#sirius would go on a tangent about this all the time
manwrre · 1 month
sirius: i love when people are like ‘aww, you and reg look alike!’ obviously i look like reggie, he’s my SON.
remus: *has heard this all before*
sirius: there was no adoption process here, i birthed him. we have the same dna, they took my bone marrow or whatever—
james: i—
sirius: he is 100% me and you might be thinking, ‘oh, that’s just walburga and orion’s genes’ pfft, i went into labor. LABOR.
peter: right………
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Todays @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is wizard, and I’m doing my best to get back into my more substantial projects, I promise
(569 words.)
“Mr Lupin, you are, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most infuriating wizards we have had! Would you care to tell me why the entirety of your charms class started laughing uncontrollably apart from you?” Minerva asked, arms folding. He merely shrugged, casual smile playing across his face.
“Dunno, Minnie. Must’ve dodged the charm.”
“And you expect me to believe that? Flitwick has been undoing this all afternoon! I’m going to assume Mr Potter had a hand in this.” Another shrug, and another wave of frustration over Minerva.
“Couldn’t tell you.”
Minerva runs an irritated hand over her face, stopping to rest at her temple for a moment.
“Merlin, I’m going to have to call your parents in, aren’t I?”
“If you wanted to.”
Without another word, Minerva pulled her desk drawer open, grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill, and wrote to his parents, purposefully avoiding the phrase ‘little shit’ as she went.
“Wotcher, Minnie!” Sirius chirped, strolling down the corridor and shooting her a smile.
“You haven’t changed one bit, have you?” She said back, unable to hide her own smile at his infectious cheer. Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius’ waist.
“What’s our son gone and done?” He asked, and Minerva exhaled, watching them pointedly.
“Jinxed the entirety of his class into uncontrollable laughter.” A pause, and Sirius chuckled heartily.
“Oh, that’s bloody brilliant! How long’d it take to undo?” Remus, quite clearly biting back his own laughter, turned to his husband.
“Sirius! We have to be adults, here.”
“Please, Moony, we did way worse.”
“Mmm, we did. Still, not the time to go on some big tangent about that time we accidentally made everyone in the castle sing for 6 days.”
“You told him that?” Minerva asked, stunned.
“…maybe. To be fair, I did tell him how long we were in detention for!”
“You told him about how it made us get together.” Remus added.
“Well, you told him about the quidditch commentating incident!” Sirius protested.
“And you told him about chucking all of the Slytherin’s luggage into the black lake.”
“Yeah, I don’t think a lecture from us will be as impactful as we want it to be.” Sirius concluded.
“It’s fine, I’ve got a plan.” Remus waved him off easily.
They followed Minerva to her office, where Teddy was sitting with his arms crossed. He turned his head at the arrival of his parents, smiling like he had done absolutely nothing wrong.
“Hey, dads.”
“Professor McGonnagal here tells us that you’ve been tormenting your class?” Teddy just shrugged.
“Don’t know what you’re on about. No evidence.” Remus swiftly nudged Sirius to make sure he didn’t start laughing again.
“Well, I’m glad I’ll be able to start keeping an eye on you, then!” Remus said cheerfully, feigned relief flooding through his voice. They all watched as Teddy’s face dropped.
“Oh, did I not tell you? I accepted a position here. Starting in September. I’m your new DADA professor.”
“You’re not.” Teddy said, voice low, like he was trying to talk Remus out of it.
“Mm, but I am.” He said with a tranquil smile, turning to Sirius, who nodded. Minerva watched the interaction and tried to keep from chuckling.
She hadn’t realised that Remus had accepted the offer yet, but she was so fucking glad that he had.
With a casual clearing of the throat, she leaned in and added,
“You’ll be serving all of your detentions with me.”
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bruh--wtf · 1 year
List What You Like
Remus Lupin x Reader
Main Masterlist
Summary: Your best friend asks you for dating advice, and you start to have a feeling he’s talking about you when he starts listing things about his crush.
Remus Lupin Masterlist
Requests are Open
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“Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?” Remus asks as he sits next to you in the Library. You look up at him and raise an eyebrow. Lily had walked away only seconds before to find a book for a paper the two of you were working on.
“Sure?” You say, hesitantly. Remus Lupin had become your best friend over the past year since Slughorn paired the two of you up at the beginning of fourth year.
“Okay, um… I like this girl and I’m not sure how to ask her out,” he says. You stare at him for a second, your heart clenching. You didn’t know Remus liked someone. He hadn’t told you anything about it. And you were head over heels for him, so why was he asking you?
“Oh. Why can’t you ask Sirius or James? They ask girls out all the time,” you say and roll your eyes, hoping to come off more playful than annoyed. Remus scratches his neck and scoots his chair a little closer to you.
“That’s all Sirius does. And James hasn’t really had much luck, has he?” He asks, glancing at Lily’s stuff. You chuckle a little and shrug.
“I guess you’re right about that.”
“Besides. I really like this girl. I don’t want to mess it up,” he says. You look at him and give him a look. He seems a little taken aback by it. “What?”
“Remus, you could literally never speak to someone before and simply walk past them in the hall way and they’d probably like you. Everyone has had a crush on you, Remus. You have nothing to worry about,” you say, knowing it’s true. Remus had made all of your friends like him at some point. You had yet to find someone that said the man wasn’t at least attractive. He knew it too. Sirius complained about how easily he got people to like him all the time.
Remus blinks at you, a slight blush on his cheeks. “Have you liked me?” As soon as he says the words you realize your mistake. A blush heats your cheeks quickly and you look back down at your homework.
“Oh, um… I…” Remus raises an eyebrow at you and shifts forward to get you to look at him. He had that look on his face that made you weak in the knees. You were glad you were already sitting down. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands ever-so-slightly brushed against your leg. For once, he was actually looking up at you.
“Y/N?” He asks. You blink at him, coming out of your trace. You clear your throat and can feel your blush deepening.
“Uh, it was a long time ago,” you mumbled. Yeah, a long time ago that it started. You’d liked him since before he knew you existed.
“Oh,” he says. You look at him, thinking you heard disappointment. He just shrugs and leans back though so you convince yourself it was your imagination. You look away from him again as he starts speaking. “Uh, well the girl I like is my friend. So if I really can’t mess things up with her. I can handle her not liking me back, I think, but I don’t want her to cut me out.” You look at him again and let out a breath.
“What do you want me to tell you, Remus? I already told you. The girl would have to be blind and stupid to not like you,” you say. Then you raise an eyebrow at him. “Is she blind and stupid?”
He smirks a little and shakes his head. “No, she’s not. She’s actually got these gorgeous eyes that I’m kind of obsessed with,” he says. You try not to scowl at that. You really didn’t want to hear the boy you like go off on a tangent about the girl he likes.
“Really?” You ask with more of an edge than you would’ve liked. You look back down at your homework and pick up your quill.
“Yeah, and she’s really smart too. She’s probably one of the top girls in our year,” he says. You knit your brows together and glance at him. You knew everyone in your year. Who was he talking about? “She’s so funny too. She’s witty as hell, she doesn’t even have to think about it.”
“Sure you’re not talking about yourself, Rem?” You ask and force a small smile. He smiles back at you, completely beaming at this point. You chew on your bottom lip and look away from him again.
“Yeah. Did I mention that she’s gorgeous? I mean, her hair, her eyes, merlin, her lips?” He leans back in his chair practically sighing. You curl your own lips and refuse to look at him.
“Sounds perfect, Rem,” you say. You see him nod out of the corner of your eye. He leans forward again and taps your leg with his hand. You look at him and raise an eyebrow.
“Why would she have to be blind not to like me?” He raises an eyebrow but you can still see a bit of a smile on his lips. He’s egging you on. He’s just trying to make you blush again. You know it.
“You said before she would have to be blind not to like me. That doesn’t make any sense.” You sigh and drop your quill turning fully to face him.
“Remus, come on. You know you’re handsome. If you don’t then perhaps, you’re blind,” you say and cross your arms. He raises an eyebrow at you, a smug smile slowly stretching across his face.
“What makes me so handsome then? Prove me blind,” he says. You raise an eyebrow and shake your head.
“That’s such a weird sentence.”
“Tell me. What exactly is so attractive about me?” He asks. You look at him for a second and pretend to study him for a while.
“Want a list?”
“I’d love one.”
“Okay…” you cross your eyes and rake your eyes over him slowly. You notice him shift in his seat and when you look back up you can see a small blush to match the smugness on his face. “There are a lot of small things that make a boy attractive,” you tell him. He leans forward, avidly listening. You smirk a little to yourself. “Some even sound a little weird.”
“Just tell me, Y/N,” he says. Your smirk grows a little and you straighten up, enjoying the time you have at having him look up at you instead of down.
“You know how to dress, unlike some other disasters that walk around here, as Mary likes to say.” Remus chuckles a little at that. “Also, a lot of people like that you’re tall, it definitely doesn’t hurt.” He raises an eyebrow at you. “I personally like your hair. It’s the perfect length. There is such a thing as to long or to short in my opinion,” you say. He gives you a questioning look and smirks a little at you. You force yourself not to squirm.
“You also have very pretty eyes,” you say. He straightens a little and gives you a confused look.
“You said you like guys with pretty eyes,” he says. You raise an eyebrow.
“Isn’t that the point of this conversation?” You ask. His eyes brush over your face and your stomach flips.
“Anything else, then?”
“Only about a million things,” you say, hoping you don’t sound to pathetic.
Remus meets your eyes again and stares at you for a second.
“Did I mention that this girl is one of my best friends?” He asks. You stare at him for a moment before processing what he said.
His best friends? Lily, Mary, Alice, Marlene, Dorcas, you’d even seen him talk to that Pandora girl a few times.
But he wouldn’t like Lily, those two were like siblings. Both had called the other a brother or sister countless times. And James was in love with her. Mary had a girlfriend. Alice was talking to that Frank boy. And Marlene and Dorcas were together! You didn’t know enough about that Pandora girl. But you knew she was friends with Sirius’ brother and those boys.
Who else was one of his best friends?
Me, you thought.
But no. No way. He came to you asking for advice on a girl. A different girl. Not to ask you advice about you. That… that… that’s exactly something Remus would do.
You blinked at him as your thoughts went haywire. He looked at you, seeming a little nervous.
“Remus… who are you talking about?” You ask, a part of you daring to be hopeful. He smiles a little at you, and you could tell he was still nervous.
“I thought I was being pretty obvious, gorgeous,” he says. The blush rises back up onto your cheeks as you stare at him.
“You-” You stop when Lily comes around the corner.
“Merlin, that took forever! I had to go and ask for help to find it!” She complains. She places the book down at her spot as Remus leans back in his seat. Lily notices him and gives him a fleeting smile. “Oh, hi, Remus.” Oh, sweet, oblivious Lily.
You still had a blush on your cheeks as she sat down. Remus cleared his throat and smiled at you.
“I’ll see you guys later, okay?” He says. Lily looks up for a second a little confused.
“Oh, okay,” she says before looking back into her book. Remus smiles at you and you realize you were still in shock.
