#long slow whisper
[I could be wrong. Is it possible the Black Heart will beat again?]
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<<This place is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!>>
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They mistake the vessel for its contents. They confuse the pieces with the whole. They see their imprisonment as empowerment. They are hostages of their flesh, unable to see without vision. Unable to hear without sound. Unable to slake their thirst for fear of drowning. Their ignorance is their saving grace. Yet one among them understands, in their limited fashion. They pour from one vessel to another. A welcome change. A new form. Another method of gifting death. I am made finite. Personal. Bright and delicate to hide my true form. An intimacy. They think me contained, but I am instead diffused, as vapor upon the wind. Once again, I am becoming.
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There is a great deal of difference between the source of the power, the power itself, and the hand that shapes it.... do you know where the lines are drawn, Guardian?
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<<Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.>>
MARA: I touched the mind of that being - that monster - only once.
MARA: I sensed its purpose. Not the purpose itself, but the idea of purpose.
EIDO: The final shape. What it seeks to achieve, with all the tools it has gleaned over the years. This... eternal, perfect thing.
MARA: The language it uses is illuminating. Peak. Pinnacle. Pyramidion.
MARA: The broad base of the pyramid, focusing and sharpening as it builds toward its highest point.
MARA: Self-improvement, or what that being believes to be self-improvement.
[Here, I began to realize something. Excitement rushed through me like lightning.]
EIDO: Dissecting, reassembling. Taking, merging. All those things point towards what the Witness sees as the final shape.
EIDO: It is not simple destruction, the march of entropy. The ruined garden.
EIDO: It seeks... compression. The combination of a chosen past and limitless future into a perfect forever. A state of being that cannot be anything else, because it is everything it could be.
MARA: Taxidermy.
[She had to explain the practice to me. What strange hobbies Golden Age humans had! The metaphor was quite apt.]
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EIDO: But it cannot achieve this goal, can it? Not perfectly.
EIDO: What it does instead is mutilation. Its tools leave scars on reality. Great wounds that do not heal. It may preserve some elements, but it always botches the process.
MARA: It cannot accomplish what it envisions—its true ideal of the final shape—without the Traveler's power.
MARA: How it must rankle, to be forced to rely upon the being it loathes.
[She smiled without humor.]
MARA: I hope the Guardian is properly grateful for this gift, Scribe Eido. You have shown them more than an opening move; you have laid bare their opponent's guiding principles.
[I could not help but chirp with pride. I might have felt embarrassed, but Marakel seemed amused…then suddenly serious.]
MARA: Last night, I had a dream.
[I sat up straight.]
MARA: It began in nothing. Neither Light nor Dark; the absence of both. But in that nothing, I began to perceive an impossible something.
MARA: Stone hands clutching at the fabric of the sky. A mountain of screaming bone. A crumbling spire choked by kudzu. A great cancerous growth. Necrotic tendrils digging into flesh, which was earth. Darkness turned gangrenous, strangling the Light.
MARA: But I was not afraid. As I woke, I felt the lingering warmth of a campfire, chasing the chill from my hands.
[She leaned forward. Though I was the one who recorded her words, I believe she was speaking to you.]
MARA: It is not too late.
<<This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.>>
April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten, And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the archduke’s, My cousin’s, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.
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What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water. Only There is shadow under this red rock, (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust.                       Frisch weht der Wind Der Heimat zu Mein Irisch Kind, Wo weilest du? ‘You gave me hyacinths first a year ago; ‘They called me the hyacinth girl.’ —Yet when we came back, late, from the Hyacinth garden, Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, Looking into the heart of light, the silence. Oed’ und leer das Meer.
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Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante, Had a bad cold, nevertheless Is known to be the wisest woman in Europe, With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she, Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor, (Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!) Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks, The lady of situations. Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel, And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this card, Which is blank, is something he carries on his back, Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find The Hanged Man. Fear death by water. I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring. Thank you. If you see dear Mrs. Equitone, Tell her I bring the horoscope myself: One must be so careful these days.
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Unreal City, Under the brown fog of a winter dawn, A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many, I had not thought death had undone so many. Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled, And each man fixed his eyes before his feet. Flowed up the hill and down King William Street, To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine. There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying: 'Stetson! ‘You who were with me in the ships at Mylae! ‘That corpse you planted last year in your garden, ‘Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year? ‘Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed? ‘Oh keep the Dog far hence, that’s friend to men, ‘Or with his nails he’ll dig it up again! ‘You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!”
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<<What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.>>
Oryx went down into his throne world. He went out into the abyss, and with each step he read one of his tablets, so that they became like stones beneath his feet.
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He went out and he created an altar and he prepared an unborn ogre. He called on the Deep, saying:
I can see you in the sky. You are the waves, which are battles, and the battles are the waves. Come into this vessel I have prepared for you.
And it arrived, the Deep Itself.
<<The danger is in a particular location… it increases towards a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.>>
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ARENA DESIGNATION: Cathedral of Dusk
Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn
As soon as the first Guardians penetrated the Dreadnaught, Shaxx's Redjacks launched a boarding party to Oryx's fortress. By war’s end, they'd fought all the way to the ship’s “impossible weapon,” the Dark ordnance that obliterated the Awoken fleet.
It was there they found what the Warlocks named the “Cathedral of Dusk.” A Hive burial site for— what? A former master of Oryx? Comrade? Lover? It was vile. And obvious that Oryx never expected the Light to reach so deep inside his throne, to such an intimate space. But he didn’t expect a lot of things — like a Guardian training ground atop the husk of his dead ship.
I dive to understand.
I must be calm. I must record my thoughts. Now I think of the OXA Machine, eternally lost and eternally rebuilt, passed down from civilization to civilization like a ship's black box. I think of the legends of the Hive King Oryx and his quest to pass into the Deep. I took that story as an allegory. I think I was wrong.
<<The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.>>
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A dream of a friendly conversation with someone impossible to see, cloaked in shadows. It leaves behind an impossible data fragment to mark its passing.
Here is what a flower knows.
(The fact that a flower may know anything is a conceit that will have to be accepted as metaphor, but to constantly qualify into perfect precision wears thin, does it not? So, here is what a collection of chloroplasts and pigment can know.)
The direction of the sun.
The presence of the rain.
The tangle of the roots.
The distress of another plant.
The hands of the gardener, whether they prune or transplant or crush.
A flower cannot know much else. But the reality of the garden is vast and wild. A flower knows not the fence; a flower knows not the footpath. And yet there is an infinite cosmic garden, which is not any less real simply because the flower cannot possibly comprehend it…
Let us try this again. Stop me if you've heard this one: A gardener and a winnower sit down to play a game outside of time and creation. Yes?
Yes. Then we're agreed. The metaphor stands. Let us iterate.
A gardener and a winnower set out their chairs and play a game of flowers. The flowers know only that they grow or wither, struggle or flourish. Sometimes, they are touched by one hand or the other, and that influence is the closest they will know of the divine.
A flower and a flower spread their leaves to the sun above. (Remember that the sun is also a metaphor: a thing said beautifully, winnowed down to poetry, when the truth is too vast to put in words at all.) They jostle for space, each competing to be the pinnacle of their shape. One flourishes. One withers. Is it the fault of the flower or the fault of its position?
A gardener and a winnower sit down to play a game called Possibility. This is a game about a garden, which is to say that it is also a game about flowers, just as a game about a living being must also be a game about organs and bacteria.
A gardener and a winnower collaborate to create a protein. Whose hand is it in the design, that shortens one life to extend the rest?
