#red dragon osiris
maecaart · 1 year
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Poll A4
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9 contestants, 4 spots for the tournament
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chanchimi · 2 years
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lunarian-anarchist · 2 years
Everyone stop and look at what Chewy sent me out of the blue
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The fact that they painted the background red for House Lannister 😩
Cersei enjoyed it so much she tried to eat it
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greenwitchcrafts · 2 months
March 2024 witch guide
Full moon: March 25th
New moon: March 10th
Sabbats: Ostara-March 19th
March Worm Moon
Known as: Crow Moon, Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Hrethmonath, Lenting moon, Lentzinmanoth, Moon of Snowblind, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Sore Eyes Moon, Storm Moon, Sugar Moon & Wind Strong Moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Pisces & Aries
Nature spirits: Air & water spirits & Mer-people
Deities: Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Cybele, Isis, Luna & Minerva
Animals: Boar, cougar & hedgehog
Birds: Sea crow & sea eagle
Trees: Alder, dogwood & honeysuckle
Herbs: Apple blossom, broom, high John root, Irish moss, pennyroyal, wood betony & yellow dock
Flowers: Daffodil, jonquil & violet
Scents: Apple blossom & honeysuckle
Stones: Aquamarine, bloodstone, jasper, opal &topaz
Colors: Pale-green, red, violet, yellow & white
Energy:  Balance, beginnings, dream work, energy breaking into the open, exploring, fertility, inner development, karma, prosperity, spirituality, success & truth seeking
For many years, it was thought that the name "Worm Moon" referred to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites robins and other birds to feed—a true sign of spring.
However, more research revealed another explanation. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Native American tribes and wrote that the name Worm Moon refers to a different sort of “worm”—beetle larvae—which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.
March’s full Moon often plays a role in religion, specifically in Christianity, this Moon is known as the Lenten Moon if it is the last full Moon of the winter season (i.e., if it occurs before the spring equinox) or as the Paschal Full Moon if it is the first full Moon of spring (i.e., if it occurs after the spring equinox).
Known as: Alban Eiler, Lady Day & Spring/Vernal equinox
Season: Spring
Symbols: 8-spoked wheel, butterflies, chicks, decorated baskets, eggs, feathers, jellybeans, lambs, rabbits, seeds, shamrocks, spring flowers & sunwheels
Colors: Green, indigo, light blue, pastels, pink, red & yellow
Oils/Incense: African violet, florals, ginger, jasmine, lotus, magnolia, rose, sage & strawberry
Animals: Cormorant, hare, hawk, rabbit, sheep, sparrow & swallow
Mythical: Dragon & Unicorn
Stones: Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, moonstone, red jasper & rose quartz
Food: Dairy foods, eggs(hard boiled), fruits, honey, honey cakes, leafy greens, vegetables, pine nuts, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, sprouts & waffles
Herbs/Plants: Acorn, cinquefoil, dogwood, ginger, Irish moss, olive, strawberry & woodruff
Flowers: Celandine, crocus, daffodil, dandelion, Easter lily,  jasmine gorse, honeysuckle, hyssop, iris, jonquil, linden, narcissus, peony, snowdrop, tansy & violet
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Athena, Coatlicue, Cybele,Demeter, Diana, Eos, Eostre, Flora, Gaia, Hera, Idunn, Iris, Ishtar, Juno, Minerva, Persephone, Venus & Vesta
Gods: Adonis, Attis, Celi, Cernunnos, Coel, Dagda, Dalon ap Landu, Dumuzi, Green Man, Lord of the Greenwood, Mithras, Odin, Osiris, Ovis & Pan
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, balance, beauty, fertility, growth, life, love & rebirth/renewal
Spellwork: Air magick, fertility, new beginnings & water magick
• Go on a hike/walk & look for signs of spring
• Add Ostara symbols to decorate your altar space
• Plant vegetable &/or flower seedlings
• Decorate eggs with bright colors
• Set your intentions for the weeks/months ahead
• Start a new class or hobby
• Create eggshell candles
• Make plans & new routines for the future
• Participate in rituals & ceremonies that connect you with energy & the life force of nature
• Have a feast with your friends &/family with sprouts & leafy greens
• Bake hot cross buns or lavender/lemon flavored treats
• Clean & de-clutter your home
• Try a re-birthing/ renewing ritual
• Bring fresh flowers or plants into into the home
• Host a spring & floral themed tea party
• Make egg based food dishes & desserts
This holiday marks the Spring Equinox, which happens before March 19-22. It is the second of three spring celebrations (the midpoint between Imbolc and Beltane)  during which light & darkness are again in balance, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings & of life emerging further from the grips of winter.
There is much debate regarding the origins of Ostara due to the lack of primary sources about this sabbat. One theory is the name of Ostara came from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. Another theory is that Eostre is more of a localized goddess in Kent County, England. Despite the questions of her origins, Eostre is associated with modern-day Pagan traditions of Ostara.
There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks or Romans celebrated Ostara, although they did celebrate their own spring festivals, such as the Roman festival of Floralia & the Greek festival of Anthesteria. It was a time to honor the returning sun, fertility & rebirth.
Related festivals:
• Nowruz- March 19th
Nowruz marks the first day of spring & renewal of nature. It is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox. It is also celebrated as the beginning of the new year by people all around the world for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East & other regions.
It promotes values of peace & solidarity between generations & within families as well as reconciliation & neighbourliness. Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect & the ideals of peace and good neighbourliness. 
Traditional customs of Nowruz include fire & water, ritual dances, gift exchanges, reciting poetry, symbolic objects & more; these customs differ between the diverse peoples & countries that celebrate the festival.