“See you later, love,” he says. Then he walks away again like nothing happened. You were frozen before Lily clears her throat and raises an eyebrow.
“What is wrong with you?”
“I think Remus just told me he likes me,” you say. She blinks at you before grinning and practically jumping out of her seat to silently jump around.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She whisper yells. You stare at her. “I knew he’d cave eventually!”
“You knew?”
“Everyone knew, sweetheart,” she says. You blush and look down. “What did you say? What did he say? Did he ask you out? Wait why’d he leave?” You gesture to her seat and she finally sits back down.
“I didn’t really process it until right before you came back,” you admit. Then you proceed to tell her everything from when she left to when she came back.
“Oh, my timing sucks. Wait why are you still here? Haven’t you waited for this since like third year?” She asks. You press your lips together and nod. She gestures to you and your stuff splayed across the table. “Why are we here then? We need to go! Now!” She stands up and starts putting her things into her bag. You hurriedly match pace with her, a little nervous as she starts leading you out of the library.
“Lily, what are we-”
“Just come on! He’s probably in the common room!” She says. Your eyes widen as you realize what she means. She drags you up to the Gryffindor tower and quickly says the password to the portrait. She drags you in behind her and find Remus sitting with the other marauders around one of the fires. James spots you first.
“Hey, Evans!” He calls. Remus looks over next and spots you. You smile a little at him as Lily makes you stop next to her.
“Remus can I talk to you?” She asks. You knit your brows together and Remus just nods.
“Sure, what is it?” He asks, standing up. She just grabs your hand again and pulls you out into the corridor again. Remus follows, looking between the two of you. “Um, is everything alright?”
“It will be once this is all done and I don’t have to watch the two of you stare at each other all the time,” she says. You blink at her and cross your arms.
“Like you and James?” You ask. Her eyes widen and she waves her hands.
“I do not- oh this isn’t about that! I-” You cut her off, chuckling a little bit.
“Lils?” She raises an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure we’ve got it from here,” you say. She glances between you and Remus before sighing and going back into the common room.
“What was that?” He asks, laughing a little. You smile at him a little before crossing your arms.
“Do you really like me?” You ask. His laughter quiets and his smile softens.
“Of course I do,” he says. A small smile plays at your lips. “I know you said you liked me a long time ago, so I get it if-”
“Rem!” You say. He looks at you, a little nervous. “I said that cause I didn’t want to make it weird. I do like you. I have liked you for a long time.” He stares at you for a second.
“Really?” You nod and he grins at you. “Will you go out with me on Saturday?” You laugh a little and nod.
“Yes. I’d love that,” you say. He grins and wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you and spinning you around. You laugh a little into his shoulder. “Rem!” He smiles and kisses your cheek as he puts you down.
“I’ve been waiting to ask that forever,” he says. You smile up at him.
“I’ve been waiting forever.”
“You could’ve asked me out,” he says. You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at him. He smiles and lets out a breath.
“Okay, whatever.”
“Finally,” you hear behind Remus. You both look over to see Lily grinning,James slow clapping, Sirius had been the one to talk, and Peter was smiling with Lily.
“Idiots,” Remus says.
“We’re the idiots?”
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am3li420 · 1 month
Remus Lupin head canons i’ve been collecting for 10+ years
- this hoe loves books, i know that’s a common head canon but let me dive deeper;
- he definitely is checking out matilda level amounts of books from the library every week before going to hogwarts.
- homeschooled by his mother 100% and she would make him write book reports so he learned to love annotating books
- cut to lily seeing him writing in a book in 1st year and being absolutely disgusted but eager to make friends so she asks him his favorite books and authors.
- remus goes on like an hour long tangent about tolkien and c.s. lewis and how much he loves fantasy and how he’s so excited he gets to be at hogwarts because it’s so close to his escape from his lycanthropy as a child.
- lily tells him all about literature and they start a book club right then and there.
- remus also studied piano from his mom as well, and then eventually when she couldn’t teach him anymore his parents saved up to pay for a teacher.
- he loves his piano teacher and over summer breaks goes back and takes lessons
- bonds with sirius because of this as sirius had to learn violin to become a “well rounded heir”. they play duet covers as entertainment for gryffindor parties and everyone fucking loves it.
- eventually mary joins in and plays guitar and they have a cute little peter paul and mary vibe going on.
- remus is so outspoken, and truly always the first to be informed on politics or news
- was very forthcoming on his views about the war, along with james and sirius. i believe remus was the most “radical” of them though, and wanted freedom/ equality for all creatures not just wizards.
- he also felt unease at the ministry and wanted systematic changes as well as wanting to fight against voldemort.
- extremely distrustful of dumbledoor towards the end of the war, and it caused division between him and sirius until the second war when sirius realized remus had been right.
- remus had a magical proclivity for defense, and was a great dueler. the only person who he was evenly matched with in his class was sirius. they often fought to draws. they absolutely keep count of their wins.
- remus, lily, and mary all collectively give james and sirius their music tastes. they have new records every time they come home from break.
- remus is absolutely a stoner and loves smoking joints, reading, and listening to music during his free time.
- him and sirius smoke together sometimes but remus smokes a lot more than sirius because it really helps him with his chronic pain and depression.
- oh remus rolling a joint is like the most sexy thing anyone has ever seen. sirius frequently uses those memories for….personal time.
- remus uses an expansion charm under his bed and grows his own weed, eventually becomes hogwarts resident dealer and always puts freebies in his deliveries
- the freebies include:
- little drawings made by sirius
- chcocolates
- sometimes if he’s hanging out with marlene and has to deliver an order she’ll draw a tarot card for the person and write down a little reading for them!
- remus’ own handmade stickers!
- yeah he’s everyone’s favorite drug dealer seriously 10/10.
- he operates this all under minnie’s nose and is forever smug about getting away with it.
- i could probably think of a million more because i just love him so much but ive been hitting my pen while writing this so i’m gonna go make a snack!!!
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soup-of-the-daisies · 8 months
so here’s part 2 of my james potter hcs bc this shitbag lives in my head rent free :))
(part 1 for those interested)
his prescription isn’t really heavy and he can technically get around without his glasses, but he gets really bad headaches if he doesn’t wear them
tried muggle contacts for a bit but got an eye infection after a month, went back to glasses permanently
can get really, really mean in the blink of an eye if he sees or hears something he doesn’t appreciate—something as innocent as feeling jealous or something as bad as blatant bigotry, doesn’t really matter. fandom may say that he was sirius’ moral compass but ohhh boy
“imagine sirius black having to reel you in” - overheard in the hospital wing by a random hufflepuff after a group of wannabe death eaters got hexed so badly for terrorising some muggleborn students they had to stay there for two days
can argue himself out of any sticky situation by being passionate and arrogant (like only getting a month’s worth of detention for hexing said group of wannabe death eaters into a two-day stay at the hospital wing)
did not relentlessly pursue lily, actually. he didn’t ask her out until their fifth year and stopped entirely after the slur-incident
did form a relentless (at times one-sided) rivalry that often went way too far with severus snape though, i’ll give you that
he’s got hazel eyes with a bit of green thank you
his nose isn’t longer than harry’s (he’s got a ‘hidung pesek’, like my mum would say). his nosebridge can’t hold up european glasses and it’s a struggle
sirius looks physically like his father which means james does, shamefully, find orion black handsome in a purely aesthetic way. he’ll take this tidbit to the grave with him though as sirius would have an aneurysm if he found out that james thinks orion is a bit of a dilf
james has tackled peter multiple times. most notably, that one time it was over the last digestive in the biscuit tin that hope lupin sent remus
peter broke his nose and james cried because he felt so bad
he’s got a dab hand at healing spells and sirius is good at cleaning spells so it was fine in the end
also ugly crier james 2k23. that man can WEEP
gives the BEST hugs. you’ll feel so safe. he just presses your face against his chest and you’ve got to take it, because it’ll relax your entire body
“it’s like i’ve been reborn” - peter pettigrew after The James Hug following the orange marmalade incident of 1975
will never talk about the orange marmalade incident of 1975 because peter asked him nicely
great secret keeper!! should’ve been his own secret keeper, actually!!
big beatles fan and really cringy about it: he even considers getting a mop top for a bit.
thinks george harrison looks like sirius (but not as handsome) and therefore george is his favourite
same james
ALSO he would be so flattered that some parts of this fandom see him as ATJ’s john lennon i swear lmao
would kill for sirius and has considered killing for sirius on multiple occasions
harry’s ‘trouble usually finds me’ gene comes from him and he has been face to face with acromantulas on multiple occasions purely by accident
harry’s ‘there’s no need to call me sir, professor’ gene is a mix of lily’s sass and james’ smart-assery. part of the reason jily started dating is bc they could match each other’s quips so well
good at practical magic with several seemingly random interests in the theoretical background of certain types of magic. will go off on a tangent on the Braach’s Sixteen Laws of Weight when someone offhandedly mentions a featherlight charm
created the runic sequences of the Map that ground the spellwork woven into the object to ambient magic all by himself and was SO proud of himself that severus was valid in saying james strutted around like he owned the place
human embodiment of the following emoticon= >:3
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alzirr0 · 2 years
"Would you still love me if I were a worm?" Part 1
Feat: Spica, and Alpheratz
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Crack
Warnings: Second half has very mild spoilers for floor 2, and the limited beach event.
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2: Pollux, Sirius
There's an infinitesimal moment of silence as you wait for his response, his emerald orbs stare back at you. The two of you are leisurely drinking your warm beverages that he prepared on a cold morning when you asked him the question.
"Pray tell," he begins, setting his now empty cup down on the table with such grace befitting someone as elegant as him, before sending you a questioning look. "Why would you be a worm, of all things—"
"It is a hypothetical question," you cut him off.
"Did someone threaten to alter your form—"
"No. No one did," you cut him off again, not wanting him to go off into a tangent about how you must summon him if anyone is bold enough to harm you; he really can be a worrywart at times. This earns you a disapproving look from the sorcerer, though.
"I am just asking purely because of curiosity," you add. That's a lie, you are asking not out of pure curiosity, but because you're bored and what greater way of entertaining yourself than engaging in nonsensical casual conversations with the First Sorcerer of Virgo. But he doesn't need to know that. You offer him a smile, which you hope looks innocent and unassuming enough to be taken as a form of assurance.
"I will try to find a way to turn you back into—"
"No magic allowed!" You interject. "Come on, like I said, it is just a hypothetical question."
"Y/n," Spica utters out, sounding almost exasperated, "I am not liking this new habit you developed where you kept on interrupting what I have to say."
You give him a sheepish smile as you mutter an apology.
He gives you a curt nod in return, before promptly crossing his arms against his chest along with closing his eyes in contemplation. "Mind telling me why you ask me such bizarre question?"
Holding back the urge to groan, you reply, "I already told you, I'm just curious. Just answer with a yes or no, please?"
Spica remains eyeing you for a moment, eyebrows knitted tight enough to form subtle lines on his forehead. He's so confused and the facial expression he has makes him look constipated, you are at the brink of breaking your resolve and to just let your laughter bubble out, but you persevere.
