunch with you before this one is done.
He opens the trays of food, handing you chopsticks, and begins to dig in. He points at the trays for you to join him. You smile, grabbing a sushi roll and popping it into your mouth. “I brought my notes on the levels I’ve tested so far. There are a few things that can use a bit of a makeover. Some general glitches that need software upgrades, and a few areas that need smoothing.” He nods, staring off, chewing his food. You don’t know why but you find yourself nodding with him. He says nothing, just keeps eating, and your eyes move down his neck as he swallows. You begin to look over his features. His sharp jaw, profound Adam’s apple, his cute button nose, how pink his lips are. God he’s gorgeous, you think to yourself, rubbing your thighs together. You’re almost tempted to reach up and run your fingers along his pretty little choker. He licks his lips, and a small moan escapes your throat. His eyes widen and he looks over to you. You collect yourself and grab a sushi roll, “So delicious.” You raise it up to him. He smirks.
“So, what’s you deal? You’ve been working here a while. You obviously like gaming. Why do you always seem so, I don’t know, reserved?” “Uh, I’m not reserved. I’m cool and fun. We just don’t hang out in the same circles. There’s no deal.” Yoongi looks you over, shaking his head so his bangs move away from his eyes. “If you have to say your cool. You’re not cool.” He replies with a point of his chopsticks. “Oh, and you’re the king of cool?” He sighs, thinking over your comment. “I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, no, but I think you like what you see.” He licks his lips watching you squirm in your seat. “I, you are crazy.” You stutter. “Am I,” He leans in close to you now, “Then how come you keep staring at me the way you do?” You don’t know how to respond, instead opting to stand to escape the conversation. In your haste to get away, you accidentally flip over one of the trays and it lands right in Yoongi’s lap. “Shit!” He shouts, dusting the rolls from his lap. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry,” You reach for napkins and begin to rub at Yoongi’s lap, “Let me get it.” “It’s ok Y/N, it’s ok, hey, stop. Stop! Hey, your rubbing my dick.” He grasps your wrist to stop your movements. You gasp, realizing you’ve been rubbing aggressive circles against his shaft. “I, oh my God. I’m such an idiot. I’m so sorry.” “Hey, no, it’s ok. No harm done. Just a few fallen rolls and jeans that need washing.” He smirks. You cover your mouth feeling your face burn bright red. You apologize again and run out of his cubicle as fast as you can.
“So, what, you jacked him off?” Rebecca looks at you confused. “No, I was trying to clean up the mess. I didn’t realize I was rubbing his.... ugh. He probably never wants to speak to me again. Why oh, why am I cursed to be this clumsy, nervous wreck?” “Girl, you need to get laid. I think you should march over to that boy’s desk and tell him you’ve been craving him for the last two years!” “Are you crazy!?” Suddenly a notification pops up on your interoffice messenger:
Minyoon93: ‘Hey! I didn’t mean to scare you away. We didn’t get to talk about our assignment, and you left your notes here at my desk. I usually work late if you’re interested. I’ll be here. No pressure.’
You read and reread his message, unsure of how to respond. “Don’t! Just show up to his desk after work.” Rebecca suggests when you show it to her. You work your current levels until the end of the day. “Go get him tiger.” Rebecca winks, leaving you at your desk. You fix your hair, apply a little lip gloss, and unbutton two buttons on your cardigan. You grab your new notes from the rest of the day and head back to Yoongi’s desk. He’s seated with headphones over his ears, his face going from his computer screen to your notepad from earlier. You tap his shoulder gently and he turns to face you. “Hey,” He smiles wide taking in your fresh look, “I was just working on your notes.” “I have more.” You dance your new pad in front of him. He waves you in, patting the chair beside him. You clear your throat. “Sorry again about earlier.” “It’s cool, I came on a bit strong. I shouldn’t have grabbed your wrist like that, I didn’t realize you were, well you know.” Your brow furrows. “I don’t know actually.” He leans in to whisper to you, “A virgin.” Your eyes burst open and your mouth falls open. “I’m not a virgin!” You protest. “Really? You just seemed uncomfortable with, anyway, I’m sorry if I was inappropriate.” He smiles. You sit in shock, wondering how you got yourself in this embarrassing situation. “Well, you weren’t inappropriate, I’m was honestly. I shouldn’t have touched you like that so I should be the one to apologize for inappropriate behavior and just for the record I’m not a virgin, so how about we just forget this whole thing.” He leans into his computer screen, stifling a laugh. “Sure, yeah. I’m ok with that. Sorry for assuming.” “You should be.” You tease, batting your eyes a bit. He scoffs, looking your way and you decide to be brave and sit a little taller, raising an eyebrow and crossing your legs in what you hope is a seductive manner.
He leans back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. “Silly me, how could I have missed all the signs? What with your sexy cardigans and shiny loafers? You really know how to take a man's breath away.” He licks his lips, pressing his folded hands into his crotch. You swallow thickly, feeling your core heat. “Well you know we all don’t have the ability to don sexy little chokers and actually look good doing it.” His mouth falls opens as the realization of your own words hit you. “Did you just call me sexy?” He inquires with confidence. “No, I said your choker was sexy.” A large sly smile forms across his face and he reaches up to caress the diamond crusted choker. He reaches his hand back to undo the clip, removing it from around his neck. You watch him suspiciously. He soon hands the dangling accessory to you. “What are you doing?” You huff. “You’ll never know if you can pull it off, if you don’t try.” “Yoongi, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He rolls his chair close to you. “Maybe that’s the problem Y/N, you think too much.” He leans in close, bringing his arms up to either side of your head, and latches his choker around your neck. You touch the tight accessory once he's done. “There, see, sexy.” He tilts his head to the side with a sly smile.
“Ah, look at you two working late on your assignment.” Your boss interrupts. Yoongi straightens in his seat, turning to face your boss, you on the other hand jump up. “I was just dropping my notes off for the day. I’m actually heading out.” Yoongi looks at you puzzled. “Well any productivity makes me happy! Come Y/N, I’ll walk with you over to the elevator.” Your boss states. You nod, walking towards him, stopping to turn to Yoongi. “Your choker.” You whisper, moving to remove it. Yoongi shakes his head. “Keep it, it looks better on you anyway.” You smile and walk off with your boss towards the elevators. “Y/N, do you know why I assigned you to work with Yoongi?” “No sir.” “Well, while he is one of the best graphic designers we have here, he’s arrogant, late, unorganized. I could go on but I imagine you get the drift. You on the other hand are classy, quiet, neat, put together, always on time. I know you can get things done in a timely fashion. You are always focused and someone I can count on. My intent was not to have that boy corrupt you and believe me I know his charms. I have heard the office rumors. What I need here Y/N are results in favor of the company, now can I trust you to keep that chaotic Min Yoongi in line?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Your boss was standing before you gossiping about you coworker. You could only imagine the things he really said about you behind your back. You simply nod. “Excellent. You really are a gem.” The elevator opens to lobby. “Have a Goodnight Y/N. I’m counting on you.” “Yes sir. You too sir.” You wave, happy that you are both going in opposite directions.
“You really know how to take a man’s breath away.” He praises, pushing your head down further onto his cock. His head falls back as dark sultry moans leave his gaping mouth. He hitches his hips up causing tears to form as you gag all over his twitching cock. “So sexy”, He grips your hair tightly, “I’m going to cum down your tight throat. Would you like that?” You hum in approval. He cries out loud and you brace yourself for his seed.
You wake with a gasp, covered in your own sweat, panties soaked through. “Ugh, this has to stop.” You whisper to yourself. “Meow.” You look down at your cat, who calmly licks herself “Alright, you win today, let’s get you fed.” You slide out of bed and head to your kitchen to set out her breakfast. She hops up on the counter and you scratch behind her ears like she likes. “Eat up kiddo.” You place a soft kiss atop her head and jump in the shower. Today you opt for a different outfit, you wear black jeans and white spaghetti strap tank, with a jean jacket. You apply a little bit of makeup and curl your hair. “How do I look?” You turn to your cat who is now lounging on your bed. You nod and her unimpressed look and head out the door.
