anissaespinosa · 1 year
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La Borinqueña
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afronerdradio · 4 years
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It's time for another installment of #AfroNerdRadio where we oftentimes "shed light" on blerd/nerds of color phenomena. Check out Dburt's latest doodad, a #steampunk light fixture. Undoubtedly to be displayed when video broadcasting starts up in the ensuing weeks. Click or copy & paste the link below for more details: http://www.afronerd.com/2020/09/is-it-mid-week-in-review-mwir-already.html?m=1 LIVE CALL IN 508-645-0100... #COMICBOOKS #BLACKSUPERHERO #COMICBOOK #popculture #Avengers #blerd #nerdsofcolor #book #bookstagram #scifi #blackscifi #superhero #hobbies #laborinquena #wap #saveventurebros #venturebros #cardib #candaceowens #mulan #dcmovies #marvel https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7vklTBK8f/?igshid=8sl1g2pr28uv
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njdirtygardener · 6 years
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The creator of @laborinquenacomics was at the #BlackComicbookFestival in the @schomburgcenter . #LaBorinquena #SchomburgCenter #Harlem (at Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library)
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thelearningcurv · 4 years
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Some extremely cool moments happened this weekend. This woman in the first picture bought 2 hardcovers and decided to give her free poster to the group of children that were in line after her. The father of the child in the next picture bought #AReasontoSmileMakingFriends last year and wanted the next book in the series! The woman with the open jacket was wearing the tshirt I had a hand in helping create, supporting #LaHijasDeLaCrisis in #PuertoRico, showing how unified Puerto Ricans are! The woman after her bought the posters of my pages that I did for #Puert RicoStrong since she already owns the book, showing her support for the artists along with the people! The little girl was cosplaying a #PuertoRicanCharacter named #LaBorinquena and remembered buying book 1 last year! Everyone else are friends , family and artists I've admired through the year. When I say I feel supported, this is why! Thank you all for seeing the beauty of #AReasontoSmile and putting your love behind it! . . . bookseries #childrensbookseries #comicbookseries #comicseries #comicsforkids #comicbooks #comicbookseries #childrensbooks #graphicnovels #graphicnovelseries #picturebooks #boardbook #boardbooks #picturebook #picturebooks #books #booksforbabies #booksforkids #booksforteenagers #BlackComicbookFestNYC #blackcomiccon #shomcom2020 #PuertoRican #PuertoRicanAuthor #PuertoRicanIllustrator #JavierCruzWinnik https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lJFT6hENu/?igshid=rntw4qejuk7h
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inevitabledrarry · 5 years
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
Author: Me (laborinquena on AO3, yosoylaborinquena on Tumblr)
Pairing: Drarry (Harry/Draco)
Rating: T
Length: 2.1k
Summary: Harry and Draco have been dating for a few weeks and Harry thinks it’s time to come out to Draco as asexual. He just hopes Draco takes it well.
Some Tags: Internalized acephobia, overcoming internalized acephobia, coming out, Harry Potter EWE, asexuality spectrum, coming out to a partner, Asexual Harry, Demisexual Draco,  mention of past Ron/Harry, mention of past Harry/Ginny, mention of past Justin/Harry, brief discussion of sex.
Note: This is based off of my experience as an asexual person and should not be considered universal. Some people on the asexual spectrum may relate to this, some might not. Please keep that in mind. Thank you to @phoenix4dragon and @keyflight790 for the beta and read through!
You know the feeling when you have something to tell your partner but you’re scared shitless? That’s me right now.
The Savior of the Wizarding World, also known as The Boy Who Lived, is scared of telling his partner he’s asexual.
I’ve only been dating Malfoy (Draco) for a few weeks now. Which is nice and everything, but I’m scared to ruin it. So many people think I’m just making this up or that I don’t want to have sex with them, but it’s more complicated than that. If I didn’t want to have sex with someone I would just tell them. That’s usually not a big deal (unless you’re a woman but that’s another issue).
But telling someone you experience little to no sexual attraction to anyone? Especially if it’s someone you’d like a future with? It’s more terrifying than fighting Voldemort.  
Every time I start a relationship it feels like it’ll be a nice one. But most of them leave after they learn there won’t be any sex. And while some asexual people choose to have sex or have sex for their partner, I just can’t do that. And before you ask me if I’ve tried– yes, I have. Though even if I hadn’t, I would be just as valid. Experience, or lack of, is not needed.
It’s hard for people to understand asexuality too, because there’s so little representation out there or people get offended quickly and don’t let you finish explaining. Some people don’t want to understand it. Some people take time to understand. Some people never really get it.
And it’s hard to tell people since you’ll get the inevitable round of questions or comments like “Maybe you haven’t met the right person yet,” “Have you tried sex? How do you know?,” “What about your partner? You’d be depriving them of sex. That’s unfair to them,” “Don’t you want kids?”
I get a few other questions, but I’m sure you get it. I get a lot of invasive questions and comments, and some of them, like my sex life, is none of their business. People like to get involved in what they shouldn’t for entertainment I guess. It’s annoying when they poke at your life and question every single thing you are. Why do they care?
It’s hard to tell them because of all the judgement you receive. No matter how you answer (or don’t answer) their questions, they will never be completely satisfied. Some people don’t think it’s a real orientation and then there are people in your own community who tell you that you don’t belong.
I have enough internalized-acephobia to go around without some assholes telling me everything I already struggle with. All my thoughts and insecurities are constantly in the open and it’s tiring.  
It was hard enough to acknowledge that I feel no sexual attraction to people. It was hard to even accept it. It was almost impossible to come to terms with the fact that I will never have biological kids. All I’ve ever wanted was a family. I know I can adopt, and I sure as hell plan on it, but what if my partner does want sex? That’s something I’ll never be able to give them. It’s the one thing I can’t compromise on and for some people that’s a deal breaker.
And it’s okay if it is; I don’t blame you. I personally rather tell my partners upfront so that they know what they’re getting into.
And then sometimes, albeit rarely, this happens. Where I’ve slowly started developing feelings for someone who doesn’t know, someone who’s interested in me too, and now I’m scared to tell them. I know I should tell them as soon as possible, because it’s easier to amicably break up and move on. I rather not get fully invested in case it is a deal breaker.
My relationship with Draco has been different from the start in every way. Nothing’s predictable with him and while I love that, in this case it scares me. I’m sure he knows something’s up at this point. He’s hinted at sex a few times but he’s never pushed. I think he thinks I’m not ready. And in a way I never will be.
I know he expects sex; everyone I’ve been with has. Only two people I’ve dated have been fully willing to continue to pursue a relationship with no expectations. Ginny, and Ron, actually. The Weasleys are doing something right.
