#she shouldn't have gotten pregnant honestly
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Aita for banning my homeless, pregnant sister from my house?
My sister (31 F), has been pregnant with her child for a few months now. She lost everything a couple weeks prior to finding out. I (28 F), saw it coming. She's always been a bad person. She'd steal things from my home, the store, even at church. She enjoyed spreading nasty rumors about people in our family to other family members just to see them fall out and never speak again. She even got our aunt to cut off our cousin, who as a result became homeless for about a year. She was never once sorry. She openly enjoyed the negativity she spread.
When she came to my door after months of no contact, with a positive pregnancy test and a sob story, I gladly let her in. She told me and my boyfriend (29 M) about how she'd gotten kicked out of her ex's place because of her pregnancy. My boyfriend and I both felt really bad and told her she could stay as long as she needed.
But it was hell. She'd steal things from our home and sell them, use our private life as a gossip topic with the family, and even try and pit my boyfriend and I against each other over ridiculous things. We didn't mind the messes she made or the neediness, because she was pregnant, but that wasn't the best either.
We also found out that the real reason she was kicked out was because she'd cheated on her ex weeks before she'd even known she was pregnant.
We finally had enough when she pretended to leave the house secretly and recorded the two of us being intimate. We found out when the family was discussing it on Facebook a couple days later. My boyfriend went out the next day and bought a cheap trailer from a nice guy who even brought it over for us and set it up real nice for my sister while she was out doing God knows what.
My sister came back fuming. Understandably?
She was angry for a bit, throwing things and breaking them, but then cried about how we clearly don't love her and don't give a fuck about her baby and how it's supposed to grow on the streets. Even though she isn't on the streets. She's probably crying in that trailer as I type this now.
The trailer has a tv and everything, and we even provide her with food, keeping her fridge stocked 24/7. We buy her clothes every time we get ourselves some, and we even pay her phone bill. That doesn't stop her from crying to the family though, and the majority of them have shunned my boyfriend and I as a result. Still, I don't see any of them stepping up and helping her the way we are.
Still, it feels really fucked up to kick your homeless sister out while she's pregnant and doesn't really have anybody else. I see her going in and out of her trailer every day, looking sad and lonely. I feel bad. I'm honestly on the verge of bringing all her stuff back into the house and setting up her room again, but a little voice in the back of my head tells me I shouldn't
What are these acronyms?
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thecatsaesthetics · 4 months
But Rhys took Feyre's choice away in ACOSF and is as bad as Tamlin
Disclaimer - I am going to state up front SJM shouldn't have told this story through Nesta's POV. It is an incredibly complex storyline in it's own right and deserved to be told through Feyre's POV.
However, fans tend to make several claims about the story that I want to either debunk or combat. You can still hate the storyline (I hate how it was told as well) but twisting canon to suit your own narrative isn’t right.
(I am using this timeline for the series, which is the most in-depth timeline I have ever found.)
Let's begin
What actually happened in canon:
Rhys and Feyre were actively attempting to have a baby since the end of ACOFAS (December 21st). Feyre announces her pregnancy to the group 16 days into the start of ACOSF. She says she is "two months along". ACOSF is canonically 10 months after ACOFAS. Meaning Feyre and Rhys conceive Nyx in August.
31 days into ACOSF Rhys and Feyre find out via Madja Nyx has wings. Feyre would be heading into her second trimester. Rhys knows the baby wings pose a problem (as does Madja). Madja informed Feyre the birth would be "more difficult" but does not state the baby will kill her. Rhys sets out on finding a way to save Feyre and the baby.
33 days into ACOSF Rhys goes to Drakon and Miryam to ask about the wings. They give him nothing but sad looks.
40 days into ACOSF Helion visits and is asked by Rhys about the wings and says he will look into it.
43 days into ACOSF Nesta, in a fit of rage, tells Feyre her baby is going to die and kill her.
So canonically Feyre does not know for 12 days. So, around two weeks, Feyre is unaware the chances she will die in labor are incredibly heightened.
That is really important, it is not months they are keeping this from Feyre. It also doesn't seem likely Rhys or any of the IC would have let Feyre give birth without knowing what was happening. It also seems likely Rhys was pending more information from Helion who had 3 days to look into things before Nesta had her outburst.
While again it's not explicitly said I believe SJMs implication is that Rhys was exhausting all efforts prior to telling Feyre. Which is something Feyre would have done herself, since we know she wanted Nyx, and rather then let Feyre's pregnancy be ruined by fear (especially if an answer was out there) Rhys decides to take the burden on himself.
Is it necessarily right? I don't think so, but is it done to specifically control Feyre? (Like Tamlin's actions were) No. It's done because Rhys cannot bring himself to take Feyre's happiness away from her. Feyre is described as being so happy in ACOSF, she finally has everything she's ever wanted. She has her mate, her family, her home, security, and is awaiting the arrival of her baby. Feyre has her gotten her "happy ending" and who would want to take that from someone? This is something Rhys was struggling with in ACOFAS, the idea that he does not deserve to be happy with Feyre.
I hate that we get it told through Nesta and Cassian's POV, because honestly this would have been a good Feysand plotline and would have dealt with the remaining issues that were hinted at in ACOFAS.
Commonly incorrect statements by the fandom
"Rhysand forced Feyre to stay pregnant because he valued the baby's life over hers" -
This is canonically not true. Feyre is the one who wanted to get pregnant. Ignoring this is missing the point entirely, Feyre wanted to start her family.
Second, while Rhys clearly loves Nyx it seems his concern was for her and not for Nyx:
Cassian squeezed Rhys’s shoulder. “Why won’t you tell her?” Rhys’s throat worked. “Because I can’t bring myself to give her that fear. To take away one bit of the joy in her eyes every time she puts a hand on her belly.” His voice shook. “It is fucking eating me alive, this terror. I keep myself busy, but … there is no one to bargain with for her life, no amount of wealth to buy it, nothing that I can do to save her.”
His concern is for Feyre and the fact that she is going to die while in labor. He doesn't even mention Nyx dying, and it's said Nyx will die in the labor as well.
"Rhys prevented Feyre from getting an abortion" -
So first we need to ask ourself, are abortions a thing in Pyrthian? We don't get any mentions of them and fae children are rare. I would suspect in Pyrthian they aren't a thing, but maybe in the human lands.
Second, by the time Rhys and Feyre find out about the wings it's been 31 days into ACOSF and when the baby was announced she was two months pregnant, which is frustrating because we don't know if she means two months on the dot or two months and a few days. It's then 15 more days till the wings are discovered she is anywhere between 11/12 weeks pregnant.
It's important to remember pregnancies are not defined by months, they are defined by weeks. If you are 11/12 weeks pregnant the abortion you get is more complicated then at 8 or 9 weeks. So it seems even if she could have an abortion (if that's a thing in Prythian) that she would have had to pass the fetal tissue.
Remember the problem isn't that the baby is sick or causing Feyre to be sick. Feyre is described as being healthy and radiant all throughout ACOSF. The pregnancy isn't the issue, it's the birth. The wings will supposably get caught and not be able to pass through the birthing canal. So even if she had an abortion those wings are getting caught and preventing the tissue from passing. We later see the size of the wings don't matter, because Feyre gives birth preterm and it still kills her.
And it will be challenging enough during a birth when the baby is alive but if they preform an abortion you're talking dead tissue being stuck in Feyre as they attempt to pull it out of her piece by piece.
That could kill her as well.
So when Rhys says "nothing I can do to save her life" he means it. As long as Feyre gives birth/passes those wings in her fae body she's dead.
The only in universe solution is for Feyre to transform back into an Illyrian form (I'll get into that later). That's it, nothing else could save her and in fact what happens is Nesta bargains for Feyre's life and then permanently changes her body to be Illyrian. So the solution was to shapeshift.
"Nesta told Feyre because she thought it was wrong"
That's not true, in fact Nesta agreed to say nothing and was later sorry for even telling Feyre. So no she did not tell Feyre because she thought it was an injustice.
Nesta was bitter and hurt by other things that happened (I am not going into it) and decided to hurt her sister back. She told her in the most brutal and awful way possible.
She easily could have caused Feyre to go into preterm labor and didn't care if that happened. If Feyre had gone into preterm labor with no solution to get the baby out then she would have died.
"Feyre's choice was taken from her"
So if we rule out abortion, and go with shapeshifting I don't see how anyone concludes that the 12 days Feyre does not know takes that choice from her. Even for the 12 days with the abortion idea, she still could have done it. She makes a choice not to, Feyre does not go into labor unaware of the risks.
Going back to shapeshifting, Rhys says this:
“So let her change back into an Illyrian to bear the babe.” Rhys’s face was stark. “Madja has put a ban on any more shape-shifting. She says that to alter Feyre’s body in any way right now could put the baby at risk. On the chance that it could be bad for the baby, Feyre is forbidden to so much as change the color of her hair until after the birth.”
So originally it's Madja who says shape-shifting is banned but sorry I do not see how Madja is going to control Feyre. During the announcement scene we get this from Feyre:
Nesta angled her head at her sister. “So you can’t do magic while pregnant?” Feyre winced. “I can, but given my unusual set of gifts, I’m not sure how it might impact the baby. Winnowing is fine, but some other powers, when we’re still so early in the pregnancy, could strain my body dangerously.”
Feyre is given the medical opinion of Madja on her doing magic and chooses to follow it.
And the nail in the coffin that it wasn't Feyre's choice is the birth scene itself:
“There is nothing we can do,” Madja said. “Cutting the babe out of her will kill her.” “Cutting it out?” Nesta demanded, earning a sharp glare from Rhys. Madja ignored her tone. “An incision along her abdomen, even one carefully made, is an enormous risk. It’s never been successful. And even with Feyre’s healing abilities, the blood loss has weakened her—” “Do it,” Feyre managed to say, the words weighted with pain. “Feyre,” Rhys objected. “The babe likely won’t survive,” Madja said, voice gentle but no-nonsense. “It’s too small yet. We risk both of you.” “All of you,” Cassian breathed, eyes on Rhys. “Do it,” Feyre said, and her voice was that of the High Lady. No fear. Only determination for the life of the babe within her. Feyre looked up at Rhys. “We have to.”
