#or maybe you just need to be reminded that life doesn't suck all the time and science is cool
So you're a go to source for all things Dick&Tim bros and you tend to write primarily from Dick's POV. So, odd question, but if you were to summarize their relationship from his POV in FIVE panels which panels would you pick? Keeping in mind that one specific aspect of their relationship that you love needs to be clearly represented by each panel (loyalty, trust etc). I hope this is a fun challenge and not an annoying question so if you don't want to answer that's cool! Have a wonderful day!
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No more talk. The same thoughts run through two minds... (SotB 29) / You're my equal. My closest ally. (RR 1) / I can't stop thinking how much I rely on him. (GoG 3)
25 Feelings Dick Has About Tim
This was such a kind ask & a cool challenge which I totally failed; here are TWENTY-five panels of Dick's POV on Tim sdfdsfds Look, I got carried away! Marcia and Cindy! The boys!!
WARNING THAT THERE ARE SOME NEGATIVE EMOTIONS IN HERE because I love conflict but but but you gotta remember those are not the final word!! They are complicated people and sometimes they get mad at each other BUT ultimately their relationship is so hugely important in both their lives & they love each other and rely on each other so much -!!! <3
Also I have CONCLUDING THOUGHTS at the end about what Dick's POV leaves out (mostly: a lot of Dick defending & protecting & supporting Tim, which Dick does instinctively but isn't very self-aware about most of the time)
I have loosely organized my list into 5^5 format (5 categories with 5 examples each!), so if you want to skip to a relevant one, here are the categories!!
Below the cut:
I hate him and find him infuriating (#1-5)
On second thought, he's endearing & fun (#6-10)
Grief is complicated & he's all tangled up in mine (#11-15)
I love him & think highly of him (#16-20)
I rely on him & though it's hard for me, I trust him (#21-25)
Final thoughts a.k.a. if you ask Dick to tell you about Tim, you will be there all day and he will never once mention any of the times he saved Tim's life because they will genuinely not occur to him
I hate him and find him infuriating (#1 - 5)
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1) He thinks he’s so smart and can psychoanalyze me and Bruce, but he doesn’t know me at all, he should get lost (New Titans 61)
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2) He thinks he’s so smart and can psychoanalyze Bruce but he doesn’t know Bruce at all, he should get lost (Gotham Knights 26)
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3) He is so nosy about stuff that is MY business (Robin 0)
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4) He sounds like an insincere suck-up half the time... but okay, fine, if you push him he's got a sense of humor about it (New Titans 65)
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5) I'm sure he's a better vigilante than me. It's my fault for being a failure, but I resent him anyway. (Nightwing 9 - Dick's having a nightmare)
On second thought, he's kinda endearing (#6-10)
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6) He worries too much and gets anxious so easily, but it makes him fun to tease (Robin 67)
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7) I'm not that competitive - okay, so maybe I'm a little competitive, I gotta make sure he doesn't get a swelled head (Prodigal)
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8) I'm supposed to be his favorite! It is not cool for him to be fanboying over my not-girlfriend's not-boyfriend!! (Birds of Prey 19)
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9) We have fun together. I can kick back and relax when it's just the two of us. Plus I get to boss him around a bit. (Prodigal)
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10) He’s always trying to reassure me, and I guess it's a little comforting, but also he doesn’t really get it. Or me. He makes excuses that he shouldn't, because he doesn't understand that I suck. (Nightwing 64)
Grief is complicated and he's all tangled up in mine (#11 - 15)
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11) He reminds me of everything I try not to think about. Sometimes the memories are so strong it hurts to look at him. (Batman 441)
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13) We're the same. He says all the things I don't let myself think about. It's like arguing with myself. (Nightwing 139)
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14) He thinks he gets to tell me what to do but he doesn’t, fuck him (Battle for the Cowl)
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15) Life sucks, so what. I sucked it up so he should too (RR 1)
I love him and think highly of him (#16 - 20)
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16) He’s the closest thing to a brother I’ll ever have.  If someone hurts him I will hurt them harder. (Nightwing 6)
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17) I can't handle the idea of losing him. (Nightwing 97)
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17) He’s so good and I’m not. I'm afraid I’m bad for him. (Nightwing 110)
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18) He’s better than me, and it’s kind of a relief because I know no matter what he’ll be okay. (Gates of Gotham 3)
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19) In my head he’s the responsible one.  (Gotham Knights 10)
I rely on him, and though it's hard for me, I trust him (#20-25)
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20) I know I have to trust him but I'm afraid he'll make the wrong choices and get hurt (Nightwing 139)
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21) I'm sure I know what he should do because I see myself in him - not that I can take my own advice, but he should (Blackest Night 3)
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22) I trust him.  When I’m losing my grip on things, he pulls me back. (Gotham Knights 10)
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23) I want him to trust me (Red Robin 12)
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24) He can tell when I'm lying. Sometimes he sees my weaknesses better than I wish he did. (Detective Comics 874)
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25) He’s always there when I need him. (Teen Titans / Outsiders Secret Files)
Final rambling thoughts:
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TIM: Uhh, okay, so I'm just skimming this list - do you really trust me? you're not just saying that? - but anyway, I'm confused because you left some stuff out? Like some stuff that's kinda important? DICK: No? I think I got everything? TIM (starts counting on his fingers): The time I was having a bad day but then I called you. The time I got captured by Two-Face but then you saved me. The time I fell off a train but then you saved me. The time I fell off a building but then you saved me. The time I fell off a different building - DICK: I feel like you're trying to make some kind of point but I'm not sure what it could be.
SO THE THING IS, I put 25 panels in here and not a single one has Dick catching Tim when he’s falling!!! But I think that's a central motif of their relationship from Tim’s POV, not Dick’s. I love Dick, but in some ways I think he is spectacularly un-self-aware.
And I think he especially has a lot of blind spots about Tim. He kinda intermittently gets that Tim admires him, and he enjoys it in a playful I-get-to-boss-you-around way. But Dick tends to consistently underestimate all of his own good qualities & skills, and he meets Tim at a point in his life when he's especially down on himself & his abilities. And so he's unable to see his own influence on Tim, & therefore unable to fully understand a lot of Tim's priorities and loyalties and motivations, because you can't actually understand Tim without understanding Dick's impact on him. There's a fascinating moment in Bruce Wayne: Murderer when Dick's completely blindsided & upset to discover that Tim doesn't entirely trust Bruce, even though this has been a definitive fact of Tim's whole thing ever since he showed up with his Batman needs Robin theory, and Barbara has to actively remind Dick of the obvious-to-everyone-except-Dick fact that a lot of Tim's loyalty is to Dick, and Tim loves Bruce but feels free to be more wary of him. (And to give Bruce credit: this is not something he ever begrudges.) But anyway Babs points this out, and Dick manages to sorta process it for about five seconds, but he cannot actually accept it into his worldview so instead he discards it at the speed of light and goes off and has an argument with Tim instead sdfsfdsf
All of Dick's virtues - Dick's kindness at the circus and Dick's determination to fight through grief and Dick's rigid sense of morals and Dick's vigilante skills and every time Dick has ever backed Tim up or listened to him or protected him or saved him from something or just been casually kind to a stranger in Tim's presence etc etc etc - all these things loom really large in Tim's mental story of Who Dick Is, and What Dick And Tim's Relationship Is. Tim meets Dick before he meets Bruce, trusts Dick more than Bruce, aspires to be Robin instead of Batman. And so in Tim's default version of the story, Dick is the super-special and admirable hero and Tim is... nobody in particular, a tagalong outsider who's barely managing to be a hero, not part of Dick and Bruce's family and not part of their story, who, if he's VERY LUCKY and tries REALLY HARD, might be able to fight his way to proving himself and offering something to Dick that Dick will value, if Dick doesn't get fed up with him first.
But that's not Dick's version of the story!!!
Dick's version of the story is almost the exact opposite, a story where Dick's an outcast failure black sheep who's screwing up everything he tries, and meanwhile Tim is The Sudden New Perfect Robin Who's Better Than Me And Probably Bruce Loves Him More And Probably They Gossip About What A Loser I Am, mixed with a complicated edge of Tim Thinks He's So Smart But He Doesn't Know Me/Us At All. Dick gets much more attached to Tim over time, and Tim gets unnervingly better at the know-it-all psychoanalysis so then Dick gets to have complicated feelings about him being right instead of just annoyance at him for being wrong, plus Dick's relationship with Bruce improves a lot, so Tim stops feeling so threatening. But Dick never fundamentally changes his basic theory of their relationship in which Tim is highly impressive and capable, and Dick is not so much.
And so asking Dick about Tim is kinda like if you asked George Bailey to tell you about Harry Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life; like, you'll be there for five hours while he tells you how great Harry is, and how accomplished Harry is, and how he doesn't really get how or why Harry does the things he does, and maybe George does feel a little resentful or jealous sometimes, but that pales in comparison to all his admiration and trust for Harry who he loves so much, who's better than him in so many ways, and he's not gonna openly gripe but secretly he can't help but feel sometimes like he's such a failure in comparison to Harry, a perfect person who emerged fully formed from Zeus's head with all the virtues and also all the accomplishments, etc. etc. etc. --
-- and he will not actually remember the part where he changed and saved Harry's whole entire life unless you literally send him to an alternate timeline in order to force him to remember it. <3
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#i enjoyed thinking about this so much i wrote a novel with All My Thoughts sorry sdfsdfs#tim drake#dick grayson#somewhat tangential but as i was writing this i was thinking about zahri's post#about how different types of stories offer different kinds of emotional payoffs#and i think for me for dick and tim the main two payoffs are:#1) someone who sees & understands your grief for deaths that will never get fixed or get better#and who will face your ghosts with you EVEN WHEN you're also mad at each other#2) someone who you look at and you see all the ways that you suck & he's better & you're a loser who's failed him etc etc#but it turns out that you're wrong. that you're good enough. not that none of the failures were real or that they were all in your head#but it turns out that it's okay that you didn't always immediately do or feel the right thing#and it's okay that you weren't perfect. you can fuck up six thousand ways & everything you did right will still matter#not because of making excuses or allowances or somebody pityingly trying to make you feel better#but because in the end the things you did right are just Genuinely More Valuable than anything you did wrong#all the times you tried & everything that you tried to give - everything you think wasn't good enough - it was.#IN OTHER WORDS they are both convinced they're not good enough & they are both wrong <3#anyway dick and tim are both INCREDIBLY SIMILAR and also CONSTANTLY misreading each other and i love that for them#and like. they will sometimes totally misread each other & then never figure out the part that they misunderstood#but then they manage to keep going anyway. we love each other on purpose <333#ask tag#dick&tim
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doctorbrown · 3 months
Me, grabbing everyone's muses: welcome to Doc Brown's Garage for Wayward Souls
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ovaryacted · 2 months
Really random but dad bod DI Leon🤤🤤🤤 (I really love DI Leon if you couldn’t tell) like I love Leon w abs, and his hourglass shape but just him cuddling w you and being so warm and soft😢 (or when y’all are making love and his tummy just has us fitting together like puzzle pieces and it’s LIKE OMGMGM😭😭😭😭😭)
cw: descriptions of body changes, internalized fatphobia, smutty thoughts/acts.
