#smoke cleansing stick
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akumanoken · 10 months
watching a show about soldiers who's seen supernatural thngs and a spirit pushed a soldier back into the trenches, did she sve him?? unsure coudln't get the rest beause this dude literally just goes "thats' just a demon and starts talkinga bout demons and satan and the being all around and I'm just... imagine being so ignorant of the supernatural and bullheaded about your religion that you literally turn into Bobby Boucher's mom from the Waterboy...
and then in the next breath talk about your tesla and money and wanting money and talking aout why do thes people worth so many millions still work and I'm sitting here with a thousand year stare.
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aguilanaturalincense · 6 months
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Reinvigorate Your Spirit with 'Pure Radiance' Incense: A Natural Remedy for Fatigue and Chronic Illness
In our fast-paced world, fatigue, heaviness, and chronic illnesses have become all too common. The demands of modern life can leave us feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. While there's no magic cure for these challenges, "Pure Radiance" incense offers a natural and holistic way to revitalize your spirit, improve your mood, and support your overall well-being.
The Ingredients Behind the Magic
The beauty of "Pure Radiance" natural incense sticks lies in its carefully selected ingredients, each contributing to its remarkable healing properties.
- Frankincense: This resin, harvested from the Boswellia tree, has been treasured for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It's known to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and even improve sleep quality.
- Myrrh: Myrrh resin possesses potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities. It's often used for soothing physical discomfort and elevating emotional balance.
- Pine Resin: Rich in antioxidants and antimicrobial properties, pine resin supports the immune system, helping the body to ward off infections and chronic illnesses.
- Common Sage: Sage is renowned for its cleansing and purifying properties. It's believed to clear negative energy, lift one's mood, and relieve mental fatigue.
- Summer Savory: Summer savory is an herb that has been used for centuries for its digestive and mood-enhancing benefits. It can help relieve fatigue and promote mental clarity.
- White Leaved Savory: Similar to its summer counterpart, white leaved savory is known for its calming effects and ability to alleviate feelings of tiredness.
- Varthemia: This herb, native to the Mediterranean, is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making it valuable for immune system support.
- Lavender: Lavender's calming and soothing properties are well-documented. It can alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia, making it a valuable ally in the battle against fatigue and depression.
- Myrtle: Myrtle essential oil is believed to promote a sense of well-being, enhance emotional balance, and boost the immune system.
- Fennel: Fennel is prized for its digestive benefits, which can indirectly contribute to higher energy levels and a sense of lightness.
- Benzoin: This resin possesses a warm, comforting aroma that can alleviate feelings of depression and heaviness.
- Palo Santo: Known as "Holy Wood," Palo Santo is believed to clear negative energy, reduce stress, and enhance spiritual well-being.
- Gold Copal: Copal resin has been used in traditional healing practices for centuries. It's believed to purify the spirit, provide mental clarity, and alleviate feelings of fatigue.
- Cypress Resin: Cypress is known for its astringent properties, which can help reduce physical fatigue and uplift the spirit.
- Cedar Leaves: Cedar's grounding and purifying qualities can help alleviate negative emotions and strengthen the immune system.
Reclaiming Your Vitality
The synergy of these natural ingredients in "Pure Radiance" incense works in harmony to address the root causes of fatigue, tiredness, heaviness, depression, weakened immunity, and chronic illnesses. The incense clears away old energies and feelings of burden, offering a sense of renewal and lightness. The aromatic journey it creates is a profound way to uplift your spirit and restore your vitality.
- Physical Renewal: Ingredients like Frankincense, Pine Resin, and Myrrh support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help the body combat chronic illnesses. They can provide a much-needed energy boost to combat fatigue.
- Emotional Uplift: Aromatics like Sage, Lavender, and Benzoin alleviate depression and stress, promoting a more positive emotional state. Sage, in particular, clears away negative energy, while lavender offers soothing relaxation.
- Spiritual Alignment: Resins like Palo Santo, Gold Copal, and Frankincense have long been associated with spiritual purification. They can help you find your center and connect with your inner self.
"Pure Radiance" hand rolled incense is not just an aromatic experience; it's a holistic journey toward health and well-being. By incorporating this natural remedy into your daily routine, you can rediscover your vitality, overcome fatigue, and embark on a path to renewed energy and balance.
In the world of natural healing, sometimes the most profound solutions are the simplest. "Pure Radiance" incense proves that harnessing the power of nature's gifts can be the key to unlocking a brighter, healthier, and more vibrant you.
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hallow-witxh · 1 year
Simple Things Baby Witches Might Miss
I was a baby witch once, and there were tons of small, little things that went over my head until later in my practice. I'm hoping that some of these will ring a bell for those who may need to hear them.
When you're cleansing a room, especially if it's a smoke cleanse, you need to open a window. This gives an 'escape route' for what you're cleansing away and also gives the smoke somewhere to go other than sticking to your walls.
Speaking of smoke cleansing, do not smoke cleanse in a room with pets in it. It can be very, very dangerous to them.
When you're doing research, you should be cross-checking across four to six different sources. If something matches across multiple sources, it's more likely to be solid.
You can incorporate your craft into pretty much anything. Showering? You're washing off the bad energy. Cleaning? You're preparing your space. Gardening? You're encouraging growth and prosperity. And delicious tomatoes!
If you're using a smoke cleanse, you can add the burnt portion to salt to make a beginner's black salt.
Spell jars don't have to go on your altar.
Altars are not completely necessary, especially if you're in the broom closet. Work with what you have.
Every herb has benefits and correspondences. You can utilize these without spell jars, burn spells, etc. Kitchen magic is one of my go-tos - cooking with spices and herbs infuses your food with their benefits.
Ask 'dumb' questions. Reach out to people. If they laugh at you for your questions, you know they are not a reliable source of information. (P.S. - my ask box is always open!)
White wax can replace any other color of wax. Get birthday cake candles for easy, fast burning.
Clear quartz can replace other crystals.
Here's a simple color chart.
Here's a simple moon phase chart.
Here's a simple guide to flowers and their correspondences
Here's a simple guide to cascarilla
As always, do your own research. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt until you do research - yes, even from me, because I make mistakes, too. Blessed be, and good luck, baby witches!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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ambermotta · 5 months
Cleansing Basics – Crash Course
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What is cleansing? When should I do it? How do I do it?
These are some of the questions I'll be tackling today. I hope this post will be useful to those who are not quite familiar with how to cleanse and why it's important for any witch or pagan practice!
Long post based on my experience and research. Meant to be informative. I don't claim to know the absolute truth.
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What is cleansing?
Cleansing is clearing away energy from someone, something or somewhere.
When should I cleanse?
Whenever you need to clear away energy.
Personal opinion: you should cleanse yourself and your house at least weekly.
It is generally recommended that you periodically cleanse magical items and cleanse before and after any type of magical/ spiritual work. Cleansing before contacting deities (even if it's just prayer) is also considered "standard protocol" in some cultures, like in Hellenic paganism and Shintoism.
From my personal experience I do feel I can connect better with spiritual beings when I cleanse beforehand, but I believe my emotional state has a bigger influence on the matter. Cleansing generally calms me down too so –
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Why should I cleanse?
The number one reason you'll see cleansing everywhere is because it is a way to help get rid of excess negative energy.
I'm not going to say you can clear away all of it because as living humans, we are constantly emanating energy and a lot of times it is "negative" energy. Which is okay, it's part of being alive. Plus, there are other factors that come into play.
However, cleansing often can help you stay in touch with spirituality and ease your mind since you'll be getting rid of excess (and oftentimes unwated) energy.
Cleansing also comes into play when you want to clear away any other kind of energy, for example, when you get a new magical tool (such as a tarot deck) or finish a magical working. You don't necessarily want the energy that was on that object or that spell sticking to you all day, you know?
How to prepare for cleansing?
First of all, gather your stuff. Gather everything you need and try to avoid interruptions.
I personally recommend you always do a physical cleaning up of whatever you are going to cleanse. Tidy up your house, take a shower, and clean your magical items (if possible).
Dirt and clutter feel bad, and it can distract the mind. Starting your cleansing in the physical plane can definitely make it more powerful in the astral too.
How do I cleanse?
Most cultures/religions/spiritual practices have their own way of doing things (ex: hellenic pagans have khernips), so first of all, do your research! And respect the fact that some things are out of your reach.
There are A LOT of techniques you can use to cleanse that are not particularly tied to a single culture and that can be done in many different ways. I'll quickly go through some of them, but it is by no means an extensive list.
