#kinnie safe
wiltedsystem · 1 year
The WiltedSys Collective Infodump
an imaginary FAQ and detailing of my stances on most things are detailed below, in case you care about that sort of thing
"How old are you?"
19 as of writing this!
"What are your pronouns?"
it/its, xe/xem, they/them, and zhe/hyr in that order!
"What is your orientation?"
i consider myself a bi lesbian (homoromantic bisexual) and i instantly block people who try to convince me the label is harmful, especially when they are aggressive about it for no reason :) i'd rather not debate about it! i'm just gonna block you!
"What's your religion?"
im ethnically jewish! but im more of like a pagan/agnostic rn in terms of practice? so... yah.
"What fandoms are you into?"
a buncha shit. primary fixations rn are cookie run, final fantasy xiv, and... diablo??? ig??? other stuff over the years includes the mario rpgs, pokemon, littlebigplanet, kingdom hearts, other mainline final fantasy games (ffiv is my fave aside from xiv!)... man i could go ooooon. i like a lot of things!
"What other interests do you have?"
i have a few different special interests!! one of them is true crime (though i try my best to only watch people who are respectful about it) and by extension psychology. some others are restorations, felting, mmo crafting, uh.... i think ffxiv can fit into this category too considering how robust it is LOL
"Who are your blorbos and babygirls?"
too many to count. however i will say, zenos is a pretty big one rn... along with a bunch of fucking cookie run characters for some reason. idk i turn them all into lesbians bc im a lesbian and it makes me happy. zenos is the only like """""cis""""" man allowed and im not even fully sure if he is. does he know either? probably not
now here comes the more discoursey ones~ .
"What is your political alignment?"
uh, i guess im a fucking leftist/democrat/liberal etc? im open to conversation i guess but if you start insulting me im gonna immediately end the conversation LOL
"What is your stance on BLM/ACAB/etc?"
i agree that black people deserve more rights and i wish that cops were more helpful than they are.
"Stance on abortion?"
i am about as pro-choice as you get, considering the fact that i don't like the idea of children, victims of rape, or people who aren't ready for kids in general being parents. novel concept, i know
"How do you feel about fat people, disabled people etc?"
you look at my fat disabled ass and you ask me this again. that being said, if somebody wants to lose weight they aren't inherently fatphobic, but the way they talk about it can and often abso-fucking-lutely does, unfortunately
"Trans rights?"
im literally trans so this is a hard yes, trans rights!! bitch!!!! if you call trans people groomers as a blanket statement, im going to fucking SLAM DUNK THAT BLOCK BUTTON!!!! :)
"Opinions on MOGAI, mspec lesbians, etc.?"
using cool and funney labels is not harmful unless it is a cishet person doing it strictly for attention or to intentionally deceive somebody, which i highly doubt is actually all that common! idrc if it's silly or whatever it makes my brain feel nice to collect labels while also being vague, so :)
"Do you care about kinnies or people with DAs?"
i think kinning or otherwise is perfectly fine! however, i do not support people who use their kinship or other attachments as a way to harass people, which i have experienced in the past. in addition, the "no doubles" crowd is very uncomfortable to me. i'm fascinated by the processes in which kin canons and alter canons both come out so different and people who are disgusted or otherwise uncomfortable with it are not my vibe.
"Status on systems? Endogenic vs traumagenic?"
i consider myself a primarily traumagenic system with the ability to just kind of manifest alters in a somewhat endogenic way. the way i manage this is being an extremely fragmented system and i just kinda... take a fragment with the vague personality and make it whoever i want, as the host. i dont think being a system is a bad thing for everyone, but i think it's challenging. either way, since i have experiences from both, regardless of whether you think i'm legitimate about it or not, i do support both wholeheartedly and i think we should focus on destigmatizing being plural as opposed to infighting, as with most marginalized communities :)
"How do you feel about selfshipping?"
i think its harmless as long as no real people are involved! i can't morally support it when real people are involved just bc that really feels like boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, to me. but with fictional characters, i really don't care. i also think dropping a char you selfship with just because you out-age them, is a bit silly. why can't they age with you? (i can't drop fictional crushes i had as a kid so easily, i think i'd spare myself the heartbreak and just have them grow with me... like flowey/asriel in undertale, i can't let that go.) anyway, my characters are also okay to selfship with (or kin or whatever) for the most part, i can't exactly stop you LOL, just don't steal them and we're good! and please ask me first of course if i havent spoken on the character before!