• Holi- March 25th
Holi is a popular & significant Hindu festival celebrated as the The festival of colors, Love &Spring. It commemorates eternal and divine love of the deities Radha & Krishna. Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it celebratess the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. Holi originated & is predominantly celebrated in the Indian subcontinent, but has also spread to other regions of Asia & parts of the Western world through the Indian diaspora.
Holi also celebrates the arrival of Spring in India, the end of winter & the blossoming of love. It is also an invocation for a good spring harvest season. It lasts for a night & a day, starting on the evening of the Purnima (full moon day) falling on the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna, which falls around the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar.
• Easter- March 31st
also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday is a Christian festival & cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, & penance.
Easter traditions vary across the Christian world & include sunrise services or late-night vigils, exclamations & exchanges of Paschal greetings, flowering the cross & the decoration and the communal breaking of Easter eggs (a symbol of the empty tomb) among many others. The Easter lily is a symbol of the resurrection in Western Christianity traditionally decorates the chancel area of churches on this day & for the rest of Eastertide. Additional customs that have become associated with Easter & are observed by both Christians & some non-Christians include Easter parades, communal dancing, the Easter Bunny & egg hunting.
Other Celebrations:
• Festival of Luna- March 31st
Is a feast day honoring the Goddess Luna who is seen as the divine embodiment of the Moon.
The Temple of Luna was a temple on the Aventine Hill in Rome, dedicated to Luna, the moon goddess. Its dedication was celebrated on March 31st, thus the celebration.
According to Tacitus, it was built by king Servius Tullius. However, the first confirmed reference to a temple to Luna dates to 182 BC & refers to one of its doors being knocked off its posts by a miraculous blast of air & shot into the back of the Temple of Ceres. That account probably places the temple at the north end of the hill, just above porta Trigemina. The temple was struck by lightning around the time of the death of Cinna, as was the temple of Ceres. After the destruction of Corinth, Lucius Mummius Achaicus dedicated some of his spoils from the city to this temple. It was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD & not rebuilt.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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yu-gi-poll · 4 months
Thank you for everyone who voted in this tournament! It's been a delight to host. I plan to start submissions for a best GX monster tournament, but probably not until February.
But onto the main point of the post: our winners!
First I want to give a shout out to the bronze medal winners. In third place is Mystical Elf & Red Eyes Black Dragon! They may not have made it to the finals, but top 4 is not bad.
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(Personally I want rooting for Mystical Elf since she's my girl but... oh well, I'm still proud of her for getting this far!)
In second place is our runner-up, the only God card to make it this far, it's Slifer the Executive Producer Sky Dragon! Otherwise known as Sky Dragon of Osiris! He wins the silver medal!
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Although Slifer may be a God card, one little guy managed to trump over him! The winner of the tournament, the certified best duel monster from the original series, the one and only KURIBOH!
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Full moons correspondences
Wolf moon (January) also known as cold moon, air
Inner power, insight, assess your journey, protection, personal developement
Ianna, Freyja, Skadi, the Morrigan, Hecate
Wolves, foxes, coyotes, blue jay, pheasants
Hematite, ruby, selenite, moonstone, opal, garnet, jet, onyx, obsidian
Black, white, silver, violet
Snow moon (February) also known as storm moon or hunger moon, air and water
New starts, ambition, change, creativity, reflection
Brighid, Diana, Juno
Otter, eagle, chickadee, unicorn
Amethyst, jasper, moonstone
Purple, light blue, yellow
Worm moon (March) also known as seed moon, water and fire
New growth, set intentions, renewal, balance, prospering
Mars, Tyr, Athena, Isis
Cougar, bear, hedgehog, sea crow, sea eagle
Aquamarine, bloodstone, jade
Pale green, red, violet
Pink moon (April) also known as hare moon, fire and earth
Rebirth, discovery, fertility, goals, openings, opportunities
Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, Kali, Rhiannon
Bear, wolf, hawk, magpie
Diamond, quartz, emerald
Pale yellow, pink, gold
Flower moon (May) also known as fairy moon, earth and air
Abundance, gratitude, romance, maturity, intuition
Bast, Artemins, Pan, Cernunnos
Cats, lynx, leopard, swallow, dove, swan
Emerald, sapphire, agate
Pink, green, brown
Strawberry moon (June) also known as rose moon, air and water
Harvest, manifesting, dreams, love, good health, clarity, communication
Juno, Hera, Isis, Neith, Cerridwen
Monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock
Pearl, moonstone, citrine, blue lace agate
Yellow/green and orange
Buck moon (July) also known as hay moon, water and fire
Inner fire, long term goals, leadership, divination
Hel, Athena, Lugh, Khepri
Crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, starling, swallow
Ruby, carnelian, green calcite, peacock ore
Blue, gray, silver
Sturgeon moon (August) also known as barley moon, earth and air
Freedom, perseverance, cleansing, reaping, gratitude, peace, harmony
Demeter, Ceres, Hathor, Nemesis, Ganesha, Vulcan, Vesta
Lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon, crane, falcon, eagle
Periodot, onyx, bronzite, green sapphire
Gold, yellow, green
Harvest moon (September) also known as corn moon, earth and air
Harvest, gratitude, balance, reflection, psychic work, home and hearth
Demeter, Ceres, Thor, Thoth, Persephone, Freyja, Isis
Snake, jackal, ibis, sparrow
Peridot, sapphire, bloodstone, chrysolite
Brown, yellow, amber
Hunters moon (October) also known as blood moon, air and water
Strength, protection, endurance, rebirth, ambition, ancestral work
Cernunnos, Hecate, the Morrigan, Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Lakshmi
Stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, wolf, heron, crow, robin, owl, raven
Opal, tourmaline, citrine, rose sapphire
Red, orange, deep blue, black, dark green, brown, gold
Beaver moon (November) also known as snow moon, water and fire
Preparation, security, grounding, fidelity, new beginnings, release
Cailleach, Circe, Sybele, Hel, Holda, Kali, Bast, Osiris
Unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow
Topaz, obsidian, onyx, apache tear
White, purple, gray, sage green, black
Cold moon (December) also known as oak moon, fire and water
Completion, renewal, reflection, shadow work, transitions, peace
Dionysus, Athena, Attis, Ixchel, Neith, Wodan, Osiris, Frey
Deer, mouse, horse, bear, snowy owl, robin, rook
Blue zircon, turquoise, serpentine, lazulite, smoky quartz
Blood red, green, white, black
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the-occult-lounge · 3 months
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𝓐 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓯 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓘𝓶𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓬
Imbolc is a Celtic tradition that marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The Celtic pagan holiday falls on February 1st-2nd and heralds the change of the seasons and the shift from the dark days to the sun filled days ahead. This celebration, from information gathered from Irish poetry, dates back to early 10th century. From informaton gleamed the holiday was originally around the veginning of spring and aligned more towards rebirth. However, we can justify this with the meanjng of the word Imbolc. The holiday's name means 'in the belly of the mother' and within the earth at this time sturs the seeds of spring.
