#percy jackson oceanus
mayday396 · 5 months
I remember when I was growing up I had this Fanfic Idea but I was never able to write about it and it was about Oceanus hearing about Poseidon's abandonment of Percy and Sally and not taking responsibility, he was so pissed about it that even though he reluctantly joined Kronos's side of the War, he never once tries to hurt Percy or his friends.He tests them but never hurt them.
The Entire AU is completely identical to the PJO series, it is just that Oceanus consistently spends quality time with Percy, Annabeth, Grover then eventually other Demigods too, being the best Titan Uncle who despite being on the Enemy's side gives them Battle tips and high key proud of them if they beat them.
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books-and-dragons · 5 months
a minor detail from the nereid in this scene had me wondering...
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who is 'us'?
since it's a nereid speaking, are we to assume the nereid is speaking on behalf of all sea life, of atlantis? by extension, does this mean that the ocean has always been aware of percy?
i mean, at least in part that's a given- in the books, poseidon had cyclops checking in on percy. posiedon really isn't making much of an attempt to keep percy a secret, at least not from his own people/subjects.
it felt like a very interesting addition, this implication the sea is looking out for percy, cares for him in what is suggested to be an equal capacity to that of poseidon- the nereid is quick to make this comparison
already, we're having an emphasis on how poseidon claims to care for percy- which contrasts several other gods we've seen thus far (*cough*athena*cough*), and now we're also getting the suggestion that this sentiment for percy is shared by others of the ocean's domain.
there's always been a shared sense of belonging for percy when it comes to the water- at camp, when he meets the naiads he describes it as feeling like seeing long-lost family, over the books it's suggested percy spends a lot of time helping out sea life with their problems (including getting stuck in traps), and when we see atlantis we understand there's whole other civilisations that exist- with their own politics and bonds. atlantis is no different, an entire species of people, a whole ecosystem and political environment- a society. one that already expresses lament for not being able to involve themselves in percy's life until this point, or interact at all.
percy goes from having his mother, and struggling to ever find a place he belongs, to the possibility there's a whole other civilisation he may belong to, who care for him. imagine how conflicting that will feel.
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ao3screenshotss · 2 months
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months
Oceanus was the only male First generation Titan not to join in on the attack against Ouranos, his father. Oceanus was also the oldest Titan, I believe. So I don't know why he joined Kronos's army. He seems more like the type of guy to stay out of it. But what do I know? Maybe he only joined in because he felt an obligation to his brothers. That would make sense, and yet still make him more noble than his siblings. He's not fighting because he hates the gods. He's fighting because he's indebted to his siblings.
Also, I wonder what all the Lady First generation Titans were doing during the Percy Jackson series. I assume they either stayed completely neutral in the conflict, or maybe some of them pulled an Oceanus and merely supported Kronos because he was their brother. It'd be fun to try and write some headcanons about this. What were the other Titans doing during the Percy Jackson series?
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mecharose · 2 years
I think Luke from PJO is an original Killworker tbh. he's like our parents are shitty and abandoned us!!! (true) lets... unleash ancient horrors upon the world :3 (dude why)
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skrbol · 3 months
Semi-Aquatic Percy Jackson Headcanons
(A lot of these will be random Atlantean culture ideas I made up)
If you were to ever see Percy shirtless you would see what he wants you to see, the mist is a powerful tool, especially for covering obvious marks. But if you are one of the few to see him without you would see identical columns of burn marks going from his collar bones down to his waist, each small and precise. In Atlantis warriors mark themselves with each battle won, each powerful enemy slain. Percy choose to brand himself with his victories, so that every time he looks at them and remembers the victory he remembers the pain and suffering wrought with it. Percy is a war veteran, and he’ll be damned if he ever lets himself or others romanticize the killing of war and the death of his companions.
Atlanteans put either a braid or loc in their hair for each year they are alive. The royal family never has, for in their immortality they would run out of space. Percy has never viewed himself as a prince, and he sure as hell isn’t immortal. He had 16 of them when he decided Olympus's fate, and 17 when he walked through the depths of Tartarus. And ever since he got them he’s had his camp beads decorated on them.
After his third quest Percy became obsessed with getting stronger to mitigate future deaths. It got to the point where he let himself submerge to the bottom of the sea, to the deepest trench, and let himself slowly get crushed by the pressure of the ocean. Pushed into the mud until he grew the strength to stand up, and then he’d let more weight fall onto him. Eventually he was able to stand with the weight of the entire ocean on him. It took him a week of ripping doors off hinges and breaking something with a touch before he got control over his new found strength.
