#oh my sweet Westley what have i done?
i would just liketo say i love the way you draw frank hes so sily
Thank You!
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sacha-da-1 · 2 years
Okay so I know this makes no sense, but CONSIDER
A Princess Bride FiveAinley au
Just listen…!
Obviously Five is Buttercup btw
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familyofpaladins · 7 hours
You ever just get stuck by the silliest au idea and then suddenly its consumed your mind?
Anyway TMNT Princess Bride au
Most characters taken from the 2003 series, but personality of turtles might be closer to Rise series
(I wrote this in the notes of my phone so forgive typos and weird thought process lol)
Casey is buttercup. April is westly (Originally, and what inspired this whole thing. Was that karai was buttercup and Chapman was westley lol)
The turtle bros work for stockman (bishop?) Because he says he has he will help them find their father's killer. A man who has 3 scars along his chin.
Casey just a simple farmer (oh my god. The farm house) with April there to help feed chickens and milk cows and such and such (Would she only say as you wish?? Would she be that submissive? Idk. Maybe she would as long as he promised not to call her babe lol) (LMAO HER PHRASE IS DONT CALL ME BABE INSTEAD OF AS YOU WISH LOLOLOL)
Eventually she goes off to maybe get soem schooling or soemthing. But her ship gets [sunk/destroyed] by the Dread Pirate Krang. April doesn't return and after years Casey believes she died.
Then the local royalty happens to pass by and the princess (karai)(who is told needs to find a husband so she can finally become queen) decides to make Casey her groom.
Casey still in a depressive gloom doesnt do much to reject her.
One day when Casey is out on a run (one of his few joys) he gets kidnapped by 4 demihuman turtles . :D
But then. A stranger begins to follow them. A (wo)man in black
I've mostly been going from 03 inspiration of character. But the turtles might be a little more Rise based.
Leo is inigo foil. The master swordsman. And the banter. "You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you" "you seem a decent fellow. I hate to die" I am not left handed. He Asks april "ever seen a man with 3 scars along his chin?" "Do you ask everyone that question?
Raph is Fezzik . Big. The muscle. (Kind) Mikey doesnt have a direct foil. May have his own individual fight with april or possibly works with raph. The muscle and taunting words and stuff idk
Stockman is arrogant and thinks hes the smartest around. Accepts April's challenge.
Don is there to keep a hold on Casey. (He plays the game a long in his mind that it doenst actually take any posion). Once stockman is dead, Don just asks for th truth about what happen to the rest of his brothers, April tells him they are just knocked out and will be fine. He says he doenst really care about keeping casey as they were just doing it to work with stockman and well he's dead so no point. Bye crazy smart lady and sad prince to be. And he leaves to meet up with his brothers.
Cue april trying to lead casey away and him being like. Oh you're the pirate that killed the love of my life! Blah blah blah so you can shove it babe!
*falling down hill* doooon't caaaaaall me baaaaaaabe! Oh my sweet april ehat have I done!? *throws self down cliff*
They go through the forest (lmao splinter as rous) (not actually but the image is funny)
And Karai and her advisor Oroku Saki meet them and casey begs her to let april go instead of killing her.
April notes that the advisor has 3 scars a long his chin. That's right. Shredder is what's his face and killed splinter. (Sorry splints. You had to die in this au)
April is taken to Bishop who experiments on his death machine. Just doing his job and having fun with his toys.
shredder shows up when he learns about the demihumans and asks too many questions about the demi humans shes ever encountered. (Theres a small but decent population in the kingdom) but especially that turtles she encountered last. April doesn't care (she does but more concerned about casey) and asks instead about casey and telling him shes never going to stop.
Karai may or may not visit April… idk. But honestly she doesnt really care about marrying casey but she needs to in order to get the crown.
Anyway its shredder who throws a hissy fit and cranks up the machine "killing" april
Meanwhile the turtles have regrouped but leo is super depressed because he failed and now theh have no lead on their father's killer. Brothers eventually pull him out of it.
They hear aprils cry?? They want "the woman in black" to help them??
Idk they go look for her
("Father guide my sword" is SUCH a thing Leo would do and the humor of it hitting the tree then opening the door is peak tmnt.)
Oh no shes dead
Enter miracle max. I mean the ancient one."she is only MOSTLY dead"
Tang shen: "I'm not a witch! I'm your daughter!" (Maybe. This might change)
They all have to push raph on the cart to break into the castle. Hun is the door keeper lol
Leo goes after shredder. Raph is hauling April around. Ikd what mikey and don are doing exactly. Maybe they split off to look for karai and/or casey
Raph: sighs and puts april down carefully and goes knocks down the door for leo. Comes back to everyone gone. "Now whered everybody go??"
April somehow gets to Casey's room. Casey is thrilled.
Karai shows up… idk. Ask why she really is doing this. Is it what she really wants? Or is it just what shredder has convinced her she needs to do (marry become queen go to war and take over other kingdoms)
Karai seems to consider it (maybe) but still cant have her groom just be carted off. April says okay let's fight then. I've taken on demihimans and been dead and came back, you really want to fight?
Karai considers and concedes. They tie her up so it doesnt look like she just wlt them go.
Karai let's them all leave and ends up marrying one of the chamber men[squire/stable boy/man servant] (is that a real term???) Chapman.
Leo don and mikey all catch up and somehow raph went and found them all horses to ride out on. Happily ever after
Cody is the grandson. Hamato yoshi/splinter is the grandfather
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For the ship ask game, Westley/Buttercup?
What made me ship it? Twoo luv! I was very young when I first watched The Princess Bride, and when I say that I immediately was sold on them hook, line, and sinker I mean it. I’m not sure what exactly made me ship it, but I do know that the “AAAAASSSSSSSS YOOOOUUUUUUU WIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSHHH!” as Westley rolls down the hill and Buttercup’s “Oh, my sweet Westley, what have I done?!” before she throws herself down after him is one of the Most Romantic Things. Right up there next to the iconic “I love you!” “I know.” of Han and Leia 😂
What are my favorite things about them? HOW THEY ARE BOTH SO DRAMATIC. ANOUT EVERYTHING. IT SENDS ME. IT FEEDS ME. I LOVE IT. But seriously, they are so. And also I love the whole exchange they have before going into the fire swamp. The look she gives him after he says “It’s not that bad.” Actually, everything that happens in the fire swamp is my favorite thing. Also “Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.”
Is there and unpopular opinion I have on this ship? Um. Uncertain, unclear. To be honest, I haven’t interacted with enough of the fandom as a whole (is there a fandom? other than just quoting the movie and loving it?) to really know what opinions are prevalent. I could say that I prefer the movie to the book, but I think that’s common? I think Buttercup is better in the movie than the book, every “syllabub” of her. I still enjoy the book, though, just not it’s ending, lol.
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wisdomfish · 9 months
As You Wish
In the classic, comic film The Princess Bride, Buttercup has been rescued by a masked man who claims he is the Dread Pirate Roberts. Buttercup grew up with a servant boy called Westley, who expressed his love for her in three repeated words: “As you wish.” Roberts tells Buttercup that he killed her Westley. “I can’t afford to make exceptions,” he explains. “Once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft, people begin to disobey you, and then it’s nothing but work, work, work, all the time.” So Buttercup pushes him down a ravine, saying, “You can die too, for all I care!” But as the man tumbles down the slope he calls out, “As . . . you . . . wish!” Buttercup cries, “Oh my sweet Westley, what have I done?” and throws herself after him.
In Mark 2:1–2, Jesus is preaching to a packed house. Four friends drag a paralyzed man up onto the roof, cut a hole, and lower him into the room. Seeing their faith, Jesus says to the man, “Son, your sins are forgiven” (Mark 2:5). Imagine his confusion. This man had come for healing, not forgiveness. But the religious leaders known as scribes were horrified: “Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” (Mark 2:7). The scribes aren’t wrong: the only person with the right to say these words is God himself. Jesus’s words, “your sins are forgiven,” claim an identity as surely as Westley’s “As you wish.”
Then Jesus asks the scribes, “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk’?” (Mark 2:9) In one sense, the answer is obvious. Forgiveness won’t show physically, so Jesus could save face by claiming it had happened. But rather than choosing A or B, Jesus does both: “‘But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins’—he said to the paralytic—‘I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home’” (Mark 2:10–11).
Immediately, the man got up, picked up his bed, and walked. For Jesus, healing someone’s body was easy. As we read on, we find that forgiving sins is hard: it cost Jesus his life. But in this early scene, Jesus proves he has the right to do what only God himself can do.
~ Rebecca McLaughlin
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lavenderfables · 3 years
When Buttercup pushed Westley down a hill and he shouted, “As you wish!” and she went, “Oh, my sweet Wesley. What have I done?” and threw herself down the hill after him? That’s love, bitch.
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
for one shots maybe a Princess Bride AU of Spies Are Forever? "Life is pain, Mega. Anyone who says differently is saying something" (maybe a Westley!Owen? there was an ask about it and it is now stuck in my head)
Oh yes. Yes yes yes yes yes. You have no clue how happy I am. I had a whole Westley phase, now I'm having a whole Owen phase. Perfection.
Genre: Angst/ Fluff/ Romance
Words: 2055
TL;DR: Curt's encounter with Dread Pirate Roberts does *not* end in the way he expected it to.
TW: Mentions of death and grieving, violent thoughts
Yes Curt is Buttercup, no I will not be taking questions. Also a lot of this dialogue was borrowed from the movie.
How Curt had let himself get here was beyond him. He was exhausted. Truly. He'd had quite the past few days. Why anyone had decided to kidnap one of the kingdom's most valliant knights was beyond him. Why him? Of what importance was he? But even worse (and really more embarrassingly), he hadn't actually been able to overcome his captors. To be fair, as tiny as the man who had kidnapped him was... his two henchmen were more than capable of keeping him right where they needed him. One was very large, and another (a girl no less) was very good with a sword. Better than he was. God, he wished he was home. He wished he hadn't been alone that night, vulnerable to any kidnappers. And that's when all the thoughts he had been trying to push away made their way into his head.
Owen. That's what would have made this all better. Owen. Owen could fix just about anything.
But Owen was gone. Owen had sailed away on a ship, and... that ship was overthrown by the Dread Pirate Roberts and his crew. He was dead. Never to return. In a way, it almost paralleled how Curt was never to return to his days on the farm. Especially not now that the Prince had taken a fancy to him. He didn't exactly fancy the Prince. But hey... it wasn't like Owen was going to come back. At least the Prince was someone to take care of him. Not that he was taking very good care of him in the moment.
No. Curt had gotten a bit distracted in the recounting of his situation. He was not, in fact, captive at all anymore- well... depends on your definition of captive. He suposed he technically still was. Just not by little Von Nazi of Germania and his henchmen. Now, he was being dragged by the arm by a man in all black. His feet were sore, and he could barely keep up the man was walking so fast. He's stumbling, and honestly he could fall any second now. He wouldn't be surprised at all if he simply collapsed. He was hungry. He was barely getting the chance to breathe. His head hurt. Curt was done. Just at the moment Curt feels like he could crash, the grip on his arm is released, and the gravelly voice of his captor pulls him from his thoughts.
"Catch your breath." The man almost seemed to spit it out, as if ever word was bitter to him.
"Please..." Curt panted. "If you stop this... if you let me go... the Prince will pay my ransom. I'm sure of it."
"You're sure, are you?" The man laughed spitefully.
"Yes!" Curt nodded, desperate. In his exhaustion, he almost thought the man might be talking genuinely.
"You're certain?" The man continued on his spiteful tangent. Curt nodded. "Who are you to be certain of anything, good sir?"
"Pardon?" Curt blinked, confused.
"I said who are you to be certain? Are you a god? Or a scholar? Are you, in fact, the prince in disguise?" The man asked coarsely. Curt shook his head, still a bit dazed. "I thought not. I would advise you, good sir, not to make promises you cannot keep."
