#neither of them deserved that and i'm weeping
Creppypasta incorrect quotes
Toby: *Answers phone.* Hello?
Jeff: It's Jeff.
Toby: What did they do this time?
Jeff: No, it's me, Toby. It's actually me.
Toby: What did you do this time?
Liu: Alright, which one of us is gonna check outside?
Toby: Not it!
Ben: Not it!
Liu: ...Neither one of you are as dumb as you lead on to be.
*The squad has just arrived in a new city. Toby looks around at the wanted posters to see if they’re on any of them.*
Jeff: Toby, are you a criminal?
Toby: Not here, I’m not!
Toby: Do you cook?
Jeff: I made a cake once.
Ben: Yeah, it was good.
Jeff: Really?
Ben: Don’t make me lie twice, Jeff.
Puppeteer.: Y'know, I once knew a man who said to me: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” He also had a pair of sideburns that would cause even Jude Law’s face to weep in forfeit. You put those lemons in a sack and beat your enemies with ‘em! And maybe if you beat ‘em hard enough the bag will split open and lemon juice will spray into their eyes, causing intense burning pains as you crush them into a citrus-y pulp!
Liu: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Their heads or the lemons?
Puppeteer.: Whatever caves first!
Toby: So I have made the decision to trust you.
Jeff: A horrible decision, really.
Toby: I am literally evil incarnate.
Toby: I’m not actually, I just enjoy being evil.
Toby: Which I think actually makes it even more evil because I’m making a conscious effort.
Bloody painter: Uh, Eyless jack? Toby is in the pool and I don't think they're waterproof. Eyless
jack: What?
Liu: I think they meant, Toby is drowning.
Eyless jack: WHAT?!
*Meanwhile* Toby: *is drowning*
Toby: I can't swim, dumbass— *sinks*
Puppeteer.: TOBY!
Puppeteer.: My expectations were low but holy fuck.
Toby: *closes a cabinet*
*a crash is heard behind the cabinet door*
Ben: What was that?
Toby: The sound of someone else's problem.
Eyless jack: I hate Kagekao.
Liu: "Hate' is a strong word.
Eyless jack: I have strong opinions.
Ben: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Jeff: What baby?
Ben, crying a bit: Me.
Bloody painter: I told Puppeteer. that their ears turn red when they lie.
Eyless jack: Do they?
Bloody painter: No.
Eyless jack: Then why did you tell them that?
Bloody painter: Because I can do this.
Bloody painter: Hey Puppeteer.! Do you love us?
Puppeteer., with their hands over their ears: No.
Kagekao, trying to comfort Toby: What's the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of random arson? I've been there.
Jeff: You know the sound a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That's the sound that my brain makes all the time.
Kagekao: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Kagekao: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
Kagekao: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Bloody painter: Ha! Don't you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper?
Bloody painter: I must be losing it, I'm quoting Puppeteer..
Eyless jack: Which country has the most birds?
Eyless jack: Portu-geese!
Jane: That's a language.
Eyless jack: Portu-gull?
Jane: Good recovery.
Toby: I think you mean good re-dovery.
Puppeteer.: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Nina : I am working on this whole Good Guy thing, but anyone who cuts me in line at Starbucks deserves to have their kneecaps shot out, okay?
Eyless jack: Hey, aren’t you Liu?
Liu: You a cop?
Eyless jack: No.
Liu: Then yes, I am.
Jane: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don’t murder someone right now.
Nina : There are no books in prison.
Jane: *sighs* Thank you.
Eyless jack: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!
Kagekao: Apparently, we're not.
Liu: You can track Eyless jack?
Kagekao: Of course I can. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
Bloody painter: You’re giving me a sticker?
Toby: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Bloody painter: I’m not a preschooler.
Toby: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Bloody painter: I earned this, back off!
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vole-mon-amour · 11 months
3x12, Jamie edition, part 3.
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You fucking idiots, both of you. "He's fine." I'M GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS, ROY KENT.
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Coffee scene <3 Just make out already! Jfc!
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Keeley is so sweet & deserves someone new who will take out all the drama of her life and bring only joy and no jealousy. Drop both Roy and Jamie, find yourself some Boss Ass Bitch for your happily ever after.
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But hey, at least they're gonna talk! Hopefully. It was due, like, a couple of weeks ago. (Me who actually ships them) DROP THEIR ASSES, KEELEY.
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Both? Neither?
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LMAOO. She's the exact savage that we need. "Oh, for real? Me? I actually get to choose???" It's like I said, they sat down bickering without considering what KEELEY actually wants. Drag their asses.
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TRY-ANGLES. Jamie is so cute, ugh.
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The entire episode I'm thinking about Phil's "People might think they're having a wild affair" so I'm more than happy about this outcome. I'm actually ready to accept OT3 or all single, it's all good. Go spend the night together again, just like Amsterdam, but get lost in each other's arms for real this time.
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When everybody started barking after Roy asking if he can be a Diamond dog, the door closed, and Jamie got really curious. hehe.
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"A care package from Zava"
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Heh. Who is that guy constantly next to Jamie? What's his name? They're obviously friends.
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Both laughing and crying. Stop it. ;_;
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Colin crying, but we know it was emotional for the actors too. The dude in the back is full on wailing.
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"Richmond appear to be crying. Interesting strategy." That strategy is called "I love you all very much" ;_____;
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Hands off, asshole. Honestly, the rules of football... Barely touching, apparently, doesn't count.
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I love watching Jamie play. I love knowing that Phil really loves football and enjoys filming this.
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It's the second (or the third?) time this happens this season. When is Ted going to adopt Jamie? ;_; I mean, he already has a stepdad, but he can have two wonderful ones as a treat.
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JAMIE STILL HAS THE BOOK AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE READ IT MANY TIMES. Or at least carried around with him everywhere. Weeping.
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"And Tartt finally puts it away" I literally started sheering with tears streaming down my cheeks. I feel like only this show can do it.
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Henry is me. Henry is all of us Jamie lovers. God, he could've moved to England and have a constant access to Jamie. Jamie would've loved spending time with him.
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Not Jamie's leg AGAIN, but that expression <3 Jamie is THE best. And that smile. That tongue. Having thoughts. :')
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Jamie giving up the ball, giving it to Dani to score? TEAM PLAYER. My heart is so full of love for Jamie.
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Stay mad about it. x)
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teacuptoast · 2 years
Hollow Spectators
Relation: Young Justice x platonic! gn! reader
Warnings: Kinda angsty Idk how to describe this, character injury(ok yeah it's angsty), language
Words: 1.0k
Summary: "Everyone wishes they had superpowers but I’d give anything for them to leave me alone.”
A part 2 loosely based off of Dead or Alive or Neither
A/N: I DID IT!!!! I POSTED!!!!! Anyway, I'm really happy about how this turned out! I've even got an idea for a part 3 if anyone is interested. I hope you all enjoy and please consider leaving me some feedback once you're done with the story!
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The worst part was that they would follow him around like lost puppies. Always by his side or a short distance away, like they were afraid they would lose him. Tragically, they were already lost.
The Graysons were a rowdy bunch. It made sense that they’d been a part of the circus, always trying to brush hands with death. Unfortunately I never got to see the family business, though Dicks showed me a few photos here and there. The smile that would paint his face when he talked about his childhood only got brighter as he got older.
He still missed them; can’t imagine he wouldn’t. Though despite his youthful tragedy, he’d grown into quite the gentleman. I wanted him to keep growing. That’s why I couldn’t let them talk to him.
“Please, please, let us talk to our son,” She weeped, drifting closer to my seat at the counter. 
It was just Dick and I in the watchtower. Being on watch duty was never a particularly exciting event, but he made it bearable. He’d mostly spend his time cooking or looking through files while I tried to ignore his overbearing parents.
Despite what they think we’ve never been anything more than friends, I’d even go as far to him my brother. He needed an older sibling and I gladly took up the position. We’ve spent a majority of our teen years together, celebrating together, and grieving together. I’d even stayed in the manor a few times. He was the little sunshine I needed in my rather gloomy life.
“You're selfish and shallow. Let us talk to our son,” as Dick passed me a glass of water I thanked him softly, not bothering to look at the hollow spectators. Nodding back he leaned against the counter and we slipped into our usual conversation.
Talking about everything from the weather to his new job with Will. I didn’t even flinch at the hateful comment thrown towards me. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t heard before. I soon started to talk about myself and my pursuit of my master's degree. Through the conversation I watched Dick start to bite the inside of his cheek.
That that was a nervous tick of his, one that only happened when he was about to drop a bomb on me.
“You're a monster. You don’t deserve to have the meta gene. You're no hero.`
My concentration on our conversation quickly broke. I knew they were trying to piss me off, and they sure were doing a good job at it. Trying to casually glance at them my eyes hardened. They were standing where Dick was, next to the open cabinet of glassware. “You don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve to know our son-”
“I’m going to propose to Barba.”
