#oh actually more bad news is that i cant go to a listening party either :((
l3monivy · 25 days
the way I was this 🤏 close (so close yet so very quacking far lol) to meeting tyler joseph and josh dun and being able to speak to them this thursday
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allamericansbitch · 3 months
So you can either ignore this whole ask or only answer certain aspects because I totally get if you don't want to.
While you were gone/your inbox was closed, there were ofc (as always) a lot of things happening in the fandom and there aren't many blogs line you that have constructive criticism (someone who can criticise taylor when it's due but not blame her for unnecessary things) so all the blogs and in general everywhere I was on (tiktok, twitter, etc) was either completely babygirling taylor for her actions or hating her for every single breath she was taking. So I have some following things that happened in the last two weeks and if you'd like to, I'd love to hear your honest opinion on them and if you think criticising taylor for these things is valid.
1. "Taylor is a mean girl because she dragged Lana on the stage when she won aoty and made fun of her since she was nominated in the same category."
2. Taylor's gonna bash/drag the hell out of Joe in the new album. It's unfair when she names songs like 'So long London' when he was there for her when the whole world hated her."
3. "Taylor (apparently) smoking at the superbowl after party in the club while she knew people were recording her is so irresponsible and she's such a bad role model for young girls when she smokes in public"
Please don't feel pressured to reply to all of these and if it makes you uncomfortable, dont reply at all :) Love you <3
I think this is fine to answer because tbh i think all of this is pointless and has no merit.
it bothers me more that taylor is friends with lana, who's a zionist and racist (also other things), and actively praised her during her speech. i feel like that's the issue people should've focused on.
Taylor has every right to write about her life and going through a breakup of a 6+ year relationship is hard for anyone, so of course she's gonna cope with it the way she knows best which is through writing. the real issue is how the fans act/react to it. they act like her emotions are just 'tea' and that they should fight anyone who does her wrong, just overall being incredibly immature and disrespecting her art and craft. it's one thing to listen to the album (what we assume it'll cover topic-wise) and be like 'oh this is why the relationship ended, this is how she felt at certain moments and im sure he also has his side', that's healthy and mature... it's another thing to be like 'he never valued her, he was terrible, joe is a terrible person i cant believe him she's so innocent and hurt' and that's the way it's probably gonna go, just immature mindsets, making blind and harmful assumptions, infantilizing her and her role in the breakup, diminishing her songwriting to map out a relationship no one truly knows about, and never actually will. they disguise their behavior as analyzing her art when in reality they're just analyzing gossip and reducing her art to feed their parasocial behavior.
she's a grown woman who can do as she pleases, there are way more important things to be angry about, from her own actions that are actually serious to just around the world.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
(1/2)The man came inside after a cigarette break, jumped right into 2x14, saw Justin dancing on the bar, paused the episode and went outside for another smoke. So i think he is handling it well. He is now back and his immediate reaction is ‘THIS IS BULLSHIT! Why are they making him do this, i know its his own doing BUT COME ON.. OH SO THEY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? My dudes, my bros, my mens..why aren’t we throwing punches yet?..oh Brian is pissed off! Why doesnt he say something? what is that freak of a fuck giving him? JUSTIN DONT TAKE ANY DRUGS FROM HIM’ *pauses the tv on Brian* ‘see the problem is that he looks very pretty when he is in a bad mood’ *throws his hands up in the air* ‘PICKLE GUY!!!!!!!! Oh pickle guy and Emy are going on a world trip!! I can’t wait! Theyre gonna have so much fun…oh she’s still being a bitch to Ben? Man fuck her, i thought she was better with him?’…’oh Brian knows about his classes! I swear i am totally normal about this! But like, i didnt even know my own classes but Brian knows Justins? Oh Brian is angry.. good for him! I like this! I mean I don’t like the Justin part but i do like Brian being all for his education and shit. That’s nice! I want more of that but less of that other shit.’ ‘I thought we wrapped up with cop bullshit? Why the hell is he here? Yeah, what are you doing her- SAY WHAT NOW? HE ASKED WHAT NOW? exactly debbie! Tell him! WE *points to her and himself* do not date or fuck cops!’ He high fived debbie on tv bc he’s happy she turned doen the cop..’brian actually showed up for Emmetts going away at work? I LOVE EMY AND BRI BRI!!! Oh for fucks sake justin! Just take the fucking money! You arent doing a very good job at looking out for yourself right now, that man is an evil evil little freak! And Brian clearly knows it!’ And the scene with Vic and Debbie is up. ‘exactly Debbie, he is a homophobe!! VIC MY BOY WHAT? HE DIDNT MAKE A TINY JOKE HE MADE A BAD JOKE! He doesnt need enlightening, what he needs is my foot so far up his ass his own mom can feel it! Why is vic being dumb? At least debbie knows he’s a homophobe. VIC STOP THIS MADNESS!’ ‘Oh look Justin remembered he has a school! Its Brian! I like this, i would like more of them hanging out. Justin doing his homework and Brian being with him. AFTER HOURS PARTY?! Absolutely not! Oh Brian knows this is bad news. Brian please stop this madness! *pauses tv on Justin* dude, me and Brian are trying so hard to get to you and you won’t listen to either one of us and honestly, it’s not cute!’ And now he is groaning loudly because Debbie is going on a date. ‘The problem i have is, this would be a cute moment if he wasn’t a…you know *said in a very disapproving way* a cop. OH THE FUCKING IRONY OF MIKE AND OH MY FUCKING GOD I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT OH MY GOD OH MY GOD SHE IS A HYPOCRITE OF A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. Oh fuck her times 70.’ And now the plane scene is up and i am not ready ‘AHHH PICKLE GUY AND EMY ARE ON A TRIP!! I need them to give me a cute little montage of them having cute moments all over the world! Like some italian music that’s upbeat and just random snapshots of them! YES I WANT THAT! Ohhhh they are gonna get down and dirty in the bathroom!! Gross but have fun babies, you deserve it!’ He is currently scoffing at everything Carl says ‘Debbie.. come on. You cant even look at Ben and say hi to him and you see nothing wrong with Car- oh thats why she said into him, theyre the same. Assholes!’ I am not ready for whats about to happen, i always get sad but i am not ready for this. ‘Oh look at them going at it! Hell yeah Pickle Guy and Emy live your best lif-*he is genuinely on the verge of tears* pickle guy?..pickle..? Is he. noooooooooooo PICKLE GUY! *he is actually crying at this point* PICKLE GUY NO! What about the world trip! And italy! And cute montage! Pickle’ He is genuinely sad and honestly same.
OH POOR BROTHER ANON, mourning the loss of Pickle Man (do not let him eat a pickle in his memory).
Your brother is right - We Do Not Fuck Cops in this house. ACAB. He’s going to be very disappointed in Debbie (again)
I love that he and Brian are now a team trying to get Justin to listen to reason.
Okay… let’s get to the next one because a couple of us have been wondering how Brother Anon was going to respond to Justin topping…
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jiilys · 3 years
would u help me out for a second. im in the mood to write for the first time, and i think your style is beautiful. sitting down n actually trying though, im stuck as fuck! i’m realizing that in your dialogue/scenes you’ve got a lot of Little Things. little tiny elements that are subtle & just enough. how are you deciding that lily is building a house of cards at the moment or sirius is sitting in a tree or whatever during a given scene? how do you come up with those ideas for dialogue that are so silly & real & sneakily tender? do you know where it’s going when you begin? any advice for just… starting something?
ps: i appreciate you. you make it look easy & that’s very very cool
This is a lovely question!! Sorry it took me so long to get to it, I didn’t want to get it wrong. Also I’ve included some examples to try and explain what I mean in practise, but it also comes off rather like plugging. tragically this is unavoidable. Anyway, all that being said I have no idea how to advise you about dialogue and coming up with it, I think just listening to people talk helps. Don’t forget contractions, and when in doubt always trust the reader to keep up, real people don’t say perfect or even grammatically correct sentences a lot of the time. We also cut each other off all the time, especially when we’re trying to be funny. Like, here’s an example from warm front:
“He’s not even two. He probably would have thought it was, like, having a lie down or something.”
Harry was laughing now, “A lie down?”
“Yeah, a spontaneous, truck-induced–“
“–Permanent–“ “
–Permanent, lie-down. I’m almost jealous now actually.”
Another thing, but people say um and like or can't speak or cut themselves off, especially when they’re nervous. James when Lily says she loves him for the first time: ‘“Wow,” He breathed, “I’m– wow.” He put both hands on her cheeks and kissed her crazy, abruptly, dumbly. Her head spun.’ He can’t even speak! Dumb boy.
I think natural dialogue sometimes just requires you to read it aloud, which is very embarrassing but ultimately quite useful in trying to figure out whether something sounds normal or not. Use casual words, and try not to go dictionary hunting: if you cant think of the word chances are your character can’t either
In terms of concepts I have no idea, but I do have a few tips. I write all my short one-shots in one document (its called ‘just bad’ lmao) so its easy to start something, write a few lines, and then if it doesnt work just start a new concept, but still have all the old stuff handy. if you feel like you’ve written yourself into a corner its probably because you took a wrong turn earlier, so its just a matter of going back up and figuring out where you turned onto the dead end, or where a line could be funnier and/or sadder and/or more meaningful. Sometimes the bare bones of a decent line is there but you have to work it a little.
In this harry/ginny thing where harry is apologising for all the attention and ginny brushes him off she says:
“It’s nothing,” her voice, all force, “Anyway, it’s more funny than annoying.”
The response went through a few drafts, all variations on the same thing:
(1) “You’re funnier.” [too short, doesn’t make sense, and not really that funny. unholy trinity]
(2) “You make it funny.” Harry said, looking at her for real, “It’s not– you make it like that.” [this could work! I have no idea why I cut this, I think I forgot abt it lmao]
(3) “You’re the funniest person I know, Harry said, sincerely, and Ginny felt her heartbeat all through her, “You make it funny.” [jumping from ‘its more funny than annoying’ to getting this sincere out of nowhere is a little much, even for harry who is famously whipped]
I ended up going with this:
“It’s nothing,” her voice, all force, “Anyway, it’s more funny than annoying.”
“You’re funny.” Harry said, looking at her for real, flustered, “I mean– you make it funny. That’s all you.”
It follows the flow of the conversation and I think the way he says it, ‘you’re funny’ like its obvious, and then being like oh fuck and over-explaining it stumbling a little “I mean– you make it funny. That’s all you.”. You know when you like someone and you say something that gives you away before you can stop yourself? I wanted it to sound like that. Just gotta keep in mind how people behave, we are so stupid a lot of the time, we give ourselves away.
The thing about short stuff i find is implying a lot of history without actually describing a lot of it. I normally do this by having memories come up as almost shards, one second of feeling. You know when you’re in a conversation with someone and they mention someone or a past event, and it rises to the top of your brain, but only for a second? i find sometimes when you’re reading stuff people will try and replay entire memories or events mid-conversation, which is not something you do when you think. You don’t need to replay it beat by beat, you were there! This sounds vague as hell so I’ll try and show you what I mean:
From good crimes: “Petunia is engaged.” Lily’s voice, raw and wrong, “To Vernon. Eliza Hunt told me at the supermarket.” Sudden flashes of Petunia, the only time he’d ever met her, sat in the back of Lily’s twenty-first, pinched and whispering. “Whose Eliza Hunt?” This seems as good a thing to say as any.
pretty on the nose (the phrase ‘sudden flashes’ is pretty so i'll allow it from past me). But see how you don’t need to know how Petunia didnt talk to anyone, how she left early, how she was the odd one out: you don’t need to read all that, you already know because she was sat in the back and because pinched is such a mean verb, spiteful and sharp, you can already imagine how the evening went without me saying so
From my proposal take, after Sirius finds out they’re engaged: Sirius’ grip on his shoulder tightened for one second, still grinning, and James knew what he meant. “I know.” He said, because only Sirius had been there for all of it, when they were fifteen, drunk on Firewhiskey for the first time and James had said I think I’ve fucked it, I think I’ve fucked it but I like her for real.
you don’t need a description of the whole night, what party they were at, who they were with, what they were talking about: the important bit is that Sirius was the first person he told, and that they’re both remembering that at the same moment because they’re soulmates lmao. You know when something big happens for a friend and you feel so full of pride & love that you feel like you’ll burst into confetti?? this needed to feel like that, and you only need a flash for it
I feel like I’ve sort of strayed off from what you asked me, which is really advice on how to start something. I normally start with a line, usually of dialogue, and then try and build from there because dialogue is my thing. You might have a different thing! Some people write from concepts or locations, or an image. i might start with one or a few lines of dialogue, write them down, and then try to build from there. For example for the proposal thing I started from james just saying “Marry me”, which I find more romantic than ‘will you marry me’, purely because it sounds like he simply couldn’t stop himself from saying it, like it rushed out. Another example, this thing started from just “don’t be mad at me” “okay” James agreed instantly, because he is such a sucker for her.
