#not like. full on atla or anything not even really bending
etapereine · 4 months
in the midst of trying to write something else i just got slammed into by the idea of a bending au
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serxinns · 3 months
okay so like, what if there was a reader who was like really happy-go-lucky and kind and what-not but when it comes to battle or sparing they are a BEAST!!! i mean DISRESPECTFUL, folding people like HOT OMELETS IN A PAN! i also like to think what if this reader has a quirk thats like toph from atla and they know like reaaaally rare earth bending techniques like bone-bending and lava bending. how do you think yandere class 1a would react?
btw you dont have to write anything 4 this(though it would be a bit cool if u did, no pressure ofc!!!) i just wanted to share the thoughts in my noggin
(NOTTHEHOTOMELETOMG 😭 y'all are insane)
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•You had a very powerful quirk which was earth bending you had telekinesis and were able to control earth like dirt, and sand, and mentally your quirk was considered dangerous and very powerful but despised that you were the exact opposite you were a happy full of life always smiles and your classmates and some of the teachers love about you
•Your classmates would do anything to protect that beautiful smile of yours they would even fight to the death if that was the final result to make you happy, even in the darkest times you still were always positive and made everyone's day whenever someone was down you made them happy with your silly jokes and encouragement
•you got along very well with the happy, and chaotic ones (Ochako, Kiri, Izuku, Sato, etc) izuku Was writing down everything about your amazing power he wishes to be a hero with you and to always protect you from wicked villains so he can be called your hero or how Kirishima would be your number one "Fan" whenever he always feel insecure your encouragement and compliments motivate him on making him blush making him mumble about how manly you are
•And You got along with the quiet ones as well (Shoto, Jirou, Kota, and Shoji, etc.) Jirou and you would join in and sing happy tunes and talk about your favorite genre and Shoto wanting to have his private therapy section with you because he's memorized your positive aura and words Kota loves when you hang out with his animals he almost cried tears of joy when he saw his pet rabbit resting on your lap he is just in AWE he took a lot of photos that day
•Now nobody saw you angry heck is it even possible to make you angry one time a person rudely shoved you all you did was shrugged it off and hummed your tune, If you were so close to winning a game and you lost at the last second you still would just be like "Oh well!" and just play it again, everyone was curious to see that unknown side was but didn't matter to them sicje they like seeing your smile
That's what they all thought
•One day you were fighting some villain for stealing some money when all of a sudden the villain punched you in the face you were ok and quickly recovered from it but you were PISSED because they broke your favorite hero helmet, you quickly zoomed over trying to hunt that villain down and beat the absolute SHIT out of them while saying saying words that they didn't expect for you to say such vulgar words
•Bakugo wasn't even shocked this dude was cheering for you while the rest of the squad jaws were wide open
•iida was even speechless he didn't even try to stop you just...observed you he was more worried for you then the poor dude gets beat
•Kirishima was just a mess he thinks your a absolute badass, He honestly loved this side of you
•Ochako was just eyes was just sparkling she wanted to hug you right you right then and there and asked to marry you
•While Izuku was shocked he was secretly fanboying dude was writing down this whole new side while giggling to himself he was gonna ask you a lot of questions after this
Aizawa was just shocked while the mic was paranoia mic was begging Shouta to use his bandages on you to restrain you but aizawa was just smirking telling him "Wait wait just a little more" but he had to restrain you cause he didn't want you to kill the poor dude
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thecaroliner · 3 months
NATLA: An Extremely Mediocre Mess
I spent the entire day watching Netflix's ATLA adaptation and oh boy was it...something.
I struggle sometimes with putting my full thoughts into words but here goes. No idea how long this will be.
Spoilers ahead, obviously.
I want to start out by getting a few things I thought were good or at least fine out of the way.
First off I wanna mention the acting (aside from Gran Gran) was fine. I think Gordon Cormier has a lot of potential and it really felt like sometimes he was being held back by the script and direction. Really hope this role opens up new doors for him in his acting career!
Not that I think ATLA needed more violence or anything, and initially I was against them adding more violence just to make it more "realistic", but I actually didn't mind it. It was way more gruesome than I thought it would be, both Sozin and Ozai literally set people on fire and burn them to a crisp. Kind of does help set in the actual horror of what they're doing. We even saw the same happen to Kya in a flashback. Again, this wasn't needed, but I didn't mind it.
The bending effects DID look a little better than in the trailers I thought. Firebending in particular I thought was decent, all the other elements were just okay, with waterbending I feel suffering the most from it. The rest of the CGI kind of sucked though which I'll get into later.
Having Gyatso be more of a presence I thought was nice, as I always felt like he could've been a little more to the front of Aang's mind in the original series than what he was. I honestly LOVE the idea of him hanging around in the Spirit World for Aang, as in the past I've thought of that idea and wished it had happened. Except....they just kind of throw this plotline away later for no reason. So that's great.
Lastly, it was neat to see Indian culture being represented in Omashu.
Now that that's out of the way....time to really dig in.
The series starts with the Air Nomad genocide, pretty brutal stuff but I don't have much to say about this aside from the moments with Gyatso being nice.
Aang can apparently just fly now, but he only really does it to show off in this first episode. Apparently it's because he's an Airbending prodigy, despite the fact that the ability to fly was established in LOK as being a very rare occurance that only comes after letting go of every earthly attachment. But sure, let's just have Aang fly now. Why even have his glider in the first place?
He gets frozen in pretty much the exact same way, which now leads us to the Southern Water Tribe, where Katara is practicing waterbending in secret in the abandoned Fire Nation ship. It's mentioned later that Sokka and Gran Gran forbid her from practicing bending in case the Fire Nation comes back and tries to kill her, which...sure, I guess.
They find Aang's iceberg, but since Sokka isn't sexist anymore, her anger at him isn't what opens the ice, it's her attempting to pull their canoe back to them and she accidentally splits the iceberg open.
Speaking of Sokka's sexism, remember when people were trying to say "Oh the show isn't getting rid of that arc, it's just updating it because a lot of moments in the original show were iffy!" Yeah, no, they got rid of that arc entirely. Which, honestly if they had just done that without making a big deal out of it in interviews wouldn't have been an issue. The issue is them trying to act as though the narrative of the show itself was sexist and not actively showing us that Sokka is in the wrong.
Anyways, Aang literally just falls out of the iceberg and it's lowkey funny cause he just slides out like he's going down a water slide.
They take him back to the village unconscious and once he wakes up, Gran Gran (who's acting was awful by the way. Not sure if it was the actress' fault or the direction, it really felt like the direction to me). She immediately recognizes Aang's tattoos and just tells him flatly that the Air Nomads are all dead. No compassion or anything. Oh, and she out of the blue begins narrating the original series' intro verbatim which was so out of place and funny. HEY REMEMBER THE OPENING FOR THE CARTOON?? THAT'S IN HERE TOO!!!!!
Weirdly enough....it almost felt like Sokka and Aang had more of a bond than Katara and Aang. Sokka was initially skeptical of Aang but then instantly wants to go save him and I swear they had more interactions than Aang did with Katara. The two of them don't even really feel like friends until the last two episodes or so.
Also, they go to the Southern Air Temple in the first episode where Katara doesn't calm Aang down from the Avatar State but rather a memory of Gyatso did. Okay....
Oh, this also had one more thing I liked, and it was Aang giving Gyatso a proper burial. I always assumed that happened at some point, whether during the series or sometime afterwards. Nice to see it here.
Okay, so my thoughts after this are just gonna skip around a bit because I was writing them down as I went. The first half the series really didn't have much egregiously wrong with it, it was mostly just mid.
It's mentioned briefly that...Aang's airbending went out of control sometimes? Like the reason he had to train with the monks was so that he would stop accidentally hurting his friends with airbending. Because why have the storyline of him accidentally hurt Katara with firebending when you could have this instead?
The like...purple and motion blur effects they used for the Spirit World scenes was such an eyestrain....
In the Spirit World, Kyoshi gives Aang a vision of the attack on the Northern Water Tribe. Before, Aang had no reason to even bother going here, because Katara is teaching herself waterbending (turns out Gran Gran had the waterbending scroll the whole time! But hid it from Katara til now). Aang also doesn't even attempt waterbending at all this season btw
The Gaang gets to Omashu, where they decide to combine The King of Omashu, Jet, The Northern Air Temple...and The Cave of Two Lovers. Despite this sounding clunky and weird, I think these storylines together actually did mesh well (except for the COTL, which OH BOY I WILL GET TO)
The idea here is that the Mechanist, whose name is now Sai (don't know if this was ever mentioned in any supplemental material or if it was just made up for this show) and Teo live here. Jet and the Freedom Fighters also live nearby, where they are trying to plant bombs around Omashu and make the Gaang think it's the Fire Nation.
One scene I wanna mention, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I SWEAR Sai said he needed to control the "attitude" of the hot air balloon...not "altitude."
Aang ends up getting captured by Bumi's generals, and he almost immediately figures out who Bumi is. Which...I cannot believe Aang named his son after THIS Bumi. He's kind of a huge asshole and is mad at Aang for abandoning them for the past century. Like you really had to make the character angry at him Bumi???
So, um. Let's talk about the COTL plot now.
Katara and Sokka go to try and find Aang and find out that there's a series of elaborate tunnels underneath Omashu, where they run into the singing nomads. This was literally only a plotline so that they had an excuse to sing Secret Tunnel this season. They explain to the siblings the story of Oma and Shu (which is just verbatim from the original series), ending with "Love is brightest in the dark."
Remember that. They preface the storyline of the tunnels by explicitly telling Katara and Sokka about the two lovers. Very romantic.
Katara and Sokka quickly realize that the cave crystals glow in the dark and begin to follow the path. Love is brightest in the dark, right? Along they way they begin bickering because Katara feels like Sokka still sees and treats her like a child.
Eventually they get pursued by a badger mole who begins to chase them. They apologize to one another and hold hands as they think they're about to be killed but...the badger mole stops attacking.
Why does it stop attacking, you ask?
Because now apparently badger moles can feel human emotions. They don't like feeling people fight and want to feel the love between them instead.
I was LOSING IT at this part. "Love is brightest in the dark" was apparently metaphorical.
And don't get me wrong, I love seeing platonic and familial love portrayed in media...but like, to do this storyline...don't preface it with a romantic tale of two lovers????? It gives off a very unintentionally creepy vibe for the siblings. And I'm sure I don't have to explain why badger moles being able to sense love is just dumb as shit.
Moving on....Bumi is nice again. Yay.
They go to the town where Hei Bai is attacking and Aang somehow accidentally pulls Katara and Sokka into the spirit world with him because the writers also wanted to have The Swamp here. Oh, and the Koh storyline. He doesn't steal faces for showing emotion anymore either, he just captures people and eats them later and steals their faces then. Cool.
Oh, and Wan Shi Tong is there and he looks emaciated.