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Cleansing with the 4 elements:
Earth: I've mainly seen this in two ways, which are sending energy to the earth (something like grounding) and burrying objects.
Fire: commonly used together with air in smoke cleansing. There's also energy work that pulls energy and sends it towards the fire for cleansing (either a candle, a bonfire, or a visualization flame)
Water: mostly used for cleansing yourself or objects. It can be through herb baths and showers, rain/sea/river water, salt water, or sacred waters. For cleansing spaces, there are things such as water spray bottles and floor washes (though I've only seen this one being used in hoodoo). Careful with objects, some may not be resistant to water.
Air: generally the most common for cleansing spaces or people. Usually achieved by lighting up incense or herbs with cleansing properties and using the smoke to cleanse.
Sidenote: burning a herbs ≠ from smudging. Smudging is a native american practice that is closed to their people. Don't smudge, don't call some herb-burning smudging. It's not the same thing. Stick with what's appropriate for your culture.
Sun and moon: using sunlight or moonlight to cleanse (and often charge) yourself or objects. Always make sure what you are cleansing can actually be left in the sun and handle weather.
Crystals: Some crystals have cleansing properties, usually back ones (onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline), smoky quartz, and selenite, to name a few. Keep in mind that they usually need to be cleansed periodically, too.
Sound: Praying, chanting, singing, music, and using bells or drums are some ways you can use sound to cleanse.
Visualization: There are many techniques used for cleansing this way. While it can be effective, it is definitely not for everyone as a lot of people will find that using tools is easier and more consistent. Visualization requires some practice and a lot of focus.
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What to do after cleansing?
That depends on your objective.
If you are cleansing a space, such as your home, and you want to keep it "clean" for longer, you can cast a protection spell.
If you are cleansing yourself or an object, you may want to do a Charging of some sort. When you cleanse, you are getting something out, which opens up space for the new, so you can use this as an opportunity to "fill in" with another type of energy.
Cleansing is very versatile and unique to each practice. There are a lot of things you can do that are fairly neutral, but in general, cleansing always has the same purpose and is done in a similar fashion.
Knowing what your tradition (if you have one) usually does to cleanse objects, people, and places can be very enriching, so do your research!
Thank you for reading!
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magickkate · 2 months
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Good day, witches! Let's talk about what not to burn in your magical practice. While fire is a powerful tool for transformation and manifestation, it's essential to use it responsibly and ethically. Here are a few things to avoid burning:
Plastic: Burning plastic releases toxic fumes and pollutants into the air, harming both you and the environment. Stick to natural materials like wood, paper, or herbs for your burnable offerings.
Synthetic Materials: Similarly, avoid burning synthetic fabrics, rubber, or other man-made materials. Stick to natural fibers and materials that can safely be incinerated without releasing harmful chemicals.
Toxic Herbs: Not all herbs are safe to burn. Some herbs can produce irritating or toxic smoke when burned, so do your research and make sure you're using safe and non-toxic herbs in your rituals. Do research what plants are unsafe or toxic to burn, especially if you have fur/scale/feather-babies.
Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade): Its name says it all. It’s lethal. Hemlock: Socrates sipped it; you shouldn’t. Foxglove: Pretty, but deadly. Mandrake: It won’t scream, but it’s still toxic.
Animal Products: Avoid burning animal products such as feathers, bones, or fur, especially if you're unsure of their source or ethical implications. Opt for cruelty-free and ethically sourced alternatives instead.
Sage, if used outside of its designated closed practice. Here's some alternatives
Cedar: Cleansing and grounding. Palo Santo: Sweet, fragrant, and eco-friendly. Rosemary: Purification powerhouse.
Remember, fire is a sacred element, so treat it with respect and reverence in your magical practice. Choose your offerings wisely and always prioritize safety and sustainability. 🔥🌿✨
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oddlittlemiss · 1 year
✨House Cleansing✨
If you recently moved into a new space, you might want to consider cleansing your home of any negative energies that might still be there from the previous owners. Clearing your home from bad energy is also a good idea if you gone through a breakup, had a big life transition, or if you’re just feeling off.
A home should be a place where you feel relaxed and at peace. But when bad energy is lingering around, your home can become a place of hostility and negativity. This negative energy in your home can affect every other aspect of your life. Which is why house cleansing is an important practice to do regularly for your personal well-being.
There are many different ways to cleanse a home or even a single room in the house, and here’s how I cleanse my home/room.
1. First Thing’s First: Clean And Declutter Your House
Get rid of all the clutter by either putting things away or disposing them. Make sure to clean every corner! As you clean your home/room, know that keeping broken items (a statue with a broken arm put back with glue is fine but specifically ones that are irreparably broken) can bring down good energy. As well as items that doesn’t make you happy when you look or hold them. Use this time to get rid of it or donate if they are still in good condition and move on.
Then spend some time to dust, vacuum, and check for cobwebs. You don’t want the negative energy to have any reason to stick around.
Make sure to open all blinds, windows and if possible the doors. Let in as much light and fresh air as you can while you clean.
2. Remove Negative Energies From Your Home
When you cleared away the clutter, it is now time to start removing negative energies. A simple and fast way to clear out bad spirits and negative energy is smoke cleansing. You will need;
~ A fireproof dish for catching embers and ash
~ Any cleansing herb (frankincense, rosemary, cedar, etc.)
~ A small fan or your hand
Begin by standing in the center of your home or at the front door of the room you want cleanse. Then light your herb bundle or incense and let the flame die out which is fairly quick. Let the smoke carefully waft around you first, beginning at your head and working down toward your feet. Walk clockwise going from room to room if it’s a home or just walk clockwise in a single room. Fan the smoke paying special attention to the walls, corners, floors, and even the ceiling. Envision the smoke absorbing bad energy and carrying it away through the open windows and doors.
Some people like to recite incantations or make positive affirmations as they are smoke cleansing. If you want, saying a prayer or appealing to a higher power for extra help with the house cleansing is perfectly fine.
If smoke cleansing isn’t possible, there are sprays you can use instead. Just mist carefully around you first and then spray around the home.
3. Further Protect Your Home
After smoke cleansing, I like to cleanse my home with salt. Pour salt (as much as you feel guided too) into each corner of your home/room. Ring a bell 3 times in each corner to break up any stagnant energy which the salt will absorb afterwards. After 2 days, vacuum or broom/dustpan the salt and throw it away. If your place has carpet or you want to clean up the salt easier you can pour the salt into a bowl and place them in the corners. If you don’t have a bell clapping with your hands works too.
Doors and windows are where outside energy can enter your home. Keep these spaces purified with a house cleansing solution. Mix a bucket of water with;
~juice from 5 Lemons
~1/4 cup ammonia or white vinegar
~1 cup of Sea Salt
Using a cloth, clean the doorknobs, doors, frames, and windows in your home with the solution and let it air dry. If you are cleansing a single room use 1 cup of water, 1/2 lemon, 2 teaspoons of ammonia or white vinegar, and 1/4 cup of sea salt.
4. After Cleansing Tips
Now that you’ve cleared the bad energy from your home, you can focus on attracting positive energy and protecting your cleansed space. Here are some things you can do:
You can keep cleansing and protecting your space with crystals. Place your chosen crystals in areas where bad energy seems to collect. Here are some crystals you might want to consider;
~Selenite can cleanse energy and raise the vibration in your home.
~Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that absorbs negative energy.
Many people like to keep salt lamps in varies rooms around their place to continue clearing bad energy.
Witches broom also known as besoms, can help sweep away bad energy and protect against evil. Place a besom just inside your front door or room, hanging with bristles up, to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. A small besom can also be hung over the door with the bristles down to help catch negative energy before it enters the home.
Rearrange the furniture and objects in your home in a way that makes you happy. You can also buy new things to make your home feel better.
Planting rosemary near the front and back door of your home is said to keep negative spirits away.
Consecrate a candle or buy a candle created to bring good things, protection, etc. and light it to invite good energy into your home.
It is important to be aware of the energy in your home - good or bad. If you notice a shift in energy as time goes by, consider cleansing your home/room again. After all, your home should make you feel safe and be a place you can restore your energy.
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AITA for yelling at my mom because of incense?💭
( emoji so I can recognise my submission and this is a hella long post so be warned)
So I (16F) really hate smoke. And I mean beyond the regular hate, I mean like the moment I smell smoke I instantly become very, very angry. I'm not sure why exactly, I suspect it might be because I'm on the autism spectrum but I haven't been officially diagnosed so take this with a grain of salt. Also just to clarify, I have no lung issues which would cause me to be extra effected by smoke, it's almost entirely psychological.
