#listen i know im borderline sometimes
frnkiebby · 2 months
f r o g g y.
sweet froggy. i don’t know IF I CAN PUT THAT ON THIS BLOG. that being said. your ask. the art. yep. great tattoos. definitely nothing else happening. purely for the art.
pls have a frank in a possible apology. i hope you laugh at me. bc im crying and laughing at myself. it’s pitiful.~🎃
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(just gonna slink on outta here now)
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can you do leo valdez x hades fem reader pleasee
⋆⭒˚.⋆ leo valdez x daughter of hades! reader hcs
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content: leo valdez x daughter of hades! reader hcs warning: none! (lies tiny angst at the end my bad) authors note: yall need to ban me from listen to sad music while i write bc i ruin whole ass hcs by making em sad at the end BLAME PHOEBE BRIDGERS AND MITSKI THIS IS NOT MY FAULT YALL I WILL NOT TAKE THE BLAME did i put the music on?? yes. did i also know this would happen?? yes. BUT IM JUST A GIRL IN THE WORLD STFU-
leo would tell anyone who listened that you guys were fated to fall in love
you always roll your eyes but let him list off all his reasons why he believes this
firstly, you guys met purely by chance
you'd been walking around in the woods, having sensed some interesting bones there earlier and wanting to dig them up and hear their story
leo been running from the stoll's after a wonderful prank, which sent him hurling through the bones you'd just managed to reconstruct from the ground
"hey! i just got mr. cain here back together and then you come running through him like you own the place," you huffed before continuing to lay into leo, who looked up at you with borderline heart eyes
you were yelling at him and he was falling in love
you forced him to help you collected his phalanges and pelvis and leo did so without needing to be told twice, wanting to spend more time with death's daughter
from that moment forwards, you had two shadows, one which spewed constant pick up lines and jokes
nico was not happy, purposefully making sure to uproot bones in places that leo walked often, leading the boy to trip a lot
sadly, this backfired on nico, as you were always there to catch leo and rebury the bones
nico also tried knocking some sense into you by forcing you to admit to your father that you had a crush on some boy
but, once more, this only solidified your feelings as persephone had been in the underworld and squealed with joy at the reveal before dragging you off to a girl's night
it was a night filled with cosmo magazines and face masks and flirting techniques and the trading of lip glosses
nico gave up after that, in fear that he'd just push you two closer together
leo always bragged that it was fates work getting you together, but you always believe it to be nico's attempts to keep you apart
anyways, following you girl's night with persephone, you figured you had enough tools to get the guy
but before you even had the chance to apply your new lip gloss, leo dragged you to where you first met and was asking to be your boyfriend
you agreed but whined about not being able to ask first
and, as an olive branch for nico, leo made him some silver skull themed jewelry, which nico took with a glare and nod
that was the closest leo got to acceptance from the boy but he took it
you gift leo little trinkets that the dead gift to you, thing you think he'd like
a pocket watch from a 1950s boat conductor, a ring from a danish seamstress, a cog from the titanic that one of the passengers stole with his dying breaths
he proudly displayed it all on a shelf above his work bench, sometimes leaning back in his chair and staring up at it to get inspiration
and one night, while you were sitting on the couch in bunker nine, while leo worked and you cuddled into one of his sweaters, you reached over and traced your fingers over the photo of him and his mom
"...she's in elysium," you whispered, fingers ghosting over the photo and eyes locked onto her own
leo turned in his chair, face scrunched up as he wasn't entirely sure he heard you. and he wanted to make sure he heard you correctly.
"your mom. she made it. she...she's waiting for you, leo. she's so, so proud, gods you can feel it, come here," you replied, heaving breaths as you felt it course through you, jumping you and rushing to him, shoving your hands against any part of his skin you could reach
he could feel it, your typically cold skin was burning up, warm and thudding and leo could swear he could smell his mother's natural smell of grease and her tamales that she always made for his birthday
"you're the best thing she ever made. she has no regrets, not a single one. the love she has for you is...it's so strong, leo. even my father can't kill something like that," you whispered, sliding your hands against his skin as to keep the contact, to allow him to grasp onto the feeling for longer
leo's hands grabbed your wrists, guiding your hands over his shoulder to his back before he tugged you into his chest, pulling you into a suffocatingly tight hug
you splayed your hands wide over his back, spreading the feeling to anywhere you could reach as he cried into the crook of your neck
he was muttering in spanish, pieces you've picked up here and there, translating into words like 'grateful' and 'love' and 'miss you' and 'mom'
and while you were growing exhausted from effort to use your powers, you refused to quit, knowing he needed and deserved this
soon after, leo pulled your hands from him, worry covering his tear streaked face
"oh, my sweet girl," he whispered as you slumped against him
without a second thought, he picked you up and laid you down on the couch, knowing you needed rest after that
he could tell you were already asleep from the soft fluttery breaths that left your mouth
he kept one of your hands held between both of his, no longer feeling his mother's love but something different
something similar though, the strength behind it nearly as strong
"thank you," he whispered against your skin before pressing a kiss to your temple
and then he said a silent thanks to whoever sent him you, whoever sent him barreling through your bones that fated day, whoever made nico want to break them apart, whoever had persephone home when you revealed your crush on the boy
he'd thank whoever would listen for the daughter of death, for he would never stop being grateful for her.
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sushiwriterhere · 1 year
coming home to you
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summary: "It hit him like this sometimes, all tsunami and three-hundred-mile-an-hour winds and lightning strikes, just how much he wanted you."  rating: explicit (18+ mdni - so nsfw it's not funny) pairing: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!reader word count: 3.5k warnings: ass play, somnophilia (slight if you squint-ish), dry humping, thigh fucking, PiV (unprotected, pls wrap before u tap irl), rimming, cum play, squirting, no use of y/n.  notes: this is 1000% the most nsfw thing i have ever written so pls dni if ur a minor (srsly im not fucking around) and otherwise pls give feedback!! doing my best with characterization, hope y'all enjoy! my other works are here tagging: @sebsxphia @roosterbruiser @waklman - tagging ppl either by request or whom i feel like are horny for bradley soooo pls let me know if you'd like to be added/removed
He didn’t know when he had become like this, all desperate and needy for your touch.
When you’d started dating, Bradley did his best to be the gentleman his mother raised him to be: opening your car door, always paying on dates, bringing flowers, and walking on the outside of the sidewalk. He did his best not to gawk at you when your dresses cut low on your chest or when you bent over in front of him to pick up the bobby pin you’d dropped in his doorway. 
But it really was getting difficult. 
You’d started staying nights. Bradley wasn’t a prude or anything like that, he was human and he had needs and he wasn’t going to let some complex about sex prevent him from being with you. But there were things that he wanted that he wasn’t sure you wanted. 
It all started when he got home from a long day, far too long, of training. Mav had ‘shot him down’ more times than he could count, and it was a small blessing that each of the penalties had been fifty pushups and not two hundred. Nevertheless, his arms ached and he was developing this nasty knot at the base of his neck that made him want to never put a helmet on again. 
When he pushed open his front door, he could hear you bustling in the kitchen, clearly having come over to make dinner. Your jacket was thrown over the back of the couch, your keys in the bowl by the door–god it almost seemed too good to be true to his exhaustion-addled brain. He moved on autopilot as he dropped his bag in the laundry room and made his way to you. 
Standing in front of the stove, you were stirring something that smelled like tomatoes and basil and everything heavenly, all the while softly singing along to whatever your phone was playing. 
“Bradley! You startled me.” You jumped as his arms wrapped around your midsection and his forehead came to rest on your shoulder, “Missed you while you were at work.”
All he felt like he could do was to just stand there, borderline useless, as you threaded one perfectly manicured hand into his hair and continued stirring with the other. Your nails felt like heaven scratching at his scalp, sending tingles down his spine. God he wanted you so badly. 
It hit him like this sometimes, all tsunami and three-hundred-mile-an-hour winds and lightning strikes, just how much he wanted you. It was in the mundane moments mostly–watching you cook, your focused face when you were reading a work email. He didn’t think it would ever stop stealing his breath. 
“Bad day.” He mumbled, leaning his weight into you as you leaned yours into him.