Katara relives the night her mom dies, while Sokka sees a mysterious looking fox in the forest. Initially I assumed this was one of Wan Shi Tong's knowledge seekers but oh no. Oh no, it is much, MUCH worse. We'll come back to it.
Aang manages to find Gyatso in the Spirit World, which again is an idea that I LOVE. Gyatso explains that after he died, he never moved on to the next cycle of enlightenment, instead choosing to stay in case Aang needed him. They have a really touching moment, and Aang promises to come find him again after he finds Katara and Sokka.........which we'll come back to.
The events of The Blue Spirit happen, not much to talk about here. Aang connects with Roku (apparently he can only connect with past Avatars at their respective shrines, btw) and finds out Roku stole a totem of The Mother of Faces from Koh and that's why Koh hates the Avatar. Why steal that totem?? Hell if I know. Roku's also a funny man now I guess.
Aang saves Katara and Sokka from being Koh food and all is well. Yay.
They finally get to the North and this is where the show really went from being mid to pure cringe for me.
The "women only learn healing" plot is still here. Katara is rightfully angry about it, but Aang's like "oh well maybe you should listen to them". Yes, really.
Here Aang is so worried about losing anyone else, which, obviously understandable. But he doesn't want Katara and Sokka, especially Katara, to fight AT ALL. Which I mean. OG Aang never once tried discouraging her from learning to fight. Obviously he loves her and does have concern for her safety a number of times throughout the show and comics, but he also knows she can kick ass and stand her ground on her own and never tries to stop her.
Katara fights Pakku, and despite literally the day before saying she still has a lot to learn and a long way to go, she's just instantly declared a master waterbender now!
And oh boy my friends, buckle in because now we're gonna talk about Yue.
First off...her wig looks BAD. Like I'm pretty certain I saw her real hair sticking through a few times. Why not just dye the actress' hair....even Shyamalan's Yue hairstyle looked better than this, and we all know what that looked like.
So right off the bat Sokka asks Katara if Yue is at all familiar. Katara says no but Sokka keeps pressing and eventually follows Yue, where we learn she's a waterbender? Okay, not like her being a waterbender or not has any affect whatsoever on the story, but sure. We also learn that she had previously been engaged to Hahn but broke it off because he "wasn't the boy of her dreams". Not sure why they bothered to write him in the first place.
So...Yue and Sokka begin talking, and Sokka finally realizes why she's familiar to him.
I genuinely had to pause the episode to laugh when this reveal happened.
Yes, I'm being 100% serious. When Yue was healed by the moon spirit, she turned into Danny Phantom and can now just hop in and out of the Spirit World. As a fox for God knows what reason.
BTW, this has jack shit to do with anything overall. It adds nothing. It serves NO PURPOSE. Genuinely do not know what the hell they were trying to do with that.
Um, so yeah. Moving on.
Apparently in this version, Tui and La only become mortal fish once a year or something? On the night of the "ice moon". Your guess as to what on earth an ice moon is is as good as mine.
Zhao begins to lead an invasion on the north and Momo is killed in the crossfire.
Well, almost.
Again I just busted out laughing because Momo has served NO PURPOSE until now, he's just been there because he was in the og series. I'm sorry Momo, as much as I love you....why were you here.
To save a kid from being crushed by falling debris. He just pushes them out of the way and is crushed. The reason is just so that Yue can take him to the Oasis and use healing on him with the Spirit Water.
Katara and Zuko have their classic fight and Zuko says "Oh you've found a master haven't you?" To which Katara replies, "Yeah, me" because she's a master now after 2 days remember?
Koizilla happens...the tribe is saved...Yue makes her sacrifice. So now she can go be the moon instead of a fox I guess.
Also, I think Iroh killed Zhao, despite earlier in the series refusing to kill the Earth Kingdom soldier who captured him because "we've all seen enough death."
And then...Aang goes back to the Spirit World, to find that the little "house" Gyatso was in is empty now. Gyatso is just gone now, with no explanation, although he seemed to know when he met with Aang beforehand that he would be gone from the Spirit World next time Aang tried to find him. Great job, taking the only interesting storyline made up for this series and just throwing it out the window for no rhyme or reason!
Now lemme talk about Azula....
She's not even Azula anymore. She's really insecure and worried about pleasing her father. Because whenever I thought of Azula, I always thought "insecure!" Like I get what they were going for, Zhao says this honestly kinda raw line about Zuko merely being the fire to sharpen the iron that was Azula, but like....why did she have to be this insecure person now? Also why is she even an archer now? It again has nothing to do with anything
Mai and Ty Lee are there for also no reason at all other than to be like "HEY REMEMBER THESE TWO CHARACTERS FROM THE ORIGINAL SHOW?!" They just stand there and watch Azula train sometimes.
The show ends with a Fire Sage showing Ozai through their planetarium (which they have now I guess) that Sozin's Comet is returning "soon." Who knows when! Just soon!
Also, Kataang shippers do not get your hopes up. Not that I expected much Kataang here at all, but I swear they barely even feel like friends until the end. It almost seems like Katara is more interested in him than he is in her.
My expectations of this series were low from the beginning. When it was first announced this project was in development, I said it was unnecessary and couldn't improve upon the OG in any way...and I was right. Even as its own thing entirely divorced from the cartoon, it's just kind of bland and downright confusing at times.
Anyways, my fingers hurt now so I'm going to wrap this up. Apparently I've been typing for like 1.5 hr now lol
Watch the original series instead :)
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solar-wing · 5 months
Rant #1 – ATLA: S2:10 The Library...WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST TELL THE TRUTH!
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I'm currently re-watching the series and am on season 2 as you can probably guess by this post's title.
And, while watching Sokka and the Gang lie to Wan Shi Tong, one thought went through my head...WHY THE FUCK DID THEY LIE?!
I get their nervousness and reluctance in sharing the full truth with the Owl Spirit due to his blunt and seemingly unchanging opinion of humans and their use of knowledge for violence and conquest. But, that's just it. Why didn't they explain that to him in a way he could understand!
If Wan Shi Tong is a spirit of knowledge and prefers things getting solved with peace rather than violence, they had a perfect reason to explain to him why they needed to look through the library!
Let's start with Professor Zei, he was a lover of knowledge and books. All he wanted was to learn and expand his own knowledge of different subjects and cultures. If anyone had a perfectly legitimate reason to be there and not invoke the spirit's wrath, it was him!
But, since he's only a side character in this, his background and story don't hold much weight compared to the Gang.
Like Sokka and Katara, for example, who've suffered their entire lives at the hands of the Fire Nation since they were born due to their war and quest for conquest over the entire world. Wan Shi Tong is about peace and sees humans as obstructers of that peace and thinks low of them because of this.
And let's be honest; he ain't wrong. Humans are very prone to solving matters with violence. In fiction AND reality. But, the Southern Water Tribe siblings know of violence and tragedy at the hands of humans, because they've been subjected to it their entire lives.
If Wan Shi Tong is about peace and being a spirit of knowledge, using said knowledge to solve one's problems, wouldn't it be obvious that would be a perfect reason to explain to him why they're seeking information from his library? They're striving to protect the peace and balance of the world, and that means that have to find a way to stop the Fire Nation. Yes, it is through a means of violence, but sometimes, that's what it takes to protect peace.
They're fighting to protect themselves, their families, and all the innocent people who have suffered for so long from this war. That's easily good reason #1 they could have given to the owl spirit as a reason to let them browse his library. But let's say that didn't work and he was still apprehensive, they've literally got an even more perfect angle to come at him with: KNOWLEDGE!
If Wan Shi Tong is a spirit of knowledge and dedicates himself to collecting information, books, and tomes from all different parts of the world, wouldn't that automatically mean he wants to do his best to protect knowledge as much as he can.
This war from the Firebenders has wiped out homes, villages, and an entire nation of people along with their culture, leaving one lone survivor. Aang literally has the best reason to ask Wan Shi Tong to use his library.
Imagine, as a spirit of knowledge, learning that an entire civilization and its culture had been destroyed and burned to the ground. Taking with them all their customs, rituals, knowledge and wisdom, their teachings and practices, so much information that could have been added to your library's collection.
Again, going back to Katara and Sokka, whose tribe was harassed and stripped of all their water benders, minus Katara, as a means of preventing any kind of pushback or revolution. Katara had to travel halfway across the world just to find an authentic water-bending scroll before finding a master to teach her.
Aang lost his entire nation and people in this war. His entire culture was stripped from the world to the point that no one really remembered or knew anything about Air Benders or the Nomads until he returned to the world.
That alone is a perfect reason to give Wan Shi Tong why they need information on the Fire Nation. They're working to prevent the same thing that happened to Aang's people and Sokka and Katara's Tribe along with others from happening again somewhere else.
As a spirit of knowledge, I imagine the destruction and loss of other pieces of knowledge and information would strongly upset him and push him to want to allow those seeking to defend it access to his library, despite his reservations about violence.
And, this is where I feel like I'm going to be a bit controversial, but I really need the gang to stop letting Sokka lead them into trouble.
Listen, I love Sokka, I really do. But, that boy suffers from a problem I feel many humans also suffer from and have yet to find a cure for; he talks way too much. Wan Shi Tong was already on the fence about them being there and had just threatened the professor with turning him into a stuffed head of anthropology. And, just when he asks you why you're in his library, you decide to LIE?!
Sokka does so much for the group and is a vital asset to them, but he's also a major contributor to why they constantly end up in trouble. And, if anything, that was a perfect moment to go on one of your Fire Nation truth rants. Any other time, Sokka doesn't waste a second in trashing the Fire Nation and exposing them for the brutes they are, and the one time it would really be helpful, he decides to LIE instead!
The moment Wan Shi Tong mentioned Admiral Zhao and his misguided quest to destroy his enemies, that would have been a perfect time to enlighten the spirit that Zhao simply wasn't looking to just defeat an army or a nation. He was going after one of Wan Shi Tong's own: another spirit!
As a spirit of knowledge, Wan Shi Tong definitely would know the implications that would come if the Moon Spirit, Tui, now Yue, died. As mentioned by Iroh many times, the world would literally fall out of balance.
And, again, if Wan Shi Tong is against violence, Admiral Zhao was a Fire Nation soldier looking for ways to destroy the spirits, and Aanng and his friends are looking for wars to stop the Fire Nation, who do you think he would side with?
It doesn't mean they're necessarily trying to destroy the Fire Nation, they're just trying to end the violence that comes from this war they're pushing.
So, someone explain to me why that would have been so hard to explain to the Spirit of Knowledge, rather than LYING to his face, after he just threatened to make someone a stuffed head. And then, when he flies off, you gloat under your breath about being bright enough to fool him?!
Yeah, I love Sokka, I really do, but sometimes, I really just need him to sit back and zip it. I get it was his choice to go to the library, but that I feel was a moment to just let either Aang or Katara do the talking. And I know Sokka wants to prove himself a capable warrior and leader, but sometimes being a leader is about knowing when to sit back and let someone else take the lead, and that was definitely one of those moments.
anyway, rant over.
