ikatoruu · 6 months
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girl dinner
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lavabeast · 7 months
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Just lil guys, just zany lil critters
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lavender-rosa · 11 months
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The girlies 🩷💛🧡💜🤎🖤
(id in alt)
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skulliryx · 1 year
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angels of death doodle ✨ love these weird besties
—Please don’t repost, use, or copy my art—
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bloopygooo · 8 months
Some fun drawings from magma!
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lareinadelplata · 5 months
no ENTIENDO a la gente que se enoja con las "malas palabras" hay que ser rompepijas eh
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tmpttion · 1 year
doloroso como granizo en santiago
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mantecol · 2 years
Están dando orgullo y prejuicio en STUDIO en la tele por si quieren ver al bingLEY
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cassietc4 · 4 months
Tips ana
Siempre carga agua contigo. El ser humano puede pasar mucho tiempo sin comer, pero no más de 4 días sin tomar agua porque se deshidrata, además, esto ayudará a mantenerte llena y ya no vas a necesitar comer, así que llénate de agua.
Toma un vaso de agua antes de comer, toma un sorbo de agua entre cada bocado de comida. Así te llenarás más rápido. Toma agua todo el día, no te separes de tu botella de agua, lleva la siempre contigo como si fuera tu piel.
Si tienes ansiedad masticando o chicles sin azúcar, la bajas. Fumar también ayuda a calmar la ansiedad.
Beber vinagre de manzana antes de comer. El vinagre ayuda a disminuir el apetito, además acelera el metabolismo y eso hará que bajes de peso más rápido.
Come mirándote al espejo, de preferencia desnudo o con muy poca ropa. En caso de que no puedas hacerlo lleva una foto contigo en el que se haga notar la grasa de tu cuerpo, así recordarás cómo te ves y no querrás aumentar eso.
Si tienes ganas de comer puedes lavarte los dientes. No vas a querer comer con el sabor de menta ahí así que hazlo lo más que puedas, además tendrás unos dientes muy bonitos.
Desayuna. Esto hace que tu metabolismo empiece a funcionar y a quemar calorías, ya si deseas no comas en todo el resto del día, pero el desayuno es importante, a si sea sandia picada o un banano, desayuna.
Si vas a salir, no lleves dinero más que lo justo y necesario. Así si se te antoja algo no tendrás dinero para comprarlo.
Puedes usar una liga (banda elástica) en la mano y cada que quieras comer tira de ella. Así sabrás que la comida equivale al dolor.
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somos-deseos · 11 months
Si tú hubieras pestañado, entonces yo hubiera mirado hacia otro lado desde el primer instante.
Si sentiste sabor a veneno, entonces podrías haberme escupido a la primera oportunidad.
Si yo fui alguna clase de pintura ¿Acaso se habrá salpicado? ¿Y mancho a un hombre prometedor ya grande?
Y si yo era una niña ¿Acaso importa? ¿Si pudiste lavarte las manos?.
Todo lo que solía hacer era rezar, por lo que podría, debería, tendría que haber hecho, si nunca me hubieras hechado la mirada.
Me hubiera quedado de rodillas y de seguro nunca hubiera bailado imprudentemente con el diablo a mis 19.
Y la verdad es que el dolor era celestial y ahora que ya crecí le tengo miedo a los fantasmas.
Los recuerdos se sienten como armas.
Y ahora que ya lo se, me hubieras dejado preguntándome. Si nunca me hubieras tocado, yo hubiera estado de acuerdo con hacer lo honrado.
Si yo no hubiera sonrojado, ellos nunca hubieran susurrado sobre todo esto. Y si tú nunca me hubieras salvado del aburrimiento, podría haber seguido tal como estaba.
Pero Dios, tu me hiciste sentir importante y después intentaste borrarnos de la existencia. Me hiciste dudar de mis convicciones.
Que dios se apiade de mi alma, extraño la persona que solía ser, la tumba no se cierra, ventanas de vitral en mi mente.
Me arrepiento de lo que pasó contigo todo el tiempo, no puedo dejarlo ir, peleó contigo en mis sueños, la herida no se cierra, sigo esperando una señal.
Me arrepiento de lo que pasó contigo todo el tiempo.
