#sam wips
Hot! Girl! Midlife! Crisis! 👏👏👏
(from this tag game)
this was meant to be part of a much bigger and more developed au with the whole djd and the warworld crew meeting during the war (er, before deathsaurus defected the decepticon and the whole megatron switching sides thing happened. quite a bit before) but then i started writing the date part first as a joke and then got stuck with it for like. a year. because it turned somewhat into a style experiment whilist being also absolute crack. oh well,
have a tarn having thoughts on bubble tea while not knowing that you don't poison your date until you get at least to third base:
Deathsaurus stretches one leg under their small table, his foot against Tarn’s. With the tip of his booth he nudges Tarn’s ankle. “I can hear the gears ticking in your head from here,” he says, “they’re quite loud,” and he takes another loud sip from his drink, as if in doing so he could drown out the noise of Tarn’s thoughts. “If you don’t want to try Bubble Tea, I’ll drink it no problem,” he taps the straw against his teeth. “But, if you were wondering about it being poisoned: it’s not. Kalgan likes its neutrality, there wouldn’t be any attempt even if we were recognised,” (they have, in fact, been recognised: Tarn had noticed it in the way the girl serving at the counter looked at them and how she was now shooting them nervous gazes through the shop window, clumsily feigning to be occupied with closing preparations. It wasn’t a thought Tarn particularly liked to entertain but he knew that, without his mask, he had quite the ordinary look; Deathsaurus, instead, with his mods openly visible, couldn’t be mistaken for anything but what he was: a soldier. That didn’t stop him from quietly ignoring the wide eyes of the counter girl while he ordered for himself and then, when he said he didn’t have any preference, for Tarn.) “Or is it that you’re allergic to something? –you wouldn't think I’m trying to kill you on our first date.”
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morguegause · 1 year
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Wip. Surprisingly I do draw stuff other than codz!
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spookberry · 9 months
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"i kissed a girl once when i was 12" is kind of a losing response anyways
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sofiaruelle · 5 months
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Playing around with these marker brushes ft ASS gang.
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retquits · 12 days
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i guess we're doin this
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inktr0vert · 1 month
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Rough Sam sketch <3 His hair, man. I always use Corey Haim as a reference but its just...*sigh* Actually, I remember when I used to use DBZ characters for reference. Sammers had *big* hair back then XD
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crunchchute · 2 months
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sootnuki · 6 months
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i can be your angle….or yuor devil
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howtokillavampire · 7 months
commenting on fanfics you like is so meaningful to the authors, I literally got an email notification of a comment on a fic I hadn't touched in five years and the comment made me want to revisit it so I went back and revised the existing material and wrote three new chapters and updated for the first time in forever all because someone took a few seconds to comment on the fic
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sentient-stove · 2 months
“Well there’s contract magic- that’s what Constantine does, along with the majority of prevalent magic users.” Tim nudged her foot out of the way, continuing the chalk circle around them. Sam turned to follow, wondering how he managed to keep the circle so even.
“Wait, who’s Constantine?” Tucker asked. “They’re not in the files.”
“He’s a pain in everyone’s ass.” Danny muttered. “He’s in contract with half the Creatures on this side of the realms. You know the amount of ghosts I got complaining to me cause he tricked them better than they could when they went under contract?”
“Hnn, yeah most wouldn’t take too nicely to getting tricked. Salt please.” Tim handed the chalk to Tucker in exchange for salt from the bag he’d shoved into the other teen’s arms. “And then someone like Zatanna is Born with her magic, but Born are rare, so I doubt one of them would be targeting you three specifically. Leaves us with Creature or Cursed.”
Sam watched in mild amusement as Danny tried to smudge the chalk-and-salt lines, static bursting from the point and making him recoil. “Creature, that would be fae-things right? Ghosts, demons, whatever is made of magic or magic adjacent?”
“Basically. Salt will help with that. The chalk is hopefully for anyone who tries to cast like how I do. Although trying to harness magic by manipulating curses is rare since it involves far too much grave and museum robbing. Lucky for me, mom and dad did the legwork, so I haven’t needed to rob a grave yet. Mind setting this cat pair at the northern and eastern points of the circle?” He offered two tiny stone cats to her and Sam wrapped her hands around them, the smooth stone unnaturally chilled.
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minteehell · 2 months
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No proper post this week, just samson and his boyfriend.
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with many thanks to @thefoulbeast for the tag <3
Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
dimitri is a big gay and also stinky [fe3h, was gonna be a little snippet on dimitri going feral during the three houses gap & him losing his eye. emphasis on the being also stinky part. abandoned until further notice]
dogsitting au wowie [fe3h, dimidue, modern au where dimitri starts a dogsitting service and meetscute w dedue. its literally two sentence, its been there on my desktop for a while now hoping i’ll get into 3h again]
this one has michalis in it [fe heroes, absolute crack, cormag has a crush on michalis and gets bad relarionship advice from camilla <3]
on the edge of that knife [fe7, post game heath/legault, heath is wet and depressed as usual and has to decide what to do with his life. legault is also depressed but pretends not to]
without names we’re fantasising [dragon age, pre relationship adaar/dorian, arvaari and dorian have a nice morning chat by the river <3]
tarn’s hot girl midlife crisis [transformers idw, deathsaurus/tarn human au, also absolute crack, they’re going on a date and tarn is processing one (1) emotion]
you wanna console the griever (previously known as my god these bitches gay) [war and peace, pierre/andrej kiss that i wrote i don’t know fueled by what insane bunny but it’s there. it’s finished. im editing some bits and it’ll be out in the wild]
tagging @mocha-writes, @perkeleen-lavellan, @visbs, @darkspawntaxcollectors, @nattvingen and all others who want to partecipate bcs i am an absolute hermit i don’t even know seven people on this site <33
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definitely-jax · 1 month
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thingsaday · 3 months
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neeeeew animation WIP! Love these funnie lil guys <3
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sofiaruelle · 1 year
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Lets gather around the campfire
And sing our campfire song
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
My first draft for my entry for @seasonsofthevalley, Stardew Valley fanzine~!
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atherea · 4 months
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