#like this is ridiculous i should not be feeling like 'if i could buckle down and just do this it would be fine' about everything
quatregats · 3 months
Really think I am currently experiencing the moment right before I actually bother to go and talk to a therapist and they're like how in the world did you make it this far in life without an ADHD diagnosis
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avocado-writing · 4 months
Okay, I've had this idea bouncing around in my head, waiting for you to reopen suggestions, haha. How do you think the Origins Companions + Halsin, Rolan, Dammon, and Zevlor would react if they found out that Tav had been hiding a very serious injury from them? The kind of injury where Tav is convinced that they're fine and they don't want to worry anyone with something they can handle on their own, especially the people they care most for, but as they try to ignore the injury it only gets worse until it's potentially life threatening and they can't keep up the facade anymore. I will leave it up to you whether or not Tav and the other individual are in a romantic relationship. I think both ways have potential for wonderful angst 😆
ooohhh noooooo! but also oh yes, LOVE this sort of angst lol. written as if you have had an infection come on from an injury. this is gonna be a long list so let's buckle up...
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really tries to hide his panic but fails miserably.
can't help but start snapping - how could you keep something like this from him?
you try to give your excuses but he waves them away, angry, but mostly because he's terrified that he might have lost you.
if he has any healing potions he helps you take them, if he doesn't he immediately... sources some from somewhere.
holds you as tight as he dares, worried that he will aggravate the injury otherwise.
as you begin to heal and drift off to sleep he spends the whole night watching you rest, making sure that you're still breathing, still safe. doesn't mind when you cuddle up to him in the night, sleepily.
curses himself for not noticing your condition. he's a wizard, damn it! he's meant to be bloody perceptive.
wishes for the first time ever that he didn't just know wizard spells. wishes he knew how to heal, too.
makes you as comfortable as he can while he finds a book about what he can do for an infected wound, probably swallowing his pride and going to Shadowheart if it's bad enough.
you manage a weak, "Gale, you don't have to--", and he cuts you off, "if you're going to insist that I don't have to look after you, I'm telling you that I do."
fixes you something to help with the pain and infection, makes sure you drink it all despite the horrid taste, then tucks you into his bedroll to let you rest.
when you go to reach out and cuddle him he slips into your arms, presses his lips to your hair, and whispers as you fall asleep about how much you scared him. about how he'd never be able to lose you.
only realises how unwell you are when you fall over mid-journey.
"tsk'va! why did you hide the extent of your injuries from me?"
hauls you onto her back and carries you back to camp, muttering about your foolishness the whole time.
makes you comfortable in her tent and uses her knowledge of githyanki medicine to help start healing you.
it isn't comfortable as she works on your infection but for the first time you feel her hands being soft rather than vicious.
"you should not have kept this from me." "I know. I'm sorry." "hm. ridiculous thing. zhak vo'n'fynh duj."
goes and intimidates the camp into being quiet so you can rest. it works. this is the nicest she's ever been to you. you could get used to it.
obviously this is not a huge problem for her, but she is still worried that it got so far without her noticing.
immediately heals you, pouring far too many spell slots into your body in order to get it up and running again.
it helps, immediately breaking the fever you've been nursing, and the touch of Shadowheart's hand to your face is cooling and reassuring.
"lady shar teaches us to embrace our pain... but not like this. you should have known better. you could have died."
her hand slips down to cup your cheek, you cover it with one of your own. she's telling you off but you can tell it's because she cares.
"I'm sorry that I scared you." "I know. don't do it again."
she smiles and the ache in your heart is lifted, too.
you collapse on day in camp and he immediately calls on the others for help, not so proud as to be unable to admit when something is out of his knowledge. he is not a healer. he needs help.
he manages to catch you in his arms as you tumble, hugging you close to his chest while magic is worked or a healer checks you over.
lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding when you begin to stabilise.
helps you back to your tent to rest, gently chiding you but letting you know that he's glad you're alright.
when your hand weakly comes up to touch him, he indulges you in a kiss to let you know how relieved he is.
constantly watching you on the battlefield from that moment on. if he can help it, you'll never be hurt again.
another panicker.
scoops you up in her arms and holds you to her chest, running to the tent of the nearest healer in camp - or, if you're in the city, kicking down the door of a local doctor.
begging the healer to check you over, but is reluctant to let you go. if she stops holding you it's like she's relinquishing control and that scares the life out of her.
you're healed and she feels you start to stir in her arms, peppering you with kisses of relief, choking through her tears that you're never to scare her like that again.
carries you back home, even if you're totally capable of walking. she just wants to make sure you're okay.
sternly disappointed that you didn't tell him, but more annoyed that he didn't notice something was wrong himself. how could he not see how out of balance with nature you were?
squirrels you away to his tent to heal you, make you soothing and medicinal teas, his big hands over the source of the infection.
you burrow into his touch, into his chest, and you end up sitting in his lap as he heals you.
he wants to tell you off a little, but is more relieved that you're alright. encourages you to share all your burdens with him.
kisses you on the forehead, then on the mouth when he's sure you're strong enough for it not to knock you flat.
my poor boy is just a blacksmith, so though he doesn't exactly panic, he does scoop you up and try to find a healer as soon as he can.
waits quietly and nervously as you are examined, silently cursing himself for being too busy to see how you were hurt. he's meant to be better than this. he's meant to love you, how didn't he notice?
when you come to he can't stop apologising, and it takes several of your kisses to soothe him and tell him it was not his fault but yours.
he makes you promise that you'll always tell him when you're hurt. has you look into his eyes and swear it.
he can't do much on the battlefield but he can protect you where he can.
another one cursing that he doesn't know healing spells.
"you aren't meant to die, gods damn it! you're meant to be strong... what good am I if I can't keep you safe..."
rushes you to the best doctor in Baldur's Gate. pays for all the treatment that you could need. holds your hand at your bedside for your entire recovery... until you come back to consciousness, of course, at which point he just starts telling you off for being stupid enough to get into his mess in the first place.
you grab him by the collar and drag him down for a kiss. that finally shuts him up. but he never lets you forget how foolish you were.
practical but still worried about you.
you collapse in the field and he finds a safe place to hide the both of you from dangerous eyes, using his Lay on Hands ability to channel his magic into healing.
you try to apologise but a finger to your lips silences you, and all you can do is watch in quiet wonder as he burns the infection out with his Paladin's light.
when you're better he gently chides you. tells you that you have people relying on your leadership, and that a problem shared means there are more heads working on how to fix it.
when he sees how sorry you are lets you cuddle into him. when you say you'll repay him, he insists your happiness and well-being is enough for an old warrior like him.
does take the kiss you offer, though. he's been wanting to do that for a while...
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
GalexYou Pep-Talk
Summary: Pre-relationship yearn alert! This is a BIG yearn. Thank you @orangekittyenergy for the idea! Gale goes to seek you out (gender neutral) after a long day. Mutual pining, angst, fluff. Word Ct. 1.4 k
Master List | Read on Ao3
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After the merriment and bustle of the night wore away and gave into the doldrums of sleep, Gale flicked his gaze around camp searching for you. You slipped away and although he expected you to return, the emptiness in your absence haunted him. 
He sat outside of his tent, then stood, pacing with book in hand. He wasn’t worried. Not necessarily. You had been traveling for a few weeks together now and you had a certain levels of tenacity it seemed even gods and devils refused to trifle with. 
It was just that he had grown accustomed to your company post-dinner and campfire camaraderie and felt a pang of remorse in your absence. The night air too quiet without the soft hum of your laughter. Sometimes, he would read aloud to you, other times you would both get lost in conversation, and sometimes would sit in utter silence. It intrigued and terrified him, that you sought out his private company despite the others being starved for your attention. 
It was quite flattering and made him want to rip out the persistent thrum in his heart. He couldn’t indulge in such frivolities and would cause far less suffering to not humor the feelings at all. The orb’s ever looming threat didn’t allow Gale to succumb to whatever emotions festered in his gullet. At least, not consciously. 
His mind began down the treacherous path of ‘what ifs.’ It was a game, like lance board, Gale was excellent at. As the moon greeted the stars, Gale’s anxiety intensified, his mind whirling with options. It had to have been a least an hour you’d been gone, longer than you’d take for bathing - not that he knew exactly how long that was! It was just something he happened to notice. Coincidentally. 
The foreign thrum of desire stirred and the thick hair on his arms stood straight up as he wondered if you were bathing. If you allowed the water to kiss your supple skin, to know your secrets. Gale shook his head, embarrassed and felt his face redden. Keep it together. They could be dead and you’re fantasizing over their wet body? You should be ashamed of yourself. 
Gale expected you to traverse through the trees any moment, prepared to feel ridiculous at his worrying. Why did he care? It’s not as if there was anything more than friendship between you two, at least from your end. He had to repeat this to himself to be convinced. 
When he overheard Astarion ask Shadowheart if she’d seen you, Gale felt the whispers of envy touch his heart and decided he spent enough time wasted, musing over your whereabouts when you could be lost, or worse besides. 
He couldn’t tolerate the sudden pain that gripped him with that ‘what if,’ and he walked into the brushes to find you. 
Relief roiled through him at the sight of you, despite your disheveled appearance. Gale’s breath caught in his throat and he stopped, gripped when he looked upon you in the pale moonlight. Your eyes were red and swollen, it seemed like you’d been crying. He felt his knees buckle and he cleared his throat, so not to startle you. 
You whipped your head around and Gale’s lips parted when he saw crimson blossom across your cheeks as you wiped away the streaks with the back of your hand. “Oh, I um.. how long have you been standing there?” 
“Not long, I assure you,” Gale’s voice was tender, quiet. He held up both of his hands at waist level, palms facing up and smiled at you. “May I join you?” 
You hesitated for a moment and Gale panicked that he’d made the wrong move, said the wrong thing and of course he had already messed up any chance he might have because he was so pathetically out of practice. You’d think a man who bedded a goddess would have a bit more self confidence in his seductive prowess, but being shunned and cast out by your former omnipotent lover does a number on one’s self esteem. 
When you nodded, he tumbled off the cliff and the orb revolted as it mingled with the rush of adrenaline and rapture he felt from the simple gesture. One nod. To Gale, it was everything. He felt welcomed into your world, elated you’d allow him to offer support. You didn’t have to, and yet you did. 
Gale joined you on the boulder that was nestled in the thicket, the soft buzz of nighttime harmonizing with his unsteady breath. “Hm… I know that look,” Gale said, gazing at how your lips curved. “And a clear mind does not eviscerate flowers quite like this.” He fingered a petal and gestured at the flowers and stems, all petals plucked intentionally from their root. “A nervous habit, no doubt.” 
You sighed and his heart swelled, “I just don’t know what I’m doing. Every lead ends up in either more unanswered questions or unhelpful ends.” You groan and grip your chest, your breath coming in unevenly. “I’m exhausted,” as your head fell into your hands Gale, without thinking, rested a hand on your upper back and stroked your hair behind your shoulder.  
“Ah, heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Gale felt warmth pulse through him as you laughed, whether genuinely or out of pity he wasn’t to know. He wasn’t sure he cared. “For the record, you have pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes most skillfully. You’ve shown remarkable courage and determination and, I’m confident the others would agree, many of us would not be so fortunate to still be alive if not for you. You must know that.” He rubbed his fingers in small circles along your upper back. When he became conscious of what he was doing he pulled back, ashamed and nervous by the electricity that seemed to flow between his skin and yours although barred by cloth. You whined a little and Gale cocked his brows, “What?” 
You turned and as your gaze locked with Gale he drowned. Oh. He was jolted by the flash of profound need and emotion that coiled through him. Every part of him felt aflame and he worried that it was his end, that the orb was at last collapsing in on itself. Yet, as he remained next to you in the thickening silence, he realized it wasn’t the orb at all. When you spoke, Gale thought surely this was the moment he was becoming a mindflayer, a wicked dream to lull one as they succumbed to the parasite. “I.. .can you do that again?” 
“Gladly.” Gale shyly returned his fingers to your back and as you leaned into his touch, Gale knew it was not longer a matter of if, but when. As you leaned farther, you almost rested in his shoulder and his throat closed. He swallowed hard and tried to steady his body and mind, every cell quaking with anticipation and overstimulation. 
He inhaled. Temptation. You smelled like rain or fresh cut grass. You smelled like home. It was when you leaned into him, he was certain he forgot how to formulate a thought. Your head nestled against his neck and your side pressed into his. He wondered if the quaking was from your body or his. He dared not move, frozen as if Tara had fallen asleep on his lap. 
The pain that coursed from Gale’s chest through his veins was almost enough to send Gale back to camp. The undue excitement made the orb restless. Agitated. He was both grateful and nostalgic when you pulled away and sat up. “Thank you, for that. Let’s get back to camp. I don’t want the others to worry.” You smiled at Gale and it seared into the crevices of his mind, a look he would capture a thousand more times and it would never sate him. You gave his hand a squeeze and then stood, offering your hand to Gale’s with a cheeky grin. “Here, I’d hate for you too put too much strain on those creaky knees of yours.” 
Gale’s hearty laugh took him by surprise and he took your hand and stood with a grunt. “A wizard is useless without his knees, shame on you for poking fun at their fragility.” Gale chased the feeling of you, of this closeness and realized that, even before his isolation he had never met a person quite like you. Gale would have stood there in stunned desire forever had you not taken his hand to guide him forward, the movement breaking the trance and he pulled his sweaty palm from yours, embarrassed. He wiped them on his shirt and followed you back, his heart and head swimming with the idea of kissing you. 
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thepastdied · 1 year
No Filter p.2
Eddie munson × fem!reader
Word count: 2.7k
previous part <--
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You stood in your kitchen with a fresh cup of punch in your hand. You trailed inside shortly after Eddie left to the bathroom, desperately needing a cold drink to calm your nerves. You winced with each sip of your drink, wishing you just opted for a beer instead. 
Eddie had been gone for not even ten minutes and you tried to not think about what he was doing in there. Maybe he was kidding about jerking off? He definitely didn't seem like it. You looked down at your cup and ran your fingers through the droplets of condensation.
Meanwhile, Eddie was sitting on the bathroom floor, legs spread out and hand still on his belt buckle.
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"This is ridiculous…" He mumbled. 
He couldn't get his belt undone.
Eddie had busted into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, ripping away at his belt so he could bust a quick one. And it's already been five minutes with no luck.
He palmed himself through his jeans and whined, closing his eyes and laying his head on his shoulder. His hands felt like jelly, fingers unable to loop into his belt and unravel it.
He groaned and smacked a hand on the floor before gripping his hands onto the sink and clumsily pulling himself up.
Eddie stared at himself in the mirror for a second, mouth formed into a small o and eyes squinting.
"You.." He pointed at himself. "are hot." He leaned forward and kissed the mirror before cackling. "She totally thinks you're hot…"
He let out an exaggerated sigh before fumbling with the door handle, pushing his weight on it a little too hard as the door swung open. He tripped forward and caught himself, breathing out a puff of air in relief.
You saw a glimpse of Eddie walk by the kitchen doorway as he exited the bathroom, quickly following him and grabbing his hand.
His head whipped around so fast that he winced and held his head, blinking a few times.
You giggled, slapping his arm when his eyes focused on you and he whistled, dramatically looking you up and down.
"Well hellloooo-"
"Eddie… no more drinking." You sternly held eye contact as he nodded and a smirk appeared on his lips.
"I mean it, Munson!"
"Okay, okay… jeeeeeeez.." He held his hand you weren't holding up and pulled you toward the front door.
"Wanna go for a walk with you…" He leaned his head down toward you, swallowing down a laugh when he saw some pink spread across your face.