Almost as if I forgot there where there I turned back too look at him.My face widening to a grin, as he nodding back excitedly like a little kid. He was going to marry the love of his life. He was going to be so happy-
Before I could finish my thought, I felt a dense pain consume the side of my face. Following the impact on my head, the shards broke into smaller pieces, respectively knocking me off the stool. Hitting the floor I was too shocked to brace myself for impact, meeting the glass shards that had fallen down just seconds before. A large ground left my mouth.
As soon as my eyes carefully reopened I looked towards the culprit, “You pasty son of a bitch.” I didn’t get another chance to look at them before Dick covered my view. He cradled my neck in his hands and spoke words that I could bother hearing. I was more concerned with the looming desire to sleep, or how the hell his mom was able to throw a vase at me.
“We swept the entire building. Every camera, every sensor, even every air vent. We would have seen them if they had come into the Watchtower.”
Groaning awake I found myself surrounded by familiar heroes dressed in black. Dick, or well now, Nightwing, sat on the chair beside me while Batman stood at the foot of my bed. Next to him were Robin and Spoiler as Barbra entered through the door. They continued to theorize about my attacker for the next few minutes while I patiently listened.
After hearing the most obscure of theories I decided to sit up in bed. It was anything but comfortable; I just wanted to look at least a little presentable. Placing a hand on my wrapped forehead I looked to the man himself.
“Did you know who it was who attacked you?” He asked me. 
‘Yes. Yes I did. It was Dicks parents who refused to move on while they had the chance and have now grown bitter. Apparently bitter enough to throw a vase at my head. I have no clue how they did that by the way. Did I mention she is snickering behind you Bruce? She is enjoying the hell out of this. Wait sorry, you don’t know yet do you, I CAN SEE DEAD PEOPLE! AND I'M LOSING MY MIND OVER HERE BECAUSE I CAN’T GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT HAVING SOME NOSEY, SELFISH, ANNOYING SON OF A BITCH FOLLOWING ME AROUND-’
“Did you?”
“Batman, can I have a word with you? Alone?”
Their family turned from me to Batman, curiously awaiting his answer. It didn’t take long though before he started pushing them out the medbay door. I let my gaze drop into my lap, not knowing if I was ready to tell him or not, though he beat me to the chase.
“Your meta genes have activated. Haven’t they?” His eyes were cold as he questioned me. To him I was now an unpredictable variable and Bruce doesn't like things he can’t control.
“They’ve always been activated,” I started, “Though they’ve never been useful. Everyone wishes they had superpowers but I’d give anything for them to leave me alone.”
“Who’s them?”
“They’re everywhere. A few of them are in the watchtower as we speak. Though the worst ones always follow my friends around. They’re dead and angry and won’t leave me alone…I just want them to leave me alone.”
A/N: How was the story? Got some feedback? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
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Hello! I would like to make a request with a reader who seems restrained, but at some point, furiously shouting, defends the guardians in front of students who do not respect them and allow themselves to make offensive jokes about them✨
I hope I wrote everything correctly. I apologize in advance, English is not my native language, and I do not write it very well😅
– anon 🦐
English is not my native language either dw!!
Guardian! School staff + Reader who furiously defends them
Characters : Crowley, Crewel, Trein, (tbh i don't think something like that could happen with Ashton )
TW : none
Gn pronouns were used.
Context : y/n is such a good kid, so calm and collected! that's why the moment they start defending their guardian shouting and cursing like a sailor is such a big shock for anyone present!
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Dire Crowley
Crowley may be delusional but he's not stupid.
he's basically a running joke on campus.
The jumpscares, his dramatic and erratic behavior, his seemingly incompetence at his own work...
Look, it's no surprise that most students aren't very fond of Crowley
Even when he's your guardian you still find yourself roasting him any time he makes you mad,
which is almost daily.
until now no jokes of theirs would be said to his face, but seeing how you scolded him from time to time with no fear of consecuences made them bold.
This one time it was your own friends. after the most recent overblot, seeing how Crowley wouldn't move a finger, they Snapped.
they started complaining about how irresponsible he was.
with no response from your guardian's part, they only got angrier
and what begun as very reasonable complaints evolved into straight up bullyng, unrelated to what had happened.
that's it, you snapped back.
yeah, it's true, Crowley is very irresponsible.
and egocentric
and straight up weird.
BUT, they were here to discuss a real, serious problem, not to shout their "honest opinions" at his face
if words could kill that would've been a massacre.
neither your friends nor Crowley were expecting that much... energy.
bonus if you occasionally slip into your native language, (if English is your second.)
You were so scary. And no one would have ever expected that.
Riddle's temper, Jade's intentions and Vil's wording. All in one.
after you're done all your friends go away still processing what just happened.
Crowley however...
"You know, y/n, I'm more than used to comments like those, i could've handle them with no problem."
and then he pulls you onto a hug, a tight, suffocating hug.
"MY WONDERFUL, PRECIOUS Y/N I DEFINITELY DESERVE YOU!!!! YOU'RE SO BOLD AND PROTECTIVE!!! YOU'RE MAKING YOUR PAPA CRY!!!!!!" he was not. But he still made weeping sounds. you brought this upon yourself.
the next day everyone apologizes to you first, and then to Crowley.
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Divus Crewel
It was obviously a first year boy.
Because no one who has been around campus for long enough would make a fool of themselves like that.
this boy had very close minded views and too much ego.
his case is similar to Epel's when he first got to Night Raven, or at least that's what everyone assumes.
at lunch break, amused, your guardian told you about a first year boy, who was pissed about failing his last project even when he allegedly "didn't even have to put any effort because he was a natural"
you snorted with laughter at this.
So apparently the boy began shouting obscenities, most of them, Crewel tells you, were directed at him. in fact, the kid would not stop referring to your guardian as unmanly for his looks, and more derogatory things correlated.
you got a little upset at that but it was just a one-time thing, so you brushed it off
back in the hallway, both on your way to alchemy class, you bumped into this kid-
oh, the kid.
he started insulting the teacher out of nowhere, while everyone in the hallway watched Crewel silently listen, knowing full well about the absolute BOMB that was about to be dropped on the angry, unsuspecting little brat.
but to everybody's surprise, the bomb wasn't delivered by him but by his quiet, well behaved kid.
You PUSHED that kid. you INSULTED his hair, his SHOES, his GRADES and you even brought HIS MAMA to the roast.
from all that burn that kid was ON FLAMES.
In fact, Crewel had to stop you because the kid started crying and was ready to throw hands.
everyone was sent to class, the kid was sent to the principal's office (where Crowley would most likely just send him to work at the Mostro Lounge for a moth) and as for you-
As a teacher, Crewel scolded you for behaving like that, he had no idea that you had such poison resting on your tongue, good lord.
But as a dad... he was very proud of you for that. "Just don't do the pushing thing again, pup, come on, let's go to class."
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Mozus Trein
Again, this kid must be new
because everyone either respects, fears, or is somewhat fond of their oldest teacher.
c'mon this man is a literal grandpa
it was after giving away the last test's callifications.
this dude had a round, fat 0.
"But Mr.Trein! have you even looked twice at my test? all the answers are right!"
"Yes, and they are also carbon copies of your seat partner, now, i know who between the two of you actually studies."
the boy was PISSED and didn't waste any time before shouting age-related insults, telling your guardian that he was so old he must have dementia, how it's not big of an issue since he will retire, or even better, die! before he finishes school.
Trein just patiently waits, sitting and petting his cat, for the kid to finish his embarrassing monologue so he can send him to the principal's office and continue with the correction of the test.
But even before he finishes you're standing up before your seat, behind that idiot.
he turns to face you.
for a solid ten seconds there's only silence, your guardian's eyes open wide in shock.
It quickly became a heated roasting session between that kid and you,
before Trein got you two out of class.
you would wait there until the next bell, when he finally showed up.
"i did expect such embarrassing behavior of you," he told the other kid. "But y/n, right now I'm at a loss for words."
despite being at a loss for words, Mr.Trein proceeded to scold you for the next 45 minutes,
about EVERY SINGLE TIME you had crossed a line. and you ha crossed SO MANY.
Again, the other asshole was sent to work for a week at the Mostro Lounge, and you would have been too, if it wasn't for your guardian appreciating the gesture of stepping out for him.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
I just wanted to write angst haha, I know it's not for everyone so I'll undercut it.
Sebastian and Ominis have words after the events of the catacombs, SPOILERS ahead obviously
Ominis: *steps into the undercroft after receiving an owl from Sebastian*
Sebastian: *steps out from behind one of the pillars* You came..
Ominis: ...I did.
(Awkward silence for a moment as they just stare in eachothers directions)
Sebastian: ...How's Anne?
Ominis: Devastated.
Sebastian: *nods his head slowly in understanding* How could she not be?...Where is she?
Ominis: I'm not telling you..She told me not to..So I won't. Don't ask again.
Sebastian: *bites his lip in silent frustration and takes in long breath through his nose* You havnt spoken to me in 2 days...
Ominis: Because...I...Needed time to think, Sebastian.
Sebastian: About what?!
Ominis: You KILLED Solomon Sebastian!!
Sebastian: HE DESERVED IT!!!
Ominis: NO!...He DIDN'T!
(They both just stare at eachother again for a moment, their breathing getting a little heavier)
Ominis: Sebastian..I..I dont know if I can let you get away with it, neither can Anne.