You arrive at the office and find your notepads on your desk with a post it stuck on it from Yoongi that reads ‘done’ with a wink face. You smile down at it and decide to stick the note onto your desk. You pull off your jean jacket and sit down at your desk, loading up your computer. “Damn Y/N, look at you. You have shoulders.” You roll your eyes, grabbing the coffee Rebecca is now passing to you. “Thank you. For the coffee, not the stupid comment.” You sip from your drink. “I guess you and Yoongi had a great night.” She smiles. “No, I dropped off my notes and left. I did however have an interesting conversation with our boss about Yoongi. He said he paired us because Yoongi is unorganized and he’s heard all these rumors about him and he wants me to keep him in line. How do suppose I do that? I can barely speak to him without creaming my pants.” Rebecca laughs out loud at your comment. “Who’s creaming their pants and why?” Yoongi appears with coffee in hand and your laugh catches in your throat. “Y/N was just telling a hilarious story about some movie she saw last night. You look great Yoongi, I love you in red. Y/N doesn’t Yoongi look great in red.” You look Yoongi over, he’s dressed once again in all black accept he offsets it with a red bomber. “Yeah, you look nice.” You compliment. “Speaking of looking nice, did you lose your cardigan?” He snickers. “Ha. Ha. It’s nice to change it up a bit.” You shrug. “You look good. So, you wanna grab lunch later?” “I can’t actually. I’m meeting someone.” “Oh, yeah, of course. Some other time then.” You nod as Yoongi gives you a nod and heads to his desk. “You’re meeting someone? Who, pray tell, are you meeting?” Rebecca slaps your arm. “Taehyung.” You murmur. Rebecca’s eyes pop open. “Get the hell out of here. Why? I thought we agreed, you were done with him popping in and out of your life. He broke your heart or did you forget?” “Of course, I didn’t forget,” You scold, “He’s in town ok. He just wants to check in and see how I’m doing. That’s it. It’s just lunch.” She shakes her head at you. “I’ll be fine Becca. Don’t worry about me.”
You sit, shaking your leg at the restaurant that Taehyung texted you the address for, he’s late. When he finally burst through the door, you’re livid. “I only get an hour for lunch.” You huff. “Sorry Jagi. I couldn’t find parking.” “Don’t call me that.” He nods. “Um, I wish you could’ve met me after work. This rush conversation stuff is hard for me.” He looks around for a waiter. “Well, how about you just start talking then.” You cross your arms in front of your chest. He frowns at you. “How’s Frenchie?” “She’s fine. Is that what you wanted to discuss? My cat?” “Our cat.” He whispers. “MY cat. She was left with me after YOU left me. So, she is MY cat.” “Still so angry Jagi. It’s not healthy to be this way. What was I supposed to do? Lie? Keep secrets?” “You did lie and keep secrets! You cheated! You cheat still just now it’s the other way around.” You hiss. He snorts. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I asked her to marry me. She’s pregnant. I want to do right by her. I love her. I can’t see you anymore in any capacity. I came clean and told her everything. She’s going to give me another chance so long as I end this for good.” You sit in shock. “Married.” Is all that slips past your lips. He nods. You grab the water from the table and toss it in his face. “Fuck you Kim Taehyung!” You spew as you head out of the restaurant. You allow yourself to get two blocks away before allowing your tears to flow. You run into the restroom when you get to your office and sob as quietly as you can. You wash your face of any and all makeup and head back to your desk. You find another post it on your desk this time from Rebecca. ‘Had to leave early, one of the kids is sick. Call me on my cell if you need me. Becca.’ You sniffle, curling the note and chucking it in the trash, immersing yourself in work for the rest of the day.
Its 5:15pm, when you get a tap on your shoulder. You yank off your headphones and give Yoongi a small smile. “Hey! You staying late tonight?” He asks. “Uh, I wasn’t planning on it. I lost track of time.” “You look stressed. You ok? I can take these notes off your hand if you’re done with them.” “Yeah sure. Thank you.” You hand him your notepad full of today’s fresh scribbles. He tucks it under his arm. “Go home and get some rest. I’ll handle this.” He throws a fist in the air and walks off. You smile weakly and begin to cry again thinking of the news Taehyung dropped on you. “Married.” You groan. You get up to leave but something pulls you in the direction of Yoongi’s desk.
You lurk a moment, watching him look over your notes. “Want company?” You interrupt causing him to jump. “Ah, you scared me,” He whines, “I thought you left.” “I was going to but the thought of going home to my uninterested cat made me kind of sad.” He smiles wide, exposing his gums and pats the chair beside him. “You have a cat huh?” He inquires. “Yeah. Her name is Frenchie. She’s cool.” You shrug. “I like cats.” “Oh yeah, wanna come meet her some time? She hates people.” You giggle. “You want me to come over to your house?” Your eyes widen and you begin to stutter. “I’m fucking with you calm down. You’re so uptight sometimes. You do know what joking around is right?” Yoongi says, stretching in his seat. “Sorry, I had a terrible lunch date today.” “Wanna talk about it?” “I don’t know. It’s weird.” “I like weird, try me.” He rests his elbow on his desk and props his head up with his fist. “I met up with my ex, which in and of itself should be a huge no no, but I don’t know part of me just hopes that one day, he’s gonna wake up and realize he made a huge mistake and we'll get back together.” Yoongi just nods, so you continue, feeling surprisingly at ease with him. “Well, it turns out he just wanted to inform me that he would no longer be reaching out to because the woman that he cheated on me with and then subsequently left me for is having his child so they are going to get married.”
“I’m sorry. I am sure that was hard to hear.” He whispers. You nod, swallowing back the lump in your throat. “I shouldn’t still have feelings for him. It’s stupid I know but, I loved him you know.” Yoongi nods again. “How long were you guys together?” “Three years.” “That’s a long time. How long was he cheating?” You cringe at the question but answer truthfully. “Two out of the three we were together.” “Damn, I’m sorry. What a jerk. How long since the break up?” You cover your face with your hands now, afraid to tell him. “Three years.” You whisper. “Say again.” Yoongi leans forward. “Three years ok! And before you judge me, just know he kept popping in and out of my life sporadically to sleep with me, making it hard for me to let go.” Yoongi stares at you like you’re crazy. “You just let go, you don’t do to someone what they did to you.” He replies. “Oh, what do you know ok. It was hard for me. He was my first.” “Heartbreak?” Yoongi inquires, still with the look as if you’re crazy. “No,” You turn your head away from his gaze, “my first, you know, sexual partner.” You look back at Yoongi to see his eyes wide and mouth agape. “Meaning, you’ve never been with another man…. since…when?” Yoongi squints at you. “I don’t know. Since he and I last hooked up. Maybe a year or so ago.” Yoongi’s mouth hangs open again. “Stop looking at me like that.” You shout at him. He suddenly starts laughing, rubbing his eyes, then drying his palms on his thighs. “You’re fucking with me, right? This is a joke. You got me.” He turns, shakes his head, and laughs some more. “Who jokes about stuff like that?” You remark and he snaps his head to look at the seriousness of your face. “You’re not kidding. So, you really are a virgin? Explains the button up cardigans.” He whispers to himself. “Alright, ha ha, very funny. Glad I could make you laugh. I’m leaving now.” You stand and he slides to the exit of the cubicle. “Come on,” He whines, “Don’t leave. I’m sorry ok. I just was…surprised by your story. Sit down, we are having a nice talk, getting to know each other. Please. I promise, no more asshole comments.” He gives you a thin smile and you sit down. “Well, what’s your story? I think we’ve heard enough about me.” You lean back in your chair.
He clears his throat. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Haven’t had one in a long time.” He fiddles with a character on one of the levels on his screen as he speaks. “Ah, I see. Not the commitment type. More of a tinder kind of guy.” He scoffs at your comment. “Uh, full disclosure, sure I’ve dabbled around in the tinder pool but after a while it gets boring and repetitive. I don’t mind commitment, I just haven’t found anyone worth committing to, you know?” “Yeah I get it. So, when’s the last time you, you know, did it.” You squirm awaiting his response. “Did it,” He cringes, “Uh, I don’t know like 3 or 4 months ago.” “Oh.” Is all you manage. “Does that make you uncomfortable?” He stops what he’s doing and turns to face you. “No, why would it?” You avoid eye contact with him, instead staring down at your feet. “Why do you ask then?” “Uh, I heard rumors. That you fool around here at work.” The words are out before you can think and he is completely taken back by the statement. “Oh yeah? Did you hear that from the boss?” You stutter unsure of what to say. “It’s all good Y/N, I know he doesn’t like me. I don’t sleep around with people from work. He made up that rumor himself because the person I screwed around with 3 or 4 months ago was his daughter. She passed by here once and left me her number. It was a one-time hook up but I guess she likes to throw it in daddy’s face. He can't fire me for it so he gives me shit instead.” “That sucks, I'm sorry I said that. I shouldn't have brought it up. It's a stupid rumor.” Yoongi shrugs, “Just admit that part of you wishes it were true cause you have a huge crush on me and we can call it even.” You giggle at his confidence. “I do not have a crush on you.” You attempt to look appalled. “Really,” He smirks suggestively, “That's too bad, cause I most definitely…” He leans in to whisper in your ear and you lean in close so you can feel his breath on your neck. “Think you're lying.” He whispers and you shove him away. He laughs, biting his lip. “You're too easy to tease.” “That's just mean.” You pout. “Don't do that.” He groans. “Do what?” “Pout like that. It makes it hard for me to resist kissing you.” You chuckle nervously, not sure if he's teasing or not.