Brigid resides over this holiday and was originally worshipped by a class of poets and historians called the Filid. Brigid is a Celtic fire and fertility goddess, daughter of Dagda, lineage of the Tuath du Danann, and deemed one of the most powerful Celtic deities. It is also believed that she is a triple goddess due to the fact that she has two sisters with the same name but they seem to represent different aspects which is very much the summize of most triple deities. As time moved away from paganism Brigid was adopted into Christianity as St. Brigid and was still saint/goddess of dairy maids, cattle, midwives, newborns and nuns.
Per https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/imbolc:
"Brigid appears in the saga Cath Maige Tuired and the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a purported history of Ireland collected from various poems and texts in the 10th century."
"Myths about Brigid’s birth say she was born with a flame in her head and drank the milk of a mystical cow from the spirit world. Brigid is credited with the very first keening, a traditional wailing for the dead practiced at funerals by Irish and Scottish women."
𝓘𝓶𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓬 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼
❀ Animals: Firebird, Dragon, Groundhog, Deer, Hare, Rabbit, Ewe, Sheep, Lamb
❀ Birds: Robin, Swan
❀ Colors: Brown, Pink, White, Red, Orange, Pale Yellow, Silver, Lavender
❀ Customs: Lighting Candles, Seeking Omens of Spring, Storytelling, Cleaning House, Bonfires, Indoor Planting, Stone Collecting, Candle kept burning dusk till dawn; hearth Re-lighting
❀ Deities: Brigid, Virgin Goddess, Venus, Diana, Februa, Maiden, Child Goddess, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Vesta, Gaia, Selene(Greek), Cerridwen, Demeter, Persephone, Prosperpina, Vesta, Branwen(Manx-Welsh), Cernunnos, Heme, Osiris, Pan, Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman), Dumuzi(Sumerian)
❀ Element: Earth, Fire
❀ Flowers: Yellow Flowers, White Flowers, Marigolds, Plum Blossoms, Daffodils
❀ Foods: Dairy, Spicy Foods, Raisins, Pumpkin, Sesame & Sunflower Seeds, Poppyseed Bread/Cake, Honey Cake, Pancakes, Waffles, Herbal Tea, Cheese, Spiced Wine, White Meats, Yogurt
❀ Gender: Female
❀Herbs: Acorns, Angelica, Basil, Bay, Benzoin, Blackberry, Celandine, Chamomile, Clover, Frankensense, Heather, Lavender, Myrrh, Rosemary, Willow
❀Magick Areas: Cleansing, Purification, Renewal, Creative Inspiration, Initiation, Candle Work, House & Temple Blessings, Fertility, Awakening, Protection, Truth, Wand Cleansing
❀ Other Names: Candlemas (Christian), Brigantia (Caledonii), Oimelc, Festival of Light, Brigid’s (Brid, Bride) Day, La Fheill, An Fheille Bride, Candelaria (Mexico), Chinese New Year, Disting-tid (Feb 14th, Teutonic), DisaBlot, Anagantios, Lupercalia/Lupercus (Strega), Groundhog Day please note the celebrations are similar but are vastly different when you look at the details
❀ Scents: Jasmine, Rosemary, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Neroli, Musk, Olive, Sweet Pea, Basil, Myrrh, Wisteria, Apricot, Carnation, Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary
❀ Stones: Amethyst, Garnet, Onxy, Turquoise
❀ Symbols: Brigid’s Cross, Corn Dollies, Epiphanies, Candles, Lanterns, Sun Wheels
Learn more, like rituals for this holiday, at:
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emblematicemblazer · 4 months
World building and theories of Engage
Ivy's outfit
Ivy's name has English and Latin origins, it comes from the Old English for the ivy plant, ‘ifig' and means ‘vine’.
There is interesting symbolism in different cultures associated with the Ivy vine. In Greek Mythology, Ivy is associated with Dionysus. Ivy is an evergreen plant and a symbol of immortality so the God wears a wreath made of interwoven Ivy vines. As well as immorality associated with life span, the Ivy adorned by Dionysus symbolises the enduring nature of lust. I think this could be connected to Elusia's high value of beauty and what beauty can instigate. Dionysus was also the God of wine and theatre. Wine grapes grow in summer and inspire passion whereas ivy is associated with winter and inspires profound thoughts. If a lady did not worship him, Dionysus would mix wine and Ivy to inspire delirium and awe. Princess Ivy does seem like a lady who would focus on profound, long lasting thoughts rather than indulging in lust and fleeting impulses. The Ancient Greeks and Romans also believed that wearing ivy would prevent drunkenness. Ivy's strength and resilience has been honed by her experience of court politics. This skill set, along with her belief In the Divine Dragon, mean that she cannot be out under the influence of Zephia's mind control magic. Zephia requires a naive and vulnerable mind for her spell to be effective. 