While it isn't explicitly mentioned, the scene prior is discussions about saving Nyx not about saving Feyre. Madja says "we risk both of you" implying their is a way to just save Feyre. That way would be shapeshifting, something Feyre is refusing to do in this moment. Rhys is the one who is objecting to the c-section and Feyre insists that "We have to". Feyre chooses to have the c-section and attempt to save her son.
I don't think we can conclude Feyre's choice was taken from her, in fact it seems she made a choice not to shapeshift and save herself. That might feel like pro life propaganda and maybe it is (I don't know SJMs stance on this) but a mother choosing to go through with a risky pregnancy and delivery is still her making that choice. Just because it's not the choice you would make or like, doesn't make it any less of a choice.
It's really odd how people twist this storyline to fit a narrative of "Rhys is just as bad as Tamlin" and while I can understand the similarities, (both being born out of fear and trauma) it just isn't the same. Tamlin watched as Feyre became sicker and sicker, and ignored her. Tamlin forced Feyre back to the Spring Court after she told him she didn't want to be taken from Rhys and the IC. Tamlin slut shamed her during the HL meeting. Tamlin was actively attempting to control Feyre's behavior and get her to fit what he wanted for her.
Rhys found out horrible information (on top of all the other shit that was going on in ACOSF) about the life of his mate and child. His mate who was currently overjoyed at the idea of being pregnant and having a baby. And he wanted to find a way to save her before giving her the fear, anxiety, and distress he was suffering. It wasn't about controlling her, and it wasn't about having some super baby. It wasn't the right thing to do but he didn't do it out wanting to control Feyre. That's important information and something that shouldn't be twisted.
You can dislike it (as I've stated I hate it being told in Nessian POV) but you shouldn't twist things to fit your narrative.
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herwritingartcowboy · 11 months
S/o who is pregnant but doesn't know how to tell nozel and when she asks what he thought about having children he straight up rejects her (he's just afraid he'll lose his beloved like he lost his mom but s/o doesn't know that) and she becomes really distant and nozel confronts her one day and she breaks down saying she's pregnant and asking him if he'll leave her or force her to get rid of the baby
Nozel hurt comfort fics are my favourite
A/n: I hope you enjoy.
Fandom: Black Clover
Character(s): Nozel Silva
Warning(s): Mentions Of Death
Readers Gender: Female
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You were excited to learn you are going to have a child. You were mostly excited about telling your husband but you two never really got into future kids as it was never really brought up between you two. So you had thought of a plan to tell him and at first you were excited as you met him again during dinner.
"So darling may I ask you a question" "What is it you have to say" "What are your thoughts about pregnancy and children if you don't mind" "Well honestly I don't like it. The thought of children isn't really my favorite and the pregnancy isn't the best thought either. Why do you ask?" "O-oh um no reason just wondering-may I go to the restroom real quick I will be right back".
You felt sick and you it wasn't the baby. You were scared now what if Nozel will kick you out if he finds out, what will happen to the baby? You felt really sick as you told Nozel you were getting tired and headed to bed.
During the days that followed Nozel has noticed your distance and he grew worried. After dinner that night you had gotten real quiet and he had to know why. He stopped you in your shared room where he asked to know what was wrong. After a while you started to cry falling to your knees as Nozel rushed over to your side. During this moment you spilled out saying you are pregnant with his child which made you cry more explaining you had been afraid to tell him. He asked why you were afraid only for you to answer about that night at dinner a couple of days ago.
Nozel wrapped his arms around your shaking figure as his rubbed your shoulders telling you to take deep breaths. When your crying stopped and breathing steady he explained how whis mother died during birth and how he's afraid that he might lose you. When hearing that you put your hand on his cheek telling him that you wouldn't leave him and how he shouldn't be afraid. "I will love you and our child so you don't have to be afraid anymore. But please don't do that again I was scared for you" "I will only if you promise to be a father to our child" "Don't worry I will".
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alteon77 · 1 year
The Bizarre Breeding Habits of Anthropomorphic Personifications: Chapter 1
It's a tale as old as time.
Two idiots fall in love. Two idiots fall out of love.
Neither one of them is expecting a baby to come along and derail their unhappily ever after.
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AO3 Here, Masterlist Here
May doesn't know what she's expecting really.
It's… not this, though. 
Her life, in her humble and not at all objective opinion, has always turned to crap in some form or another, and this is just more proof of that fact. She thinks as she stares down at the little white stick in her hands that she probably should have seen this coming, probably should have spotted the possibility of this catastrophe from a mile away given her often rotten luck. It's not enough that she was dumped, that she was kicked out of her home. Oh no no no. Now, she gets to be a single mother as well, and the realization of this makes her idly wonder when it is that the universe is going to start cutting her any slack or giving her even an ounce of compassion. She's pretty sure from past experience that the answer to that is a gigantic never.
In her small bathroom, she sits on the edge of the tub, scowling down at the obnoxious pink plus sign on the pregnancy test. She's partly horrified and partly angry, worrying over what in the hell she's actually gotten herself into. This is a disaster of the highest order, nothing less than the stupidest thing she's ever done. 
Her power, she knows, is going to be nonexistent while she's pregnant. For her kind, it's almost always this way, and she likely has a very limited time left before it completely disappears for a while. Which, in her opinion, sucks. She likes her power, likes being able to create things from thin air, likes to be able to defend herself. That last one especially is really important. As trouble friendly as she tends to be, the idea of being without her magic (and its ability to protect her) is kind of low key terrifying in the worst way. 
And it's not like she can expect any help from this baby's father. Her and Morpheus are finished. Done. Dream of the Endless had cast her out of his realm like a week old bag of trash, banished her from the Dreaming so completely that she was left unable to even dream. He'd looked at her like she was nothing as he'd done it, and she'd known in that moment that she was nothing to him. It had hurt more than… more than she had ever thought he could hurt her. She'd hoped, like the idiot that she sometimes is, that he would seek her out, maybe give her a chance to explain. But she hasn't heard from him in over a month, and she doesn't think she ever will again. 
Which is fine with her. Really. 
Or at least it will be. Any day now. It takes time to mend a broken heart after all. 
She contemplates this horrible mess of hers, the newest in an ungodly long string of them, and thinks she might cry. Or throw up. And knowing that she doesn't want to do either of those things again today, she forces herself to calm. Summoning up the last of her pitiful optimism, she tries to think over this as rationally as she can. This isn't completely terrible. Everything could be okay. Mortals deal with these sorts of things all the time, and they come out of it just fine. Lots of people end up pregnant unintentionally. And she doesn't have to make any decision right this minute. It might be best if she can come to terms with this and then figure out what she's supposed to do about it, figure out how to keep herself safe. She just needs to take a little time to process and think everything over. That's all.  
Of course the universe, being the salty bitch that it is, isn't going to give her something as simple as time. Not when it's so much more fun to make things worse for her. Honestly, she probably shouldn't have assumed that things could go anywhere but downhill from there. 
When Morpheus had banished her, he'd done so completely, thoroughly blocking her from everything to do with his function in an attempt to ensure that they would never see one another again. And this, on top of his casting her from the realm and verbally lashing out at her, meant that he had stripped her of her ability to dream. Since their split, she hasn't had a single night where she was capable of doing it, and so a week after learning of her pregnancy- when she sleeps and finds herself dreaming- she's… well, shocked is a good word for it. 
It takes her an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize, though, that this isn't actually her dream she's experiencing. 
She's in a tiny kitchen, the cabinets painted an unusual  green as a man putters about, humming a tune under his breath while he works. He's making tea, she thinks, and he doesn't seem to be able to see her. The invisibility is cool for all of five minutes until it starts to freak May out a little, and she finds herself trying to get the man's attention by means of clapping and waving her hands in his face. He doesn't stop what he's doing at all as she does any of this, however, doesn't let up in his work until the distinct jingle of keys being twisted in a lock sounds out through the otherwise quiet space. 
And then…. then a human sized dragon trots in the apartment wearing a smart business suit, a few shopping bags clutched between two raptor-like claws, claws that are painted a cute, entirely out-of-place pink. 
Not that May really knows what color a dragon should paint their claws. It's not something she's ever had to consider truthfully.
The man isn't even fazed by the dragon's appearance. He presses a kiss to its snout, and May realizes that the creature is also wearing lipstick to match the paint on its talons. May stares, wide eyed, while the dragon shrugs out of a deep purple blazer and sets its bags on the table before plopping down heavily into a wooden chair, a long tail peeking out from under its skirt to curl around two reptilian ankles. Or… she guesses those are the ankles? Do dragons even have ankles? Are they called something else?
Focus, she chastises herself, shaking her head slightly. The name for dragon ankles is super not important right now.
She turns her attention back to what's happening in front of her. It's almost…. sweet, really, how happy the man seems to see the dragon. And odd. It's that too. Not that May's judging. Love is love and every pot's got its own lid. It's frankly none of her business if this particular lid has scales and fangs. Each to his own and all that.
May takes a minute to glance around at the stranger's dreamscape when a few framed photos on a nearby wall catch her gaze. She almost laughs at what she sees there. They're wedding photos of the man and the dragon, him in his tux and her comically done up in a massive white bridal gown. The dragon, May gathers, is his wife. Surprisingly, it doesn't get any less strange as she continues to peruse the pictures. The bridesmaids are all giant cats wearing taco costumes, except for the maid of honor who's apparently a burrito, her fluffy feline head popping up over the edge of the tortilla it's wrapped in, bits of lettuce dangling from the bottom like fringe. And the groomsmen? Why, they're just large bottles of hot sauce with comically massive eyes, each donning black bow ties. 
May doesn't know who this guy is, but she's kind of dying to meet him when he's not dreaming. He's got to be interesting as hell if this little slice of his unconscious is anything to go by. Though she does wonder what it says about his marriage that he sees his wife as a dragon. Is that a compliment or an insult? May supposes that as far as dragons go, this one is actually pretty, like something a small child might draw. Her scales are a shimmery lavender that seems to shift with the light, and her eyes glitter green, reminding May of large sparkling emeralds. As the man talks, May moves a bit closer to inspect those iridescent wings where they're curled over the back of the chair, marveling at the otherworldly beauty of them. Somewhat transfixed, she almost reaches out to touch one amidst the peaceful lull of the conversation playing out in front of her.