He let himself follow your gentle, but stunted, shuffle around the kitchen as you salted the pasta water and threw more spices into the sauce. 
“Can I help make it better?” 
The complete pureness and kindness in your voice made Bradley feel a little nuts–because that’s just who you were. So giving and open, always there to support him, always there to listen to him rant about his latest spat with Mav or worry about another deployment. 
Now it wasn’t like Bradley was just leaving you hanging, but the near-perfect ebb and flow of your relationship made his chest ache. It also made that terrible possessive thing in his chest bare its teeth and whisper dark thoughts. It was the part of him that wanted to hide you away from prying eyes, that bared its teeth when men let their heads follow you across a room. 
He’d met you at the Hard Deck. You were new in town and looking for somewhere not too fancy, not too dive-y. You wore this sundress that Bradley knew he’d remember for the rest of his life, and you’d been all teeth and crinkled eyes when you smiled at how he played the piano. He didn’t play the piano for female attention, but when you looked at him like that, well, maybe it didn’t hurt. 
You were a bit of a social butterfly, introducing yourself as someone who was looking for friends and did anyone know of the best taco place in town and would the pilots maybe have any beer recommendations? He couldn’t help but be drawn to you. And when you’d given him just a bit of shit about the mustache and Hawaiian shirt combo, it was over for him. 
Your relationship progressed at just the pace Bradley preferred–first date he had dropped you off with a chaste kiss on the cheek. On the second date you’d surprised him just a bit by pulling him in by the collar of his shirt to kiss him stupid on your doorstep. You had straight up asked if he was planning on having you stay over before your third date; you wanted to bring your overnight supplies and really you liked being prepared. 
Now here he was, with his nose tucked into your neck, back slightly aching from the angle, inhaling what was uniquely you. He didn’t want to come home to anything else on a bad day, or a good day for that matter. 
“This is making it better, even though my back is kinda aching.” He admitted quietly, and he was almost offended by how hard your body shook with laughter.
“Okay well, if you let me go, we can eat and watch trash TV then I’ll massage out that knot at the base of your neck.” 
Bradley would be a fucking fool not to marry you. 
About one Bachelor episode later, Bradley could feel himself starting to nod off despite his best efforts. He had given up a long time ago trying to pretend like he didn’t care, and instead embraced that he loved the drama and the cat fights. He was sitting on the floor leaning up against the couch in between your knees, with your fingers digging into just the right spot. He could die a happy man right here. 
The sensation of your fingers pressing into his skin, your nails scratching at his hairline, made something curl pleasantly low in his stomach. There wasn’t anything technically embarrassing about sporting a semi when your girlfriend was giving you a massage, but he still felt the flush in his neck. You had clearly noticed because you let one of your hands curl around his jaw and turn his head to the side so you could press your lips into his. 
When your hair tickled his face, he shuddered. 
“Let’s go to bed, yeah Bradley?” You cooed, letting your hands fall to his shoulders so you could push yourself to standing. 
The two of you stumbled slowly to the bedroom, the move slightly awkward with the way Bradley kept leaning on you but also kept trying to press his lips into yours. Stripping of everything but underwear, Bradley let himself fall onto the bed without getting under the covers. He watched you brush your teeth with one eye open, the bathroom lighting giving your figure a fluorescent backlit halo. 
When you made it to bed, you shoved at him, “Go brush your teeth, Bradley, I’m not kissing you if you taste like tomatoes while I’m minty.”
With only a light amount of grumbling and complaining, he forced himself to brush his teeth and complete at least one part of the skincare routine you had set up for him. He didn’t want anything in the way of fucking you tonight–as soon as dinner was over, it had been occupying almost all of his thoughts. 
You squealed when he used the remaining amount of his energy to launch himself into bed, bouncing the both of you. For a moment, he just let himself go heavy on top of you. 
“Babe.” He grunted in response to the pet name, “You’re heavy.”
Lifting his head, Bradley pecked your lips and pulled back to look at you without rolling off, “Didn’t you want a weighted blanket?”
Your pout made his head spin, “Weighted blankets don’t usually have bony–oof!–elbows.”
Ever the drama queen, Bradley rolled off you with a huff. You giggled at his antics, and the sound of it made him feel like someone had lit his heart on fire. 
The two of you settled under the covers eventually, legs tangled together with your face pressed into his chest. Your fingers occasionally stroked down his pecs, the sensation was slightly odd against his fine chest hair but it made him shiver more than anything else. You seemed so comfortable petting him and snuggling into him, so who was he to disturb that.
He felt himself starting to drift off when your lips pressed to his, plush and warm. Your hand stroked his cheek, as if urging him to just drift (don’t think, just do) and let muscle memory guide the way his lips met yours. And boy was he ever content to do just that.
Half asleep, he rutted against you, just giving himself permission to feel and feel good. One of your hands clutched at his hip while the other tugged him into a kiss at the back of his neck, your lips moving gently against his in a wonderful contrast to the way his cock felt grinding on you, despite the two layers of clothing.
“Can I—” He couldn’t think straight at that moment.
He was overwhelmed all of a sudden by all the exhaustion and frustration of the day, by the need to feel you and have you close. He grabbed at his briefs before yanking them down just enough for his dick to be free and he almost groaned at the relief. 
You were hardly deterred by how desperate he seemed, and instead took it in stride. But when you went to take your panties off, he stopped you.
“Bradley? What’s wrong, what do you need, baby?” You asked as his hands wrapped around your wrists to center himself. 
He cleared his throat, momentarily embarrassed, but overall too desperate and wanting for it to really affect him.
“Can I fuck your thighs?” He whispered. “I want to make you cum first, but after that?”
It wasn’t necessarily the wildest thing in the world; rationally, he knew that. But he never wanted to encroach, never make you feel uncomfortable, didn’t want to make you feel used. It’s just that sometimes when you wore skirts and bent over, or when you were reaching for a glass or plate on the mornings you stayed over and his shirt rode up over the curve of your ass, he could see that spot at the top of your legs where your thighs touched—and all he could think about was what it might feel like to hold you by your hips and slide his cock there.
You shivered and murmured that of course he could. He dragged you over him so that your legs were framing his hips and pulled your still-clothed cunt over his cock. Clearly you were almost as affected as he was with your panties sporting what felt like a decent sized wet spot at the crotch. 
But he wanted more. He wanted them soaked so that your thighs were slick with it, so that he could pull them to the side and let the bite of the waistband center you while he pressed his head into your clit. He wanted to lose himself in you.
Your gasps and whines were mind altering, the stuff that Bradley stored away for moments alone while deployed. He tried to let you control the rhythm, just letting himself massage at the fat of your ass and the muscle of your thighs. The broken moan you let out when he dragged his fingertips up your back made him grit his teeth.
He knew you were close when the steady rhythm of your hips began to stutter, as if the mechanics of the motion was all autopilot, whatever it took to get you there. When you came you licked into his mouth and tried to kiss him, but mostly just ended up sloppily pressing your lips together with tongue. Bradley didn’t care though, because the feeling of your soaked panties dragging over his dick was making him feel crazy.
Eventually, he eased you off of him and onto your side so that his chest was plastered to your back. He made easy work of his boxers, sliding them off and losing them immediately in the mess of bed covers. The thin layer of sweat between the two of you was just more evidence of what had happened, and the way you jerked from oversensitivity when he played with your nipples was another reminder. And god, just like he had wanted, the insides of your thighs were slick with the mix of your cum and his precum. 
Framing his hips right against yours, he gave an experimental thrust right into that spot he always stared at. He absolutely was not going to last long. Everything was just so much—from the way you kept twitching from the onslaught of sensations to the slight roughness of your panties against him to the way you twisted your head back to kiss him messily. All of it was so much against the smooth glide of your thighs. 
Bradley let one of his hands move away from your nipples to pull the fabric to the side, and he groaned at the sensation of his sliding cock sliding up and down the length of your pussy. You wailed at how the head of his dick rubbed right up against your clit again and again and he could feel just how much arousal was pouring out of you. Your hand shot out to grip his hair and he mouthed at your neck, tasting salt and something so distinctly you. 
“F-Feels so good, Bradley, always feels s-so good,” You gasped.