In Christianity, Ivy is part of the Crown of Thorns that Jesus wore during His Passion, along with holly and the red berries. Ivy represents Jesus's immortality and rebirth. The fact that Ivy clings to its supports symbolises the worshipper’s devotion and attachment to their saviour. Princess Ivy also clings to get ‘support', her belief and devotion to the Divine Dragon. 
In Egyptian mythology ivy is sacred to the God Osiris. Osiris is the God of the sun, health and agriculture and he was married to his opposite, the goddess of the moon, Isis. Seth, the God of the desert, thunderstorms and the eclipse, was jealous of his brother's fertile domain so he locked his brother up in a sarcophagus and tossed it into the Nile. The sarcophagus was found and returned to Isis, who started to prepare the physical body to be buried so his spirit could go to the afterlife. Seth stoke Osiris's dead body and chopped it into 14 pieces. Isis tirelessly devoted herself to finding every piece. She found only 13 out of 14, unfortunately his genitals were never recovered. Orisis became the king of the underworld. Ivy is sacred to Osiris because; it symbolises the love and devotion of Isis to her husband, ivy is evergreen and symbolises immortality and ivy does not need roots to grow whereas Osiris also doesn't need his ‘roots'. 
In Japan the Ivy is a symbol of determination and prosperity. The ivy vine can overcome any obstacle to climb and flourish. Princess Ivy is as tenacious as the ivy vine in overcoming the obstacles to bring peace back to Elyso. 
Some Buddhist monks believed if they ate nothing but tree products and drank poison ivy tea that they would ascend to Nirvana. Overcoming the pain of the material and letting go of the human body and life is part of enlightenment. In poison ivy there is an oily resin called urushiol. It is not poisonous but approximately 85% of the population are allergic to it. Imagine the swelling, the blistering and itchy rashes inside the digestive symptom! Poison Ivy can kill if ingested but touching it would not kill but could be very uncomfortable. Poison Ivy is dangerous, just like Princess Ivy In battle.
In medieval tradition and pagan spirituality, holly represents the bride and Ivy represents the groom. The combination was believed to ward off evil spirits and celebrate new growth. If ivy and holly were brought together then it was said to bring peace to the household. 
Ivy's signature flower is the pink rose, they adorn her dress, her fascinator and her jewellery. The thorns of the rose adorn her gloves and boots. In English tradition pink roses are associated with beauty and grace, Ivy's has both in abundance. To give a pink rose is to express gratitude. The hot pink rose is a symbol of happiness. In the Bible roses are like human life, their life is short.
 “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”
 Even when Ivy perishes, the love and admiration she had for the Divine Dragon will endure.
Buddhist's see roses as an expression of spiritual joy. 
The colour of her outfit is dark purple, hot pink  and the gloves and boots are white.
The main colour of her outfit is dark purple. Dark Purple is used to symbolise wealth and royalty in Medieval/Victorian England. In the Bible purple is a symbol of royalty, power and authority. Purple robes drape the shoulders of Roman emperors, kings, the affluent and Jesus Christ. The cloak Jesus Christ wore before he was nailed to the cross was purple. Purple is also a symbol of suffering.
Just like in the West, purple is a colour used to symbolise royalty. It also symbolises strength and is associated with warriors.
In Buddhism, Purple was only worn by monks with the emporer's approval. It is a symbol of religious significance. 
Ivy's dress is based on a Victorian ball gown. When a Victorian lady attended a ball, it was appropriate to wear a gown that exposed the throat and shoulders. Of course the Fire Emblem version exposes much more flesh than what would be deemed tasteful. The silhouette forms two triangles with the smallest part of each triangle meeting at the waist. A tiny waist was an essential aspect of the Victorian ball gown as was a decorative and voluminous skirt. Ivy's skirt is a little more like a late Victorian shape with more fabric at the back to enhance the bottom. In ballroom dress it was appropriate to wear white gloves.
On her head is a mini hat or fascinator. In the late 1400s to early 1600s, In English society, ladies were required to don a head dressing. Just like the lavish accessories of this era, Ivy's fascinator is adorned with feathers and lace.
The spikes on the white gloves have little practical usage but the ones on her boots could be painful, especially with a crotch kick. The spikes symbolise thorns. Ivy is a beauty but she is a beauty with thorns.
Elusia priotises beauty over practicality. Ivy's outfit may suit a ballroom or court setting but does not suit the snow and rain.