The changes happen after a year into his forced retirement, he doesn't realize it until he becomes more aware of the way your arms feel wrapping around his soft torso. Once adorned with hard muscle, his body now was covered in a layer of skin that expanded over time. He still had the same physique and the same capacity for strength, but there was an added softness he’d acquired recently that sent his head in for a spin.
Retirement has been good for Leon, he no longer has to deal with the hecticness of mission briefings and assignments. He gets to actually rest, his usual overactive nervous system now rendered down and becoming more manageable. The first couple of weeks he spent falling asleep in bed or on the couch, like his body was playing catchup on the energy that's been robbed from him over the years. You didn’t bother him about it, didn’t even judge him whenever you’d find him limp on the bed and snoring in the middle of the day.
You'd use that time to run errands or do chores around your shared home, often preparing meals for him whenever he'd wake up groggily to go look for you. Eating homemade meals that were made with love certainly started to add up, the consistent intake of food was new and apparently something that his body liked and needed. The constant nausea he often experienced when he was under so much stress went away, slowly learned how to enjoy eating again like he did years before he was forced to become an agent.
He never focused on his appearance most days, but as Leon stopped to observe himself in the mirror one morning, his eyes were fixated on his body. He's certainly changed after a while, stomach a little fuller and cheeks more plump than before, hell even his arms and thighs looked bigger. His initial reaction to the change would have been disgust, to put himself back on a routine to regain the muscle he's lost and to critique every imperfection that would eventually be another nuisance.
But as he looked at himself a little longer, a smile crept up on his face, not minding what he saw for probably the first time in his life. All he saw was your love for him, how the signs of you taking care of him after all this time were starting to reflect in how he looked. He was healthy, he was alive, and that was a win in his book.
You certainly didn't mind the changes either and took every opportunity to remind Leon of just how much you adored him. Cuddling him whenever you could was something that became a ritual between the two of you, sneaking under his arm and digging your face into his chest any chance you got. He was soft, warm, and just a tad bit squishy. He was human, he was himself, not some war machine meant to work like a dog day and night.
One of your favorite things about his new appearance was the intimate moments you both shared and how he felt around you both internally and externally. You loved getting on your knees and worshipping him, sucking over his cock lavishly and running your hands over his thick thighs, biting at them when Leon found himself lost in pleasure.
Or when you were riding him and the sound of his thighs slapping against yours was louder than before, his lower tummy rubbing into you, meshing together so well one would think you were part of the same whole. It made you feral, like a primal instinct to claim him and show him that all you wanted was to make him feel accepted in this new body. Leon didn't complain, he loved how your attraction to him seemed to skyrocket.
Maybe being a bit more soft wasn't so bad after all.
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bizbat · 4 months
When They're In Love - Jason Todd - 2
🕸️Spiderverse Masterlist🕸️
🐼JJK Masterlist🐼
~ Fem terms used for reader.
~ Mild smut.
~ You can find part one of these hcs here, and part three here.
~ You can find more of my works here.
~ Thank you to @the-best-of-the-myrmidona for requesting more When They're In Love Headcanons for Jason Todd!
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~ SFW ~
He likes to sit with his head between your legs, in any context.
He likes when you massage his scalp with your legs dangling over his broad shoulders.
He loves it when you wear his clothes.
His heart always stops for a moment when he sees you come out of the shower, drying your hair with a towel, dressed in one of his shirts that just barely reaches down to your thighs, and rises as you reach up to take care of your wet hair.
Loves seeing your thighs.
He gives real "victorian man seeing an ankle" energy.
He loves feeling you against him.
He needs to feel your skin or your body pressing against his or he will have a bad day.
I feel like he always smells good, even if he doesn't smell good, yk?
Like even when he comes home smelling like blood, smoke, and gasoline, his natural musk probably still stands out.
Always catches him off guard when you wanna hug him before he showers.
He can't help but laugh when you bury your face into his chest to inhale more of his scent.
He likes it when you play with his hair, but also likes to play in yours.
Straight, wavy, curly, coiled, long, short, shaved.
He don't care.
Lay on his chest and let him play with your hair, now!
I think he can cook, but that he doesn't know a lot of recipes. He reads a lot of cookbooks though, so he always wants to try something new with you.
I think he always wants to impress you, but he wants to be lowkey abt it.
First time you come over his place, he scrubs every single square inch till it sparkles, but he'll throw a shirt over the couch, or leave out a plate, or something, so he can be all "Sorry about the mess, haha".
Like a loser smh.
I think he'd ask Alfred for a recipe that will be impressive, but not too hard or complicated.
I didn't include it in the last set of hcs, but im putting it here.
Jason would absolutely want to rescue a pet with you, I'm thinking either a massive black dog, or an old cat that has no teeth and has outlived three owners.
Something that needs love and hasn't been given it.
But, I also think he'd put it off bc he wants to be able to give it his full attention.
If he found the right ball of fur and teeth though, I think he might be compelled to take it home with him.
He loves to take naps. Especially with you.
I think it's his way of being vulnerable.
He'd let you touch his scars.
I don't think they'd be sensitive physically, but maybe they'd be sore reminders of his lack of a normal life.
That's why it's so special that he lets you of all people touch them.
~ NSFW ~
Loves loves loves kisses.
Let Me explain.
When he's got you on your back, your eyes glazed over and completely unfocused, his favorite thing to do is lean down, squeeze your cheeks until your lips pucker, and give you lots of sloppy kisses.
He doesn't mind all the drool, in fact, it kinda adds to it.
He'll wipe away the tears sliding down your cheeks with his thumb, before popping it into your mouth, letting you suck it off, before slipping his tongue between your lips so he can taste your sweat tears too.
He's so condensing too. :(
Mean, mean man.
Calls you names, likes to smack, spits.
I think he likes to display his strength, probably holds you up as he thrusts into you, no matter your weight.
I keep writing abt him and he's starting to grow on me smh.😒
Okay that's all for now! <3
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l3irdl3rain · 2 months
A few months ago my cat Lyla passed away from bladder cancer and it really hit me hard. I've since gotten better and even adopted two kittens recently, but I still think about Lyla. There's a part of me that's almost jealous? Because Lyla was maybe 15 or possibly younger, and I hear so many stories of cats reaching 17 or even into their 20's and still having decent quality of life. It doesn't feel fair that Lyla had to go when she did. I know that it's only my grief making me feel that way and that 15 is a venerable age for a cat--and you can't measure the quality of a life in years anyway--but it still sucks. Have you ever had to deal with unexpected emotions when it comes to grieving any of your animals?
I handle pet grief very well but it still sucks. And Duncan was by the far the worst pet grief I have ever dealt with. Because of the fact that he needed SO much from me that I became extra attached, but there was also a certain feeling of how unfair it was. He was only a year and a half when he passed. And the same goes for John, who was just a young guy as well.
With those two especially I had to stop and remind myself that they had no idea they were dying young. I think a certain level of anthropomorphism when it comes to our pets is unavoidable. I even think that a lot of times it’s harmless. But it’s also not realistic. All our pets know is that they were happy and they were loved. There’s no regret for what they did or didn’t do like there is for humans at the end.
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
I really like Azure Lion as a character. Yeah, you can stop following me now. /j
But no, seriously, I like how LMK has adapted this particular character, given him way more potential complexity than his novel counterpart——not that it's a high bar, the LCR trio of JTTW are just demon warlords living in a literal human slaughterhouse.
Which is why I deeply dislike the take that "Oh, Azure manipulated SWK into fighting the JE! He's just using him like a pawn!" Like, wow, way to completely butcher two characters' personality and agency in one go.
Such takes reduce SWK to some innocent kid, when he is at most an impulsive, daring teenager who haven't met a single real obstacle so far——he robbed the dragon kings blind, and they couldn't do a thing! He struck his name and all his monkeys' names off the Book of Life and Death! What couldn't he do?
And Azure's failing isn't him telling a toddler: "You know what? Driving your tricycle into oncoming traffic will be real fun, trust me kiddo." It's letting his friend go way over the speed limit and not telling him that he should maybe, y'know, slow down, bc he'd seen his epic driving skills, SWK's the bestest driver he ever met, surely nothing would happen!
(And also, no one in that car is sober, except Macaque.)
What I'm getting at here is, even without Azure, SWK is not gonna be content with sitting on his mountain, eating peaches forever. Hell, he sure doesn't in the novel, where his demon king brothers are little more than namedropped NPCs.
He is always gonna want more, chase after greater destinies, drown out that existential ennui and fear of death at the back of his mind with bigger and bigger power-ups and the laughters of his companions.
He told himself he would be content after getting this one thing he wanted. That he could stop at any time. But alas, like any ADHDer, he will not stop at this one exciting thing, and sooner or later, the boredom sets in, and he gets ideas and impulsively leaps into making them reality.
That is the Mind Monkey at his worst: being a whirlwind of chaos, while unknowingly enslaved to his own chaotic mind.
(In the book, this is Wu Cheng'en's reminder to the reader that, even though you shouldn't keep your heart constantly under lock and keys, Neo-Confucian style, the other extreme——letting it go completely wild, disregarding all external rules and consequences, can be equally disastrous.)
And when that car was driven through the Celestial Palace's front door, off a bridge, and straight into a ditch, it was him in the driver's seat, steering the wheels the whole time.
Everyone else in that car failed terribly as friends when they didn't voice any objections, or try to get him off the driver's seat, or realize that cheering and egging him on is an awful idea, however genuine their blind trust was.
Like, they are certainly not helping, and made the situation much, much worse. If you let your buddy drive while under influence and hand him more beers in the car, even if you are also drunk out of your mind and aren't actively trying to get him into a traffic accident, you are a shitty, irresponsible friend.
But the thing is? SWK is still responsible for the consequences of his decisions. He could have stopped, by his own volition, and no one was holding a gun to his head and forcing him to drive. He, too, wanted this.
That, to me, makes a much more interesting narrative than "Poor innocent baby SWK was puppeted into becoming the Great Sage in Heaven by shady blue cat, how awful!"
Oh, and since I'm feeling particularly salty today, I'll also ask some last questions: is SWK so weak-willed and devoid of self-agency to you that he couldn't even OWE his most famous title, the Great Sage in Heaven, 100%, without being manipulated into it?