When I write I don’t normally know where I’m going! I normally set out to write something I think is vaguely funny and evokes An Emotion, and then I just play around with stuff until I get there. when I write certain stuff and I have scenes in mind, stuff I want to happen, but I find that if I try to plot it to tightly its not exciting to work on, because sometimes you write a good line by accident, that you hadn’t thought of when you sat down, and you surprise yourself. That is a really nice feeling! i want to maximise that feeling.
'What I mostly try to remember is that writing something down, anything down, is useful. Sometimes you write for a whole night and dont get anything useable, but its like clearing pipes. Sometimes you have to flush through shit to get to the good bits. All the rough stuff, the things you don’t like or didn’t work, you wrote to get you to the stuff that did work. All of the bad shit got you here! It wasn’t a waste, you were working to find the good thing
If I had any tips its just the usual stuff, read! It is annoying how much that helps. Also, and I know this may make you shudder, but reading poetry is useful just because in no other literary or media form is language so important. In comics you have pictures, in novels you have plot and character, in film you all that and cinematography, but in poetry you live and die by how good the words are. If you want recs here’s my poem roundup tag, that I do sometimes, or if you want something just now read this by Anne Carson, which uses words like ‘smashing’, ‘boatwash’, and ‘green’ in the best way possible. Also it has these lines: “Recently having learned to recognize the type of tree called sycamore, / I see them in any forest— / the ones that look harrowed, / in shreds, but / go also / straight up into life,”
I mean, think of a sharper image than that?? It’s not possible. Just try remember to stay true to your characters and that in real life, the little stuff is the big stuff. Little things the people around you do normally show they care more than big speeches, and if you want to show love that’s how to make it feel lived in. You want to build a world! the little stuff is usually the world. Take some from your own or dream the ones you wish you had.
This truly was a very kind message and I’m so grateful you like my stuff, I hope any of this was even half-useful, although now reading it back it is borderline nonsensical. I’m going to bed now, good luck with the writing, and don’t forget to send it to me!!
caro xoxo
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petri808 · 3 years
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
*short chapter this week* for @inukag-week Firsts Prompt
When Mrs. Higurashi heard the sound of the front door open and close, she left the kitchen knowing her daughter would be home around that time. “How was the party Kagome…” She instantly paused once she saw the woman’s bleary red eyes and broken frown. “Kagome? What’s wrong?!”
“The party was great actually…” Kagome’s body slumped as she slid her purse down from her shoulder. “It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone, I even had a few break throughs which was awesome… and that’s part of the problem… we um—” Tears started streaming down and her hands flew up to cover the sobbing that took over her body.
“Shhh,” Mrs. Higurashi immediately pulled her daughter into a hug. “Let’s sit on the couch and you tell me what happened.”
“Inuyasha a-and I had a f-fight in the car, and it was bad…”
Kagome continued to talk as her mother guided them to the living room, giving her a summarized version of the argument. Once the back of her legs touched the couch she dropped back onto it, unwilling to hold herself up any longer. There were too many pieces of the puzzle still out of reach, and it felt as if all the emotions behind those missing pieces were the reason she was as upset as she was. But that frustration only added to her muddled thoughts, and it was driving her crazy! She was exhausted from all the emotional turmoil.
“What triggered this?” Mrs. Higurashi prompted. “How about we start with that.”
Kagome let out a long exhale and gripped her fingers to her thighs. “A name, an ex-coworker was mentioned at the party, and it brought back a bad memory. This woman was friends with Inuyasha’s ex, and I remembered how they tried to attack me on a lunch break. It’s what got the woman fired from the company.”
“Oh… I remember you telling me about this. Yura, I think was the name.”
“Yeah…” Kagome sighed. “That’s the one. The doctor warned me emotional events will come back faster, but I don’t understand why I still can’t remember Kikyo. I mean, shouldn’t those memories come back faster since they were so upsetting?!” Her hands flailed in frustration. “I got mad at Inuyasha because he argued he wouldn’t have listened before, but really, how can I be so sure either since I can’t remember?! Maybe he would have, and I’d just assumed then, as I assumed today the opposite, which would make me the asshole… but I don’t think so… Ugh!” She buried her face in her hands. “All I know for sure is my heart is breaking…”
Mrs. Higurashi pulled her daughter close to rest against her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her body. “I don’t know why you still can’t remember Kikyo, but sometimes we lock away the most painful memories we have because it’s too hard to think about them. Amnesia or not, it’s a way we protect ourselves from the pain until we’re ready to face it.”
“You think so?”
“I do.” Mrs. Higurashi turned to face her daughter. “I’ve never talked about this before, but when your father died in the accident, I wanted to break down and never get up again. He was the love of my life, and I didn’t know if I could do this by myself. But… your brother was just a baby and you…” she placed a hand on Kagome’s cheek with a small smile. “I realized I had to pull myself together to take care of you two, so I locked those feelings away for years. I didn’t want bring us all down because I couldn’t cope.”
“Wow… I had no idea you’d been in so much pain. I mean I remember how hard it was, but you seemed so strong. Did you eventually deal with it?”
“Eventually.” Mrs. Higurashi smiled. “Watching my children grow up and seeing parts of him in both of you helped remind me he’ll always be with me so by the time I was ready to process his death, it wasn’t as hard anymore. It’s not exactly a similar example to what you’re going through, my point is just that our minds are capable of doing all kinds of things to protect us sometimes.”
“I guess that does make sense. Still doesn’t help me though if my heart feels broken.”
“I know,” Mrs. Higurashi hugged onto her daughter. “That probably has nothing to do with Kikyo.”
“I know…” The tears pooled once again in Kagome’s eyes. She knew it was all about Inuyasha.
“You love him.”
And there it was. Her mother knew it. She knew it. But she’d never said it out loud. “I love this Inuyasha,” the tears spilled at those words.
“But it feels new because for you it’s like it’s the first time.”
Again, her mother’s words echoed what Kagome didn’t want to admit to. But it was true. All these months of being with Inuyasha made her so happy. She couldn’t remember a time she’d ever fallen so hard for a guy before… Because in her broken mind, he, this really was the first time. “What am I gonna do mom?”
“The one thing you can’t do is run from it. It’s—”
At that moment, Kagome’s phone pinged with a text message, halting what her mother was saying. Although she had a feeling who it would be, she took the phone out of her purse to check it and sure enough, it was him.
Inuyasha: Im so so sorry Kagome. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have argued with you. You were right. I probably wouldn’t have listened, and I admit I behaved badly. Please forgive me! I cant live without you I love you more than anything else in this world and Im nothing without you.
“I just can’t—” Kagome dropped the phone back into her purse. “Not right now.”
“That’s okay. It’s okay to take some time to process everything, but eventually you will have to make a decision.”
“I know…”
“Oh, my dear girl, the first loves are the hardest to deal with, but you’ll get through this, I promise. He’s probably hurting just as much as you.”
“I know…” Kagome sighed again. “I do believe that.”
Another ping. Another sigh… But Kagome couldn’t stop herself from checking it.
Inuyasha: You’re mad at me. I get that so I’ll give you some space but I just wanna say good night Kagome. I love you -Inu
“I really don’t know what to do mom.”
Mrs. Higurashi wiped the remaining tears from her daughters cheeks. “You will. For now, let’s get you cleaned up. A good night’s rest is a start.”
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aurora-daily · 3 years
AURORA’s Reddit Q&A (July 13th 2021)
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Kmilalv: Hello aurora we love you, I'm @ aurora.s_love on instagram ✨✨🥰🥰🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ Aurora: oh hellooo!!!! Exportmusic: Meep Aurora: meep < 3 Lisxnne: WELL HELLO AND THANKS FOR YOUR NEW SONG! 🙏🌟💕 Aurora: HELLO!! and thank you for being open to it 24681357900: Thank u for making music Aurora: thank you for inviting it into your heart Emergency-Club-7529: This is have some upper case , it's the real Aurora Aurora: yes!!! Helloooooo brunamombach: hello ✨🃏🧚🏻‍♂️🤘🍇🍄🧚🏻‍♀️ when are you coming do Brazil? so glad to see you here!!! Aurora: I think I will be coming to Brazil next year  I love being in Brazil because I feel like it awakens my heart and soul to be there !! Brunamombach: if you were going to an souless island, what book would you bring with you? 🧚🏻‍♂️🍇🍄🧚🏻‍♀️🤘🃏 kisses from Brazil Aurora: I would either take: "The name of the wind" and "a Wise mans fear" or the LOTR trilogy. Or the "Mistborn" trilogy. or "warbreaker" or "the good omens" or "the ocean at the end of the lane" or "Anne of Green gables" or "The alchemist" or just all the books in the world oh no I cant decide
all DanParis: Hey have some karma you cool bean 🤌🏼 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Aurora: thank you < 3 Ok-Estimate8468: Tell us something you can tell us about the second track on the Cure For Me vinyl, “Potion For Love”. I'm very curious...
Aurora: its the song I decided for the B-side of the vinyl, and I will probably release it digitally one day too. Its the sister song to "exist for love" but from the other perspective. where love does not fill you up, but love has left a big hole within you < / 3 Ok-Estimate8468: Did you get a lot of unfollows and hate from bad people due to Cure For Me? Aurora: I got a little hate from homophobes, and also abelist, and racist comments from people claiming there was nothing wrong with their mindset. BUT it does not bother me. and I will never stop speaking up about the things I find important. because.. what else would our meaning on this earth be? if that makes sense. Some people have attacked me personally, but sadly mostly its people defending their own hateful ways of being. I cant even imagine how it really is to be a victim of racism or violent homophobia, so I feel like the least I can do is to try the best I can to show support. and speak up. and be an ally.
So a bit more short - yes, and I really dont mind!!!! unfollow me if you find speaking about equality and the right to live, and love and be loved unsettling <3 thank you for this question! Ok-Estimate8468: How was the process of creating the studio version of Cure For Me? I heard your first acoustic performance and saw that it's much smoother than the studio, so I was curious to see how you managed to create another even more amazing version. Aurora: Me and Magnus just played around, and we really tried to go with our emotions, and to be playful and to not think too much about what was "AURORA" or what was even...pretty! we just laughed! and danced! and did what felt lovely to us.
I think this is why the making of this song is one of my favourite memories, and also I think that is why it sounds so playful! because it is!! it was like playing a game. and I did also play alot around with symbolics in both the lyrics and the way this song is produced. it all has a meaning you see... but of course I will let you figure that out yourself!!