"I was just giving you the chance to release me willingly." Curt told him bitterly. "You think you're going to be able to escape the Prince? Oh no. He and his men could track a falcon on a cloudy day. He'll find you. And when he does, 'good sir', you are a dead man."
"You think your dearest love will save you?" The man in black seemed to taunt.
"He is not my 'dearest love'!" Curt protested, still trying to catch his breathe. "He's not even my 'love'! He's just my Prince. But yes, he will save me. And, I will add- before you say another word- that he would do the same for any of his knights. We are his family."
"You admit to me that you do not love your liege, then?" The man smirked menacingly.
"He knows that I don't love him." Curt nodded defensively.
"You mean that he knows you are incapable of love." The man in black sighed. Why did everything that came out of this man's mouth sound so bitter?
"I am more than capable of love!" Curt protested. "I have loved more deeply than a wretch like yourself could ever dream!"
"Wretch... that's a good one." The man laughed softly, still bitterly. He grabbed Curt's wrist with an iron grip, and Curt hissed in pain. "Let that be a warning to you, fair sir. I have no tolerance for liars."
And so they were walking again. And walking, and walking, and walking. Far away. Until Curt's feet were so sore that he couldn't feel anything but the pain. The pain consumed his thoughts. Pain, and how odd this man was. He had figured out precisely who this was. With that wit, and that cruelty... It had to be the Dread Pirate Roberts. The man who had killed Owen. A man who Curt had wished dead for years. A man who Curt was going to kill the first chance he got. All of a sudden, that was the thought that consumed Curt's mind. With every step he took it got stronger. And the stronger it got... the happier it made him. God, he knew that was sick, but... revenge would be so sweet. Suddenly, Curt felt himself dropped.
"Rest, sir knight." The man sighed. Curt fell to the ground, propping himself up, unable to move.
"I know who you are." Curt blurted out, filled to the brim with anger. That seemed to amuse the man. "Your cruelty... it gives you away."
"Oh? And who am I?" The man smirked.
"You are the Dread Pirate Roberts." Curt stated plainly. "Admit it."
"Proudly." The man bowed grandiosely. "What can I do for you, sir knight?"
"Die." Curt spat. Dread Pirate Roberts' brows raised in amusement.
"A bit harsh, don't you think?" Dread Pirate Roberts mused playfully.
"Not nearly harsh enough." Curt glared at him. "If it were up to me, you would be torn limb from limb."
"Hardly complimentary, sir knight." Dread Pirate Roberts chuckled. "Why loose your venom on me?"
Curt took a moment, sighing. He didn't want to talk to this man, but he supposed he had been the one to initiate the conversation. And to admit his same-sex attraction to his captor... he could die. Though he had already seemed to guess it, implying that he loved his Prince. Perhaps things were different for pirates. He took a shaky breath.
"You killed my love." Curt croaked quietly. Curt wasn't sure whether the pirate looked more or less amused, but the look on his face had certainly shifted- as had the mood. There was silence for a moment before Roberts responded.
"Perhaps." He admitted. "I kill a lot of people. Who was your love? Another Prince? Pompous, poised, and cold?"
"No... he was a farm boy. Poor." Curt admitted. "Poor, and perfect. With eyes like melted chocolate, and hair to match. Your ship attacked his, and... everyone knows that you take no prisoners."
"Well, I can't, can I?" Roberts reasoned. "People will think I've gone soft! And then any respect they may have had for me goes right out the window."
"You mock my pain!" Curt fumed, sadly and frustratedly.
"Life is pain, sir knight. Anyone who says differently is selling something." Roberts stated. "I remember your lover. Was it not four years ago that he perished?"
"It was." Curt sighed.
"He died with his dignity intact, if that's any consolation to you." Roberts sat next to Curt. "No blubbering, no tears. Only a simple plea: 'Please, I need to live'. I asked him why. And do you know what his answer was?"
"True love." Curt sniffed, looking to the ground.
"True love indeed... I can only assume he meant you, sir knight." Roberts sighed. "He talked of a man of boundless beauty, undying heart and unsurpassable faithfulness. Consider yourself lucky I killed him before he could see you for what you truly are."
"What I am?" Curt blinked in shock.
"Well, good sir... he talked of your unsurpassable faithfulness, if you will remember." Roberts almost seemed to scowl. "Did you run stright to your prince when you heard of his death? Or did you wait a few hours out of respect?"
In that moment, Curt snapped. He was unsure of when he had even registered his surroundings or if he had even fully taken it in. He was on the edge of a hill. He barely remembered thinking about a single thing other than the fact that this man had insulted both him and Owen in one single bound. He stood up, pulling the pirate ith him. Where he found the strength he did not know. Perhaps it was Owen, from beyond the grave. Or maybe it was simply the fortitude of his heart. But there was a fire in his eyes as he looked directly into those of the Dread Pirate Roberts, who stared back in total and utter shock.
"You don't get to insult me or my lover, for on that day I died with him!" Curt growled. "You can die too, for all I care!"
And with that, he let go of Roberts, shoving him over the edge of the ravine. He watched as Roberts tumbled down, a pit growing in his stomach. Why did he feel so terrible? He had just saved his own life and killed Owen's killer. He should feel relieved. The wind seemed to ring in his ears, his hearing acute. So naturally, he heard it more than clearly when Roberts said the words that made his heart stop.
"Curt Mega... you're going to be the death of me!" Roberts called up.
Curt's blood seemed to stop flowing, and he lost any colour he had.
"Owen? Oh, god!" Curt breathed, not thinking twice before throwing himself over the edge of the ravine. Before long, he too was tumbling to what could be his death.
About ten minutes later, Curt regained his consciousness, groaning. It seemed he wasn't too far behind Owen- who was grimacing, starting to stir. Owen crawled slowly, painfully, towards Curt. Curt did his part, trying to prop himself up on his side. Owen got closer to Curt, doing the same and running a hand through his lover’s hair. Curt reached an arm out, wincing, pulling Owen's mask off and taking a look at his lover's face for the first time in four years. It may have been the exhaustion, but Curt started to cry tears of joy.
"Darling... hey, love..." Owen cooed gently, soothing him. "It's okay. It's okay, love."
"You're here..." Curt sniffed, a bit embarassed.
"Can you move at all?" Owen asked.
"Move? You're alive!" Curt started to laugh happily. "I could fly!"
"Why did you move on so quickly from me?" Owen asked him tenderly. "I told you I would come back to you."
"I never moved on, Owen. Never." Curt assured him, still beaming. "I never will."
"Then you really don't have anything going on with the Prince?" Owen asked. "There are rumours, you know."
"Never." Curt shook his head. "He's so far from being my type..."
"Good." Owen sighed in relief.
"You were dead..." Curt sighed, still in shock.
"I'll explain later." Owen chuckled. "Well... I suppose there's a lesson to take from this, 'sir knight'."
"And what would that be?" Curt smirked playfully.
"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for awhile." Owen smirked back.
"I will never doubt you again." Curt promised him.
"There will never be a need." Owen promised him in return.
And with that, they sealed their agreement with a kiss. It was tender, loving , and gentle- a representation of all of the wonderful things about love. It had been a long time coming... But oh, was it ever sweet. Both tangled their hands in each other's hair, taking in every moment they could to its fullest. And with that kiss, they knew that their love was stronger than anything that any prince, king, or fireswamp could throw their way.
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Request: hi! could you write steve x fem!reader where she is waiting for him come back from his date and realizes how much she likes him? pls and thank u
Summary: After the fall of King Steve, you find yourself spending more time with your childhood friend. Once you’ve helped him get ready for a date and you’re patiently awaiting his return, you have a revelation
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: a curse word or two and a jizz joke (sorry) but pure fluff!!
Author’s Note: Hi! I was so inspired to do this request! I hope you like it! ♡
The roads of Hawkins seem to quiet with the setting sun. The only constant sounds are the clicking of your bike chain and the rustling of the stuff in your basket. You hum the streets a quite serenade, simply letting the song stuck in your head spill out into the cooling air. 
Excitement builds as you inch closer to your destination, manifesting in a light-hearted giggle. You didn’t realize how fast you were going till you came to a screeching stop, nearly leaving skid marks on his driveway. You hit your kickstand and grab the content of your basket, holding it close to your chest. 
You felt the same feeling knocking on Steve’s door today as you did that first day all those years ago. With each time you came to the cherry red door, another butterfly was added to the frenzy in your stomach. You never thought anything of it, just the joy of chasing nostalgia. Everything about seeing Steve was so light, so easy, so fun. You squeeze the boxes closer to your chest in an effort to calm the storm inside.
The door opens, revealing a stressed Steve. The moment he realizes who was on the other side, it’s as if you’re his reminder to breathe, to relax. 
“Hey” he sighs
“Hey” you return, a small reassuring smile shinning his way. He steps out of the way, the two of you falling into your acknowledged routine that was almost second nature. The large number of treasures in your arms cause you to waddle up the stairs and Steve to nearly double over in laughter before gesturing for you to give him something to lighten your load. You squint your eyes in an attempt to act mad at him, but soon enough the two of you are laughing all the way to his room. 
Once inside, you dump everything on his bed, including yourself. You hold out the box meant for him. Steve’s lost in his mirror, raking his hand through his hair a million times, only pulled from his nervous trance by you shaking the box. His head whips around, eyes landing on the object in your hand.
“Nutter Butters?” his lips pulling into a confused smile
“C’mon, that one-time in middle school? We went to the 7/11 and you laughed for 20 minutes after I put my hand over the name so it would only say nut.” you shake your head at the memory. Oh to be immature and laughing at stupid jizz jokes. Back before Hawkins High morphed Steve into someone recognizable. Luckily, that was long gone. After seeing the cookies at the store, you knew you needed to get them for him. 
“Thank you” He looks down at the box, a tiny smirk tugging at his lips. You can’t help but mirror his actions, warmth filling your chest. Before you get too lost in the moment, you bring your attention back to the objects sprawled across Steve’s comforter. Your eyes land on the prize, grinning before calling for Steve again.
“Remember how I said I was going to the thrift store yesterday?”
“Yeah?” his response is muffled from inside his closet, ruffling through his clothes.
“Well, I found this!” you hold up your diamond in the rough. Steve pops his head out, brows furrowing as he tried to see what it was.
“It’s a portable radio! I think it’s from the 70s or something. Wanna test it out?” You shake in gently, inviting him to play into your excitement. He didn’t need much coaxing, grabbing it out of your hands and placing it on his dresser. He sets it to his favorite radio station.
♫ Ooh love ooh loverboy
What're you doin' tonight, hey boy
Set my alarm, turn on my charm
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy ♫
Freddie Mercury’s voice crackles through the old radio. You both raise your hands in victory, overjoyed that your thrift find actually worked. You keep your arms raised as you dance to the song, Steve opting to use his hips. The music moves him around the room, casually grabbing things he needed for his night out. 
You had to admit you were a bit upset when he told you he had a date planned during your weekly hangout, but you couldn’t be mad when he pleaded that you come over and help him beforehand.
After the fall of King Steve, you were there to pick up the fallen pieces. You were there, hammer and chisel in hand, to break away the tough outer shell to reveal what was always inside. Nothing hurt you more than seeing Steve lose himself. He was never truly lost, he just needed to find himself again. He went to you, who had been by his side for so long, who he trusted to teach him again. You, of course, welcomed him with open arms. You started seeing each other more often. Steve said just being with you revived his spirit. 
While his past persona was in the rearview mirror, Steve feared it may be closer than it appeared. He was making strides to better himself and really wanted this date to go well. Panicking, he called you. He didn’t even realize he’d done it until he heard your soothing voice through the receiver. You were his safe place, a tried and true source of comfort. 
“So, where you gonna take the lucky lady?” Steve could see you wiggle your eyebrows through the reflection in the mirror. 
“I’m picking her up soon to see a movie.” he glanced at his keys, sighing in relief that they were still on his dresser and hadn’t run off to hide. 