Is SWK so immature and unintelligent to you that he is incapable of being a genuine idealist or rebel, that he cannot agree, out of the depth of his heart, that the Celestial Realm sucks balls and needs better management?
TL;DR: Havoc! Era Azure Lion isn't some cult leader brainwashing this kid into becoming his figurehead. He's the dumbass who's too busy staring at his teenage crush to care about the blaring police sirens.
Also, I had a bit of an epiphany after writing this: why am I so annoyed by people reading Azure's idealization of SWK as him intentionally manipulating and love-bombing him? Because it is a very western and modern reading.
For someone with traditional Confucian beliefs, it is perfectly normal——it is what you are supposed to feel, as a liege who has found your just and virtuous lord.
If Romance of the Three Kingdoms existed back then, he would probably describe himself as the Guan Yu to SWK's Liu Bei, however wonky the analogy was.
(Gosh, now I want a "Four Classics read each other" crossover.)
I'm not saying it is healthy or wise. But under this context, putting your lord on a pedestral was normalized, and even encouraged, as the virtue of a righteous gentleman. It was the sort of ideals romanticized culture-wide. NOT having such beliefs would probably make you look weird.
And since the Celestial Realm in the novel is a parody of Confucian hierarchy in a Daoist trenchcoat, it was really no surprise that an idealistic ex-celestial soldier would hold the same beliefs.
To torture the analogy further, the problem is that he was trying to be the Guan Yu to SWK's Liu Bei, when the Brotherhood had more in common with the Bandits of the Marsh, down to their giant downer ending.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 6 months
Pieces Part 5
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Az finally gets his chance but not without warnings.
A/N: first of, I wanna say thank you to everyone who supported when things went down with that anon. I love you all so much and I'm so happy you guys are with me. I admit I was a 🤏tad demotivated to write this part but when I reread all your comments and reminded myself how much you guys love this story, I put on my thinking hat and got to work again. I hope you guys like this part!! And plzzzz don't put hate comments on someone's account, for you it just takes like a minute to type and send but for that person it will be stuck on their mind for a long time.
Pieces Masterlist
Standing in front of your mate's room should be happy and exciting, not anxious and scary.
I finally built up enough courage to come to River House and meet Azriel. See how he's doing and figure out if he deserves another chance. When I told my friends about this, they told me I should do this only if I feel ready to do so, not because I'm felling sympathetic over Azriel.
They're right. And I'm doing this because I'm ready.
I remind myself that when I raise my hand and knock on the door. Cassian told me which room he was staying in, he didn't need to though, I could guess which room it was judging from the fact that it's in the end of the hallway and is covered in darkness when it's still day outside.
Maybe I should've given him a warning before coming and burging in so suddenly... Oh well.
I knock again when the door doesn't open and wait for another five minutes. I frown and step closer to that door. "Azriel? It's me." I hesitantly speak and go to knock again but the door abrutly opens and I flinch back.
There he stands.
The most beautiful male I've ever seen. With bright hazel and wide wings on his back. He's shirtless, standing just in his pants.
Breathing heavy he takes me in, observing me just as I do him. I see exactly what Mor was talking about. His face looks sucked in and body more lean, covered in shadows just as I thought.
But he's still the most amazing male I've ever seen.
I smile softly. "May I come in?"
His eyes widen as though he doesn't believe what I'm saying. I don't too.
I chuckle. "I just wish to talk."
"I-uh. Yes. Of course." He clears his throat and opens the door wider for me come in. He hurriedly tries to fix the room a little, picking up cloths or dishes that were on the floor and quicky takes out a shirt to wear it while I close the door behind us. I stand in the middle of the room and he comes in front of me when he deems himself more presentable.
The room seems a little brighter. He clears his throat again while we stand in front of each other. The awkwardness is clear to the both of us as we wait for the other to speak. He decides to go first.
"You look beautiful." He speaks softly and my heart instanty melts. I mumble a small thanks and stand a little straighter, ready to say what I came here to say. I look into his eyes with a firm expression.
"I've been thinking. This month has been, well, different to say the least. It's taught me that if I have to, I can perfectly live happily with myself. I don't need you to go on with my life." His face falls but he nods. "But I want you." His eyes snap to mine.
"I won't lie. I love you, Azriel. But I will not take you back unless you make it up to me. You broke my heart. You broke my trust. And now, as foolish as I am," I shake my head."I'm giving you another chance. One Last Chance. If you mess up again, that will be it. I will leave and I will never come back. Doesn't matter how much our hearts and sauls ach. Understand?" He nods.
"Words, Azriel."
"Yes! Yes. Of course. I promise you I will never do anything like this again." He looks at me with hopeful eyes.
"Alright. Now rules, first you don't get me back. You have to win me back. Court me, properly. And I will think about it evertime you do something meaningful." He spills out an of course.
"Second, no talking to Elain. I mean, you can talk but you have to make time for me too." I frown.
"You don't have to worry about that. I've already pushed Elain out of my life. The second I came here and she asked of me, I firmly told her that I will never speak to her again. She cried but I don't care. I kicked her out of this room and slamed the door at her face. You're more important." He breaths.
"Third, final rule, this is not a one week thing Azriel. You have to understand that you will have to make up for a long time. I had suffered for an entire year, you have a year to make up to."
"I promise you, my love. I will make up to you. I will win your back. And this time, I won't let you go."
Tag list: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @going-through-shit @wallacewillow0773638 @kalulakunundrum @cat-or-kitten @pricklepearbloom @bxm-1012 @peachcontour-blog @fxckmiup @ohthemisssery @crazylokonugget @anuttellaa
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
NSFW Trigun Headcanons
A/N: I felt inspired to just kinda punch these out before I start tackling requests. So yeah, please enjoy these LOL my first NSFW writing ever (PLEASE BE NICE)
Warnings: MINORS DNI, nsfw writing, mentions of cunnilingus, penetrative sex, marking, rough sex, etc. etc.
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Vash the Stampede
Somebody who absolutely focuses on his partner's pleasure over his own
Like, Vash would absolutely be the type to straight up cum in tandem with his partner when he's been pleasuring them.
He's eating you out/sucking you off? You better believe he's humping into the bed or whatever surface is beneath him as he does so, making his cock leak precum all over, especially hearing your moans and cries of pleasure as he does so
Vash would be the type to cover his mouth with his hand in an attempt to stifle his sounds, because you draw them out of him constantly
"Mmph, (Y/N)... y-yes, like tha-ah!"
You'd absolutely have to pin his hands down to hear those noises more, I lowkey imagine Vash is a little embarrassed at just how noisy he can be
"Now, now, I wanna hear you, Vash."
The blush on his face is unmatched, his whole face red and his blue eyes all shiny as he looks up at you
"O-Okay! Hah-, o-okay, nngh!"
Whines, whimpers, even slight sobs, they're all sounds you'll hear escaping him
As well as calls of your name and passionately proclamations of his love for you
Sex with Vash is always a loving affair, so filled with tenderness and care. It's rare for it to be rushed or purely lustful
Vash would have a hard time leaving marks on you, he doesn't like the notion of hurting you, even at the height of passion
Of course, if you insist, over time, Vash will learn to leave a mark or two on your skin, wherever you'd like him to - your chest, your neck, your thighs
He'd be!!! so!!!! gentle!!!!
Caressing your skin constantly with both his real and his prosthetic, enjoying the feeling of you in his hands
I definitely think he'd cum even if you didn't touch him, especially the first few times you have sex with him
Over time, once you and Vash become more comfortable, there would definitely be moments where you two have rougher rounds
Or, maybe not rougher, per se, but more desperate, less careful
Maybe after Vash has almost lost you or something has almost torn you away from him, he'd be tearing at you desperately, clutching onto your skin, kissing you and marking you freely, tears going down his cheeks as he thrusts into you, savouring the feeling of your skin against his, a reminder that you're still alive and still with him.
"(Y/N), o-oh... (Y/N)... I love you, I- ah! Pl-please don't leave me..."
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Sex with Wolfwood starts out more as just a purely physical thing - an act you both partake in, but it slowly becomes something more
Wolfwood would lowkey use you as stress relief
He's had a bad day? You'll know by how hard he thrusts into you, his skin slapping against yours, his grunts and moans echoing off the walls of the empty room you two have snuck off to
"Yeah, take it, (Y/N), just like that. Take it!"
This man? Dirty talker extraordinaire, can straight up turn you on with very few words
He takes flustering you and turning you on as a personal challenge, trying to keep you on your toes all the time and see how red he can make you
If he sees you rubbing your thighs together in desperation, in need, or crossing your legs, your face heating up, Wolfwood takes it as a win
He rewards you for taking his teasing all day by giving you one of the best fucks of your life
What's surprising though - he doesn't actually have all that much experience
I actually can't imagine Wolfwood sleeping around a lot before you, despite all his confidence and his smugness in bed
So, when he actually starts sleeping with you, at first, Wolfwood knows the mechanics of the act of sex, but he doesn't understand the small things
With time, Wolfwood becomes softer with you, learning how you like to be touched, what you like to hear, all your preferences
"Does that make you feel good? Yeah? Lemme hear you, sweetheart. Yes, just like that... good."
Marks you up SHAMELESSLY - will leave hickies wherever he feels like it and he doesn't give a damn who sees because you're his.
Will smirk when he sees other people eyeing the marks on your skin
P O S S E S S I V E - he gets jealous easily, even if he doesn't admit to it, and when he's jealous? Goddamn, RIP you, you're not walking for the next few days
Will also not hesitate to fuck you wherever he feels like it - in the bathroom of a saloon? Check. In an alleyway, not too far away from the main street where people are walking? Check.
The thrill of potentially getting caught makes it all that much more exciting for Wolfwood
Not a huge fan of cuddling after sex when you first start seeing him, but after a while, he softens and doesn't want to let you go
Basically, at first, sex isn't an emotional thing with him, but it becomes one over time - it changes as your relationship with Wolfwood changes and becomes deeper, more intimate, more romantic.
And you know what? Wolfwood wouldn't change it for a thing (though he'd rather die than admit it to you or anybody else)
690 notes · View notes
littleseasiren · 1 year
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Summary: Your long-time crush Bucky has a secret, a tiny white kitten. She's the cause of some interesting situations between you and the handsome super soldier. When Bucky's secret gets out, will it bring you closer together or break you apart?
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Mainly fluff, mention of animal cruelty, threats of revenge on the abuser, Tony being an idiot until the reader makes him see sense.
Words: ~ 5800
A/N: Grammarly is my beta reader, so any mistakes are my own. Comments and reblogs will be appreciated. Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from my tag list. Thanks for reading!
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"Bucky!" Your voice echoes in the empty hallway. 
The super soldier looks like he is going to ignore your call but halts after a few seconds. He turns around, eyes wide open in innocence.