Pingouiin_: What's your favourite mountain around bergen ? Aurora: mine is Løvstakken!! and Magnus loves Ullrikken!! but important to NEVER stop a Norwegian person walking on the mountain. just say. a quick hello and wander off your own mind. become at one with nature Whoamiandallthat: Thank you for existing, I love your art and you inspire me so much 💙 You are one of my favorite artists 😊 And just the other day I found out that you are just two years older than me, and so successful... I'm wondering how it was for you to become so popular, did you feel like people thought you needed a cure? I'm also in the sphere of arts - filmmaking; but I feel like my films are not good enough... I have a YouTube channel with some videos - if you ever see this comment I would like for you to check it out 😊 Aurora: Ive felt through my life like something was a little off, ive never resonated that much with the people or the "system" around me! it didn't bother me so much even though I. was teased a lot for it ( so again I was very lucky) but I never felt like I understood the world and my place in it. or how I. could fit in, in this worlds society and with other people ! and becoming "famous" which I dont really feel that I am, but I guess that I am a little "known" (meep) was very strange, and very hard to handle at first. as impressions affect me a lot, and noises and people etc. but with time I got better at handling all these impressions, and avoid getting a.. sensory overload! and I am so happy now, that I can look directly at strangers and actually listen to them, and understand them, and even love them I guess what I am trying to say, that ive now understood that this is the very thing that connected me to all of you. and now I see my place here on this earth. and I see all of you, and you give my life so much meaning!! Lets_Fight_Dragons: Firstly I wanted to say I recently discovered your music and I love everything about it. I have two questions, I hope that’s ok 1. How do you start writing songs because I’m trying to get into songwriting and I’m not sure how you write such amazing songs 2. What’s your favourite song you’ve released? Aurora: 1. well I dont really know. ( I am sorry!!) but I feel like it started really natural for me.. I. kind of just sat down with my piano.. and then I started playing around with the Keyes, and I figured out I could make an endless amount of melodies by simply pressing the keys in a different order!! remember finding this extremely magical (I was around 6 years old then) and after a while I started adding lyrics, and I just spent time looking into myself, trying to figure out. - what do I want to say? what do. I need to hear in a song? what do the world need to hear in a song? and etc. I always think about songwriting as storytelling. and I always start out by figuring out what story I want to tell, what matter I want to dress, or what pleases me, or annoys me with the world, or what emotion I need help dealing with!! and then I write a song!!! and if you feel like its difficult to come up with melodies, I would recommend finding a song you like, and learn the chords of it (or find an instrumental version. online) and then you make your own melodies on top of that! many of the songs of the world share the same chords, and often the melodies on top is the thing separating them. music belongs to all of us, and its clear that every song in the world comes from the same magical source. 2. I think its the seed. or couples creatures!! or infections of a different kind!! tiffnoir: Our dear AURORA, your b-side A Potion For Love is helping me a lot (broken heart since a few days ago). I wanted to ask (if I can haha) if would it be included at the upcoming album, or maybe a relaxing, vintage video for it? Thanks for helping all of us with your music ^_^ Aurora: thank you som much for letting this song into your heart  after writing exist for love, I figured that I should also make a sister-song that could belong for the ones with a broken heart as well  it will not be on the album, but for you I will try to put it on the deluxe version FedahpWithThisWurld: Hello, Aurora! I'm a neurodivergent person and I have always felt a lot of shame over being the way I am, like I'm not good enough. Your music makes me feel better and it makes me feel that being me is okay. Thank you for that.  I want to know how you manage to be so confident? Do you ever get nervous before a show? Aurora: hello!!!! I have had a lot of similar experiences with myself in this world too.. so I am very sad to hear you've lived your life with this feeling I think after a while I understood what makes me different also makes me special. and special is good. and if you think about it, special isn't even that different, because in one way or another we are all... unique. but of course, some people have had to fight their. way through life more than others.. making it less easy to learn how to love yourself. and accept yourself. I guess, now I've surrounded myself with good people who understand my quirks and sensitivities, people who give me time. and space to be me. I have also been lucky, because I have a family that have always encouraged me to be myself. and to love myself. and I guess that is why I am trying to convey to all of you now, because now we are like al little family. where being who you are - is cool. and you're cool. and were all cool. and I get nervous all the time, of all sorts of things! but I just accept that feeling as a part of being human. its uncomfortable yes, but I know at least it won't kill me! 3charmplease: What was it like recording for Frozen? Aurora: it was magical  and also slightly scary. but it felt safe and good calling at the mountains. and I feel warm thinking about it. especially now. cause my father just walked over to me with five little strawberries in his hand. he gave them all to me. and they were so small, and sweet. im currently sitting in my childhood home, right next to the very piano where I wrote "runaway" and so many other songs. Tiny-Sink-2397: Boom shake shake shake the room Aurora: that was actually during the recording process of Cure For Me! Tiny-Sink-2397: I thought it was!! Seemed like an epic party Aurora: YES Joelynxyzs: what's your favorite movie ? Aurora: Practical magic BUT ALSO THESE: The LOTR triology ALL GHIBLI MOVIES avatar once upon a time in Hollywood Hannah the perfume fantastic MR. fox Star Wars: a new hope rouge one isle of dogs the hunchback of Notre dame! the arrival stypop: If you were to get the chance to work on a sequel to another Disney movie, which one would you want it to be? Aurora: since Disney owns Lucas films I would love to be a part of the Star Wars universe  or to play either a magical fairy, witch mermaid, forest nymph, or a scary beast!! WE WO brisot: The masks in CFM remind me of theater plays, do you ever watch any and how much of an influence for you is the art of acting? Aurora: this era of my life is very influenced by the ancient times where theatre was all they had. no CGI or special effects etc. and I really wanted all these videos to feel very authentic, and down to earth! The shell in "exist for love" was handmade by someone, and I painted all the masks in "cure for me" myself! so I like it when it feels... human Clear-Champion-1833: i love you Aurora:
Jicuhrabbitkim: How do you like your fried eggs cook!! I like it when its very crispy!! Aurora: as long as its from a local farm that has free healthy chickens that walk about freely and eat good food I like my eggs crispy too. GhostReaper3: Hi I have a question as well: How do you keep positive? Many people including myself find this difficult sometimes so it would be good to hear your technique or way of keeping upbeat and positive! Also, thank you for sharing your music with us! Aurora: I know what you mean, i've struggled with it myself at times. but I guess I tried separating in my mind what I can do something about, and what I cant? if that makes sense?? we are all just here on this planet. and though we all seem to be going though the same things we still feel so alone, in our thoughts and in our minds. And I've been very aware that with music, and with this fandom we can all finally connect, and see each other, and know that we are not alone! and if there is one thing I love, it is to dance a little after I've cried. I think its important to. shake these emotions out of our body. like animals do! and then I made CURE FOR ME. because I thought about all the warriors out there feeling. a little crazy... after isolation! or after being depressed! and being l rocked in with their families that might not accept them for who they are.. and I thought I needed to make a song for us all, that felt a little uplifting. and uniting. just so we know where not alone, and just so we know that we are worthy.. of everything! and that we are worthy of celebrating ourselves!! ALWAYS! aniri003: Were the dancers freestyling in the last part of the video Aurora: YES! I told them to put their freak game on. And they were amazing. L_pls_use_revive: Hei Aurora! Apart from inspiring me with your music for emotional people, I also dicovered my love for Norway and the Norwegian language through you - now studying it in my second year at university. Tusen, tusen takk! I want to visit soon when traveling is safe - So which place should I not miss out on? Have a great life! Aurora: I think the whole of Norway is worth visiting! there are so many beautiful places. and beautiful people! I would ofc. recommend Bergen! (haha!) but also places like Tromsø, Trondheim, Stavanger, lofted and The Geirangerfjord and the Northwest!!! HAHA KakSetoKaiba: How's the progress of the album that you've been preparing which will be released after your death? Aurora: its going well, I take one song for every chapter and I put it on my death album instead of the album I'm making  its going well. and im excited about it! maria_fernandez_: This is not a question but I just wanted to tell you that discovering you and your music has been the best thing that ever happened to me. What your music makes me feel cannot be described in words. I love you so much. Greetings from Spain!! Aurora: thank you!!! applepieaurora: Whats your favorite pie? 🐉 Aurora: apple pie  and blueberry pie!! Ok-Potato7244: Thanks for sharing your time ... a warrior here to welcome you...Have some tea...And i don't need a cure for disliking keeping animals in cages...Especially birds...💚... Aurora: thank you pekaraseva: what do you feel when you perform Ioadk or Adkoh for people? Aurora: I feel so full of emotion and love and despair I could almost explode  and its wonderful. I also feel insanely connected to the audience when I sing these songs.. I. think. its because they are such important pieces of my soul targaryenblood02: omg what do you think cure for me would smell like? 🐛 Aurora: like something Brazilian! like Asai! or caipirinha! or Brigadeiro!
sproutingephemeral: Hello Aurora, Thanks for your new song, I've gotten quite addicted to it😊 I have a question that might be a bit difficult to answer. I am a Warrior from the U.S. currently without a clue of where I should be and what I should be doing. I'm done with school, and in the process of moving to a new town with my parents. I'm applying for jobs, but I feel like I can't find my reason for being in a smaller area with not many people my age. I feel like my parents are trying to mold me into a certain person, which doesn't feel authentic to me. I probably should be making more of my own decisions at my age, but I'm a bit scared and confused, if what I think is deemed too unrealistic or out of line with their expectations for me (like a childhood dream?). I tried talking to them about it, to little success. Is there something inherently wrong with me? Or am I just being spoiled or lazy? I read about how you were initially opposed to starting your career until your mother convinced you to change your mind. How do you know whether or not to trust in your parents' plans for you? On a lighter note, do you prefer cookies that are more soft (chewy) or hard (crumbly)? I don't need a cure for...my autism, and tendency to talk regularly to my deceased cat at his grave (??)😿👼 Looking forward to seeing you in New York! Take care❤❤ Aurora: you should ALWAYS. only do what feels right for you. this world is very absurd, and people tend to think they know what is meaningful and what is important. but we all know, money and success isn't important beyond what you need to simply survive. this one life is yours. and you should be just who you want. and do what feels right for you. because its yours. its only yours. drink tea. work hard. be lazy. dance. be shy. laugh, cry. drink wine and eat good bread. be good. fight for something you care about. and either live for your work, or work a little and then just... live. get a garden, grow tomatoes, get a cat. or a dog. or a parrot. life can be so random, and it can be both so little, and so large at the same time. some days were meant to TAKE chances, and live. and sometimes were just meant to exist. and do nothing. you should never feel guilty for not "being enough" because you are enough. just who you are. just how you are. is enough. good luck on your strange journey my warrior, maybe our paths crosses and maybe they dont. but know, when you walk out of your door, that anything can happen! and the whole world is yours. Hippolyte_gray: is the name of the next album hidden in your previous songs ? Aurora: mayyyyyybeeeeeeeee rashadalt: what do you think about your fans who are racist/homophobic etc.? Aurora: I feel sorry for them. because I know I cant be easy l living a life so full of hate. and even spending your precious. time on this world bringing other people down. and I know how easy it is for people to be driven by fear, and how difficult. it can be to have an original meaning and stand up for what you really mean. so I dont judge them, or hate them,
but I do feel sorry for them. and I am also very disappointed in them. because its such a. waste of human potential to live your life in the paths of hatred.
but as long as we face hate with love, we will eventually win. when we show them. we are not the enemy, just people trying to make a better world, I think, and I hope that eventually we can all agree that being able to live, and being able to love is a human right. Brivera726: I noticed you said you would bring LOTR trilogy with you to an island- I’m reading them for the fourth time right now  I feel like if Galadriel sing songs it would sound like you! Anyway I really like your art so yah just keep doing u- love from PFC Rivera, USMC Aurora: this is then est thing ive ever read thank you Aurora: I am. sorry people, but my time here (for tonight) is up </3 but I will probably be back looking at your questions and thoughts because I did really. enjoy this. and I. love you all so. much.
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justsomefluff · 3 years
Can you do an ateez reaction where the reader gets jealous??
of course I can! took me a while lmao but thank you for being patient, here ya go, precious!
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Low-key super oblivious to your jealousy
Like he’s having such a good time at whatever event your attending
Kind of gets lost in the fun
Loves making new friends and meeting people who share similar interests
And don’t get me wrong, you’re happy that he is happy
And you are so proud and love listening to all the compliments he gets on his work
You know how important feedback is to him, but you also know that praise is his weak point
(He deserves every bit of it too)
But some people really just don’t know where to draw the line
Sometimes people skip past his work and start complimenting his physical attributes and making flirtatious remarks about his great personality
Like yeah… I know his personality is great he’s my freakin boyfriend
If you say something like that under your breath and Hongjoong catches it?
Giggling and excusing himself from the conversation immediately
Thinks its really sweet and funny, but also wants to reassure you
Maintains a steady balance of his attention on you and on networking for the rest of the night
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I feel like Seonghwa is the type of significant other to be really in tune to your needs and just generally good at picking up on what you’re feeling
So if he thinks that something is bothering you or making you uncomfortable in any way?
Bye. We are leaving.
If you are somewhere that you can’t really leave (like an important business gala or something idk what famous people do)
He will just take you outside for a breath and a conversation
Tries to take your mind off of whatever you were thinking
Assures you that everything being said inside is strictly business related
He chuckles at you a little bit and pulls you into a hug when he thinks no one is watching
Will lead you back into the event and just do things to subtly remind you that he’s there with you
Physically and mentally
Holds your hands, keeps an arm around your waist, or just stands close beside you during conversations
Super sweet and just wants you to be happy and comfortable
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Don’t take this the wrong way but…
He’s gonna make fun of you
Like for real
“Oh you thought-? HA”
And if you’re pouting at his teasing, he’s gonna laugh more
Even though he’s dying inside because you’re so cute
Will say stupid, annoying things the whole time
“Ooh, would you look over there? My ex”
“That person has been checking me out all night, maybe I’ll go say hi”
And you’d whip around every time like ??? ‘Scuse me???
You’re like two seconds from slapping him in front of his boss and all his peers
But then you see that adorable, goofy grin of his
And all your frustration just sort of melts away
You know he only jokes because he finds it ridiculous
Like why would he ever look for someone else when youre right there?
But I’m sure you’ll find a way to get him back for being a brat somehow
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This one will not understand why you’re jealous
More the type to let you simmer while simultaneously doing things to soothe you
Will rub your back or your arm during conversations
Will brush a hair back from your face every now and then
But he’s not just doing these things to remind you that he loves you
No no
He is also doing these things so that whoever is hitting on him will take the hint
Like?? Shut up?? Go away??
And in the end, you forget that you were jealous and you’re more just irritated
Like quit saying weird things to my man
When they finally go away, you both look at each other with big eyes and sigh really loudly
But then you’re laughing because did that really just happen?
And he’ll tease you a little bit for being jealous before you both go back to talking about how creepy the other person was being
Low-key making fun of them; making up new ridiculous compliments that fit their vibe
“Oh, Yeosang! You know I’ve been a fan for oh so very long and I’ve loved watching your muscles grow!”
Discomfort pretty much forgotten, you just go about your night like that didn’t even happen
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Okay this fool
He thinks you’re really cute when you’re jealous so he’s gonna make it worse
Will be super sugary sweet with whoever is flirting with him
Thanking them and complimenting them back
Too bad the compliments are empty and he’s only using them to make you pout a little more
Eventually he ends the conversation because he thinks you’ll catch on to his evil plan if he keeps this up much longer
Drags you away into a quieter area of the event
“Were you jealous?”