Monster (Inspired by Witch_of_History’s Series)
Poseidon was renown as the Father of Monsters. All his children have the potential to live up to that title, his godly spawn where born with it, sharp teeth, razor claws, and tough scales. It came with being his immortal child, you were born touched by all his domains. But demigod children only gain access to their parents domains as they age or as they need them, and his half mortal children had never been monstrous. But as with all things mythological Percy pushed the envelope. His time in the deepest depths of the sea caused his body to adapt to his environment, the royal family was mostly homogenous with their monstrous traits. Percy was always an outlier to them though, when he finally ascended from the depths he had adapted beyond human. Increased senses of smell, sight, hearing. Able to sense nearby creatures bio-electric signals, capable of echo-location, can see infrared, magneto-reception. His monstrous form is a blue scaled, razor clawed,bi-pedal apex predator of the deep. A scaled merrow-esque person with an extra rows of shark teeth behind their human teeth. Annabeth and Grover have never been more enamored with a demigods powers before, and the Hunters have never had a better hunting companion. Much to Artemis’ chagrin and Thalia’s delight.
Strong warrior or kings in Atlantis keep rings of their enemies and allies. On one hand will be rings made from the bones or weapons of enemies defeated, on the other are gifts or symbols fealty of debt’s owed to the wearer. Percy has no lack of rings. Titans, Giants, and ancient monsters leave many spoils for souvenirs. It’s his other hand that draws interest however, he liberated Thanatos, spared Hades after defeating him, assisted Persephone in retrieving her illegally made sword. None of these things came free, other demigods typically are sent off with recognition and little else. But Percy is a hardened veteran of undersea battles, defeating creatures older than Olympus and fighting against Oceanus prior to the Battle of Manhattan. They had no choice but to give him tribute for his actions. Hades and Persephone groaned about it, Thanatos gladly gave it up, and yet having a box filled with rings of allyship, fealty, and loyalty he’s never used them. But what people always forget is that Percy and Annabeth are a pair, whatever one has the other does as well. Best believe it, Annabeth has many plans that could use some godly touch.
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What does Percy think about Hades in Canon? Analysis.
Partner post, coming soon: [What does Hades think about Percy in Canon? Analysis].
The Lightning Thief
Percy's first meeting with Hades in tlt is loaded. He's spent the last week or two being told by Chiron (and others) that Hades is the one who stole Zeus's bolt and is the one framing Percy. He believes that Hades has sent monsters after him. He believes that Hades has kidnapped his mom. Percy doesn't have any bargaining chips over Hades; he comes to Hades with a plea to convince him to stop the incoming war.
We don't really know what Percy thinks of Hades. But everyone else acts like they're scared of him. Percy believes that all the monsters being sent after him are from Hades, so surely the god sending the monsters is equally as terrifying, if not more?
And the Percy actually sees Hades and oh boy. He's practically smitten at first sight. "Hades is the first god that actually looked like a god." -> Percy is impressed as hell by Hades. He compares Hades to a panther: looking lithe, graceful and powerful. He describes Hades's eyes as mesmerizing. He thinks that Hades has an air of charisma. He literally says that Hades should be his master, and Percy wants to take a nap at Hades's feet. This boy literally goes on for a half-full page solely on Hades's appearance, ending with wondering what Hades's underwear looks like.
Then they actually talk and Percy finds out that aside from Mrs. Dodds, Hades hasn't sent any monsters after him. All the other monsters were sent by Kronos and/or Zeus. Hades didn't kidnap his mom, he took her before the minotaur could kill her. He's willing to give Sally back, albeit for a deal. He's not crazy and unreasonable - they've just both been tricked. And then a few scenes later after Percy gives Mrs. Dodds the helm to return to Hades, Percy finds out that Hades is a god of his word as he returned his mom safe and sound.
So to summarize Percy's interactions, thoughts and feelings about Hades after his first quest:
Percy is hella attracted to Hades. This cannot be understated. What's even more interesting is that canonically, this series was written by Percy at 19 years old. At 19 years old, Percy still describes Hades this way. I-
Percy realizes that Hades is not too unreasonable: they we both pitted against each other, and in the end Hades did what was right/good.
Percy realizes that Hades can be trusted to keep his word: Percy returned the helm, and Hades returned Sally.
And last of all: Hades saved Sally Jackson's life. He didn't have to take her from the minotaur. He didn't have to return her alive and unharmed. But he did. And at this point (and lets be honest, any point in Percy's life) he is first and foremost a mama's boy. She's pretty much his whole world at this point. It means a lot to Percy that he got her back.