"I didn't do anything..." he mumbles softly. "I gotta go."
He turns around once again and starts walking to his room, his steps rushed.
"Wait!" You run in front of him. When he doesn't stop, you walk backwards, keeping him in your sight. "Where were you? We were supposed to have lunch together?"
"Crap," he sighs. "I'm so sorry doll. I got held up and forgot."
"It's ok. I saved you a plate. Why don't you come with me then you can eat it?"
"I, uh... can't." 
"Why? What's wrong?"
His eyes don't meet yours. "I just don't feel well. I gotta go." 
He sidesteps you when a strange sound comes from his zipped-up hoodie.
"Bucky, what was that?" You run after him, his strange behaviour making you suspicious.
"It's nothing." When he sees you don't believe him he rubs his forehead in apprehension. "Uh, it was my stomach."
"Bucky, for a spy, you suck at lying to me." 
When another sound is made, you realize it kind of sounds like a meow. When your eyes widen in shock, he firmly pulls you into his room and locks the door.
"Please, don't tell anyone." His eyes beg you, the blue seeming to hypnotize you until he carefully zips down his hoodie and pulls out an ivory-white ball of fluff, and holds it in his hands. The ball of fluff meows and turns to look at you. You gasp when bright blue eyes meet yours, the kitten seeming tiny in Bucky's large hands.
"I know we're not allowed to have pets. Trust me, I didn't plan on getting one. She just happened."
"She? It's a girl? Are you sure?" You move closer to him, reaching out slowly and rubbing the little cat's head and ears, making her purr softly.
"Yeah, I had to take her to a vet. He confirmed it." Bucky shifts his hold and that's when you see it. A small pink cast is on the kitten's back leg, along with a bandage on her small tummy. You can't stop gasping. Something bad had to happen to the little girl.
"What happened to her?" You ask Bucky as you both move to sit on his couch. From his hoodie, he pulls out a small bag and puts it on the table next to him.
"Humans happened to her. I was on my jog when I saw this car speed into an alley. He threw a box into the dumpster and just sped off. At first, I just thought he was a prick that needed to throw away some trash. But then I heard a faint noise. The closer I got to the dumpster the more I could hear. The box he had thrown away? It had her in it, all bleeding and crying for help. I couldn't just leave her there. So I took her to the vet to be patched up. Thought maybe they would be able to look after her, but since it's the holidays, they are full. So I had to bring her home." 
You can't help but tear up at the thought of what the little kitten had gone through. "People like that should never be able to have pets, ever. They should cut something off too, just to remind him what he's done."
Bucky chuckles next to you but his eyes are dark with anger. "If I get my hands on him, he'll be lucky to make it out with his life. People that abuse animals belong in the ninth circle of hell."
"That's for sure." When she cries out loudly, you both startle. "She must be hungry. Did the vet say what to feed her?"
"Yeah, he said I have to give her this formula for now." He picks up the bag and shows it to you. "He says she's almost 4 weeks old, but since she's a bit malnourished, I need to feed her a little bit every 3 hours. I need to gradually begin to increase the time between feedings before I start introducing wet foods too."
When she cries again you both chuckle at how cute she is. "Guess it's feeding time," he smirks at you as he stands up and walks to his small kitchenette. "Do you want to hold her?"
You almost squeal in delight, your smile lighting up the room. "Yes, please!"
Bucky decides to call the kitten Alpine, due to her snowy colour. You completely agree with him, the name fitting her like a glove.
The two of you work together to feed Alpine before you offer to go out and buy toys and kitty litter for her, secretly hiding it beneath bags of clothes.
When you come back, the two of you set up her supplies and settle in for a long evening of watching movies and feeding the cutest cat in the world.
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You wake up to warmth beneath you and a small pressure on your lower back. 
You moan softly, feeling safe and peaceful when a gentle touch runs down your side. Your eyes blink open in surprise and find blue eyes smiling up at you.
"Bucky, I-" you move to get off the big supersoldier but he stops you by grasping your shoulders gently.
"Easy doll, Alpine's going to fly off you if you get up. She's laying on your back."
"Oh," your eyes widen at the situation you find yourself in. You're laying on your stomach, your head on Bucky's shoulder as he lays beneath you. Your stomach to his chest, legs intertwined with a sleeping kitten on the small of your back. 
You've never been this close to Bucky before, seeing for the first time the sprinkle of tiny freckles on his face, his full lips and perfect white teeth open in a smile. Why is he smiling?
Your cheeks burn in humiliation as you realise you've been staring at him and he's noticed.
Before you can apologise, he's talking, voice a little hoarse. "I'll lift Alpine then you can climb off. Just give me a second. I'll try not to wake her..."
"Ok," you whisper, eyes unable to meet him. When his arms creep up your sides, you have to hold in a moan that threatens to burst out of you at his touch. The man you had a crush on for months was touching you, but not in the way you wanted him to.
You pretty much hold your breath when his biceps sandwich you on both sides as he gently scoops up the sleeping kitten in his hands then holds them high in the air as you wiggle out from above him.
When he whimpers you look up at him but his eyes are the epitome of innocence so you must have imagined it. There was no way he liked you too, you weren't so lucky.
His muscles ripple beneath his shirt as he slowly stands up and walks to the new cat bed you had bought earlier, softly laying Alpine down as she continues sleeping.
When Bucky straightens and your eyes meet, you can't help but smile at how gentle he is. A lot of people think he's a miscreant, a bad man born from years of fighting, but he is the sweetest, kindest man that you have ever met. And Bucky holding a small kitten in his hands, so gently like she was made of glass? It just made you love him more. 
The heavy look between the two of you is broken when someone knocks on his door. 
"Bucky? It's me," Steve's voice calls out from the door. You freeze, not knowing what to do. You quickly duck down next to the sleeping Alpine, hidden from view by the couch.
You hear Bucky walk to the door and crack it open slightly. 
"Hey, what's up?" Bucky asks casually, making you smile at his words. He's definitely picked up some slang since he joined the Avengers.
"Hi, Buck. Is Y/N here with you?"
"Uh, no she's not here. Why would she be?"
"Well Buck, unless you started wearing her perfume then I'm guessing she's here." You can hear the smirk in Steve's voice.
You take a deep breath and rise from your position behind the couch. "Hi Steve," you say with a small wave.
"She was...uh...helping me with something," Bucky says to Steve, arms crossed in discomfort.
"I bet she was." Steve's grinning like an idiot, his eyes twinkling with laughter. 
"Tony needs your help on a project," Steve says to you as he looks around the room once again. "Are we going on our run?" He asks a brooding Bucky.
When it seems like Bucky is going to object, he quickly continues, "We'll be quick Buck. Thirty minutes tops."
Bucky sighs but relents. "Fine. Give me ten minutes then I'll meet you downstairs."
Steve winks at you as he exits, gleaming.
Finally, you and Bucky are alone again, neither of you knowing what to say.
The silence is broken by a small cry, Alpine letting the two of you know it is feeding time.
"You go doll. I'll quickly feed her then meet Steve and come back as soon as possible. Hopefully, she'll sleep while we're away." He smiles at you, his blue eyes twinkling with some emotion that you can't place.
"Ok, I'll try and be quick too, but with Tony, you never know. See you soon," you add as you exit the room.
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A little more than half an hour later, you're back in Bucky's room, calling out softly but no one answers. Thinking he's not back yet, you enter his bedroom in search of Alpine.
She's on his large bed, napping peacefully when the bathroom door opens and Bucky walks out in what appears to be the tiniest towel that he owns.  
"Oh, hey doll. Didn't know you were back yet. I just forgot to grab my clothes."
"Uh-huh." You nod automatically, eyes focused on the beautiful man in front of you. His sculpted chest is the first thing you see, his muscles so much bigger up close. In the corner of your eye, you notice his scarred shoulder where it meets his metal arm, but you gaze away quickly, knowing it makes him uncomfortable when people stare at it.
Your eyes focus on a bead of water in the centre of his chest, slowly rolling down his sternum and between his well-defined abs, the ridges causing the drop to roll slower and slower until it reaches the edge of the towel he's holding in a clenched fist.
When he clears his throat, you snap out of the trance his amazing body seduced you into. Cheeks on fire, you glance up at him, seeing a confused smile on his face. 
"You alright doll?" His voice is rough, husky even. 
You bring an unsteady hand to your beating heart, hoping he won't hear how hard it's pounding. Eyes wide, you stare at him. How long had you been ogling him? Before your treacherous eyes could dip down again, you take a small step back.
"Me? Oh, fine." Your hands clench together as you do your best to concentrate on your words. "The, uh, cat... Yeah, I need to feed..." Crap, your eyes move down on their own, this time noticing just how large his right arm is, the muscles bulging as he holds onto his small towel.
"You need to feed... the cat?" He's smirking now, his blue eyes shining in the morning sun.
Focus! "Uh huh," you mumble before turning around and starting to walk out of the room. It takes you a second to realise you forgot one crucial element to your plan as you spin around again and pick up Alpine before shutting the bedroom door behind you. 
You catch your breath as you lean against the door, Alpine reaching up with her small paws and rubbing her head against your chest in comfort. "Oh, Alpine. My mind went completely haywire in there."
The second you said the words, anxiety fills you once again as you pray that Bucky didn't hear you speaking to Alpine. Having a super soldier as a friend was sometimes very tricky...
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When the bedroom door opens, you're busy playing with Alpine, making her run after a feather tied to a string. You feel his eyes on you but you do your best to avoid looking at him. He watches the two of you for a moment before his voice fills the room, his body moving towards the door. 
"Um, I'll go get us some food. You must be hungry?"
"Thanks, Bucky. That will be nice." You look up at him and give him a quick smile before moving your attention back to Alpine.
"Ok, I'll be right back, you two." He says as he opens the door then stops instantly, seeing Steve standing outside.
"Uh, hey Stevie. I'm gonna go get some food, you want to join?" He mumbles quickly, trying to distract Steve from what he had said earlier. 
"You two?" Steve's eyes are wide open, a look of astonishment on his face. "Please tell me you don't have two women in there?" Before Bucky can say anything he continues. "You've always been kinky, but two at the same time? Maybe you should see-"
"Steve!" Bucky shouts, breaking Steve's tirade. You watch the exchange, too stunned to do anything. Steve is instantly silent until a loud meow comes from in front of you. 
Bucky sighs as Steve pushes through the door and drops down next to you. "Why is there a cat in here?" He whispers to you.
"Bucky rescued her. The ass that had her decided he didn't want a cat anymore and threw her out like trash. Bucky saved her and brought her here." You inform him as he sits cross-legged on the floor. 
"I know we're not supposed to have pets, but I couldn't just leave her. And the shelters are all full." Bucky joins the two of you on the floor and smiles as Alpine rubs her head on his knee before moving to Steve slowly.