When you started thrusting back against him, he was done for. He scrambled to pull your panties further to the side just enough so he could slip the head of his cock into you, and the sensation sent him over the edge. Despite your orgasm, you clenched around him, tight, hot, and everything he had ever wanted and more. A few more thrusts and he felt his orgasm spreading to his fingertips, making his brain go fuzzy. He was sure he was babbling some nonsense as his cock caught on the edge of your hole and the slight resistance made his teeth hurt. 
You groaned at the sensation of him finishing in you, content to let him ride out the aftershocks with little stutters of his hips. Eventually, he came back to earth and that bone-deep satisfaction washed away the stress from the day. You two lay there for a moment, catching your breaths.
“Fuck, you’re incredible.” He whispered, easing himself out of you and helping you shimmy out of your underwear. 
“Thank you, babe,” His chest felt tight at your tone and the soft look in your eyes as you stroked his cheek when he leaned over you to climb out of bed. 
“Anything,” his throat welled up a bit and he cleared it, “Anything for you.”
Honestly, cleaning you up after fucking your thighs was the least he could do. After stripping completely and padding to the bathroom to clean himself off, Bradley wet a washcloth and pulled on another pair of briefs just to be comfortable. 
When he got back, you had settled with one of your feet flat on the bed, the knee of the leg closer to him slightly raised with one arm thrown over your eyes to block the gentle light from the bathroom. You looked so beautiful. The rise and fall of your breath accentuated your chest and you looked so at peace. 
The moment was broken when his eyes reached the place where he could see his cum dripping down the crease of your ass.
Suddenly Bradley felt very awake. Dropping to his knees on the carpet, he tugged you to the edge of the bed, and tilted your hips upwards. 
You were a sight to behold. Your thighs were still wet from where he had been fucking them and your pussy was glistening from your orgasm. But it was the way his cum steadily pulsed out of you, over your puckered hole, and onto the mattress that made him feel like he’d died and gone to heaven. He felt his cock twitch with interest. 
“Bradley?” You said softly, slightly confused at the way he seemed to be frozen between your legs when he was usually so determined to get you cleaned up.
His tongue felt like it was made of lead—he couldn’t respond. All he could do was stare as his thumbs gently pulled your cheeks apart so he could get a better view. 
The ah sound you made when he stroked his thumb over your asshole felt like a punch in the gut. The stuttered, gasping moan you let out when he finally, finally licked it could have made him finish right then and there.
“Oh god, oh fuck, babe—” For a split second Bradley thought you might pull him away, reject him in that gentle way of yours you always used when redirecting him.
Instead, your hands shot out to his hair and yanked. Hard. Your hips bucked up and you pulled his face into you as he dived in eagerly. 
Maybe he’d confess it to you after this was over, but this was the stuff that haunted his imagination when he thought about you late at night. Some primal part of him wanted to be the one to have you every which way you’d let him, and now that he knew that it was on the table, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to get enough. He’d come shockingly quickly into his own fist more times than he could count since he’d started seeing you to the thought of fucking you in your ass, to the thought of rimming you til you couldn’t take it anymore. 
The noises you were making were heavenly–moans and whimpers for more. He held your hips down so you couldn’t escape his tongue, his thumbs holding you open for him. It was all you could do–beg for more. The slick pouring from your pussy was overwhelming and the grip on his hair was borderline painful, but it kept him grounded.
“Bradley!” You wailed when he inserted a finger into your spasming cunt and curled it upwards in a petting motion. 
He didn’t think he’d ever seen you quite like this. When he opened his eyes, your chest was heaving, your face barely visible from how you’d thrown your head back in ecstasy, a thin sheen of sweat covering your torso. It was potentially the hottest thing he’d ever seen in his life. 
When he added a second finger, your hips bucked up so hard he almost lost his grip on you. But he could feel the way you were close around his tongue as it circled and gently pushed past the initial ring of muscles. It took all his focus to not cum in his boxers from the thought of imaging how you might feel, clenched around his cock as he pushed into your ass. 
“Babe, I think I’m going to–!” Was all you managed to get out before your orgasm hit you.
Bradley would never forget where he was when he made you squirt for the first time–there, on his knees in front of you, exhausted from a long day of work. The noise you made seemed to be torn from your chest as you rode out your orgasm on his fingers and tongue. For a moment, your body moved on its own accord, chasing and trying to prolong your pleasure. 
And in that moment, when he couldn’t resist any longer and reached down to palm himself for a bit of relief, his own orgasm stole all the air from his lungs. Leave it to Bradley to come in his boxers like a high schooler from rimming you for the first time. 
Slowly, gently, he pulled his fingers out of you, not missing the way your fingers flexed in his hair and you clenched around him. You tasted incredible as always, slightly salty with something else that was just so you. He’d never get tired of it. 
There was a moment of silence before you pushed yourself to your elbows, an absolutely wild look in your eyes, “Bradley Bradshaw you are a menace.” And then you collapsed in a fit of giggles.
He sat there, fingers half way out of his mouth, chest and face soaking wet with you, and watched as you laughed to yourself about how horny he was for you not even moments after he made you squirt. 
“Are you making fun of me?” Now he was laughing a bit too.
Then you were crawling over to him as he stood slowly, pulling him down and over you. Your lips pressed together over and over as you stroked his hair, over his shoulders and down his back. 
“You silly, horny, man. I love you so much. Let’s shower and go the hell to sleep.”
read the next part of this series here
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dyingnights · 5 months
long ass best friend talk
like. this girl researched absolutely everything about borderline. she visited me weekly in the psych ward. she asked me how my eating disorder works and how she can be the best support system. she does not question it when i send her a random fact at 4 in the morning. when we meet for a walk she will sometimes straight up tell me 'im irritated today, not at you, not at the world, i woke up like this, it is absolutely not related to you' and we'll have a good time. she will call me and notify me that she is currently ghosting absolutely everyone she knows and it is not about me and not my fault and she will get in touch as soon as it's all right again. she listens to me talk about my shows and books and movies and games and will send me anything she sees that reminds her of that. if she's busy and doesn't have time to meet she will invite me to come to her place and sit on her bed as she cleans her room. one time she was in greece and called me at 2 am because she felt like my messages were off. she once returned from germany and met me at 5 in the morning as soon as she got off the train because i sounded off in the phone call we'd had the evening earlier. that girl is actually every good thing in the world in one person and i would not be here anymore without her.
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
fic rec friday 29
welcome to the twenty-ninth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. don’t know what i did to earn a love like this (but baby i must be doin’ something right) by littleghost
“I went to the desert to listen to country music.” It falls out of him, and he keeps going, voice hushed like there’s more than just him and Lance in this room. “It always reminded me of you and I would go stare at the stars, think of you, and listen to country.”
i know littleghost has been inactive in the voltron fandom since literally 2017 but i am so obsessed with their fic. im not huge on high school aus usually but this fic in particular had so many of my favourite niche headcanons that ive read this fic like twelve times. yall know how i feel about quiet devotion and its everywhere in this fic.
2. every day i wonder by kirargent
Lance has a stuffed-full backpack, a beanie pulled down over the tips of his ears, a blanket draped around his neck like a thick scarf, and his cell phone pressed to one ear. He looks like an idiot, and he’s being entirely too loud for a good cryptid hunt.
this shit made me fucking LAUGH. keith is such an ornery bitch i literally love him so much. this fic bodies the ‘fuck am i in love with HIM?? why??? why am i so HAPPY ABOUT IT???’ so well i love it
3. mortal bodies, timeless souls by @littendeservesbetter
“Wait!” Coran lets out a triumphant noise. “I got it! If my calculations stand corrected, then our visitors will be people we actually know! Keith, Lance, you two will be meeting your alternate selves today!”
Coran says it like the idea is so mundane that it takes Keith a while to process. The moment he does, however, he feels his heart drop to his stomach.
“We’re going to what?!” Lance yelps, effectively voicing out Keith’s thoughts.
Or, the castle's teludav malfunctions, alternate realities are mixed, and Keith finds out that he and Lance are a lot more... close in other realities.
they are fucking in love in every single reality in every single universe always and endlessly. they are Soulmates. i know its cheesy but im obsessed with them literally. also extra incentive this fic has pike/thunderstorm darkness
4. here comes the violence by stardon 
“Fancy seeing you here, Whiskers.”
