#mako x opal
wilcze-kudly · 7 months
Makopal propaganda because I can't stop thinking about them
Now this is a new ship for me but it's been plaguing my mind for a while so I'm just gonna throw some ideas at the wall and see what sticks.
Of course, they get together after Bolin and Opal break up and it probably takes a lot of time for them to even consider dating. Like especially for Mako I imagine he'd be SUPER hesitant to get with his little brother's ex. And just hesitant to start dating again in general after Korra and Asami.
I especially love this ship paired with Weilin. I can very much imagine Mako and Opal awkwardly tagging along on their little brothers' dates. Like you know how when you're walking your dog and it makes friends with another dog and then they're both playing and doing dog stuff and you're just standing there with the other dog's owner making awkward small talk? That's the vibe for them i imagine.
Wei and Bolin notice and of course they're like 'we gotta set them up'
So much awkward dancing around each other.
Attraction born out of mutual respect for each other. Like theyre both sorta public servants. With Mako being a cop (we don't talk about the big moral quandry of cops rn this is meant to be escapism) and Opal doing her airbending stuff.
I imagine they're both avid readers and bond over books. Probably one of the only couples in the world that can actually read one book together at the same time and not get frustrated
Sorta forming a little support group between each other of having mostly earthbender family members while not being an earthbender themselves. I can see Opal teaching Mako more about Earth Kingdom culture and showing him that he can fit in with that aspect of his heritage and thus helping him to bond with his father's family.
When they actually start dating Mako is so incredibly sappy. Mans has had pent up hopless romantic urges for so long and when he actually gets a partner that dam bursts
We all know Mako's a dork and I think he'd be a bit hesitant to show that side of himself but Opal would absolutely love that about him.
They'd probably read toghether. lmao nerds
Double dates with Weilin!
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ao3statistics · 3 months
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This is self-made. Date of creation: 17.03.2024
Please note that the fandom "Avatar – The last Airbender" and its ships were NOT included.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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notallmight18 · 2 years
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Cant go wrong with Avatar
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beifongswh0re · 4 months
no but the way i would die to see tlok characters in a show like a modern family 😭
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crybabylulu · 1 month
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Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summery: things get a little spicy between you and Lin and not in the good way (REMEMBER I SAID YALL CANT JUMP ME! YALL CANT BE MAD AT ME)
I woke up to the sound of a door closing. I slowly sat up and Lin wasn’t in the room, I got out of bed and went into the living room and still no Lin. I peeked out the window and saw Lin getting into her car. I pouted then I turned to the kitchen. There was a plate of breakfast waiting for me with some coffee. “She’s so in love with me.” I said to myself then took a sip of my coffee. When I finished eating I cleaned up the kitchen then did some laundry and tried to figure out what to make Lin for lunch.
As the days went by with Lin being stuck in the office she made sure to come home in the morning to take a shower and make breakfast for me. It was sweet but I want her to lay with me! I was laying in bed when the phone rang and I answered it. “Hello.” I said. “She ripped it.” Asami said. “What?” I asked. “I wore the matching outfit we bought last night and Korra ripped it. You need to put yours on.” Asami said. “Y’all nasty.” I teased. “You and Lin fucked in my closet.” Asami said. “That is true.” I said.
“Exactly so you better put that outfit on and then that pencil skirt outfit and go up there and do what you need to do.” Asami said. “You’re right.” I said. “Also are you and Lin coming with the rest of us to Zaofu?” Asami asked. “Why are we going to Zaofu?” I asked. “Because Lin’s sister has invited us to visit.” Asami said. “Her what?” I asked. “Her sister Su…has she not told you about her?” Asami asked. “No! I had no clue she had a sister.” I said. “Well they are still learning to get along so I’m kinda not surprised but I don’t know as her girlfriend I thought she’d mention her to you.” Asami said.
“She’s been busy a lot lately so I’m not surprised that she hasn’t brought it up.” I said. “Well I say get to packing so you guys can come.” Asami said. “Oh we’ll be there, trust me.” I said. “Good, I’ll talk to you later. I love you.” Asami said. “I love you too.” I said and hung up. I sighed then decided to start packing. I packed the new pink lingerie in my bag and a bunch of clothes and other things. When I finished I decided to make Lin’s lunch. When that was done I dressed up then made my way to her office. I didn’t put on the lingerie outfit because I’m mad at Lin.
She’s not getting any from me. I saw Mako and Bolin. “Hello boys.” I said. “Hey!” Bolin exclaimed and gave me a hug. I hugged him back then hugged Mako. “Chief isn’t in her office, she’s in another meeting.” Mako said. “That’s fine I’ll just wait in her office also you guys are coming to Zaofu right?” I asked. “Yeah of course.” Bolin said. “Are you guys going? I know chief has been a little dodgy about answering if you guys are going or not.” Mako said. “We’re going.” I said. Mako and Bolin nodded. I went up to Lin’s office and I sat in her chair.
The more I sat there the more irritated I got. How could she not tell me? Why wouldn’t she tell me? I’m her girlfriend, she's supposed to tell me these things! How the fuck do you not say hey babe I have a sister! Like makes no fucking sense. The door opened and I looked up. “What’s wrong with you?” Lin asked. “So you have a sister.” I said. “Who told you?” Lin asked as she closed the door behind her. “Asami called me asking if we’re going to Zaofu with everyone else because your sister invited us.” I said.
“We aren’t going.” Lin said. “Oh yes we are, I already told Asami, Bolin and Mako we are going and I’ve already packed.” I said. “Well unpack because we aren’t going.” Lin said. “Yes we are.” I said. “No.” Lin said sternly. “I’ll go without you then.” I said and folded my arms. “You wouldn’t dare.” Lin said. “Try me.” I said. “Why are you being so difficult?” Lin asked as she walked over to the desk. “Why don’t you wanna go? Why didn’t you tell me about your sister?” I asked. “Because it’s none of your business.” Lin snapped. “I’m your girlfriend Lin.” I said. “No you are not. Remember your place.” Lin snapped.
“Ok.” I said. I got up and left the room. She wants me to remember my place. I can do that but me remembering my place means her remembering hers. When I got back to the apartment I didn’t even bother to clean up and I ordered food for myself. When dinner time came around I didn’t bother to cook for Lin at all.
The next morning I woke up to the smell of food. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. I saw Lin at the stove. “So you didn’t wash dishes last night?” Lin asked. I didn’t bother to respond and I made myself some coffee. “Am I talking to myself?” Lin asked. I turned to look at her and just took a sip of my coffee. “Really?” Lin asked. I shrugged. “You are being such a brat right now.” Lin replied. That’s the point Linny. I’m back in my place. “Do you think this is funny?” Lin asked. “No I don't, Linny.” I said. “You clearly do.” Lin said. I shook my head.
When lunch time came around I made her lunch and just dropped off the food. I didn’t bother to sit and be with her. The same with dinner. Just drop offs and go. I've been doing this till it was time to go to Zaofu. I made sure I had everything in my bags that morning. “Are you really going?” Lin asked. I nodded my head. “You’re on your own for lunch and dinner. Good luck. Hopefully when I come back your attitude has changed.” I said and made my way out the door. I’m being petty I know but I don’t care! She started it!
When we made it to Zaofu I got introduced to everyone. “I’m surprised my sister got a girlfriend as sweet as you.” Su said. I just laughed. “Speaking of aunty Lin, where is she?” Opal asked. “Paperwork is keeping her way too busy.” I said. “When will she ever take a break?” Su sighed. “Who knows.” I said. I was shown around and of course I went shopping on Lin’s card. She’s gonna spank the hell out of me but I don’t care! I sat with Su outside and we just talked. “You know I didn’t think my sister would fall in love again.” Su said. “What do you mean?” I asked.
“Last time she was in love was with Tenzin and that was years ago.” Su said. “Damn.” I said. “I don’t know if she dated other people after him really but she seems to like you if she sent you to meet me and I’ve heard Korra talk about the two of you. You two seem so sweet. I wish she was here so I could see you two together.” Su said. “She’s dated some other people before me. I believe she made it seem like it was all just casual.” I said. “Well she’s taking you seriously so just try to be patient with her. I know she can be a handful.” Su said and we laughed.
The next morning I woke up to knocking at my door. I got out of bed and opened the door. There stood a pissed off Lin. “Oh hello.” I said. “You really made me come all the way here to get you.” Lin huffed. “Oh no no I didn’t make you come here.” I told her as I moved aside to let her in. “I’m not in the mood for you brat.” Lin said. “Then why are you here?” I asked. “To bring you home.” Lin said. “Why?” I asked. “Because you don’t need to be here.” Lin said. “Why? Your sister seems nice and your niece Opal was asking about you.” I said.
“You know nothing about my sister.” Lin snapped. “Then tell me.” I snapped back. “It’s none of your business.” Lin said. “Lin, just explain please. I just want to understand.” I said. “You just don’t need to be here!” Lin yelled. “Don’t raise your voice at me Lin Beifong.” I said. “I wouldn’t be raising my voice if you just listened!” Lin shouted. “I’m trying to listen but you just keep yelling and saying a whole lot of nothing baby.” I said and sat on the bed. “Pack your things we’re leaving.” Lin said. “You can’t make me leave.” I said.
“If you don’t come with me this is over.” Lin said. “Ok, I don’t need your money. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. In all honesty the reason I’m still here with you is because I genuinely love spending time with you. I love our time together that’s why I’m here but if you don’t care about that then ok. I’ll pack up and leave if that’s what you want.” I said. Lin huffed. “Tell me what you want, Lin.” I said. “I want us to go home. Please let’s just go home.” Lin said. “Please tell me why I just want to understand.” I said.
