#sometimes i wonder if i should have more like. summary information on what books are about
veliseraptor · 16 days
April Reading Recap
Stars of Chaos vol. 2 by Priest. I'm not quite grabbed by this one yet. I'm not not enjoying it, but the main relationship doesn't quite have me compelled, and the politics aren't quite sharp enough to get me either. I'm not totally sure I'll keep buying the published volumes, at least not at this time, and just read the rest online to see how I end up feeling about it as a whole before making the financial commitment.
Medea by Eilish Quin. Listen, I'm a Medea apologist, but I'm a Medea apologist who is very much of the "she absolutely did all the awful things she's accused of and she is valid" and the author here is going "she did all the awful things she's accused of but it's not as bad as you thought it was because she didn't mean it!" and I'm just. I'm not mad, just disappointed (again). I was so hoping for a book that would do something interesting with a Medea retelling but I probably should've known better than to think it'd be this one. Why, you may ask, do I keep reading myth retellings about my problematic faves when all I do is complain about them? Hope springs eternal, I guess.
She Who Became the Sun and He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan. Exceptional. Might be my favorite books I read in April. I'd already read She Who Became the Sun back when it was first published and knew I'd enjoyed it (was rereading to refresh my memory for the sequel), but I felt like I enjoyed it more the second time around, and I might've liked He Who Drowned the World even more than its predecessor. If you're looking for works of just-barely fantasy with delightfully fucked up queer characters, come get 'em here. I won't say most of them are happy (they're not) or that things end well (they don't), but boy is it good reading.
The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling. Decent horror but not particularly outstanding, in my opinion. I liked The Luminous Dead more.
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee. I continue to struggle with novellas. This was a perfectly good novella but it felt like it could've been a stronger short story, which I guess is better than the other way I usually come out of novellas, which is "this was a fine novella but it should've been a novel."
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler. I really liked this. It has more of a thriller-ish edge than I expected, but for all that I think it's a thoughtful book with some interesting things to say, and I feel like it's one I want more people to read so I can talk to them about it. It's set in a sort-of spooky, near-future dystopia, but a lot of it is about, like, the nature of thought and consciousness. Anyway, I found myself compelled.
Islands of Abandonment: Nation Rebounding in the Post-Human Landscape by Cal Flyn. I found myself reading this thinking a lot about The World Without Us, a book I read many years ago and would kind of like to reread, and which I think I liked more than this (at least in my memory). I was hoping for more analysis than I got from this book, which was beautifully written but more nature/travel writing than science. One thing I did appreciate was the attention paid to the human cost of the "abandoned" places examined in this book - the pain that abandonment often signifies, and the trauma it indicates, in spite of the beauty that may come after.
Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World by Mary Beard. I really liked the way that Beard chose to do this one - namely, taking it by theme rather than by emperor, and breaking down different areas of the emperor's life over time rather than trying to tell a linear narrative. It also let her do some of the better "skeptical" reading of sources that I've read in a popular book on ancient history, where she was actually digging into the "rather than what this says about what this person may or may not have actually done, what does it say about expectations, beliefs, and tropes that people had" kind of reading. And after some of the other popular histories of Rome I've read, thank god for that.
Metamorphoses by Ovid, trans. Stephanie McCarter. Continuing on with my "reading new translations (by women!) of classical epics" run (started with The Odyssey, The Iliad is on my list). It was fun to reread Ovid! As usual one of my favorite parts of this was reading the translator's note and introduction, and I wanted about 500% more of that through the text (tell me about the assonance you're preserving in the Latin!) but did get some of (thanks for the information on the penis/pubic hair puns!). Overall would recommend as a good translation of Ovid that very much does not flinch away from - and makes/keeps appropriately uncomfortable - the sexual assault.
Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat. Slightly more YA than I usually like, but I enjoyed it! I was a little :\ about it for a while, very much feeling the YA cliches of it all, but the late hour twist got me interested again, and I will be picking up the sequel. Did miss the full balls-to-the-wall iddy joy of Captive Prince, though, since I probably wouldn't have picked this book up without the author recognition.
Subversive Sequels in the Bible: How Biblical Stories Mine and Undermine Each Other by Judy Klitsner. I really liked this one, particularly for its commentary comparing and contrasting Eve, and the other women of Genesis, with later Biblical narratives. I don't know how much I buy all of her arguments when it comes to intentionality of all of the comparisons she's drawing, but it certainly makes interesting food for thought, and a good sampler for me of what literary-based Biblical scholarship can look like (and an indication that I'm interested in trying more of it).
Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks. I read most of my way through this book continuing to really appreciate what Banks does with the Culture novels and planning to continue on reading the next one, but not enjoying this specific one as much as I did The Player of Games in particular, and then I got to the very end of it and went "hang on what the fuck???" but in a decidedly good way. And I'm still kind of thinking about That even though it's been a while, which I think is a positive. Anyway, I don't think I'd recommend this as a starting place for anyone to read the Culture novels, or as a must read, but it was on the upper end of a three star rating.
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid. I wanted this to be more gothic horror and less romance and it ended up being more romance and less gothic horror, was my feeling. Not necessarily the book's fault, but if anyone else is eyeing it wondering...now you know.
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. I really enjoyed this one! I was kind of skeptical going in - I'm not a big magic school person, as a rule, and the more I feel like something is hyped to me the more I tend to drag my heels about it - but Naomi Novik is really good at what she does and she clearly had a lot of fun here. It's tropey for sure, but I enjoy the narrative voice (very important, in a first person narration), and the action moves along with what I felt was pretty good momentum. The other thing I was worried about - that it'd feel too much like this was just ~commentary on/against Harry Potter~ without saying anything for itself - didn't materialize for me. I'm looking forward to reading the next ones.
The Monster Theory Reader ed. by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock. I'm so rusty on my academic/theory reading and I felt it reading this collection, some of which was definitely better than others. Kristeva's essay on abjection was particularly rough as far as "I'm reading words and I know all the words but something about the order they're going in is just not making sense to me." Overall...it was a decent primer? There were a few very interesting essays in there; my favorite might've been the one on tanuki in modernizing Japan's folklore, but there were a couple on "monstrous" bodies that made me wish I had someone to discuss them with. That's probably my main problem reading academic works these days: I want a seminar to dissect them afterwards and I just don't have that.
The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel. I'm trying to read something Jewish on Shabbat now and finally getting around to reading some Heschel after years of meaning to. I thought "oh, I'll start easy with something nice and short" - yeah, no, Heschel's got a very particular style of writing and there's a lot of theological depth packed into a very short volume. I'm looking forward to reading The Prophets, though.
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun vol. 5 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou. I think we're juuuuust about caught up now with the official translation to where I started reading the machine translation, so I'm very excited for (a) things I don't remember as well (b) reading it not in machine translation. Also looking forward to everything about what happened with Nangong Liu and Nangong Xu making more sense this time around, on account of not reading it machine translated, because I didn't follow it so well on my first read and I feel like I'm already doing better. (Though that could also be because it's a reread, no matter how different an experience of one.) Still feel real bad for Ye Wangxi, on so many levels. Mark that one down for 'characters I'd love to know more about what they're thinking.'
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang. I really enjoyed S.L. Huang's other work with the Cas Russell series, and I liked this book a little less than those. It felt like an almost winner, for me. Certainly I read through it quickly enough, and I can say I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I'd give it an enthusiastic recommendation. It falls somewhere in the middle between "a fun action/adventure story" and "something I can sink my teeth into" in a way that didn't quite satisfy either itch. Still, it did make me curious about the source material, which is one of the Chinese classics (Water Margin) and I might go and find a place to read that, if I can; if I'd had that background going in I wonder if my experience of this work would've been more edifying.
I'm currently rereading A Memory Called Empire so I can (finally) read the sequel (A Desolation Called Peace); I also checked out from the library the next two Scholomance books so I'll be reading those. I'm going to try to throw some nonfiction somewhere in there (maybe The Genius of Birds by Jennifer Ackerman, which I also have out from the library, but maybe something else), but I've still got the sequel to The First Sister sitting on my shelf (also from the library).
Outside of that I've got no big reading plans - I'm working my way through some of the unreads on my own shelf (despite what it may look like, about the library books) and eyeing The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky or a reread of Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett so I can continue that series.
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sailorholly · 11 months
Strictly Business Pt 1
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Summary: Spencer wants to gain sexual experience before asking his out his dream date. You just want a way to release stress. What could go wrong?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F. BAU Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of crime scenes/cases. Friends with benefits. Eventual smut.
W/C: 1.5K
You roll your eyes at Officer Brewer. The handsome cop came on pretty strong with his cheesy pickup lines. Each one was more inappropriate than the last. It’s not that you didn’t find him attractive, but in your five years at the BAU, you had learned not to hook up with the officers you were assisting.
You had only been with the team three months when you were called in to help Portland’s local police on a case. Deputy Julian Lopez had been assigned to assist you on the field and you quickly fell for him. It took six weeks to catch the unsub. During that time, you and Julian were sneaking around, having a secret relationship.
You were heartbroken to learn he had been using you for information he fed to the media to make himself look like the sole hero on the case. What made it worse was the scolding Hotch gave you. You should have known better.
You and your favorite coworker, Spencer were on your way out of the small police station to see the medical examiner. A jogger had stumbled across two bodies in the woods on their daily route. The two of you were going to see if you could find any similarities between them.
“Hey beanpole, take care of my girl for me.” Brewer called out to Reid, winking at you in a way that made bile rise in your throat. “You don’t actually like that guy, do you?” Spencer asked once you left. “No way! I just flirt with him to make sure he cooperates with us.”
Spencer took his plump bottom lip between his teeth. You watched the innocent act wondering what it would feel like to have his teeth sink into your lip like that. You were attracted to Spencer, there was no denying that. It was purely sexual though. You knew the kind of hectic life JJ and Will had. You wanted no part of that.
You didn’t understand why there wasn’t a pile of women at his feet at all times. But so many thought he was too awkward or talked too much. You found it endearing when he shared the information his brain retained from reading something only once.
The two of you were closest to each other out of everyone on the team. You read together on the way home from cases. You would let him look at the latest book you were reading. He would finish it in three minutes, then continue with his own. Once you had finished, he would discuss it with you. You loved that about him.
You mostly read smutty romance, and you looked forward to the blush that would flood his cheeks when he read a particularly spicy scene. Sometimes he would clear his throat and shift in his seat. Those were your favorite moments. You spent most of your spare time together watching movies, you were teaching him how to cook and he taught you how to play chess. You paled in comparison to his skills, but he enjoyed playing with you.
When you returned to the police station, Spencer started giving statistics about the unsub. You watched as he scrunched his nose when he got to a part he found particularly interesting. You were practically drooling when he started talking with his hands. You couldn’t help thinking of what they would feel like against your skin.
You squeeze your thighs together trying to suppress the throb in your panties. Most everyone hated when he went off on a tangent, spilling every detail he knew about something, but not you. You never interrupted him once he started. You thought it was incredibly sexy how much endless information was stored in that brilliant mind under his messy curls.
After four long days, the case was finally solved. Morgan had captured the unsub when he went back to visit the crime scene. The whole team and the local police went out to the closest dive bar to celebrate. You were three shots in when Officer Brewer asked you to dance.
You decided it wouldn’t hurt, and you felt a little bad for shamelessly flirting with him all week. To your surprise, he was a great dancer. He spun and dipped you like a professional. When the song ended, you both walked over to the large booth both of your coworkers had settled in. Brewer placed his hands on your hips pulling you tightly against his body. He pointed at Spencer. “That’s how you woo a lady, Einstein. I’ve seen how you look at her. Just know she’s in good hands. She will be sleeping with a real man. She’ll be screaming my name tonight.”
You quickly remove his hands from your body. One glance at Spencer was enough for you to know that the jab had hurt him. Luckily, Brewer wouldn’t be able to tell. But you could read Spencer like a book. You grabbed the nearest drink off the table, splashing it in his face.
“You pompous ass! I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth. For your information, Spencer is more of a man than you’ll ever be. He’s the perfect lover. He knows the female anatomy like you know your ABC’s. He can spell out Webster’s Dictionary in its entirety with his tongue when he goes down on me. He’s incredible.”