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kozmicmizuu · 5 months
ok- soooo… my brain thought of smth a tiny bit fucked but the i remembered this is kny and atla so it’s ok to be fucked. so, in the series water benders are like- not really in the war, but they were basically taken from the south tribe for war reasons. the angst in my brain is that the southern tribe in this au is where urokodaki would train all of this students (yes, the past dead ones are alive in this) and then the demons attacked (they’re basically the fire nation in this).
(also in this au in my take (you can see how you’d like) the demons aren’t really demons. they’re human, but they use this fucked up branch or rather a “weed” of the breath-bending that’s the equivalent of dark magic basically.)
they just took everyone with no remorse for anything, and then they found out that water’s conductive. sooooo- torture via electricity was used to make the water benders weapons of war!!! yay!!
giyuu was considered one of the best in the small tribe (i think between him, sabito, and makomo, giyuu was the one to completely master water breathing and well- survived canon). shock collars were obviously used- cause this is demons we’re talking about.
giyuu and basically all of the tribe were just abused for years (lets use giyuu’s age as a reference). the tribe was taken when giyuu was 8- the controlling and abuse didn’t stop until giyuu was 19. basically instead of him finding tanjiro, tanjiro found him.
you can only imagine how just aggressive giyuu was, a major contrast to his usual calm and stoic personality. tanjiro probably couldn’t even get close without giyuu being violent so he called for backup from the corps/friends. let’s say that sanemi and shinobu and kyojuro were sent there (sanemi was there in case of a fight.) to say that giyuu’s condition was worrying would be an understatement.
literally every single water breather was fucked- they needed the moon for spiritual healing but we’re never given the chance to see it for god knows how long, barely any food or water. kyojuro probably threw up when he saw kids in there. sanemi was just pissed about this, a whole ass tribe was ignored by the world. also don’t worry, literally no one is dead from the water tribe. but idk of that’s a good thing tbh….
it took them literally forever to get giyuu to trust them, like trying to tame a wild animal. but the simplest thing is what got literally the whole tribe to trust them, the promise of seeing the moon and sea again. tanjiro was just happy to see the southern tribe from the stories, but so sad that they were like this for 11 years. the moment they even opened the door for the tribe- it was literally like setting caged birds free. though urokodaki was the one who told the four, “thank you” and followed his students into the beach on a full moon.
also the shock collars took some time to remove, no one really sat still at all, or some stood unnervingly still. shinobu knew that it would them literal years to recover from all of that trauma, potentially a whole lifetime. kyojuro probably sobbed his sweet little heart out when he saw them so happy on the beach (emotional bitch), sanemi was still fuming, mf was READY to put an end to this war. he just imagined genya in this situation and was like “no i im not letting this slide” and proceeded to sink the entire fleet that did this to the tribe (W sanemi).
sighhhh this thought happens from remembering the episode of when katara found another water bender from the southern tribe (holy fuck i can’t remember the name) and she ended up being fucked in the head after all.
so, does that mean giyuu can be feral and deranged when he’s completely ticked off?? yes, more feral giyuu content for the starving people. he’d be so much more intense with any threat (maybe like when azula was going a bit silly) but after the threat is gone he’s just “woopsie daisies my bad yall”
they ended up taking the tribe to the corps and basically giving them a safe place to heal and relax. gyomei ended up being good friends with a lot of them because water benders are very sweet to him and the kids thought he was cool (a little scary at first). giyuu, bless his soul, was found by tengen immediately. mf knew he HAD to befriend this guy, sabito wasn’t having it tho so know there’s sabito and tengen beef.
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk about this fucked up lil thing… i’m not okay because i started typing this out at 8 in the morning…
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laismoura-art · 2 months
How about some avatar au for your atla fan heart.
Mortal Kombat avatar au with our ocs.
🌊🪨The avatar au 🔥🌪
Water tribe:
It's obviously the lin kuei but with bi-han being more of the master at water bending and kuai liang, Lisa making fun of him while he's practicing the other students.
Bi-han: what type of whining is this!? Back in my day we trained in the cold winter's at night and no matter how cold it got I never stopped training.
Lisa: yea you just cried and begged father to let you in-
Kuai liang: I need jasmine tea, for this..
Earth kingdom:
The Edenians, special forces , harumi and Johnny and kenshi from the earth nation it's all out order and chaos maybe the umgadi could be like the dai lee.
Harumi: has the war really stopped in ba sing se?
Kenshi: I don't know if it's pretty peaceful there. Tanya do you know anything about it?
Tanya:*visibly sweating* um maybe..
Sindel:*the tea is exceptionally good today. I hope no fire nation are here.
*two fire nation run aways: yea.. It's fire nation free. Would you like some moon cakes with that?
Sindel: oh you know me so well.
Fire nation:
The netherrealm, suchin and the shirai ryu together being in the fire nation except they aren't demon's and such. The avatar is to be from the fire nation in the avatar cycle. People are expecting asmodeus to be the avatar and this got hatsune banished and settled with hanzo hasashi in the earth kingdom.
Asmodeus: make way for the avatar fire Lord people the strongest in the world
Sareena: is he always this much full of himself.
Jatakaa: careful you might get banished.
hatsune: hey master i made you some tea.
Hanzo: *drinks tea and spits it out* Ugh this tea is nothing but hot leaf juice!!
Hatsune: master hansi that's what all tea is..
Hanzo: how could my own apprentice say something like that!?
Air nomads:
The white lotus plus Raiden and fujin in the air nomads. Liu kang is a, fire nation adopted by raiden and learning air bending not knowing he is the actual avatar. Kung Lao is a air nation prodigy like Liu kang but kung Lao is, hoping to go through greater lengths and be the best air bending master in the world.
Kung Lao: geez I hope asmodeus isn't the avatar.
Liu kang: yea it's not like he'll cause a war if he isn't.
Kung Lao: say what would happen if you became the avatar?
Liu kang: I won't be the avatar and besides I am not that responsible he monk raiden never let's me feed the baby bisons.
Kung Lao: true, want to play air ball?
Liu kang: sure!!
Liu kang:*avatar state after some shit asmodeus did*
Kung Lao:.... The world is either in peace or doomed....
Yoo Dragon!!! This looks sooo cool!!! :O 💖💖💖
Sorry it took me a while to reply, I actually wanted to gather and develop some ideas that came to mind! And it turned out ENOURMOUS!
So I hope you enjoy:
💦For the Water Tribe:
I was wondering, since this is the Lin Kuei, I imagine the previous chief was involved in some pretty shady stuff, imagine he even made a deal with the fire nation at some point in an attempt to hold some of his remaining power? Imagine if he even sent some of his men to war to fight by the Fire Nation? Of course his plans backfire (literally, lol) and he ends up dead and Bi-Han ends up as the new chief!
I imagine that after years of shitty decisions from the chief, this Water Tribe ended up a mess and on the brink of destruction, so Bi-Han took it upon himself to make things right and return the Tribe to its previous glory!
The only problem is: He is the youngest chief they ever had and he is painfully inexperienced! So he is hardly taken seriously. He also doesn't trust the elders of his Tribe, given how they didn't do much to prevent the previous chief to mess up, so he relies on the youth, his twin siblings and friends, Hydro, Cyrax and Smoke (he's still deciding if Sektor can be trusted, as he is related to the previous grandmaster)
Though Kuai and Lisa often tease Bi-Han (as siblings do) they are his big supporters and do everything they can to be good advisors! Bi-Han is happy to have them around, even if he has to hear a joke or two at his expense...
🌿For the Earth Kingdom:
I like that Harumi is part of the Earth Kingdom, and you know she's my flower girl, so I was thinking: What if she was originally a waterbender from the Swamp?
Imagine, she was born in the swamp and learned to waterbend the flora around her, when she grew up she wanted to leave to explore the world (or at least the Earth kingdom, she was particularly curious about Omashu and Ba Sing Se (surely none of these cities will disappoint her… lol))
Imagine if people sometimes mistake her for the Avatar cause she is a waterbender born in the Earth Kingdom, lol!
Also, I LOVED the idea of the Umgadi being the Dai Lee!
Imagine this: Li Mei was once a Dai Lee soldier who got promoted and then learned what the Dai Lee was actually like (means to conspire against the kingdom and manipulate the royal family) Li Mei couldn't stand to be part of it and tried to leave, reveal the truth, only to be taken to the Lake Laogai. It was years ago and now her memory is coming back, but she still struggles to show everyone the truth.
Lucky for her she's not alone! The young earthbender Tanya was promoted just as she was and upon finding out the truth, she also could not stand to be part of it (it also helped her decision the fact that she is secretly dating the Kingdom's elder princess, Millena), but instead of trying to expose the truth, she tries to stop the Dai Lee from the inside with the help of a few trusted teammates and Li Mei as their coordinator. Together, they will bring the Dai Lee down!
🔥For the Fire Nation:
Damn, your girl Hatsune just can't catch a break when it comes to her shitty brother, can she?
Well, at least she's with Hanzo! I imagine Hanzo was once a soldier, one really mean and scary, maybe? the type that would almost burn the Earth Kingdom's capital to the ground? But pulled back after say... a family tragedy?
So now he seeks a more peaceful life for himself, hidden in the Earth Kingdom and taking care of this fellow Fire Nation girl who was just so wronged by her own family? 
I wonder if Suchin is so confident in talking shit about Asmodeus cause she knows she's one of his top girls and the moment she leaves his side he will get killed! (Little he knows, Suchin and the girls would rather get the job done themselves, lol)
🍃For the Air Nomads:
Ok, I absolutely ADORED the idea of the Avatar being from a Nation but being raised in another one! Cause it's such a fun concept, like, Liu is raised by the Air Nomads and is taught to live by the air nomads beliefs and the first attempt at bending from him will be at air bending, and as the Avatar he WILL succeed, so just imagine how it would be for this kid who is a airbender through and through who will one day find out not only that he's the Avatar but also a firebender by birth! That would be a WHOLE LOT to take!
Through the dialogues I can see that Liu already knows he's a firebender and Avatar, but I wonder how he found out. The idea of this coming as a shock and a big reveal is just soooo cool!
Also makes me wonder when did Raiden learned all this, if he knew from the start, if he had some suspicions as Liu was growing up, or if he found out just as Liu did (My bet i on the second one)
PS: I love that whenever there's an Avatar x MK AU, Liu is ALWAYS the Avatar!🤭 I think it's suiting for the "Chosen One", lmao!
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raayllum · 1 year
How do you feel about the depth of the world building, and the target demographic and "realism" of the fantasy? The world and show is whimsical. It's targeted to a diverse audience, yet deal with some deep emotions. It's not aligned with human nature. Kings, queens, and generals don't charge in the front lines. Melodasies and fart flowers don't make a lot of sense, but they're entertaining concepts. I feel it's a sketch of the world that lets you focus on the core story and relationships.