“Why do you have to know? Why can’t we just go home?” Lin asked. I grabbed Lin’s hand and pulled her to me. “Talk to me. I want this to work Lin and this won’t work if you don’t talk.” I said. She sat down and I straddled her. “Lin, please just let me in.” I begged. Lin sighed. I cupped her face but then quickly removed my hand from her scar cheek. Lin grabbed my hand and put it back. Lin took a deep breath and started to tell me about her relationship with her sister.
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thatonebirdwrites · 6 months
Crossover Shenanigans: Korrasami and Supercorp
Korra and Asami stand in front of a strange purple portal. Korra: You know, I'm a little relieved I'm not the reason for this portal for once. Asami: True. Mako: I don't think it's safe to mess with it. Maybe stay here? Asami: How will we be able to determine where it goes? The best way to test a hypothesis is through an experiment. *proceeds to tie the rope around her and Korra's waist and then spools it around hte pulley-crank system she's built. It's several hundred meters of rope* So all you two have to do is keep an eye on this. If the rope is tugged three times, then crank us back. Bolin: *digs into his bag of cookies* Easy enough. Mako: *sighs dramatically* Don't yell at me when this goes badly! Korra gives him a thumbs up, takes Asami's hand, and enters the violet portal. A brief moment of weird stomach-churning nausea hits them, and then they enter a large white room. Two people stand behind a counter with strange devices that Korra and Asami have never seen before. Asami: Wow. That looks like a fancy typewriter. *Points to the keyboard with a strange square attached to it, that looks like a very thin mover screen.* Brunette-and-very-pretty-woman: Who the hell are you two? Korra: Hey! That's not very nice! We're explorers. Investigating the new portal. I'm Avatar Korra. *jerks her thumb at Asami* and this is my super awesome girlfriend Asami Sato. Asami: *blushes* Do you have to introduce me like that every time? Tall-muscular-blonde: Oh, hey! Great to meet you! I'm Kara Danvers, and this is Lena Luthor! *grins and holds out her hand* Asami stares at it for a long moment. Korra rolls her eyes and shakes Kara's hand. Asami bows instead. Lena: Okay, so nice to meet you, now go back through so I can shut this down... Asami: Wait, you made this? How did you make it so small? When Korra made a spirit portal, she energybended a massive explosion, which ripped open the fabric of reality... Lena: What is energybending? Asami: Oh, it's something only the Avatar can do. She manipulates energy in people or the environment. Lena: So she manipulated a massive explosion to create a portal? That seems a very destructive way. *gestures to the portal behind Asami* I built this using Nth metal, magnetic coils, and... Asami: *whips out a notebook from her jacket* What is Nth Metal? And magnetic coils? That's actually a brilliant idea. I've been experimenting with those lately. . .
Kara and Korra watch as the pair dive into an intense conversation about electromagnetics and engineering.
Korra: Yup, that's Asami there. My girlfriend.
Kara: Yup. That's Lena. My girlfriend.
Korra: Huh. So what can you do? I can bend all four elements and metal! *shows off by waterbending the water from Lena's glass, then uses airbending to boost herself upward briefly, and bends stone around the room* Lena: Would you please put my water back in its glass? Asami: It could short-circuit the electronics. Korra: Whoops. *Drops water carefully into glass but then bends the metal bar that's lying on the table into a knot*
Kara: Okay, but that was really awesome. So, as Supergirl, I can do this. *Flies into the air, shoots lasers from her eyes, then lifts up half the lab with one arm.* Lena: Kara, please, if you're showing off, do it away from the portal. *turns back to Asami* So you're saying, you build a powered suit using pistons, hydraulics, and platinum? Are you sure its platinum? Because the hardness and tensile strength you described sounds like titanium to me. Asami: You know, maybe that's what it's called here. Let me show you. *proceeds to draw the chemistry diagram for the metal*
Lena: Fascinating. That's definitely titanium.
Korra: I bet I can beat you in a fight.
Kara: No way. I could beat you.
Lena and Asami: If you're going to fight, take it outside please.
Lena: I'm also filming it. *Reaches over and picks up a round ball and then proceeds to type something into her keyboard. Asami watches fascinated as the ball rises into the air and follows Kara out of the room and onto the porch area of the lab* Asami: Was that a tiny mech? Lena: Robot. Asami: Wait, so what powers it? I've struggled with decreasing the size of batteries due to... Korra unhooks herself, cracks her knuckles, and follows Kara outside. MEANWHILE IN AVATAR-VERSE: Mako: Why did the rope go slack?
Bolin: OH NOES. Do you think they got eaten?
Mako: Bo, by what? *his eyes widen* Oh no, they could really be in trouble then.
Bolin: We go to save them! But we need someone to man the ropes for us.
Mako: Let me radio Jinora. *picks up the portal radio* Jinora? Can you send some help to the new portal?
Opal and Jinora soon join them. They agree to man the ropes while Mako and Bolin head into the portal. MEANWHILE ON EARTH-38:
Mako and Bolin exit the portal and stare in shock at Asami standing by a brunette, while Korra and Kara battle outside. The walls are transparent, and the fight is intense.
Bolin: Asami! We're here to save you! *puts up his fists*
Asami: Wait what? No! Korra and I are fine.
Lena: Who the hell are you two?
Mako: So you're not about to be poisoned or something? *has fire blades ready in his hands*
Asami: NO! Lena here was chatting with me about the technology here. Korra is just sparring with Kara. Lena, that's Bolin and Mako, our friends.
Bolin: Oh. Do you have any snacks? Because I got to see this.
Mako: *sighs* whatever.
Lena: *grumbling but opens snack cabinet and tosses food at Bolin* I hope no one else comes through. I still need to calibrate... Asami: For the calibrations, do you have to manually type commands? Lena: Actually, no, I write code for that. Asami: TEACH ME.
Mako and Bolin sit down with their snacks to watch the increasingly intense fight. Korra has all four elements and is in Avatar state while flying in the air. Kara is blocking all the attacks using invulnerability and trying to get close enough to do a right hook.
After several minutes, Jinora and Opal rush through the portal.
Jinora: Are you all okay?
Opal: Woah, nice place.
Lena: What the fuck is with you people?? Go home! I can't turn off the portal with y'all here!
Bolin: Can't! Got to see who wins!
Jinora: I apologize for the intrusion! I'm Jinora and this is Opal. We were worried about the brothers.
Asami: Here's some snacks. Korra is battling Kara to see who is stronger. *gestures to the windows* I think it's an even match so far.
Lena: *scoffs* Kara is obviously winning. She's invulnerable to all of Korra's attacks. She also has the ability to fly, and her laser vision can easily incinerate most of what Korra fires at her.
Asami: *laughs* So? Korra's ability to dodge with airbending keeps her a moving target. Kara has yet to land a punch. Also, the fire blasts, ice daggers, and stone spikes keep her on the defensive.
The pair fall into an argument into the science of their girlfriends' powers and how they may work scientifically. The argument ends up so heated that Lena finally throws up her hands in defeat.
Lena: FINE. Let's find out who wins then?
Asami: FINE. More snacks are needed though. Bolin eats enough for three, I swear.
Lena grumbles under her breath about insatiable eaters, while she makes popcorn for all of them instead using her bunsen burners.
Alex, Kelly, Brainy, and Nia burst into Lena's lab.
Alex: Are you okay? We heard about the invasion!
Asami: Invasion? We're just visiting.
Lena: Don't interfere! This is important research.
Alex: Who the hell are these people? *gestures to the Avatar-verse people*
Mako: Who the spirits are you? *jumps to his feet with his fire blades ready*
Bolin: We need more popcorn! *waves an empty bowl*
Nia: Did you say popcorn? Yesss. You're my new friend.
Opal: So you're all friends of Lena? *Opens snack cabinet and ignores Lena's glare at her touching Lena's things. Takes out snacks and tosses them at Jinora who hands them to the others*
Kelly: Yes. Don't tell me, she had an accident in the lab?
Lena: Not an accident! I might have unintentionally created a bridge to another multiverse that is directly parallel to ours per M-brane theory --
Asami: M-brane theory? Spirits, we're way behind. We just figured out quantum entanglement exists and how to build planes. Tell me all about M-brane theory please.
Brainy: I posit that if you tell her that could alter the trajectory of their world with dangerous consequences--
Lena and Asami: Shut up Brainy!
Bolin hands out more popcorn for the now TWO shows: Kara and Korra fighting still -- the fight has gotten more and more intense with no sign of either being able to land a significant blow on the other. On the other hand, Asami and Lena fall into an intense argument about physics, which is interspersed with yells at Brainy to stop interrupting them.
Brainy: Sharing this with a person of lesser technology may interfere with the time modality of their multiverse --
Lena: Brainy, if you don't shut up, I'm kicking you out!
Asami: It's not like I'm going to completely rebuild the entirety of all engineering in my world. I mean, I could, I am rich, and you know, that would be a fun project...
Lena: Ah, shaping society through money and technology. Sounds like me... *she trails off and stares at Asami*
Asami: Oh my spirits
Lena: Oh my god
Bolin: *throws popcorn into his mouth* Yup.
Nia: And those two fighting are probably the same person too.
Brainy: I calculate that the probability of two identical people from alternate universes could disrupt the time continuum-- Everyone but Nia: SHUT UP BRAINY.
