#no notes i agree
aclosetfan · 6 months
Hey hope you don't mind me rambling in your inbox but I have a lot of thoughts and I want to dissect how people actually create their Rowdyruff redemptions. I am so sorry how long this is in advance.
Ok so like, I'm working on a a fic currently and one of the aspects of it involves a Rowdyruff redemption (well, sort of... it's complicated lol) and color code shipping when they're older, and I've been reading a lot of fic to see how people actually do this. I've noticed a lot of things that really bug me about it how this is handled by fic writers.:
1) The Puffs are used as props, development, and eventual love interests for the Ruffs. They don't usually get much development, nor do their perspectives change much outside of "hey those ruffs are good now! Time to make out with them!". It's boring and it feels like the Puffs don't actually gain any perspectives from the Ruffs. As superheros and especially as characters who are getting with characters who often characterized as people who were directly abused by the system they uphold, wouldn't the Puffs gain some perspective from them? Give me puffs who learn about the ruffs experiences and become more disillusioned by the police force and start advocating for fighting against crime by supporting those who need it and filling in inequalities as opposed to arresting every thief out there. The Puffs and Ruffs have black and white perspectives in regards to good and evil. A great way to develop them is to mess around with their perspectives and make them question things.
2) The Ruffs don't seem to change much either, I think the main issue is that they're toned down from the beginning without any good explanation. Yeah sure "maturity" can be one, but if you're gonna change their personalities for your redemption fic, there needs to be a good reason as to why these personalities changed. Redemption fics aren't fun if they just start out as "mildly annoying boys" without reason as to why they're toned down. Either make them total shitheads and legitimately develop them or give a very good reason as to why they're not as intense. It's not interesting if they stay mildly annoying throughout the fic with little development but get with the Puffs anyway.
3) Mojo and HIM as parental figures are often very absent and are just usually explained away as "lol they were abusive". While I don't really mind this angle of Mojo and HIM ending up as shitty parents, it's never really developed. I want to know HOW they're shitty parents, why they were bad for the Ruffs. A lot of fan backstories in this fics involves the ruffs being used as tools by Mojo and HIM without caring about their needs as little kids, how about we show how that was done throughout their lives? You don't have to get like, graphic and explicit about what abuse and neglect they experience, but it needs to be developed and seriously impactful if you're gonna add it. I want to see how those impacts still mess with them, especially with interactions with their parents. Trauma like that doesn't just go away. If that can't be done, just keep their parents, have the ruffs be intentionally rebellious against their wishes. They are self driven after all and will often do shit that pisses people off and is enjoyable to them.
Especially if you're doing like... shipping, I want more elaboration on Mojo and HIM's perspectives. I want them to seeth and lose their minds over the prospect, I want Mojo to become a laughing stock among villains for not only failing to beat the Puffs, but creating their eventual romantic partners. I want Mojo to confront the very exhausted professor who's also not happy about this idea and have Mojo fucking lose it while the professor is just... so exhausted.
4) We need more of the other villains and cast to show up. Where the fuck did they go? Why is it only HIM and random monsters that can be used as villains (not even Mojo is, he's just thrown to the side which is such a massive shame). Lemme see Princess be something besides a mean girl, lemme see Sedusa or Fuzzy or the Amoeba boys. Let's see some one-offs from the OG series show up! I'm always a Boogie Man advocate, would be delighted to see him in a fic for once (although he's somewhat niche so I could see how it would be difficult to involve him). Hell if you can make them interesting, I'd be down to see reboot villains too. Just, anything to mix things up and add more action.
5) Not enough is done with the Professor, he's usually just a supporting character to the Puffs who shows shockingly minimal apprehension of the Ruffs, let alone their relationships with each other. I need a professor who's braver and plays a more active role in these fics. I need him to be a strong father figure who loves his kids so much and shows himself to be deeply intelligence. I need a professor who can be kind to the ruffs if need be and deserved (while he's protective and distrusting of the ruffs, I don't think he'd be spiteful to them especially if they're still children), but won't stand for any bullshit that they do and is willing to fight to keep his kids safe. Is is such a loving and substantial figure in the OG show and so few people actually bother to dive into the depths that the Professor would go for his kids.