I think there's a few things to keep in mind with TDP, specifically
The type of worldbuilding that typically gets included in fantasy
The type of worldbuilding that gets included in similar shows of its ilk (Steven Universe, She-Ra, The Owl House, and other contemporary kids' shows)
For fantasy, I'd say that TDP's worldbuilding is probably more 'shallow' due to the fact its a TV show, and the two season novelizations notwithstanding (which are already packed full of plot and written for a younger audience), it is much, much easier to do detailed worldbuilding in narrative fiction than visual media. Visual media can get away with communicating visual worldbuilding and splendid visuals, but in order for us to learn history or culture or anything along those lines, it almost exclusively has to come with dialogue, which is time consuming and you have to make sure the scene is still engaging; you don't even have the room to info dump a paragraph or two the way you could get away with in a book
So TV show worldbuilding, I'd say TDP is doing its best, considering its runtime and that worldbuilding is absolutely a priority. The expanded look at Xadia and Sunfire elf culture was one of my favourite things about S4
But in comparison to other kids' shows out there that are airing, or have recently aired? TDP is on a whole other level I don't think will be matched anytime soon. ATLA probably has a leg up on cultural worldbuilding (which also makes sense given the run time and nature of bending) but even then, there are plenty of things we know in TDP that we don't know in ATLA, such as history that goes hundreds and thousands of years back, local laws and judicial systems outside of one Earth Kingdom town, what more than one type of culture conducts as a funeral rite, etc.
Of the three other examples given, I think SU has the best worldbuilding, but we still don't really know what the Gem colonization of other planets was like. TOH develops some worldbuilding ideas, but never really wholly takes them to fruition, and even when I was more favourable to She-Ra while it was airing, worldbuilding was never a strong suit or seemed to be a focus of the series. Which is fine, as not every fantasy show wants to prioritize worldbuilding, but damn if I don't love it when they do, since it's one of my favourite parts of the genre as a fantasy reader and writer
And there are definitely kings, queens, and generals who have fought on the front lines in the past; it was expected for them to be involved in warfare. Melodaisies and fart flowers aren't grounded in a worldbuilding need, but neither are our silly real world equivalents of something like say, kazoos and whoopee cushions, that exist for no real reason other than that they're Fun and can be made by human hands. (And there are flowers, and even stink bugs, that do emit smells in nature.)
TDP definitely prioritizes a Top-Down approach in terms of writing from theme first and foremost and then weaving things in as they need, which they've acknowledged. The show, understandably as a story and something operating under story constraints, is more than willing to place plot and theme over logistics, but most stories are, tbh. So I think the sketch is detailed, but the focus is on how the characters interact with each other (and the theme accordingly) and the world is largely built around it - there's a reason it's not a world with a whole bunch of other continents, after all, simply because it didn't need to be. If you're interested in more thoughts in this vein / how TDP constructs itself, I'd recommend checking out this meta I wrote here <3
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Hi hii <33
I'm here again >:D, anywayy I'd firstly like to thank you for writing for my requests. I hope you're doing well, and please do take care of yourself!
Also, I'd like to request Teru (my aromantic ass only likes him in a romantic?/simp way) with an s/o who seems to be a perfect student and all in school and literally has a clean reputation( kinda a people pleaser?). Like Teru thinks they won't do anything wrong BUT they actually know quite a few martial arts and enjoy sparring/ fighting. Maybe someone like Ty Lee from Atla (Avatar the last airbender), like they are quite acrobatic and can chi block (yk how she can stop a user from bending and can even immobilize limbs like how she does to Sokka). Overall they are just badass and can kick ass, but no one expects it (they hide it quite well).
Anyway my request is long as always. You are always free to decline but I'd really appreciate it if you do write for me again.
Love youu
Thank you!
Expect lower, President.
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Minamoto Teru
TW : None
A/N : AAAAAA So sorry it took so long 😞 😞 ITS ALMOST MY LAST DAYS OF SCHOOL TEACHERS STACKING OUR WORKS AS USUAL, and ofcourse I'd love to do your request 😋 they are very interesting, I dunno how to write fighting scenes but I'll see what I can do hehe
I hope you enjoy 💗
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I'm... At a lost for words.
[F/N] [L/N].
The name that everyone at school knows about, of course they'd know, you're the secretary of Kamome after all. But outside you being the Student Council Secretary, everyone respects you. They loved your welcoming vibes and great personality.
Students praise you for your nice personality, Teachers absolutely loved you too. You were always participating in class, get high marks, never got into trouble at all, not only that, you join events and bring home 1st places for the school.
Everyone absolutely LOVED you.
Especially the schools prince and Student Council President. Minamoto Teru
You were absolutely GORGEOUS, despite that he loved talking to you as you had many topics to talk about to him, he gets so mesmerized with your voice he sometimes forgets what you two are talking about.
The way your eyes shine from morning, afternoon, to night. Oh how he wanted to drown in those [E/C] eyes. Your smile, your personality, your nice aura.
God, he is inlove with you what else is there to say? Eventually. He confessed to you and courted you for a month, and you finally said yes and became a couple for 3 months now.
He couldn't be any happier, he thought he knew alot about you by now, like your full name, birth date, parents, favorite food, favorite drink, etc.
Well, that's what he thought.
Teru was informed that delinquents frequently trespass into the school in the afternoon where no people are around anymore to graffiti or mess up the classrooms. The school has called the police on them a bunch of times already yet they couldn't catch them.
"Of course they couldn't catch them.. They take absolutely way to long to get here..." Teru mumbled as he quickened his pace to where they usually break in and hang out.
Once he got to the spot, he heard alot of commotion, things being thrown and alot of shouting. Sounds like they were fighting, or fighting someone in there.
He feared that they may have abducted a student and threatened them to do whatever they want. So he rushed to open the door and saw—
He saw how you absolutely kicked their asses, and apprehended them tying their hands down. He saw a side of you that absolutely shocked and surprised him
You felt someone watching as you looked up, tensing when you saw your boyfriends face.
"T-Teru.." You stuttered, you backed away from tying up the unconscious delinquents when you saw how Teru furrowed his eyesbrows walking up to them.
Standing close to the wall, panicking. You were thinking that he may think of you differently now after this incident.
'What if he leaves me.. What if he tells everyone that I am.. Capable of such a thing.. I can't let anyone know about this..' You panicked. You felt a hand on you shoulder as you looked up
"Teru.. P-please I can explain!—" Teru pulled you into a tight hug, as you clumsily returned it. "Teru?.."
"I'm.. Glad that nothing happened to you.. I was so worried when I saw you fighting them.." He hugged you tighter kissing your head. "[F/N].. Dear.. When have you.. learned to do this?.."
Your eyes slowly darted down to your shoes. "I was picked on alot back then, and I hated it. I begged my parents to enroll me in taekwondo or karate, martial arts. Just to defend myself, I planned on telling you that I was capable of doing this back then.. But you had such an.. Adoring image of me.. So I kept it to myself.. I never told anyone. All of you had one idea of me.. "
You looked up at him tears swelled up in your eyes. "All of you only knew me as the Perfect, Straight A Council Student who couldn't possibly be capable of something like this.." Teru hugged you tight. "I never knew.. I was too ignorant.."
After Teru and You dragged all the delinquents out, he immediately called the police and staffs to handle this situation
"I've been having a hard time learning martial arts lately" He spoked as you listened while eating your ice cream. He smiled looking at you
"Be my Sensei and teach me hm?" He gave you one of his signature smiles that absolutely clenched your heart
"T-teru.. You're making it hard for me to say no.."
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ranger-kellyn · 1 day
def not pacing this rewatch like i did with atla since i just finished the first season lol
i ended up remembering just about all of the episodes as they happened. not sure why i was so convinced i had missed some?? i'm guessing it's because korra is a lot more fast-paced than atla was since the season is ~8 eps shorter than atla's season 1.
overall, i am enjoying myself. i'm excited to keep watching, and it's been fun getting to think about all the extended universe stuff and how it all weaves into korra's story.
any complaint i have about korra i know mostly goes back to how yanked around during production they were. at least, that's what i was always told?? tbh, it's been so long, i don't know if i ever read like. official. sources dkfjhk that might just have been tumblr posts claiming korra was getting unfair production treatment, getting told something like halfway through that they needed to wrap things up bc they weren't getting a second season?? but with no sort of citation. it's not like that's too hard for me to believe given my specific grips with the storyline all stem from how rushed everything feels. (and at this point, the show is already over and done with it's not deep enough for me to care about doing any actual digging about what did or didn't happen behind the scenes)
even as open of a mind as i went into this with, i still don't think korra/mako was built up like....at all???? like i guess that brief moment of them leaning against each other under the tree was??? it?????? but in all fairness, i now firmly disagree with my younger self that bolin was "better" for korra. i think bolin has just as much growing up to do as mako. to me, his feelings could best be described as puppy love. yes, he's a sweetheart. yes, he's my angel. yes he's my babyboy, and i love him more than anything-- but he's Just A Boy.
idk, all i know is i was going along fine with it all right up to episode 5, the spirit of competition, that started with the little recap that was like "love is in the air!" up until that moment, i didn't really??? think any of the romance was all that believable? i feel like that recap did a lot of heavy lifting there, bc all of a sudden the love triangle bullshit was just. full throttle, in your face.
and when i say the love triangle stuff just bogs this down....like there is such limited time in this show to get things done and we're really doing this... flkdjglnkj
really, i just feel bad for asami lmao she didn't do a fucking thing wrong. that whole situation sucked for her.
other primary complaint is that the whole amon storyline just. doesn't feel satisfying. that ending was absolutely rushed, and killing him off they way they did was convenient, and nothing more.
the final conflict between him and korra isn't satisfying. having her hiding from him under a table just and then in a hallway??? that's the setting they went with? and i understand waiting for her airbending at that critical moment, but it wasn't satisfying. nothing about that moment connected me at all with the nature of airbending, and i just...idk just saying amon was using some perverse version of bloodbending to take away bending??? like. i guess that's an answer????
and honestly??? again, this is probably just a "we ran out of time" thing, but by the end of things??? i wouldn't say the benders have done literally anything about what lead up to amon gaining such a serious following. that kind of resentment doesn't build up overnight, and if we take the comics into consideration, that's been building in that area for decades.
i also don't think amon's motivations are...clear?? like, at best we get a guess from tarlok of something like "he thinks bending is the source of all evil in the world" bc their father was a blood thirsty bloodbender???? (a guy whose motivations are even less clear??? like yeah i guess some people just want to watch the world burn but like. ok...*john oliver voice* cool.)
idk i just don't think the benders did anything to help with the "non-benders are feeling threatened/oppressed by benders" they built up.
main stand outs are:
the air kids - forgot how funny these goobers are, and it's going to be a lot of fun watching them grow up over the seasons.