Keith feels his tail wag in annoyance, which is almost as horrifying as his current situation. “No. Absolutely fucking not.” He looks at his bare wrist, pretending he has a watch. “How about we postpone this? My calendar says I’m free from the seventh of never through to the fifteenth of ain’t-gonna-happen, how does that work for you guys?”
Pidge looks up, quirking a brow. “Lance has an amazing influence on your humour, you know that?”
In which sometimes Keith is a bit Galra, sometimes not.
this fic is excellent because their both so obviously in love and down bad for each other but theyre both also stupid. borderline already dating but also not and driving each other insane is peak peak trope
5. Beast of Burden by melancholymango [EXPLICIT]
“Keith, no, we can’t go again.” Lance pleads fall on deaf ears. Keith is honed in on him now like predator to prey. He’s fighting a losing battle and they both know it. He sees it in the way Keith is raking his eyes over him, sizing him up. “We’ll be so late getting to the bar.”“Just one more.” Keith insists, herding Lance toward the counter with a stubbornness that is innately wolf. Lance pouts, but he doesn't have anywhere else to go but backward.“That’s what you said last time! And the time before that!”--The week leading up to a supermoon, as told by the world's best werewolf boyfriend, Lance McClain. The good, the bad, and the horny.
this is just monsterfucking but its also like soft in there. but mostly its monsterfucking
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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foolshoujo · 2 months
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
haha more like what made me pick up this muse again kjhfsa. which is what always happens, a replay of p3p. i originally made minako's blog in 2014 after needing a change of pace from the rpc i was in at the time & then as always after time i got distracted n picked up new muses in other fandoms. i was on a heavy hiatus borderline retirement from tunglr rp in like 2022 but when atlus announced the remaster port to modern consoles for p3p i just idk everything flooded back & in high gear. persona 3 is a extremely precious game for me & i tend to replay it when im really low mentally, which i was at the time anyways. so i think that plus my very hard personal boundary with myself that i will not venture into new rpcs or very far from minako's blog( ie no new blogs, no new blogs. ) really pushed me to stay. i do have my pokemon oc still & i do have akira now but like these three blogs, sideblogs here are attached to this btw, are like it for me. so i'm super here to stay LOL outside of rp tho p3/p has been huge in my life, after all i have XXII which is minako's barrette & arcana number tattoo'd on my wrist. so she's always been with me so to speak regardless if i'm writing her or not kjhfsda
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
outside of obvious general dni criteria, not much. i do have like a limit about jokes tho at a point if all i'm writing is like shitposts or if i'm only being subjected to it & don't feel as if i'm being taken seriously i get incredibly irritated. i rather be ignored on dash than only seen as a joke or what i write is only for comedic gain if that makes sense ? it just feels disrespectful. but i do love a good meme ! don't mistake me, i'm a big meme myself but i just have hard time & a place settings i guess kjfsh
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
mmm i love writing in general i think i shine best when it's somethin' a lil more plotted out tho. when you match energy with someone & dig deeper into something plotted out it really kicks the motivation in high gear for me. i do love action threads, tho the rpc no matter how many 9328742 years it's been tend to just not write them which i get it can be daunting, but i also love like putting characters into situations & then watching them work through it or against it to get out of it. i feel like i said nothing here HAHHA
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
oh god. oh god my brain is just a picture of this. at all times. i'm always running through stuff in my head, it's the character that tends to shuffle about. however when it comes time to like sit down & write one it all depends on what has popped into my head or become relevant in my eyes. after that i just open my mouth, unhinge my jaw, & then bLEAUghHH words until yall worry about me have u seen me talk in meta posts i cant shut up im sorry but im not kjsfhda
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
i have to have a background noise to function as a person, so yeah i have something on while i write. usually music but sometimes my computers second screen has a video up. usually that's how i watch a lot of tv or youtube. for music it's just whatever i want to listen to at the moment i don't tend to like require or use character playlists to write, it's all up to what my brainworms wanna hear at the moment.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
situational. for the most part when i get to a reply i read through it, reread my reply, reread the reply to it & then go ok what's next & write from there. thinking about what my muse may do too much tends to like dull the line of thinking so i try not to plan out beyond when i'm working on them at the moment so i guess that is more winging it ? i do sometimes when i read a reply before i draft it know what my muse will do & plan it out a wee bit before i can get to the reply, but its not common.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
yeeessssss & nooooo haHAH i'm a bit difficult when it comes to shipping. i've been uhhh lets say burned heavily in the past added with the fact that i'm grey-aromantic i tend to favor other forms of love vs romantic first & foremost. usually i have to have a good relationship with the mun before i'm open to shipping w/ them, which is why for years & years i would more often ship w/ my best friends here rather than like just off the cuff. not that ppl who do casually ship are bad, it's just not for me. i have to have chemistry between myself & the other writer to be able to create something just like any other plot & my muse well she may not be sentient but damn she gotta have some sort of want or lean to it too u kno LOL minako herself has proven to me to be extremely fickle about romance. that comes from being a shoujo-manga-esc protag based on love for humanity. she doesn't have a canonical love interest because she's player controlled & sure, at this point she's my oc which i'm totally writing her with that as the focus bc i feel like all protag ocs for games like this are basically ocs with a general preset provided by the games canon my personal world building is only really a guide & not hard coded for rp. there are characters she finds attractive that she interacts w/ quite often, but attraction does not equate to romantic feelings. she's dense when it comes to romance to her so she'd have to be confessed to completely outright because even when she catches feelings she bottles them up in some idiotic ' this is fine as it is ' mentality which means the other person tends to have to confess before she lets herself bridge that gap to start a romance or dabble it in. i do have my own ships for her, some crossfandom as well. they aren't like rpc related tho. i would explode like a sun a thousand times for these ships i love them.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
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modorelin farllee. farllee is the short hand. the creature u see in this icon is also the farllee in question. they are from my favorite comic, muzz by fsc. i also have permission from fsc to use this moniker for myself.
i'm in my mid 30s but i prefer to keep the exact age private.
I'M A MARCH BABY BITCH ! ARIES PALS RISE ! my bday passed recently on the 22nd btw :)
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
purple, purple, & purple. as well as black, wine, teal, blue, all the deep jewel tone peacock colors are my favorite. && purple.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
ok here are some of my favorite songs of all time in no order. i have a semi set list of like ten, but here are a few. these songs are like vital to my brain & it's smoothness.
The Sun Always Shines on TV / a-ha
View / SHINee
America's Cup / POND
Space Age Love Song / A Flock of Seagulls
Automatic Man / Michael Sembello
Cookie feat MEIKO / gozenP
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
late night with the devil
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
i've been rewatchin ohshc but also keepin' up with frie/ren & dungeon m/eshi, which i'm happy to finally have an anime for. as for tv shows uhghhhghhh my demon ? idk haha
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Traps / Bloc Party mv linked has some flashes btw
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
all of it >:) fjksah idk my comfort food rotates out but i struggle with arfid so i tend to push myself to try & eat new foods & more or less consistently eat which i tend to forget to bc autistic disconnect often gets in the way so i dont remember im hungry until its too late hAHAHA WHOOPS
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
visually i like the idea of winter, but realistically i like fall because everything i'm allergic to is dying but the temps are like spring in reverse & also hehehe halloween yay
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
i hAVE MANYYY granted all of my moots r my besties<3 but a hearty shout out to pals ive known for 389472 years that still put up with me like caro ilu @vilestblood :) <- threat(kidding)
tagged: @primordyalsoul oUGH THANK U SUMINNN tagging: @yukcri @ardenssolis @kkriitters @moonflowe @drakeheir @investigationshoujo & IDK STEAL IT N TAG ME
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Saul silva x reader - you’re not cursed
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Part three:
Saul had a hard time following you, the only indication he had of where you were going was the glimpse of white ahead of him.
You knew he was still following him, and you ran through the stream and jumped behind some trees, watching him.
Saul stopped in the water and he looked around.
“I know you’re somewhere in there. Somewhere under that dangerous facade I know you’re hiding (Y/N).” He spoke softly.
Your growl echoed through the quiet forest, and he slowly turned around.