You both stare at each other, the tight space filling with your heated tension. “You'd like that wouldn't you? If I kissed you right now?” His voice changes, deepens, as it fills with lust. You look up and around at the cameras on the ceilings afraid of being caught. “I could hack those you know. Make them see what I want them to see.” He reads your mind. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, your core heating. You move your right hand over you left and pinch your own skin. “Oh, this is very real baby,” He smirks, “All you have to do is ask.” You lick your lips and watch as Yoongi's eyes flicker with excitement. You stand and move towards his desk, pushing his keyboard back so you can sit before him. He swallows hard watching your every move. “Here,” You whisper, “I want you to kiss me while I sit here.” His face changes and he becomes a man possessed hopping from his seat and leaping towards you. You pull him into a desperate kiss, digging your hands into his messy hair. His lips are warm and commanding, and you are surprised at how quickly you fall into rhythm with him. He glides his tongue along your bottom lip and you gladly open your mouth for him, allowing him to hungrily swirl his tongue around yours, claiming your mouth. You wrap your legs around his body, pressing your heat closer to his growing erection. He soon takes a hold of your hips, grinding your clothed sex against his length. You moan into his mouth while he nibbles and tugs on your lips. He growls quietly and you know you’re driving him wild. “Fuck you sound so sexy.” He confirms, lifting a hand up to grab one of your full breasts. You gasp at the sensation causing Yoongi to stop everything. “Is it too much?” He asks breathlessly, leaning his forehead against yours.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting it. Please don’t stop, touch me again.” You beg. Yoongi groans, pulling you closer against his jailed member. He begins trailing kisses along your neck, tugging on your earlobe with his teeth. “Tell me what to do. Tell me what you need.” He whispers, pressing kisses along your ear. You bite your lip, tugging at your tank top to free your left breasts. “I want your mouth on me.” You whisper to him, kneading at your heavy mound. His eyes are completely blown watching you touch yourself. He lowers his head, opening his mouth to latch onto you erect nipple. You curse under your breath at the feeling of him suckling and licking at your nub ever so gently. He kneads at the soft flesh with his large hand, pushing more and more of it into his mouth, eliciting loud moans to fall from your mouth as all your darkest fantasy of this man flood your mind. He releases your nipple from his lips to blow softly on it causing your skin to goose. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He tells you, gazing in your eyes from under his bangs while he lowers his head to suckle at your nipple once more. Your pussy clenches at the sight. You moan loudly, aggressively grinding against his massive hard on. He curses around your nipple, allowing it to fall from his lips with a loud pop.
He leans back a bit, pushing his hips forward, intrigued by your sudden burst of excitement. You are suddenly so overcome by lust and want that you've taken to a steady pace, thrusting along Yoongi's cock. He grips your hip with his left hand, panting heavily, still fondling your exposed breast with his right hand. He soon licks his thumb and index finger, tugging and yanking at your nipple. You curse under your breath as you fuck yourself shamelessly, your moans becoming more desperate and wail like. Yoongi watches you in awe, his mouth wide, and you wonder when the last time was that he had ever been dry humped. Suddenly, your eyes widen, as you feel that coil deep inside you tighten. You are in complete shock that this could even be happening but are too overcome with pleasure to care. You grip his desk tightly, moving your hips faster, dying for more friction. Your head falls back as that sweet sensation hits you, your coil snapping, sending you straight to heaven. You cry out, feeling your walls tremble, not stopping your thrust until your high has fully washed over you. When you finally come down, your eyes meet a sweaty Yoongi's impressed expression. You swallow hard realizing you're still at work. You raise your hand up in shock, covering your mouth, then your breast, pulling your tank over it. “Did you just cum right now?” He pants, adjusting himself in his jeans. “I need to go.” You shove him away. “Wait, what? Why? Hey, don't be ashamed. It’s ok, I thought that was so fucking hot.” You cringe. “What happened to not sleeping with people from work?” You snap. He looks at you confused. “That's a bit of a low blow isn't it. I've never done this before ok. Besides we didn’t exactly sleep together.” He responds angrily. “Oh really, mister I can hack the cameras. How many times have you done that before?” “Are you serious right now? You’re just attacking me to make yourself feel better about getting off at work.” Your mouth drops open at his comment. “Now that is a low blow. Excuse me please. I'm leaving.” He sighs but moves out of the way.
The following day, you arrive at the office early and get right to work so you can leave early and avoid Yoongi all together. Rebecca texts to inform you she will be working from home since her kid is still sick. You power through all the updates that Yoongi made to ensure that there were no more glitches. At exactly 9:15am, Yoongi saunters into the office late as usual, looking fresh faced and divine. You groan, drinking him in. His hair is still slightly damp from a morning shower but today he is in a crisp white shirt that brings out his pale complexion. You turn your head quickly as he passes by your cubicle. “Morning.” He grumbles as he passes.  You don’t respond, instead choosing to put on your headphones and work on your levels. By 10:30am, you receive an email calling for an emergency meeting of all the teams working on the new game in the conference room. You curse under your breath, throwing your headphones down and grabbing your notepads containing everything you and Yoongi have been working on. You reluctantly head into the conference room, spotting Yoongi already seated at the table. He looks up at you, nodding his head towards an empty chair beside him. You opt instead for one across the table from him. You hear him scoff as you once again avoid him. Your boss flies into the room with his assistant in tow. “Good Morning everyone. I have just heard from the higher ups today that they want to move launch day up a week.” Everyone in the room either groans or sucks their teeth.
“I know, I know, believe me I fought hard to avoid this but unfortunately my hands are tied. I was shooting for a week three review with a launch at week four but unfortunately that’s not going to happen. Review is next week, launch at week three people. I hope you are all working your asses off to get this game ready for streaming. How have our teams been working out, Y/N?” He shoots his gaze at you. You jump up. “Uh, great! Yoongi and I have already cleared levels one through ten of all its glitches. I have been reviewing Yoongi’s work to make sure nothing was missed but all in all we are ahead of schedule.” You explain. Your boss nods as Yoongi shoots his hand up like a child in class. “Yes, Yoongi?” Your boss looks in his direction. “Why on earth is she reviewing my work. Isn't that what review week is for? In addition, she's not my boss. I don’t need her micromanaging me. I am more than capable of handling my side of things.” You begin to shift uncomfortably in your seat but luckily your boss cuts in. “She is just a perfectionist Yoongi. No one is having you watched or micromanaged. We all know what you are capable of, no one is doubting that we just need to ensure that everything is set for launch day. Now you two play nice. Review is next week people. No more bullshitting! Now get out and get to work.” You see Yoongi clench his jaw, unsatisfied with the response.