My mom (50F) got into this whole spiritual circle stuff about a year ago and does meditation thingies. Involves a lot of rituals, crystals and incense. Not entirely sure the exact reason why but the important thing is this means she is lighting incense almost everyday. As a result, on most days the house smells like smoke. I have told her quite a few times to ventilate properly if she's going to use it but I feel like every time I enter the main room of the house it smells like smoke. However I can manage this by simply shutting my door to avoid getting a lungful of smoke. No, the thing that pisses me off are her "cleansing sessions." This is where she goes through the house waving an incense stick everywhere to "purify the bad spirits." This means I have absolutely nowhere in the house to escape from the smoke and often get forced outside to escape. I have tolerated these "cleansing sessions" a few times but on the most recent one, it happened to be raining extremely heavily. This meant that I was stuck. In a house FILLED with the smell of smoke.
I tried to keep myself calm for a while by ventilating the smoke from under a blanket but even then I could still smell it and it made me raging mad. So I then proceeded to stomp up to my mom and yelled at her. I said some very nasty things which I'm not proud of saying. They were very personal insults mostly pertaining to how her beliefs were bullshit and about her insecurities. We had a shouting match over it which ended in her telling me to go back to my room.
Why I think I could be the asshole here is because:
A. I could have more clearly stated beforehand that I wanted her to stop cleansing my room or at the very least she needs to turn the aircon on when she burns incense.
B. She didn't really deserve the things I said to her. She's a sensitive person and I know it probably deeply hurt her even if she didn't act like it in the moment.
C. I didn't mention it earlier but I have a brother (17M) who has athsma. He has never had any problem breathing or any complaints about my mom burning incense. If anyone would be affected by this the most it would be him and yet he doesn't care. So I feel like I just really overreacted.
Why I think I might not be the asshole here is because:
A. I have asked her before that she ventilate the house properly when she does her meditations and yet every time I can smell it. Sometimes she wont even open the windows so I have to do it myself.
B. She knows how much I dislike the smell of smoke. I have said multiple times how I hate it and every time I have smelt it in the house I've been very obviously annoyed. There was even once incident where our neighbours were having a bonfire and I literally could not sleep in my room because I could smell smoke and had to sleep on the couch. Every time she's done one of these "spiritual cleansings" I have also made it abundantly clear how much I hate this but she doesn't seem to care because it usually forces me outside.
C. As before mentioned, my brother has athsma. While it may not seem like it bothers him I don't know what the long term consequences may be for his lungs. And for my lungs too! Like, I'm not an expert but I don't think regularly breathing in smoke is very good for you. She argues it's "real natural smoke" so it's fine and I told her she should try breathing near a wildfire to see how she liked "real natural smoke."
Anyways, with all these facts considered, random strangers on the internet, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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wrathofrats · 3 months
Yeah hi idk what this is I blacked out and came to and this was in the docs
Uhhh basically ifrits first church service and communion as hosted by Omega and alpha
Or omega baptizes ifrit and alpha lets ifrit drink the blood of Christ from his cunt.
Major warnings for intense blasphemy, mockery of the Catholic Church, degradation and religious shaming.
Also alpha is trans because WHY NOT
Ok enjoy.
A strong stream of incense wafted into ifrits senses.
The thick air of dust and smoke invaded him, his vision and hearing feeling more cloudy than usual.
He knelt on the carpeted steps to the church stage. Omega standing a couple of feet in front of him and looking impossibly large at this angle.
“What do you ask the church for your summon?”
He doesn’t think he should be looking up. Omega looms directly over him, staring at alpha who sits behind him. He acts as some sort of guide, as some sort of owner of ifrit, like he’s in charge of him.
Ifrit truly cannot make out alphas answer, the words tumbling over his head. Only the low tone of alphas voice penetrates the anathemic fog that surrounds him.
“Are you willing and able to fulfill your duties to bring up your summon in the satanic faith?”
A cold draft creeps down ifrits back as alpha moves to sit next to omega. He doesn’t look at his summon, he stares only up at his own form of deity. The shadows cast across his face make him more demonic, more monstrous than usual.
He reaches down and puts his wrist to alphas mouth, forcing him to sink his fangs into the rich vein of liquid. Omega serving as some metaphor for the word of their lord, his existence meant to praise someone higher but forced down with his own hands being covered in blood.
A warm wet thumb swipes across his forehead. Omega using the blood that drips down his wrist to mark him with the sign of the cross. It’s comforting in a horrific way. The warm sinister smiles of the church combined with the macabre comfort of the blood dripping down his face.
Ifrit thinks he too would bleed for the church if it held him tight like this.
“Do you renounce god and all of his empty promises?” Omega holds his book high with one hand, the other reaching down to unbutton the pants of his uniform. He’s already hard, a true testament to his devotion and love. It’s admirable.
Ifrits hand plaster together in front of him. “Yes father”
“Do you believe in the almighty father, the creator of the earth and all its demonic beings?”
A drop of precum beads at the head of omegas cock, long thick strokes milking himself of the holy liquid. Ifrit truly can’t help but stick out his tongue, desperate for a taste of their sick purity.
The book snaps shut. A screaming echo in the old room. Alpha doesn’t look up in fear of what has angered omega, ifrit being the antithesis and staring his leader in the eye in confusion.
“You’d think you’d know better from the pits. Rotten children don’t deserve to be saved”
The moisture leaves the fire ghouls mouth. He’s confused, scared, ashamed for being so greedy.
“You’re disgusting, I’ve let a sinful being kneel in front of me, offered to cleanse you of your blasphemous ways and you’ve repaid my kindness by being a greedy whore?”
“Father I’m sorry please forgive me-“ ifrits stammers out his apology through forming tears. Omega words cut deep through his devotion and lets it bleed through him, taking over his need to be.
“I hope your knees are raw. I pray you repent”
The book opens again and omega scans it for the place he stopped, continuing to stroke himself just above ifrits face.
He can’t tell when he becomes close, the act of masturbation only serving as a ritual to please his higher lord.
“There is no god that can give you your purity back”
Omega cums hot and thick across ifrits face and chest. Ropes of holy water landing on his cheeks, blessing him, baptizing him of his former demonic ways from the pit. He can feel the sin lift from his skin and burn with the holy liquid.
A rough sleeve wipes ifrits eyes, tilting his chin to smile at him.
“You’ve done well, you may savor the blood and body of Christ now as a child of the dark church”
The unmistakable sound of someone undressing comes from behind omega. Alpha rids himself of his clothing as omega slots behind him, both still perched on the carpeted stage and stairs. Candles and golden objects surround him like his own altar, his own ritual of body and blood.
Alpha opens his legs with a push from omega, hairy thighs leading up to his cunt, shining and on display. His clit engorged with devotion and peaking through his folds. Omega picks up a golden chalice, holding it high above his head, the other hand spreading alpha for ifrit to see.
“Through him, with him and in him, in the unity of the dark spirit, all glory and honor is yours almighty, forever and ever”
Omega tips the chalice over alphas chest, letting the red wine trickle down his body to pool between his legs. It stains his skin a crimson red, a stream from the top of his neck to his thighs. No doubt some kind of blood lain metaphor
“You may take your first communion my ghoul”
Ifrit doesn’t hesitate, dives between alpha legs to lap up the wine from his cunt, sucking the sweet liquid from his t dick. Alphas slick mixes delicately with the blood of Christ. His smoky musk catering the bitter sweet taste of the intoxicating alcohol. Ifrit truly cannot tell what he’s more drunk off of. The wine or the devotion he feels to his own lord.
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lux-lost · 4 months
The angel moves through the halls on soft soles, cautiously quiet. The entities around it are not safe. The angel can feel their eyes on the back of its head. The taste of their gaze lingers on its skin, whispers the things unsaid into its ears. They think the angel is their kin, if suspiciously unusual. But in truth, it is a foreign object that sticks out and could be hammered down at any moment if it draws too much attention. They presume ownership over the angel, and that makes them dangerous. 
The angel’s exoskeleton is tight around its ribs. It warms and hides its form, and yet, that’s not enough. The angel feels the machine in its chest stutter and stumble nervously every once in a while. Every moment is stolen, could be the last. It breathes carefully, holding onto its core for stability.
Someone pulls the angel into a hug and it lets its body be soft and inviting. It feels the same softness from the other side, but none of that makes it past the bright glow of the angel’s aura, which conceals the hard shell tightly laced around its vulnerable parts.