6) interpretations of the ships are so fucking cishet it's so boring. Even if you want them to be m/f and cis, you can still make their dynamics and perceptions queer. You do not have to fall into tired cishet characterizations or dynamics (with the reds by far getting the worst of this). I think this can be hard depending on time setting and the ages of the characters, especially the Ruffs and how deep their toxic masculinity is embedded into them. Granted that I headcanon that their birthdays are their debuts and they'd be 29/30, I think that the time period would make it more difficult to explore queer aspects about them depending on how old they're portrayed, but I think that could make things even more interesting tbh especially if they don't have the language for what's going on with them. Example of a trope that's common in fics but can be twisted to be queer: High school fic #2728732. It's 2010, Buttercup is turning 17 soon and she doesn't feel like the other girls and hasn't for years. Buttercup doesn't have the language to describe her experiences as genderqueer since it's 2010, she sticks to the tomboy and girl label even though neither feel quite right.
My older takes on these ships tend to usually fall into Brick/Blossom who are both bi and gender apathetic but tend to have a male and female preference respectively, and navigating their unique perspectives of their attraction and dynamics to one another in that regard. Very very very very pan blues who are gay about everybody and proud of it, and (of course) genderqueer and genderfuck greens. We need more trans (particularly enby) greens rep out there and I'll do it myself if nobody else does. People write the ships (especially the color codes) so cishet I appreciate takes that drive them outside of that circle of "cishet boys and girls with hetronormative dynamics like each other now kiss mwah".
7) Inverse to the "the Puffs are just stepping stones to redemption and objects for the Ruffs", I'm really tired of fics that just end up neutering the ruffs once they're redeemed and have them be the second in command lapdogs to the Puffs (once again... a particularly big problem with the reds). I want more fics where the ruffs are their equals, where all of their voices are taken into account.
8) I want more of these stories to happen when they're not in high school. I want elementary and middle school redemption stories. I want full grown adults redemption stories. I'm so tired of the high school setting and I know it's mainly used for shipping, but not making them too old that they're boring and gross or w/e. Give me these characters past the age of 21 or under the age of 16 I beg. Hell please we need more stories of them at their canon age, the idea of The Professor and Mojo hosting a play date for them and all of them just having fun playing with toys and making up their own games is so cute.
9) This ties into my point of the ruffs history with law enforcement. It's very, very difficult for me to believe that they'd completely jump to the good side and just be the Puffs but slightly shifted over personality wise. They'd be distrusting of the superhero system. Maybe they'd be willing to kick monster ass, but they're not going to be knocking down thieves and working side by side with cops. If anything, I think it would make sense for redeemed ruffs to work to fight against current police system standards and help those who are most affected by it the most. The ruffs aren't and shouldn't just turn into the Puffs but a bit spicier. It's boring and it doesn't make sense.
10) I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of all the weird sexualization in high school fics, especially when you can tell they were written by somebody who's not in high school and hasn't been in years. I swear people who write these hypersexualized Riverdale style high school AUs haven't actually looked at a 16 year old in years. They wouldn't look like full grown adults and most likely wouldn't be diving deep into sex and drugs. There's also a lot of sexual assault, especially casually? I read a fic recently where Butch groped Buttercup's chest without consent just randomly and it was played off for laughs. Closed it instantly and physically facepalmed. I somewhat get when teens write stuff like this, but adults? It's ridiculous.
11) I feel like people make the Puffs and Ruffs parallel each other a bit too much? It takes away from existing tension and ways they can clash. Make Bubbles care way too much and Boomer struggle with the ability to take things seriously. Make Brick smart but not academically so, his intelligence lies in other places and he specifically spites the rigid authority of academia, while Blossom loves and embraces it. Show Buttercup being able to be more calculated and intelligent about her fighting while Butch is a berserker. Give them parallels and differences, and differences within their parallels!
Again I'm so sorry about how long this is, I've been full autism mode about PPG again and my old fic idea I never got around to writing. Reading up on people's takes on RRB redemptions for my own research and I notice that there's a lot of things that just bug me about how they're played out, and it inspired me to do a full dissection of how RRB redemption plot lines tend to be done.
This is another ask that I've tried to answer a thousand times, but really honestly, every time I read it, I'm just like:
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Like come sit right next to me because we're in this together. I've been riding this train for a while now and if I've learned anything, ya gotta be the change you wanna see. There's no other way!