The Last Olympian
Percy is tricked by Nico (who was in turn tricked by Hades) into getting trapped in the underworld. At this point Percy is convinced that Hades is going to kill him - despite the fact that both Nico and Hades say otherwise. He's not just mad - he's scared. Terrified. He's in the middle of a war, thinking that his dad might die fighting Oceanus, thinking that Olympus might fall (and everyone he loves will die) and due to the prophecy it'll be on him. He doesn't react well to Nico luring him to the underworld Hades tricking him and that's understandable.
Even then, some part of Percy remembers that Hades was once somewhat reasonable so he asks Hades, "If you know about it, do something! At least let me tell the other gods!" Hades doesn't but like. The fact that Hades lured Percy to the underworld and Percy thinks he's about to die and Percy still asks Hades to do the right thing?
And then he does. It takes him awhile, but eventually Nico (and Persephone I think) convince him and Hades shows up right when Percy is cornered and about to face Kronos right in front of the Empire State Building. The thing about this scene is what's not said. Sally and Paul join the fight, and Percy leaves them with Nico, Hades, Demeter and Persephone to go after Kronos. Percy's fatal flaw is personal loyalty. There's no way that Percy would've left Sally and Paul to fight off the armies of Kronos if he didn't think that the underworld crew (Nico, Hades, Demeter and Persephone) would protect them/have their backs.
After the fighting is done, Percy sees Hades: "The lord of the dead nodded. He had a smug look on his face, but I figure he'd earned the right." Percy doesn't outright come out and say it, but like. He's glad Hades came through in the end. It's not forgiveness for the trickery, but it's something. Percy knows that if Hades hadn't shown up when he did, they would have lost the war, and he acknowledges that in his thoughts.
Then there's Percy's reward for defending Manhattan. I think it's incredibly interesting about how much Percy thinks and mentions Hades when he makes his request. He starts off by straight up looking at Hades and saying, "Someone once told me, you should always get a solemn oath." To which Hades agrees.
After he outlines what exactly he wants he names Hades' children specifically. He says, "Hades— [...] my lord, But your children should not be left out. They should have a cabin at camp. Nico has proven that." \ "And no more pact of the Big Three. That didn't work anyway. You've got to stop trying to get rid of powerful demigods. We're going to train them and accept them instead. All children of the gods will be welcome and treated with respect."
Hades' entire character arc from tlt to tlo is about feeling like an outcast and receiving no respect from his fellow siblings/Olympians, and his children being excluded, hunted and treated the same way. And Percy uses his one wish from Zeus to fix that? This is big. I guarantee you that Percy was thinking of the scene he saw where Hades lost Maria di Angelo and then cursed the Oracle out of sorrow and anger until the day where his children would be allowed to live and would no longer be outcasts.
And then the last point, I find interesting. Rachel is about to become the Oracle, and Percy is worried about her getting Hades's curse along with it. But the interesting part, is not that he doesn't think Hades will lift the curse, its "If Hades hasn't gotten to that yet, she'll go crazy!" Percy has complete belief that Hades will keep his word. It's interesting because after Hades tricked Nico into luring Percy to capture him, you'd think that Percy wouldn't trust Hades' word anymore right? No. Percy is just worried about the timing - because Percy just made the request for Hades's children to be welcomed less than an hour ago.
So to summarize Percy's interactions, thoughts and feelings about Hades after this book:
Percy was hella angry (understandably so) at Hades and terrified, as Hades tried to imprison him.
But Hades redeemed himself by showing up at the last moment to help out. And Percy trusted that Hades + underworld crew would have Sally and Paul's back in the battle.
A significant part of Percy's request to the gods was for Hades (and by extension, Nico and the Oracle).
Percy regains trust that Hades would keep his word - as seen with Rachel + the Oracle.
There was little/no attraction that we saw from the first book, but that was probably because Hades was intentionally projecting a mask of nightmares to intimidate Kronos + his forces, and the fact that Percy spent this entire book being scared/stressed out of his mind.
Heroes of Olympus
At the core of Percy's request at the end of tlo, was Percy wanting the Olympian gods to be better to their children. And this entire series was the gods doing the exact opposite. We virtually never see Poseidon, Hermes, Artemis or Hestia (the four most helpful gods in PJO). Hera mind wipes Percy, only leaving Annabeth's name to manipulate Percy into going where she wants like a horse following a carrot. I could go on, the series is full of examples of the gods being shitty.
Aside from Hades.
Hades is the only one who actually does better.
It's only implied, but his behavior towards Nico does a full 180. Nico gets a place in Hades's palace. When Nico starts getting frantic looking for Percy, Hades directs Nico to the place (Camp Jupiter) where Hades knows Percy will eventually show up.