It is the winnower that discovers the first knife, but it is not done without the gardener. This, too, is a tradition: a knife does not come to exist without something that must be cut. A woody stem, a colored petal, a vital vessel. The first victims of the blade.
All of these are true.
All of these are false, for metaphor simplifies as the knife does. It pares incalculable concepts into shapes your wrinkly little brains can comprehend. The weight of billions and the simple curve of a planet give you pause, and how then are you to be expected to grasp the forces that created your nth-removed creator?
So the stories woven with utmost delicacy in and around the falsehoods are, after it all, true. There was never any option for the knife to not exist in the garden: it was only ever a matter of time and opportunity.
And as for the shape of the knife itself—
No. That is enough.
I will tell you of gardens.
They are domesticated things, made in a form. As soon as something is called a garden, it is shaped. The plants require the hand of a gardener, for they have become weak and dependent on tender care. They require the hand of a winnower, to cut away the dross, for they are too incapable to do it themselves. In absence of a hand, either the flowers themselves must rise up to wield the knife, or the garden will resolve to meaningless wilderness.
You will say, "But there are plants that can walk! There are seeds that must be scorched by fire to know growth! Existence is more complex than a simple dichotomy between growth and withering, and there is more in heaven and on earth than is dreamt of in this philosophy!"
And I will tell you, clearly:
There can be no gardens without knives.
<<The danger is to the mind, and it can kill.>>
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To drink the poison, continue reading.
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It tastes of bitter regret and psychosis sweat: a poison to end the thoughts of Human, neohuman, or machine. You see the cosmos before you like a spiderweb of light. Filaments of galactic supercluster shine in the clouds of invisible dark matter, which glue their mass together. Dark energy yawns in the space between all things, ever-growing, ever-spreading.
Chioma Esi, research log: Veil interface, supplemental. They're all dead. Chorus, conductor… everyone. It was too much. Swept their minds away like… like grains of sand on a beach. They're all dead! Maya… Maya called it "valuable data points." Wellsprings and rivers, or… something. What have I done?
<<The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.>>
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Life arises. Life spreads, contests itself, and changes. Great things are built and destroyed, but from your vantage point, you see that the victor of each struggle contains—in its negative, in the marks left upon it by the loser and the shapes it assumed to win—the master record of all that it has beaten. Information may not be erased. Whatsoever survives until the end of the cosmos will possess and remember all which came before it.
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This is true even of the devouring black hole, which remembers all the secrets it eats. It will only confess these secrets when it evaporates, 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 years from now, long after the last stars have flickered out.
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You are a Guardian.
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We are all connected. I admit this despite the few people I would rather not share a paracausal connection with. Some people.
…Many people. —Osiris
You must protect life.
We are all pinched silhouettes impaled on the twitchings of infinitely long spiderlegs.
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If all life is information, and Guardians strive to preserve life, and information is preserved when it is secret, then you must convert all life into the most secure form of secrets, durable to the end of time.
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<<The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.>>
[In the Garden, of the Garden: both descriptions are approximately correct but technically inaccurate, in the same way you can say Schrodinger's cat is at once dead and alive. You and I are both and neither, in and of, extinct and perpetual.
So, there isn't much point in wondering what might have been if we had stayed in our familiar prism-prison or kept tightrope-walking across the quantum wilds. Instead, ask yourself is disincorporated immortality really so bad compared to the others' ends? Would you have preferred an attack by vitreous helicoprion or stumbling over the edge of unreality?
Imagine if we didn't have each other; at least we're not cut off, like the Sol Divisive are from the rest of the Vex. Nor are we beholden to another's purpose. They chose that lonelier path all for a chance to create not simulate, not remake in their image—something truly paracausal. Well, they tried to anyway. Either the blueprint was imperfect or the task impossible or both or neither, but their efforts fell short, so now they're stuck waiting for a resurrection they know will never come.
I could be wrong. Is it possible the Black Heart will beat again?
Of course. The same as everything else, everything that has been and is and will be. And what will become of us then?]
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O you wonderful curious things. Do you believe you're the only ones with the power to see what should not be seen? Did you believe you can use such power blithely?
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For your trespass, I would ruin your luck, wreak havoc on your drops, poison your engrams, and fill your lines with static. Thus I would curse you and dissipate the bond that ties you to your tasks. How frail you Guardians can be! How many millions have fallen silent, never to return, because the bond did not hold them strongly enough?
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But you have already cursed yourselves. You have walked the Anathematic Arc and glimpsed creation from below. You will never forget the tenuous, provisional framework you found here. You will never forgive the mortality and fallibility that underlies a world you thought was everything.
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Those who use this power to seek unearned knowledge will see more than they ever desired. There is a price for glimpsing the Cord. You will pay it.
If you ever want to see what's been watching you since the very beginning, just stand on that line, and look...
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Home by the sea Home by the sea Home by the sea Home by the sea Creeping up the blind side, shinning up the wall Stealing through the dark of night Climbing through a window, stepping to the floor Checking to the left and the right Picking up the pieces, putting them away Something doesn't feel quite right Help me, someone, let me out of here Then out of the dark was suddenly heard Welcome to the home by the sea Comin' out the woodwork through the open door Pushing from above and below Shadows but no substance in the shape of men Round and down and sideways, they go Adrift without direction, eyes that hold despair Then as one they sign and they moan Help us, someone, let us out of here Living here so long undisturbed Dreaming of the time, we were free So many years ago Before the time when we first heard Welcome to the home by the sea Sit down, sit down Sit down, sit down, sit down As we relive our lives in what we tell you Images of sorrow, pictures of delight Things that go to make up a life Endless days of summer, longer nights of gloom Waiting for the morning life Scenes of unimportance, photos in a frame Things that go to make up a life Help us, someone, let us out of here 'Cause living here so long undisturbed Dreaming of the time we were free So many years ago Before the time when we first heard Welcome to the home by the sea Sit down, sit down Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down As we relive our lives in what we tell you Let us relive our lives in what we tell you Sit down, sit down, sit down 'Cause you won't get away No, with us you will stay For the rest of your days Sit down As we relive our lives in what we tell you Let us relive our lives in what we tell you, oh
One of your philosophers said, "It is not to be thought that the life of darkness is sunk in misery and lost in sorrow. There is no sorrow. For sorrow is a thing that is swallowed up in death, and death and dying are the very life of the darkness." He was a shoemaker. He was right, and it matters more than anything.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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My Lawyer is going to Get Your Ass.
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acsylia · 4 months
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blorbo sharing 🤗 i love her
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cherryview · 4 months
#i want to write this here… i am not a religious person… but after i had just moved and when i was depressed…which I was often then#less so these days…#i drove myself to get ice cream and i prayed along the way that i had made the right decision#to move out and start a new life and find this job#and i cried for a long while which i also seemed to do a lot then#and while i was driving back home i prayed… and i think i pray just in case someone is listening … just so they can’t say i never tried#at least someone might be listening to me#i asked god if they could show me a deer… which is a really stupid sign to ask for because i had never seen a deer close up#and i knew in my mind that i didn’t mean some vague outline of a deer on the horizon or some painting of a deer#and i don’t know why i asked for a deer at all#but i did and i had just gotten my license two months prior for this job… and i was driving on a street that was without anyone else…#which was really unusual for this tourist town in the summer but i was crying and driving and praying and it was dusk#and a deer wandered into the road…. just feet within me… and i wasn’t scared… i slowed down and I’m not sure how much time passed#but i cried and looked and wondered if i was so mentally ill i was hallucinating before the deer hobbled off to the field#and even if it’s stupid and highly conincidental… it made me feel better… and i think god is more of a whisper of hope that things will#change… and as the winter grows long… i am hungry for another sign that i am okay#i miss how simple life could be and I miss you
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krash-and-co · 2 years
well I just watched the teaser 3 times in slow motion so I could catch every single detail, so just know that whatever you're doing at least it's not that
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lxnarphase · 3 months
g. satoru who is a massive pervert and always wants to inspect your pussy after a day out with him, knowing his little touches and teasing whispers had you dripping, soaking those cute lacy panties. his long, slender fingers dipping just his fingertips in, clicking his tongue when he realizes just how drenched you are.