“Hm, respectable”
“Gonna buy popcorn?”
“And milk duds”
“Steve, please don’t put the milk duds on top of the popcorn until you know she’ll like that too.” You groan, knowing that if you didn’t say something Steve would have created his treat without a second thought.
“You know it’s better that way! Sweet AND salty in a single bite!” He gets more flustered than you’d expect. 
“While I agree with the genius that is your franken-food, I’m not sure everyone is ready for that.” Neither of you can help the fit of giggles. The air hangs heavy the moment the laughter ends, both of you realizing what he’s about to do. He looks at his watch and brings his hand down to smooth out his shirt. Desperate to pop the silence in the room, Steve starts, 
“You’re more than welcome to stay if you want, but, ya know, don’t feel obligated.” It surprised you to see how shy he got. It wasn’t the first time you’d stayed late at his house, but it would be the first time waiting for him after a date. 
“I think I’ll stay, if that’s fine with you. I wanna hear all about it! But, if you plan on bringing her back here, I’m gonna-”
“Oh god, no. I mean...I don’t think anything like that’s gonna happen after a first date.”
“Alright loverboy” you quip, sending a faint blush to Steve’s cheeks. He quickly turns his back to you, taking one final look in the mirror. With one last deep breath, eyes screwed shut, he grabs his keys and makes his way to the door. Right as he’s about to leave his room, he turns to you.
“You sure you’re gonna be ok?” you blush at the small gesture, him making sure you would be okay before leaving. 
“You’re not the only one who’s gonna have an evening of romance” you hold up a copy of The Princess Bride you borrowed from the library. “Westley will keep me company” 
“Oh, I’m jealous” 
“You should be”  soft laughter fills the room, Steve bowing his head and gently shaking it. He lifts it, taking one last look at you.
“Wish me luck.”
“I would, but you don’t need it. I’ll be here when you get back. Have fun.” with your signature smile beaming at him, he returns it and leaves, defined with the soft click of the door. 
You’re left alone in his room, your book and radio keeping you company. As time went on, you became more and more engrossed in the world on the pages. You read of Buttercup’s infatuation with the handsome farmboy Westley and her denial of her obvious feelings for him. Who could blame her? His hazel eyes were a melt of autumn tones, friendly and inviting. He had deep brown hair that made a soft mess upon his head. Freckles dotted his shoulders before climbing to his neck, creating constellations across his skin she wished to trace. 
“As you wish” Westly spoke, his blue eyes shining with the words. You squint, re-reading the last passage. Blue eyes? No no no, he had hazel eyes, right? You turn back and scan the pages. Eyes like the sea before a storm, pale blonde hair. Where the hell did you get hazel eyes and brown hair? You look up from your book and remember where you were.
Why were you envisioning Steve as the romantic lead in your book? Maybe they weren’t so different, both kind, talented, motivated, and eager to learn everything the world had to offer. 
You snap your book closed, effectively stopping your train of thought before it goes off the rails and finds something you weren’t ready for. Groaning at the knowledge that you couldn’t pick your book up again after that, you flop onto Steve’s bed. Closing your eyes, you focus on the radio to try and chase those thoughts from your head.
That proved to be no help, as every love song was suddenly about Steve. Maybe they always had been, but you never wanted to admit it. No matter the artist, Elton John, The Police, Queen, U2, The Cars, ABBA, Prince, it was about him. 
Your heart seemed to know long before your head, patiently waiting for the letter it sent which apparently got lost in the mail. Once your brain had caught up, it started spinning. You’re in love with your best friend. Your best friend, who happens to be on a date with another girl. 
With an exhausted sigh, you grab one of the pillows from the top of his bed and pull it close to your chest. You close your eyes, taking him the familiar scent of hairspray and something so distinctly Steve. A little smile creeps to your face as your drift off, escaping your revelation and giving in to sleep’s warm embrace. 
“Hey I’m-” Steve stops his waltz into his room at the sight before him. You’re curled up on his bed, chest softly rising and falling. Your face is smushed into his pillow, which is wrapped in your arms. Your dissolved hair was sticking every which way, masking your sleep softened features. A few of them pop through, and Steve can’t help the tugging of his lips. Once he realizes he’s been staring, he diverts his focus to something else. The first thing he picks up on is the music crackling from your radio
♫ I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show ♫
He sighed, turning to his closet to put on a soft tee and flannel pants to sleep in. He’s half tempted to wake you, but seeing you had stolen one of his sweatshirts he changes his mind, knowing you’re comfortable and don’t need a change of clothes. He climbs into bed with you, keeping enough distance as to not make things uncomfortable. 
All his anxieties melt when you rustle, gently opening your eyes, and upon seeing him return, scootch in closer to him. With a sleepy chuckle, you both fall into a deep blissful sleep, music still pouring from the antique on his dresser.
♫'Cause I feel so secure when we're together ♫
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rosalinesmind · 4 years
MY THEORY ABOUT PRINCE HUMPERDINCK, WESTLEY, AND THE DREAD PIRATE CUMMERBUND. Okay. Bear with me. This is gonna go down like a really weird hole and some of it may be a stretch, but I just started thinking about it in the shower. And I wanted to tell you guys about it. Um, I have a theory that in the “Princess Bride” Humperdinck is actually gay and this has been all over “Archive Of Our Own” and, you know, he flirts with, um, Tyrone (6 fingered man, i.e. Count Rugen) and it would just explain so much about his character, just why he hates Westley, why he seems so disinterested in Buttercup. And, um, so I started thinking more and more about it, and I love how pieces in his story kind of connect together. So I thought about when Humperdinck is torturing Westley and he says, um, “You truly love one another. So you might've been truly happy. Not one couple in a century has that chance, no matter what the story books say” And it got me thinking, why would he say that? Why, why would someone who you would think would be incapable of love, kind of have that pessimism and kind of have that, um, just dark outlook on life. And I, my theory is that, um, Humperdinck knew he was gay from a very young age and, um, it's not like it was, you know, unknown in the kingdom and it wasn't, um, kind of ostracized or anything. It was just kind of accepted. So when he was growing up, my theory is that he, um, as teen or as a, as a young adult, like a new adult had, um, someone he fell in love with, and this somehow created this great sense of betrayal where this true love feeling that they emphasize all throughout the movie was just ripped from him. So how would that happen? Why, why would true love be ripped from him? And I had a couple of theories about that. Um, and, but I'll get to that. So Humperdinck has someone he is really, really madly in love with, and he is all set to be happy. Um, his parents know that he's gay, um, and he's gonna tell them like, he's going to have to abdicate his position so he can be with this person that he really loves. And then his person decides to go, has to go somewhere, to Florin, has to cross the sea somewhere on a ship. And his ship is attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts. News of this somehow reaches Humperdinck and he knows that the Dread Pirate Roberts never takes prisoners. So he always assumes that his true love is, is dead. And it just, he feels so, so crushed. And so bitter that he had this love that kind of was ripped away from him, similar to how Buttercup reacts when she believes that Westley is dead. And it just sends Humperdinck into a, uh, just a spiral, a spiral of depression, and then his, his person that he loves, um, isn't actually killed of course, by the Dread Pirate Roberts.
Since I had a couple of theories, either this person became part of the crew on the new ship, or this person is the Dread Pirate Cummerbund because when Westley is explaining to Buttercup how he became the Dread Pirate Roberts, he says, um, “I'm not really Roberts. My name is Ryan. I inherited the ship from another Dread Pirate Roberts. His name was Cummerbund and he inherited it beforehand and so on and so forth.” So either Humperdinck’s true love because c'mon, “Humperdinck...Cummerbund” is just too fucking perfect. He, um, either became the Dread Pirate Roberts and, um, uh, Humperdinck never heard from him again, or Humperdinck somehow, you know, got wind that Cummerbund still alive and then just decided to become a pirate instead, and just Humperdinck kind of exposed a part of himself that was so new to him. And so, so vulnerable. And he thought it was, you know, true love because you're young. And when he either found out it wasn't reciprocated or when Cummerbund kind of betrayed him or just kind of went off and did his own thing, that's when, um, one of two things happened. 
First thing is Humperdinck tried to go it on his own for awhile, but his, all these emotions that were inside him just became so mixed up and he kind of fed on the rage and the torture that you kind of see in him now as an adult. And so he kind of resigned himself to the fact that he was never going to find anyone else and that he was going to have to fulfill his duties as a Prince and so he kind of just resigned himself over to that part. And so he's like, well, fuck it. You know, true love doesn't exist. Um, but I think he had a moment of weakness. And so he went to Miracle Max and he said to Miracle Max, you know, either I need to, to, to kill this feeling inside of me, I need that. Or he said, I want to be able to feel the way I felt again, I need you to create the magic pill that I can give to someone else. Um, either someone he was really in love with who was kind of ambivalent towards him and just say, I need you to make this person fall in love with me basically. And Miracle Max being a man of principle refused because he says, you know, it's not, I can't make someone feel this way. Humperdinck was so enraged that he fired Miracle Max. You never find out why he fired him in the movie. That's why he was fired. And Humperdinck kind of spun a tale and of course, made it be about something else, but he made it sound like in such a way that Miracle Max was ostracized in the entire kingdom and Humperdinck’s such a man of great persona and charisma. He was able to convince the whole kingdom that Miracle Max had done something, you know, erroneous and awful and he had done something incredibly terrible. So he was kind of banished from the community. And that's why Miracle Max is so bitter. Um, and, and so he kind of went on about his princely duties and when he met Buttercup, he was just like, Oh great. You know, this is someone that I can use and manipulate who seems very sweet. And he finds out that not only is she in love and true love with Westley, but that Westley is, is the Dread Pirate Roberts. And this reminds him so much of just the ultimate betrayal that he felt with Cummerbund, that when he meets Westley and tortures him. 
Oh, by the way. So one of his hobbies after he fires Miracle Max is, um, I pretty sure they have an illicit relationship, but Count Rugen is very much into Humperdinck and Humperdinck is not, but he likes the idea of having power or someone and Rugen seems, you know, sweet enough. And so Rugen is the one that introduces Humperdinck to this whole idea of like BDSM, all that stuff you see on “Archive Of Our Own” torture, just pain and Humperdinck knows what it was like to feel pain from the way Cummerbund made him feel. And he never wants to feel that way again. So he allows Rugen to kind of experiment and kind of push his boundaries to see, um, how to inflict pain on someone else. And it fills him with the sense of just power and control that he will not relinquish. So that's why you kind of see of Rugen and Humperdinck going down into this secret dungeon basically because Humperdinck still kind of lives  a closeted existence. I mean, I would have mentioned his parents know that he's gay and they're very accepting, but it's just like, you know, they see Humperdinck is kind of like, you know, their son who is very whimsical, very fancy and they kind of just let him get away with stuff, which is why they're so passive when it comes to Buttercup, they're wholly innocent. So, so now Humperdinck is into torture. And so when he kind of gets Westley at the bottom, he's like, here's this guy who not only is going to fuck up my plans that I made to start a war. He has something that I can never have. 
And the third prong in this theory, my dear children is that he (Westley) represents the barb or the sting that has been in Humperdinck’s side his entire life. Here's the Dread Pirate Roberts here is basically Cummerbund reincarnated. It only works if the time between Dread Pirate Roberts’ is maybe like five to 10 years. Um, cause I don't know how old, um, Cary Elwes is in that movie, but I know Westley's supposed to be very young, like 23 or something. And then Humperdinck kind of looks like he's in his late thirties, early forties. So the timeline only kind of works if there is about five years or so between each   Dread Pirate Roberts so by the time Humperdinck is a teenager like 19 and Cummerbund goes, fucks off, and becomes Dread Pirate Roberts, um, in between Cummerbund and Westley let's say like 15 years passed. So Humperdinck is like, I would say between 19 and 25. And if you add that up, he'll be like 34 or closer to 40. So that's the only way that the timeline could work. Um, in that sense. 