Everyone runs out of the meeting room and you race to catch up to Yoongi. “Hey,” You breathlessly catch his attention upon arriving at this cubicle, “what was that back there?” He leans back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. “What?” He drawls. “Your outburst.” You snap. He chuckles. “Go away Y/N.” He turns suddenly and begins starting up the new game. “Look,” You move closer to him, sitting on his desk, feeling awkward in the skirt you decided to wear today, “I am really sorry about last night. I get that I overreacted, and you're pissed but during work hours we need to remain professional.” He snorts, “So, after work hours we get to be unprofessional.” He leans towards you, grazing your knee with his slender fingers. You look around the office to see if anyone is watching the two of you. “Don't worry Y/N, I cleared the cameras after you left. No one is the wiser. Everyone thinks we’re just two regular co-workers discussing levels. Tell me, are you getting paid extra to keep me in line?” You are completely lost, and it shows. “What are you talking about?” “Funny what kind of conversations people have when they think no one is watching.” He runs his hand through his hair, his eyes never leaving your face. “I don’t know what you're talking...” Suddenly it hits you, “The elevator with...” You cover your face with your hand. “There it is,” He sighs, “I never took you for an office gossip, making dirty deals with the boss while no one is watching. Boy, if he saw you last night.” “Fuck you!” You shout. Yoongi’s brows shoot up as he looks around. You soon do the same, luckily no one has noticed. You drop your head. “I'll have you know that conversation was not what you think. I was horribly uncomfortable the entire time. If I agreed to anything it was because I like you and felt like I could protect you.” “You like me huh? Then why did you run off last night?” “Why do you think? I was embarrassed, I have never done anything like that before. Ever! To be frank, my sex life has been.... what's more basic than vanilla? Italian ice?” You cover your face with both hands to avoid Yoongi’s wide stare.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He whispers, pulling your hands away from your face. You look at him with doubt. “I am so serious Y/N. I think you’re sexy whether it’s showing some skin or in your button up cardigans and loafers. Sure, maybe you can call what happened last night Italian ice and maybe someone really hasn’t been good to you emotionally or sexually, but I have never seen someone look more gorgeous than what you did last night when you made yourself cum. I couldn’t get that face out of my head.” “Oh yeah? Even though I left you with blue balls?” You laugh quietly. Yoongi’s face suddenly changes, his eyes darken, and you can tell he's turned on. “Is there something you wanna ask me baby?” He says in a low tone. You feel it straight in the pussy. You begin stuttering and he tsk at you. “No baby. No stuttering,” he leans in and whispers, “From here on out, you’re going to need to tell daddy exactly what you're thinking. Every. Single. Dirty. Thing.” He leans back in his chair, pressing his fist into his crotch, with sly smile. “I can't.” You whisper. “Yes, you can. I know you can. Your ex may have given it to you in vanilla, but I know you dream in rocky road. You wanna know if I went home with blue balls, if I still have them now?” He stands suddenly and moves closer to you, rubbing his fingers along your jaw. You shoot your head around, but no one is looking everyone still comfortable in their own worlds. “Yoongi, people will see us.” “Then you should act natural, so no one suspects anything.” He whispers, running the back of his hand down your arm now until his fingertips rub along the exposed flesh of your thigh. You shiver under his touch. “So, do you wanna know?” He asks again. You bite your lip to stifle a moan, gripping his desk tightly at the feel of his erection against the back of your hand. You nod your head. “I did and I went home last night craving you so bad that I lubed my hand up and stroked my fat cock until I drained my blue balls all over my belly. Then I laid there kicking myself because I never got your cell phone number so I couldn’t text you a picture of the mess you made me make because fuck if I didn’t wish you were there to lap It all up with your tongue.” You bite down harder on your lip, feeling your pussy clench around nothing. “Yoongi.” You mewl. “Yeah baby?” You respond by brushing his hard on with your fingers. “Say it, I need to hear you say it.” He leans into your roaming fingers. “I want…” “What do you want?” “I need…” “Tell daddy what you need.” You bite your lip, hearing him refer to himself as daddy has you bravely turning your hand to palm him through his jeans. His mouth falls opens, a small moan escaping his pout.
“She should be back there working with Min Yoongi.” Both you and Yoongi turn to the sound of the approaching footfalls. Yoongi swallowing hard, growling a bit before stepping away from you. You take a deep shaky breath, feeling the heat emanating from your cheeks. “Y/N?” Your eyes shoot open and you step out from the cubicle. “Taehyung? What are you doing here?” “Hi,” He smiles brightly, hugging you, “I hated how we left things. I needed to see you, make things right. I don’t want to end things poorly.” He takes your hand and you melt into his warm eyes. “Didn’t you guys end things years ago?” Yoongi states plainly with a clearing of his throat. Taehyung laughs, moving towards Yoongi and sticking out his hand. “Kim Taehyung. You must be Min Yoongi. One of the other testers told me you guys are working together on the new game.” “Among other things.” Yoongi gives a tight grin. “Right, well, I know it’s a bit early but maybe you can take a break and come grab lunch with me. I’d love to really talk, like really.” Yoongi scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Sure.” You respond. “Actually, we are really swamped. They pushed the deadline up so; we really have to get to work on these glitches.” Yoongi answers for you. “Oh, well in that case how about dinner?” Taehyung offers now. “Yeah I can do that.” You nod. “Ugh, we’ve actually been working late nights, double checking everything. Maybe next month, you know, after the launch.” Taehyung gives an awkward smile. “Can we talk in private?” He whispers to you. “You should really wrap this up Y/N, wouldn’t want the boss to see you just standing around.” “What’s your problem bro?” Taehyung snaps.
“Yoongi its fine! I’m fine. We are ahead of schedule. I’ll be back in an hour. Come on Tae, let’s grab a quick bite.” You push Taehyung towards the front of the office. “Uh, Y/N,” Yoongi calls out to you with money in his hand, “Can you grab me some sushi on the way back?” You nod and walk over to Yoongi to grab the money. “Please, don’t go to lunch with him.” Yoongi whispers to you, holding onto his money tightly. “Will you stop being so weird? I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” He looks you over, nodding in defeat. “Combo 13.” He says, releasing the money. “Got it.” You give him a smile, heading out with Taehyung. “Are you seeing that guy?” Taehyung asks once in the elevator. “Yoongi? Uh, no, we’re just friends.” Taehyung nods. “Really? You know you can tell me, right? It’s not like we are together. You can date whomever you want. He just seemed, I don’t know, jealous or something.” Suddenly your heart drops at the thought. “Really,” You suck your teeth, “I don't think so. He's just really serious about work.” Taehyung just hums in agreement. You both walk over to a nearby sushi restaurant and grab lunch, placing Yoongi's order to go. “So, let me just say that I'm sorry for tossing the water in your face. I was very angry. I'm sure you can understand why.” Taehyung nods. “Of course. I shouldn't have just thrown everything at you the way I did. It was insensitive. Look, I want you to know that despite what I did during our relationship, I really truly loved you. Even now I care so deeply about you. We were so young when we got together, we didn't know anything. I mean you were still a virgin; did you really think I was the one?” Your brow furrows. “Yeah actually, I did. I loved you with all my heart. I thought you were my forever. I thought WE would be getting married someday.” He frowns at your statement. “I'm sorry Jagi. I really messed up but I hope that moving forward we can remain friends. I think the world of you. You deserve nothing but the best!” You sigh, angry that you still had feelings for him.
“I agree. Thank you for saying that.” You tell him. He smiles, taking your hand from across the table, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. “So, you’re not dating that guy?” You chuckle at the repeated question. “Like I said we are friends. He’s really nice to me. Doesn't judge me or poke fun like other people. He accepts me for me.” Taehyung gives you a thin smile. “Guys like that only look for one thing. They don’t care how you look or sound. He gives me bad vibes. Pushy you know.” “Well, he actually likes how I look. Unlike other men I know and to be honest I don’t know how you can determine his intent or pushiness from one encounter. He’s actually really sweet.” “Then I suppose you like him then?” “I never had an issue with how you look Jagi. I, for one, think you’re beautiful.” “Is that why you cheated?” You clip. Taehyung sighs. “I’m sorry again Jagi. I know it’s not enough but I really am sorry. What I did had nothing to do with you. It was my own issues. Maybe when things aren’t so painful, we can really talk about them you know. Right now, I think they’re still too fresh.” “Maybe you’re right. No point in opening old wounds.” You nod. You finish up eating, and allow him to walk you back to work. He insists on bringing you all the way upstairs. “Maybe when your game launches, we can grab dinner to celebrate?” He suggests on the elevator ride up. “Sure, that'll be nice.” “You're truly are so beautiful Jagi. Thank you for letting me set things right. Well, some things anyhow.” He leans in, taking you in a deep hug and you breathe in his cologne, taken by his much you miss his smell. He pulls away slightly and presses his lips to yours. You should shove him away, slap his face, but you don't. How could you? This man that that you loved so deeply, that took your innocence, that stole your heart, NO, that broke your heart! The elevator door opens on your floor and you push Taehyung away. You begin to stutter until Taehyung cuts you off. “Take care Jagi. Dinner soon.” You nod, stepping off the elevator, waving goodbye to Taehyung as the doors shut. He gives a cocky smirk. You take a deep breath and turn to bring Yoongi his lunch, only instead you slam right into his body. “Nice kiss?” “Yoongi, how did you?” “I'll take that, thanks.” He grabs his lunch from you and turns to walk away. “Hey! Wait. It's not what you think.” You whisper. “Don't care either way. Let me know when you finish levels eleven through twenty. Talk then."