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nettleshuttle · 1 year
so, welcome to my ted talk! today’s topic: an attempt to put together all my thoughts on chazz in an at least slightly coherent manner
honestly, there’s a lot of these — as of now, he’s one of my favorite characters from the whole ygo series and definitely among the ones i find most interesting, although gx itself does him pretty dirty most od the time (more on that later). when i encountered him first in the show, i was actually kinda surprised/disappointed to see him established as the main rival figure — i mean, really, he was supposed to take over after kaiba? that bland, stuck-up, good-for-nothing guy? but then his later arcs really captivated me, up to the point where i was crying during his society of light duel against jaden and i begun to really appreciate him, so i guess here we are; as i’m still not over much of his character, i’m going to try to break down my favorite/the most important parts of it and see what comes out of it. if you’re still reading that, feel warned that you’re up for a long-ass post
first of all: a definite cornerstone of everything that chazz has going on, so the “talented, successful, arrogant, popular dueling ace” to “ridiculed drop-out underachieving ojama user” pipeline. needless to say, i really love this whole idea, as it’s frankly a take on gifted kid burnout, not handling expectations, not handling not handling stuff and a meaningful self-restoration after all that. it may be difficult to trace, because chazz remains arrogant throughout, but he’s going through a lot of personal growth — and quite realistic at that. the “hitting rock bottom” which he talks about (or bottom of the barrel, as it’s for some reason also being translated) seems ridiculous for a guy who’s, like, on the second most privileged place in life possible. yet, he really feels like he’s lost everything after the downfall he’d taken — and that’s exactly how such stuff works. the even better part that comes from it? as he plainly says, what osiris red really taught him is how little he knew about life. he never hit “rock bottom”, even though it felt like it — but he learned to scramble up and pull himself together after whatever fall it was, which, alone, makes him (and the other osiris reds, i infer) more broad-minded, more aware and stronger than all the obelisk blue elites which have never tasted defeat. that’s a very epic take and a very needed one, if you ask me — just like using a zero-atk hopeless ojama deck rather than some powerhouse of a card set as some blue eyes 2.0 doesn’t make him weaker than any duelist playing the latter, because he knows both and still chose the former. because that’s what suits him, that’s who he is — and although he lost all the pride he once had, he found much more of it on his own later. actually, the pathetic-dignified dichotomy works really well for him — he uses the ojamas, which elicit little more than a snicker from any respectable duelist, but he’s proud because he plays using them and nothing else, like when he deliberately nerfed his deck to sole 0-atks before dueling his older brother. he’s definitely struggling a lot; losing, falling back to his old self, fixating on the need to get revenge on jaden, losing again, scrambling up somehow, getting brainwashed, losing some more, but in all that, he’s getting somewhere — painstakingly and, at times, without any recognition of what he’s doing, but he’s improving in his own way and he is so much stronger and prouder than all who look down on him, all who are what he once had been, before all the losing and the struggling and the pathetic stuff. and i think that’s just great. besides, all of this — the desperation, jealousy, fear, weakness, confusion — make him come off as so much more human than characters like (with all due respect) jaden or jesse and make his development feel so realistic and rewarding.
some more on the decks he uses; i like the way he is shown to juggle multiple archetypes, ranging from armed dragon, to VWXZ dragon catapult, to ojamas — i talked about it a bit already, but i also think him not sticking to a single deck is a good way of showing how he’s in the process of developing all the time. trying out different things, mixing them, getting ridiculous combinations, going for them anyway, going back to some previous stuff, mixing that in too — that’s a real nice metaphor for how finding out stuff about yourself works, developing the optimal ways of doing things that suit you, your own ways of combating your own problems. of course, the three ojamas are a laughingstock next to kaiba’s three blue eyes (or tbh pretty much any other ace monster), but they’re the best representation of what i had laid out in the previous paragraph — i often think about his promotion duel, where the obelisk blue guy chazz faced was so disappointed seeing the ojamas, kept saying how they were a disgrace and how he had looked up to chazz in earlier times, but now considers him just an underachiever and a loser. the way how chazz almost spitefully uses the ojamas to win never ceases to make me happy because he’s making a statement of doing things his own damn way. even if they’re less efficient, weaker, anything, even if he actually loses the duel as a result (like the society of light one against jaden) because, ultimately, there are so much more important things — like when ed said that chazz needs to defeat a certain monster rather than win the game, which was a perfectly accurate summing up. losing with the ojamas is better than winning with anything else because the ojamas are his — and i find it really heartwarming, somehow.
then what does it all actually lead to? character growth is nice when it’s conclusive. what do we actually get for chazz? i mentioned that gx does him dirty and i will stick to it to my dying breath — his development could have been handled so much better (especially his relationship with jaden; even asuka got a more satisfying ending in that aspect) if the show didn’t use him as a scapegoat each time some shit needed to be stirred up or a duel needed to be lost. still, there are some really rewarding scenes to his character — most have to do with the popularity and renown he had enjoyed, then lost, then got back tenfold. “manjoume thunder!” being chanted and yelled and cheered comes off as a rolling joke more than anything else, especially along with the 1-10-100-1000 countdown (count-up?), but it’s actually much needed too — they really should let him have some of the recognition and applause. he deserves it. the empowerment coming from those scenes is great and the cringer it is, the greater it gets, because, come on, that’s chazz we’re talking about, right? his career as a pro duelist has much to do with it and i’m so glad each time i see it developed in post-canon fanfics — with his ojama deck, weird attitude and drop-out reputation, he’s not cut out to be a pro. not talent, not any gift, definitely not destiny — but, in a strange way, there’s nothing that would suit him more. he’s made for the dueling arena, for the spectators and the publicity, but he’s choosing to enter the pro world in his own way, with his own ojama deck, his own ojama yellow ace and the rest of his own identity — and that’s good enough to best ed phoenix, the guy who beat kaiser’s ass into the dirt, because that’s precisely where chazz’s strength comes from. and even if he used a more optimal deck, if he stayed in obelisk blue or god-knows-what, i like to think (and am quite certain) that he never would have gotten that far. so yeah, that would be a great ending for chazz, all in all, if his relationship with jaden wasn’t left practically unaddressed, which was definitely not the way it should have been treated — but even though i love this ship with all my heart and could ramble on it literally without end, maybe it’s best to leave that for some other (indefinite) time. the whole thing is, of course, a very crucial part of chazz’s character, but i think there a limit to amount of gx rambling anyone can feasibly process and i’ve surpassed it some time ago already. also i’m not even mentioning the whole thing with asuka because, try as i might, i fail to see any real reason or purpose for it, apart from some cheap comic relief stunt pulled by the creators. so no.
long story short — chazz is a great character, realistic and relatable (i should stop calling myself out), with a development that is really uplifting when you really consider it, made even better by some very epic scenes that he wholly deserves. arguably, i’d also call him the best ygo rival figure, but since that’s easily debatable, i’m not going into that too much. and, of course, thanks for coming to my ted talk (sorry, i’ve always wanted to finish an essay post that way <33)
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yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
If you saw the other version of this post no you didn't >.<
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dungeonmastertyrant · 4 months
Cleric (Life Domain)
Life Domain Spells
Cleric level 1: Bless and cure wounds
Cleric level 3: Lesser Restoration and Spiritual Weapon
Cleric level 5: Beacon of hope and Revivify
Cleric level 7: Death Ward and Guardian of faith
Cleric level 9: Mass cure wounds and raise dead
Bonus Proficiency: When you choose this domain at level 1 you gain proficiency with heavy armor
Disciple of life: Also starting at 1st level your healing spells are more effectiv. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hp to a creature the creature regains additional hp equal to 2 + the spell's level.