Spencer looks at you in disbelief. His brown eyes widen as he takes in what just happened. You take his hand in yours. “I’m ready to go.” He stands and walks out with you. You go back to the hotel spending the rest of the night watching rom coms on TV.
When you were back home, everyone was talking about what you said at the bar. Most importantly, you had to explain to Hotch that you and Spencer were not involved. He didn’t want to deal with all of the paperwork or the drama if it didn’t work out.
Penelope, Emily, and JJ cornered you by the coffee wanting every dirty detail of your hookup with Spencer. They were understanding when you explained you made it all up to defend him. Rossi seemed amused by the gossip. When you tried to set the record straight, he said “What you kids do behind closed doors is your business.”
Morgan was a different story entirely. He greeted Spencer with a high five. “My man! You could have told me. You and Y/N, huh? I’ve seen you two all cuddled up after cases. I should’ve guessed.” Despite Spencer denying anything between you, Derek couldn’t be convinced otherwise.
A few weeks passed, the gossip had been long forgotten with all the cases you had been working on. Your first free weekend, Rossi invited everyone to his house for a cooking lesson. The wine was flowing, even Spencer had a few glasses.
He was chatting with Derek about some girl he met through his Dr Who fan club. Spencer described her as his dream girl, but he was nervous to ask her out. Derek slapped him playfully on the back. “At least you’re not a virgin anymore, Pretty Boy. You should have plenty of confidence with the ladies now.”
Spencer’s face fell. He stormed out of the house. You followed after him, concerned for your friend. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You catch up to him, sitting on the step beside him. “I’m just tired of all the comments on my personal life. Just because I don’t have a different girl in my bed every night doesn’t mean I’m a virgin. Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, anything.” You reply laying your head on his shoulder. “Why did you say all that stuff at the bar?” He places his head on top of yours. His mop of messy brown hair flowing down your cheek. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I was just trying to stand up for you. I wasn’t going to let anyone talk to you like that.”
“I know that. I meant… Never mind.” He lifts his head and scoots over, distancing himself from you. “What is it? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” He sighs looking everywhere but at you. “Why did you say I was a perfect lover and that thing about the dictionary?”
“It just kinda came out. I guess I said it because that’s what I always imagined it would be like.” Finally he looks at you. “You’ve imagined doing that with me?” His voice raises several octaves when he asks. You nod your head in response. You could tell the conversation was taking an awkward turn so you change the subject.
“So tell me about this dream girl. You’ve been keeping secrets!” He smiles sheepishly. “Her name’s Chloe. She’s brilliant. We like a lot of the same things. She speaks three languages. I want to ask her out on a date, but all that stuff Morgan said is messing with my head. What if I’m not enough for her? I’ve only been with one woman. I’m not exactly skilled in that department.”
He swallows hard, self doubt sketched all over his soft features. “I would like to have more experience before I take her out. So I can be more confident.” “I have a crazy idea. You can say no if you want. But what if we slept together? You want more experience and I haven’t been with anyone in a long time. It would be great practice for you since we are comfortable with each other. I would tell you what you need to improve on. And it would be a good stress reliever for me. What do you think?”
Spencer studies your face carefully looking for any signs of this being a cruel joke. When he is certain you meant it, he answers. “What about our friendship? I don’t want to mess this up.” He gestures between you.
“Of course we will still be friends. It’s not like we are going to fall in love. Think of it as a business transaction. We won’t let emotions get in the way. It will be strictly business.”
“No feelings?” He asks reaching his outstretched pinky towards you. “No feelings.” You confirm hooking your pinky with his.
Part Two
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@cindylynn @potter-puff007 @multifandom-worlds @mochie85
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf pt. 2
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
Warning: my writing, I don’t know how to fully play chess so it’s a bit weird haha, very awkward, a little rushed if you come back tomorrow sometime after twelve it should be better
Word count - 3.1k
Credits: @novmoth (my friend from school who feeds into my delusions and gives me more ideas for this story🫶🏻)
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“So,” Lyle starts as you move a piece across the chess board and look up to him then back down at the half played board. “You mean to tell me you ran into Jenna Ortega—“ he says through gritted teeth and puts his hands together and leans his forehead against them.
“—and you didn’t know who she was? She’s known world-wide after her recent show on Netflix!”
Why was he so surprised? He knew your parents situation and how it was critical that your mothers family didn’t find her.
Why would you want to be on social media so much anyway? All the drama involving celebrities and people switching up on them after finding some stuff they don’t like.
Hell people could even find information to black mail or threaten you with, that would just be your luck.
It was better to not get caught up in all of that. All you had was Instagram that had nothing to do with the last name and TikTok with no post that you barely used.
“You know I don’t watch a lot of TV.” You mumble watching him move the white piece taking your black on the board between the two of you. “Dude,” Mj starts looking up from pride and prejudice.
“We all used to watch her on stuck in the middle in sixth grade at Rosa’s place before Marco moved.” She says, clearly uninterested in the conversation yet wanting to be right.
You knit your eye brows together making Lyle stare at you like you were some kind of idiot. “She played Harley, middle child AKA stuck in the middle.” You continue to stare dumb founder.
The large man only groans and Mj scoffs at your lack of knowledge. Dru is then seen, holding a pile of games he wanted to try out.
“The chick with the hot sister who used her for an invention with her boyfriend.” He hums, placing the games next to the computer nearby.
Realization hits you like a brick and you nod, now knowing who they were talking about and the seeing the resemblance.
She both sounded and looked older now, you noted before moving a chess piece.
“If that’s what it takes for you to remember things then we’re all doomed.” Mj states as she pulls her legs up to her chest.
“Okay, when did she come exactly?” Lyle stares at the board, eyes clearly focused but keeping his attention on the conversation.
You think back to the interaction as he makes his move. “A few hours ago, right after lunch when people usually come in.”
“Wonder how she got here without getting noticed.” Mj wonders out loud. This girl must have been a big deal if she can’t get away without being noticed.
“Check,” Lyle hums and your eyes snap back to the board to see him move his piece. You narrow your eyes at the board for a moment and huff out.
You two had decided to create your own set of rules after playing together for so long it had become a bit boring. With his idea, you both made the game a little more interesting and complicated.
“She probably has little disguises, you know to specifically get away from the paps.” Dru mumbles, face inches away from the screen.
You grimace at the sight, now seeing why he needed glasses yet he was still doing it with them on.
“He has a point.” Lyle replies watching you make your move before his smile grows. “Checkmate.” He flaunts making you groan as he snatches your king.
“Your slacking, Y/N, do better.” He shakes his head before putting all the pieces back in place.
His teasing only making you groan again, louder this time making him chuckle.
“You’re making me feel like a sin getting scolding by his father after a bad game.” You mumble before sitting up again and making the first move.
“Good,” he laughs watching you make the same move as before. “You need it.” He says in response.
“Fuck the game, what are you going to do about Jenna Ortega?” Mj speaks up closing her book and slamming it on the table.
Usually, you’d scold her for doing so but it was after hours and no one was inside to bother.
Lyle huffs. “Never say that again, this game is very important.” Mj rolls her eyes in response, everything was important to him.
“What would you have me do? Send her a quick text and ask her to come back?” You laugh at the thought.
It would have to be a miracle to get any celebrities number, it would have to be a god send to get her phone number.
“You’re such a pessimist.” Lyle snorts and you send him a glare. “I would be if a cute celebrity showed up and I never saw her again.” Dru calls out making you huff.
“I will see her again, actually. I think, at least.” Mj perks up at this. “Oh? How so?” She asks, leaning forward on the table.
You send her a glare and lean away. Why was she suddenly acting like a fourth grade friend who finds out about your crush.
“She borrowed the book, so she kind of has to come back.” You grumble scooting your seat farther away from her.
You didn’t really think you’d actually be excited for someone to return for a book. Sure, there were cute people that came in and out of the library all the time. But none had really had any real affect on you like she did.
Though the interaction was short and quick, it was probably one of the most interesting ones you had with a customer.
You’d do anything to see those freckles in person again.
The clicking sound of a phone brings you out of your thoughts as you glance up to Lyle whose holding up his phone.
“Sorry,” he mumbles as he begins angry typing. “You just looked so aesthetic with the chess board, I gotta post it to Insta.”
You roll your eyes before they move to Mj who paces back and fourth.
“Okay, so that would probably be your only chance at actually talking to her.” She says as if she were talking to herself.
“She’s so delusional
“That is if you don’t fuck it up,” she mutters that last part with a as she continues pacing making you point to your face that is clearly unamused.
“But how will you do that? You’re a horrible flirt, that much is true and your humor is as dead as Lyle’s hair.”
“Hey!” He quickly goes to cover his purple hair with his large arms. “There’s no hiding that atrocities.” Mj rolls her eyes, once again for the hundredth time tonight.
“I say you just go for it.” Dru says tapping his computer key quickly and you notice the game to be ‘cookie clicker’, an online game that is not any of the games in his pile.
“Be yourself and you’ll be fine, if she doesn’t like that oh well.” He says inching closer to the screen, glasses almost touching it.
“Wow DD,” Lyle says, looking up from his screen that was suddenly getting lots of notifications. “I never thought you could be so poetic.” He teases and Dru sends him a side eye glare.
“That wasn’t even poetic, just common sense.” He replies, eyes traveling back to his screen.
Lyle sticks his tongue out at the older man who doesn’t even notice.
“I want sushi,” You say standing up watching the abandoned chess pieces fall from their place. “Let’s go get some.”
“Right behind you,” Mj says eagerly as she grabs her book and jacket, Lyle not too far behind her.
“Wait, give me a second!” Dru calls but you just laugh and continue your way to the door.
“Wait! I want sushi too! Stop!” He calls out louder as Lyle holds the door open. “Just abandon mission dude! Sushi is way better.” Lyle says as you begin walking down the street, Dru coming out not long after making sure to lock the door.
You carefully pull books out of the return section as the beat of your music rings through your ears making you bop your head lightly.
You glance over to Lyle who sat in the desk chair, playing Call Of Duty mobile on his phone. You wouldn’t usually be allowed to do that but it was a particularly slow day.
It had been two weeks since Jenna had last came to the library and to say you were disappointed was an understatement.
You knew it could be months before she would have to return the book and you would have to charge her for it if she really didn’t and that is what you didn’t want to do.
Mj made sure you didn’t forget either, sending you cheesy pick-up lines and ‘how to flirt’ website which only aggravated you and hurt your ego.
You did look at a few though and had to admit some were actually good while others made you skin crawl.
You don’t notice the sound of the bell ringing or the way Lyle quirks up slightly glancing toward you
Jenna looks up to him as her body guards walk to a side table in front of the window allowing her a little freedom to walk after seeing there weren’t many people.
He makes his lips into kissy form and a small ‘ooh’ leaves before turning to you, back turned as you sort through the books.
He looks back to Jenna who is now standing at the front desk contemplating to help her or not.
He decides against it but doesn’t want to leave the celebrity waiting. He stands up and quickly grabs the closest thing to the back room door before putting his finger to his lips.
“Shh..” He says, eying her as a playful threat before chucking the item at you and rushing through the door.
The thing hits your head and you whip around, barely missing Lyle as your eyes land on Jenna who held her books, glancing between the storage room and you.
“Did you..” you say, pulling your headphones out and picking up a mouse key that had been ripped off from the cord. “Did you just throw a mouse key at me?” You ask with playful tone as you walk toward her.
Jenna thinks back to Lyle’s silence threat before speaking. “You weren’t paying attention, it’s bad customer service.” She just shrugs.
“Oh, my bad.” You say putting your hands up in defense and her smile grows. “I’m sorry I was doing my job,.” You say shaking your head before playing glaring at her.
Be confident, all girls like that!
Mj’s words ring through your head making you cringe slightly.
Not too confident, that’ll get you punched.
Dru had stated after and your lips pull up at the memory of Dru getting punched at the skating rink during you tenth grade year.
You think of all the pick-up lines that actually seemed subtle and weren’t cringe worthy but decided against it as she pushes the books toward you.
“So, what’d you think?” You ask taking them and scanning the under the red light and pressing the ‘return’ button on the computer screen.
“I actually enjoyed between shades of gray surprisingly even though it was pretty dark,” she says shyly and you nod. “But the other wasn’t really good.”