mako - walked away from this, like i had hoped, liking him more than i did in the past. he's just an older brother, your honor. he's doing his best. his best isn't great, but neither is mine most of the time, and i don't even have the excuse that my parents were killed in front of me as a child.
asami - girl literally did nothing wrong and honestly i don't even know why she sticks around team avatar. by all accounts, she has every right to hate these goobers just as much as anyone else dvhldkfj. babe, they do not deserve you dlakfhl i think she would be a fun character study to try to write from her perspective of the season. like. she had her whole world kind of turned upside down. again. clearly she never expected her father to harbor such extremist attitudes. (smh hiroshi dont u know u have to indoctrinate ur kids early?? before they can think and form opinions for themselves????)
regardless of anything, like i said, i'm having a good time. i do find it fun to be able to ask, "why didn't this work?" and i'm looking forward to continuing on. a quick scroll of the images for the next season reminds me that, once more, A Lot happens in this season dslksfjn
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messrsbyler · 1 year
it's me, hi! i'm the problem it's me. (actually no. you're the problem. you started this. i made it worse… then you made it worse 2x. then… ok we're both the problem here.)
so i did not sleep very well last night and i am embarrassed to admit it was because i had such an overactive brain bc of this au. (also i drank too much coffee yesterday. woops.)
first i want to explore your thoughts on what happens when will gets kidnapped and then later "possessed" (using that term for a lack of a better word, simply bc atla world doesn't really have psychic abilities and stuff, so whatever our variation of this is might be less of a possession and more just losing control over his bending in some way) and basically just his whole mess with henry. because i was thinking about it, and well like... the upside down doesn't really exist, obviously? and then what replaces the demogorgon and the demodogs and other monsters? evil spirits? (that could be cool, definitely a consideration) oh my god does will get dragged into the spirit world did i just answer my own question? my baby boy dragged into the darkest parts of the spirit world and maybe even having some sort of brief interaction with henry (who... has just been chilling there? passing time? yep we'll go with that) el being able to find him through meditation? OH OK LET'S TALK ABOUT THAT NIC
second i started thinking about it last night. and how airbending, i think about it and my brain goes to like... breathing. mostly because of this scene. and THEN i got to thinking about how airbending is the element of freedom, which is super fucking ironic because that scene is a brutal murder by ripping away someone's ability to do the very baseline function that allows them to live: breathing. and THEN i also got to thinking about... huh. where have we seen that before?
*gestures to will with the vine in his throat in s1, gestures to will getting attacked by the mind flayer on the field as it enters his mouth and literally all his orifices, gestures to will telling dr owens in s2e1 "No. Like how you feel when you're scared, and you can't breathe or talk or do anything." and also will telling the party in s3e4 "Your body... it goes cold and... and you can't breathe."
interesting very interesting how it's subtly there in the st canon (not that i think there's all that much to it in the show's canon, though please if you have thoughts i wanna hear them), but in the atla/st au event of the century. there is a LOT THERE.
because now i'm just imagining henry doing that sort of thing that zaheer does to the queen to will or whatever advanced ancient form of airbending that he does to will is similar to it, and maybe we replace the vine in the mouth with like an attempt to do that to will that failed. so henry comes back. and tries again. but THEN we get the beautiful wonderful hurt/comfort of will, who is an airbender and who actually has always loved his bending now being scared of his element and knowing it was a fellow airbender (though not knowing who yet) that did this to him. will getting panic attacks where he remembers what happened to him. will not being able to breathe and being so fucking scared in the aftermath of his experience in the spirit world and his near death experience.
also rewinding a little bit to will's near death: joyce and hopper trying to revive will as henry slinks away back into the darkness. joyce sobbing because she can't lose will obviously, but also because she specifically did not allow jonathan (an airbender, remember?) to come with them because she was scared of losing him too. but joyce thinking about how if she had brought jonathan he absolutely could've saved will with his bending. and how if will dies here in her arms, joyce knows both she and jonathan will never forgive themselves. joyce begging her little boy, her airbender who loves the sky and loves the freedom and who is so full of the joy and childlike wonder of the air nation, to just breathe. praying to the spirits that he could breathe, that there would be air in his lungs, etc. etc.
wow andi got off on a rambly topic there. that was not the point to this. i have 10 minutes before i have to log onto work let's do this.
my POINT WAS. will with ptsd after his kidnapping, right? will not being able to breathe well, gasping constantly, having panic attacks. well, guess what is wonderful about a certain best friend of his and his native element.
"Power in Firebending comes from the breath. Not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body." - uncle iroh my GUY!
mike, who has never quite been able to grasp that part of firebending because it's fucking annoying. mike, impatient and petulant and angry that he's forced to sit through stupid breathing exercises while nancy excels and excels and excels. mike, whose firebending is weak because it's not coming from the right place, so much like zuko who just originally lets his anger/frustration fuel him.
mike sits with will.
and they learn how to breathe again. together.
on to book 2: earth 🫡
(yes we are the problem and we look great being the problem, it suits us)
the way you sent this ask and replied to yourself in the first paragraph bc that's how great your brain is. okay but listen listen, the spirit world being the parallel of the UD is just... perfect? and yes the monsters would be the dark spirits AND think about it. the avatar is the bridge between worlds sort of like el is the bridge between the real world and the UD with her connection to the UD and her ability to go into the void and into the UD mentally without having to enter physically JUST LIKE AANG??!! so will is taken to the spirit world and because he spends so much time there he forms a connection to it? that grants him a new ability he didn't have before? kinda reminds me how iroh could see aang in roku's dragon so what if will is now able to look into the spirit world too? there's something more to be explored there but tell me why those parallels work SO NICELY?
ok ok but since in canon brenner takes el and when he learns about the UD she tries to train her to contact the monsters... what if brenner in the atla au learned that this waterbender from this small tribu was the avatar and took her so everyone else thinks the cycle broke because no new avatar was born. and OMG WHAT IF BRENNER KEEPS THAT INFORMATION FROM EL? that she is the avatar. ofc el would know she is different from the other benders from the place where she is isolated, she can control all elements, but she wouldn't know about what an avatar is and the prophecy that rests on her shoulders.
so why brenner would take el and train her to enter the spirit world? he wants to find someone there (henry) just like in canon but WHY? why is henry in the spirit world if he's a mortal and a normal bender, why brenner knows henry is in the spiritual world and WHY does brenner want to find him. what makes henry the villain of the story in the atla au. we need answers andi!!!
would brenner be too much of a fool wanting to control the spiritual world through el, using her as the bridge?
i see you are showing your true colors now, huh? made me feel comfortable, lower my walls, expose my weak spots and then you hit me with this. evil. EVIIIIIIIL. i should call you flayed andi for this one.
no but like that you ALSO form a parallel between el/brenner's and will/henry's dynamics? one being all about corrupted techniques that take away someone's freedom (brenner with bloodbending and henry with that technique from zaheer) and how both will and el having had those techniques in THEIR OWN NATIVE OF BENDING used against them broke them and made them fear of their own bending abilities but then when they escape their abusers and find friends THEY RECONNECT WITH THEIR WITH THEIR BENDING BECAUSE THEY LEARN THEIR BENDING ABILITY DOESN'T MAKE THEM DANGEROUS OR BAD IT'S HOW THEY USE THOSE ABILITIES GIVES THEM THEIR WORTH. just picture el and will being so curled so deep inside their shells but lucas being there for el showing her how their bending not only means control over others like brenner taught her, it can also mean healing others and how healing others can also heal el herself I'M EMOTIONAL JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!!! and robin teaching will (and jonathan bc even though lonnie never pulled something so brutal like using henry's technique he still abused jonathan and took away part of his freedom from his bending) how airbending is ALL ABOUT FREEDOM!! it's about being a free spirit, about lifting off the earth, about connecting and flying and just BEING FREE.
but yes, rewinding a bit, before will can learn how to make peace with his bending he is just scared of it, of exactly what you said, a fellow airbender corrupting their art to make him stop breathing. will getting panic attacks, not being able to breathe. what if will feels like he is broken? an airbender who can't even breathe properly? how can he try to bend air when he can't even keep the air inside his lungs? because now every time he tries to bend air he feels like his throat closes and his chest burns because bending itself is a trigger to his ptsd that brings him back to that moment when henry used that technique on him. WHAT THEN ANDI WHAT THEN????
also thinking about joyce telling will to breathe, it reminded me of joyce begging will to wake up in season two on the football field. so, if we keep the UD as the spiritual world that after being there trapped he grew a connection with it, then that was will entering the spiritual world for some reason...
joyce begging her little boy, her airbender who loves the sky and loves the freedom and who is so full of the joy and childlike wonder of the air nation, to just breathe. praying to the spirits that he could breathe, that there would be air in his lungs, etc. etc.
NO NO NO you are so right THIS IS GENIUS!!! ANDI YOUR BRAIN!!! mike and will learning to breathe together i will cry I WILL CRY mike always dodging his breathing lessons because he can't even do that right, because he feels like there's no helping it either way, his self-esteem is so low it affects his bending so what's the use in practicing his breathing? his bending will always be weak and will never meet the standars nancy has set for him. but then will needs him, will needs to learn how to breathe again, how to let the air into his lungs, and mike needs to be there for him, has the need to hold will's hand to ground him, to let him know he is here in the physical world with him, right where mike can reach him so he doesn't float away, so no one can take him away from him.
and if in the middle of a session that lands on a bad day because will had nightmares all night long, because he feels the goosebumps at the back of his neck as if henry as breathing there, mocking him while he forced the air out of his lungs, what if in the middle of a session then will can't bring himself to breathe. he keeps hitching his breaths in, hiccuping, so mike reaches for will's hand and presses it to his own chest, and tells will to follow the movement, how mike's chest expands with each breath, how he only has to focus on that. and will does, with his eyes closed, noticing the come and go of mike's chest but also the beating of his heart hidden somewhere underneath there, and will also focuses on that. because mike is the heart that guides them all and now it is guiding will so he can breathe once more.
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ljf613 · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
I think I've done this one before, but it's been a while, so let's do it again! (Tagged by @pencilofawesomeness)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Officially, 71. (I also have a handful of fics that I've moved into the anonymous collection-- mostly unfinished WIPs I currently have no plan to return to.)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 231,362-- I'm so close to a quarter million words, hopefully I'll get there by the end of the year.
