#king orpheus
blazingstaro · 1 year
DotS: Knights of the Stars file #01 — King Orpheus Nightfall
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Name: Knight King Orpheus Nightfall Age: 2,000 yrs (Adult Dream Puff) Rank: Knight King; 5-Star General Star Warrior; Former Puff Chief
Legendary, extraordinary, selfless and bold are but a few words that can hope to describe this pillar of modern society. His love for the Galaxy and her people was more vast than the stars she adorns, and it showed in his great sacrifices throughout his life.
King Orpheus was responsible for paving the foundation and building the very structures the Star Warriors now house themselves within— both figuratively and once literally—, nevertheless is the father of other aspects of current Galactic culture.
This small Puff was a bridge between several kingdoms in his era, and brought people and mystical creatures together in harmony. Born into a dark age, bleak, hopeless, and suffering, he was taught from an early age by his father, King Wulfric (a gen 1 Dream Puffball), to be a beacon of light in their struggling time. Orpheus took life by the reins and pushed against the grain to establish a greater peace among people across the Galaxy.
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Orpheus was most renowned for his juxtaposition between ferocity and loving compassion. Stern, firm-fisted, yet led with a gentle heart. To his enemies, he was an unstoppable force; to his allies, a cherished friend and brother in arms. His name struck fear in his adversaries, and even the foul Warlock, Nightmare, had a level of healthy respect for this tiny, yet mighty warrior.
He was fun, charismatic, considerate; a proper gentleman and a true chivalrous knight. And, apparently somewhat of a flirt, but never got serious with anyone according to the few still-living friends of his.
King Orpheus was many things: a leader, a friend, a brother, a father, a healer. There's no question as to why King Orpheus is among the most beloved figures in history. He befriended those who society shunned or mocked. This Puff went out of his way to seek the meek so that he may give them the strength to rise up against their demons— both figuratively and literally.
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Orpheus was also left handed, though trained himself to be ambidextrous for combat purposes exclusively.
His hair was a legend of its own too, for no comb nor brush could ever hope to tame it. Like that level of curly that doesn't quite curl enough, yet won't straighten either. Just pure wild, and he refused to cut it any shorter than it was. Arthur says he always intended to try some sort of wild Viking style braid, but never had the time to try due to how stubborn that mane was.
One could suppose the 'do matched the owner quite well. Orpheus' will was unbreakable, and his stubbornness was the key to his survival in many instances.
There's apparently a spectacular story behind his facial scar, but none can really recall it. What is sure, however, was how proud he was of it. Something about being his first glory trophy or rather? None could be too certain, as the story is different between sources.
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About 800 years ago, a rogue and sinister monster slipped its way onto Homeworld. Orpheus, understanding the danger this posed for his entire species, challenged it on his lonesome. He stood his ground to buy both his people and his teenage son enough time to escape with their lives.
It was the greatest fight of his life, and a tremendous struggle for even he, at about 1,200 years of age and experience, had little match against. Had it not been for his tenacity and the sacred blade that was his proud companion, history would be immensely different.
According to old stories, he suffered severe injuries during the fight, and was seeping with the beast's signature paralyzing poison. He willed through it long enough to see the fight to its conclusion, though could not hold consciousness much long afterwards.
His final words to Arthur were for him to take on his crown and lead their people in his absence. The boy followed his father's wishes, and continues to do so this very day.
Much mystery remains to be fully investigated regarding this tragedy. Homeworld wasn't so easily breeched at that time, nevertheless such a monster would've been easily spotted approaching the planetoid. There are many things that don't add up. Nevertheless more mysteries on top of that, as many former residents say his memorial sanctuary on Homeworld closing to the public without reason some 500 years ago.
King Arthur has yet to make any statements pertaining to the exact event, and seems to be withholding details. He knows something we don't. It's incredibly difficult to get an audience with him these days too... More to follow as we dive deeper into the Knights of the Stars files...
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sunflowerius · 2 months
once again thinking about the parallels of Neil going into the Nest over Christmas break for Andrew and Orpheus going into the Underworld for Eurydice. hows your day going though.
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theyre orpheus and eurydice theyre orpheus and eurydice he cant help but look knowing that looking back will be awful theyre orpheus and eurydice AND IM SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT???
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blocksgame · 8 months
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THE QSMP + quiet improvement
Sources: Philza, QSMP Day 55 // N.I.N.H.O. // FitMC, QSMP Day 94 // FitMC, QSMP Day 67 // QSMP Day 114 // Ballad of Smallpox Gone - Leslie Fish // Etoiles' armor presentation, QSMP Day 96 // FitMC, QSMP Day 94 // The Milk Carton - Madilyn Mei (shoutout to UndeniablyREMI's animatic) // own work // Pomme's Diary, entry 16 (+ EN trans from QSMP Wiki)
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sir orfeo is a breton lay retelling the story of orpheus and eurydice with some notable changes: orfeo’s wife is stolen by the fairies and he successfully wins her back. the story also exists in ballad fragments from the shetland islands
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krystinag11 · 5 months
DPXDC prompt
Jason was a full ghost in the Infinite Realms before he got revived. The Batfam somehow ends up in the Infinite. Jason makes a deal that if he can protect the batfam and get them to the keep without being discovered or caught he gets to go back with them, Like the story of Orpheus.