“Just shows I have better taste than you.” You tease lightly, attempting to flirt but realizing it wasn’t actually flirting.
You were starting to realize how bad of a glitter you really were and Mj was right.
You feel your phone buzz go off multiple times at a time as Lyle comes out of the storage closet with a box full of old tapes you had just put back in there a little while ago.
He takes his seat and watches through the corner of his eye, looking through the black blocks clearly acting like he was doing something as he ease-dropped.
You roll your eyes before leaning against the counter, rolling your thumbs around each other, becoming nervous by the sudden pressure of his gaze.
“Does he always stare at you like that?” She suddenly asks, amusement clear in her voice making you snort.
“Unfortunately yes,” you say and his head yanks toward you, fake offense taking over his features. “He’s always been weird but I guess that’s what makes us friends.”
He forms a heart with his hands before blowing you a kiss making you grimace at the large man.
“So,” you say looking back up to her, noticing her biting the inside of her lip slightly before looking back to you. “Looking for anything else or should I just get back to work?” You ask, smirking slightly as you look up toward her.
You hear a quiet snort come from Lyle and send him a mental glare in the process. Oh how you wished it was Dru here instead, hell even Mj would do.
“Actually, yes.” She says, perking up slightly at your mention. “I was hoping to get another suggestion from you, since you know.” She finishes making you raise an eye brow and hum to yourself.
You think through the hundreds of books you’ve read before coming to your conclusion and standing up straight.
“I have one,” you say and she nods. “I figured.” She replies as you pass through the low door and around the counter.
“It’s sort of the same as Between Shades of Gray, same time frame.” You say walking toward the historical section. “I will need to help get it though,” you snort to yourself, feeling glare in the back of your head.
“I’m actually six foot two if you remember correctly, it’s just the angle your looking at that makes me look shorter.” She argues and your smile grows.
“I’m sorry, I completely forgot I hope I haven’t offended you too deeply.” You tell her, bowing slightly as she passes you walking into the aisle with her head high.
“But in all seriousness,” you say scanning over the the spines of the books. “What made you think the name ‘Top Shelf’ wouldn’t be quite literally the top shelf.” You reach out and grab the book ‘The Book Thief’ before turning to her.
“I thought it was like a metaphor or something.” she mumbles taking the book from your hands, reading the cover.
“Oh definitely, especially with the owners being tall themselves.” You say, laughing at her glare at you through her eye lashes.
She rolls her eyes before moving past you and toward the front desk.
You follow after her quickly and go behind the desk again before pushing past Lyle who was messing with the computer.
“Excuse you,” he stares at you wide eyed as you click back to the search bar. “Your fault you were in my way.” You mumble only giving him a glance.
“Name?” You asks glancing toward and you can almost feel the glare Lyle gives you.
“You’re joking?” She asks, clearly unamused. “It’s policy.” You send her another playful smile watching huff out.
“Jenna Ortega.” She says before Lyle pinches your side making you jump slightly. “Stop that,” you whisper before kicking your leg back at him, you miss completely.
“Burrowing or buying?” You ask and she again, rolls her eyes. “Burrowing.”
You feel Lyle pinch your other side and you send him a glare, clearly wanting him out of your bubble and away from your conversation. “You’re so annoying.” You say before watching him stick his tongue and move back to his seat.
You look back toward Jenna who was, once again, chewing her lip.
You take her credit card and swipe it quickly, using your hand to keep him a safe distance away from you.
“Anything else?” You ask, glancing up to the girl who is already staring at you.
“Actually,” she mumbles quietly as Lyle pinches your arm pit making you elbow his chest and he lets out a hard huff.
“You seem pretty cool and I was wondering..” she hesitates for a moment, trying her best to maintain eye contact which makes Lyle stop, chest against your back.
She continues you hesitate as you bag the book and slide it toward, you fidgeted slightly as anxiety creeps up to your core.
“If I could have your number? Or maybe I could give you mine?..” there’s a sort of shyness in her voice and she begins to bite the inside of her lip again.
You stare at her dumb founded a second, not fully expecting that.
But then again it was very obvious it was coming from the first part of her sentence, that was clear especially to Lyle who glances between you two.
The two wait for your response that seems to never come which makes Lyle’s eye twitch and Jenna to shift on her feet.
“You can say no, of course I just thought I’d ask.” She says, voice even quieter which makes Lyle decided to take matters into his own hands.
He snatches the phone from your pocket and sends you a small knowing smirk before turning to the girl. “Excuse her, she’s not used to these kind of interactions.” He says unlocking you phone and opening your contacts and going to the number screen.
“She is, after all, a librarians daughter. She just has no game what’s so ever.” He shakes his head and clicks his mouth. You quickly snap out of your dazed state to glare toward him.
“Yeah, sorry but I’d actually love that.” You say before watching her smile grow and all the nervousness leave her body as she begins to type.
“Cool,” she says before handing you your phone back. “Very cool.” Lyle states as he nods and gives you a knowing look.
“Text me,” she says before picking up her bag and walking toward the door. “I mean it!” You watch her stern look as her body guards stand and open the door for her with a goofy smile on your face.
“I will!” You call out as the door shuts behind her.
“Holy shit,” Lyle mutters watching her walk down the street. “Holy shit.” You repeat, still a little shocked by the whole situation.
“Jenna Ortega thinks my best friend is cool and gave her her number.” He says pulling out his phone and typing quickly before you feel a buzz in come from the phone in your hand.
You open the text messages in the group chat and see a series of text between Lyle, Mj and Dru. They had to have been spamming the entire time.
You read over the last text and snort.
My best friend is cooler than you, you also owe me twenty bucks <3
Read next part here!
A/N: Lyle being R’s wingman is in fact canon🫶🏻
Also, while you’re here why don’t you request something for different characters. I have some drafts for other things I’m working on but I would let to create some you guys ideas!
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dulcewrites · 1 year
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (modern au)
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x reader (wc: 3.6k)
Summary: Sometimes Aegon is sure that the Gods like playing tricks on him. Your reintroduction into his life only proves that further
A/N: the time has come for my Aegon work!! I’m so excited because this also my first time doing an modern au. I explained the idea more here. This will include all the hotd hits: mommy issues, daddy issues, the Targs being an all around messy family. This is my contribution to the tgc Aegon universe 🫡. Slight house keeping: Aemond has both of his eyes in this universe but the sight in one eye is diminishing/has been diminished over the years. Also there are certain elements I will be taking from hotd/asoiaf and the Faith of the Seven is one.
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You had always assumed that therapist offices would be sterile and cold. Or at the very least, annoyingly put together.
Cregan Stark’s office is nothing of the sort.
From deep red floors to the walls of antic books and shelves filled of knickknacks. The office is not what you expected to it be. It only makes you more anxious for this whole ordeal. The only indication of his credentials as a professional being the certificate from the University of Cambridge hanging on the wall. Even the laidback nature of him made you pause. Call me Cregan. Mr. Stark was my father.
Long brown hair pulled back, dark beard, stormy grey eyes, topped off with a flowy button-down shirt. He looks better suited chopping down wood somewhere than helping university students. Everyone seemed weary of the new addition to the dance department.
Your eyes flutter to the clock behind him then back to his warm eyes.
“I am sure you are wondering why I wanted to speak with you,” his voice is soft. There is an element of mirth that has you raising a brow.
You shrug in response. “Taking inventory of the inmates, I assume.”
The joke does seem not seem to land the way you thought it would. He gives you a incredulous look before shaking his head. Your mother always told you that your inability to keep to certain thoughts in your head would get you in trouble sooner or later.
“My new position here is to help the dancers, especially ones transitioning out of school, handle this year,” he begins. “A sounding board if you will. Listen to any problems. Assist with finding resources and opportunities beyond this point.”
You nod slowly, still not understanding why this meeting is cutting into your warmup time. Instinctively, you point then flex your foot in your fuzzy black boot. Your eyes go back to the clock. Gods, Aemond is going to tear into you if this does not wrap up soon.
“Most of the notes were positive,” he replies quickly, reading the furrow in your brow. “Bright, hard-working, and diligent were just a few things said.”
“Most of the notes were positive,” he replies quickly, reading the furrow in your brow. “Bright, hard-working, and diligent were just a few things said.”
“Most of the notes were positive,” he replies quickly, reading the furrow in your brow. “Bright, hard-working, and diligent were just a few things said.”
“Most of the notes were positive,” he replies quickly, reading the furrow in your brow. “Bright, hard-working, and diligent were just a few things said.”
You let a breath you were holding in. Of course, that was what was said. You have dedicated your life to this; you expect nothing less than comments like that. They are sentiments you should not think but you know you are one of the most talented dancers in the program.
But then your mind drifts to something.
He gives you a pained smile. “There were a couple of comments that expressed concern about your… intensity and your health.”
You blink blankly at him.
“I don’t think I am any more intense than any other student here. We are all very serious about our art.”
Cregan nods. “I was informed about an incident that happened in your second term here. Something quite awful.”
Your blood runs cold, and you sniff stiffly in response. Please don’t you think.
“I am sorry for your loss.”
You try to keep your eye from twitching. There was a time in your life where all you wanted was someone to tell you that. To let you know that they feel bad for the situation you found yourself wallowing in… for the situation Marina found herself in.
That time is over.
“It has been over a year and a half,” you plaster on a smile. “Thank you for that, but I am doing fine.”
It was not lie. It really wasn’t.
Cregan hums softly. “Why don’t you and I make a deal. We meet each other once a week for the rest of the term. We can talk about how you are doing, and work towards you graduating.”
You feel your patience wearing horribly thin. It is not that you have a problem with therapy or counseling. You just don’t need it nor want it.
“Look, I appreciate the concern. I just don’t have time for weekly meetings. I have auditions for companies, finishing my classes strong. Also, an end of the year project… which is not going well so far.”
Your eyes go back to clock above him. You are so fucked.
“I do not have the time,” you repeat, not even clarifying if you mean for the meetings or this conversation. “I have too much on my plate.”
Cregan smiles, easy and cool. It softens the sternness that has settled into his long face.
“That is exactly why we need to do it.”
A sinking feeling gathers in your stomach. He is not going to take no for an answer, is he?
As you leave the room, new schedule in hand, all you can think about is how much you despise Cregan Stark. Your ire extends to whatever instructor told him you needed help in the first place. The walk to the practice studios is cold and damp. Somber weather matching the way you feel.
You must take a deep breath before going into the practice room. Aemond, perched at the piano, shoots you a glare. Ignoring his eyes burning into your back, you sit on the floor to put on your pointe shoes.
“I know you have little care for my time,” his voice cut through the room. Low and condescending. “But if you want to get through this, the least you can do is show up on time.”
You do not answer immediately, eyes focused on your shoes.
“It is just common sense.”
Aemond continues to lecture you about the importance of respecting people’s time. Perhaps if you told him about your meeting, he would let it go. But then again based off the few weeks you have spent with him, you know once he gets started, it is hard to stop him. His voice fades in the background as you stare at yourself in the mirror.
In your head, you repeat the affirmations you recite every morning.
You are talented, you are grounded, you are alive.
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Aegon could not help but stare at the rain as it fell and splintered on the large class windows of the meeting room.
When he was younger, he hated the rain. The endless rolling clouds and damp days made him feel like he was in a bad nightmare. But the older he got, the more he started to appreciate the rain. Utterly soothed by the tip tap of rain against something solid. He could make a melody out of it. Plus, it helped him sleep.
He rarely got good nights of sleep.
The somber weather only added to the uninspiring atmosphere in the room. Aegon tried hard to listen. He fought hard to keep his eyes from glazing over. Placing fonder thoughts in his head kept him from outwardly expressing his boredom. Today, he thought of what he should get to dinner. Something hearty… or maybe something spicy. The thoughts lead to him texting his brother.
I can drive up. Want that Thai place around the corner from yr place
It took Aemond minutes to reply, but when he did it was a simple no. His brother was always a man of few words.
I’ll pay :)
He watched as the dots appear then disappear then reappear again. Aegon smiles at his phone when Aemond eventually says yes. He gives Aegon strict instructions to stay in the car and wait on him to come out.
“Aegon, are you listening?”