You crept around a few trees, using the leaves and tall grass to your advantage as you moved behind him and crouched down.
“I want to bring you home..” he whispered.
He reached up towards his sword, and you snarled, and he raised his hands, bringing them back down he shuffled out of his armour inside and he tossed it aside.
It was a risky move, and Saul knew that, but he needed to show you that he wasn’t a threat.
“I know you killed the burned one that infected me. I want to say thank you.”
You slowly started moving again, around so you could stand in front of him behind the trees and his eyes found yours.
You snarled lowly, slowly laying down.
“I know you can understand me, and I know you can’t talk back. So just listen.”
He shuffled out of the water and sat down on the grass.
“I’ve been looking for you for months, I’ve been trying to find you. You know that right? It’s why you’ve been running?”
Your tail moved a little, and you shuffled, and he swallowed nervously.
He didn’t know what you were doing, he couldn’t read the body language of a creature he had never seen before. He’d never seen a wolf in real life until you shifted.
He couldn’t read your facial expressions like he could in your human form, he had no way to tell what you were thinking.
“You’re scared, I know. I understand you’re scared, I don’t want to hurt you, I promise.”
You growled lowly.
“I know, im.. im sorry for what I did. I’m sorry I hurt you before and for what I said.”
He sighed, and he just looked in your eyes quietly, trying to find any sort of flicker that you were there, that you weee listening.
He knew it was you, he recognised the grey on your tail, he yellow of your eyes that held a deep intelligence behind them.
But he was trying to find you.
He was trying to reach out to you.
“I know you’re in there..” he whispered.
You let out a huff of air, and rested your head on your paws as you looked at him.
Running was useless, he was going to keep chasing you, and you were tired of that, so you thought if you laid there long enough he would leave.
“Okay. Okay, we’ll sit here then. I’ll wait days if I have too.”
You let out a grumble at this and he chuckled a little, laying down on his stomach, he copied you, resting his chin on his arms.
You both just started at one another.
You recognised him. Of course you did, but you were scared. Terrified.
He had hurt you, he looked like he was ready to kill you the last time you had seen him, even if he was dying he still held that look of pure hate in his eyes.
You were flicking between states of consciousness and not. Sometimes you were you, sometimes you weren’t.
You were on the borderline of loosing sight of who you were, and it wouldn’t be long until every remnant of being human was gone.
You were struggling to remember most things aside from that day, it was burned into your brain like a reminder of what people thought of you.
What people would do to you.
“Please remember (Y/N)…” Saul whispered.
You stared at him a little more, and then you lifted your head, standing up as your ears flickered back and forth, and you began to look around.
Saul sat up with a frown as he watched you, you sniffed at the air, and you rushed over, grabbing his armour between your teeth, you looked at him before you took off running.
He ran after you, following you.
You were running at a slower pace this time, you wanted him to follow you this time as you ran and you led him to a cave and and walked to the very back, setting his armour down.
The smell was burning your nose and you looked at him as he rushed in.
Walked over, you grabbed his trouser leg and pulled him.
“Okay, okay.”
He walked in and you looked at him, laying down and he looked at you confused.
Growling a little, you stood up and did the same thing.
Saul kneeled down and laid down, and you laid next to him.
“What is it?” He whispered.
You snarled and he watched as you turned your attention back to the cave entrance.
Saul copied you.
He was aware of how close he was to you, he could feel your side against his arm, hear your steady breathing.
You could hear something getting closer because you shuffled back a little bit and he did the same until he couldn’t shuffle back anymore.
Branches snapped, and there was a chorus of snarling and he watched as a burned one stood in front of the cave and he reached his hand towards his sword.
You looked at him and turned your attention back to the creature.
It stayed there for a few minutes.
Agonisingly long minutes, both of you staring at it as it just seemed to stand there.
Had it seen you?
Did it know you were there?
All these questions ran through both your heads at the same time as it seemed to look around before it finally took of running.
And he went to chase it only to be stopped by you moving in front of him.
A few seconds later more came running past, and he held his breath.
Your ears moved, and you titled your head from side to side listening to them retreating until you slowly sat up, sitting down as you looked at him.
“Thank you..” he whispered.
You walked across the cave and he got his phone out to tell Farah what had just happened and he looked at you as he pulled his armour back on and stood up.
“You do recognise me, don’t you?”
You looked at him.
“Are you.. are you scared of me..?”
You flattened your ears and he took that as a yes. You were scared of him.
“I promise I’m not going to hurt you.. come back.. please..? It’s not safe out here..” he whispered.
You snarled a little.
“(Y/N) please. I don’t want to leave you out here, even if you do know there’s burned ones about it’s not safe, especially not with that many running around.”
You turned your head away from him.
“I was scared.. I’d never seen a shapeshifter before. I was stupid, okay? I fucked up, I know that. But let me make it up to you. Let me keep you safe, when they’re gone I’ll bring you back.”
Saul walked over, crouching next to you and he hesitated before he reached out, placing his hand on your back and you whipped your head up.
You looked at him, and he gave you a gentle smile.
“You’re not cursed (Y/N), I shouldn’t have said that. Your magic isn’t deranged or unnatural. I know why Farah hired you, and I agree with her reasoning. The students miss you, the teachers miss you. I miss you..”
You blinked and laid your head back down.
“Im begging you (Y/N).. come back to the school..”
You huffed and stood up, walking to the other side of the cave and laid down with your back to him.
“I’ll.. I’ll stay here then. I’ll live in the cave with you! I will learn to live like you if that makes it better!”
You grumbled.
“I’ll do it. You know I’ll do it, I once lived in your office for a week because you were mad at me.”
He walked over to you and crouched down again.
“I need you (Y/N).. I don’t want to let you go.. I don’t want to loose you like this.. you know what’ll happen if you stay like this for any longer.. I don’t want that..”
He touched your head.
“I should’ve said something when you were still at Alfea but.. god my heart beats for you (Y/N), it needs you. And I don’t know how I can let you go..”
You didn’t respond and Saul sighed, reaching up he took his sword off and laid it next to you.
“Keep this at least. To protect yourself if they come back. I’ll come check on you after we’ve dealt with them.”
Saul took your head in his and pressed his forehead to yours, closing his eyes as he took a small breath.
“Please don’t forget about us.. about me.. remember who you are (Y/N).”
He kissed the top of your head and stood up.
“I’ll be back, I promise. And if you run I’ll find you again. I’m not giving up until I come back with you by my side.”
With that he jogged away and you looked at his sword, resting your head on it as you closed your eyes and sighed.
He triggered more memories, memories you brain was locking away, he unlocked them. You did miss Alfea, you missed Farah and Professors Harvey and your students.
And as much as you hated to admit it, this entire time you’ve missed Saul but there was still that fear eating away at you that he’ll turn on your again
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noxexistant · 1 year
IM SORRY i was too busy fully crying over the overwhelming response encouraging me to keep talking about my blorbos :’) i got very in my own head that i was being annoying, particularly about the delanceys, but hearing SO MANY PEOPLE ask to hear more is so wild n lovely n auuuuughhh i love you all
ANYWAY. we’re pulling the boys out of the blender to psychoanalyse them for once
cw; talk of food issues, abuse, substance abuse, plus all the usual stuff for my delancey interpretations
it’s rambling time
first of all, oscar.
he absolutely has symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, to start us off.
antisocial personality disorder, like bpd, can be caused both genetically and by abuse/neglect/instability during childhood, and details such as parents abusing alcohol or other substances can factor in. i headcanon both the delanceys’ parents to have abused alcohol, and particularly their mother to have been bipolar, which affects their upbringing and their own genetics/vulnerability to mental illness.
oscar is just so angry, all the time, as a child - nothing is fair, nothing is okay, and there isn’t even anything he can do about it. it’s this crushing sense of frustration and fear and helplessness. even at school, even when he’s really, honestly trying his best, he can’t pay attention. he knows he’s incredibly lucky to be going to school at all - morris’ll never go - but that just means he’s in trouble there as well as at home. he gets caned at school and then comes home to get beat. it’s not fair. nobody listens, nobody treats him well, but he has to look after morris anyway even though nobody’s ever looked after him.