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life: Starting at 2nd level you can use your channel divinity to heal the badly injured. As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hp equal to 5 times the cleric level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you and divide those hp among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hp maximum. You can't use this feature on an undead or a construct.
Blessed Healer: Beginning at 6th level the healing spells you cast on others heal you as well. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores hp to a creature other than you you regain hp equal to 2 + the spells level.
Divine Strike: At 8th level you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target. When you reach 14th level the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Supreme Healing: Starting at 17th level when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hp with a spell you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example instead of restoring 2d6 hp to a creature you restore 12.
Examples of gods that are in this domain as well as their alignment and symbols:
Chauntea NG Sheaf of grain or a blooming rose over grain, Eldath NG Waterfall plunging into still pool, Helm LN staring eye on upright left gauntlet, Ilmater LG Hands bound at the wrist with red cord, Lathandar NG Road traveling into a sunrise, Lliira CG Triangle of three six-pointed stars, Selune CG Pair of eyes surrounded by 7 stars, Sune CG Face of a beautiful red haired woman, Ehlonna NG Unicorn Horn, Pelor NG sun, Ulaa LG Mountain with a circle at its heart, Mishakal LG Blue infinity sign, Arawai NG Sheaf of wheat tied with green ribbon, Balinor N Pair of antlers, Boldrei LG Fire in a stone hearth, Olladra NG Domino, The Silver Flame LG flame drawn on silver or molded from silver, The Blood of Vol LN Stylized dragon skull on red teardrop gem, The path of light LN Brilliant crystal, The undying court NG Varies, Bahamut LG Dragon's head in profile, Semuanya N egg, Yondalla LG Shield, Arawn NE Black star on gray background, Brigantia NG footbridge, Diancecht LG Croassed oak and mistletoe branches, Goibhniu NG Giant mallet over sword, Lugh CN Pair of long hands, Apollo CG lyre, Artemis NG Bow and arrow on lunar disk, Demeter NG Mare's head, Dionysus CN Thrysus (Staff tipped with pine cone), Hestia NG Hearth, Re-Horakhty LG Solar disk encircled by serpent, Hathor NG Horned cow's head with lunar disk, Isis NG Ankh and star, Osiris LG Crook and flail, Balder NG Gem encrusted silver chalice, Frey NG Ice blue greatsword, Freya NG Falcon, Frigga N Cat.
Source: Player's Handbook
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hearts-of-cards · 5 months
[Sacrifice] how about using that Ryou for this one~
Open ll Always Accepting
[SACRIFICE]: the sender cups the receiver's face tenderly to distract them, right before shoving them out of the way (to safety) and facing an attack alone in order to buy the receiver enough time to escape.
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Once Malik's darker half had actually managed to defeat both Bakura along with Malik himself this opened up a new variety of opportunities for the darker natured Ishtar to toy with the dark spirit that occupied the ring.
One such way was to mirror a crude version of Bakura's memories in a twisted version of shadow magick.
"I want to see how that duel would have really played out earlier." Malik's darker half said as he waved his hand and out of nowhere the host of the ring, Ryo had been tossed onto the stage too so to speak.
Once more he was scared, disoriented and in pain, but for different reasons as he looked around at his surroundings. He flinched as he realized that his arm was bleeding once more just like with the duel before where Yuugi was quite literally bearing down on him with Osiris the Sky Dragon. He was almost sure that if he was to look into the distance that he would see the gray skies and storm clouds along with the coiled red beast, and sure enough he did.
It was charging up to blast that beam that could shake Kaiba's airship enough with shockwaves, but right before he could experience the incoming blast that would surely obliterate his physical body (if he even had one; it felt as if he did) he felt a gentle touch on his jaw and then saw the one he had come to know as 'Voice'.
"Koe... what?" He asked, but then was pushed harshly out of the way as the blast was laser focused on the spirit now instead.
All of the emotions beneath the surface came boiling to the top as the host screamed out his hand outstretched towards the spirit of the ring.
"...No! Please, don't! I don't want to be alone again!" Ryo cried out as tears streamed down his cheeks. In that moment he was faced with the memory of his dearest sister, Amane and his mother, and how they both left him at once. Gone from the world the same day.
"Please..." Ryo pleaded as it seemed as if time had slowed down. All that existed in that moment was the darker of Malik, and the one he only knew as a voice in his own thoughts.
This was a nightmare scenario that Malik's darker alter was enjoying play out and he even seemed to be cackling in glee as the anticipated blast still had yet to arrive.
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moxxiejoestar · 1 year
Moxxie's bizarre adventure stand chart (1/?)