The kitten looks up at him before slowly moving closer as Steve extends his hand, giving her a chance to sniff him before she rubs her side on his stretched fingers.
"Hi sweetheart," Steve says as Alpine climbs into his lap slowly, the cast on her leg making her slow. "She was injured then?"
"Yeah, I took her to the vet before I bought her here. I swear if I ever see that-" Bucky clenches his jaw so hard, you're afraid he'll break something. You reach out and hold his hand, showing him you understand. "I'll throw him out like the trash he truly is. Except he won't be alive when I do." He huffs out.
"You've always had a soft spot for animals, glad that hasn't changed Buck." He scratches Alpine's head before he starts giggling. "So, technically, I was right. You do have two women in your room. One's just a feline."
"Yeah, we all know what you were thinking Steve. So much for Captain America being a gentleman." 
"Haha, I am a gentleman. I just never said I was innocent. And neither is he. I know him, he's still kinky. There was this one time one of his dates asked him to-" 
"Steve!" Bucky whisper-shouts. Steve just winks at you in reply. Just what did she ask Bucky, you ponder.
Bucky blushes when his eyes meet yours for a second.
"Why don't you leave me with the cat and you two go grab some food? The others are becoming suspicious of your absence." Steve says as he strokes Alpine softly.
You and Bucky glance at each other and nod in agreement.
"Her name is Alpine," Bucky says on the way out. "She's been fed, so just keep her company. Thanks, Steve."
"And please don't tell anyone about her, she's our little secret," you add on the way out.
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Bucky's making his way to the kitchen when you pull him to the side. If your hand stayed on his arm a few seconds too long, you chose to ignore it.
"Um, maybe I should go in first, then you follow in a few minutes? Or do you go in first? If they see us entering together..." your voice trails off, the implication of your words clear to him as his eyes widen and his breath catches.
"Uh, yeah sure. You don't want to give them the wrong impression." His jaw clenches for a second, eyes turned down before he continues. "Maybe I'll check if Sam is still in his room first." He turns around and starts walking in the opposite direction, his sudden departure astounding you. Just what was his issue now?
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He and Sam enter the kitchen a few minutes later, his gaze fixed on the plate of food he fills. 
"So Bucky, haven't seen you around today," Natasha says in a sultry voice. You know she's with Steve, but you can't help your hackles rising at her tone. Were you jealous?
He glances at the two of you swiftly before focusing on his food again. "Yeah, I've been busy."
"Very interesting... Y/N's also been busy today."
"Well Nat," your voice is full of irritation, "we are Avengers. So we should all be pretty busy, don't you think?"
The beautiful redhead just looks at you before bursting out laughing. After a few seconds, you can't help but join her. 
Sam and Bucky just look at the two of you in confusion.
"That was good honey," Nat says between giggles as you continue eating. 
By the time lunch is done, Bruce and Tony had made an appearance too. 
You were just grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge when Bucky approached you,  the others having left earlier.
"Doll, I gotta ask," Bucky says as he bites his lower lip, "Before when you said I make your brain go haywire... did you mean that in a good way or in a bad way? I know I can be a lot to handle sometimes..."
You suck in a deep breath, your heart racing. So he did hear you earlier. You start to deny it when you see the look in his eyes. Did he really think you could ever think anything bad of him? 
"Oh, um. I had hoped you wouldn't hear that." He's standing close so you have to tilt your head up to look him in the eyes. "But I meant it in a good way." When he doesn't seem to believe you, you continue. "Bucky, you were standing in front of me with just a tiny towel on, of course, I meant it in a good way. You know you're attractive..."
Blue eyes light up as he smirks at you. "So you think I'm attractive huh? So when can I see you in just a tiny towel? To even the odds?"
"Keep dreaming big guy," you reply as you gently punch him on the shoulder.
The two of you giggle together before Bucky looks at you with adoration in his eyes.
"Maybe I will..." 
When you don't answer he clears his throat softly.
"Um... hypothetically, if I stopped being a wuss," he swallows hard, "and I asked you out on a date, what would your answer be?"
Some part of you wants to tease him and make him suffer, but you don't. "Hypothetically, if you asked, I would say yes. Definitely yes."
"Yeah?" His smile is huge, making the corners of his eyes crinkle. 
Sam appears in front of the two of you, trying to reach for the fridge.
"Sam, not now!" Bucky groans at the man, lightly pushing him away.
"But I want a cupcake!" Brown eyes cry out.
"You just had lunch! You'll get indigestion! Now buzz off!" Bucky forces him to turn around and pushes him forward, making Sam huff in frustration.
When Bucky looks at you expectantly, you simply nod in answer. "Yeah, Bucky. But you still have to ask me," you tease him.
"You little minx! Fine." He takes a deep breath, "Will you go on a date with me? Tonight if you're free?"
"Of course Bucky." Your smile drops, making Bucky anxious. "But who's going to look after Alpine? Can we ask Steve?"
"Yeah, he and Natasha can look after Alpine." 
You stare at Bucky, trying to understand him. "Nat and Steve?" You inquire.
Bucky snorts in reply. "There's no way that punk hasn't already told his lady about Alpine. The fact that he's dating a spy hasn't helped him be able to keep secrets. Not from Natasha."
"Are you sure of that? I think we should give Steve the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure he can keep Alpine secret for a while..."
"You wanna bet doll? $100 says she already knows."
"Sure, but let's make it interesting. Let's see," you tap your index finger on your chin, "if I win, you have to... take me shopping."
Bucky groans in defeat. You know he hates going shopping. "And if I win? What do I get?"
You eye him up and down, "What do you want?"
The corner of his lip lifts in a half smile. "You really shouldn't be asking me that."
"Keep it PG, Bucky!" You say as you tap his shoulder. 
"Fine," Bucky lifts his hands in defeat. "If I win, you have to kiss me."
"Deal!" You're way too fast in your answer, making Bucky laugh. "Come on, let's see who wins!" You hook your hand into his elbow as the two of you make your way to his room.
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Steve's guilty look is the first thing you see when you enter the room. Natasha is lying on her stomach next to him, running her finger on the floor, laughing as Alpine chases after it.
"Steve! How could you?" You cry out in mocking anger. "I defended you, yet you caved so easily?" 
"Sorry! I tried but she saw right through me!" 
"See doll? I've known him forever, he's a weakling!"
"Well, it's true isn't it Steve? You lasted like, what, two minutes?"
"Five," Natasha giggles next to him. "Good thing I like that he can't keep secrets from me."
Bucky's eyes are beaming with the promise of your kiss. "So, when do I get my reward?"
You grab his shirt and pull him down to you, clasping your hands around his neck. You lean in closer, your breath mixing with his, before you lean to the side and kiss him on his cheek. 
You're giggling as you pull back, a look of astonishment on his face. "Hey, that's cheating!"
"Sorry Bucky, you never specified where the kiss had to be." You giggle as you join Nat on the floor. Your gaze fixed on Alpine stumbling around.
Bucky is smiling as he joins the small group on the floor. Alpine's movements become slower and slower before she admits defeat and climbs into Bucky's lap. A tiny white ball of fluff on Bucky's thick thighs.
"Guess it's time for a nap," Steve says as he helps Natasha up from the floor. 
You know you're in trouble when Natasha's green eyes meet yours. "I think it's time we had a chat."
Bucky picks Alpine up slowly, making sure not to wake her as you, Natasha and Steve depart.
"So, what's going on with you and Bucky?" Natasha asks as soon as you are far enough away to prevent Bucky from hearing. Steve had left to get lunch.
"He asked me out on a date," your stare ahead, a big smile on your face.
"Finally! You two have been pining for each other for months! And the kiss on the cheek?"
"That was a bet. He believed Steve had already told you and I thought he would keep Alpine secret a little longer. So he won and I owed him a kiss."
"Uh-huh. Anything else happened with him? I picked up some tension between the two of you at lunch."
"Um, I might have fallen asleep with him last night. When I woke up I was lying on top of him with Alpine sleeping on my back. We had to wiggle to get up without waking her." You bite your lower lip, "Then this morning I was looking for Alpine when I kinda walked in on him getting out of the shower in a tiny towel. I swear Nat, seeing those muscles up close almost made me pass out!"
"Seems like Alpine is the perfect matchmaker! She's getting the two of you into great situations!"
Natasha is bubbling with laughter as the two of you make your way to the training room. You are eager to work off some nerves before your date.
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 "Ok Alpine, what about if I take her to a fancy restaurant for dinner?" You hear Bucky's voice softly through the door, a small meow being the only answer. 
"Yeah, you're right. It's a bit normal for a first date right? I don't want her to think I'm boring." It's quiet for a second then you hear his voice again. 
"A movie?" Another meow, softer this time. 
"Nope, she won't be able to sit still unless it's a very interesting movie. So what then?" 
"I know, I'll -" 
You knock on his door, not wanting to hear what he has planned and spoil all his fun.
You hear him say something on his way to the door, and Alpine seems to agree enthusiastically if her loud purr is an answer.
When Bucky lets you in and closes the door, you see Alpine sitting on his shoulder, nails holding onto Bucky's shirt for stability.
"Hey, doll. Watch this!" He's beaming as he takes a seat on the couch and removes Alpine from his shoulder. He puts her on the couch and wiggles his left hand. She drops down into a crouch then runs up his metal arm, her back leg struggling along, nails fitting into the grooves of his metal arm perfectly until she's back on his shoulder again, a loud purr coming from her tiny body. "Pretty soon she's going to be able to do all kinds of things. There's no stopping this lady!"
When Alpine's gaze falls on you, she meows and rubs her head against Bucky's neck then stares at you again.
Getting the picture, you move closer to the two of them and bend down to rub her adorable head. Her tail is curled around Bucky's neck as she leans forward into your touch, purring loudly in happiness. 
Bucky pulls you softly forward, making you sit on his knee, his arm around the back of your waist holding you close. His smile is enchanting, a similar grin forming on your face. When he leans down closer, your breath catches. This is what you've been waiting for, a kiss from Bucky Barnes will certainly kill you with pleasure. You've barely begun to feel his lips on yours when his bedroom door shoots open, Steve's imposing figure standing in the doorway.
"We got a problem, Buck." He hastily says as he closes the door and moves closer to the three of you. You climb off Bucky's lap and sit down next to him, watching as Steve approaches.
"Wanda and Vision just came back from their mission. Wanda has a concussion so her powers are a bit wonky. Natasha and I were busy whispering about how to help you keep Alpine a secret. Wanda heard our thoughts and got so excited that you have a cat that she repeated it out loud and... Tony heard. He's on his way here now and he doesn't look very happy."
You gasp in surprise and turn to see Bucky running his hands over his face, knowing what is to come.