The night breeze felt cool against your hot face and you took a few deep breaths. You were itching to talk about earlier, but should wait until the morning. But you really.. really wanted to-
"So you're crushin' on me, huh?" Eddie grinned and bumped his arm against yours, swaying your hands back and forth and bouncing his feet with each step.
You scoffed and looked away from him, your eyes trailing along the many cars parked along the secluded street. The houses were pretty far apart, only lining one side of the street. 
"I mean, that's fine if you are.. cause I'm totally crushin' on you too." He laughed from his throat, smiling wide and feeling giddy.
You stopped walking and pulled him from the street, standing more toward where the cars are parked near the trees.
"Eddie…" You bashfully smiled and looked at him through your eyelashes.
"y/n…" He said back, tone mimicking yours and eyelashes batting.
He held both of your hands and pulled you a little closer, thumbs rubbing over your knuckles.
"Yeah.. you could say I've been crushin' on you. I didn't know you…" You shut your eyes and sighed. "I feel bad, Eddie. I didn't know you felt the same way. I kinda just… ruled it out-"
"Well.. I have, sweetheart. For a while actually.." He cleared his throat. "I uh…" His head tilted back as he looked at the night sky, trying to give his head a moment so he could speak clearly. His mind was still fuzzy.
"Since Robin and Steve introduced us at the Hideout…" He smiled and you watched the stars sparkle in his eyes as he observed them.
You were in awe and couldn't speak, so he continued. 
"Never felt that way before… God, you looked so damn pretty."  Eddie's eyes trailed down to you, head still leaned back.
"You were wearin' that light blue sundress… hah, stood out like a fuckin' sore thumb in that place."
"Eddie…" You whispered, biting onto your bottom lip as you felt your eyes sting and warmth spread across your chest.
"I didn't think you'd like someone like me.." You looked down and played with his rings.
"Why wouldn't I!?" He scoffed, eyes narrowing. 
"Because I'm not that very pr-"
"If you say it, I'm gonna…" He pursed his lips and frantically looked around before spotting a tree branch and ripping a few leaves off. "- I'm gonna shove this in your mouth." He raised his eyebrows, waiting to see if you dared to even finish your sentence.
He hated when you talked bad about your appearance, because he loved absolutely everything about you. He just never got to say it with each time you'd complain about an outfit or how your hair was styled that day. 
Your eyes widened and you watched him as he stilled, waiting for you to speak with a face that said 'don't test me'.
"Because I'm- hey!!" You squealed when he lunged forward, covering your mouth with your hands and giggling as he grabbed you.
You bumped into one of the cars and Eddie grabbed your waist to steady you, both of your laughs bubbling in your chest.
"Ahhh you're just so dang cute, look at you.." He moved one hand from your waist and pinched your cheek.
You groaned and shoved your face into his chest. Eddie hummed and placed a hand onto the back of your head, intertwining his fingers in your hair. You pulled your head up, chin still resting against his chest, gazing at his lips. 
"You hungry or somethin'?" He snickered at you before you rolled your eyes and sat back against the car.
"Kinda.." You mumbled while glancing at his lips again, immediately feeling your ears get hot at your boldness.
He smirked, scrunching his nose before leaning down and lightly pecking you on the lips.
"Sorry, sweets. Gonna have to pay up if you want somethin' real." He crossed his arms and winked, eyes lazy and smile lopsided. 
You frowned at him before going on your toes to kiss his cheek, feeling his lips pull into a grin.
You pulled back and looked at him expectantly. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to the other side. You rolled your eyes and kissed the other side just before he grabbed your jaw and crashed his lips to yours. 
He was, somehow, really good at kissing for someone who was inexperienced. He knew exactly what to do, and it made you so fucking wet when he ran his hand down your wide so rest just above your ass. You could taste the alcohol still strong on his tongue.
Eddie moaned into your mouth when you pulled his hair at the base of his neck, dragging him down closer to you as he roughly grabbed your ass. You shifted on your feet to rub your thighs together, your wetness already soaking through your panties. He shoved himself further against you and you could feel his dick pressing painfully against his jeans. You whined when he kissed down to your jaw and your ear, his hips moving into yours as you lifted one leg.
"Oh fuck-" He groaned and grabbed onto your thigh that was hiked up on his waist before aggressively picking you up and sitting you down on the hood of whoevers car that was.
"I'm gonna fuck you- right on this car.." He chuckled as he sloppily kissed your neck and fumbled with his belt.
All the air that was in your lungs was sucked out. God, you ached so, so bad. You could have came just from the view- his hair was a mess, lips swollen, face slightly pink, leather jacket hanging off one shoulder, and his t-shirt all stretched from you grabbing at it.
"Stupid fuckin-" 
You leaned forward and swatted his hands out of the way, fervently undoing his belt and reaching your hand into his pants, palming him through his boxers a bit before dipping your fingers into the waistband.
Eddie slumped forward and loudly slapped his hands on the hood of the car, arms caging you in. His face was just inches from yours, eyes screwed shut as you began to pump him.
"I-if you keep doin' that I might… Uhhh fuck.. might cum.." He panted as you gave him a few more strokes.
He pulled away from you and scowled when you seductively laughed and nibbled his neck.
"Fuckin minx-" He grabbed your legs and pushed them up onto the car, spreading your thighs open before shoving his face into your pussy.
You shrieked and grabbed onto his hair, body falling back onto the hood of the car. He hushed you before his fingers pulled your panties to the side, mouthing and licking at your pussy like he was depraved. You covered your mouth with one of your hands to muffle your moans, thighs trembling as he smoothed his hands over your thighs and groaned into you.
He pulled back and lifted his shirt to wipe his mouth. You swallowed when your eyes raked down his bare torso before meeting his eyes as he hovered over you.
"Gotta make this quick, baby… don't know who's car this is." He huffed a nervous laugh and yelped when you pulled him into you by his jacket, exploring his mouth with your tongue as he groaned.
You reached down to his dick again and slid yourself down, rolling your hips against his leaking tip. He grunted when you took the tip in.
"W-wait. I don't have a con-"
"Birth control." You mumbled against his mouth before taking him in, wanton moans coming out of your throat.
"Oh oka- Holy fuuuuuuck." He choked out a groan and dropped his face into your neck, panting with each roll of your hips.
Eddie suddenly felt self conscious. He didn't know what to do. What if he thrusted the wrong way? Was he too small? Maybe he should just eat you out instead. Wait- unless he's bad at that too. This is a bad idea-
"y/n…" He whimpered.
"F-feel so good, Eds… so deep.." You grabbed onto the back of his neck, sultry moans coming out of your lips right in his ear.
"Yeah..? Y-you like it? Really?" He perked his head up, some confidence pooling in his chest as he let out a low, rough moan that bubbled out from his chest. He roamed his hands around your body, grabbing at your tits and sucking on the swell that popped out of your bra.
"Ah.. God… uh-huh… love it." 
Eddie pulled his body away from you, your arms moving down to his forearms as his fingers dug into your hips. He slowly grinded against you, watching as your face twisted when you panted and moaned his name. 
He clenched his jaw as he sharply fucked into you. You yelped in pleasure and he stilled, arms trembling before he did it again, and again, and again.
"It's s-so wet… all f'me? — uh-huh? God… ohgodohgod— fuck.. you love it–" He purred.
"Shit i-... Jesus I t-think I'm close–"
"Wrap your legs around me, baby"
"F-fuck you're so b…beautiful"
The car was rocking back and forth, squeaking with each hard thrust of his cock into you. He grunted, and groaned, and growled. His erratic breathing matching with yours, it was a great sight. You were so, so close.. 
"Eddie you're.. so, s-so good… I wanna.. ughhh wanna cum on your— ohh-" You felt the coil tighten.
"Oh.. my… god.. you- you just got so tight–" He rasped, breath getting caught in his throat and eyes widening. 
Eddie's thrusts got sloppier the closer you got to your peak, his erratic breathing abruptly stopping before he fell forward and began relentlessly fucking you through both of your highs.
He gasped out a strangled moan as he rocked the car back and forth, your legs wrapping around his waist as you mewled and babbled praises into his ear.
"Please…tell me that this isn't a dream.." He mumbled, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. 
His chest heaved as his body went limp on you, face nuzzling into your neck and kissing a trail up to your lips. 
"It's very real, Eds. You just drank like.. a lot." You snorted out a laugh and kissed his chin as he grinned at you. 
"Still feel all fuzzy n'shit.." He hissed as he pulled out of you. 
He pulled off his jacket and used the black and red plaid undershirt to stop the cum from dripping from your thighs. You twitched when he touched your leg and he looked at you, panic apparent on his face.
"No-no it's fine. Just sensitive.." You waved your hand and smiled when his face twisted into realization, nodding as he cleaned you up.
Eddie hummed as he leaned into you, a dopey smile on his face as you grabbed his cheeks to pull him in for a kiss as he clasped his hands behind his back.
"Your fucked out face is s'pretty~" His eyes sparkled as he looked down at you, your hands still on his cheeks.
You scrunched your nose and jumped when you heard a loud laugh, whipping around to see Robin walking down the street in your direction, yelling a way too loud "bye bitch" to Steve.
Eddie's eyes bulged out as he quickly smoothed out your dress and threw his jacket back on, bunching up the shirt he used as a cum rag and stuffing it under his arm. 
"Oh- Hey guys!" Robin waved over to you as she came up to the car, pulling out her keys.
"I-is this… your car?" You slowly lifted your hand and pointed to the vehicle.
"Yep! You know how I finally got my license last month? Welp- finally got this bad boy. Was gonna surprise you-" She slapped her hand on the roof and smoothed her hand over the surface, looking at it fondly and smiling to herself.
"It's awfully squeaky– ow!"
You elbowed Eddie in the ribs before pushing him aside to walk over to Robin, casually talking to her about the car before she made her departure.
" 'It's awfully squeaky'– really?! " You stomped up to him and bit your cheek when he doubled over, cackling like it's the funniest thing in the world. 
"You're… so weird." You cringed at him before grinning ear to ear.
"Mhm…" He sighed dramatically and stretched his arms, looking at the sky and then down to you, and then back to the sky again.
"Can't believe that out of aaaaaaaall these stars, I got the best one." He gave you a silly smile and poked your nose before kissing it.
You whined at his cheesy-ness before giving him a quick kiss and pulling him back toward your house.
"We should shower once everyone leaves… all sticky and sweaty and yucky-"
"We?" His jaw dropped and his eyes widened as you nodded and smirked.
He let go of your hand and started running up the walkway and into your house.
"Alright everyone! Party is over! Get the fuck out!" His arms were sweeping across the air in the direction of the front door.
You gaped at him and put a hand to your head.
"You got like- 10 seconds!"
"Come on, come on, yep, move your legs- that's what they're for–"
Everyone filtered out of your home as you stood there in shock, watching as Eddie bowed at the front door before slamming the door shut and spinning on his heels to face you.
"Let's take a shower, sweetheart." He smugly smiled as you licked your lips.
@thegirlthatsfalling @hahahafucku @bibieddiesgf @chrissymjstan @eddiesprincess86 @tatianah26
Uhm sorry to the several people I couldn't tag- couldn't find the username
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sugar-coat-it · 4 months
HEY!! Your smut is insane!! could i request something like matty and reader mutual masturbation telling eachother what to do?? 😋🤘🏻
I thought it would be fun if they’re low-key bickering throughout it while still telling each other what to do, but it ends with them just being desperate to watch the other cum, totally forgetting the silly argument 
Uhhh yeah this started as a blurb and got pretty long, so, hope you like it anon!
“Mm- no, you don’t get to touch me, not after what you pulled,” you murmur, pushing Matty back onto the pillows and off of your frame. 
Every fiber of you is screaming to just let your pride go and just allow him to keep running his hands over your body, pressing searing kisses to your neck and jawline. You’re well aware that the fires he sets under your skin can only be fully put out by him, but you’re also stubborn… at least for now. Matty just tuts, rolling his eyes at you and gazing off to the side, clearly fuming at the idea of his actions having consequences. Before you’d gotten back home, you’d been out at a pub where he’d been a complete and total prick to a guy at the bar whom he was convinced was trying to sleep with you. Death stares, possessive fingers digging into your waist, the whole ordeal. The whole car ride home had been tense, Matty’s jaw clenched with bitterness as he kept one commanding hand on your leg, his cold rings pressing into the plush skin of your thigh as he drove. His eyes were intensely trained on the road the whole time, deafening silence between you. Although he was being ridiculous, it sure did get you hot and bothered to see him so passionately envious. He obviously felt the same impulse to some degree, because the moment the door shut behind you, he was crushing his lips to yours, licking into your mouth ravenously as he pulled you flush against his body. The two of you had stumbled into the bedroom, messily shedding jackets to the floor as your eager hands roamed. 
“Seriously? Are you still on about the wanker from the pub?” he scoffs, unfastening his tie with deft fingers, working quickly until it’s hanging loose around his neck. 
“Yeah, I am! You were so rude to him when he was just being nice!” you exclaim, reaching for the zipper on your dress, trying to relieve some of the heat simmering beneath the fabric. 
“That’s a ridiculous thing to say. He told you you were… fucking, what did he say? “mothering, cunt slaying”?” 
“He was gay, you asshole!” you snort, your dress now a heap on the floor along with Matty’s button-down shirt.
“How was I supposed to know that? I don’t even have a clue as to what that fuckin’ means!” “Matthew, you’re so out of touch.”
His lip twitches with annoyance, but that doesn’t stop him from staring right at your tits, his hand tensing with the urge to reach out and greedily touch and grab what he believes is rightfully his. Just as hypocritical, you feel heat surge deep inside you as you glance down at the thick protrusion in his dark slacks, drinking in the sight of him leaning back against the pillows with his inked chest bared to you for your viewing pleasure. You’re both at an impasse, too proud to “lose” by reaching out for the other, which leaves only one option to relieve yourselves of your frustrations. 
“Well if I apparently can’t touch you, I’m not gonna sit here like an idiot with a hard-on,” he murmurs, cocking his head at you with a hint of sass. 
“What, are you gonna go have a wank in the bathroom, then?” you gape with disbelief, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Nope. Why should I? It’s my bed too,” he replies simply, reaching for his belt and undoing it, watching as you start practically salivating at the way his hands flex around the buckle.
The belt lands on the floor with a clank, but instead of taking off his trousers, he slides his hand down his chest slowly, sensually, taking his time as if you’re not even there. He trails his fingers down his stomach, his pace is entirely unhurried as he reaches for the crotch of his pants. Matty feels over his erection with the palm of his hand first, letting his eyes flutter closed as he tilts his head back against the pillow, gritting his teeth at the way he’s teasing himself. You can’t help the way you softly gasp when he suddenly grabs himself through the fabric, keeping a firm hold on his cock with a grunt, the veins in his hand bulging salaciously. Matty loosens his grip now, tracing the outline of his erection with two fingers, lingering on the tip just enough to make his hips jump forward with need. He has one hand casually behind his head while the other skillfully undoes the button and zipper of his pants, and only now does he crack one eye open just enough to watch the way you’re squirming, your face burning at the shameless display he’s putting on for you. You straighten up when you feel him looking at you, your face screwing up into a frustrated pout, not wanting him to know how whipped he’s got you. He just chuckles lowly, mirth crinkling at the corners of his eyes while he’s lifting his hips to pull his pants down, knowing all too well what he’s doing to you from the way your thighs clench.