Nia: *shoves a beer into his hands and pulls him down next to her* Shush, just enjoy the show.
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hotpinkrathian · 3 months
Ahhhh so I have to admit I have been working on something, it's a very big project for me.
It's 30 000 words long as of now, and I estimate to be about 1/2 - 2/3 of the way through the story. I'm super excited about it, however I don't want to get to a point where I'm almost done and don't finish, which is why I am writing it so much.
I want everyone in the kyalin Fandom to be right there with me when it's ready. So I'm going to do my best to finish it before I start posting.
How would I describe it???
A Kyalin mystery slowburn
Here's a snippet from Chapter 3 (spoilers ahead)
“Here,” Tenzin said, passing Lin a notice.
“So secretive,” Kya joked, pretending to lean over.
“It's not that secret,” Tenzin said, “two more came forward getting letters, bringing the total to-”
“Forty-nine.” Lin finished. The names added to the list weren't familiar to her. An Earth Republic mayor, and a fire nation general. “Something tells me there's one more out there,” Lin said.
“You think? An even 50?”
“Stopping at forty-nine would be good thinking on their end,” Kya said, “I mean, it would have everyone worried over the 50th letter, which doesn't exist.” She elaborated.
Lin raised an eyebrow, shrugging it off.
“What are the odds they get out anyway?” Kya asked.
“You mean the dirt?” Lin clarified.
“Yeah. Are the threats… real? Do you think they actually know something, or is it… broad enough to make yo- people think they did something.”
“Well we've bounced around that idea for a while,” Lin said, “but I think the general consensus was that… they were a little too close for comfort.” She looked to Tenzin, whose harrowing eyes reflected the anxieties of her own.
Her own letter bounced around in the back of brain, waiting to be unpacked. She had divulged so much into dealing with the case, and worrying about Suyin, she hadn't put much thought into how she would deal with the information revealed by her letter.
What she would do.
What she would say.
She didn't inherently think she had anything to be ashamed of, but there were plenty others who wouldn't see it that way.
It would be career ending, perhaps enough to chase her out of town in search of a fresh start.
If Suyin was still alive, Zaofu could make for a nice retirement place.
“Excuse me for a moment,” she said, getting up. She made for the bathroom down the hall, but instead opened the window at the end of the hall.
Delicately, and with precision, even in her wine-induced stupor, she climbed outside, hanging onto the ledge.
She'd done it a thousand times in her teen years. Scaling the air temple had been a right of passage, and a necessity, when she was with Tenzin.
It was second nature to her as she hauled herself to the upper floor.
Luckily, the window wasn't locked and she got back inside with ease.
She walked quietly down the hall, praying she didn't wake the kids. It was as she remembered. Almost nothing had changed, and a strange wave of deja vu overcame her.
It ended when she entered the left door, and not the right.
Kya's room was one she hadn't been in much, especially as she got older. It looked as she had envisioned. It was tasteful and colorful. Lin envied her ability to pick out pictures and tapestries of varied colors, still managing to make them go together.
First she checked the nightstand, which had a lot of interesting things, but nothing she was looking for.
She checked the duffle bag on the chair, nothing but clothes and towels.
She sighed, looking around.
She noticed the bed was lifted slightly off the floor. Tenzin used to keep… stuff under his bed.
Perhaps these airhead all thought alike.
She got on her knees before laying herself gently onto her stomach.
She outstretched an arm under the bed, feeling around until her palm landed on a box.
She pulled it out, and allowed herself to stand up before setting it on the bed and opening it.
The unmistakable waxy green seal.
The inky handwriting on the back with a clear name designation.
The clear indication that it had been open and removed multiple times.
She held it in her hand, her fingers frozen.
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bxrryjun · 8 months
Y'all read my fic
Btw it’s not done but I’ll post the first chapter next week. Feel free to give your opinions and suggestions ✦★
Click here
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deimagines · 7 months
Her Falling and Her Legacy *Part 3 ( A ATLA and LOK Imagine)
Been away for so long cuz of college. But I am HERE! and I am not leaving! Part 1/2/
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General Iroh II arrives at the Air Temple and Zuko has a dream.
Ba Sing Se
100 AG
Y/N smiles happily that her mooncakes have come out perfectly. It was the first time she had made them, and she was proud of how they turned out. She even gave them a little dragon design on it, circling a jasmine flower.  
She took a careful bite to taste the flavors and smiled.  
“Mmh, not bad!” She says to herself and makes a small plate for her and her roommates. She just wished that Zuko would wake up soon. 
After Zuko released the Avatar’s flying bison, he became sick.  
Iroh said that his aura is changing drastically and was the reason for his illness.  
She sighs in worry but puts on a brave face before placing the plate on the kitchen table.  
Iroh took one and tasted it. A smile was presented on his face. A clear sign that he was happy by the taste. “Incredible! You have outdone yourself, Y/N.”  
“Thank you, Iroh. It’s my first time making these.”  
Zuko entered the room and Iroh presented the mooncakes to him.  
“Look, nephew, Y/N made mooncakes. Try one!”  
Zuko looks at the hopeful gaze on Y/N’s face over his uncle’s shoulder and takes one.  
After taking a bite, he hums lightly. “Pretty good.”  
“Really?” She asked, worry washed away.  
“Yeah. Really good, actually.” He takes another bite.  
“Maybe we should add them to the menu of our tea shop.” Iroh suggested.  
“Okay, but only I get to make them, I don’t want anyone stealing my recipe.”  
“Deal!” Iroh finalizes their ‘business’.  
Northern Air Temple
171 AG
Tenzin watched his pupils, yet again, with frustration.  
It had weeks, but he still has ye tot manage to shape them into the ideal air nomads that he and his grandfather had dreamed of for as long as he can remember. After the close call with the bison herd from getting stolen by animal traffickers, if Kai and the other airbenders hadn’t interfered, he had expected they would at least become more serious about their training. 
He winced as another was hit and out of the spinning paddles. 
Not a lot, but at least a little.  
He sighed once again and continued to watch until one certain pupil caught his attention.  
 At least one of them had expected those expectations.  
“Don’t just stand there, Rookie! Be the leaf!” Meelo orders her as he pointed at the gates with his chest puffed up.  
She looks down at him and then back at the paddle with a steady gaze. She watches as they spin and spin and then something just clicks. 
“A leaf. . . I get it.”  
She took her position and started moving her feet and walked onto the course, eyes closed.  
Tenzin watched in tense, nobody had done it the first time with eyes closed before.  
Yet she did the impossible, and moved like Meelo has instructed, like a leaf. But it wasn’t just dodging, it was like she was dancing. Like the leaf, she redirected any impacts that she stumbled upon her way through the grates and let the wind guide her to safety.  
She finally arrived at the other side, unharmed and lowers of hands together.  
The others looked at her with amazement and envy as whispers broke out. 
“She’s amazing.”  
“She makes it look so easy.”  
Bai-La was an incredible pupil. The most attentive, the most graceful and hard-working student that he has ever had the closest joy to have. 
Other than the poor man that he had to demonstrate to shave, Bai-La was the only one who willingly volunteered to have her hair shaved. Technically, she asked for a half-shaved look to not lose all of her hair. He hesitated, but she was the only one who volunteered.  
She passed every test and breathing exercises as well as understanding his lectures and stories, excluding.  
If she kept it up, she would be at the same level as his children and Korra.  
And . . . another thought had haunted his mind ever since he saw her eyes.  
Y/N. The girl who would’ve been the Fire Lady.  
Zuko’s first love.  
Though he was not sure if it was just a coincidence, Bai-La's eyes and face were the exact copy of the girl who would’ve been his aunt.  
Everyone knew the story. How Y/N The Gentle fought and aided future Chief Sokka, his would-be wife, Suki and future Chief of Police Toph to stop Fire Lord Ozai’s invasion.  
Only Y/N was sacrificed for the cause.  
His mother once told him of how broken Zuko was when he heard of the news of his beloved’s demise, but he had to remain strong as he was the next Fire Lord. He managed to find happiness in Mai, but even she knew that she couldn’t compete with the girl who had stolen her husband’s heart, their respect for each other is unreal.  
In fact, the now Fire Lord, name, Izumi was half of Y/N’s name, Y/N Izumi, to honor her in memory.  
Which brings him to another situation. 
“Alright everyone, that’s enough for today. We’ll continue tomorrow after our morning meditation.”  
Most of them sighed in relief and even went on their separate ways in groups or alone. Bai-La jumps done and lands on her feet gracefully.  
As she was about to leave, Tenzin stopped her.  
“Just a moment Bai. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”  
“Yes, Sifu Tenzin?” She looks up at him.  
“Follow me.” He says, and they made their way out of the training grounds.  
They reached one of many balconies of the temple and he took out an envelope from his robes.  
“Here.” He hands it to her. “Letters from your family. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise of bringing them here, but the letter that you sent to them was most helpful.”  
Bai-La smiles gratefully and bows to him. “Thank you. These mean more a lot to me than you can think of.” She opens one and immediately begins to read.  
Tenzin nods. “I’m glad. . . there is something else that I need to bring up.”  
“Yes?” She looks back up at him.  
“As you know by now, our situation with the world leaders have been a little. . . strained with the idea of airbenders being back to society.”  
“You mean President Raiko?”  
Tenzin didn’t reply. “Our first impression was not . . .impressive, per say. Two days from now, General Iroh will come visit by to write a report on our activities and how fair we are doing.”  
“You mean spying?” She teases lightly.  