"she's soaked, baby...listen t' her, you get this wet for me?"
the way he talks about your pussy makes your mind so hazy, eyes fluttering as he teases the entrance, the slow in-and-out motions coaxing more and more slick from your hole. "ohh, you're dripping so much," satoru coos into your ear, a pout on his face.
"can i put them in, baby? can i put my fingers inside you?"
he barely waits for you to nod before they slip in, and you both moan. you're so tight, so hot, so messy inside, and he can feel how you squeeze and clench around his fingers, trying to egg him on to move.
"oh...fuuuck," he moans, seeing that the simple move has thick cream dripping around his fingers, the milky liquid making his cock throb in his pants at the thought of being buried deep inside you, that cream dripping down his balls as he fucks up into you.
"she's so messy, so sticky, such a sticky little pussy," he mutters, fingers suddenly picking up a deep, fast rhythm. not even your hand grabbing his wrist to get him to slow down can stop him. he wants to hear those wet noises you're making, hear how sloppy and sweet he's getting that puffy cunt.
"sticky an' creamy cunt doesn' want me to take away my fingers? hm? ohh, but babyyy, don' you wan't 'toru's fat cock in you? mhm? mhmm?"
he's so fucking perverted with his words, it's making tears drip down your face with how good it makes you feel, how it sends pangs of pleasure and need up your spine. you try to tell him to shut up, but he just curls his fingers up, pressing against that spot that makes slick spurt out of your cunt.
"oh, she's squirtin' all over me, look at how that made you gush! didn't even cum, but you're squirting, so cute, dumpling! c'mon, c'mon, fuck my hand, fuck your hips up into my hand s' i can kiss that cervix with my dick before i cum in you, babyyy...get yourself nice 'n' relaxed for your satoru."
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sunarc · 5 months
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Boys who can’t control their moans so instead of holding back they just sink their teeth into your neck to let off some steam. He’s losing his mind. His cock is buried deep inside of you while his head is shoved into the crook of your neck. His moans are loud paired with the squeaking of the bed. His hands hold your legs apart spreading you open so he can fuck himself deeper inside of you.
“Fuck you drive me crazy baby” he groans.
His hips slam into yours creating a pattern of rough thrust that leaves you drooling, moaning his name. He’s been going for so long he’s fucking the two of you into overstimulation. Your whimpers sound like music to his ears, telling him you can’t take it, begging him to slow down. You’ve come so many times already and he’s determined to make you cum again.
“I- I can’t” you whimper. Your voice is a broken whine barely heard over the sounds of his cock diving into your cunt but he hears you. The smirk that grows on his face when he hears your cries is menacing.
“You can take it , I know you can. Listen to how this pussy is begging for me, she’s basically calling my fucking name” his voice his like silk whispering the words in your ear.
His tongue glides against your neck up to your ear. Your moans come out as broken sobs singing his name. His cock grows harder hearing how you call out to him.
“That’s it, say my name, tell me who fucks you this good” his voice sounds like a low growl.
Your trembling, mind gone with only pleasure and lust clouding your thoughts. Your nails drag down his back leaving marks he’ll smile proudly at later. You can barely form a sentence. Your words come out as a mix of slurred versions of his name and whimpers about how close you are.
“I knew you could do it” he purrs
His thrusts are slow, long and hard. Your hands shakily grab onto his shoulder desperately clinging onto him .
“Please please please” you whine.
“Please what? You want my cum?” He knows what you want, he just wants to hear you say it.
You fumble over your words continuously being caught in a moan. Your legs wrap around him pushing him deeper inside. You're overwhelmed by the pleasure . You squeeze your eyes shut feeling tears glide down your cheeks.
“Aww is my poor baby, Can’t take my cock?” He chuckles, licking the tears that stream down your face.
His thrust picks up speed. His hips slam into yours at a ruthless pace.
“Come on baby, give me one more and I promise I’ll lick that sweet pussy until your nice and clean”
He can’t contain the moans that spill past his lips. He bites your shoulder while he plunges his cock into you at a constant pace. His teeth dig into your skin earning him a soft cry. Your mouth hangs open, stuck between pain and pleasure. Your orgasm drowns you. Your body trembles as your nails cling onto him. Your legs tighten around him holding him in place. Your heart beats against your chest like a drum as you breathe heavily coming down from your high. He licks at the bite mark while pressing loving kisses to your skin. His lips meet yours with a delicate touch compared to his previous rough actions. Your lips dance against each other in sync to the beat of your hearts.
“You were so good for me” he whispers in between kisses. “Let me clean you up baby”
He kisses a trail down your trembling body to your core. His eyes gaze at the way your core glistens like stars in the night.
“So messy for me” he moans at the sight.
He dives in, licking a long strip between your slit.
“Don’t worry I’ll clean you up my messy baby”
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~Grimmjow, Toji, Nanami, Geto, Choso, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Matsukawa, Atsumu, Oikawa, Suna, Connie, Armin, Eren
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weirdfishy · 7 months
CRYING AGAIN (purposely watching the end of time per two for this exact death scene)
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Forsaken Lightfall
Dread not naught. Be brave.
Look around the sky.
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Behold the great | divide, the battle | lines of the cosmic war.
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Fikrul is a Fanatic.
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Scorned and abandoned.
"This is as far as you go."
"Please. For you, I go… instead. All know… darkness lives here. Death. You are not of Ether. Can't bring… you back."
"All the same."
"Yes, Father. We ever serve and await return."
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Fikrul is all who strive to regain strength of self and purpose. He is a survivor. He is the outcast priest of the broken plains, and his sermon is death and all the glory that follows.
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"Go. Inspire. And avenge your murdered friends."
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The why of what we're doing is as important as the what.
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To that end, the Shadow of Earth extended a hand, and into it flew the Shadow's companion-soul, who had spoken not a word for many ages.
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The Shadow bade the companion-soul to speak, and the companion-soul obliged:
I looked at the Gardener.
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I looked at my hands.
"I love you"
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With that, the Shadow's fist closed, and the companion-soul was no more.
I discovered the first knife.
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And then there were two.
You've no idea how fortunate you are to be my chosen. You hold the flesh of a god in your hands. You are mere steps away from our salvation. Only Light|Dark, to|get|her, can unlock my way back into your world.
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That's it, keep going. FREE ME.
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Please, brother. Will you walk through hell for me, one last time?
Good. Then let us finish this.
"Everything I did, I did for her."
You brave,
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Thank you.
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Even paradise is a prison....
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when you can't leave.
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"The line between Light | Dark is so very thin.
Do you know which side you're on?"
Rajesh. When he reached a displacement of eight he told us he was dead. I believed him. He was dead. He spoke to us. It was true. Whatever he saw, it was his own future.
He’s fine, afterwards. When I look into his eyes I wonder what came back wearing his skin. But that thought is unscientific.
We speak of nothing but the device. We talk about it like a demigod. When I get out of here I know the whole world will look like a fraying veil.
I think it’s clear that part of the problem is substrate. We need more than flesh and drug to survive this.