He’s smirking because I mean… duh
“You were doing that on purpose weren’t you?”
If looks could kill he would be belly-up in the pool rn
But then he’s laughing and apologizing and trying to justify himself
“I mean how could I resist when it makes you look like this cute baby oooo”
Full squishing your cheeks in public like… sir
But he does it enough that you’re smiling again and batting his hands away from your face
When he realizes that he was successful in returning your mood back to normal, he’ll pull you back into the party
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Does not realize you are jealous
Carries on the entire night like everything’s cool
Totally didn’t participate in mutual groping with some random fans
An awkwardly placed hand
An accidental brush against the wrong body part
I mean you know its not his fault
But ooooohhh did it make your blood boil
Literally doesn’t even mention it until you’re home because he genuinely doesn’t think anything happened
And you’re like??? Hello???
You touched their butt???
And then his face goes so red
Like you think for a second he’s gonna explode like those old airheads commercials
But then you’re laughing at him because he is more horrified at the situation than anything else
He face plants on the couch and just yells into the cushions for a minute because my god how could he not realize
And then you’re the one comforting him explaining how the fan surely knows it was an accident and blahblahblah
But at least there was an easy solution to your problem lmao
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I think that he will actually be concerned
Like if he realizes that you’re jealous he’s gonna think that he did something wrong
Even if its someone else’s fault that you were feeling that way
Hes gonna feel responsible
And he’s gonna wanna make you feel better
Will make some excuse about one of you not feeling well and hightail it out of there
When you tell him you didn’t have to leave the event just because of that he’s like Nono
And he’s gonna spend the rest of the night giving you his undivided attention and making sure you feel loved and cherished
Like I think he is gonna be genuinely worried about how this kind of thing will make you feel
Always wants you to feel safe and secure in your relationship
Never wants anything to damage your self esteem either
So if he thinks any of those things are in jeopardy, he’s gonna do something about it
Might tease you for it sometimes, but darker. emotions are something he tends to be gentler with and more serious about
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Does not get the memo
Jealous? Who?
Has to be told by the members lmao
And sees you sulking somewhere away from him
Then he’s rushing to you like a confused puppy
Sits with you quietly for a minute because he doesn’t even really know what to say
“I feel like a bad boyfriend now” is what he chooses to open with
And then youre not jealous anymore
youre in protective mode
“Noooo, baby, why would you ever feel like that youre the best boyfriend ever”
And then he’s like??? Thought you were upset???
And you’re like… maybe
But who cares? Because he’s still a good boyfriend
I mean you know he cant babysit you at events and stuff and youre always happy when he’s having fun
Youre just a little selfish sometimes and want him all to yourself
But who can blame you?
And he completely understands because… well he feels the same way about you <3
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cuinnamonbun · 3 years
I really love ur headcanon about Hijabi Mc with the brothers! I really love it cuz there is no one writing about us in any fandom =(
I was thinking would u do the (un)datebale characters with Hijabi Mc if u can ? =3
If u don’t want then u can ignore the ask 🖤
Hello there, angel! I assume you meant the chaotic Hijabi MC headcanon that I wrote, so I hope you enjoyed these xx
she/her pronouns!!
The (Un)Dateable Characters' + Luke’s Reactions to a Hijabi MC That Looks Extremely Pious and Quiet but is Actually a Chaotic Mess
As future king of the Devildom that wishes to strengthen the relations between the three realms, prejudice and discrimination against the human exchange students’ choice of religion is a HUGE no-no
Diavolo would not mind the fact that she is wearing a symbol of her devotion to God on her head, but he would be so intrigued by this human at first meeting
Not about her religion, of course, he is well aware of all the religions in the world; Abrahamic religion being the one he is most familiar with (obvi)
What excited him was the fact that this human was so. friggin. hilarious.
He’s not even sure if this human is doing it on purpose because something would happen that would catch her off guard and she would just say?? the most random shit???
Like say, she got jumped by Mammon and her response to that would be a monotone scream and a “sTOP i could’ve dropped my croissant!” but she was actually genuinely startled
He’d be so fascinated like wow! Go girl, give us nothing!!
He would invite her over for tea so many times just so she could explain slang to him
Diavolo: Tell me MC, what is the meaning of DILF?
Due to personal reasons, MC will now be passing away
He would abuse the usage of slang everywhere and he would be so excited to finally understand what Leviathan is talking about
Lucifer: Diavolo, we must talk about the student council budget
Diavolo: That wasn’t very cash money of you
Lucifer: ....excuse me?
Diavolo: Periodt okurrr slay queen
MC has to go hide to avoid being slaughtered like a sacrificial lamb by Lucifer
Diavolo would be also be curious and impressed at the intricate planning of each and every one of her pranks
Like sure, it may be annoying to be the one at the receiving end of it, but understanding the details behind it?? All the logic, physics and patience put into it just to ensure a flawless delivery??? Absolutely stunning
MC has him mesmerised
He would absolutely want to learn the art of pranking from her
Honestly, at this point it’s no longer the human exchange student and the Devil King, it’s now the mentor and the mentee
Lucifer has to demand MC to stop teaching him these things for the sake of his sanity because it’s taking him away from his royal duties that’s keeping the Devildom from falling apart
They still meet up in secret though screw you, Lucifer
This is another demon whom would not mind the fact that their chosen exchange student is a Muslim
Lord Diavolo’s reputation hangs on this exchange program going extremely well, he would not let simple prejudices put a smear on that
He has prepared himself well to receive people from different walks of life just so he can provide all students a comfortable stay during their term in the Devildom
But wait...what is that human doing?
Oh...this poor man
Not only does he have to keep that ginormous labyrinth of a castle spotless and immaculate at all times and ensure that every event being hosted by the castle is going perfectly without a hitch, but he also has to take care of an overgrown man-child that is also known as the future king of the Devildom
Now, he has to make sure this...mess of a human doesn’t go stir up trouble anywhere?
Barbatos is a calm and collected man, but he’s still a demon; virtues aren’t exactly something they practice 
He would need to down three cups of melancholy coffee and squeeze a stress ball whenever he catches MC in her antics whether it is alone or with someone in tow
Somehow he’s the only one whom MC would find almost impossible to prank
Like she managed to catch Lucifer off guard once (that was her proudest achievement) but BARBATOS???? yeah, it’s like he has a pair of eyes on the back of his head or something
MC: *tries to sneak up on him*
Barbatos, not even turning back: Enough of that now, MC, come enjoy this tea I’ve made
Pranking Barbatos will become her number one mission during her entire term in the Devildom
Barbatos would be really amused and impressed at the lengths she would go through just to see that shocked look on his face
Why, it might even be—dare he say—endearing
Though MC will cause this man stress and grey hairs, Barbatos couldn’t help but appreciate her company every time she came around
When she’s not up to her daily shenanigans, she would simply opt to help Barbatos out with some of the chores or preparing the treats for a tea party with the student council members and the exchange program, even though he’s mentioned that she should do no such thing
But knowing that this girl is constantly energetic and restless, Barbs agreed to let her help since he would not want to deal with her breaking some priceless antiques or getting herself in trouble with Devildom law again
She helps to remind him that it’s okay to be laidback once in a while and that he doesn’t need to be so uptight all the time
These two have an unusual friendship but it’s only good vibes all around ^^
Before she leaves the Devildom though, he would pretend that she actually managed to startle him with her last grand prank and the look on her face was worth his reputation taking a slight hit
He totally has a soft spot for her
Solomon and MC would be the best of friends man
The minute this shady sorcerer laid his eyes on her, he KNEW...this would be his new BFF
They would wreak so much havoc together that they give Lucifer a migraine the size of Lord Diavolo’s castle because they’re rUiNiNG tHe iNtEgRiTy oF tHE eXcHanGe pRoGrAm
Psh, as if that’d stop them
Honestly, it was like they each have one braincell that cancels each other out every time they get together
Lucifer: You two better have an explanation for this
MC: We have three actually. 
Solomon: Pick your favourite
Lucifer hates it whenever they get together and he would always try to prevent them from meeting up 
But his wits are no match for the power of their friendship!!
Solomon would defff try to persuade MC to get more pacts with other demons
Solomon: C’monnnn MC, we could be powerful! :c
MC: Bold of you to assume we’re not powerful now, bestie
So we have established that MC loves to pull pranks right?
She would have so many ideas on the top of her head that she would never use because 1) they either defy the laws of physics or 2) she would need magic to pull it off perfectly
So imagine her excitement when she found out Solomon is the greatest human sorcerer
She would 100% reel him in her plans and schemes and NO ONE (except the angels, they have immunity bc they’re babies :] ) would be safe from them
Despite all the fun they would have though, Solomon definitely treasures her as his greatest friend
I imagine life for Solomon would be quite lonely and he appreciates the constant joy and company that MC would provide him
He would definitely fuck a bitch up if someone dares to mess with his bestie 🙄
These two adore each other so much but they would be caught DEAD before they would admit that to each other 🤭
When they first met, Simeon was so happy to find a person so devoted to God such as MC
He takes it upon himself to become MC’s guardian angel around the Devildom
He would helicopter them for a while and would (reluctantly) back off if MC finds it a bit suffocating 
(don’t be mean MC, he just cares about u alot that’s all :( )
This man is capital P patient
I mean, that’s a given with him being an angel and all
But seriously,,, one has to be in awe at how calm and collected he is even when MC would pull pranks that would cause a normal person to wanna punch the living daylights out of her
Eventually she would feel bad and stop pulling these pranks on him though, he’s just too sweet and she can’t take advantage of that </3
They would be really close though (along with Luke) because he would frequently invite her to pray the 5 essential prayers together with Luke or read the Qur’an together and it’s just wholesome vibes all around man 🥺
As angels, him and Luke would have such beautiful recitations of the Qur’an and I can picture MC frequently dropping by Purgatory Hall just to listen to him recite the kalimahs with the perfect tajweed (Non-Muslims if you’d like to hear an example, check out Sheikh Mishary reciting Surah al-Kahf, it’s beautiful man 🥺)
He would frequently invite MC and Luke out for walks too and these three would look so domestic together people often mistake them as a little family (much to the brothers’ chagrin and Simeon’s amusement)
Simeon has such a calming presence that he could even tame a chaotic MC down and have her sit still enough, it will be as if she turned into a completely different person
MC, violently shaking like a hamster on crack: U CANT STOP ME LUCI, URE NOT THE BOSS OF-
Simeon: Hello, MC! Would you like to come and have a pleasant chat with me? ^^ 
MC, as if in a trance: ...anything for you, Beyonce
MC is such a simp for Simeon and honestly, who can blame her?
Luke was extremely happy when the two of them met
This cutie is a proud servant of God and he loves humans who loves Him as much as he does
So it comes as to no one’s surprise when he attaches himself to MC
This would heighten when MC stepped between him, Beel and Lucifer during that,,,,incident
His favourite time of the day is praying in congregation with MC and Simeon and baking with MC
MC would steer clear from involving Luke in her pranks and/or outright pranking him
He’s just a precious little child okay, MC has a soft spot for this angel
She would definitely try to tone down her chaotic energy around him, but she would NOT hesitate to verbal + cyber bully any demons that dare to bully her child
Rando demon: haha shortstack
MC: So you have chosen death
Seriously, Luke would gawk at the obscenities coming from MC’s mouth
He would have to physically drag her away before the demons could devour them both
He would be absolutely SHOOKETH at the language she used because she has been nothing but sweet and polite to him. It was like she switched into a whole different person right in front of his eyes
Luke: MC! I knew living with those horrid demons is a bad idea! They’ve corrupted you now!! *crying Luke noises*
MC: Lil buddy, I was born this way
He would definitely feel really touched that MC is so protective of him though, but he would have to tell her to never say those words again, even if she’s trying to protect him
She would (hesitantly) tell him she would try her best but that would literally only last for half a day because another demon has foolishly decided to mess with him with her present
MC is Luke’s mother point blank period.
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jessefandomunited · 4 years
Spencer Reid X Reader 
You and Spencer were nervous about getting into a relationship so you decide to hide it from the team.
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Me and Spencer had been dating in secret for a while now and we liked it that way. We knew how much everyone would tease us if they knew so we kept quiet. We were also both very  nervous about getting things right so we wanted this relationship to be as straight forward , fun and painless as possible. We wanted to be friends first and lovers second and it had been a blast. I think the sneaking around made it a bit more exciting too. I would always smile a bit when someone commented on how happy Reid had been lately. We had always been close at work so our casual debates on the best companion in doctor who and me leaving him random riddles on his desk flew below everyone's radar. None were the wiser, till one day.