So my whole point with this is that when Humperdinck has Westley on the wheel, he says, “You truly love one another. So you might've been truly happy, but not one couple in a century has that chance, no matter what the story books say. And I think that no man in a century will suffer as greatly as you will”. Because Westley in this, in this position or in this situation represents Cummerbund because Cummerbund is no longer around and Humperdinck can put all his anger and his frustration and his betrayal and pent up feelings on Westley. And at the end, when he's confronting him in the bedroom, he says, “I killed you too quickly last time, a mistake I don't mean to duplicate.” And I think in some way, Humperdinck loves Westley or at least is attracted to him or something because he, that would explain a lot about why he just, the way he looks at him and the way he just tortures him is like, it's very personal. It's like he hasn't been vendetta against Westley. It's not only to destroy the true love that Westley and Buttercup have because Humperdinck is super jealous and he wishes that he could have that. But it's also because Westley kind of represents, you know, the gay pirate that got away and Humperdinck, you know, instead of growing up or being mature and just basically finding someone else to love, just does everything wrong with the rest of his life. He tries to control people. He tries to manipulate them. He tries to do all these things that he's kind of forgotten since he was a teenager when he fell in love with, Cummerbund. So that is the a story of Humperdinck and Wesley and Cummerbund and how all of this is interconnected. And that is my theory. Let me know what you guys think. I didn't want to write it down. Maybe I will. Um, okay. Bye. 
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Running Mate Part 3
Welp. There’s going to be a part 4 and probably several other parts to continue this story…the response to part 1 has been insane and y’all definitely seem to be enjoying part 2 as well, so thank you! 
Description: While running in the English countryside, Henry meets a fun documentarian and sparks fly. 
Word Count: 2,255
CW: none, fluff
Every day after your coffee date, you and Henry had talked via text message. He was charming and sweet in a way that most others were not. When you weren’t running with him, you were talking about a variety of topics from PC gaming to Ancient Egypt. You found a common love of history which was rare for you. Not everyone enjoyed listening to you go on about some ancient Roman or Grecian fact that you’d learned.
And now a week later, you were standing in the reception area of a private theater chatting with a friend and film critic from the area. As a tradition, your team held a sort of cocktail party before a viewing to give your guests a chance to mingle and learn more about the film from the producers. You were dressed in a sleek black halter dress with black pumps and minimal gold jewelry while your hair tumbled down your shoulders in a half-up, half-down hairdo. You found this dress that very day and fell in love. It hugged your curves just right and made you feel sexy, without being obvious.
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Nervously, you glanced around the room looking for evidence of him. It was still early in the evening, so he wasn’t there yet. You ended up in a conversation with one of the directors on your staff. They were talking about a recent experience with a project and you couldn’t help from laughing. You closed your eyes, tipped your head back, and laughed. When you opened your eyes, your gaze slid toward the front door where you saw Henry stride in. He was wearing black slacks, a gray button-down shirt with the top to buttons undone, and a plain black jacket. His normally curly locks were smoothed out into loose waves and smoothed back so he looked even more like Superman than he already did. Your breath caught in your lungs and for a moment. Henry peered around the room before his eyes landed on you and you swear you saw the same thing happen to him. Then a beaming smile grew across his face and then walked confidently to you.
“Hello there,” Henry said as he got closer to you. You accepted an embrace and a kiss on the cheek from him and you could easily smell this cologne. It was earthy and musky with a hint of floral that you couldn’t place, but you didn’t mind.
“Hey,” you said smiling as Henry leaned back up after kissing your cheek. “Thank you for coming,” you said, genuinely thankful he showed up.  
“Of course,” he replied. “I’m happy to be here,” he smiled down at you and your heart skipped several beats, but someone clearing their throat brought you back to reality. It was David, the director friend you’d been talking with.
“Uh, Henry this is one of our in-house directors, David,” you say, gesturing toward David who gently waves. “David, this is my friend Henry,” you continue, gesturing to Henry. The men shake hands and chuckle.
“Oh yeah, I know who he is,” David says and Henry raises an eyebrow. “How’s your support for England treating you, mate?” David asks and Henry laughs suddenly. The two begin discussing, you slowly figure out, rugby. “Y/n, what do you think?” David asks at one point, turning to you. Your eyes grow wide and you look between the two men.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you reply and the men exchange a glance.
“Rugby,” David says slowly and you bob your head.
“Yeah, no clue,” you say and Henry chuckles as David shakes his head.
“Damn, Yank,” he says and you openly scoff.
“Hey now, to be fair, I don’t even understand American football that well,” you start. “I played soccer in high school,” you say and Henry bellows at that. You smile at the sound, feeling your heart flutter again. David shakes his head and says that he’s going to get another drink from the bar. Henry agrees to go with him to get his own drink and you continue to mingle around the room. This was your least favorite part of the film making process, but you knew it had to happen. Henry found you again and offered you a glass of champagne which you graciously accepted.
“I have to admit,” he started, after taking a gulp of his Guinness. “If movie premieres were like this, I think I’d enjoy them much more,” he smiles at you with an eyebrow raise and you laugh sardonically.
“Really? I’ve never actually been to a bonafide movie premiere,” you say and Henry bobs his head.
“They’re honestly just horse and pony shows, but I have to do them,” he says, a tinge of irritation in his voice. You smirk.
“Oh that’s what this is as well,” you say and Henry raises that eyebrow at you. “That group over there,” you say, tilting your head to your left a little and watch as Henry subtly checks them out. “Is a group of our backers. They gave us money to make this documentary, so we have to show them finished product so they can tear it to shreds before the festival season,” you say this sardonically and Henry chuckles. A sound causes you both to turn around. It’s an usher announcing that it’s time to enter the theater for the viewing. “Oh by the way,” you start suddenly. You open the little clutch you brought with you pulling out a ticket. “This is your seat. Sorry, I forgot to give it to you earlier,” you hand Henry the piece of card-stock and his finger brushes your skin. You feel your knees turn to jelly instantly. He smiles as he takes it, then gestures for you to go ahead of him like a true gentleman.
As Henry finds his seat, you move the front of the room where James is standing with a film critic and friend. He sees you and smiles gently. You walk up to him, giving him a half hug.
“And who’s your friend?” James asks, his eyes darting quickly in Henry’s direction. You squint at him, your nose twitching as you try not to smile.
“Just that - a friend,” you reply, though James clearly doesn’t believe you.
“Mhmm,” he muses and you roll your eyes at him. He accepts a microphone from an usher and begins the opening comments. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming to another Bulldog Westley Production screening. I’m James and this is y/n, and we are the team behind this company. We are absolutely grateful to have each and every one of you here, but I’m going to let y/n take over because ultimately, this film was her project,” he says, turning to hand you the mic. You take it and smile at everyone.
“Hey y’all,” you say in your usual twang and several people chuckle. “As James said, we are very grateful to have all you here. For many of us, this ain’t our first rodeo,” you say, waving to all the backers in the audience and laughing with them. “For those that are new here, hi, I’m y/n. I’m from Texas and I love documentaries. I get to work with one of my best friends,” you say, glancing at James who is smiling gently. “And I’m honored that he lets me spend real time and effort on things that I’m truly passionate about,” you smile around the room at everyone. Your eyes land on Henry for just a moment and you feel your heart flutter. “Alright, ooey-gooey stuff aside, there is just a little housekeeping I have to go over,” you say, pausing to make sure everyone is paying attention. “Number one, please, please, please, make sure your cellphones are turned off. This is an advanced screening and we are really hoping this does well in the festival circuit. It can’t do that if someone leaks even one second of footage. And number two, under every seat there is a feedback card. I’d love to know your thoughts about this when we are done. It is anonymous, so if you do say something ugly, I’ll never know it was you, but remember this,” you pause, staring everyone down. “I will think about it every single day for the rest of my life,” you joke and the audience bursts out in laughter. “Okay, that’s it for the intro. Ladies and gentlemen, we are Bulldog Westley Productions and this is our latest documentary, Take Me Home Country Roads,” everyone claps as you and James walk off stage to your seats. You gave Henry the seat next to you and he was smiling wide when you walked up.
“You were incredible,” he murmurs as you take your seat. You smile wide, grateful that the lights are dimming so he can’t see you blushing like crazy. Your nerves are amplified as the doc begins and the opening bars of “Take Me Home (Country Roads)” by John Denver begin. Without realizing it, your hand reaches out to Henry’s hand for comfort. He accepts your hand willingly, squeezing your hand gently. You can see him smile at you out of the corner of your eye and you feel yourself smile in response.
What you hadn’t been able to explain to Henry before this night was that the documentary he was viewing was incredibly personal. It was more a personal diary about a trip you took with your dad and your grandmother back to her home town of Grant Town, West Virginia. The documentary was based around the fact that your grandmother was going home to bury the last of her six sisters. It had been years since she had seen anyone or her home town. You had never been and you wanted to learn more about your dad’s family, so you asked if you could come along and film the experience. James thought it would make a great documentary and thus, the project was born.  
An hour and fifty-two minutes later, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when the lights came back on. Henry, who was still holding on to your hand by the end of the film, let go to dab at his eyes as you made your way to the front of the room again. You and James received a standing ovation from the audience, then watched as everyone began to head back out to the reception area. Henry lingered to the side as you thanked a few of the backers that came to congratulate you on a job well done. When the last backer had gone, Henry came up to you.
“That was incredible,” he said, a faraway look in his eye. You accepted a hug from him and smiled at the compliment.
“Thank you,” you reply into his chest, taking in his smell again which as lingered. He pulled back to compliment you, but he just kept opening and closing his mouth and shaking his head.
“I mean, just,” he started and stopped. “Wow, that is going to do amazing in the festival circuit, y/n,” he says and you blush.
“I certainly hope so,” you respond, smiling. You stare at Henry, who’s staring right back, with amusement and happiness. You can hear someone walking up to you and glance over your shoulder to see James walking over.
“Hey y/n,” he says quickly, smiling and waving at Henry. “Hi, I’m James,” he says. Henry introduces himself and they shake hands. “Y/n, we need to get back out there and talk to a few backers before they leave,” he says before turning and walking away. You nod and turn back to Henry. It’s just the two of you now in the theater.
“Sorry, duty calls,” you say and he smiles at you.
“I understand,” he replies. “I actually need to get going myself, but I was wondering. Do you think I could see you again tomorrow?” he asks and you smile wide.
“I’d like that,” you reply. Henry nods and leans down to kiss you on the cheek. “You missed,” you say. Henry looks at you puzzled. “You missed,” you repeat, but Henry’s brow is no less furrowed. Ever so slightly rolling your eyes, you grab the collar of Henry’s jacket, stand up on your tip-toes, and pull him in for a kiss. It’s a surprise at first and Henry isn’t ready. It’s all a shock for both of you and you take a step back. “I’m sorry, that was forward and impolite. I’m so sorry,” you say, but Henry is shaking his head no.
“No, no, that was,” he starts, a little breathless. “That was really good,” he finishes. Then he steps forward closing the gap between you and kisses you. It’s raw and passionate and delicious. You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders while his hands snake around your waist. After a moment, you release yourself from him and take a step back. Breathing heavy, you look at him and he’s smiling like a schoolboy after his first snog.
“I have to go,” you say, still breathing heavily. You move to hurry off, but you stop and look at Henry over your shoulder. “And don’t look at my butt as I walk away,” you say dramatically, before turning and running for the door. The sound of Henry’s laughter follows you and you can’t remove the smile that is now permanently attached to your face.
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13parkfilter · 4 years
a wangxian playlist no one asked for
These are track notes for a wangxian playlist no one asked for, because CQL / mdzs fandom ate my life and I somehow needed to make a super dramatic 28 song playlist that follows wangxian’s love in (extremely loose) chronological order, from their first meeting as cute battle teens all the way through the depths of angst and eventually to becoming cultivation partners and (I’m positive) really great co-parenting dads. 