While the other gods are sitting on their thrones doing almost nothing (aside from Bacchus who was having fun half tormenting half helping, and Hera who was kidnapping/fucking with Percy and Jason's minds), Hades went to Tartarus and attempted to free the Doors of Death. When the Seven rescue Nico, he tells them this in MoA. Hades failed (presumably because he tried to stand against Tartarus, Hyperion, Krios and Gaea's earthborn army with only a mere skeleton army), but the fact is that he made an effort, in a big way. He went to Tartarus, the place where even the Olympians are afraid to go. And he went alone, with no other gods for back up (remember the first time he went, he had Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia and Hera with him).
And considering how bitter and angry Percy seemed by the end of HoO (he was literally ready to attack Zeus in BoO) I think the fact that Hades made a significant effort (while the gods that Percy had a close relationship with like Poseidon and Hermes did nothing) would mean something to Percy.
Partner post, coming soon: [What does Hades think about Percy in Canon? Analysis].
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avaetin · 4 months
Meet the Parents (Pt. 1.)
@haiseiscute333, @sunshines-child
Nico could only steel himself as Mrs. Sally Oceanus glomped him, almost sweeping him off of his feet with her surprising strength. Aeon had warned him that his parents, especially his mother, was excited to see him, to officially meet him as the fiance, but he honestly didn’t consider that she would be this excited.
“Oh my goodness! I always see you on the television and the Internet! I’ve gushed so much about you to your mother, Maria,” Sally cooed, cupping his cheeks affectionately. “You’ve grown so much since you were a kid, but you still look so much younger for your age.”
“Uhh… thank you…”
“Did Maria tell you how I constantly begged her to allow you to marry one of my sons? Ah, I bet she didn’t! She was always saying she would never meddle with your relationships, but I told her, ‘One day, I will make your son my son-in-law. And you’ll have to confess to one of my sons that it was you who was keeping them apart.’ When I see her, let me tell you, I’ll make her admit-”
“Honey,” Mr. Don Oceanus placed his hands on her shoulders. “Breathe. You’re overwhelming the poor child,” he pointed out, looking slightly amused as he stared at his future son-in-law who could only look at his wife with wide eyes.
“Ah! I’m sorry. I got too excited. You know I’ve always been fond of him, Don,” Sally breathed, patting her cheeks to calm herself down before addressing Nico once more. This time, she was more subdued, her smile more warm and motherly as she grasped his hands firmly. “Nico. I’m so glad to have you be a part of our family.”
“Thank you, Mrs.-... uhh…” Should he call her Jackson? Oceanus?
“Just call me Mom, silly boy. We’re going to be family soon,” Sally winked at him, causing him to smile.
“Thank you, Mom.” Nico barely finished his sentence before Sally pulled him into a hug once more, gushing about being his fan for the longest time.
“Hon, you’re going to scare him so bad he might back out of his engagement with Aeon,” Don teased, pulling his wife away.
“That won’t happen, sir,” Nico was quick to say before Aeon could say anything.
“Good. Because if you do, I think my son might choose to become a priest instead,” Don claimed. Somehow, Nico was sure that he didn’t mean it as a joke. The older male seemed completely convinced his son would do just that. “Anyway, welcome to the family, son. Just call me Dad as well, since we are going to be a family,” Don said, clapping a hand on his shoulder before pulling him in for a hug as well.
“Thank you, Dad,” Nico answered politely, returning the hug for a brief moment before letting go.
“No, thank you. You have no idea how worried we were for him,” Sally admitted, pinching her eldest son’s right cheek, much to Nico’s amusement and Aeon’s embarrassment. “He’s never shown interest to anyone in his life. We were worried he was going to grow old and alone. I didn’t have to worry for Percy. As you know, he has a few relationships here and there with people in the industry. But now that Aeon’s getting married, perhaps I should be getting worried about him too.”
Of course, Nico knew. He was one of said people Percy had been in a relationship with. He was the undisclosed one though, Percy’s guinea pig to same-sex relationships. This family should thank him for making their youngest embrace his heterosexuality more.
“Speaking of which, where is that boy? I told him we’re having his brother and Nico over,” Sally mumbled.
“He said he’s picking up his girlfriend, remember?” Don reminded his wife. Nico stiffened. Percy was picking up his girlfriend? Which meant-
“Sorry we’re late! Traffic was ho-orrible!”
Cautiously, Nico turned around, his eyes immediately meeting sea green eyes for the first time in months. Percy genuinely looked happy to see him, a wide smile on his face as he briskly walked towards his family’s direction. For Nico’s part, he felt… well, not necessarily nothing but there was a distinct lack of affection that he once used to harbor so much of for Percy. He glanced beside Percy, his eyes landing on Annabeth who was surprisingly staring directly at him as well, her eyes as stormy and as cold as he remembered.