This easy contentment between the couple isn't to last, however. The tone of the dream shifts abruptly when the man notices his dragon spouse staring kind of… provocatively at the toaster, her long lashes fluttering flirtatiously with the same energy of a young twenty-something chick trying to pick up a guy in a bar. May watches this unfold, unsure of what exactly is happening. They start bickering, and though May doesn't understand any of the words they're exchanging, she easily understands pissed off. It's really a language all its own, and one May is completely fluent in at that. 
She thinks, as her eyes dart back and forth between the man and the dragon, that they're fighting over the toaster. Or some imagined infidelity? Or maybe some imagined infidelity involving the toaster? It honestly wouldn't surprise her at all with the utter bizarreness of everything going on here. 
Either way, May is so enthralled by this little fight (and the prospect of something getting set on fire) that she almost doesn't notice the door when it pops up. Startled at the feeling of some great shadow looming over her, she looks away from the dragon- now raising its fists like it's about to throw hands with the smaller man- and is puzzled by what she sees.
She frowns at the unusual addition to this mundane kitchen. Well, mundane except for the square off that's about to happen between the well-dressed dragon and the poor guy that's trying to be in a committed relationship with it. Ignoring all that, though, this is really just a normal, commonplace space, and this tall, ornate thing doesn't belong. She walks over to study it, her eyes narrowing while she looks it over. There are designs carved along the frame, strange images worked into the wood of the actual door, and a dark black handle that's practically begging for her to reach out and twist it open. 
And like the idiot she can sometimes be, May stretches a hand out to do just that. 
It's a bad idea. A bad, bad idea.
When the liquid gushes out from the open door and into the dream she's in, flooding it quickly, May thinks that maybe she shouldn't have done that. By which she means she definitely shouldn't have done that.
The sudden rush is immense, briny water completely filling the space in less than a minute. Instinctively, she holds her breath as it covers her face, as she floats in the little kitchen for a few more seconds. The man and the dragon bob near her, seemingly unbothered while they continue their argument concerning the dragon's affair with the household's small appliances, bubbles escaping their mouths as they go right on yelling at one another. 
Ludicrously, May's kind of bummed that there isn't going to be a fire now and that she isn't going to see how this ends. She's reasonably sure that she's team toaster in this whole kerfuffle. Unless the toaster is sentient, of course, in which case it knew what it was getting into by having an affair with a married… er, dragon. But... is it even capable of movement? Can it run away? The toaster, that is. If the dragon's husband decides to enact revenge, will legs or wings sprout from its shiny surface to carry it to safety?
This absurdity, this disorientation of her thoughts, allows May to realize that holding her breath might just be fucking with her actual brain, starving it of oxygen so that she's feeling a bit... well, out of it.  
But that... makes no sense. This is a dreamscape, not something that should actually affect her in any real way.
Nonetheless, she resolves to leave this place, a growing anxiety urging her to get the hell away from here. Given that the entire apartment is submerged in water, though, she truthfully doesn't have a lot of options. There's really nowhere else for her to go but through the door, which she does. And once on the other side of it, she's greeted by the sight of light filtering down from above, piercing through the murky depths surrounding her. She's ridiculously relieved to see it, to have that beacon of hope to guide her. After all, it's basic common sense to make for the surface, to get to the air there so she might breathe again.
Despite that this is just a dream, the sensations around her are stunningly realistic. The water is cold, icy against her skin, and she has that unique, weightless buoyancy about her that one experiences while swimming. As she kicks her legs, they ache with the effort she's making. Her lungs, deprived of oxygen, burn with their need for it, and she briefly entertains the thought that maybe she's suffocating back home in her bed. 
The way she feels panic here is pretty damn realistic too. When she comes to the weary realization that she's not getting any closer to the top of the water, she kind of freaks out a little. Okay. That's a bit of a lie. She actually freaks out a lot. A lot a lot. Her panic is multiplied by a mere eleven billion when something grabs her from behind, holding tight around her waist where it starts pulling her, seemingly undeterred by her attempts to get free of its grasp. May imagines some prehistoric creature, something with sharp teeth and tentacles, something made of nightmares that might toy with her before swallowing her whole. Try as she might, she can't actually turn to see what it looks like, given that it's strong enough to keep her exactly where it seems to want her. She scratches at where it's got a hold on her anyway, digging her nails in hard enough to draw blood, but it doesn't even waver as it drags her up and up and up. 
All too soon, it's yanked her head above the line of the water. Despite the fact that she's probably about to be eaten by some weird, terrifying monster, she's still grateful for the sweet, sweet gulps of fresh air that she manages to draw into her starved lungs. When her chest isn't aching with the need to breathe, she tries again to twist away from the thing that has her, clawing at it in the attempt even though it hadn't helped her when the whatever had snatched her in the first place.   
"Stop struggling," a voice hisses in her ear, and May finds herself freezing, going rigid in nervous shock. 
That voice. That voice. Her stomach lurches alarmingly. It's been forty-six days since she's heard it. Not that she's counting or anything.
Because that would be pathetic and embarrassing, so she's… uh, definitely not doing that. Totally. Yeah.
"Morpheus?" she rasps out, her voice hoarse while he continues pulling her to a lone pier nestled in the vast expanse of the water surrounding them. As he gets closer, the ocean or sea (she's not sure which) rumbles loudly, energy shaking the very molecules in May's body. It burns a bit, making her grit her teeth against the force of it as the power all around seems to swell, growing heavier and heavier, more suffocating.
"Hold your breath," her orders tersely, and she doesn't have a second to question him before his grip on her goes impossibly tight and they're being sucked down into the watery depths anew.
It's not for long, though. Thankfully. The power bursts at last, water sloshing side to side, parting to form stairs leading up to the edge of the winding wood structure plopped in the middle of the sea.
Morpheus carries her to the base of them, releasing her with a mere moment more of support as she shakily gets her feet under her. Toes squishing in the mud, she manages to stand straight, flicking a hesitant glance upwards. Nothing for it, she supposes. She wants to be away from this creation forsaken water, and this seems to be the only way out. Determined, she begins climbing the steps, not expecting them to be so seriously slippery. Halfway, she loses her footing, but she doesn't actually fall, however. To her stunned amazement, there's a hand on her elbow- Morpheus' hand- bracing her before she can tumble down. It's a rough gesture, one that she thinks he does more instinctively than anything else. He's radiating rage and wrath, but she knows that he used to be oddly gallant, prone to such gentlemanly behaviors when they were in love. 
The way that he's glaring at her now, though, is anything but gallant or gentlemanly or loving. May looks him over, noting worriedly that he seems thinner than usual. Paler too, she thinks, but that could just be an effect of the blue and white light made by the many glittering stars swirling above them. She stretches her fingers to the inside of her opposite arm and pinches herself. Hard. It especially hurts given how cold she is, and May thinks in a fuzzy, disoriented way that she's not in a dream anymore, that she's actually in the Dreaming. Her stomach churns violently at the reality of that, enough so that she's worried she might throw up.
If she does that, she's for sure going to die of actual humiliation. Can somebody even die of humiliation? Is that a real thing? If it's not yet, and she pukes all over him, then it's definitely going to be. Because she's going to be the first to do it. A pioneer in the worst way.
"How are you here?" he demands, his hands clenched into fists at his side. His eyes are pitch black with fury, and May almost shrinks back from them. 
"I… I was dreaming. I thought…" She glances down, unable to bear the expression of loathing on his face for even a second longer. What had she honestly thought? That he had undone her banishment? That he had removed the block between her and the realm? That he had changed his mind? Surely, she should have known better. Bad tempered and stubborn aren't two qualities that lend much to the possibility of forgiveness, and Morpheus is nothing if not bad tempered and stubborn. "I don't know."
Only, she realizes that's not exactly true. She might not know for certain, but she's maybe got an idea of how she'd gotten here given that she has a little being currently growing inside of her and all, one that's half Dream itself. 
"You are banished. You should not have been able to enter any dream. You most assuredly should not have been able to travel through one into this realm."
She reminds herself to stay cool. He's probably just waiting to catch her in a lie. "I don't know why I'm here. What is it you want me to say?" It's not technically her deceiving him. She doesn't know for sure. She's really just guessing that it's the baby letting her walk through dreams and into the Dreaming. 
"Is this magic of some sort? What could you possibly have been meddling in to-"
"No magic. I don't know. Okay?"
His eyes, those dark wells of the abyss that they are, blaze at her. "Whatever it is you've done to accomplish this, do not think to repeat it. Your banishment stands. You are no longer welcome in my realm."
His realm. It's his realm again. Only his. Mere months ago, he had wanted to marry her, had wanted the Dreaming to be theirs. He had told her that it would be her home for the rest of eternity. To hear him call it only his is like knife between her ribs. "Message received. I won't repeat whatever it is that I didn't even do in the first place. Is that what you need to hear? Does it make you happy for me to take the blame for something that isn't my fault?"
"Nothing concerning you," he growls, his voice low and harsh, "elicits happiness in me."
Ouch. Her heart feels like it's breaking all over again, her chest getting tighter and tighter until she worries that she might start crying. She hopes against hope that she doesn't look as fucking broken as she feels at his words. The many sorrowful emotions churning in her stomach, she decides, she'll blame on the hormones. Her eyes burn, and she's struck with the overwhelming urge to run away, though she realizes that she can't since she's essentially trapped on this stupid pier with nowhere else to go but back into the water. And she's not going to do that.
No matter how tempting it might be right now. 
She's been without her magic for all of a week, and this is the most she's mourned the loss of it in those seven days. She's going to have to ask him for help, and the thought of having to do so stings her already bruised pride. There's nothing crappier when facing an ex than to have to plead for their assistance. 
"If you want me gone, you're going to have to shift me away. I can't exactly leave the way I came in," she bites out, crossing her arms over her chest defensively, waiting for the inevitable argument to come.