“Yes.” He couldn’t help but to comply with her humor. “But General Iroh is a good man. The one he’s working above him, however.”  
“No need for more explanations.” She raises her hand to stop him. “But I still have yet to understand what it has to do with me?”  
“Well, other than Kai and my brother, you Bai-La have the greatest potential out of all the other airbenders. In fact, you’ve become a sort of prodigy. Which is why I want you to be a representative of the airbenders once the General arrives to build his report.” 
“I don’t know what to say.” She says in surprise. “I am . . .”  
“Just don’t get it to your head.” Tenzin teases as he places a hand on her shoulder. “You should prepare, the General will be here next week.” 
“Yes, and thank you, Sifu Tenzin.” She bows with her fist connected to her palm.  
He returns it and they began to walk away until Bai notices something. 
“Is that an old oven?”  
Tenzin looks over his shoulder and sees a familiar oven that brought up wonderful memories.  
“Why yes, the air acolytes use it, but they’re a little old fashion these days. I used to make cakes with my father here once, Bumi did not like them.” 
“Were they that bad?”  
A secret smile made its way up to the corners of his mouth. “Not exactly.”  
“Well, then, can I use it? I would love to make some mooncakes or some sweetbread.” She had sparkles in her eyes as she explained. 
Tenzin raises an amused brow. “I don’t see why not. Here, let me show you a recipe my father taught me.” 
Bumi was happily taking a stroll until something fell from the sky.  
His head was suddenly covered in frosting and cake bits. He shouted at the sky in anger, knowing exactly who was responsible. 
Tenzin and Bai-La looks down from the balcony and they both laugh. They then bow to each other. 
“Your aim is perfect, my bright pupil.”  
“Thanks, Sifu Tenzin.”  
The Fire Nation.  
The winds brushed his hair wildly as he stood there in the courtyard where the fountain lay, the exact one from Ba Sing Sae. The one where she took him there by accident.  
Cherry blossom petals suddenly fall from the sky. Where did they come from? He doesn’t know. 
His eyes widened and he slowly turned. The wind blowing through his hair as the owner of the voice that had called out to him was full in his sight.  
There she was.  
Young and beautiful as he remembered.  
Her dress was the one she wore on their first date. 
He felt his youth coming back as he suddenly morphs back into the young lad he used to be when they were still together.  
He ran to the other side of the fountain, where she was and crashes her into a hug. She let out a giggle as he twirls her around until he settles her back to the ground. Her head burry on his chest as he hugs her.
“I missed you.” He whispers into her hair.  
“I missed you, too.” She muffles into his chest.  
“This is another dream. Is it?” His tone of content did not waver.  
“I’m afraid so.” She confesses. “But it’ll be over soon.”  
His hold on her tightened at those words. This dream always ended the same way. He begs her to stay longer, but she always says no.  
“Please. Just a little longer. A minute even.”  
“You don’t understand, Zuko. It will be over soon.”  
He frowns, this was different. He pulls away to look down at her. “What will be over soon?” 
She raises a hand to cup his cheek, her thumb caressing the edge of his scar.  
This was different too.  
But he didn’t care, he leans into the touch and grabs it to kiss the palm of her hand.  
“You’ll see.”  
He suddenly wakes up.  
He sat up and looked at the morning sky from his open window.  
It has been days since he arrived at the Fire Nation to protect Izumi. She was reluctant to take the decision, saying that she didn’t need any protection, but he insisted. She has only heard of Zaheer and the Red Lotus, never seen them of what they are capable of.  
His hands clutched the silk duvet as he imprinted the words of his first beloved. 
It’ll be over soon.  
But what did she mean by that? 
Bai-La sighs as she wipes the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand after setting the last batch of mooncakes on tray. She smiled at her grandmother’s signature design on the treats as fond memories began to unfold. She looks at the ready mooncakes that were packaged in boxes. At the sight of it, there was enough for a whole fleet. Which was what she was going for.  
Ikki was there too, sitting near the baker on a rail of the balcony munching on a cake that Bai had given her. “Mmh! This is the best mooncake I ever tasted.” She pauses. “Don’t tell my mom I said that.”  
Bai only smiles. “I’m glad you like them! It’s my grandmother’s recipe, never changed and never left eaten without a single crumb behind.”  
Ikki looks at the number of mooncakes. “But why are you making so much? Is there a party? Are we having a party? Is it someone’s birthday?”  
“Nope,” Bai answers quickly to cut off any remaining questions that the little girl has. “These are for the Air Acolytes as a thank you for helping us settling in the temple and for the Fleet of the United Republic of Nations as a welcome present.”  
Ikki looks at the many boxes. “That’s a lot of mooncakes.”  
“Ooh!” Meelo made himself known. “Mooncakes! Score!”  
He was about to touch the ones that were already packed but Bai lightly taps his hand with a wooden spoon. “Apbububu- No touchy. Those are for the Air Acolytes and our guests tomorrow.”  
Meelo rubs his hand in dismay, but his mood suddenly changed when a plate of mooncakes was in front of his face. 
“These however are for airbenders.” Bai smiled.  
He gladly takes one and takes a bite. His eyes sparkled as his tastebuds sings his mood. “Whoa! It’s like I’ve been taken to Flavor Heaven!”  
He then takes more and more to stuff in his mouth, but Bai pulls that plate away from him as she laughs. “Hey! Save some for the others, Little Sifu.”  
Little Sifu was a nickname she had given him since she started her training, Meelo didn’t seem to mind since the word Sifu is being used directly to him.  
“Alright, since you two are here. Mind helping give these out till’ dinner time? I’ll put in a good dozen of mooncakes for you once we’re done.”  
“You trade in a hard bargain, lady.” Meelo comes by and takes a few boxes with Ikki.  
“But the temple is so big. How are we gonna take these to everyone by dinner? I’ll be tired from all the walking.”  
“Who says anything about walking?”  
Ikki and Meelo shared a look.  
An air acolyte was done cleaning the windows, when suddenly, he hears the familiar sounds of wind whistles.  
Before he could look behind, three figures passed by him, and he felt something in his hands. He looked down and was surprised to see a white box in his hands with a sweet aroma coming from it.  
He squinted to the culprit that gave him the box and see Bai-La with the airbending children on air scooters with other boxes balanced on the top of their heads.  
“Thanks for your hard work!” Bai shouted.  
The air acolyte raises a brow but opens the box, nonetheless, he takes out a mooncake and smiles to where the benders headed before taking a bite.  
Like Bai had hoped, they managed to deliver the mooncakes to every acolyte at the Temple by dinner. Some were surprised but mostly happy by the thoughtful treats.  
Everyone finished their meals and the airbenders were surprised by Bai’s mooncakes waiting for them.  
“So, this is what the commotion was about within the acolytes.” Tenzin said as he takes one.  
“I wanted to thank them for helping us settle in the Air Temple.”  
“How thoughtful.” Pema complements as she takes a mooncake as well. She noticed the design and admired it. “What a lovely touch.” 
Bai smiled. “Thank you, it’s my gram-gram's signature.”  
“These are delicious!”  
“I know right!” Ikki was happily eating them.  
Bai sat in her seat as she was being thanked and asked for making mooncakes again from airbenders and acolytes alike. One even asked for the recipe, but she shakes her head.  
“Sorry guys, family secret. My grandmother would haunt me if shared the recipe from outside of the family.”  
The mood in the room changed drastically after hearing the comment.  
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Bai.” Tenzin apologizes. 
The young woman only smiled and shakes her head again. “It is fine, Master Tenzin, it was a long time ago. . .” She fiddles with something that tied around her neck that Ikki seemed to be the only one to notice.  
“What that?”  
Bai pulls it up a bit to show it. It was a half pendant that shined brightly in the light.  
“It’s an heirloom, it belonged to my grandmother once, before she passed away. “  
“Pretty! But where’s the other half?” Ikki tilted her head. 
“I don’t know, my grandmother never really explained it to me.” 
As Bai tries her best explain the mystery, by mere sight of the necklace, Tenzin was suddenly pulled into flashback, a memory that he had almost forgotten.  
When Lord Zuko was telling them the bravery of the only fallen friend during the war.  
Y/N the Gentle.  
The portrait the Fire Nation Palace displays for her honor was made with as much detail as possible, the beautiful smile and kindness showing in her eyes. But what really stuck to young Tenzin the most was the necklace that the young girl was wearing around her neck.  
One that took a similar resemblance to the one that Bai-La has in her hands.  
And if he remembered the tales that Iroh had told him when he became older, Lord Zuko had the intension to marry Y/N after they brought peace to the Four Nations. But that promise was taken away from him when Y/N sacrificed herself to save his uncle and Toph Beifong.  
He frowns at the sight of the necklace as the possibility ran through his mind.  
After dinner, he stood up and announced that he had something to take care of in his study.  
Once there, He rummaged through the bookshelf until he found what he was looking for. He opens it and flips through the pages until he stops at a chapter where the first page shows a picture of the same portrait, he’s seen in the Fire Nation Palace. He takes a small magnifying glass from his desk and moves it around the portrait until it stops to the model’s neck.  
A pendant around the girl’s neck gave him the clue he needed for his question.   
Tenzin and the acolyte elders watched as General Iroh’s fleet had docked the port on a blimp. The General himself was walking down the ramp and he saluted.  
“Greetings, Tenzin.”  
“General Iroh, it is good to see you.” 
They shake hands.  
“You as well.” 
“I’m sorry you have to be put up with this assignment.”  
“No trouble at all. It’ll be a short visit, but at least me and my men have a time to relax, away from Republic City.”  