"Well?" You egg him on.
He decides there's no harm in indulging you.
"To answer your question, yes, and I'd still care about you just the same. Though, if I have no way to turn you back into your original form, then it's important for us to find an environment which will be optimal for your new one," he responds, nodding to himself, "I would have to take you to your natural habitat."
"Wow that's a roundabout way of saying you'll get rid of me."
"That is not my intention, y/n . Neither the mansion nor the Contell Academy is the ideal place for a worm to live in. What if you get caught up and trampled on during a dorm war or something even worse? I take it you don't fancy having to live in a jar just to secure your safety, do you?" Spica tries to reason out.
Really, he's not certain why he still hasn't detached himself from this trivial conversation. A change of topic is very much welcome, but seeing how invested you are with this inquiry of yours, he goes against his better judgement.
He sighs before continuing, "The best solution I can see is ensuring you'd reside somewhere more convenient for you. I'd monitor your condition on a regular basis. Under no circumstances would I ever abandon you."
You're not sure what could be worse than getting trampled on by rowdy sorcerers, maybe the idea of living in a jar that had been repurposed into being your new home. Atleast he made it clear that he'll still have your back even if you hypothetically transform into a worm. You stifle a giggle and opt to feign disappointment as you merely look at him, trying to appear sullen.
Spica looks conflicted upon studying your face. "What course of action is acceptable to you, then?" He heaves a sigh of defeat, "You're hard to please."
You crack up laughing, finding this whole ordeal and his exasperation amusing. Once you regain your composure, you finally take pity on the man before you, deciding you've entertained yourself enough. Afterall, you still have more important matters to discuss. Besides, you'll have more chances of bringing up questions like this in the future.
"You know what, let's drop this. So, why did you request for me to meet you?" you say, referring to the message you received on your stella tab earlier.
Spica sighs for the umpteenth time, but this one is of relief. "Yes. I am in need of your help for this particular visit. As a matter of fact..."
He lays out the details of the mission and you dutifully listen. You voice out your queries relevant to the current topic every now and then whenever something seems unclear to you. Spica is more than happy to address your queries, since these kinds of questions are much... easier to make sense of than the one you asked him earlier.
"You really woke me up for this?"
"You weren't asleep."
"I was just about to be before you smacked me." Alpheratz deadpans, before closing his eyes again. You remain quiet as you let him go back to trying to get a nap.
You don't really want to disturb him, especially since he's the one who graciously invited you to settle on the spot next to him under the tree. You suppose he assumed you're in need of a nap too like himself, but you're not feeling particularly sleepy. Hence, why you tried to start a conversation meant to be humorous for you, but it seems like the man beside you is not up for it, which is understandable given how trifling your question was.
Accepting that you'll have to pass the time on your own, you turn your attention towards the sky. You recall that large mammals, which roam the oceans on Earth or Mid Eartheim as they call it in this world, are instead can be seen roaming the skies of Bound Arlyn. You squint as your eyes strain from the sunlight, scanning the horizons to see if you can catch a whale fleeting by.
"I don't know what you want me to say, but I'll tell you what I'd do instead," Alpheratz suddenly drawls out followed by a deep sigh, eyes slowly fluttering open to find yours.
You're pleasantly surprised, you're no longer really expecting a response from him. There's a triumphant grin on your face as you bask in the fact that despite of his 'i-can't-be-bothered' bravado, you most often than not managed to make him relent to your whims, even ones as nonsensical as this.
You turn the upper half of your body from your sitting position and tilt your head down to face him, still laying on his back on the grass, both of you shielded from the sun under the shade provided by the abundant leaves of the large tree you're resting your back against. You blink at him as you motion for him to continue.
"I'd pick you up," he starts, sounding nonchalant. "Like this," —He then brings his arm forward, reaching out to present his hand to your eye level, making a show of pinching his forefinger and thumb close together until they're almost touching— "and then put you on my shoulder. Carry you around Bound Arlyn with me, like a talisman to ward off troublesome situations and bothersome people."
"First of all, please, that's disgusting. Second, I did not say that I'd be capable of warding off anything!"
"A feature you should consider having if you decide to live in that form." Alpheratz grins, chuckling as you shoot him an indignant look.
Quickly, you change tact. "You still haven't given a direct answer to my question though, a simple yes or no would have sufficed," you point out.
Alpheratz props himself up on his elbows, adjusting his body into an upright position as he throws you a look of disbelief. "I just told you that I'd put you on my shoulder even if you're a... worm, out of my own free will Y/n. What else do you want from me? Profess my undying devotion for you? That'll give the both of us goosebumps."
This elicits a bright laugh from you, something that Alpheratz finds endearing and somehow makes this odd topic more bearable.
"If it's anyone else, I'd use them as fish bait instead," he adds.
"As if," you quip. "The last time you went fishing you didn't even bother to use a bait."
"Nevermind then, I'd just feed them to a bird," he says airily. "But since it's you, I'm doing none of those. I'd be taking care of you instead. If that isn't love then I don't know what is."
"Should I feel honored?" you ask in jest. Alpheratz only casts you a furtive glance as he barks out a laugh with his eyes turning into the shape of crescent moons in reply.
"Now to think of it, wouldn't that be beneficial for the both of us should you really turn into one? I won't have to go to greater lengths in driving the old man away, and preventing you from getting involved even more in our mess," he casually remarks. Humming to himself as his eyes subtly shift to the side, seemingly caught up in his own mind, deliberating about turning the idea into reality.
You gape at him incredulously. "I don't see how that would even be beneficial to me."
"Whaddya mean? You'd be safe. How is that not beneficial to you?"
"I'd be literally a worm?"
"But, an alive and well worm," he counters, "Now, should we really turn you into one? Which do you prefer, flatworm or roundworm? I'll even let you choose what kind you'd like to be."
Your eyes widen at the prospect. You've seen Sirius use transformation magic before, that time when he appeared as Betelgeuse. You're aware that other sorcerers are capable of altering their forms, too. However, in your stay in Neb Aula, not once have you seen anyone use any kind of transformation magic towards someone else, atleast not yet. You wonder if it's really possible, perhaps it is. Knowing Alpheratz' exceptional prowess in spells and magic, you don't want to risk subjecting yourself into the life of being an invertebrate.
"Hey," he breaks the silence, after several seconds of not receiving a response from you.
You whip your head back to his direction, your eyes are met by his lavender ones, with his brows raised and his visage tinged with mirth.
"If you can't already tell, which you obviously can't, I'm just joking," he snorts, "You look like you're ready to bolt."
You really are, to further prove this point, you stand up from your position, opting to escort yourself out from this situation without so much as saying goodbye to your companion. You can hear Alpheratz' jovial laughter as you make your hasty escape.
a/n: Based on those tiktok videos trending back in 2020.
It's been a LONG while since I've written a fanfic. But I was so smitten with ArTw that I can't help myself from contributing something to this community. I've been playing for only 3 weeks as of writing this, so I may not have a firm grasp of each character's personality. I apologize if I haven't managed to portray them very accurately. Regardless, I hope you'll enjoy this piece.
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did i just went on a 10+ minutes tangent about regulus black and james potter love story and how they are so beautifully tragic on tiktok? yes
did i also explain why i will always defend them with my entire being, drunk? yes
bcs you cant say that whenever you read about about them it’s always
regulus black loves first and james potter fell harder and harder every time
they are so beautifully tragic and yes in some ff they do make it to the end. and yes they live a happy life but the most tragic ones ???????
regulus black doing everything he does just so james ( and by extension his brother ) could go on and live a happy life even if it wasn’t him??? y’all…
i will forever defend them till my lasting breath bcs i feel what regulus felt when he went into that cave
i feel his heartbreak and his hope for james, the only person he had ever loved beside his brother, to live a happy life. even if it was not with him.
regulus black had loved james potter to the point that he would be willing to sacrifice his life to be sure that james potter, his love , his life, his literal light at the end of the fckn tunnel that was tainted with the black families idiocy of following a man that wanted genocide, to have a happy and filled life.
even if it wasn’t with him.
i will forever love their stories that was picked and wrote.
the grumpy slytherin who followed his families ideals but to only be torn by a gryffindor who showed him what actually loving someone with no expectation can be and to ensure that no harm to was to come to their light.
I read somewhere that said and i quote
“ regulus black was a boy who walk like they are made of stone but his touch was like the sun”
james potter had said that in many and multiple times and ff’s
james potter was the sun and regulus black was like a stone
but to james, regulus was like a summers warmth open and warm with every touch he had made.
james potter was seen as the sun. but he would tell you otherwise if he had the chance.
regulus black was a boy who walked like he was made of stone but if james potter were to be in his orbit, his touch was like the sun. coursing through james’ veins; melting away the very expectation people wanted him to be.
regulus had rarely open to people who he finds ( and in his words) tolerable
barty crouch jr.
evan and pandora rosier
dorcas meadows
and his brother, sirius black
those were the people that knew him best.
but for him to open up to someone to, james potter
of all people
he loved his friends and brother in a familial way
it has said a lot about how regulus black love
but james
james was different
james, who loved and wouldn’t be ashamed to declared it was very much unfamiliar
regulus black loved james potter as soon as he realize that it wasn’t the same to those he was close
it altered how he viewed love and how it differentiate between them
and james
oh but james.
he loved who he loves.
It’s simple as that
but with regulus it was different
sure he serenaded lily evans but still
when james potter saw regulus black as more then his best friends little brother it
in a way
regulus black made sense to him.
he was perfect to james. regulus told him it was okay to let go. to not be held in a metaphorical pedestal everyone had put him in.
it made sense to james potter that regulus black was THE ONE.
bcs who in his life ever told him it was okay to let go and feel what he felt in that moment and breakdown bcs of what people see him as
the loving gryffindor golden boy who had no doubt towards anyone who deams worthy of the potter heirs kindness
but to regulus it wasn’t that.
he SAW what james had to put up too
the prank
cant find it his heart to hate sirius who he sees as a brother
It was hard
but the moment james was alone with regulus, the only one who see right through him, he broke.
and it says a lot more then anything.
james potter had trusted regulus enough to shed his golden boy skin and told him what he was feeling and how he was disappointed and hurt by the way sirus went about everything with snape
ofc it didn’t resonate with him like remus had felt but it still hurt nonetheless.
to not see his best friend and in his place, a unfamiliar boy who was consumed by the madness bcs of his family
it hurt james.
BUT it was regulus he seeked first
it was regulus black that told him to let go and say what he wanted to say
and i find that so beautiful that even though they saw things that put them in different sides of the war
that they somehow, and so beautifully, able to understand one another and what the other need
can you tell I’m drunk 😭
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In Defence of Albus Dumbledore:
Look. I know this is an unpopular opinion, so I’m going to write this here because putting it anywhere else (like at the bottom of the fics which have inspired this frustration) would seem mean, and it would probably end up coming off as unintentional flaming, which I would never do to anyone ever. Also, as I’m less frustrated with individual works than I am with an entire situation, it wouldn’t really be fair to direct it at one specific person.