He scoffs at her, his expression mocking. "Surely your magic is capable of such a minuscule feat?"
She could hate him for that if only she could assume he knew that he was rubbing salt in the wound of her magic being temporarily lost. "Do you honestly think I'd still be here if it was capable of such a minuscule feat?"  
His eyes narrow while he studies her, a calculation in his gaze that's alarming, and May resists the urge to fidget under his scrutiny. "There is something… different about you."
No shit, May wants to say. I'm heartbroken and pregnant and the father of my child hates my guts. "I'm fine. Now can you send me home, or are we going to stand here all night and glare at each other?"
His lips purse in what May used to call his Blue Steel face, though he never got the reference for that particular bit of teasing. His eyes, still those angry black pools of anger, rake over her. It makes her uncomfortable and horny at the same time, and that she will absolutely blame on her pregnancy hormones when she can take a minute or two to process this mortifying situation. 
"Very well," he tells her, and May hates the way that she misses the sound of his voice, the way that she wants to take off her clothes and roll around naked in the thick, rich timbre of it. 
His power is gentle where it settles on her skin, soft like a lover's caress, and that makes everything so much worse. When she reappears in her house, she half staggers to her living room to collapse on her couch and start sobbing, big hiccuping sobs like the kind children give when they want something they can't have. She's so miserable that it takes her over an hour to realize that she's still soaked through. 
And she thinks then that her ending the day by crying wretchedly in a puddle of freezing water perfectly sums up her life right at this moment. 
Next chapter here
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hyperactivewhore · 8 months
I despise both Renesmee Cullen's and Hope Mikaelson's existences. Both characters are plot holes and shouldn't exist.
Renesmee Carlie Cullen is the daughter of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. She's half-human and half-vampire, and in Twilight, it was explained that only male vampires can have children with female humans. But that doesn't make any sense because vampires in Twilight don't have any blood in their bodies. Then, Stephanie Meyer explained that the venom that is in their bodies works similarly to the bodily fluids that are in humans. But if that was the case, then Bella shouldn't have gotten pregnant. She should have become a vampire after having sex with Edward. Renesmee is called 'half mortal and half immortal' by Aro, but how can a person be half mortal and half immortal? She's either mortal or immortal. She can't be both. Does she age, or does she not? Can she live forever, or does she have the lifespan of a human?
Now, onto Hope.
Hope Andrea Mikaelson is the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner. She's a werewolf, vampire, witch tribrid. In the pilot episode of The Originals, it was explained that since Klaus was born a werewolf and became a vampire because of magic and not by drinking the blood of another vampire and dying with that vampire's blood in his system, he was able to conceive. Vampires in The Vampire Diaries are infertile and can not have children, and while Klaus is the world's first werewolf-vampire hybrid, he's still part vampire. He shouldn't have been able to have a child, which was confirmed in Legacies. The only reason Hope exists is because Malivore. So, if Malivore never existed, Hope would have never existed. She wasn't born because her father was created differently from traditional vampires, but because it is her destiny to defeat a mud monster.
Both characters are great (more so Hope because she was given her own show, and I grew to like her over Legacies' 4 season run. Renesmee was kinda there. Her CGI in the movies creeped me out, and she absolutely did nothing in the book), but their existence goes against the canons of their respective movies/books and show.
It's funny because both are created as plot devices to Bella and Klaus and they're meant to be the magical powerful baby of their universe, but their existence alone just makes it look ridiculous by breaking every single canon law.
As you said, Renaissance came out of nowhere. She was soo incredibly intelligent from the very first moment her parents made her, but apparently not smart enough to control her own strength seeing she broke several Bella's bones (like honestly, what the hell) and this demon spawn craved human blood for absolutely no logical reason other than Edward being a vampire. Ratatouille also could not be seen in the ultrasound or any other thing: she had a impenetrable amniotic sac because yes, exactly, her daddy is a vampire!
Honestly, I kinda feel bad for Ravioli. I've never finished reading Breaking Dawn (and I won't), it was such a corny book and I could only bring myself to the third part, where Bella spends time with baby Rasputin but I've heard interesting things to how the Cullen rise this sim. Apparently, Bella and Edward couldn't care less about their daughter, because as always they were more obssesed with each other and Rosalie did all the parenting, because the love birds couldn't be distracted with their CGI spawn. If I'm correct, Edward even called Bella more beautiful than Rim Job right in her face and instead of being mad, because their kid was right there, Isabella was just like "gosh edward, ily sm 😘😜😍"
Parents of the year.
Stephenie Meyer didn't care about Bella and Edward being parents: she just wanted the aesthetic that came with it, and she pulled the reasons of the human-vampire pregnancy out of her ass.
Actually, when I was in my twilight phase, I read a fanfic where Bella got pregnant, and the reason was a little more "coherent" than what Meyer gave: Having died so young, Edward's body "froze" his sperm and because he had remained a virgin for over a hundred years (lmao), he was able to get Bella, the first and only woman he slept with, pregnant. It's still shitty, and bad, but if they wanted them so badly to have a kid this was a better reason.
I just can't take Twilight books seriously. Apparently, there are no black vampires for a barely explained reason that is clearly racist (if I remember, the venom that vampires inject you during death just... removes your skin color), the mistreatment to the werewolves is just terrible, and there's Ratatunga too.
Now, moving to Hope Andrea Mikaelson, the white witch that is hated and loved in equal measures by the fandom. Oh my, this is gonna be interesting.
I have my moments with Hope, to be honest. Sometimes I completely adore her, and sometimes I just can't stand her. Her existence was completely pulled out of Pl*c's ass, who wanted to have her own version of Renameme so badly. Klaus shouldn't have even been able to procreate in the first place, because he was killed before Esther binded his werewolf side. Though vampires in tvd are more alive than dead, but that's a whole different thing. But clearly my point still remains.
I like Hope Mikaelson a lot more than Ragnarok Cullen, Summer Fontana/Danielle Russell and Mackenzie Foy are all really amazing and beautiful actresses who did great with the role they were given, but their characters completely broke canon. I like the tribrid more though because at least, she wasn't a fucking sim that aged five years in a week unlike Nestlé. The only way I could ever like Radioactive is by having her completely loathe her parents and family, especially because she was born in 2006 aka she's part of Gen Z.
Both characters shouldn't even exist in the first place, and Hope's existences is as much of a plothole as Riptide's. Renesmee gets more hate simply because of how she was in the womb and also because of how fast she grew, but they're both plotholes and shouldn't have been created no matter their popularity.
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romanarose · 2 months
Congrats again! I can't believe you don't have at least twice as many followers. People are missing out!!! 💞✨
Now, after the trauma that was ROF's latest chapter, I ✨demand✨ (I'm actually begging on my knees, please!! 😭) a lil hypothetical scenario where Madonna attends to Frankie's aching body and hugs him and comforts him 🥺👉👈
Pretty please, I need to press babygirl's cheek against my boobs so he knows he's loved and safe 😭
Romana's 2k follower celebration
Of coursebb!!! since Frakie will not be getting any of this from Madonna. he wll get some from Will though.
Room's on Fire universe(DARK)
NOT CANON but the things Frankie thinks about in his internal monologue are.
Descriptions of wounds, bites, blood, domestic violence
Frankie desperatly tried to hold back his tears as he searched through the medicine cabinet. He didn't want to ask for help or advice, he was humiliated and hurting. He hoped to god tha Iris wouldn't come in for anything. Frankie liked Iris, honestly, and they'd shared more than a few nice moments in the ten years he'd known her and he'd tried to make her time here at least bareable.
Santi could be harsh and cruel, especially when Iris first started. She was headstrong and it took a while for Santi to break her down. He never did, completetly, but as long as she got the work done she needed to, he left her alone. There had been a time, before Beatriz died, that Beatriz had been playing around with the idea of Iris and Frankie being wed. Francisco hated the idea, seeing how Jonah was pretty publically being fucked by Beatriz while she less than publically fucked Frankie. Jonah had been around Francisco his whole life, Jonah probably spent more time in his childhood than Iris did, seeing how she was intentionally kept away. The idea felt wrong, like a quasi-incest.
Pope didn't want them together and neither did Iris, obviously. Frankie didn't take it personal. When Beatriz died, Iris was placed here to punish Jonah but honestly Jonah got to see her more now than before. Santiago didn't think in those terms. It was like the idea of him and Iris never happened, and now Frankie was married to Santi, just like Santi had wanted all along.
That's how he got in this position.
Santiago wasn't always like this but the last few months... things had gone downhill. Between Santi's jealousy and bipolar mood switches, he was getting harder and harder to placate. Ben had promised when she was pregnant, Santi would change, that he'd focus on Madonna.
Now he was talking about getting Frankie pregnant... did he realize that wasn't possible? In his delusions, did he think he could really put a baby in him?
"Francisco?" The soft voice of the beautiful madonna he'd come to love in his own way. Francisco wanted Ben... but look where loving Ben had gotten him? Ben with a concussion and Frankie... "Oh my god..."
Frankie realized he was in a tank top. Shit.
She rushed to his side, her night dress fluttering around her.
"Where's Reyansh?" She was supossed to be guarded at all times, especially after the shooting attempt.
Her eyes go wider. "Oh he's um.... he's..."
"He's not watching you?"
She stammers, clearly trying to cover for her friend. "He's just in the kitchen with Iris but I swear, he thought I was asleep!"
"He's supossed to be guarding your door."
Her lip quivers. "Please don't tell the others! Please I shouldn't have left!" She looked so worried for him. She was a good person like that.
"I won't, I promise."
She relaxed a little, but frowned when she looked at his marks again. Blood was still at the bite marks. She reached out to touch them slowly. "Was this a demon?" She asked, and Frankie almost laughed before he realized she was sincere.
"Yeah." He whispers. A demon was more beleiveable to her than the idea Santi would harm him.
She nodded a little. "I suffer from them too. At night."
Frankie almost asked what she meant, if she was getting nightmares, but she touched a particularly bruised part of his arms and he visibly winced.
