#jessica hatch
Flashback Photoshoot - Jessica Hatch
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Review: How To Keep A Husband for 10 Days by Jessica Hatch
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What is about these simplistic, warm colour paletted book covers that makes them absolute catnip for me? I can’t seem to resist at least having a look at rom-coms dressed in covers of this cute style. Unfortunately, I really need to break the connection that my brain has made with these adorable covers with good reads because this really didn’t deliver even a little bit!
Lina and Brown’s friends are coming to stay unexpectedly but to admit that the pair are actually going through a divorce and living separately is unthinkable. So, Lina convinces Brown to pretend that everything is fine just for ten days. What could possibly go wrong? 
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I knew that this book and I weren’t going to get along within the first couple of chapters, when Lina appears to believe that telling those closest to her that she’s getting divorced is the worst possible thing in the world. I couldn’t understand this at all. Just does not compute with me as a person or indeed, I believe with 95% of people I’ve ever met. I should clarify that Lina isn’t devoutly Catholic or of any other faith that explicitly teaches that divorce is inherently bad. So, considering that hiding her divorce is Lina’s primary goal throughout the narrative, I knew that I was never going to be on board with the book as a whole.
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Lina and Brown have a friend called Sophie, who appears to think that she’s given them a ‘couple name’ by calling them ‘Bellini’. Their names are BRown and LinA. Therefore, an actual couple name would be Brolina or something. Bellini doesn’t work as a couple name for them. What’s even crazier is that the author has chosen to call the guy Brown. She could have chosen any real name in the world but instead she named him Brown. If she wanted them to have the couple name of Bellini, it would have been much more sensible to name him Ben or something. You know, like an actual, real life name.
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Of course, this is a romance, so we know that during this pretence that they’re still together, they’re probably going to rediscover each other. However, Lina behaved in a completely erratic manner, considering she was the one that initiated the break up. I genuinely have no clue why she decided that divorce from a man that she never stopped loving at all was a sensible thing to do at all and I really don’t believe it’s a decision that any actual, sane woman would ever do.
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Lina was without a doubt the most unlikeable, frustrating character I’ve read. She constantly gave Brown mixed signals and treated him appallingly. She then had the arrogance to question whether he ‘still felt the same way about her’ after he’d read some pretty horrific things that she’d written about him. I just really wanted her to leave the poor guy alone and let him find someone who deserved him because it certainly wasn’t her.
How To Keep A Husband For 10 Days is a very dull, infuriating romance that features a completely-unrelated-to-anything plot about affordable housing that seems to go on and on. I couldn’t help but wonder where everyone’s family members were. Not one of these people in their late 20s/early 30s seemed to have parents or siblings or anyone related to them that they had any regular contact with -literally no one was even mentioned! They also had a non-binary friend called Freddie who was obviously more masculine-presenting because they used he/they pronouns and there were references to when they were a ‘he’. I wasn’t sure what the author was trying to do with Freddie’s gender identity other than shoehorn it in to add ‘diversity’ because if they’re non-binary, I shouldn’t KNOW that a character is biologically male unless it’s very relevant to the plot. It was just a very unfunny romance with absolutely no substance and an abhorrent heroine.
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infonicwebsolution · 1 year
How graphic design started how you can use it
how graphic design started: Graphic design has a rich history that dates back centuries. Its origins can be traced to early human communication through visual symbols and images. However, the modern discipline of graphic design emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as advancements in printing technology, typography, and industrialization fueled the need for effective visual…
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
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Beast Miguel o'Hara
Synopsis - After you sister leaves you to hang with your boss, both his and your lives becoming a waking nightmare
Pairing - Yandere! Miguel o’Hara x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Jessica Drew but the black version cause I luv black women
Tags and Warnings - Stalking, Kidnapping, Violence towards reader
Authors Note - I LUV HIM SM MY GOD. I HADDD TO WRITE SOMETHING. Also I believe this contains slight spoilers??? I think???
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
“Jess! Are you sure it's okay that I'm here? I'm not really spider-like.” You followed behind your sister, her afro swinging as she walked. You fiddled with the band she gave you in order to keep you from glitching out.
It was all so casual, and almost everyone greeted her. The architecture was other worldy, almost only to benefit the inhabitants. Speaking of, there was many, too many to count. 2D, 3D, Male, Female, Pigs, Horses, Cats, almost anything imaginable.
While you looked at it all in amazement, they all looked at you, and gave you dirty and worried looks. At least thats what it looked like under their masks.
“Oh Miguel won't like this…”
“I didn't know they allowed just anyone up here?”
“I mean Peter B brings his daughter so I guess it's a pass."
“I just know Miguel doesn't like anything new. He might bare his fangs or something. You know that guy and sacre tactics.”
You shuddered at the way they spoke of this Miguel guy. But you kept following behind Jessica until she came to a huge hatch, in which opened up on her walking up.
“What do you need Jessica, aren't you supposed to be on a mission?”
“I do, but I need you to do a favor!” Jessica yelled, shoving your shoulder to push you ahead. “My sister is visiting from college in my dimension. I need someone to watch over her and I trust you'll do that without letting her get hurt.”
You finally looked up seeing a sharp jawed man looking down at you. His spider suit glew a dark blue with bright red highlights. His brown hair was pushed back, framing his face perfectly. Not only that, but he was huge, built like a giant.
He came down from his workspace, now closer to you than ever. His chest was too your face and you had to look up too look at him. He seemingly almost over analyzed you, eyes trialing up and down your form. “Fine. Just go handle the situation.”
Jessica raised a brow and crossed her arms. “Fine? Just fine? You usually aren't just okay with this type of stuff. You sur-”
“Your questioning my decisions?” Miguel said his stature becoming stiff, seemingly fed up with her constant questioning.
“No… just wondering. Don't have too much fun you two.” Jessica said giving you a small hug before walking off. As the hatch door closed, Miguel's hand went to your back, ushering you to walk with him.
“I'll give you a chair so you can stay within my sight. I don't want to lose you.” You nodded, watching as he turned away from you, going back to his work. A chair was pushed your direction, and when you finally got to sitting down the cushioned seat almost swallowed you whole. You could take a nap if you wanted too, it was just that comfortable. And you almost did, until you were pulled from your rest with a deep voice.
“Did she tell you, or did you piece it together?”
“Jessica. Did you just figure out she was Spider-Woman?”
Miguel's hands just kept working, his focus divided between talking to you and his work. “To be honest, I just figured it out. When I asked her if what I thought was true, she just seemed relieved and told me everything.”
Miguel seemed surprised at this making a strange humming noise. “You two must be very close huh?”
“Yeah. I wouldn't trade the world for the bond me and her share. I'm glad she trusted me enough to tell me about that side of her life. From what she told me, Spiderman doesn't usually tell people about what he does. It's refreshing you know… I'm sorry am I rambling too much?”
“No. Your fine, I'm actually enjoying the company. I'm in here by myself most of the time. It's nice to hear another voice.” You gave him a small smile in which he returned, smirking at you. He stopped working and his screens switched off. “What do you do for fun?”
“Me? Fun? Uhh I don't know. I'm a college student with just about 0 connections. I guess reading?” You finally chased for a reply.
“LYLA get someone to bring me a book from the library. Hell bring two.” Miguel said, finally an AI woman popping up. She teased him a bit before finally having someone bring you two books. Miguel then sat down next too you beginning to open one of the books he brought.
“Your willing to read with me?”
“Yeah. I need to get my mind off of things anyway.”
Once Jessica had picked you up, Miguel felt weird. He knew you were attractive. Like very attractive. But that wasn't normal for him. He usually didn't see attraction in people.
Something else he also knew was that when he was around you he felt comfortable. He had no worries and you took them all away. It was a feeling he could only recall when he was with his “daughter.” He'd let you snuggle up close too him, physical touch being something he hadn't felt in a while.
“LYLA. I need you to pull any information on Jessica Drew's sister. It can be from any dimension, I just need to know everything.” Miguel basically ordered the ai. She popped up in front of him, with that same smug look she always gave when questioning his any of his decisions.