“Percy! I told you to head out early so you don’t get stuck in the traffic,” Sally scolded her youngest.
“It’s my fault, Mrs. Oceanus. My shoot ran slightly later than agreed,” Annabeth said, lowering her head out of courtesy.
“Oh, if work is to be blamed, then you’re not at fault then,” Sally said, a polite smile curling her lips as she stared at his son’s current girlfriend. “Hello, I’m Sally Oceanus, nice to meet you. And you are?”
Annabeth blinked, slightly caught off guard. She… had the expectation that Sally knew her identity, admittedly. She and Percy paused by the doorway long enough to hear her gush about Nico and his work in great detail. She didn’t expect that she would have to introduce herself to Percy’s mother when Nico didn’t need to. An ugly feeling nestled in her chest, but she pushed it down in favor of returning a practiced smile.
“I’m Annabeth Chase. Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Oceanus,” Annabeth greeted Percy’s parents.
Don simply nodded in greeting, and Sally never offered to be addressed informally, much to Annabeth’s disappointment. Then again, it was to be expected. She was, in their eyes, just another one of Percy’s conquests who was bound to be nameless to them soon. They welcomed Nico warmly because he was the future son-in-law. Mentally, Annabeth scoffed bitterly. Not even her ‘boyfriend’ was acknowledging her properly, Percy’s eyes completely focused on Nico di Angelo at the moment.
“This is my eldest, and Percy’s elder twin brother, Aeon,” Sally then continued, gesturing towards said son. “And this young man is our newest family member, my son-in-law, Nico di Angelo. But I’m sure, since you are all in the same industry, that you recognize one another.”
They did. Unfortunately, they did.
“Isn’t it too soon for you to call Nico your son-in-law, Mom?” Percy teased, but Annabeth and Aeon easily detected an edge in his voice. Nico did too, but he easily assumed it was just Percy’s lingering bitterness over their break-up slipping into the conversation. What right did he have to be bitter? Him and Annabeth. They made him a fool for two years; he should be bitter. “They’re not even married yet.”
“We’re practically married though,” Aeon answered before their mother could, one of his arms slipping around Nico’s waist, pulling him close so he could press a kiss to his forehead. “We’ve done plenty of things that spouses usually do. A wedding is just to make our union official.”
“Is that so?” Percy rhetorically asked with a thin smile, his hands subconsciously balling to fists at his sides.
“But of course. I believe in being transparent with Nico from the very beginning, and showing him everything I have to offer so that he can make an educated decision whether he wants to be with me or not,” Aeon stated with a smirk.
“Security is good in a relationship, let alone in a marriage,” their father offered his input. “It’s a long term investment. You have to make sure that it’s well worth it before legally binding yourself to it.”
“I’m amazed at how the two of you can always turn a casual conversation to something so professional,” Sally chuckled, smiling affectionately at them. Turning to Nico, she looped one of her hands around one of his arms before guiding him towards the dining room. “Come now, all of you. Our chef has prepared an excellent feast tonight. We can continue all these talks at the table.”
Sea green eyes stared coldly into emerald green eyes, a silent conversation transpiring between them. Yes. They would continue this conversation at the table.
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outro-jo · 1 year
Seventeen and their Godly Parent(s)
pairings: none
type: headcanon
warnings: mentions of war and alcohol
a/n: this was just for fun. i’ve never seen or read the percy jackson series so this was just me loving greek mythology. also minghao has two and i’ll fight you on it if you want. /j in age order and not fan chant. please read info before requesting
masterlist | info
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Scoups: Apollo- god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
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Jeonghan: Aphrodite- goddess of love and beauty
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Joshua: Artemis- goddess of of hunting, the wilderness, and wild animals
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Jun: Selene- goddess of the Moon and the ‘mother’ of vampires.
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Hoshi: Dionysus- god wine, pleasure, and festivity
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Wonwoo: Oceanus- god of the ocean
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Woozi: Athena- goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and war strategy
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DK: Aether- god of the upper air, light, the atmosphere, space and heaven
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Mingyu: Ares- god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order
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Minghao: Hades & Persephone- god of the dead and riches and king of the underworld/goddess of vegetation and spring and queen of the underworld
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Seungkwan: Iris- goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods
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Vernon: Pan- god of wild, shepherds and rustic music
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Dino: Crios- god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year
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reyofluke-ocs · 6 months
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OCs DESERVE BETTER -> Ariadne Paris / Penelope Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians) Disney: Abby James Witherspoon Movies: Eline Powell Books: India Eisley
"I'm not - that's impossible. I was found abandoned and given to Lord Oceanus as a baby to raise. I'm not this... Penelope Jackson you seem to think I am. Why should I trust anything you say? You can't even see that the gods don't give a damn about you!"