Sebastian: (?!) ...What are you saying?
Ominis: ....
Sebastian: Ominis..
Ominis: Turn yourself in Sebastian, or I-
Sebastian: *whips out his wand*
Ominis: *recognises the sound* What are you going to do? Kill me aswell?
Sebastian: *tears in his eye's, aiming his wand at Ominis, his lip and hand shaking*
Ominis: ..Sebastian?
Sebastian: *his face curls into anger before he lets out a shout, throwing his wand across the undercroft* Ominis, I'm not going, you cant- please! *begins to weep*
Ominis: *also beginning to weep* Sebastian I-
Sebastian: *runs over to him and grabs him by the shoulders* Ominis! You're my best friend, please don't do this to me, PLEASE!
Ominis: *tears streaming down his face as he brings up his own arms, touching Sebastians* You..Killed him, Sebastian.
Sebastian: *grips hold of Ominis's robe, letting out a mournful cry, falling to his knees*
Ominis: *going down with him, also on his knees, the two of them just knelt on the floor together*
Sebastian: *through intense, breathless crying* im not well Ominis..I..I can feel it..The darkness..I'm not WELL! Please *putting his head on Ominis's shoulder and just completely breaking down*
Ominis: *pauses for a moment before holding him close, still crying himself* I know..Which is why it's hard..
Sebastian: I'm...Not myself Ominis..I need help..Not Askaban, I'll die there..P-Please don't..Don't do this to me..Please.
Ominis: *puts his head on Sebastians shoulder and speaks in a sorrowful whisper* ....S-Sebastian.
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shadowscrybe · 1 month
Rayven's Revenge- Chapter 15
Summary: Rayven is the younger sister of Rhysand in the Night Court. She was banished 64 years ago for the murder of her sister. This is the story of Rayven earning her place in Prythian and finding out what it means to be family. We all know how her story ends...but how did she get there? I don't want to forget the demon princess with bat wings. Do you?
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: canon typical violence
A/N: Oh shit! Not 3 chapters in a row whaaat thats crazy. Anyway Azriel is an asshole....but how long could we stay mad at him? Also Azriel POV chapter next? Lmk if I should make his pov the next chapter!
“Are you okay?” Azriel asked. He searched her for any injuries. 
The blood under her nails was definitely not her own. 
She waited until Devlon winked out of her eyeline to look at him. 
“I was doing just fine without you.” But that was a lie. Her muscles in her legs were giving out and she was losing her footing. 
Rahne slipped around the shadowsinger, no mingling for her today. She tried to hold her friend up before she collapsed in front of the shadowsinger. 
“He was going to kill you,” Azriel said. “You’re burned out. You do realize that? He wasn't going to just hurt you. He was going to kill you.” 
“Let's just skip to the part where you try to teach me a lesson.” She smiled sideways up to him. Exaggerating her blinking. 
Her little shadow bounced on her shoulder.
Should we kill him, too? She sent it, but it didn't make it to Rahne. 
“What the fuck?” 
Azriel’s eyebrows pinched together. 
“Rahne?” her voice was pitching higher. “Answer me.”
“She can't,” Azriel said. 
“What does that mean?”
“I told you, you're burned out.”
She watched as her shadow twisted in on herself in frustration. “That's never happened before.”
“You've never hit the bottom so fast,” he said.
“How do I fix it?”
“You ready for the lesson?” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
This is where she would usually release her shadowfire, but she would never threaten him with flame after what those demons did. So instead she stabbed him in the thigh.
He caught her wrist before she could fully plunge through, but she broke skin. 
“Tell me how I get it back.” 
“It's not gone.” He squeezed her wrist until the blade fell to the dirt. “You shouldn't need magic to talk to her. You're just exhausted. Control your breathing,” he coached. “Focus on her.”
She tried blocking out the short breaths of the shadowsinger, the whistling winds off the mountains, the roaring in her head. She didn't fight his hands, still wrapped around her wrists. 
She willed the bridge between her and Rahne to appear. The shadow slowed her rolling, matching her master’s focus. The light path they’d communicate down. Neither had needed to use the mental visual in decades. It was strange to both of them. It’d been so long, they’d forgotten they ever relied on it. 
Slowly, so slowly, her little voice began to echo down to her. 
...ven, Rayven, Rayven. Her fear rushed through her weeping. 
Rayven crumpled with her shadow. So small, in her hands. A tiny wisp of smoke curling over her fingers, clutched to her chest. 
I’m sorry, she said back. 
“Rayven,” her name on his lips was soft. “Please. Can you stop being mad at me for a second and listen.”
What do you think?
Asshole, Rahne said. 
But? she pressed. 
Azriel watched their silent conversation. When Rayven groaned at the shadow he smiled. She had been talked into hearing him out. 
She let him follow her into her cottage. Inside he kept busy with heating water on her wood stove. He wasn't moving in a hurry like she usually did. He carefully poured rolling water over the leaves and handed her the first cup. 
She debated chucking it at his head, but she was exhausted and her bones were laced with ice after being in the cold for so long. 
She took the cup but did not yield a sip. He sighed, sipped his, and sat on her couch. 
“I'm sorry we lied to you,” he said finally. “You deserved to know.”
This male was so infuriating. Shielding her from information, butting into her business, playing savior, and now he had the audacity to give a humble apology. 
But she had lied and schemed just as much. 
“Me too,” she mumbled. 
“What was that?”  
She could've punched him, but his bright smile stopped her anger cold in her chest. 
She sat next to him and felt the events of the past few days set in. She traded her cup to hold Rahne in her lap. 
“I'm not staying in Velaris tonight.” She debated going to Emerie’s tent. It’d only be one more thing to explain to her tomorrow. 
He sipped from tense hands. “You can't stay here.”
Rayven leaned into the arm of the couch and tipped her head over the side. “I’m tired, Azriel. I don't want to talk anymore.”
“He was going to kill you,” he whispered. 
And the Highlord would never have punished Devlon for it. He couldn't kill the lord and get away with it either. He’d spend the rest of the decade under the Court of Nightmares, but he would've done it. For her.  
After a while she said, “I'm sorry I cut you.” 
“It could've been a lot worse.” And she knew he wasn't talking about his flesh wound.  
“I would've killed him if you hadn't shown up.” 
He set his cup on the low table at his knees. “Can you just listen?”
He took her silence as his go ahead. 
“We have been moving very precisely with the Highlord the past decade. He won't reign forever. Rhys knows that. We make one wrong move and the future we’re fighting for will never happen. We couldn't tell you about the rebel while you still wanted to come back to court. Had he not learned what we wanted him to know two things would have happened. One, he’d never believe any of my intel or trust my abilities ever again. And two, he would've found out way later than other courts and be furious. It was essential he knew only what I told him.” 
“And that was what?” 
“A lie,” he said casually. 
She shot up. “You lied to the Highlord?” 
“I lie to him all the time,” he said, like it was obvious. “I am very careful with the information I feed him. Why would I ever serve that male after what he did to you?” 
It was an effort to cool the heat rushing to her cheeks. “What didn't you tell him?”
His eyes shone with amusement. “I know where she is.” 
Something in Rayven sped up. “In Spring?”
He shook his head. “She’s not in Spring. She came through Summer.” 
“So not an abandoned rebel?” 
He waited a long moment, just smiling at her. “Your boyfriend did not know this?”
She wanted to hit him but her arms were too tired. Eris only knew what Azriel wanted him to. “You're the reason they all think she's in Spring.” 
“I was honest earlier. I was going to fill you in when we got back.” Azriel was the quietest of the bat boys, this was the longest she’d ever heard him speak without long breaks. 
“Rhys asked for you, too, you know,” he said. “He knew it was dangerous, but he did it anyway.” 
Rhys had tried to get her in the Rite with them.  Her stomach ached at her words to him. He wasn't like their father at all. If anything, she had felt more like the Highlord in the past day. 
“We found evidence of the female a few weeks ago on the shores of Summer. Cassian got her down. She did something to him when he touched her. Rhys and I were there, but she got away.”
Rayven’s chest tightened. If the boys together couldn't contain her, then she was no forgotten soldier. “Bet that stings,” she teased. 
“She took something from him,” he went on. “She didn't land a blow, but he was wrecked.”
Rayven went still. Eris’ words flashed in her mind. 
“Why tell me now? Why make me play this game?”
“I wanted to, but you were so eager to please that prick and get your place back at court. Had we told you about the rebel, could you honestly say you wouldn't have plotted around us to retrieve her?”
She chewed on her lip. She had planned to do just that, but of course they already knew her every step. Next to the Highlord she would have the platform to change things. She wanted it more than anything else. Protecting Ironcrest wasn't enough. 
“How did you know about Eris? Today wasn't what revealed me.”
“No,” he said. “I've known for a while. Rhys had his suspicions before it was confirmed. It was actually Cassian who suggested Eris. He saw your form at training about a year ago and knew only one other fire wielder with similar structure.”
“That's a great leap in your assumption to accusation. You're leaving something out.”
“I followed you a month ago,” he said sheepishly. 