Madonna gathered a few items, a cold pack, a washcloth, bandaids and coaxed him to a counter where she sat herself up on the marbel. Carfully, she tended to his wounds, cleaning and bandaging and icing him softly with sad eyes but a loving hand. She was so much softer than he was used to.
Madonna didn't want anything from him, she didn't want to fight with the others or hurt him body or sweep him under a rug like Ben, Santi or Beatriz had. She just loved him as he was. Maybe it was the brainwashing, the way she had been trained from birth to adore him.... but he wasn't entirely sure he cared. He'd take care of her, he'd treat her with that same gentleness she gave him now.
She deserved it, and so did that baby, whoever was the father.
And lets be honest, it probably wasn't him. It was probably Ben or Will based on sheer statistics, but it didn't matter. The baby was hers, and she mattered.
God knows there was enough ruined lives living under this roof, francisco didn't want this baby or her to be another one.
When Madonna kissed him, sweet kisses compared to Santi's bites, Francisco pulled her legs around him. With his arms wrapped around her body and holding her close, Francisco kissed her and carried her all the way back to her room. He'd make sure she got back safe and wasn't left alone again.
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danisbrainrot · 3 months
shauna shipman x reader
honestly, this can be read as platonic with blink-and-you-miss-it unrequited feelings.
shauna blew on her hands, desperately trying to warm them up. her fingers weren't the only body part beginning to feel numb. shauna was bundled up in jackets, jumpers, and sweaters—if it was comfortable and warm, she was wearing it. she'd even snuck into your backpack to wear your red sweater. she figured that the jacket she wore would cover it up, and even if you did see it, she was pregnant for crying out loud—she deserves a break.
you were climbing up the ladder, practically drowning in warm clothing. you look her up and down and smirk, before making eye contact. "is that my red sweater?" you teased. shauna blushes, an excuse forming when you giggle, "keep it. looks better on you than me," she snorts.
"you sure? you look pretty chilly," she replies. you were barely even shivering, she was just so shocked about being caught, that she wanted to give you the sweater back.
"i'm helping mari cook belt soup tonight," you joke, rolling your eyes, "tasty, i know. but you're always trapped up here, or the meat house with. . . you must get cold more than me, that's all I'm saying," you wince, hoping she didn't catch on to you referencing jackie. it was a tough subject for shauna, and you couldn't help but want to pull her in tightly and squeeze the baby out of her.
shauna shook her head, "i'm nice and toasty," she laughs, she subconsciously rubs her belly, causing you to force a smile. you feared for her baby—in the beginning, you were pissed because the last thing you guys needed right now was a baby, but as her pregnancy progressed, you realised that the team could use some source of light. you just had no confidence the baby was going to make it. it was too cold and it's mother was starving.
"i'll be downstairs if you need me, just up here to check up on you," you begin your descent down the ladder when shauna calls out for you. you turn around, smiling softly as she bit her lip and looks at the ground, avoiding your gaze.
"can you stay?" she asks, you nod, walking over to her. she sits on her makeshift bed, staring out the window; you take a seat next to her, watching her watch the white forest outside.
"you ok?"
she shakes her head, finally looking at you instead of the window. tears were springing to her eyes as she confessed, "i can't stop thinking about jackie. about how i should have gone outside and gotten her," tears slowly streamed down her pretty face. you pulled her into your arms, rubbing her back soothingly to calm her down.
"it's not your fault, no one knew it would snow," you reassure her, pressing your head against hers.
she shakes her head again, pulling away. "it is my fault, she's my best friend, i should have gone out there. i shouldn't have argued with her in the first place. i shouldn't have slept with her boyfriend!" she cried.
you wipe away her tears with your thumb, cradling her cheeks in your hand. "look at me, shauna. jackie loved you; she'd hate to see you beating yourself up like this," you whisper.
shauna nodded, looking deeply into your eyes, "i'll never be able to forgive myself," she mutters.
"i'm sure jackie already has," you respond. you didn't realise how true you were. "come 'ere," you embrace her again, letting her head rest against your chest. she smiles softly, listening to the sound of your heartbeat. "dinner's gonna be ready soon, it's not much, but it's better than nothing."
"okay," she whispers. you stand up, offering her your hand—which she gladly takes. you help her get down the ladder, before walking into the living room hand in hand. you both greet the other girls, with tai sitting next to shauna and mari sitting next to you.
your dinner was no feast by any stretch of the imagination. natalie and travis hadn't successfully found any game in months. but you still enjoyed it, as you felt closer to shauna—you even offered her the rest of your bowl, not that it added much nutrients.
that night, shauna fell asleep in your arms. you'd moved your stuff upstairs but ended up sharing the sleeping bed with shauna. she rested her ear against your chest again, soothed by the comforting sound your heart made, before sighing.
you watched, as she snored lightly. tai sent you a knowing look, before turning over and pulling her covers up to her neck.
it was a freezing cold night, but in shauna's embrace, you were nice and warm.
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bugthebugsblog · 1 year
Addressing the Recent Fic
TW for sexual themes and content, discussion of the omegaverse, discussion of sexual assault, and sexualisation of children.
Hi okay so the recent omegaverse fic for lotf was brought to my attention by a mutual of mine so I read through it and I'm just...absolutely disgusted, honestly. So I'm gonna go through the fic and add in why this isn't acceptable because it seems like there are still people in the fandom (in 2023? really?) that believe that sexualising children is okay (and don't give me the bullshit of tHeY'rE aGeD uP because the only reason they actually are aged up is because people like you wanted to turn them into something sexual, when, in reality, thats a really fucked up thing to do).
So without further ado.
From the beginning of the fic I got this really creepy vibe, starting with the second paragraph when the author starts with this: "They're not boys anymore." It felt like the author was trying to place the focus on the fact that they aged up the boys in order to justify the sexual themes that they wrote into the fic.
"She gasped as she became aware of the two children clinging to his sides." Honestly just what the fuck. Why. There is no reason for this.
"Then she saw it, the indentation of teeth. A bite mark at the juncture where his shoulder met his neck." Whoever believes this fic deserves the T rating is delusional. This fic shouldn't exist in the first place, the fact that it does is deplorable. But if you are going to be a shitty person and post something like this, at least give it the rating it deserves of M or E.
"She pulled back in horror." Me too.
"'The police has already apprehended the alpha who did this.'" And here we get introduced to the first straightforward mention of the omegaverse. The author needs to realise that this fic is inherently sexual due to the omegaverse being part of it. The mention of alphas implies omegas and heats and every sexual aspect of this universe. You must realise how bad that is.
"'When did your heats start?'" No further comment.
Followed by: "'Did anyone...touch you during...?'" and "'I had the fever and I wanted him. Jack is mine and I am his.'" this dialogue is sexual, no matter what you say. Ralph stating that he "wanted" Jack is him saying that he wanted him sexually. There is no other explanation other than sexualising the characters.
Ralph mentions that his heats started at 18. At the beginning of the fic, his mother says that he's 23 now. His children, Will and Anne, are four and two. This means that Ralph had to have gotten pregnant at 18, which also means that its possible Jack and Ralph had participated in sexual activities beforehand, because its not likely he was pregnant so fast.
"'He used you.'" This implies that people believe their intercourse to have been sexual assault.
"Her son's heat came and went. He spent it locked up in his room in solitude." Ralph is actively going through his heat in this paragraph, and even if it is not specifically described (thank god), it is still actively happening, which is, yet again, sexualising a character who is 12 years old in Lord of the Flies.
"She caught a few young alphas staring after her son in desire." Stop sexualising young boys.
That's all I have to say on this fic. It's bad. I don't care how "clever and well-wrriten" it is, it's wrong to have been written because, AGAIN, Ralph is 12 in the book.
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lustfulheart · 1 year
@cherrysugcr - Ash/Landry
Tumblr media
"Come on in." The knock upon his door drew his eyes up from the papers before him, and a small smile graced his lips once she came into view. It was late - almost everyone else on campus was long gone by now, and yet here he was. Tucked away into the corner of the large building, hiding away in his office instead of at home, tending to his pregnant wife. He had claimed there were some papers that needed grading and honestly? He wasn't lying. The stack had grown rather large due to his neglect, but it shouldn't have been his main priority at the moment. Much less one that required him calling in Landry to help him with such a minimal task. But he had, and here she was and he lent back in the rather plush leather chair he had gotten for himself and a sigh wormed its way up his throat as he ran a hand across his rugged features. "Thanks for coming in on such short notice. I hope I didn't pull you away from some party or anything?"
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r-we-taire-yet · 1 year
"About the baby... it's yours..."
Ted watched the snow fall gently to the ground outside Beanies as he held his Frappuccino and avoided looking at the woman across from him. Charlotte was as beautiful as ever, but looking at her right now was utterly painful. She'd announced to the office earlier in the week that she was pregnant, and it was like a stab in the chest.
Oh sure, he knew there was a chance it was his, but if it was? What then? Charlotte wasn't going to leave her husband. She'd been refusing to do that for years now, and if she was openly telling people she was pregnant, she definitely was trying to pass the baby off as Sam's. If she was, Ted would be left with nothing, no connection to his child without fucking everyone over by demanding a DNA test.
But why would he do that? He would be a shit dad, that was just a fact, and any kid that shared his DNA was doomed from birth. The Spankoffski family name was a curse in this town. If he had a kid, that kid would be just as fucked over as him and Peter were just by virtue of being in his family. Any kid would be better off not having his last name, and would be better off not having him as a father. He was a sleazy bastard that shouldn't be allowed around kids due to how horrible of an influence he would be.
There was no way to know who the father was anyway! He knew for a fact that Charlotte had been sleeping with other men too. Ted was over-thinking everything, it was more likely that he wasn't the father than it was likely that he was... but why did that idea hurt too? Some part of him wanted the baby to be his, some part of him wanted desperately to have a child of his own. The fear of turning into his own father was crippling, but at the same time, the idea of the baby not being his hurt him to his core.
