#op king neptune
the-leech-lord · 18 days
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One Piece Party Vol 2 minicomic
Picture and translation by @568a | link
This one was a pain in the ass to do lol. The last one was the only one to fit in the bubble
If you have anything One Piece Party or One Piece Academy that you want me to typeset I’ll do it but I CANT TRANSLATE so it must be provided along with the picture (scans preferred)
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The fact that some couples in One Piece have a ridiculously huge height difference for no reason, never fails make me laugh.
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benji-doodles · 1 year
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everyone in one piece is a shape and its fun to doodle
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the-indie-owl · 10 months
How the Greek/Roman Gods react to their own Cartoonish Counterparts in the SpongeBob franchise.
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madameredart · 8 months
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
Just Some Little New Headcanon Lore for Neptune's Family.
Growing Up with Two Families in Mount Othrys and the Mortal Realms.
Happy Mother's Day BTW.
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Also A Little Bonus;
Mother and Son Moment.
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Fully Grown King Neptune with his Mother, Roman Titaness Lady Ops (inspired by the Dream Scene in "Bambi 2").
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wurm-food · 1 year
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And we're jumping right into the aftermath of the Reverie. Which honestly, is the portion of this arc I've been the most excited about. At this point, I've had some things spoiled for me. But that doesn't mean I'm ready.
And a side note from me... I love seeing Shirahoshi again. She doesn't get enough love and I think she's delightful.
One Piece - #956
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chenziee · 2 years
Watching the climax of the Fishman Island arc hits different after chapter 1044
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charsui · 4 months
Okay, so I'm at Fishman Island now and I gotta say, holy shit Luffy is a bad person. In 2 episodes he both is openly racist (saying he's been thinking that merpeople and fishfolk are exactly the same and all look the same, which is like dude, what the shit) and sexually assaults someone and doesn't even try to apologize (he bounces on the boobs of Neptune's daughter and when she cries and is afraid of his actions he tells her to shut up and stop crying) so yeah, he's a real sack of shit.
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
Happy B-day!! 3/07
Main: Nami, Neptune, Nanami, Lucia.
Nami-chaaan 🧡🧡, from OP
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Neptune, from OP
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Nanami, from JJK
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Lucia, from MMPPP
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grainjew · 2 months
Nikaposting Pt 3: Joyboy was Shandian
This is the third of a series of posts about Nika & associated religious practice in the One Piece world. As I write and post the rest of the series, I’ll add links to this header.
Pt 1: Crypto-Religion | Pt 2: Symbology & Syncretism | Pt 4: Sun God Tropes
Enormous credit to @oriigami for being my discussion partner through all of this and having a substantial influence on the final product. Check out our ao3 series Joyful for a narrative rather than analytical take on the Nika tradition, and definitely go read her OP blog @kaizokuou-ni-naru for meta and translation fun facts.
Joyboy. What’s his deal?
Context note: This post makes the assumption that Joyboy was an awakened user of the Nika fruit. I don’t think that’s a particularly disputed take but I wanted to make sure we were clear on that to start with: To these posts, Nika is a mythical figure with a cult of worship and an incredibly potent wish attached to his name. And Joyboy, like Luffy now, was a user of the fruit created of that wish and harmonized enough with its nature to awaken.
We know basically nothing about Joyboy, but there’s just enough there for some really fun theorizing. This post will be shorter and more speculative than the rest of the series, but I think it’s a fun enough concept that I wanted to add it in.
So: Here’s why I think Joyboy was Shandian!
Let’s start with the obvious- Oda definitely re-read Skypiea while he was planning out the Nika stuff. It’s widely known that the Nika pose and the rhythm of the Drums of Liberation were pulled directly from the Skypiea dance scenes, especially the mid-arc one with the wolves. I’d add that the concept generally of Luffy being silhouetted against the sky in a pose & percussion instruments taking on a symbolic liberatory role (the bell and the drums) can also be traced back to this arc. The visual choice to have Who’s-Who’s imaginary version of Nika dressed stereotypically “tribal”—not a design choice I feel particularly positive about but a design choice Oda would make purposely—also evokes Shandora.
Skypiea was also the arc where we encountered the Shandora poneglyph, which is eventually revisited in the same arc we’re introduced to Nika and Gear 5 (that is, Wano), and which is the poneglyph pointing to the location of Poseidon, the Mermaid Princess, in Fishman Island.
We know from Joyboy’s poneglyph apology that he was a surface-dweller who was nonetheless a great friend of Fishman Island and of the Mermaid Princess of the time. His apology was addressed directly to her, for breaking a promise to her and her country. Similarly, the Shandians held the protection and eventual delivery of their poneglyph as a tenet of extreme importance until Robin took that burden from them onto her back. I doubt such a precious friend of Fishman Island would leave the location of Poseidon with anyone other than a nation he trusted absolutely- with his own people, the shandians.