“And the President.”  
Iroh smirks. “Especially.”  
They began to walk and catch up, they have not talked since their ordeal with Unalaq. Once they reached the outskirts of the Temple where they were airbenders training on top of the poles. Iroh and Tenzin, and Iroh’s first mate, who was taking reports and writing them down on a clipboard, watched as they all worked through their training, some have fallen but few have managed to stand their ground on top of the poles. 
“As you can see, they have a long way to go until they become proper airbenders.”  
He winces as another pupil falls.  
“Very long. Also, if you have the time, there’s something that I need to discuss with you.”  
“What-” Before Iroh could even finish, a voice call from above. 
“Look out!”  
One of the pupils jumped with a powerful gush of wind by accident and suddenly fell on the General himself with a loud thud.  
“Ow.” Iroh croaks as the pupil gets and apologizes repeatedly and bows many times, knowing who exactly he had dropped on as Iroh turns to his back. 
A gasped was heard from above.  
Suddenly, a sound of soft wind was heard, and a pair of legs was delicately floating down to the ground with airbending and lands in front of Iroh. He looks up to see that it was a woman close to his age. 
The stranger leans and offers her hand.  
“Are you alright?”  
He took it and almost froze when he looked up and caught her eyes with his own. They were so bright and beautiful.  
But his admiration was brief when she tugged his arm up and he snapped out his gaze and stood.  
She was a short woman with long hair, yet the side was shaved off, it was styled in a very delicate way as well as edgy.  
He clears his throat, remembering his manners. “Thank you.”  
She smiled as Tenzin came to her side. 
“Iroh, this is Bai La, one of the freed airbending prisoners from Ba Sing Se and finest pupil in the temple.”  
“Hello.” She bows. But when she straightens her posture back, she moves her hair away from her face when a breeze passes by. 
Iroh then had a look of realization but was able to hide it from the woman before him. A look that Tenzin had predicted.   
“I hope you and your men are hungry. The air acolytes and I prepared a welcome dinner in honor of your visit.”  
“Yes. Thank you.” Iroh could only answer as his mind was plagued with possibilities because of her face.  
“Hey, Bai!” Kai from above calls for her. “I thought we have a bet going on?”  
“Coming!” She turns back to the General. “See you at the dining hall.”  
She then jumps with the help of airbending to set herself back on top of the poles.  
Tenzin finds himself back at Iroh’s side.  
“She’s. . .” He hesitated, yet Tenzin knew already what the Crown Prince was going to say.  
“Yes. Exactly.”  
Iroh had returned from his military training from the Northern Water Tribe. His mother took him on a walk, and they suddenly found themselves in the hall where all his forefathers and mothers portraits hanged, including the heroes of their nation. 
His mother, who suddenly stopped at one specific portrait that which she had mentioned was one of her favorites because of the story behind the person’s cause and bravery.  
Yet, she had surprised Iroh then with a single sentence.  
“You know. . . I used to hate her.”  
Iroh’s eyes widened a bit as his mother confesses.  
“When your grandmother Mai told me of Y/N, I grew angry at your grandfather, wondering why he could ever disrespect the woman who gave birth to me. Whispering her name in his sleep and she cried every time.” 
She closed her eyes and opened them, filled with wisdom, yet despair. “But she explained to me that on the day of Sozin’s Comet, when Y/N was lost, he became a broken man, almost unrecognizable. That’s when I knew that I couldn’t hold on to that anger anymore, especially on a brave woman who gave her life to save the world.” 
Iroh places a hand on his mother’s shoulder. “I‘m sorry you had to go through that, mom. It must’ve taken a great deal of strength to accept it.”  
She smiles and looks up at him. “Thank you, my son.” 
They both continued to look at the portrait. Admiring the woman who could’ve been Fire Lady. 
The general continued to watch Bai as she jumps from one pole to another circling with Kai to see who can stay the longest.  
“But. . .are we even sure?” He asked.  
Tenzin whispers to him. “Look around her neck.” 
Iroh squints and sees what Tenzin is referring to watch for. It was a pendant, broken in half. A pendant he was all too familiar with.  
“We can’t know for sure. Have you talked to her about this?”  
Tenzin looks at Bai with a conflicted gaze. It was clear that she had become his favorite student. He tried to keep all equal feelings for his airbenders but Bai was a kind and bright being that had the potential to become one of the greatest Airbending Masters.  
“I just don’t want to overwhelm her.”  
“You might now have a choice.” Iroh states in a calming manner. “With things going on at Ba Sing Se and the Red Lotus, there might not be a chance to tell her. Or . . . him.” 
Tenzin looks back and watches as Bai laughs to whatever Kai was saying. Lord Zuko was  
“No, there might not be.” He sighs. “I’ll arrange a private meeting with her. Will you join us?”  
Iroh nods as he continues to gaze Bai. “Of course.”  
@treestarrrrrrrr @mayxsx @nani-nani-nani @lifesanenigma @letsthedogpackandthecats @evelyn-4034 @serenityhvl @fandomsfanman @shoxji
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aangtheairbender · 1 year
Random.. and fluffy HC about the Krew.
Asami asks both Bolin and Mako to walk her down the isle when she gets married. They agreed on immediately.
Asami and Korra takes vacations during their anniversary, either to new parts of the world they have yet to travel too or back to the spirit world.
The Krew goes to all of the festivals together and Bolin and Korra has an ongoing game of who can win most prices for their lovers. Opal and Asami just want's them to save some of their money.
Mako, Opal and Jinora all sit down together in the library to read and eventually form somewhat of a loose book club. Eventually their book club gets switched out for reading time for their kiddos.
I don't feel like Bolin would take Opal's surname. As much as he looks up to Toph (and the old gang), he does understand that the name comes with a lot of weight and burden even (he has been there for a lot of Beifong-drama)- but he do wish that his children get her surnames. I also feel like if Bolin (and Mako) where to have their own surnames- he would still propose the idea of them just keeping their given surnames.
Korra and Asami will eventually adopt a set of twins, a boy and a girl. And a few years later, adopt another girl. One of the twins are a non bender and eventually takes over the Future Industries when Asami steps off.
Korra and Bolin helps each other when their respektives pet dies. Both of them get new pets after a few years. Bolin gets a dog-hybrid and I haven't really decided on Korra, but another big one she can ride on.
Bolin eventually learn metal bending, with Korra's help. And they both learn seismic sense together with the help of Lin.
They all rotate with weekly dinners when they get their own places. Their more often at the Mansion or Island, since when they all have kids; it's hard to fit all of them around the dining table.
Out of all of them, Bolin and Mako are decent chefs, Korra comes in as a second (she did learn a little bit during her avatar training), and Asami and Opal have barely been alone in a kitchen.
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The Mission Bolin x Reader Series: Part Four
You return to Republic City and don’t recieve the warmest welcome but manage to prove to everyone where your loyalties lie...but can you show this to Bolin?
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Previous Parts: One, Two and Three.
When you got back to Republic City you could’ve easily slunk away and buried your head in the sand but you didn’t. You went right to the council and shared with them everything you knew. You told them you’d accept any punishment they thought fair but asked you be allowed to help in the time being. Obviously they were all very wary of you but Varrick vouched for you. “She’s on our side now we promise! Kuvira was intimidating her as much as she was everyone else but Y/n stood up for us and is a very big part of why we're still here”. Varrick’s word didn’t seem to be doing much good though, which was understandable considering his past, so you stepped forwards ready to argue your case when Bolin beat you to it. “Varrick’s right. Y/n helped get us here and stood up to Kuvira for us...she can be trusted and she has invaluable knowledge. We’re going to need her to stop this”. Mako’s brother and the Avatar both nodded, convinced by Bolin’s world and that persuaded Tenzin and the others. “Fine!” Raiko nodded “you can help but we’ll be watching you like a hawk and the second you falter you’ll be locked away forever”. You nodded “I won’t let you down”. 
You hoped to catch Bolin after the meeting but Raiko grilled you for hours to get information about Kuvira and when you left Bolin was nowhere to be seen. The next day you found Mako, Bolin’s brother and asked if he knew where Bolin was staying. He directed you to Air Temple Island and you made your way there a bundle of nerves. You found Bolin outside playing with Pabu and smiled to see he seemed back to normal...or he did until he looked up and saw you. Oblivious, Pabu ran over to say hello before Bolin could intercept him. You stroked Pabu happily and Bolin stood up, coming towards you hesitantly. “Hey” you said softly “I’m really sorry to drop in on you like this but with the war coming I figured sooner would be better. Can we please talk?" you asked. Bolin sighed "i guess I can’t avoid it forever...let's go this way" and he led you to a private part of the island overlooking the ocean. You nodded and followed him in silence. Once you were sat down Bolin frowned "so...do you want to take the lead?". You nodded and took a breath. “I just wanted to apologise again for everything I did to you and give you a chance to ask any questions...I’m so sorry for everything Bolin and I know the journey here hasn’t solved anything. Is there anything you want to say to me?”. "Was it all just a game?" Bolin asked and you had a feeling this had been on his mind for a while. "Being nice to be, laughing with me, flirting with me...the whole time you were only speaking to me because she told you to right? Would you even have given me the time of day if she hadn't commanded you to?" Bolin asked. You nodded "of course I would have! Initially I did it because she told me to but after our first meeting I realised I enjoyed being around you and it stopped being a secret mission but something I wanted to do. I liked being around you Bolin, I would’ve acted the same way I promise". Bolin sighed "well unsurprising I don’t believe you" and he looked away upset. "Of course I want to believe you. I want to think you did care for me and like me but how can I even begin to trust you?" he pointed out. It was a very good question and one you didn’t have the answer to. You sighed "I don’t know" you replied honestly "I've hurt you in an awful way and I don’t know how I can ever do enough to repair that. To make you feel safe around me again but I promise I'm not going to quit until I do it. I'm not going to stop trying even if you lose interest or hate me. I will never stop trying to repay the damage I did because you mean a lot to me Bolin. While it wasn’t genuine at first it didn’t take long before it started being and by the end I’d really fallen for you. I know that ship has probably sailed for us forever but all I want is to get your friendship back. No matter how much work it takes". Bolin nodded "okay. I can’t promise anything but I also won’t tell you it’s impossible". You nodded to him "that’s more than I could’ve hoped for, thank you". Bolin nodded and walked away.
