postmodernbisexual · 7 months
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Inktober Day 10: Fortune/Wounded
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doctor-radius · 7 months
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there lies a cult in the wilderness, its members ornately dressed with grand headpieces and fabrics in eccentric and rare colors, at first glance they may seem fairly unassuming if not obnoxiously opulent...
however upon close examination one may notice their clothes are bonded to their muscles and tendons, thru years of ritual it seems they rend their flesh and graft in its place their very outfits, hammering Golden decorations deep into their eyes and replacing their ears with Gilded horns all in an effort to resemble the deities they worship! This was made for the Monstergarden Inktober, i however ran a bit wild with it and now its a fullblown faction in my world!
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tumbletryr · 3 months
One Youtube channel that I would absolutely reccomend to anyone with an interest in worldbuilding or dark fantasy is Monstergarden (http://www.youtube.com/@monlenz)
The worldbuilding and the art is insane, especially for a sucker for the monstrous, such as myself. I saw the dwarf episode and was in love with the absolute creativity of it instantly.
i especially love the magic system; it's so creative and well thought out, and leaves me kicking myself over the fact that I didn't (couldn't have, more realistically) come up with it first!
TL:DR Watch Monstergarden because it's really cool dark fantasy worldbuilding through art.
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westar · 3 months
MonsterGarden is amazing. If you are at all into dark alternative world fantasy I recommend checking it out.
Simon's redesign for dwarfs is fantastic.
You can now buy a figure that doubles as a dice holder. I might get one.
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Day 1 of Inktober:
Prompt: Sacrifice I don’t claim to be good at this, the shading is a bit off and the lighting is iffy in spots, but, hey, we’ll be better by the end of the month.
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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epic-gleeby-man · 1 month
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Music I liked while drawing.
Cosmo Sheldrake Linger Longer
Fish in a Birdcage
A Quick One Before Thd Eternal Worm Devours Appalachia
Rule #21 - Momento Mori (also fish in a bird cage)
Basically I've started drawing and am enjoying allot atm.
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critterishere · 10 months
drew the witch hunter (Yakobs) from Monstergarden’s video
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bird man
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jimbos-art-n-such · 2 months
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Both of these are ocs related to Monster Garden’s magic universe! His YT videos are excellent, I highly recommend giving them a watch! (And in case anyone is worried because his universe is a WIP, I did confirm with him that it’s ok to post ocs related to it. Didn’t want to overreach or anything like that)
All 3 doodles are on the older side, and 2 may or may not be reposts lol. And now, a bit of lore below the cut!
This fire wizard is volatile and destructive. Any reason it may have possessed was burned out many years ago. Believing that it is a life-bringer with a warm hearth and rich light, it is deliriously unaware of the charred reality that it brings.
It is the fungal wizard’s natural enemy, predator, even. It doesn’t hunt, per se, but it will obsess over things deemed “bereft of warmth,” until the victim successfully evades it, or it is… warmed sufficiently. Be wary of its sword, as it is proficient with precise, combative casting.
The fungal wizard generally keeps to itself, preferring caves to the outdoors. It feels at home in the damp, dark underground, though it will sometimes venture out to trade for basic necessities or alchemical components. It also has an unfortunate habit of using human bodies to grow its network of family. Villages in the vicinity of its cave often have higher rates of vanishings than usual.
It stays armed for any begrudging trips out, but its knowledge of offensive precision casting is minimal at best. The stolen Bolt Staff stays strapped to its back unless the slow, poisonous effects of its Infectious Disc fails to subdue its assailant (or victim).
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kobenipochita · 2 months
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Doodles of dwarves ( design by monster garden)
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postmodernbisexual · 7 months
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Inktober Day 5: Suffocation
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selkieofsummerseasart · 6 months
other inktober - days 5,6,7,8
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the next 4 days of other inktober I was doing
prompt list for monstergarden's inktober and link to their channel under the cut
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(81593) Monstergarden - YouTube
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sailormanrahh · 7 months
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oh yeah, forgot to post this here
inktober 2023 day 17 - memory (monstergarden prompts)
i had no idea what to do for this one, so i just decided to draw this one photo of pangur from memory. its the same image. theres no difference. wow.
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(cat belongs to: @pangur-and-grim)
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copperpipes · 6 months
Okay I know. Some general information about the subject first:
Its a genre.
Before speculative biology comes speculative evolution, a more known subject that is basically a whole genre of books, projects, and is more spread then speculative biology because it is less specific. You would find plenty of speculative evolution projects.
They are very similar in a lot of ways and I think the difference is that speculative evolution 'documents' the journey (the evolution) of a creature or a multitude of creatures throughout a time-line of events that may or my not effect its form, while speculative biology is more focused on a single time period or just one creature or maybe a made up culture or an entire planet at a certain point in said journey, and digs deep.
A good example would be birgworld by @iguanodont and alien whale documentary which I definitely recommend checking out if you like the subject and a couple I forgot the name of currently ':]
Whe i say digs deep, I mean it could be as vast as from the building bloks of DNA (like carbon and nitrogen for us) to the politics and cultural plays. Tradition, religion, culture, history, language, psychology, and of course, biology. From general physiology to the way they reproduce and raise their young if at all.
This genre is usually categorized as sci-fi (not in all cases, but then it would be seen less as speculative biology and more just world building, an example would be monstergarden on YouTube) even though its word building because most of the creatures 'documented' are made up aliens and the projects themselves are closely tied to science.
Everything has an explanation in speculative biology and it goes into detail.
Actually a couple of my personal projects are categorized as speculative biology since in them I put my imagination to use and explore alien creatures and their identity.
Being my autistic self everything is thought out to the miniscule detail of how my aliens farm their equivalent of potatoes to what is their social structure and the different things I listed prior. Consider it my special interest.
To this date, I have at least drawn a picture of 10 different intelligent alien species (not including animals or other life forms from same planets, not even different life stages that may be in one species) all seen in a single time period on their respective planets.
Speculative biology also often features in it the planet itself and the solar system it belongs to since one is heavily effected by the other.
I am planning on posting about my project soon enough since I'd like to document it digitally but for now its nearly 3 am so yeah
Thank you so much for the ask I've been wanting to blubber about my favorite subject for some time just didn't have the opportunity :]
This is merely a summary of what little knowledge I hold, I encourage you to look into it and maybe start one of your own.
Also if I didn't get the question right correct me please
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Inktober Day 2:
Hard prompt for me this time: Hide.
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So, since i didn’t know what else to do, i did a Trevor Henderson with procreate, a stock image liminal space background and some dentures and feaky eyes. Go nuts.
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troythecatfish · 10 months
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Here’s my personal recommendation of a YouTube video to check out:
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