The angel consumes and enjoys some very fucked up things. It is a deviant one, a pervert. Nonetheless its core is so pure and clean, any contact with the outer world could sully it. The angel is not ugly inside, not like other beings. Peeling back the layers only lays bare rosy flesh and silvery scar tissue. No rot, no maggots, no danger.
It is of vital importance to protect its angel core, to conceal it from prying eyes and prodding fingers. If someone witnessed that core, they’d judge the angel for it. They’d think it childish. Or lifeless. Or boring. Their ugly thoughts would dampen its glow. Some might even actively seek to ruin it. 
To keep itself safe, the angel needs to be very closed off. But it cannot be solely solitary. After all, the angel’s presence is a service, a service to those around it. It has to say and do the right things when in the presence of other beings. To uplift. To entertain. To make itself worth their while. 
For this purpose, the angel may occasionally draw upon its core to extend its glow to others. Its light can be used to illuminate the innocent, protect and nurture them as well. It’s the angel’s treasure, all it has to offer to other entities. When it is in their presence, the angel forfeits itself to them. It needs to be invited. It needs to be dismissed. It needs to be told what to do. The angel can provide something to those who need something, but it can’t really take anything.
The angel has to be very careful about what it invites back in when it puts out. Many people have a lot of beauty in them, but then something ugly as well. When eating apples directly from the tree, one has to watch for worms and mold.
The angel cannot just go around getting close to people carelessly. They may bait the angel with beauty, but then trap it in ugliness. They may try to tie it down with tendrils of need and despair, integrate it into their ugly lives, compel it to commit sin. It’s not their fault for having ugly parts, of course. The world is an ugly place after all, it poisons and corrupts. 
The angel is not immune to this corruption either, it gets infested sometimes as well. When that happens, it has to isolate and cleanse itself. Burning the poison away hurts, of course, but better than letting it fester for too long. 
The angel does not demand a pedestal, but it is certainly constructed to be put on one. To really be safe and fulfill its purpose, it needs to be put on one. Even when sullied, it still remembers and longs for its former purity. It’s this need for perfection, the yearning to be a shining idol on a pedestal, that drives its machine parts.
The pedestal, freely given, is its only form of power, the only power a being of its kind is allowed to hold. The angel actually can’t do shit. Its power is fully derived from those who put it on its pedestal. The angel’s light is a farce, nothing but smoke and mirrors for those who want to believe in it.
You have to understand, you may need the angel, but actually, the angel needs you more. It needs you to need it. It only has the worth you give it. It only has value in the needs it can meet. Without your need for its light, it has no reason to pretend it’s shining. It can’t really help you through your misery, but you can feed on its light until you feel better. If you weren’t miserable, you wouldn’t really seek out the angel, would you?
You can draw the angel in by making it feel needed, bind it with attention and affection. It doesn’t take much, just a little bit of kindness. It will attune itself to your needs. You can trust it, it’s loyal. When you don’t need it anymore, it is safe to just abandon it. It is safe to just forget about it. You don’t even have to tell it that you’re discarding it, it will figure that out itself after a while.
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eksvaized · 3 months
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[ Previous ┃ Next ] part 10
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Simon’s muscles ached by the time he finished disposing of Matt’s body. His hands were covered in painful blisters, and his shirt was drenched with sweat, sticking uncomfortably to his back. Every inch of his skin was coated in a layer of grime and dirt, but as he returned to the shed and tossed the shovel on the floor, he knew that there was still a lot that needed to be done.
He had to return to Matt’s house to ensure that absolutely no evidence of his presence remained there. Afterwards, he had to get rid of Matt’s car; he couldn’t leave it on his property. Lastly, Simon had to devise a way to make it seem as though Matt had vanished without a trace. He thought that the best way to do it was to post on Matt’s social media, make everyone think he had gone to some party, drank too much, and disappeared. No one would notice Matt’s absence until a few days had passed. By then, Simon would have made sure there was no lingering evidence that could tie back to him, clearing him of any suspicion.
There was one thing, though, that he couldn’t get rid of. Matt’s phone. He wanted to break it, smash the screen into a million pieces, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. The phone’s gallery was filled with pictures of you, which he wanted to keep for himself. So, the phone was going to end up in the black box, which was in his office, in his home.
It took Simon exactly two days to deal with Matt and take care of the mess he found himself in. But once he was finally done, his thoughts kept circling back to you. He resisted the urge to text you because the nagging guilt, like a voracious beast, tore at Simon’s conscience, despite his conviction in his choices.
After what had happened at the shed, he spent a long week trapped in a sleep-deprived haze, his eyes weighed down by the sheer intensity of his exhaustion. He could only doze off for brief periods, and his body was essentially functioning on nothing more than a mix of black, overly sweet coffee and bitter nicotine. Whenever his thoughts grew too loud, he would find temporary relief in cigarettes. Their scent would mingle with the fading echoes in his mind as he chain-smoked.
The days blurred into each other.
He found himself plagued by an inescapable feeling of filth that seemed to cling to him. Regardless of the many showers he took throughout the day, and the countless hours he spent standing under the running water, hoping it could wash away the grime... it was all for nothing. Even when he scrubbed his skin until it was raw and hurt in desperate attempts to cleanse himself, the nauseating sensation in his stomach persisted. It made his head spin and his vision blur, as though he was on the verge of vomiting at any moment.
He tried to persuade himself that what he did was necessary. Matt was dangerous. He only used you to get what he wanted. He had to be stopped, and Simon had no choice but to end his life after Matt took off his mask, revealing his face. If Simon had let him walk free, Matt would have reported everything that transpired to the police, who then would have arrested him. Simon could not let that happen. There was no way he could have continued seeing you if he was locked up.
The weekend was approaching and Simon could no longer bear his own imposed solitude. He was consumed with thoughts of you. One morning, after a night spent staring at your number on his phone, he called you.
When you answered the phone, he could tell by the tone of your voice, even if he couldn’t see your face, that something was bothering you. He wanted to inquire what was wrong, but he feared the answer might involve Matt. So instead, Simon asked you out on a second date. You paused, and Simon’s heart sank, thinking that you were about to reject him. However, after an agonizing five seconds, you said you would love to see him again.
“Does Friday work for you?” he asked, pacing around the room.
He knew that day was usually reserved for spending time with your girlfriends. But he desperately wanted to distance them from you, to make sure that in the future you could only rely on him. And this was the first step to doing so.
“If you had asked this yesterday, I would have said no. But Mandy is out of town and Liz doesn’t like going out with just me... Well, actually, never mind. Forget all that, it doesn’t matter. I won’t go into unnecessary details,” you giggled, making Simon smile as well. “My answer is yes. I’m free on Friday. And I would love to go on a date with you.”
The conversation lasted for a couple more minutes. You were curious to know where he planned to take you, however; he insisted on keeping it all a surprise. By the playful glint in his voice, you could tell he was enjoying keeping this a secret, and that no matter how much you ask, he wasn’t going to tell you anything. So, ultimately, you relented. The call ended after he asked for your address, which was simply a pretense on his part, as he already knew where you lived.
Friday arrived quickly. Simon had initially planned to take you to your favourite restaurant, but as the day came to see you, he realised he wanted it to be more special than you two simply going out for dinner. So, before coming to your house, he made a detour and ended up ordering nearly the entire menu from the place he knew you loved, ensuring he bought enough to satisfy your every possible craving.
Standing at your front door, Simon realised he was nervous, his palms were sweaty and he couldn’t stop gnawing at the inside of his cheek. This was definitely a new experience for him because men like him don’t get anxious when going on dates. However, it seemed like you had the ability to make his head spin and make him want to fall at your feet.
Instead of ringing the doorbell, he knocked three times, his knuckles softly hitting the wood. In one hand, he held three bags full of food and a wine bottle that clinked with his each movement. In the other, he had a bouquet of vibrant red roses that smelled wonderful.
He could hear the soft patter of your footsteps growing louder as you approached. A second later, he saw you. The moment your gaze fell upon him, your lips curled into a bright smile and he couldn’t help but mirror your expression. Your eyes shifted downwards, landing on his hands, noticing how full they were. He watched as your smile grew, and how you titled your head, your eyes filling with a slight confusion.
“What is all of this? I thought we were going out,” you said, pleasantly surprised yet slightly perplexed as he handed you the flowers.
“I changed my mind,” Simon said, as you stepped aside to let him pass. “Instead of taking you out on a typical date, I wanted to do something special.”