3. What fandoms do you write for? The majority of my posted fics are for Avatar: The Last Airbender (plus a few for Avatar: Legend of Korra), and I've written several fics for the Miraculous Ladybug and Fairy Tail fandoms. Currently, the fics I'm working on with the most regularity are for the How to Train Your Dragon and Once Upon a Time fandoms (A Better Version of Our Best and Not My Homeland Anymore, respectively). I've also written fics for numerous other fandoms, including Tales of Arcadia, Fullmetal Alchemist, Teen Wolf, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, The Familiar of Zero, and The Dragon Prince. And of course, I'm always thinking and plotting out new stories for fandoms I've yet to write for.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? —5. fifteen for a moment - 956 —4. I'm worse at what I do best - 959 —3. we all bend and break sometimes - 1,132 —2. you don't get what all this is about - 1,179 —1. nobody wants to pay the asking price - 1,286 These are all part of my ATLA we all want love/we all want honor series. As a matter of fact, my twenty-one most popular fics-- by a long shot-- are the twenty-one parts of the same series. (Even the least popular, war is not freedom, with 627 kudos, has over twice as many kudos as my most popular non-wawl/wawh fic.) (Part twenty-two, which I just posted this week after a two year hiatus, obviously hasn't gotten quite as much engagement yet, but at the rate the kudos have been coming in, it'll likely be on par with the others within six months, if not sooner.) My five most popular fics outside of this series are as follows: —5. “Can You Please Just Hold Me?” [ATLA] - 243 —4. Nonbender Zuko AU (Outline) [ATLA] - 259 —3. “Are You Jealous?” [ATLA] - 261 —2. i bled out tears (the only water in the desert) [FMA] - 265 —1. The Bells of Kardia Cathedral [Fairy Tail] - 286
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love responding to comments for the simple reason that I always want to talk about my stories, and who better to discuss them with than the people who love them enough to leave comments on them?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh, unquestionably It's Winter Again (And I Can't Wait To See You) [ATLA]. I like writing open-ended stories, so sometimes I'll write oneshots with angsty but ultimately hopeful endings (that may or may not end up developing into full-fledged series). This story, however, was not left optimistically open-- it is just angsty and tragic and I LOVE it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The happiest? Uh, just going by the completed fics… I want to say Something Like a Love Story [ATLA], which I think has one of the sweetest endings I've ever written, but even though the story itself has a happy ending, it is a pre-canon story about Hakoda and Kya, and anyone reading it knows how their story ended, so it really ends up feeling more bittersweet than anything else. So maybe Just Between Us (Did the Love Affair Maim You Too?) [ATLA]? It's a nice, solid hurt/comfort fic where I really made the characters work for their happy ending, so it does have a sweet, feel-good payoff. But there are three main characters in that story, and only two of them actually get a real happy ending, so maybe not. (Zuko and Toph are definitely living happily ever after, but Mai still has some more work to do before she can say the same.) I guess I've got to go with The Bells of Kardia Cathedral. That was a just a cute, fun little story full of humorous misunderstandings, but at the end of the day, everyone involved got their happy endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Honestly, no-- which is pleasantly surprising, considering that a lot of my stuff is kind of niche and involves unpopular and often Problematique ships.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? No, your local neighborhood prude over here is not about to write anything stemier than the occasional chaste makeout scene.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes, but I think about way more crossovers than I've ever actually written. The craziest one is probably a tie between Fairy Tail in NIFLHEIM [Fairy Tail x Shall We Date?: THE NIFLHEIM+] (for pure crackiness) and my untitled Miraculous Ladybug/Fullmetal Alchemist AU (for meshing two canons that had no business blending so well together).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not really-- there was an incident a while back where someone compiled all of the wawl/wawh series into a single fic, but they posted it privately, and I think they just wanted it all in one place for downloading purposes. In any case, I'm pretty sure it's gone now. (For those interested in having this series all together, it's in one piece on FFN.)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not as far as I know. But someone did make a podfic for this side of the sun!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nah. I've talked about collaborating with a few different writers over the years, but nothing has ever worked out. (Yet!)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Nathan and Haley from One Tree Hill. No question.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? The People They Once Were [ATLA/LOK]. This was the first Avatar-verse fic I ever wrote. For so long, I wanted to write something for this fandom, but I had absolutely zero ideas. (In fact, I initially watched LOK with the hope that it would give me some fic-writing fodder, which it did.) And then I finally had this idea, and I was so excited about it, but I didn't quite… know what to do with it. I probably won't ever come back to this one, but I am grateful to it for breaking that ice and allowing me to help me get into writing for this fandom (in which I've been quite prolific).
16. What are your writing strengths? Closing lines and action between dialogue. I try really hard to end everything just the right way, and I do my best to make sure the reader can follow what the characters are doing as they talk to each other. I also like to think I'm decent at writing emotional descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fighting scenes and visual descriptions. I have a hard enough time making sure I maintain a solid spatial awareness of what characters are doing where in a normal interaction. (Aphantasia, my beloathed.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've done it before, sure. While reading fics in the Fullmetal Alchemist fandom, I noticed that several writers had used Hebrew as a stand-in for the Ishbalan language, and as I have some familiarity with the language (not that I have any real fluency, and I certainly couldn't carry on any more than a very simple conversation, but I can read it well enough, and am comfortable with its syntax and grammatical conventions), I decided I could use it, too. While writing my FMA fic, i bled out tears (the only water in the desert), I also interspersed a bit of Yiddish and Aramaic, as those languages mesh well with Hebrew. The whole thing was really fun! In general, while I'm not against writing dialogue in another language, I'm not well-versed enough in linguistics to invent my own, so it would have to be an actual real-world language, and I would have to have enough of an understanding of said language to be able to play around with it. (Lately, I've been thinking about writing a retelling of one of my favorite biblical stories, in which I would almost certainly use some amount of Hebrew dialogue.)
19. First fandom you wrote for? Well, I vaguely recall writing some proto-fanfiction in elementary school for assignments and stuff ("write about what you think happened to this character after the book was over"), and somewhere out there in the world is a binder with the outline (and a handful of scenes) of an elaborate Twilight fanfic I plotted out in middle school (complete with a vampire creation story!). But the first fandom I really wrote for was Familiar of Zero, back in 2015. This was still three years before I actually discovered fanfiction, but I finished all four seasons of the show in about a week and was struck with such a solid idea of what would happen directly following the final scene (probably some of those old school assignments sticking with me) that I had to write it down immediately. I did eventually post it (basically untouched) on AO3 as Hero's Return. The first fandom I actually posted for was Miraculous Ladybug, not long after discovering AO3. (The first fic I ever posted was A Miraculous Night.)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Oh, undoubtedly A Better Version of Our Best. I consider this story my magnum opus-- I love the family drama aspect, the parallel storylines spark such joy, and the worldbuilding and character development has been so interesting. I'm also experimenting with some new storytelling techniques and pacing strategies. I think it's really a culmination of everything I've ever learnt about writing and storytelling (so far!).
Tagging @lynzine and anyone else interested!
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thewoollyviking · 1 year
Ok, Steven Universe fanbase, we need to talk. Because there’s this issue that keeps cropping up when talking about the Diamonds and no one seems to really understand what folks are saying.
Don’t know what I mean? Allow me to explain…
Whenever I or someone else talks about how the Diamonds never really faced any real consequences for their actions, why is your first instinct to immediately say “but Steven didn’t forgive them.”
Yes, we know, pretty much all of us have seen future by now, or at least the scene of Steven almost murdering White Diamond that y’all most likely drop to provide context.
But that’s not what we’re talking about. I don’t care if Steven personally thinks the Diamonds are swell and takes them to Funland on the weekends. Because, get this, my judgement of the characters doesn’t depend on who among the cast Steven is giving the most ‘good boi’ points to.
This is such a frustrating topic to discuss with fans because it feels like y’all treat Steven as the ultimate judge of moral character. Newsflash, Steven is a CHILD! And by Future he’s an angry, emotionally unstable child!
Why do we keep circling back to this? Like ok, let’s compare this to another show, and to be fair I’m going to ignore the Owl in the room and pick something that is slightly less obvious, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Imagine if ATLA ended with Aang making Ozai promise to stop being evil and conquering the other nations… but did NOTHING to remove any of his power, either through his position as Firelord or even through taking his bending away.
Even if Aang said he didn’t personally forgive Ozai… would that honestly really matter? Because what did he ultimately accomplish then? Ozai still has all his power and the only thing stopping him is a disapproving look from Aang?
And don’t think I’m being unfair with the comparison here. Yeah, Steven’s a pacifist, but like… so was Aang, dude was literally a monk and was just as much of a child as Steven. And even he understood that even if he couldn’t bring himself to compromise his morality to kill Ozai, he still had to find another way.
And even if the show bent over backwards to make it seem like Ozai really was remorseful for what he did, would it not seem uncomfortably jarring compared to his behavior throughout the entire rest of the show up to that point?
That’s the point I’m getting at with the Diamonds, they ultimately suffered no real repercussions. Because there was no tangible effort to strip them of their power. If White Diamond woke up tomorrow, decided Steven was full of it, and just went around forcing Homeworld to backtrack hard to the point of just bleaching everyone to obey her to start colonizing planets again than who or what can really stop her?
Here’s a bitter pill that SU fans need to swallow, when bad people don’t face any consequences for their actions, than how do you expect them to learn ANYTHING?
Why change and become a better person if no one is going to stop you? Why not abuse your loved ones and cause untold death and destruction to everyone and everything around you if you aren’t going to pay for it?
You can still like the show, there’s still good stuff here, but we gotta accept that the finale sucked, regardless of whether it was a creative decision the crew took from the start or it was compromise that was forced because of CN.
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jadekitty777 · 1 year
The Emotionalist: Chapter 4
Late, who’s late? Certainly not me.
I certainly didn’t just put the finishing touches on this chapter today or anything.
I’m going to continue to encourage reading this off A03 since my formatting is all messed up lol (I wonder how differently it reads without all the bolds and italics)
Prompt for Day 5: Magic
Rating: T
Word Count: 2K
Summary: Clover Ebi was a huntsman who, like most Atlesian soldiers, hid most of his emotions behind a mask of calm professionalism. That is, unless, one knew where to look. And Qrow looked a lot.
Or, 5 times Qrow learned to read Clover’s mood not from his face, but from his ears. [An adjacent story to Hunting Season Hunting Season; events from Qrow’s POV]
Ao3 Link: Shaking Like a Leaf
The horizon was black.
In all his years, Qrow had never seen a horde so large before. So many Grimm, not even a bit of the stars could be seen, blotted out end-to-end by writhing, rolling masses of dark creatures, broken only by bits of stark white bone and glowing red eyes.
Even miles away, it was terrifying to behold.
A strong gust threatened to topple him from the mountain he perched on - so he shifted from his feathers, sinking knee deep into snow as he yanked out his scroll and took a picture before sending it off to everyone with a warning.
Seventy miles south and moving fast. Whatever we’re doing, we better do it now.
He could see Ruby beginning to reply, but another gale hit stronger than the last, his already taxed aura worryingly bending. He couldn’t wait and shifted back before flying for the kingdom.
He just had to trust that the plan would pull through.
In the light of the rising sun, he could see it well before he hit the city’s limits.
Atlas was moving.
The little heart in his feathered breastbone thundered, roaring blood in his head as he soared above the tattered streets of Mantle, the signs of the last attack seen all over in the red streaked sidewalks and cooling bodies that had yet to be collected. A massacre despite their best efforts - and one that would only worsen if they chose wrong.