Skypiea and Fishman Island are also arcs with a very pronounced thematic parallels/opposites thing going. Briefly:
They’re both set either 10 000 meters above or below the surface of the blue sea, in unfamiliar environments that require their own methods of fighting and navigating.
They feature longstanding conflicts the Straw Hats have sort of blundered their way into regarding oppression, power imbalances among cultures and classes of people, and very flawed but ultimately compelling depictions of real-world issues.
Their ruling parties are named after real-world religious figures (Skypiea’s God; Fishman Island’s King Neptune and Queen Otohime).
And silliest of all, Luffy has to be nerfed in both arcs because otherwise the final battle will be over in about one second lmao.
I think it’s safe to say they’re at least connected on a thematic level, and it’s my connection that once upon a time in the forgotten history, Joyboy, shandian friend of the Mermaid Princess, was that connection point.
It’s also notable that Shandora was a great nation back in the Void Century (indeed one of the three disconnected rays sun symbol nations, as well as a sun god-having nation - see pt 2 of this series of posts), and is the only nation other than the Ancient Kingdom that we have been explicitly told was brought to ruin during that time. Of course there’s infinite reasons the Twenty Kingdoms could have had to wreck the place, including “they were in a war,” but a strike at the home of that most problematic user of the Nika fruit seems particularly in-character.
And even if none of this convinces you that Joyboy was a child of Shandora, I sure hope you can agree that we should all be giving Skypiea some very close reads in the coming years!
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wavytam · 10 months
Sanji/Germa Kingdom and Uranus
As I've read some theories about the Ancient Weapons, something about Sanji specifically caught my attention. It's probably more of a big coincidence rather than something Oda planned, but I found it interesting nonetheless and wanted to share with whoever reads this.
So, by now, everyone has already noticed that the three weapons have a connection with three Greco Roman deities, who in turn are connected with the three last planets of the solar system (when Pluto was still considered a planet).
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Along with that, a lot of people noticed that the Straw Hats' three main fighters (after Luffy) each have a connection with these weapons through their mothers' name and/or titles.
Pluton-> Pluto (Roman)-> Hades (Greek name)-> God of the Underworld (Hell)-> Underworld-> Earth (Tera is his mother) -> Zoro: King of Hell
Poseidon-> Neptune (Roman)-> Poseidon: God of the Seas-> Sea-> Jimbei: First Son of the Sea/Knight of the Sea
Uranus-> Father Sky, the personification of the Heavens (before Zeus took over)-> Sky-> Sora (Sky) Vinsmoke and Sora, Warrior of the Sea -> Sanji
But there is another connection, at least for the two first weapons: their locations also were deeply connected with Zoro and Jimbei. How?
Jimbei is from Fishmen Island -> that's where Poseidon is located.
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Zoro's ancestors came from Wano -> where Pluton is located
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This could be just a very odd coincidence that Oda might not have noticed he did, but let's assume, for the sake of this theory, that it was planned.
With the connection that Sanji shares with Uranus, it might also give us a hint as to where it might be hidden, or was hidden.
If this connection was made on purpose, we have two possibilities:
1. First one is the Germa Kingdom. We can suspect that Sanji's origin story still is not over and the past of the Vinsmokes still is a bit mysterious to us. We heard that they were taken down by the Marines because they were tyrannical rulers, but there's a big chance it was a lie (Oda even let this idea hang in the air through Vito).
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The Marines and WG love to spread fake rumors through propaganda to discredit their enemies. They did that with Kuma, who might not have been a tyrannical ruler, but only an enemy of the WG.
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Thia part of the theory will be more of speculation and I needs a lot more evidence in the manga, but let's do it for fun.
We can suspect the GK probably was a threat to the WG not because of its tyrannical rule (we have seen a lot of tyrant leaders in OP and most of the time, nothing is done to stop them as long as there is no threat to the WG), but because they might've been hiding something related to the AK OR threatening the rule of the WG in some way (or both). I always found it interesting how Oda chose to make GK a powerful Kingdom, so powerful it was able to rule over the entire North Blue.
And the fact that, after Germa's defeat, they decided to publish stories that portrayed the Vinsmokes as villains might indicate that they probably were the opposite and their only real "crime" was to threaten the WG in some way.
As you can already suspect with the beginning of this thread, the crime could have been connected with the Ancient Weapons - and after they lost, the WG probably took their territory and every information and weaponry they had. 
Something that bugs me about Germa too is the fact that they are a country without land to rule over and Judge is actively trying to take the North back but at the same time, they have the recognition of the WG to attend the Reverie. Why? Wouldn't they, even before the WCI fiasco, have realized that?
And if the Vinsmokes once ruled over the entire North Blue, they surely had some type of capital, like Alubarna, right? What happened to that place? Was it destroyed like Ohara? Or is it under the WG's control?