“You spied on me,” she translated. 
“You were skipping training and were nowhere to be found in Ironcrest. Of course I followed you.” 
His confession moved something in her chest. “Fine, I forgive you. Can you guys quit lying to me? Can we work together now?” She wanted to sleep for the rest of her life. 
“There's more,” Azriel said. “But Rhys can tell you the rest later.”
“Can't wait,” she deadpanned. Her eyes were so heavy, she fought to hide it from Azriel. “Quit feeding lies to the Autumn spies. You don't have to tell them the truth, but do not risk Eris ever again.” 
Azriel had the decency to look sad for her. “I’m sorry for almost getting your boyfriend killed.”
“Beron wouldn't kill him.” She wished he were here with her. His promise of tomorrow couldn't come fast enough. “That's what scares me.”
“You're really not coming back to Velaris tonight?” 
“Rahne is too exhausted to winnow us and if I use my wings again I think they'll snap off.”
“I’ll carry you,” Azriel offered. 
“Not a chance.”
He held his hands up. “Fine, we can go back in the morning.” 
“We are not doing anything. You are leaving and I will go back tomorrow.”
“Not a chance.” 
“Are we going to do each other’s hair and tell bedtime stories? I’m not in the mood to play sleepover.”
“Is that what you want? I might have a story or two you'd enjoy.” He smirked. “You can tell me who braids better, me or Cassian.”
“Don't make me stab you again.” She was losing this fight and he knew it.
“Up to you, but I’m staying. I can sit outside if that makes you feel better, but I’m not leaving you alone after we pissed off Devlon. If he comes back and you're dead to the world, what do you think he’d do with that?”
Rayven shivered at the thought of his access to her unconscious body. He followed her train of thought. 
“Fine,” she said, getting up from the couch. “You don't have to stay outside.”  
She was asleep before she hit the familiar plush of her bed. 
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
opinions on tsats, not in order
these are some things i liked and disliked about the book, and it has spoilers (naturally?), so beware
not gonna say i absolutely adored the way R&M managed solangelo's relationship but didnt completely despise it either
i wouldnt say Will was out of character bc... he didnt have much of a character to be out from before tsats? i just didnt really love that "i gotta fix nico" thing rick gave to him, but that got settled by the end so i really wont complain much about it
i also wouldnt compare solangelo to percabeth neither to praise or criticize it bc it's not like i think percabeth's dynamic is flawless and perfect either 🤷🏻‍♀️
percy's "oh nico, i'm sorry" PERSEUS SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU'RE 5 YEARS LATE 😭
the "invisible string" and "[worlds/planets] orbiting each other" theme/trope they gave to solangelo made me emotional, and i accept it as canon. *plays invisible string by ts and satellite by hs*
my goodness what a relieve it was to me to finally read nico CRYING. good for him
i expected will's plague power to be more, hum, intense? either way i still think will having plague powers at all is a victory
dont know what i feel w will canonically having trouble w nico being a murderer bc thats actually one of the things i love about him 😭? i feel like if he ever discovers nico killed that bryce dude he'll pass out or something. boy ur bf is a son of hades, his legacy is death, what did u expect from him?
"nico blushed" "nico gave a sly smile" "nico's mischevious smile" wow i need to sit down for a moment and just *weeps*
nico trying to talk his way out of trouble, sneaky lil shit <3
canon silly nico in mid dangerous situations is back !!! <3333
i dont feel completely comfortable w the idea of nico's coming out being that public by making a whole speech to the entire camp but thats probably just me projecting my trauma and anxiety, idk. either way i think a more intimate coming out would've feel more personal, but still i understand that R&M wanted to give him an all-free-off-chains life in camp making it known by everyone in an only kick
"i got the message loud and clear: don't say that. don't feel that. don't even think that" IT BURNED ME INSIDE. i loved it
the ounces of nico still acting like a 10 year old child? like when he called nemesis cool? he warms my heart
i think gorgyra's my favorite character
some of the bitchy comments nico held back were funny. i know they didnt symbolize anything good in their relationship but they were funny. "no. you couldnt", "no one's asking you to"? i officially proclaim myself a bitchy!nico apologist
either way i still can acknowledge nico was a lil bit harsh to will having the literal worst time of his life in the underworld like 😭, bro he's literally a child of the SUN having a trip in HELL, give him a break 😭
the part where nico drop to his knees in front of nyx's home? poetic cinema
the screaming at trees in the woods moment felt really intimate and heartwarming for me. i approve
i did not like their on screen first kiss to be so casual and simple, i was expecting more emotion and angst; and god i definitely disliked that their first real kiss was literally right after nico discovered jason DIED. a person has enough volatile feelings to deal with when a loved one dies for new romantic stuff to happen. nico was in a vulnerable state and deserved time to mourn. instead of that being their first kiss i would've been fine to show will supporting nico in that traumatic event? i would've also deepen their relationship
"'i love you' and the fell" that was poetic and girl? it'll ROCK in fanarts i'll be waiting for them
the whole speech of "it was the son of apollo falling for a son of hades. it was this"? okay wow, beware shakespeare, they went strong in this
nico preparing a picnic for will?? another peek of my boy being a canon ROMANTIC. he makes me physically ill
i liked that they didnt try to write around or romantize the way some male gods actually behaved in the myths? like persephone recognizing hades kidnapped her and letting Will (and the reader) clear that he should never permit anyone forcing him into anything, bc i remember i disliked the way poseidon was painted as the best guy in pjo w medusa's part just for being the protagonist's father (and yeah that was a children's book but well so is tsats and they finally got that right)
since hoo i've got a soft spot for nico finding comfort in the darkness of the underworld, so reading nico seeing his father's realm as his home again gave me a cozy feeling every single time <3
it was nice to see persephone seeing nico in a good light. i always thought the concept of those two getting along well had so much potential and tbh i hope they explore it more in the future
nico having persephone's garden as his favorite place in the underworld??? i crave FANARTS
it kinda infuriated me nico reproaching will for making amphitemis go away bc it was the first baddass moment will got in the entire book in my eyes and nico deciding to go like WhY diD u dO thAt? cOulD'vE hElpEd hIm. baby? shut the fuck up
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"enough of your bisexual chaos" really cant decide if i loved or hated this right now
tbh i hoped amphitemis to have a more important role
i actually like the idea of nico having a bunch of little demons following him around, it's a funny image. but personally i wont see them as "his children" unless its for comedic resources. i see them more as his pets, yep, his demonic pets 👍🏼
they're canonically the most physical affective couple and they make me wanna throw up in my mouth. good for them
nico's new villain scar is baddass <3
at the end bob just came out of the picture... that easily? after all the hell they went thru?
do u ever get those maternal/paternal kick ins when u read ur fav character in pain? i dont mean all the time but in like rare occassions. like a sudden need to protect them? well yeah nico saying "you left me alone and defenceless!" and starting crying made it for me. i wanted to run and CRADLE HIM
MALCOLM PACE MY QUEER SON OF ATHENA I LOVE YOU. btw yall were excited about jake mason and i admit i dont remember who that is,,, i feel guilty so please explain
to summarize, i dont think the book's perfect, but i did enjoy and liked it
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masterofengene · 10 months
helloo,hope you're doing great!
could you do an imagine of &team Harua based on meddle about by chase atlantic?
Let's figure this out. Harua X Reader
This is my first imagine request based off a song and I really like this idea! I'm so glad to see that so many people are liking my works and I'll try my hardest to keep them coming out regularly for you guys - fenrix.
Warning: none. Maybe workplace romance?
"We only met each other just the other day and you already got me feeling some kind of way"
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You really hadn't intended for this to happen. At all. It was just supposed to be a collaboration between your Group and &Team. Just a collaboration. So why do you keep finding yourself enamored by him? Why does he keep catching your eye? It's not like it's anything special.
You had been working on the performance stage for the past week and everything was going perfectly. Almost too perfectly. One thing you noticed right away was that Harua and you had chemistry. When you had to perform next to each other it was as if you two had been dancing together your entire lives. When he moved, you moved, if one of you made a mistake the other would make up for it as if it was nothing.
Because of this you found yourself drawn to the raven haired boy. What was it about him that intrigued you so? How did you have a better chemistry with him than with your own members. How were you so comfortable with him? 3 days after you guys had started working on the choreography, you found yourself paying more and more attention to Harua. But if he caught your gaze you would look away as if nothing had happened.
One day you had found yourself in the practice room before everyone, unable to wrap your head around a tricky part of the choreography. You just needed some extra practice. You had been there for about an hour already, so when you heard the door shut you had expected it to be your leader or one of your members. No.
A familiar raven haired boy walked in and Harua let out a sound of suprise when he processed that you were already in here, looks like he wanted to get some extra practice in as well. "OH. I hope I'm not going to bother you. I just wanted to stretch and warm up before my members got here.."
"Its no worries. I'm just trying to get this one part of choreography down... I think I'm missing a set of 8 counts or something in my head." You muttered the last part mostly to yourself as you went over the part in your head mapping out the dance slowly in the mirror, so much so that you did not notice Harua watching you as he began to stretch.