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beatcroc · 1 month
i watched one episode of death note and this show is soooo funny for opening on skull demon guys and youre like oh shit its the evil freaks and then theyre just like chilling playing cards. and then you meet your mild mannered middle schooler boy protag and hes like i want to kill everyone forever
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aesthetic-uni · 1 year
Miles “Who’s Morales” vs Gwen “Gwwwwanda” vs Pavtir “You seem like a nice young woman I do not know” FIGHT
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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esora247 · 6 months
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silly and very messy doodle of these guys having a sleepover while I try to battle through chronic artblock :3 (they're gossiping about their crushes)
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beatora-truther · 2 months
batman does not have the right to kill ppl the same way cops should not have the right to kill ppl. the same way federal and state governments should not have the right to kill ppl. believe it or not murder is bad! also yes this DOES include the joker!
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ministarfruit · 3 months
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day 28: made you smile ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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yournewlodger · 2 years
Okay, so here are our options:
1. David Tennant is the Fourteenth Doctor because the Jodie Whittaker's Doctor regenerated into him.
2. Ncuti Gatwa is the Fourteenth Doctor because Ten3 does not count.
3. Sacha Dhawan is the Fourteenth Doctor because Jodie Whittaker's doctor regenerated into him.
4. Jodie Whittaker is the Fourteenth Doctor due to the existence of the War Doctor.
5. Peter Capaldi is the Fourteenth Doctor due to the existence of the War Doctor and the time David Tennant regenerated into himself.
6. Matt Smith is the Fourteenth Doctor due to the existence of the War Doctor, and the time David Tennant regenerated into himself, and Jo Martin’s Doctor.
7. David Tennant is the Fourteenth Doctor due to the existence of the War Doctor, and the fact that he regenerated into himself, and Jo Martin's Doctor, and the existence of TenToo.
8. TenToo is the Fourteenth Doctor for the above reasons.
9. Donna Noble is the Fourteenth Doctor for the above above reasons.
10. Both David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa's Doctors' true numbers are unknowable due to the existence of The Timeless Child.
11. Both David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa's Doctors' true numbers are unknowable due to the existence of The Timeless Child, and the uncountable amount of times The Twelfth Doctor died and was reborn in Heaven Sent.
12. Both David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa's Doctors' true numbers are unknowable due to the existence of The Timeless Child, and the uncountable amount of times The Twelfth Doctor died and was reborn in Heaven Sent, and all Doctors seen in noncanon materials are actually canon (Peter Cushing films, Scream of the Shalka, Curse of the Fatal Death, etc...)
13. Both David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa's Doctors' true numbers are unknowable for all of the above reasons and also because pseudo-Doctors such as The Valeyard and The Dream Lord are also The Doctor.
14. The above is true, but The Doctor is simply a title, and anyone who claims to be The Doctor is also The Doctor. Jackson Lake is The Doctor. Clara is The Doctor. Missy is The Doctor. Graham is The Doctor. Every actor who has played The Doctor are also The Doctor.
15. The above is true, but due to The Egg Theory everyone else is also The Doctor. We are all The Doctor.
16. None of the above is true because no Doctor after the Revival is canon.
17. None of the above is true because no Doctor after the First Doctor is canon.
18. None of the above is true because there is no Fourteenth Doctor. The number was skipped for some reason.
19. The numbering system is flawed and useless to current canon, and we should switch to identifying Doctors by their actors, as we do with The Master. (Example: Hartnell!Doctor)
20. The above is not true because we would still need to find a way to differentiate the 3 - 4 Doctors played by David Tennant.
21. All of the above is technically true, and Russell T Davies should put it up to a poll and see who wins, and we must all commit to the democratic vote.
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coulrobotomy · 4 months
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why did they animate him like that. this pathetic whimpering wet cat of a man.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
alright, so, one more thing i've been thinking about during all of this, and apologies, because i normally try to keep my blog fairly discourse-free in the grand scheme of things. but.
there are hermitcraft fans who act irritatingly morally superior about this fandom. i think it's out of some impulse to try to distance yourselves from any other mcyt fandom. it needs to stop.
the worst behavior during the polls was from the hermitcraft fans.
there were so many instances of hermitcraft fans accusing the other side of cheating, of hermitcraft fans making attacks on the character of their guy's opponents, i have heard what i HOPE are isolated reports of racism in the grian/quackity fight (it was genuinely impossible to keep up with the blog's notes that round without both going into a death spiral thanks to the horrible behavior of scar fans during techno/scar and also without losing track instantly of where we were due to the frankly insurmountable volume of notes, so i did not see it, but unfortunately i fully believe it). i have seen people receiving awful asks - saw people being accused of 'betraying' the hermitcraft side due to voting for quackity or techno, for example.