Aegon’s eyes shoot up from his phone to meet one that resembles his too much for comfort. Rhaenyra is eyeing him exasperated. There was slight tension at the beginning of the meeting when he gave her a funny look after she sat in the seat their father normally does. But he had no interest in arguing with Rhaenyra, at least not today.
“Yes, I hear you,” he clears his throat, and rubs one of his eyes.
“Long night?”
The smile is there when she says it but the words are condescending. Her smile works on others, but Aegon knows what lies beneath it. Such a delight to work with, Viserys would beam. Everything was easy when her eyes softened, and the corners of her lips go lopsided in a good-natured way. Aegon knows she must that to survive in this environment. Mask all her slender and confidence with smiles. He would respect it more if she did not try to play him like she does the other men in the firm.
Like he is one of father’s mindless cronies.
They share the same blood. Which means he knows they are both predisposed to thinking they know best by nature.
“I want to talk about reconsidering the pro bono option,” ok, maybe he does want an argument. Bothering Rhaenyra sparked a unique kind of joy in Aegon.
Rhaenyra’s brows furrow. Their brains had been hardwired differently by now; her business-oriented ideals sometimes working in direct contrast with the direction he thinks the firm should go in.
“I think the idea is one we should consider,” Tyland Lannister pipes up, voice chipper and full of mirth.
Rhaenyra’s gaze turns to him, completely unimpressed. Aegon had to bite back a smile. Tyland had a habit of siding with Aegon in meetings like this. The Lannisters, a family that has dipped their foot in any lucrative business they could find, not only had a history with Targaryens, but with the Hightowers as well. Rhaenyra had expressed to their father how much it bothered her. All she received was a wave of the hand; for all the special treatment he felt Viserys gave his eldest child, Aegon can say Viserys has never been good at laying down the law within the firm.
How he managed to run the company with that attitude was beyond Aegon.
With the slight support of Tyland, a couple of the other suits in the room nodded in agreement. Rhaenyra swallows, eyes shifting back to Aegon’s. When his sister is upset, he has noticed her eyes shift to a chill blue to a tempered iris.
She looks at him with a look that Aegon could only describe as pure exhaustion. The type of exhaustion that happens when you deeply resent someone. Somewhere down the line they took a sharp turn right, and never got back on track.
The irony of the distance between them, is that it was not always like that. His first memories of life are not with his mother, father, or even with the siblings he grew up in the same household with; they are with Rhaenyra. He has fuzzy recollections of teenage her blowing raspberries on his belly when he was a baby. They used to share knowing glances when their father went on tangents. She used to take him on trips to the park. Now Aegon finds himself wondering what things Rhaenyra whispers in Viserys’ ear when he is not around.
Maybe that was the last time Rhaenyra genuinely liked him. When he was younger with no motives or true thoughts of his own. He supposed he can’t blame her; that was the last time he liked being in his own body too.
There are times he looks at his sister, and he wants her to bring him into a hug. Rhaenyra always gave the best hugs, only rivaled by his mom. He wants to burst into tears and tell her that she was his first friend. That he needed her years ago. But then he remembers the look of disbelief he received when Viserys said Aegon would be working for the firm.
The coldness is better. His heart doesn’t break multiple times over anymore.
“Aegon and I can discuss that later,” Rhaenyra says after a minute. She stands to leave. “This meeting is over.”
She’s frustrated. He can tell by the way she leaves the room without a single glance his way. One thing they do have in common is the bone-chilling urge to flee a place whenever things get too difficult or when they get too annoyed. Could be self-preservation. Could be them sparring others the anger Targaryens are known for.
Aegon sits for a moment as everyone else filters out of the room. The rain comes down harder against the windows. He closes his eyes listening to way it bangs against the building.
Tip tap tip tap
He identifies with the rain. Moody, surly, gloomy.
By the time Aegon packs up to leave for Aemond, the rain had stopped. The clouds clearing out as the light leaves the sky.
He lets the top down on his car. The cool air nips at his tip of his nose and cheeks. It burns in the best way. Aegon sits at the front of the building that he knows Aemond will be in. He sits patiently for minutes, but then curiosity and impatience take over.
Whenever he is on the campus, he can’t help but want to take it all in. Look at all the buildings he can. Explore as if he was child again. He always thought it would be him to follow in his mother’s footsteps coming here, instead it was Aemond. He tries not to let the scratching bitterness work its way up his throat whenever they go home. The way Alicent frets and gushes over Aemond holds a special place in brain.
Her sweet, talented boy
He still does not know if she says it in front of him on purpose or by accident.
The building was nothing like the firm. Warm wood opposed to the glass and shiny metal he was used to. It was easy to know where Aemond would be, most of the lights in rooms dimmed except for one at the end of the hall.
He follows the piano he can hear faintly. Even though they are brothers, Aegon often feels like he is encroaching on something deeply personal when he hears Aemond play. Like he was hearing a part of Aemond he kept hidden from world. It made him peak in the room versus walking straight in.
He sees Aemond, eyes closed, playing a melody he does not recognize. It’s beautiful. But that is nothing out of the ordinary for Aemond.
Before he can finally make his presences known, a pair of legs obstruct his view. A graceful turn, followed by an acrobatic leap. All Aegon can is stare in slight awe, but he can’t help his mind from drifting to his mother. It reminds him of the black and white photos of her hanging in the foyer of their family home. Or the old videos of she used to show them when they were little.
He doesn’t know what he misses more - being that young or when Alicent wanted to share those things with them.
Before Aegon can finally walk in, the dancer stops abruptly turning to Aemond.
“Hmmmm,” she hums lowly. “I’m just not feeling it.”
Aemond lets out a guttural groan in response. He stands from the piano, roughly closing the top.
“You have not ‘felt’ the last two things I have composed.”
The dancer shrugs, not fazed by Aemond’s temperament. “Nothing has inspired me yet.”
He mumbled something under his breath, and Aegon watches as a head full of hair pulled pack in a ponytail snap back to his brother.
“What was that?”
Aegon knows that tone well. Him and Helaena would use it often when Aemond did that. They both hated when he would mumble under his breath. It always led to arguments that Alicent would have to break up. Aemond starts to gather the music sheets on the piano.
“Could be your tired routine that has everything feeling uninspired,” Aemond says louder.
“Oh please,” there is something so oddly familiar about the voice as it rings out. The insults don’t match the clear and sprite like nature of it. “If anything is tired, it is the cheap Rachmaninoff imitations you keep composing.”
“Gods, you’re such a….”
“Awe, what am I Aemond,” she doesn’t miss a beat. “tell me, so then I can tell you what you are. Because trust me if you think calling me a bitch is going to hurt my feelings, you should hear what people say about you.”
It makes Aemond falter. Aegon knows that deposited the tough face his brother puts on; he gets bogged down with what others think and expect of him. Aegon decides that maybe he should step in now.
“I think you both looked and sounded great,” he winced as soon as the words came out. His voice loudly ranges through the studio. Not entirely the smooth entrance it should have been. Aemond’s eyes shoot to Aegon; he seems to be getting that angry look from all his siblings lately.
Aegon freezes when his gaze meets big eyes staring at him incredulously. He recognizes the gentle slope of her nose, and the softness of her pretty face.
“Oh, fuck me.”
Aegon has a special talent for being foolishly. A knack for being numbingly unintelligent when it comes to feelings. At least that is what Daeron tells him.
“For someone so bright in other ways, you can be real stupid.”
But managing to include himself in the mess that is Aemond’s university life must be a new kind of low. This must be the Gods punishing him. The false promises he dishes out to women coming to finally bite him in the ass.
Her eyes go from Aegon to Aemond, then back to Aegon before she left out a chuckle of disbelief. “My life must be joke.”
Aegon opens his mouth to say something, but then realizes his mouth is the thing that got in him into this mess in the first place. His mouth on yours, his mouth on you, and his mouth’s ability to say sweet nothings at the drop of a hat. So all he can do is watch as you angrily put on your coat and tear off your dance shoes. While putting on your boots you turn to Aemond.
“Figure your shit out before reaching out to me again,” you hiss at him.
You don’t even spare Aegon another glance as you storm out. Leaving him with just the quick whiff of your sweet perfume.
The two brothers stand there in silence for a moment before Aemond finally speaks.
“I thought I told you to stay in the car?”
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The drive to the Thai place was filled with Aemond cutting Aegon off by turning the radio louder and louder. He asks for what happened but seemingly shut down when the implication of what happened became clear.
“So, you fucked my project partner,” he mutters bitterly. “And then completely ghosted her after you promised you wouldn’t. On top lying about your last name.”
Aegon shakes his head, mouth full of tom kha khai. When he says it like that it sounds so awful.
“We did not have sex,” Aegon repeats. Then his shoulders slump. “But yes… we might have done… other stuff and I may have… not called when I said I would.”
Aemond scoffs, picking at his half-eaten curry. The brother bonding not going how Aegon wanted it to.
“I can apologize. I can send flowers.”
“No, absolutely not.” Aemond blanches. “You need to leave her alone. We are already not on the same page, the last thing I need is more issues with her.”
He did have a nice night with you. One of the better ones he can remember. It could why he was so apprehensive to reach out. It was just Aegon’s luck. He manages to fuck things up even when he says he won’t get attached and involved.
“Well, I guess I feel a little bit less bad about what I was going to tell you,” Aemond says, then clears his throat. “Criston asked about you again when we talked.”
Aegon says nothing in return. This dinner was a mistake. He had already had a bad day at work; everything has down spiraled from there.
“I invited him to my recital in a couple of weeks. I just thought I should give you heads-up if you decide to come.”
Aegon shrugs. “It is your recital; you can invite whoever you want.”
“Funny, mother said the same thing,” Aemond smiled, it not reaching his eyes. “I don’t get why you guys must take your feelings out on him. He was nothing but kind to us. Especially to you, he taught you everything you knew about drumming. He didn’t make you go ha-“
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” Aegon snaps.
What he really wants is a cold pint or a glass of wine, but he knows the look Aemond will give him if he orders one. Before a head-splitting headache comes on, Aegon asks for the check.
He wants to forget about the dinner. To forget about all the feelings that get stuck is him brain and keep him from functioning the way he wants to. Some nights he dreams about his siblings all being together, their father a distant memory. Other nights, he has nightmares of Alicent’s face contorted in pain and tears. Scared and disappointed.
But tonight, brought something different. Visions of soft lips, and a warm laugh flood his mind. Everything syrupy, and hazy in the best way. Not even Aemond’s words could break the succession of them.
Stay away from her
Aegon has always had trouble doing what he supposed to
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 2
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: none here, we've just begun
Genre: fluff
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
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You place the cup of black coffee on the counter in front of Clint who takes it with a nod.
"I can't believe you drink that stuff like that man." Sam shakes his head in disgust.
"It's coffee. It just needs to wake me up." Clint rolls his eyes.
"It can wake you up and still be good." Sam tells him.
"Guys. Buy something or leave." Peter groans from the checkout counter.
"This the thanks we get for bringing you lunch kid?" Sam kisses his teeth, walking over to lean against the checkout counter by Peter.
"Well first of all I can feed myself. I appreciate it but you don't have to keep stopping by my job like I'm a child." Peter huffs at him. Sam and Clint have been coming every so often for the last few weeks, sometimes with lunch for Peter or to discuss something with him quietly. Clint usually orders a black coffee and Sam will sometimes pick up a book to buy. They hang around for anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour and talk with you and Peter during that time and then they leave.
"We're customers!" Clint protests.
"Y'all don't read, and there are tons of coffee shops." Peter points out.
"Would your boss appreciate you shooing away potential shoppers like this?" Clint jokes.
"Alright quit teasing him. We could change his work hours and nobody else would let you lollygag in the store this way." You chuckle at the three.
"Yeah! Exactly!" Peter says. "Wait you'd change my hours so we don't work together anymore?" He frowns.
"You're his favorite coworker y/n you can't make him work different hours." Sam says.
"Don't say it like that Sam." Peter mutters.
"Ah don't worry Peter, you're my favorite too." You wink at him. The bell over the door rings and you and Peter instinctively greet the incoming customer before you realize it's Bruce.
"Bruce! Hi! What're you doing here?" You smile at him excitedly as he surveys Sam and Clint.