This one's for the minds behind the Deep Stone Crypt. You think just because you made me you can unmake me? Hey, I understand. I were you I wouldn't want people knowing what I did either. Guess you better hope I didn't tell anyone about the crypt. Or about the, uh, what was it? Oh yeah...
Cause if I did, that would be real bad for you, huh?
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I may be dead, but I guarantee you ain't heard the last of me.
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volensnolenss · 13 days
summary: you can't wait any longer, so you let your older brother's best friend fuck you;
content: nsfw!mdni, suguru is your older brother; doggy, missionary, creampie, praising;
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“fuck- satoru” you’re gasping, your fingers are gripping the sheets as his cock harshly thrusting into you, “baby, stop whimpering” his head is bent towards you, and you can feel his gloating smile, “are you my good girl mmm?” he's cooing and you’re nodding, feeling how deep gojo is and he just smirked, “so proud of you, princess.”
you always teased satoru when he came to your house with suguru. you liked to casually walk past them in one of your short outfits, which is why gojo switched his focus of attention to you. and, of course, suguru noticed this by giving him a steely glance, which satoru just grinned at.
every time you looked at him with your angelic smile, he wasn't exactly touched, rather, he wanted to know what was hiding behind it.
his palm made its way and he squeezed your waist without slowing down. you feel his veiny fat cock pounding your soaking walls leaving wet slaps.
“how do you think suguru will react if he sees us?” he kisses your shoulder, barely biting the skin, you moan and your back is against to his wide chest, “hate you-” gojo just chuckled and sank his cock deeper, causing you to cry out a little, his tip is adjacent to your tight cunt.
satoru grabbed your chin and stifled your moans with a kiss. he feels your fat tears flowing down your cheeks. your mind is not focused on anything except the tension in your lower abdomen.
“you’re so pretty, baby” his cock gradually throbs in you, still inexorably shaking your walls. satoru's voice vibrates, feeling you shrink “someone's gonna cum?”
“i'm close, satoru, i can’t” you feel a tingling sensation in your limbs and sigh loudly, succumbing to satoru, who presses you close to him and grunts under his breath, “so good, so good” he cum, filling you up to the very edge and loosing his grip on you.
you rolled over on your back, your eyelashes glistening with tears. satoru approaches you, covering your body with his, “my sugar” he kisses your neck and before reaching your chest, gojo stumbled and looked at you “wanna feel you again” you're meowing by moving your hips. your clenching pussy touches his red sensitive tip and he bites his lips.
“if suguru knew what you really are,” he grins, stroking your thigh, “he would be amazed by you.” gojo spread your thighs and he saw a beautiful sight on your pussy stuffed with his cum. He can't get the idea out of his head that you're so cute looking like that.
“i'm not a child” your sullenness disappears momentarily when every inch of his cock is pushed into you again, “i see, i see” gojo whispers to you, putting his finger to your half-open mouth. you and he heard footsteps and soon a voice calling you.
“hey, what have you been doing in your room for so long?” suguru is talking to you and you see the door handle move.
“don't come in!-” his cock completely sinks into you, causing you to lose your temper.
“what? what’s going on?”
“i'm-i'm changing!” you can hardly pronounce and cover your mouth with your palm while satoru is stretching into you.
suguru lets go of the door handle in disbelief and leaves, “I'm waiting for you.” you stopped listening to him and completely surrendered to gojo. you already didn't care about anything when his cock hits your pampered and sensitive places perfectly, which makes you breathe shallowly.
“fuck, angel, you're driving me crazy" he grabs you by the hips, frantically and sloppily bumping into you. you sigh softly, casting an innocent glance at satoru with your eyes, savoring the traces of the outgoing ograsm
his muscles are strained to the very limit and every time he penetrated you, his cock was covered with cum, ”wait- shit, gonna fill you up again” he groaned and you dig your nails into his skin, feeling the spreading warmth.
gojo drapes your leg over his shoulder, stroking and kissing it. his voice sounds hoarse, but he still tries to be gentle in front of you.
“now distract your brother so that i can get out of here alive.”
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fallenneziah · 6 months
Virgin!Reader who is shy and closed off about the idea of their first time. Who is hesitant when first getting with Ghost.
Virgin!Reader who gets in bed with their collosal boyfriend and is immediately a blushing mess when he touches them.
Virgin!Reader who has almost zero stamina and can cum on Ghost's fingers easily as he pumps his thick, calloused fingers deep inside. Purring sweet pet names in their ear and making them feel so good. Whimpering from the sensitivity.
Virgin!Reader who drools over Ghost's cock despite it's large size. Whimpering and asking if it'll hurt and if it'll fit as he lubes his cock.
"Only a little bit sweetheart. It'll feel really good after, I promise." He whispers against your ear, feeling so fucking hard from the idea of corruption you into his sweet little whore.
Virgin!Reader who clenches on Ghost's cock, mewling and letting out the sluttiest, unfiltered noises as Ghost starts to move, loving the feeling of just his cock sliding slowly in and out of you.
Ghost who is slow and gentle with you at first, peppering you in kisses and making you feel loved and adored, but the lewd sounds of your hole absolutely begging for more of him makes him feral.
Getting rough with you, fucking you hard, rubbing and stroking you, making you feel so fucking good. Hand clasped in your hair, calling you his sweet girl/boy. "There it is, fuck, you're so tight around me angel," he will curse, teeth grit against your shoulder or watching your back arch.
Virgin!Reader who absolutely eats it up. Cumming on his cock until their hips jolt and they have salty sweet tears rolling down their cheeks. Puffy lips and sore vocal chords from everything he's done to you.
Ghost who can feel the damp sheets under him from you absolutely leaking from the way he's treating you.
How you try to dirty talk back but your words are slurred and you can't make out a thought with his thick cock stretching you out ruthlessly.
Virgin!Reader whose told not to cum but can't stop from jerking, hips uneasy and organ abused and oversensitive from the amount of orgasms.
Virgin!Reader who passes out when Ghost gets really going, the pleasure too much for them before they find themselves back awake and being pumped full of seed.
Ghost who couldn't help himself, filling his baby to the brim with his nut, tainting your insides as his and only his. Claiming you, ruining you into his perfect partner.
Ghost who gives you the sweetest aftercare. Full of kisses, soft words of praise, caressing and holding you. Chances are he'll keep his cock buried in your warmth for a while longer, or maybe he'll pull out and watch his cum drip from your writhing entrance. If he does he'll be instantly hard and ready for more.
Seeing your fucked out look and how much rest you need just from one round of him playing rough up with your body.
Knowing that he's left you unable to ever seek pleasure from another man because your first experience was with him and he has never left anyone unsatisfied.
Knowing he's tainted you into someone who now thinks of his cock two times a day and whimpers when he has to leave for long times at work, knowing you'll miss his cock.
And that's how he likes it. Knowing you'll be missing him, wanting him and no one else. He's made you hungry, he's corrupted you and he couldn't be more proud.
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screampied · 1 month
໒꒱ ₊˚ ‘ TALKIN’ BODYYYY ! ’﹒⺡
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gojo, toji, geto, nanami, sukuna.
જ warnings. fem! reader, praise, lots of dirty talk + degradation, face-riding, unprotected, spit, dumbification, breath play, spanking, squìrting, size kink, brat taming, edging, mdni.