One of the other factors that could go against this theory is that the Germa Kingdom began 300 years ago - 600 years after the Void Century, so there could be no way the Vinsmokes knew about Joyboy like, i.e. Queen Lili did. Or could it?
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You see, that period referred to the time when the GK took over the entire North, but they probably existed a long time before that, as an expanding kingdom. We don't really know for how long the Vinsmokes existed and ruled.
2. The other option is that Uranus could have been hidden in the birthplace of Sora, Sanji's mother. However, we do not know her origins, much less the reasons for her to marry Judge. We can reach a little and assume that because of her name, she could have come from a Sky Island? Sanji himself seems to share some interesting connection with the Sky elements (and sters) and in recent chapters a lot of fans pointed out his interest in stargazing and even Oda's weird drawing connecting him with UFOs and even space elements itself. Here are two links for theories I found on the matter:
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But this part has even less evidence than the Germa option, so we will have to wait and see.
The fact remains that Germa is probably coming back, and with it we might find out more about its past along with Sora's. And with the manga coming to an end and focusing more on the Void Century, I don't think it's far-fetched to assume that Germa might hold some important connection with it that will surely help the Straw Hats in their future adventures. Only time will tell. Thanks for reading this crazy theory!
Again, I know most of it has no foundation, but I felt like it would be interesting to point out before we got the definite answer. If you have any theories of where Uranus might be hidden, feel free to comment!
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the-indie-owl · 3 months
Oops! I've accidentality spilled over something.
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
The birth order of Kronos' children
“Rhea, surrendering to Kronos, bore resplendent children: Hestia, Demeter and gold-sandaled Hera, mighty Hades who lives under the earth, merciless of heart and the booming shaker of earth, and Zeus the resourceful, father of gods and men." - Hesiod, Theogony;
“(Kronos) married his sister Rhea; and since both Ge and Ouranos had prophesied to him that he would be stripped of his power by his own son, he swallowed his children as they were born. He swallowed his first-born, Hestia, and then Demeter and Hera, and after them, Pluto and Poseidon.” - Pseudo-Apollodoros, Library;
“To Kronos and Rhea, we are told, were born Hestia, Demeter, and Hera, and Zeus, Poseidon, and Haides.” - Diodoros of Sicily, Library of History Book 5;
“From Saturnus and Ops were born]: Vesta, Ceres, Juno, Juppiter, Pluto, Neptunus.” - Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae;
“Euhemerus goes on to say that  Uranus was the first to be king, . . . . “There were born to him by his wife Hestia two sons, Titan and Cronus, and two daughters, Rhea and Demeter.  Cronus became king after Uranus, and marrying Rhea he begat Zeus and Hera and Poseidon.” - Diodoros of Sicily, Library of History Book 6;
“Along with him they add four other children, that is first Jove, second Juno, third Neptune, fourth Pluto. “ - Fulgentius, Mythologies;
“They then killed the first son that was born to Saturn. Next came twin children, Jupiter and Juno. Juno was given to Saturn to see while Jupiter was secretly removed and given to Vesta to be brought up without Saturn's knowledge. In the same way without Saturn knowing, Ops bore Neptune and hid him away. In her third labour Ops bore another set of twins, Pluto and Glauce. Saturn was shown his daughter Glauce but his son Pluto was hidden and removed. Glauce then died young. That is the pedigree, as written, of Jupiter and his brothers; that is how it  has been passed down to us in holy scripture.” - Lactantius, Divine Institutes, quoting Ennius;
"Cloud-Gatherer Zeus replied: “Oh, what a thing to say, (Poseidon) my powerful Earth-Shaker! The gods never fail to honour you: it would be a wretched thing indeed to lack respect for the oldest and the greatest." - Homer, Odyssey.
Tl;dr: There are no sources in which Hades is older than his sisters, no sources in which he is the eldest or second eldest child of Kronos and Rhea; not in standard accounts, nor in Euhemeristic or allegorising ones. In fact, not even his status as eldest son is universally attested. Change their birth order if you like, but don't spread misinformation.