A little known fact to anyone that is not Sally, Percy and Poseidon - Sally was originally pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. But only the boy, Perseus - Percy - survived. Or so everyone always assumed. In reality, the Titans and their followers had discovered that not only had Poseidon broken the oath and set the Great Prophecy potentially in motion, but the woman was pregnant with twins: a flip of the coin, and either child could be the one of prophecy. So a plan is devised, one that is cleverly hidden from even the Gods - kidnap one of the babies and leave another in place, one that would be enough mix of sea and mortal to fool even Poseidon but the baby's soul was already in the Underworld. The baby that is kidnapped is born Penelope Jackson and is given to Lord Oceanus to raise as he would. And so Penelope Jackson is renamed Ariadne Paris - a reminder of the cruelty of both gods and humanity - and raised with one goal in mind: serve Kronos and destory the Gods and Olympus itself when the time comes.
When Zeus' bolt is stolen and word is recieved that Poseidon's demigod son is being sent on a quest to retrieve it, Ariadne is given the mission of infiltrating Camp Half-Blood as a spy for the Titans. But like calls to like, and Percy and Ariadne still find themselves drawn to one another, while the camp tries to figure out who's parent the mysterious new camper is and why their powers seem more aligned with the Sea God's more violent side.
psd: oblivion-crackships tagging: @endless-oc-creations@stanshollaand, @foxesandmagic , @hiddenqveendom , @arrthurpendragon , @cas-verse, @eddiemunscns , @far-shores, @oneirataxia-girl, if anyone wants to be added/removed or I accidentally forgot, please let me know!
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thedemigodsguide · 25 days
Hey, demigod child of... I'm unclaimed, anyways I found a child of Tartarus, what do I do with it. It's ten years old and won't stop trying to eat sand, we are currently on the way to camp.
Hey, kids!
Please do not let the Tartarus kid eat sand. As much they may want to, even demigods are not able to consume non-nutritional substances. Though there are likely exceptions, in which a god/goddess's powers might allow a child to consume something unusual, Tartarus has no relation to sand. If it's a medical condition, the Apollo kids will probably be able to do something about it.
Anyways, I know a child of a generally malicious being/god/titan can be intimidating. Children of Tartarus may have powers relating to monsters, which may or may not affect your journey to camp. The important thing is to keep treating them as you would any other kid their age. Remember to be kind and open-minded. Also, kids are incredibly bright. Take it from someone who regularly works with kids, even the littles (4, 5, 6), have a good understanding of what’s going on. A 10-year old will have no issues. They will know if they’re being treated right. So treat them with the same respect, kindness, and encouragement that you would anyone else.
As for you, I know it can be tricky as an unclaimed child. You’re probably wondering who your parent is, and if they want you as their child. Chances are, your parent cares, but can’t claim you for your own safety. Oftentimes, gods/goddesses will wait until their child has arrived at camp to claim them. As soon as a child is claimed, it puts a target on their back and amplifies their scent like a monster beacon. So yeah, you’re probably going to be claimed not long after you arrive.
And if you don’t get claimed right away, you’ll get to hang out in the Hermes or Hestia cabins! Everyone is super welcoming! (If you’re in the Hermes cabin, keep an eye on your stuff).
If you still want to figure out who your parent is, there are a few ways that can help, but none of them are 100% accurate.
One of the easier ways is by comparing physical traits. For instance, most Athena kids have blonde hair and gray eyes. Hephaestus kids often have very muscular builds and sometimes brown eyes. Apollo kids tend to have tans, and blonde hair that will get sun-bleached (less common). So on and so forth. Not all gods have particular traits that are passed down, and not all common traits will show up in all kids. But you might be able to narrow it down a little.
The second method, also not 100% accurate, is by discovering what, if any, powers you have. There are a lot of gods/goddesses and a lot of different powers that are possible. But oftentimes, if you know what some of your powers are, you can start grouping them into lists that line up with certain gods/goddesses.
A good example of this is Percy Jackson. He had water powers, yes, but there are a lot of deities related to water. Poseidon, Amphitrite, Triton, Oceanus, Glaucus, Kymopoleia, and many more. On top of that, there are a lot of water spirits that could have also been possibilities. So yes, it was obvious Percy had water powers, but between the Pact and the many possibilities, we couldn’t be sure if he was a son of Poseidon.