I’m quite anxious it’ll be a deal breaker for Draco, because for once, I’m hopeful. Like, utterly and completely optimistic. I can’t even stay realistic. I try not to get my hopes up because you never know, but with him, I really want him to be okay with it. And even if he is willing to date me, I really hope he’s not like Justin Finch-Fletchley. Justin had said he didn’t care, and then he asked when I’d be ready for sex six months later. I had felt completely totalled; I had explained clearly and then a few months later he ‘forgot’ all about it and had been expecting sex all along. He had thought I just wasn’t ready and that he could change my mind, as if it were an opinion or a choice.
And I know Draco isn’t Justin, but that doesn’t make this any less nerve-wracking.
Our friendship and our relationship has evolved so much since Hogwarts. We were rivals all throughout school and then were civil with each other after the war. It wasn’t until we kept running into each other at the Ministry (and St Mungo’s) that we started properly talking. Those short hallway talks led to longer coffee meetups that slowly turned into longer and more tender moments in each other’s flats. It wasn’t until we spent however many hours in each other’s presence unpacking everything that had happened that we were able to move forward and forge some sort of intimate friendship.
And months later, here we are. At the beginning of what looks like a promising relationship.
I don’t want him to think that I’m trying to get out of this relationship, because that would be a lie. I want this relationship. I want to see where this goes. I want him. I just hope he’ll have me.
I have to tell him. I don’t like feeling like there’s some sort of impending doom hanging around me. I need to be honest with him.
Maybe I’ll tell him tomorrow, during our not-really-scheduled-but-inevitable intermission while we watch Doctor Who.
It’s tomorrow and I’m officially a mess. I didn’t get as much work done as I thought I would, meaning I have a fuck-load to get done on Friday. It wasn’t a bad day at work, but it could have been better.
I hate being a ball of anxiety; I’m pretty much useless until what’s bothering me is resolved.
I get home and start my after-work routine: shower, change, eat, and wait for Draco to show up.
He gets here at exactly 7 o’clock; never a minute early or late. I let him in and we cuddle for a while while we fill each other in on how our day went. And then it’s time for Doctor Who.
Three episodes in, and it’s time for our not-really-scheduled-but-inevitable intermission. I make some chocolate chip pancakes and at this point the anxiety is starting to get to me. But I shouldn’t tell him while we eat; he doesn’t like having serious discussions while we eat. Says it makes us lose our appetite.
We’re back on the couch with me spooning him when he raises the control to start the next episode.
“Erm, actually, do you mind if we talk for a bit?” I can feel some tension appear in his body and I know he’s running through a whole bunch of scenarios that will most likely never happen. He puts down the control and turns to look at me, still in my arms, and asks, “What about?”
I pull him closer to me and put my chin on his head. I move my hand in a circle on his back.
“Well, there’s something about me I think you should know.”
“I already know you’re an idiot, thanks,” he tells me. I laugh.
“Oh, sod off.” I take a shaky breath. “I don’t really know how to make the words come out of my mouth.”
He shuffles around a bit, enough to be face to face. I can feel his hand move back and forth on my back, comforting me. “This is serious then.”
“Kind of? It could be, I guess,” I tell him.
“Well, go on then. What are you thinking?”
“You know how when you look at people, some people think, ‘that person’s hot. I’d fuck them’?”
Draco raises his eyebrow with a confused yet amused expression across his features. “Yes?”
“Well, I don’t really feel that. Like, at all. I look at someone, and yeah, I can find them handsome or good-looking or aesthetically attractive, but I’m not sexually attracted to anyone.”
My heart’s pounding against my ribs and with each following second of silence I start to feel more and more dread creeping into my system. It takes all I have to not feel defeated.
“Okay,” Draco says slowly, “So you don’t want sex?”
“Yeah. I mean, no, I don’t. I don’t want sex with anyone. I don’t crave for it. I wouldn’t even think about sex if it weren’t for other people talking about it, to be honest. It’s not something that occurs to me. I could live the rest of my life without it and feel complete.
“I don’t want you to think I don’t want to have sex with you; I just don’t want it at all. But that doesn’t mean what we have isn’t real; I care about you, so much. I want a relationship. I want to have that romantic connection to someone. I just don’t need the sexual aspects because… I’m asexual.”
“Asexual,” repeats Draco.
“Yeah,” I say, “I’m asexual.”
“Oh.” Draco’s eyes enlarge by the most miniscule measurement. I’m catching up as he says, “That makes sense. I feel like that a lot too. But if I’ve become close to them I tend to find them sexually attractive.”
I hum and say, “Maybe you’re demisexual.”
“Yeah. You could be. It’s also okay if you’re not though,” I say.
“I’ll look into that,” Draco replies.
“So… we’re fine then? You still want to be with me?”
Draco looks exasperated once he’s processed what I said. “Well, of course! You really are an idiot if you think that would be enough to scare me away.”
“It’s enough for some people to call it quits, so yeah,” I tell him.
He fully sits up at this point and grabs ahold of the side of my face and says, “Harry. I like what we do. I like this. I don’t need sex to be happy. I just want you.”
“What if you change your mind and decide you want more?” I ask him. “Because some people have.”
“I’m not some people. I’m Draco Malfoy,” he says smugly.
I’m not convinced and I guess it shows because he sighs and adds, “Look, I can’t lie and say I won’t want something down the road, but I know I don’t need sex to be happy. Maybe I am demisexual, I don’t know. It’s something I have to look into. Anyways, I want you. Let’s take it one step at a time and see where this relationship goes. If something changes, which I highly doubt, we’ll talk about it. Okay?”
I nod; if he’s willing to give this a go, I am too.
“Okay,” I say, “As long as you know sex is nowhere at all in the future, I’m in too. I don’t need anything else.”
“Neither do I.”
And then Draco kisses me slowly and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight; it’s gentle and compassionate. There’s no change of pace or a roll of the hips. It’s just a kiss. A kiss that shows the care we have for each other.
I’m so relieved and happy. He wants me; he doesn’t care I’m asexual. He knows and he’s not out the door. He let me explain and maybe even found a label of his own. He understands and accepts me as I am.
I couldn’t be more lucky.  
Doctor Who might have been forgotten for tonight, but I feel great knowing there’s no end in sight to these marathons. Who knows, maybe I’ll introduce him to Star Wars next.