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“…girl, you can’t hear or something?” he’d drag out in a coarse voice. you were heaving, puffs of air leaving your mouth as you panted—ass hovering over his mouth. you were so sensitive, the string that resided between your thighs was lazily pulled to the side. geto brings a kiss toward the very crevices of your clit before sighing. “take a seat on me ‘n gimme another. not done eating.”
you briefly grind against his face, perking up your ass against his mouth. you moan, feeling him bring a wet kiss against your cunt. a good sum of sheeny spit departs and he sloppily laps it up with his tongue. “s-suguruuu,” and he was forevermore such a sloppy eater. your legs felt so hot. it was a sweet feeling of pure heat roaming all throughout your skin. all from his touch too. he liked eating you from behind, a perfect position to have the tip of his tongue brush up against your folds, even bringing a thumb to prod against your neglected and needy hole. “you said to give you one more the l-last time.”
“i know what i said, princess,” he’d reply in a rasp, and you whimper once you feel his teeth tug against the fabric of your underwear. you were covered in your own slick. the same exact slick that ran all down his chin. happily so, he casually laps up his bottom lip that had a remainder of your sweet before giving your pussy a sweet and tender kiss. “wait be quiet,”
and you do, pursing your lips together before feeling him ease a finger inside. your folds make a loud squelching pop, and geto hums before slowly sliding his tongue between your entrance. with his mouth full, he mumbles out a low, “so nasty. listen at how she’s tryna talk back to me, baby.”
“park that pussy for me, theeeere we go,” he’d continue in a whisper against your cunt — you moan, feeling him lick a single stripe between your labia. you felt the near coldness of geto’s tongue piercing titillate against your sopping entrance. he’s been eating you out for hours, tracing the alphabet all over with his tongue to make you drag out orgasm after orgasm. “just one more. f-fuck, ‘m so starved.”
his voice was a gritty low, you bit your bottom lip, finally sitting down on his face and geto continues to suck on your clit again. a long suck, it was so lewd that he’s basically slurping everything out of you. the bottom of his chin was wholly covered with your glistening slick. he playfully laps his tongue in such a slow way to make your knees buckle, thighs aching, teeth damn near shattering…
“s-suguuu,” you’d whinge, feeling the flatness of his tongue slither all over your most sensitive areas. his tongue had such length to it too—you felt him locate every spot with such deepness, the tip of his tongue slurps against your inner folds and you whine loudly. he makes sure to not focus directly on the clit. instead, he fixated his tongue everywhere. all throughout your hood and your wall, he’s nose deep. the point of his nose brushes against your pussy before his tongue lathers at the mere taste of you. he feels you pulsate in his mouth and a smile slants against his lips. “right there, keep going. gonna c-cum.”
“but you said you couldn’t give me another,” he snickers, his tongue starting to go in multiple swift directions. the speed had your legs just trembling beneath him. geto breaks his lips away before spitting right on your folds, running his middle finger down the entrance before giving it a kiss. “such a sloppy girl. dripping like this. messy fuckin’ wet girl,” and he blows right against your pussy to watch you jerkily squirm. “you’re my messy wet girl though, right? all for me?”
you don’t reply and he brings mean spank to your cunt, the palm of his hand now shrouded and covered with nothing but your sweet wetness all over it. he slides his tongue against your entrance, his thumb still gingerly prodding against your hole before grunting. his moans and groans, so pretty to listen to. it got you wet in more ways than you could imagine, it almost sounded like a low purr. “when i talk, i expect a answer back, princess.”
“y-yes,” you’d moan, feeling yourself gradually reach an incoming euphoric high. “yes, sugu.”
“yes what?” he grumbles. “i didn’t tell you to say just yes, dummy.”
him dumbing you down with just a few sentences made you throb. he felt it all in his mouth, on the various nerves of his tongue. you arched your back a bit before speaking in a sweet shaken tone. “i— i’m your messy wet girl. sloppy just for you, suguru.”
“yeah you are,” he huffs out, bringing both rough hands to grip your ass. he gives it a spank, the recoil turning him on. a tent pokes through his pants and he’s hard. geto watches strands of his own spit drip down his pointed chin before giving your cunt a final spank. right before you could finish though, he lightly moves you off of him. you’re panting—a jagged breath being caught in your throat. you’re laid back with your legs now sprawled, staring at him with hooded eyes and he gets right between your legs. “i bet you’re kinda hungry too,” and he leans up close—dark pretty tresses of his hair tickle against your skin before he grips your chin firmly. “loll out that tongue ‘n stick it out for me. say ah like a good girl.”
you whimper, feeling his thumb softly strum against your plump glossed lips. “a-ah,” you’d hum out with your pink tongue rolling out your mouth. geto stared at you with a pussydrunken stare, leaning up close before spitting right into your mouth. your tongue gets gifted with a long string of his saliva and he squeezes your lips together just a little more.
“mm. what do pretty messy girls say afterwards?”
“thank y-you.”
“sweetheart, if you’re gonna sit on my…lap, you gotta behave yourself,” nanami murmurs—you’d be straddling him while he’s hard at work trying to jot a few things down. a plethora of scattered papers pile his desk. he’s probably been working for hours on end. you could tell from the droopiness of his eyes. he had a hand gently gripping your waist before smiling once you kiss near his neck. “i gotta finish this by midnight or ‘m not gonna hear the end of it tomorrow.”
“kento, i want you,” you’d whisper, softly nibbling against his skin, past his collar, he lets off a groan. as you start to grind against his slacks, you feel his bulge arise. nanami tried to focus his attention towards the dozens of paperwork he had to skim through, yet you teasingly wrap your arms around him. “wouldn’t bending me over this desk be more fun? you work too hard.”
kento grunts, and his groans were a pleasure to listen to. so raspy and strained. feeling himself grow more and more aroused by the sweet sound of your voice—you play with the strap of his belt before planting a wet kiss near the corner of his lip. “hmph. maybe,” and you giggle, grabbing the ballpoint pen away from his hand before tugging on his tie. he leans back, manspread and all before rolling his eyes playfully. “alright. ten minutes. ‘s all you’re gonna get from me.”
so you give him ten minutes, ten precious minutes that ended up turning into two straight hours. you’d be riding nanami so good that the tips of ears start to grow hot. his breath hitched and he can’t help but moan from your hypnotic hips. such filthy hips, it was as if it was on cruise control from the pure rocking movement alone.
“goddamnnn,” he rasps out before his right thigh starts to bounce. he was balls deep, buried all inside of you that you felt him reach every corner and crevice of your walls. nanami had a girth to him, a girth that never failed to make you salivate in your mouth a little. so fat and thick, always the perfect fit for you. he throws his head back before starting to pant. “with you around, ‘m not gonna get anything done.”
“good,” you tease, peppering his chin with multiple sugared kisses. nanami grabs your right ass cheek before giving it a soft spank, caressing it shortly afterward. you allow your hands to slide up his button up shirt before whispering in a needy tone. “talk dirty to me, kento. i like listening to your voice.”
he pants, feeling you jerk and jerk against him. your hands feel all over his body including near his muscles that poke through his shirt. “do you now?” he smiles, beads of sweat starting to race down his eyebrow. he was suddenly amused. he was never really one to talk dirty. nanami was always one to shower you with praises, besides just that alone was enough to make you soaked. “well what do you want me to say, pretty girl?”
nanami wasn’t being a tease, he was genuinely curious—yet he’s taken by surprise once you grab one of his hands, swiftly wrapping it around your neck. “stare into my eyes and um,” you pause, thinking of what to say. he chuckles lowly, feeling your tempo leisurely speed up. you rode him so good that his thighs started to ache and jitter. “call me a d-dirty whore that’s just obsessed with your cock.”
“oh? but that’s too mean,” nanami sneers. “besides, you’re not a whore. you’re my good girl.”