"Are you a proshipper, and/or do you support proshippers?"
i have better things to worry about but if you must know, no, i don't consider myself a proshipper or supporter of proshippers because a lot of them are just as bad as the "antis". however i don't support antis either bc i think fighting people over fictional content is stupid. as a csa survivor, i believe people should focus on real predation and child exploitation, not fictional images, even if it is "gross" (tbh, i'd be concerned if it seemed normal to you? it's not meant to be normalized lmao. also, keep your "dead dove" the fuck away from real kids, thanks)
i am vehemently anti-censorship and pro-traumatic art expression... and i am ALSO against the bigotry most proship spaces perpetuate. hope this helps!*
a longer post of my thoughts on this matter can be seen here
*the only reason this is even here is because everyone thinks i'm proship for minding my own damn business and making my own traumatic art... idfk man
"Anything else?"
i try to be as inclusive as possible, but that inclusiveness does not extend to close-minded people who are unwilling to change. i like to think of it as a curtesy rather than required; if one party doesnt abide by the general common curtesy of Being A Decent Person And Not A Jackass i dont have to hear them out or be nice to them.
that all being said, i am not the most interested in interpersonal relationships on here! i am only putting out this info so that if somebody tries to claim something contrasting it, i have an up to date list of my stances on various things to point to. this basically removes most of my future work for me. these stances are going to piss many people off and i don't really care, i just care about making sure the info is correct LOL... callouts are inevitable! and please keep in mind if i've had genuinely concerning beliefs or actions in the past i have had a very hard life and have been easily influenced by people around me both good and bad. i am not perfect and do not ever expect me to be, i'm still learning and growing as a person, like any human being.
oh, and don't bring me into drama i'm not a part of. i prefer to stay in my own lane and curate my own experience, really. i just block people i'm uncomfortable with and go on my merry way :)
...im forgetting something
minors please do not follow me, i will post fucked up shit here that's not for you! peace
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narcpocalypse · 2 months
My narc ass: I am so powerful. I am not afraid of anything, I can kick someone's ass so easily. I am an inspiration. I am a GOD.
Thunder: boom :3
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clownhonkbonk · 2 months
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thanks nikola you mother fu
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saturnsconstellation · 2 months
It’s fun to be a Sirius Kinnie until I realize that I will never know if I’m actually selfish or just used to the self sabotage. Also having the sacrificial character headset.
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nursemimosa · 7 months
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all of the larry merch I have from the paldean memories line so far...
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strawberry-graveyard · 6 months
is that character just like me fr or are they inside my brain fr 🤨🤨
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analogtoonz · 2 months
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ׂ╰┈➤ Spaceboykin is a xeno identity where a person identifies with / as Space Ex-Boyfriend from OMORI. This may also be a gender linked to the theme of space and extraterrestrial beings !!
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thepropheticangel · 9 months
I want to dance again.
The feeling of my bare feet touching the cold tiles. Feeling the wind encase my body, my cloths dancing to their own rhythm.
Oh, how I miss the routinely dances in the lords courtyard.
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heartxhotel · 4 months
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「 nobody, nobody. 」
Self indulgent roxas aesthetic, eternally stuck in org. xiii days.
Made by our roxas headmate, kin/id/me free to interact.
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xxthefairywitchxx · 2 years
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Gods you're so fucking annoying. If your mental health is being impacted by people MINDING THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS it's a YOU problem. Get over yourself you entitled bitch. You don't get to tell people to stop shipping a video game character just because you're an entitled kinnie! Of course that's not a dig at all kinnies, just entitled bitch babies who think their wants trump everyone elses. Shipping fake people doesn't effect real people directly, it's not gonna force someone to do something they wouldn't have and you pissing yourself in this tantrum PROVES that because "you" don't "love" the characters "You're" shipped with, and if shipping directly affected people, "you" would because "you" would be forced to. Learn to use the block button, learn to filter, and if that's too much for you to handle? Get off the internet. Because you don't get to cry piss your pants and stomp your feet to get your way. It's not even a "you're not allowed to" kinda way, it's a "you will never be able to" kind of way and if you can't cope with that? You can't be on the internet and you need to, genuinely, get some help. Not in the anti "I'm insulting you by insinuating something is wrong with you" way, in the "You're genuinely not gonna be able to function as a person if you think this way" way. In a "If you can't handle people minding their own fucking business, you need to be locked in a room with only cartoons for toddlers as entertainment because you can't be trusted to handle anything more morally or structurally complex without having an entire break down" kind of way.