Get ready. This is going to be very ranty and long and I can't promise not to get off topic and onto a tangent a few times.
I understand that we all have grown up a lot since first reading Harry Potter. I get that once we realized how grey a few of Dumbledore’s decisions actually and the ways in which they affected the characters we love we all felt rightfully upset.
But can we please stop being so narrowminded about it?
There are plenty of redemption fics out there. A lot of them are works that redeem characters like Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Draco’s parents, various Dursleys and loads of other people. I’ve seen fics that have Sirius confronting the realities of his juvenal behaviours and having to atone for past wrongs. I’ve even seen (but admittedly never read) fics that redeem Voldemort himself.
But the least popular person for a redemption story in fanfiction by far seems to be Albus Dumbledore.
I get it.
He was supposed to be an infallible genius who did no wrong and he let us down. But please.
Can we all please just admit that we’re using Dumbledore as a stand in?
The hatred we as a fan community levy at Dumbledore is influenced by so much more than his actions in cannon.
It’s the dissolution we feel at growing up. The need as young people to bite back at overbearing authority. It’s the conviction that leaders should never be allowed to fail if failure means the death of innocent people. Even though we can all recognize on a personal level that our failures are typically unintentional and are definitely what make us human.
Of late, it’s very clear that Dumbledore is a stand in for the betrayal we feel at JK Rowling’s anti-trans standing.
We all loved her so much.
She gave us this world.
She promised it to everyone.
And then she said that it was all a lie, and that it was never meant for some of us anyway.
The parallels are clear.
While we were first reading, we loved who Harry loved. Simply because he loved them, and we loved him.
When we grew up, we started acknowledging the ways in which the characters mirrored people in real life, and we chose the people we found the most familiar to love instead. Personally, I understand the reason I read Severitus so often is because I had a largely absent father who I idolized as a child, and that father was a bit of a rockstar like person. Dark, intelligent, and cruel when he wanted to be. Artistic, genius, condescending, and amazing.
As an adult, I still long for his love and approval. Learning that Severus was capable of so much good at the very end of his story, that he was in fact good all along, even when he looked exactly the opposite, gave me hope that my father was too. Even though I now understand that redemption for my father is just a fairy tale it’s still a story I hold close to my heart. A story I long for. It’s a possible happy ending for both a lonely child and a jaded grouchy adult.
Albus Dumbledore was different.
This was a man that we trusted to have everyone’s best intentions at heart. We were told he was safe. We were told he was the smartest man in any room. And then he failed us. And we looked back at all he had done, and rather than seeing the good he had tried to achieve, all we could see were the mistakes he had made.  
I firmly believe that the reason that so many people hate him so strongly now is because we all loved him so much first. Like Harry, we all believe that he was incapable of mistakes. His mistakes in cannon aren’t any more morally condemning than anyone else on the light side.
Keep in mind that I said, “in cannon.” I feel like I need to distinguish that. In cannon, though Harry asked if he could stay at Hogwarts during the summer, he never told Dumbledore about living in a cupboard under the stairs. His letter was addressed to there, but we have no way of knowing whether it was physically or magically written on the envelope. And besides, that letter was signed by Professor McGonagall, not Dumbledore. Harry also never mentioned to him the Dursleys withholding food. Or locking up his trunk so that he couldn’t do his homework. He made it clear that they disliked him, that they thought him a burden, but think. Really think. Dumbledore is the head of a school full of children. How many children misunderstand and exaggerate even in their own minds how much their families dislike them.
Let me be clear; when I say kids exaggerate I don’t mean in terms of abuse. I only mean typical things such as, “My mom’s always grouchy when she gets home from work and she never notices that I’ve tried really hard by cleaning the bathroom if she told me to clean the kitchen before she got home and I decided to do the bathroom because I wanted to clean it instead of doing the dishes and now she’s yelling at me that she just needs me to help her sometimes, and I don’t feel like that’s fair because really I do. Look, I cleaned the whole bathroom by myself! And I straitened up the living room too! The only thing I ‘forgot’ was the kitchen and now she’s acting like I do nothing. This means she hates me and appreciates nothing I do. I am clearly a burden to her, and I should go live under a rock so that she doesn’t have to deal with me anymore.” Really, your mom probably isn’t saying you’re a burden. Your mom is more than likely overworked, over-tired, and almost certainly depressed in a society that doesn’t cater to mental health awareness, and on top of all that she was raised by a generation that was allergic to admitting and self-regulating their true feelings so she can’t articulate that and she’s instead taking her frustrations out on you.
This is wrong, and she shouldn’t do it. But consider. Why didn’t you want to clean the kitchen? Was it because you had a long hard day at school and you’re overworked, over-tired, and definitely depressed in a world that doesn’t cater to mental health awareness, and all you really wanted was a break from the hardest job and you just wanted to compromise by doing the ones you felt emotionally and physically able to do? Because I promise, that’s probably exactly how your mom feels about the damn dirty dishes that she’s going to have to deal with before she can make dinner after being cussed out and yelled at by customers and or bosses all day in between doing her actual work and that’s the real reason she’s yelling.
Because, though a lot of teens believe otherwise, parents are still just people and the feelings that overwhelm kids still overwhelm adults just as badly. And they’re even less likely to know how to help themselves because they didn’t grow up with the internet where everyone shares their feeling and gets back validation and advice, so they mostly just believed those feelings were personal failings that indicated something broken specifically only in them and that they should learn to live with it and never tell anyone ever because complaining is for babies and liberals. Okay, maybe that last bit is a little too specific to my own mother, but you get the idea.
It’s a cycle that’s been going on for years. Hopefully, we can eventually all learn how to communicate peacefully and compromise on chores sometimes so we can end it someday. Or everyone can just switch to paper plates, and then we’ll worry about how we’re killing the planet later and no one will have to do the dishes ever again.
The point is, while that isn’t the best parenting style, and it can cause issue’s with your familial relationship as you age, it isn’t technically abuse. And it especially wouldn’t be considered abuse in the 90’s while Harry Potter was taking place or the early 00’s when it was being published.
Harry was not bruised when he arrived at Hogwarts. He didn’t show obvious outward signs of abuse. He never told any adults what his life was like at the Dursleys at all. He really didn’t even say much about it to Ron or Hermione either. Mrs. Weasley sent him treats for his birthday, which was a sweet motherly gesture. Hermione and Hagrid did as well but think about it. Do you believe for a second that if Molly have-another-serving, can-I-get-you-some-more-bread, try-the-potatoes Weasley honestly thought the Dursley’s were starving Harry that she would first wait until the end of July to send Harry anything, and then only send him sweets? She would scale the Dursleys’ house and stuff a full six course meal through the bars multiple times a day before she let that boy live off stale birthday cake. When she asked if the Dursley had fed him enough she meant it in the same way she always meant it, in the if ‘I can feed the world I can love the world’ way.
 Hagrid sent him rock cakes, but again, think about it. Hagrid had shown up with a cake for Harry’s birthday the day he first delivered the letter when he couldn’t have yet known of the way Harry was treated. He just wanted to show Harry he was loved and missed.
Of the people who sent him food, only Hermione really knew Harry didn’t get to eat his fill at the Dursley’s and she still only sent cake because all she knew was that he was being forced to diet with Dudley. Which is why she sent him the kind of food one would eat if they weren’t on a diet instead of true sustenance. A fourth of a grapefruit as a meal is not a diet, no matter what Petunia called it. And if he had told Hermione specifics, she likely would have told Harry that, but again, he didn’t tell anyone specifics.
 Everyone knew that Harry was unfavoured by the Dursley’s and that they wouldn’t be celebrating his birthday, and he wouldn’t receive cake or presents, but they really didn’t know much else. Ron and Hermione only understood he was being starved in the way most naive well-fed kids from happy families can understand. It sounded cruel, and they did try to tell people, but because they didn’t understand the full gravity of the situation, they couldn’t properly communicate to trusted adults that Harry was actually experiencing abuse. Plus, Harry tended to downplay it even to them.
When Dumbledore speaks about knowing Harry would come from a less than happy home, you can tell he is picturing a world where Harry is liked second best to his cousin. Where he never feels fully at home. Like an overextended visitor in a relative’s house. He thinks they’ll treat him like the weird cousin who came to stay and never left rather than an immediate family member.
He isn’t picturing Petunia Dursley slinging a frying pan at Harry’s head. Or refusing to let him drink his fill of water on a hot summer’s day spent weeding her ridiculous flower garden. Or an overly restrictive diet enforced on an already undernourished body simply to make Harry’s morbidly obese cousin feel better about his doctor changing his eating habits.
I think we’ll all agree that feeling less than welcome by stuck up relatives sucks, but it’s better than whatever Voldemort’s loyal leftover followers will do to him if they manage to track down the person responsible for their dark lord’s downfall.
I understand why a lot of people feel like Dumbledore should have just put Harry under the Fidelius Charm and hid him rather than sending him to the Dursley’s but consider: If Dumbledore trusted Sirius the way he must have done to not betray James and his family, then it makes sense that he felt Fidelius was no longer an option. He fully believed Sirius was the secret keeper. Sirius, the Potters, and Pettigrew were the only ones to know of the change. It’s likely that after learning that the Death Eaters had convinced Sirius to betray the Potters he was jaded enough to take it as a sign that no one could be a trusted Secret Keeper. No matter how much they loved the person under protection.
He also likely would have insisted on a trial for Sirius had Sirius himself not told everyone that he was the one who killed James and Lily while descending into hysterical laughter. We know what Sirius meant, (he felt responsible for them dying because switching to Peter at the last minute had been his idea) because we read the third Harry Potter book, but Dumbledore didn’t have that same advantage. All he had was the word of an apparently mad man. A man who had just tracked down another dear friend and apparently killed him and 12 innocent bystanders in a fit of insanity.
Why, when last he had heard Sirius was the Secret Keeper, would he doubt a verbal confession from a man who did nothing to try and save himself from Azkaban? The Marauders never told anyone of their animagus abilities. No one but Sirius could have understood what Peter had done. Why do we expect Dumbledore to have known better?
So, instead of Fidelius and hiding Harry away for his entire childhood, he gave him the best protection he could think of under the circumstances he had been given. He sought to give Harry a normal life and to keep him safe from the remaining Death Eaters.
Dumbledore understood that fame was power, and that power could corrupt even the best of people with the strongest of minds, so he kept Harry away from the limelight. He also understood how fickle people where about fame. This was the right decision even if the Dursley were a bad choice in guardians. We saw proof of this numerous times while Harry was at school. His fame only ever seemed to bring him more hardships. In book two they said Harry was a dark wizard because he was a Parselmouth and that that’s how he overpowered Voldemort. In book four even some of Harry’s friends refused to believe he wasn’t just a glory hound and that it hadn’t been him who entered his name in the tournament, but rather someone trying to kill him. In book five, almost everyone refused to believe Harry was telling the truth about Voldemort’s return. Every single time Harry’s name entered the limelight, it was in a way that harmed him. Imagine how much earlier it would have started had he grown up in the wizarding world. They would have been debating his kindergarten finger paintings if they could have.  