the anger calcifies as he gets older. solidifies into this mass that sits inside him, taking up all the space for anything good. he becomes aggressive and impulsive, and learns to stop caring about other people because none of them can be trusted - enough people have proven themselves awful, his parents and everyone on the streets and snyder and the other kids in the refuge and weasel, so he’ll stop trying and trust they’re all the same. even someone who might not be a threat is probably worthless and useless, he has nothing to gain from doing anything but getting them out of the way, and oscar recognises his hypocrisy because he used to think similar things about morris, but morris is different.
morris is a part of oscar. he isn’t an outsider, he isn’t like anybody else, he’s the only thing in the entire world worth caring about, and oscar does. he doesn’t feel anything when he hurts or scares anyone else, at most feels a sense of satisfaction, but his stomach drops out when he accidentally scares or hurts morris, by shouting at him or moving too fast or doing one of the things that makes morris go empty-eyed and far away. oscar feels sick with guilt then - really, physically sick with it, like it’s surrounding the black mass of his anger and there isn’t enough space for it and it all just starts spilling out - and he doesn’t know how to cope. he doesn’t know how to stomach his love for morris. especially not when it has to sit next to all the anger like that. he tries so hard to keep the two away from each other, but he still gets angry at morris often, although nowhere near as often as he gets aggressive with anybody else. he hits morris sometimes, even though he really doesn’t mean to, and morris always says it’s okay. he says he’s not scared of oscar, not really, no matter what, because they’re them - the two of them, one entity. they’re entirely codependent.
morris has borderline personality disorder. which is also influenced by his autism - these two types of black-and-white thinking and sense of justice and general perception of the world, feeding into each other and creating a sense of isolation that keeps him away from everyone but oscar. oscar’s the only person who can be trusted, and morris loves him more than anything - way, way more than he loves himself, which is not at all. every part of morris, his moods and emotions and his worth and his willingness to do anything, ride wholly on oscar’s mood at that moment and how he’s treating morris. morris is far more likely to hurt himself if oscar is upset with him or not talking to him, which oscar knows, so once they’ve been in the refuge for a while he stops being upset with morris for any longer than the duration of one of his outbursts. he won’t let morris hurt himself anymore, will often encourage morris to hit him instead of hitting himself when he’s upset or frustrated.
still, morris is forever terrified that oscar will leave him just like ma and pa did, so he tries to be good. he tries to always agree with oscar, and keeps quiet when oscar’s having a bad turn, and he doesn’t get mad back even when oscar hits him, though that’s also in part because he can’t. the second morris gets hit like that, he shuts down - thinking about pa - and then everything’s gone for a few hours, maybe a day if it’s really bad. he’s lost months to dissociation before, whole years with only brief glimpses of the surface before he went back down, particularly while he and oscar were in the refuge. there’s things that scare him and upset him that he doesn’t understand because they’re parts of memories he doesn’t remember. he has little to no sense of self and no sense of self-worth, he has bouts of being sure he doesn’t need anyone but oscar and bouts of feeling so lonely he can hardly breathe. he feels empty a lot, but also feels angry and sad and desperately scared, and sometimes giddily happy but it never seems to last long. he thinks about dying a lot.
he also definitely has arfid. it’s a mix of a lot of triggers - his autistic sensitivity to foods, all his trauma surrounding food, and low interest in eating anyway because he can’t understand his own hunger cues and tends not to really enjoy food. he’s been malnourished his whole life, and largely still is, even nearing adulthood - he won’t eat like oscar does, wolfing down a whole plateful of whatever’s on offer, he can’t. he’s sick if he tries to eat food he doesn’t want, and/or has meltdowns. it terrifies oscar, who is just desperate for morris to eat at least enough to be healthy, but even oscar usually can’t convince morris to eat. he focuses on getting the particular foods that morris does like instead, and always keeping them so that he can get morris to eat a bite or two at a time throughout the day. on morris’ worst days, oscar will get him candy - his favourite, the only thing he’ll always eat - and let him eat that like a meal so he’s at least eating something.
that being said, oscar isn’t great about consuming stuff either. he likes alcohol too much, and he’ll do his damnedest to not drink a drop in front of morris but he’ll often sneak out once he knows morris is asleep and duck into a bar for an hour or two. he drinks like he’s trying to knock himself out, which he usually is. he likes a bar fight too - meaningless, usually, and no-holds-barred. he’ll glass someone for saying anything bad about his brother, or anything good about his parents. he drinks what his father used to, because he knows what it’s called and what it tastes like - he’d used to steal swigs from the bottles left out, when he was a little kid. he’d made morris try too, when he was the age oscar’d been when he first tried, but he’d spat it straight back out. oscar’d laughed at him, but now he’s grateful. morris hurts himself enough without adding drinking to the mix.
both of them have c-ptsd. morris has nightmares every single time he falls asleep for long enough, and doesn’t sleep much because of it. oscar has adhd - it influences his aggression and frustration, this constant burning restlessness that exists within him. he’s deeply impatient with anything he finds boring, which includes most people, and he most commonly “stims” with violence. the vast majority of morris’ stims border on self-harm, and he self-harms to stim too, but he has some positive stims - rocking back and forth, bouncing on his heels, stomping his feet, tracing the edges of objects, echolalia. he chews on things, including his own thumb, which he does both because it feels nice and because it hurts. sometimes that’s the same thing to him. he sucks his thumb too, especially for comfort, which ties into one final detail
morris age regresses, or does something adjacent. it’s this kind of undiagnosable no man’s land between his trauma and autism and developmental disability, but mainly just characterised by vulnerability and childishness. oscar’s the only one who really knows, mostly because he’s the only one who could ever notice, but he gets even more protective when he knows morris is more vulnerable - entirely nonverbal, just stimming and comfort-seeking. that’s when oscar sticks right by morris’ side, not getting restless or seeking out any fights for once, not talking for any reason other than to give morris something to listen to. just…looking after his brother, as best he can.
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breathplayed · 11 months
12 - do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? 
I need tips! xD
YES i have severe adhd it's been real fun trying to function in a society
what i do (some tips are replicable maybe some r not lol):
write when i Want to.... ofc this urge doesnt always strike, sometimes u do have to go force urself through a block, but i will listen to a fic playlist or daydream about the fic and it will make me Want to write down what im thinking about. having that actual desire helps lol. bc then, even if my brain is having trouble focusing My Heart/Dick still want to write so im more likely to keep pushing instead of give up
borderline sensory deprivation honestly, i can't listen to music or watch tv or anything when i write or read or think, so i blast white noise in my headphones and get completely sucked into the doc lol
i make a separate desktop on macbook that is just two windows, the fic outline on the left and the doc or writing program on the right. that way if i go to open a tab to google something for the fic i dont see other windows/tabs of Fun Stuff i was doing before that might distract me lol
i use the Forest extension with all social media blacklisted so that when my attention wanders and i open a tab to go to twitter or whatever by muscle memory, the extension puts me back in my place with the big "Ur gonna kill ur tree if u proceed" screen and im like "UUUGGHHHH thats right im supposed to be writing FIINEEE ill go back"
know when and how to give up..... sometimes writing rly isnt working but it's still good to try, if the words arent coming out right i try to settle for like. ok well i'll open the outline and i'll read over that, or reread earlier part of fic, to see if it reinspires me. if its really not working (if ur too tired/frustrated that will show in the writing style ukno) ill at least add bullet points of what the next parts of the scene should be. maybe i dont feel like writing fancy pretty sentences right now, but i can come back tomorrow and see the quick idea i jotted down on what i was thinking of doing next and that gives me a good jumping-off point
it helps to have external accountability!!!! write with a friend holding each other to a certain time period of Working on it, or just open a sprint site that has a global sprint bc then u can see other ppl working and it feels like ur racing them. body doubling with adhd helps with this too, if u go to a cafe/library and see others working it keeps u focused (like im not gonna open youtube and start watching some stupid shit with others able to see over my shoulder, im gonna Open My Doc)
this last point is only applicable if u have a stimulants prescription for adhd (or buy it somewhere i guess lol) but i definitely am 20-1000x more productive when i take my meds. the hyperfocus is way easier to kick into. sometimes when i pop my silly lil pill i can write like 4-7k average in a 3 hour sitting
Best of luck... Never give up........ also helps i think to pay attention to what conditions work for u and replicate them, like where u write best!! last summer i got one of them fancy clicky raised key keyboards + a riser for my laptop and that made typing fun, ill probably return to it eventually i just have it packed away atm
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dollfaceksj · 7 months
Hey, this might sound a weird thing to share online but I feel like i have no one to talk to. My mom has borderline disorder and is becoming a living hell to share a house with her. Today was one of those days I spent locked in my room with my earphone on to not listen to the yelling and I just wanted to say thank you so much, i've been binge reading your stories to find a little peace. I had to share it because sometimes someone from the other side of the earth can help us without even knowing and they need to know how important they were and i"m grateful for that. Sorry for the venting. And thank you!