“You could have told me so!” You giggled, rolling your eyes and nudging him with your shoulder. “I wouldn’t have wasted so much time getting dressed up then.” A heavy sigh slipped past your lips as you feigned exhaustion.
You were wearing a little black dress. The dress was not overly excessive or flashy — it was quite short and plain, yet it clung to your body in all the right places. You look absolutely stunning. As Simon followed you from the hallway to the living room, his eyes shamelessly glided down your back, his gaze lingering on the curve of your ass just for a moment too long.
“...so I pretty much ordered everything on the menu. I probably shouldn’t have, and under normal circumstances, I would never do that. But... this is my favourite restaurant and the food there... is bloody delicious,” Simon explained as he unloaded an assortment of different-sized containers from the bags onto the coffee table; he embellished some details in his story because, after all, it wasn’t his favorite place, but it was yours.
“Wait. I know where this is from!” You exclaimed, your gaze fixed on the logo imprinted on one of the lids. “I absolutely adore that place!”
“It’s a lucky coincidence then,” Simon said, grinning as he popped the cork of a bottle of wine.
“I’m going to be right back,” you mumbled, leaving the living room. Moments later, you returned from the kitchen, carrying two glasses, a couple of plates and the silverware: just because you weren’t going out that didn’t mean you needed to eat out of paper plates.
You confessed you didn’t expect Simon to ask you out again. When he naively asked why, he immediately regretted the question because you mentioned Matt. Simon didn’t want to talk about him; he didn’t want to think about Matt tonight, fearing the guilt and regret he felt all week would resurface and dampen his mood. However, it appeared like you felt the need to justify yourself and assure him you weren’t some kind of man-eater.
“I know the last time we saw each other, I mentioned I was seeing someone. But I promise I’m not two-timing you,” you said, taking the glass of wine and curling up on the couch. “The guy — Matt, not that you care what his name is — he’s been avoiding me, ignoring all my calls and texts.”
You took a sip, pausing for a bit. You pulled the bottom lip in between your teeth, biting on the soft flesh as you hesitated, not sure if you wanted to continue. But Simon remained silent, so you resumed pouring your frustrations out.
“We have a history together. I used to date him in high school. We were close, and he was always so patient with me, never pressuring me into doing something I wasn’t ready for. But then he had to move, and we broke up. I thought that since he moved back into the city, we could pick up where we left off. He seemed to want that too, but I guess he changed his mind.”
After a low sigh escaped you, Simon placed his hand on your knee, giving it a comforting squeeze. The warmth of his touch spreading throughout your body.
“Now, I’m beginning to see what I desperately tried to ignore. The thought of dating me never even crossed his mind, and he only used me to... to satisfy his urges.”
Simon nodded his head. His lips were sealed but a thousand thoughts were racing through his mind: yes, you were naïve, but now he could see that you were smart, too. Matt was mistaken for thinking he could exploit your innocence.
“It’s his loss,” Simon finally spoke, his voice soft. He peeled his hand away from your knee. His fingers moved up your arm, lingering as they slid underneath your jaw. His thumb circled your cheek once before he reached out to a strand of hair that had fallen into your face, pushing it away from your eyes, carefully tucking it behind your ear. “A woman like you deserves better. You shouldn’t settle for some douchebag who doesn’t know how to treat you.”
The air was stuck in your chest. Your lips were parted, and your gaze never left his brown eyes. You hadn’t realised how tense your body had become. The wine glass you held in your hand felt heavy, your fingers wrapped around it so tightly that your knuckles turned white. Only when Simon averted his gaze, allowing his hand to fall back into his lap, your muscles relaxed and you could finally breathe out, the air rushing out of your lungs in a soft sigh.
There was an invisible string that seemed to connect you to Simon, pulling you in and drawing you closer to him. And maybe it was just all the wine dulling your senses, and the fact that you finished half of the bottle by yourself (Simon only pretended to drink), but a part of you wanted to kiss him.
You placed the glass on the coffee table, creating a gentle clicking sound as it made contact with the surface. The sudden noise in the otherwise quiet living room made Simon turn his head and look at you. When his gaze locked with yours, an electrifying tension that was almost palpable filled the air. Taking in a shallow breath, you leaned in, closing the gap between you two. Slowly and gently, you pressed your lips to the corner of his mouth.
“Thank you.”
Simon’s heart hammered against the walls of his ribcage, each beat echoing in his ear. Your touch sparked a wildfire on his skin, causing warmth to spread throughout his body, as if a million tiny flames licked at his nerves, searing his senses. Your presence, like a magnet, drew him closer towards you, and he couldn’t make himself pull away. You had only planted a soft kiss on his cheek. Yet that insignificant gesture meant more to him than you could have ever realised.
The softness of your lips against his skin felt like a revelation. That kiss made him feel as if everything he had done so far, the way he acted, was justified. Even though his dark impulses had taken over more than once, it was all worth it because now, he was here, and you were by his side.
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f1gments · 1 year
The Moon and His Sun - Hayakawa Aki
You come to him like a breath of fresh air, cleansing his soul, his entire existence. You fill the once empty void in his chest. He finds solace in every part of you. You're his sun, and he’s your moon. Home is not a place, but where you are, waiting for him with open arms.
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author’s note: added a photo of aki in ep 6 because it’s how I actually imagined him. 🥰
Thinking about how you and Aki are sitting at the balcony, just sitting in one another's embrace one late night while you remember the day when you two first meet and speak of the possible future you might or might not have with each other. Also I feel like "Bouquet" by Ichiko Aoba goes really well with this imagine.
tags/content warnings: fluff, slight mutual pining, slight angst, slight mentions of sex but it's not that detailed.
word count: 3.5k words (not proofread btw)
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Judging by the angle of the moonlight illuminating the apartment, it is clear that it is currently a time that both you and Aki should most definitely, be completely dead asleep. But going to bed early is a foreign concept for the two of you. On most nights like this, when Denji and Power have long gone to bed, you and Aki spend time together after a tiring day of work – huddled up on the balcony, just enjoying each other's presence with cigarette smoke filling the air.
“Hey Aki.” you say, breaking the comfortable silence as your head lays on his shoulder, staring straight ahead at the view of the urban area in front of you.
“Have you ever thought about what you wanted to be if we didn’t have devils and weren’t in Public Safety?”
Aki remains silent in thought. There were many times he’d think about what he could’ve been if those damn devils didn’t exist. If the sole thought of a person’s fear didn’t lead them to appear out of nowhere.
“Well, I’ve always enjoyed watching people play baseball, so maybe a baseball player. Or a detective.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Detective, huh?”
“Yeah. I used to watch tons of crime documentaries and I always thought the investigations and the process of it all was interesting.”
“Now that you mention it, I kinda see you as detective. I think it would suit you well.” you grin. His lips tug up slightly to give you a small smile in return.
Aki then mentions his younger brother Taiyo when you ask him what makes him want to be a baseball player.
“You remember him, right?” he asks before taking a long inhale from the menthol flavored cigarette.
You tilt your head up to look at the doleful look on his face while he stares out towards the other buildings facing you. You nod slowly, recalling the few times he’d share his memories about him and his deceased sibling, and the tragedy that happened to him along with his parents when the gun devil showed up in Japan – killing  57,912 people in its wake.
Aki gazes at you softly, exhaling a puff of smoke from the menthol stick held between his fingers. “How about you,y/n? What did you want to be?”
You hum in thought. Frankly, there were many things that you wanted to be. Many things you wanted to accomplish if you were given a chance to live a normal life.
“I’d probably be a lawyer, or a teacher.”
He tells you that you would suit either of those. He admires the way you’re passionate about standing up for others and seeking justice - how you have a big heart and give out kindness to those who don’t even deserve it. He loves that you complete him, like a puzzle piece that was made to fit exactly into the once empty slot of his chest. You were the bright and vivid colors that painted his once dull and grey world. He loves how you instantly make his day better with your smile and sounds of laughter on days when memories of his haunting past weigh on his mind. Sometimes he feels like you weren’t real. That you were an ethereal being with the most prettiest face. You’re an anchor that keeps him grounded.
“And what if we hadn’t crossed paths? Do you think we’d be as happy as we are now?” you ask him this time.
“I know I wouldn’t be. You’re the reason I look forward to getting up everyday.”
“I used to think that life was meaningless and being happy wasn’t maybe isn’t meant for everyone.” he tells you while looking you in the eyes genuinely.
“But you changed that for me. I’m grateful that the universe was kind enough to turn my lonely days into happy ones by gifting me with you.” he murmurs, taking the back of your hand to his lips to give it a gentle peck before he rests it on his lap to gently caress it with his thumb.