"Maybe we can hide her?" You begin to say but are interrupted by the knocking on the door. 
"He won't believe it," Steve sighs in defeat.
"You two just stay out of it, ok? I can take whatever he throws at me. He hates me already anyways." Bucky stands and walks to the door. Alpine held onto his shirt, cuddled up into his neck. 
Tony looks Bucky over, eyes hardening in anger. "Barnes, I give you food and shelter, pay you for going on missions, I take care of you even though I can't stand to see you some days. And all I asked for were a few rules to be followed. One of those rules was no pets. Am I correct in my assumption that that is a cat on your shoulder?" 
Wanda, Natasha and Sam creep into the hallway, watching the scene unfold.
"Yes, Tony. I'm sorry. I found her and the shelters are full for Christmas. I didn't have anywhere for her to go."
"Well, either the cat goes now or you both go. Your choice." Tony doesn't even blink when he gives his ultimatum.
Bucky's brows drop in concern, eyes wide open. "You can't be serious Tony. Give me some time-"
"I don't care Barnes. The cat goes right now."
"Tony you can't!" You shout from the doorway, Steve behind you.
"I can do whatever I want. This is my Tower in case you've forgotten that. I'm willing to overlook your involvement in this but don't make me regret it. Any of you." He says as he faces the others.
"It's ok doll," Bucky says softly as his fingers rub your hand for a second. When he faces Tony again his jaw is clenched with anger. "I'm not going to abandon her too. Alpine and I will be out in 10 minutes."
Bucky walks into the bedroom, his meaning taking a few seconds to sink in before everyone pushes into the room, talking a huffing Tony with them.
"Bucky no," Steve calls out as Bucky grabs a bag in his room, starting to fill it with a change of clothes.
You face Tony, your anger making you shake with adrenaline. "I thought you were better than this Tony. Bucky found Alpine being thrown away like trash, her leg broken, ravenous with hunger. She's barely a month old. Now you're going to punish him for doing the right thing? For following his heart and taking care of a helpless animal? You are an asshole if you punish him for that. You're just letting your anger towards Bucky cloud your judgement. If Bucky and Alpine have to go then so will I."
"Doll don't-" Bucky starts but you interrupt him.
"No Bucky, I don't want to work for someone who hates innocent animals and would prefer to keep them on the streets. I refuse to work for anyone like that. I'm just disappointed that the mighty Tony Stark is like that." You glare at Tony, brown eyes meeting yours for just a second.
"Don't leave without me Bucky. I'll be back in five minutes." You start to walk out of the room but Tony stops you. 
He stares down at you for a moment before he sighs in defeat. "Her leg's really broken?" 
"Yes, it's really broken. Bucky saw a man stop in the alley and throw the box in the trash, luckily he heard her cries and rescued her. He took her to the vet and the vet fixed her up. She's a tiny kitten, Tony. If it was you who found her, would you have just left her there?"
He doesn't answer you as he turns to Bucky's bedroom. "Let me see her."
Bucky gently wraps his large hands around her tiny body, being careful of her cast before he softly puts her in Tony's outstretched hands. He watches Tony like a hawk, analysing his every move to make sure he doesn't hurt his baby kitten.
Tony brings her closer to his chest, his right hand stroking her head softly as sky-blue eyes gaze at him in appreciation. "I don't hate animals. I just can't have everyone running around with their pets. This is a dangerous place, and we can't have dozens of animals staying here. If I allow one person to have a pet, the others would want them too."
"Maybe Alpine can be the Team's cat? She already has a bond with Bucky but animals have so much love, they give it to anyone who loves them in return." You grasp Bucky's hand and give it a squeeze. "Besides, a cat has a mischievous side too, the more people who engage with her, the more fun she'd have. It'll help her stay out of trouble."
"You'd be willing to share her?" Tony asks Bucky hesitantly. 
"Of course, I hate having her cooped up in my bedroom, the more she can explore, the better. Besides, this cutie needs all the love she can get. Together we can show her that not all humans are bad."
"Fine, Barnes and Alpine can stay." Tony relents, making the others cheer in response. "But I'm cuddling with her in the living room first!" Tony calls out as he walks out of the room, mumbling to Alpine that he will buy her the best of everything, including a big climbing set as soon as her leg gets better. The rest of the team follows Tony, each adding to the list of what has to be bought for the best kitten in the world.
"So Bucky, you get to stay, after all." 
"Thanks to you, doll. What you said was amazing, I've never seen someone rip into Tony so easily." Unsure blue eyes meet yours. "Would you have left with me? If he hadn't changed his mind?"
"Yeah Bucky. I would have. What I said was the truth. I'd go anywhere with you." 
"You're so sure I'm worth it? That I'm good?"
"Bucky, you saved a helpless kitten. You did it because you cared, not because you wanted praise or attention. Hell, you tried to keep it a secret! Anyone who cares so much about animals that they are willing to walk out on what they know just to keep them safe can't be bad. It's impossible. You're the best Bucky. And now that Alpine has a whole family to look after her, I think it's the perfect time to go on that date you owe me."
"Of course, doll. Anything you want."
"Anything?" You smirk at him, wickedness in your eyes.
"Anything," he replies as he drops his head down, hands wrapping around your waist. Your arms circle his neck as you stand on your toes to meet him, kissing him like you've wanted to for months. And he's all too happy to reciprocate.
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plutonianeris · 1 year
ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴀ ᴄᴀʀᴅ: accepting where people see you as the villain ⛓𓌹*♰*𓌺⛓
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this is a general reading & for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. scroll through the images & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. 🖤
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♱☾pile one☽
sometimes it feels like you can never win because one way or another, theres always someone criticizing you. People are nervous around you and its not necessarily anything you do. I got a lot of scorpio and plutonian energy in my cards/ the oracles. People in your daily life make you seem like the villain because either 1) you don't share too much of you and they are craving for access or 2) you are equally as suspicious of them. Regardless, people can be kind of intimidated of you (but never publically admit it, more like hide it behind shady comments). lol the lyrics of the song playing right now in the background "make everyone hate me if that makes you feel better, your girl talks shit about me just to feel better" as you keep climbing up in your career/ reputation youre going to feel like a lot of more people are judging you. Accept that you cant control that. And if it makes you feel any better, it is envy/ hate but its to hide some jealousy and even some admiration as well.
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile two☽
I heard "theres just no way in hell that this is all on me" the people you live with/ family (and in your hometown) could see you as the villain in those moments you are trying to express your emotions. You could get called being too "emotional" I heard "crybaby" or maybe even being called a hothead & impulsive when you try to talk to your loved ones about how you feel. You could be known for having a short temper or being very emotional (like the type to cry after seeing someone in pain or reading a sad news article). In reality, people close to you can get irritated with how emotionally intelligent you are. When you're angry/ upset about something your'e always determined to do something about it, and you start off by allowing yourself to feel your feelings. Accept that some people dont want to make room for you needs/ emotions. But then know when its time to refuse to give people more access to your energy and make sure you are meeting ur own needs. I just heard "I am worth more than these poor experiences you are trying to give to me"
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile three☽
you could find that people in your neighborhood, apartment complex, or even the school you go to tend to turn you into the villain on the forms you communicate/ ask questions/ express yourself intellectual point of view. If you have siblings you could find that you get into frequent fights or bicker a lot. Youre eager to learn new things and that could throw other people off as you rush past them, ready to know more about the world. this pile reminds me of a curious child lol touching the "dont touch" sign. Out of all the piles this one feels more playful. Its like people suck their teeth and roll their eyes but youre so resilient. you bounce back in a way that feels so efortless that they dont stay too mad. its like even the people that see you as "the villian" at times are still secretly rooting for you? idk lol this pile was weird but also kind of endearing. Again, it reminds me of the way a child falls and quickly gets back up. Even if people judge you, you know that you have to keep it pushing. I just heard "in 5 years... shit, in 5 weeks none of this bs is gonna matter"
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile four☽
people you get into close relationships with (friends, but especially lovers or even your crushes) can make you the villain for your "eccentricity." this pile gave off big Aquarius energty (it reminds me of those with aspects between venus and uranus). lol like your beauty and ways of being are very unique or quirky. honestly, those qualities (your forms of dress, taste in music, the weird things you say, random facts u know) are actually what makes people interested in you and start crushing on you. but then at the same time they judge you for not conforming to societal norms. It's like "I think you are unique and brave, but god cant you just be normal sometimes?" thats annoying! My advice to you is don't EVER let people treat you as if spending time with you was a burden and don't let people pick and choose when to hang out with you. watch out for when you have big groups of friends, you could find that 1 or 2 could be hating behind your back. You always stand out in the crowd and sometimes that leaves insecure people with a sour taste in their mouth. You could be someone that has a different religion/ ethnicity/ background in comparison from the rest of your peers (whether it be at school or work). lol alien superstar is playing in the background rn "don't ever waste your time trying to compete with me... no one else in this world can think like me'
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
© plutonianeris🕸️🕷️
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yuikomorii · 2 months
might be wrong about this but I think the thing that really differentiates Ayato from his brother is that he actually values life in a ''pure way''. Both Subaru and Shu didn't really have the will to life until they met the MC, Reiji's only will was to overcome his father and become better than his brother due to his jealousy, and even if it doesn't seem like it from the surface both Kanato and Laito were too mindbroken due to their trauma to actually enjoy life in a non-twisted way.
Ayato went through a lot of traumatic experiences just like the rest of his brothers but unlike them, he actually had a pure reason to live, that's why he didn't abandon his brothers and was desperately searching for them when they arrived to Rottienburg (I think that's the name) and prioritized them after he got saved by reiji and was willing to go look for them with no plan ahead and he's never changed. Even after they obviously drifted apart he still wanted to save his siblings (like in Lost Eden) even if they didn't want to save him when he got kidnapped by Kino.
Or when he was the only who saved yui in the anime when she got kidnapped by the mukami (Ik it's only fanservice because the anime shows Ayato as the ml). Or when he was the only one worrying about mc in the Olympics cd when the whole thing crushed down. I know mc has had her effects in everyone (because even reiji got worried in the CD drama when he though someone was drowning, turns out it was just Shu being weird) but at the end of the day, Rejet made it very clear that ayato always was different from his brothers even as kids.
Too long? Maybe, I just like rambling a lot about ayato lol
// This franchise is longer than a decade, it’s time for people to stop pretending that Ayato isn’t different from the rest, because it annihilates his purpose like that. Now I’m not saying that everyone else sucks and Ayato is the only cool character there, it’s just that Rejet wrote him in a way that genuinely gives off main character energy. Heck, even other characters have confirmed that he got *something* nobody else does, which is true.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations, tournesolia
One thing about Ayato is that he might roast and prank you, but the moment you need help, he’ll be the first to lend you a hand. He’s by no means perfect, of course, he has flaws and makes mistakes too, but his good qualities are just so many that they’re easily able to outshine his bad ones.