“ OMG GUESS WHAT,” Garcia whispered in excitement as I entered into our tech cave. I set my coffee down and asked, “ what what is it?” “ Spencer has a girlfriend,” She almost squealed. My stomach dropped and I stuttered, “ o..oh?” “ YES, so he told Derek he was too busy to go out to dinner with us, well you didn’t know you had probably fallen asleep by the time you got my text if you wanted to go, but while we were there, we saw him in a restaurant with another girl. He was wearing this almost Victorian looking outfit, I've never seen him wear it before and he met this girl who had this long black hair all put up in a bun and this fancy looking dress.” I shook my head trying to look surprised, “ wow I...i never thought this day would come.” I blushed a bit thinking about that night. We liked planning themed nights, for this one I suggested Sherlock as the theme knowing how much he loved the books and I loved the show. Of course I suggested we dressed as Sherlock and Irene Adler. “ You know,” Garcia said cutting into my thoughts, “ I always thought you two would be cute together.” I smiled, “ ehhh we’re buddies, I don’t mind.” “ OMGGGGG I just want to know who she is,” Garcia huffed, “ is she nice is she cool does she make him happy, is she cute?”  I chuckled  ,” well he has seemed to be in a nicer mood that normal.” “ I know but… oh hello Doctor,” Garcia said making me almost fall out of my chair . Spencer stood there looking a bit nervous and blushing, he looked a me and gently tilted his head out the door, “ a moment .” I nodded and whispered to Garcia as I left, “ ill see if I can get anything out of him.” She gave me a sly smile and a thumbs up.
“ We’ve been compromised,” He said when we were out of earshot. I made a big show of straightening my collar in mock superiority ,” excuse me YOU’VE been compromised, Garcia only noticed you .” His eyes narrowed trying to look angry but I saw a slight smile at his lips, “ oh okay you think that you’re more stealthy than me.” “ No! I know I am, I’m the master of disguise,” I said seriously before bursting out laughing, “ we should lay low tonight,  The Good the Bad and the Ugly , my house tonight bring your guns.” I whipped my fingers out of my pockets and fake fired them. He blushed , “ alright.” We quickly hugged and I walked back to the room.
I was setting everything out for movie night when I heard a quick three knocks on my door. I jogged over and opened it to Reid with a bottle of wine and his overnight bag. “ That better have PJ’s in it because I can’t be the only one in them,” I spun around to reveal my doctor who shirt that I stole from him and my plaid pj shorts. “ Don’t worry I did,” He reassured kissing my forehead, “you know I believe I've seen that shirt somewhere before.” I smirked mischievously, “ I cant help what my hand finds when i’m packing my things.” He shook his head fondly and said, “ did you make popcorn?” “ OBVIOUSLY,” I said running into the kitchen to get the popcorn and a couple of wine glasses. I set them on the table as Reid went into my room to change, he was so shy , My phone rang and I picked it up, “ hello.” “ Hey so I have an update on Reid’s mystery girl,” Garcia rambled . “Oh have you,” I said looking out on of my windows. “ YES, so at the restaurant that Reid went to I asked for any reservations for that specific time and I cross checked all the names but one stuck out the name was Irene Adler, can you believe it, they’re using code names, i’m getting so close I can feel it in my bones,” Garcia sighed. I noticed Reid had emerged in a black shirt , Tardis pj pants and his glasses, I put a finger to my lips and smiled knowingly, “ code names wow she must be one smart cookie.” Spencer rolled his eyes and I playfully punched him in the shoulder. “ Yes, i’ll let you know when I get more ,” She said thoughtfully. “ Alright great because I have a bottle of wine with my name on it,” I chuckled. “ Ohhh can I come over,” She begged. My eyes went wide and I bit my lip before saying, “ listen Penelope, you know I love you but remember what I told you about me needing alone time, I don’t get energy from people like you do and these cases have really been wearing me out, but maybe on the weekend okay?”  She sighed loudly, “ fine FINE go enjoy yourself, I will do more digging.” I laughed, “ thank you , see you tomorrow, love you.” “ Yeah yeah,” she said then hung up. “ When did you become so masterful at lying,” Spencer asked as I hopped onto the couch next to him. “ Years of pretending my mom said no when I got invited to parties,” I said with a smile, “ now, do you want to know how cleaver she thinks Dr Reid’s new girlfriend is.” “ Oh I already know,” He said pulling me into a hug, “ I know how cleaver and beautiful and cute she is.” He always did this to make me all flustered. I pressed my face into his shirt so I didn’t have to look at him,” no fair, that’s cheating.”  “ I am just stating facts it is my favorite thing to do, now are we going to watch the movie,” he asked . “ Obviously,” I said gently sitting myself up so I could grab the remote and hit play then I snuggled back into his arms.  
When we started dating he was so nervous, he always was scared of doing the wrong thing, he apologized a lot. Luckily for him I was just as nervous and now look at us! Pros who talk during the entire movie either about random facts or making stupid jokes and have competitions on who can throw more popcorn in their mouth.
We stayed up later than we should have last night, it could have been the wine, it could have been me refusing to let Spencer win against me, but either way we were both at the coffee maker at work. “ Wohh, long night,” Derek asked me. Spencer seemed to naturally look tired all the time so I guess it was more obvious with me. I shrugged, “ I thought wine on a Wednesday was a good idea.” Derek laughed, “ no it is not, so Reid, any update on that girl of yours , when are we going to meet her?” “ Yeah come on,” I chimed in just to see him get a little flustered. He blushed ,grabbed his coffee then just walked out. I shrugged, “ oh well we tried.” Derek sighed, “ I thought you guys were close , you haven't heard anything.” I rolled my eyes, “ you know Spencer, he is a pretty tightly closed book.” He nodded and waved as I walked back to the tech corner. Garcia was typing a bit intensely on her computer. “ Good morning,” I said carefully. She didn’t turn around she simply said, “ I have an update on the mystery girl, it’s in a file on your desk.” I looked over and sure enough there was a case file that said “ Reid’s girlfriend” . I opened up to see my face, I bit my lip, “ how?” “ How, how,” She huffed, “ I decided to track Reid’s phone which is know isn’t necessarily fair but I was curious, and you know what it led to , your apartment complex. So I did some investigating and went to your apartment and I hear two voices in your living room and one sounded oddly like one Doctor Reid.” I sighed, “ we just wanted to make sure it was real before we said anything and Reid didn’t want to be teased by Derek.” “ Well,” She asked. I blushed a little and looked down, “ three months.” “WHAT, HOW how , I don’t understand how you have been keeping this from me for so long,” She gasped, “ I’m enraged you just lied to me!” “ Please it wasn’t anything personal we just didn’t want the extra pressure it’s kind of both of our first real relationship,” I mumbled. “ Noooooo really,” She said shocked. “ Penelope I was in MARCHING BAND in highschool, no one was lining up to date me,” I laughed, “ and in college I was more focused on getting out of college.” She nodded, “ fine….does he make you happy? Is he different outside work?” I smiled, “ I can only give away so many secrets in one day, but yes he makes me very happy hes smart and incredibly handsome, what is there more to ask for.” “ Awww i’m so happy for you two, but mad you hid it, but so happy,” She sighed then hugged me tightly, “ When can I tell everyone.” I rubbed my neck, “ not yet, please.” I knew that wouldn’t last but I wanted to give it a go. “ My lips are so sealed,” Penelope promised. I gave her a side glance then went back to my computer. I texted Spencer, “we have 12 hours of secrecy left Penelope tracked you last night.” “Are you nervous,” he replied. “ A little but , actually meet me in the hall 2 minuets,” I said, I couldn’t text this out.
I leaned on the wall tapping my fingers nervously. “ What is it ,” Spencer asked looking a bit worried. I smiled , “ Spencer I love you, from the moment I joined the BAU, from the moment we became friends, I loved you.” His eyes welled up with tears and his face was bright red , “ I, love you too.” He leaned over and kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck and then we heard a light cough. We quickly separated and saw Penelope looking sheepish with Hotch, Rossi, Derek , Emily, and JJ all gathered around we were going to say something but they all just smiled, “ congratulations.” We let out a sigh of relief, guess the secrets out.
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 8.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, angst
Word Count: 1,520
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
Kirishima was walking to the cafe to meet up with Bakugo. God he hoped Bakugo was actually wanting to apologize. He hated that he hated him. He wished he could hate him, but being his best friend for years, and *maybe* wanting to be more than friends with him just make it impossible to hate him. Yes, he was furious for treating you like he did because he loved you too.
When he arrives at the cafe, he takes a deep breath before entering. When he’s inside he looks for him but cant find him. Not until he sees a hobo looking man with oddly familiar hairstyle. He approaches Bakugo and notices he was not in the best place, mentally and physically.
“Bakugo” kirishima’s voice is soft but still causes Bakugo to jump.
“Oh its you Kirishima.”
“Yeah, what did you want to talk about?”
“Right to the point I see...
I- I just want to apologize for the pain Uraraka and I caused Y/n-“
“Shouldn’t you be saying this to Y/n?”
“I- yes but I wanted to talk to you first... Look, the day of the baby shower after I left I saw Uraraka fucking another guy in my house.”
“Seems like you got what you deserve then. Is this why you’re apologizing?”
“Kirishima! Let me fucking talk shitty hair”
“Fine. Continue.”
“THANK YOU! Anyways, I yell at her to leave and before she does, she said something about manipulating me into cheating on y/n. I asked how she did it but she said it was a secret. I was confused because i don’t fucking remember being manipulated in any way. But anyway, She said she only slept with me to hurt Y/n. And then she was the anonymous tip that told the news and everyone y/n was cheating on me. To hurt her.”
“Wait- URARAKA WAS THE LEAK-“ Kirishima looks pissed of as hell.
“Yes, and I did not know anything about it. After she left I fell into a depression.” Bakugo looks embarrassed to admit that.
“Shit Bakugo, is that why you look like shit?”
“I don’t look like shit, thank you very much.”
“You do.” Kirishima feels bad for Bakugo, and without thinking he asks,
“Why don’t you come live with us for a while?”
Bakugo looks taken aback and hesitates.
“Are you sure Y/N would even want me there?”
“I don’t know... but I doubt she would refuse you, especially in your state.”
Bakugo looks conflicted about the offer but finally speaks up.
“I’ll go... but only if she agrees first.” Bakugo says in hopes to be able to talk to you and apologize and take him back. No, you won’t you have Kirishima...
Kirishima, the man who stuck with him through thick and thin, until he didn’t. He really did miss you and he also missed his best friend. He knew that if he never knew you, he would have dated Kirishima, but Kirishima doesn’t like guys. And now he has you and his kid.
Kirishima nods and nervously dials your number.
When you pick up both men perk up at your voice,
“Hello? Kirishima? What’s up?”
“Hey Y/N! How was the appointment? Is Mina there? MINA WHATS THE GENDER?”
You laugh and shake your head, “What’s up Kiri, why’d you call?”
He’s silent and sighs, and he hears your voice ask nervously,
“Y/n.. I need to ask something of you.”
He hears silence and thinks you’ve hung up but soon hear a response,
“What is it?” You ask shakily fearing the worst.
“I- I don’t know how to phrase this but I finished talking to Bakugo.”
“How’d that go.”
“Well he told me a few things. And he does not look like he is in a good place right now...”
“Oh no...” he hears sadness in your voice.
“And I suggested him live with us for a while....”
He hears your hushed voice talking to someone else, who he assumes is Mina.
After a minute of silence he hears you speak up again and Bakugo listens closely for your response.
“Kiri... I- I- yeah, its fine...” you sound unsure.
“Y/n if you dont want him there you can say so...”
“No no, its fine...”
Bakugo’s face falls at her answer sensing how sad and unsure you sound.
“T-thank you so much Y/n” Bakugo says.
There’s silence but again you speak up, “Y-yeah anytime.”
“I gotta go Kirishima. I’ll see you and Bakugo when you both get home then”
“Bye y/n, love you and see you soon. Tell Mina I said good bye as well”
You hum in response and hang up.
Kirishima and Bakugo get up and leave the cafe and head to Bakugo’s house to pick up a few things.
When Kirishima enters his house, he notices how overwhelmingly pink it is, “I didn’t know you liked pink...”
“I hate the fucking color. That bitch decorated the house like this.”
“Oh, okay. Well if you want me to help you pack a few bags?”
“Sure, make yourself useful”
Kirishima sighs but goes into the bedroom and helps him pack clothes.
After a moment of silence Bakugo speaks up
“Thank you.”
Kirishima looks up confused and bakugo elaborates more
“Thank you for hearing me out and taking me in”
“Oh- yeah anytime”
“Did- did taking me in bother y/n?”
Kirishima thinks for a while before answering,
“I don’t think she was bothered but more taken aback by the news.”
Bakugo hums, “You asked about the gender of the baby?”
“Oh yeah- Mina and her were going today to find out the gender but Mina won’t tell us. She’s hosting a gender reveal party. But only because she wants to one up Izuku and Shoto, since they’re the god parents.”
Bakugo nods sad that you’re building a life with out him. He really misses you and misses Kirishima.