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imbatman1222 · 6 years
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Whether you rep #GeekLife or not and want to support fellow Americans in #PuertoRico puck up with awesome piece of art #Ricanstruction #PuertoRicoStrong #LaBorinquena (at New York, New York)
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beyondthepanels · 6 years
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Join #LaBorinqueña as she teams up with Supergirl & DC Comics to help #PuertoRico for the #Ricanstruction! Pre-order www.la-borinquena.com Art/Story by Will Rosado! Colors by Gabriel Bautista! Letters by Wilson Ramos Jr! #Ricanstruction #puertorico #supergril #laborinquena #dccomics #dc #comics #caribbean #CincoDeMayo #puertorican #boricuas #taino 🎨👍🌎🎱🏅✏️😜✒️📒🇵🇷 (at New York, New York)
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josefernandezuc · 6 years
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In celebration of yet Another semester completed at @thekubertschool 🤘🏼. Heres a pinup of #laborinqueña @laborinquenacomics @mredgardonyc . Also, had a talk with my aunt in Pr today. Can't believe its been 3 months since the tragedy in Puerto rico, and half the island is STILL without power. #prayforpuertorico #laborinquena #puertorico #art #comics #josefernandezuc #josefernandez #kubertschool #kubie (at Union City, New Jersey)
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donhawks · 7 years
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Thanks to my job i got to meet da creator n writer of #LaBorinquena #EdgardoMirandaRodriguez! Great guy with a awesome #comicbook! This was a few days ago. This gives me the strength to create n write again. #comics #comicbooks #LaBorinquenacomics #art #artist (at Bronx Library Center - NYPL)
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stargazing-enby · 6 years
I was tagged by @akashikadoesthings <3 thanks! 
Go to your current WIP. Find the seventh line on the seventh page and copy and paste seven sentences below. Then tag seven other writers to do the same.
My current wip is the fic I’m writing for Nanowrimo. I’m afraid it’s in Spanish, but I’m gonna do a real quick translation, since it’s only 7 lines :)
(Aahhh I wrote this in a rush the other day, so it’s very crappy. But it’s Nano, it’s supposed to be crappy before I edit it, right? XD)
Harry se estremeció, como si todos sus músculos se hubieran entumecido de pronto. Podría haber reconocido esos pasos en cualquier parte; tío Vernon estaba cabreado.
Corrió hasta la jaula de Hedwig para descolgarla de su enganche y llevarla hasta la ventana.
—Sal a dar otra vuelta, pequeña —murmuró a toda prisa—. No quieres estar aquí cuando entre.
Hedwig le lanzó una mirada de fastidio, pero alzó el vuelo y se perdió rápidamente en la distancia.
Harry shivered, as if all his muscles had suddenly stiffened. He could have recognised those steps anywhere; Uncle Vernon was angry.
He ran to Hedwig’s cage to take it down from its hook and he brought it to the window.
“Go fly around for another while, girl,” he murmured in a rush. “You don’t want to be here when he walks in.”
Hedwig gave him an annoyed look, but she took flight and quickly dissappeared in the distance.
(Yes, I translated the sound of the angry steps. PUM didn’t sound right in English, LOL)
I’m tagging @rose-grangerweasleyisbae, @laborinquena, @cubedcoffeecake, @dracoismytrashson, @maesterchill, @ununquadius and @snortinglaughter if you want to do it :3
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ao3feed-harrydraco · 5 years
by laborinquena
Harry proposes something to Draco, and Draco is scared he'll fuck it up.
Words: 400, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Calculative Draco, POV Draco Malfoy, A little bit of fluff, proposal, running for office, Political Alliances, Unsure Draco Malfoy, Prepared Harry Potter, Politics, Former Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Drarry Discord Writers Corner Drabble Challenge, time for a change, Scared Draco Malfoy
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dorthyanndrarry · 7 years
Thermodynamic Equilibrium -4-
tags: eighth year, drarry, hot/cold dynamics, cuddling
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
   Draco licked his lips and twitched his wand slightly more the left as he performed the fairy light charm, a small orb of green light pooled at the end. Once it was the size he wanted, about as big as a grape, he made a minute circle with the tip of his wand and traced a small U away from the green light, his wand tailing a strand of silver, then the charm incantation and movement, central and down. A blue light a little darker than a lumos began to form, his brow furrowed as he concentrated, making sure the lights would all be the same size and shape, connecting them with silver threads of light. He followed the blue light with a yellow then red and purple.
   He was in the middle of making an orange light when a loud knock from the door to his rooms broke his concentration. Draco frowned at the end of his wand where a light ought to have been and instead was nothing. The rest of the fairy lights were stable though and glowed prettily against the sheets.
   “What do you want, Potter?” Blaise asked coolly.
   “Well, um, I was looking for Draco?” Potter asked as eloquently as always.
   Draco pushed himself up to the top of his bed, pulling the blankets down just enough to peek out.
   Potter rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, looking nervous.
   Blaise was sitting forward defensively on the edge of his vision, “Can't you leave off, Potter? Haven't you anyone else to harass?”
   Draco saw Potter's brow furrow, and he interrupted before the conversation could become an argument, “It's fine.” They both turned to look at him, “You're here about the book?” Draco asked. 
   Potter nodded.
   Draco sighed, “Come in then.” He held up the edge of the blanket, “take off your shoes and don't stretch the opening too much or it'll break the space.”
   Potter leaned over, peering into the blankets, “Oh, a wizarding space? ...In blankets?”
  Draco frowned at him, “What? Didn't you ever build a blanket fort growing up?”
  Potter shrugged, kicking off his shoes and sitting on Draco's pillow.
  “What the fuck?” Blaise said faintly.
   “I promised to lend Potter a book for class,” Draco said as he scooted down in the small tent sized space.
   “I won't be long,” Potter told Blaise. He slipped his feet through, wiggling down until he was even with Draco, “So this is how wizards build a blanket fort?”
   Draco raised an eyebrow, “How else would you do it?”
   “With a lot more blankets usually,” Potter said.
   Draco looked around critically, “My mother is particularly good at temporary extension charms. It's just that the bigger you make them, the more likely they are to collapse, and there's no reason to make it bigger since it would only lose heat faster and-”
   “I like it,” Potter said and smiled at him.
Draco smiled faintly back and turned to the book he had left by the side of his pillow, “I've been practising the fairy light charms.”
Potter shifted onto his back and looked up at all the different fairy lights Draco had strung across the ceiling of the small space. “Wow...” He said, reaching up and brushing his fingers through the blue light. He turned his head to ask Draco, “How do you keep them all the same size?”
Their faces were mere inches apart. Draco could see flecks of brown in the green of Potter's eyes. His eyelashes were very long.
“Draco?” Potter asked, a smile curling up on his lips.
Draco took a deep breath, tearing his eyes away, “I'm cold.”
“Oh,” Potter said, “well, move over.” He pulled his arm up, wrapping it around Draco's shoulders and pulling him closer.