"I know your shift is about over so I thought I'd come pick you up today. Impromptu date if you will." Bruce smiles walking over to you.
"Oh! Well Debbie should be here in the next like 5 or 10 minutes if you wanna look around or just have a seat and wait." You tell him, leaning over your counter to kiss his cheek. Bruce passes his time looking through books until your relief shows up and the two of you leave hand in hand.
"Hey those guys that were talking to the kid, do you know them?" Bruce asks once you're sat in a restaurant eating. It's like a late lunch/early dinner situation.
"Sam and Clint." You say as you eat.
"Sam and Clint?" Bruce's question obviously prompts for more information.
"Yeah, I mean they're Peter's friends-  they come by every so often. Why?"
"They're Peter's friends? The teenager at your job has friends that I'm sure are in their 30s who visit his job?" Bruce's voice is heavy with suspicion.
"I know it sounds weird but they're not like hang out at the skatepark with him type of friends. I think they're like- surrogate brothers almost. They bring him lunch sometimes and tease him like big brothers would do. The kid does not have much in the way of family from what I've learned about him and I think these guys are what he does have." You explain.
"I still think it's strange." Bruce shakes his head.
"I've met them a few times and I mean I'm no seer or anything but my intuition is pretty good and I don't think Peter's in any danger as of now but if that changes I'll be sure to adjust accordingly." You shrug.
"I hope the kid's doin alright, really I do but my concern is with your safety."
"Well my concern is Peter's. He's barely outta high school and lives alone, his parents are dead and those guys seem to be the closest thing to a family that he's got so if they're a danger he has no one and I- don't think I can ignore it." You say. Bruce grabs your hand across the table.
"Y/n, I love how caring you are, you know that but I can't lose you. Be careful with this kid and his friends. Don't get hurt trying to play the hero."
"I'll look after myself Brucey I promise, don't you worry." You say kissing his hand that's still tangled with yours. 
"Look y/n I know that you don't really like to discuss the details of my supernatural research and whatnot but I think we have to talk about something regarding some of the work I've done." Bruce sounds hesitant as he talks.
"Nothing good can come from a conversation that starts like that. Is something the matter Bruce?" You ask.
"Yes? No? I'm not quite sure truthfully y/n. My last stint as a research assistant, before I started my own research team, right around when we met. Do you remember it?"
"Yeah I remember, we talked about it a few times in the early stages of our relationship. It was mostly stuff regarding werewolves, right?"
"Yeah. We were studying werewolves here in New York and- amongst other things, we learned that packs around here operate kind of like gangs. I'll spare you the details but you know, territories, crime syndicates, the whole nine yards."
"Are you- telling me that werewolves here are essentially the mob?" You blink at him incredulously.
"Pretty much yes. Look before I finished that gig I- compiled a database, ya know to keep track of who was running things around here- for safety. Sam and Clint are part of it. And- pretty high up on the ladder too I'm pretty sure."
"Sam and Clint are part of a werewolf mob? Seriously?"
"Yes. I cross-checked while I was waiting for you to get off work and-"
"Oh my gosh what about Peter?" You ask, he's just a kid you can't believe he'd be tangled in this mess.
"Well I don't know when I made that database the kid would've barely started high school but- if those guys are the closest thing to family he's got I'd guess he's involved."
"Oh Peter." You sigh.
"I know you worry about him but that is not our biggest problem right now." Bruce shakes his head.
"Excuse me?"
"Well... let's just say studying the werewolves didn't exactly make them our biggest fans."
"Are you implying that you've made enemies of the werewolf mob?" You ask much calmer than you'd expect to react to this kind of news.
"It's very likely. I mean they made quick work of the higher ups from that team most of them are dead or far from New York. I thought I could just keep a low enough profile that I'd stay off their radar and now-"
"Now you've walked right into the same business as two of them who you think are high up the ladder."
"Exactly." He sighs.
"I don't understand. If you knew there was a chance the wolf mob would come after you why the hell would you stay in New York?!" You ask.
"I didn't plan to! But I met a girl who loved New York, and when I fell in love with her I couldn't ask her to leave." Bruce tells you, sincerity filling his eyes.
"She would've." You mutter.
"If you had told me any of this I would have gone anywhere. It wouldn't have mattered because we'd be together and you'd be alive."
"I am alive."
"Yeah, apparently, with a giant target on your back that just got a neon sign lit up above it because you came to see me at work!"
"Hey, none of this is your fault." Bruce says softly.
"I know that. It's yours. You and your supernatural studies. I worried that one day it'd come back to bite you I just didn't think it'd involve the mob!" You huff running a hand down your face.
"Calm down, everything is fine. It was years ago they might not even have recognized me. It's just- I'd rather let you know in case they do. Just- you have to be extra vigilant."
"Me?" Your eyes widen at his words. This is his mess why do you have to be vigilant?
"Yes- if they did realize who I am, they also now know that you're my girlfriend which unfortunately could mean that they implicate you to get to me." Bruce explains slowly like he's expecting you to explode at his words.
"Oh for fucks sake." You drop your head into your hand.
"Y/n I am so sorry. If I had known that this would put you in danger-"
"You couldn't have known three and a half years ago what would happen now. It is what it is and we will figure it out. Like always." You tell him softly. "I just wish you wouldn't have waited until it was emergent to tell me all of this."
"You're right. I should've told you- it's just- a little difficult to gauge when is the right time to tell your girlfriend the supernatural mob might try to kill you one day." He shrugs with a small smile.
"It's fine. We've got this. You and I can surely handle anything." You wink at him and you can see the tension in his shoulders release slightly. Maybe this was the right time to tell you. You think if he told you earlier, like a year ago, maybe you'd have cut your losses and never looked back.
The sound of light tapping causes you to glance out the window of the sandwich shop you're in having lunch with Wanda.
"Aw, hey little guy." Wanda coos at the animal.
"You don't see a lot of non pigeon birds in the city huh. Wonder what kind of bird it is." You muse.
"No clue." She shrugs.
"Oh! I remember what I wanted to tell you earlier." You say.
"Was it about birds?" She frowns.
"No not at all actually. I've been reading this book my coworker recommended to me and I'm pretty sure she's trolling me." 
"What makes you say that?" Wanda laughs.
"Because everyone in it is a complete idiot! They make the worst decisions and spend the first like six chapters just pissing each other off!"
"I feel like that's pretty accurate to real life though." She muses.
"I mean- sometimes yeah but like how is that all that's going on so far? It's fiction let me suspend my disbelief a little bit about the true stupidity of some people."
"You don't have to finish this book you know you can just- stop if you hate it so much."
"I promised Lyla that I'd read the whole thing so we could discuss it after. If I had known what she was signing me up for I wouldn't have but now I have to see it through." You say and take a sip of your drink. Your sandwich is already done but Wanda still has a bit left, kind of distracted by your conversation.
"Okay well, good luck with that." She chuckles with a light headshake.
"Excuse me, miss?" A voice takes your attention from Wanda as you crane your neck to see two men smiling warmly at you. They're tall and clearly well built, one blonde and one brunette.
"Hi, can we help you with something?" You ask and though you try to be polite you can't completely hide the slightly defensive feeling in your tone.
"Sorry to interrupt you ladies it's just that I- we couldn't help but notice how radiant you are and wanted to tell you. You seem to light up the room." The blonde says. His voice is smooth and strong.
"Thank you. I know." You say.
"And she's confident. You must be quite a catch." The brunette chuckles.
"My boyfriend sure thinks so." You retort with a smile. You clear your throat and stand which prompts Wanda to do the same. "Look I appreciate the compliments but we really do have to be going so enjoy the rest of your day gentlemen." You say evenly, linking your arm with Wanda's and turning towards the exit. You hear the pair chuckle as you and Wanda leave.
"Oh my gosh!" Wanda gushes. She looks over her shoulder for a moment before turning back to you with a look. "They were gorgeous!"
"Don't start." You tell her.
"Don't act like you didn't notice those men were basically Greek statues come to life y/n!" Wanda nudges you.
"I noticed. I also noticed they were hitting on me and I noticed that I've been in a relationship for three years. Now maybe that's not obvious to you but those pieces of information do not go together."
"I wonder who they are though, it's not every day two gorgeous men come up to you to tell you how radiant you are." She looks back again although the shop by now is out of sight.
"You mention this to Bruce and I will fight you." You warn her.
"Why does it matter? So some guys complimented you. Is he that insecure?" She frowns.
"No. He's not insecure but you're talking about these guys like they're Hercules and I know you'll mention how hot they are to him. I don't want him asking me what I think about them." You say.
"So you are gonna mention it?"
"Yes. When he asks how my day was I'll throw it in there casually, ya know minimize it so he has no reason to dwell on it." You shrug.
"I should've asked their names."
"Why? They didn't even talk to you." You laugh.
"When men like that start showering you with praise you want to keep them around don't you?"
"Bruce showers me plenty Wanda." You roll your eyes.
"Praise can never be too much." She shrugs.
"You are ridiculous." You shake your head at her.
"I'm correct is what I am." She laughs. You don't bother responding to her as the two of you walk into the mall. You spend a few hours there before eventually going to your respective homes.
"Hey, you're back." Bruce smiles when you find him with his laptop in the living room of your apartment.
"I am indeed." You say kissing his cheek.
"How was your day out with Wanda?" He asks you.
"It was fun, time with Wanda is always fun. We got lunch, we went shopping, some guys called me 'radiant', I didn't buy anything but Wanda got these gorgeous shoes that are honestly perfect for her. Nothing momentous really."
"Somebody called you radiant?"
"Yeah. While we were at lunch some guys came up to tell me they thought I was radiant and lit up a room." You shrug casually. "How was your day baby?"
"What did you say to them?"
"Thank you, my boyfriend would probably agree, and that I had to go. Well that we had to go, since I was with Wanda." You say.
"Who were they?"
"I don't know? They didn't introduce themselves and I didn't ask because I didn't care." 
"Hm, how odd." Bruce mutters.
"That some guys complimented me while I was at lunch?"
"No! No, of course not that. I know that happens all the time it's just- in conjecture with those anonymous gifts we never found the sender for-"
"You think that gifts I got a month ago have any correlation to two random guys at a sandwich shop today?" You frown.
"Not necessarily it's just that- that was odd and there was no conclusion there and now this."
"Okay not to sound dismissive baby but I think you're just a tad bit paranoid."
"Yes paranoid. You've been on edge all week since seeing Sam and Clint. I know you worry but there's no need to dwell on some random guys calling me radiant while I was at lunch." You shrug.
"Yeah, maybe you're right. I just can't shake the feeling that they're up to something."
"The strangers?!"
"No obviously not, Sam and Clint."
"Well, they haven't made any changes to their behaviour since they saw you. They're still as respectful as they were before so I can't say they've given anything away if they are up to something. Not to say they aren't but don't lose sleep over this, it's not like you can predict the future." You say kissing him.
"I don't want you to get hurt because of me." Bruce mutters when you pull away.
"I know." You pat his chest. "What do you want for dinner? I'll make something."
"Oh I already made some chicken and potatoes, it's in the oven now, hope that's okay."
"Yeah that's totally fine." You smile. You know Bruce's concerns are warranted, and you're worried too- after all Bruce thinks you're the more likely target, you just wish he wouldn't get so worked up about things out of his control. Every time you leave he acts like it'll be the last time he sees you and that unnerves you more than the theory that the werewolf mob is watching you. At least that, right now, is nothing more than a guess on your part and not a guarantee.
Part 2/???
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Gone By Sunrise | S.R
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Summary - Spencer Reid uses sex as a barrier between himself and his heart. But somewhere along the line you slipped past his carefully curated defences and got your hooks into him. How can he tell you he wants more than just sex and you slipping away before sunrise?
A/N - this was written for my dear friend @smurphyse birthday challenge! Everybody should go join in and show their support because Smurph is truly wonderful and happy birthday Angel ❤️. I took inspiration from the song “Loving You is Lonely” by Harmony Byrne and the prompts “Get on your knees and show me.”, “When this is all over, I want my sanity back.” Everything between Spencer and reader is consensual and discussed before hand, but please read with caution.