Si las cosas se ven claras en el lecho de la muerte. ¿Porque lo nuestro no se muere? Años de derribar nuestras banderas
“tu y yo”.
Viviendo por el puro placer de lastimarte dónde más te duele.
Devuélveme mi niñez que fue mía primero.
Y de seguro nunca hubiera bailado imprudentemente con el diablo a los 19.
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ikatoruu · 6 months
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the only pink haired character ever!!
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lavabeast · 1 month
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lavender-rosa · 10 months
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Nuclear Warfare 🍄
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skulliryx · 4 months
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I will write down drawing ideas I have right before I sleep sometimes or else I'll forget them, and today I woke up to "nunotaba but she's bones" HUH
--Don't repost/copy/use my art--
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flan-tasma · 3 months
Buenas noches (Genshin men x Reader) Spanish ver.
💖~ Estos hombres están ocupados y puede que no estén contigo físicamente, pero te recuerdan y se aseguran de estar contigo cuando vayas a dormir, de una forma u otra.
I didn't have enough space to post the translation;;;;; then it will be in another post
Warning: Nope 💖, Fem!Reader
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Tighnari tiene un marcapáginas hecho con tu flor favorita. Cuando es muy tarde en la noche y siente sus ojos cansados, se toma un tiempo para acariciar la flor con las yemas de sus dedos. La caricia es distraída, su cola y orejas están bajas, pruebas de su cansancio. La textura del marcapáginas le recuerda que estás dormido ahora, siendo abrazada por las sábanas, bajo una calidez que no es la suya. Siente celos por un momento, celoso de tu sueño y celoso de la cama que te acompaña ahora, y decide que es buena idea irse a dormir.
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Albedo está acostumbrado a pasar toda la madrugada junto a sus experimentos y notas, pero casi nunca se une a ti para dormir. Suele despedirte luego de cenar, te acompaña un rato luego de que termines de lavarte y besa tu mejilla cuando le dices que te vas a dormir, pero su presencia no suele estar contigo. Si dejas la puerta abierta, puedes escuchar el sonido de la candela crujir, probablemente hirviendo agua para más café. Puedes escuchar los talones golpear contra el suelo, las hojas pasar y el cristal chocar entre sí. Y puede que Albedo un día se sienta triste, que deseé estar contigo más tiempo, y es en ese momento cuando entra a tu habitación y te abraza. Siempre es un placer despertar contigo entre sus brazos.
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Alhaitham tiene la costumbre de leer antes de ir a la cama. Puedes estar junto a él leyendo, cada uno en su respectivo sillón, acompañados con algo de beber, no le importa, es bueno saber que estás ahí. En algún punto de la noche tu voz lo llama para decirle que te vas a dormir y él te despide, espera a que te metas en las sábanas y sigue con su libro unos minutos más. Debe levantarse temprano para trabajar, cierra su libro mientras recuerda las cosas que hará en la mañana y elige ordenar todo antes de acompañarte a dormir.
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Cyno tiene una gran responsabilidad y lo sabías, por eso no es raro despertar en la madrugada para ir a baño y notar que estaba junto a ti, a pesar de que no había llegado para la cena. Lo frecuentas más en las mañanas, pero en las noches solo lo notarás si en la madrugada sientes un peso nuevo en el colchón, unos brazos atraerte y un hombre cansado que cae dormido junto a ti. Puede que sus fuerzas le valgan para hablar un poco contigo, te escuchará y te dirá si tiene planes tomarse un día libre mañana, todo mientras su voz adormilada se iba perdiendo en tus oídos, mientras tu pareja dormía profundamente junto a ti.
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Ayato considera que la disciplina es esencial para su puesto como jefe del clan Kamisato. Su rutina está repleta de trabajos, documentos y mensajes que debe leer, analizar, aceptar o rechazar, y todo eso es muy tardado, pero es un trabajo que hace minuciosamente. Y a pesar de que siempre intenta dedicarte tiempo en medio de toda su agenda, hay veces en las que debes acostarte sola, sabiendo que en su oficina el hombre estaba revisando aún los últimos documentos del día. Desearía dejarlos para mañana y acostarse contigo, pero entre más serio es el tema, más aleja esa idea de su cabeza. Y no es hasta que por fin logras conciliar el sueño que él llega, por fin, se recuesta junto a ti y te admira antes de soñar con un nuevo día libre, planeando llevarte a un pícnic alejado de todos.