Another example is the DF prologue scene. The most normal reaction would have been fighting with the wolf, as Subaru did, but instead of trying to get rid of it, Ayato used himself as shield the moment he saw it, so as to protect Yui. What makes this scene so powerful is that not only they weren’t a couple back then, but in the other Sakamaki routes, he’s still severely injured. He values life, yet he still sacrificed himself for her, no matter if she dates someone else afterwards, and guess what? Even after waking up from the coma in the other routes, he holds no grudge against her for that, but rather is on good terms with Yui. I would also like to talk about how self-sacrificing he is in the Daylight CD, but I feel like everyone listened to that one already, given that it was the most liked of the Daylight series.
While I understand that some people out there prefer more rational and/or introverted characters, I can’t stand those who deny the essence of a character. And, for all people who blame Rejet for “making him more special than the rest”, let me remind you that he’s the Diaboy who got the worst journey ending. Let that sink in. :”)
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cubeberries · 2 months
look, all i'm saying is that if tom/voldemort did not have a prophecy that tied them together, they would never get together organically.
tom is the type of guy who needs to find something REALLY interesting in whoever he is going to pursue. this is why, in canon, we don't see him with anyone, simply because he couldn't care less about any of them or any of their feelings.
he's a collector of significant items. (locket, cup, ring etc.) these items are extremely significant to him and only due to this, does he spend time actually working to get any of them and place them in a [debatably] safe area with safety measures.
later, we can infer from the text that he pursues bella only because she serves him well and he grew fond of her due to her devotion and pureblood aristocracy (and maybe perhaps because of her gorgeous looks.)
and like, if he hadn't met bella, he probably would have died without a 'partner' at all.
the only reason voldemort 'pursues' harry is because harry is a threat to his life and he is obsessed with the prophecy. if the prophecy isn't there, the key connection between him and harry is non-existent and hence, tom would simply not put in any effort to get to know harry. it's as simple as that, unless you are going to go the ooc route where harry becomes a death eater.. blah blah blah, which is fine, too.
and you might argue, well, hey, what if tom falls for harry because of his personality? to which i would reply is extremely unlikely, due to tom favouring superficial qualities over things that truly matter. as we see with the objects he collects to turn into horcruxes, they are very flashy and ostentatious things that give no real value unless you sell it. (except the locket.) you may say that they are very valuable because they remind tom of hogwarts.. this may be true, but he doesn't really value the things the objects remind him of. for the gaunt ring that's supposed to reprsent family, he killed his remaining family in his fathers side, and he framed his uncle on his mothers side. the only things of value to him are the objects themselves.
just like that, he probably wouldn't look at personality first, when choosing a partner, the first thing he notices if whether they are a means to an end. in the extreme case of bella, he probably loved her unyielding devotion to him and his cause because it helped him acheive his goals. it also helped that she was a black, she was beautiful and that she had wealth and high status.
but harry... harry doesn't have any of those. and harry wouldn't want any of those.
without the prophecy, tom would view harry as a semi-intelligent, not-so-studious quidditch player who has, like, three friends because he sucks at communicating and would want nothing to do with him even if harry tries pursuing him. (in hogwarts era tomarry aus)
tl;dr: without the prophecy, tomarry/harrymort would not happen, and never will :(
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ravenwoodalum · 7 months
on karamelle, why it sucks, and redeeming azteca's reputation.
I just got to Karamelle for the second time, and good lord. I hadn't forgotten how much I hated it, but it hit me like a wall of bricks. And I'm already preparing myself to marathon it and be fucking done questing here for at least a year.
I think it breaks down like this.
Baby's first workers rights movement/sugary-sweet surveillance state Listen. I know this is a game that doesn't allow for player characters to have much individual impact on the in-game narrative. I know we've had to do errands for cops. I know we work for a war criminal. I KNOW there are flaws in the system. But there's something about the way that Karamelle's set up that makes it all feel so. much. worse. And that's the fact that Karamelle has such a stellar reputation within the Spiral before this. The happiest place in the Spiral, the sweetest treats in the Spiral. Everyone seems to fucking love this place. Almost no one outside of those actually working there seem to understand how corrupt it is. And so the YW is talked down to at every turn, like this is their first exposure to a corrupt environment. And sure, maybe it is within, canon. YW gets isekai'd at a very young age and then made into a child soldier, maybe this is actually the first time in canon that they've been introduced to these concepts. But (and this may just be me) it feels really rude to the player -- who might actually have experience with these ideas -- to make them feel like a fucking idiot with the dialogue options. Karamelle's characters just feel rude.
Oh, so the Gobblers were a fatphobic, Roald Dahl type thing from the start. Cool cool cool. Any of you ever read Roald Dahl's book "The Twits"? It's a very unremarkable story all things considered, except for this bit.
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Aside from Roald Dahl's unavoidable history of antisemitism, does this remind you of anything? Honestly, this reminds me of the Gobbblers.
We first meet the Gobblers around level 10 in Wizard City -- creatures driven by consumption. And then we get to Empyrea and hear that the Alphoi -- skinny "civilized" creatures -- can become Gobblers if they eat too much or are unhealthy in their eating habits. Which makes one of our oldest running enemies a loop-around fatphobic thing, ESPECIALLY when we get to them in Karamelle, the home world of the Gobblers. Rosina, especially, just oozes fatphobia and diet culture. The literal vilification of being fat isn't even subtext, it's just text.
The Old One, The Cabal, and what to do when your escape from the world ends up shoving what you were escaping from right back in your face. When I was in sophomore year of college, fall of 2019, I had one of the worst mental health periods of my life. Antisemitism was fucking everywhere, I was always a moment away from a panic attack, and it felt like no one understood. While I'm lucky in the fact that I was able to get an official diagnosis for genetically inherited PTSD, alongside the reassurance that I wasn't fucking crazy, there was a period when I just needed to go home for a moment. So when I was going back to my dorm from the dining hall to make sure all my stuff was ready to go, I opened up tumblr and made a post on a long-gone RP sideblog I had for the Swedish Chef (y'know, from The Muppets? long story), and before I'd even gotten halfway across campus, I'd received threatening and violent messages from someone RPing as Borat, which only got worse when they realized they were talking to an actual Jewish person.
That escape from reality didn't even last five fucking minutes before the horrors I was trying to avoid found me.
Now, Wizard101 has always been a source of comfort for me. I made my account fourteen years ago, and I do not know what my life would look like if I hadn't done that. There are flaws with this game, yes, sure, but over the past five years (since I got a wiz compatible laptop) I've developed a bit of a reliance on it to get me through the horrors. No better form of escapism.
But no art form is free of the horrors.
And Wizard101 has the fucking Cabal and Old One.
The Cabal within the fiction of Wizard101 is a secret, nefarious organization pulling the strings on events across the Spiral, controlling history from the shadows. This term literally originates in antisemitic conspiracy theory, with the term 'cabal' originating from the term for Jewish mysticism, 'kabbalah'. And I promise you, you've heard plenty of applications of this conspiracy theory in real life too. It feeds into the idea that Jews (or 'global elite') control the government, the media, the banks.
And then, we get to the man in control of it all. The Old One. Whether or not this was intended, he's a walking, talking antisemitic caricature. The octopus as a symbol for the mythical Elders of Zion is a longstanding dogwhistle (see attached for a guide to this and many other visual dogwhistles). "Oh, he's based on H.P. Lovecraft-" So he's based on the works of a famous racist and antisemite, cool cool cool.
It's just exhausting, walking through a world that is so clearly modeled after Germany and other parts of eastern Europe, and finding antisemitism around every corner. And even more exhausting considering it's almost impossible to tell if they meant to do it. Antisemitism is so fucking ingrained in the world at this point that I don't actually know what they meant to do here, what they did maliciously or out of ignorance, or if any of it was put in with the purpose of turning it on its head. Over the past few years, it has become glaringly obvious that a lot of people don't realize when they're running across antisemitism, or even taking part in it. Including people I really thought would know better.
Side note. For those of you who know I see Dasein as Jewish, you may be wondering how I balance that out with the antisemitic nature of The Old One, since they share a physical form. I think of it like this. Dasein did not choose The Old One. He did not choose to resemble that, but he can attempt to reclaim it. Dasein's Judaism comes not from the resemblance he holds to the hatred that haunts us, but from the love that keeps us going. He questions authority and longstanding tradition, chooses to do what's right instead of what's expected, and is kind in the face of hatred. He literally makes himself, and a world, out of nothingness. Something out of Nothing. He's so Jewish you guys.
The Spiral's "Worst World Award" goes to... I know we all say "fuck Azteca" pretty often on this website, but I don't think it deserves to be deigned the worst world in Wiz. My main gripe with Azteca is how inaccessible it gets after Xibalba strikes -- the flashing lights aren't exactly photosensitive friendly. Which further lends frustration to my completionist nature, meaning I have to finish all quests, badges, and fishing before I finish the world (making it take forever to finish). Aside from that, there really isn't that much wrong with the world (and if you argue that it sucks because you can't save Azteca, I get it, but some tragedies are inescapable by their very nature). It's a problem of gameplay, versus a problem of plot in the case of Karamelle. And maybe its just because I'm a writer, but problems with plot feel much more egregious. I really do think Karamelle deserves more vitriol than it gets.
G-d, I can't wait to get to Lemuria.
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jyndor · 4 months
the swifties being insane about joe alwyn will never cease to amaze me. like at this point it really just seems like they were INCOMPATIBLE in terms of their desires for their lives - clearly taylor loves the spotlight and being so visible (on her own terms of course), and clearly joe does not. this isn't necessarily a man forcing a woman to choose between her career and her relationship. I can respect the fact that she likely felt like she was choosing to stay out of the spotlight for joe and that it wasn't what she ultimately wanted after years together, and how much it sucks when someone you think you're gonna spend the rest of your life with isn't the right person after all.
this man has done nothing but stay quiet on taylor. and maybe he's a narcissistic controlling abusive piece of shit, and I'll eat shit if that comes out obviously, but at this point it just feels like a relationship that they both outgrew.
she's allowed to be hurt and to have her narrative and i am sure he HAS hurt her, she was clearly grieving this relationship for some time. but I will remind people that her music is literally art - who knows how much is literal or fiction or even just words that sound nice together. and it sure does seem like they've had their rough patches and toxic moments throughout the years, okay that doesn't mean he is an abuser.
this guy is getting more hate than racist ass ratty healy from stans and that's honestly unhinged of you guys.
she's not your friend, you don't know her. you don't need to harass some b-list actor on her behalf.