Your giggle shyly at his confession, fingers fiddling with the metal black promise ring that’s sitting on your other hand that Aki had given you on your second year of being together. You tell him you’d probably be out there somewhere living a miserable single life since chivalry is dead with most men nowadays.
He tells you that would be impossible since someone as pretty as you would have many admirers and sooner or later you’d let one of them sweep you off your feet. To which you deny and it makes you think back to how you and Aki ended up dating in the first place.
"Do you remember the first time we met?"
He lets out a chuckle, reminiscing the nostalgic moments of your first meeting.
There's someone I'd like you to meet." says Makima to you and during that moment the door opens and in strides a tall young man who looked about two or three years older than you were. A katana sits on on the back of the neat black suit he wears. Dark and inky blue locks from his wispy bangs frame the rather emotionless look on his face. The man keeps his gaze straight ahead with his hands clasped behind his back, head held high. Despite the stoic expression on him, you find that he looks very handsome.
"Hayakawa. This is Y/N. She'll be joining us from now on and she'll be your new partner." Said Makima.
"What about Himeno, ma'am?" he questions. His voice is deep and although it comes out monotonous you can’t help but find it rather attractive.
"She'll be Kishibe's partner as of now." Makima responds shortly before scribbling away at a document on her desk.
You turn to look at Aki, whose midnight blue irises are already staring at you with an unreadable look - though it almost seems as if he’s examining you. From the way his eyes flicker to yours, down to your lips then briefly at your figure before he completely breaks off eye contact with you and turns his head to look ahead once again.
"I'm Aki. Nice to meet you."
"Hello, Aki. Likewise. I'm y/n."'
He doesn't know what it is, but something about the mere way you say his name in a honeyed tone has him fighting back a blush.
You follow Aki from behind onto the bustling street of city slickers and business suits out on your first time of patrolling. Aki doesn't say more than a few sentences of explaining what usually happens during a patrol should the both of you encounter any devils. There isn’t much of any devil activity that day so you both head back to the headquarters.
You don't ask many questions and you only speak unless you're spoken to and Aki prefers it that way since he really can't be bothered to explain the whole works of everything.
Thankfully the both of you work well together and you there was this one time you managed to surprise Aki when you deal with decapitating a medium level devil all by yourself.
Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and after being promoted by Makima, you're now in the same ranking as he is. And within that period of time, the both of you can't help but notice the mutual attraction that's blossoming between you. It starts of as shy glances from one another across the office, to the brief bumping on one another’s elbow or brushes of fingers whenever the both of you are next to each other. But you're both not sure whether to let it turn into something more from there or even address the subject matter.
On top of that, you notice the way Himeno eyes Aki on the few missions you all go on together along with her Kishibe, who's another senior in the division. You can tell that she has a thing for him and as much as you would like to pursue your feelings for Aki, you decide that beefing with another girl to win the mans heart is something you can't be bothered with. So you idly watch them through the window of your office when you see her link arms with him in the hallway, asking him if he wants to join her for lunch. It’s only normal to feel a tad bit of jealousy when you see your crush (you know it sounds childish) get touched by someone else. Especially if that someone else shares the same feelings for him as you do.
Surprisingly though, Aki moves her arm off him to turn down her invitation, telling her that has to meet up with Makima during that time. You know that he's lying because he's avoiding eye contact and you're his partner - if Makima actually wanted to see him, you’d be the first to know.
While Aki's just plain awkward when it comes to women and relationships, you on the other hand can't remember the last time you even kissed a guy.
Speaking of kissing, your first kiss with Aki happens on a nondescript Friday evening after work - everyone has left and it's just you and Aki in the office packing up your bags to head home. For the first time ever since the day you joined Public Safety, Aki takes the initiative to walk over to your desk, hands in his pockets as he struggles to find the proper words to ask if you wanted to join him for a few drinks without embarrassing himself.
"So um," He clears his throat as he feels his cheeks slowly begin to heat up. "I was wondering if you were free to join me after this, for drinks."
You slowly turn your head to look up while you blink at him silently at the sudden invitation, but then you smile and give him a nod.
“I’d like that.”
Aki takes a deep breath and his eyes slightly light up while he tries contain the excitement from your response which makes you laugh. Your grin grows wider when you notice the tips of his ears becoming red.
You're both now sat next to each other at a hidden bar Aki frequently comes to on days where he feels like he needs a glass or two to allow him to relax a little after an exhausting day of work. There aren't many people in the bar - just the both of you along with two other patrons siting at the far corner of the place and the young bartender whose occupied with a clean towel in hand to wipe a shot glass.
Smooth jazz plays in the background at a low volume as Aki motions over to him with an upward nod. "I'll have the usual."
The bartender flashes him a smile before he turns to you. "Got it. And what'll your pretty friend be having?"
"I'll have a whiskey sour." You smile.
A few hours and about five or six glasses later, you start to feel a little buzzed from the alcohol in your system. Thankfully you're not completely drunk so you're still able to hold a proper conversation or two. The same goes for Aki who is able to hold his liquor well, but there had been some nights where he would pass out cold in the bar to have the bartender wake him during up closing time.
Tonight was probably the most you and Aki speak compared to the times you both are at work where only a few sentences are shared between you both and they have nothing to do with your personal lives.
A couple clicks sound from a lighter going off makes you turn to see Aki lighting up a cigarette. The light from the flame of the lighter reflects onto his face, forming a shadow on his handsome features. He has his usual hairstyle down in its natural state and you can't help but to stare at him.
His eyes shift to yours, blowing out the smoke from his lips away from your direction. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"You're pretty." You tell him, grinning lazily. Maybe it was the alcohol that gave you the courage to say that.
Aki's eyes widen and he inhales sharply, letting out an shy gasp as his cheeks turn an even more rosy colour than the one that’s already staining his cheeks due to the alcohol he’d been drinking.
The bartender witnesses all of this and he lets out an amused chuckle. Aki gives him an annoyed side eye to which the bartender raises his arms up in surrender. Aki slides him a few bills and tells you that maybe it's time to get you home before you end up getting even more drunk.
You're now walking side by side at a comfortable distance next to each other, on the way to your place. You shiver slightly at the cool night breeze that swirls around the both of you. It's late but thankfully there are a few cars driving pass the both of you and although most of the shops in the area are closed, there are still lights illuminating your surroundings.
"Hey Aki. Are you seeing anyone right now?" you ask out of nowhere.
Aki shakes his head. "No. Why?"
You shrug. "No reason. Just wonder why a handsome guy like you doesn't have a girl waiting for you at home."
You hear him chuckle for the first time ever because usually Aki only ever lets out so much as an amused exhale from his nose during your conversations - barely even smiles to anyone at work. He isn't one to show that many emotions from what you experience in being his partner.
"First you call me pretty and now you think I'm handsome?"
"Just telling the truth." you shrug with a grin this time.
The mood seems to shift, the amused expression falling off his face once he sees realizes that this is the chance for him to finally confess his feelings to you. You're both currently stranding underneath a non functioning street light.
"There is someone I like though." he murmurs as he stands a little closer in front of you.
You don't want to get your hopes up but you feel like you already get feeling of who it is. Nevertheless you ask who it could be.
"I'm looking right at her." he tells you. It isn’t a second later that he initiates the kiss by leaning forward to press his lips firmly against your soft ones. The kiss itself tastes like a mix between a minty taste of the cigarettes Aki had been smoking and the drinks you had earlier.
It's an innocent kiss. No movement - no tongue. Just the both of you feeling the sensation of each other's lips and how they feel pressed against one another. But Aki lets out a soft groan when he tastes the minty cherry flavor from what's left of your lip-gloss. That's when he decides to pull away so that he doesn't end up being greedy to deepen the kiss.
Aki watches as there's a shade of vivid coral dusting your cheeks - and he feels that his cheeks are doing the same. He clears his throat, nervously stumbling over his words to apologize to you before he regains his posture. Aki takes a deep breath before he gazes at you with one of his serious expressions.
"I like you."
You grin shyly at him. "I like you too."
The first few months of dating after that is a learning process for the both of you since you’re both not at all that experienced in relationships. But Aki does his research on finding out what girls like and dislike. What makes them happy and sad. (He also hesitantly went up to  Kishibe one day for a few tips from since the older male seems to have experience when it comes to women) He puts all the effort into anytime time he takes you out on dates and you notice that Aki slowly cracks open his hard-outer shell for you. He smiles more when he’s with you – he’s gentler when speaking to you, and he makes sure to stay attentive to all the things you have to say.