After finishing packing they head home. Bakugo pays close attention to where they turn so he remembers where you live and sees the apartments right ahead.
As they reach the apartment and walk inside, it looks two times bigger than it should.
“Oh yeah, forgot to mention, we knocked down the wall separating mine and her apartment so now its one huge apartment.”
Bakugo just nods and stares at you as you come out of the kitchen. He notices your wobbling a bit and thinks again about how you’re way to big to only be 4-5 months pregnant, but that would mean you were pregnant with his child.
“Hey guys. Do you guys want anything specific for dinner?” You ask maintaining eye contact with Kirishima.
“Um, I don’t know yet, Bakugo?”
“Huh- oh whatever you guys want...”
You purse your lips but speak again, “Here then, I’ll help take your things to your room”
As you reach for his bags he pulls them away, you glare and Kirishima hands you a bag, “Best not argue or resist against her Bakugo. She’s in the mood swing stage” Kirishima jokes and you send him a fake glare.
“Wow- Kirishima so fucking mean.”
You grab the bag and head to Bakugo’s room. Both follow you and notice you had already fixed up the room for him to his liking. You set the bag down on the bed and head out.
“I’m going to lay down for a bit Kiri, and then I’ll start dinner.”
“Take your time babe”
Both men begin to unpack and put away Bakugo’s things and once they finish they smell food and head out to see you setting the plate down.
“Good, you both are here. Dinners ready.”
They are about to sit but you stop them. “Did any of you wash your fucking hands?”
The look on their face as they get up and clean up is hilarious
As soon as they are done, the three of you sit and eat in silence.
After dinner you pick up the dishes but Bakugo insists on cleaning them as a thank you, you finally relent and sit on the couch with Kirishima. Once Bakugo finishes he lets you both know he is retiring to bed.
As soon as he walks out, you look over at Kirishima when he clears his throat.
As soon as Bakugo heard kirishima clear his throat he stands still and listened to what they were saying.
“So, Y/N does it bother you that he is here?”
You stay silent for a while before answering with a simple no.
“Y/n, are you sure? I can always tell when something is wrong...”
“It doesn’t bother me Kiri, I’m just afraid he will find out the fucking truth. I mean its not long before i POP out the kid. He will know that I lied about how far along I am... I don’t want him to know he is the fucking father-“ you says kinda loudly.
“I get it y/n, but he looked so vulnerable and alone, I couldn’t leave him like that...”
“I know baby, I wouldn’t either...”
Bakugo freezes when he hears your words
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A/N- three chapters in one day? Granted, one was supposed to be posted yesterday, but anyways- i HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER. I hope you guys tell me what you think- its spicy- anyways
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts or future works dont hesitate to dm, ask, or comment! I hope you guys had a lovely day today! Also if you asked to be tagged and I didnt tag you send me a dm so I can fix it :)
@hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito , @chaelysian , @puppycat714 , @fake-id-69 , @adaydreaminganon , @jessie9008 , @sam-i-am-1025 , @purple--nebula , @curiouslilbeast , @httpswwwtbhkcom , @setup-the-ace
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cvastals · 3 years
i brought forrest in like a month n a half ago then panic dropped him bt hes back w a vengeance......... this intro is fully jst copy n pasted from when i originally posted it bt . tosses it out anyway in case anyone hasnt read it before winks n struts into the sunset
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* zethphan smith-gneist, demiboy + he/they | you know forrest abbott, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, their whole life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to bizarre love triangle by new order like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole golden retriever excitement when someone strikes up conversation, paint streaked overalls worn without care, polaroids of places travelled scattered across the wall thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 23rd, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
for 10 years it was just forrest and his mama lydia in their cozy little trailer at lilac ridge, he’s never met his dad who left as soon as he discovered she was pregnant, not really interested in raising a kid with someone who struggled to get by even while working three jobs
from a young age forrest had to take care of himself since his mama worked sm, but he always got the concept that it was for him to live a good life and necessary for them to get by, she rly showed it well by making sure he knew how much she loved him whenever she cld b around :’)
it was around this time that things were starting to look up - his mama met a really nice man named marcel n while things moved really fast for them they seemed to be a perfect match, soon she was engaged and giving birth to triplets and they even moved into his place in aquila drive, everything was coming up roses
unfortunately as soon as things were good they sort of came to an immediate crash - lydia n marcel tried for another bebe before their wedding but she ended up having a miscarriage :( this sort of sent her into a depressive spiral for a really, really long time
it was bad enough that marcel eventually had enough, she wouldn’t take her medication, wouldn’t talk to a therapist, couldn’t even get out of bed, so he said she had to shape up or go back to their place in lilac ridge, and stubborn as she was she packed everything up that night and the 5 of them went back to their little trailer, this time with a lot less room and a lot more responsibility on forrest’s shoulders
since he was about 14 he’s juggled an abundance of jobs to help his family, it was especially hard when they moved back to lilac ridge, he mostly took care of his little brothers and mum when he could but he had school and work on top of it, it rly was the sort of stress no one shld go thru but he did at a rly young age for quite a long time
still lives at lilac ridge w his family, his mum got a pretty well paying job as a psw but it’s still difficult when u have three 12 year olds running around so forrest watches over them a lot while working as a tour guide at the aquarium, selling art pieces at community events, and odd photography jobs, whatever will put money on the table
grew up incredibly shy and pretty anxious, he’s just used to people leaving so it’s hard for him to trust but he’s also a classic golden retriever boy, if people give him an inch he’ll take it right away but he struggles with approaching people himself, definitely wasn’t too popular in school bc of this
did a double major at the community college for photography and visual arts :yum:
he tries not to doo Too many photography jobs cuz he loves it more as his escape than anything, travels around irving a lot to find random locations and will just spend hours taking pictures, u cant see any of the walls in his tiny bedroom theyre jst covered in his own pictures and art
could paint for hours too tbh, does a lot of art classes whenever he has time and money to spare
has never been in a relationship or even with anyone, the most he’s done frankly is casual make outs at parties or wtvr, always kinda chickens out if it ever goes any further……….. has not picked up on the fact that hes a demisexual/demiromantic king<3 probs doesnt even kno what that is LKSHDGKLHSDG
bc of this wtvr friendships hes made hes definitely romanticized, frankly by accident, he can just grow attached quite easily and since hes demiromantic anytime hes ever had a crush on someone its been ppl hes close to n has learned to trust. it confuses him a lot. LKSDHGKLHSDLG
constantly walks around in paint covered clothes.
obsessed w 80s pop its easily his fav genre (taste)
ok i think thts all……….. i hv rn……………….. lks around hands on hips
childhood friends!!
also ppl who forced their way into his life, basically jst approached him first n as soon as they showed him any sort of kindness n affection he was automatically like . ok we’re attached fr life sis<3
neighbours at lilac ridge?? mayhaps??
ppl at parties who’ve made a move or he’s hooked up w but when it came down to the Nitty Gritty he was like . oh………….. i think my mums calling me……….. i gtg……………………….. jst no explanation. LKSHDGKLHDSGL
i rly lov the idea of him hvin someone he loves to use as his muse……. either fr his art or photography<3
mayb someone who he actually was almost in a relationship w once upon a time bt it jst didnt work out, timing was off or he backed out cuz he felt bad that he probs cldnt give them his full attention w helping his family etc.
coworkers at the aquarium!!
old college classmates/ppl who take art classes w him??
ok i think those r all the ideas i hv rn. we can also brainstorm. lets get wild.
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disaster-fruit · 3 years
could you tell us more about the brarg family au with the 3 babies and trans luci?
I definitely can! This au has been living rent free in my head since i started that drawing and I was actually sketching more stuff for the AU right before I got this ask so- I definitely can ramble more about it
This was supposed to be just a collection of a few hcs and now it’s a multi-pages word document the size of a fanfic so – Im really sorry.
I didn’t think a lot about their backstories tbh, though I have it in my mind that Luciano transition in his late teens and that he and martin either met after that or knew each other before luciano came out, lost all contact, and then met again after (and you can blame oxiosas fic for that yeah im not even subtle)
But I imagine them having some sort of meet cute and kinda progressing really fast in their relationship without realizing – yk, its just a fling, no big deal, yeah ive met his parents, yes I basically spend every weekend in his apartment, yeah I have a spare key now, ops I guess we’re adopting dogs and plants together- oh I think we’re married. Yeah. We’re married.
Ok but for real Luci does the proper proposal-with-a-ring-and-knelt-down-on-a-special-day thing and Martin is just bright red saying yes over and over again
It is Afonso (port) the first to be all WHERE ARE MY GRANDCHILDREN like… the night of their wedding.
They live in a house in a not too big city with two dogs, one cat, one parrot and all the birds that Luciano feeds and names that aren’t actually theirs. Still, they choose the house with two spare rooms because they always talked about having two kids.
In this AU they can buy a nice house and don’t have to worry about money and can raise kids like the world isn’t ending.
I think right after they got married they got in line for adoption. However, everything indicated that it would take a long long time so they started talking about the possibility of trying to have a biological kid. I think luci was the one to suggest it when he noticed martin had been thinking about it but not saying anything for a while.
Lots of boring doctor visits and confused doctors looking at luciano and trying to process it like the dumb cishets they are. Boring exams and all that, but everything is on track eventually, luci pauses his hrt and keeps his jockstrap on the drawer and they’re googling the best positions for fertility on those weird cishet sites and doing it like bunnies etc etc
Getting pregnant the natural way after years of testosterone is not the easiest thing in the world, so it takes a while. But eventually it works.
Both of them are kinda freaking out with this whole first pregnancy thing. Martin is the ultimate protective husband, and spends way too much time on the internet finding out what luciano can and can’t eat, what exercises he should do, and going to every single doctor visit. He’s very committed to it.
Luciano has to drink non-alcoholic beer and hates life. There’s a single teardrop shed every time he buys it. And drinks a lot of lemonade like it’s the same as caipirinha. Poor guy. Martin doesn’t help on that, life isn’t fair, he buys his own beer.
But he also has to drive absurd lengths to find the weirdest fruit or make the most hideous, blasphemous pizza toppings because Luciano is constantly craving absurd shit. But poor baby actually really NEEDS that chicken M&M pizza at 8am.
They’re super proud daddies though, and both their instagrams at this point are just baby belly pictures. Luci had top surgery on this au on my hc so also. Lots of shirtless pics. He looks like an old uncle with a beer belly and he’s PROUD. Just. Baby bellies all over.
Martin picks the entire baby layette. Because of course he does.
Their baby shower is a huge deal though. Their dads are there, Antonio brings an entire trunk filled with diapers and tells everyone how many tincho used to need when he was a baby, Afonso is cooking for everyone and talking about how he’s gonna be a grandfather (!!!). Iracema (pindorama) is scolding Luci about his bad habits while also quietly being a super proud grandma. Zola (angola) bought toys because she knows that’s what kids actually like, Samero (Mozão) keeps asking if they installed all the necessary security stuff in their house – we will, chill, we still have some months to go – Vera (Tomé) is teasing Simão (Timor) about him no longer being the family baby, Fatima (g.bissau) is another one who bought a huge amount of diapers, Rosinha (cabo verde) is taking pictures of everyone and everything, Sebas and Dani are discussing if the kid should speak Portuguese or Spanish, Maria brought a huge pink plushy as a gift, it’s quite a party.
Once they’re late in the pregnancy, Luciano mostly spends his time on Martin’s oversized t-shirts asking for foot rubs and not getting much sleep because the baby keeps moving. Martin on the other hand is a little nervous about being a dad, but absolutely loves feeling the little kicks and talking to the baby all the time, except when its 3am and he wants to sleep but Luci cant because of it so he just does his best to keep him company. He mostly ends up falling asleep on his chest though and doesn’t help much
I wrote all of this but I still don’t have a name for the girl lol Anyway, she’s finally born, and if martin was overprotective when Luciano was pregnant, he’s ten times more with his baby girl. Tbh theyre both kinda going crazy with this whole parenting thing, both are overprotective, tired, and have no idea what theyre doing.
Zola and Sebastian are the girl’s godparents. Sebastian isn’t very good with kids so when he takes care of his niece he either puts on a tv show and lets her eat whatever crap she wants, or relies on Daniel to do the actual taking care, since he is good with kids.
Luciano and Martin are very much neurotic first-timers and have all this schedule of what their girl can eat and when and when she has to sleep etc etc.
When Zola takes care of her, she just ignores it and does it her way. She helped raised Luci since he was a baby anyway, he survived just fine and even married and reproduced, she knows what to do better than both the dumbasses, and they never even find out.
Afonso on the other had follows everything when he’s with his granddaughter, determined to be a better grandfather than he was a father, and the baby loves him so he’s doing a good job.
They’re a very cute family yes yes
She grows up well and happy, a bit shy maybe but very smart and sweet, loves the dogs and her aunts and uncles and granddads (afonso more than antonio though)
By the way, Iracema is soft like butter with her granddaughter.