and for a fandom that likes to act like it's better than the other guys, well. the dsmp fans were generally very well behaved in comparison. (shoutout, for example, to quackblr - i saw maybe one or two possible instances of bad behavior, but for as intense as you all were, you all were normally mostly just retaliatory towards whatever energy was thrown at you.) it wasn't supposed "outsiders coming in" that was doing this bad behavior, either.
folks, you can't blame the dsmp when the problem is inside the house. you can't blame twitter users when you're doing it here. you can't blame the reddit when you're the ones throwing the first death threats.
get off your high horses. we're all mcyt fans. we're all having the same fun. get off your high horses. you can hardly claim we're entirely all "unproblematic" when keralis accepted a sponsorship from the wizard game and xisuma periodically gets another round of getting shouted down over something he said on xisumasays. get off your high horses. you can't claim we're the accepting, good behavior fandom, unlike those other guys, when you're the ones causing the problems.
now, as always, i'm sure this is a law of large numbers thing to some extent. as technoblade, wise as he is, said: sometimes when you get a large enough group, you're going to have a few serial killers. but for the amount that hermitblr likes to act better than Those Other Minecraft Fandoms, and those Other Fandom Websites, it wasn't those guys that made me cry.
to be clear, the majority of you have been well-behaved. but there's a persistent tendency in this fandom to act strangely morally superior to other fandoms. and, y'all? you aren't.
you just aren't.
and the sooner you acknowledge that, the less likely this is to happen again, because once you admit that yeah, we can be toxic too? that's when you can start actually looking at yourself and trying not to be.
anyway, sorry again to make this post. i don't want to be a downer, hence why, outside of the official mod statements of "chill the fuck out", i didn't make this until now. (it also helps that i wanted to wait until i was no longer furious, upset, and death spiraling.) i have seen a lot of the best of this fandom over the past two weeks! i've just also, unfortunately, seen some of the worst, and feel the need to make this statement because it's just... been eating at me.
i don't want this to continue to be a trend. i think we can do better. do so.
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ddarker-dreams · 5 months
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i'll never not find it hilarious that kurapika could only endure like five minutes of chrollo speaking before doing this to shut him up JFGKSJFSL
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
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20.12.23, wednesday
My main hobby is just procrastinating in any way I can. The plan was to make a cup of coffee and then start working. What actually happened is that I watched a 3 part video series (by james hoffmann ofc) on Aeropress coffee and made a few cups with different variables. Still not sure if I found The Recipe for me, but it’s getting better (tho I don’t love the coffee beans I have)
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coddda · 14 days
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detective losers (derogatory)
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
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Don’t think I ever quite said what my LGBTQ+ headcanons are for the boys, so these are my current thoughts! Always changing of course but this is what I feel most strongly right now.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#donnie and leo’s sexualities being practically swapped was unintentional but it works way too well#same with mikey and raph tbh it was a happy accident#anyway I kinda hc raph as the type who doesn’t care about physical appearance just if you fight lol#Mikey’s more than happy with friends and family#Donnie is a BIG romantic but he needs time to sus a person out fully before he gets the hots for them#leo meanwhile isn’t keen on romance unless it’s with someone he grows to really really REALLY trust#I could go on and probably will later (knowing me) but it is late and I am tired haha#turtle art tag#curious as to what everyone else headcanons#the only one of these I’ll defend forever is Bi (female-leaning) donnie and trans leo#all the others can change over time but I really like where they’re sitting right now#I hope these are the right flags too because it was kinda hard to find them#went looking for transmasc flag in particular but I couldn’t find a solid agreed upon version 😭#ngl a big part of why I hc mikey as aro is because of a pun#my phone often misspells aromantic as aromatic and- and you get it- because aromatic herbs and- and Mikey is a chef do YOU GET IT#note that while I hc leo as bisexual (male-leaning) I still think he’s prob closer to demi in that as well just not as far into the spectrum#if that makes sense#headcanons are fun and hard to narrow down at the same time alas#I made this in like an hour can you tell djjdjd#I drew them all from memory so if there’s anything wrong…shhh#and if you’re wondering for April and Splinter#Both are Bisexual (female-leaning) but April is also Panromantic#I almost wanna make Splinter demiromantic too so Big Mama’s betrayal hits just a bit harder
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bibbumblebee · 10 months
I know we’ll probably never get any information on Phoenix’s parents, but I refuse to believe his mom is named anything other than Miranda.
Miranda Wright.
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valorcon · 1 year
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a gif set regarding my thoughts of the various lestat variations. 
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