Was this it? Was giving up the only way? Would any of them be able to live with the weight if they did? Would they be able to live with it if they didn’t? How could they choose between a city and the entire world - as if lives were only significant in their numbers, not their substance? 
How did Oz make these choices for so many lifetimes? 
How was James making it now? 
So distracted he was by his own thoughts, he didn’t notice what was broadcasting on the screens until he passed the third one. 
Harriet’s expression was a mixture of calm and urgent, “-Don’t know how the quakes will affect Mantle, so we are asking everyone to stay inside and to not panic. Stay away from heavy appliances and take any objects down nearby that may fall on you. If you can not get to shelter, find the largest clearing you can. Emergency vehicles are already on standby to-”
It kept going, but Qrow tuned it out as understanding dawned.
Atlas wasn’t flying away - it was landing.
Feathers burst around him as he dropped to a rooftop, stumbling a bit on his feet as his knees threatened to buckle. He was so exhausted, he was all but ready to collapse. Flying at top speed for nearly two hours tested even his limits; but after a heavy fight and no sleep? It was a wonder he was conscious.
Not that he’d have time to sleep if that Grimm horde he’d outpaced caught up before they could finish.
Taking time to catch his breath, Qrow pulled out his scroll. 
There were several missed calls, a few voicemails and a flood of messages. Some from Ruby. Most from Clover.
He opened his niece’s first and though he was expecting it, the very first one really did have him falling to his knees.
Clover found them! 
It was the only thing he could see for a full minute, taking in that sheer miracle. 
Thank Gods. 
Thank Gods. 
After the disaster that was Beacon, after the battle at Haven that was lost in the many who had already perished before they’d ever even arrived, after the terrible certainty that had settled in his mind that Mantle would just be another sacrifice in this war they didn’t know how to win…
Finally something was going right.
Laughter convulsed from him almost beyond control and for a split second, he wished he hadn’t given up drinking. He would have been celebrating this one so long, he would have emptied the damn brewery himself.
When he finally did manage to get some control over himself to roll his eyes downwards, he read over the few other updates Ruby had given him.
Neo was trying to escape at the train station.
Oscar’s hurt but he’ll be okay.
The General has Penny getting the relic back to us. We’re figuring out what to do now.
Then, almost a half hour later:
Uh uncle, did you not tell Clover about the bird thing?
He was freaking out about you not answering. 
I might have told him by accident.
A chuckle burst out of him. Twenty years he’d kept that secret under tight wraps - and in twenty minutes his niece had undone it.
Ruby’s messages ended there, so he switched over to Clover’s, wondering if he’d be mad.  They trickled in slowly at first, but grew more frequent and panicked as time went on.
You must still be out of range. Call me when you can.
A quarter of an hour later, Qrow? Hey if you get this ask the pilots to turn on the signal booster.
Another ten from there, Qrow where are you?! I just checked with Air Control and they told me no Mantas have been dispatched or are in the airspace for return.
But that can’t be right.
Are you okay? 
Did you fall asleep?
Qrow? Please answer me.
He felt a little guilty, seeing how worried he was, but it was entirely understated by the exact moment Clover found out the truth, just two minutes later.
There was a short stretch of time between that yell and his next correspondence, though it was hard to tell if it was from coming to terms with the discovery or simply from distraction.
Okay, okay. We can talk about it later. 
Not sure if you’ll read these, but I’ll get you caught up.
Qrow did read them, every last one.
A few minutes later, he took flight once more.
A lot had happened in just two hours.
Cinder had fled.
Neo was incarcerated.
Fria had passed away and Penny was now the winter maiden.
Oscar was in the hospital.
Winter was in the hospital.
James and Ruby had used Creation to restructure the steering mechanism so that they could guide the city back to the ground. Once it landed, it would stand astride Mantle, instead of above it. 
The entirety of the lower section of Atlas which housed the military command center and other facilities that wouldn’t be surviving the drop had been evacuated. 
It all seemed too perfect to be true - even the plan to cover the twin cities in an unbreakable shield once Atlas settled seemed foolproof. 
It was the objective in-between those two things that had Qrow flying faster than he ever had before.
You need to get back here. Clover had written, sounding almost frantic. They’re going to create a doorway to Vacuo. James is positive Salem’ll stay here, try to starve us out. So we’re sending a team to Shade to rally up an army so we can pincer her in.
RWBY and JNR volunteered. Marrow and Penny are going too.
You need to hurry. 
We won’t have much time between the two creations to do this once we land and if you miss it, we aren’t allowed to make it again.
Qrow rocketed around skyscrapers, the structures shaking around him as the land continued to shift, a constant, terrifying rumble booming back at him. The noise was pierced by his own caw of exult as he made it through the business district and a familiar towering building came into view. A straight shot to Atlas Academy.
He dove at an angle, picking up speed and clearing most of the distance in moments.
As he pulled up, intending to glide right through the open door, a very familiar person clinging to a lamppost caught his eye.
Though he knew he shouldn’t risk it, he cycled back and dove again, transforming as the cobblestones rushed to meet him.
The second his feet were on the ground, he felt the quaking under his feet, shaking up through his bones. He wheeled his arms, practically dancing on his toes as he lumbered about for balance.
“Qrow?!” Clover gaped, but Qrow knew it had nothing to do with his graceless landing.
He managed to stumble forward, catching onto the post as well.
“You really can transform.”
Even now, with the earth threatening to break apart underneath them and the clock ticking, Qrow couldn’t help but study the other man. Usually when alert, his ears would be up and forward, but right now, perhaps because of the cacophony around them, they were in the opposite position, down and slanted back like the wings of a cockatiel. It was familiar but one he couldn’t place when he’d seen it before.
“It’s a long story!” He readjusted his grip, fingers curling partway over one of Clover’s hands. “What are you doing out here?”
Eyes widening, Clover wrenched his gaze back to the sky as if remembering himself. “Keeping an eye out. If anyone interrupts now, we’ll all be in trouble. We think the one that escaped, the maiden, went south to meet up with Salem.”
“She didn’t.” Qrow scowled. “I would have seen her. She’s still here somewhere.”
The fingers under his flexed before relaxing. “Licking her wounds I bet. Don’t worry about it, we’ll handle it.” Shadows from Mantle’s tallest buildings were starting to cast along the ground. Clover stole a glance, brief but meaningful, “You… You need to go, Qrow.” 
He knew that, he did. 
Qrow rested more of his weight against the lamp post so he could reach out, trailing fingertips along the length of the other’s strong jawline, up to the base of his ear to caress along the soft fur. 
Underneath his touch, they quivered. 
It triggered a flash of a memory. Them fleeing in the streets of Mantle, him pulling the other huntsman to a stop, a tattered restaurant and angry mob behind them. Clover, standing tall and speaking evenly with Marrow, even as his ears folded back like wings and shook with terror. 
“It’s so loud out here.” Clover offered as an excuse as if he really thought Qrow would buy that.
Maybe he knew, actually, that he wasn’t fooled at all.
“Feels almost like the world’s ending.” Qrow declared before he tugged him into a kiss.
He wasn’t talking about the shaking.
No more than a millisecond passed before Clover’s fingers were tangling into his hair, pulling them as impossibly close as he dared and kissing him like he wanted to inhale him. 
Like he wanted to keep him.
Qrow felt heat prickle in his eyes then he was trading his grip on the pole for Clover, trusting he’d keep him steady. Kissed him harder. Stroked his hand through his curls, along his ears. Anything he could do so that Clover would never forget this moment.
When they broke apart, it felt like a wound, hurting and aching somewhere deep.
“I’ll be back, I swear it.” Qrow promised. He wanted to sob.
Clover hadn’t quite won that war, tears trickling slowly down his face. “I’ll be waiting.” The hand in his hair softened, pulling him forward until their foreheads bumped together affectionately. “Now go.”
Qrow took one second more to drink him in.
Then did one of the worst things he ever had to do in his life.
He walked away.
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
Oh my god holllyyyyy shiiittttt every single thing I read about the atla st au is so incredibly big brained. The way will starts to hate his bending after being kidnapped? The way each member of the party feels abt their bending? Ohhhh my god there's so much potential owth this au. Begging u to ramble abt smth on this au, I'm too tired rn to present any ideas but dear god is this so good
god i also freaking love this au. it's consuming my brain which isn't fair bc i have too much to do but it's just so so fun and i love it with my whole heart. you giving me free reign to ramble is Very Dangerous™️ because i have all the thoughts, and sometimes i start talking and then don't stop.
i'm gonna talk about max i think because i just love max with my whole heart. listen. max mayfield has such firebender vibes, right? we all know she and mike have similar (but not entirely the same) personalities, so mike and max having the same element would make a lot of sense in my mind. but (partly for me wanting to diversify the party originally, then me adding some more substance to it), i made her an earthbender, since i also think she has earthbender vibes.
so what if we get the best of both worlds?
what if max is like mako and bolin from LoK? her mom's side of the family comes from the fire nation, whereas her dad comes from the earth kingdom. then we have max who is incredibly hotheaded and stubborn and prone to tantrums as a kid—who seems like she should be fire—end up being an earthbender.
and like, alright. when she's young? she doesn't mind too much. her dad starts to teach her how to earthbend, and she likes it well enough. it doesn't quite feel like her though, and max struggles to make it her own. but she keeps going, because she's max mayfield. she doesn't give up.
then her dad leaves.
and suddenly, max is left with a mom she feels distant from, who is very similar in nature to her, but who she never has really been able to connect with. and then suddenly, her mom is marrying another firebender with a son who isn't just a firebender but who's also just awful to her. in a home full of firebenders, suddenly, max feels like the black sheep, and she finds herself longing to find the steadiness and stability and comfort that she didn't even realize her earthbending lessons with her dad gave her.
it's hard for her to learn earthbending after he leaves. her mom and step-dad can't afford to pay for lessons, so max is self-taught. she's an okay bender, and she does enjoy it more now, but it's also tinged with the pain of knowing she's never quite felt like she's belonged anywhere. she's an earthbender, who is supposed to be strong and steady and be able to withstand anything that comes her way. so why does max feel so unmoored?
she moves to hawkins eventually, and it's tough at first. because somehow, max stumbles into the worst (the best) friend group at school. it's a friend group of kids who aren't very good at their bending either, so that's nice at least. they won't make fun of max's sloppy technique or her self-taught earthbending. but they're hiding something, and once again, it feels like max is the outsider here. she's never going to belong, isn't she? is this what it means to be an earthbender? to just learn to suck it up? to take what life throws at you? to get weathered and worn down time and time again and simply be unable to do anything about it?
but god, then things change, and max gets pulled into this crazy adventure and the chaos that her new friends have been hiding. she finds her place in their group, she learns all their secrets, and she realizes something—that they, just like her, feel unmoored. unsteady. their world has changed so drastically in the past year—ever since will was kidnapped and they stumbled into el, the avatar. life has been wearing them down more and more, knocking them down time and time again, and it's happening faster than they can keep up with.
so max brings a stability into the group. her personality is a steadiness and a comfort, even in spite of the fact that she's the newest party member. she's resilient and strong, and she's a protector. yes, the world is going to keep trying to push them down. but the earth is strong and unwilling to budge, and the earth won't so easily be changed. in a time when things are changing for the party and where things are continuing to escalate and when the party isn't quite sure how to rebuild in the aftermath of their traumas, max gets to be the support, the foundation for the new lives they're all rebuilding together.
and when the time comes—and suddenly, it's max whose life feels broken beyond repair? when max feels like she doesn't know who she is anymore, when she's weighed down by her own guilt and anger and trauma? when she gets hurt by the same man who hurt will all the years ago and she loses her sight and doesn't quite know where to go from there?
then, it's those same friends—like lucas and el—who get to be her foundation to rebuild and who get to remind her that the earth is so, so strong and so enduring. max is so strong and so enduring. and nothing is going to stop her from getting back up again and standing steady and firm.