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader
warnings: angsty, angsty comfort tho, this is the saddest this series can get, FINALLY daemon reminded that he has sons, alyssa sucks in this one i'm sorry.
author's note: there's a lot of dad!daemon coming this week, i hope y'all are ready.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon au masterlist here
gif by @torahana
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"Did I do something wrong?"
That was Daemon's first thought once he noticed that his sons were treating him differently.
Last week, he asked Maegon to make him company as he needed to go to the dragonpit to visit Caraxes, and the boy surprisingly refused, saying he was "too busy."
But then, Daemon heard your youngest son agreeing to make you company to the Septum, like he didn't have any plans.
Three days later, The Rogue Prince said to Rhaegon to fly with him to the Vale, where he would be meeting the lovely lady Jeyne.
Rhaegon refused his father, saying "When you find someone younger, maybe it's worth my attention."
Rhaegon has never treated you like this when you mentioned his future arranged marriage, although the young prince felt like there was no need for him to marry at almost five-and-ten.
And during dinner, when you were the one who mentioned an arrangement with Lady Jeyne Arryn, Prince Rhaegon said he would give it a thought.
Today, Daemon came back early from dragon riding with Alyssa, and found you in the yard, embroidering under the tent like you seemed to be doing everyday since the start of this pregnancy.
"Where's Alyssa?" You frowned, noticing that your husband came alone.
"Went straight to the library. She said she needs some information on a dragon's life expectancy." Daemon said, taking a place beside you. "Where are the boys?"
"Rhaegon went to the Vale on dragonback, and he took his brother with him. Maegon can't say 'no' to dragon rides." You smiled.
Daemon scoffed, "Oh, he can. I can't believe Rhaegon went to the Vale. When I suggested that he should meet Jeyne, he practically told me to screw off."
You rolled your eyes, fully knowing that he was just being dramatic.
“And when I invited Maegon to visit Caraxes with me, perhaps we could ride afterwards. Apparently he was too busy to fly with me, but not busy at all to go pray with you in the Septum." Daemon grumbled, eating some grapes that resided on the table.
"My love..." You frowned, "How can you not realize they just want some quality time with you?"
"They refused everything I suggested!"
"You invited Maegon to visit Caraxes. You should know he doesn't like to go to the Dragonpit, he hates it there because he doesn't have a dragon. And Rhaegon... the only time you have a real conversation with him, in days, is to talk about an arranged marriage? Daemon, these are your sons! They're mad at you, they see how you treat Alyssa! Having a favorite child doesn't mean you can neglect the others. Are you going to do the same thing once this child is born?" You spat, placing a protective hand over your baby bump.
That got Daemon by surprise. He opened his mouth to say something, but he found no words.
"I did do something wrong." He thought.
The prince needed time to think about how to approach his boys about his absence. He knows he needed to apologize, even though deep down he was still wondering why they felt so neglected.
Daemon was the youngest son, the second one. He wasn't the special one.
He grew up with Viserys, the heir. He grew up beside the one who rode Balerion, the one who would sit on the Iron Throne, the one who the bards would sing about.
Even with all these privileges, his parents never made him feel like a lesser son. If anyone did that, it was himself. 
Daemon wasn't jealous of his brother, but he wanted to be as special as Viserys. As important as him. He thought he was the problem, and he hated that sort of feeling.
And Daemon realized that maybe he made his sons feel that way.
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Three days had passed, and Daemon still had no idea what to say to his sons.
He thought about asking you what to do, but he knew you'd probably just ignore him.
You're mad at him too. And he knew he needed to apologize to you, for letting things come to this point.
"Lady Jeyne was more interested in Maegon than me. You sure you cannot make this betrothal happen, mother?" Rhaegon smirked, teasing his brother. The younger boy tossed a piece of bread towards him.
“Quit pestering your brother, Rhaegon.” You chuckled.
"I had fun at The Eyrie. Maybe we should visit Lady Jeyne again." Maegon said excitedly.
"I could take you there." Daemon grinned, "I'm sure Caraxes misses you."
"There's no need." Maegon retorted with indifference.
"I would like to visit The Eyrie with you, father." Alyssa smiled, her voice sounding soft as silk in her father's ears.
Before Daemon could reply, his oldest son mumbled;
"I'm sure you would."
Alyssa frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"If you want to be with father, just say so. He wouldn't refuse you. He never does." Rhaegon spat.
You and Daemon crossed glances across the table. You knew the children would start arguing eventually, and you wanted to see how your husband would deal with this situation.
"Are you jealous, brother? I'm sorry if father enjoys my company better than yours." Alyssa argued. She had no reason to be this defensive, since the boys' complaints weren't about her actions, but their father's. She just chose to be rude.
"Alyssa, apologize to your brother!" Daemon demanded in a stern tone.
"Why? Am I wrong?" She asked, "You do enjoy my company better than theirs. I'm the one you take to dragon rides, horse rides, I'm the one who you read books to, who you sing in high-valyrian to, who you teach philosophy and history to. Am I wrong, father?"
Daemon clenched his jaw and swallowed hard. His throat burned like his saliva was made of fire.
"Is she wrong, father?" Maegon questioned in a whisper. His voice cracked and his little purple eyes were covered by a glossy barrier of tears.
You crossed your arms and silently watched that painful scene in front of you.
Daemon's eyes met yours, and you nodded encouraging him to say something. Anything.
"I'm sorry." The prince spoke, "I'm sorry I've been treating you both like anything but my children. I'm sorry I've put you sister above you many times. I'm sorry if– If I made you boys feel less loved. The problem, it’s me."
Daemon faced his children. Looking at Rhaegon, the prince saw his younger self. It was like facing a mirror from the past.
Maegon had his hair, and his eyes, but looking at his youngest child he saw the person he loved the most; you.
"I love you boys as much as I love your sister. You are all my children, and soon there's to be another one, who I'll love as much as you all." Daemon reached for both of the boys' hands across the table, "Can you forgive me? I promise you both that things will be different this time."
And things truly were different.
Although Alyssa remained in a place unreachable for others inside Daemon's heart, The Rogue Prince learned how to divide his free time between all his kids.
Maegon and his father went on a trip to Driftmark, where the little Targaryen boy left with a dragon; Seasmoke. He wouldn't have done it without Daemon’s help.
Now that he trusted Daemon, the young prince Rhaegon found it more comfortable to talk about women with his father than his mother.
Dragon rides with his boys became a thing, which they often did to escape from you.
And the boys never felt neglected again.
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prodbyblush · 1 year
Could I get the aib characters crying in front of their s/o please :0?
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・❥・ requested
→ gn!reader
Not just one but two, ARISU lost two important people in his lives. A death of two close friends is as painful as a death of a relative - painful. Made aware of his own suffering in silence, you kept sticking by his side, keeping him grounded and reminding him that the games doesn't wait for anyone, that no one is going to save themselves except their own selves.
So when the 10 of Hearts game commenced inside the Beach, losing you mid way of the game and catching sight of a similar beach wear like yours, body laying lifelessly down on the red carpeted floor, Arisu felt like the hollowness in him is resurfacing; ready to suck in all the life out of him.
As Usagi kept dragging him out of the burning facade, all he could think of were the words he wished he could have told you. All the unspoken words that will forever be unspoken.
"There you are!" He hears your soft voice speaking to him, whipping his head to look at you, giving you a kind of look.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asks, chuckling. "Hey, don't look at me like I'm a ghost!" You chuckle again.
With no words spoken, the tears that he has been holding in finally fell down and cascaded his face, arms thrown around your frame, hugging you tightly.
He didn't want to be swallowed by that hollowing feeling anymore. He's gone through a lot. He didn't want to be hollow anymore. With you, he'll be fine. And he'll like that just fine.
At a game like this, CHISHIYA wonders why do you have to play the role of a hero and save others when they barely save yours? No matter how much you reason with him, no matter how much logical thinking and reasoning he's making, he just couldn't understand you.
And maybe, that's what made him fall for you. An exact opposite of him. Opposite do attract, as they say. Opposites yet each other filling the gaps of what the other needs. To say the least, a perfect match.
Almost being fallen over a burning debris and rushing out of the burning building, he will scold you once getting out and into safety. Telling you to quit your little heroic actions.
"What about me? Did you think of me when you were almost getting fallen over? If you want to save lives, think of me too."
He knows it's a selfish request, but a part of him will die if you do. You may have fallen for him first but he fell harder. He loves you so much and the mere thought of you dying will leave him crushed.
Nevermind if something happened to him, NIRAGI cares more for your well being than his. Raging inside the burning building, looking for at the bodies and making sure you aren't one of them.
Though yours isn't in the main lobby, what are the odds that yours could be somewhere in the rooms? Body having already engulfed in flames? Niragi's stunned on the outside but freaking out on the inside.
That can't be. His sweet petal can't die on him. He has so much to give them.
And as he gets out of the burning building with Aguni and seeing your well being outside, he'd let himself be weak and fall into his knees, crying and pouring his heart out.
Expect that Niragi won't leave you alone after that!
KUINA would look back and watch as the flames engulf the rest of the infrastructure, the blazing orange color reflecting against her face as she cried softly and heartbreaking.
She is like a bird who's cage door has finally been open, left for the bird to fly away and freely, regaining it's freedom. But she didn't want that. She wanted you alive and by her side. But it looks like, it's not happening.
Ann had never seen her cry like that before. And it is heart breaking to see her cry like that. Hearing her mutter "I'm sorry" multiple times under her breath.
"Hm? Who are you sorry for?"
Kuina would stop from her cries and slowly turn her head to look up at you, peering down at her face.
"I'm sorry I couldn't join you on the way out! I tripped and my foot suddenly began to cramp." You say, giving her a soft smile. "Sorry for making you worried!"
Kuina's young and you being her first love, she'll do anything to keep you safe.
He may appear calm but KARUBE is ready to kill anyone who harms you in any way they could think of.
He's naturally caring towards you, Arisu and Chota. And the thought him losing you is going to be too much for him to bear. Not when the ring he planned to use to propose to you is already tucked inside the safety of his pocket.
But to figure out that he doesn't have much time left and he's going to die in some place like this with you? Karube already considers going down with you. Not letting death be the reason why you two will separate.
A part of him would be so upset at the situation, he wanted to see you in white and hear people start calling you by his last name. But it looks like...he'll never be able to see and hear those. Nothing but a dying wish.
"You guys! I finally figured how to win! Come out of your hiding spots and trust me!" He hears your voice in his headset, a spark of hope igniting in him.
Maybe, this isn't where he bows down just yet.
TAGS: @aikerx @retrospacealien @chishiya-of-diamonds @boowoomuu @ang3liclov3ly @kenqki @shadowheads-shitshow @lunoxxy @supercoffeeblogs @laylasbunbunny
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