Why does the entire fandom also assume that Dumbledore thought of himself as the wisest most all-knowing man in any room? The only people who canonically acted like they believed that about him were the Golden Trio, and they were enlightened otherwise multiple times throughout the books as they grew up. Just as everyone learns new truths about trusted adults they thought of as perfect as they grow.
The fact is, Albus Dumbledore has always been just a man.
He was a great and powerful but flawed man who wanted more than anything to make sure that evil could not prevail. He obviously still holds plenty of shame and guilt over his dealings with Gellert Grindelwald in his misspent youth. We have surmised that when he looked in the Mirror of Erised he likely saw his sister Ariana, or something as equally heart-breaking which he recognized as his own fault. He fully understood that he was just a man. He encouraged everyone to understand that fact about Voldemort as well.
He was not a god, and he didn’t pretend to be.
Not in cannon anyway.
Fanon Dumbledore, on the other hand, tends to be anything from a meddling idiot to a full on manipulative dark lord complete with moustache twirling and nefarious intent. Which, I believe, further influences and enforces the fandom’s collective bad opinion of him. Most of us haven’t reread the real books in years. It gets hard to remember at some points what was something he did in canon vs. what was something he did in fanfiction.
 Every other character seems welcomed to grow in the world of fandom.
Severus was canonically a willing Death Eater in his youth, a bully to children in his care in his adulthood, and a petty grudge-holder who couldn’t let go of the past. We accept that we can’t fully know how much of his behaviour towards the students was an act to fool the Death Eater’s children, but we can assume it definitely wasn’t all of it. Still, he gets plenty of redemption fics. He had literal access to Harry’s traumatic childhood memories but still saw no signs of abuse because he was too busy trying to keep a 15-year-old child from gaining any ammunition about his own past.
Looking back, it seems obvious that as very few of Harry’s childhood memories were shown in the Occlumency scenes, he likely wasn’t as bad at clearing his mind as either he or Snape assumed, but it was also possible that Severus didn’t see those memories because that wasn’t what he was looking for. The memory of Harry getting chased up a tree by Marge’s dog as the rest of his family watched and laughed should have triggered at least a couple of red flags, but Severus was typically determined to only see the bad in Harry, so he overlooked it.
James Potter who is often thought of as the better choice for Lily was also a bully. And he spent years relentlessly pursuing a relationship with someone who had never given him any indication that his advances were welcome and had in fact outright told him the exact opposite of that many times until he finally wore her down and convinced her to give him a shot. That’s gross, unacceptable behaviour but I guess it is technically better than dating a budding racist that sees you as the exception to his views on your people, so James is rebranded as a lovable hero who changed after having a slightly misspent youth rather than a mean spirited bully who likely grew bored with his main target once he no longer saw him as competition (there would have been no reason to bully Snape if Lily wasn’t friends with him anymore after 5th year which was conveniently around the time he began to “grow up”) as well as a pushy loser who wouldn’t take no for an answer even though Lily said it multiple times. (There’s also the point that once Snape knew about Lupin being a werewolf, James likely wouldn’t have bullied him anymore so as not to provoke Snape to reveal the secret and get Lupin thrown out of school and possibly killed.)
Ron told Molly outright that the Dursley’s were starving Harry and had fixed bars on his windows to trap him after weeks of being concerned when he didn’t reply to Ron’s letters, and she still ignored it, assuming instead that Ron was exaggerating and never even tried to check with Harry to learn that he wasn’t.
Remus spent a year teaching Harry individualized lessons to repel Dementors and never once asked him why he was so sad that they affected him in ways that none of the other students experienced. I mean really, he couldn’t have been the only orphan attending that school so Remus couldn’t have thought it was just that. And Neville’s backstory was nearly just as sad (and just as well known to Remus) and even he didn’t faint like Harry. Yet, he didn’t question Harry once.
Sirius (who is also a bully and a petty grudge-holder) never wondered why a child would want to move in with an escaped prisoner who he had never met before that had just mangled his best friend’s leg and tried to commit murder in front of him instead of the relatives he had been with his entire life. Even when until that very night he had believed that prisoner wanted to kill him?
Arthur actually met the Dursley’s and saw Vernon’s rage at magic when he came to collect Harry for the Quidditch World Cup and he still questioned nothing.
Half the Order found Harry locked inside his bedroom with locks affixed to the outside of the door, and all they did was give vague unfulfilled threats to Vernon and send Harry back. You could blame that on Dumbledore, but I think that’s ridiculous. They were not under Imperious. They made their own decisions. Every adult there had a responsibility to that child, and they all failed him individually.
Yet time and time again I see Dumbledore condemned so overwhelmingly in the very fics that redeem and or absolve these other characters of those very actions.
Even McGonagall, who knew from the start that the Dursleys were awful people, never pulled Harry aside as his head of house and asked him anything about his home life. And, as I stated earlier, her name was the one on the letter addressed to the cupboard under the stairs. She also made it very clear that she wasn’t someone for Harry to confide in by constantly dismissing any concerns he presented her. The way she reacted about the Stone was ridiculous. And her non-concern over the amount of detentions Harry received from Umbridge followed by the ‘have a biscuit’ scene rubbed me the wrong way. And yet, of late she seems to be revered in the fandom community as some kind of badass grandmotherly character. All because she protested one time about leaving Harry with the Dursleys and then never brought it up again.
It’s getting a bit ridiculous. I’m exhausted by the way the fan community continues to rewrite cannon to fit their dissatisfaction with our once trusted role-model JK Rowling through Harry Potter’s once trusted mentor Albus Dumbledore.
Just once I would like to read a Harry Potter fic without having to think about the various ways in which JK Rowling let us all down. And with everyone rewriting Dumbledore as the ‘real villain all along’ I can’t help but be taken out of the fic and forced to relate it to reality.
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morganalatina21 · 1 year
Manipulating Death: Chapter Eleven
(Or maybe... Season two, chapter one??)
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Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
a/n: I'm sorry it took me so long to post this one, but I wanted to get it done even though I'm so mf sleepy rn so just... enjoy!
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Last Chapter | Masterlist
Everyday, Y/n would wake up in Regulus' bed, sometimes with him already awake and just waiting for her still laying down, others he'd already be down in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
The people living there were usually very suspicious of his cooking, so Lupin would lie and say he watched him prepare it and assure them there are no poison on the plates.
"I'm saving my poison for Mundungus Fletcher." He said once, the man who attempted to steal the locket he died trying to obtain would be very deserving of poisoning.
The kids didn't went back to Hogwarts, Remus writing an obnoxiously long letter about how they were so mentally unstable due to Sirius' death and Voldemort's return being official, it would be better no to risk it.
So weekly they'd receive a package full of quick questions and a more detailed test about each subject.
Hermione was far from content, missing sitting in class and holding her hand up high to answer a question and be received by a gentle smile and a small number of points to her house.
But they couldn't risk going back and accidentally spill something that could compromise them, plus Harry and Ron wouldn't be the best actors for faking grief.
All that summed up to the fact Y/n was still recovering from her almost two weeks visit to the dead world.
Different from the Black brothers, no one pulled her back, she had to force her soul into her body, making a hole in the layer with her size. Fortunately, the Death Eater was way further into the other side of life, so no one else could reach that portal.
Also, she hadn't spat out her possessor yet.
The Potter would usually feel it tingle inside her, making her blood pressure and heartbeats slow down, and she'd almost pass out.
On days like this, they'd take turns on feeding her aching body. Sometimes it'd only accept if it was Harry putting the spoon into her mouth, other days only one of the Black brothers would success.
Because of that, there was one more person far from happy with this arrangement: Molly Weasley.
She wasn't a big fan of letting her son in a house with three undead wizards, but Ron would talk to her through the fireplace everyday.
So they'd live like this for a couple months.
Once all of them got in a fifteen minute tangent about which house she'd get sorted into if she was at Hogwarts.
"Of course she'd be a Ravenclaw!" Hermione argued, with one of Y/n's journal about the possessors on hand. "This is bloody brilliant! She's so smart."
"If that was the case, you would be a Raven too!" Harry countered, sitting across from her, with his sister right behind him. "She's a Gryffindor, that's so obvious!"
"I agree with Harry." Sirius intervened. "She jumped into that veil with no hesitation and faced three Death Eaters alone. She's one of us for sure."
"I don't think so, Pads." Remus said calmly. "Of course, she's brave and there's no doubt, but she did all of that because she knew what would happen, I'm confident she'd be in Ravenclaw."
"Actually I think Hufflepuff would be a great house for her." Ron came into the discussion. "I mean, she did all of that to be loyal to her family and Regulus, she's willing to help what others thought was beyond help."
"But her motivations are selfish, it's her parents. Not to mention the ambition! Winning over death? She's a Slytherin." Regulus barged in, sitting close to Y/n this entire time.
The single thought that the Potter would be in the snake house gained boos and disagreeing shouts the exact instant.
"Just because you put their colors on her doesn't make her a snake, little brother. She's one of the lions!"
"Absolutely not! She's a Ravenclaw!"
Y/n just watched all of that, laying in the bed and sometimes murmuring this to her brother, that would explode in a laugh immediately.
She didn't really cared about their discussion; she knew which house she belonged to —and more than that, which she wanted to belong.
The girl wasn't kidding when she said Regulus was like a keychange that came with her and they were a package deal.
Whenever they engaged in conversations with her, Regulus would be close enough to seem like a shadow. The man was so protective over Y/n too, always coming behind her and ask for a break so she could rest.
And taking that into consideration, of course the possessor would come out the only time he wasn't around.
They talked about how to destroy the locket for weeks and even though he'd be the one to know the most about it, he refused every attempt the others had to go out —always saying it'd be an unworthy risk and he would not leave her side.
But Y/n had to convince him.
"Are you sure?" He asked for the millionth time, stopping for ten minutes every time he got a little bit dressed. "What if something happens?"
"Reggie..." She called, holding his face and he had flashbacks to the night she died, opting to hold her arm tight just in case something happened. "Nothing went wrong all this time, do you really think the only time you'd leave my side something would magically come along and murder me?"
"That's literally what we just been through!"
"I know." Y/n rolled her eyes. "But I was alone then. Here I have one of the smarts witches ever and... those two too." The man laughed lightly at that, still not letting go of her arm. "Nothing's gonna happen."
After some minutes of hesitation, Regulus finally nodded.
"Oh Merlin he's gonna be furious." She sighed about an hour later, turning around on the bed, drenched in cold sweat while being surrounded by the other teenagers.
A bucket sat right by her side while Hermione was looking around through her calligraphy on potion jars, Ron kept a cold towel against her forehead and Harry tried to reason with the other possessor on the room to help his sister.
"Please you need to get better!" Ron begged, moving the towel around her face. "I really don't wanna know what the Cruciatus feel like."
"Well..." Y/n coughed. "He has been wanting to hex you two for quite some time now."