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thebourisbox · 1 year
Turing test with walking android robots – can it fool 90% of human observers? Figure just unveiled an AI-powered humanoid
See on Scoop.it - Design, Science and Technology
Figure 01 is a bipedal, AI-powered humanoid. And it wants to work in a warehouse.
  Key to Figure’s robotics approach is its reliance on artificial intelligence to enable its robots to learn and improve their abilities. As movements and performance evolves, the robots can progress from basic lifting and carrying tasks to more advanced functions. That work will start out in the warehouse setting, doing the kind of heavy lifting that people don’t particularly enjoy.
  “Our business plan is to get to revenue as fast as we can. And honestly that means doing things that are technically easier,” says Figure founder Brett Adcock.
  Single-purpose robots are already common in warehouses, like the roving robots that carry boxes to shelves in Amazon fulfillment centers, and a robot created for DHL Supply Chain that unloads boxes from trucks at warehouse loading bays. Human-like robots could be a more versatile solution for the warehouse, Adcock says. Instead of relying on one robot to unload a truck and another to haul boxes around, Figure’s plan is to create a robot that can do almost anything a human worker otherwise would.
  In some ways, it’s a narrower approach to the humanoid robot, which many other companies have sought to build. Honda’s Asimo was intended to help a range of users, from people with limited mobility to older folks needing full-time care. NASA has invested in humanoid “robonauts” that are capable of assisting with missions in space. Boston Dynamics has pushed the limits of robotics by creating humanoids that can jump and flip.
  “Existing humanoids today have just been stunts and demos,” Adcock says. “We want to get away from that and show that they can be really useful.” Figure has produced five prototypes of its humanoid. They’re designed to have 25 degrees of motion, including the ability to bend over fully at the waist and lift a box from the ground up to a high shelf. Hands will add even more flexibility and utility. That is the plan, at least. Right now, the prototype robots are mainly just walking.
  Adcock expects to conduct extensive testing and refinement in the coming months, getting the robots to the point where they can handle most general warehouse applications by the end of the year. A pilot of 50 robots working in a real warehouse setting is being eyed for 2024. “Hardware companies take time,” he says. “This will take 20 or 30 years for us to really build out.”
With a reflective featureless face mask that may remind some viewers of a character from G.I. Joe, Figure 01 is a sleeker vision of the humanoid robots people may now be familiar with. Atlas, the walking, jumping, and parkour-enabled robot from the research wing of Boston Dynamics, for example, has prioritized mechanical skills over aesthetics.
  Figure’s robot bears some similarity to Tesla’s Optimus robot. Announced in 2021 during a presentation featuring a human in a spandex robot suit, Optimus also aspires to a smoother form but its latest prototype looks more science science than science fiction. Adcock says Figure’s robots use advanced electric motors, enabling smoother movement than the hydraulically run Atlas, which is allowing the prototypes to have a more natural gait while also fitting the mechanical systems into a smaller package. “We want to fool like 90% of people in a walking Turing test,” he says.
  The concept is being built around the notion that the robot can be continually improved over time, learning new skills and eventually expanding into more complex tasks. Being able to do more, Adcock says, makes what could be a very expensive device much more affordable to build and buy. That could someday lead to Figure’s robots working in manufacturing, retail, home care, or even outer space. “I really believe that humanoids will colonize planets,” Adcock says.
  For now, Figure is targeting the humble warehouse. “If we unveil the humanoid at some big event, it’ll just be doing warehouse work on stage the whole time,” Adcock says. “No back flips, none of that crazy parkour stuff. We just want to do real, practical work.”
Read the full article at: www.fastcompany.com
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boytouya · 3 years
𝘼 𝘽𝙤𝙮 𝙄𝙨 𝘼 𝙂𝙪𝙣*
words: 1.2k
request: ‘Hey!! I hope requests are still open but 👉👈 I was wondering if I could request a Megumi x Male!Reader fic where the reader has a secret crush on him, but yuuji or nobara find out on accident and try and get the reader to just 'ask him out already' (this idea been living in my head rent free all day) Also! could I be the 🍰 anon?’
a/n: i don’t know if you’re the same anon who already asked to be the 🍰 emoji but if not i’m so sorry! i can add something before or after the cake if you’d like(:
warnings: None!
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You were not in love. Megumi was not the first thing you thought of when you woke up. He certainly didn’t have your brain delaying three seconds behind your mouth. You didn’t misspeak around him once. Not once had his long, naturally curled eyelashes coke across your mind. The way he’d furrow his eyebrows and form a gentle crease in his forehead? All news to you. Simply because you didn’t like him.
You didn’t know his patterns because you liked him. You knew because he was always there. Always in your life, whether he’s lugging behind Nobara and Yuuji or heading off to bed in all black pajamas. He was a constant in your life, and perhaps one of the most stable things in it. But that didn’t mean you liked him, per say.
A better word would be admire.
Yes, that’s right. You admired his bravery and strength, just as you admired his facial features from afar. Though he was still young, Megumi acted much more mature than his peers. He’d have moments where excitement would seep through the cracks, he’d smile ever so slightly and the glossiness of his bottom lip would catch sunlight through green trees. You admired him as if he were a painting. You could look, but you could never touch. You didn’t like him, but holding his hand didn’t sound so bad.
He embodied Atlas in himself, holding up his world with tired arms and straining muscles. It was clear he deserved better than what he had gotten, but he wouldn’t really be himself if it weren’t for Gojo. Mentally, you thank him for that. You thank him for holding the Earth when Megumi wears too thin to do it himself. Their balance is equal, truthfully you’re a bit envious. Not because you like him, but because you want to help.
You want to help in the way Yuuji does, like when he laughs straight into Megumi’s ear and takes photos to remember the moment. The room grows noticeably brighter, and although Megumi is one of the darker characters in the room, he carries the Sun on his back. Perhaps instead of Earth he’s lifting Yuuji and Nobara, who seem to revolve around him. It doesn’t strike you with jealousy, it smites you with longing. You yearn to be as close as them. Not because you like him.
“You like Megumi?!” Yuuji shouts, raising his hands into the air as he lifts himself from his seat. Leaves fall along the pavement of the train station, sticking to the base of his shoes. People in Japan are quite good at minding their business, but it doesn’t stop a few subtle glares in his direction. The train has just enough walking space, Lunch Rush has just finished so less people were making their way inside. The open space doesn’t stop him from smacking his hand against the railing though. He hisses, shaking his hand and turning to Nobara before whispering, “I knew it! You owe me!”
Unfortunately, Megumi couldn’t join you on your expedition to Sendai. You still wanted to buy him something, just so he wouldn’t feel left out. That was all. You swear, that was all. You had no idea how he found out, you just have murmured something that his scary accurate ears picked up.
Nobara makes a sour face, shaking her head, “Fushiguro? Say something to him!” Her hair follows in her movement, disrupting its usual tighty space atop her head. You can’t tell if it’s directed toward you or Yuuji, but surely she wouldn’t advise you against dating someone she’s so close to? Not that you wanted to date him.
“I don’t like him!” You make an ‘x’ with your arms, and although your face is twisted into something that resembles grumpiness, your voice doesn’t sound like it at all. You’re clearly lying, and the raise in pitch at the end of your voice gives it away. You noticeably deflate, your lips resting into a straight line. “...I don’t even know if he likes guys.”
Yuuji goes quiet, leaning forward in his chair with his chin tucked between his thumb and four fingers. He’s lost in thought, mimicking Nobara’s pensive expression until a lightbulb pops in his head.
“That’s not true! You just gotta ask. Buy him something that’ll really ‘whoo’ him.” He grins, as though that was an option buried under layers of cement. You shake your head, watching Nobara stand from her seat and grip the hand rest above your heads. She looks down at you with an uncomfortably scary look of determination.
“Cheer up. Everything will work out since I’m here,” The train stops, and Yuuji jumps to his feet with an enthusiastic nod. It was your stop. “Let’s get sushi first.”
It would be an understatement to say they went overboard. Their advances were… compassionate, to say the least. The only problem was returning back with mountains of bears, sweets, carryout boxes of sushi (Nobara’s idea) and flowers (Yuuji’s idea) without being noticed. It was noticeably loud, and the vibrant red chrysanthemums you had pressed into your hand were making quite the scene. You wondered if you’d have to give him the button to your uniform, with all this commotion.
Megumi shuffles toward the three of you, his eyebrows stuck together as he takes in the sight of..whatever it was you had in your hands. You managed to carry all of it, bending awkwardly to keep anything from falling. The lump in your throat only gets bigger as three sets of eyes look at you expectantly. What are you supposed to say? ‘Hey Megumi, I’ve had a crush on you since the first day we met! I don’t even know if you like men, but do you wanna be my boyfriend?’ The food you’d eaten earlier no longer sits comfortably in our stomach, instead it churns and threatens to rise up as bile. Your hands feel clammy, and if it weren’t for the variety of things in them you’d be wiping them down on your pants.
“Ask him out already!” Nobara pushes you forward, her eyes oddly starry as her palms meet your shoulder blades. You stumble forward, nearly smacking the entirety of your weight right onto your crush. It seems so much easier in the movies. A confession, a kiss, fireworks, and a happy ending. But movie kisses were fake, and you hoped if you got to kiss Megumi it’d be full of the most sincerity the world could offer.
“I like you too.” Megumi says, his face completely relaxed. He stares straight into your eyes, trying to catch even a glimpse of wavering doubt. You stand your ground, but while half of you is stuck in his captivating gaze, the other half is still in shock. Megumi, of all people, likes you. He grabs the bouquet of chrysanthemums, twirling them around between his fingers. He could have very easily snapped them, thrown everything out of your hands and stomped on it. But he didn’t. He inspected everything carefully, and he looked the most relaxed you’ve ever seen him. He awkwardly places his hand on your shoulder, earning loud squeals from Nobara and Yuuji.
“I like your compassion, too.”
“What?!? That’s all you have to say?!”
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