“Why would you need that?! It's not like she's ever going to get bitten by a radioactive spider.” LYLA said bringing up a huge collection of information she'd found on you in a heartbeat. “But hey I'll indulge this. Let's see, she's almost always college student, future looks like a journalist, ooh she's judgemental! And just about always single. Seems like her connection to Jessica Drew is always the sisterly role.”
Miguel fell more and more in love the more LYLA talked. “Send all that too my computer.”
“Gotcha! Hopefully this will help you.” LYLA said dissipating away. Miguel stared at the picture of you on one of the screens.
He had to have you. At any means necessary.
You'd finally saved up for a apartment to where you could stay without the need for dorm mates.
Being a journalism major meant you needed all the focus you could get. And you couldn't find that when around all those people. So you left.
Usually you wrote uplifting pieces for your sister as her and the press don't usually get along well. Even though your pretty sure she knows you wrote majority of her good stories, you also know she'd smile seeing that people appreciated her work.
As you were turned around and began slicing open a box to unpack in your room, a voice boomed from your window. “Hi sweetheart.” From across your room stood a towering Miguel o’Hara. He crawled his way into your room, shutting the window behind him.
“Umm hi Miguel. Are you looking for Jess? She's not here i-” Miguel cut you off.
“I'm not looking for her. I was actually looking for you. I came to talk to you about something.” Miguel started moving closer, slowly stepping towards you. He ducked past your light fixture, finally truly Intimidating you. Something about the way he was coming towards you frightened you. His size almost made it worse.
“Oh. Well of course. You can talk to me about anything.” You trailed off putting your knife to the side, giving Miguel your undivided attention
“I want you to come live with me. At the headquarters. No one has to know. Not even your sister.” He said causally. He was right on you, making you trip and buckle to fall on your bed. You looked up at him, pushing yourself further into the bed.
“That's, crazy Miguel. I can't that, I'm a college student! I don't even know you enough for that!”
"But I know you. I've studied you. Every possibility of you. I know more about you than you know yourself!" You let out a small gasp. This man had been essentially stalking you.
"Miguel. That makes it even worse, the last answer is no. And.... And I need you to go."
“You just don't get it do you?” Miguel's hand hit the wall, claws digging and dragging in the drywall. “I don't think you understand I'm not asking you to do anything. This is me telling you.”
And with that you kicked against him, trying to immobile him at any means possible. You had to find Jessica.
But he grabbed your wrist, trying to drag you to your window. He hoisted you up to his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
“Let go! Let go of me, Jess! Jess please!!” You began to scream out for your sister seeing if maybe, just maybe she was around to help you.
But she wasn't.
No one was.
You started to beat on Miguel's back. He was now out of your window and climbing up the side of your apartment, heading to the roof. “You better stop fighting, this is destiny. Our destiny.” When he finally made it to the roof he put you down and a hexagonal portal appeared as he messed around with his arm band. You began to heave on impact with the hot concrete. Miguel then turned back towards you, watching in amusement as you dragged yourself slowly to get away from him.
“What are you doing?!” Miguel's head snapped as he stared at LYLA who now stood in front of him at full height. “Your pulling the exact same thing you tried before this, before you made the society! Made me!”
"You don't understand. You will never understand."
"I understand more than you will ever know. You need to stop. And you need to stop now!"
You took this as a opening to crawl your way to the nearest side of the building. You could hear Miguel snarl and yell at Layla. But you tried to pay no mind to that as you looked down over the right edge of the building. You saw a metal of the top apartments stairway.
Fuck this would hurt.
Your body hit the metal with a loud bang, the adrenaline wore off as you finally felt all the bruises and gashes you gotten. “Fuck, my god. Jess… Spider-Woman! Plea-” You felt a hand on the back of your neck. Claws dug in to the front, slightly nicking at your neck.
“Where are you going?”
Miguel picked up your body like you weighed nothing. He then carried and slammed you against the nearby wall. When trying to move your hand to tap on the glass pane, Miguel's other hand grabbed at your wrist, immobilizing you. “Miguel please don't do this! Jessica, she's going to look for me I know it jus-”
“Shh My Love… this won't hurt a bit.” Miguel barred his fangs at you opening wide and moving to your neck. And before you could protest he bit deep into it, venom seeping into your veins. You felt woozy, and realized you couldn't move an inch. Just how he wanted you.
“It's all going to be okay Mi Vida. I know exactly what you need... A family. And not just any family. A family with me."
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ivystoryweaver · 1 month
Your Father's Rival!Leto Atreides x F!virgin!reader
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NSFW MDNI. Reader is of age, obviously! AU in the sense that there is no mention of Lady Jessica or Paul Atreides. Also, Leto may be OOC here. Not beta'd. More content/warnings below the cut. 1.3k words
content: seduction, nipple play, allusions to oral - f. rec., allusions to fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, duplicitous behavior, but everything is consensual
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Your father's rival!Leto Atreides
...who invites your family to Caladan for "peace talks", but secretly hatches his plan
Rival!Leto, who welcomes your begrudging father, throwing a magnificent ball in your family's honor
whose gaze lingers on you - your father's only heir, nearly twenty years younger than Leto himself...
and conveniently unmarried.
Rival!Leto, who requests the honor of a first dance with you. His dark eyes devour yours as his gloved hands pull you a little closer than is formal.
whose stern countenance dissolves when eyes crinkle as he grants you a brilliant smile
whose smooth, tenor voice tickles your ear as he compliments your dancing, subtly hinting at how your body moves in perfect time with his
whose gaze lingers on your lips before dipping down to the low scooped neck of your gown
Rival!Leto, who lets everyone know to treat your family like royalty - to be sure you don't miss a single dance, so that you will eventually need to step outside for some air...
who conveniently stumbles upon you under the stars, in the lush gardens of Castle Caladan and manages to remark how you are more beautiful, if possible, bathed in moonglow
Rival!Leto, who notices your breath hitch when he nears, who asks permission to escort you on a tour of the garden, granting him the opportunity to take you by the arm.
who finds you delightful, really: intelligent - well-read and opinionated. Sparkling conversation distracts him, for a brief while, from his primary goal.
Rival!Leto, who plans to seduce you, and breed you.
You're young and beautiful, and a virgin - the cherished prize of his one and only rival.
Rival!Leto, who will snatch his enemy’s most precious possession from his grasp - to steal your youth, your body and above all, your love.
Not to harm you. In fact, he's already growing quite fond of you.
Rival!Leto, who bids you goodnight, as an upstanding Duke would do, who keeps your honor in tact, while his plan begins to unfold.
who notices you stealing glances across the breakfast table, smiling to himself at the impression he's clearly already made.
who finds you again in the gardens later that evening - who walks and talks with you, luring you into a comforting trust...but doesn't realize he is being lured as well.
Rival!Leto, who carries on for days, so innocently, that he's almost forgotten the duplicity of his original plan...
who finds himself meaning it when he folds you into his arms and kisses you breathless underneath the stars, his body responding with fervor as you wind your fingers through his thick curls and tug him closer to you.
who lures you the next night, and the next, until your walks in the garden turn into the collision of your mouths, the tangle of tongues, the sharing of breath, kissing and panting and touching, bolder each evening.
unlacing the front of your dress while kissing you deeply before trailing his lips down your throat, fingers brushing your collarbone.
stepping over the line of propriety, cupping your breast in his palm, stoking a fire of lust inside you. His lips caress the curve of your mound as hot breath fans across your stiff peaks.
Your father's rival, who takes your nipple into his mouth and gently sucks, pulling a breathy moan from your throat...
who greedily sucks and fondles away your innocence, his cock stirring and twitching at the sounds of your evident desire.
Rival!Leto, who has you half naked in the garden - a scandal just waiting to be uncovered - but the sound of his name on your lips won't allow him to slow, or stop.
who tells you that he's never seen anything more beautiful in all the known universe, and asks you to come to his bed tonight.
Your father's rival, who assures you his staff is discreet, and your secret is safe...
who thrills as you enter his bedchamber in the dark of night, very obviously bathed and perfumed to please him
who unleashes his fervent desire now that you are alone, unlacing your gown - his strong fingers laying claim to your soft flesh as his hungry mouth seeks out yours.