Because I’m like that ™ , you can find notes for each and every song below. Any weird song choices are entirely my fault. Spoiler alert: Frank Ocean.
This is a real long playlist and you could definitely break it into shorter stretches by mood. For the happiest and most in love vibes, hit the first 6 songs and the last 6 songs. Dramatic Burial Mounds vibes are from 7 to 13. It may be very satisfying to go from the depths of sadness and grief (~16) through to the end. 
1.  Don’t Know What to Do | BLACKPINK
Inspired, of course, by WYB and XZ’s demonstrated love of Blackpink in the CQL BTS videos. For a little while Stay was on this list instead, but I kept coming back to this song because to me it gets at that excited “everything is new and I’m young and so in love” feeling. Two people could certainly have a playful duel under the moonlight to this song, if they wished.
2.  A Loving Feeling | Mitski
Something about Mitski’s melancholy, slightly maudlin and self-deprecating vibe in this song is just peak “I wasn’t flirting… unless…?”
3.  Self Control | Frank Ocean
Somehow this playlist ended up structured around two overlapping arcs carried by Frank Ocean and Lykke Li, respectively, which makes no sense in theory but maybe kind of works? Idk, let me know if it works. If it does, maybe it’s because so many Frank Ocean songs are incredibly raw love songs about loss and the work that memory does to keep your love alive, and so many Lykke Li songs are about trying to slog through all the pain and bullshit without losing sight of that kernel of untarnished brightness, whatever it was that made you want to love in the first place.
I love this song for many reasons, but in no small part for the sorry-not-sorry vibe of apologizing for making someone lose their self control.
4.  Look After Me | Cub Sport
This song is real honest and tender about people taking care of each other and it messes me up. 
“There's something in the way you look at me
Like I've never done wrong
There's something in the way you look at me
When I was wrong all along.”
5.  We Could Run | Beth Ditto
Ok, imagine this playing in the background during LWJ and WWX’s first meeting with Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. A good song to play as you run into the sunset holding hands with your cultivation partner, is what I’m saying. 
6.  Unconditional Love | 椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo)
This is just a super sweet and painfully dramatic love song, the kind of song that plays for a man who makes grand unsung gestures like composing magical love songs and secretly adopting your child after you’ve died. This is before the latter part of that, though.
7.  Bad Religion | Frank Ocean
This is the first turning point on the list, the fading of youthful optimism and the start of choices that there’s no going back from. This is when you start to realize that you really can’t please everyone, and you can’t do what you believe is right without someone hating you for it. It’s also the point at which your neuroses and blind spots start to go from being quirky and cute to a cage of your own making. You have to deal with the bad shit you inherited from your parents eventually. If you don’t you’ll either make the same mistakes they did or make different mistakes because you’re fighting so hard to keep your head above water. 
I really like the part when Frank Ocean asks his taxi driver to outrun the demons. Feels like something a modern AU WWX might say. 
8.  Silent My Song | Lykke Li
I didn’t want to go full angst here because this playlist is about *cue Westley bellowing in the Princess Bride* TRUE LOVE and so I didn’t go as hard as I could here, but this is the start of the golden core +  first Burial Mounds arc. 
9.  Figure 8 | FKA twigs
I can hear the resentful energy swirling in this one. This is probably the most abstract choice on the list but to me something in it evokes the curdled rage and seething of an unquiet spirit. 
10.  Fantasmas | Ambar Lucid
This is a song about living with ghosts: of a failed relationship, and the mistakes that it took to get there. 
11.  Green Grass | Cibelle
I love this song because it’s a little sweet and a little scary at the same time. It’s gentle and haunting and the lyrics are as unforgettable as poetry. 
Is this a love song that a corpse is singing to someone visiting their grave? I like to think so. 
12.  I Bet on Losing Dogs | Mitski
In spite of the dog reference (lol) this whole song is a super WWX trying to live with the Wens in the Burial Mounds mood in my opinion. It has turnip energy. Trampled yet undefeated lotus energy, if you will.
13.  Godspeed | Frank Ocean
This song is the essence of heartbreak and knowing that you have to finally let go of someone. Am I imagining LWJ and WWX singing this back and forth to each other at the Burial Mounds, depending on which line it is? Am I crying about it a little? Maybe.
“I let go of my claim on you.”
“There will be mountains you can’t move.”
14.  I Know Places | Lykke Li
This is the “Come back to Gusu with me” song, even though it’s coming later in the timeline than it should. (I sort of compressed all the Burial Mounds-set songs together for a better flow). Anyway I feel like this captures all of those unspoken desires, that frustrated feeling of caring about and believing in someone so much without being able to protect them from all the people and powers that want to hurt them. But you have to try.
15.  Deeper Than Love | Antony and the Johnsons
This song is almost. Too dramatic. This is meant to be at Nightless City / WWX’s fall. I originally had 2 completely different songs here but I ended up liking the arc of this song and where it ends up. The two songs I originally had here were a much more bitter feeling, but I like that this song is tragic and painful and is still a kind of love song at the same time. I really wanted this playlist to be all love songs, some very different from each other, some more about pain and loss and regret than the good parts of love, but still love songs.
“And I have tried to shine in the darkness
Entertaining vanities in vain…
Hold on
And hold on
And let go
Let go
And fall deeper
Even than love.”
16.  Days of Candy | Beach House
To me this song is very evocative of the mingled feelings of grief in the immediate aftermath of a loss. Grief is never a pure, singular feeling, but a sticky amalgam of missing and wanting and sweet memories and a deep pit of pain. The sort of slow, half-asleep sadness full of watery light that this song evokes really takes me there, to the place where the grief is real but the loss is still almost unreal, where the feeling of that person still hasn’t left, your senses are still full of them, you just heard their voice yesterday, they might come into the room at any moment. It’s the almost— joyful?? part of grief that you don’t realize has any joy in it yet because you haven’t yet started to forget. You can’t imagine being able to forget, and you have no idea how much worse it will be when you can’t immediately evoke their presence anymore to comfort yourself. When you can’t pretend anymore that you’ll be able to see them again.
17.  Last Song | Gackt
Idk why exactly but Gackt is very yearning LWJ vibes in this song. Is it the earnestness? The intensity? The incredibly romantic lyrics? The deep, smooth voice?.. All of the above?
Anyway, if the previous song was nonverbal grief, this song is the start of the solidifying of grief, moving past rage and disbelief and self-destructive denial and gradually into a crystallization, a narrative of what the loss meant. Instead of a great crushing thing that blots out the sky and swallows your entire life, the grief becomes just another part of you— a defining part, maybe, but still part of a greater whole. And you move on. Or you try to. 
18.  Sleeping Alone | Lykke Li
This is 13 years of going where the chaos is, searching and playing Inquiry and never giving up, resigned to sleeping alone in strange places but still just never ever giving up. 
“Now was not our time, no, I let you down. 
Someday, somehow, somewhere down the line… we’ll meet again.”
19.  Busby Berkeley Dreams | The Magnetic Fields
Does every deep-voiced man singing a dramatic love song remind me of LWJ now? Maybe. At least I refrained from filling the entire playlist with Stephin Merritt songs. 
“I should have forgotten you long ago, but you’re in every song I know” is just… the most Wangxian sentiment. 
This is a bit of a modern AU LWJ, one who would definitely cry into his True Romance magazines. I do still think that this song very much captures how he must have felt hearing the song he wrote played on a terrible flute after 13 years, though. It definitely doesn’t have a flute solo in it, either.
20.  Ivy | Frank Ocean
This song is peak WWX in a mask, trying to hide from LWJ and his own emotions at the same time. But also, maybe, the start of some emotional awareness and genuine communication. Thanks to Frank Ocean for this entire playlist, practically.
21.  Fireworks | Mitski
Another song about memories and dealing with the past even when it comes back to stab you in the side. (s/o to Jin Ling, low key my favorite character, never afraid to cry in any situation) 
“I will be married to silence
The gentleman won't say a word
But you know, oh you know in the quiet he holds
Runs a river that'll never find home.”
22.  Hell | Waxahatchee
This is a song about apologizing to someone for putting them through hell. To me it’s a very adults-in-love song, and there’s a sort of gentleness to acknowledging the pain and mistakes of the past while still having hope that maybe love is really worth it after all— especially if you’re “one of those who canonize a love so true it never dies.”
23.  A letter to my younger self | Ambar Lucid
I have to admit that the title of this song makes me think of yiqie’s truly excellent time travel fic that is very heartbreaking and very beautiful. I don’t want to spoil it if you haven’t read it (go read it), but it’s safe to tell you that it grapples with and transcends all the reasons I usually avoid time travel fics, like the idea of helplessness in the face of fate, and how much control we really have over our own decisions, and what it means to let people make their own mistakes. 
24.  Let’s Pretend We’re Bunny Rabbits | The Magnetic Fields
This one really speaks for itself. 
Besides, “Let’s pretend we’re bunny rabbits until we pass away” is just a cuter way of saying “Everyday,” right?
25.  ”愛してる”からはじめよう  (“Let’s start from ‘I love you’”) | Miyavi
I personally feel that Miyavi has big sunshine WWX energy. This is just. A very cute and soft love song. Feels like napping in some tall grass in the summertime. Waking up next to your lifelong crush and remembering how lucky you are. Wandering from town to town with your true love and your donkey. That type of energy.
26.  Angels | The xx
The last three songs on this list never fail to give me Big Dramatic Feelings. 
I think what this song captures well is the feeling of just drifting along, lost in your thoughts, showing up somewhere— and suddenly seeing the person you know to be the love of your life at an unexpected time or place, and being struck all over again with… all of it. Your heart stutters, everything slows down, and for a second you forget to breathe. Like: Oh yeah. Oh shit. I remember why I love you. I remember how it felt when I was first falling in love with you. And I never want it to stop. 
“And with words unspoken, a silent devotion. I know you know what I mean.”
27.  Love Me Like I’m Not Made of Stone | Lykke Li
I think of this as the quintessential WWX love song, from the title to the sentiment of the lyrics to the moody burning joy of the sound of it. It’s demanding and soft and confident and raw all at once. 
Props to Lykke Li for the redemption arc of this playlist.
28.  Good to Love | FKA twigs
MAKE MY BODY COME ALIVE. This is the song that really says the most to me about the pain and beauty and the vulnerability and intimacy of being in love. What I love about all of FKA twigs’ music is how beautifully she merges and intertwines the messy physical and spiritual aspects of love. Her music is a sexy secular prayer to Eros imo and I’m here for it. 
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atths--twice · 5 years
Could you write the first time Mulder and Scully ever drank during movie night? I'm just so curious about how that started since we know it's canon XD I'd love to see your take!
Okay!! This is my FIRST ever prompt, I hope I do it right! I am not exactly Tumblr savvy, more of a Twitter and AO3 gal, but I was given a prompt by @gaycrouton who is quite possibly one of the sweetest people ever and so I am answering the call. I hope you enjoy this story, I had fun writing it. ❤️
Something They Drank
“Beer is okay, right?” Mulder asked Scully as he stood in front of his near empty fridge. “I don’t actually have anything else, well tap water, but …” He looked at her and shrugged. “Sorry.”
“No. Beer is fine. I mean, we’re off duty, on our own time, and God knows this case was enough to drive someone to drink. All those circus folk and the ‘Fiji Mermaid’ hanging about. I’m sure I’ll have nightmares about it for weeks,” Scully sighed, leaning against the door jamb into his kitchen. “As if Tooms wasn’t bad enough. Now I’ll be thinking of that twin somehow possibly either ripping from inside The Conundrum’s body or being slowly digested in his stomach. Either scenario is horrifying.”
Mulder stared at her and shook his head. “Jesus Christ, Scully. Thank you for that disturbing visual,” he shuddered, taking two beers from the fridge, opening them, and handing one to her. “Now I’ll be thinking about that and how I was almost impaled on a bed of actual nails. Skewered is not the way I want to go.” He tipped his beer to her, and they clinked their bottles together.