Ron's face turned into a crying frown which just made her laugh even worse.
"Didn't you had two possessors?" Hermione asked when she noticed Harry was heavily talking to a single creature.
"I assumed mine would be really big and hard to control so Regulus' went to look for the ones that escaped and the men of the house for some help." The Potter muttered, immediately turning around and lying some dark goo that was far from being a possessor, but was a big start.
"Oh God, oh Merlin." Harry groaned, concern writing all over his face.
"Relax." His sister asked, fingers gripping to the mattress. "I'm gonna be fine. I always do."
Y/n coughed harshly almost throwing up her entire throat, eyes watering and face feeling numb. The possessor was moving inside her, claws piercing deep into her organs to hold itself.
"Does miss Potter need help?" Kreacher voice came from the door, sounding genuinely worried.
She so her head no as some of its paws stared showing from her open mouth, making Ron whine and steal the bucket to throw up himself.
And she was right, the possessor took an age to come out, and when it did, it was huge, twice the bed size and sharp glowing red eyes shined all over his face.
"I-its massive." Hermione whimpered, hands shaking as she unscrew a potion bottle to feed Y/n, but the creature growled, taking a step forward, making it clear his intentions to go back to her body. "No. NO!"
The girl jumped, standing up and holding her wand in the most threatening way possible, Ron and Harry doing the same.
"If you wanna take someone, take me!" The Potter boy shouted, making himself look bigger and cover his sister unconscious body fully.
The possessor screeched and advanced towards him, Harry closed his eyes to accept the fate if it meant his twin would be safe.
But before the cold paws of death could reach him, the others possessors came into the room, all forming a barrer in front of them, guarding the teenagers.
"Is there a way to take him to the basement?" Kreacher asked, standing on the bed.
"I don't know, are they repelled by something?"
"It doesn't say anything on her notes."
"Oh God we're gonna die here and I couldn't make mom a rich woman yet!"
Y/n's possessor starting making himself look larger and more intimidating, preparing to attack, when the three wizards came bursting through the door.
Regulus didn't like like himself, neither the one from the last days, or the one that first met. No, he was a different man, rage and darkness filled his eyes as he forced the possessor the withdraw and took him to the basement, Kreacher sealing the door.
Grotesque screams escaped the possessor in a way they never heard before, and it gave the teenagers a chill.
"Hide before he comes back! Now! Go go go go!" Sirius instructed, the kids rushing outside her room to lock themselves in the shared one.
Sirius was with him when the possessor found them and Regulus immediately knew something was wrong. It didn't even mattered, he didn't tried to understand the creature, already rushing to apparate with bloodthirsty look on his eyes.
The younger Black appeared on the door and Sirius pushed a smile to his face, which was badly received.
"Leave." Was all he said.
When Y/n woke up a couple of minutes later she was greeted by a very frowny Regulus during right in front of her.
"Geez, who bit you?"
He didn't answered, standing there in silence, barely blinking. To say he was mad was an understatement, man was fucking fuming.
"Listen, I-"
"What did I said would happen?"
"And what happened?" He interrupted once again.
"I'm not dead, I-"
"You could've been." He spat out. "Those kids don't know shit about all of this, they're not help! I told you! But no, you couldn't stop being a reckless and dumb bitch for once!"
His cheek hurt, and neck snapped to the side. She hasn't slapped him, she punched him.
Gathered all her forces to do just that, doesn't matter how badly her fist would hurt later.
"This dumb bitch knew exactly what she was doing." She bit back. "The possessor wouldn't come out until I wasn't around people who should be dead, it was eating me from the inside." His eyes went wide as he voice became louder as she spoke. "Don't fucking turn it on me when I'm already exhausted! Now get the fuck out cause I don't wanna have to get up and kick your ass."
He blinked, hating all of this and wanting to reach out to hug her and give her the comfort she needed after everything she'd been through.
But Y/n wouldn't back down. "Now, Regulus."
The girl ordered and turned around, back facing him as she prepared to take some sleep.
Slowly, he got up and walked baby steps to the door, wishing she'd change her mind and just ask him to lay down together.
But she didn't, and he left.
God, he felt horrible, it had been months since they fought so bad they wouldn't sleep together. And of course, just like last time, he turned on her his frustrations.
You really didn't get anything from that, did you? Bloody idiot!
Three hours and a half passed with the house silent like a tomb when Regulus broke it, knocking on her door.
After some quiet moments thinking she wouldn't answer, Kreacher opens the door from the inside and the Black finally sees her again. Lying on the mattress looking so tired and weak, and she wouldn't stare at him.
"I made your favorite." He stated, approaching the bed, plate on his hand. "You need to eat, I hope you like it."
Regulus thought so much of what to do, but he was never one to apologize. Holding her to sleep wouldn't work this time. So maybe some acts of service would do, showing her he did care so much for her.
"Do you want me to feed it to you?"
"You hate doing that." She answered.
"Do you want me to?"
Y/n looked up for the first time and saw sorry in his eyes. She sighed and sat up, leaving space for him to sit in front of her, which he did.
Despite the offer, she chose to eat it by herself.
"Shit's really good." She murmured, putting a small smile on his face and the girl mirrored him.
At that time, they both wanted the exact same thing: for Regulus to lean in and seal their lips together after apologizing lowly.
But their kissing didn't really followed a pattern. Sometimes it would be before or after breakfast, other times he'd secretly pull her and land a peck in her lips with the thrill of others possibly catching them.
It wasn't everyday too, she never knew when they'd find their way to her lips.
She was fine with him doing things his way, but sometimes a small impulse of wanting something more would bloom.
And he wanted to kiss her more, just not having the courage to do so, even though he did that before, doubts ran on his mind.
What if she doesn't want to? What if I misread the situation? What if..?
So despite both wanting that, they didn't kiss.
And they'd continue to not do things they wanted to for a very long time.
Taglist: @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit @kaverichauhan @venomsvl @mrs-billyrussooo @mikadorbs @iavenderh6ze @wizardsgrace @reblog-princess @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @roroswitherose @s-we-e-t-t-ea @ok-boke @warcelia @danyxthirstae01 @b-tchymoon @lovely-maryj @adriannamirse @seesaw-it @awritingtree @regulusblackloverr @coffeeaddictednymph @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @teamspideyman @the-sander-fander @mushroom-tears @zomb1edoll @bunny24sstuff
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fictionalwhores · 2 years
Marauders with a Deaf Reader
Summary: How the marauders would be with a deaf friend (platonic!)
A/N: I am writing this based off of my own experiences. I wear hearing aids and my hearing loss sits at about 95 decibels, I mostly use verbal language and lip reading to communicate but sign language helps me sooo much if the person does know it. This is platonic but I kinda wanna write romantic versions too... 
-James is the first person to learn sign language for you, without a doubt. He doesn’t ever really understand the grammar but he’ll sign the basics of what he’s saying to you to help you keep up 
-It’s a good thing that James learns sign language because he speaks so fast and kinda slurs his words together so its hard to read his lips even though he’ll repeat anything as many times as you need 
-Remus has the easiest lips to read and you can’t convince me otherwise
-His signing is wonky and it takes him a while to pick up on it and he’s still pretty slow when he does get it down, but he loves passing notes with you even though your hearing aids allow you to hear him talking 
-Remus is also definitely the person who understands the “I can hear you but can’t understand you” and has to explain it to Sirius who gets confused as to why you heard him speaking but not what he specifically said 
-Sirius likes yelling to get your attention and one of the boys always slap him upside the head 
-Sirius has so many deaf jokes but if someone makes a comment about you he will throw hands 
-he also loves signing to you from across the classroom, he compares it to talking in code and demands to have sign names relating to their marauder names 
-Remus helps you jinx your quill to be able to pick up on things you cant hear the professors say during class, and he’ll share his notes with you if you still feel like you missed something 
-James is the one who translates the most for you, he won’t even be actively listening to your conversation but if you give him a look that says “help me” he’ll join in to help you understand what’s going on 
-Sirius is the best at spell pronunciation so when you're struggling to properly hear something he will help you
"Wingardium leviosa"
"That's what I said!"
"No, love, you're saying levioSA, it's the emphasis on the 'O'"
-You all refer to your hearing aids as your “ears,” and first years are always confused to hear
“do you have your ears in?”
“Excellent, so guess what happened-” 
-James charming your hearing aid molds to change to the color of what house you’re rooting for during each match 
-Sometimes its hard to keep up when all of the boys go on a tangent but James will repeat everything you need and reminds Sirius that he needs to face you when he talks to you because he forgets that the most often 
-The boys making sure the music at parties are amplified to create vibrations for you to better bop along too
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lucigoo · 2 months
I'm real, I'm here. Open your eyes and see.
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#249 - Open your eyes, prompt from @flashfictionfridayofficial
Pairing -Sirius/Remus
Warnings - Disosociation, PTSD
Words - 871
Summary - Remus often dreams about Sirius and it makes him reluctant ot open his eye to the nothing he knows he will find when he does. But will he? Has he really lost everything? Read on AO3 here
Remus was having a wonderful dream. The last 17 years hadn’t happened. Like he hadn’t spent most of it alone. Hadn’t lost the love of his life twice, hadn’t accidentally knocker d up his best friend and lost her, hadn’t had to deal with all the bullshit that came with being a werewolf and a war hero.
No, in his head, Remus got to pretend he was cuddled up in bed with his husband. He got to pretend he was happy.
Remus always hated the early mornings when waking up was confusing, and his life and memories muddled up. He ran his hand over the other side of the bed, knowing it would be empty and cold. It had been for a long time.
Laying there, eyes closed, trying to shut his emotions off, trying to forget everything, how his heart wished for more.
“If you open your eyes Moony, you will get more,” a soft voice said. A voice from his memories, a voice from his dreams. A voice his unconscious mind had obviously summoned to torment him more.
“Is it one of those mornings, love?” the voice asked softly.
Remus couldn’t help but frown. The voice didn’t usually go on tangents. His dreams of Sirius were muddled up with memories, but they didn’t react the way they should, the way the real Sirius would have.
Remus felt himself give a full body shiver when he felt a hand in his. H e knew that hand, he knew every wrinkle and callous, the shape of the knuckles and the way the log, graceful piano playing fingers fit into his. He knew that hand and it felt thing like dream Sirius’ hand.
“That’s right my Moonbeam. Open your eyes for me,” Sirius’ voice said.
Remus wasn’t sir of he wanted to or not. Dream Sirius sounded very much like a concerned real Sirius would ad Remus was terrified if he opened his eyes, he would lose him again. He was always losing him in his nightmares. Again and again and again, and Remus wasn’t sure if he could deal with it once again.
“Oh love. It’s ok. I’m real, I’m here. I came back, remember? I always come back to you Moonshine.” Sirius’ voice said sadly. “just open your eyes Moony, the boys will come bother us soon if we aren’t at breakfast. You know how Harry gets. And Teddy.”
That made Remus’ breath catch in his throat. Dream Sirius didn’t know about Teddy because Sirius had never known about Teddy. Remus had never been sure how Sirius would react to the lad and his subconscious reflected this by not allowing Dream Sirius to know about him.