You might not know what powers you have and that's okay. Usually, using your powers will come to you naturally, depending on the situation your in. You can try some different things to figure out your powers. People with nature based powers often find that sitting down outside and just trying to meditate and connect with nature will be able to find something. Or maybe you’re really good at crafting or music. Just try as many activities as you can! I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually!
And you know, feel free to share with me! I’m curious to know, too!
Anyways, that should be enough! Be safe! I'll see you soon at camp! Feel free to ask for me and I'll help you out however you need it!
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vale-fire-99 · 1 month
Percy Jackson fanfiction idea.
Percy is the first and only child of Posiedon to hold the gift of Prophecy since he relinquished the title and power to Apollo.
Percy is sent to Atlantis as a child because of the gift.
Zeus allows it because each realm has an oracle of some sort, and he can't argue with his brother having one if Hades and he have one.
Triton, Rhodes, and Kymopoleia adore Percy.
Percy isn't a prince of Atlantis since he has to be its oracle.
Amphirte adores Percy and practically adopts him as her own.
Because of Percy's personality and gift, he helped bring peace between Poseidon and Oceanus.
Percy learns the full story of the feud with Athena and hates her but refuses to hate her children.
Percy sees the Titans rising again and convinces his father and Hades to act; minor gods of the sea and underworld stay loyal, so Kronos has fewer of them.
Percy is sent to camp half-blood to warn them all, but Zeus continues to ignore the signs.
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muiltifandomnerd · 9 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 3: The Conversation
Demeter PoV
I help my Roman children with growing a harvest of different plants that fruits and vegetables grow on.
"When are we going to see you again Mother?" Denise asks. Denise is a short African-American nine-year-old girl. She wears a cute T-shirt with a teddy bear and jeans. She got her father’s eyes and his smile.
“Next weekend child, I’m here to talk to your Greek half-sister about a quest and to bless this year's harvest," I say with a loud voice, I hope I didn’t ruin my children’s eardrums.
"Ok by the way I got an A on my science test," Denise says in an enthusiastic loud voice while she jumps up and down. I high-fived her and gave her a crushing hug.
I remember I used to be all innocent and hyperactive while I was living inside Cronus's stomach. Hestia used to scold Poseidon and me whenever we played too rough with each other or when we were too loud. I can't forgive Cronus for swallowing us when we were just babies, I still hear Mother's horrified shrieks whenever I think back to the moment. All I can hope for my kids is that they don’t have to deal with a crazy parent and live happy, peaceful lives away from quests and wars. Unfortunately, my children must endure two wars because of Cronus and Grandmother. Grandmother warned me of the future of her coming back to rampage.
Flashback (After the Defeat of Cronus)
I was sitting on a harvest field away from the other gods. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades just drew their lots and got their kingdoms. At least Hera, Hestia, and I get to decide on what domains we proceed over. Hestia chose to be the goddess of the hearth, while Hera was still at Oceanus's palace.
As was I wonder around my thoughts. RUMBLE! RUMBLE! CRACK!!, What is causing that commotion? A woman appearsoutside the crack in the ground. She has brown hair like the color of roots and eyes that are green like the earth She wears a pant that is full of metals and molten rocks and a shirt that is made of green vines.
“Sorry about the rumbling and the cracking noises. So are you still deciding deal granddaughter?" My grandmother, Gaia, asked in a low calm tone. Her voice is the movement of the ground.
"Not as of yet Lady Gaia, What do I owe such pressure for your presence?” I asked curiously. What does the Earth want with a goddess of no domains?
“I’m here to tell of your destiny. Your brothers have drawn for kingdoms, but you will have tougher work than your brothers, that is if you want it?” Gaia asked with full conviction, and she glared similarly to that of predators hunting prey. I had a feeling that she expected me to say yes to a proposition. You can never know what the old ones are cooking.
"It must be a serious deal if you are glaring at me like that. Am I going to inherit the Earth or something?" I say with nervous laughter.
“It will be similar to that; you will be in charge of keeping the Earth fertile and to keep the harvest going like that of your father," Gaia says in a monotone.
“So, you want me to take care of you, but why me? All I did was help my sibling fight my father, Zeus was the one who stroked Cronus down.” I questioned why Grandmother was willing to trust me with the huge responsibility.
"It's because you are the most responsible of your siblings. Your brothers are too ambitious for their good, Hera fantasizes about marriage, and Hestia just wants to take care of the palace. Now will you accept being a Goddess of Agriculture?" Gaia said while she was looking for an answer.  This is huge, I like growing plants and I like nature. I never thought that the Earth was offering a domain to me.
I jumped up, raised my fist in the air, and shouted excitedly, “Yes!Yes!Yes!” and Gaia softened her eyes and had a small smile. I bowed in front of her, and she touched my shoulders.