You plop down at your desk and pull your phone out texting Rebecca, filling her in on all that has gone on in her absence. “FUCK!” She responds in big bold letter. You write back that you think you’ve blown it with Yoongi and now you don’t know what to do. It takes her a while, but she finally responds. “Be brave Y/N!!” You release a deep sigh and nod, knowing your friend is right. You’ve been in your neat little cage too long. It was time to be brave. You send her a kiss face and place your headphones on, determined to finish your next ten levels in record time. By 5pm, everyone is making their way out of the office, including your boss who makes it a point to say goodnight to you on the way out. When you’re sure everyone has gone, you walk over to the back with your notepad in hand. You slam the notepad down obnoxiously onto the desk of Min Yoongi. He doesn’t even react, pissing you off just a bit. You stand tall however, crossing your arms, awaiting a response. He turns his head slowly to look up at you. “Thanks, I’ll get to work on this. Have a goodnight.” He turns his attention back to his computer, pulling his headphones back on. You feel your resolve cracking. You remain standing there but Yoongi continues to ignore you. You tap his shoulder, but he simply raises one finger to make you wait. You fume at the gesture, yanking the headphone jack from the computer angrily. He swirls in his chair to face you. “I want you.” You say plainly. He opens his arms but says nothing. You begin to stutter, unsure of what to say next. He scoffs, shaking his and turning back to his computer. “Wait, um, I need you.” You pretty much whimper, biting your lip at how desperate you sound. Yoongi doesn’t turn around. “Please.” You whisper. “Go away Y/N.” He grumbles. “Did you hear what I said?” You whine. “Yeah, I did and to be frank, I don’t think you know what you want. Is it me? Your ex? And even if you did, you're so caught in your own head you wouldn’t even know how to verbalize it,” He turns suddenly, “I meant it when I said I liked you, but I won’t sacrifice my sanity for what you got going on with that guy. I play a lot of games Y/N, but what you got going on with your ex, isn’t one I’m interested in.” He moves to his computer once again, plugging his headphones back into the monitor.
‘Be brave! Be brave! BE BRAVE!’ You tell yourself.
You look up at the cameras for a moment, “Fuck it.” You whisper to yourself; you have wanted this man for too long to have him slip away now. You watch as Yoongi begins to work on the notes you left him. Your heart pounds in your chest, ‘Here goes nothing.’ You think to yourself. You lift your skirt a bit and slide your panties off, walking forward and dropping them onto Yoongi’s keyboard. He looks at the lacy fabric with intrigue, swallowing hard, and turning his head to you. His eyes are filled with desire, but he says nothing; does nothing. You lick your lips and move towards his desk; his eyes follow you the whole way. You push his chair back away from the desk just enough to lean against it. He smirks seductively, leaning back in his seat. You grab the sides of your skirt and slowly begin to tug the fabric up your thick thighs, stopping right before you are about to reveal your pubis. He releases a slow unsteady sigh, lightly clearing his throat. He didn’t say a word, but he didn’t have to, you knew how bad he wanted you in this moment. You glide your butt onto his desk now, being sure that you are seated comfortably. You slide your feet out of your loafers and rest one on each arm rest of Yoongi’s chair, parting your legs to reveal your dripping folds to him. His face soon drops, as if taken over by a completely different force, he watches you slowly caress and then part your lips. You dip your middle finger towards your entrance, collecting your juices before bringing it back up to your throbbing bud. You moan gently, staring straight at Yoongi who stares at you like a man possessed. “You see how wet I am?” You cry, arching your back as you rub circles around your needy clit. “I need you so bad.” You confess shakily. His eyes darken. “Careful,” He finally speaks, “You’re not in your right mind right now. You don’t know what you’re asking for.” You moan faster, feeling your core burn with the build of your orgasm. “I’ve wanted you for so long.” You cry out, slapping your clit now to keep from cumming too soon. “Fuck.” Yoongi growls, shaking his leg feverishly. You needed his hands on you, his mouth, something and soon! You were ready to burst. “Daddy.” You moan out the nickname you’ve heard him use on occasion, hoping to elicit a response, and boy a response you get. Yoongi’s eyes light up like a child on Christmas and he takes hold of one of your ankles pulling you forward a bit, his resolve seemingly holding on by a thread. “Don’t call me that. You have no idea what that does to me.” He warns. You rub your finger gently up and down your clit, opening your lips once again, “I need your hands on me, right here, in my tight hole. I want to cum on your fingers. Please…. daddy.” You say as sultry as you can. Yoongi springs up from his seat, wrapping a hand around your neck. Your eyes widen at the abrasiveness, your back pressing into his monitor. “Yoongi.” “No….no…. kitten, its daddy remember?” He pants, turning your head to suck on your neck. You moan at the feel of his wet tongue against your skin. He grabs your hand away from your cunt and places your sticky fingers in his mouth, sucking off your juices. “So, fucking sweet.” He groans, lowering his hand to your sex, cupping it gently, staring deep in your eyes searching for doubt. “Please don’t tease me. I want you to touch me.” You beg. He smirks, slapping your pussy hard. You cry out, arching you back. “Yoongi.” “Wrong again.” He corrects you with another slap, then another. “I’m sorry, I meant daddy.” He smiles now, gliding a finger through your slit. You whimper, pushing your hips forward.
“You’re a needy little kitten, aren’t you? How often have you dreamt of me annihilating this pussy?” His whispers in your ear. “Every night.” You admit. Yoongi moans at the confession. “What’s your favorite color?” He asks out of nowhere. “Uh, yellow.” “Yellow if its too much.” He tells you, kissing your lips hard, pressing one sole finger into your slick, pass your folds and into your entrance. Your mouth falls open, your moan trapped as he quickly adds another finger. He slowly begins to fuck your pussy with his long slender fingers, bringing them to the tips and shoving them in to the knuckles. His pace is so tortuous that you find yourself grinding your hips forward, trying to fuck his hand. He presses his forehead to yours, looking down, watching himself fuck your needy cunt. Your folds become more and more sodden with every thrust of his fingers, the sounds of your moans and slickness filling the small space. “God your so wet, I bet my cock would slide right in wouldn’t it? I can’t wait to fuck this tight hole. Make you mine.” His words cause a desperate cry to escape your throat.  “I love that sound. I’m gonna make you scream so loud when I fuck you senseless.” You mewl just thinking of all the dirty things you want him to do to you. He begins to tighten his hold around your neck, moving his thumb to your clit, rubbing your swollen bud. “Yes, daddy. Please don’t stop.” You strain, your core burning with your impending orgasm. He curls his fingers, pressing on the soft bundle of nerves inside you and your body ignites. Your vision begins to blur, your walls clenching hard on his digits, a sharp yet warm flush overpowering you. Yoongi quickens his pace and you scream out his name your orgasm rising fast. “I’m going to cum.” He groans deep in his chest, removing his fingers from your clenching cunt. You gasp, reaching up to claw at his shirt. “Why? No. I was right there.” You whine. “I know baby. Shh.” He kisses you gently, entering your mouth with his tongue. He cups your sex once again, slapping it suddenly, you jump at the sensation. He enters you this time entering you with three fingers. You squeal with pleasure, causing curses to fall from Yoongi’s lips at the sight of you. You relish in the delightful burn of this newfound stretch, baring down, to clench around him, your legs are stretched so wide Yoongi takes to rubbing the soft flesh of your inner thighs with his free hand. “So, fucking sexy, pussy so tight. My cock is so hard thinking about how amazing you’re going to feel stretching around me.” “God, daddy please, I need to cum.” You nearly sob. He quickens his pace, fucking you relentlessly now. He curls his fingers inside you once again, rubbing large circles deep inside your walls. “Rub your clit baby. Cum for me.” He commands. You drop your hand quickly, rolling soft circles over your bud. Your breathing quickens as your climax once again climbs up your abdomen causing your skin to goose. Yoongi presses harder into your g-spot, dropping his head slowly to your sex. Your eyes roll back at the sight as white waves of pleasure soon wash over you, your body trembling with the most overwhelming orgasm you’ve ever experienced. His fingers curl at just the right angle to cause your entire body to tighten and your climax to shoot out onto Yoongi’s face and waiting tongue. Yoongi pants hard, swallowing your juices as you continue to thrust onto his fingers wailing through your climax. He lifts his head pressing gentle kisses on your face as you soon come down from your high. You wrap your arms around his neck, saddened by the empty feeling once he removes his fingers from inside you. He licks them clean, kissing you softly again, your juices coating his lips. “I’ve never done that before.” You whisper to him, “You should come over to my place and we can do it again.” He chuckles. “No, that’s all for tonight. I will however drive you home.” You pout but nod. Yoongi helps you off the desk and you dress watching as he clears the camera footage. “Where’d you learn to do that?” You inquire. “Sorry kitten you can’t have all my secrets.” He turns to wink at you. “I’ve never been touched like that. Tae could never…” You trail off. Yoongi stands after he finishes hiding the evidence of what you’ve both done. He puts his hand out for you to grab and you both walk over to the elevator.