“So you mentioned a movie on the phone. Which one did you have in mind?” she asked, turning and setting her beer on the table as she shrugged off her coat. Picking up the bottle again, she looked up at him. “Please, no circus, carnival, or overly graphic movies.”
“Oh, overly graphic, Scully? What kind of movie night did you think this was?” he teased her as he stepped closer to her, raising his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and walked into the living room, his eyes following her, allowing him to look her up and down while she was not aware of it so he was able to avoid the possibility of a slap.
She was wearing jeans. Dana Scully was wearing dark blue jeans, and a soft, periwinkle, purpley colored sweater that he wanted to rub between his fingers. He imagined that it was just as soft against her flesh as the blanket his grandmother used to have. The one that he loved pressing his face against. He figured Scully would not appreciate his face buried in her soft sweater, but a guy could dream. She slipped off her shoes, and he saw a flash of purple on her toenails before she sat cross-legged on the couch.
Oh, God …
Seeing her comfortable like that in his place made him feel a little bolder, and he walked into the room with a bit more swagger than normal. He knew she would not notice a difference, but he felt it and that was what mattered.
The last few days had actually done it too. In her trailer discussing the case, the way she had been sitting at the table felt very … casual and at ease with how they were with one another. Yes, they were discussing Jim-Jim the Dog-Faced Boy, and it had seemed hooky and silly, but the ease at which they just were, was nice.
“So,” he said, setting his beer down on the desk. “Nothing overly graphic … let me just check what’s in the VCR. Oh … no that’s … I’ll just save that for later.” He put the Hot Space Babes video over to the side, his cheeks flushed as he knew this particular one featured a red headed scientist who resembled Scully. Resembled her a lot.
“Just adding it to the other ones that aren’t yours?” she teased as she cleared her throat. He looked back at her and she smiled. God, she was so beautiful.
“Something like that yeah,” he answered and went back to searching for an acceptable movie to watch with his partner that did not feature big breasted women moaning.
“Ah! Got it!” he said triumphantly and put the movie in the VCR. He picked up his beer and sat down next to her as he reached for the remote, fast forwarding to the movie.
“The Princess Bride? Really?” she asked incredulously.
“Do you not like this movie?” he asked, looking from her to the screen and back again.
“No, no, I do. In fact it’s … one of my favorites,” she said quietly, her cheeks slightly flushed.
“Ahh. Cary Elwes takes another heart I see,” he pouted, and she laughed. He watched her and smiled, enjoying the sound of her happiness. It was few and far between that he got to hear it.
“Not Cary Elwes, exactly,” she said, taking a drink of her beer and looking at him. “I suppose, it’s more the character and just the general romance of it all.” At his raised eyebrows, she laughed nervously and glanced down at her lap. “Westley was in love with Buttercup for years. He never said it outright, but he showed her, every day. He … he took care of her, took her bossing him about, and always with his ‘as you wish.’” She lifted her head and smiled as that part of the movie started. Taking another drink, she remained quiet as she watched.
He watched her watch the movie, smiling and laughing as she drank her beer until it was down to the last few drops. She seemed surprised to find it empty so quickly, and he stood up, intent on getting her another one, wanting to keep the conversation going.
“Mulder, I’m fine, I don’t need another one,” she called, her tone holding a hint of embarrassment.
“Nonsense, I need another myself,” he said, grabbing two, knowing full well his was more than half full. Can’t let her drink alone, he thought as he popped them open.
Walking back in the room he saw Westley leaving, and he heard Scully sigh as he handed her her beer. He sat down beside her, put his new drink on the desk, and picked up his old one.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, holding the bottle in her hands and sighing again. “See, it’s not that he loves her so deeply, which he does and we can obviously and plainly see it, it’s … it’s that he feels he needs to be worthy of her. He leaves her to prove his worth, to … secure a future for her, for them, and that alone is so romantic.” She took a drink and sighed again. “She didn’t … it wasn’t necessary, at least I don’t think it was, for him to leave to have money for marriage. She lived on the farm there, she wasn’t a noble or fancy woman. What did he need money for?” Mulder shrugged and put his chin on his hand as he looked at her as she explained her thoughts on the movie. She took a long drink and then sighed once more.
“She loved him so much, Mulder,”she said quietly. “You could hear it in her goodbye, see it in the fact that she mourned his believed death for five years. She was lost without him, but that didn’t mean she was less of who she was, her heart was just missing it’s other half.” She scoffingly laughed, and he raised his eyebrows again. Glancing at him, she shook her head. “Ah, I’ll be quiet now, and we can watch the movie.”
“Scully, I know this movie by heart, I don’t need to watch it,” he said, catching her eye, she nodded and took another drink of her beer. “I am interested in what you think of it, though. So please, continue.” He smiled and she uncrossed her legs and put her feet on the coffee table.
Her bare, purple toenails painted, feet.
They were so small. It always astounded him that someone with such a large presence could be so tiny. Suddenly, some very unpartnerlike thoughts began to swirl around in his brain and he drug his eyes from her feet to avoid them.
“Can … can you rewind it?” she asked timidly and he grinned. Picking up the remote, he rewound it until she told him to stop, in a spot he would have stopped at anyway even if she had not requested it. He knew, because of course he did, the exact spot she wanted to see again. Westley was leaving and Buttercup was crying as she held him …
“I’m afraid I'll never see you again …”
“Of course you will.”
“But what if something happens to you?”
“Hear this now, I will always come for you.”
“But how can you be sure?”
“This is true love. You think this happens every day?”
“That, Mulder. That’s what I love about this movie. People can scoff or roll their eyes, saying it’s sappy romance, but …” she sighed and smiled. “He leaves and then she believes that he dies, but of course he doesn’t. But, when he returns … it’s been five years, and he hears she’s marrying the horrible prince. He can’t believe she would, but does she still love him, Westley? He needs to know if it’s as real a true love as he believed it to be, so he keeps his identity known from her, holds himself back until he knows for absolute certainty.”
“When she shoves him down the hill, and he’s forced to tell her as he’s basically falling to his death? Her poor sweet Westley …” Mulder said, shaking his head. She laughed and then looked at him seriously.
“But, Mulder, he needed to be sure,” holding his gaze, she swallowed. “She believed him dead, had mourned and ached for him. Though her heart was broken, she carried on. She had to. If he had returned, walked up to that farm, she would have been overjoyed. But so much time had passed, he wasn’t sure she could still possibly love him the same way. They were … things were different and he … But when he did know, when he was completely sure … that was it. Nothing could tear them apart again, not even the fire swamp.” She smiled softly at him, and he felt like she was someone he had just met. How had he not seen this romantic side to her before? How had he not recognized it in her?
“He had been mostly dead, Mulder, and still he came for her,” she whispered, staring at him. He held her gaze and judging by the fact that his first drink was still more than half full, he knew it was not the alcohol making him flush. “True love doesn’t come along every day.” She shrugged with a small smile, and he exhaled a breath he was not aware he had been holding.
“Wow, these must be some new kind of beers that contain truth serum or something,” she laughed nervously, peering into her bottle, and recrossing her feet. He took a long pull from his bottle, needing time to think of what to say. Nothing smartass-y, it needed to be genuine. He wiped his mouth and looked at her.
“I’ve watched this movie many times, Scully, and never viewed it as eloquently as you just explained. I always thought he should have told her right away and let her know it was him, not lead her on or tease her, but I do understand what you’re saying,” he said quietly. “He was scared and uncertain, her love hadn’t dulled or changed, nor had his … but a shift had taken place. He just needed to …”
“Be pushed down a hill?” she asked with a smirk.
“Sometimes, we men need that,” he laughed, and she nodded. “We need that push to tell us we’re being idiots.” He glanced at the movie again, finding he had lost track of where they were, something that had never happened to him before when he turned on this movie.
“I think it’s a lot more than sometimes,” she said, and he looked back at her. She took a drink and smiled sideways at him. He smiled back and nodded.
“Should we start over? Or is from here okay?” She shrugged, and he leaned back, finishing off his first beer and reaching for the other one. Scully got up, and he heard the fridge door opening and closing, then two bottle caps falling on the counter. She walked back in and handed him his next one as she settled down with her last one.
Her bare feet were on the coffee table again and he found them just as intriguing and enjoyable as the rest of the movie, which took them over three hours to finish. It was paused and rewound, laughed over and then certain parts were watched again.
After Scully left and he cleaned up the bottles and caps, he made a vow to always have some type of alcohol on hand for future movie nights. He liked hearing from her, and if it took a little liquid courage to loosen her tongue, he wanted it there for her.
He turned out the lights, laid down on the couch, and thought of her purple painted toenails. Smiling, he turned onto his side, determined to discover what the next color choice would be. Hopefully, he would at the next movie night.
Maybe next time he should bring some whiskey. Just in case …
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wearesungreenmylove · 5 years
What If We Both Had Mono? 🙊
Word Count: 670
A/N: This was based on a conversation that @ms-space-ace and I had about mono :). This is the result of me being sick and missing school so I hope you all enjoy
Also on AO3 
Simon: what if we kissed and we both had mono *speak no evil emoji*
Simon giggles as he reads the text, his stomach bubbling.
Baz: Mono can be deadly, Snow
Baz: Crowley, do you know anything
Baz: Please don't get me sick
Simon: wait, mono is DEADLY?!?!!
He leans forward, waiting for his boyfriend’s response.
Baz: More than I already am
Baz: In some cases yes
Baz: I'm going to instate a rule saying no kissing until we're both better
Simon exhales, sighing and leans his head back against the off-white wall.
Simon: but that could be forever :( :( :(
Simon: I just wanna kiss my gorgeous boyfriend
Baz blushes, more pink covering his cheeks than before.
Baz: We can just text until then. Or call.
*incoming call from Simon Snow*
In a raspy voice, Simon says hello.
"Hey, love. You feeling any better?" Absentmindedly, Baz looks down at the blankets of his bed, papers strewn all across the duvet, and the discarded computer next to him.
"A little bit." Simon groans. "I feel like I'm half dead."
"And kissing me when I'm sick would only make that worse."
Simon sighs. "I still miss you."
"I know. I miss you too."
"This stupid being sick thing really sucks." Simon blows his nose loudly. "Sorry."
"It's alright love, you can't stop it. Just make sure you're getting enough water in your system. Have you had any chicken noodle soup?" Baz asks, fiddling with the edge of the plain beige duvet.
"No, but I feel really hungry, so maybe I'll make some soon. How are you feeling?"
"Better. My nose doesn't hurt as much, and I can actually breathe now."
"Do you have to breathe?" Simon asks. "I mean, you're a vampire..."
Snow likes to ask Baz questions like this all the time, so he's grown quite accustomed to it. "I can hold my breath for longer than most people if that's what you're asking."
"That's cool." Simon snuffles, rubbing the back of his hand across his nose, snot coming away.
They sit in silence for a moment, both of their breaths a little bit ragged. Simon coughs and makes a heavy sigh.
“I’m so done with being sick. I’ve already rewatched all of Season 1 of Merlin and I’m not feeling any better.” Simon’s head falls against his pillow and he looks up at the ceiling. He traces shapes with his finger across the air, joining the bumps of paint together like constellations.
“Mhm,” Baz says slowly, starting to nod off. His phone is pressed against his cheek as he curls up underneath his duvet. His knee collides with his laptop, leaving a stinging sensation there. Baz moves it to the foot of the bed, along with his papers, before lying back down and letting the comfort of his bed and lover overcome him.
“You awake, darling?”
Baz’s eyes flutter open. “Yeah, love. I’m just really tired.”
“Do you want me to hang up?” Simon traces his fingers across his blankets.
“No, I’m fine. Do you wanna watch something while I listen?”
Simon smiles when Baz yawns, soft and sweet. Softly, he says, “Better yet, I’ve got something for you.”