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[STAND·NAME] Møxxø·joestar the greatest of the moxxie·joestar's stands
[STAND·MASTER] Anthony D. Smith (AKA moxxie the greatest joseph·joestar)
about this stand ability: has a lot of power from the jjba stand what he found (star platinum, hermit purple, tusk act 4, the world/za warudo, TWAU, dirty deeds done dirt cheap/D4C, D4C: LT, ball breaker, oh! Lonesome me, sugar mountain, divine thoth, divine khnum, divine osiris, wheel of fortune, crazy diamond/shining diamond, the hand/za hando, star platinum: the world, whitesnake, C-moon, made in heaven/MIH, zipper man/sticky finger, six bullet/sex pistols, lil' bomber/areosmith, king crimson, killer queen/deadly queen, superfly, heart father, killer queen's sheed heart attack, killer queen's bites the dust/bites za dusto, heaven's door, kiss, golden experience requiem/GER, star platinum requiem/SPR, crazy diamond requiem/CDR, the world over heaven/TWOH, spice girl, emperor, hanged man, death 13/death XIII, the sun, divine atum, illusions, golden experience, bad company, Pearl jam, the lock, Kraft work, beach boy, the thankful death, surface, Mistreioso, soft machine, silver chariot, magician red, the fool, Man in the mirror, rolling stones, Mr. President, purple haze, moody blues, silver chariot requiem/SCR, Dragon's dream, jumpin' jack flash, burning down the house, highway to hell, diver down, F.F, Manhattan transfer & scary monsters) & keeps the stand arrow & requiem arrow for moxxie·joestar's journey & bizarre adventure
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Uniforms that stand wears:
Joseph joestar uniform with a lot of medals, Aiguillette, badges, double royal white sash, red vests, black/charcoal loafer shoes, Epaulettes & sparklers attached to Epaulettes,
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slate's soldiers uniform with same but color vests change to blue, without Epaulettes, no eye patch (B/C he has two eyes)
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& union californian civil war union with Aiguillette, Royal double sash & sparklers attached to Epaulettes
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thaliajoy-blog · 1 year
"Everyone says Targaryens are closer to Gods than to men." Daenerys Targaryen × the Egyptian Pantheon.
1) The Mother of Monsters
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👉 Daenerys, like everyone, has a dark side, maybe literally embodied by her "winged shadow", Drogon (who is savage and disobedient, as well as hungry for children, sometimes) - a dragon she named after her fearsome and brutal husband, a man she loves but who hurt her. To play the game is to play an ugly game - a game of war, of blood, of casualties, of confusions. After Drogo dies, Daenerys becomes a Conqueror Queen and takes Daario Naharis as her lover - and he is a gallant but dangerous man, who asks Daenerys to indulge in her darkest self and her most violent options. Daenerys' birth and rebirth both come through violence and sacrifice : her mother's death and the great storm on Dragonstone, her husband's death and his funeral pyre in the desert. Death and sex (meaning death and love, death and life) are a part of Daenerys' journey, for the better and the worse.
Gods : Seth, desert and storm god / Hathor, goddess of love and childbirth / Sekhmet, powerful warrior goddess and alter-ego of Hathor. Red & black & turquoise as code colors.
Attributes : Sun disk inside of cow's horns (Hathor), knife (Sekhmet), was-sceptre handle (Seth).
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☝️figures : possibly actually Isis on the left but she has attributes very much borrowed from Hathor (the cow horns, sun disk, menat) ; on the right, Sekhmet the bloodythirsty lioness.
2) The Silver Queen
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👉 Daenerys and Viserion, her pale sweet child, named after her brother Viserys, IIIrd of his name. A picture of royal power : Daenerys is a Queen, who tries to rule nobly and gently over her subjects. Viserion represents a promise to be everything her brother could not be, to never be seen as weak and pathetic as him, to always be royal in appearance and in character and justly proud, as well as to be a discerning and wise monarch. Daenerys thus wears her three headed-crown in all official circumstances, and exerts herself to be a strong leader, and listens to the wise advice of those around her, and to bring peace instead of war. She intends to restaure a natural cycle of growth and prosperity in Meereen by planting olive trees, a notorious symbol of peace.
Gods : Isis (queen goddess of magic and fertility) / Horus (son of Isis and symbol of kingship ; god of the Sky) / Orisis (undead god of the afterlife, of eternal life and of natural green cycles).
Attributes : the Ankh, the Sun and the moon (Horus' eyes), mixed Heka sceptre/Nekhakha scourge (Pharaoh), Udjat eye (Horus), composite ostrich feather crown (Isis & Osiris).
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☝️figure on the left is actually Queen Nefertari, but the great royal wife/queen of the pharaoh is often considered to be the incarnation of Isis on earth (used this one here to contrast with the previous look) and shared attributes with her ; on the right, the god-king Osiris.
3) The Slayer of Lies
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👉 At her core, Daenerys is a kind empathetic young woman with the drive to do good. She's here with Rhaegal, the dragon named after the brother who died before she was born and to whom she's often compared. Rhaegar represents a model as a prince and as a king who never was - Daenerys often sees gim in her visions, and models some of her actions after her image of him ("it's time to cross the Trident"). Daenerys is an idealist who wants to fight to leave the world a better place than she found it. Daenerys has endured being sold, and slavery, and is at her core, beyond her dragon children and her crown, she is a young girl who has faced hardship and wishes that others would not go through the same things, or to be able to rescue others from them. As such, she is also the Breaker of Chains.
God : Maât (goddess of Justice, Harmony, Peace, Cosmic Order and Balance) + a dash of Osiris (natural cycles - plants)
Attributes : the Feather of Maât (symbol of purity and tester of goodness).
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☝️ a representation of Maât.
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merryfortune · 2 years
Sorcerer of the Storefront
Written for 5 Days of YGO Femslash
Day 2. Flowers | Costumes
Title: Sorcerer of the Storefront
Ship: Cosplayshipping | Dark Magician Girl/Tome
Fandom: GX
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,327
Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Swap, Duel Monster Spirits, Hurt/Comfort, Bittersweet Fluff
   Ana was down to two hundred life points. Her opponent, that jeerful and leering Obelisk Blue boy who had made fun of her was, unfortunately, sitting pretty with a full four thousand life points but she had one last draw. She could do this. She just had to do this. 
   Ana felt the magic in her. The heart of the cards. A serenity that only the underdog knows and she was not wrong in this keen intuition. She drew a card and not only was it her out, it was her most favourite card: Sorcerer of the Storefront, Tome. 