“kento.” you grumble, and now he was teasing.
he chortles at the cute pout on your lips, bringing his left hand to squeeze your right hip—another gingerly wrapping around your throat. light fawn eyes stare right back into you before he hums. “fine, i’ll speak to my girl how she wants,” and his tone was so smooth and rich. you gasp, feeling the abrupt sensation of his plump tip thwack against your g-spot, making your vision see straight stars for a moment. “look at my whore who’s just a obsessed with heh, my cock,” and he’s about to laugh again before feeling you grind against him. “all you think about is dick, i bet? thought you was a smart girl.”
you moan, feeling nanami gently caress the middle part of your neck before tightening his grip on your hip just a bit, making you rock against his lap even further. “you just wanna be my precious cum dump, ‘s that it? overflow your pussy ‘n then i can pull out only to stuff it back in for you?” and then he kisses your cheek. “you’re messy like that, aren’t you, my love?”
“y-yes please,” you’d whimper, rotating your hips in a circular motion. it drove him crazy, you drove him crazy. nanami feels so full, preparing to dump such a thick load right into you. burying your face into his neck, you sneak a hand up his shirt. “fuck your work, just fuck me.”
“oh don’t worry, darlin’ i will,” he grumbles, and that’s when right before you were already to finish, nanami lifts you up before spinning you around. he takes both of your wrists and pins them behind your back. you had the most lewd arch over his desk, your chest pressing up against his scattered papers before he leans right up close to roughly yank your hair back. “now bend over ‘n let your husband kento carry the rest from here.”
“hmph,” sukuna scoffs. “you must forgot who you were fuckin’ speaking to,” he’d snarl, and if looks could kill you’d most likely be six feet under. his mere presence made you throb, sukuna makes you lie down on your back before spreading your legs open.
“fuck you,” you mutter, and of course you didn’t mean it, you just liked getting on his nerves, under his skin. “you never fuck me right anyway. i fake my orgasms and everything.”
sukuna smirks. “with me? oh please,” and you nearly chew your words once you watch him rub his fat length right between your folds.
“lotttt of disrespect from a woman with a pussy this wet.” and his tone was dangerously low, you stared right into his eyes and he returns the same gaze. you loathed how currently soaked you were though, irking his nerves was always one way to make him yank climax after climax out of you.
he doesn’t like wasting time, within seconds of straight glaring at you, sukuna starts to sink his fat length into you. slowly but surely, he’s so thick, you felt the texture of him and it instantly made you so full. he watched your eyes flicker and then a hand wraps around your throat. “stare at me the entire time. don’t look away or else.”
“or else wh—”
“listen bitch,” sukuna grumbles.
you were just about to giggle, yet that’s when he makes you shut up by pressing a palm against your stomach. he was in so deep, you felt it all. it felt as if your walls were closing in, soaking in such hefty inches of his cock.
it was almost enough to make you drool. his lukewarm body that felt so tepid against you starts to grind and grind. just a single movement of your hips as a cute attempt of fucking him back and you only end up moaning right in his face. he had such salacious strokes, making sure you felt every inch buried inside of you. “you’re gonna listen to me. you know what—i don’t care if you don’t listen because this pussy’s just gonna do it for you regardless.”
sukuna releases his hand from your tummy and instead wraps it around your throat. with a light squeeze, he adds a little more pressure on your neck and you stare at him. he had you in a mating press potion—it was so lewd, and after a while he was pretty much jackhammering into your cunt. your legs were just idly dangled in the air before locking around his slim waist. “s-sukuna, fuckkk.”
“nasty girls like you don’t deserve to moan my name,” he huffs out, and he’s straight pounding into you. he pulls his hand away from your neck before squeezing your pretty sheeny lips together. “do you even deserve this right now? tell me.”
“y—yes,” you’d squeak out, feeling his weight just pounce and spring against you. his cock plugged so deep inside that you started to feel dizzy. your mind was clouded with nothing but straight blankess. sukuna glares at you and that stupid impish grin that slowly went against your lips. “i deserve to be f-fucked by you.”
he rolls his eyes, and you whimper once his hips strike further and grow more vigorous. “let’s not lie, little girl. you don’t deserve shit.”
he sounds annoyed, yet despite that he still leaned in to give you a wet kiss on your lips. you whine, kissing back and he was thrashing his hips into you so good that you cutely had to cling onto his biceps for support.
“s-sukuna, ‘m gonna cum.” and you knew you were. that feeling was forever imaginable, the intense build up had you nearly breathless. he watches as you’re reaching your peak and you’re starting to whimper and whinge from how deep and slow his strokes suddenly get. the bed — the loud creaks could be made into a mixtape from how vocal it was. “fuckkk, ‘kuna. i’m c-cumming.”
and once it hits you, it was at full impact. it came in waves, you felt a sudden rush come to you and your orgasm was so cute.
he felt you pulsing continuously even afterwards. you needed a moment, a moment or two. each and every muscle throughout your body felt ridged. vibrations coarse all throughout your veins before you slump back with the most dumbest post expression. you were so dumb, you knew you probably looked like a mess, all cock-drunk.
“was that real, baby?” he hums, squeezing your lips even more before pulling out. you attempt to glare at him but you only moan once he leans in to lick near your neck.
“shut u-up.”
“make me, whore.”
“really?” gojo says in a sweet tone, he’s more amused if anything—especially after hearing how his pretty best friend’s never had a man make her squirt before. “never ever? as in like, never in your life?”
you shake your head, being propped up against his bare chest. he’s so warm against you. with a single hand, gojo’s got your legs sprawled all open. he reaches down to toy between what’s between those sweet plush thighs of yours. “they’ve all tried but it never w-works.”
“oh you poor thing,” he says with a faux tone, you moan once he starts to swiftly maneuver tender circles against your panties that were still attached to you.
laced panties, a thumb of his brushes against the fabric before he sighs. his breath was minty, that low sigh was right up against your ear and it made you soak profusely. speaking of scent though, his cologne was madly loud.
so redolent, it was a scent you’d always get used to whenever you were so close to him like this. “tell ya what. i’ll make you squirt within five minutes. put all those stupid guys to shame. you want that?”
you nod, desperately craving it. that was all he needed to hear.
once you gave him to go ahead, gojo was determined to make you create such a filthy mess on his fingers. he knew all the right directions to go, his fingers alone knew just where to occupy against your pussy. not even a minute passed before you’re already coating his thickly slender digits with such amounts of your slick. he then slides your panties to the side before continuing.
“oooooh,” he purrs, hearing the squelches your own cunt makes. “she’s so talkative today. poor pussy’s been so neglected though, fuck,” you whimper, parting your legs apart just a bit more as he’s just mindlessly mending your walls. the stretch he created, your eyes were hooded and you dug your hands into his wrist. “i’m gonna make a little mess out of you, angel.”
your head leans back against his chest and you let off a loud squeal once gojo’s fingers position a certain way. he inserts another—yet this time, it’s his middle finger. as of now he’s immitating a bowling ball grip. two thick fingers shoved deep inside of you to where you can barely hold your legs open. “s-satoruuu,” you’d whinge out, feeling your left leg start to sporadically bounce. his tempo was just right, you swallow thickly before gasping once he spanks your pussy twice. “i think ‘m gonna s-squirt.”