When Jason finally gets a bats back to the keep, he gets shove back into his mortal body which has been wandering around Gotham catastrophic for a while, becoming a halfa.
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manyfandomsonelog · 2 days
Genuinely what the fuck did Charles mean when he said “Oh, I get it. This is like one of those Orpheus and Eurydice moments, isn’t it?” Like actually what the fuck was he talking about. What did he mean by that. Like from a meta perspective I know the line was fodder for a direct Orpheus/Eurydice parallel for fans to go feral over but like. What the FUCK was he on about?? I genuinely have no idea what he was even trying to say with that. Why was that his immediate response to Edwin confessing his love to him. I need to dissect Charles Rowland underneath a fucking microscope.
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eerna · 3 months
"why did Orpheus turn to check if Eurydice is there if he can just return to Hadestown if Hades really did lie about letting her go" that's the thing. he can't. the only reason he can enter Hadestown without taking Hades' deal/dying is because the lalalas open the way for him. Eurydice only gave him a chance after he showed her the power of the lalalas. and in Doubt Comes In, his lalalas no longer work - twice he tries to call on them, and twice he fails. he has lost the ability to wield their magic because he stopped believing their power can change the world. if he leaves Hadestown and Eurydice isn't behind him, she will well and truly be gone forever. of course he turns around. of course he can't take those final few steps out of the Underworld without making sure the lalalas worked.
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asaintellee · 4 months
mattpheus for a friend so he doesn’t starve
I love. king x commander
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cssandraa · 6 months
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blazingstaro · 1 year
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Experience the forging of a legend in the upcoming literature companion series to DotS, Nightfall, coming soon online!
(Periodic progress updates will be shared both on Tumblr & DeviantART)
Nightfall follows the life and adventures of Orpheus Nightfall as he discovers what it means to be a true leader, and searches for the truth behind his unusual abilities. We walk alongside and witness his greatest struggles, mightiest tests, greatest triumphs; nevertheless see the man behind the mask as he truly is.
This story is lore-packed, and is stuffed with pieces that tie into the modern day story of Dreams of the Stars! Orpheus is no mere historical figure, for he's strongly relevant even in today's age. There's much more to tell about this funny fuzzball!
Not all is as the history books scribes, after all... for fate tells a different tale. Perhaps you can solve the mysteries enshrouding the famous king's fate?
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As per tradition with my birthday, here's a little something for you guys!!
That's right! There's plenty of story to tell with Orpheus, and I aim to share it with you all! oUo Exclusively for both here and on DeviantART, I'll post chapters every so often entailing the deeper side to Orpheus' tale, one that the history books never could have scribed. It'll be slow-going at first for me, since I haven't written a chapter-by-chapter basis literature in 7 years. Rebuilding the stamina and momentum to keep up with it will be a grind, but well worth the wait for sure!
Right now I'm focusing more strongly on getting these new comic pages underway, so it'll be a while until we'll get to see a rise in chapters. Following April, I should be more free to balance Nightfall and DotS!
Currently there's one chapter finished, the prologue chapter, and I'm whittling away at the following chapters little by little while I'm ploughing through bigger projects at the moment.
I hope you guys are excited to get some more intense story stuff!
Oh, and another thing I forgot to mention— each chapter will have an illustration (or more) accompanying it, so it's kinda like a web-style picture book! Art and words, yay! :D
Once I'm more freed up, I'll be sure to post lots of fun sketches and drawings showing my characters and such doing their usual things— which tend to be dumb because they lack supervision LOL
With all that said, enjoy this sweet sneak peek at Nightfall's first chapter!
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Me, writing a fic and muttering under my breath: I will shove the unsubtle Greek myth allusions in if it is the LAST thing I do-
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sims-jonathan · 9 months
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have you guys heard of this??? they're calling them women 😳
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
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The River Styx is high and wide Cinder bricks and razor wire Walls of iron and concrete
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majorshatterandhare · 10 months
Before midnight, on this, the last day of Disability Pride Month, I’m gonna say happy Disability Pride Month to the Mechanisms (because I’m disabled and I can).
In my opinion, the fact that legitimately all of the Mechanisms are disabled, and most, if not all of them, are both mentally and physically disabled (like so many disabled people are!) is not talked about enough!
So like, let’s do that. Please, if anyone wants to talk Mechs disabilities tag me or send me an ask!
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finnm · 9 months
Small detail that I found mildly interesting in the Destiny episode of Fionna and Cake: Simon associates the crown with the smell of cut grass for some reason? I'm guessing it's to do with the little plants that were in the digital mind space we see in Broke His Crown and/or Evergreen, but i wonder if there's a grass alternate version of one of our protagonists running around. Maybe we'll get a Dionysus reference to go with our nerd's reference to Theseus, something something about Madness and death-and-rebirth.
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