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jksprincess10 · 7 months
Exile 7.Y la luz de la luna en el mar
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After Steve Murphy's unforgivable death in the never-ending fight against Pablo Escobar, Javier Peña finds himself stuck with a new partner. A girl that they brought from Miami. Smart, devastating, strong. Nothing he would have thought her to be. Their rivalry builds up to something intense, destructive. CW: canon violence, mentions of death, smoking and drinking, language, bullshitting my way through the Narcos plot, no y/n (3rd person), no physical and racial descriptions of the girl, eventual smut. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A BRIEF SCENE OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, DEALS WITH A HOSTAGE SITUATION AND TRAUMA.
Divider by @cafekitsune Masterlist for exile Notification blog
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When she wakes up, she’s lost. She’s not home, even though she’s still wearing her pajamas. When she tries to move her limbs, she realizes that she’s stuck, her hands tied behind her back, and her feet tied to a chair. She tries to scream, but she’s gagged. There’s a left-over odor, a chemical-like smell. Probably chloroform.
How long was she out?
A shadow appears in front of her. Tall, fat, smoking a joint. She’s seen pictures of him in the newspaper and at the office. But seeing him here, in the flesh, paralyzes her.
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She’s nowhere to be found. As soon as Javier called, DEA filled her small apartment. He knew who was behind this of course, they all knew. But where was she taken? He didn’t want another Steve Murphy incident. They had to act and quickly.
Everyone tries to reassure him while he’s chain-smoking and pacing his office.
“They won’t kill her, she’s too valuable.”
“But what if they do? We can’t fucking wait.”
“Relax, Peña. We’re trying to get a radio signal. And we’ll search the whole town if needed.”
“I can’t fucking relax.” He slams his hand on his desk. 
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Escobar assures her that he won’t hurt him, but she’s not sure if she can believe him. He just wants to know who killed Gustavo. But she won’t talk. She doesn’t really know what else to do than stay silent.
Escobar will be patient. For now.
He knows she’ll break at some point.
They always do.
She overhears him leaving later. But she knows she’s not alone. She can hear more of his men, drinking and speaking loudly. She doesn’t try to undo her ties.
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It takes too fucking long. It’s probably already too late when they’re flying high in the sky, men on all sides checking for the kidnappers’ all too familiar voices. They fly over the unknowing city for hours, but nothing.
Of course, they wouldn’t be dumb enough to keep her in the city.
Even though every minute counts, the men are tired. They’ll try again tomorrow.
Even though Peña is home, he can’t find sleep. It’s not even in his grasp’s reach. Sleep and happiness seem so far now.
He drinks and drinks until he passes out half-hasardly on his couch. His night of sleep is short and restless, filled with nightmares. He’s the first one to arrive at work and when people start flooding in, his body is hunched over a map, his fingers tracing long lines along the outskirts of the city.
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She doesn’t know how much time has passed when they wake her up again. She doesn’t know the two men in front of her.
“Vamos a lavarte, puta. (Let’s get you washed, whore).”
“¿Por qué? (Why?)” She asks in a rough voice. She hadn’t used it in so long, refusing to talk. But now, she was scared enough to talk.
“Querremos que estés limpio cuando nos divirtamos un poco contigo. (We'll want you to be clean when we have a little fun with you.)”
They undo her ties and grab her roughly to lift her to her feet. She feels weak. She hasn’t eaten or drank water since they captured her. So, she doesn’t fight. For now.
When they bring her to a corner with a bucket of water and a small towel, she can see the faint light of the moon coming through the wood panels. It looks like she’s in a… barn. She’s far from the city, for sure. No one would come for her.
One of the men pulls his gun out and presses it against her lower back to encourage her silently. She complies and undresses. She washes her body, although she doesn’t feel clean when she’s done. She doesn’t feel clean with the way they look at her.
She hears the familiar clicking sound of a belt being undone. They converse amongst themselves, she hears snippets of it here and there, the fact that Escobar wouldn’t approve, the fact that they don’t care, and he won’t be here in a while. She begins dissociating, her mind leaving the envelope of her body.
“De rodillas, puta. (On your knees, whore).”