You heard Opal was in town the following day and figured she deserved an apology as well. You made your way to Lin Beifong’s apartment where Opal was staying and knocked twice. You were sure this wasn’t going to be pleasant and that was before you told her what you’d done to her and Bolin’s relationship. But still you wanted to wash away everything you'd done for your sister and the first step was being honest. So you’d deal with this and then you could move on.
The door opened and Opal appeared. "What do you want?" she asked. Great start, she hated you already. You winced and tried to look non-threatening. "I was hoping we could talk?" you asked. "Funny you two even think alike now" she replied and you paused "me and who?". "Bolin” she said and Opal moved back to reveal the living room where Bolin was sat awkwardly. He met your eye and you looked away "sorry I didn’t realise he was here...i’ll come back later". "No why don’t you stay?" Opal asked her voice dripping with anger "Bolin was just explaining how he broke up with me for you and I'd love to hear your side of things". You winced but Opal held the door open very menacingly for an airbender. You walked inside and sat in the only available chair which was next to Bolin. "So" Opal said standing in front of you both "carry on Bolin". Bolin coughed "so after we broke up I went to Y/n and I...we kissed". "The same night I left, right?" Opal asked. Bolin nodded "yes". "And you thought that was okay because...?". Bolin sighed "I knew it wasn’t but I hadn't seen you in so long and every time we did it was so tense. Things with Y/n had been building for a while and I was so emotional after our breakup it all just kind of burst out". Opal raised an eyebrow "so you're blaming me?". Bolin immediately denied that and went to explain himself when you stepped in. "Haven’t you told her what I did?". Bolin shook his head "I was getting to that part". You turned to her "Opal none of this was Bolin’s fault. Kuvira calculated it. She made a plan to have Bolin fall for me and I...I helped her. I seduced him and encouraged him to break up with you. I made myself seem like the better alternative and helped orchestrate the whole thing so if you want to be angry at anyone it should be me". Opal shook her head "you're acting like you twisted his arm behind his back and forced him to fall for you. Whether you encouraged it or not you didn't force him to do anything. You didn’t make him separate from me or make him kiss you. From what I've heard you actually stopped that. Bolin fell for you because he liked you" she said "and for me that's the ultimate betrayal because if he’d really have liked me and had no feelings for you to begin with then this would have never happened". "Opal please" Bolin cried as you said "let me explain it better" but she’d had enough. "No I'm done. You both said you wanted to explain and you did so get out. Bolin it’s over, stop blaming Y/n for your own actions and take responsibility. Y/n...well all the apologies in the world won’t resolve what you've done but I think I have an idea of how you can start". You frowned "how?". "You're going to help me break my family out of Kuvira’s prison".
All things considered risking your life to save Opal’s family who had been imprisoned by your sister, the one you helped takeover their home, seemed fair. So you agreed. Bolin had protested, claiming Opal shouldn’t just punish you but him too. That honestly hadn’t helped things and so you rode to the prison in a very stormy silence. Lin was smart enough not to get involved and stayed quiet. 
Once you got there you were soon joined by Toph and broke into the prison. The Beifongs were literally tossed to freedom and only when you got outside of the cell undetected did they all turn to you. "Y/n?" Su yin asked the first chance she got. "You came back to us?" Wei asked a smile on his face and you felt like crying. "No" Opal’s voice rang out "she was working against us the whole time. She’s only here because Kuvira made her go against Bolin and that was too much for her. Not us". The Beifongs all frowned and you hung your head, aware there were no words in the world you could say to make up for what you’d done to your real family. "Still..." Huan said suddenly "she’s here rescuing us and where’s Bataar? Our actual flesh and blood". You looked up to see the others were slowly nodding. Suyin smiled and stepped towards you "regardless I'm happy you're here and you're safe" she said offering you a hand “if you’re willing to make this first step then so are we”. You took one look at her kind face and burst into tears. "I'm so sorry! For everything" you sobbed and Su cradled you in her arms. "It's okay" she soothed and you finally felt safe. Opal understandably wasn’t happy but the others all forgave you. You explained why Opal hated you and how it was justified. The others all just replied she’d forgive you eventually and you felt so happy to have your family back. You were always closest to the twins and found yourself staying with them on the way back to Republic City. "So..." Wei asked "where did you and Bolin leave things?". You swallowed "I told him that I'd always care for him as more but I'd never stop trying to win his friendship back". You expected the twins to judge you for saying that to their little sister’s ex-boyfriend but they just nodded. "That seems fair" Wing nodded and you stared "how are you all not yelling at me?". Wei smiled softly "Y/n you may not be a Beifong by blood but you do realise we grew up as together right? To us you're family. So is Kuvira too and anything you've done doesn’t really matter now you've said sorry and are trying to put it right. We love you and we support you. Opal and Bolin were on the outs before you even got involved but he’s a nice guy. If you have something with him then we say go for it". "Really?" You asked tears in your eyes and Wei nodded "yes". “You’re the best brothers ever” you replied and the twins grinned to hear you finally call them that. 
When the final battle came you fought in it side by side with your earth bender family. You brought Kuvira’s giant mecha suit down and then Kuvira herself. Bolin got to the new spirit portal just in time to see Korra emerge with Kuvira. Bolin spotted you across the field and you were staring frozen as Lin and Su clamped handcuffs around your sister’s wrists and everyone celebrated. Bolin watched you warily and felt a pang of sadness. No matter what you’d done he still cared about you and seeing you upset made him sad. He went to step towards you when a twin appeared on either side of you. Wei touched your arm tentatively and you turned and buried your head against him crying. Wing joined the hug and Bolin was pleased to see atleast you’d reconnected with your family. Not wanting to ruin the moment Bolin walked away.
1 year later
After the battle you were pardoned by Raiko due to your help taking down Kuvira and so you didn’t serve any jail time. However you didn’t return to Zafou after the battle. Kuvira had done a lot of damage to Republic City, hundreds injured, thousands displaced and so many homes utterly destroyed. So, you decided to do something about it. 
Bolin witnessed the whole thing and saw first hand the stroke of genius ran in Kuvira’s bloodline family. You became lead of the restoration efforts and everyone soon forgot who's sister you were once your intentions became clear. The Beifong’s were a golden support system and Bolin saw even you and Opal were friends again which was nice. Opal had also told him she’d forgiven him and they were friends again but he knew that was all it would be with her. With you however that was a different story. Bolin still liked you. He knew it was stupid, most people would never consider going back to someone who did what you’d done but he couldn’t deny how he felt. Not to mention everything you’d said turned out to be true and he saw the changes you’d made to become a better person. You weren’t the same person as before and neither was he. But that didn’t make telling you any less scary. Bolin finally decided to do it one day after he spent the whole week watching you help refugees get rehabilitated. He knew he had to tell you or move on and he chose the former. Bolin could always find you around city hall these days so he headed there and soon enough he spotted you walking down a hallway. "Y/n" he called and you stopped looking around. You smiled when you saw him and walked over "Bolin! How are you? Is everything okay?". Bolin nodded "I’m good thanks and everything is great. I was just wondering if I could talk to you? What time do you finish up here?". You seemed surprised but quickly recovered "I actually finish in an hour, there’s a great coffee shop around your corner if you’d like to go there?". Bolin nodded "sounds great! I'll meet you at the main entrance in an hour".
It was raining when Bolin got to the coffee shop so he went inside and found a table. He sat facing the door, which turned out to be a bad thing as every time it opened his heart sped up and he panicked before realising it wasn’t you. Finally, after many false calls you arrived. Bolin froze as you stood there in the doorway and he felt his palms sweat and his cheeks flush at what he was about to do. He was excited but also terrified. You’d said you would always care for him as a friend and as more but what if that had changed in the year that had passed? What if he’d missed his chance and the two of you would never get your opportunity to be a couple? “Bolin?” you called having located him and Bolin jumped up “y/n hey! Thanks for coming”. You smiled sitting down “no problem, so...how can I help? If it’s about those building permits please tell President Zhu Li I’m getting the zoning board to work as fast as possible...”. “No it’s not work-related it’s about...us”. “Ow...” you said and your whole body language changed “okay, what do you want to discuss?”. 