Indignance strikes in you like lightning as you realize that he shouldn’t be the only one enjoying himself. He’s the one who was being an ass tonight after all; you should be making him remember the power you undeniably hold over him too. You begin to mirror him, letting out an exaggerated sigh as you slide your hands up your sides and grope your breasts through the cups of your bra, staring back at him with lustfully lidded eyes. He couldn’t be more pleased, a sleazy smirk tugging at his lips as he stares right back, testing your restraint further and further as the room gets hotter.
“Mhm, that’s it, keep touching your tits love, you’re great wank material,” Matty winks, his hand now snaking under the elastic band of his briefs as he starts stroking himself with a sigh.
You huff, sending him an annoyed look at him treating you like his personal porno, but you’re even more frustrated that his hand is hidden beneath the cover of his underwear. You can only see the outline of his cock as beads of precum soak into the dark fabric, his wrist languidly moving up and down his shaft as his hips shift back and forth slightly.
“What is it? You wanna see?” he coos before letting out a deep moan just to really put the nail in the coffin.
You’d like to call him arrogant, a prick maybe, especially because of the boastful, pride-ridden look on his face as he lazily jerks himself off. But instead what comes out is:
It’s against your better judgment, but you can’t say you really regret a thing when he pushes the elastic past his weeping erection, letting you get a full view of the way he’s slowly circling his thumb around the tip of his cock as he just smiles that stupid, charming smile. It’s enough motivation to eradicate your inhibitions as you spread your legs out atop the sheets, hooking your finger into your ruined panties and sliding them to the side. Matty is starting to lose his cool now, his movements getting a little quicker, his eyes widening just a bit as you keep one hand cupping your breast while the other ventures between your thighs. He lets out a choked groan at the sight of you taking your fingers and spreading yourself open for him to watch, collecting the honey that’s gathered at your sopping hole and dragging it up to your clit. You moan breathily, biting your lip as you begin circling two fingers around the swollen bundle of nerves, the slight sense of relief making your head swim.
“You can go faster than that, can’t you?” you tempt, having had enough of his little lax pleasure session. 
Matty’s lips press into a thin line as you attempt to order him around, muttering something under his breath. Yet, he still obliges, his hand moving a little swifter as he drags his fist up all the way from the base to the head, twisting his wrist the way you usually do it. A prideful smile twitches at the corners of your mouth before you can stop it while you’re drawing tight circles around your clit the way Matty knows you like it. However, nothing could ever compare to the way his calloused fingers rub at you until you’re seeing stars, not even your own hand. 
“Want you to take your bra off,” Matty commands in return, his breathing getting heavier as his chest heaves, he’s trying not to buck up into his hand and appear too eager. 
You move as quickly as possible, not wanting to be left aching for too long as you move to unclasp your bra, needing both hands. The moment your bra is sliding down your shoulders, your hand slithers back between your legs, rubbing little figure eights on your clit to make your toes curl and your head tilt back, your hair spilling down your shoulders.
“You could have been the one touching my tits if you hadn’t been so mean,” you pout spitefully, grabbing a handful of one of your breasts with your free hand.
“Do you even know how to make yourself cum anymore? I’ve spoiled you too much haven’t I?” Matty snaps back, completely ignoring your little comment despite how badly he’d love to lick and suck at your perfect breasts right now.
He’s fisting his cock a little harder as he watches you pleasure yourself, knowing damn well he would be doing a better job, which only makes him further ticked off. You gasp as you pinch your nipple between two fingers the way he does, sending a harsh pang of need straight to your core. Meanwhile, Matty makes a frustrated grunting noise as he tries to recreate the way your lovely hands slicked with his precum would grasp and pump him time and time again. The both of you are ironically unable to get off unless you mimic the way the other’s hands work.
“Have you ever heard that jealousy is a disease?” you mention sarcastically between little gasps for breath, your cunt fluttering around nothing. 
“That’s nice, princess. Two fingers inside, now.” 
Wordlessly, you follow his instructions, whimpering as you coat your fingers with your arousal before sinking them inside your needy hole. Matty’s eyes are trained on the space between your thighs, his jaw going slack as he watches your digits disappear inside you and then reappear even more drenched. His strokes are getting jerkier, he’s cursing under his breath as he tries to resist delving between your legs and taking care of you himself. His chocolatey curls bounce with his movements, a thin sheen of sweat glistening across his chest and his forehead. 
“Don’t like being punished for wanting to keep what’s mine, y’know. Stick your tongue out,” he grunts, giving himself a particularly hard squeeze. 
“So possessive,” you purr, obliging his little fantasy because you know exactly what he wants to see. 
A cheeky glint in your eyes, you let your tongue slip past your lips as you pant, relishing in the way Matty’s cock twitches sharply in his fist as he stares at you, unable to help the way he whines when a drop of saliva drips from your pliant tongue onto your tits. You know how absolutely depraved you must look, fingering yourself while moaning with your tongue hanging out of your mouth. The things you do for love (and good sex). 
“Shit, that’s a lovely view, ain’t it? S’better when you’re not talking too. C’mon, don’t slow down,” he prattles, his voice smooth and dark like tinted glass.
“Only if you fuck your fist for me properly,” you interject, feeling just as worthy of making sensual demands. 
Matty scoffs like he’s above doing something so vulgar, but the moment he sees that you’re in fact slowing your movements down, he’s snapping his hips up into his fist, groaning far too loudly as he clenches his hand around his shaft. Sufficiently pleased, you go back to sticking your tongue out like his obedient little sweetheart while you continue to pump your fingers in and out of yourself. Matty’s eyes roll back with fluttering lashes as he thrusts upwards over and over, his abs tensing with the effort of keeping up his relentless pace. You feel yourself shudder the moment the whites of his eyes disappear and he’s gazing at you again, the eye contact makes warmth rush over your skin in a familiar, pleasant wave. God, the obscene symphony of sounds from your separate pleasure sessions would be enough to make anyone blush. You’re both starting to forget why you’re playing this little game in the first place, heads hazy with raw desire.
“Getting close…” you murmur, the challenging tone of your voice fading into a softer sort of desire, like you can’t help but appreciate the absolute treat of your gorgeous boyfriend before you. 
Matty’s gaze softens in return, his eyebrows sloping with a pining sort of look instead of being furrowed with intensity, his curls are sticking to his forehead, damp with his sweat. His breaths are coming in short gasps, moans freely spilling from his lips as his eyes wildly flick from your longing expression to your breasts, to your diligent fingers. Every little sound you make only encourages him to go harder, to fuck faster, the bed creaking louder as the headboard repeatedly meets the wall behind it. 
“Ohh, I know, I know, me too. Shit, you’re so good, love. So perfect for me with that pretty pink cunt of yours spread open, fuck,” he rambles, his words tapering off into a whimper. 
His filthy words have your cheeks burning, heat prickling at them as you sigh out, your hips rocking into your own hand as you feel the tension gathering deep inside. It feels like it’s all getting ready to snap at any moment, and Matty can see it plastered all over your face. He knows you well enough to know the way your eyes widen when you’re going to climax, he’d made it his personal mission to learn all your tells. The whole pub incident might as well have never happened with how intent you both are to watch the other fall to pieces, eagerly relying on the other’s pleasure to get off.
“Please, please, Matty, wanna cum with you,” you whisper, your voice quivering much like your legs. 
“Shit, yeah? Go ahead love, gonna watch you make a mess, okay? I’m right here,” he breathes, restraining himself to only look into your eyes as you start to lose yourself. 
You’re falling weightlessly beyond the edges of pleasure, but you force yourself to stay upright enough to gaze back at Matty while your orgasm begins to crash over you in waves, your walls clenching and fluttering around your fingers while your lips part with a silent cry. Matty’s not far behind you, especially not with the scene before him of his perfect girl falling apart just for him. Hot spurts of cum cascade over his fist and his stomach, adorning his tattooed skin with pearly ropes as he moans garbled praises of your name.
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck,” he groans, his hips pistoning up into his closed fist with sloppy, blissed-out thrusts, not once breaking the shiver-inducing eye contact. 
Your chest is still heaving, you’ve barely even started coming down from your high before you’re lunging for Matty, and he’s reaching out just as fast, his hands finding your waist like they’ve made their home there. You let your full body weight lean into him as you kiss him longingly like it’s been years since you’ve felt their touch. Neither of you seems to mind the way his cum is spreading all over your stomach and your tits between your flushed bodies, you’re too busy clutching at each other and locking lips like overzealous teen lovers. 
“Didn’t feel as good as when you do it, Matty,” you croon against his mouth, your hands adoringly sliding into his hair. 
“I know, sweetheart,” he pants, his thumbs tenderly rubbing little circles against your hip bones, “please, can I give you proper treatment now? Wanna make up for it, I was bein’ an arse, m’sorry.”
You just nod, looking up at him like he’d hung each individual star in your own personal sky as his warm breath fans over your lips. The glint in Matty’s eyes at your agreement tells you that he’s going to be spending quite some time worshipping you tonight, lovingly taking you apart with his hands until you’ve had enough. All is well in the world.
183 notes · View notes
underdark-dreams · 6 months
I would like to request something soft and sweet. Years after saving the Gate and having moved in with Rolan, Cal, and Lia, Tav is enjoying the day reading/admiring Rolan as he works, and then either a) Tav asks Rolan to marry them or b) Rolan asks Tav to marry him.
Thank you 💕💕
Rolan x fem!Tav
Was it wrong to feel selfish about the person you loved? Rolan and Tav finally get a night alone at the Tower to talk about what each of them wants.
Tags: Romantic Fluff, Mild Angst, Marriage Proposals | SFW
Word Count: 4,316 [Read on AO3]
“All right, all right. Three harpies at once, no weapons. How do you win?”
“Do they have the high ground?”
From the settee by the fire, Lia pointed down at her little brother as though he’d brought up a key point. “You’re on even terrain.”
“Right, this one’s easy.” Cal settled back comfortably against the rug with hands clasped behind his head. “I start yelling loud enough that I can’t hear the harpy song. Then, I charge at whichever one’s singing loudest and knock the wind out of them with my horns, and then, you know." He waved a hand around vaguely. "Rough 'em up."
“So fucking stupid—” Lia fell sideways in her seat, clutching her side with laughter.
“I keep telling you, you’re always forgetting about the horns.” Cal jabbed a finger at his forehead. “Natural advantage, Lia, you should know this by now.”
The absurd conversation was impossible to block out, but Rolan made an attempt as he bent over his desk. Behind him, he felt Tav's chest reverberating with laughter at his siblings. 
She was in one of her affectionate moods tonight. She'd drawn up a chair behind his in order to rest her cheek against his back, one wrist draped loosely over his shoulder. 
Rolan didn't mind the closeness—he never did from her. But between her warmth and his siblings' ridiculous game of what-if, he'd barely written one paragraph in the past ten minutes. He finally gave up and set aside his quill.
Tav shifted slightly on his shoulder. "How's Gale?" She asked, perhaps feeling guilty about interrupting his concentration. 
“He’s well. His new class has a few with real promise, according to Tara.”
"I can't believe Tara likes you more than me," she mumbled suddenly against his back. "I met her first."
Her petulant tone made his mouth twitch into a smile. He would’ve turned to kiss her if they were alone. Instead, Rolan only pressed his lips to the hand draped over his shoulder. "Tressyms know a good wizard when they see one, dearest."
“Makes two of us,” she replied. The soft words ghosted across the skin on his neck, raising goosebumps under his collar.
It suddenly seemed like a very good idea to tell his siblings to get lost. Rolan was saved the necessity by a stroke of good timing. Near the fireplace, there was the soft clinking of plate armor as Lia got to her feet.
“Right, I’m off—” Lia buckled her scabbard around her waist as she rose, her shortsword tip clanking against the greaves over her shins. “Can’t be late to lead my first evening patrol.”
It had never occurred to Rolan before that Lia might end up in the Flaming Fist. He had to remind himself that the company’s reputation had improved considerably in the year since Florrick had succeeded Ulder Ravengard. Corruption and bad behavior had flourished under Gortash, but Florrick had done much to clean the Fists’ ranks of the worst—at least within the city walls. 
As he looked at her now, standing tall in her emblazoned surcoat, Rolan realized that his young sister was quite grown up. She’d earned a promotion to Gauntlet faster than any of them expected, a fact she loved to remind them of—especially Rolan. Lia took care of others the way she always had, and now she could take care of herself. The thought was somehow bittersweet in Rolan’s chest.
"Me as well," Cal chimed in from the floor. Though he only stretched arms and legs out long with a massive yawn.
“Don’t rush off,” Rolan drawled, but there was affection in it.
“Highberry’s are across the street, I got a few minutes.” Cal scrubbed his face with both hands as if to wake himself. “We got new ones at the orphanage last week, twin boys. They’re good kids, but gods, do they play hard…feel like my back’s aged about ten years…”
Lia stepped over to give him a hand up with a chuckle. “Read the room, Cal. The lovers need their alone time.”
Cal glanced around at the two in question. Tav still rested her cheek on Rolan’s shoulder with an expression of dreamy happiness, while Rolan was failing to hide a scowl. Lia knew how he hated when either of them used that word.
“Ah, right—” Cal slipped to his feet, sounding eager to be off all of a sudden. “I’ll be back after sunrise. Keep the place together while I’m gone?” He added, a fine joke considering Cal was always the one breaking things.
Rolan’s only response was to wave his quill behind him in a shooing motion. Tav called a friendly goodbye to brother and sister as they made their way down the main staircase, chatting as they went.
Once their footsteps had retreated completely, her restraint evaporated. “Thank the Gods, come here—”
Rolan barely managed to save his inkwell from overturning as she twisted to launch her torso across his lap, capturing his face in both hands for an enthusiastic kiss. His near arm gripped around her middle, no doubt leaving ink stains from his fingers against her linen shirt—he found himself unable to care about anything but the sweet taste of her lips.
They each pulled away for breath at the same moment. Tav’s grip lingered, her fingers combing back through his hair gently to clasp together at his nape.  
“Hello,” she grinned. Her eyes roamed over his face like he was everything.
Rolan’s palm brushed down her back, utterly content. “Hello.”
They took each other in like that for a long moment, just enjoying the quiet closeness. Her fingers smoothed and combed the hair back from beside Rolan’s horns needlessly—a fussy gesture that nevertheless brought a hum of contentment to his chest.
Apparently satisfied that she had him put back to sorts, Tav’s hands moved to rest on Rolan’s shoulders. “Got more work to do?”
Though she phrased it as a question, Rolan sensed she already knew the answer. He let out a reluctant sigh.
“Go on,” said Tav, not waiting for his reply. Rolan’s shoulders received a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll wait for you.”
With one last soft kiss, she slid off his lap and away. Rolan said nothing, but he instantly missed the warm weight of her against him. 
Tav retrieved her current reading from the shelves behind and curled up on the now-vacant settee near the fireplace. Though his spirit rebelled, Rolan picked up his quill again to continue writing his last few replies. The sooner he finished, the sooner he could join her. 
For a while the vaulted room settled into a quiet, echoing lull. There was the crackle of magical flame in the great stone hearth; the rhythmic scratch of ink against parchment; the faint whistle of an evening breeze out on the open balcony beyond. Periodically, he heard Tav turn another page of her book.
Before long he’d reached the final sealed envelope on the day’s pile. As Rolan stretched his hand for it, he caught sight of Tav watching him over the back of her seat.
“Just admiring,” she sighed, eyes sparkling. “You look so handsome when you’re concentrating like that.”
Rolan’s brow wrinkled playfully at her. “Am I not usually handsome?”
“Hmm. You just think that because you’re in love with me,” Rolan replied curtly. He turned back to his work in an attempt to hide the way she made him smile and flush like an idiot.
“Both can be true,” she called back, not denying anything. But Rolan heard the shuffle of pages as she returned to her reading.