If Baz were more awake he might hitch up an eyebrow at this, but instead he just turns his head slightly further up towards the ceiling, not opening his eyes. “Oh?” he barely manages to breath out.
“Yeah, one second.” Simon rifles through his bedside drawer until he finds what he was looking for. “Here we are.” He opens up the book, reaching the first chapter with ease. “The Princess Bride,” he reads.
He lulls Baz to sleep with the soft sounds of Princess Buttercup, Westley, their grand love story, as well as the drama. He coughs from time to time, causing Baz’s ears to twitch. By the time that Simon is sure that his lover is asleep, his voice is hoarse from overuse.
“I love you,” he whispers into his phone.
Soft breaths meet him from the other side of the telephone.
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shirewalker · 6 years
a bunch of tag games
I have sooo many tag games to do. I’ll do a bunch under the read more and tag a handful of folks to do it if they feel like it. Ofc, it’s just like the last time I did this. Do only the ones you want to do, do all, or none! :D
@ohmystarsy @theleiaskywalker @captainvkirk @kestrel-of-herran @newrcmantlcs @becpunzel @akivas @williamsherondales @frodobaggins @darkvlings @jediknightrey @mionies
the rules: answer the questions and tag five people!
tagged by @lilabard​ <3
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag
a book
water bottle
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bedroom
framed art
5 Of My Favorite Things
5 Things I’m Currently Into
the good place
watching old fave movies
nikolina (when am I NOT into them tho??)
dreading the coming of nanowrimo because I’m Chidi rn and can’t DECIDE!!
5 Things On My To-Do List
get a job/get a steady income with my shops lol
finish reading shadowsong
work on inktober
finish commissions information so I can start taking them
contact possible reps for shop
tagged by @mionies​ <3
Nicknames: Vee Gender: Female 🌟 sign: pisces Height: 154cm Time: 18:25 Birthday: March 14th Favorite bands: McFly, Little Mix, Hurts Backstreet Boys, Broods, etc Favorite solo artists: Taylor Swift, Caro Emerald, I don’t remember other solo artists rn xD Song that’s stuck in your head: ...nothing. woah it’s a rare moment you guys!! Last movie I watched: Freaky Friday. I think it was the first time I watched it completely in one go. I’ve always caught just bits here and there xD Last tv show I watched: The Good Place Why I created this blog: I saw Tom Fletcher talking about it (I think lol, it was in 2010... xD) got curious and created it. I think. I don’t remember xD What type of content I post/reblog: Bookish stuff, fave movies, art, etc. Last thing I googled: Michael Bublé. I saw him on the news but there was too much noise to know WHY he was quitting music. I hope things get better for his kid <3 Other blogs: booklr - @coverbound​ || The 10th Kingdom - @imgoingtodieoflonghair​ Why I chose my url: I love Star Wars and LOTR. And the Skywalkers and the Shire are my faves. So I threw them together xD I follow: bit over 150 folks Followers: bit over 2850, in search of a curse-breaker to help me with this number lol Lucky number(s): don’t have any? just fave numbers... 3, 14... *shrugs* Colours i’m wearing: red and black xD Last book I read: The Rose and the Dagger <3<3<3<3 Top 3 universes: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Tolkien.
tagged by @darkvlings​
write your top 10 favorite male characters (each can be from different fandoms but not required) in no particular order (the tough game of choosing faves)
nikolai lantsov (tgt)
harry potter (hp)
frodo baggins (lotr)
luke skywalker (sw)
chidi anagonye (the good place)
sarkan (uprooted)
wolf (the 10th kingdom)
westley (princess bride)
prince naveen (the princess and the frog)
derrick (the falconer)
tagged by @captainvkirk​ <3
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans • I play an organized sport  • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing (does spotify count)
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors, not words
EARTH: I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian• I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
tagged (again lol) by @captainvkirk
Tag game! Tag 5 things about yourself that people might not know about you. 
I’m really small. 154 cm small
I’ve never been kissed/been in a romantic relationship. Local cave troll lol
I used to collect Barbies but with the economical crisis this collection has been put on hold sadly.
I hate beans with all my heart
Two of my dream jobs as a kid were archaeologist and wedding dress designer. If the chance to do either presented itself rn, I’d go for it, ngl.
tagged by (again) @captainvkirk xD
Reblog with your favorite candy, favorite monster, whether or not you expect to die a violent death.
anything by Lindt. their chocolate is THE BEST
vampires :3
gosh I hope not D:
tagged again by @lilabard <3
rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people! (let’s go with what I’d do if presented with chance with stuff I’ve never done. some of these are very usa-typical)
1. go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride 2. scary vs. sweet 3. sweaters vs. boots 4. socks vs. mittens 5. bonfires vs. football 6. trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies 9. bake pie vs. bake cookies 10. rain vs. fog 11. black cats vs. owls 12. ghosts vs. wizards 13. harry potter vs. halloweentown   14. go hiking vs. sleep in 15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16. reading vs. writing 17. hot chocolate vs. tea 18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 19. candy apples vs. caramel apples 20. blankets vs. pillows 21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts 22. coffee vs. apple cider 23. red leaves vs. orange leaves 24. braids vs. bows 25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie                                           27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes (I have no idea, haven't had any) 28. coats vs. oversized sweaters 29. beanies vs. berets 30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 31. s'mores vs. apple crisp 32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire 33. corn maze vs. haunted house 34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch 35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
tagged by @darkvlings again 
Take this full patronus quiz >>> I got Badger
I thought I had more lol. oh well xD
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apawcalypsemeow · 6 years
Top 10 Husbandos
Rules: list your top 10 husbandos or waifu (as in fictional characters from tv shows, video games, and/or anime), and then tag people
Thanks for the tag @little-scribble and I love your choices!
It took me a while to compile this list as I realized the characters I find most intriguing (Kylo Ren, Gollum, Feanor, Zuko, etc) and those I find sexiest (Kylo Ren again), are not always the type I would want a relationship with. They’ve got to have the whole package to be my husbando! 
So without further ado...
1. Kit Fiso (The Clone Wars)
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The smile, the snark, the voice, the genuine Jedi values, the tentacles, the shirtless scenes, mmmmm. I’ll take this fish raw and wriggling...
2. Faramir (Lord of the Rings)
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A genuinely kind sweet lovable character despite the fact that he has seen some shit (tm). This cinnamon roll even flat out rejected the One Ring in the books, how pure! And a cutie to boot just look at those soulful eyes T_T
3. Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings runner-up)
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Another cinnamon roll, this time a humble hopeless romantic and future family man with a heart of gold. The true hero of the Lord of the Rings thanks to his loyalty, perseverance, optimism, and faith in his friends. Also likes to cook and garden. What’s not to love? 
Note: when I told my husband about these two choices and my reasons he said, “well I’m basically a combination of the two.” asldfkjsdlkfjlknjkhj HE’S RIGHT =X
4. Professor Willow (Pokemon Go)
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Omg this silver fox blew me away when the game was released. His looks, his endless curiosity, his love of animals pokemon. I’m not into daddy kink but oh man I would be for him!
5. Justin (secret of NIMH)
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My first fictional childhood crush. They had no right making this rat as charming and gentlemanly and perfect as he is. Honestly how dare?!?!
6. The Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
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Another childhood crush. A big ol teddy bear with a rough exterior and a heart of gold. His honest yet awkward eagerness once he starts opening up to Belle just gives me the warm fuzzies. What a lovable dork. I both related to the Beast and wanted to cuddle up next to him as a kid. And as a bonus for adult Erin, he turns into Fabio at the end. 
7. Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter)
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Of course everybody loves him after the actor miraculously became ridiculously hot, but honestly my crush on Neville started in Goblet of Fire and would have continued even if he kept the buck teeth and awkward looks. That moment when everybody else is being salty after the Yule Ball and he just waltzes in on cloud nine with that enchanted look on his face made me fall in love with him instantly. Another lovable dork (oh no, is my type showing?). He is the nerd who finally found his place and the confidence he gains from that is every bit as sexy and the hunk puberty turns him into. 
8. Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
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A wise, responsible, honorable, caring, family man rat (dear self: why are there so many rats on this list??? I don’t have a thing I swear =X ). I love all iterations of Splinter, but by far my favorite is the 2012 Nickelodeon show. His design is so gorgeous, and he has that same type of wise playful snarky borderline silly humor that Yoda has in the original trilogy, it is hilarious!  
9. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
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I have so many feelings about this cute lovable dork farmkid turned mature yet still earnest hero of the galaxy (especially his RotJ getup, me-ow!). 
10. Westley (Princess Bride)
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A Good Boy (tm) with a little bit of a dark side, handsome devil face, and dry witty humor. No more needs said.  
Tag list. As always, no pressure and if you’ve already done it send the link my way cause I’d still love to see your answers! @usethehorseluke, @padme-amidalanaberrie, @mrsvioletwrites, @kylossren, @snowywarriors, @ss-reylo, @carrie-reylo, @lothbug, @kylossren, @seducedbykylo, @fernandabarrera
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readiceprincess · 6 years
Chapter Thirteen
“What should we get for dinner? Besides donuts.” Sibyl asked as she stretched and walked to the car.
“You wouldn't happen to know how to make fried chicken would you?”
Sibyl ignored him, counting her money. “Come. To the grocery store! I don't wanna eat late.”
She stared at his back while they walked to the car from work. His broad shoulders filled his shirt well. But it was his knowledge she was interested in. Maybe now she could get answers from him.
“Reeve,” she started as she got into the passenger's seat. He turned on the radio, bobbing his head back and forth to The Band Perry.
“What happened last night? You know, with me?”
Reeve stopped bobbing his head, his jaw clenched.
“What happened to you this morning?”
Oh. So he was gonna play that game. She sighed. “If I tell you will you tell me?” Her answer was silence, so she didn’t bother to tell him. No answers were coming tonight.
They didn't talk the entire ride. Reeve sang to every song on the country station, even Taylor Swift. It was enough to make her smile, but not to distract her from the question he avoided.
“How do you feel about meatloaf?” she asked as they got out of the car and headed for the market. Reeve shuddered and stuck out his tongue.
“Hell no.”
“Chicken? You said something about fried chicken?”
He grinned as they walked in. “Now that sounds good. But we might wanna get something for Luther.”
“He's vegan.”
She stopped and slapped her forehead with a groan. “Seriously? I don't have all the money in the world.”
“Don't get mad at me. I'm not the vegan,” Reeve reminded as he leaned on the front of the cart. “Hey why don't you push me? We can race around the store.”
Sibyl tried to push but it wouldn't budge. “You're too heavy. I think you should be pushing me around. I'm the one paying.”
Reeve dropped from the cart, coming to her side. He wagged his eyebrows. “Don't tempt me.”
Giving him a sideways glance, Sibyl grabbed the cart and moved forward. “Come on, loser.”
“Why are you doing this anyway? I can take care of us.” They turned into the dairy aisle. Sibyl opened the door, the cool air brushing against her skin as she reached for almond milk. “Sibyl?”
“I want to.” And I want answers.
“No, not that.” Reeve lowered his voice as she put the milk in the cart, leaning closer. “He's here.”
He didn't have to say his name. Freddie. Grabbing his jacket, she shrank into Reeve.
“Don't let them see me,” she begged.
“Why?” he asked as he stood straighter and watched them like a predator.
“He's after me. Westley and I heard him talk about me and I'm... I'm scared. Please Reeve, don't let him hurt me,” she begged, searching his eyes. They were brighter than usual with a tint of yellow. Reeve watched, jaw clenched as he gripped the cart handle. One hand reached up, shaking, and held her shoulder. It was too shaky, a strange vibrating energy coming from it.
“They're coming this way,” he whispered.
“What?” she gasped, quivering with fear.
“It's okay. I'm here to protect you, remember? Stay behind me.” She didn't question him, shrinking against his back. He was stiff.