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wurm-food · 1 year
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And see, context is great because I casually forgot that dear precious baby girl Shirahoshi is PROPHETICALLY IMPORTANT (it's been a minute since Fishman Island for me so bear with me here)
One Piece - #967
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
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Figure that I'd give the Bikini Bottom more Rulers, this time adding in More Water Deities from Foreign Mythologies of Different Cultures in a Group of Seven Sea Gods ruling over Each of The Seven Seas. From Left to Right; Poseidon (from Greek Mythology), Neptune (from Roman Mythology), Ryūjin (from Japanese Mythology), Mac Lir (from Celtic Mythology), Varuna (from Hindu Mythology), Sobek (from Egypt Mythology), and Njǫrd (from Norse Mythology). We pretty much already know much about Poseidon/Neptune behind Greco-Roman Mythology. Greek/Roman God of the Seas, Son of Cronus/Saturn and Rhea/Ops, brother of Zeus/Jupiter and Hades/Pluto, Husband of Amphitrite/Salacia, yada, yada, yada, ect. pretty much you Greco-Roman Mythologists out there who have watched SpongeBob and seen Sponge on The Run would defiantly would know who Poseidon/Neptune is. But what about the Water Deities from Different Mythologies? Who are they? Well, here are some personalities for our new guys. Ryūjin (Japanese Water Deity and Third Ruler of The Seas) The Master of the Serpents and King of a Sea Dragon. Ryūjin has the ability to take both in Three Forms; A Dragon (his Actual Species), An Anthro Fish (to civilize Fish People like from the Bikini Bottom), and Human (Only for the Surface Land). Ryūjin is a Cunning Wise-Cracking Dragon who's often to take hold of his responsibilities of being King and as well as creating fun for his own. He enjoys to have a slice of life such as eating some Krill or Plankton, he even has the power to make Gemstones glow. Whenever he gets furious or angry, storms would usually come in out of nowhere as he also controls waves to make them very big and crazy like a hurricane. Voice Actor: John de Lancie (Discord from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic") Mac Lir (Celtic Water Deity and Fourth Ruler of The Seas) A Wise, Kind, and Noble Deity. Mac Lir is also known as "Manannán", he was a Brave Warrior of a Deity who fights in Wars and is also part of Another Deity Tribe, "Tuatha Dé Danann". Mac Lir is not really all that fearsome of a God but he's often very nice as he protects to those who had a rough life as he is willing to give anyone who deserved something much better a chance. He often rides on Sea Horses throughout the Seas and claims that All Sea Creatures are very good-natured animals. Voice Actor: Christian Bale Varuna (Hindu Water Deity and Fifth Ruler of The Seas) Basically the Hippie Type out of the Group. Varuna is Very Peaceful, Laid-Back, and Enlightened. He is mostly rather Chill but outside of being a Water God, he's also a Ruler of the Sky Realm and even upholder of the Cosmics, known for being a Chief of the Adityas. He can tell and predict the future with his highest knowledge with great power behind a thousand eyes. He sometimes enjoys to visit Parties such as visiting a Festival with the Gods and is very respected by the Fish who he is welcomed to. Voice Actor: Khary Payton (Rafiki from "The Lion Guard") Sobek (Egyptian Water Deity and Sixth Ruler of The Seas) A Lord of Crocodiles and even God of the River Niles. Sobek has the ability to control Waters as well as being in command with a pack of his own Crocodiles. Like Poseidon, he is very Vain and Self-Centered but unlike Neptune's Greek Counterpart, he isn't lazy and is often busy doing his Job protecting the Nile. He can allow his Crocodiles to not eat People for those who fear death unless if you pray for him to make Crocs get out of the Water. He is also able to protect anyone who obeys him from Evil and hate if anyone would dare try to screw his Job of being a King of the Nile Rivers, usually he gets pissed at that when someone tries to mess things up around him. Voice Actor: Kevin Hart Njǫrd (Norse Water Deity and Seventh Ruler of The Seas) Njord is very stoic at nature. Like Neptune, he is very regal to control both the Waters and is able to give people who obey him the riches with Great Wealth. Needless to say, he is often very mature and tends to focus on his responsibilities of being King such as doing the Royal Stuff, he is soft-spoken and gentle. He would punish others who are Evil such as the Monsters around from the Sea. He doesn't necessary like people who are greedy or selfish as he is willing to pay them with Karma such as an Important Moral Lesson; If they want great wealth, they must learn to be a better and respectful person without being selfish and Greed at heart, only use Charity at Heart. He is very faithful and respectful towards anyone, even to those like his Wife, Skadi (The Goddess of Winter). Voice Actor: Billy Zane (John Rolfe from "Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World") I made each of the Men-like Water Gods (except for Ryūjin and Sobek) into Merman like how the show does with Neptune and Poseidon because since some Gods have Titles of being in charge of Waters, wouldn't they also be depicted as Merman too? Also, I should be such further noticed that I don't really consider the Other Neptune from the First Movie part of the Rulers of the Seven Seas. In my AU, he's just a King of Merpeople, not a God since Most Gods don't generally wear Royal Medieval Outfits. Also, for the Backgrounds that I used behind these versions of the Other Foreign Gods, I just googled up each Foreign Waterland/Ocean/Sea to resemble what Country that they are from. I do NOT own these backgrounds, credit goes to each of the Backgrounds that I have found for Google. SpongeBob SquarePants (c) Stephen Hillenburg Water Deities (c) Mythology
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