Was it the selfish desire for unconditional love, or was it the idea of having a reason to a good person again that drew him? A baby is a reason to be soft again, to be kind again. It was a reason to stop being such an asshole. Of course a child isn't a tool and it wasn't unconditional love. But having a baby would be a reason he could stop acting like this, and people would have more reason to believe his change was genuine. A baby is someone who needs you, who looks up to you and loves you. Being a parent was one of the most terrifying jobs in the world, but it seemed so rewarding. He could almost imagine playing dress up and taking his kid for ice cream and helping with homework.
An excuse to be soft again. An excuse to be Teddy again rather than 'the horny bastard'. A different role to play that might make people hate him less. All he'd ever wanted was attention and love and he'd failed at it his entire life. Being a parent would give him someone in the world that wanted his attention, that loved him, that needed him. Ted wanted that more than anything now that the idea had come to him, but no.
Even if the baby was his, he wouldn't get to raise it, he wouldn't get to be its father. The baby may not ever know that he existed. Charlotte wouldn't leave Sam, so Sam would be the baby's father, and that neglectful, cheating asshat was going to raise his child. Honestly, that idea was even worse than the disappointment of not being the father.
"Why'd you invite me for coffee, Charlotte?" Ted said after a long silence as he turned to look at her.
"We need to talk," she said quietly, looking down at her coffee.
"About?" Ted asked.
"About the baby... it's yours..." Charlotte said quietly.
Huh. Okay. Genuinely, Ted had expected her to not say a word to him about this at any point. "How do you know?"
"I stopped sleeping with my therapist months ago, and Sam hasn't so much as looked at me for more than seven weeks. I don't think he's aware of that yet, or he would have gotten real mad when the test came back positive, but I remember," Charlotte said.
Ted sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "Okay, so what are you going to do about it?"
"I don't know," she admitted. "That's why I wanted to talk to you. I don't know what to do and you're as much at fault in this as me."
"Leave him," Ted said quickly.
"Leave him. I don't want that man raising my child. What if it has my hair? My eyes? What if it's fucking obvious the kid isn't his and he takes his anger about that out on the baby? He's a cop, Charlotte, he can do whatever he wants, and I don't want him to use that against my child," Ted said.
Charlotte sighed and covered her eyes. "He won't let me divorce him without a fight. He doesn't love me anymore but I'm his wife, he won't like me trying to leave. Like you said, he's a cop, he can get away with anything. And even if I do manage to leave him safely, I'll be a single mother-"
"You don't have to be a single mother! I'm right here, and I've been begging you to leave him for ages! I am right here, Charlotte. Look at me!" Ted exclaimed.
Charlotte looked up with tearful, worried eyes.
"I love you, okay? We'll figure this out together. We have to be a team now. No more bullshit," Ted said.
"No more bullshit," Charlotte agreed, smiling ever so slightly at the idea of having someone in her corner. "Do you promise you won't abandon us?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die," Ted said.
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
I had this whole thing thought out to write to you about how I loved Maya and Carina in this episode but how I thought it would take on a serious tone when they showed Carina looking at her injection scars rather than the laughing/crying hormonal jokiness (which I did like) but as I was writing, I got so annoyed. Rather than spend 9 episodes on finding a sperm donor just to go with Jack anyway, they should have spent it on the IVF process and the toll it takes on couples. So many couples go through this process not just wlw couples and they could have shed light on that process which doesn't get talked about much. That's what those 9 episodes should've been about.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system back to my original thought, like I said, I did like Maya and Carina this episode. I mean if it was possible to edit Jack out with his goofy foot in mouth word vomit and his Frankenstein arm pointing (does he always have to outstretch his arms when he points?) it would be great.
I liked how frustrated Carina just blurted out everything she's probably held in for far too long. I love Maya being the calming presence (those roles were always reversed) and it shows the growth Maya has had. I loved the little moments like the hand grab when they were "forced" to go get turned on and then when Maya got the "stuff" from Jack at the door and she was like go away now.
No it's not the ideal situation, but it's the hand we've been dealt. We can only hope now that if the pregnancy/baby happens they can focus on that now. Like bringing back Mama Bishop to meet her grandbaby and lovely things like that.
Yes, it would've been much nicer to see the process between Maya and Carina and the struggles they had to deal with along the way as opposed to focusing on sperm for 9 episodes. The fact that they skipped all of Carina's injections and the testing and hormones and suddenly she was just ready...I mean why couldn't we see that? Why couldn't we see Carina struggling with that and Maya comforting her? Well...unfortunately it's because Station 19 clearly doesn't care about that and the story they want to tell is the one that involves Jack and the whole "found family" aspect. The scenes without Jack would've been nice, if you just ignore him, there were some sweet moments but the problem is that he's ALWAYS there. Either hovering over or interrupting or in the next room.
This thread on Twitter really summarizes it perfectly. It sucks to read/hear but it's true. What we as the lgbtq+ community might have expected or wanted is not the same as what Station 19 wanted to tell and at this point, unfortunately it is what it is. Their choice has been made, they don't want to hear any criticism, everyone involved in the show is oblivious to how harmful and disrespectful it's been, how angry everyone is...they don't care. Instead of making it about a wlw couple exploring their options and starting a family, they made it about Maya, Carina and Jack and how Carina & Jack's relationship "flourished" over time and the 3 of them became a family. It's not what we want, it's not how it should be, it's not necessary at all, but that's what they're doing.
Which honestly don't bode well for the future if Carina does get pregnant. Of course in reality it shouldn't work right away. There's other threads on Twitter going into the medical research and the method Carina used at her age has like a 2% chance working the first time and you'd think Carina, the OB, would know that and try a different option but again, I don't think the show cares about any of that. They'd rather set up next season with Carina being pregnant and Maya & Jack being there along the way.
I don't know what their plan is moving forward but a scary thought is that right now Maya has no rights to her child whatsoever, unless we just didn't see them do any sort of paperwork beforehand that wasn't mentioned. Or they may use that as drama next season, if Maya starts to feel left out or whatever the case may be. But you just know there's an easy way for Jack to get extra involved, overstep, especially when the baby is born and then Maya will feel left out, she doesn't have any biological connection to the child and then here we go...unless they want to really stick with this found family trope that they've done throughout the show so they won't pit them against each other but I don't know what any of these writers are thinking anymore.
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asiagogetit26 · 2 years
So... 20 years ago today, I almost had my first brother. His name was Israel. I don't know all of the details but he didn't make it... To this day, my mom is still going through it. Who wouldn't? He was her first son...
I'm sad for my mom because she lost her child and wasn't able to watch him live life. I'm sad because I was never able to get to know him. He would have been five years younger than me. I don't know what he would have been like. Maybe he would have liked video games like my living younger brother. Maybe he would have liked Star Wars like me. Maybe he would have been the smartest out of the family. But I'll never know...
This didn't always bother me before. Back then, I didn't really think about it that much. I didn't know him. I'd never met him. I honestly don't remember my mom being pregnant back then. I was 5 so I most likely didn't pay attention. But 20 years later, I'm actually thinking about my baby brother...
At first, I thought I was missing someone I'd never met. But now I realize that I'm grieving the time I never got with him. There were so many possibilities. But none of them happened... My mom never got to raise her son and I never got to know my brother...
I'm rambling... I'm sorry. I just never acknowledged just how painful this day is. Could I ask for some prayers for my mom? This will be a hard day for her and probably hard for the rest of the week. I just don't want to see her too sad. My whole life, my mom has always looked brave and I've never seen her cry except for literally a few times. She probably has things bottled up that she didn't want us to see.
I know its important to release those feelings and to just cry it out. So maybe I shouldn't ask that she not be sad. Could I ask you all to pray that she gets through another year without her boy? She could use all the prayers she can get.
May I also ask for birthday wishes for Israel? I know he was a baby when he died and didn't know how to think or understand... But part of me likes to think he's grown up in spirit over the years and I think he'd appreciate the thought. After all, 20 is a big number. If he had gotten to live life, I would be looking forward to his 21st birthday so I can take him for his first drink. That thought actually makes me happy...
Anyway... Thank you for taking the time to read my vent.
Happy birthday, Israel. I know I'll never know you. But your sister will always love you.
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nightcall99 · 27 days
Dream from 4.4.24
I was shopping at a huge department store, like an office supplies shop, because I had been thinking about my childhood friend, AT. I was trying to find a way to apologise to her, since irl, I stopped talking to her out of the blue. I used the printing service to print various things to put together as part of my apology. Maybe a collage of photos, and a letter. However, I had left behind in the shop, things I did not end up using. Not realising that she worked there. Instead of discarding what I had not put to use, I put the printed photos back into the printer, as if the paper could be re-used somehow. Later that day during her shift, she opened the paper tray of the printer, probably because it was jammed, and saw them. The pictures of her.
But I hadn't said anything to her yet, hadn't let on in anyway that I was thinking of her. She messaged me about the photos she saw, having realised what they meant, and said, Thank you. But the situation felt insidious. I had fallen into this somehow, talking to her. Even though I'd meant it to happen all along. And like a switch was flipped, she went from thanking me to becoming extremely angry. At that moment I knew she truly resented me. I was shocked, I have never heard her talk in this manner, never witnessed her energy turn forceful. She is usually a timid and shy person, hesitant to ever express her true feelings. I said something like, I'm sorry I stopped talking to you, I was going through a deep depression etc. It did nothing. She cracked. She unleashed her fury onto me. It turned out she'd been going through it too. She mocked my excuses, not believing me. Making light of them. She said, Oh you've been free every single day for 8 months, you've had a roof over your head and your meals made for you, and by all accounts everything has been just fine. That's hardly suffering. And me, what about me?
Judging from the sheer force of her emotional eruption, it did seem like she'd had it worse than I had. She proceed to express how dark her thoughts had gotten. How black, how painful, how alone. I honestly had no idea she could even feel things to such depths, she'd never let it on. She kept revealing truth after truth, everything she had kept inside. She said her parents had become scared for her, and they had told my parents, Didn't I know? Shouldn't I have known? She felt that I had known and left her there, by herself. But all along, I thought she was happy with her new relationship, that milestone of marriage and kids within her grasp. How else was I supposed to interpret those happy photos posted on social media? She hadn't needed me anymore. And I hadn't needed her, I was for a different path. I wasn't sure how to respond to her fury, but honestly somehow I didn't care. I felt bad for her, obviously, but mostly I felt bad for me. There was no way to explain all of this to someone like her, no way to make my experiences seem valid, real. It would be like explaining figure skating to a plumber, a koala trying to talk to a fish. And I'm tired of explaining myself. I was angry too, I felt that she needed to accept that this is the way things are. They weren't going to change between us. I had apologised and however weak and unoccupied that apology was, that was all she could have from me. I did not have to catch what she was flinging out to me, I did not even have to look it. I am rigid now, only my perspective matters.