Draco rested his head on Potter's shoulder and took out his wand, “I shall show you how to keep the size consistent. Pay attention. It's all in the wrist-”
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 -
♡ tags: ♡
I’m happy this old story is still loveable. Thank you so much♡
♡ @cookydoe (you leave the best tags omg I love them)  ♡ @laborinquena ♡ @m2mloveobsessor (I’m always cold as well ♡)  ♡ @dewitty1 ♡ @mea-momento ♡ @flutenby ♡ @reallynogoodonesleft ♡ @imalovellygirl ♡ @gens-venturia ♡ @idareyoutotakealook ♡ @feed-my-geek-soul ♡ @cette-vie-en-bleu ♡ @trashgirl334 ♡ @multifandomcentral ♡ @drarryismymuse ♡ @contemporarydiva ♡ @markedplaces ♡ @sedaa-sam ♡ @julia-duna ♡
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 7 years
Something You've Forgotten (Part6)
Authors Note: This is the final part! Hope you enjoy! You can find all parts of this if you search my blog with the "#writing:something youve forgotten" and soon the entirety of this fic will be uploaded to Ao3!
Tag List: @xx-thedarklord-xx @rmh8402 @drarryismymuse @dewitty1 @ramenbahman @lumos394 @markedplaces @pressedflowersandvinyl @whatisthisthingcalledlife @malec4everr @maqicool @just-a-flicker-of-hope @jewelwellspring @alanna342 @scaredboymalfoy @princess-ikol @laborinquena @greendelish @golunch @cctlnthms @frosty-vmc @blackcoffeelikemydarksoul @complete-fangirl-trash @serethiel-is-hufflepuffed @distant-illusions @qualitythingblizzard @muskaan @chaoticbong @fcrisan [Blogs that are crossed out could not be tagged for some reason]
Rating: M
Warning: Angst, mentions of death/injuries
Draco slowly dressed, appreciating the fact that Harry had gone to the other side of the medical curtain to give him some privacy. Draco didn’t exactly remember everything, which would become quite the problem if he ever wanted to go back to work, but now he had weekly appointments set up with the obliviation specialist, and Harry had promised to do everything in his power to help Draco remember everything else.
Stepping into his high quality trousers and slipping his cashmere sweater over his head, Draco immediately felt better already. Just wearing his own clothes, the softness of the fabrics, brought a sense of comfort and safety as opposed to the strange and sterile feel the last few weeks in the hospital surrounded him with. He was glad to finally be able to leave.
Stepping out from behind the curtain, Draco studied Harry’s back as he waited, watching Harry fidget with his hands in front of him. Walking up slowly, Draco slid his hands around Harry’s waist, lowering his head and nuzzling into the side of Harry’s neck. “You seem nervous?”
“What? Me? No,” Harry replied, a bit too fast and high-pitched to be considered believable, but Draco let him slide. He nuzzled Harry a little more before backing up and letting Harry turn around in his arms.
“So, first day out of the hospital. I’m sure you have something sappy planned,” Draco mentioned, smirking slyly once he saw Harry’s cheeks light up a bright pink.
“I was going to take you for a walk,” Harry mumbled, glancing down toward his hands that now lay against Draco’s chest. There was silence for a few moments, Draco not bothering to answer as he watched Harry shift slightly from nervousness. There was definitely something going on. Harry glanced up, a slight bit of fear in his eyes, “I mean, unless you don’t want to Draco? I’d understand if you just want to go home and relax.” Draco barked out a laugh, shaking his head and pulling Harry against him.
“That’s all I’ve been allowed to do here, Harry. Of course I’m fine with going for a walk. I need the exercise with all these fatty foods you keep feeding me.” Draco teased, whispering into Harry’s ear. He felt a shiver run down the other boy’s spine, and grinned, nuzzling against Harry and kissing just below his ear at his pulse point. When Harry immediately pushed him away, out of breath, Draco just chuckled, shaking his head.
“If you keep doing that, we’ll be doing a completely different kind of exercise.” Harry mumbled, his face still burning heat from a blush. Draco grinned in response, winking.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”
“After the walk,” Harry said sternly, though glanced away, mumbling a, “Hopefully,” after that had Draco confused, but excited for their day.
Their walk began as they exited the hospital, taking a sharp left and wandering down different streets, hand in hand. Harry seemed to know exactly where he was going, and Draco had a small feeling of someone leading him toward a surprise party, that there was something waiting at the end of this journey but he didn’t exactly know what. Harry abruptly pulled to a stop while Draco was midstep, causing him to stumble slightly and grip Harry a bit tighter as he righted himself.
“Our first stop,” Harry says quietly, with a small smirk, as he gestured to the building on their left. Draco glanced over, noticing the horrible neon sign in the window, the tiny door and- of course- the red ribbons hanging absolutely everywhere you looked.
“Ruban Rogue?” Draco mumbled in distaste, glancing over toward Harry with raised eyebrows. Harry just began chuckling, pulling Draco in close to place a kiss on his temple. Draco just shook his head, exasperated, and hugged Harry tighter to himself. The temperatures weren’t too low this time of year, though it was definitely getting chilly outside, and the leaves of the few trees around them were starting to change colours.
“Isn’t Ruban Rogue, like, French or something?” Harry mumbled into the side of Draco’s face, causing him to laugh in response.
“Yes. It means Red Ribbon,” He replied, glancing over and eyeing the disastrous building. This just caused another bout of giggling from Harry, and Draco was practically holding him up by the end of it. “I don’t even understand why it’s name is in French. They don’t even serve french cuisine.” Grabbing ahold around Harry’s waist now, Draco was definitely sure he was holding him up as he began chuckling once again. “My goodness Harry, you’re heavy!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Harry replied, not sorry in the least, straightening up and rubbing tears away from under his eyes. Draco just rolls his eyes in response, glancing back toward Harry with a small smile underneath his annoyance.
“Oh come on already, let’s get on with this tour of yours.” Draco began pushing at Harry’s back, causing him to chuckle shortly before taking his hand and leading him down the road once again.
“How did you know I was taking you on a tour?” Harry asked, looking over toward Draco with a bright smile. A good kind of smile that Draco wouldn’t mind looking at all day long for the rest of his life. Is that why he had agreed to date Harry before? That smile had never been aimed his way during school, that was for sure. Yet now, he felt too lucky to be able to see it. “Draco?”
Draco snapped out of his inner monologue, glancing away with a smile he couldn’t force away from his face if he tried. He didn’t bother trying anyway. “You said that was our ‘first stop,’ so I assumed.” Quiet assumed its role in response to that, and Draco was content to leave it that way. Glancing over toward Harry, he didn’t seem bothered by it either so Draco drank it in like a gift, holding tightly onto Harry’s hand and walking one step at a time.
Sooner than Draco would’ve thought, they broke through the crowd of buildings on their side of the street, opening to reveal a large park on their left. Draco tilted his head, studying the park, feeling as if something was familiar about it.