“If you let me, I want to make you feel good all the time, in so many ways. I just need you to trust me, we have to trust each other. I’ll give you whatever you want, you just have to ask and its yours and if its ever too much, you use the safe word.” You nod at him. “Yellow.” He smiles, nodding with you. “Yellow.” You arrive at the garage and Yoongi unlocks his car. You hop in. “So, what’s with the daddy thing?” You inquire. He laughs. “It turns me on. I like to be in control. I mean if it makes you uncomfortable, we can try something else.” “Did other women call you daddy?” You can’t help but ask. “I don’t want to talk about other women. “So, that’s a yes.” You chide. He sighs. “Full disclosure, yes, some other women have called me daddy. It’s what I like, but like I said if it makes you uncomfortable then we can switch it up.” “Did you call them kitten?” “No.” He says plainly. “What did you call them?” “Honestly, I like calling my women sluts, whores, things like that. It turns me on.” You nod. “So why kitten?” He shrugs. “Its what popped into my head, what turned me on in the moment. Do you want me to use something else?” You shake your head. “I like kitten.” “Then we’ll use kitten.” He rubs your cheek with the back of his hand. He soon begins driving, “You know you really surprised me today. I was definitely not expecting that from you.” He laughs. “I wanted to be brave, I guess. I wanted to show you that I’m serious about you. That whole thing with Tae was nothing. I don’t want to look back anymore.” He nods, nibbling on his lower lip. “I’ll admit I was jealous when I saw you guys kissing. I know I don’t have a right to be, we aren’t dating but still, it really pissed me off.” He swallows hard. “Well, you have no reason to be jealous. I can assure you Tae has nothing on you.” Yoongi laughs out loud at your comment, exposing his gums. “I love seeing you smile like this Yoongi. Its rare.” He looks at you quickly, leaning his hand over the gear shaft to place it on your thigh. You trace the prominent veins in his hand with your fingertip. “Um, I was brave today but I might still be shy about things.” You tell him. He squeezes your thigh. “I’m not in a rush.” He pulls into the garage of your building. “We’re here.” You pout. He nods, leaning in to kiss you. You latch onto his lips, kissing him desperately. You pull him closer, sticking your tongue in his mouth. He moans at the contact. “Please come up.” You say against his lips. He shakes his head. “Some other time.” You lean back in your seat, saddened by his answer. “I’ll see you tomorrow kitten.” You smile at your new nickname. “Hey! Take down my number.” You light up. He gives a big smile and hands you his phone. You enter your digits and lean in to kiss him again. “Goodnight Yoongi.” “Goodnight Y/N.”  
277 notes · View notes
p4ntry-d3m0n · 2 years
My schedule consists of sleeping in the day and being awake during the ungodly hours of the night, that is all
Also we started journaling in my art class and literally all ive written are au and fic ideas for Amphibia, specifically marcanne because yes
Like you can’t tell me a Warrior Cats au of Amphibia wouldn’t be a fun concept to play around with. Like Marcy and Sasha are patrolling the boarders of whatever clan (I was sort of thinking Windclan or Shadowclan?) and they see a farm in the distance and Marcy pauses and smells the air like “I smell some others down there!” and Sasha pauses to look for a second before turning back around and going “let’s hope they haven’t crossed into (insert clan that I haven’t decided on)” or something and then a bigger animal comes out, maybe a semi-adult fox that’s big enough for cats to be like “f u c k” if they come across one. So Sasha and Marcy are immediately trying to figure out how they can come out of the situation alive while the fox is growling in front of them. Next thing you know, Anne, a fluffy ass Maine coon (I haven’t decided on another kind of cat) tackles the fox out of nowhere and gets away from its jaws. Now she’s a Maine coon, so when her fur rises, she looks bigger than she is, so the fox is a bit put off. So Anne keeps hissing and growling and occasionally swiping at the fox until it hits the road. Anne stays like that before calming down and going “are you okay” and Marcy, a bit stunned, nods while Sasha takes a bit to process before growling “we were fine, what are you doing in our territory” and Anne looks caught off guard and more than a little annoyed like “I was in the area and could smell two cats and a fox, and then I saved your tail” AND THEN IT BEGINS
Obviously Marcy and Sasha would have clan names since, y’know, clan cats, but I haven’t decided on those just yet. Anne is one of the cats who lives on that farm that I mentioned before. She, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly all live there. They still have all their names because like- farm cats, not clan cats. Sprig is like the age of an apprentice cat, Polly is an older kit of course, and Hop Pop is obviously an elder. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy are like- just newly made warrior age, I would say
My whole idea was just kinda them, and other Amphibia characters turned into cats, constantly having run-ins with Anne and constantly having to report it to their leader (maybe Grime?? Idk, I haven’t thought that far yet) before the leader is like “interesting. Bring her in the next time you see her, I have some matters to discuss” because the leader wants the farm to be an area for them to take advantage of and secretly expand their territory. NOW- it has been a hot minute since I’ve read a Warrior cats book, so a lot of stuff might be flimsy or inaccurate. Also I debated having Marcy as a medicine cat, but honestly, I feel like that could both help and hurt the au. Like it would be interesting interactions between Marcy and Anne, because I do plan on making this into a marcanne thing since I don’t ship any of the other ships, but it would also minimize those interactions. SO I feel like it would be great if Andrias was the leader of whatever clan and he was still an evil cat with ulterior motives, while Grime could be deputy. Marcy wanted to be a medicine cat, but Andrias kind of *strongly* suggested that Marcy would be better as a Warrior cat, so she sadly gave up being a medicine cat
That’s all that I have so far
But also like- human warrior cats au- which kind of defeats the purpose, but I really can’t and don’t wanna draw cat anatomy-
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afictionalwhore · 3 years
Learning Your Lesson
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A/N: This isn't the first fanfic I've written, but it's the first I've finished. It's on the darker side, which I have no problem writing, I don't want my blog to be only that. That Keishin kitchen one is coming I just gotta get through finals. Thank you @kogo for the idea! You mentioned it, so I took it and bolted. 
TW: noncon/dubcon, yandere, phone sex, masturbation, implied drinking
"Baby," Hawks cooed into the phone, "what's wrong?"
It was in the middle of his night patrol when you called him, the ringtone specifically set for you jingling throughout the empty streets from his jacket pocket. When he picked up, he was met with your soft sobs on the other end of the line. 
"Keigo?" Your voice barely audible. "Can you come get me? I don't want to talk about it here."
"(y/n), what's the matter," Hawks says, voice dropping an octave.
“You were right, Keigo,” you sob. “I shouldn’t have gone. I shouldn’t have gone out tonight.”
“(Y/n),” Hawks said, the seriousness in his voice chilling you more thoroughly than the night air. “What happened?” He was growing restless, pacing the same alleyway. He told you not to go out. You should have listened to him. You should always listen to him. He can only hope you learned your lesson this time. 
Since you and the Number 2 Hero began dating, Hawks had grown increasingly paranoid about your safety. If it had been anyone else, Hawks' possessiveness over you could have been seen as controlling; you told yourself that he only had your safety in mind. Dating a pro hero, especially such a high ranking one, came with its dangers, and your quirklessness made you an even easier target. If anything happened to you, Hawks wouldn't know what to do with himself, a fact he constantly reminded you of. 