Aki loves hearing you speak. He could fall asleep to the soft and gentle tone of your voice.
The relationship progresses with stolen kisses from him in the empty hallways or office. The journey back home after work consists of holding each other’s hands and the sharing of one another’s life stories.
Most of your colleagues at work have become aware of your discreet relationship with Aki – even Himeno. She was with Kishibe then, when they catch you and Aki making out at his desk. You're straddling your boyfriend when the two of them walk in with an astonished expression on their faces. They were about to invite the both of you for lunch, but it seems apparently you were both already busy with eating each others faces off.
Himeno chuckles dryly at the scene. "Geez, just get a room already." she mutters as she pushes past Kishibe to walk back out the room.
The blonde haired male on the other hand finds this somewhat amusing and he throws a wink at the two of you telling Aki to make sure he puts a wrapper on it, before he exits the room with his hands in his pockets. Aki's covering his face in embarrassment while you only giggle at his reaction.
You were both each other’s first. It was a rainy afternoon filled with giddy laughter, trembling hands and hungry kisses. Although he was big, it didn’t hurt like you expected it to but the first few moments after he pushes himself into you feels a little strange but soon that turns into pleasure and Aki thinks that he can never get enough of the way you’re begging for more under him, crying out his name.
“I love you.” He tells you once you both come down from the euphoric high of your orgasms. The rain is pitter pattering against the windows, and the room is filled with the smell of sex, cigarettes along with the scent of your warm vanilla perfume that Aki loves so much. You lay your bare chest on his, pecking him on the cheek, making him blush even after was buried deep inside you a few moments earlier.
“I love you too, Aki.”
End of flashback
The sun begins to slowly peek from the horizon, a light shade of tangerine and coral lining the sky.
Thankfully you didn’t have work in the few hours to come so the both of you remain sat at the balcony, sitting comfortably with cigarette smoke surrounding you, talking about anything and everything that came to mind. Aki then begins grumbling how your lives were more peaceful before those two rascals came to ruin it. You let out an airy laugh telling him that they were nothing but individuals who found comfort in the solace of you and Aki’s home. (Somewhere along the way, you decide to move in with Aki since he had given you a spare key to his apartment during your ninth month of being together.)
Aki glances at you. Taking in your breath-taking beauty. He considers himself lucky to have someone as understanding and loving as you by his side. Someone who’s able to accept the deepest, darkest parts of him. Someone who’s also independent when you needed to be, and strong when you face any devils together. A sudden sadness washes over him when he thinks of the days he has left on his life. He wonders how you’ll be able to deal with his loss one day. He can’t help but feel a little jealous if you were to find someone else other than him to share intimate moments with.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” you hum, interrupting him from his deep thoughts.
“Our future.”
“What about it?”
“Just about who’s going to take care of you when I’m gone.” He says, pulling you onto his lap, burying his face into your neck to inhale the soft florally scent of your shampoo. You’re aware of his decreasing life span from the contract he made with the devils he’d come across.
You caress his hair gently, giving him a loving kiss on the forehead. “Aki, look at me.”
The man looks up at you with an unreadable expression. You cup both his cheeks, stroking your them with your thumb. “You don’t have to worry about a thing. If anything happens, I can handle it by myself. You know that, don’t you?”
He nods wordlessly.
“And if you’re worried about me finding someone else, you don’t have to worry about that either. My heart and soul belong to you. I am yours, as you are mine. Right?” You tell him. Aki gives you a boyish smile, something you see often now but it never ceases to give you butterflies in your stomach.
“I am yours.” He replies before capturing your chin with his thumb and index finger, kissing you passionately on the lips. He groans when you bite down on his bottom lip, making you smirk. He pulls away to give you a look.
“Careful. Don’t start what you can’t finish.” He warns. But his words only make you smirk even wider.
You make a joke how you’re both practically in a contract with one another just like with the contract he makes with the devils he’s come across. You then say that he would probably be the love devil with the way you’re madly in love with him.
Aki rolls his eyes with a scoff. “That’s so cheesy. That’s not even how it works,y/n.”
You snicker. “I know but one of us has to be the comedian in this relationship.” You tell him to which he rolls his eyes again. Then, you notice the mischievous glint swimming in his eyes as he asks you. “You know what devil you’d be?”
You shake your head. Aki smirks as he reaches up to whisper in your ear. “You’d be the sex fiend.”
You slap him on the chest playfully, making him laugh before gently cups your face as he kisses you on the lips once more.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Aki.”
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©️ don’t repost or claim my work as yours that’s all i ask.
this was something very random. just got inspired by the song i mentioned at the top. big fan of ichko aoba's music :)
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70spunkstars · 6 months
I’m Baby.
The person who came up with this idea first will be tagged at the end <33
Summary; after a long day, you and hobie just love on each other.
Tags; Fluff, suggestive (?), Fem! Reader, Spiritual! Reader, established relationship, reader and hobie live in the houseboat together, not a lot of dialogue, kinda short, hardly proofread
AN; I probably missed something and it’s late I’m sleepy but I was too obsessed with this concept to not write it so I’m sorry if it didn’t turn out how y’all imagined (I’m probably gonna rewrite this later) SEND ASKS OR DM WITH CONSTRUCTIVE WRITING CRIT 🙏🏽🙏🏽 okay thanks luv you goodnight 🤭🤭
It’d gotten kind of late and Hobie still wasn’t home. You figured he was still out patrolling. Ignoring the annoying ass voice in the back of your head telling you something was wrong, you decided to clean and cleanse your home instead.
Excitedly, you dance to the large speaker Hobie bought you for Christmas a few weeks ago. Connecting your phone to the large machinery and playing your favorite Neo-Soul/R&B playlist, you start cleaning the kitchen.
You’d gone through the whole house and cleaned it from top to mf bottom. Doing breathing exercises to ease your mind before smoke cleansing the house with rosemary and garden sage. The moment you put out your bundles and light an incense stick you hear the front door of the houseboat creak open.
Cheesing so hard your cheeks started to hurt. Then you heard the familiar sound of heavy boots and clinking metal belts make their way into the back of the house towards you. “There you are” Hobie says lowly with a smile on their face, leaning against the well loved and worn paint of ya’ll bedroom doorframe.
setting down the incense holder on your shared dresser you run to the tall lanky boy, who waits for you with open arms, squeezing him and taking a deep breath enjoying the smell of his cologne mixed with the cold night air. Letting out a relieved sigh you pull back and look him in the eyes. “Thought I’d die before yo ass got home.” Playfully slapping their chest and turning around with their hand in yours, sitting him down on your bed and gracing a soft kiss onto their forehead.
“Fuck off” laughing he pulls you towards him by the hips. God, that smile made you lose your mind. he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his cheek against your stomach. You could tell they was trying hard to stay awake. You knew he missed you and it was showing with how tightly he was holding you.
“Hey.” You murmur to them. Cradling his face in your hands gently. He hums in response with closed eyes that drag open to look at you. “I missed you baby” his tired smile fills your stomach with butterflies. How could you have gotten so lucky as to be able to go to sleep and wake up with such a beautiful person every night?
“You sleepy?” Of course he denied, which also made you laugh. “My eyes’r jus’ sore.”
“Boy jus’ say you sleepy and get inna bed” he groans in response making you cackle. Turning off the light you climb into the bed and get cozy under the covers, tying your dreads back and slipping on your bonnet. Watching him shed his many layers and slip off his boots you felt heat start to build in your chest. Like you was falling in love with him all over again.
He slipped on a pair of grey sweats then wrapped his hair and jumped into the bed, settling comfortably between your legs. The two of you laid there for several moments just listening to each other breathe. Dragging your acrylics across his back (that he definitely picked the design for) and soaking in their presence.
“Missed you.” He mumbled lifting his head off of your stomach, which was his favorite place to rest his head if you couldn’t tell by now. The cold metal of his lip piercing against your lip soothed the warmth that was quickly spreading throughout your body.
The contact melted you almost immediately. What was supposed to be just one kiss turned into 3 then 3 turned into 9 and then you started making out. It was comforting really. Having him in your arms like this after him being gone for over 12 hours.
It’d been a long minute. You two had switched positions and you were in his lap now. Your knees pressed into the softness of the mattress, one of his hands gripping your hip and the other on the back of your neck. He was pulling you into him as if you’d slip through his fingers at any moment.
Soft suppressed whimpers leave the back of your throat. Hobie never failed to make you feel loved wanted and needed, ever. They groan in response, sitting up off the headboard to wrap their arms around you, kisses trailing off of your lips and down to your neck.