Your father's rival, who draws previously unknown desires from the core of you, making you bloom with raw want and drip with lust, soaking his beard
whose lips bring you to heaven itself as he sucks and fingers away your innocence, coaxing you into womanhood with delicious gasps and moans and sweet little begs that make him hard and ready to take your body completely
who slips inside the wet core of you, hissing as you snugly fit and grip his cock, whimpers and sighs of how full you feel tickling his ear.
His name on your lips as he starts to move - as the sting of intrusion eases into a fullness and completeness unlike anything you could have imagined.
Your father's treasure, naked and panting and scandalously writhing beneath his bitter rival, filled with his thick length, giving your maidenhood away to the enemy - to a man who has promised you nothing
Rival!Leto who presses his strong hand to your abdomen, murmuring your name. "Let me fill you up, dove. You can have a piece of me I've given no woman before this night."
"Yes, Leto," you repeat over and over. "Fill me...I'm yours."
Your father's rival, who intends to fill your belly with his heir, and now realizes, as your thighs fall apart - with each deep thrust - how quickly and how hard he comes inside you. How he fell apart so easily in the soft heat of your body. How he relishes this task he’s taken upon himself, almost feeling as if he is corrupting you.
who holds you close to his chest, like he owns you, your bodies still joined, kissing you possessively
Who can't seem to usher you back to your rooms, even to keep your scandalous secret. Who gently wipes you clean and folds you against his naked, sated body, assuring you to give into your exhaustion and rest - feeling a secret thrill that he’s winning your trust, as you sleep soundly
Who wakes to your beautiful face in dawn's light, stares into your eyes and kisses you deeply, certain you are falling in love with him
He swallows hard, realizing…something is happening to him.
Rival!Leto who finds his thoughts on you constantly throughout the day, who can't keep his eyes from devouring you when you enter a room.
Who desperately seeks a moment alone with you, to beckon you back to his bed. "I must have you again," he murmurs against your cheek in a darkened alcove.
He gathers you into his arms when you come to him that night and takes you to bed.
And the next night, and the next. Each night, telling you how he wants to fill you - his body climaxing at your eager acceptance
Who fucks you slow and deep one night, hand on your belly, hard and ready to burst as you beg him to fill you up - who finally utters his plan aloud. "I want you to carry my heir. I want my child to grow inside you."
You assume this is practically a marriage proposal. "Oh Leto..." you coo, coming apart in his arms. "I would love to be your wife."
He should tell you the truth. That he planned to breed you. To trap you on Caladan, to win your heart, and take your father's only treasure away from him.
But he sees an out - he can simply propose and all will be well
Rival!Leto, who didn't plan to actually fall in love with you
Who realizes, he's trapped himself. He loves you too much to lie anymore. So he confesses.
You don't seem upset with him, or even shocked. You simply kiss him deeply, coaxing him to hardness before joining your body with his once more.
Your father's rival, who has fallen in love with you, who wants to marry you, who will share children with you.
Your mission is accomplished. Your father will be proud.
And it cost you nothing. Because you accidentally fell in love with him too
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winterzsurprise · 1 year
Thirty Minutes || Miguel O'hara
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Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!reader
Summary: After convincing Miguel to take a break from working, he generously granted you thirty minutes with him and you know how you'd spend it.
Words: 1.7k
Tags: NOT BETA READ, smut, rough sex, vaginal fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasm, squirting, big dick Miguel, standing sex, deep penetration, fang play, office sex (i guess?)
This is so rushed but he just do things to me. He breathes and I start giggling and twirling my hair. I am so feral for him I'm sorry (not sorry). I swear I'll bring more flavor next time :''DD
forgor to note that the glasses part is heavily inspired by that one scene from a kdrama named "Business Proposal".
hermosa - beautiful || cariño - honey || mi vida - my life || mi amor - my love
Being the leader of the inter-dimensional spider hub, it's expected for Miguel to be drowning with tasks and reports to analyze at any time of day. You accepted that fact when you started dating him on the down low.
You didn't care that he's busy since your time is also taken by fighting crimes and eventual missions. Plus, at the end of the day, the make up sex is godly.
But you find it hard to tolerate it when days and nights blurs without him leaving his office unless he needs to eat and use the bathroom.
Apparently, Jessica has held a few interventions for him with Peter B. and it failed every time. Miguel threw them out and threatened to shut Layla down if she didn't block their access to his office.
Passing by you in the lobby after another mission, Peter B. asked you with a stern look while Mayday babbled, mirroring the seriousness of her dad.
"Please do anything to get him to leave his office. I beg of you."
So after dinner where there's less activities and presence in the hub, you head straight to his office with barely a plan in mind. Clearly confident you'd make the man rest, even for fifteen minutes.
The hatch parts open and you are met by the image of him reading out a report in formal clothing and square glasses, sitting at the edge of the platform. He briefly looked up from the report before returning back to his task.
"Let me guess, Peter sent you here?"
"I heard they've already hosted a couple of interventions and rallies."
Miguel huffed, pitching the bridge of his nose. "Such a waste of time, they could have been in their home world watching over their cities."
"Come on, you know that they're just concerned about you."
"And you're here because you're also concerned?"
You laughed, webbing onto the ceiling and pulling yourself up to land beside him. “Are you really going to act this way, Miguel?”
Miguel didn’t respond, focusing on reading on the report about the paper Doc Ock variant found in Earth 2199 written by the Victorian Spider-Man. You settled on sitting next to him in silence after retracting your suit back.
His subtle glances on your skin tight shorts didn't go unnoticed but you ignored it in favor of 
You took the time to observe the man whose bulky body is covered in a simple  dress shirt with three buttons down and black pants that complemented the thickness of his thighs. The square glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose only added more flavor to his attire.
He's criminally dashing.
After being away for days to catch an anomaly and crime fighting in your own world, you couldn't ignore the simmering desire bubbling in your abdomen.
How could you not be when your darling looks like a five star Michelin meal in front of you?
Your attention seemed to bother Miguel, who let out a defeated sigh. “Alright, what do you want?”
“I just want to spend time with you, is that so bad?”
Miguel deadpanned at you, seemingly disturbed by the thought before putting the reports down and turning to face you fully with his arms crossed. His eyes scanned your form up and down, letting his head fall back before groaning.
“Alright, I’ll bite. You got thirty minutes.”
You grinned. "That's all I need."
He raised an eyebrow at that but before he could question it, you captured his lips with yours. As if the kiss was a droplet on the water, the ripples caused by the taste of his lips awakened the lust simmering in the pit of your stomach.
His hands found your hips and pulled you close until you rediscovered your rightful seat on his thighs. Rough and calloused touch sneaked past your top and crawled up to the swell of your breast.
Miguel pulled away, removing his glasses—quite erotically—before diving back to lose himself in your lips.
"Is this what you plan on using your thirty minutes for?"
"You know it'll last longer than thirty."
"I doubt that."
His words sent jolts of pleasure down your spine, igniting your nerve endings alight.
"Are you really going to fuck me in your office, boss?"
"Don't 'boss' me, hermosa and you know I'd spread you open no matter the location."
His hands unclasped the front of your bras and spared no time in covering your flesh with his. The rough texture of his palm rubbing against your firm nipples got you moaning, hips twisting in his thighs desperate for stimulation.
Pulling away, Miguel's lips fell to your throat, his tongue roamed the skin above your heartbeat that rose when his razor sharp teeth grazed your flesh, threatening to pierce. With the soft suckles on your neck and the rough massage on your mounds, you were a moaning mess, tugging helplessly on his hair and grinding pathetically on him.
"You're so desperate for me, mi amor. Did you miss me that much?"
"Shut up and just touch me, please."
He groaned, deep. "You sound so adorable when you beg, baby."
He quickly made work of your shirt, tossing it along with your bra before moving to tugging your shorts off. Your hands busies itself with his dress pants, desperate to feel the heat of his skin against your own and to feel the curve of his girth once more.
It didn't take long before you're both naked and bare to anyone who dares enter his chambers. A shrill excitement electrifies your skin at the thought of being caught, the riskiness of being discovered and seen being devoured by the man you love oddly arouses you further.
Though you're sure with how possessive he is, Miguel has already shut the gates to anyone till he's done with you.