Bolin took a deep breath “well first of all I wanted to tell you I’ve noticed all the good things you’ve done this past year and how you’ve been trying to reduce the damage Kuvira caused and I truly believe you’re a good person. I’ve forgiven you for what happened between us”. Your face lit up in surprise and you smiled shocked “really? Bolin that’s amazing! Thank you so much”. Bolin smiled “it’s nothing, it felt right so thanks for not giving up I guess”. “Totally worth it” you grinned and Bolin blushed ”also one more thing...I wondered if things have changed at all for you? Before you mentioned you would always care for me as more than a friend but were happy just being friends, is that still true”. You paused looking down “yes my feelings haven’t changed. I think I’ll always like you but I respect your feelings and promise never to try anything with you...is that what you were worried about?”. Bolin shook his head “no more the opposite, Y/n I still like you too and all this time I was unsure if I could trust you but like I just said I know I can now and so I wondered if you’d maybe like to go on a date with me?”. Your face split into an even more surprised expression and Bolin had never seen your eyes so wide before. You spluttered in shock “I’m...of course I would! Sorry i’m just lost for words because I thought I’d royally screwed this up so to hear you say this, I can’t believe how lucky I am”. Bolin blushed, in all his relationships he was usually the one providing all the security and compliments and it was nice to have someone else share that. “Well I feel pretty lucky too, none of my past partners have gone to the amount of effort you have to show me they care. You make me feel wanted and I like that”. You blushed but didn’t look away “I do want you Bolin, so not to sound eager but when are you free for that date because I’d love to take you out and make you feel even more special”. Bolin was so flushed he felt several degrees warmer and he smiled “how’s Friday night?”. “It’s a date” you grinned and Bolin smiled “great...” and he tentatively reached across the table to take your hand. Your drinks arrived seconds later and you smiled holding yours up “a toast, may our future be a lot less complicated and happier than our past”. Bolin nodded “to our future” and clinked your glass. You had a good feeling about this and couldn’t wait to see what your future had in store. 
You always used to fear the future but now, with Bolin back in your life you were ready for it. 
Bring it on. 
Bolin is the bestest boy! 
I never really warmed to him and Opal as a couple because it just felt forced to me, like they were both single and nice people so they got smushed together. I wish they’d given him a more romantic fun partnership like Korra x Asami and Mako x Wu (yes they’re together in my mind). Even the way they got together felt quite convenient and not really that special or fun. All I’m saying is Bolin and Opal both deserve better! 
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
Reasons why YOU should ship Bolin and Wei Beifong:
The Avatar universe has a lot of WLW characters, but not many MLM ones. And having another member of team avatar be comfirmed as queer is always a good thing (they're all canonicaly queer in my heart tho).
Also having Bolin be queer adds a lot of interesting dimension to the character, eapecially to his previous interactions with female love interests. I've always headcanoned Bolin as very comphet. Discovering you're queer is something I wish were more explored with Korrasami, but Bolin 'i have a new heterosexual love interest nearly every season' would also be an imteresting character to follow through that process. Feel like it would give him an existential crisis and I want to see that bisexual disaster happen.
Especially if contrasted by Wei, who comes from the very liberal Zaofu. Look me in the eyes and tell me Su doesn't support gay rights. Zaofu is like the gayest city in the Avatar universe. Just look at their slay outfits and Aiwei's cool nosering.
2.Good Chemistry
Between the cute little sparring moment with the pebble and the famed rescue scene, these two do have some excellent chemistry. Look at them. LOOK AT THEM.
The lil 'you impressed?' eyebrow raise and smirk from Bolin. Wei's smile. THE PAT PAT. Bolin's little confused bi moment. The fact that they're just CHILLIN with Bolin holding Wei bridal style while Toph is RIGHT THERE and the fact that they're in such a high stress situation and that the rest of Wei's family needs to be rescued. BUT NO, THEY'RE JUST STARING INTO EACH OTHER'S EYES BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE, YOUR HONOUR.
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3.Rivals to friends? to enemies to friends again to lovers???
Wei and Bolin's first interaction is a little squabble during sparring, where Wei sandwiches Bolin with 2 metal plates and Bolin smacks Wei with a pebble. They've got this whole cute little rivalry thing going on and i think it's adorable.
Assumedly, they start getting along more after Bolin and Opal start dating. This probably doesn't last long, since after Bolin joins Kuvira, his relationship with the Beifongs probably sours tremendously. Even outside of a shipping context I would wanna know what Bolin's relationship with the other Beifongs was at the time.
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I imagine especially after the Beifongs get captured by Kuvira's forces, Wei wouldn't be too inclined to like Bolin. But when Bolin comes to rescue them, Wei is the first to get tossed over, which would require a lot of trust in both Lin and Bolin. And Wei's first interaction with Bolin after Bolin catches him is *ahem* very friendly. Which seems to imply that, at the very least, Bolin is somewhat forgiven.
I also think it's really fucking cute that Bolin brought metal wires for Wing and Wei to bend and I'm devastated that we didn't get the scene of him giving them to the twins. I am shaking my stick at the heavens as we speak.
Presumably, fighting side by side against Kuvira would have Wei and Bolin bonding more and perhaps striking up a genuine friendship. I love it when gays bond over traumatic events. It's the purest form of courtship.
Also whenever the twins are standing next to Bolin, Wei is always the one closer to the guy... like i know im grasping at straws here but i just... im not sane anymore
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4.Lavabending/metalbending symbolism
Do I need to say more? They're both talented in two of the most prominent earthbending substyles. Also there is interesting symbolism to Bolin having struggled to learn metalbending his entire life and failing but then getting a metalbender boyfriend could be really cute. THEY LITERALLY COMPLETE EACH OTHER GUYS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND
(also you can't tell me that Wei wouldn't find lavabending incredibly.... hot....)
5.Tension filled sparring
Their first interaction was a sparring session during which they were playing litte dirty tricks on each other. Also we all love sexually charged sparring sessions.
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6.Detecting lies/performer symbolism
So I've kinda talked at length about how Bolin is a 'performer'. (Which @thenamescaba has pointed out could very well be masking. Bolin is very autism) Bolin often seems to act in a manner that would make people like him, rather than genuinely. Which is pretty in line qith his childhood. Assumedly being homeless didn't win him any perks socially, so now he's compensating by trying to garner as much positive attention as he can nowadays.
This can have an interesting contrast with Wei, who comes from a family with the ability to detect lies and assumedly also has this skill. I could totally imagine Wei calling Bolin out on contorting himself in order to be more likeable.
7.Height/Size difference
This is just self indulgent to be honest. I headcanon all the Beifongs as a pretty short family in general and while I'm pretty sure that Wei isn't very small, I have a soft spot for tall/average characters who are absolutely dwarfed by their giant, bulky partners. Also, how strong is Bolin because he is just holding a guy his age with apparently no effort???
8.Daring rescue/princess carry aesthetic
Listen, fairytales had this trope down pat for a reason. Sure it's cliche and overdone but it is a guilty pleasure for a lot of folks. Plus, I do think there's a lot of humour a usually capable metalbender having a major case of damsel-in-distressitis.
There is also the fact that the scene is unintentionally (or intentionally, i feel like SOMEONE in the writer's room has it out for me) paralleling the Nuktuk posters, for which Bolin posed with a love interest.
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9. The Freedom/belonging contrasts
Now this here is a stretch, but an interesting and fun one. With Bolin we see a huge, underlying theme of him 'trying to find himself', practically feom the first season. He bounces from job to job, tries new things but nothing feels good enough. This probably stems from his childhood in the streets, he may be compensating for all the lost opportunities or something else. What does matter is that Bolin is 'untethered' and floating rather aimlessly, to his great distress. It's shown in book 2 that he envies the rest of team Avatar, who have already found their places in life.
Now, for Wei we can only use context clues and his siblings as reference but bear with me. We see that Suyin is a slightly overprotective mother, who would rather all her kids stay at home with her. We see this with Opal's hesitance to leave doe the Air Temples and with how harshly Su reacted when Kuvira nad Baatar Jr left Zaofu. This, paired with the fact that Wing and Wei are the only ones of their siblings who are 'upholding the legacy of their mother and grandmother ' might place them under a lot of pressure.
Therefore, Wei, in stark contrast to Bolin has a firmly set place in the world, one from which it would be incredibly difficult to free himself. This is completely different from Bolin, who , while he hasn't found himself yet has the freedom to be whomever he wants to.
One could set forth the idea that Wei and Bolin envy one another.
Bolin, envying Wei for having everything Bolin had wanted as a child. A stable family and life and a meaningful legacy. While Wei could be jealous of Bolin being able to forge his own path, instead of treading water.
10.Good angst potential
Being in love with your sisters boyfriend (why yes, I cannot look at Satisfied from Hamilton the same way, how did you know) is angsty even of itself, but then said boyfriend joins your fascist estranged siblings? Is this a greek tragedy? Especially that the twins and Opal seem rather close, so I think it would be unlikely that Wei would try to interfere in his sister's happiness.
Even as an unrequited romance, weilin provides a lot of potential for an amazing story. And we get to torture one of Toph's grandkids. As a treat.
On Bolin's side, realising you're queer can be a long and arduous process, especially if you've been taught otherwise. And I don't exactly believe the Triple Threats would be super accepting. This could also lead to some really sweet moments between Bolin and Mako, because Mako, for all his flaws is a very good big brother. And Korrasami could be the cool bi mentors. DO YOU SEE MY VISION. (Also Opal would be 100 percent supportive she's an absolute queen)
11.Good comedy potential
Just two himbos, dumb as the rocks they bend, tryna get together but both being too stupid and nervous to actually take the plunge.
Bolin is usually very forward with his advances, but perhaps trying to get with a guy the first time would feel like unfamiliar territory and make him even more nervous. And even so, Bolin's usual flirting is a sight to behold.