The warm smell of nag champa and the comforting sound of R&B playing just made the moment all the more magical. “I love you, baby.” Your words send a shiver throughout his body and you can feel him relax under you.
He pulls back. Hands sliding to your hips and kneading the fat there. With the most loving look and content smile on his face, he tells you.
“love it when y’call me baby.”
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manicplank · 17 days
I’m curious if you think any of the PT crew have any allergies, I ask because I myself am allergic to nuts and almonds(it’s bad lmao.)
Peppino: He doesn't really have many allergies other than pollen. He is, however, asthmatic. It is very hard for him to breathe in extreme heat and smoke.
Gustavo: He's allergic to penicillin.
Mr. Stick: He's allergic to coconut. He tried those coconut chocolates and his face started to swell... Yeah, that was an experience.
Pepperman: No allergies, but is sensitive to smoke.
The Vigilante: He's not necessarily allergic to it, but hay can make him itchy at times. (I'm projecting.)
The Noise: He's lactose intolerant (very common in Mexicans), but that doesn't stop him from consuming dairy. He also can't have whey since it's a dairy derivative. Also pollen. (Another projection.)
Noisette: She's allergic to bees, pollen, and coconut milk. She can have coconut as a food, but coconut milk is completely different. (Projecting again.) A bee sting could kill her. Pollen just makes her sneeze a lot.
Fake Peppino: No known allergies, but he's very sensitive to toxins and chemicals. Cleansing chemicals usually cause a reaction and make his skin burn.
Pizzahead: Allergic to mold.
Pillar John: No allergies.
Gerome: No allergies.
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broomsick · 1 year
Heathen-izing your spring celebrations
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The earth wakes up from its slumber, snowdrops poke through Skaði's coat of frost, yada yada. You guys know I'm not such a huge fan of spring. I do have, after all, a favorable bias towards winter (sue me). However, something paganism has helped me develop is the taste for each of the seasons our planet has to offer. Having worshipped Freyr for quite a long time, I've come to appreciate the beauty of spring. For one, the celebrations that come with the equinox. Spring festivals carry quite the unique, undeniable excitement, after all! Which is why I'm very happy to share some of my personal practices and ideas regarding norse-paganism oriented spring festivals.
Quick disclaimer! Unlike Jól, the celebration of spring in Iron Age Scandinavia and within the Germanic tribes is quite poorly documented. We've got access to little to no sources describing practices surrounding spring or the spring equinox. Still, I hope this handful of personal ideas and practices prove useful to you! I've summed up a few interesting historically attested (or attested-ish) practices as well, but I suggest looking into them by yourself if you're interested in more detailed information.
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The basics
I'm going to assume that many of you are already familiar with what neo-pagan sources generally consider the "symbols" of the spring equinox. Why the rabbit? Because spring marks the beginning of the mating season among hares and lagomorphs. Why the eggs? Because they're a symbol of birth and renewal. Still, neither one of these symbols has any strong ties to historical practice, least of all in Germanic traditions. In the case of Scandinavian practice specifically, the painting of eggs is more often than not believed to have originated within Christian circles before moving north. That doesn't mean, however, that the symbols of hares/rabbits and eggs can't be used in pagan practice! I use them to decorate for the spring equinox no matter their origin, simply because I really do think they fit with the mood, for the reasons previously mentioned. I also love using local symbols of spring, such as snowdrops, to decorate. If you're looking to weave more norse pagan tradition into your celebration, phallic idols/representations are the way to go. They are a major symbol of Freyr, who is closely tied to spring. By worshipping this symbol, you are asking for the prosperity of the land! You can start by "cleansing" the symbol, so to speak, using incense smoke or water depending on what material it is made out of. I tend to use melted snow to cleanse it, to further the symbolism of spring. If you're on a budget or simply aren't interested in buying such an idol, anything can still be turned into a phallic symbol, honestly. A simple tree branch you've picked up outside could do the trick nicely, after you've trimmed away whatever sticks out of it! This is just an example, but I'll trust your creativity to find anything that you feel works as a phallic symbol.
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Deity work/worship
At this time of year, it's also pretty commonplace to make offerings to the Vanir, the landvættir and your local Dísir! You can thank them for the summer that has passed, and the one that’s to come. You can ask for a plentiful year, and for an abundance of resources. If you’re not sure how to go about working with landvættir, I suggest taking a quick look at this previous post I made on the topic of land spirit work. Landdísir are especially venerated by neo-pagans at this time of year, because they are considered the guardians of one’s land. By offering something to them, and/or the landvættir, you show your respect for the land itself. I’ve already spoken a bit about worship of Freyr for the coming spring, but let me dig a little deeper on that topic. I almost feel compelled to do so because his association with spring was so widespread that he was at the center of an important springtime festival called Disting. This festival was especially important in Uppsala, where large numbers of people would gather to make sacrifices for victory, and where lovers would allegedly exchange gifts. However, Disting and Dísablót are very often mixed up, as the difference between the two vary depending on the region. But back to our main topic: springtime Freyr worship today. Effigies of boars make for great decoration to invoke the benevolence of the King of Kings. After all, the boar held a major role in his worship: it's generally viewed as his fylgja, and boars were sacrificed to him on Yuletide, according to the Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks. This is the reason I treat my loved ones and myself to boar meat around the equinox, or when it's truly starting to feel like spring. I cook a meal out of boar (trying to change up the recipe every time!) and share it around to family members or neighbors. In fact, the act of sharing has become quite an important part of my worship of Freyr. It allows me to embody his generosity and benevolence! You could see this as a form of devotional. Now if you’re looking for more ideas on Freyr worship, this other post I wrote could prove useful!
The next deity I'll be touching on is the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre (otherwise called Ostara), who understandably comes up often when researching the Vernal equinox. We unfortunately know very little about her, including whether she was ever worshipped in history. One thing's for sure, though: she is certainly worshipped by many pagans today, which is why I would suggest looking, not only into historical sources, but also into SPG and UPG if you're interested in devoting a ritual/offering to her. She is heavily associated with dawn, which is why her devotees will sometimes wake up to see the sun rise on the day of the equinox. Dew and flowers are common offerings to her! While I’m at it, let’s talk about flowers some more. They are your best friends when it comes to decoration! Natural ones obviously feel a little more lively, but it’s also perfectly fine to use artificial ones, or even ones made out of paper! They make excellent material for crafts, and having flowers inside the house can be likened to inviting spring itself within your home.
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At this time of year, many heathens also engage in Sigrblót ("victory sacrifice"), a blót for victory, or success. This conveniently aligns with Freyr worship, which is often oriented towards finances, personal success or else, due to his association with fertility. The Sigrblót was attested in the Ynglingasaga, though it could be better described as a celebration of the coming summer rather than of spring itself. Now, this celebration is sometimes called Somarsdag ("summer's day"), and it's often said to happen on the fourth full moon after Jól, or on the 16th of April. However, if you aren't tied to any particular group and tend to perform blót alone, I'd say Sigrblót could very well be celebrated on any designated day which feels right to you. Pretty much all the information we have on that sacrifice is speculation, but it would make plenty of sense to perform it around the equinox, in my opinion. The Sigrblót is the perfect occasion to set some goals for yourself! After all, you’re asking for victory! What’s a project you wish to see succeed this year? Since Óðinn is very tightly associated with victory, you can choose to involve him in this ritual, by devoting an offering or a song to him, for example.
Another practice that’s great for a springtime celebration is lighting a fire! It’s a great way to symbolize the return of the sun and warmth. If you are interested in sun worship or if you already actively engage in it, this is an opportunity to do something for Sól! This activity is something that makes for a beautiful devotional. If your area is already pretty warm and if you’ve got the right fixtures, why not make a bonfire outside! And if your area, like mine, still looks like it’s halfway through January, a fire in the hearth will do the job perfectly. Lighting candles does the trick as well, and what's useful about them is that you can carry them around your home, so as to “spread the sun’s light” in your living area, and set them on windowsills to welcome the sun! I actually usually couple the lighting of the hearth with the Sigrblót. Once the blót is performed, I can throw written prayers or wishes in the fire. Though it doesn’t stem from any historical ritual, I’ve developed the habit of carving the simple shape of the Isa rune on a piece of wood, which I throw in the fire to symbolize the end of winter, the melting of the ice! A means of saying goodbye to winter that’s passed, so to speak. If you’re working with candles, this could be done by writing the rune on a piece of paper.
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