"Well it is an abrupt change in pace from the rest of the song so maybe speed up your counts instead of keeping them the same pace?" He let out the suggestion and your head turned towards him as you took in his suggestion.
You decided to do as he said to see if it would help you and sure enough you started to get the choreography right, but before you could turn to the vocalist and thank him, Members of both teams started to pour into the practice room.
Finally the dance practice was coming to an end, it had all gone well of course. It was all coming together perfectly. But over the course of time. You started to notice that Harua kept glancing over at you. More often than not. Your eyes locked on his in the mirror. You couldn't lie, he was cute so it wasn't much of a suprise when you would dart your eyes away from him and opt to stare at the ceiling.
Although neither of you noticed, during your breaks and idle time you two would drift closer together, get closer, without even realizing it. But don't worry, your members certainly did and they will definitely be teasing you about it later.
"Good work today you guys! You can all go home and get some weep deserved rest!" The choreographer yelled out to the two teams. Little by little the two groups would start to pour out of the practice rooms. You found yourself lingering back as the rest of the teams left, noticing that Harua was taking a bit longer than it should to be packing up.
"Usually you're in a big hurry to leave when it's over, why are you hanging behind? Did you get hurt?" You asked as you leaned down to help him pick up his phone and charger.
"Oh so you have been paying attention to me?" He teased me with a playful smile although I admit, it caught me off guard. He hadn't acted so....so...playful towards me. And it most certainly did leave me a bit flustered. "I'm not hurt though. I simply wanted to be able to talk to you more....did you know when you think about something that you're invested in you talk to yourself."
For a second your face dropped when you realized that he had been paying attention to you. That or you were talking to yourself so loudly everyone noticed. You went with the latter.
"No I did not. Why were you paying so much attention to me in the first place?" You couldn't help but tease back, returning his playful smile as you stood up and got ready to walk back to your dorm.
"Wait! Y/N! I know we met just the other day, but you already got me feeling some kind of way. We should hang out sometime. Just the two of us can meddle about."
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helianskies · 1 year
frain, for the ship asks?
good choiiice! 🍪
[ find the ask game here! send me a ship! ]
gives nose/forehead kisses: fran
toni goes all cute and red when fran kisses him, and it drives him wild. fran is going to capitalise on that, absolutely.
gets jealous the most: both
do not underestimate fran. ever. in any context. this included!
takes care of on sick days: fran
i like to think fran does a better job overall of looking after himself and rarely gets ill compared to toni. that makes him more frequently the care-giver (and toni might just milk being ill to extend the lovely treatment) but of course, if fran does get ill, toni will drop everything to bring fran as much soup and tea and straight-to-tv romcoms his heart desires.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day: toni
toni is not quite a fish but certainly feels a pull to the sea when at the beach. fran, on the other hand? less so. the salt in his hair will make him weep. but, sometimes, he finds the little inconveniences are worth the memories.
brings the other lunch at work: both
they'd either take it turns to prepare lunch or both accidentally make lunch and then find they've got dinner sorted too. not that that is usually a problem!
tries to start role-playing in bed: neither
it doesn't suit their dynamic. they've no desire to be anyone other than themselves in their relationship.
embarrassingly drunk dancer: fran
toni has so many photos of fran after having a few too many...
firmly believes in couple costumes: both
they love to match! but while i'm here, i totally see fran buying them matching pyjamas as well :')
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas: toni
fran is aghast. how dare he! but maybe that present turns out to be... something quite special, hehe. he can't stay mad for long!
makes the other eat breakfast: both
both deserve breakfast in bed treatments, as far as i'm concerned. they may adapt depending on each other's schedules, plans, moods, etc. but neither will let the other leave the house without them eating something!
remembers anniversaries: both
they have a designated calendar in the kitchen filled with important dates and some of the most precious and silly and personal photographs they've seen. (it was probably a gift from arthur, at least the first time. little does he know he's started a tradition!).
brings up having kids first: toni
i have no explanation. it just feels like it would be him...
kills the bugs: toni
toni's got this handled. but he won't kill them, he'll just politely remove them from the area and apologise to them, much to fran's bewilderment.
first to define them as a couple: fran
he's too excited to not go ahead and tell everyone before toni's even realised he's in a serious relationship. but if it saves him the trouble, he doesn't mind!
who hides their guilty pleasures longer: fran
fran would prefer to make sure his relationship is 110% secure and serious before things move too fast or he shows all his cards. but toni is not in a hurry either.
snorts when laughing: neither
it has occurred to me that this kind of snort may not be the sort of snort i have been imagining, and so, no. they are not snorters.
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not-poignant · 1 year
hello! thank you for replying to my ask abt finding the enthusiastic consent post. i’d like to ask about your approach towards writing death? whether it’s evolved over the years? the representation of death in media vs your own preferred version in fiction. also! what does death mean to ash glashtyn?
Hi anon!
Those are some huge questions, and I definitely can't answer them all in a lot of detail otherwise I'd be writing a 6,000 word post. So I think we need a cliff notes version or something.
I suppose I'd first say there's a lot of different kinds of deaths, and a lot of different ways to feel about it. So I can't give you a neat answer because my approach to writing death is 'treat every situation as unique' and not some kind of unified approach?
I don't even treat it with the same level of respect every time, depending on whether the death is a character we've never gotten to know, vs. if it is one we have, vs. (in the case of murder) how the character doing the character feels about it, vs. whether the character dying is a villain or a hero or neither. How I approach Augus hunting vs. Gwyn killing the otterkind family vs. Mikkel dying were all extremely different. There's no...similarities between them re: how I thought about them!
Therefore, I don't know whether that's something that's evolved over the years. The fact is, I don't sit there thinking 'what's my approach to writing death' before writing it, I just write it. I know I'm influenced by the many books I've read and philosophies I've read and more, but I don't have rules about it or anything like that. I just try and write it with the weight it deserves in the moment. Sometimes, that's no weight at all. Sometimes it's with a great deal of lasting gravitas. Death is ordinary and profound depending on who it's impacting, why, and how folks are thinking about it. And that's the same as with everything ordinary and profound (like sex, and people being born, and everything in between).
the representation of death in media vs your own preferred version in fiction
Tbh idk! There is no unified, universal way of 'representing death in the media.' It changes! It changes within the same series! How Scrubs wrote death in its media depended on the characters being impacted and the point of it! Sometimes it was comical and mundane, sometimes it would have you weeping, there's no such thing as a unified representation of 'death in the media' and I don't have a 'preferred version' in fiction. I have written mundane death, unimportant death, ugly death, grotesque death, meaningful death, profound death. And as with everything, it just depends on what that part of the story calls for.
I would also say quite honestly I don't really care about how I represent it that much. Like, I care as much about it as I do about any part of my writing. It's not a core reason behind why I write and it's not crucial or fundamental or really important in many of my stories. Like, it's not that 'I don't care' - but I'm not researching death and the symbolism of death the way I'm researching trauma and trauma recovery, anon. I have only ever bought one book on death. I have bought over 50 on trauma.
(For those curious about death narratives in general, I highly, highly recommend the series Six Feet Under, which was quite ahead of its time across a few different areas, but is one of the best shows - hands down - for the many different ways we can look at death, and the many different things it can mean to us, from nothing, to everything).
what does death mean to ash glashtyn?
You're not gonna like this anon, because my answer is going to be 'see above.'
As in, it depends! How Ash feels about his own death changes over time. How he feels about the deaths of others depends on who it is that's dying, and his connection to that person, and that will also not be static and going to change over time!
I don't actually know of anyone who always sees death the same way, of every person, all the time, always. That doesn't mean people like that aren't out there! But generally speaking how someone feels about the death of say, weeds they're pulling out of the garden, is going to be very different to their own death, the concept of death, and the death of their loved ones. We are often negotiating our relationship with death, from the moments we don't negotiate it at all because we deem the death/s insignificant (people killing cockroaches come to mind, or people not thinking about the creatures in their back garden dying every second), to the moments we deem it significant because of the person's closeness to the person or creature (or plant or object) that has died.
The ordinary/profound things in life just require a natural fluidity, because they're not static even though they're ever-present. I can't pin any single thing down on the page, anon, because there are an infinite number of ways to respond to and think about death, and an infinite number of ways for the mass media to conceptualise it, and for folks like me to write it.
I have no rules, I have no single approach. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't. It's...very...not something I can pin down, I'm afraid!
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revvethasmythh · 10 months
Tary and/or Scanlan for the ask meme. To cover all our bases with Sam PCs, haha
I was wondering if I was going to be able to cover all of Sam's PCs with this lmao! Seeing as I do have a reputation to uphold re: sam's PCs, I will do them both
First impression
Baby. Beloved. Pompous jackass whomst I love the most. True love at first sight and I am not kidding
Impression now
Baby. beloved. Pathetic pompous jackass I adore (I never stopped loving him, I have only grown to love him more)
Favorite moment
It is hard to choose between ALL of his bits in Jugs and Rods or the Grog and Tary shopping adventure in Vasselheim. Critical Role has TONS of funny moments and there is stuff in every campaign that has really gotten to me--but nothing like this. My abs ached the next day, I was fully weeping real fucking tears over this. I am laughing just thinking about it as I am typing. Fucking iconic.