If Sirius knew about Teddy then Sirius......
Remus reluctantly opened his eyes, prepared for nothing. But there, sitting beside him, hair loose and messy, a soft smile on his face, was Sirius. “Siri,” he breathed out in wonder.
“Hey darling. It’s nice to see those beautiful eyes open. Rough morning,” Sirius said as he softly raised Remus’ hand to kiss the back of it.
“I thought...” he trailed off again.
“I know, love. It’s not the first time. It won’t be the last. We deal with dissociative shit in this household on a regular basis, after all. I still can’t believe harry was going to join the aurors. Kingsley must be batshit. The boy can barely cast an expeliarmus at the minute," Sirius said sadly.
“Sirius,” Remus said in wonder as he launched himself forward, grabbing Sirius and pulling him closer. He buried his head under Sirius’s chin and allowed Sirius to hold him tight, to reassure Remus that he was there, that it was Sirius heartbeat he could hear as he was pressed to him as tightly as possible.
Remus was back in a light doze, surrounded by nothing but Sirius, when he heard the door open.
“We figured it wasn’t the best morning when you didn’t come down, so what did we do Tedster?” Remus heard Harry ask.
“We made da bekfst, bekfust papa,” a soft, sweet, angelic voice said.
Remus opened his eyes and sat up properly, not letting go of Sirius’ hand. He saw their boys in the doorway. Harry looking sheepish at having interrupted and Teddy looking over, excited after having helped Harry make them breakfast.
Remus felt the tears of gratitude sliding down his cheeks.
Teddy noticed too and ran forward and peppered Remus’ face with kisses after Harry helped him clamber on the bed. “Da, you sad?” the 2-year-old asked.
Remus looked down at his baby and smiled. He grabbed Harry’s hand and pulled him close too. “No, baby. Da’s happy. Da is right here with you all, our family. Why wouldn’t I be happy?” he asked Teddy softly.
Teddy beamed at the answer and started jabbering on about how he made the breakfast with Harry’s help. Sirius barked in laughter and Harry smiled happily at the family they had clawed and glued back together after Voldemort's defeat and Sirius’ return from the veil.
Remus’ life had felt like it had ended when he was 20 and now at 40 it had started again. He got to be happy. He deserved to be happy. They all did.
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samynnad102687 · 8 months
Marauderstober Oct 5th
Jegulus-James and Black Cat Reggie Cuddles
1344 words
Jegulus- Black Cat Reggie & James Cuddles
James was sitting on the couch in the living room of Potter Manor while a flurry of activity happened around him. He was in his own little world and didn’t want to listen to whatever Dumbledore had to say. It was probably more of ‘they knew the risks or I’m sorry we lost them but it was a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of the war’. James was tired of the war and just wanted to take all of his loved ones and run until it was over. He didn’t even care anymore.
They had already lost so many people, those who were friends and those that he barely knew. They had ‘lost’ Regulus last year, only for Dumbledore to tell them that he made the sacrifice to go into the cave but it was okay because they got the Horcrux. It was fucking bullshit. James was getting better at pretending around Dumbledore and so far he was none the wiser. When he first told them about Regulus, Sirius went off on a tangent and James just collapsed on the floor and cried.
Now, they know the truth. Regulus showed up at Potter Manor the same day that Dumbledore told them that he was dead. Needless to say, James and Sirius proceeded to lose their collective minds when they walked into the house and found Regulus sitting on the couch.
As Dumbledore headed for the floo, Leo, James’ black cat, jumped up onto his lap and nudged his hand until James started to pet him absentmindedly. Everyone else who didn’t live in Potter Manor left a few minutes later and Sirius plopped down on the couch next to James. He reached out and scratched Leo behind the ears before he pulled his hand back quickly to avoid getting scratched.
“You little shit,” Sirius complained as he rubbed his hand. He wasn’t quick enough.
“What did you expect to happen, Pads?” James laughed lightly.
“It’s not my fault he has to transform every time someone comes over,” Sirius huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest like a petulant child.
“Considering, you are the one who told Dumbledore that he could have the meetings here when I was out on a mission, it kind of is,” James shrugged as Regulus curled up in James’ lap and hissed at his brother.
“Well, everyone is gone now,“ Sirius said slowly. “You can change back now, Reg.”
James knew that Regulus wouldn’t change back before he was absolutely positive that no one else was going to show up at Potter Manor. They had talked about it one night when neither of them could sleep and James couldn’t blame him. It was bad enough that everyone assumed he was a good-for-nothing Deatheater, even if Dumbledore had told them that he was a spy for the Order the whole time. Some of the Order didn’t understand or didn’t care that he was forced into serving Voldemort. James knew the second he saw the mark and he promised that he would never leave Regulus to deal with it on his own.
“Whatever, I just don’t see why he still acts like he hates me. It’s not like I made him choose to fake his death,” Sirius continued after he figured out that Regulus wasn’t going to change back.
“You’ll have to ask him later, Pads,” James shrugged as he scratched Regulus behind the ears in the same spot that Sirius had tried earlier and Regulus started to purr.
Sirius saw this and put a hand over his heart in mock offence before storming off to find Remus. James tried to hold back his laughter at his dramatics but it didn’t help that Regulus had moved to snuggle in the crook of his neck and he was ticklish.
“You really do like annoying him, don’t you, love?” James asked after he was able to calm down some more.
Regulus looked at him with his storm grey eyes and James could see him smiling with them before nudging into him some more to say ‘Of course’. It made James smile, big and bright. It didn’t matter what form Regulus chose to be in when they were cuddling. There were perks to both. As a cat, he was so soft and made the most precious sounds. James had had a cat when he was younger. Unfortunately, she passed away when he was still in school. Regulus was better, even though he did love Cleo.
When Regulus cuddled as a human, James knew all of the secret spots to make him squirm until he punched James lightly and glared at him. He had the same glare as a cat though. When James looked at the clock, he noticed that it was almost nine in the evening. Why Dumbledore had to come so late, he would never know nor did he care to ask. James was lowkey one more ‘their sacrifice was for the greater good’ away from punching him in the face and telling the entire Order to find somewhere else to hold their meetings. Just because his parents allowed it when they were alive, didn’t mean he would for much longer.
Regulus buried his head into James’ neck and trilled until James moved over slightly so that Regulus could position himself better on James’ shoulder and glare at Sirius who had come back into the room and scoffed. James just smiled. He knew the brothers loved each other. They just liked to play up the fact that they hated each other once upon a time.
“Are you ready to go to bed, love?” James asked as he yawned.
It had been a long day and he was ready for the day to be over. Regulus rubbed his head against James’ before jumping down into his lap so it was easier for James to pick him up and carry him to their room. James did so and walked up the stairs before setting Regulus down on the bed and changing into his pyjama bottoms. It was October now and it was starting to get a little chilly at night, even if James was a human furnace according to Regulus.
When James crawled into the bed, Regulus kneaded the pillow next to him and circled it until James was done moving around. Once Regulus was satisfied with James’ position, he curled up on top of James’ chest and watched him with his curious eyes. James knew what he was thinking. James was thinking the same thing.
“I know, baby. I don’t want to be here either,” James whispered.
He didn’t want Sirius to hear him, even though he knew he couldn’t. They were on totally different floors and the door was shut. But James didn’t want to have another argument with Sirius about the fact that James didn’t want to be a part of the war any more than Regulus did. Sirius was adamant that Regulus had influenced his decision, which was partially true but he had been thinking about it for a while. They have been out of school and fighting this war for over two years now and they are no closer to winning than when they started and James is just tired of it.
Regulus purred and curled up on James' chest, falling asleep within a few minutes. He didn’t think it would take long for him to fall asleep either but he was waiting to see if Regulus planned on transforming back tonight or not. Not that it made a difference. James watched as Regulus purred contently in his sleep while James rubbed his back. It was one of James’ favourite things to do when Regulus was in his cat form.
“I love you, Regulus,” James said quietly as he nuzzled his nose into Regulus’ fur.
James fell asleep after his eyelids became so heavy he couldn’t keep them open any longer even if he tried. But right before he let sleep drag him under, he felt Regulus transform back and curl into his side.
“I love you too, Jamie.”
@clementinewoolf @cazzythefrogking @maladaptivewriting @multiimoments @lavenderhaze @literally-the-prettiest-star @thebibutterflyao3 @seiworf @emjayeingray @remusregulusrosekiller @heartsoncover @accuratewhereabout @belowthestarrs
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vauxxy · 1 year
my great and canon moonwater headcanon 👍
ok so around 5th year remus is like “hm. i’m lowk down bad for sirius black” and he has his little queer werewolf crisis and in 6th year he kinda becomes his sneaky link lowk!
sirius and remus get drunk af and decide to go up to the astronomy tower for shits and gigs! but guess who’s up there??? regulus…
they’re like “oh soz” and they leave, but remus is kind of like “hmmm that’s weird xx” so he comes back up the next day without sirius, and regulus is still there!
regulus is like “why the fuck r u here cunt??” and remus is like “mmm cause i want to be xx”
they chat a little bit and get a little stoned bc remus doesn’t really have any bad blood with regulus. they’re chill.
eventually it gets to like 1am and remus goes “why do you come up here?”. regulus is super quiet and gets all fidgety. remus is like “ohhhh u come up here to reminisce over a girl and be all romeo and juliet core”
regulus is like “no that’s stupid as fuck. i come up here to think about how i stupid i am.”
remus says “why r u stupid” and then regulus goes on a giant tangent while remus is just sitting there. eventually regulus accidentally spills that he is confusingly attracted to someone and he’s soooo irritated and angry at himself for it!! and remus is like “who?!!!” and regulus is like ummm im not telling u
they chat a bit more and it becomes like… a nightly tradition. a week goes by and reggie admits that he’s weirdly into james potter. he didn’t even think he liked men until he kissed barty crouch drunk and on a dare one time. remus is super shocked!! jaw on the floor!
but he’s supportive and he’s like “i get it lol. i’m down bad for ur brother”
regulus is like “ohhh that’s why u came up here a few nights ago x. i thought he was dating a girl tho”
and remus is like “yeah he is 👍 he’s two timing 🤭”
they get a lot closer after that and they just sit and pity each other, regulus loathing himself for being so infatuated with someone he hates and talked to a maximum of TWO TIMES! remus loathing himself for letting himself fall in love with someone who doesn’t want to be seen with him doing anything slightly romantic.
they get very close and help eachother with school work, their crushes, etc… and they honestly become good friends. neither of them would admit it though.
regulus’s crush remains unrequited and completely secret as james starts finally dating lily in their last year of school. and then he becomes a death eater lol xx
remus is like “well maybe he was coerced into it!!” because he literally was and regulus told him so. but sirius is like “… no he is a full blood supremacist…”
remus misses their nightly chats after graduating hogwarts and when the news comes out that he died, he had no choice but to honour his wishes and their secrecy by refusing to expose their friendship xx
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drowninginthoughts27 · 9 months
7/9 Early Word Count: 1060
“James, what the fuck! It’s only 4:30 in the morning!” Regulus groans, shoving his head into his pillow.