But it was an interesting thought to have while his three of his fingers savagely thrusts in and out of your hole, the other hand grounding your hips made it impossible to escape the onslaught of pleasure after pleasure striking your nerves down, you screamed, clawing at his broad back as he fingered you open.
Miguel grunts. "Scream louder for me, mi vida. I want to hear how good I make you feel."
His thumb found your clit and started drawing figures of eight on them, the knot in your abdomen twists tighter as you climb towards your orgasm. There's a wet squelch building up to bounce in the chamber and you flush red yet Miguel took it as a compliment, increasing his speed and curling three fingers upwards more.
Your legs shook violently from where they stood beside his wide thighs before the knot unfurled and you came with a shout, trembling pathetically in his hold. The sudden onslaught of serene euphoria makes you light-headed and you rest your forehead on his shoulder.
He pulled away, choosing to be merciful and let your shaking figure settle down before continuing.
"You didn't squirt? What a shame."
"F-fuck you."
"Don't lie, cariño." There's a grin in his voice as he pulls you flush to him. "I know you like it when I leave you writhing pathetically."
Not sparing any second, he stands up and you wrap your arms around his neck, already sensing his plan as he reaches down to line the tip of dick with your sopping heat. The sensation of his girth so near your entrance re-igniting the suffocating arousal and desire in your body.
"And god, do I miss seeing you cock-drunk and shaking."
Plunging in deep, your mouth falls and you scream. The hilt of his girth grazing your uterus along with the burn of the stretch sparking every nerve endings alight. The familiar feeling of his cock reminding your hole who it belongs to made you feel dizzy, it was too much but it feels so good.
His thrusts are unforgiving, rattling your soul every time his hips collide with yours, leaving you breathless and moaning unintelligible words. His fangs digs into the crook of your neck as he pants and groans into your skin.
The sensation of your pebbled nipples rubbing against his chest sends electric shocks down your spine, adding onto your quick climb to your high.
You could barely make out the Spanish words he's whispering like a prayer, mind fogged with nothing but the pure nirvana he was handing to you. 
"Fuck, you feel so good for me. Always so sweet and tight for me, yeah?"
"Yes yes yes…!"
One of his hands grabbed hold of your jaw, forcing you to meet his dark red eyes. "You're not leaving this fucking room until I'm done with you, understand?"
You nod vigorously, wanting nothing but to please him enough to reward you with another orgasm. His lips found your neck once more, nibbling on your skin and teasingly dragging his fangs in his conquest to mark you, which shook you from your stupor, pushing his head away.
"No-not too much. It'll show."
Miguel's eyebrow raised, unfazed. "And?"
"T-they'll find out."
He scoffed. "I don't fucking care. Let them know who fuck you well and bare."
Angling his hips, he grazes a spot and you cry before the next plunge hits it, your legs began to shake around him with every thrust. Tears blurred your vision as pleasure invaded your very being, it didn't take long before you burst in his arms, your arousal painting his clenched stomach.
"That's it. Give it to me."
Ramping his speed, you howled. Pain started to mix with euphoria but you couldn't stop, it's not enough to satiate your famished soul. 
"F-fuck…! I-I don't think I can a-anymore."
You squealed at the sharp stinging pain left by his hand on your clit. "You will and I'll make sure of it."
Palming your bead more gently than his savage thrusts, he tightened the coil in your stomach tighter and tighter until it exploded and splattered once more unto his glistening abs, legs writhing helplessly in the air.
With the unbearable tightness of your velvet walls around his dick, Miguel soon followed. Hot liquid arousal painting your insides white with every pulse of his dick. You groaned at the familiar feeling of fullness before wincing at the pain of overstimulation.
Slapping his back, you whined. "I'm so fucking sore and you'll make me walk out by myself. How fucking cruel of you."
Miguel grumbled, catching his breath as he sat you both down on the floor.
"Who said you're leaving, cariño?"
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Options for the next web serial Patreon vote
It's time to vote on what the next derinwrites web serial will be. Sample chapters for each option will be provided shortly, then a poll will go up so that patrons can vote on what web serial I should write next.
Inner Life
Nobody knows who they really are when they’re first born. But most people get time to figure it out, and when you’re a body-snatching alien parasite, you don’t get that luxury. The parasites that find themselves on the starship Jolly Codger don’t know what a human is, or what their spaceship’s mission is, or where they’re going. They don’t know who on the ship is an ally, and who is an uninfected human who’ll kill them the moment they’re detected. But they’d better figure it out, because the Jolly Codger has its own secrets and its own enemies, and the real threat isn’t the crew – it’s what’s chasing them.
Child of a Wandering Star
Tyk is a normal adolescent girl, interested in normal adolescent things – earning gems for her carapace, learning to be the best burrower for the hive, making her mother and father and altmother and altfather proud of her. But Tyk was born under a Wandering Star, destined to be a traveller, and it’s hard to really feel a part of a hive that raises you with the expectation of watching you leave them someday. Tyk doesn’t want to go. She’s ready to fight destiny.
But her destiny finds her when a star-egg falls from the sky and hatches a baby god. Soft-shelled, two-legged and clawless, this larva is all but helpless on its own and quickly attaches itself to Tyk. The Stargazers divine that it should be brought to Starspire, the place where earth meets sky, so that it can be returned to its people. This, here, is the destiny that Tyk was born to.
But Tyk’s not sure she’s cut out for such a gruelling journey, and she’s certainly not cut out for raising a baby god. Is this really her journey to make?
Jade was just looking to fulfil her jobseeker requirements and get her Centrelink payment. She didn’t expect to actually get the job working at the mysterious new pawn shop full of weird, creepy artefacts. She had no interest in dealing with bleeding knives, ghost dolls, and whatever the hell it is that keeps using all the mugs in the break room without washing them, even when nobody’s present in the shop but her.
Jade would like to be able to shrug and say that it’s none of her business. She really, really wishes that she was the kind of person who could leave things alone if they weren’t her business. But after snooping a little too deep a little too often, she finds herself tangled up in something a lot scarier than the occasional haunted doll, working for the kind of… “people”… who are perfectly happy to eliminate something the moment it becomes more dangerous to them than useful. And through them, she can learn more about how the world really works than she ever expected.
She just has to hope that it’s worth it.
Our Side of the River Styx
A woman who can see the dead joins forces with her zombie wife to become exorcists-for-hire, helping the dead and living alike find peace. But there’s something strange going on with the barrier between worlds; something stranger than murderous phantoms in white or menacing shadowy figures in hotels. Something… organised. Something growing.
The exorcists are out to pay the rent, not save the world. But when a string of supposedly unconnected jobs forms such an obvious trail of bread crumbs, what is there to do but follow it? Will our Styx-crossed lovers figure out what’s at the heart of this conspiracy in time to thwart it, or does this adventure end in a long-overdue funeral?
The Princess of Ruby Island
Every little girl dreams of being whisked away to be the princess of a magical world on their tenth birthday. But for Jessica Nyle, born on February 29th, finding herself in a strange magical realm on her tenth birthday at age 40 is surprising, to say the least. And what they don’t tell little girls about fantastical magical realms built from dreams is that they’re prone to environmental instability, which can cause mass famine. And that magical limitations can cause factionalisation and extreme power imbalances, which leads to oppression and war. And that the idea of an island made entirely of ruby sounds fantastic, but ruby loses its charm and value as a gemstone when it’s literally the ground you walk on and, as a probably unimportant side detail, one thing you can’t do with ruby is grow crops in it. So that’s less than ideal.
This isn’t the whimsical adventure that mass media had lead Jessica to expect as a child, where all you needed to do to save the world was be brave and true and hold love in your heart and believe in yourself despite everything. Being the Princess of Ruby Island is a dirty job that requires cunning, hard work, political acumen, and a whole lot of luck. And it certainly doesn’t help that forces festering on Ruby Island were quite comfortable filling the previous power vacuum and would very much prefer it if there was no Princess bustling about and messing up their plans.
This is gonna take the power of a LOT of friendships to sort out.