   Ana grinned and her opponent groaned. He just knew something ridiculous was about to happen and Ana relished it with glee. She twirled on her foot, kinetic and prismatic, as she slapped down this card into the monster zone.
   “I summon Sorcerer of the Storefront in attack position! Go, Tome!” Ana yelled girlishly.
   There was a dazzle from the bottom of the white tiles of the duel arena and Ana’s summoned monster arose out of it. Ana squealed in glee to see her favourite monster come to life again, it never ceased to be amazing in her eyes which were wide and glittering. She just loved everything about Tome.
   From the crinkly smile lines in the corner of her earthy brown eyes to how she donned her costume of blue and white. She looked so happy and cosy all the time, inviting and beckoning those to peruse her goods - but only in her card art, not so much in the digital and flesh. It was then that she wielded her staff that doubled as an items divider on a table with all fourteen-hundred of her attack points. 
   That mightn’t sound like a big and fierce number but not to worry. Tome had a killer effect. One that Ana was eager to activate.
   “Now that Tome’s on the field, using her effect, I’m allowed to-”
   “If I discard this card from my hand, I can negate any monster effect.” Ana’s opponent interrupted her.
   Ana’s expression fell blank. From cheerful and chipper one second, to absolutely nothing but pure, unadulterated confusion the next. She was helpless as she watched her opponent make good on his declaration. Bye-bye went his little level three monster in the graveyard and bye-bye went any chance Ana had of turning this duel around.
   She just stood there, awestruck, at how she was beaten by a very friendly fusion dragon and all three thousand of its attack points from her opponent. She lost. Plain and simple as that, just overwhelmed by better cards and brute force and once again, she wasn’t just the laughing stock of not just her own dorm but the whole school. 
   Obelisk Blue students already loved to look down their noses on folk from Osiris Red students but she was especially a clown in their eyes. Always getting in over her head. She wasn’t exactly the most graceful of girls going. She had the worst grades. It all just kept piling on as the losing alarms blared.
   “Good game?” Ana attempted to offer her opponent, she even held out her hand for a handshake but she was turned it all down.
   “Whatever.” he laughed at her.
   Ana felt her cheeks burn. She awkwardly put her hands back to her side, her fingers curling into fists by her side. She tried to smile but the sting of the loss was too much. Especially to a prick like that boy. He had been hassling some kid from Ra Yellow and ever a hero chaser, Ana had tried to step him and it resulted in this duel and now she had just made everything worse, not just for herself but for the boy she wanted to help. Naturally she got thanks for nothing.
   Tome had long since vanished from the arena. The moment that Ana’s life points had fallen from the measly two hundred life points, she had vanished back to wherever it is that she went. It wasn’t to nothingness. Ana knew that for a fact because Ana knew a secret.
   Well, she wasn’t sure how big of a secret it actually really was since so far no one from her childhood onwards believed her when she tried to oust said secret because she had a big mouth but Duel Monsters? They were real. Not all of them, just some of them and Tome was one of them.
   Ana, humiliated, stormed off and found somewhere to lick her wounds. She slunk off from the school’s auditorium, ignoring the jeers of students who were meant to be sympathetic peers to her. She already knew she had a lot to learn. That’s why she was here. That’s why they were all here but with her gift, and it was a gift as much as it was a secret, she just knew she was meant to learn more. Win more. Do more.
   Argh! It frustrated Ana to no end as she collapsed in a hiding spot to the rear of the school’s auditorium, hidden behind stairs and pillars which cast shadows which were grey and yet hued with the school’s iconic tri-colours. She curled up in a ball and held onto her precious and most favourite Duel Monsters card again.
   “Oh, Tome, I really messed it up again today.” she lamented, red hot tears boiling in her eyes.
   Her hand trembled as she pinched on tightly onto the card which belonged to Tome’s spirit. And Tome’s spirit so kindly reacted. There was that sparkle which never failed to illuminate Ana’s face with a smile, whitish blue, and she smiled through her tears which began to dry and grow sticky on her cheeks.
   Tome appeared before her like nothing less than angel. She was only in front of her in spirit, nebulous and opaque, but Ana appreciated it, looking up at her monster. She sat on the grass and Ana slowly opened up to her beloved partner monster. She smiled again, a little stronger this time and her heart fluttered. Tome’s homely face was plump and good-hearted. She reached out and caressed Ana’s face.
   “You did your best, you had no idea what was in that fellow’s hand.” Tome reassured her. “And you will know for next time, your very good at knowing for next time. Your knocked down but not forever. I wish I could be so plucky.”
   “Thank you, Tome…” Ana murmured.
   Tome pulled her in for a hug and though it wasn’t physically real, as in sensation or in skin, it still meant the world to Ana for she could feel Tome’s metaphorical warmth seep in through her teddy bear squeeze. She tried to hug back and it made them so bittersweet that she couldn’t truly but they both appreciated the sentiments that weighed down all the same to them.
   “You’ll get there, I promise.” Tome consoled her, pulling back from the hug and now with her gentle hand, she stroked Ana’s hair. It was fluffy, she could tell.
   “Thank you.” Ana whispered and she cuddled into Tome’s breast, trying very hard to resist the urge to cry on it but for reasons which escaped beyond the pettiness of student duelling. 
   Again, she was just so certain her journey was just beginning and yet was stalling so badly. Just what was stopping her and why did she feel this way? There just had to be something more to her secret, to her gift, to this urge to learn that she had and, of course, her precious connection to Tome. If only she could buy some answers from her storefront, that may just save a lot of heartache but not even Tome knew. 
   Even though she sensed that sameness just like Ana did. Like something wasn’t right or that something had been reversed. It didn’t matter. Another loss was a loss and Ana tried hard not to cry as Tome comforted her through her schoolgirl confusion.
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