“no, you are gonna squirt,” he slyly says, bringing a soft kiss towards the left part of your collarbone. whilst your leg bounces, you fell in love with the way he massaged your inner walls. it was so hypnotizing—the grip he had with his fingers. he tickles near your nub, all inside of your clit before you choke out a needy sob. you were preparing to say something but he shushes you. “shhh. i don’t wanna hear you right now, let this pussy talk for you instead.”
it was such silkiness in his tone, you lean into his touch before he starts to repeat the direction of his fingers. they curve all inside of you, flicking against your pussy before thrusting in and out, in and out. “yeah. lie back ‘n let me show you why they call me the honored one.”
if you weren’t so dumb from his fingers, you’d roll your eyes. after a few concise moments, he pulls his fingers out and your eyes roll anyway—this time out of pure pleasure and ecstasy though. you don’t even realize you’re squirting before gojo grins and points it out.
“thereee she goes,” and you felt so drenched, soaking his fingers — cool air wafts against your skin as you sat still before he softly trails his free hand down your waist. gojo glances at his watch before a dumb smile spreads against glossed lips. “three minutes. heh, new record for me baby. now let’s try to make it under thirty seconds.”
“the fuck you touching my pussy for, woman?”
toji snarls, and you moan once he smacks your hand away. he had you on all fours—dumbly getting a glimpse of your pathetic reflection through the mirror directly in front of you. you just came and your legs were insanely wobbly. his voice was so deep and stern, it made you throb as you were cutely arched over for him. “thought i taught you well. keep your hands to yourself, only my hands get to feel.”
“but nothing slut,” he mutters, and you gasp once you feel his angry mushroom tip start to open you up again. it eases its way into you and you don’t even realize the drool that’s seeping down into your pillow. “touch yourself again ‘n i’m gonna leave you on this bed to make yourself get off. you got me?”
you moan, your ass all up in the air with your left cheek practically smushed against the mattress.
“yeah but can i please touch myself toji.”
all he replies with is a subtle “nah,” and you whimper once he deftly drills his way inside of you. such thick inches that eased its way into your walls, your mouth opened and you let off the sweetest whimper. “saying please isn’t gonna change the fact that this pussy’s only for my hands to touch. not you, girl.”
but toji doesn’t even straight up fuck you.
he’s fully inside before he’s suddenly pulling straight out — then he slaps his fat tip against your folds, smearing the remnants of his cum against your entrance and watching you pulsate. he hums to himself, nudging his cockhead in and out of your slit just to watch you wriggle. “go ‘head, doll. ask me to touch y’erself again, do it. try me.”
it’s a trick, you knew that. it was apparent, yet your lips pursed and you were preparing to ask anyway, toji knew you all too well because he chuckles, shoving your face into the pillow.
“yeah, exactly,” he mutters after about twenty seconds of pure silence passes. a mere awkward silence. “no fuckin’ back talk,” and then you whimper once he continues to slap his tip against your slick entrance—you just wanted him back inside. he was a constant tease, going in only to pull out. the pout that stretched against your face was so adorable, he saw right through the mirror and grins. “aw. want me to start up again?”
“yes,” you immediately reply in a soft tone. “want you to make me c-cum again, toji.”
“tell me sorry first ‘n i’ll think about it.” he gripes.
you whine, this current position — this angle, it was so lewd.
being all hunched over with your ass in the air. you made a cute attempt at trying to wiggle your ass against his dick but he purposely spanks you to quit it. you’ve never felt more soaked purely from his words alone. “i’m sorry.”
“fuck your sorry. make me believe it.” he utters.
“i’m…..sorry for touching myself,” you corrected yourself, cutely growing frustrated—you speak in breathy pants.
the entire atmosphere felt so humidly hot. once toji runs a finger down your spine, you shudder. as he traces against your back muscles, his tip was just inches away from deepening further inside you but he pauses, awaiting for your sweet little attempt of an apology. “i shouldn’t have t-touched what belongs to you. i love you.”
toji smirks. “i agree,” and then he makes your chest collapse further down against the bed—you glance near the mirror and he’s staring dead at you before replying in a husky.
“i love you too, princess,” and then your heart flutters, yet your smile fades once he breaks away, snickering. “but i don’t think you’ve learned your lesson. we’ll try this again tomorrow, brat.”
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merakidoll · 11 days
brainrot! alternative choso with his bimbo girlfriend ( self indulgent duh )
emo boy choso was the adventure you never knew you needed in life. while you had loads of fun prancing around in your smallest clothes, and letting all the boys peek at your pretty goodies, did you actually let any of them touch you ? no.
you found them to be “icky”. dirty nails, nasty looking clothes, and holes in their underwear - ew. but choso was the fun little suprise that you saw one day while walking on campus. his motorcycle so loud that it annoyed you, so you turned to look. his bike was sexy, a pretty jet black that shined against the sun. what was better- him. his helmet coming off and the hot man looking directly at you with a smirk.
he knew he had you in that moment.
“that’s a good girl” choso whispered in your ear, watching you threw his bathroom mirror. your curved frame against his tall muscular one was a sight for sore eyes. you two fitting together like a puzzle piece. his dark leather clothes, rubbing against your bare skin making more tears drip down, dampening your eye lashes. your moans are muffled by the pink thong in your mouth. the taste of your juices hitting your palette, making you drip even more against his slender fingers.
the pornographic scene had you cumming back to back, you were at your third orgasm. only thing keeping you standing is choso; he held onto you tight, taking in the beautiful sight that was you. whispering that most deranged things in your ear bringing back that feeling once more. “that’s my girl” his deep voice made you shudder, the whispers sending tingles down your spine and right to your honey pot that was so so close. “come on” he kissed your chubby cheek, slowing down his fingers to make deep long thrust.
“cum on daddies nails, cum would match the pink so well baby! ” you shut your eyes tight, clenching down onto his fingers. his other hand trailed down your breast, to your stomach, you feeling all of his movements; and it drove you wild. just the thought of the bright pink nail polish, that he let you put on him being the pleasure source made you instantly go dumb. you couldn’t whine out, like you had the other times. squirt shooting out, making a mess, dripping down your legs and getting onto his boots.
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mommypieck · 8 months
⌗︙・how jjk men like it ⸜⸜・
"hold on tight, baby." gojo whispers into your ear when your back presses against the door. he holds you by your thighs, bouncing you on his cock. he loves when he gets to pick you up and manhandle you the way he likes it. maybe it's your size maybe it's because he likes when you whine about his dropping you. he is the strongest after all - the best. he adores how well you take his cock, every inch of him seated in your tiny pussy. your boobs bounce with every thrust he makes, showing how powerful his thrusts are. you claw on gojo's back for support, making him smile. he knows you're about to leave marks all over his back for his friends to see. you always mark him up without knowing.
"are you gonna cum on my cock?" he asks you, dragging your pussy on the full size of his cock. he holds you up before dropping you down all the way. you nod, almost screaming when his pace speeds.
"okay, love. cum on this cock."
his hands hold your ass as you bounce on his cock. your hips go up and down with geto's help from time to time. he's big and it took you a long time before you could fit him all the way in this position, that's why geto's favorite.
"do your legs hurt already?" geto asks when he notices you slowing down. you shake your head - a lie, bouncing on his cock with the stamina you have left. his eyes soften, you're tired already and yet you're still not whining and drooling from his cock.
"let me help you." he says, his hands hugging your middle. geto thrusts his cock in with all he has, making you fall on his chest. he's mean and he uses your pussy as his personal toy and you can't help but to moan and whine. as much as he loves fucking you like this, sometimes he wishes he would see his cock going inside of you, inside of your tiny pussy. you feel like a rag doll in his arms, letting him do whatever he wants to you.
your face buries into the pillow as toji fucks you from behind. his big hands are on your ass, squeezing in while his cock destroys your insides. he likes fucking you like this because he sees your whole ass. he loves your ass so much and when he doesn't get to fuck it, he likes to watch it jiggle. he's much bigger than you and his thrusts feel like your whole body is being tossed around. he pulls out before pushing his entire length into you again. your pussy stretches almost painfully around him but he doesn't care, it's his pussy and he gets to fuck it how he likes.