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ryukiki · 10 months
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Autistic transmasc with frequent headaches and PTSD discovers yet ANOTHER film based on H.P. Lovecraft's works starring Jeffrey Combs and latches on to it like a koala and refuses to let go
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jamiegege · 1 year
Why does Ranpo behave like that ?
okay first : i kin him so bad like we are basically the same ppl so don't be like "eh blah blah you're being mean/rude against him" like duh, it's like if i was being mean against myself (plus he's my fav character ever why would i be mean ??) ; and second : in this post i just want to talk ab something, a difference between Ranpo and I. Why ? Simply bc i think that this difference between him and us (the ranpo variants) can make ppl think that they aren't ranpo kins (you'll get it after a few explainaitions dw) !!
ALSO : excuse my bad english it isn't my 1st language ... + if i say smth wrong i'm not close to corrections and other opinions <3
I'm gonna start by a small reminder ab Ranpo's life bc it's the main subject of the post ! So during his childhood he lived with his parents and he didn't go to school and his parents were basically as clever as him and i believe that they raised him like if everyone had the same mindset and intelligence as him which is unfortunatly not true (cries in neurodivergent). Which means that during his wholde childhood bby Ranpo was in an healthy environment and an environment adapted to him without knowing how actually was the "real" society around outside of his comfortable environment. After his parents death he stayed alone trying to fit in a society that he wasn't understanding and that was terrifying him, so he stayed "blocked" and scared, until he meets Fukuzawa (that we'll call Fuku here bc "Fukuzawa" is a long name). Fuku didnt fully understand how Ranpo felt but he got how hard it was (plus Ranpo basically asked him to help him so yk) and he gave Ranpo an understanding father figure, an home, a job and an adapted environment. With all of that Ranpo never rlly had to conform to the society which explains why he behaves so childish and detached from reality. I'm especially thinking of the fact that he can't use public transports or simple stuff like that : for me it's because he never had to be confronted to those stuff as he (almost) always had ppl and understanding environment around him.
Now that we all agree on that i'm gonna talk a bit ab myself. I have parents that are the same type as we know Ranpo had, so i also grew up (ab that topic) in an understanding and healthy environment at home except that i had to go to school, be with other ppl etc which confronted me (and all of us) to the society and the fact that not everyone was "like me". So i had to conform on some stuff, i'm especially thinking ab cleaning, cooking, taking public transports etc.
And the fact is that i saw many ppl saying "i dont understand bc i kin Ranpo but we dont act the same like i can do this and that blah blah blah" like guys YOU KIN HIM ANYWAY. We just all didn't grow up in the same environment which explains some differencies plus even if you are neurodivergent you may not be exactly like him, i mean like that having different stuff (autism, adhd, hpi, tpb, etc). AND above everything : he's a fictional character so even if you can relate a lot of things ab him it doesn't mean that you have to be the exact copy paste of him (ab behavior, past, style, tastes, etc).
I hope i didn't offense anyone bc it wasn't my goal (and if i did i'm sorry) - it's all for today kiss kiss <3
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buttercup-barf · 2 years
You can't fight something that already happened.
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sleepyriot666 · 2 years
💕Hi! I'm Lillia I need friends lol
💕Add my snap!:sleepyriot667
💕I'm pan and may be aroace spike
💕I'm 13
💕 (Music)I like: slip knot Alec Benjamin ICP MSI and alottttt more bro
💕(Games) I like: omori danganronpa Splatoon animal Crossing deltarune
💕(Tv and movies) I like: Silent voice,erased,dhmis, camp camp
💕I age regress
💕I'm a satori fiction kin
💕I also kin:junko enoshima,denki Kamanari,dazai osamu,kyoko jirou,and more!
💕I use she/her,he/him,they/them,it/it's, candy/candyself
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lamnwar · 1 year
Y'all are lucky you don't know me irl bc my behaviour online is unhinged and it's public knowledge by now that I'm insane
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solstice-eclipze · 2 years
♡ ~ Pyro TF2 sensory board, made by me!
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Do not repost without crediting. All hate will be deleted.
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