Pairing - Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - porn with feelings, ambiguous (kind of hopeful) ending (minors DNI)
Content Warnings - Welp where do I begin? drinking, sexually promiscuous Spencer, vague mentions of bisexual Spencer, vague prison mentions, BDSM dungeons, age gap between consenting adults, brief mentions of clit slapping, oral sex (m&f receiving), Dom! Spencer / Sub! Reader, dirty talk, use of “whore” and “bitch”, public sex act, brief mentions of subdrop, consensual somnophilia, male masturbation, fingering, swearing, spitting, butt plugs, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, mentions of anal sex, doggy style, aftercare, mutual pining.
Word Count - 5.6k
It was a little known fact about Doctor Spencer Reid that he was an incredibly sexual person. 
He came across bumbling and slightly awkward but he’d discovered early on that wasn’t necessarily a flaw. 
He lost his virginity whilst working on his undergrad at CalTech which would sound late if it weren’t for the fact he was a genius and fifteen at the time. 
Her name was Sarah and she was one of the professor's daughters and the only girl his age on campus. 
She spent a lot of time at CalTech despite not being a student there and she and Spencer had grown very close, very quickly. 
Before Sarah, young Spencer had never had time to think about sex. His whole life had been taking care of his mother and working hard so that someday he might make something of himself. 
But once he’d had a taste, there was no going back. 
Spencer found it easier to use sexual relationships as a barrier between himself and his feelings. He didn’t sleep with one person more than a handful of times, he never took people on dates or brought his heart into the equation. 
Sex allowed him to stave off his lonely existence for just long enough so he didn’t lose his mind under the weight of his job. 
No one had any idea what the shy and socially awkward Doctor got up to in his free time. None of his team knew the notches on his bedpost would far surpass all of theirs combined. 
And that’s the way he liked it. 
He had a well honed system he’d perfected over the years. 
He’d dress up nice, neatly pressed shirt and slacks, tie and sometimes a blazer to complete the look. He’d go to a bar within walking distance of his apartment and sip his single malt and he would wait. 
He’d bide his time until the right person caught his eye. Usually it was the person sitting alone with their nose in a book. It was all part of the ruse. 
Once he’d found his target he would observe them for a while, get to know everything he could about them by their body language and micro expressions. 
It was probably how the unsubs he dedicated his life to catching stalked their victims. And maybe he’d think that was odd if he wasn’t so hyper focused on getting laid. 
And when he’d garnered enough information about them, he would make his move. 
He’d swoop in, taking note of whatever book they were reading and tell them, “I have a first edition of that one.” 
His friendly eyes and slightly lopsided smile showed he posed no threat. His boyish good looks and smart attire were what attracted them. 
The night would end with them leaving the bar with him under the pretence of seeing said first edition, because he conveniently only lived around the corner. 
And once alone with him, they were putty in his hands. 
Spencer had mastered the art of bringing both men and women to their orgasm. He knew just how to bring a person to their knees with his hands or his mouth. 
He knew just how to fuck a woman to bring her the most pleasure, have her begging for more and finally tuned his skills as a power bottom to do the same to a man. 
It was a little known fact, but that didn’t make it any less true. Spencer Reid was obsessed with sex. 
And no more so than after he left prison. 
The three months he spent in Milburn were probably the longest he’d gone without sex since he was fifteen years old. 
But it hardened him even more so than he’d already been. The walls around his heart had grown taller and stronger so there was no way of anybody getting in. 
His sexual appetite grew, his tastes became rougher and more intense. It became harder to find a partner willing to indulge him in his dark fantasies. 
And then he met you. 
You weren’t one of his bar hookups, or part of one of his ruses. He met you during the course of a case.
You called yourself Sage although he knew it wasn’t your real name. You worked at a BDSM dungeon where a victim had been last seen leaving. Spencer had been all too excited to jump at the chance to go and interview the workers. 
You were a seasoned sub, you told him you got a job there while you were in college and three years later you were still there. 
You were young and full of innocence. Despite the depraved things you witnessed from your clientele. He became instantly obsessed with you. 
As soon as the case was over he revisited the dungeon, this time without his FBI credentials. 
He wore black slacks and a black button up with several top buttons undone. He swept his hair back off his face and shaved his errant stubble. 
He paid the cover charge and stepped inside, feeling euphoria flooding through his veins at the thick atmosphere that engulfed him. 
The large warehouse smelt of sex and promise. Spencer felt the anticipation in his bones. 
He was informed of all the rules. No touching without permission. Don’t ask for real names. Don’t be disruptive. Phones are left at the door. 
He got a glass of water from the bar and started exploring almost immediately. 
It was almost impressive he managed to keep his cock soft in pants as he traversed the dungeons' halls, peering into rooms showcasing various BDSM activity. 
In one room he witnessed a man tied to a table by his ankles and wrists whilst being tickled by his dominatrix. 
In another he saw three women all clad in leather head to toe, wiping a man over and over while he screamed and cried. 
Another had a woman tied down on her front, ass in the air while a man pounded into her and she whined around a ball gag. 
After he felt he’d gone through a hundred rooms he finally stumbled on one he was looking for. 
You were clad in the purest white lace underwear that made you look like a goddamn angel sent from heaven if you ignored the fact the crotch was cut out of your panties. 
Your wrists and ankles were shackled to the exposed brick wall, pulling your body into a star formation. 
A man paced up and down in front of you, everyone once in a while moving closer to you and slapping you hard between your exposed legs. 
The sound of flesh hitting flesh and devilish cries was what caused his cock to start hardening. And the way your eyes found his and kept his gaze the whole time drove him wild. 
He leant against the door, palming himself through his slacks while he watched your clit get slapped over and over again. 
By the time the man was done with you, Spencer was close to completion. 
The man uncuffed you and thanked you for your time. Spencer waited patiently while you cleaned yourself up before slipping a sheer camisole on your shoulders and sauntering closer to him on your heels. 
“Ah Doctor Reid, more questions for me?” You smirked, your eyes dark.
“I’m off the clock.” He licked his bottom lip.
“Thank god.” You stepped a little closer, raising your hand as if you might touch him. “Can I?” 
“Yes.” Spencer nodded. “Can I touch you?” 
You nodded as your fingernail ran along his jaw, pushing your breasts out towards him. His eyes cast downwards at the movement just like you’d hoped for. 
“Are you looking for a good little sub, Doctor?” Your lip tugged at the corner into a dangerous smirk. 
“I am.” He nodded, arms planted firmly at his sides even though he had permission to touch you. 
“I’m such a good little sub. I won’t disappoint you.” 
“Get on your knees and show me.” He suddenly barked at you, surprising you when he grabbed you roughly by your throat and forced you down to your knees. 
You whimpered a little as you crashed onto the hard brick floor but Spencer was already working the buckle of his belt undone and freeing his already leaking cock from his slacks. 
He reached down and gripped your jaw tightly in his hand and used the other to grip the base of his shaft.
He squeezed your jaw, forcing your mouth to open and thrust his cock inside. 
He slammed into the back of your throat causing you to gag a little. He moved his hand from your jaw and brought it around to ball up your hair. 
He used your hair to pull your head back like a leash before thrusting back inside your warm mouth. 
You knelt before him and took what he had to give. You let him use your mouth to get off in, hollowing your cheeks around him and running your tongue along the vein on the underside of his shaft. 
You kept your eyes on him, staring at him through your lashes, even when you heard people had gathered to watch. 
He thrust harder, pulling your hair so tightly you feared it might tear out at the roots. 
“Fuck you take a cock so well.” He grunted, his precome bitter on your tongue. 
He was big and he knew it, his length heavy in your mouth and slapping against your throat repeatedly. 
If he noticed you had an audience he didn’t show it, he didn’t take his eyes off of you. 
“You like being used as a hole? No better than a fucking flesh light. Is that what you like? Just to be some goddamn hole for any man to stick his cock in?” 
You whined around his length and he saw your thighs pressing together. 
And that was when he knew he had you. That was the moment Spencer knew you belonged to him. 
It didn’t take much time at all for him to bring himself to orgasm down the back of your throat and like a good little sub you swallowed every last drop without a word. 
He helped you to your feet after and the two of you stared at one another for a few moments. 
Spencer’s eyes kept raking over your lips and he had a desperate need to taste himself in your mouth. 
“Can I…can I kiss you?” He felt pathetic asking such a thing. 
And normally kissing was completely off the cards but you found yourself nodding dumbly. 
He was quick to cup the back of your neck and draw you into him. 
His lips were chapped and slightly rough as they moved against your own and his tongue hungrily explored your mouth, seeking out any remnants of his come he could taste. 
Before he left, he took hold of your hand and slipped something inside your palm. But he was gone before you could look at what it was. 
A simple white card with the FBI logo in one corner and his phone number in the other. 
It wasn’t against the rules to see someone outside the club, but it was frowned upon. So you and Spencer kept your extra curricular activities private, just the way he liked. 
And one day you woke up and it had been two years since the first night Spencer came to the club for the first time. 
Whenever the two of you weren’t working you’d be at his place indulging in any sexual activity Spencer demanded of the evening. 
Sometimes after really gruelling scenes you would stay the night, unable to force yourself from between his sheets while you laid in a state of subdrop. But it was an unspoken rule that you were gone by the time the sun rose.
Spencer made his intentions very clear from the first time you met outside of the club. It was just sex. You didn’t talk about your lives or attempt to get to know one another. You didn’t share insights into your days or talk about anything personal. 
It was simply sex. Incredible, mind blowing sex.
But somewhere along the way you’d foolishly fallen in love with him. 
Your heart had gotten involved somewhere between the sheets. The way Spencer took care of you after a scene made you stupidly believe he cared for you. 
But then as your sex addled mind started to shut down and you surrendered to sleep he would always lean over and whisper in your ear, “be gone by sunrise.” 
And your heart would shatter in your chest as you realised he only wanted you in the darkness. He only wanted you once the sun had set and the stars riddle the sky. 
He only wanted you by moonlight. 
Yet you continued to drop everything every time he called just for a moment spent with him, a few blissful hours when you could pretend he was really yours and only yours.
But Spencer Reid wasn’t a man who could be tamed. He wasn’t the kind of man you imagined a future with because he didn’t see the future, he only saw the now. 
So you hid your heart away and pretended it did kill you every time he asked you to leave. 
Loving Spencer Reid was an incredibly lonely life. 
You and Spencer had drawn up a list of rules long ago for what you’d be willing to do together. Admittedly there wasn’t a lot that you didn’t give each other consent for.
You trusted Spencer with your life and you would allow him to do anything he saw fit to pleasure you both. 
Spencer had been waiting for the right moment to try out one of those things in particular. The few times you’d fallen asleep in his bed you’d always been gone by the time he woke up, which was the way he liked it. 
But for him to enact a particular fantasy of his, it involved you still being in his bed in the morning. 
Last night you’d passed out between his sheets covered in welts and bruises from Spencer’s assault on you. 
Your eyes had barely stayed open while he covered your wounds with ointment and by the time he was finished you were snoring softly. 
Before giving over to sleep himself he still whispered to your unconscious form “be gone by sunrise.” 
But unlike usual Spencer found himself woken by nothing in particular in the middle of the night. It was still dark outside and you were still in his bed. 
Through the crack in the curtains the moonlight crept in and bathed you an almost ethereal glow. Your eyes were closed and your lashes grazed the skin under them, your lips were slightly parted in a half smile. 
It was warm in the room, the sex from last night still clinging to every little nook of his bedroom and you’d thrown the sheet partially off your body. Your breasts were exposed and heaved up and down with your breaths, your swollen nipples made his cock twitch. 
The sheet was draped between your bare legs and he’d only have to move a few inches to see all of you. 
He chewed slightly aggressively on his lip at the thought of having you like this, unconscious and unaware. 
It was a fantasy you’d discussed and one you’d given him consent for, there just hadn’t been the right time. You’d told him you were a heavy sleeper and he planned to test that out. 
Just watching you sleep and thinking of the things he was going to do to you made his cock fully hard and throbbing. 
He shuffled closer to you and reached out to trace the contours of your face with his finger, ghosting over skin. 
He etched your jawline before trailing down your neck until he reached your chest. 
Keeping his eyes on yours he dared tweak one of your nipples between his fingers. 
Your lips parted a little more so he did it again, slightly harder. 
He edged even closer to you and hovered over your chest, blowing hot air over your tits. 