“I’m going for a run, I'll be back by the time you wake up again, don’t worry,” James gently whispers
“Yeah but it’s so early, you usually don’t leave till closer to 5 am,” he groans, eyes pressed firmly shut.
“Yes but today is special, I wanted to get out of the house earlier,” He kisses Regulus quickly on the crown of his head and slips out the bedroom door before Regulus can process any of what James just said.
Quite frankly, he’s too tired to bother doing much thinking. So he nestles back into the covers and falls asleep rather quickly.
James has been working his ass off trying to organize this surprise for Regulus. Lots of planning and communication had to go into this to make everything absolutely perfect.
You see Regulus has wanted a pet cat for about as long as Regulus knew they existed. Even before James had met Regulus, Sirius would go on long tangents about how badly Regulus wanted a cat. But despite all this he’s never had one of his own.
Walburga didn’t approve of pets. To her Sirius and Regulus were close enough. And then Regulus had college. Working himself to the brink of exhaustion nearly every day to pass all his classes with picture perfect marks.
But with Regulus having just gotten his degree he now has much more time on his hands. Hence it being the perfect time for James and Regulus to start a new chapter of their life; getting a cat together.
James had been researching for a while now, longer than they had even been dating if he’s being honest. But recently he’s been looking more and more for the perfect cat for the two of them.
He knew Regulus would want to adopt a cat. Both of them really weren’t a huge fan of buying one through a breeder. James also knew Regulus wanted an older cat, one that wasn’t as welcome in its former home. One Regulus could relate to a bit more on that matter.
So James has spent almost all of the free time he had apart from Regulus researching cat adoption centers. He had narrowed it down to a local rescue center near where they lived. And he had reached out asking about the cat that had been in the facility’s care the longest.
That’s how he had ended up with a small female calico, 4 years in age. The poor cat had been between several houses, none of it the cat's fault at all.
He had arranged for the cat to be dropped off at 5:30 that evening. He had also decided to hold off on naming it; Regulus would want to do that.
But in preparation for the cat's arrival he has to buy the necessary supplies. He couldn’t have bought them earlier or Regulus would have gotten suspicious. So instead he opted to go out and buy everything after his morning run.
Thankfully there’s a pet store near their home. It’s at the end of the route he takes on his morning runs so it works out pretty well.
It opens at 7 in the morning. So hopefully he can get there after his run and be home at a bit before 8; about the same time as he normally would be.
It’s 5:28 now, the woman with the cat should be here shortly.
James had hidden all the cat supplies in his office before he went to go wake Regulus up.
He had gotten a litter box, food and water dishes, a variety of different cat toys, multiple cat beds (he didn’t know which one the beds she would prefer), and a plethora of other things necessary for cat parenting. He had even stood in the cat food aisle for a solid 15 minutes before an employee had helped him out, recommending a few different brands of food.
There’s a knock on the front door causing Regulus to look up from the book he had previously been reading.
“Who’s that?” He questions, shifting over from his spot on the couch to peer toward the general direction of the entrance way.
It takes James an immense amount of self control to contain his own excitement. He struggles profusely not to smile like a little kid on Christmas Day, but that’s what this all feels like to him. He’s very obviously extraordinarily giddy.
James gets up from his spot next to Regulus, shrugging in an attempt to appear nonchalant as he walks over to the door.
Sure enough there's a lady standing on the other side of the threshold. A cat carrier in one hand and a clipboard with paperwork clipped to it in the other.
“Regulus, sweetie,” he calls, “Come here, I have a surprise for you.”
Stepping out from the living rooms moment later, Regulus stops dead in his tracks. A distant look on his face and his skin getting increasingly more pale. For a second James worries that he fucked up immensely.
But all of those concerns are almost instantly dissolved as Regulus runs over to hug him rather suddenly. Burying his face in the crook of James’ neck.
“You got us a cat?” He mumbles
“Yup, I got us a cat. Well more like I got you a cat,” James chuckles.
Regulus looks up to acknowledge the lady and more importantly the cat.
With a smile on her face the lady speaks up, “Alright, so we just need to sign a bit more paperwork and then you guys should be good to go!” She says rather cheerily.
“Okay that sounds great! Come in, Come in!” James responds, ushering her into the house and into the kitchen.
The lady had just left and the cat has been let out of its carrier to start exploring its new forever home. Regulus remains seated at the kitchen counter and watches in awe as the cat slink curiously around the living room. Occasionally stopping to look into other rooms.
“So what are you gonna name her?”James asks, breaking the pleasant few moments of silence.
Without hesitation Regulus responds, a warm glow in his eyes, “I think the name Ophelia would suit her, don’t you?”
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atlasdoe · 7 months
some camelia solis headcannons
(for context camelia is a cannon hp character and was a professor at hogwarts during the 90s. she hated snape and died during the battle of hogwarts)
so i hc Camelia to be a Gryffindor in the year below the Marauders
She was a halfblood with her father being a muggleborn and her mother being a pureblood
Her father owned a diner that he inherited from his parents while her mother came from a very wealthy family so she helped out at the diner also
Camelia's family were rich as fuck
But she was an only child
her main group of friends are Dahlia Fleur-Peri, Edmund Lima, Augustus Pye, Carmen Wainscott & Greta Catchlove (all cannon characters)
Dahlia was her best friend
They were big party goers
During Camelias third year she was in an off again on again relationship with Bertram Aubrey
Their relationship ended during their fourth year when Camelia found out that he had been cheating on her over the summer holidays
A few days later Bertram was illegally hexed by James Potter and Sirius Black. Camila didn't know why until Peter Pettigrew let it slip that Dahlia had bribed the boys to do it
(James and Sirius illegally hexing Bertram is cannon but the reason is unknown)
After talking to Peter more about it Camelia realised that Dahlia was in love with her
Camelia eventually admitted her feelings for Dahlia during Dahlia’s parents Christmas Ball that year and they kissed
In 1979 Camelia’s father was killed in a random Muggle attack that took place in Yorkshire while he was visiting his parents, Camelia’s grandparents also were killed in the attack
Camelia didnt know much about the attack but in photograph that was published in the Daily Prophet she saw the figure of Severus Snape in the background
Camelia didnt even know if Snape had anything to do with the attack but just him being there was enough evidence she needed to blame him for the death of her father and gradparents
After graduating Hogwarts Camelia bagan teaching at Hogwarts
She was a very honest teacher and was informal with her students a lot
Dahlia and Camelia got married in 1987 and owned a house in Hogsmead
Camelia’s students all knew of Dahlia and would ask about her all the time. Depending on her mood Camelia would either go on a lovesick tangent about her wife or tell her students to fuck off and mind their own buisness
The man she took to Slughorn's christmas party in 1996 was her uncle, who also used to be a part of the Slug Club while he was at Hogwarts
In 1997 when the Death Eaters took over Hogwarts and the Ministry, Camelia decided to go back to Hogwarts to help protect her students from the Carrows and Snape while Dahlia moved in with Camelia’s mother
In late April 1998 Dahlia was accused of stealing magic and was sent to Azkaban where she died four days later
Camelia never found out about her wifes death or arrest. The day that Dahlia died was May 2nd 1998, the same day as the Battle of Hogwarts where Camelia fought with her colleagues and was killed during the first half of the battle
i'm a sucker for fancasts (it's my guilty pleasure) so fyi my fancast for her is Olivia Rodrigo incase anyone cared :)
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firendgold · 1 year
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Yes to this! This is one thing that's really taken my attention. It's crazy just how much Harry pays attention to Albus in the books. Description wise I mean. None of his other teachers quite get the same treatment, if you know what I mean. Albus is also the only one - to my knowledge - that Harry tends to refer to with his first name when he thinks of him. Again, especially in conjunction with his other teachers. Like, there's a moment in GoF, where Albus bursts in on him and BCJ, alongside McGonagall and Snape, and Albus is the one who gets a first name mention.
Also, I mean, this description!!!
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Another thing I can't help but note, is Harry's almost jealousy regarding how much Albus shared with Grindelwald compared to himself. It's obvious just how much Harry is hurting throughout DH. He's grieving in a way I don't think he ever has - Sirius being a close second.
And on top of that, Harry also has to deal with information coming out about Dumbledore which makes him question everything. But what really unsettled him, when it came to it, wasn't Albus' misty past, but rather Albus' feelings for Harry.
He was scared that Dumbledore had never cared for him. He was scared that the reasons Albus had kept secrets from him - about himself - was because Albus didn't trust or care for him. He needed to know if Dumbledore had ever actually loved him. And that always breaks my heart. Because to the reader - and even Hermione - it was so clear that Albus did love him.
And I do think like you, that had Harry time travelled, or vice versa, these two would have been perfect for each other.
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I absolutely get you and agree re: Harry and noticing his professors' physical features. Most of them get an introductory description at best, with exceptions going to Snape (for obvious reasons) and Lupin (because he just looks so underfed and just... not-taken-care-of, which probably is extremely noticeable to someone with Harry's upbringing... though that's a whole other tangent). Meanwhile, Albus' hair, eyes, glasses, and posture are remarked upon frequently. Like, frequently frequently.
When I was writing that bullet, in fact, I was thinking of another moment in GoF towards the beginning, when Harry's just arrived at Hogwarts and he's scanning the staff table. Snape gets an entire unflattering paragraph, and then Harry gives us this gem:
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Harry, my dear. My beloved. Why. Why are you paying Albus this much attention. Why are you mirroring him.
It's also interesting that you bring up how often Albus gets Full Name Privilege or First Name Privilege in Harry's head, because I'm frequently arguing about the opposite elsewhere (that Albus never, ever calls Harry "Potter" or "Mr. Potter" or even "my boy" in canon, and anyone who says he does has read too much fanfic). For ship purposes, it becomes even more significant that they frequently refer to each other as if they are on equal footing.
I plan on writing a whole post someday about Harry's jealousy of Grindelwald once I can be relied upon not to turn it into a grindeldore bashing fest lmao. On the one hand, it makes sense that Harry is grieving Albus' presence in his life, since Albus was one of the most steadfast people and gave him a lot of support he desperately needed. There's no other character that wore as many hats for Harry as Albus Dumbledore did, whether he intended to or not.
On the other hand—Deathly Hallows is the book where we learn that there is so much about Albus that we and Harry never knew. We get a huge bucket of information about Grindelwald and his relationship with Albus that we never had before. And while Harry is definitely disillusioned about Albus' dark past, while he is certainly frightened of the possibility that Albus never cared about him after all (which is so STUPID, Harry, how could you not see that Albus loved you???), it is wild that what he chooses to focus on in that talk with Hermione is how much Albus shared with Gellert.
Whether he's aware of it or not, Harry often puts himself (at most a seventeen year-old boy) on the same level as both his headmaster/mentor and his headmaster/mentor's evil ex-boyfriend. I don't know, I just find it notable... and hilarious.
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