“Do you remember?” Harry whispered into his ear, and Draco reluctantly let go of Harry’s hand when he was nudged, though was happy when Harry wrapped his hands around Draco’s waist from behind. Draco leaned back slightly, watching birds fly from tree to colourful tree, listening to the sounds of children playing farther into the park.
“Not exactly,” Draco admitted, tilting his head and peeking behind a tree. “Though it does feel familiar?”
“This was the park where Hermione had her baby shower, while she was eight months pregnant.” Images began flashing in the back of Draco’s mind, yellow and green streamers hung up everywhere (non-gendered colours, by Hermione’s orders), fairy lights dancing across trees, a table stacked full of presents to help when the baby arrived. Draco remembered his own gifts, a crib mattress sheet set complete with three rags for burping and whatnot, and a small (baby-friendly) stuffed dragon toy that was soft to the touch and was constantly lazy, wanting to lay and cuddle with anything near it. Draco was an absolutely proud uncle when that was Rose’s favourite toy for three months straight before she moved on to the next one.
Draco grinned, remembering sitting next to Harry often, worriedly sipping at a cup of coffee- black at the time- afraid that the family wouldn’t like him. He was plenty close enough to Hermione, and too close to Harry, and Ron definitely tolerated his presence, though he hadn’t exactly met the rest of the family aside from two visits to the Burrow for family dinners, and definitely not so many had been there than there was at the party. He was afraid, and Harry knew it and was constantly reassuring him.
Draco remembered the moment that he felt included into the family, when Fleur had appeared out of thin air and Draco began speaking French with her. She had expressed her utter surprise and happiness to be able to speak French with someone again, and then yelled over toward Hermione, “We’re keeping this one!” Draco had flushed madly, but when everyone at the party simply laughed, never sneered or argued or even shot any dirty looks, he finally let himself relax completely, and slowly let his shields fall away.
Draco didn’t know how long Harry let him just stand there, thinking, but finally he turned his hand, brushing his lips against Harry’s cheek, and whispered, “We need to have tea with Fleur sometime, I miss her company.” Harry’s excited laughter sprung forth as he picked up Draco from around the waist, spinning him in a circle. Draco let out a loud squeak, slapping Harry’s hands quickly. “Unhand me, you brute!”
Harry laid Draco down on his feet, moving around Draco’s body to face him with a bright expression, so full of joy. “You remember?” Harry had yelled the question, but somehow remembered to add the higher pitched end to the sentence to make sure it was a question and not an exclamation. Draco just laughed in response, shaking his head.
“Bits and pieces. Well, maybe a bit more than that. Not the whole party, mind you, but enough.” Draco nodded along, smiling toward Harry before leaning forward and placing a soft peck of a kiss on his lips, straightening back up and finding glee at the dazed expression on Harry’s face from such a simple show of feelings. “Let’s keep walking,” Draco whispered, taking Harry’s hand once again. He’d never admit to how he never wanted to let go of that hand.
They visited other places- dates they had been on, parties they had been to, even one scandalous place where they had copulated- before they came across a nice looking restaurant. This place in particular surprised Draco, for the sole fact that he had thought he knew of every nice establishment in London. He certainly had enough time, his whole life, to know of such places. He glanced upward toward the name of the place, written in fine cursive, Salvami. He blinked, trying to remember this place, but nothing was coming up on it’s own. “Do we have story here as well?”
“Sort of,” Harry whispered, squeezing Draco’s hand. Draco glanced over, his face falling once he noticed Harry’s somber expression.
“What happened here?” Draco asked, moving his gaze to the glass door, to the windows where couples were lovingly having conversations, laughing as if they were having the best time. Harry tugged on his hand and they began walking again, leaving Draco unanswered.
Until they reached their final destination.
Harry halted Draco on the sidewalk of a three way intersection, staring down the roads where few cars drove by. And Draco glanced down, noticing small crosses, ribbons, pieces of wood, flowers. Draco brought his free hand up to his mouth, his eyes beginning to water as they stared at the little grave markers. Draco knelt down, reading the various names, prayers toward the ones who had fallen in the accident. Harry let him take his time, standing by his side the entire time.
Eventually, after who knows how long, Draco stood and took Harry’s hand once more, firmly. He knew his eyes were bright red, but didn’t care if this man saw it.
“Where did I-” Draco began, before biting his lip and looking away. Harry tugged on his hand, leading him close to a nearby alleyway.
“You hit your head here,” Harry began, his voice low, placing his hand against the brick before letting his hand fall down, “And slumped against the ground here. Once I found you, I drug you into this alleyway and immediately apparated.” Harry finished, turning and taking Draco into his arms, squeezing tightly as if to make sure he was still there. Draco spun in his arms, laying back against Harry as he pictured the scene in front of him- many muggle vehicles piled together, fires starting- before blinking and they all disappear, leaving the two boys in the fading twilight, one lone car driving down the road. “When you’re ready…”
Draco turned, eyeing Harry quietly. “This isn’t the final stop?” He asked, uncertain, before Harry managed a small smile.
“Thankfully, no. Not before, and not now.” Harry reached down, interlocking their fingers before pulling Draco into a kiss. Draco melted against him, old feelings that feel at home settling into his chest and stomach, knowledge that this was a good thing, that Harry loved him, and he in turn loved Harry back. When they finally parted, Harry tugged on Draco, and they began their walk once more.
Harry turned, tugging Draco alongside as he ascended some small steps, bringing out his keys at he began to unlock the door in front of them. “Salvami was where we had our ‘special date’ at. We were walking home when- that happened.” Unlocking the door and pocketing his keys, he took Draco’s hand once more and began taking him inside the house, closing and locking the door behind them. The building was dark, almost unnaturally so, and Draco began looking around.
“This is the Black residence, isn’t it?” Draco mumbled, turning and looking back at Harry.
“Yes, this is where we were staying, together.” Harry said quietly, eyeing Draco, who glanced away. Harry took his hand once more, smiling softly. “I’ve set something up. Come here.”
Harry led Draco toward another room, a sitting room it looked like, that took Draco’s breath away. All the furniture were a nice brown colour, pleasantly arranged, with a nice wood coffee table in between a couch and two armchairs. Candles were strewn about the place, most floating, but some sitting on a side table or on the coffee table itself. The room even smelled nice, like a rich forest encased within the small room. Draco turned around, tilting his head.
“What is this?”
“You were begging me to throw out some old couches, to buy this sitting room set you had found in the local store. I did it, and set it up this way. I wanted to show you that I wanted you to be here with me, that your opinion matters to me,” Harry began, speaking a little too quickly. Draco began spinning around, smiling at the decor he saw. He knew he had excellent taste, it fit perfectly with the cream coloured walls of the room.