Your eyes fluttered a little but then squeezed shut tighter. 
He bowed his head a little more and let his tongue cautiously glide over your nipple. It hardened almost immediately but other than that you stayed still. 
He smiled to himself and lowered his mouth around your bud. He pinched it between his teeth and swirled his tongue around it.
A soft moan left your mouth and beneath the sheets your legs moved closer together. He continued sucking on your nipple while his hand moved to brush the sheets away from your body. 
You wriggled a little on the mattress as your body was exposed but your breathing stayed even and drawn out. 
He gave your nipple one last tease before manoeuvring himself cautiously in the bed so he was kneeling over you. 
He pressed his palms to your inner thighs and parted your legs to give himself the perfect view of your sleeping form. 
You were still glistening and smelt like him from your activities last night and he didn’t think there was anything sexier than a woman still smelling like him. 
He knelt between your legs while his hand wrapped around his shaft. He pumped himself a few times while he watched you, blissfully unaware of what he was doing. 
Although you’d agreed to this there was something so incredibly hot about getting caught. If you woke now and saw him jerking himself off over your naked body, how would you react? 
A sharp breath crept from his chest at the thought. But as hot as it would be, he didn’t want you waking up until he was deep inside of you. 
He let go of his shaft and shuffled down the bed, laying on his stomach until his face was between your thighs. He glanced up at you, seeing you still sleeping peacefully he smiled to himself. 
He ran a finger between your folds, gently to ensure you weren’t going to wake up. Another sleepy moan fell from your lips but you didn’t move. 
He kissed your inner thighs while running his finger between your legs again but he couldn’t wait any longer. 
He pressed his face between your legs and lapped your clit with his tongue. 
Your whole body tensed suddenly and his eyes flicked up, half expecting your eyes to be open. But they weren’t. 
Smiling to himself he repeated the action before burying his face in you entirely and sucking on your sensitive bud. 
His cock throbbed again between his stomach and the bed as you moaned once more. You started wiggling a little in the bed but you were still asleep. 
He wondered if you were dreaming of what he was doing to you. 
He could feel you were getting wet so he dared to tentatively push a finger inside of you. Another, louder moan escaped you and your legs tried to clamp together around his head. 
He lazily pumped his finger in and out of your cunt while he sucked desperately on your clit. His cock was painfully hard and it was making him dizzy, he was already leaking onto the bed sheet. 
He added another finger, feeling your cunt clench around him involuntarily. You tits bounced up and down with your heavy breathing as his tongue swirled around your clit before sucking on it again. 
Spencer loved to eat you out. He loved the feeling of being buried between your legs and being able to pleasure you from nothing more than his tongue. 
The first time he’d done it he coaxed four orgasms out of you with it. He’d stayed between your legs until you were sobbing from the overstimulation and could barely speak anymore. 
If truth be told, he could spend forever between your legs. The way you tasted drove him wild and the way your body was so receptive to his tongue made him feel on top of the world. 
He closed his eyes, getting lost in the feeling. He flicked his tongue back and forth over your clit in quick succession, hearing the way your breathing changed to stuttered breaths as he did so. 
He flattened his tongue and ran it through your legs to meet his hand and back again. He drew your clit in between his teeth briefly before using his tongue to apply more pressure. 
Your thighs were firmly pressing against his face and every now and again your whole body would twitch in your sleep. 
He curled his fingers inside of you, brushing against your cervix and body jolted and he thought he’d blown it. 
Glancing up from between your legs he saw your eyes still shut and he breathed a sigh of relief. 
He kept his fingers inside of you but focused on your clit, sucking and licking until he could feel your tightening around him again. 
His nose was buried in your pubic bone somehow wishing he could dive further into you even though it wasn’t possible. 
He could feel you getting wetter, hear the sounds of your arousal as he thrust slowly with his fingers. 
Even when your orgasm took route it still didn’t wake you. You moaned in your sleep and clamped harder around his head with your thighs but you still didn’t wake up. 
He dared to continue his work after you came, lapping up your orgasm on his tongue but your body soon started to convulse and he tore himself away before he woke you. 
He knelt over your sleeping form once more and his hand moved to his desperate cock. He stroked himself while mesmerised by the movement of your tits as they bounced up and down while your breathing tried to even itself out. 
He’d been close before he touched himself and his hard and fast pumps brought his orgasm soon after. 
He came on your chest, covering your beautiful tits in streaks of his hot come. He whined and bucked against his own hand as he rode out his high. 
He stared down at you, still holding his dick in his hand. You were so fucking beautiful. He wasn’t sure he’d ever taken the time to really appreciate it before. 
And you were never more beautiful than right at this moment with last night's welts glowing on your skin, his come coating your breasts and your arousal glistening between your legs. 
He moved to cup your jaw and forced your lips apart before spitting in your open mouth. 
You coughed a little, spluttering on his saliva but that was all. 
You really were a heavy sleeper. 
Gripping you by your shoulder he turned you over onto your stomach, your red ass cheeks from last night's paddling glowing in the moonlight. 
He already found himself growing hard again as he inspected his handiwork. He took hold of your hips and pulled you closer to him. 
You stirred a little so he stilled his movements but soon you sound asleep once more. 
He reached over to the night stand and grabbed a bottle of lube and his favourite purple butt plug. 
He’d fucked you in the ass until he came twice last night and he could still you were still open and the toy, which was much smaller than his cock, should fit in nicely without waking you. 
He coated some lube on the toy and massaged some around your hole with his fingers. He pushed the head of the plug against your ring of muscles and when you didn’t stir, he slowly pressed it inside of you. 
Your body tightened at the intrusion until only the smooth flat bottom of the toy was still visible. 
You moaned against the pillow and your legs clamped together. He was now standing to full attention again and he pulled you closer so his cock nestled between your legs. 
Gripping your hips and no longer caring if he woke you, he thrust inside your cunt hard and fast, flesh slapping against one and another as he quickly bottomed out. 
A gasp erupted from your chest and your eyes shot open. 
You blinked a few times as Spencer snapped his hips again, burying deep inside of you. 
You looked over your shoulder to see a wicked smile on his lips. 
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” 
You moaned as you registered the sensation of his cock filling you up and something smaller inside your ass. 
You were dazed and confused with sleep but the pleasure flooded your body. He tugged at your hips, pulling you closer to him.
“On your hands and knees, bitch.” He spat, tugging you harder. 
You gasped again in confusion, sleep still heavy around your brain. But you managed to rouse yourself enough to follow orders and shifted on the bed so you were on your hands and knees.
“Good girl. How does it feel to wake up with a cock in your pathetic cunt and toy in your ass? You’re so pitiful, do you know that Sage? Letting a man use you while you’re sleeping.” He growled, his head thrusting up against your cervix and making you moan haplessly. 
You weren’t allowed to talk during sex unless he said you could, or if he asked you for your colour like he did next. 
“Good girl. Such a good fucking hole for me to use.”
You were still delirious from sleep, still not quite sure what was going on but the pleasure that wracked your body was euphoric. 
You ass clenched around the toy and your walls fluttered around Spencer’s heavy length, his nails digging into your hips as he pounded into you to keep you upright. 
As Spencer fucked you, you felt the plug shifting with his thrusts and it felt phenomenal. 
You wondered how long he’d been having his way with you. You’d been dreaming of him going down on you and coming from his tongue on your clit and you wondered now if that hadn’t been a dream at all.
You moaned at the thought of him using you while you slept, causing your already hazy brain to become foggier. 
His hips snapped against your ass filling the room with the sounds of your flesh colliding. 
He let go of one of your hips and grabbed your jaw, turning your face to look at him over your shoulder.
“Open your mouth.” He grunted as he thrust deeper, filling you in that perfect way only he could. 
Immediately your jaw went slack and you opened your mouth. Spencer leaned closer and spat directly onto your tongue before squeezing your face tightly in his grip. 
“Fucking whore.” He let go of your face and focused on the movement of his hips. “So pathetic, you’ll let me do anything to you.” 
His grip on your hip was the only thing keeping you upright. You bowed your head to meet the cool pillow as tears started to roll from your eyes. 
You clenched around him, making him hiss.
“Want more?” It was a rhetorical question, you’d get more if he decided to give you more. 
You simply whined in response as his arm snaked around your waist and his long, nimble finger found your clit and pressed against it. 
Your thighs clamped and your cunt fluttered once more around his aching dick. 
The way Spencer was fucking you, slamming against the plug, made it fell like it was throbbing inside of your ass. You were hyper aware of the way it felt inside of you. 
He started rubbing your clit causing your legs to quake beneath you and he tightened his hold on your hip to stop you from falling. 
He dug his nails deeper into your skin and you could feel the marks he would leave behind. He always left you with marks that always had you conflicted.
One on hand they were reminders that even for a brief time you were his. But in the other they were the caveats of the fact he would never really belong to you. 
“Fuck I don’t know how you can still be so fucking tight when I fuck you like I do.” He grunted, slamming into your cervix again roughly. 
You felt your orgasm bubbling and you knew Spencer felt it too. He knew your body as well as he knew his own, maybe even better. 
He picked up his speed on his thrumming of your clit and buried himself so deep inside of you, you weren’t sure how he didn’t split you in two. 
“I’m gonna come in this sinful pussy. I’m going to fill you with my come just how you like, you whore.” 
You whined as more tears fell from your eyes, his thrusts getting painful with the force he was exerting but the pleasure floated through you like waves. 
You felt something wet on your ass and you realised Spencer had spat on it and then he slapped your ass cheek hard with the palm of his hand. 
Your cunt tightened with your impending orgasm as did your ass around the plug. Spencer felt your walls closing in around his shaft that was still tender from the hours spent inside of you last night. 
He grunted as he thrust and his body suddenly engulfed yours, sending you both falling to the mattress. 
He pumped inside of you a few more times before he hissed deeply against your neck. 
“Gonna come,” he growled and you mewled in response against the tear soaked pillow. 
You convulsed around him and the feeling of your orgasm vibrated through his cock and pushed him over the edge.
He buried himself as deep as he could while he expelled his load inside of you and then started lazily thrusting while he rode out his orgasm. 
You were sobbing and whimpering against the soft pillow when Spencer removed the plug from your ass, leaving you feeling partially empty. 
He stayed inside of you while his dick softened, just revelling in the way you would clench every so often around him. 
Eventually he rolled off of you and turned you on your back. 
He didn’t say a word while he went to the bathroom and returned soon after with a washcloth and some ointment. 
You looked up at him, your vision slightly blurry as he hovered above you looking like a goddamn angel sent from heaven. 
The love you had for him came pouring from your eyes in the form of your tears while your heart silently called out to him in the night. 
Loving him was the loneliest thing you’d ever done. Loving him was more lonely than actually being alone. 
And you didn’t know if you could keep doing this to yourself. 
He cleaned his seed that was soaking from between your legs into his sheets. The damp cloth between your legs made you whimper pathetically but Spencer was so gentle with you. 
His featherlight touches as he applied ointment to the marks he’d left on your sides made you feel dizzy. 
What you wouldn’t give to have this man’s love. In moments like this you could pretend you did. You could pretend as he looked down on you in that way that he felt it too. 
But he didn’t. And he never would. 
Your eyes were fluttering a little as he bowed his head and placed the softest kiss to your lips. It felt like an electric current passing through you. 
Spencer rarely kissed you and if he did he was deep and fuelled with lust, nothing like this. This was almost loving. 
The sun was starting to peak in from between the curtains and you sighed wearily knowing what that meant. 
He laid down next to you in his bed and his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. You prepared yourself for what he was about to say, what he always said, “be gone by sunrise.” 
Except this time, he didn’t say that. 
His arm snaked around your waist and he pulled you impossibly closer to him before he spoke. 
“Why don’t you just stay a little while longer, ok?” 
You were too tired to be shocked or surprised, instead you just nodded and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 
“When this is all over, I want my sanity back.” You mumbled sleepily as your eyes closed and you felt yourself almost instantly give over to sleep. 
Spencer watched as your breathing got drawn out and your body went limp in his arms.
He stroked your sex messed hair back off your face, his heart like a lead weight in his chest as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. 
“I want you here for all the sunrises and all the sunsets. For the rest of my life.” He whispered, sniffing back his tears. “Maybe one day I’ll have the guts to tell you that when you’re awake.” 