“Rise Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture." She shouts as a green light emits from her hands to my shoulder. I can see all the environments and civilizations within the earth, and I feel my whole pupils and irises turning green like Grandmother.
“You will eventually get more domains as you mature and eventually the Earth. Since you are a young goddess, do you want to have children and get married?” Gaia asks in a curious tone, why does a primordial need to worry about whether a goddess is married or not?
"I do want kids, but I don't want to get married, especially to Zeus and Poseidon. I want to be free from court life and have a farm. Maybe fuck some sexy men and women, doesn't matter to me.” I say in a carefree tone and waving my hands dismissively, I can just imagine my kids and I have a huge farm for ourselves.
"I don't blame you; Zeus and Poseidon think with their groins. Most of your children will live peaceful, happy lives, however, there will be two that will suffer tragic fates. One will forever be bound to the Underworld while the other will be bound to me.” Gaia warned in a sad tone. That’s not possible, How can Grandmother warn me about this? What does Gaia's prediction mean with one bound to the Underworld and the other to her?
“The Fates and even Ananke herself are not too certain about how your child will be bound to the Underworld and the other to me. All I can do is warn you about their fates, you will have to watch all your brood.” Gaia says in a sorrowful tone, I can see her with tears coming up in her eyes and looking down at the ground or herself literally. I'm guessing she doesn't like how one of her future children will be the one to take away her freedom.
"Promise me Demeter to love your children about all else. Your children will need your love to live. I'm afraid that you will have a similar fate to me and your mother, even if you didn't marry the king. The curse of the Earth Mother if you will" Gaia says with a bitter chuckle.
I sobbed about my future children’s cruel fates, and I cried “I don’t know about how one of my children can be bound to the Underworld, but if my child is bound to you. Please promise in the name of Chaos that no matter what, you will look after her.”
"Granddaughter I will not be the same woman that is having this discussion with you right now. I might become hateful and wrathful in the future. I'm sorry, but I can't promise you that I will protect your child. The only way to guarantee safety from my influence is to make sure that your child's will is strong and incorruptible. This is goodbye." Gaia says that a single drop of lava comes from her eyes as her form dissolves in the ground.
It seems all I can do is raise my children lovely and make them strong so that they can survive such cruel fates.
Flashback Over
While hugging Denise, I could feel Grandmother's presence growing more vital inside Chika. Persephone is the one who was bound to Hades, meanwhile, Chika is the one who will bear Gaia's hatred. Once Chika is awake, I will warn her about Grandmother and the other issues affecting my domain.
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ao3screenshotss · 4 months
Tumblr media
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months
Oceanus was the only male First generation Titan not to join in on the attack against Ouranos, his father. Oceanus was also the oldest Titan, I believe. So I don't know why he joined Kronos's army. He seems more like the type of guy to stay out of it. But what do I know? Maybe he only joined in because he felt an obligation to his brothers. That would make sense, and yet still make him more noble than his siblings. He's not fighting because he hates the gods. He's fighting because he's indebted to his siblings.
Also, I wonder what all the Lady First generation Titans were doing during the Percy Jackson series. I assume they either stayed completely neutral in the conflict, or maybe some of them pulled an Oceanus and merely supported Kronos because he was their brother. It'd be fun to try and write some headcanons about this. What were the other Titans doing during the Percy Jackson series?
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yoggu033 · 1 year
Couple yang dinamika karakternya mirip Arcen Calan
1. Han Jaehwa & Seong Taekyung (Hold Me Safe)
2. Carter & Adrian (Always Raining Here)
3. Will Solace & Nico di Angelo(Percy Jackson & the Olympians / The Heroes Of Olympus)
4. Percy Jackson & Elizabeth (Percy Jackson the series)
5. Carcel & Ines (Broken Ring)
6. Cascade & Troya (Oceanus by Queenrexx and Bybcool)
7. Erkin & Hildegar (The Spark in Your Eyes)
8. Choi Han/Alberu Crossman x Cale Henituse (Trash of The Count Family) (I mean... some people ship them so why not)
9. Rion & Seth Ansell (Change The Plot by yoggu033) (CTP is not bl but I ship them two <3)
10. Adrian & Arlyn (A&A by yoggu033)
11. Joe & Cherry Blossom (SK8)
12. Lan Xichen & Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi) (not cannon I know)
13. Quan Yizhen & Yin Yu (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
14. Shizuma & Minato (Therapy Game)
15. Luz & Amity (The Owl House)
16. Noah & Octavian (The Dawning's New Groove by yoggu033)
17. Horus & Seth (Ennead)
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