The Cinder Boy
Owen is a wizard’s servant, and has been since he was old enough to walk. He doesn’t remember the mother who abandoned him there or the world she came from, and has never really thought much on the issue. Until the day the old crone comes to the wizard’s tower and, defying the wizard who tries to throw her out (Owen had never, until that moment, see anybody successfully defy the wizard), tells him that his mother was one of the Cinderellae, the hidden organisation of destiny-weavers named for the punishment doled out to them if they are caught – to be burned alive on the town pyre. Other people, she tells him, will try to get their hooks in him, and this tower can no longer keep him safe.
With the help of three friendly breezes trapped in the bodies of helpful mice and a shard of mage glass for protection, Owen must journey into the dangerous world that the wizard’s tower has sheltered him from his whole life. He’s watched the wizard weave people’s destinies for years, but until now, he’s never had to weave his own.
He’d better figure it out fast. Because danger is brewing in the kingdom, and he seems to be somebody’s pawn. He just wishes he knew whose.
Drops of Blood Like Neon Stars
This one is already being written on and off in my free time. Promoting it to main story would allow me to spend my full time on it and ensure weekly updates.
Vampires are good at stability. Life in the Scarlet City has been stable, despite the competing blood factions, for a long time, as has been their mutually beneficial relationship with the human city above. But when a drastic political play by young vampires coincides with a mysterious slate of human murders, Lissa needs to find out what’s going on and put a stop to it before the City is plunged into all-out war.
Holy Light
It’s been 164 years since the Rapture, and 157 years since the end of the world, but humanity’s still doing what humanity does best: holding on. Ageless and resistant to damage and disease, the people who had the luck and quick thinking to hide themselves from God’s purifying light as it uplifted every soul it touched a century and a half ago live on in the dark, doing their best to keep going forward in a world trying to end. But with no new souls coming into Earth, no children have been born since the end. And all it takes to be abducted to heaven is one mistake, one small kiss of sunlight. Eventually, humanity is going to lose this fight.
But Claire thinks she might have found an answer. A way to bring new children into the world once more, a way to return to the flow of normal time. And if it works, then just maybe, they can save the world.
I Am Not The Chosen One
Hannah is having mysterious dreams of a gate on a hill. Jake is getting urgent messages from a strange man in the mirror. Victoria might have accidentally summoned a demon, and Blaire is the luckiest unlucky seventeen year old in the world and has almost died three times this week alone, which is great for his tiktok career but less so for his long-term survival. But the thing that’s really interfering with all of their lives is the shadowy organisation of strangers who keep trying to abduct them.
They’re looking for the Chosen One. The Chosen One, firstborn child of the lost princess of Vanalia, needs to go with them through a portal to a magical land to save everyone there from a tyrannical dark lord, but anyone other than the Chosen One would almost certainly die. Hannah, Jake, Victoria and Blaire are pretty sure that none of them are the Chosen One, but the strangers seem dead set on trying anyway. The only way out seems to be to find this lost princess or her firstborn child for these strangers, and send them off on a magical coming-of-age adventure. But how does one even go about tracking down a Chosen One?
Denise Frank’s Feelgood Recipe Blog
Join me, Denise Frank, on my blog, where every week I share one of my favourite recipes! Every recipe blog needs long, rambling personal stories before getting to the recipe, and mine is no exception. I’ve had a lot of time to cook and not many people to talk to since The Event, so you can expect a high quality blog from me, full of recipes that have been tried hundreds if not thousands of times! Thousands of times over thousands of days. Thousands and thousands of days. I’d have thought I’d be noticeably older by now, but I’m not. I guess that’s what good food and a positive attitude can do for you!
Come and visit my blog for delicious recipes and happy memories, and positive affirmations to help you make it through the day! After all, we gotta get through today to see tomorrow, and there’s gotta be something worth seeing tomorrow! Experience suggests that it probably won’t be something pleasant, but it’ll definitely be something worth seeing! This has to end eventually. Join me to learn to make delicious apple crumble, a microwave brownie for every day of the week, and a beef jerky recipe that my husband used to love! Can’t wait to see you there!
I’d really like to see you.
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anomaly1003 · 1 month
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The Shadow Prince 🖤❤️🖤
Luca was the only one to have a natural birth. Ember, Ash, and Giulia were laid and hatched. He is also the only Koopa without a shell though if he had one I envisioned it being identical to a Blue Shell but with a different color palette.
Giving Luca a personality is much harder than sketching this boys hair 🙄.
Oh! And I also gave him a tail.
I guess the reason I’m having a problem figuring out his personality is because I’m split on two possible ideas for my AU. One will give Luca a survival mode personality while the other… will give him Jessica Rabbit vibes. (“I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.” -Jessica Rabbit)
AU idea 1 - Mario is sent to the future and meets his future family. (Survival Mode Luca)
AU idea 2 - Mario is sent to another dimension where Luigi is female and meets the family that he will never have in his world. ( Jessica Rabbit vibes Luca)
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woundthatswallows · 1 year
film recs?
i have a lot lol! i could break things up into catergories but since this is a general ask i'm just gonna cover mostly everything! i listed a lot of movies so i'd be happy to organize them a bit more into categories if anyone wants that, i just did it off the top of my head + w a little help from lists i've made on letterboxd. :)
here r some of my all-time faves that i’d rec: possession (1981) dead ringers (1988) harold and maude (1971) l’une chante, l’autre pas (1977) the piano teacher (2001) la morte vivante (1982) ginger snaps (2000) pink flamingos (1972) the rocky horror picture show (1975) twin peaks fire walk with me (1992) crash (1996) repulsion (1965) let’s scare jessica to death (1971) nekromantik (1988) + nekromantik 2 (1991) (second one is my fave but u have to watch the first first etc) girlfriends (1978) carnival of souls (1962) blue velvet (1986) martyrs (2008) a zed & two noughts (1985) multiple maniacs (1970) wild at heart (1990) 3 women (1975) dans ma peau (2002) dazed and confused (1993) kissed (1996) videodrome (1983) female trouble (1974) malina (1991) wings of desire (1987) persona (1966) the cremator (1969) the before trilogy teorema (1968) scenes from a marriage (1974) sunset boulevard (1950) les demoiselles de rocherfort (1967) the living end (1992)
and then some movies that i love/like and think people should watch: cecil b. demented (2000) ringu (1998) excision (2012) hausu (1977) the belly of an architect (1987) moonstruck (1987) les deux orphelines vampires (1997) valley girl (1983) angela (1995) may (2002) nashville (1975) phantom thread (2017) daisies (1966) candy (2006) society (1989) nowhere (1997) velvet goldmine (1998) caché (2005) the mafu cage (1978) funny games (1997) les raisins de la mort (1978) mysterious skin (2004) true romance (1993) y tu mamá también (2001) vampyres (1974) under the skin (2013) alice sweet alice (1976) audition (1999) vagabond (1985) high life (2019) spring night summer night (1967) secret ceremony (1968) candyman (1992) belle de jour (1967) hatching (2022) brain damage (1988) happy together (1997) in the mood for love (2000) cat people (1942) cléo from 5 to 7 (1962) je tu il elle (1974) thirteen (2003) masculin féminin (1966) vivre sa vie (1962) lost highway (1997) le bonheur (1965) une femme est une femme (1961) les parapluies de cherbourg (1964) babette’s feast (1987) arsenic and old lace (1944) the daytrippers (1996) a history of violence (2005) polyester (1981) ganja & hess (1973) impetigore (2019) volver (2006) pea d’âne (1970) the addiction (1995) train to busan (2016) chungking express (1994) smooth talk (1985) death in venice (1971) the incredibly true adventures of two girls in love (1995) my beautiful launderette (1985) wild (2016) lake mungo (2008) possum (2018) jeanne dielman, 23, quai de commerce, 1080 bruxelles (1975) les cent en une nuits de simon cinéma (1995) lola (1961) the passion of joan of arc (1928) le cérémonie (1995) stoker (2014) contempt (1963) eastern promises (2007) les yeux sans visage (1960) shivers (1975) american mary (2012) serial mom (1994) pierrot le fou (1965)
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femsolid · 2 years
“One of the most controversial issues around women and gender at present is the psychiatric diagnosis of teenage girls as having ‘gender dysphoria’ when they do not conform or identify with femininity.