Then this other scene, of a lady, who I think was my friend. She was pregnant for the second time. She hadn't told anybody, and was quite far along now. I see her holding up some kind of object to hide her baby bump, and then taking it away, like a surprise, for the camera.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1650
TW/CW: Death Mention, Infant Death
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The year began with sad news as Giulia learned of her maternal grandmother's passing though she tried to occupy herself with her daughters and the comforts of her husband.
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It seemed though that Giovanni had been a bit too comforting as it wasn't long before Giulia noticed her monthlies missing once more and a familiar sickness disrupting her sleep. She didn't want to feel ungrateful for the lack of excitement but she had been wanting a break from babies and pregnancy since Osana's birth and... well... no such luck but Giulia loved all four of her children with her whole heart and knew she would do the same with her next born.
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Though this time the girls were ever so slightly older than when she had gotten pregnant before in the past so it was easier in some ways but again there were four young girls who needed attention and only one tired Giulia to parent them.
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It was such a relief and joy when Orsolina celebrated her sixth birthday and she needed far less attention than before.
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Now that his daughter was older Giovanni was more willing to play an active role in parenting his child as he believed that dealing with young children was the mother's job. With an older child though, she could take guidance from him and he didn't need to do much to help with diapers or late night feedings.
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Given that Giulia had four young children and Tala had no young children only a young woman and teenagers in her care, Orsolina would go over to her step-grandmother's home for lessons and return home to practice what she learned. Giovanni thought it pointless for her to learn these things when she was likely never going to use it but Giulia insisted that at the very least it kept her busy during the day while she dealt with the other girls. Besides it could help her make a match higher in station and when Giovanni thought of that he did know that his late friend was a nobleman with three sons not all that much older than Orsolina. It was far too early for anything concrete but the thought was in his mind and Giulia's though she was determined that her girls would not marry as early as she did.
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Even with Orsolina spending most of her day with Tala or walking the long way between their homes, Giulia was drained. She wondered how she even functioned most days and as June approached, Giovanni stepped in to at least put the girls to bed so she could get off her feet though she often fell asleep in her chair.
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While matchmaking was a distant thought in the Morosini household, for the Carlisles it was more relevant as Felicita was nearly fifteen. The Markovic heir, though given the terms of Stefano and Beverly's marriage, the Ludovici heir, was just a teenager himself that May and with that Beverly was determined to find a match for her son and successor. Tala had wanted her girls to find a better future, ideally through love, but when Beverly asked to make a match between their children, there was no question about agreement. Though both mothers agreed that their children were far too young to actually marry yet, the betrothal was made official at the end of June.
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Felicita didn't actually mind her arrangement though it was so far off that honestly, it didn't even feel real but it was fun for her to tell Raquel that she was going to be a noblewoman soon and Raquel was an adult and not even courting. Raquel knew it was all in good fun but she was starting to feel a little behind now that her younger cousin was betrothed.
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Orsolina was growing bigger each and everyday and while perhaps Giulia shouldn't have been lifting her around while very heavily pregnant, she wanted to savor every moment before her little girl got to big to carry.
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Giulia found that her older girls spent more time with her now that they were getting bigger. Giovanni, of course, was the center of attention when he wasn't working the garden or selling the crops in the market but during the day at home, they loved to lavish their Mama with attention though Giulia was a bit tired of the 'why?'s they seemed to have no end to.
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That being said with an older kid around, Orsolina was able to help out her mom by keeping her siblings occupied with fun little stories. Giulia loved how creative her daughter was but hoped that she would stop encouraging her sisters to make messes behind her back.
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September came around and Giulia felt the labor pains begin once more as she was just about to send Orsolina to Tala's home for the morning with Giovanni. The plans changed somewhat as Tala left Orsolina in the care of Felicita while she brought the older girls to help with Giulia's labor. Raquel was more than happy to entertain the younger girls downstairs while Giulia labored with Tala and Tina at her side.
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Giovanni came home just in time to the last stretch of Giulia's labor as just around suppertime on September 9th, Giulia delivered twin sons, Giovanni and Giuseppe. Though Giulia was showing no adverse effects aside from exhaustion, Tala had Tina run to the church to fetch a priest to bless the children as it was apparent that they were both incredibly weak to the point where Tala whispered outside the room that she would be genuinely shocked if either survived the night. Thankfully the priest came just in time to bless the boys as Tala's prediction came true for the eldest Morosini boy as baby Giovanni did not live to see midnight.
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Giovanni had mixed feelings about his surviving son following the funeral of Giuseppe's twin. He had desperately wanted a son but his son was so fragile that every time he slept he wondered if he would wake to find his son gone. He loved the child so deeply like he had with his daughters and yet with the flame of his life so dim, he wondered if it was worth the heartbreak to get attached denying the fact that he was already smitten with his baby boy. Even when with his daughters, his weak son was always on his mind.
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Giulia tried to fall into her routine for caring for the children following the birth of her sons. The pain of losing a child was so different from losing her siblings but she was determined to not fall into her grief as she had her girls and son who needed her and she needed them.
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Giulia might not have allowed herself to fall to grief but her son's delicate health was a source of deep anxiety for her as she constantly felt on edge about what the future might bring.
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As Giuseppe grew older towards the end of the year, he also grew stronger. With him getting bigger the fears of his sudden passing declined though there was still the looming threat of illness. It was a massive sigh of relief for the family that he was thriving.
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While the Morosinis dealt with their own worries, Tina found that despite how horrible it had been to witness the grief of her cousin through the death of their son, she enjoyed helping her through the entire process of birth. Raquel was both delighted and not surprised when Tina told her that she wished to study to be a midwife.
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sopebubbles · 2 years
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Chapter 3
At twenty-five weeks, your baby's nostrils have developed and can even smell.
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Chapter summary: the boys and Y/N return to filming Run BTS.
Warnings: I can't think for any, but everyone is kinda sad (you'll get used to it)
WC: 3.2k
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In the end it was a good thing Jimin had gotten you the appointment at First Love. Not only were the facilities a maternity dream, with helpful and caring nurses, midwives, and doctors operating a pristine,  state of the art facility, but filming for the new season of Run BTS was on top of you and you would have found yourself in a mountain of trouble if you'd had to be out the following week. 
Jeongguk had long ago become accustomed to taking his schedule as it came. Seldom did he look beyond what time he had to be at work in the morning, which was just about the only thing that factored into how he spent his evening before. So he wasn't really thinking when he was packed into the van to take him to the filming location. His half awake mind emptied completely of thoughts when he saw you on the set with your obvious pregnancy bump. 
He'd only seen you a handful of times between when you'd slept together and when they'd left for tour a month later. He was completely unfazed every time you ran into each other and you did your best to act equally unbothered. He hadn't seen you at all since their return. And even though Jimin had accused him of being your baby daddy, he hadn't really thought about what it would be like to see you, or even what you would look like pregnant. He hadn't imagined at all to see the evidence of your night--really moments--together standing in front of him.
Jimin catches him staring at you across the way with his mouth hanging open and that zoned out expression on his face. He claps a hand on the younger man's shoulder. "Maybe you should go talk to her."
Jeongguk closes his mouth and swallows, recomposing his features into a calm, collected expression. "It's not mine," he says coolly and walks away to get dressed by the stylists. 
Jimin sighs at his younger member's back and looks again to where you're standing, hoping to catch your eye, but you're busy giving instructions to some crew that are still finishing setting up, so he follows the other members. Namjoon doesn't miss the distraction you've brought to the two men, but his clenched jaw goes unnoticed by everyone.
An hour later some of the guys are messing around while they wait to begin filming. Finishing touches are still being added, but it's okay because the stylist is still fretting over Yoongi's hair, which he insists is fine. It's all making the executive producer/director antsy, though. By all rights you should be directing this episode since the concept was your idea and you did all the work securing the location and made practically every decision down to what the boys were wearing. But it's been a long time now you've been used to not getting the credit or respect you've been due at work. Even before you were pregnant, you've always been the only female producer in the company and it always made you an easy target. 
"Y/N! Where's my coffee, damn it!" the director yells, causing many around him to jump, including the members who are nearby.
Jimin and Jin in particular turn to him at the call of your name and see you coming from some distance away, wobbling in your best attempt to rush him a cup of coffee, holding onto your belly with your other hand. Honestly, thank God there's a lid on it otherwise it would be sloshing everywhere. Just as you approach, Jin steps up to meet you and takes the cup from your hand. He takes a long sip right in front of the director. 
"That's good coffee, Y/N. Thank you," he says when he pulls the cup from his lips. Then he turns to the director. "PD-nim, last I checked Y/N was an assistant producer on the show, not an assistant. Her job isn't to fetch you coffee. And as you can see, she's clearly pregnant and shouldn't be running around as you bark orders at her. Please let Ms. Y/N sit, and treat your staff with some dignity so we can have a pleasant shoot," Jin says in a shockingly polite tone, as if he hasn't just told the older man off. The director grumbles something unintelligible and waves you off, calling for his actual assistant.
"Thank you, Mr. Kim," you say with your head bowed. "You didn't have to do that."
"It's the right thing, Y/N. Please don't ever let me see you run while you're pregnant ever again. You'll give me a heart attack," he whispers before turning away from you. As he does so he sees Jimin about to approach you and smoothly slides his arm Jimin's shoulders, turning him back around.
"Don't talk to her," Jin whispers.
Jimin's expression drops, but he gives in easily. "Thank you, hyung."