Idea for a story
I have never considered a story with Tary specifically, but you know I'd love a story that explored Tary getting back together with Lawrence and how that aspect of their love story played out! I feel like that could be a very fun romance piece.
Unpopular opinion
Genuinely an incredible character, not as a joke, not for the bit. I mean, Tary is hilarious, yes. But I don't think Sam gets enough credit for how GOOD Tary was beyond the bit. He's a top tier character and deserves more credit from the fandom for it.
Favorite relationship
I'll split this one with Percy and Vex. Tary ends up being such good friends with both of them and his friendship with Vex is something I find particularly endearing (another Sam + Laura dynamic coming through golden) and then you add the layer of Tary's close friendship and unrequited pining for Percy into the mix....that whole dynamic of the three of them is great.
Favorite headcanon
I should really just delete this question because I never have headcanons to add. Idk. I don't really do head canons.
First impression
Thought he was kind of gross and too sexually forward, ngl
Impression now
Probably my favorite of Vox Machina, not counting Tary. I don't know, he really grew on me. I think Scanlan circles around similar themes that all of Sam's PCs do, which is why I tend to gravitate toward them, you know? The eternal struggle of wanting to appear okay for your friends because you can't or won't invite the vulnerability of being honest about how you're struggling, only to hit a breaking point and lose it because no one has noticed your pain (because you have hidden it)? All the inherent complications and contradictions of that sort of thinking? Feels very realistic and relatable, for me, at least.
Favorite moment
It's so easy to choose The Bard's Lament for this. WHAT an incredible dramatic character move. Unparalleled, dramatic, complex, and it added so much to Scanlan's character and the dynamic with the group, forcing VM to sit with some things (and to get angry at him! Because he was unfair too!). I loved that shit, I ate it up.
But also, Scanlan's return to VM and trying to Modify Memory on Vex only to whiff it and her just hugging him. I fucking love that, too.
Idea for a story
You know, the thing is, this question is tickling some kind of memory of mine that I had actually planned to write something about Scanlan/Pikelan and I just cannot remember what on earth it was going to be. I can't even think of anything else, I'm just annoyed I can't remember what I was going to do, now
Unpopular opinion
I don't think Scanlan blowing up at VM and saying unfair things to them makes him a bad person or selfish or [insert whatever other thing here]. I think he was unwell, and had some valid reasons to be upset, and spoke in anger in a very human moment wherein neither party was entirely wrong or right. People apply judgement to that scene a lot, I think because it's very emotionally jarring, it's aggressive and unexpected and it prompts strong feeling because of that, but I don't think there's any judgment to be applied. VM was wrong about some things, Scanlan was wrong about some things. A big bundle of tragically human conflict, honestly, which is why it's fantastic.
Favorite relationship
Probably Grog. I love that whole corner of VM (Grog and his gnomes) and all their dynamics, but you can really feel such a camaraderie and care between these two that I love. Also Vex (that Sam + Laura dynamic always hits, I suppose)
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phantasmaw · 1 year
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♢*   —    @nvrcmplt​ ​ /  𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐀𝐑: 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐊 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 
❝ confronting the past comes with a price. ❞ //Baalthia @ Gael
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  〈✟*〉 ┊  But I've already paid. I've paid more than I owe. What about the debts I'm owed? When will I be confronted as the price of the past?
    --he wants to lash out, and very nearly does. Yet with a deep, slightly shaky breath, and nails biting into the gold-dusted palms of his hands, Gael refrains. He's already thrown that fit before. He isn't sure the embers of righteous anger will ever spark the way they did back then. No... he knows they won't. There's no tinder as highly flammable as the walls that used to enclose him, and those were long since immolated to nothing more than a handful of ash. Oh, but what he wouldn't give to feel the smoldering remains sift through trembling fingers again. What he wouldn't give to scream his throat raw, to taste his own unfettered resentment coat his tongue with blood and honey again. What he wouldn't give to see pinpricks of terror break through gazes always clouded over with lofty veneration again. Not because he had relished the pain. Because finally, finally, they had seen. They had understood. For the first and only time since his birth, his community had accepted him into their midst as nothing and nobody but Gael.
( and he hears himself howling in millions of voices that explode from a mouth dripping with rose gold spittle, 'I AM NOT YOUR GOD. I HAVE NEVER BEEN YOUR GOD. I AM NOT YOUR GOD. I AM NOT GOD. I AM NOT. I AM NOT. I AM NOT.' )
    "I don't think I left any of them with a fighting chance."
An admittance of guilt? A confession of sin? A simple statement of fact? He's not sure. If he's allowing himself to be greedy, he would opt for all three. He had been hoping that when the time came for him to come clean about the ugly uncertainty of the aftermath following the assurance of his freedom, he would feel something. Either crushing remorse or a relief of pressure. Neither come. There's only a hollow ring, as stale as the wind that had swept away the glimmering ash his fire had left behind.
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Still, he continues barely above a whisper, "When I set fire to it all, I didn't want anything left behind. Not even the people. I... I know I shouldn't have. At the time, though...."
He trails off and lowers his eyelids. A flicker of memory burns against his retinas: a lone child watching his house go up in flames that hummed rather than crackled, singing along to the holy hymn that rose higher and higher along with the purifying smoke. He should have at least saved him. Maybe, somewhere out there, that child was still growing into himself. Maybe at least a few had made it out. Rationally, he knows not all of them deserved it. He also knows the idea that a few made it out is fanciful at best. His fire purifies all in its path, innocent and tainted alike; it retains all to whence they came, be it the earth below or the sky above. No earthly compound could have ever quelled that inferno in time for belated mercy. Not even his bitter weeping could have extinguished the blaze. The guilt sits on his chest as a weight that shifts about but never fully dissipates, and he's learned to live with it. In its own way, it's a creature comfort as much as it is a continual condemnation.
It's the past he continues to confront and the price he continues to pay.
Gael sighs and blinks his eyes back open. Misty tears cling to his lashes but don't fall. Is he even allowed to cry for them now?
"...I won't ever stop paying, will I?" he rasps, and it's less of a question and more of a plea.
Tell me yes. Tell me atonement exists. Tell me anything but 'no'.
And then, he turns his gaze towards the hooded angel, and dares to ask, "Are you exempt?"
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poltergeist-coffee · 6 months
Green team lost but now guapoduo it's together at least
Unfortunately neither insaneduo or Pacmanduo are together:(
And yeah, her song is so good
Now I'm stuck in soul sanctumD:
And I found sans(the dashmaster charm)
I... really want to write about vampac, that little guy is causing chaos on my mind for no apparent reason
I love him
I'm rotating him in a microwave at 80km per hour because he makes me so aisuhshdksjdnddjgdg
The hyperfixation hits hard
- 🍽
*sobbing weeping crawling around on the floor like a worm*
guapoduo lives and every other duo i love is still separate TT if blue had lost then slimeriana could be together…..but it suits them more to be the only like “canon couple” to still be separated when most everyone else is together haha they can still do their romeo and juliet thing ^_^
vampire pac is wreaking chaos in your mind as he deserves ksmknfkna
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shiningstages · 2 years
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*Running to protecc my Djeeta from whatever the heck that update was because omg??????*
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bemylord · 3 years
ꜱ/ᴏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴄʟɪɴɢʏ │ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇꜱ
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↳ characters: satoru, itadori, megumi, toji, nanamin, sukuna.
↳ warnings: it's fluff part, so there's no angst or hurtful things [some parts might be spicy].
↳ butler's remark: finally have dropped the last part of this angst theme.i don't know what kind of dr#gs i used when i was writing the last three.
↳ part one;
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ:
he'd be very sad and angry at himself for screamed at you. he didn't mean to push you away because of his fatigue. as he recalled the phrase you dropped before leaving: 'i'm gonna cuddle with megumi-kun' this phrase goes on and on in his head as he runs into your room. he knocked first, hoping you're alone. he knocked again, but there's no response.
'my baby, i'm so-so-so sorry, baby.' he just jump to the bed, wrapping arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. 'no, don't cry because of me, i'm the worst boyfriend ever.' he kisses the top of your head.
yuuji will cry with you if you'd continue to sob your nose, burying your face as deep as it's possible in itadori's chest, unable to deny his necessity. he's comforting you in his arms, whispering praising phrases about you.
'i was a fool, y/n, please forgive me.'
'promise me you'll never scream at me like that.'
instead of words, but kissed your lips, nodded his head. yuuji will show his love and affection by kisses and hugs, holding you tight to keep you from running away.
'y/n, i love you.'
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ:
you've decided not to leave but stay home, waiting as long as his malice calm down. you were waiting for him in the bedroom, still grieved by the last words. you know megumi wasn't serious - he hates being beaten up by todo or satoru, you also know that he'll be a puppy right after a bath.
he showed up in the room in the home shorts, aimlessly rubbing the back of the neck, breathing out what caught your attention.
'i shouldn't have let the anger gets the best of me, y/n.'
bruises and abrasions are coaxed on his upper body and face as it brings the pain when he sits on the bed. he again rubs the skin, nervous to ask you to heal him.