“Well, listening to me definitely worked. This room looks amazing,” Draco began, grinning as he spoke, spinning back around to face Harry. He hesitated, looking down and widening his eyes as he saw Harry on one knee.
“Draco, I love you more than I ever thought I could have, and my love keeps growing every day that I spend with you. I was planning on doing this on our special date night, but I never got the opportunity. I’m not going to make the same mistake again. I don’t care if we spend the rest of our lives recovering your memory- as long as we do it together. Will you marry me?”
Draco sucked in a breath, listening and hardly believing what he was hearing. He blinked a few times, realising belatedly that tears had begun to form in his eyes as they began sliding down his cheeks. He was speechless, the breath completely sucked out of him. Then, all in a rush, as if he was never breathing, living, loving like this before, he finally answered, “Yes.”
Harry stood quickly, wrapping his arms around Draco and spinning him around again, though Draco didn’t complain this one time. He leaned forward and pressed their mouths together before he was even set back down, deepening the kiss as much as possible, a slow dance between the two before they finally backed away for air. Draco glanced down, noticing the thin band of silver, slipping it onto his ring finger before studying it. It looked like a snake curling around and eating itself, a small green gem located where the eye would be. “It’s beautiful,” Draco said, sounding as breathless as he felt.
Glancing back up, he noticed the red rimmed eyes of Harry’s, leaning forward quickly to capture his mouth against his once more. He knew that as long as he had this man- this incredibly brave, selfless, caring man- on his side, he could conquer anything.
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thelearningcurv · 5 years
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I did a #watercolorpainting of #Fortaleza Street in #ElViejoSanJuan, #PuertoRico and this is a small detail of that #painting. I think I am going to finally invest in some small and large #watercolorbrushes as I exclusively use the #waterbrush that comes in the #KoiWatercolors kit. It can feel limiting and even when I can get that nice flat edge that allows me to get detailed, painting on the go can leave me open to distraction and overpainting... overall I am happy with this, but can absolutely see where I can make improvements... . . . The final painting will be used as a backdrop for celebrating #LasHijasDeLaCrisis, utilizing the commercial success of #LaBorinquena, a #grassroots character in comics made to bring awareness and support to the island of Puerto Rico, while celebrating the many great things about us, to raise some money for the #LaBorinquenaGrantProgram. This grant program supports those on the island that are helping to give the people the opportunity to help themselves, and the comics are beautifully rendered and written, making them entertaining as well! I am proud to have helped produce a story for #Ricanstruction and now for this print that will be present at an event on the island to raise more money for those who are fighting the good fight! . . . #PuertoRicanSeLevanta #yosoyboriqua #yosoyboricua #PaQueTuLoSepa #siguepalante #LaResistencia #PuertoRicolife #PuertoRicanArt #PuertoRicanpride #PuertoRicanArchitecture #PuertoRicanIllustrator #PuertoRicanCulture #art #drawingsofbuildings #paintingbuildings #paintingarchitecture #JavierCruzWinnik https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Yati4BF_j/?igshid=1h4wkzq54ef58
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inevitabledrarry · 6 years
Harry’s Liquid Courage
Harry’s Liquid Courage 
Hey friends! I am so sorry that this prompted drabble sat in my Google Doc for so long. It’s a bit short, but I’ll try to make them longer as I get more into the swing of things.
Summary: Harry and Draco are tired of hiding their feelings for one another, though they both needed some liquid courage to do something about it.
Note: I don’t have a beta so all mistakes are mine.
My AO3 is @/laborinquena
Prompt by the lovely @drarrypercicolover
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"I can't believe you just did that!" Draco gasps as he and Harry get away from the bar they were just kicked out of.
The night is cool and crisp in the shadows, the wind blowing through Draco's long-ish hair as they run. They jog for a few more blocks before slowing to a full stop.
They're out of breath, panting, and laughing.
Harry waves his arms as he exclaims, "They were yelling obscenities at you! Of course I was going to make a show!"
"You're too good of a friend, Potter," Draco replies quietly. Not soft enough not to be heard, of course, but low enough that his comment would have been lost to the wind, had Harry not been at arm’s length with one of his hands on Draco's shoulder.
It's a few years after the war. During the trials, Harry had testified for Draco and his mother. He’d found Draco afterwards, and had asked to stay in touch. Draco agreed, thinking it would be best if they worked past their old Hogwarts rivalry.
He had not expected to, over time, be integrated into Potter's intimate circle, nor had he expected to become close friends with the rest of his group, especially Weasley.  
Potter had written him a week after the trials to see if he was alright, since the day before Draco had been nastily attacked by some people who were angry he was not in Azkaban. Potter had shown his frustration at how little those people knew of what had happened, had also publicly defended Draco up and down. They met a few days later for some tea.
Draco appreciated the effort, and they kept in touch after that. They'd see each other every once in a while, Potter showing Draco the Muggle world and patiently answering all of Draco's ridiculously silly questions.
"You would have done the same for me," Potter tells him breathlessly. But would he have, though? He's always been a bit of a coward.
A somber quiet falls between them, both still breathing heavily.
"Are you sure about that, Potter?"
"Yeah, actually, I am."
Potter's response sent shivers through Draco's spine. Before Draco could decide against it he was asking, "Want to head back to mine?"
He mentally slapped a palm to his forehead. Head back to mine? He sounded so pathetic and vile, as if he was asking Potter for sex. I mean, he definitely wouldn’t object, but why did Draco always humiliate himself in front of Potter? How could be sound so desperately—
"Yeah, sure," Potter says.
Malfoy’s place is not at all like he’d imagined it. Harry’d thought it would be clean, crisp, and organized. Not that it wasn’t. It was mostly put-together, but there were some signs of messiness, such as unwashed dishes in the sink and a somewhat-neat pile of shoes near the door.
Harry had never been to Malfoy’s apartment before; it had always felt as if it were slightly out of reach.
“You alright, Potter?”
Shit. He’s been staring around Malfoy’s apartment as if he was observing every little detail. Which he was, but Malfoy doesn’t need to know that.
“Er, yeah. Nice place,” Harry says, feeling his face warm.
He followed Malfoy to one of the sofas in the living room.
“Do you want some firewhiskey, Potter?”
Harry nods and looks around the room once more while Malfoy goes to serve them drinks. He stands up and looks at the books Malfoy has on his bookshelf in the corner of the room. He owns all sorts of books, ranging from Muggle topics such as PCs for Dummies to Drawing 101 and Wizarding texts such as Hogwarts: A History. He picks up a book from the top shelf. Harry hadn't pinned Malfoy as a historical fiction fan but it makes sense, somehow.