hi anon <3
this message is both disheartening and heartwarming at the same time. i hate that you have to go through that and i hope you stay strong
on the other hand, im glad my stories can give you an escape. that motivates me
u can always talk to me. hope i hear back from u soon <3
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wompwomp4 · 9 months
i wish we could go back to being kids, Leah.
that’s not to say that i want to re-live those years; cold, wet, angry years. i’m saying i want to re-live you. i want to gather up those summer/autumn/winter/spring days in poulsbo, put them safe on my shelves where i can remember them.
my memories come and go, but i can’t forget walking through your neighborhood (always your neighborhood, not mine. i used to joke that if you came within a ten foot radius of my house, you'd explode), past the worn houses with their overcrowded decks and equally overgrown lawns.
past the house with the fenced-in yard and the yapping dog, rusted car in the driveway. down the hill, pocked with pot holes and muddy grass, dead trees that will be heavy with crab apples and too much pollen in three months.
down to the street, make a right, echoes of heated conversations carried in the breeze. four blocks to the next neighborhood, with it’s shiny new houses- fresh coats of paint, artificial gardens, and security cameras watching us warily from their perches in windows, blinds drawn tightly.
something about them used to make me so angry. i made an effort to pass by with as much disturbance as possible. i was so loud. i still am. always have been. i think you know, Leah, that it’s my way of forcing my presence into the world, of demanding not to be heard, but to be listened to. ‘don’t ignore (forget) me!’
you’re the only person i know that can love me like this– loud and mean and broken.
it doesn’t take long to leave the houses and their people, with their range rovers and organic granola, behind.
now we cross the street, half running because people come flying at this turn. we’re giggling at the same jokes we’ve been telling for years when we meet the new strip of sidewalk. we hurry down the block, towards the pizza/tattoo/coffee shops all squeezed into one building, the one with the bench (you know). turn the corner, and we’re home.
we invade the stores of downtown poulsbo, with their overpriced antiques and mass-produced 'rustic' home decor. make our rounds; the bead store (im sorry), the bakery, pass the shitty coffee shop on the way to the pocket-sized book store, the dainty stationary store, the diner and the seafood place, sometimes down to Mora's. businesses that had to learn to accept us.
we make up stupid names for some of these stores, ones i still can't let go of them after all this time. leave most of them with nothing, borderline harass the locals (mostly me).
always, we wind up at Cups, share a mexican brownie after pretending to read the menu. sometimes, we get milkshakes. sit outside if the weather is feeling generous. usually, it isn't.
we're here for hours, suspended in these moments. i yearn to feel them again. i can see your face so clearly. we were so young, the weight of it all wasn't quite as heavy as it is now.
downtown poulsbo isn’t the same anymore, but neither are we. we grew out of it, and it grew away from us. but i still see you in those stores, on the pier breathing in sea salt, down the sidewalk. i still see you on the hilly walk home, illuminated by the dying sunlight. in the abandoned house and the barn, at copper top and metro market, and the thicket of trees in front of Sakai.
i'm lucky now if i get to see you once a year, but in my mind, i always see you, and i love you. you are otherworldly, then and now.
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sc0rpi0sys · 2 years
some things we did throughout our life that should've clued us into the fact that we have various mental conditions, but didn't bc we didn't have proper education on mental health!
including but not limited to:
literally talking in our head like there is a number of people there with different opinions and different things they want to do (osdd)
eating ultimately three things throughout our whole childhood (autism)
having very specific headcanons on certain fandoms and characters. seeing some other headcanons, saying "oh, i like that!" but never putting them in our personal works/rps/etc for unknown reasons, even though i wanted to (osdd, introjects)
hating shopping until i was able to shop by my rules. it's either quick, with minimum try-ons, clothes a few sizes bigger than it fits, or we're unhappy, getting cranky super fast and hurry to leave cus it's boring/uncomfortable (autism)
ditching our best friend since kindergarten up to primary school in primary school cus she started being friends with another person and i felt ignored (bpd)
being borderline romantic with another best friend all throughout middle school, but never having actual romantic feelings for her. being jealous of her other friendship (bpd)
terrible, terrible, AWFUL memory. we still have a running joke with a friend of how my memory cuts out around her 12th birthday, she doesn't know we're a system (osdd)
only being able to wear specific clothes. wearing the same hoodie for weeks in middle school cus it was the only safe choice (autism)
starting to "date" a boy in middle school i didn't even like in a try to fit in with our best friend who had a crush on that boy (autism) (funny thing is, she didnt have a crush on him. she was mimicking me while i was mimicking her. yes, she's trying for RAS atm)
never being able to have a conclusive opinion on anything except sensory stuff. felt like our opinions switched sometimes daily (osdd)
feeling like i never knew how it is to like something. instead of just liking something it felt like we just chose to like something one day (all three, i account it to all three. its a mess)
just so many sensory problems (autism)
buying clothes i Loved in the shops and ending up not wearing them once or wearing them Onlg once bc they didnt seem so good later, to the point sometimes we would cringe at some stuff we bought (osdd)
not being able to cry, but at the same time wanting to so badly it hurt (osdd)
rage fits. over little things, big things, any things that bothered me (bpd)
obsessive interests. so obsessive i wouldn't talk about any other stuff for weeks no matter if my friends were interested in listening to me (autism)
but at the same time having some interests that turned on and off with time. examplified by our team's favourite: reading homestuck for over two years because some weeks we binged it to the best of our abilities and some weeks we weren't interested even in the slightest (osdd and autism)
"kinning" characters in a very specific way. not trying to act like them consciously, but ending up doing it naturally. not being able to stop on demand, even if demand came from myself (osdd, introjects)
reckless behaviour, adrenaline seeking even. im not about to confess to my crimes on social media but we might or might not stole a couple of things back in the day (bpd)
having drastically different styles day-to-day if we went somewhere that is not school (osdd)
usually getting along with younger kids better than with peers (autism)
k lol thats it. its not an exhaustive list by any means and i purposefully didnt include any heavier stuff just bc. i dont want to lol. its not fun and games all the time, but its also not always awful, some things are pretty funny in retrospect
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
i know you’re open for requests and i really love your match ups, so if you’re still doing them can i have one for the mcu (and maybe star wars if you write for that fandom) ✨
my pronouns are she/her, i’m 5ft7, with blue-grey eyes, light, shoulder length blonde hair, and somewhere between pale and slightly tanned skin. sometimes i’m fem sometimes i’m masc. i’m also omnisexual but i’d prefer you match me up with one of the male characters. i love writing and reading. my style is classy alternativish but maybe also downtown girl. lots of black, corsets, jeans, docs, but also black trench coats and black mini dresses. my favorite colors are purple emerald green and blue
I read a lot of fantasy but also sad books like my dark vanessa. in my head im a mix of a downtown girl and dark academia gjrl. i listen to all sorts of music but mainly hozier, arctic monkeys, halsey, nirvana, taylor swift, and chase atlantic
i love crystals and being outdoors but i also love the city. i love english and history as well as star wars.
mental health is something super important to me. i have anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and ptsd. i’m passionate about domestic violence and sexual assault and want to be a lawyer and yeah i hope that’s all helpful! thank you!!