When she’s about four or five years old they start talking about having a second one, considering the age difference and all. So back to doctors, Luci stops the hrt again and they go back to trying, but again it’s not the easiest thing in the world to do it naturally after years of hrt.
But god listens to the prayers of such good catholic family, and right after they start thinking about a second child, they receive the news they will finally get to adopt a baby.
Luciano is the one to receive the news, he’s working at home when the social worker comes to tell him they can finally adopt. He’s extremely happy, he hugs the poor lady and is barely able to concentrate as she explains the paperwork that is left and the details of it because he can’t stop smiling.
He immediately texts martin saying something like “CALL ME RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO TALK” and it’s in happy caps but martin understands it wrong and thinks someone is dying or dead but then his phone is what dies so he gets home as fast as he can thinking all the worst scenarios just to find luciano jumping on him with a smile for ear to ear. It’s such a shock he takes a while to react but when he does you have two idiots so happy they can’t function.
It’s another girl, she has big brown eyes like her sister and it’s a few months old.
They quickly reassemble the crib and paint the second room to get everything ready in time to take her home, and the next week or so it’s nothing but all the family visiting to meet their new baby.
Since they managed to adopt, they decided to stop trying to have another kid. Luciano goes back to the doctor do some routine exams so that he can go back to testosterone and the doctor just awkwardly explains that, well, that won’t be exactly possible. Not for the next eight months, at least.
He’s quite shocked at that, and takes him a while to tell martin. They just got a new baby and do they even have space to raise three kids? Eventually it just escapes from him and martin is shocked as well, but ultimately both of them are just worried about their place being too small, and once they relax about that they can’t shut up about having another baby on the way to anyone.
Still, it’s not easy to manage, martin is just as worried as he was with their eldest, except that this time he’s simultaneously worried about their new baby and about Luci’s pregnancy. Poor dude needs a break asap. So he’s trying to do most of the work of caring for a little baby to spare luciano from the stress, while also taking care of him as well as he did the other time.
Luci is more chill about being pregnant, he’s done this before, he’s fine. He’s even a little too chill about it, as shown in the art, he still wants to carry their kid on his shoulder and having a few sips of martin’s beer is no big deal and honestly he’s fine, he can help with the baby, and Tincho just needs to relax and it will all be fine.
Again, poor tincho needs a break.
Some things don’t change though. Them being super proud daddies who do nothing but take pictures of their kids and Luci’s belly every chance they get. And they’re really happy and excited to have their house full and this big family.
Just a good cute family AU where nothing bad ever happens thank you very much.  Yet it took me almost 2k words to say it. I have no self control and I’m very sorry. However, if anyone has their own hcs to add about this whole au, I will be more than happy to hear and talk about this AU even more than I’ve already done.
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writerofshit · 4 years
I know the usual interpretation in fahc is that Ryan shares his woes with the other gents, but I just really love the idea of Jeremy overhearing him on a voice call with Meg (either gaming together or while she's preparing for a hit) moaning about how the new guy in his crew is cute and funny and hotter than the arizona desert and she's just like "pics or it didn't happen. Also ask him out, if he says no you can fake your death and come work with me"
Oh my GOD yes, I am absolutely here for this idea.
I love love love their friendship so goddamn much, especially in the FAHC universe. Because she's not in the crew, never really even worked with them all that much, just happens to be good friends with them. She's roped Ryan into so many various shenanigans over the years, including: making him go on 6 am runs with her, having him help her plan Gav's birthday party one year, assisting her with a hit during NYFW (which is when the 'Ryan as an undercover model' thing began) and what they refer to as 'The Strip Club Incident'.
Meanwhile, she's become the one Ryan trusts most with anything personal. He's not going to break in the middle of a heist to ask anybody else whether they think he and Jeremy would make a cute couple. He also isn't going to ask if they think he's capable of settling down, or complain about how running affects his knees.
Meg has told him a thousand times that he can absolutely be part of a disgustingly domestic couple, he's made for it, really. She's set him up more times than he can count, never once with any success. Every other week she calls him up with "So I have a friend..."
"How many goddamn friends do you have Meg? And how many do I have to embarrass myself in front of before you stop?"
And then Jeremy joins the crew, and Ryan falls head over heels for him. Just falls so fucking hard it's unbelievable. He mentions it offhand to Meg one night, which he immediately regrets. He tries to play it off like "New guy in the crew, kinda cute, its whatever." But she zeroes in on it.
"The fact that you even admitted he's cute means you actually like him."
"No.... Come on, if that were true I wouldn't have said anything at all!" Which is bullshit, because he knows her well enough that had he avoided any opinion, she would have jumped to the obvious conclusion. He thought the tiny admission would make her assume he wasnt really interested. An attempt at reverse psychology that failed horribly, of course.
They argue back and forth for a bit before he hangs up on her, threatening to make her run alone if she ever brings it up again. Except shes Meg, he literally cant say no to her, and she cant let anything go.
She pesters him on and off for about a month before something happens. He's on the phone with her while she's on a drive to a hit somewhere, lamenting his ever growing crush on Jeremy. "He's hot and he's funny, Meg, this isn't fair."
"Oh my god, so are you, you self deprecating asshole." She says, with this exasperated sigh like they've had this conversation a million times. They have, but she doesnt have to point it out like that. "You're an absolute catch, Ryan, Jeremy would be lucky to have you."
"You and I have different views of me."
"Yeah, I'm right and you're an idiot. And hey, if it all goes to shit I could use a partner. You'd be driving right now and I'd be sleeping."
"Thanks so much. At least I have a fallback career as your chauffeur."
It's a fairly standard conversation, except for the fact that Ryan's in the garage and has her on speakerphone while he fiddles with his bike. It is admittedly, extremely cliche to accidentally discuss someone while the subject of your discussion is listening at the door. Cliche, but also par for the course of Ryan's luck.
"Are you guys talking about me?" Comes a voice from behind Ryan.
Ryan freezes, and Meg laughs through the phone. "Oh shit, Ry, is that who I think it is?"
"Are you- do you like me, Ryan?" Jeremy fully ignores the listening ears on the phone.
"I- Meg, I'm gonna need you to turn around and come help-"
"Sorry Ryan, I'm going through a tunnel!" She says, completely clearly. "But text me and let me know how it goes!"
"Liar, don't you fuckin-" and then she hangs up, and Ryan is left alone with Jeremy. Jeremy who is staring at him, looking mostly confused, and slightly entertained.
"Um. I can explain? How- how much did you hear?"
"Meg thinks I'd be lucky to have you and you have a fucked up perception of yourself."
"Oh. I- I have no explanation, actually." He supposes working with Meg wouldnt be too bad. He's not keen on getting stuck with every driving job that comes along though.
"She's right."
"That I'd make a good chauffeur?" Because jokes. Jokes are the way to get out of this.
"I would be lucky to have you. Just... Never thought you'd be interested in me." Jeremy says, and Ryan's brain short circuits.
He says something that he intends to be 'are you serious' but comes out sounding a lot more like his brain just keysmashed. But Jeremy only smiles at him, and Ryan falls a little more.
A week or so later when hes recapping the whole thing over text to Meg, Jeremy sleeping peacefully beside him, he leaves put the part about flubbing his confession. She still calls him out on it though.
'Bet you didnt even say you liked him, just bleh-ed at him until he got it.'
He regrets being friends with her sometimes.
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keepmeinthedark · 4 years
Maybe you’re not so bad
Marlene could barely keep her eyes open. She had never hated her fear of missing out more. Screw Gryffindor and their never ending parties. Screw Gryffindor and them inviting every house. Screw Emmeline and Hestia who dragged her out of the warmth of her bed in the Ravenclaw dormitories where she could happily spend the night doing exactly what she was doing now only with less noise and without feeling as if her head was going to split open.
She was sat on the stairs leading up to the girls dormitories, Emmeline was asleep with her head leaning against Marlene's leg. Marlene had a cigarette in one hand and a glass of whatever Peter Pettigrew was handing out placed near her side. Gildory Lockheart was stood on the stairs leading up to the boys. He was drunk and possibly high, his hair in knots after what Marlene could only assume was from all of the girls he had been caught snogging throughout the night, he stood tall and almost like a preacher was going on about the first thing that came to his mind. Right now Lockheart seemed very passionate to let everyone know his opinion on his fellow class mates. He had already gone on about Severus Snape and how he had his money on Snape and Lily Evans getting together by the end of the year, he had made his comments about how James Potter was “the worst quidditch captain Hogwarts has ever seen.” Everyone around him just laughed and drank. Marlene doubted that any of these people actually believed or agreed with what he was saying but either way, she had to admit it was entertaining to watch. 
“And while we’re on the topic of The Marauders-” he said obnoxiously using air quotes over the boys group name. “Has anyone else here noticed just how bent Black and Lupin are?”
This caught Marlene’s ears. She had never exactly been close with the Marauders, the only times she ever actually played attention to them was when their stupid pranks demanded it. Remus had spent some study sessions with her and they had a few lessons together but she could never honestly say that she’s given any thought to the Marauders as a whole. Which made her especially confused when Lockheart decided to bring Sirius Black and Remus Lupins relationship into the spotlight. 
Lockheart continued “I mean it’s pretty obvious, those two are shagging. They have to be! Thats why Black got kicked out last year, why Lupins parents died! It was God punishing them for being a couple of queers!”
Marlene could practically feel the blood rushing into her cheeks. A sudden flare of protectiveness for the two boys overtook her. Suddenly, she got to her feet, letting Emmelines head fall onto the floor and spill her drink. She, not so carefully, climbed over the mass of students who were also sitting on the stairs listening to Lockhearts preaching. 
“Ah, hello McKinnon. Have anything to-”
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence before Marlene had punched him straight in the nose, causing him to stumble backwards and nearly crush Dirk Cresswell in the process.
Marlene then turned back and started to make her way back into the heart of the party, Lockheart trailing behind her.
She found Sirius easily, he was hard to miss when standing on the table dancing and shouting with James. Marlene rolled her eyes and, with a new boost of confidence (shell be blaming the alcohol the next morning) she climbed up onto the table and dragged Sirius away.
Once away from the crowd Sirius blinked at her and tried his hardest to smile (poor lad was probably just confused) “Um can I help you?”
“I just wanna make this quick. Lockheart was just saying that you and Remus are gay for each other and thats why you got kicked out and Remus’ parents died” she said in one breath.
Sirius’ eyes widened before his head spun back to facing the party where Lockheart was now standing in front of them. 
Sirius was on him in seconds.
Lockheart didn’t get the opportunity to throw one punch. By the time Sirius was done with him he was almost unrecognisable with all the blood on his face. Sirius took no notice though and ran out of the common room.
Marlene faced the room, her eyes locked with Remus’ for a second and she regretted not going to him first. She didn’t know him all that well but something told her that he would’ve dealt with the situation a lot better. 
But Marlene didn’t go to Remus first. She went to Sirius and now she was responsible for whatever he did next. With that in mind, she followed him.
He hadn’t gone far, Marlene found him on a set of stairs, leaning against the banister with a bottle of fire whisky cradled in his arms. She approached with caution.
“Listen, I’m sorry for what happened back there. It wasn’t my place I just thought you ought to know-”
Sirius didn’t let her finish.
“Its true.”
“Whats true?”
“What he said... Well I mean I cant exactly speak for Rey, but for me... yeah... its true.” 
“Oh,” she sat down on the step above him. “Thats okay”
“No it’s not”
“Its not?”
“Don’t be daft McKinnon. Of course it’s not okay. I’m a guy and he’s a guy its not supposed to work like that”
Marlene bit her lip and took a deep breath. “Something not living up to society's norm doesn’t make it not okay.” she whispered. 
“And what would you know about it? Its not like you’ve ever had to bother with anything. No you’re perfect aren’t you McKinnon? Perfect family, perfect grades, perfect everything.” he slurred, taking a swig from the bottle.
“Sirius... I’m the same.”
Sirius looked up at her with an expression she couldn’t quite read. “You’re what?”
“I’m gay.” It was the first time she had ever said it outloud. “I know its hard, believe me I’ve heard my dad talk and my sisters make joked I know how difficult it is. But it’ okay... well its not okay but y’know it is what it is. Not like we can change it can we?”
Sirius shook his head slowly.
Marlene gave him what she hoped to be a reassuring smile. “See, theres nothing wrong with us. Just a shitting world I guess.”
“Y’know what McKinnon?” Sirius smiled. “You’re not so bad.”
Marlene smiled. 