“That’s my favorite,” Malfoy says behind Harry, startling him. He jumps and drops the book, looking sheepishly at Malfoy. He bends to pick it up and put it back in its place.
“Sorry. Tell me you’re behind me next time, will you?”
Malfoy smirks, “It’s more fun seeing you stumble all over yourself. It’s a bit pathetic.”
“Very funny, Malfoy.”
Malfoy hands Harry his drink and they take a sip from their respective glasses.
Five drinks later and they are most certainly drunk. They’re laughing and talking too loud, and sitting much closer than they usually would.
Harry keeps staring at Malfoy, watching him as he speaks of the beauties in the Muggle world he had recently experienced; he’d gone to a fair and was confused with the concepts of clowns.
“I mean, they’re so weird. Why would someone dress like that willingly?” slurs out Malfoy. He looks so handsome with his eyes dropping from the alcohol and lack of sleep. Malfoy turns his head to his right and rests it on Harry’s shoulder.
Harry’s heart is pounding. Draco’s drunk. He’s drunk. And he so desperately wants to kiss Malfoy. He wants to do more than just kiss Malfoy; he wants to shag him senseless.
He’s past the point of thinking of all the consequences; there’s too much firewhiskey in his system at this point.
Harry’s longed to be this close to Malfoy for months. His hair smells of green apples mixed with mint and lavender; an unusual yet inviting aroma.
Malfoy moves his head up to look at Harry. They’re so close; all Harry would have to do is lean down a smudge.
“Harry,” Malfoy says. He can feel Malfoy’s breath on his lips.
“Draco,” Harry replies, leaning forward. “Can I kiss you?”
“Fuck yes,” says a breathless Draco. He’s bolted forward before Harry can process his response. All he can feel is Malfoy’s lips on his. Harry kisses him back, their lips moving roughly against each other’s.
Harry grabs Draco and pulls him onto his lap, earning a surprised squeak accompanied with a glare that has no anger behind it, before his lips attack Harry’s again. Draco’s lips taste soft like cherries, which isn’t what Harry was expecting at all. He finds himself intoxicated with the combination of Draco’s taste and smell. He doesn’t know if he can handle walking away from this now that he knows what it’s like to kiss and feel Malfoy.
Harry doesn’t think he’ll ever be satisfied.
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pottercrew · 7 years
For my Prompts
This is for @laborinquena and her prompt for Professor Harry and Draco going on a date and their relationship progressing. Again this didn’t turn out how I planned but I like it aha, I hope you do too XD. (ps. Reblogs are appreciated more than likes XD)
“Look Harry,” Draco said quietly and Harry looked up from his beer. “I need to be honest with you” His throat closed up and he had to cough slightly to get the words out. “My feelings for you aren’t just platonic anymore” He didn't look at Harry, instead he focused on Harry’s finger’s wrapped around his glass. “I..they have shifted to something else and I won’t lie to you, me inviting you out here wasn’t just for a chat, well it was but...I just wanted to see you again” Draco breathed the last part, not daring to look at Harry.
“Draco,” Harry said softly, making Draco flinch slightly, that was either a pitying Draco or something else and Draco didn’t have the confidence in this to think it was something else.
“Draco, come out with me this Friday” Draco’s head snapped up. Harry was smiling, not a large smile, not an awkward one either. It was a private smile, one that was directed straight at Draco. “Let me take you out”.
“Like a date?” Draco hated how hopeful his voice sounded.
Harry’s smile grew “Yeah, like a date”.
So now, Draco stood, snowflakes drifting lazily down from the clouds, freckling the stone and grass. His scarf was pulled up to his nose, he hated the way it went red in the cold, like some kind of freak Christmas decoration. His outer robes were keeping him warm as he had charmed them to do.
Harry wasn’t here yet, it wasn’t that he was late, it was that Draco was early. He always had to be somewhere early, no matter what it was. The fear of being late too strong to let him stay in this room until it was the actual time to meet. He had been here for ten minutes, five left to go, standing outside the castle doors, in the bloody cold. He was too busy cursing himself in his head to hear the faint footsteps coming towards him.
“Draco” Draco turned quickly. Harry was standing there, that small private smile on his lips and gloved hands held up in surrender, Draco felt his face heat.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you coming”
“That’s alright, sorry I surprised you”
“No..it’s, it’s okay” Draco rushed.
“Hey, how about we start again yeah?” Harry said.
“Okay,” Draco breathed, nervousness easing a little with the way Harry smiled at him.
“Hey, Draco” Harry said, coming in close but leaving enough space to make Draco feel comfortable.
“Hey, Harry” Draco responded, mesmerized by those green eyes.
Harry looked down the path towards Hogsmeade “Ready to go?”
They set off, their feet crunching on the gravel, Harry’s steps a lot lighter than Draco’s making him feel like an inelegant child.
“I thought it would start snowing today, surprised it’s this late” Harry remarked, looking up at the sky.
“The clouds did look like they would all day” Draco murmured keeping his gaze forwards, scared he’d trip over something. God, he should have taken something for his nerves.
They made small talk as they walked to the Three Broomsticks and Draco found it easier to talk so that by the time they stepped into the warmth, he already felt relaxed. It was blissfully empty tonight, the prospect of tracking through snow putting off a few of the would-be patrons. Harry led them to a booth near the back. Draco was glad Harry had chosen here instead of some fancy restaurant or something. Here he felt comfortable, it was familiar, safe.
“Sorry It’s not anything amazing” Harry looked sheepish. “I just wanted you to feel comfortable and well, you seem to like it here whenever we’ve come before, but if you want, we can totally go somewhere else. I’m not being a cheapskate or anything I swear…” Harry babbled as Draco removed his scarf.
“Harry” Harry stopped “It’s perfect, stop worrying” He smiled at him.
“Oh, okay, good” Harry beamed at him. Maybe Draco should take his own advice sometime and stop worrying himself.
“I’ll grab us some drinks, what would you like?”
“Umm, just a butterbeer please” Draco answered and Harry nodded, said a quick ‘I’ll be right back’ and set off towards the bar. Draco made himself comfortable, sinking back into the booth seats and letting the sound of the fire calm his remaining nerves. This was just Harry, just Harry who you have worked with for years. Just Harry who you have a huge crush on. You can do this. He told himself. He had come out here with Harry numerous times, but now, with the word date hanging over it, it seemed different somehow.
Harry reappeared and placed their drinks down before removing his outer-robes that left him in a comfortable large white jumper and black jeans. He pulled his glasses off as he slid into the booth, wiping them on the bottom of the jumper. “They steam up when I come in from the cold” he explained before putting them back on.
They sipped their drinks, Draco enjoying the way his warm butterbeer felt going down. He heard Harry laugh softly.
“What?” He asked, puzzled by Harry’s soft gaze.