In 2009, seventy children were referred to the Tavistock and Portman Gender Identity Service as they wished to transition. In 2019, 2,590 children were referred into the same service. What is surprising however, is that in 2009, 75 per cent of the children were boys who wanted to present and live as girls but by 2019, 70 per cent of the children were girls who wanted to present and live as boys. 
Arguably, the exponential rise in young girls being diagnosed with psychiatric gender disorders must be viewed through a lens of oppression, misogyny and centuries of theories and beliefs that women and girls are inferior, mentally ill, defective versions of men and boys. This critical argument is often missing from broader discussions of gender and psychiatry. When girls are growing up in a misogynistic society that frequently sexualises, objectifies, traumatises, patronises, feminises and vilifies them –a trauma-informed perspective would clearly argue that it is rational for girls to wish to escape femininity, and their female bodies. It would make sense that they would feel safer if they presented to the world as non-binary or masculine. Therefore, there is much evidence to suggest that a girl or woman seeking to live as non-binary or masculine does not constitute a psychiatric disorder. It does, however, suggest that girls are traumatised, looking for an escape hatch from the patriarchal norms which govern them.
Unfortunately, rather than a growing understanding that psychiatry continues to harm girls and women, the development and utilisation of gender dysphoria as a psychiatric disorder positions any deviation from socially constructed traditional gender roles as a mental illness. Following this thread of logic, psychiatry has then supported the medicalisation of this so-called psychiatric disorder by prescribing puberty blockers, artificial cross-sex hormones and even cosmetic surgery. 
What is now being pushed as progressive and inclusive looks very much like old-time traditional, medicalising, misogynistic psychiatry. Rather than supporting women and girls to present and live however they like, without any commitment or connection to traditional gender roles, psychiatry has once again achieved patriarchal power by convincing them, and the rest of the world, that being gender non-conforming is a mental illness in need of treatment. And this time, like many times before it, professionals in power have embraced the medical treatment of teenage girls as positive and sorely needed, rather than exploring why so many girls seek to shed their female and/or feminine identity and expectations.”
- Sexy But Psycho by Jessica Taylor
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msweebyness · 3 months
Weeby’s Random Thoughts #7 (The Barbie Series)
Weeby’s back on her randomness! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
I absolutely adore the old Barbie movies, and I started thinking about the plots with different Miraculous characters! Two of my absolute favorites had good fits, so here they are!
Princess & the Pauper:
In a kingdom far away, an amazing thing happened on a cold Winter’s day. Two identical baby girls were born, Princess Marinette (Annalise) and Socqueline (Erika), a common pauper. Marinette grew up learning her royal duties, while Socqueline worked as a seamstress for the cruel Madam Audrey Bourgeois (Madam Carp). With their very different lives, they never met…until one fateful day. Marinette had been betrothed to Jessica (King Dominick), the wealthy young queen of a nearby kingdom, in the hopes of saving theirs from bankruptcy. However, the one she truly wishes to marry is her royal tutor and best friend, Adrien (Julian). Marinette and Socqueline meet while Marinette is exploring the village with Adrien and quickly become friends. However, Queen Sabine’s (Queen Genevieve) corrupt royal advisor, Bob Roth (Preminger) hatches a plan to abduct the princess to take over the kingdom. Adrien suspects Roth is up to something, so he enlists Socqueline to pretend to be the princess until he can find the real Marinette. However, things get complicated when Queen Jess comes to meet her bride, and she and Socqueline begin developing feelings for one another, all while Marinette is trying to escape and save her kingdom…
Magic of Pegasus:
In another far away kingdom, Princess Zoe (Annika) lives with her controlling parents, her domineering mother and her henpecked father, who forbid her from leaving the castle, without telling her why. On the night of her sixteenth birthday, Zoe sneaks out to go skating…only for the party to be crashed by Xavier (Wenlock), a powerful and evil sorcerer who demands the princess marry him. When Zoe refuses, he petrifies her subjects and threatens to leave them this way permanently unless she agrees to marry him. Suddenly, a Pegasus swoops down from the sky and carries Zoe away to safety. She learns that the flying horse can talk and that her name is Chloe (Brietta). She takes Zoe to the palace of the Cloud Queen, Dahlia. (Rayla) It’s here that Zoe learns that Chloe is actually her sister, and was cursed by Xavier to become a Pegasus because she also refused to marry him, years before Zoe was born. Dahlia tells Zoe that to defeat Xavier, she must build a Wand of Light, and Zoe is determined to do so, both to save her people and break the spell on her sister. On their quest, they meet a surly young blacksmith named Cosette (Aidan), who agrees to help them, with them and Zoe slowly falling in love in the process as the timer to save the kingdom runs out.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! If you have ideas for other Barbie movies that can be adapted with Miraculous characters, let me know and write them in a reblog! I’d LOVE to see them!
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spokspsps · 1 year
okay so heres like all the things im going insane about in atsv its so disorganized im so sorry
spoilers for atsv
okay first off the mass amounts of color symbolism is insane
the fight with gwen and her dad where the color backgrounds kept switching to more and more contrasting colors to show that they were getting further and further apart emotionally the one part where gwen talks about her identity and how she has to hide it while acting fine WITH THE TRANS COLOR??? shes trans theyre all trans during the fight when the color backgrounds get closer and closer in shade to each other and then as everything falls apart again the background starts melting like watercolors its insane im going insane
and the clear color difference between earth42 and earth1610 is so amazing
earth42 is clearly more focused on purple and greens and theyre also even shaded differently too, earth1610 is shaded with halftone dots and colorful tones while earth42 focuses primarily on single colors with single directional hatching and comic book style shading (shading with straight up black rather than darker hues)
the fact that 42miles probably knows more spanish than 1610miles because he got closer with his mom after his dad died is heartbreaking
seeing the growth that miles has made in his 1 year, outsmarting literally the entire spidersociety with his plans and even beating some of them in combat its INSANE he's grown so much and while he's still a child he's also clearly grown and he knows his potential and worth
everyone has realistic motives that i can understand the reasoning behind and i also dont get the hate behind gwen she's just 15-16 and her only parental figure has just rejected her–of course she's going to follow miguel and jessica at first and then struggle with rejecting their ideals to support miles OF COURSE she is SHE'S A CHILD
i understand miguel's goals of the greater good but at the same time his need for control after losing all of it with the second universe clouds his judgement so intensely that he blames miles for all of it (also i noticed peter b parker was in miguel's second universe while it was collapsing???)
they both (miguel and miles) want to save people but they're going about it with different philosophies and i think it's because miguel has lost his way with what being spiderman really means
being spiderman means knowing ur not gonna be able to save everyone but still trying to save everyone anyways, and that's what miles embodies he knows he might not be able to save his dad but he wants to try anyways because if he just stood back and let it happen then there was everything he could've done and nothing he did do
miguel has forgotten in his grief that being spiderman means breaking conventional rules, never giving up nobody who tells you to and it's incredibly sad (and also kind of funny to see this like 50yo man send a manhunt for a 15yo teenager for not wanting his dad to die)
i think spiderman personally as the most human superhero purely because he's meant to a person anybody can imagine themselves as and people really can with the amount of different people, genders, ethnicities, etc you see in atsv!! the point of spiderman is to never give up and to always save people and although miguel intends to do those, he has given up on saving people in favor of what he would call "the greater good"
also the spot? i may be interpreting this wrong but i feel he's almost a parallel to miles
get your powers accidentally and not according to "canon events"
lose everything (miles, uncle aaron and the spot, like legitimately everything)
get new powers that you have no idea how to control and need to try and adapt to your life style
become incredibly powerful by learning to recognize your own potential and strength (as seen with miles' plan during the spidersociety chase and spot with the whole,, jesus fucking christ)
the difference between them is that miles recognized his potential and gained confidence through the support that he got from his dad saying that he will support him no matter what because he knows that miles can do it
meanwhile the spot got it specifically because the spiderpeople underestimated him, all making fun of him at first and even calling him "villain of the week" (or weak? i thought it was weak at first) and so he gets more powerful through spite, through the need to prove that he can be something despite having lost everything
and it's interesting to see how that also relates to miguel in a way
both losing quite literally everything and developing an intense and visceral need to control and dominate (men.) its amazing to see it
i might have more later but this is it rn
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jackiecous · 8 months
Chad hatches a plan to get out of working at the petting zoo using June’s balloon skills.