“Reeve? You're the new kid, right?” Freddie called as he came over.
Freddie cleared his throat. “Not much for words, eh?”
“Oh I have some words in mind. Like how you're a self centered dick who thinks it's okay to torment innocent girls,” Reeve shot back.
There was silence.
“You're talking about Bix aren't you?” Freddie's voice dropped a few octaves.
“Stay away from her. If you touch her I'll break your arm.”
His friends chuckled. Everyone knew Freddie was a wrestling champ. No one would get in his way. Not unless they wanted to get hurt.
“I'd like to see that. I'd also like to see her. Stop hiding behind him Bix. I know you're there. I can smell you.” Sibyl froze. The last thing she wanted was to face Freddie. Not now. Not ever. “I saw you two walking in.”
Burying her fear and mustering up all her courage, Sibyl stepped beside Reeve. She gasped, covering her mouth. Freddie's face was blue, the wound going from his shoulder to his nose. It distorted his face, almost as bad as frost bite. Did she do that?
“Like what you see eh? Careful Reeve, she might do that to you.” Freddie motioned to his face.
“I doubt it,” Reeve assured him.
Freddie's tongue pushed against his cheeks. “What were you doing? Preparing a romantic dinner? Need some syrup? I bet Sibyl likes that.” He licked his lips, making her shrink. “What? Does your little boy toy not know?” Freddie reached for her when Reeve grabbed his arm.
“I said don't touch her,” Reeve hissed through clenched teeth. Pain washed over Freddie. He writhed under Reeve's quivering touch.
“Reeve,” she breathed. Freddie paled. “Let him go.”
Hesitating, his jaw clenched. She reached for his arm and he faltered. Freddie toppled to the ground and grunted in pain. Sibyl gulped. What did Reeve do to him? He hid his hand, eyes a touch golden. But it wasn't the beautiful liquid gold Westley had. It was all the more unsettling, like stark paint splatters marring a painting.
“Let's go,” she told him in a soft voice, pushing the cart. Freddie's friends dispersed, crowding around Freddie. “What did you do?”
“Made my message clear,” Reeve replied, his breath warm against her cheek. He gripped the cart next to hers. There were holes in his gloves.
“He won't be with you all the time Bix,” Freddie shouted. “I'll get you for that Aislin.”
Reeve flipped the bird at him.
When they arrived at the house Reeve marched straight to his room, leaving Sibyl to cook by herself. Josephine set up the table with Westley's help. The sweet homey scent of mashed potatoes, fried chicken, and corn was a blanket over the house. Yet there was an unsettling undertone, something unspoken lurking.
“Dinner was delicious,” Luther complimented when they finished. Now and then he'd cast disdain looks to the chicken.
Sibyl pulled a smile. “Thank you.”
Reeve didn't come for dinner.
“Please pardon me. I'm going to check on Reeve,” Luther said with a bow.
“You're excused,” Josephine replied, picking her mashed potatoes. His smile faded before he marched out. Josephine wiped her mouth. “Let's clean the dishes.”
“Uh... Sure...” She stood and gathered the dishes. There was a bang upstairs, but Josephine continued on as if nothing happened. “Is everything alright?”
“Don't worry about it.” Josephine grabbed Luther's plate and rushed to the kitchen. “Come on. Westley you can give us your dinner when you're done.”
Sibyl stopped at the foot of the kitchen door. A glass plate dropped, shattering all over the kitchen floor. Josephine groaned and tugged on her hair. She leaned down, mumbling while she picked up the shards.
“Ow!” Her finger bled.
“Run it under water,” Sibyl instructed. Josephine jumped, a yelp escaping her.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough. Now do as I say. I'll get the dust pan and clean up. We need to talk.” Sibyl walked to the closet by the fridge and pulled out the dust pan. Josephine put her finger under running water.
“I'm sorry.”
“Don't be. People drop things. It happens. Unless you're apologizing because you won't tell me what happened.” Sibyl stopped, staring at her hands. “I've never felt anything like it before.” Sibyl let out a deep breath and cleaned up the glass. “I need to know the truth.”
Josephine pulled her finger out of the sink, examining it. She pulled out a napkin and tore it to a smaller piece to tie around her finger.
“It's not easy to explain,” she began as her voice cracked. “Faerie is a complicated place. What happened to you is something we should've seen coming.”
“What about my mom? No one ever tells me anything about her. I'm assuming she was a member. And famous?”
Josephine chuckled. “Oh she was famous alright, but not a member. Celia was never part of the Order.”
“She wasn't?”
“No, she's an ambassador from Faerie.”
Sibyl almost dropped the dustpan. “What?”
Josephine gave her a weak smile then grabbed the plates and started to clean them. Taking this as a sign she should move, Sibyl threw out the glass shards and grabbed a wash cloth to dry the dishes.
“You'd think the heir to one of the largest kingdoms in Faerie would-”
“Heir to one of the largest kingdoms? You've gotta be kidding me. My mother?” She shook, eyes wide with astonishment. Josephine handed her a wet plate to dry.
“Her country is about as powerful as America in Faerie terms. Your mother was royalty and famous for escaping Faerie. She wanted to stay in the human world, marry, and live a normal human life. But she couldn't leave her kingdom so she made a deal with someone I hope you never meet.” She hesitated, her voice dropping to a whisper. “The Spider King.”
Sibyl cocked her eyebrow and snorted. “The Spider King? Does he dress like David Bowie in Labyrinth?” Josephine gave her a questioning look to which Sibyl closed her eyes, her lips forming into a straight line. “I'll add it to my list of movies we have to watch. Anyway you're losing me with the whole 'my mother is an heir' thing. My mom is not royalty. You must have the wrong person. She's from New York. She came to Montana because of my dad's work. You've got it all wrong.”
“No, that's all a part of her agreement. And even if you hate the name he's real or was real or... Anyway he made a deal with her. He'd give her a normal human life in exchange for one thing.” Josephine hesitated. “I-It's not easy to say.” Sibyl stopped. “It has to do with me, doesn't it?”
Josephine sucked in her lips. “I've said too much. The council would have my head.”
Sibyl blinked. Her jaw dropped. “What? It's not fair to leave me out of the loop.” Before Josephine could turn back to the sink and the dishes Sibyl grabbed her arm. “Josephine, I need more.”
Josephine bit her lip, avoiding eye contact. “I can't.”
Sibyl's lips formed into a thin line. No. It wasn't fair. “Fine. Maybe Reeve will give me answers.” She put the plate down and marched out.
“Wait!” Josephine called but she ignored her.
Why wouldn't they tell her anything? It was frustrating. She wanted clear answers. Who was the Spider King? What did he have to do with Celia?
As she marched up the steps, she heard a strange noise. It was heavy breathing, but it could have been from an animal. Her hands throbbed and tingled. Sibyl licked her lips as she came to the top of the stairs. The hallway was empty.
“Reeve?” she called.
The breathing stopped. A new noise seeped into the walls. It was low and harsh, a warning to not come closer. Was that a growl? No. It must be her imagination. Sibyl took a curious step. Her voice was small. “Reeve?”
There came another growl, louder, angrier. This wasn't her imagination. Whispers tried to calm the voice, but the growl returned, furious. No, it wasn't furious. There was a sense of fear and resent.
“Sibyl,” Josephine shouted as she came up the stairs. “What are you doing?” There were scratching noises. Something was scraping the walls.
“I want answers...”
Josephine stepped in front of her, turning to the direction Sibyl was looking. She took a step closer, humming a tune. There was a growl in response, then a whistle. Josephine straightened.
“Luther where are you? I need the potion!” The scraping pierced through the hall, like a nail on chalkboard. Josephine covered her ears and ran to a room down the hall. A loud howl came from the room as she entered.
Westley came out, his hair a mess. He came to Sibyl as Luther hurried up the stairs with a drink in hand. Luther ran to the room Josephine was in. The growls continued, and something banged against the walls.
“Stop it!” Josephine screamed.
“What's going on?” Sibyl demanded.
Westley touched her shoulders. “Perhaps it's best if you go downstairs and rest. It's late-”
“What? No. What's going on?” She shoved him away. “Stop keeping things from me. I need to know.”
Without another thought, she ran down the hall. Westley tried to grab her but she slipped free, making it to the room. She was tired of the secrets, tired of being sheltered. It was hard enough to trust them as is, but even worse when they wouldn't share anything with her. Sibyl pulled the door open.
Nothing prepared her for what she saw.
It was a monster, bright like crystal and the shade of the night sky with blazing yellow eyes. It stood with hunched shoulders as the large crystals on its back weighed it down, large crystal hands dragging on the ground. Blood dripped from its sharp fangs. Josephine tackled his waist and tried to hold him down as he screeched, the crystal scratching the walls and floorboards.
Josephine was too small to hold it down and it grabbed her then threw her to the wall. Yet, despite that, it wailed. There was a bloody gash on her arm where it bit her. The hurt in its eyes lasted a second, but it was enough.
The creature roared as it kicked Luther away, whipping its arm at Josephine. He pounced for Sibyl. In a split second he was on top of her, pinning her down to the ground. Westley tackled him but they shoved him off.
He growled, blood dripping on her cheek. With his giant hand on her hands, she could feel him. His energy was out of control, shaking with fear and anger. Images swirled in her mind, incoherent and all over the place. There were distant cries.
Josephine tackled him off, wrestling with him on the ground. Reeve wiggled around, trying to get back on his feet. Luther and Westley pinned him down, Luther pulling the cork off the drink with his mouth. Sibyl sat up as Josephine locked her arms around his neck, her legs wrapped around him.
“Now!” she shouted.
Luther forced the drink down his mouth. He tried to spit it out but Josephine held his mouth shut. They waited, holding tight while it convulsed.
“You can let go now Westley,” Luther told the prince. He got up, walking into the hall and opening a closet. Pulling out a blanket, he brought it to the room and laid it over his body as Josephine peeled off him. When he came to Sibyl's side he helped her up. Her knees wobbled and he pulled her into his warm arms.
It moaned, his body shaking. At first she thought it was angry, but no it was in pain. Tears streamed down its yellow eyes as they darkened. Josephine hummed, stroking his face. A few grunts escaped its closed mouth. No, it wasn't grunting. It was humming.
When the humming wasn't as hoarse and harsh, Josephine sat by his side, humming with him. His paws turned to crystal hands. Then it fell off, shattering to reveal new skin. Bits of crystal stuck out of his skin like a plague that wouldn't leave.
He stopped humming when his face returned, eyes locked on the wound on his sister's arm. Blood dripped from his lips and left a puddle beside him. The blanket covered his naked body. Josephine didn't stop humming.
Crystal poked out of his skin and with a clenched jaw he tried to force it back. His body shook. He concentrated hard on Josephine's wound, cracking. His face turned red. Then his body went limp, his eyes and rising chest the only sign he was still alive.
Sibyl couldn't stop staring. Westley was rubbing her arms but brought her no comfort.
“Did something happen today?” Luther asked as he looked over to her. Her lips formed into a thin line.
Freddie at the grocery store. It must have unleashed this... Whatever this was in him. Reeve was upset and this was the result. Which mean he had to be in control of his emotions or this happened. And this was the person who was supposed to protect her.
“The trickster will fade to a snarl soon enough,” Rose’s chilling words echoed.
“Do you see why we don't tell you everything? You're not ready,” Luther remarked. He ran his hands down his face with a sigh. Unable to erase the image of the crystal beast from her mind, she did what perhaps anyone would do. She ran. She grabbed her things and ran out of there, not looking at them or talking to anyone.
They called her name but she didn’t listen. She just kept going. Kept running. When she stumbled home she fell to her knees. Frost and the wind greeted her as she quivered at the doorway. There was a sigh. Sibyl looked up to find Rose dressed in furs and silk, the essence of class.
“So the warmth faded to a snarl,” Rose commented. A raven sat on her shoulder. “I told you you’d come back to me.”
A cruel smile crossed her face.
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