"I didn't do it for you. And I'm not agreeing with your theory. I did it because she is pregnant and she shouldn't be treated that way. Don't read too much into it," Jin says before he lets the younger man go and walks away drinking his coffee.
From where he's standing, Jeongguk can't help but wonder if he should have been the one to say something. He wonders if that baby really is his that you're carrying, if there's any chance that is not. And if it is, just what the hell is he supposed to do about it? 
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When you open the door to your apartment to Jimin he's shocked to see just how tired you look. You'd taken your hair down from the tight bun you'd kept it in all day and removed your makeup before changing into a pair baggy sweats. You look like you could drop where you stand. Jimin wants nothing more than to wrap you up in a hug, but he knows you have a lot of boundaries and he doesn't want to push them right away so he just gives you a half smile and lifts the take out bag a little in a gesture of goodwill. 
"That's a lot of stairs to climb," Jimin comments as you stand aside to let him in.
"It's only a couple flights of steps, Jimin-ssi. It's not gonna kill anyone," you grumble, gesturing to your coffee table as he looks for a place to put the takeout since you have no kitchen table in your small apartment. It's a cozy place without being cluttered, but there isn't much space. It's just a small kitchen attached to the living room occupied mostly by your couch and coffee table with a flat screen mounted on the wall. There's a separate bedroom and bathroom in the back. You go to the kitchen to grab chopsticks while Jimin settles on the couch.
"You could fall down them one day and then where would we be?" Jimin replies loudly. 
"I'm not going to fall, Jimin." You can't help rolling your eyes, even though you know you feel a bit of fear each time you hold your belly with one hand and clutch tightly to the railing with the other while going down the steps.
"You can't tell me you don't worry about going up and down the stairs," Jimin says, looking at you doubtfully, as if he can read your mind.
You shrug as you sit beside him. "What do you want me to do, Jimin?"
"Move somewhere with a working elevator?" 
"Cmon the landlord swears he's getting it fixed next neverary." You smirk. 
"Really, Y/N. It's difficult for you now, imagine what it will be like when you have a newborn and your groceries." Jimin  chooses a container of noodles and begins to pick them up with his chopsticks.
"I know. But no elevator is keeping the rent low, and I'll be able to hold on for a little while on what I have saved if…"
Jimin raises his eyebrows at you as noodles hang from his mouth, asking you a question.
"If I lose my job. Which, after what Jin pulled today, looks more and more likely."
Jimin sucks the noodles into his mouth and frowns at you. "Y/N, your baby is important to some very wealthy people. You'll be provided for if the worst happens."
Your eyes water as you try to interpret what he means. "You can't take my baby from me."
"No, Y/N! I would never let anyone do that. I swear. I'm just saying. If nothing else, you and your baby could always move into my place." Jimin shrugs as if such a promise were nothing to him.
"We'll be fine," you mumble.
Jimin smirks to himself and settles into your couch. He knows you're in a delicate situation, but he likes that he's getting used to your resistance. "Why are you lonely then, Y/N?"
"I'm n-" you start but Jimin is already shaking his head at your denial. "I'm not lonely as much as I'm just…alone. And I'm kind of used to being alone." You shrug as you look into your dish, avoiding Jimin's eyes. 
"No boyfriend?"
You roll your eyes and scoff. "Obviously not."
"What about before?" His eyes glance down to your belly and back to your face to be met with a glare from you. "What? You're an attractive woman of marriageable age."
"I am not," you mumble, blood rising to your cheeks. Good god, it should be evident enough that you don't get much attention from men that merely being called attractive has you blushing. But he is Park Jimin after all. 
"Cmon, Y/N. You're pretty. Pretty enough for Jeongguk to go after." Jimin nudges you with his elbow, but he notices the way your expression falls at that.
"That was a matter of convenience, I'm sure."
It's a bit hard for Jimin to argue with that, truth be told, but he's heard Jeongguk himself comment on how pretty you are before. Jimin chooses not to press the issue though. "So no boyfriend then?"
"Not for a long time," you tell him after you swallow food you had nervously pushed into your mouth. "I used to have a boyfriend. We lived together for about a year. I thought we'd get married eventually. But he found someone else he'd rather be with," you explain, your voice falling away at the end. 
"And your family is not in Seoul?" Jimin graciously moves on from the subject. 
You shake your head. "I'm from Busan."
Jimin's face lights up at the mention of his hometown. "Did you think about going home when you found out?"
"I did. I wanted to, but my parents won't have me."
Jimin stares at you for a moment, not sure how to respond. "What do you mean?" He finally asked, unable to understand.
You sigh heavily. "When I found out, home was the first place I thought to go. I don't have any close friends really, and you guys were out of the country so I couldn't really confront-" you stop short of saying his name the way you always do, and it's never escaped Jimin's notice. "So I went home and I confided in my parents because I was…scared. But I wouldn't tell them who the father is, and they assumed I didn't know, for whatever reason. They told me to get rid of the child, that they would help me get rid of it. But I refused. And they said they wouldn't offer me any other help. If I had my baby, they wanted nothing to do with it or me."
Jimin gaped at you. "How could any parents be so cruel?"
You can only shake your head. "My parents and I have never seen eye to eye. They're successful business owners and they wanted me to follow in the family business, but I never wanted that. This is just the latest in a series of ways I've disappointed them in my life."
"No wonder you're lonely," Jimin breathes.
You shrug. "Like I said, I'm used to it." A silence hangs in the air between you before you add, "when I have mochi, I won't be alone anymore." Jimin looks at you sadly, but you don't notice as you focus on your food. "Why are you alone, Jimin?"
"I told you, everyone is busy doing their own thing these days," he says simply.
"Yeah. What's your thing?" You wonder as you chew. 
He huffs a humorless laugh. "I don't know. For years it's just been Bangtan. 24/7. Eat, sleep and breathe BTS, you know. Even when the others started their families it felt like we were together more than not. But they've really grown out into their own little spheres and it feels like there's less and less at the center. Sometimes it feels like it's just me." You can see his eyes far off in thought before he snaps back. "Not that I think I'm the center of BTS! it's just...I feel like I'm the only one waiting for them to come back."
"Do you think they will?"
"Of course they will. We're BTS. BTS is forever." His lips can't help forming a small pout and you nod. 
"So why aren't you out trying to find your own family? Create your own sphere?"
Jimin shakes his head. "It's just not that easy." 
"Fair enough." You lift your shoulders. "Why not go out and party with Jeongguk, hook up with girls?"
Jimin frowns. "A year or two ago I could have seen the appeal of that, but honestly it seems like such a waste of time. And there's only room for one party boy in this band. Besides, who would go pick him up when he's gone too far."
You both fall into your own thoughts as you continue eating. You can't quite escape the strangeness of Park Jimin sitting on your old tattered couch eating with you. But it isn't even so much that it's him. It would be strange to have anyone there. You can probably count on one hand the number of guests you've had in this apartment. You used to have friends back when you were in university, but most of them were people you met through your ex, and you lost contact with most of them when you two broke up. The fact was you'd always been a bit of a loner. Too shy or simply too focused on your goals to make many friends along the way. You used to get on alright with your colleagues before you got pregnant. Now your exclusively male coworkers avoid you like the plague, lest anyone make the assumption that they were the one responsible for your condition if they were seen being friendly with you. HYBE is a place full of rumors, after all. But as the weeks went on with Jimin being around you, you find there's nothing uncomfortable in his presence. He surprises you, and you're naturally defensive and independent, but your reactions don't actually spark from any displeasure with him. Jimin might be the most comforting person you've ever been around, even when he's just sitting there beside you. It's a wonder that he should find himself alone when so many would surely love to be with him. But maybe it's for the best that Jimin so obviously holds himself back. He's such a kind person you think he'd probably be easy to take advantage of. 
He knows that, and it's part of why he likes you so much. Knowing that you won't even make Jeongguk own up for what he is in fact responsible for, you'd never take advantage of anyone. And Jimin has to admit he does like you. When he first approached you, it was out of a genuinely good natured desire to help someone in need. Once he'd put together the pieces of your secret he knew he had to continue to help, especially if no one else would. But through your brief and random interactions, he has to admit that he finds your habits amusing, enjoys learning and anticipating your reactions, and just generally feels good when he's around you. Being around you felt like opening a window on his stale life. 
Maybe it's the fact that you feel the same way. Maybe you just don't want to think of him being lonely again after kindly sharing a meal with you. Or maybe it's you who isn't quite ready to return to the lonesome quiet of your apartment. Whatever the reason, you've barely thought it before an invitation to stay and watch a movie falls from your lips. "If you have the time," you add meekly. 
He does, and he stays. He insists that you sit and pick a movie while he cleans up. He takes your trash out to the garbage chute. You pick a goofy romantic comedy that you comfortably laugh your way through. Half way through the movie Jimin asks to use your bathroom and you direct him through your bedroom all the way to the back of the small apartment.
Jimin doesn't mean to judge, but he can't help wondering as he walks through your bedroom where you'll fit a crib or a changing table for baby mochi. He can see you don't have any of these things already, but he guesses it is still early. He can't imagine where you'll put any of the copious amounts of things Jin's babies seemed to have needed. How will you manage all by yourself? he wonders. 
When he makes his way back out to the living room, you've fallen asleep, adorable little snores falling from your gaping mouth. He has to slap a hand over his own mouth to keep in the fond giggle from bubbling past his plush lips. He walks back to your room and prepares your bed for you before he comes to pick up your body, still light enough for his strong muscles, and carries you to your room. It's a wonder you don't stir, but you were just that exhausted. Jimin tucks you in nice and snug before walking to your bedroom door.
"Thanks for dinner, Y/N," he smiles before he turns off the light. 
He only makes it as far as the coffee table to pick up his phone before he realizes he can't leave. Your apartment door only has a deadbolt, and even though you don't live in the worst neighborhood in Seoul, it's not the best one either. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to you because he left you vulnerable. It takes him half a second to decide on sleeping on your couch. He'll wake up early and leave before you wake up. Surely nothing bad will happen at 5 am. He settles himself on the couch and pulls the blanket you were snuggled into earlier over his body. Your scent is on it, and it gives him a warm feeling that rushes him to sleep.
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