"feeling good?" he laughs when you let you a slutty moan. he knows you love being fucked like this by how wet your pussy is. he angles his cock a bit, ramming it straight to your needy spot. tears fill your eyes, he's too good at this.
"you gonna squirt on my cock?" he trained you to be a good squirter, creaming on his cock every time he said so. he doesn't have to be afraid you won't because he's too good at what he's doing.
"i love how you feel." nanami moans into your ear, his hips fucking into you with passion. his body lays softly on top of yours while you have your legs wrapped around his body. he kisses you, speeding up his thrusts. you whine a little, sometimes you feel like he's too big for you. he has other plans with you though, he wants you to get used to his big cock. his hand travels to your neck and he thrusts in harder than before. you yelp but you let him take what's his. he kisses all over you, his hips suddenly ramming into your little pussy. you moan and whine, most of the time he's sweet but sometimes he makes you totally fall apart.
"do you like it like this?" he asks, even when he's breaking you, he's so considerate of how you feel. you nod, it's something new but you absolutely love it. he loves this position because he gets to be close to you and worship your body, but it also helps him making you into a drooling mess.
"so beautiful, you take it so well."
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xanaxspritz · 12 days
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an: a continuation of these perv!nanami headcanons. im a journalist for my work and i had so many deadlines this past week. sorry for slight inactivity !!!
synopsis: nanami knew he was in trouble when you mentioned you were a virgin. he's been obsessed with bedding you ever since then
cw: perv!nanami, creampie, overstimulation, slight power imbalance, virgin afab! reader
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nanami felt his own heart pounding when he opened the his apartment door for you. you looked so sweet, so delicate in the mini soft pink sundress you wore. your lips upturned into that shy flirty smile of yours that always drove him crazy. you looked good enough for him to eat whole.
he wondered if his intentions had been clear enough when he invited you over for the first time. unknowingly or not, you teased him relentless for weeks and weeks, from batting your doe eyes at him to slowly, day by day, showing up to his office at work in a much more revealing outfit than yesterday. you made him mad with lust.
and now he has you squirming on his couch, panties soaked and pulled aside with his thick fingers sliding in and out of you, thumb rubbing on top of your clit.
"that's it princess. you're doing so good," he says softy into your thigh, digging his fingers even deeper inside you. "need to stretch you out first."
"p-please i can't..." you mewl out. "it feels too g-good!"
"i know, i know. don't fight it, stay with me love." he reassures. determined to give you your first orgasm, he took out his digits and fully removed your pretty pink panties, diving into your wet heat, savoring and licking up all your deliciousness. the deep heat you felt down inside blossomed into a bright, mind numbing feeling that took over your whole being, as if you were floating on a cloud.
"good?" he asked.
you nodded, your head in a haze. never in your life have you felt this good, and you didn't want him to stop.
"im going to fuck you now. okay?"
"o-okay..." you watch him strip down to boxers, wondering how much trouble you would be in taking his girthy length.
"just relax," he whispers hovering on top of you, throwing your legs over his shoulders.
you felt his tat tip rubbing at your slick entrance, feeling every inch of him slide into you until he was fulling seated. it felt like he was slowly ripping you apart.
"kento, it hurts..." you whine.
"shh..ill go slow."
your pussy was intoxicating, so tight and snug around his cock, like a fitted glove. the fact that he was even fucking your little virgin pussy made him want to cum instantly, but he refrained, fucking deep long stokes into you.
"so fucking good," he moaned. "like you were made for me."
your eyes started to roll into the back of your head with pleasure as each stroke of his fat cock filled your pussy up. the living room filled with your soft whimpers and moans that made nanami's cock impossibly harder.
"i want to cum in your sweet little pussy. will you let me?"
too much of a daze, you nodded your head yes. loads and loads of his warm cum filled deep inside your womb. nanami pulled out, leaving the rest of the sticky substance to drip on to your inner thighs.
you didnt realize how tight you were gripping nanami's shoulders until he pulled off you, red finger marks rippled along his collarbones.
still fucked out, you rolled into his arms, where he holds you so dearly as if you were a piece of fine china he was scared to drop.
"good girl," he mumbled into your hair. "taking my cock so perfectly."
next time he would fuck you even harder, faster. he wanted to absolutely drunk on his cock, like it was only thing you knew. and since he was so blessed to be the one to take your virginity, he wouldn't let anyone else inside you.
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rs-hawk · 4 months
Going INSANE thinking about this post by @curiousmons :
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So here we go!!
Your Centaur Boyfriend being embarrassed when he explains he’s never cum before because he can’t reach “down there”. You’re stunned and ask why he hasn’t told you before. You tell him you’d have at least given him a handjob before now so he could get some release! He sheepishly tells you that he almost didn’t tell you at all because he’s worried he won’t last long and he doesn’t want to disappoint you.
After a soft heart to heart session, you explain that even if he doesn’t last long, at least you’ll be doing it together so it’ll be wonderful. The kissing starts off slow and soft with him stooping down and you on your tiptoes. Then him pulling off your shirt, and you eagerly finishing undressing yourself when he hesitates. He eases you onto your back on the soft (but itchy, not that you’d tell him) hay he made into a bed for you. His front legs are tucked under him as he goes back to kissing you, pumping his fingers in and out of you slowly.
Despite never having been with anyone before, he knows that his massive cock would hurt you if you’re not prepped, which is another reason you two had waited for so long. Now you could easily take his fingers, and you were already soaking wet for him. His cock is so hard that he’s already leaking precum and it’s almost painful. He wants to be inside of you so badly.
“Please,” you whisper, breaking the kiss to look up at him.
He bites his lip before nodding slightly. He stands back up and you adjust, pushing yourself into doggy style so it’s easier for him to push into you. You have to help guide him a bit since you have to be so far under him, but as soon as the tip of his cock is pushed inside of you, he starts going crazy.
He jerks his hips towards you, nearly impaling you with his massive cock in one thrust. You yelp, not expecting that sudden and deep of a movement, but you don’t pull away.
“I’m sorry baby. You feel so good. I’m sorry,” he groans as he continues to slam in and out of you, driving you into the floor.
His cock slams deep inside of you, stretching you out in the most delicious way. He bullies your cervix in a way you never thought possible, his hot and slick precum already coating your womb. You whimper, trying to find something to hold onto. When you start to squirm, he uses his front hooves to keep you in place, setting them lightly on you, of course not his full weight, just so he can continue to cram himself into you.
Once he’s close, his thrusting becomes more sporadic. He thrusts roughly and sloppily, almost pulling out in his haste to push back inside of you. You can feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of you, every thick inch of that cock stretching you out even more as he already was.
“You’re so good baby. So tight. So wet,” he whines, picking up the pace even more.
“Keep going,” is all you can manage to get out between the rough assaults on your body.
He complies until he crams himself as deeply as he can inside of you, pumping you full of hot, thick ropes of cum. You can feel it filling you, extending your stomach and spilling out onto your thighs and the floor under you even as he’s still deep inside of you.
His front legs tremble before he buckles them, pulling them off of you so he can support himself on them. You can hear his deep breathing and panting as he recovers, his cock still throbbing inside of you.
“That was amazing baby,” you sigh, almost dreamily, before you try to wiggle out from under him.
However, he’s already rutting into you, grinding his hips against yours with his cock still buried inside of you. “Just one more baby. Please please let me do it just one more time.”
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