'i-i would like..'
'i'll heal you, 'gumi.'
he smiles, seeing you tenderly how you treat wounds. he thought you were going to kill him after the acuteness, but here you are, helping your lover.
'i don't deserve you y/n, you always have been so kind to me. i'm sorry for being a moron, my angel, i didn't mean it.'
you took him of guard by a quick, yet lovely kiss on the lips.
'i will make it up to you, i will change.'
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ:
you may think it'll take days or weeks for him to the realization of what did he do. you were a naive one by leaving the gold wedding ring on the table, thought he won't notice.
'i am not a servant or errand girl, i'm his wife!'
perhaps, you thought he won't sniff as you're leaving the house, silly. he has a perfect hearing to hear where you're going and what you left.
'what a jerk i fell in love for, had the misfortune to marry that...'
'to marry that?'
he finished your sentences, turning your body by your arm.
'need a woman to meet your needs, toji? i've had enough.'
his strong arm didn't let you a chance to leave the place you stand, only pulling you by the chin to look into the loving eyes.
'fool, you're my woman, my wife, and the mother of my future children.'
'regret?' he gasped into your lips before kissing them, nibbling lightly on your lower lip.
'i'll do anything to make you forgive me. should i ea-?'
'home, toji, home!'
'by the way, if you ever take the ring off, ohh. doll~'
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ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏᴜ: [i think i was h1gh, no hate on me after]
i heard about the woman that have called her boyfriend about thosand or more times, so.. it's satoru. satoru has been calling you since you've left the house, maybe, you'd pick up the phone if you weren't be fury at your boyfriend.
you were walking in the park where gojo first confessed his love. your first kiss and something more than a kiss. that place you will always remember is the tallest and oldest tree in the park. noticeable and stately. as you came to the tree you heard someone behind you.
'you knew it's my place, y/n!' what? is that a touchy voice?
'whatever i'm leaving.'
'where do ya goinnng~~'
'fine, i'm walking home too. take you home?'
'we live in the same house.'
'that's better! wanna watch netflix and chill?'
i'd say you're mad at him, but i'll lie. he's so funny and cute, how can you resist?
'don't act like a clingy, gojo.'
'you began first. ok-ok, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.'
you had to gag him with a kiss because he would have continued talking nonsense. acting like a child. he lifted you by the waist, kissing you and whispering sweet phrases.
'i love when you're clingy, my baby, i was- i feel so bad due to the work, my angel. soon we'll be going on the mission.'
he lowered you to the ground, kissing you on the tip of your nose.
'let's pick some flowers and make a wreath, shall we?'
'we'll get arrested.'
'you can run, y/n.'
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
you were taking a bath on your own, drowning in the tears - as you've mentioned you're overly clingy and vulnerable and nanami had had known this. he knew you could be sticky when you haven't seen him in a few hours - but does it badly? he knocked twice on the door, waiting for your response.
'darling, mm-' he hesitated as if you'll reject him. 'may i come in?' you only made a quiet mumbling sound, but it was enough for him to enter the bathtub.
he took off his suit, joining you. no matter how much you try, he will see your weeping eyes.
'i shouldn't have yelled at you over a hard day. darling, come to me, tell me how your day went.'
'not before you tell me about yours.'
you sat on his lap, massaging his sturdy, tired shoulders, helping him relax.
'taking a bath like that with you after a day's work is what i like best.'
he kisses your lips as your palms still find themselves on his shoulders. anyway, nanami doesn't want his future wife to cry over him - he'll be the best husband.
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ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ:
it has been weeks since you didn't interact with the king: neither you didn't come to his domain nor answer on his questions. when his sudden mouth appeared on yuuji's cheek, asking you to immediately come to his domain, you didn't feel the need to respond sukuna, irritating him.
you were waiting 'till the king will utterly be pissed off by your behavior, taking the possession of the vessel body to finally have a conversation with you.
'y/n, do something! sukuna has been so furious that i can hardly restrain him.'
'the king wants to see the stupid girl?' you crossed arms over the chest, letting out a sigh of relief - finally. 'i'm coming, sukuna.' you touches yuuji's chest to find yourself being instantly on sukuna's lap.
'you've been ignoring me for weeks, woman.'
'i wonder why? because i'm stupid and clingy?'
sukuna pulled the loose strands of hair out of your face carefully, so as not to hurt you with a claw. he cups your cheeks, making you stare directly at him in the eyes.
'i won't say it twice, so hear me out.' he kissed your lips with fondness, which was not characteristic of him. 'i'm sorry, okay?'
from now on, you can show off that the king of curses said sorry to you. be proud of yourself, 'till his eyes are cast dark hue, palms found themselves on your hips.
'i've been alone for days and days, y/n,' you could feel something raising underneath you. 'and why through all bastards you've chosen satoru?'
someone is jealous..
however, i have a feeling that there will be some sort of sequel...
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tag my cuties <3
@monisi @herhappyplace @h3artfiilia @din0plushie @giaduuh @schleepyflocci @creammy0 @rmjace @whogonprayformee @wwholesome-vibes @blacckkwiddow @sivaneeee @deepcowboywerewolf @royaltyofwinterfell @bakugo1819 @electroniclightjudgeghost @alexganes @tonks221 @spn-obession @superbheropeachtrash @strwbrry-lia @sterieshinso @daynada @butyfigers @lonely-dreamer @adorenoya @fluffymarshmellowcat @cloudsinthecosmos @itsonyxpected @itspastellemons @kingdomblvck @lovliecs @doodledee-png @neo-lucien @fl4mepillar @musichime07
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↳ back to the main master list.
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javisjeanjacket · 3 years
Hot Spring - (din djarin x fem!reader)
A/N: hi everyone dont look at me please i just really really really think Din deserves a lil TLC. This is basically a reader insert into CH.10, beginning right after they crash land and wake back up. Originally this baby was a whopping 6K, so if we like it there is technically already a part two i guess. lol  thank you rea for your help!! :)
Word count: 2.6K
Warnings: cursing, some steamy exchanges, oral sex (m receiving because he deserves it), cumplay. 18+, NSFW
Neither GIF is mine!
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You stumbled through the wreckage of a hull towards the cockpit, the Child crying and afraid in your arms. You held him close to your chin, pressing tiny kisses to his forehead and cooing at him softly.
The frigid air was already working it's fingers through the damaged walls of the Razor Crest.
Din found you before you reached the cockpit, his chest heaving and his arms reaching out for your shoulders. "Are you two okay?"
You nodded and ran a hand over the baby's trembling ears. "I think he wants you." You moved the baby towards his father and his small green arms reached out for the armored man.
Din took him in his arms and then hurried back towards the cockpit.
Being with Din as long as you had allowed you to see him through the beskar, to see him as you knew him to be, not how he was.
The Mandalorian was anxious, his mind whirring as fast as it possibly could to figure out how to repair the ship and get back in the air. Din always felt as if the fate of his clan rested solely on his shoulders. It was apart of his Creed, his religion, his DNA, to provide for and protect the three of you and he always delivered. His world rested heavily on his shoulders and it was in times like these when he slipped into the man he used to be. The man you had met so many years ago, the one concerned only with the next move, the next solution, the answer.
You entered the cockpit to find the Frog Lady exclaiming in Frog, her webbed hands flying desperately around the space near her.
Din still held his adika in his arms as he sat in the pilot's chair, his helmet turning from one side of the control panel to the other as he thought.
You went to the frazzled amphibian woman and placed grounding hands on her shoulders. "Shh, shh." You said, motioning for her to take some deep breaths along with you.
"She needs her eggs, cyri'ka." Din called over the blare of the ship's alarm system.
You lifted your hands from the woman's shoulders and looked towards Din. "Where are they?"
"They were down by our quarters. I'm gonna get started on the repairs." He stood from his chair and walked past the inconsolable woman to you. He handed the baby back to you and cupped your face in his hands, tilting his helmet down to meet your forehead with his own. "I'm glad you're safe." He whispered.
You reached up with your free hand and grabbed one of his outstretched arms. "I'm glad you're safe too."
The Mandalorian let his hands fall from your face and then began to scour the wrecked ship for his tool bag.
You turned your attention to the baby who was now sucking his thumb and had settled in your arms. "Let's find some eggs, pal."
"Crescent wrench." Din said, extending his gloved hand out towards you.
You moved your attention from scrutinizing the entrance to what looked like an ice cave behind the wrecked Razor Crest, back to the tool bag beside you. You grabbed the wrench and handed it to Din. A wicked chill rushed though the flimsy blanket wrapped around your shoulders and you shivered.
Din asked, "Cold?" A subtle hint of worry dance across his voice.
You smiled and nodded sheepishly. "Yeah."
"I'll get you warm soon enough." He said, his tone matter-of-fact.
You looked to him, a playful grin on your face. "Oh, you will?"
Din nodded, his attention still on the damaged ship in front of him.
Making a print in the snow as you moved, you scooted closer to the Mandalorian, moving your hand to rest on the frigid metal of the beskar armor on his thigh. You leaned up towards his ear and whispered, "Show me."