Unfortunately I don’t do Star Wars but I’m glad to give you an mcu one
Peter Parker {andrew garfield}
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He would absolutely adore your eye color, just catching him dozing off looking at them
Tell him about what you’re reading at the moment or pick a book together you can two can read and discuss when you finish
He will take little photographs of you when you’re not looking, just because you look too good to him
He’s not the biggest on fashion and honestly if you tell him you like something on him he’ll wear all the time just because of that
Your dates will consist of him coming late to your room with flowers or something like a snack and chatting away until he has to leave before his aunt notices he’s actually not home
One of his favorite date ideas is taking you up on the highest building rooftop and laying there listening to your playlists
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reficu1 · 1 year
hiiii ^^ was wondering if I could have a matchup for genshin?
name: Periwinkle or just Peri but i also go by quin sometimes
sexuality: bi with a preference for guys
gender: non-binary, they/them
likes: music, art, true crime, animals but especially sea creatures, makeup, fashion, the cold, dark psychology, night, horror movies an books, gore, monsters <3, tropical fruits, icecream, sleeping, giving gifts, snow, thunderstorms, nature, and dinosaurs lmao.
dislikes: rules, anyone super serious reminds me of my m o m lmao, people who interrupt others, sports, heat, people touching my sides without warning me first, people not paying attention to me when i talk, people who always hold a pity party for themselves as their whole personality, koalas, and people who think they have it worse than you.
hobbies: singing, poetry, painting, sketching, writing, cooking, crocheting, bike riding while listening to music, swimming, video games like (skyrim, minecraft, botw, subnautica)
personality: INFP-A. a lot of people say i seem intimidating at first glance, i'm very aggressive and tend to be very loud by nature yet not very energetic if that makes sense. i talk too loud basically lmao. im socially awkward and try to make people too comfy too quick and tend to overshare. my mood changes rapidly due to being a borderline. I have a very happy personality tho and laugh at so much its ridiculous yet im diagnosed with multiple mental disorders. im really lazy and hate even standing for more than 5 mins mainly cuz my whole body always hurts tho lmao. im quite introverted and unless i HAVE to i hate going out and meeting new people. i isolate myself a lot if i get even slightly mad or sad. i have a lot of self-destructive habits and just dont work on them lmao. i talk a lot about things i like. i have bad trust and attachment issues yet i dont completely trust anyone due to past issues. a lot of people ik say im someone very trustworthy since i can keep secrets and know how to stay loyal and help people when they need to vent. im very blunt to the point it has ruined relationships. i try to watch my speaking due to having grown up in an environment where if i said anything wrong id be screamed at or beat so i tend not to say a lot of things im thinking despite being blunt. i can barely speak up for myself if someone is mad at me for fear of them hating me or leaving me, to the point if i stand up for myself i start crying and shaking and have to leave the room. i have really bad issues with self-harm. i have a very short attention span and get distracted super easy t the point i can barely read properly lmao. im really hypersexual at times and then sex repulsed at other times. i have an obsessive personality and if i find anything i like i surround myself with it as much as i can and if not, im daydreaming abt it. i have a thing for correcting people abt anything ik a lot about. i have a thing for loving anyone, whether real or fake, that's usually unliked whether its for being weird, scary, or ugly in any form. so basically i love the unloveable cuz i understand them. i cuss a l o t lmao. im very clumsy and jumpy at all times lmao i get hurt a lot, randoms bruises everywhere. i find comfort in my depression so i dont plan on getting better but im not suicidal. im the type of person to be like "huh?" even tho i heard you loud and clear.
insecurities: my body. i'm overweight for my height and have really defined curves so i get oversexualized a lot so i hate my body, plus my scars do n o t help. ive been told my whole life by my grandma and my cousins that im only good for my body so yeah. the way i get obsessed with things and people so easily. the fact im very poor and currently am homeless along with my parents lmao. the way i look for bad in anyone i like becuz i dont want to let myself love ever again. how i dont want to get better at all, i just wanna stew in my shit lmaoooo. the way i eat really unhealthily. how when i would cry as a child my family would say i was being dramatic so now when i need to cry i gaslight myself into thinking im being cringe. the way i try to seem a bit cooler than i am in front of people online. my impulsive lying (im working on it with my therapist tho so i barely do anymore compared to before). My taste in people. my fashion sense cuz of my mom. the way im agnostic now since i grew up religious. my darker interests. my boyish personality. how i cant keep anything around me clean for more than two days.
I hope you have a great night/day ^^
Oh, it's sad how similar we are. I hope that in the future you will get rid of people who make you uncomfortable, or your parents will change their parenting methods. Although the scars on the body and on the nervous system will remain.
I match up for you...
Okay, it was difficult. I chose between two characters whose 7 is dominant in the enneagram, because of this they avoid their problems _(._.)_well...
I wanted to choose Venti, but he has huge problems with responsibility or absence. He is used to drowning out moral pain with optimism, conversations, and a penchant for bad habits. And a pretty sloppy attitude.
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That's why I chose Child. Of course, I don’t know what will happen in the future and whether you want to have a family, so I will talk about his family in Snezhnaya. For the comfort of his family, he will do everything. Just look at his spoiled younger brother<^!^> Of course, the "lie" question bothers me. In his case, it is rather "a lie for the good" and "a wolf in sheep's clothing." The first is for the family so that they do not worry, and the other for his work. I talked earlier about avoiding reality or problems. Tartaglia has a tendency to avoid real issues that only concern his life and injuries. In conversation, he avoids the question by making a joke out of it, so as not to begin to study himself deeply. Since you don't really like touch, I see that his love language is deeds, gifts, money.
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merotwst · 1 year
Hi! I just discovered your blog and I'm obsessed with your works! I also see that you post about your ocs sometimes. I really like Lana I love your art of her and I wanna make a drawing of her too. Can you give me 5 songs you think would describe her?
iahsjshsjwjsidjwgskwbaia thank u im happy u like my works anon ueueue and aaaah it's still insane to me whenever ppl like lana enough to know about her and even DRAW???? naur im honored ueueueu
and as for songs hnmmmmmmm i've never really thought about that much but i remember while i was building her i was listening to kiwi. ahsgah maybe that gave a big influence on her character. sooooo here's a lineup
1. kiwi - harry styles
2. the man - taylor swift
3. lust for life - lana del rey
4. some like it hot - marilyn monroe
5. borderline - ariana grande
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autumntri · 1 year
inaugural blog, 2022
hi !
so i've been wanting to start a blog to chart new artistic progress that i am now making for the first time in a few years, climbing out of a pit of guilt and depression that really decapitated my ability to really do very much with myself. for the first time in a long while, the stars seem to be lining up for me.
let me introduce myself, i am caroline, i am a trans woman in texas (lol). i am the worlds loneliest woman on account of being kind of hard to be friends with, and i strive everyday to be an easier person to be friends with and associate around. i have a complicated string of mental health issues, primarily bpd, that i am working on all at once and im actually putting up a good fight. i think.
my hobbies include a general interest in computers and computer science (i am currently using these skills to create a plex server), cigarette rolling (🚬), storywriting, and multimedia art. i dabble in a little bit of all media art creation, i use garageband on macOS sometimes, im bad at digital painting but i used to do that on occasion, and i am getting back into game development, of which i picked up because ive always been fascinated with the inner workings of video games. video games are the ultimate collection of media, i feel.
i have started writing a "web novel" called alteroworld, and its the starting point for a universe of multiple art projects i wish to create, centered around the potential shortcomings of transhumanism.
i am also starting development on an indie game called skywings. i've had this idea for exactly 6 years now, and i'm tired of letting it fester. let it tear, i say.
im not going into much detail about these things in this blog post, i will sometimes make update posts for these (definitely once a month, never any less than that) and there will be separate categories for those things if youre not interested in my regular blog posts, which will be mostly about my opinions on things and posting about my hobbies that don't revolve around content creation, plus my interests and what music im listening to, that kind of thing.
i am also transgender so, yk. if you're transphobic i do not care, i am not reading your messages. trump lost btw.
i have borderline personality disorder and im navigating the world with that newfound knowledge, i discovered in may of this year and i have been making a very slow but steady recovery. this is something i wish to be transparent about but that does not give anyone the right to be shitty about this kind of thing, i know how people talk about this disorder online and its kind of sick. i'm sorry for those that have been hurt by people with these disorders, i hope they seek help, but these broad generalizations don't help anyone's recovery either.
impromptu rant aside, i hope this blogspace interests someone out there.
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