It took him a moment to regain concentration on his work. Rolan’s eyes reread several lines of the letter before him multiple times. But this one was truly quite important—a missive from the archwizards’ council at Blackstaff Tower. They were inquiring about his arcane research, apparently intrigued for the first time in years by his own Tower’s new ownership. He dove back in to focus on answering their questions in detail.
Half an hour and five sheets of parchment later, Rolan finally surfaced back to reality. He straightened up and promptly felt a pop in his neck from his stiff writing posture. The last light of sunset had slipped from the sky, leaving inky blackness behind each vaulted window of the cathedral-like interior.
As he rolled his aching shoulders, Rolan glanced toward Tav—only to find that the seat by the fire was empty. Rolan glanced back around the room, finding the rest of it empty as well. 
Had she given up waiting and gone up to bed? The thought disappointed him, though it opened up other possibilities. 
But Tav had told him she'd wait, and she wouldn't lie. As he rose from his desk to search for her, Rolan caught a faint metallic tap from the balcony.
Her silhouette was cast in relief against the dark sky. It was a moonless night; the pale orange glow of lamplight from the streets far below was the only light lining the edge of her figure, that and what little firelight streamed out through the highly vaulted doorway. Tav leaned on her elbows, the pewter wine glass under her fingers tapping an absent little rhythm against the stone railing. It was one of her habits when deep in thought.
Rolan allowed himself a moment to admire her. Seeing her in a quiet pose like this was one of his favorite things in all the Realms. Tav had become so many things to so many people in the short year he’d known her: hero, savior, diplomat, even rather a politician. 
But tonight, for now…she was just Tav. His Tav.
Rolan felt a pang of something like guilt in his stomach. It was by no means the first time he’d had such a feeling about her. His; possessive, controlling. It reminded him of the way he used to think before she came into his life.
For a long time, Rolan had felt a need to control the people he loved. If he didn’t, who would? Control just went hand in hand with protection. Caring for others was a luxury, and if the events of his life had taught him anything up to that point, it was that fate and misfortune were always looking for ways to separate you from what you cared about most.
And Tav had slipped so easily into the deepest depths of his heart. At first begrudgingly, resentfully…Rolan hadn’t exactly seen her as a welcome addition to their lives when they’d first met long ago on the road to Baldur’s Gate. 
Right now, it was impossible to imagine anything but love for her. 
As Rolan watched a soft breeze ruffle the ends of her hair, something uncertain bloomed inside of him. Was it wrong to feel selfish like this about the person you loved? The question hung unanswered in his chest. Rolan felt its weight there tonight, like a heavy stone dragging on his heart. 
His hand absently brushed against the small leather pouch he kept tied on his belt—there was a small clink of metal against metal from inside.
“Just going to stand there?”
Tav’s voice brought him back to reality in the most pleasant way. Rolan blinked to find that his legs had carried him forward to the arched doorway of their own volition. 
Tav stood a few strides away, watching him over her shoulder with a bemused smile. The firelight streaming out from behind him softly illuminated her features. 
In the next moment, Rolan had closed the distance to tilt her face into a kiss. Her empty cup clattered forgotten to the stone tiles at their feet. Would he ever tire of the way her arms circled around his shoulders like that? 
Rolan didn’t think it was likely—he nuzzled against her cheek as their lips parted, inhaling her familiar and comforting scent.
“What’s with you tonight?” Tav laughed, the sound breathy and soft against his collar.
“What?” Rolan protested, drawing her away slightly to examine her face. “Can’t I appreciate the woman I love?”
A happy flush rose to her cheeks, unnoticeable in the dim to someone without Rolan’s precise vision. But notice he did, just as she caught the way his golden eyes traveled over her expression. Tav pressed her face back into his shoulder as her arms squeezed tighter around him. 
“I wish we had more time,” she said against the crook of his neck.
Rolan tried to quell the instinctive panic that rose in his chest at her words. Instead, he stroked a hand over her hair. “What do you mean?”
The way she paused before answering allowed Rolan’s heart just enough time to wind up to a brisk rhythm against his ribcage. Eventually, Tav leaned back to look at him. Her expression had grown quite serious.
“I know that you—” She cut herself off, then wet her lips and began again. “Rolan, this place is your life. I’m not under any misconceptions that all this—” She tipped her head and looked sideways as if to indicate the Tower itself. “—That any of it’s going away any time soon. You know that, right?”
Her face tilted toward him with utter sincerity. Rolan found that his thoughts were forming with an odd slowness, as if swimming around his brain through something gelatinous.
“And you’ve been very understanding,” he managed to tell her. The guilt from earlier returned its grip over his chest. “More than I deserve.”
She sighed as her hand rose to his cheek. “Thank you for saying that…but you wouldn’t if you knew how often I daydream about kidnapping you away all for myself.”
Before Rolan could find a response to that, Tav had stepped back out of his grip with a soft curse.
“Damn—” She swore again, then wrung her hands with a shaky, anxious laugh. “This shouldn’t be this hard.”
Rolan still didn’t understand quite what she was saying, a sensation that he found deeply uncomfortable. It made him feel like a vessel adrift. He clasped hands behind his back to anchor himself, collecting his features into a guarded expression.
“Please,” Rolan invited her, tipping his horns to her in a way that felt awkwardly formal. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know.” She chewed the inside of her lip as she watched him. There was a tense pause, and then she launched in abruptly. 
“I’ve been thinking our life here in your Tower. You and me—us. And,” she added, “I’ve been thinking about your work. How much it means to you…how far you’ve come in just a year.”
Tav gave him a small smile, as if casting back to those tense and awkward times when they’d first known each other. Then her face fell again. “Sometimes it just feels like there’s something missing.”
Rolan found he had to glance away from her for a moment to collect his thoughts. “Are you unhappy?” He asked her slowly.
“What? Not at all—” Tav shook her head with vehemence. “You make me so happy, Rolan, you have no idea. It’s just that I—I’m not always satisfied,” she finished weakly. 
“I see.” Rolan kept his face very still, but his pulse beat painfully in his throat. 
She was unsatisfied with the life of an archmage’s partner. It was perfectly understandable—before she’d come to live with him, Tav traveled far and wide, sometimes leaving the city for a week to visit her far-flung companions across Faerûn and the very hells themselves. 
A life spent cooped up in a tower, no matter how grand—how could he have ever thought it would be enough for her?
Rolan’s guilty conscience was deserved. He had been too selfish with her. He wanted her safe; he wanted her here. Most of all, he wanted Tav to want to be with him.
And Rolan had been so sure that she did. Perhaps he’d let the strength of his own feelings mislead him.
Rolan was painfully aware of the silence stretching on between them. Another evening breeze stirred the air, and as it rustled through their clothing, Tav’s eyes searched his face.
“What are you thinking?” she asked quietly.
Behind his back, Rolan’s hands clenched where she couldn’t see them. Right now he was thinking of the small leather pouch that had hung from his belt for months, and the two small metal objects it contained, and the many ways he had imagined offering one of them to her. But none of those were things he should tell her now.
“Nothing,” Rolan answered aloud. “Only that I’ve been rather foolish.”
In response to that, a strange, puzzled expression passed over her face. Then her lips parted. 
“Ohhhh—” The sound rose from deep in her chest, a pained exhale. “No, Rolan, no no—”
Tav stepped to grasp his face between her hands with such speed that Rolan nearly flinched in surprise at the contact.
“I’m such an idiot,” she confessed to him. Her voice was very small all of a sudden. “I know I might not have the right to ask you, Rolan—but I don’t want less. I want more.”
Rolan’s eyes traveled back and forth between hers as if there was some hidden message he was missing there. “More?” He repeated, questioning. 
Tav nodded her head very slowly at him. “More of you. More of us.”
In the next instant it felt like the weight tangled around Rolan’s heart had snapped its line and plummeted straight down into his stomach. As he watched the firelight reflected earnestly in Tav’s eyes, realization shot up his spine like a shockwave. 
The force of his relief made his head spin. Rolan wanted to say a dozen different things to her all at once. Unfortunately, he found that his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth at the moment.
Instead—in a rare moment of clarity that was all reflex and no logic—Rolan felt himself sinking to one knee in front of her.
“Why are you—” 
Tav’s eyes went wide as she followed his face down to where he landed. Her hands fell from where they’d held him to hang down limp at her sides; her chest rose and fell as if she’d run a flight of stairs.
“How can you not know by now?” 
What a terrible way to begin, he thought—yet those were the words Rolan found leaving his mouth. Trying to right his thoughts, he reached for one of her hands and took it between both his own.
“Forgive me,” Rolan blurted out. “I swear I’ve practiced this before, but—I can’t remember all the best bits just now.”
Tav shook her head at him as if punch-drunk. “Don’t sell yourself short,” she whispered hoarsely.
A nervous bark of laughter escaped him. “Have you ever known me to be burdened with an excess of humility?”
Despite the electricity now swirling between them, the corners of Tav’s mouth twitched upward. “Point taken.”
Rolan used the moment to gather himself. His tongue suddenly felt two sizes too large, and he swallowed with effort against his dry mouth.
“You’ve always done so much for me. From the first moment…every moment. You’re the reason why I have Cal and Lia, why I have everything—” Rolan’s eyes left her only for a moment to pass up over the great spire of the Tower above them. 
From his periphery, Tav opened her mouth to protest.
“Please listen,” Rolan begged her before she could speak. He wished he’d thought this through even a little; his knee was already starting to ache against the stone, but he pushed through the discomfort.
Tav’s figure froze still in response as she watched him. Only her hand shook slightly between his palms.
“You must know what you mean to me,” Rolan murmured. “You’ve given me so much more than I deserve. You’ve loved me more than anyone…better than anyone. But—” He drew her hand a bit closer to his chest. “But I’m afraid there’s one more thing I have to ask you for.”
Tav’s lips were parted in anticipation as she hung on his words. She stood so motionless it was like kneeling at the foot of a beautiful statue. Only her wide eyes moved continuously over his face, and Rolan felt he could lose himself in them completely if he gazed too long.
“Let me give you more,” he asked simply. “Let me give you everything.”
“You—you damn wizard—” 
As she broke her silence, Tav’s expression was flickering somewhere between amusement and tears. She was shaking her head at him, moisture pricking at the corners of her eyes. “If you don’t say it plain in the next—”
“Marry me.”
Though they stood under open sky, the two words seemed to echo with deafening force against his own ears. The question hung like a tangible physical thing, reverberating painfully in the narrow space between their bodies. Rolan could only grip her hand like a lifeline and wait for her to say something—anything.
Finally, Tav burst out into a laugh. 
Or was it was a sob? 
It was some strange combination of both, a choked sound of relief rising in her throat even as Rolan watched liquid suddenly spill and roll down each of her cheeks. Before he knew what was happening, Tav had also dropped to her knees in front of him.
“What are you doing?” Whatever responses Rolan had anticipated, this was one he didn’t plan for. He could only freeze and watch her cry and wait for things to make sense again.
“I don’t know,” Tav hiccoughed through the rapid tears that were streaming down her face now. Her lips trembled as her hands found his shoulders, clutching two handfuls of his robes. “I d-don’t know,” she repeated. “But I want you, Rolan.”
He had just enough hope to take that as a yes. 
Rolan folded Tav’s body into his own with near crushing force. He was now overwhelmingly grateful for their absurd position kneeling together on the cold stone of the balcony. It was unthinkable to have her anywhere but in his arms right now.
“Yes, by the way—” Tav’s voice was muffled against his shoulder, but her chest shook against him with unmistakable laughter now.
“I had plans,” Rolan answered against her hair, half to himself. “None of this is right, hells, I swear I had so many plans—”
“Hold on,” Tav replied in a trembling laugh. She pulled away gently, just enough to notch one hand under Rolan’s ear. Her face radiated joy despite the damp skin on her cheeks. “Rolan, what on earth could be wrong right now?”
Everything, he wanted to groan out. But he bit the word back. 
Instead, Rolan ducked his head to fumble with the drawstrings of the leather bag fastened to his belt. Tav’s fingers dropped from his jaw as she watched on in silent curiosity. 
He shook the open bag over his hand. With a tiny clink, two rings poured from it and out onto Rolan’s outstretched palm. Even on a moonless night, the metal seemed to glow from within with a silver-blue fire.
“Mithril,” Tav breathed in pure delight.
The observation was so unexpected, yet so thoroughly Tav, that Rolan let out a choked laugh.
She touched fingers to her lips. “How long have—when did you—?”
“The week you moved in,” Rolan answered. The way her eyes flicked up to his in pure adoration made Rolan’s heart swell in his chest, but he continued. “That’s when I gave Dammon the commission. Of course it took months to find a vein of it down in the Underdark, I nearly went mad, you have no i—”
The words were stopped up as Tav’s lips collided against his. Rolan’s fist closed over the twin metal bands just as his hand was trapped between their chests.
She kissed him so long and so hard that Rolan gasped for air a bit when she broke away.
“Do you like it?” Rolan asked, needing her answer more than his lungs needed air.
“You’re kidding me.” Tav blinked at him. “Rolan, if you don’t put that thing on my finger this fucking minute, I swear I might have to reconsider.”
He wasn’t about to chance it. Rolan slipped the band onto the finger of her outstretched hand without hesitation; it fit her perfectly. She followed suit, her hand shaking slightly with excitement as the ring slid down to his knuckle.
For a moment they just held opposite hands out beside each other in quiet admiration. Then Rolan linked his fingers with hers, pulling their palms together. 
He supposed the rings were supposed to come after the vows, not before—but the sight of them on their interlocked fingers was too perfect to be wrong.
A moment later they helped each other back to their feet, both laughing at their stiff knees and the pins-and-needles in their legs. 
Rolan felt giddy as a youth. He couldn't stop kissing her; his arms circled her firmly into him, his tail looping around and over her hips in a caress. As Rolan watched the pure happiness radiating from Tav’s face, his heart was the lightest it had ever been.
“Now what?” He asked eventually.
Tav sighed with contentment in his arms. “Whatever you want.”
“I want to take you to bed,” Rolan answered without hesitation. Words had grown tiresome; he could think of no better way to demonstrate exactly the strength of his feelings for her right now.
In response, she separated to tug his hand with both of hers back under the doorway. 
“Then we’d better go,” she said, walking backwards so she could flash him a coy smile. “Because I want my fiancé to tell me about all those ways he didn't just propose.”
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esamastation · 8 months
Shizuroth, part six.
Genesis enters Sephiroth's room like he owns the place, which is probably a good thing, because the man the room actually belongs to has no idea what's even in there.
As it turns out, not much.
It's not small, exactly, for a single room apartment with a kitchenette and a bathroom it's actually really spacious! It even has two nice big windows! But it's… spartan. There's a bed, a desk, and the tiniest of kitchen tables. The only thing that could maybe, imaginatively, be called decoration is the stand on which sits Sephiroth's ridiculously long sword. And… that's it.
"Ah, home sweet home," Genesis says, shaking his head and tutting at him. "You, my friend, are in desperate need of colour in your life."
Well - he doesn't disagree! Everything in the room is drab gunmetal grey, mass-produced and sad. Even the curtainless windows just look depressing. And the Feng Shui of the place is awful. Sephiroth's bed is near the door, and you need to go around it to the bathroom, and his desk is facing the corner! The flow of energy is all over the place!
And okay, maybe Feng Shui isn't a thing here - but still! There should be some plants, at least! Some artwork maybe! A carpet or two? The bed doesn't even have a duvet! And there's more than enough room for a couch here, maybe even two. Doesn't Sephiroth ever have people over?