You insisted on going out with your friends tonight. “Keigo,” you whined, stretching his name out like you were one of his teenage fans, “Please. I haven’t seen them in months.” You were just a quirkless nobody, making minimum wage and barely scraping by to make rent and survive your shitty neighborhood. Scratch the latter bit. You were just a quirkless nobody, but since your relationship with Hawks kicked off, the pro had moved you into his apartment, a much safer, much more suitable place for you, and you know longer had to worry about your safety. Except on occasions like these. Your friends, all either quirkless or with minor quirks that would be useless in protecting you should anything happen, were gathering to celebrate an engagement, and surprise surprise they invited you.
Hawks tried his best to persuade you otherwise, listing all the dangers of going out without him, or going out at all, especially when you were dressed like that. Your little skirt falling just over your ass. Anyone could drop their wallet behind you and sneak a peek up your skirt. Your shirt was much too tight; and where was your jacket? You're just showing off the goods for everyone, like you were asking for something to happen.
But you could not, would not be swayed. You missed your friends. Though you loved Hawks, “It's Keigo, baby,” he would insist, you craved your friendships, and you were overjoyed to find that they didn’t hate you for practically disappearing on them since your relationship with Hawks, "Keigo", had become serious. 
“What happened?” Hawks repeated, his impatience growing.
“It all happened so quickly,” you sobbed.
“(y/n),” Hawks quite nearly growled out. “What. Happened.” You were really testing him right now, what with interrupting his patrol, albeit his boring, uneventful patrol. How could he help you when you weren't telling him what was wrong.
"I was leaving the bar. You remember which one?" Your voice shook. Hawks held back a scoff. Of course he knew where the bar was. It was the very bar frequented by the League, nestled neatly into the roughest area of town; it's inexpensiveness appealing to your friends' cheapness more than the potential danger drove them away. He told you they couldn't be trusted.
"Well I was leaving," You must be shaking like a leaf. Hawks can hear it in your voice. "And I get this feeling, like someone's following me. So I walk faster, and I—" you cut. Soft cries filled Hawks' ears as he listened.
Hawks can feel himself growing tighter in his pants as you cry. He knows where this is heading. He told you not to go, but you didn't listen. It would be rude of you to ask them to reschedule to a date when Hawks could more easily pick you up, or even better, accompany you. You were too overjoyed when they reached out with an invitation despite your disappearance in their life. But now here you were, sobbing—god how he loved your cries—to him over the phone because some asshole had roughed you up a bit. What did you expect leaving The League of Villains' bar alone at this ungodly hour? 
As angry as he was over your stupidity, he couldn't deny how hot you sounded in your current state. His arousal was confirmed by the decent tent forming in his uniform pants. After a quick scan of the area, Hawks found a nearby alleyway to slip into. He was thankful his designated area to patrol tonight was rather unlively. Leaning against the rough bricks, Hawks found himself quickly undoing his belt, shoving his pants and boxers down just enough to free himself. 
"Go on, baby," Hawks said. It took all his self control not to let so much as a slight hitch in his voice show as he encouraged you to talk.
"Keigo, please. I don't know why I have to tell you all right now." you sobbed. "Please, just come get me."
"Baby," Hawks drawled, suppressing a moan as he languidly stroked himself up to full hardness. "I don't want you to have to relive this more than you have to. So you just tell me now, as detailed as possible. I can fill out whatever reports you would need to for you, and you won't ever have to think about this again." It was hard for you to argue with Hawks in your fragile state. “I know what’s best for you, baby bird. Tell me everything.”
So you did. You told Keigo all about the strange man who you guessed had followed you out of the bar. Who would just be lurking outside the League's bar waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting quirkless? Hawks would bet his next several paychecks just who would be doing exactly that.
You told Hawks about the rough, calloused hand over your mouth accompanied by the low voice in your ear whispering that if you so much as made a squeak, you'd be cremated on the spot. Bingo. At least he wasn't losing much in a bet against himself. Judging by the state of his hard cock in his gloved hand, he was actually winning here. 
Hawks would have just laughed at you had he not been so fucking turned on. He would have to look past that cheesy "cremation" line. How did you not know who was lurking around the sleazy bar waiting for a hot piece of meat, for you, to stumble out the bar, drunk and alone. Were you always such an idiot? How did you ever survive without him?
You told him about how you had been unceremoniously dragged into the alley next to the bar and shoved face first into the bricks of one of the bar's outer walls. Hawks' eyes fluttered shut, his mouth hung up as his head fell back against the wall he braced himself against. His fist picked up the pace, imagining your soft protests and how lovely your weak, slurred cries of "please no" would have sounded as your skirt was flipped up and panties ripped through. Knowing your attacker, a hole very well could have been burned through for easy access. He'd have to check once he got you home and asleep. 
Hawks continued pumping himself as you continued your sob fest, jerking his foreskin up and down over his angry almost purple head. God how he wished to be there, listening to your sobs, cooing at you that everything was going to be okay as he kissed your tear stained, brick scratched cheeks and stroked a finger over that pretty, abused pussy of yours.
His gloved thumb rubbing over his slit, as he pictured how badly your insides were wrecked, how that jacob's ladder would have scraped against your warm plush walls. Were you even wet? You had to be. After all, only a slut would have gone out when he told them otherwise. He could only imagine how rough the man in question was with you and your pliant body. In your drunken state, how hard could you have fought back? Not very hard, Hawks had gotten you nice and drunk quite a number of times, and that was exactly why he protested you going out in the first place. His breathing grew heavier the closer he came to his release.
"Keigo?" your feeble voice called out over the phone's speaker. "Are you okay?"
"Yea, baby. I'm okay." Hawks collected himself. Pull yourself together, man. "Are you okay? I'm just so angry." that you didn't listen to me. 
"Keigo, are you close?" Oh he was close alright. Just a few more strokes, a few more sniffles and whines from you, and he would be right there. 
“Please, Keigo. Hurry up. I’m cold and scared. Keigo, I’m so scared.” That's all he needed.
“I’m coming, baby. I’m coming.” Hawks said, praying you couldn’t hear the breathlessness in his voice. His brilliant wings puffed and gave a few strained flutters before shaking tensely as his hand stilled and streaks of hot white fell on the dirty street below him. You weren’t the most intuitive, so you’d probably attribute it to his anger.
With his lust no longer clouding his mind, a sudden worry stuck Hawks. 
"Did he cum in you?" Hawks practically growled.
"What? No. Why are you asking me this?" your confusion briefly pausing your sobs.
"Just checking to see if you need me to make a stop by the pharmacy," Hawks explained as he stuffed himself back in his pants. "I'm on my way. I just have to make a quick call, baby. I love you." He zipped himself up and fixed his belt back into place. He shook out and stretched his wings. Hawks couldn't remember ever cumming that hard. 
"No. Keigo, please don't hang up," you hiccuped.
"Baby, baby," Hawks cooed, "I gotta let the commission know that I'm taking off early. You don't think I'd just continue working after this?" A smirk worked its way onto his handsome face. He could imagine your cute face scrunched into a pout. "Do you have that little faith in me? It's the least you could let me do before I leave patrol early for you. You think you learned your lesson?"
"Um," your voice trembles, Hawks’ last statement confusing you. "I suppose." You weren’t sure what your lesson was; you just wanted Keigo to take you home.
"Good girl,” a dark smile finds his way on Hawks’ face. I'll call you right back. I promise," Hawks reassures you, the fear in your voice as you feebly protested was almost enough to make him hard again. "I'll let you hang up, okay? I love you."
"Okay," you sniff, "I love you too." 
Hawks hears the light click signaling that you hung up and glances down at his phone for confirmation before quickly dialing another number, his smile growing darker as he waited out the ringing. After about three rings, Hawks broke out in a full smile, his crazed golden eyes gleaming in the moonlight of the alleyway he had hidden himself into. 
“What you do want now, ya fucking pigeon?” a rough, gravely voice answered.
“Thanks, Touya. I really owe you one.”