“Your nose is red” He smiled and Draco rubbed it slightly, rolling his eyes.
“It does that when it’s cold, everyone’s does” He responded matter of factly.
“Yeah” Harry agreed “But not everyone’s is as cute as yours”
Draco coughed into his butterbeer that he had just been about to take a sip of. Harry laughed again.
“It’s not cute, it’s annoying” Draco responded after steadying himself.
“Whatever you say Draco” Harry chuckled and pulled the menu from its holder and placing it in front of Draci. He pulled another one out for himself. “What would you like? I can order now or I can wait until we’ve finished our drinks as most of these include them” Harry said, looking up at Draco.
“We can wait if you want, I’m not bothered when we eat”
“Okay it’s just I noticed you didn’t eat a lot at lunch is all” Harry looked sheepish again and Draco felt his eyebrows rise. Harry watched him at lunch?
“I didn’t really feel like eating at lunch,” Draco said before he decided to tell the truth “I don’t eat much when I’m nervous”
Harry’s eyes widened “Oh, sorry, what were you nervous about?” Draco laughed and gestured around them. “Oh, yeah” Harry laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. “We can order now then if you like?”
“Yes please” Draco breathed, a happy feeling forming in his chest at how Harry had laughed.
Draco skimmed the menu, he already knew what was on it, what with coming here so often. “I’ll have the steak and ale pie, if that’s okay, with chips, not a salad”
Harry nodded, eyes skimming his menu. “I’ll probably have the same”. He slid from the booth, “Same drink?” He asked fishing out his wallet. Draco nodded and Harry turned towards the bar.
“Harry!” Draco called and Harry turned around “Table four!”
“Oh yeah, thanks” Harry called back and turned back towards the bar. Draco kept his gaze on his back and found his lips turning upwards at the cuteness of Harry’s behaviour.
He placed the menus back in their places and took a deep drink of his butterbeer, before pulling off his outer-robes and placing them next to Harry’s in the middle of the booth seat. They had taken the largest one at the back, around one around a roundtable. Normally, Draco would have felt guilty about taking up such a big space for just the two of them, but the place was practically empty and he couldn’t see it getting any busier tonight.
Harry reappeared, placed their new drinks down and dropped back into his seat, smiling at Draco before taking a drink of his own butterbeer.
“So, how are your first years doing?” Harry asked, playing with the beer mat of the space next to him.
Draco slid his new drink to the side. “Okay, they are a bit nervous but that will soon go. Yours?”
“Mental” Harry sighed, leaning back against the headrest “Had four stink bombs go off just last week, I think I’m going to need to talk to George again about selling them to students”
“At least they're not doing paint bangs” Harry winced as they both remembered the mess the stairs had been in and the screaming Filch had done after a fifth year had set one off in September.
“Speaking of, how’s Greenwood?” Draco asked. Greenwood was a sixth-year student known very well to all the staff of Hogwarts. Two nights ago he had been caught trying to get into the Slytherin common room to see Richards another troublemaker and his boyfriend after hours.
Harry chuckled “Fine, mad that I have him in detention for a week, but fine”
Draco hummed, Harry’s idea of detention had always differed from his own. “What have you got him doing?” He asked.
“Cleaning the Grindylow tanks” Draco grinned, that wasn’t what he had been expecting the answer to be, normally it was just re-arranging the classroom or something. “Caught him sending rude notes to Richards in class” He explained and Draco snorted.
“Damn kids” He muttered, but he knew Harry caught the fondness in his voice.
“Yeah” Harry agreed.  
“Two steak and ale pies,” A waitress asked the moved their glasses out of the way. She placed them down along with their cutlery wrapped in napkins. “Enjoy your meal”
They said their thanks before digging in. The shared some small talk so they ate, far too hungry to create a proper conversation. Once they were done, Harry stacked their plates and pushed them to the edge of the table.
“So,” Harry said.
“So” Draco responded, feeling happy, relaxed and full.
“You like me huh?” Harry smiled cheekily which had Draco kicking him under the table.
“I thought that was obvious you fool” Draco laughed.
“Yeah, well now, but before I didn’t” Harry smiled “I like you too by the way”
Draco felt his face heat but gave Harry drool stare “Again, obvious Potter” He gestured around them.
Harry leaned forward and put his head on his hand, staring at Draco with a fond expression on his face. He went to say something, but the waitress came and took their plates. Harry smiled and thanked her before turning back to Draco. “Can I tell you something?” His voice was soft and Draco found himself thinking that he would do anything Harry asked him if he asked in that voice.
“Yes.” Draco responded instantly.
Harry leaned in closer “I’ve liked you for a while, well more like years but yeah, a while”
Draco couldn’t think for a few seconds, for years? Harry saw the look on Draco's face and carried on.
“Probably during our apprenticeships if I’m honest” He chuckled “It’s been hell, watching you walk around in those professor robes looking all authoritative”
“Harry” Draco’s voice cracked and Harry looked up through those thick dark lashes with his gorgeous green eyes and Draco was lost, lost in the gaze.
He leaned forward, slid his hand over Harry’s on the table. Harry’s skin was warm, the dark hairs on the back of his hand and wrist soft as Draco ran his fingers through it. “Me too,” He said quietly and Harry’s face broke out into a wide grin and he flipped their hands and gripped Draco’s sliding their fingers together.
“That’s good then”
“So” Harry started smiling cheekily once more “Would you like to do this again?”
Draco laughed, it sounding much richer to his ears than he intended “What do you think Harry? Yes, I would very much like to do this again”
They finished their drinks, Draco’s hand still in Harry’s before they realised the time.
“We should be getting back” Draco murmured.
“We should” Harry sighed.
They slid their robes back on, followed by their scarfs and gloves and headed out, saying goodbye to the waitress behind the bar. The walk back to the castle was surrounded by a happy haze, Harry’s fingers still wrapped in his.
When they reached the castle steps, Draco paused, pulling Harry to a small stop who turned to look at him, a small smile on his lips.
“Harry?” Draco said, steeling himself.
“Yes?” Harry asked, moving closer to Draco until there was barely any space left between them.
“Can I kiss you?” Draco asked, eyes never leaving Harry’s.
“Merlin yes” Harry breathed, moving in before Draco, he paused just before their lips touched “Please”
Draco pushed forwards, sliding their cold lips together, Harry’s were slightly chapped and Draco could still taste the butterbeer. Harry pulled Draco closer, a hand on his hip. Draco slid his lips against Harry’s before tentatively pushing his tongue forward. Harry gasped slightly, opening his mouth and sliding his tongue against Draco’s.
They pulled apart, breaths filling the space around them with thin white clouds. Draco smiled at Harry and Harry smiled back. “I’ll see you tomorrow Draco”.
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