Looking at Genesis, rummaging through the cupboards and making faces at the lack of actual cups there… probably not. Because it seriously looks like Sephiroth had precisely one of everything. One tea mug, one glass, one plate, one bowl and one of each utensils. And no pots and pans. Microwave and electric kettle, and that's it.
If it turns out that Sephiroth only just has instant noodles in his cupboard…
Genesis compromises by using the mug and the water glass to make tea, and the Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak winces at the brusque thoughtless scalding of the poor tea in its teabags.
"Don't make faces at me - you're the one who doesn't have cups," Genesis says with a sniff and carries the cups to the kitchen table. It's round, metallic, and the chairs look utterly uncomfortable. "Come on, tell me everything. Unburden your tale of woe."
Currently his biggest woe is the veritable black hole of Feng Shui that's Sephiroth's room and he'd like nothing more than to rearrange everything. Right after raiding the wardrobe to see if the man owns a single functional shirt.
Giving Genesis' turtleneck a bitter glance, he goes to sit down. Genesis is cursed with the Final Fantasy Buckles too, but he's got a shirt. Life is utterly unfair.
"Well?" Genesis asks, pushing the tea glass over the metal table. It rattles. "What happened at the lab?"
Making a face, he takes the glass. The tea smells strongly of this will taste awful. "I already told you. Three times the maximum dose."
"So you don't remember?" Genesis asks, perceptively.
Well, obviously not. Sephiroth died, and by the time he appeared, his body was already patched up. It's really very similar to how he landed in Shen Qingqiu. Mako injection instead of Qi deviation, but from what he remembers of FFVII… isn't Mako also energy? Life blood of the planet, condensed. Which was being injected into people.
He… really needs to figure out what that means in the framework of cultivation. If anything, It might be applicable - energy is energy. Or it might be just magic.
"The winds of fate have blown a mighty storm your way, then," Genesis says, taking a sip of tea. He doesn't look like he likes it.
Giving the man a slight shake of Sephiroth's head, he hums. "I feel fine," he says, feeling like a broken record. It'd really be better if the man just left, so that he could sort himself out. And then the room. And then the wardrobe. And then investigate if the laptop would be just as disappointing as the phone has been. "I just need… a break. To recover." Hint, hint!
Genesis stares at him blankly and puts the mug down with a sharp noise. "Well, now I know it's a disaster! Sephiroth himself, asking for a break? Stop the presses, the narrative has gone completely off the rails!"
Leaning back a little, he covers his frustration by taking a drink of Sephiroth's tea and then covering his cough in a displeased hum. Ugh, it's just as bad as he thought it would be. "I can't take a break?" he asks resentfully.
"No, no, of course no one says you can't! Except maybe professor Hojo, but we shall ignore him for the time being," Genesis says quickly and leans forward. "But, Sephiroth, when have you ever taken a break?"
… Depressing! Why is the scary epic Big Bad so depressing?! That's not how it should be! Isn't he supposed to be off-the-rails, scenery-chewing, scene-stealing thing of badassery? One of the most iconic villains of video game history?! With the bombastic theme and the crazy eyes?! Hello?! Why is he so sad?!
Genesis watches him for a moment and then leans forward. "Give me your PHS."
"Your PHS," Genesis says impatiently, making a gimme gesture at Sephiroth's pocket. "Give it to me."
".... Why?" he asks suspiciously, putting a protective hand over it. It's where Sephiroth's phone is.
"So that I can send Lazard your appeal for time off! Goddess knows you won't do it yourself - the moment I turn my back you'll probably be heading off to a training mission or something," Genesis says pointedly. "So give."
But… it's his phone now…
"I'll leave you to mope in peace if you do," Genesis bargains, rolling his eyes. "You'll have all the time in the world to lick your wounds and figure out how to cover it up so that no one will be the wiser, I promise. Once I get you some actual time off."
Genesis was - would be - the main villain in Crisis Core. Can he trust the man with Sephiroth's phone? The man looks keen and sincere, but he also looks like he's up to something. And also onto him, which is not great!
Ah, he's really messing this up, without a System to scream at him about what's OOC and what isn't, huh.
Genesis wiggles his fingers, insistent.
… Some time to himself would be great, though. And free time would mean that he wouldn't have to deal with missions just yet. That… could only be good. Maybe there's some honour between villains? It was a big theme in Crisis Core, honour.
"Don't do anything weird with it," he says finally and hands Sephiroth's flip phone over. 
"Would I do such a thing?" Genesis asks, huffing in offence and snatches the phone right up. He doesn't even wait for a reply, already typing away quickly and with gleeful flourish.
Giving the man a suspicious look over his glass of horrible tea, the transmigrator can only hope he wouldn't regret this.
The message Genesis sends to the Director of SOLDIER is decently professional, if a bit presumptuous. It goes along the lines of, "On account of my recent incident in the Shinra Medical, I will be taking some time off for personal reasons," and it's barely even a request, more a demand. But it gets Sephiroth the time off he needs, and promptly, at that - whole three days of it, too! It's most appreciated.
The mailing lists Genesis joins, however, aren't.
SY at S: damn bitch, you live like this?
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blue-slxt · 1 year
*Request: one thing about me… i love toxic neteyam so maybe neteyam being your ex and not letting you dance on a guy at a party?*
Sorry it’s so short, but I hope you still like it 🤗
All characters are aged up.
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Slight smut under the cut.
All around you everyone was dancing and drinking and having fun, but you just felt out of place. You told Tsireya that you didn’t feel like coming out tonight, but she insisted that you needed to get out to take your mind off your recent break up with Neteyam. Pretty hard to forget about your ex when he’s just on the other side of the crowd watching you. You take one more swig of your drink before setting it down. You were ready to go home, but before you could stand, a figure appeared in front of you.
“Hey, you wanna dance?”
“Not really, Ateo.” You recognized him. He hung around Ao’nung and Roxto sometimes. He never really said much, though so you didn’t actually know him.
“Come on, it’s a party. And I want to dance with the prettiest girl here.” He smiles and holds his hand out to you.
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy attempt at flirting, but it still managed to make you smile. One dance couldn’t hurt.
“Fine. Just one.” You took his hand and followed him into the crowd. He held your hands as you let your hips sway back and forth with the music. Neteyam stared you down as you danced with Ateo. The veins in his arm were bulging from how tight he was gripping his drink. For whatever reason, that gave you this weird sense of satisfaction. You let Ateo guide your movements to the music. He spins you around and holds your hips against his while you dance.
Just when you feel like you’re starting to enjoy yourself, a rough grip on your arm yanks you from your spot in the crowd.
Neteyam holds your upper arm in his hand as he weaves you through the people behind him.
“Neteyam, what are you doing? Let go!”
He ignores your protests and attempts to pull yourself from his grasp. He leads you to a secluded area in the forest and holds you against the trunk of a tree.
“What the hell, Neteyam?!” you yell at him
“Me? I should be asking you that! What the hell were you doing with that guy?”
He could not be serious right now.
“Are you crazy? You broke up with me, remember?” you spat at him.
“You think I give a shit about that?” he brings his face closer to yours. “You and I both know that you’ll always belong to me.” Both of his hands are on either side of your head caging you in against the tree. You roll your eyes and look away from him. This was ridiculous. How dare he break your heart and then get jealous seeing you moving on?
“Come now, sevin. I know you miss this.” He says moving his hand between your legs and dragging his finger up the length of your pussy. You jump and glare back at him.
“Not a chance, Neteyam.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you so wet right now?” he holds up his hand to show off his glistening finger and your face flushes. A sly grin crosses his face, “See? As much as you may not want to admit it, your body still knows who makes you feel the best.” His fingers dip back down to rub circles on your clit over your loincloth.
Your knees buckle and you hate the satisfied smirk on his face. Your chest rises and falls with your heavy breaths.
“Go on. Tell me to stop.” His voice was low as he inched closer to your face. He leaves kisses and hickies on your neck.
“I hate you.” Is all you manage to breathe out.
“I know…And I love that about you.” He says continuing his assault on your neck and speeding up his fingers.
You can feel how your muscles tense and relax with every new jolt of pleasure he shoots through your body.
“Haah….f-fuck you…” your voice is unsteady and you feel his canines graze your skin when he laughs in your neck. He puts more pressure on your clit and you can feel how close you are.
All of a sudden, Neteyam completely pulls himself off of you and takes your orgasm with him. Your eyes shoot open and look at him in confusion.
“Sorry, but I only make my girl cum.” He says before turning on his heels and walking back towards the party.
He leaves you alone in the forest dazed, confused, and frustrated beyond belief.
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mycupofrum · 17 days
Hi!! Heres a drabble prompt if you are still taking them 😊
Sirius/James and a lazy weekend morning together ❤️
Hi!! 😊 Thank you for the lovely prompt! 💞 This is a slice of life drabble where they get to be happy and just enjoy life for once. Here's James and Sirius spending a lazy weekend morning together. Nsfw.
Rating: M
The white and grey curtains before the balcony are parted, exposing a blue lake and a mountainous view in the soft hues of the morning light. Everything is quiet, save for the panting that fills the air.
Sirius's hips buckle up as the hot mouth sucking him off beneath the cover brings him to his climax. His back arches, and he clenches the sheets, a million stars exploding in his mind.
Ecstatic, he comes down slowly, still shivering when James's head emerges from beneath the blanket, his hair sticking everywhere even more than usual.
The hazel eyes appear bigger without the glasses, and he licks his lips, wearing a smug grin.
"How's that for a wake-up?"
Sirius huffs a laugh and rubs the sleep away from his eyes. "Very pleasurable."
They look at each other, grinning like idiots.
"Good morning, husband," James says softly, reaching down to kiss Sirius on the lips.
"Mm, morning."
It still sounds incredible. Less than 24 hours ago, they said "I do" in a beautiful ceremony in the Scottish Highlands and celebrated well into the night with their loved ones before taking a portkey to a small village by Lake Garda, Italy to start their honeymoon.
Sirius bites his lower lip as he reaches to stroke James's hair. "I can't believe I got to marry my best friend."
It's all a bit ridiculous how giddy he can be. They've both just entered their 40s. Who knew you could begin a whole new chapter at this stage of life?
A few years ago, they found themselves single at the same time. They brushed shoulders more often, their gazes lingering and mouths curling into secret smiles. They did have some hurdles to work out, but Sirius finally stopped fearing and expecting the worst when James made a shaky and heartfelt confession that he couldn’t imagine life without Sirius, and they found the happiness they always had the potential for.
"What would you like to do today?"
"It's Saturday. I want to spend the day in bed with my husband."
"You just love saying 'husband'." Sirius grins as he runs his hand across James's back. Truth be told, he loves that word, too. "But we're in Italy. We should have breakfast and go see some sights."
"Mm. Later." James nuzzles his face in the crook of Sirius's neck, lying on top of him like a heated blanket. "I preordered breakfast from room service last night. It should be here at 9am."
A quick glance at the clock on the wall says it's only 8:30.
"You thought of everything, hm?" Sirius feels James's hard-on pressing against his hips. "Well, in that case…" He rolls them over quickly, eliciting a surprised laugh from James when his head hits the mattress.
"I think I know how to pass the time in the meanwhile." Sirius stares down at James, his elbows on either side of his head.
James smirks as he curls his hands around Sirius's hips, drawing tiny circles with his thumbs on his skin.
"Would you care to show me?"
"With pleasure." Sirius nips James's neck before smoothing the skin with a lick. "Husband."
It's James's turn to pant and moan, when Sirius kisses his way downwards along his body, leaving no sensitive spot unexplored.
It isn’t until late afternoon when they make it out of their room, ready to start the day as a newly married couple.
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13eyond13 · 3 months
What do you think Light was like as a kid? I ask this despite thinking that basically everything we've ever learned about L's childhood is silly and should probably be ignored, because a preteen kicking everyone's asses at lunch and then declaring himself to be justice just cheapens his grown-up declarations so hard.
I agree that L's backstory is a bit cartoonish for my tastes, even if most things about it do work well enough to me (though to SOME degree I don't even really think giving him a concrete backstory is necessary or makes the plot better for the purposes of the canon story. The mystery of L is a big part of his appeal! I only really care about it much when it comes to making in-depth shippy fanfic about him and stuff)...
So I think Light as a kid was pretty cheerful and maybe a bit on the bossy and overly competitive side. I picture him wearing a lot of T-shirts and shorts and skinning his knees on the playground, but also spending a lot of time reading and watching TV and hanging out with his dad as much as he could. I think since he was so intelligent that he was probably constantly thinking people his own age were ridiculously slow and childish seeming in comparison, and that maybe made it harder for him to make friends at school at first, as he'd be coming off a condescending know-it-all. But I think he learned to get along with others pretty well eventually, and didn't ever get too socially ostracized nor make a ton of waves (he was NOT like Mikami, basically... he wouldn't do things like beat up a bully or make himself stand out like a sore thumb or commit social suicide over anything, even if he did sincerely think the bullying was bad). He probably was often being put into peer leadership positions by adults at school and extra-curriculars and dutifully accepting them, testing himself in various academics and sports and always coming out on top, and feeling kind of secretly bored and arrogant and let down by his peers because of that. I think he probably started dressing more seriously and more adult around puberty/middle school, started getting noticed for his good looks more around then, and started really buckling down on studying hard and thinking about his career around then too.
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
🦋anon here !!! thoughts on your first time riding seokmin? i feel like it’d be half-encouragement from him and half-him losing it over how amazing you feel on top of him ✨
wc: 5.6k
notes: bff2l seokmin x f!reader, established relationship, big dick!seokmin, fingering, piv sex, protected sex, lots of sex and lots of fluff
[part 1] [part 1.5]
"I knew it!"
Soonyoung whacks the table and stands up, eyes glittering as the whole restaurant (and then some) turns to look your way.
"You guys literally wouldn't stop making googly eyes at each other when we all went out last week. And no one believed me!"
"Can you keep it down," you say, desperately trying (and failing) to suppress the bloom of laughter in your chest. "This isn't an episode of Maury."
"Except he is the father, right? Because you call him daddy?" Soonyoung winks devilishly, and Seokmin is all smiles as per usual, except you don't miss how he glances over at you to gauge your reaction first.
"Please shut up before I reveal your laundry list of even more embarrassing...preferences. To put it politely," you retort.
"So I'm right is what you're saying."
And as if he was in a cartoon, Seokmin's eyes widen so big, you think they might just fall out of their sockets.
We'll unpack that later, you tell yourself. You've got enough to handle now—never did you think you'd be so ridiculously happy to reveal to Soonyoung, of all people, the inner workings of your intimate life.
But you are, you're more than happy because you're dating your best friend, your better half, the glowing boy sitting next to you. And even just thinking about what he had said, that he's liked you for years now, sends an unreasonable amount of serotonin to your brain and all the butterflies one could handle everywhere else.
Instead of telling Soonyoung off, you decide to bypass the daddy topic altogether and let your very pointed eye roll do all the talking.
"Fine, fine," he relents, pulling out his phone with a triumphant grin. "Didn't see you as the daddy type anyway."
"What's that supposed to mean?" you protest. "Please don't tell me you're texting that Maury joke to the group chat."
You notice Seokmin likes squeezing your hand when he laughs. It's yet another thing you're learning about him; it gives you the craziest head rush knowing that even though you thought you knew everything there was to know about your best friend, dating him only drew you in deeper, taught you new things everyday. Like how he only uses the yellow heart emoji for you, or the slow, romantic move of his lips when you kiss in the morning and the rough of his hands up your shirt.
"No, I'm telling Cheol he owes me twenty bucks." He pauses. "But I should, huh?"