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Fitz feels like that *one* person in the world who gets honey oat milk lattes from starbucks. Keefe would probably get random mystery items (like a pumpkin spice loaf, because I swear no one buys these) and give them to his friends.
also you're so right for Keefe. He's a chaos drink but constant kind of person. I think he'd order two random, completely unrelated things off the menu and mix them together to see what it made. I also think there's an unbelievable amount of caffeine in everything he drinks. I don't know how it works, but he gets the max number of shots (is that the word for it??) in his drink that he can. Like the additives where you add more caffeine. Maxing out the caffeine
Fitz feels like a warm drink kind of person, but a niche warm drink (which I think is similar to what you're saying, but I don't know what a honey oat milk latte is). He has this specific way he has his drink prepared that no one has heard of before and he refuses to drink anything else. And when it's hot out? he gets the same thing but iced. Either that or a protein shake at 5am kind of person. Biana hears a blender at an ungodly hour and wanders into the kitchen to find Fitz stuffing an entire bag of spinach, two bananas, an onion? for some reason?, a lukewarm bottle of youth, and an orange with the peel still on into a blender. He tops it off with a scoop of protein powder and a handful of ice (i know this isn't the appropriate order to add things in, but it's funny) and just...brings the entire blender with him on his morning run. it's controlled chaos, okay?
it's like those "use an onion as a chip for your marinara sauce" things. Where people promote something with the idea of health but looking at it you're like...that is absolutely wild what the fuck are you doing. I firmly believe Fitz is either a pleasant drink or a chaos smoothie person depending on the day and there is no in between.
also you're so right for Keefe. He's a chaos drink but constant kind of person. I think he'd order two random, completely unrelated things off the menu and mix them together to see what it made. I also think there's an unbelievable amount of caffeine in everything he drinks. I don't know how it works, but he gets the max number of shots (is that the word for it??) in his drink that he can. Like the additives where you add more caffeinge. Maxing out the caffeine
wait wait wait. what if he added a five hour energy into it on top of all that? he gets a refresher and decides its not refreshing enough and pour a whole thing in there. he doesn't want to deal with his dreams so he decided he just Won't Sleep Ever Again.
he feels like the kind of person to ask for whatever the person in front of him had. or to make up his own absolutely wild recipe, but he knows exactly the right wording and order to tell the barista how to make it.
and I love the idea that he just pushes these creations onto his friends. he takes a single sip and has enough energy to last three days and just passes it over to Sophie who is somehow still tired after finishing the entire thing.
this is so adorable I love this concept so much!! I don't know a lot about Starbucks so I kinda focused on a few other things, but I'm sure for the people who understand what you're saying better it makes sense. (not that it's confusing, i'm just missing some knowledge in that area! it's a me thing, don't worry about it! oh and that doesn't mean you can't send asks about things I don't know, my responses just might be a little different!! it's fun to get other perspectives)
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fanfiction-corner · 3 years
𝒟𝑒𝓁𝓅𝒽𝒾𝒸 𝑀𝓎 𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉
Tarquin X Reader
Oneshot featuring a character from @simpforthebloodgod ‘s books Tacenda and Versailles.
Here is part 2 to the Delphic series, this one features Tarquin! everyone's favourite awkward endertwin. L canonised that all he wants is his choccy milk and cant flirt for the life of him so here we go! XD i hope you all enjoy!
(pt. 1) - Deirdre x reader
Word Count: 1157
Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: Tarquin bumps into the reader late at night in the kitchen
The sun had already set over the kingdom, most were asleep, except a few servants and guards that scattered around the castle. A few servants were left to clean certain areas of the castle, prepping it for the morning. This is where Y/n seems to be, left alone to clean that night’s dishes. The dim candlelight illuminating the sink enough to make sure each dish was scrubbed clean, the pile of dirty to clean dishes changing ratio over time. 
The methodical clinking of dishes in the sink fill the room and snuffs out most of the silence, something the cleaner despises. It always is followed by a faint ringing, it drives them half-mad, it was why they try to find themselves with others, enjoying the soft chatter of people around them or the sounds of daily work. 
They also seem to be seeking out Deidre, her company being rather enjoyable. Its always rather rare to find her alone, however. She’s either working under the king or with her brother, the quieter of the two twins, he was always more intimidating due to this. Always silent with an unreadable expression, though despite this, he is equally as ethereal as Deirdre. 
Y/n found themself lost in thought, scrubbing away at the same plate in a slow-motion as their mind rolled over the image of the twins. Ungodly attractive and seemingly extremely interesting to talk to - Deirdre was anyways - and holding a mysterious aura that sends shivers down their spine. 
“Oh, I didn’t expect anyone to be up at this hour”
The sudden voice caused the maid to yelp, dropping what they were holding and turning to spot the individual. Almost like history repeating itself, there stood one of the twins, except this one was distinctly not Deirdre, their voice was deeper than the one they remembered. 
Tarquin stood there in his nightclothes - which consisted of just a long baggy nightshirt - his hair slightly dishevelled from sleep and an edge of tiredness in his voice. His head was tilted curiously at y/n with a subtle amused smile playing at his lips. His amusement soon obvious within his tone when he next spoke. 
“My apologies, did I startle you?”
Y/n let out a breath, giving a shakey nod as they composed themselves, grabbing a nearby hand towel to dry their hands. Trying their best to calm fro the initial scare under the gaze of the enderman, his presence growing increasingly more intimidating within the dim light and uncomfortable silence.
“W-what can I do for you, sir?” They shakily asked, composed enough to speak and perhaps fill out whatever task the man could need at this hour. 
“Oh! no need to do anything-” he replied, sending Y/n an awkward smile before making his way towards a cupboard holding a variety of glasses and mugs. “I just came to get a drink, you can ignore me. I won’t be too much of a bother”
y/n watched him for a moment longer, seeing him quietly retrieve the milk from the icebox to make his beverage. Soon they turned back to their work, staying silent as they returned to cleaning dish after dish. Trying to ignore the presence of Tarquin behind them, his silence growing unnerving, as does the feeling of eyes on their back. 
“Why are you up so late?”
Yet again, Tarquin’s voice made Y/n jump. Turning their head to see the man standing closer by, the glass in his hand holding a brown liquid. The evidence of its creation being held on the counter he was previously nearby, there sitting the jug of milk and a pot of cocoa powder. 
“I-i” they stuttered out, momentarily meeting his eye before quickly turning back to finish their work, “im finishing up washing todays dishes, then I am to retire to bed..”
“They left you to do it on your own?” his question seemed to catch them off guard, blinking a bit before slowly responding.
“Yes... it’s my duty to have them finished. There just seems to be more today than usual.”
“Would you like any help?”
Their sudden response had them both started, Tarquin left blinking in surprise. Eventually going to speak before being quickly stopped by Y/n themself. 
“I mean, no. ill be alright on my own.” 
Tarquin only nodded, deciding to just let them do their job. Although he stayed nearby, watching as he quietly drank his chocolate milk. The silence was filled with awkward tension, the soft clinking of dishes returning to fill said silence once again as Y/n continued their work. Neither seemed to want to speak or even know what to say at the moment, keeping them locked in an endless loop of thinking on what to say, trying to say something before deciding not to and lapsing into silence again. 
“My sister was right about you” Tarquin broke the silence, his voice quiet and hesitant. As if he was unsure of what he was saying. 
“What?” Y/n spoke, turning their head to look at him, “w-wait, what did she say?” it was clear they were worried, their eyes searching his desperately for an answer
“W-wait! No! Nothing bad, she said you were hot-” Tarquin tried to catch himself on the word, cheeks flushing a bright lavender. eyes widening in realisation, quickly starting to ramble to try and cover for himself.
“W-well she didn't exactly say that- I mean if she did she’d still be right- I mean no!- well it doesn’t mean your not hot, you’re definitely kinda attractive- not just kinda your very attractive- alright im going to shut up now!”
Tarquin quickly shut himself up, leaning back against the counter behind him and taking a long drink of his milk. Avoiding eye contact the best he could. 
Everything he said had caught Y/n off guard, their face heating up as each word set in. he, Tarquin, had called them hot. Not only that! He agreed to what his sister had said! She said they were hot!
“Oh..” They quietly responded, a shy smile waking its way onto their features. “thank you, Tarquin, that is very sweet of you to say”
Tarquin seemed to shrink a little, the already bright colour on his face seemingly darkening at their words. Merely nodding in response, soon having to pry himself away from the counter, quickly moving to clean up the left out milk and cocoa. he finishes his milk, placing the glass by the sink and ultimately disappearing into the night. 
He was clearly flustered, Y/n found that rather adorable. The mysterious quiet twin had an adorable awkward side, it made him seem a lot less intimidating than before. They thought on it, mulling over what they had been told. Soon, they had to turn back to their work, working later into the night as their thoughts distracted them, cheeks still red from the twin’s words
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