While we don't exactly know how Wei would react to this i can see him being a bit of a tsun. He just has that vibe. I could also see him not knowing how to react to being flirted with, since I can imagine that he spent most of his childhood isolated with his siblings.
I can totally imagine them both being much too awkward to make the first move and everyone around them being absolutely mentally exhausted by this weird little himbo mating ritual.
12.Because i said so
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pollito15 · 1 year
This song suits Korra very well, the song belongs to the GOW Ascencion commercial if I remember correctly.
The video is also on Tiktok, I leave the link in case you want to see more of my content ;3 :
I hope you like it :D 💖
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alphawolfice1989 · 10 months
Mako got back together with asami sometime after Korra's death.
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Mako rise up the ranks to become police captain of republic city while Asami enjoyed married life with the avatar. Bolin and opal invited mako for dinner and asked him to join their pro-bending team because they wanted to spend more quality time with him after he became police captain. Asami decline mako offer to become a couple again because she lost her wife after 19 years together and is still mourning the death of the late avatar. People still make fun of mako after all these years that both of his ex-girlfriends left him to be with each other and thinks any other girl he will date in the future will come out of the closet as bisexual or lesbian. She went to the spirit world to talk to Korra about her resurfacing feeling for mako after his promotion to police captain and him prioritizing his time between business and leisure. Korra gave her ex-wife the blessing to date mako because he mature after 20 years to become a good partner to her as a spouse and coparent.
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empirelead · 1 year
tag posts
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crybabylulu · 12 hours
Beach Trip
Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Lin was driving us to the beach and I wanted to throw up. I had Miyuki sitting in my lap and I was petting her trying to keep my mind off of having to take my dress off and be in my swimsuit. “You ok honey?” Lin asked. “Yes, I'm ok.” I said. “You sure?” Lin asked. I nodded. “I’m just ready to get to the beach, my legs need to stretch.” I said. “We’ll be there soon honey.” Lin said. “When’s soon?” I asked. “Baby.” Lin said. “What?” I asked. “We’ll be there soon. Just hang on.” Lin said. I sighed.
“Take a nap, read your book or have a snack.” Lin said. “I don’t want to.” I said. “Don’t be a brat.” Lin said and rubbed my thigh. “I’m not being a brat, I just want to stretch my legs.” I said. “I know, baby just hang on. We’re almost there.” Lin told me. I nodded my head. Miyuki started pushing her paws into my stomach and I looked down at her. “Girl.” I said. Miyuki meowed and just kept going. “Ma’am this is not a bakery.” I said. She just kept going. I sighed. “What’s wrong?” Lin asked. “She’s making biscuits.” I said.
Lin laughed. “It’s not funny.” I said. “It kinda is.” Lin said. “Fuck you.” I said. “I’d love to fuck you but I’m driving and there’s a baby in the car.” Lin said and scratched under Miyuki’s chin. Miyuki purred. I playfully rolled my eyes at Lin. When we got to the beach I sighed. Fuck. I got out of the car and Miyuki hopped out of my lap. She looked around as I stretched. “I’m glad you guys could make it!” Opal shouted. “Hi! I didn’t know you were coming.” I said as she ran over to us. “Yeah Korra invited me.” Opal said. I nodded. “Hi aunty Lin.” Opal said. Lin waved at her. “It’s good to see you.” Lin said.
Opal smiled. “Is that a cat?” Opal asked as she looked at Miyuki. “Mhm this is Miyuki.” I said. “She’s so cute.” Opal said. “Say hello Miyuki.” I told her and she meowed. “Hi. You’re so cute, can I pet you?” Opal asked and squatted down to pet Miyuki. “Hey guys!” Korra shouted. “Hey.” I said and waved. “Naga come say hello.” Korra said as she walked over to us. Her big polar bear dog came over and looked at Miyuki. The two stared at each other for a moment then started to circle and sniff each other.
Miyuki then nuzzled into Naga. “Aww.” Asami and I said. “Alright, well the girls are getting along.” Korra said. “I’m so happy.” I said. Naga licked Miyuki and the two played around. “Best friends.” I said. “Alright to the water!” Korra shouted and ran to the ocean. “Let me see your swimsuit.” Asami said. “Oh um yeah.” I said and took off my dress to show off the swimsuit that I had bought a while ago. “I love it! You look so cute.” Asami said. “Thank you Sami.” I said. “You’re welcome, you look so good.” Asami said. “You look great.” I told her. “Thank you.” Asami said. “Come on to the water.” Opal said and grabbed my hand. “Wait, I gotta help Lin set up.” I said.
“Go ahead honey, I got it.” Lin said. “See it’s fine.” Opal said. Her and Asami dragged me away. We got into the water and swam around. I didn’t go too far because I’m not the best swimmer so I stayed close to the shore. “Ooo there’s a smoothie place over there!” Opal pointed out. “Let’s go get something.” She said. I nodded and we got out of the water. I grabbed my towel and dried off a bit. “Are you having a good time?” Lin asked as she looked up from her book. Her, Miyuki and Naga were sitting together on the beach. “I’m having a great time. Opal and I are going to get a smoothie.” I said. Lin nodded then gave me her wallet.
“Thank you.” I said then kissed her cheek. She nodded. Opal and I went to the smoothie bar. We both got leche berry smoothies. “This is good.” Opal said. I nodded. As we were walking back a ball went flying over our head and we both shrieked. “Sorry ladies and relax, it's just a ball.” Some guy said. I rolled my eyes. “No need to be feisty.” He said. “Maybe watch where you’re throwing things.” I said. The guy looked at me then smirked. “You’re really pretty. I’m having a party and," "No thank you.” I said and walked away. Opal laughed and followed behind me. “You’re so rude.” Opal teased.
“I’m not the biggest fan of men.” I said. Opal nodded. I sat down with Lin and the pets. I shared my smoothie with her. “We’re here!” Bolin shouted as he ran over to us. I waved. “You guys got smoothies?” He asked. I pointed to the smoothie bar. “Ok watch my stuff.” Bolin said and put down his stuff then ran off to the smoothie bar. “Hey guys.” Mako said. “Hey.” I said. “Hey.” Lin said. “Where’s Bolin going?” Mako asked. “Smoothie bar.” I said. Mako nodded then set up his stuff.
“Hey guys! I got us invited to a party!” Bolin shouted. “Did a guy with a ball invite you?” I asked. “Yeah! How’d you know?” Bolin asked. “He tried to invite me.” I said and rolled my eyes. “We should go.” Bolin said. “Go where?” Asami asked. “I got us invited to a party.” Bolin said. “A party? That would be fun to go to.” Asami said. “I’m down.” Korra said. “Me too.” Opal said. “Y’all have fun.” I said. “Oh come on let’s go.” Korra said. “You can go, I'll pick you up when you’re ready to go.” Lin said. “Fine.” I said. “This is gonna be so much fun.” Asami said. I hope so.
We rented a hotel so everyone could at least take a shower then put their regular clothes back on for the party. I hated saying goodbye to Miyuki but she had to go home with Lin. When everyone was cleaned and changed we made our way to the party. It was being hosted at a beach house. At the party Mako stayed close to me and we took shots. “How many shots have you guys had?” Asami asked. “I’ve had four, he's only had two.” I told her. “I think that’s enough shots we don’t need you going home to Lin messy.” Asami said. “Fine.” I said and shrugged. “At least take one shot with us, Asami.” Mako said. “Ok one shot.” Asami said.
Mako grabbed three cups and gave them to us. We cheered then threw our drinks back. Gotta love the burning sensation of alcohol. “Ok shot done. Let’s dance.” Asami said. We made our way to where everyone else was dancing and danced together. As we were dancing Opal came over to us. “Korra is throwing up.” She said. “Where is she?” Asami asked. “Outside.” Opal said and took us to Korra. Korra was outside and leaning over the banister vomiting. “Korra.” Asami said. “You gotta get better at handling your liquor.” I said. “No.” Asami said. “She does after what five or four shots she’s fucked.” I said. Me and Mako laughed. “You two are terrible.” Asami teased as she rubbed Korra’s back.
Korra gave Mako and I the middle finger. “Love you.” I said. “How many shots did she have?” Asami asked Opal. Opal shrugged. “She was drinking with a bunch of other people.” Opal said. “Let me see if I can go find Korra some water.” I said and walked away from the group. As I walked back into the party and searched for water I ran into Bolin. “Where have you been?” Bolin asked. “Outside. Korra is throwing up.” I said. “She is? I’m coming buddy!” Bolin shouted and ran past me. I laughed. Eventually I found water cups but as I went to grab one someone grabbed my hand. “I thought you didn’t want to come to my party?”
I quickly turned and slapped whoever grabbed my hand. I don’t take well to people grabbing me. “Bitch did you,” “Alright hands off.” Mako pushed the guy away from me. “You know what you can get the fuck out of my house.” It was the guy from the beach. “We gladly will.” Mako said. I grabbed the water cup then grabbed Mako and we made our way to Korra. “Here.” I said and gave Asami the cup. “Thanks, also what was all that commotion going on?” Asami asked as she gave the water cup to Korra. “I slapped the guy who invited us.” I said. “Why?” Opal asked. “He grabbed me. I don’t like being grabbed.” I said.
“Ew he grabbed you? What is wrong with him?” Asami asked. Korra spit out her water over the balcony. “He grabbed you? Where is he? Let me at him!” Korra shouted. “No no no.” Asami said. “Mako and I handled it, Korra. Everything is ok but let’s get out of here.” I said. We made our way back to the hotel with a drunk Korra. When we got to the hotel I called Lin to come and get me.
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