It's in the parking lot of Seokmin's apartment complex, with his hand on your thigh, when he asks, "Daddy, huh?"
You know he's mostly joking—he still blushes when he sees you in a bra—but for some reason, the whole thing makes your head spin.
"Not really, but I didn't think it was your thing either." The weight of the moment sinks in, the heat of his hand, the hem of your skirt pushed up your legs. "Is it?"
"To be honest," he starts, pausing to look at you, all flushed and pretty—god, he's cute. "It's kinda embarrassing, but—," Seokmin buffers momentarily. "I'm into whatever you're into. I'll do anything."
The instant the words leave his mouth, you're on him.
It's all hands, your sweaty palms over the center console to lean in and kiss him, the desperate fumble of the seatbelt buckle. Hands that you've known your whole life but are something new, reborn in this moment.
"Fuck, fuck," you breathe, and you grab his hand to shove under your skirt and press right against your panties, already warm with arousal. "See how wet I am? Just from your hand on my leg?" Your lips meet his again, tongue and teeth and the moan in the back of his throat as he starts to rub you through your underwear. "I should be the one embarrassed."
His thumb presses against your clit, just enough to make you shudder.
"No, never." He leans in to kiss you but opts to press his forehead against yours instead, and the hand under your skirt stills so you can actually focus on what he's saying. "Can I say this? I want you so bad."
"Then what are we waiting for!"
And you almost close your own damn hand in the car door with excitement.
You wish you could say you acted with more poise on the way to his room (still empty—thank god Soonyoung has a social life), but all you can say is that you pray security never watches the elevator footage.
When you're in front of his apartment door, he drops his keys, and in your shared horny stupor, you both fall to your knees to pick it up, laughing between kisses as you sort through the seemingly endless keyring for the right one.
As soon as the door is closed behind you, Seokmin's leaning you against it, your bottom lip between his teeth in another kiss.
"Are we gonna fuck," you breathe, and your hands search for the hem of his tee to pull it off. "Please tell me we're gonna fuck."
You meet his eyes, tar black with want, then remember your composure.
"Only if you wanna, though. Swear," you add.
Seokmin clasps your hands, still wrapped around the cotton of his shirt, to lift them up to his lips and kiss them, like you're in a fairytale.
"Respectfully, there is nothing I want more than to blow your back out." His eyes widen when he realizes his brain filter has faltered yet again, and he self corrects—"I-I mean, I was planning for it to be more romantic, but—"
"Yes. The answer is yes."
You let your eyes meet once again, and it feels like something is truly unlocked in you.
This time the sex means something, these years and years of puppy love, of trying and failing to love other people because it's always been each other. And you want him, all of him, more than anything else.
The race to take each other's clothes off is neither poetic nor graceful, but there's something about the way your lips can't be apart for more than a second, how your blood feels like it sizzles under your skin at every touch, and the youthful, innocent way you both giggle when you almost fall over trying to step out of your panties—it's neither of your first times, but it sure feels that way, in the best way possible.
The plane of the door is cool against your bare back, and you arch into it as Seokmin's teeth find the soft skin of your neck and trail down to your collarbones.
When your hand wraps around his cock, hot and heavy, he whimpers against your skin. Fuck, it's not the first time you've seen his size (not even close), but you feel your little hand barely come around it and it still makes your knees weak.
"G-gotta prep you," Seokmin breathes. You instinctively hike your thigh up, and he gladly pins it against the door with one big hand and uses his free one to run a careful, reverent finger over the heat of your cunt. "Is this ok?" he asks, eyes glittery under his lashes as he kisses the bloom of a new hickey.
"Yeah, fuck, 's more than ok." you say it so easily, but the mere idea of having him finally inside you actually makes your pussy ache from being so turned on. Luckily, he's not about to deprive you. The pads of his fingers are so big, so rough, against your sensitive skin, and you cry out when he presses a careful digit to your clit.
He's not brave enough to say it now, but you can tell he loves how easy, fragile you become even under the simplest of touches. How his favorite person, strong and confident, can be reduced to this. And he reveres, drinks in the sight of you, heavy-lidded and debauched against his front door, desperately holding his forearm as he pushes just a single finger into your heat.
"Oh, god," you pant, trying to anchor yourself to jacking your boyfriend off. It's hard, given how his hand just feels so, so much better than any toy you have in your bedside drawer, but the way you've also got him under your spell is nothing short of intoxicating.
You watch, almost with an academic intensity, as his jaw just falls open when you run your thumb over a vein on the underside of his cock, fucking him with your fist just as he likes.
No, it hasn't been long since you confessed to him—yeah, his dick was also in your hand even then (but you never were much of a planner)—but you had tried to make up for lost time since.
You had, as Soonyoung so horribly liked to put it, gone to third base (never mind that he knew nothing else about baseball and thought there were more than three bases), but nothing further.
There's territory you had never dared to tread, even as best friends, but as you watch him melt into yet another kiss and feel the race of his heartbeat under the broad, tanned plane of his chest, secrets only yours to keep, you realize there's nowhere you'd rather be.
He pushes a second digit into you, and, regrettably, you're already almost over the edge. Who can blame you? Once he learned what you liked, he had no difficulty in spoiling you—you could almost say he was addicted to getting you off, the way he loved you. He curls his fingers deep inside you, right against your g-spot, and a white hot bolt of pleasure races up your spine.
(You remember the first time you came on his hand. He sucked on your clit and spread you open with just two fingers, and you came so hard you cried. He kissed all the tears from your cheeks, and after double, triple, and quadruple checking you were fine, he buried his head in your cunt to make you cry all over again.)
"N-need three," you gasp, tightening your hold on his wrist. You can swear his dick jumps a mile in the grip of your other hand, and you release it so he doesn't cum too quickly. "Gotta, gotta make sure you fit in my tiny cunt, huh?"
Seokmin nods, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, and gladly obliges, feeling you stretch around his three fingers. Judging by the way he sucks in a deep breath, sounding somewhere between a whine and a wounded noise, you know he's imagining the hug of your pussy around his cock, just how goddamn tight and slutty you'll really be just for him.
God, three fingers barely fit, but as he pushes past the first knuckle, the pressure in your belly coils more tightly than you could ever have imagined.
Helplessly, you watch the muscles on his forearm shift as he continues fucking you open on his hand.
You remember the summer you noticed how strong he had gotten. He was a junior lifeguard, and your days were filled with the endless August sun and his suntanned figure, painted crimson by the sunset with a surfboard on his shoulder.
That first night, the minute he dropped you off at your place, you had snaked a guilty hand down your bikini, playing with your clit and imagining it was him splitting you open against that lifeguard tower.
"God, fuck, how are you so fucking tight?" he murmurs under his breath. Hearing his voice drop like that makes you clench hard, and as the heel of his palm crashes into your clit once again, you cum so hard, your knees really do buckle.
He's got you, pulling you flush to his body with a strong arm around the small of your back as you catch your breath.
"Careful—did too good of a job, huh?" he laughs, sunshine smile making his cheeks glow.
He is so goddamn cute, but being pressed against his bare chest is not helping the situation downstairs, and instead of kissing his nose like the romantic in you wants to, you lean into him so that he can feel how hard your nipples are, how desperate you really are. And then you kiss his nose (impulse control is hard!).
"You did so, so good," you say, trailing slow, wet kisses to his cheek, his jaw, his earlobe. Your hand finds his weeping cock again, and you can hear him swallow hard as you start playing with him again. "I need you, Seok, 'm so ready for you."
"H-how do you want me?" Seokmin asks breathlessly. "I'll do it all, fuck, whatever you want."
"You're lucky I'm feeling nice right now." You kiss his jaw again, and you absolutely delight in how quickly he tips his chin up so you can better access him. You adore that about him, how vulnerable and trusting he is around you. His love is open-hearted, and you never, ever want to take that for granted. "On the bed, preferably. I want our first time to be on a flat surface."
"Door's not flat enough?" he laughs, but he starts walking backwards, arms still wrapped tight around your middle. He lets you guide him all the way to the bedroom, which should have been an easy task if not for Seokmin almost tripping over air every three steps in his excitement. "Could be sexy?" He wiggles his eyebrows, and you're too horny to stop yourself from laughing in the absolutely lovesick way you tend to laugh nowadays.
"Can't ride you standing up, can I?"
And then Seokmin bites his lip to stifle what could possibly be the most embarrassing moan in the world before you push him so the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed.
"Come on, now," you tease. Watching him scramble back to lay against the pillows, monster cock slapping his washboard abs, feels like a borderline crime, but it's so hot in that undeniably Seokmin way. You can't possibly describe it with any other words.
"Hold on," he says, opening one of the bedside drawers. He fumbles around for a beat, the weak lamp not helping much, and procures a shiny foil-wrapped condom. "Got the one that's supposed to make the girl feel good."
"Oh my god." You watch as your stupidly hot boyfriend tears the thing open with his teeth, grinning all the while, and you feel your heart actually swell to an inhumane size. Wonderful, kind Seokmin, who has the biggest goddamn dick you've ever seen and still gets the condom that would make you feel good, just in case.
"If I neigh, will you laugh?" Seokmin asks, completely serious as he rolls the condom onto his dick. It takes you completely by surprise, and he doesn't even need to say anything else for you to laugh, a full body one. He laughs too, and you know he's rambling because that's what he does when he has the jitters, which you somehow have too.
And when the silence settles, it's just you and him and the dew of the lamplight. He admires you as you stand by the bedside, quietly as to not make you feel rushed. There's no reason why either of you should be anything but comfortable (you've seen him with rivers of snot running down his face—on multiple occasions, but the worst was when he didn't get the lead role in the school musical senior year. And you two don't even talk about the time he walked in on you, butt-naked, washing your panties in his bathroom sink when your period took you by surprise. Like a good best friend, he drove to the drugstore to buy you pads. Now there's always a box in his bathroom drawer, like an unsaid kindness).
You straddle him, cunt hot and slick over his abs as you settle onto your thighs, and you feel yet another rush overtake you. Somehow, somewhere inside the pit of your chest, you're a bit nervous.
Even now, when he's sucking the breath out of your lungs in another searing kiss, you feel this overwhelming need to be perfect for him. More than a best friend.
"Sorry, I—," you pause to peck the corner of his smile, feeling the words spin around in your brain like it's a washing machine. "Are we doing this?"
"Do you want to?" His hands run up and down your sides, comfortingly. "We don't have to."
"No, I really, really want to." And it's hard to say it, because you've always been the more confident half, but you do. "I just wanna do it right."
"Baby." The squeeze of your hands again. "You could never do it wrong. Ever."
The earnest way he looks at you makes all of the confidence flood back into your body, and you're suddenly overcome with all the affection your body can handle.
That, and he tenses his abs as he settles deeper onto the bed, and you feel it on your clit, reminding you that you are, in fact, so turned on you might actually die.
Get out of your head and fuck your best friend, you tell yourself, and you wonder why you were so silly for worrying earlier.
"Ready?" Seokmin asks with a gentle tap of the soft flesh at your hips.
"You should be asking yourself that," you laugh, fully recovered and now admiring the mess you've made out of Seokmin. His lips are swollen and glossy, and there's nothing, absolutely nothing, you want to do more than to ruin him.
"That's my girl," he says warmly. "So pretty when you laugh."
"Your girl, huh?" You begin rocking your hips back and forth, letting his dick slide between your pussy lips. "Mmm, I like the sound of that."
You watch his eyes flutter shut as he slowly exhales, finally feeling the relief you're sure he was so desperately craving. "Y-yeah, fuck. I'll call you whatever you want."
"Whatever I want? Oh, you better be careful giving me that kind of power." You grin down at Seokmin, who is furrowing his brow perhaps in the cutest way you've seen from him yet.
You can tell he's trying his best to hold back—his hands rest firm on your hips, and he can very well grind you on his cock himself. You feel the latex slide over the hood of your clit as you sway oh so slowly over him, watching every little muscle in his face as his lip quivers with another broken moan.
"God, you're so hot," he whispers. "Can't believe we're doing this. 'M so lucky."
"Please shut up." You lean down to peck him and are met with the tiniest, softest little kisses all over your lips and your chin because he can't be bothered to aim when the love of his life is about to sit on his dick for the first time. "You're gonna make me like you more."
"That's a good thing, right?"
Deciding to put him out of his misery, you reach behind you to position his dick at your entrance. It's already so, so sensitive from all the foreplay that even just feeling the pressure of it against your skin has you curling your toes in anticipation.
You sink down on him for what feels like a fraction of a millimeter, and already you know he's big big in you. You suck in a deep breath, giving yourself a beat to adjust as your lungs fill and your cunt clenches so hard, other muscles down there feel compromised.
With both of your hands against his chest, hair mussed and cheeks flushed, you look so much more beautiful than Seokmin could ever dream of, but he's too focused on how you're biting your cheek and gasping at how he just stuffs you so, so fucking full.
"A-am I too big? We can, like, stop," he stammers. "Had no idea your pussy's so fucking tiny, holy shit."
Yeah, maybe it's been a while since you've been fucked by a non-silicone dick (hard to sleep with other men when you've wanted only one for god knows how long). But you know the drill, and you bob, albeit a little noncommittally, up and down, and fuck his cockhead in and out of you. The first time's always a stretch, the second time a little less so, and by the third, you're already fuzzy-brained.
"I-I'm serious," Seokmin babbles, obviously not in control of his dick as you feel it pulse inside of you.
"Shhshhshh—" you gently cover his mouth with one hand to prevent any more of his worrying. "Look at what you do to me," you say, voice barely above a whisper, as you splay out your other hand over your stomach. And then you sink down as far as you can on him, slowly, torturously, and you see his eyes widen as the back of your hand swells with how you give way for his cockhead and bulge out with his size.
"Mmph—shit," Seokmin whimpers, still muffled by your hand. "Holy."
He watches as his cockhead disappears over and over again into the heat of your cunt, god, he can hear Soonyoung's voice in his head (it's saying, just the tip, just the tip, in that infuriatingly endearing middle-school cadence), but he had no idea it would look and feel so good.
"You're perfect, so fucking perfect. So good at riding me," he manages, fingernails leaving crescents in your sides with how he's clinging to you.
With every bounce of your hips, you start to fall into a comfortable rhythm. You're sinking deeper and deeper onto him, and although it's not much, you're hell-bent on fucking the shape of his dick into you until he can fit all the way, till he can see you take all of him, feel you flush against him.
"Fuck, no wonder your girlfriends always wanted to stay the night, cock's so fucking good," you sigh, already feeling an orgasm building up in your tummy.
"Jealous?" You pout down at him in reply. "You really shouldn't be."
He experimentally rocks his hips up, meeting you in the middle so you don't have to do all the work, and his cockhead drags against you in a way that rips some strangled, pornstar mewl from your chest and makes your thighs positively shake around him.
"Was thinking about you the whole time," Seokmin finishes, brows knit together as you squeeze so tight around him, his words going right to your cunt as you process what he just said.
You imagine a pretty girl's lips wrapped around Seokmin's cock, all the while he's thinking about you taking him down your throat, cum running down your chin. No wonder when it actually happened last week, he looked at you like you had walked straight out of a dream.
"Every time?"
He nods and rocks up again, and you feel like an organ will explode inside you. Maybe it will, given how you've got that tummy bulge you've only dreamed of in your horniest fantasies.
"S-Seok," you breathe, tears pooling at your lashline as he holds you still so he can fuck the few inches of cock into you that you've taken so far. "A-ahh, fuck, oh, oh my god."
"Feels good? Let me take care of you, angel? Please?"