Din stopped his working and touched his chilled helmet to the warmth of your cheek, pulling a surprised hiss from you. "How do you ask?" He whispered, his tone thick and gravelly.
The Mandalorian chuckled and said, "You should get in. Keep yourself warm."
Your eyebrows went up high on your face and you smirked, "Uh huh, sure. You just want me to get naked, don't you?"
The warmth of the hot spring bubbling in the icy ground behind you made the air circling around you and Din thick and moist with humidity. You could see the speckles of condensation upon your riddur's beskar.
Din shrugged his shoulders. "Well..." He began, holding his arms out in surrender. "Yeah. That's kind of the whole reason we're in here in the first place." He nodded to the blue ice of the cave around the two of you.
You smirked and crossed the space between the two of you, slowly moving your palms up from the armor on his chest to rest over his shoulder. Your body pressed against his and the feeling of his form against yours made you sigh in contentment.
Din's hands instinctively went your waist, his gloved fingers gentle on your goosebump-ridden skin.
"How do you want me first?" You whispered, your eyes searching for where his would be behind the beskar.
Din's fingers tightened on your waist and you could feel his chest grow against yours as he took in breath. He shook his head and you were so close you could hear the parting of his lips.  
You smiled softly at him, his embarrassment making your blood thump loudly in your ears. You bit your lip and began to unzip your coat, stepping out of your boots as you did.
Din's gloved hands took the coat from off of your shoulders, dragging his fingers down your skin softly.
Chills instantly over took you, making the hairs on your arms and face stand up. "I want to feel your hands on me." You whispered before pulling your shirt up and off of your body, throwing it onto the growing pile of clothes at Din's feet.
Din hurriedly pulled off his gloves and steadied you as you stepped out of your pants and socks, leaving you almost completely exposed in the frigid cave. The Mandalorian could see how painfully hard your nipples were against your bra, could see the subtle shivering of your frame, and he felt a twinge of jealousy. Moving slowly, he reached behind your body and unhooked your bra clasp, dragging each side of the garment down your arms delicately.
The fabric landed on the snow below you and Din took in a deep breath as looked over your exposed breasts. His hands reached out for your ribcage and he spread his fingers across your skin, one of his thumbs softly teasing your nipple. The other hand he moved to the rim of his frost-covered helmet and started to push the beskar off of his head.
You cooed at his excitement and said, "Hold on, sweetheart." You turned around so that your ass faced him and, swaying your hips back and forth slowly, you worked your underwear down your thighs, letting them fall to the snow.
Din groaned and reached a hand to caress your ass, running up it and squeezing tenderly, the flesh molding to his grip. "You're so beautiful."
You hummed at his praise and leaned back against him, his hardened cock pressing against the dip in your ass. You moved your body up and down his shaft slowly, teasing him through the rough fabric of his pants.
Din groaned loudly and allowed his bare hands to run across your naked body. He held one of your breasts in his hand as you moved, his grip tightening the harder you ground your hips against his. His other hand moved to your abdomen, his fingers cautiously moving towards your pussy.
You moaned in building desire, and whispered, "I want you in my mouth."
The Mandalorian echoed you, groaning low in his throat and he responded, "Take me then."
A wave of moisture ran through you. You pushed yourself out of his grip and turned around to begin to undo his waistband. You wriggled his pants as far down as you could and ran your hand over the bulge in his boxer briefs carefully, earning a soft groan from the bounty hunter.
"Kneel for me, baby." Din said, his tone darker than usual.
You did as you were asked, keeping eye contact with him as you did. The snow was cold on your legs and you began to shiver. You dug your fingertips in between the waistband of his briefs and started to pull them downwards, but Din interrupted.
"Shit, sorry." He said, pulling you up by your arms.
"What?" You asked, your eyebrows pursed in worry.
"It's cold, I'm sorry, I forgot." He said.
You smiled and ran a hand up his armored chest. "Let's get in the spring then." You turned from him and started towards the steaming pool of turquoise water. You could hear him crunching in the snow after you, so you winked at him from over your shoulder before dipping your toes into the warm water.
The spring felt almost frigid at first, your skin having become so cold it had forgotten what heat felt like. Your skin began to tingle as it adjusted to the warmth and you dropped more and more of yourself into the water. You closed your eyes and dipped under the water, drenching your hair and face in the warm water. You stood again to your full height and walked to the edge of the spring.
Din stood at the edge of the spring, his hands clutching his waistband. "Warm?" He asked.
You ran your dripping hands up his legs and the beskar that covered them, leaving behind a trail of your affection. You took the pants from his grasp and pulled them back down, his dick now pushing painfully against the dark fabric of his underwear. You pressed teasing kisses to his exposed thighs, sending a shudder through the Mandalorian. Your palms moved upwards to the waistband of his underwear and shifted the stretchy fabric downwards. "I'm about to be." You answered, pushing the underwear as far down as they would go.
Din gasped softly when you flitted your eyes up to meet his, gazing at him innocently through your eyelashes.
The sight of him, so hard and weeping for you, made your hips grind against nothing. You moaned and ran your tongue over your lips before taking his cock in one fist and licking a thick stripe over the length of him.
The bounty hunter let out breath through gritted teeth and you could almost see the rigidity in his shoulders soften.
Keeping your eyes fixed on where his would be behind the beskar, you circled the tip of his dick with your tongue and took a little bit of him in your mouth. One of your hands rested at the base of him and pumped his hot skin in time with your lips.
Din's bare hand jerked out to your head, his fingertips pressing tightly into your scalp.
You worked more and more of him into your mouth, not stopping until he pressed into the back of your throat, forcing you to choke around him.
"Maker, fuck..." Din breathed. He rumbled low in his chest and his helmet leaned backwards in pleasure. He had needed this. He had needed it for weeks now, but with the Child and now the Frog Lady there was no safe space or time for you to give him what he needed.
You started slowly, moving your lips up and down him, your tongue swirling around the thick member as you worked. You looked up at him as you began to pick up the pace, spit coagulating thickly around him and dripping to the snow below.
"Holy...shit, cyri'ka." Din stuttered.
His pleasure sent a wave of desire through you, your hips jerking in the warmth of the pool. You pumped him mercilessly now, his hips moving unconsciously to fuck your mouth.
You could feel your cunt throb for him and the pressure swelling in your abdomen forced your lips faster and faster down his member.
Din moaned and sucked in air, "I'm gonna...fuck, where do you want it?"
You hurriedly pulled your mouth from him and left your jaw hanging open, eyes looking to his.
The Mandalorian fucked his hand savagely, the slapping skin making your pussy clench in response. Din growled and gnashed his teeth, warm ropes of cum splaying partially across your face and partially in your mouth.
You swallowed the liquid and opened your mouth again.
Din whined, milky liquid dribbling down from his dick to his fingers. He stopped his berade on his cock, the member still twitching with aftershocks. He let out a deep contented sigh and said, "You look so good with my cum all over you." He held his fingers out to your mouth and you happily sucked them just as you had his cock. You ran your tongue around the digits, collecting the last of his cum and your lips pulled off of them with a satisfying pop. "It's your turn now." He said darkly.
You wiped the rest of his cum from your face and licked it off your fingers before reaching out for his helmet. As your fingers clasped around the rim, the sound of two little feet and two larger feet in the snow stopped you.
Din hurriedly pulled his briefs and pants back up, buckling and zipping with shaking hands. He turned around to face his babbling son and the Frog Lady.
"Din!" You whispered tersely, motioning to the fact that you were about to be completely naked in front of your child and a complete stranger.
The Mandalorian cursed under his breath and wrangled your clothes from the snow. He placed them at the foot of the springs and held his cape out, shielding you from peering eyes.
The baby cooed happily at his father, tottering towards him with his arms raised.
"Get out, mesh'la." Din whispered in a hushed tone.
"I'm trying." You replied, pushing yourself up out of the water and using the side of the pool as leverage.
Din held his cape out to shield your naked, steaming body, his helmet looking from you to his whining son and back again.
Water dripped from your skin and onto the snow below as you worked to wiggle your clothes back on. You could feel a chill on your bare feet and in the dampness of your hair, it's fingers tickling down your neck and under your shirt.
As soon as you were fully dressed, the bounty hunter turned to his son and picked up the upset child, nestling him in his arms. "We should uh, get back to the ship." Din said, his helmet tilting towards you. "It is your turn after all."
You nodded, eyes shifting to the half boner in his pants.
Din smirked and said, "Go, cyr'ika."
Your chest filled with warmth and you beamed at his pet name for you, walking quickly through the crunching snow.
As your clan passed by, the Frog Lady began to remove her clothing, her eggs resting in their incubation chamber in the snow beside her.
You and Din averted your eyes, walking quickly back towards the cave exit.
"The fuck is she doing?" You asked as soon as you were out of earshot.
"How am I supposed to know? She speaks Frog." Din teased.
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DIN DJARIN TAGLIST: @anetteaneta @hoodedbirdie @foxrap @insideafictionaluniverse @kirstendm66 @din-damn-djarin @artsymaddie @yougottakeeponkeepinon @oloreaa
 GENERAL TAGLIST: @softly-sad
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