Sadly, she obliges. But she has a plan.
When he begins stuffing her mouth with his dick, she bites down. Hard. She begins to feel the coppery taste of blood fill her mouth. The man screams. And through the blood, she smiles and spits out his flesh.
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They think they found where they’re hiding her. There have been sightings of cars coming here, even though it was seemingly abandoned.  There’s nothing, except fields and a single barn, standing in the middle of nowhere.
Javier is the first to come out of the vehicle, gun pointed towards a blurry shape running in their direction. She’s completely naked, a wild witch under the pale moonlight. He lowers his firearm when he recognizes her, once again powerless and feeling like he had failed his partner.
Two men are following suit behind her, one with a bloodied crotch. Understanding what had gone down, Javier sees red. How fucking dare they.
He goes past her and he’s shouting obscenities that she barely understands. She falls in the field, and everything is so cold and everything is so dark.
She vaguely hears two gunshots. She vaguely feels the warmth of a coat being wrapped around her. Her vision is blurry when she sees more cars coming. She passes out under the strong lights.
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He is here. And he will pay for it. Pablo Escobar is so close, Javier smells the weed on his breath. The drug lord barely glances at his dead men, then looks at Javier.
“Me dirás quién mató a Gustavo y podrás recuperarla. (You will tell me who killed Gustavo and you can have her back.)”
The name falls out of his mouth before he can stop it. But he would let everyone die if it meant he could keep her.
Escobar nods once, twice towards the woman in the field. Javier puts his firearm in the back of his jeans, not without the promise of using it on the man another day. His strong arms lift her like she’s as light as a feather, and he jumps in the back of a car with her. Her head lays on his lap, lifelessness still filling her. He wishes he could put more clothes on her. He wishes she wouldn’t be so cold.
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She’s blinded by the bright neon lights of the hospital room when she finally wakes up. Everything is so white that for a second, she thinks that she’s in heaven. There’s commotion around her, a tornado of fast-speaking, fast-acting nurses. She vaguely hears machines going crazy and when she tries to get up, she gets scolded by an older nurse. Her body is plugged, she’s aware that she’s being fed through some tubes. But she feels so lightheaded. So, she stays put, lets her vision adjust itself. When she looks around, she realizes that the room isn’t only full of strangers, but her well-known partner is sat in the room in an uncomfortable chair, where the leather had worn off after being sat on for so long.
When he sees her move finally, he gets up abruptly, his dark, watery eyes upon her. She wants to think of something snarky to say, but she’s quiet, for once. Too quiet, maybe.
“What happened?” She finally asks.
“We found you in the outskirts of town… You were naked, your mouth was full of blood…”
As he speaks, it’s like she’s watching a movie, it’s like an out of body experience. She sees herself running, she can still taste the coppery taste of blood on her tongue.
“They’re dead.” He says, when he sees the fear in her eyes. “Well, except Escobar. Had to make a deal with him to have you back.”
“You should’ve let me die.” She spits. “I didn’t need saving.”
She wants to get up and leave, but her body protests. His gaze darkens as he imagines her tomb next to Murphy’s.
“Don’t be fucking ridiculous and ungrateful.”
“You can leave, Agent Peña. I’ll take a taxi home.”
Even though he’s hurt, he agrees. “Brought you a change of clothes. I’ll see you around.”
She doesn’t even respond. And he’s gone.
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She scrubs her tongue until it’s raw. She brushes her teeth until they bleed. She cleans herself until her flesh is red.  Still, the feeling of being dirty doesn’t pass. Her brain is stuck on the what ifs.
What if she didn’t defend herself
What if she wasn’t fast enough
What if Javi wasn’t there
What if
There’s a shy knock on the door. And she sighs knowingly. She knows who’s waiting for her on the other side. Still, she grabs her gun just in case. When she opens the door, there’s a sorry-looking Javier on the other side. He looks just as tired as her.
He puts his hands up to show that he’s not a threat and she lowers her gun.
“Can I come in?”
She doesn’t say no, but she doesn’t stop him when he comes in. She leaves her gun on the coffee table and she sits down. She feels so empty.
“I’m… sorry.” He says, staying in front of her. “For everything.”
And then, she breaks apart. And he holds her on the couch, soothing her with his hands and his steady breath.
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