Adam McArthur (Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Jujutsu Kaisen) voices Chad, Jessica DiCicco (Adventure Time, Loud House, Future-Worm) voices June, also featuring the voice of LaKira Porter
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ssa-thotchnerr · 2 years
Nerve Gas - Chapter Two
pairing/s - aaron hotchner x daughter reader
summary - hotch realises his daughters life is at risk at his fault.
warnings - reader is mentally ill (BPD), death, graphic mentions of violence, mentions of past character deaths, angst, self harm, drug abuse
word count - 2k
a/n - remember this thing i started but never finished lol
read part 1 here
Hotch remembered the day you'd stopped calling him 'daddy' like it was yesterday. You were 10, and he'd just dropped your little brother off at Jessica's, since he was sick and Hotch was working that day. You'd found it unfair that Jack didn't have to go to school, but you did.
"You ready for school?" He asked you. You smiled and nodded at your dad, grabbing your backpack from the backseat and pulling it onto your lap. Hotch had grabbed it before he left the front door, since you were busy arguing about why it wasn't fair that Jack got the day off while you didn't.
"Yeah dad," You said, not thinking anything of the phrase. Hotch furrowed his eyebrows at the words you'd said, unsure if he heard you correctly.
He felt like he was short circuiting, you didn't call him dad, you still called him daddy. Hotch wasn't opposed to the idea of you still calling him by the title he'd earned since you could say the word, he remembered the nights of you crying out for him when you were sick and wanted to sleep with him and Haley, the nights were Haley couldn't get you to go to sleep because you'd want to wait up for him coming home from work, despite it being hours past your bedtime.And all those memories came from the call of one name.
"Dad? Since when do you call me dad?" Hotch finally said, after what felt like hours of silence. You looked at your dad as you shrugged, your bottom lip sticking out as you shook your head.
"I guess daddy's for babies," You said. Hotch nodded as he watched you get out of the car, a slight pain in his heart at the thought of his oldest child, barely ten-years-old thinking that the title he'd coined from you all those years ago was for babies. It felt as though that now he'd have to store those memories of you crying out for him, and running to greet him coming home from work.
"Bye dad!" You yelled.
"Have a good day, Y/N," Hotch said, smiling at you as you ran to your friends. He let out a sigh as he shook his head. "Gonna need her to stop growing up for a little bit." He mumbled to himself, almost sadly as he felt as though you were growing up almost too quickly.
— You let out a painful cough as you fell to your knees, pain panging in your chest as you had no choice but to breath in the deadly poison in your lungs. The two women in front of you, Lisa and Maria as you'd learned their names, stopped and turned back to help you up, much to the dismay of the other man in your group. He wasn't the biggest fan of you, but who could blame him? He'd just woken up in some old house with 4 people he didn't know, and he'd just witnessed ones gruesome death.
"I-I'm fine," You stuttered, heaving out as you stood on shaky legs.  Lisa and Maria nodded as they let you go and stand up onto your feet, stumbling forwards. Your chest aching with excruciating pain every time you took a breath , Lisa looked at you with extreme concern. You shook your head firmly, letting out a sigh. "I'm fine, really." You said confidently, the two other girls nodding wearily, the man just wishing you'd hurry up and bite the dust.
"Wait, what's this?" Maria kicked part of the rug in the hallway away, revealing what appeared to be a hatch in the floor. You were leaning against the wall, your breathing shaky as you tried to focus on whatever was going on around you. You still had no idea where you were, and how you'd even got here. The last thing you remembered was leaving the BAU to head home, and then as you went to walk down the shortcut that took you home, you were stuck in the neck with something and you hit the floor.
And that was when you woke up in house with four strangers, one of which was dead, another wished you to be, and the other two yet to make their minds up.
Lisa and Maria had started bickering about what the door was for and where it led to, while you were busy trying to remain conscious enough to be able to even begin to hope that your dad was going to find you. You, Lisa and Maria all screamed, watching as Lisa's legs fell through the door, a wire wrapping around them painfully tight.
"Grab the tape, down there!" Maria yelled, trying her hardest to stop Lisa screaming. It wasn't working, so you were the one to make the careful move to grab the tape player, your shaky hands almost dropping it a few times. You pressed play.
"Hello, Y/N, welcome to your game. Playing the way I expected you all to, Simon should be dead, and left should be yourself, Lisa, Marie and James. To you, these people are nothing but strangers, but to your father, well, I'd hope your father would know them, he put them in prison during his time as the DA," You looked up, seeing each pair of eyes on you. "This is now your game of survival, Y/N Hotchner, win it, and you will live. Well, if you survive the gas that is currently destroying your body." The tape ended.
"You're dead fuckin' meat, girlie."
"Has Garcia managed to track where the house is yet?"
Hotch's voice cut through the thick tension in the office, his eyes still trained on the computer screen in front of him. Something about this all felt off, that there was something we wasn't seeing but knew it was there.
"She's still trying," Derek told him. Although masking it, he could tell Hotch was angry - furious. He had only ever seen him in such a state of anger once before - the day George Foyet had killed his ex wife, Haley. He turned to Ben Rogers, the man thought to be responsible for your disappearance. "Where are they?" He just grinned at Derek. Hotch started to panic as he saw you being backed into a corner by the others you were trapped with, fear evident in your eyes. You were by no means a sheltered child, but you were still that - a child. He was waiting for this to really set in for you, for you to finally react to your situation.
your recent BPD diagnosis could make or break your survival chances. You'd either burst into tears and beg and plead for your life, or you'd get angry and violent. Hotch had known something was wrong with you, it started with self harm, putting cigarettes out on your arms just to check if you could still feel, then came the suicide threats. You had never attempted to end your life, they were empty threats you made when all of your emotions became too intense for you to handle. Then it was the drugs stint. You found yourself dependent on your antidepressants, taking more than the suggested dosage just to numb the everyday pain you had became accustomed to. It was all clicking into place for hotch; mood swings. paranoia. drug abuse. self harm. the raw, intense anger you sometimes felt and directed towards him.  Your therapist had attributed the diagnosis as a result of your moms murder and your lack of proper , healthy, coping mechanisms. hotch knew you blamed him for your moms death, you never admitted it but he could tell, and he didn't blame you for feeling that way. He woke up every day wishing she was still here, that she could come and calm you down during your manic episodes because she was just that great of a mom to you - he often thought if you'd be this way if she was still here, wondered if you'd be happy.
Hotch realised he had zoned out, lost in thought over you. He listened to the audio relay.
"... I'd hope your father would know them, he put them in prison during his time as the DA. This is now your game of survival, Y/N Hotchner, win it, and you will live. Well, if you survive the gas that is currently destroying your body."
Hotch looked up at the computer screen and watched as everyone turned to look at you and away from the women with her legs trapped. He watched as you backed yourself into a corner, fear evident on your features as tears made your eyes glassy. He hoped that they would see that this wasn't your doing, that he was the one that put them into prison and not you, that you were still a child. But as the male of the group delivered a strong punch to your head, he could tell they didn't share the same sentiment that he did.
You regretted arguing with your dad now. You regretted running away from your problems as you often did, instead of confronting them as you knew you should have - but you didn't. You let your emotions get the better of you and you exploded and ran away. And here you were now, on the ground, dizzy and concussed after being knocked to ground with a solid punch to head from a man bigger and taller than your dad. You heard the continuous screaming of the women in the background with the wire around her legs, getting tighter and tighter.
And suddenly it stopped.
You pushed yourself up and limped over to the women, finding her legless and sitting in shock. The other woman and the man who had punched you lifted her away, she started babbling about her son, who she had to get back home to. Guilt flooded you in a huge wave, and you broke down into tears. All eyes turned to you.
"What the fuck are you crying for? Huh?" He stomped towards you, shoving you into the wall and making you hit your head off of it.