It feels like a rhetorical question given how he's already started to bounce you up and down like a fleshlight, but you're not coherent enough to even think about the answer pouring out of your mouth, more, m-more, deeper, please, please, god please. You look down as he enters you again, and you see just how, even though you haven't taken him all the way yet, you've creamed his cock so fucking good, it should be on the front page of Pornhub.
It's then that you realize it's not just a want for him to split you open, it's a need.
Partially because it's been the subject of half of your teenage dreams, partially because you realize you are out of practice and your poor legs may just give out.
Seokmin hesitates briefly, likely (validly) concerned he's going to break you if he puts his whole cock in you.
"Remember how you said you wanted to break my back?" you say in your most level, non-fucked out voice. "Like twenty minutes ago."
"Respectfully," he adds. He smiles, but his jaw is clenched with the feeling of your heat around him.
"Well. I need you to make good on that promise." You sink down on him as far as you can go, because if you go any further, you're convinced all the muscles in your thighs will actually liquefy. "N-need your help, baby."
It seems like that's all he needs to hear, because he's hoisting you off his body as gently as he can and onto your back, not forgetting the pillow under your hips (thoughtful as ever).
And it's like this, with your hands laced with his above your head, eyes locked, and lips so close you're breathing the same breaths, that he fucks into you, deep, all the way.
He bottoms out in you, slowly, carefully, and it feels like fireworks go off in your body as the stretch turns to liquid pleasure, the mind-numbing kind you've been craving.
"F-fuck..." you whine, near-drooling already.
"Everything okay so far?"
You squeeze his hands in reply and he squeezes back, like he always does. You know Seokmin said he wished things were more romantic, but you can't imagine this being any more perfect.
Now, pinned under Seokmin's gaze, you feel swallowed whole by years and years of caged up affection.
He's let it leak, the glimmers of just how fucking much he loves you, needs you.
The long, lingering gazes (he was never subtle, and he's more shameless about it now that you've started dating), and you hate to admit it, but he's the first thing you look for in any room. How it's never just one orgasm with him, how he can spend hours with his hand under the blanket, between your thighs as you both ignore yet another movie.
He still pretends flowers he picks one by one at the farmers market are premade bouquets.
And now, Seokmin's holding your hands as he stretches your cunt like a pornstar, and you're in love with him.
When you smile at him, his already slow pace falters, and he buries his head in the space between your neck and your shoulder.
"Sorry," he laughs quietly, pressing a wet kiss to your bare skin. "Get embarrassed sometimes around you. Can you believe it? I still do."
"No reason to. You're doing so good," you reply, a bit strangled because he shifts his hips further up into you so his cockhead's snug against your g-spot. "God, Seok, you're so fucking hot. We've been best friends half my life and I haven't told you that nearly enough."
You can feel his face heat up, but he doesn't relent. "God, I love you." he says, pressing another kiss to your neck, right at your pulse point so you keen right into him. "Can I fuck you? Better than my other girlfriends?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
This time, he fucks you. For real.
His hips crash into the back of your thighs so hard, you move up the mattress, and he abandons the whole hand-holding thing to instead wrap his arms around your torso, pressing your chests flush and connecting your bodies—skin to skin, heart to heart, his forehead against yours.
"Mmmh, god, fuck, so fucking big," you drawl, jaw hanging open as you slur your words. "A-ah, fucking me so good, baby."
Seokmin watches you, crowned by his bedsheets, as you beg for him harder, deeper—seeing you so ready and desperate for him fills him with a possessiveness he's never experienced before.
And this time it's his turn to smile, but he can't smile at you like that. Not when he's fucking you so good, you're ruined for anyone else.
"You like it like this, huh?" he asks. "Like feeling me split your perfect fucking pussy open? Better than your other boyfriends, huh?"
You nod, babbling yes, yes, yes over again. Something about how low and gravelly his voice gets in your ear, how he asks you if he's pleasing you in the most sincere voice as he slams into you hard enough to bruise, is sending you spiraling into a high you don't think your body is ready to handle yet.
"Seok, baby, tell me how good I'm taking you," you whine, toes curling and thighs shaking as they're wrapped around him. Your cunt is squeezing around him so hard, you're surprised he's able to still move. "Wanna hear it from you."
"S-so good, 's like you're made for me." Seokmin's delirious with pleasure, licking your neck and trailing open mouth kisses wherever he can. "Your perfect face and your perfect cunt, everything." His hips stutter inside you, god, you're so high, you're just making noises at this point.
When he bottoms out fully one more time, your orgasm hits you before you even comprehend it coming, and you cry out so loudly, it feels like your soul leaves your body. Your back arches off the bed, and you tremble limply in Seokmin's arms.
He moans, full bodied and low, only seconds after—shit, get so tight when you cum—when he cums in the condom, and your mind fogs with the brief thought of him pumping all that cum into your kitty and knocking you up. Maybe he'd eat you out afterward too, but the thought is making you horny for an experience you cannot physically handle right now.
"Oh my god," you croak. You blink dumbly up at your boyfriend, who now hovers over you, equally as spent and lovestruck. "Why the fuck didn't we do this sooner?"
"They say the best things are worth waiting for," he replies, laughing softly as he tucks a piece of sweaty hair behind your ear. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to how beautiful you are in these moments, dazed and radiant and covered in him. "That was okay, right? As good as you expected?"
"Better. And I have a pretty good imagination." Your lips feel like they're moving through quicksand and your eyelids heavy, but you know it's the post-orgasm haze you're wading through. And you don't even want to think about how your entire lower body will feel in approximately thirty minutes. "I think you fucked the spirit out of my body. It's a miracle I'm talking to you right now."
You hear a dull smack in your vicinity and a quiet whoops, and you hope it's not the tied-off condom missing the trash can (it is. He has terrible aim.)
But you let him sidle next to you in bed and swallow you up in his big, warm arms. "Miracle, huh? Guess I'm pretty lucky then."
"You're not supposed to be so sweet right now, you know. It's hurting my feelings," you jokingly protest, grinning when he kisses your nose.
"So you don't want me to order tacos? For after your nap?"
And of course both of those things sound perfect, because you forget Seokmin knows you inside and out (in more than one way now, you suppose), and he's spent more than one evening waking you up after you crash on his couch with a post-nap snack.
"Hmm.. But a nap is tempting...So are tacos." You settle into his warmth, enjoying the wonderful yet terrifying feeling of being so known. But you wouldn't have it any other way. "Reparations for you actually breaking my back."
"Wait. Did I actually?"
"No, god no," you laugh. "Just maybe my legs and also my pussy."
"Oh, good." He smiles wide, the kind where his whole face scrunches up in joy. "Then I have permission to carry you around for the next 24 hours?"
"I won't stop you," you say, mid-yawn. "Does Soonyoung know I'm over? Should we at least try to make it look like we didn't almost rail on his front door?"
"He probably already knows," Seokmin replies. "He told me to do the pillow thing when you were in the restaurant bathroom."
"Gross. But good. It worked." You shut your eyes tight. "God, I can't believe they all know about us now. I feel so seen. So perceived. Everyone will know I was bullshitting when I said there was no way I had feelings for you."
"Is that a bad thing? Do you wish we kept it a secret?"
You bury your face into the side of his body and wail, "No. That's the worst thing about it. That's how much I like you."
It's true—even you, self-proclaimed mystery, wants everyone in the world to know you're dating Lee Seokmin.
He kisses your forehead, more tenderly than you think you deserve.
"Take your nap. Wouldn't want you to wake up to cold nachos."
"Oh, you're ordering nachos too? I love you. I love you so fucking much."
He laughs because he knows you're probably delirious from how you got your world rocked less than half an hour ago, but you mean it. You mean it with your whole fucking chest, the one presently covered in spit and sweat and hickeys, and as he squeezes your hand one last time, you think about how Seokmin said he was the lucky one between the two of you.
No, there's no way. Not when you're lying in the arms of someone who looks like they've been carved out of marble, who just happens to know every single one of your phone numbers and your drive-thru orders and the answers to your online banking security questions.
"I know you're still awake," Seokmin chides softly, pressing the furrow between your brows (it's your thinking face).
"Fine. But I really do love you, okay?"
"Love you more."
You'd fight him on this one too, but you're too happy to say another word.
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sailtomarina · 4 months
Is it safe?
Draco’s brow furrowed in consternation as he looked between Hermione and the contraption beside them. He didn’t want to back down after needling her for months about flying. She’d agreed to private lessons–with him as the only acceptable tutor, of course–as long as he indulged a single request.
Easy, right?
It should have been a no-brainer, multiple lessons without an end in sight for one, measly little activity. Then Hermione had to go and bring that into the picture.
“Is it…safe?”
He didn’t want to get any closer, but a larger part of him wanted to step in front of his girlfriend and what was obviously an instrument of death. He’d seen Muggle cars before, certainly, but not this up close and never, ever in his entire existence had he ever imagined that he’d be asked to get inside of one. 
“Please. Do you really think I’d ask you to risk your life, Malfoy?” she scoffed. She had the gall to stroke the car like he’d hurt its feelings.
Then he cocked his head and looked the entire thing over from end to end. Did it have feelings? Was it alive?
“Whatever you’re thinking, I assure you that you’re probably mistaken,” she continued, the beginnings of a smirk playing at her lips.
“Let’s make a couple of things clear. First, yes, I think you would risk my life after you accused me of doing the same to you every single time I took you up on my broom–stop! That wasn’t a euphemism!” He scowled at her peals of laughter, even as they warmed his chest. “Second, this wouldn’t be the only time I’ve encountered a sentient carriage. Now what?”
She bent over double, hands against each knee as she gasped for breath in between her laughter. “It’s just–oh, good gods–who even says ‘carriage’ in this day in age? What era are you even from, Lord Malfoy?”
He suffered her amusement for the span of two more breaths before he reached for the closest handle and tugged.
“Wait, not there,” she caught the door before it could fully open and pressed it shut.
“What do you mean not ‘there’?” he asked. “You’re not actually suggesting that I control this thing, are you?”
Horrifying images of the metal beast careening out of control into onlookers crowded his mind, and it was with all his willpower that he stayed in place rather than retreat. 
“Well, that is the backseat, and you only sit there if the front is already occupied or you’re paying for transport. Being as neither is true, since I’ll be the one driving us, you should sit in the front next to me.” She gestured toward the adjacent door, then stepped back to give him room.
Draco had to admit that whatever Muggle had concocted this insanity, they at least knew how to make seats. The caramel leather was ridiculously comfortable, and he had ample room to stretch his legs–no easy feat, given his considerable height. He looked around with increasing curiosity that now outweighed his earlier caution.
The panel in front of him had all sorts of knobs and buttons that he knew better than to meddle with. There was a pommel-like bar between the seats, and the large ring in the driver’s seat was obviously meant as some sort of handle. Grooves lined the leather just wide enough for fingers to rest in between.
The moment she slid in next to him, Draco feigned disinterest, looking out the front glass like he couldn’t care less about his surroundings. To his immense displeasure, he could see people walking down the sidewalk and stepping into their own vehicles. Why were there so many strangers? Didn’t they have better things to do than bear witness to his probable death? He could see it now: “Unidentified Man Perishes in Flames; Bushy-haired Suspect Still at Large.”
“--as soon as you buckle up.”
In his musing, he’d missed what she said. “Sorry, what?”
Hermione chuckled and shook her head. “I said, we’ll get going as soon as you buckle up.” She gestured at the strap across her own chest.
Draco perked up at the sight. Safety measures! Excellent. The strap was rudimentary compared to the Stabilising Charms in children’s brooms, but at least it proved the Muggles weren’t completely barmy. He located his own harness, but immediately hit a snag.
“How do I…” He tugged harder, hitting the same stopping point that prevented the strap from reaching across his chest. Was this made for children? Why was it so short?
“Oh, here, allow me.”
He put his hands up in surrender and let her take charge. As she leaned over, having undone her own belt, a sneaky hand slid across his chest and tweaked a nipple in passing.
She merely winked at his warning. The little brat. If they survived this, Draco was going to pay her back 10x over.
“The trick is to pull gently. Slow and steady. You don’t have a problem with that, right?” Another suggestive grin, and then the audible click of his strap settling into place.  She’d quoted almost word for word the exact same thing he’d said to her in their first flying lesson.
She stayed close, nose to nose, toffee-coloured eyes searching him for…what?
“This means more to me than you know, Draco,” she said quietly.
He could see nothing but her. Tawny eyes fixed on him, the freckles he’d kissed countless times marching across her upturned nose and cheeks, dainty ears wearing the gold and ruby earrings he’d gifted her on her birthday, and her hair, her glorious hair. There was no room for anything else, riotous spirals of golden brown spilling across her shoulders and reaching for him like a living thing. The soft ends tickled the sensitive skin along his neck, but rather than pull away, he only wanted to bring her closer, to sink his hands against the dense mass at the base of her neck, to pull her into him and snog her breathless. Maybe if he did that, then they wouldn’t drive anywhere and he could convince her to return to her flat and into bed.
He’d endeavoured to do just that, palm already cupping her cheek and preparing to press further, when she moved past his questing lips to whisper into his ear with all the sneaky planning of a witch in full control. “Be good, and you’ll thank me later.”
Her hand trailed down to squeeze, to which he let out a groan of defeat. 
“The things I do for love.”
Her smile was blinding as she pulled away, the light of it filling the space more effectively than a Lumos or any amount of daylight ever could. He’d follow her anywhere as long as she always looked at him like that, metal carriages and all.
WC 1138
Cross-posted on Tumblr and AO3 (eventually under MarinaJune)
Twitter prompt from DramionePrompts: “Is it safe?”
I’ve been on the hunt for a car lately, now that we’ve had enough clashing schedules to warrant a second vehicle for the household. We’re caught between something a bit more flexible in a hybrid, or going full futuristic and opting for an EV. The main purpose of the second car would be local transport. It’s surprisingly difficult to find one that suits all of our needs and preferences! Why can’t we just figure out Floo travel, or Apparition???
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somethingblu3 · 4 months
I'm praying to God your requests are open holy shit. Simon walker. I want to fuck him. That's is all I have to say. If your requests are open I would love to just have a smut of him x reader. Fem bodied reader is preferred but anything is fine. If you don't wish to it's fine you can just delete this ask <3. Also if possible may I ask what emojis are available to take as an anon?
Thanks for being my first request! You can be any emoji. This took kind of a turn and is slightly yandere! (probably more possessive) Walker, I don't know if this is what you were looking for. Lightly edited.
TW: Public Sex, Public Dirty Talk, Grinding, Marking/Biting/Ownership, Dom/Sub relationship, Slight humiliation, orgasm delay/denial.
Word Count: 893
Smut below.
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"If you really are mine, you'd let me mark you right here right now," Walker mumbles as his lips graze against your neck.
"Walker-" You groan. Not this.
There were too many people. Chez Chez was crowded, but the people were too busy focused on the music and having a good time. None of them had noticed how far Walker had your skirt hiked up, not even Joel. He was far too focused on his set, and luckily, it was loud enough to mask your moans.
"Please- I want them to know everyone to know that you are mine," He growled into your ear, biting your earlobe firmly.
You give into him, nodding in response; you're too lost in the soft movements of his hips against you even to care.
His fingers dug into your skin, bound to leave purple marks that wouldn't be as easy to hide. He always wants to show you off. Maybe you should have known and shouldn’t have worn the skirt tonight; you knew it would end up with both of you on the floor sooner or later.
"I'm going to take you right here where everyone can hear you scream," Walker murmurs in between kisses, which turn into violent bites.