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
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-„girl hurry up!“
-you had spent the last week in Amsterdam to do some research for college and to take some pictures for the magazine your class was currently designing for a project
-and now you were at the airport waiting for your plane to Italy to take off
-it was new years eve tomorrow and you had promised to come to your friends‘ huge party she wanted to celebrate in Sicily
-you were wearing a warm coat and a scarf since it was super cold out and its been snowing for the past 2 days
-„What am I supposed to do? Fly the plane myself?“ you joked over the phone
-„whatever. I cant wait!“
-you then hung up and leaned back in your seat, looking around
-there werent many people here, probably since no one is crazy enough to fly somewhere in a snowstorm
-but the airport people had told you there wouldnt be any problems due to the snow
-you noticed two girls sitting together, talking
-they looked excited about something
-and there was an older woman talking on the phone
-she was wearing a super long red fur coat and some black lace gloves
-rich bitch you thought to yourself
-you wish
-a couple of others were sitting nearby just talking to each other or scrolling through their phones
-you then decided to listen to some music because you had about 30 minutes until boarding started
-25 minutes later you headed towards the gate but a woman stopped you and spoke:“we are so sorry, the plane cannot start right now, the storm is pretty drastic and it could cause some problems.“
-you just stared at her and then asked:“And when will the next plane to Italy go?“
-she shrugged her shoulders and replied:“I‘m sorry, we dont know that yet. But of course you will get a full refund or a rescheduled flight.“
-you stumbled back a little
-they had promised the plane would go
-and now you were stuck here
-you had already cancelled your hotel because you were sure you‘d be able to get to Italy tonight
-„is there nothing you can do?“
-she shook her head and said:“I‘m sorry, we had to cancel all flights.“
-you nodded and then slowly made your way back to your seat
-the first thing you did was call your mom
-and you asked her what to do
-she just told you to either stay at the airport or go back to the hotel in hope of getting your room back
-but since you didnt have enough money with you you couldnt
-so you just stayed there
-you hung up and leaned back in your seat
-„fuck.“ you muttered to yourself
-the other passengers had found out already as well and some were leaving the airport and some just sat down and pulled out their headphones
-after sitting there thinking about what you should do, a guy made his way up to you
-looking just as pissed off as you were feeling inside
-he sat down close to you and put in his headphones as well
-over the course of the next hour you guys kept glancing at each other every now and then
-he was cute, you thought
-he was wearing a brown jacket and a black beanie to keep his ears warm
-and he had chocolate brown eyes that you caught looking at you
-at some point he pulled out his headphones and just looked at you
-so you removed your airpods too and looked back at him
-„i like the 1975.“ he simply said
-his voice was deep and raspy
-you had a thing for such voices
-you then realized you were wearing your 1975 sweatshirt under your coat and you looked down for a second
-„thanks. Really? I thought you were more of a drake kind of guy.“
-he chuckled and then replied:“Maybe i am. But id say I‘m more of a Gregory Palencia, Kanye West kind of guy. You know i like some good rap, not that basic shit.“
-you smiled and answered:“Alright makes sense. So whats your favorite song by the 1975?“
-he laughed
-then he unexpectedly grabbed his suitcase and sat down next to you
-„honestly, i dont listen to them. I just said that because i needed a reason to talk to you.“
-you couldnt believe him
-so you scoffed at him before giving him a playful grin
-„alright Mr Kanye, great first impression check. Maybe wanna continue with some bad pick up line?“
-he grinned at you
-seeing him from so close made you realize that he had some golden specs in his brown eyes
-„actually thank you for mentioning it. I got some great ones. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?“
-„oh god no!“ you exclaimed and looked at him in disgust
-he started laughing and replied:“wait i got an even better one. Do you believe in love at first sight or do you want me to come in again?“
-you started laughing in his face before answering:“thats funny though.“
-he smiled and started again:“Okay my last one, in my opinion the best thing a guy can say to a cute girl like you. Were your parents beavers? Cuz damn.“
-you hid your face behind your hands while laughing at his terrible jokes
-„so do you think im funny now?“ he laughed
-you turned back to him
-„u know what, yes i do.“
-he laughed with you
-„Arón, encantada.“ he held out his hand
-„Oh hola. I‘m Y/n.“ you answered
-„Hola.“ he just joked
-„so tell me, mr latino. Where were you going?“
-arón started laughing again and then said:“I‘m from Spain, not a Latino. And i was heading back to Madrid actually but since this wont happen tonight im here, like you. Where were you going Ms... where are you from?“
-you told him where you‘re from just to get a:“oh ya i figured.“ from him
-„right. You already knew huh?“
-he looked at you, grinning
-you looked back at him and he smiled
-in his eyes you could see something you hadn’t seen in a man‘s for so long
-passion, emotion, maybe even interest on a larger scale
-and he made you feel good even though you had just met him
-his eyes smiled with him
-„tell me something about you.“ he then spoke leaning back
-„what do you wanna know?“ you replied just as cocky
-„well we got time. Everything.“
-and it felt like suddenly it wasnt too bad you were stuck an airport on a cold December night
-because you met him
-you didnt know what would happen once you got a new flight but you sure as hell knew you wanted to see this guy again
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
hard as nails (1)
hi hi 50k special!! this is gonna be either two or three parts and it's a lot different from what i've written before but i think y'all are gonna like this anyways so... i hope y'all do enjoy this
summary: being a teenage vigilante can be fun, especially when you're on the bad side and spider-man is your nemesis. 2k words
warnings: swearing, reader is a saucy and spicy little villain, peter is a blushing mess sometimes, angst, fight scenes!! violence!
you never expected to get in the way of queens well renowned hero—spider-man. that is until you had to relocate to queens from the bronx. it was...definitely a change from all aspects. your dad moved out with you, wanting a better place to go to school for you, since you had been leaving home very often for...you know, villainous duties. yet you were an extraordinary student, which led to you being enrolled in midtown school of science and technology. as well as having to scope out queens at night and having several run ins with the spider-man.
the worst part, you know you went to school with the masked hero because you frequently saw him entering the roof of the school in his suit. now you, you were way more careful and you worked alone, besides for a woman in her 30's who had taken you under her wing, trained you, and demanded you commit crimes for her and for yourself. she was the base operation and you did everything she asked, even when you moved, she moved. you were like her little goon. you excelled in combat and had unusually incredible strength due to being caught up between some dangerous radioactive weaponry in your sophomore year back in the bronx. you began junior year at midtown in queens, you made some friends, but knew to keep your distance. spider-man had become your main and pretty much only focus since you arrived. you know what they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
you didn't want to hurt or kill spider-man, you just wanted to make his life absolutely miserable. that's how you worked, manipulate and mess with, not murder. you stole pretty much anything you could get your hands on because well, you were broke. you beat people up, robbed stores, manipulated civilians, and threatened people. yeah. your dad could barely afford meals for you both and lived in a very rusty apartment. but hey that's life and you were making it through. well, illegally. you told your dad you got a job at night in queens when you began showing up with money and clothes and food and god knows what else. it was a perfect alibi for a father who really didn't even give a shit.
and this spider-man, oh this lovely beautiful boy, was getting in your way. you were just trying to survive right? that and doing things for this mystery woman. and gosh did you want to find out who was behind the mask. it was obviously a boy your age. every night you tried to find him, meet up with him, talk and find out about him and of course, fight each other. he never hurt you though and you knew he had a soft spot for you. maybe it was your flirty nature.
and now you were on a rooftop at midnight, sitting with your nemesis.
"violet," spider-man called out, "nice to see you again."
your 'villain' name was violet because of the violet mask you bought from party city awhile ago. it was...fitting. and a pretty name that sounded so good coming from his mouth. you may have had a little tiny teeny crush on him. he looked fantastic in that suit and imagined what was underneath. little did you know he did the same about you. black leather pants and a black and violet zip up top matching your mask.
"hey spidey! catch any criminals tonight?" you asked.
"mmm none yet because you're out here."
"awe baby am i distracting you?" you walked over to him, close enough for him to rip off your mask.
"kinda," he replied, masked eyes slanting down.
"well tell me about yourself before you get in my pants. who is spider-man."
"wouldn't you like to know. is violet your real name?"
you scoffed, "do you think i'm dumb?"
"no i just- no."
you took your hand bringing it up to lay on his shoulder and slowly and teasingly dragged it over his abs.
"you're really ripped babe."
"don't babe me, you know i can take you."
"oh so you think you can take me? what about that one time i had you pinned down outside your school."
"how do you know i go to midtown," he asked in a panic.
"i knew it! so you do go there! i've seen you entering through the roof. watch yourself."
he grabbed your hand, locking it with his own. he stared at your signature red nail polish which made his head run wild.
"i've got you now. you watch yourself."
you twisted your wrist and swept a leg under his causing him to fall, but he caught you and brought you down with him. you fell on top of him with a groan.
"damn spidey. getting right into it are we?"
"shut up," he said and rolled over so he now had you pinned down on the roof.
he twisted his head at you, eyes focused on your face and you neatly done hair in two dutch braids. you noticed his distracted state and smirked pushing him over so now you straddled his waist and pinned his arms to the roof. just like before.
"still distracted i see?"
"well i cant help it sometimes. even though i'm supposed to hate you."
"awe spidey. you're so sweet. but you know i'm not gonna let you go."
you leaned down into him to whisper in his ear, "you're too pretty underneath me."
he strained his neck back, melting because of you, "stop," he demanded.
"no," you said jokingly then pressed a kiss on the cheek of his mask. you didn't know it but the boy was blushing underneath. you got up and let him get up to follow you. you walked to the other side of the roof, showing off your hips.
"don't get into any trouble tonight, whatever your name really is."
"sure thing babe."
he jumped off the roof backwards, watching you then swinging away.
you arrived to school the next day with a little more intuition about the masked hero. his voice was distinct. it was higher than most boys, and you doubted he used a voice changer because it would have that staticky feedback. and you swore you had heard that voice somewhere, but you couldn't put your finger on it.
"hey y/n," peter parker, you chem lab partner said smiling and sitting down next to you.
you hesitated, "hi...peter."
you gave you a confused smile and opened his books.
you think you have your guy. huh. easy as that. you tapped your red nails on the desk.
you scribbled up a note to spider-man and well, peter. after lab and working closer with peter, you realized his demeanour and actions were very similar to spidey, further proving your hypothesis. you followed him to his locker, close behind him, and waited by a water fountain till he left his locker, then slipped the note in.
at the end of the day peter headed to his locker, opening it when a note fell out. he picked it up and looked around the hall. the note read:
hi spidey. i know it's you. and gosh it's about time. meet me on top of the tall apartment complex on grand central parkway tonight at 9. thanks petey xoxo, violet
it was written in purple ink and adorned with a red heart next to your name. oh shit. he was fucked.
when peter got home he was panicking. this villain went to school with him. a literal manipulative villain. and you were his age! he wondered if he knew you. you obviously knew him.
peter showed up to the spot at exactly 9 pm to find you in your suit. upon his impact, you jumped up, running to greet him.
"oh peter! you made it. i'm so glad because i—"
he grabbed both of your wrists tightly and put his face in yours, "how? how did you find out."
you gulped, "you're not a very careful person peter."
he ripped off his mask, there was no point.
"look at me," he demanded and you gladly did. you bit your lip at the sight of his messy brown locks and stern brown eyes. was he always this hot when he was angry?
"you can't tell anyone. and i know that won't stop you, but guess what? every time we hang out and fight and you flirt or whatever, i could easily rip off that mask, what, is it from the dollar store? or—"
"party city," you cut him off.
"stop! listen to me! i could've easily ripped off your mask at any time. but i don't. i never do. you know why? because you're different. your funny and you don't actually hurt me but i have to stop you because you hurt others. and-and you're so cool but you're a villain. and you're really pretty even though i can barely see your face and...yeah. now that i know you go to my school, i know you're someone like me. you're just a troubled kid who got caught up in the wrong crowd. but you're the bad one. and i'm sorry and i like spending time with you but you can't do this to me."
you gulped again, looking down at your feet. you could tell he meant what he said. and like you had always promised, you never wanted to deliberately hurt spider-man. or peter.
"i-i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have—i'm sorry."
"it's okay, just promise me you won't tell."
you reached your hand up to touch his cheek, red nails stroking his skin, "i promise."
"thank you."
"i should go. i'm sorry peter."
you hopped off the roof and he watched you leave. you had to go meet up with your head lady who was named daria. she told you to expose spider-man and get him off your radar, but you made a promise and now you were kinda scared.
"so, did you find him?" daria asked.
you hesitated, "no, not exactly."
she walked over to you and slapped you across the face.
"i'm disappointed in you. you find him or else i cant deal with you anymore."
you just stood there.
"say something!"
"i cant find him," you lied, "it's impossible."
"you're lying. i know you are boyfriend girlfriend with him. it's all over the news. you get him tomorrow night. nothing more."
"yes daria."
you left her shady apartment and headed straight home, done for the night. she genuinely scared you and you were worried she was going to kill you if you didn't turn peter in. but you couldn't do that to him? could you?
the next morning during chem lab you were late. you joined peter at your table. you had a wicked purple and yellow bruise on your face, which peter took notice of. it was from daria.
"y/n oh my god, are you okay?" he asked pointing to your face.
"'m fine," you replied covering the bruise with your hand. peter watched your fingers cover the bruise. your painted, red, fingernails.
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