"I-I'm sorry," You stuttered out, slightly slurring your words as the concussion started to kick in from both the punch to the head and now this. You started coughing as you slumped to the floor, feeling tired and heavy. He let you go and went back over to the women, only one who was now living, the other having bled out. Right  now, you would have welcomed death with open arms, to just fall asleep and not wake up. But you couldn't leave your dad. You didn't want him to have to deal with your death as he had your mom's, it wouldn't be fair. It wouldn't be fair to him to have to explain to Jack that you wouldn't be coming home, that it was different from all of the times you had run away, you wouldn't be back this time. The thought of your little brother made you tear up, you wanted to protect him and keep him safe from more pain and trauma than the world had already suffered at such a young age. He didn't deserve it, you didn't think that anyone did. You coughed again as you felt something get stuck in your throat, and you saw it to be blood.
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ruedavis · 2 years
Tumblr media
pairing: jessica riley x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of blood, strong language
song inspiration: gilded lily by cults
word count: 580
the mines. god the fucking mines. i feel as if i’ve been going in circles, the same broken wooden wall frames, the same bones scattered across the floor. im alone. i don’t even know how i got myself in this situation.
scrapped arms and legs, running from those creatures - wendigos. my mother had read me stories about them when i was a bit younger, they were known as a myth, a made-up creature, ones you only find in your nightmares, but no. they were very much real and very much trying to kill me.
i stumbled over the rubble, making my way over to unfamiliar part of the mine, water dripping and metal humming, then i make out a small figure, staggering around with ragged breathing. 
“oh my god jess!” i ran over to her but before i could reach her she turns around and whacks me straight over the head with a shovel, falling to the ground - my head was throbbing.
“y/n, oh- y/n please!” whilst she sobs and makes sure that i’m okay, obviously not meaning to do it, she starts to cry into my shoulder, her weight pressing onto me, not being able to stand because of her wounds. 
i held her close, trying to regain my vision, blinking fast, but made sure she knew i wasn’t mad at her. i probably would’ve done the same.
pulling away, i checked her over and she looked terrible, she was covered in blood presumably hers. her hair messed up, her lip and eye were busted. she was left shivering in a thin jacket.
“what happened to you?” she sniffles, wiping away her tears as best as she could but they kept on falling as she struggled to get her words out. before sighing and starting over.
“me and mike were messing around, i-it was- i was by the window,” the blondes words cut deep. however, i kept a poker face and listened to her talk, now was not the time for my feelings.
“then t-there was all this glass, and there was snow a-and then it was moving so fast, fuck.” i held her hand, jessica’s shivering only had gotten worse since we had started talking.
so i shrugged off the maxi winter coat from my shoulders and slipped it onto hers. her quiet protests fell upon deaf ears.
she did it up and she did we were met with a scream in the near distance, it didn’t sound human - well i can only hope it wasn’t. we both struggled around in the darkness of the mines to soon be met with bright moonlit scenery.
we quickly made our back to the cabin, as we reached the cabin and were somewhat safe with some of the others, i take in her small complexion, i could tell that she was petrified. rightly so.
sam, mike and matt spoke to each other, trying to figure where emily, ashley and chris were - trying to hatch a plan to look for them safely.
i glanced back over in jess’s direction, her injuries would for sure leave scars on her face, ones that she’d feel deeply insecure after all of this was over.
i could see it now. her complaining about her makeup looks cause of the ‘ugly scars ruining it’, she’d be blabbering on finding ways to talk herself down, but i know i.. i’ll always find her the prettiest girl in every room.
but she’ll never know that...
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dannybobany · 3 months
Hey biscuits it’s au time (Elizabeth’s death story edition)
I don’t really talk about Elizabeth a lot but I should because she’s a very interesting character especially within the au context
Elizabeth Afton looks up to her mother in the au maybe even more then she does in canon with William, since her and her mother are more alike it’s easier for her to see her mother as the person she wants to be when she grows up— her opinions on her father in this context though aren’t really the best? She does love him of course but she sees him as a little overbearing of a parent, she wants to be independent and finds it patronizing when William asks he if she needs help with homework or with cleaning her room
William truthfully just wants to have the same bond with Elizabeth that she has with her mother, he’s not jealous but he is disappointed that he can’t connect with his daughter in the same way— in fact William feels he can’t really connect with any of his children and he’s always been afraid they’d love their mother more and he’d just be a background presence for them- BUT THIS POST ISNT ABOUT WILLIAM (sorry to ramble about him when I’m supposed to talk about Liz’s death but he’s just a very sad dad ok)
Anyway. Elizabeth dies slightly (and by slightly I mean only a few days) later then she would in canon, AFTER the opening of sister location instead of the same day, in fact Elizabeth dies in a spring lock accident at a completely different location
The story goes as follows,
Elizabeth is introduced to some of Charlie’s friends that she hadn’t formally met yet, Cecil is here too and he had already met these friends of Charlie
John, Jessica, and Carlton (I’d include Marla and Lamar too but they don’t really have a place in the narrative so I’m just gonna not)
These kids are Cecil and Charlie’s age so Elizabeth is a couple years older then all them(she’s 10 and the rest are between 7-8) and thus they ask Elizabeth a lot of questions (assuming she knows a lot more because she’s older) they’re kinda right because she does know a lot… about animatronics! Jessica is especially interested in the animatronics and how they work, the boys are less enthusiastic but still listen
Eventually the topic of spring locks come up and John is very confused about it and is a little rude to Elizabeth, Elizabeth decides it’d be easier to show not tell and brings the group into parts and service for a demonstration, at the time Franbear (equivalent to Fredbear) is being cleaned so Elizabeth just grabs a wrench and pops the chest hatch open to show everyone what spring locks look like and how they work
Elizabeth is standing over the open animatronic pointing out what’s what when little John gets an idea, he wants to prank her! He whispers about to to Jessica and she thinks it’s funny too (Cecil and Carlton are standing near the doorway quietly watching and Charlie has already gone home at this point) John and Jessica (both 7) then work together to shove Elizabeth forward and into the chest compartment of the animatronic
Initially everything is fine and the kids are laughing (except Cecil, the only one other then Elizabeth aware that springlocks are dangerous) but soon Elizabeth realizes her hair is stuck in the gears and springlocks, and while trying too pull her face out something snaps
There’s a lot of screaming, Elizabeth is afraid, John and Jessica are afraid, Cecil and Carlton decide it’s time to go get an adult
On the other side of the pizzeria in Clara’s office where the screaming can’t be heard Clara and Betty Burke are sitting and chatting over coffee, something about police business when the boys run through the door, Carlton is borderline unintelligible trying to explain what happened and Cecil isn’t saying anything at all
Clara and Betty follow their sons back to the room and find Elizabeth, Clara steps out to call an ambulance and tells John and Jessica to go wait in the dining room for their parents to come get them (being located in a nice family neighborhood the restaurant equivalent to the fnaf 1 location often had unattended children who’d just walked their from their houses (it’s 1984) )
Betty then starts looking around for Clara so poor Cecil (who believes sister is already dead) can go home but finds Clara has completely disappeared- the ambulance got there pretty quickly and after several minutes of searching the location come to the conclusion that Clara must have gone with Elizabeth to the hospital
Betty then goes back to the office and tries to call William. Nobody told her he’s already too dead at this point
So, sorta out of options, Betty just tells the boys to go wait in her car, Cecil and Carlton poor things are so so afraid and Betty and very concerned that Cecil here has been just totally left alone in a situation like this so she brings them out to the Afton house to look for William and Clara, finding neither and with no other choice she tells Cecil that he’s gonna have to stay with her family for the next couple hours
At some point in the night it goes from "we’re watching him for awhile surely Clara will be here soon” to “I guess the Afton boy and our son are having a sleepover now because it’s been hours and she’s still not here and nobody has picked up the phone”
Clara finally turns up at like 11 at night .. it was 5-something pm when when she vanished, her disappearance isn’t questioned due to the circumstances but Betty and Clara do have a fight about “you can’t just take my son!” and “what else was I supposed to do! You left him there!” And Clara does attempt to storm out with her son but Cecil is upset because actually the “sleepover” was making him feel better and they were gonna watch a movie and “please mom can’t I stay? Mr and Mrs Burke are so nice.. and I’ve never had a sleepover!” Clara ends up caving and lets him stay with his friends but also demands that they let her stay too to keep an eye on Cecil, Betty and Clay find this reasonable enough and let her sleep on the couch for the night
(This is a very long post and I’m eepy therefore I am NOT checking for typos)
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