You hear his belt buckle from behind you. If you had any sense left, you would have stopped, pushed him away, and rolled down your dress. You blamed it on the alcohol, but you knew that was just an excuse. Walker had some kind of hold over you, one that you could never escape. The minute his hands were on you, there would be no way to turn back. 
“You're going to be a good girl for me, aren’t you, baby?” Walker asks, his hand already stroking your clit, your drenched soaking.
“Yes, Walker, please,” You beg. He chuckles in response; he knows he’s got you, and you'll give in to his every whim, especially here somewhere so public. "I need you inside me."
“Everyone could be watching us. Watching me take you,” He taunts into your ear, and you can feel his hardness against you. Before you know it, he’s pushed himself into you, and you can feel your feel yourself bending over. Walker places his hand in your hair as he starts rocking his hips.
“You don’t even care, do you?” Walker asks with a smirk. “If someone watches, I think you enjoy it, don’t you? The thought that someone…Someone like Brendan could be watching us? Watching me fuck you like a good little slut you are,” Walker taunts.
You feel yourself heat up from his words. He grunts from behind as his hips pick up pace. Now he has one hand on your neck, the other still in your hair.
“Look how drenched you are,” Walker comments. You can’t even see it’s so dark in the nightclub. “You're taking me like a good girl, aren’t you? You are so needy and desperate that I don’t think I'm going to let you cum. I’d rather watch you squirm,” He ridicules
“Walker-Please I need- please let me cum” You whine, eyes rolling. You can feel yourself shiver from your own admission. It was embarrassing how he had made you so needy in public that you wanted to curl up into a ball, but you couldn’t focus.
You couldn’t concentrate as you felt him thrust in and out of you again; you weren’t going to last long. You swear his words alone could make you just as needy and desperate, plus the fact that you were both in Chez Chez, where everyone and anyone in the village could see you, seemed to make you even wetter. Walker hadn't been inside you long, and yet he still ruined you.
“Why, Sweetheart? give me one reason why you deserve it.” On the last word, he pulled you into him harder, slamming you violently. Your clothes had to be ruined by now, not just from the stains but from his gnarly nails digging into your backside. There were more than just bruises now. Cuts too. 
"I love you," You whimper. The words just fell out. You weren't even sure if you truly did love him, maybe at that moment, but it was enough to convince him.
At first, he was silent for a moment, but then that silence was broken by a grunt. The roughness of his cock pounding into you turns you numb. It's like you've been drugged. You can't feel anything, especially your legs. All you can feel is his rough hands on your chest, teasing your nipples, which only makes you even more sensitive.
"You've been such a good girl, so good to me," He whispers.
"Walker, can I please-"
He cuts you off, hand wrapped around your neck. "You can come now. Let it all out."
And you do. The sweet release you've been craving, you're sure you've. Feel eyes on you in the club, but you don't care as you feel the pleasure wash over you and run down your legs. You wonder how you're going to walk home. You at least hope Walker will drive you home on his bike, even though you don't live that far.
"Come on," Walker says, placing a hand firmly on your thigh. "I'll take you to the bathroom, get you cleaned up, and then I'll drive you home."
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haileyywrites · 1 year
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-> Before becoming the General Mahamatra, Cyno was just an ordinary member of the matra. He was young and as many do - he fell in love for the first time...
-> Reader has no gender! This is purely fictional and thus might not follow the games story! Cheesy and full of fluff! Kind of ooc Cyno!
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He would walk past you more than once a day, each time he simply couldn't help but spare a glance towards you - you almost always returned it with a smile. It was like a tradition or an unspoken rule to greet each other nonverbally everytime you happened to cross paths, both way to busy to stop and actually say the simple words of "hello".
It all started one day when he wasn't feeling particularly great and happened to be scowling while walking lazily through the Academia. Then he heard a laugh - or more like a giggle, which caught his attention. He turned to look and saw you. You were walking with a fellow student in the opposite direction of him. When close enough you would turn to briefly face him and give him that smile. That darn smile that made his knees want to buckle under him and heart to pound against his ribcage erratically.
For a moment he thought you'd used some kind if magic on him or maybe a potion of some sort! But that wasn't the case, as when you passed him far enough away he began to calm down until he felt completely normal again. But for the rest of the day he couldn't stop thinking about and that smile of yours - truly what had you done to him? Throughout all of his life he had never felt quite like this...
He would find himself staring at nothingness and his thoughts running wild with you all over them. He didn't even know your name and you effected him in an unusual way... People around him would stare and peek at him out of either curiousity or concern, none dared to approach but they stared and pondererd still. Well, all except Tighnari. He walked in to the room Cyno was in to see many students not minding their business but staring at the Matra.
Even when Tighnari managed to snap him out of his head it wouldn't be long until he was back daydreaming. Tighnari was less than thrilled to constantly repeat himself and having to regain Cyno's drifting attention. Since when did he have an attention span of a toddler? It was frustrating! Sadly for him it continued on for the next few days...
Next time you crossed paths he had prepared himself to greet you back like a normal person would do, but it didn't exactly go according to his plan... Your head didn't turn an inch to his direction but your eyes were solely on him. Then there it was again - that smile that blew him away. It wasn't a big one, but it was only for him. His eyes widened and he almost stopped in his tracks, thankfully Tighnari was with him and kept pushing him forward. Cyno tried everything to not turn around to watch you go, but he failed and did just that.
“Stop staring like a weirdo.” Tighnari grapped his shoulder to snap his friend out of the trance he was in.
Cyno didn't respond, it was almost as if he did not hear a word that was said to him. Tighnari was taken aback by the soft and fond look in Cyno's eyes, there was a smile that threatened to appear on his lips. He knew Cyno was fond of you, but not quite like this - he was quite taken it seemed. Cyno was even holding his hand to his chest where his quickly beating heart resided.
“If you're that fond of them maybe actually go and talk to them.” Tighnari sighed.
“About what?” Cyno answered as if he was oblivious, yet didn't deny his affections towards you.
“I'm sorry - do I look like someone you should be asking that?” Tighnari of all did not have experiences with romantic partners.
Cyno absentmindedly hummed in response which caused Tighnari to sigh heavily. Something needed to be done so this ridiculousness could finally end! At this rate Tighnari would lose his mind other wise and without his push it seemed Cyno wasn't going to make a move on you...
The next time he accompanied Cyno and crossed paths with you he stopped in his tracks, Cyno did so too but was visibly confused. Tighnari smirked at him before turning to face you and calling out your name. You looked at him curiously, but stopped and at them smiled nonetheless. Cyno could feel his cheeks burning and his heart pounding rapidly, but this time there was no escaping this as Tighnari began an actual conversation with you...
It wasn't a particularly interesting conversation, mostly just exchanging pleasantries or something about resent studies and such. Cyno wasn't even trying to listen to the over all conversation, instead he was listening to your voice and caught piece's of what you were saying. He was list in his head again until Tighnari mentioned his name to you.
“This is my friend Cyno, he's a Matra in training.” Tighnari pointed to Cyno.
Your gaze was now fully on him. Your eyes were staring deeply into his ruby red irises while he got lost in yours. Cyno didn't tend to care about things such as eyes and their attractiveness, but yours were so incredibly beautiful.
“Oh, I've seen you around! It's great to finally meet you Cyno.” You smiled even more.
Cyno let out a quiet gasp for that smile of yours, though it was not quiet enough for Tighnari to not notice. It was rather amusing to him, but also quite embarrassing to watch him stumbling with what to say.
“Yeah.. Good to meet you too.” He managed to mumble.
“Sorry, he's not much of a talker.” Tighnari added - it wasn't a total lie after all.
“That's okay. It was great meeting you both, sadly I'll have to rush off now - bye!” You waved before speeding away.
Tighnari waved you goodbye back. As soon as you were far enough he turned towards his friend before sighing loudly again. Tighnari crossed his arms and stared at Cyno who was still watching you leave.
“You're hopeless.” He began dragging Cyno away.
This routine would continue for some weeks until Cyno was capable of conversing with you without Tighnari around. Though unfortunately by spending time with Cyno you were forced to endure his infamously terrible jokes. They weren't all that awful but some lost their funniness by him over explaining them. But, if they made you smile even a little - he count's it as an absolute win, because there was that smile of yours again.
Tighnari did grow to like your brief conversations that he would greet you on his own every once in a while, he could even subtly ask you about your thoughts and feelings towards Cyno. Of course he wouldn't tell anything to him without your consent - only hint to him about them. But Cyno had still yet to ask you out and that worried him in a way, it wasn't like he could do it for him so Cyno needed to just do it. He was a Marta for crying out loud! Yet he couldn't ask you on a date?
But to his content and surprise - it was you who made the first move and asked him out! He definitely didn't expect that, but it seemed you too were tited of him beating around the bush about it. Cyno too was quite taken aback and a bit disappointed that you had to make the first move on him, but honestly he was just glad to going out with you after all this time.
This whole endeavor was noticed by most of the Academia and people of Sumeru City over all. It would not be forgotten quickly due to its hilarious nature, especially as Cyno would later become a fearsome and intimidating General Mahamatra this - and his terrible jokes would greatly help to humanize him. Though few dared to even whisper about it in fear of him hearing about it.
It always amazes them to see you side by side and more often than not both smiling... It's strange sight to see the General smiling while walking through Sumeru City while holding your hand. He doesn't otherwise show public affection towards you, but even this is unimaginable to those who do not know him or haven't met you.
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A/N: Hi! I'm currently sick and don't really feel like writing much, so here's something short but sweet - I hope you guys will like it <3 Feel rree to like and or reblog if you do!
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
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Here to throw in my gif! 🥵🥵
More Hot Gif Drabbles A Link to my Masterlist is HERE Warnings: Kinda smutty 18+ bit angsty. (w/c 500)
To War
Your breath hitched as the signature slap of your lover's leathers piqued the air. You'd know it anywhere.
He turned the corner, his brother by his side, both armoured and ready for the coming battle.
You could feel the thump of your heart against your ribs, remembering the look he had given you as he left your chambers in the early hours. "If I don't come back" he'd said, "forget me, as if you'd never known me as you have."
In the light of the moon, his words had seemed ridiculous. Dramatic. But now, the memories of his hard body devouring you beneath the all-consuming ocean of his lust were too dulled. Too blunt.
Too much like nostalgia.
His tunics cast to the stone floors before he took you against the balcony in a fit of passion. The grunts of need from his throat as he rediscovered every inch of you; secrecy heightening every wave of need from his wandering hands. His exhibitionism concealing the love you suspected simmered beneath the surface of that mysterious soul.
The way his cock pulsed within you like part of your own body. His filthy moans of pleasure in your ear as you drew him closer to you, to his peak, to your heart. Tightening.
Everything tightening.
Your lover strode down the great hall, every thud of those heavy boots making your stomach clench. His eyes were fire. His strong jaw set towards victorious intent. The armies of Asgard waited outside. One blessing from Odin and they would be on their way.
Loki's eyes flickered upward as he drew closer, a glint of reproach colouring his stoic stare. The leather of his armour flexed with every swagger from his shoulders, power misting from him like spring pollen.
You could feel wetness gathering between your legs, your body's inappropriate response to this most solomn of occasions.
Loki stopped sharply in front of you, his brother continuing unphased down the marble aisle.
Your breaths quickened, raising your gaze to his while sinking to a curtsey. The eyes of thousands sat upon you questioningly, a steel in the air.
He leant forward, warm breath against your neck making you shiver.
"About what I said last night" he murmured, his armoured knuckles trailing down your bicep, "I changed my mind."
You rose, looking to the floor before his fingers tilted your chin upwards. Half-lidded eyes observed you knowingly, searching for the truth he knew was there.
"If I do not return, I trust that your tortured body will mourn the loss of my touch for the rest of your life, as it should." he purred derisively, leaning closer once more.
His familiar heady scent filled your nostrils, the tang of leather and sandlewood clinging to the long hair scraped backwards down his neck.
"But if I do" he continued, the gravelled whisper of his voice making your knees buckle, "I expect you to be mine. Completely. Always. "
Before you could respond, he turned. Long strides catching quickly up with his brother at the head of the hall.
The blessing was done, cheers and rallying chants echoing in your ringing ears as Loki left without a backwards glance, waving at the baying crowds.
To war, they cried.
To war.
@lokischambermaid @lady-rose-moon @mochie85 @gigglingtigger @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbs @xorpsbane @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @loopsisloops @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @123forgottherest @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @sititran @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @mrsbarnes32557038 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @imalovernotahater @lokiprompts @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @ladylovesloki @marygoddessofmischief @ravenwings7 @xorpsbane @filthyhiddles @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @peachyymallows @soldeloki @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
I was referring to the ficlet where the pc just uses him for sex while he’s in love with them!! Sorry for not clarifying well enough!! 😸😸
God im sorry this took forever for me to answer ><"""
Continuation of this
AMAB Bailey (he/him); GN Reader (you/your); dubcon ish; rough sex
Words: 623
It’s ridiculous, what he’s doing. Bailey knows this. He knows that he’s being ridiculous, that you’re manipulating him.
How could he not when he practically raised you? 
Yet, here you are again, hands on his shoulders and face tucked into his neck, moaning about how he feels so good stretching you out as you bounce on his cock.
You’re just using him, taking advantage where you can. Your one shot at controlling anything in your miserable little life, and you chose to try to make him into your personal dildo.
You'll regret that. He'll make sure you do. 
His grip on you tightens, rough hands on your waist making you still, fingers digging into your already heavily bruised skin and pulling a whine from you. The sound quickly morphs into one of pleasure as his hips snap up, fucking into you. 
His cockhead presses against a spot inside you that leaves you babbling into his skin, slurring his praises as you come undone. Even as your hole tries to milk his cock for all he’s worth, he keeps going, hips snapping up into yours at a brutal pace. It’s not long before you’re lifted up and pressed into his desk, limp and pliant under his hands as you get the rough fuck that you craved so much that you went and threw yourself at the caretaker.
Do you even know exactly how you affect him? He hopes you don’t. Hopes you have no clue how often his mind drifts to you, how fury burns through him every time he sees you smiling at anyone else. It's preferable you come stumbling into the orphanage, limping with bloody cum on your thighs, then have you laughing with someone else, brushing their hair behind their ear and cradling their face in your palms.
He doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want your gentle touches or your soft smiles. But, he doesn't want you giving them to anyone else, either. 
You’re crying, tears wetting his neck as you push weakly at his shoulders, overstimulated but unable to make him stop. He won’t stop. You both know it. He won’t stop until he’s painted your insides white. It’s the least he deserves after you’ve gone and done this to him. Made him break his own rules and fuck one of his wards. Bailey thinks so, anyway.
It’s when he finally cums, keeping your hips up and pressing in so deep that you squirm, that he lets you go.
You lay like that for a moment, exhausted on his desk, spent hole twitching and leaking his cum. It’s a nice sight. Something he should take a photo of, one of these days. Keep it in his wallet and pull it out the next time you try to mouth off to him in front of the other brats. Show them all how you kept coming back for his cock.
Before you have a chance to collect yourself, Bailey reaches out. Dragging calloused fingers through his cum on your thighs, it’s an almost tender action. That is, it’s tender until the digits are roughly shoved into your sore hole. You writhe on the desk, gasping and mewling, but you don’t try to stop him. That fact alone almost has Bailey back between your thighs, cock twitching in interest as you clamp down on his fingers. 
He doesn’t, pulling his fingers out of you, wiping excess fluids on your thigh.
Shakily, you slide from the desk, knees almost buckling as you struggle to stand. Bailey’s eyes follow you as you get dressed, slipping from his office without glancing back at him. Just like you always do.
Ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous. 
Yet, he knows the next time you come knocking, he’ll still let you in.
[part 3]
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