He placed a chaste kiss to your forehead and then closed his eyes before his tears could creep out. 
No one had ever gotten through the defences around his heart but you’d made it seem so easy. 
You’d snuck in through a crack and now you took up residence there. 
And maybe one day he’d be brave enough to admit when you weren’t asleep. 
Because you were his sunrise. You were the light in his dark days. You made him come alive again with your warmth. You were the sun and he was but a simple planet happy just being present in your orbit. 
Without the sun, life on Earth would cease to exist. And without you, he knew he wouldn’t survive either. 
And maybe one day he’d tell you that. But for now he held you in his arms as he drifted off to sleep and prayed for the courage to tell his sun he couldn’t live without her. 
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gunilslaugh · 10 months
You'll Never Know That I Liked You
Kim Jungsu/Goo Gunil
Summary: Your best friend asked you to be her wingwoman for her crush, Jungsu. Not knowing you harbored a crush on him too.
Warning:grammar, angst
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Your best friend, y/f/n, invited you over to her house saying that she needed to talk to you about something. You arrived at her house and texted her that you were outside. She opened the door for you then dragged you into her room. She practically threw you onto her mattress, climbing on it to sit in front of you.
“You know Jungsu right?” She eagerly questions you. 
“Kim Jungsu?” You asked for clarification. 
“Yes!” Her eyes lit up, nodding excitedly. 
You did know Jungsu. You met him last year when the two of you were paired up for a project together. While working on the project you developed a crush on him. He was sweet and caring. He’d always bring you a drink and snacks when you met up to work on the project, even when you told him that he didn’t have too. It was too easy to fall for him. The way he would lean closer to look over the project material, never failed to make your heart beat rapidly. Alas you never acted on your feelings. Deciding to crush on Jungsu silently. Once your project was over you missed hanging out with Jungsu regularly, but you did still see him from time to time. You had each other’s numbers too, so occasionally you two would talk. You guys fell into an acquaintanceship. It was good enough for you though cause you never planned on confessing. 
“We’re acquaintances,” you answered, but you had a feeling you knew what she was gonna ask you, cause you wore the same look in your eyes when it came to Jungsu. “You have a crush on him don’t you?” You teased her.
“Am I that obvious?” She halfway panicked. No, I just wear the same shoes as you. 
“Only cause you’re my best friend. You’re an open book to me,” you respond.
“So you’ll help me right?” She asked. Your mouth ran dry, your throat tightened and heart fell.
“Of course,” you fake smiled. “I’m your best friend, which automatically makes me your wingwoman right?” You stated, wearing a mask of happiness. You never planned on confessing to Jungsu anyway, so you might as well help your friend. 
“Thank you!” She shouts excitedly, pulling you into a hug. Your arms felt heavy as you lifted them to hug her back.
“So, how did you come to have a crush on Jungsu?” You pulled away from the hug.
“He transferred into my class and we sit next to each other now. He’s so nice and caring. I didn’t understand a part of an assignment and he slowly took the time to explain it to me, making sure that I understood. Plus he’s really cute too,” she explained with such lovesickness. You understood her, those are the same reasons you fell for Jungsu too. The more she talked about him the deeper your heart sank, but you ignored it. Your best friend was so happy you couldn’t ruin that. 
The next day you initiated your plan as wingwoman. You saw Jungsu standing outside of the school building and approached him.
“Jungsu,” you called his attention. At the sound of his name Jungsu looked over towards you.
“Oh y/n, what’s up?” He greets you with a pretty smile. The smile made your heart flutter, but now was not the time for that you were on a mission.
“y/f/n was wondering if she could borrow your notes,” you tell him.
“Your friends with y/f/n?” He asks you. You laughed.
“We’ve been best friends since middle school,” you informed him.
“That’s nice,” he said. Jungsu then reaches into his bag to take out the notes. “Here,” he hands them to you. 
“Thanks, she’ll give them back to you during class,” you told him. You put the notes into your own bag. “You know since we all know each other it might be nice to hang out together,” you suggested. 
“Yeah, we should grab a meal together sometime,” he replied.
“I’ll talk to y/f/n about it,” you tell him. Jungsu nodded. “Thanks again. I’ll see you around,” you say getting ready to walk away. 
“See you,” he farewelled. You began to walk to where you usually met with y/f/n to tell her about your conversation with Jungsu.
“So?” She impatiently quizzes. 
“First, here are the notes,” you got out the notes and handed them over to her. “Second, I suggest that all of us should hangout sometime and he agreed, suggesting that we all should have a meal together,” you finished. 
“That’s good right? That he wants to hang out,” She says.
“It’s perfect. When we’re out I’ll use an excuse to leave early, so you two can have alone time to get to know each other better,” you explained your plan. Your friend lightly blushes. You assume at the thought of being alone with Jungsu.
“Wait, what if I say something stupid?” Y/f/n name overthinks. 
“We could come up with a signal. I’ll only leave when you feel comfortable about talking to him,” you proposed.
“That sounds good,” she agreed. “Thank you again. I couldn’t never do this by myself. I’m too much of a coward,” your friend laughed. I am too. 
“That’s why you have me,” you said playfully, successfully hiding how you really felt. 
“Does this outfit look ok?” Y/f/n asks, standing in front of the mirror examining her outfit. You guys were having dinner with Jungsu today.
“For the third time, yes. You look great, so stop worrying so much,” you reassured her. 
“Sorry it’s just,” she begins.
“You really like him,” and so do I. Y/f/n nods, fiddling with their fingers. 
“I really do,” she earnestly tells. You feel so conflicted. One part of you sees how serious y/f/n is about Jungsu and you seriously want her to be happy. The other part of you feels your heart ache more and more as you guide your crush into somebody else's arms.
You guys met Jungsu at a local diner. You halfway expected y/f/n to sit next to Jungsu, but she sits next to you instead. A part of you feels relieved by it. 
“Y/n, told me that you two have been best friends since middle school,” Jungsu brought up.
“Yes, I was lucky to claim the spot of her best friend,” your friend links her arm with yours. A part of you feels bad. You know how much y/f/n cherishes and values you. Which means you also know if you told her about your feelings for Jungsu that she would back down for sake. Despite knowing that you still keep your feelings hidden. Breaking your own heart, so that she can be happy.
“I got lucky too,” you keep your happy mask on.
“I’m jealous of your friendship. You two look like you’re really close,” Jungsu states. 
“We are,” Y/f/n confirms. 
After you’ve eaten your food y/f/n name gives you the signal that you could leave now. You pretend like you got a text on your phone. 
“My mom is asking me to come home, apparently there’s a problem with our washer,” you lied.
“Oh no should I come to,” your friend played along.
“No, no you two stay! I’m sure I can handle it thank you though,” you insisted, getting up.
“Text me when you get home,” y/f/n tells you. 
“I will, you two have fun,” you say walking away. They wished you goodbye as you left and you waved to them. The farther you walked the more your heart ached. By the time you exited the diner you stopped. This was so much harder than you thought it would be. You wished you weren’t such a coward. If you had just had the courage to tell Jungsu how you felt last year this wouldn’t be happening. Maybe you could be dating Jungsu right now. It could just be the two of you having a date right now. You wouldn’t be hurting, wouldn’t have to hide your true feelings. All this was your own fault though. You chose to stay silent and now you have to suffer the consequences of it. 
Arriving at home you go straight to your room. You texted y/f/n letting her know that you arrived safely. Then you slump down onto your bed, letting the tears fall from your eyes. Maybe you’ll feel better after a good cry. You just need to let your undealt with feelings out. 
The next morning y/f/n name comes over to your house overflowing with excitement to tell you about how it went with Jungsu.
“We had such a good conversation! I think it could really go somewhere!” She gushed ecstatically.
“That’s really great! Are you gonna hangout again?” Once again you put on your happy mask, masking the ache that pained your heart.
“Yes, he wants to hang out again. He suggested that he could bring a friend and we could all hangout as a group,” she answers happily. 
“Are you trying to wingwoman me now? That sounds like a double date,” you said playfully.
“Stop! I said hangout as a group,” she flushes red,
“You want it to be a date though,” you continued with your teasing.
“Are you ok with hanging out as a group or not?” She changes the subject. Truthfully you don’t want to. You don’t want to wingwoman anymore, it hurts too much. For y/f/n however you will. You’ll endure the pain, so that she can be happy.
“Yeah, let’s go on a double date,” you continued your act. At first y/f/n looks happy then she processes your words.
“I said it’s not a date,” she groaned.
“But you want it to be,” you teased again. “Did he say who his friend is?” You finally give her some reprieve. 
“Gunil, he said that you knew him. You had a class together,” She replied. You did know Gunil. He shared the same class with you that Jungsu did last year.
“Yeah he was in the same class as me and Jungsu,” you say.
It was the day for your group hangout that you still called a double date. Your friend thought that you were just teasing her by saying that, but was more you using humor as a coping mechanism. You all met up at a mall to just walk around and do some shopping.
“Y/n, nice to see you again,” Gunil greets you.
“Yeah you too it’s been awhile,” you return. “This is my best friend y/f/n,” you introduced her. They each greeted one another. The four of you walked around. Y/f/n had just been sticking by your side for the most part. You hate that you were glad about it.
“Y’know it’s not really a double date if you stay at my side the whole time,” you whispered to her as you just were checking out a shop.
“Wouldn’t it be weird if I just randomly started walking next to him though,” she voiced her worry.
“Fine, I’ll handle it,” you tell her, patting her shoulder.
“Gunil you like (band/artists name) right?” You called out to Gunil approaching where he and Jungsu were.
“Yeah why?” Gunil answers you.
“I do too. There’s a music store here that has their albums. Want to come with me?” You suggested
“Let’s go,” he agrees, now standing by your side. 
“Let’s meet back up at the food court in an hour?” You checked with Jungsu and y/f/n. They both agreed. You and Gunil begin to walk to the music store. 
“Y/f/n likes Jungsu doesn’t she?” Gunil says as you two make your way.
“Is it obvious?” You asked.
“Not really, but Jungsu told me about how you had to leave the diner early when the three of you hung out together and now you just found a way to get them to be alone again, so I kinda guessed,” he explained. 
“She does like him, so I’m trying to play wingwoman. I don’t know if it’s working though,” it’s working at breaking your own heart at the very least. 
“It’s working, Jungsu likes her too,” crack. That was the final blow to your heart, but you can’t show it, not with Gunil next to you. You have to keep your happy mask on.
“So they’ll be a couple by the time we get back right? This is honestly exhausting,” exhausting for you emotionally that is. 
“I don’t know Jungsu can be shy when it comes to confessing how he feels,” Gunil tells you.
“So can y/f/n. At this point I'll have to confess for her,” you joked. That would definitely be nailing your own coffin shut.
“You’d confess for her when you never confessed for yourself?” Gunil prompts.
“What?” you let out, very much taken aback.
“You had a crush on Jungsu last year didn’t you? When you were project partners,” he elucidates. 
“That was just a small crush. It was nothing serious that’s why I didn’t confess,” you laughed to hide your pain.
“So you're totally over him? It’s not weird for you that your best friend likes your old crush?” he inquires. It’s one of the worst feelings you ever felt. You’re no way over Jungsu.
“No it’s not weird. I never even told her that I liked him, that’s how miniscule my crush was,” you replied. “You know I kept teasing y/f/n by calling this a double date. Plus now know that their feelings are mutual, so did you really come here as a friend or was Jungsu trying to wingman for you?” You change the topic. You don’t know how much longer you could keep it together he Gunil kept questioning you. 
“I’ve liked you since last year, but I could tell that you liked Jungsu, so I never said anything. Then Jungsu told me about hanging out with you and your best friend, who was the cute girl he sat next to in class. I thought that I might have a chance now,” Gunil confessed. Your heart cracked deeper at the further confirmation that Jungsu did indeed a liked y/f/n. At the same time you felt for Gunil back then he must’ve felt similarly to how you feel now. Suddenly you snapped.
“Actually, I still like Jungsu, but I never had the courage to confess. I was too much of a coward. It was fine though I was ok with just being acquaintances with him. Until y/f/n told me like she liked him, but I never planned on confessing, so I thought I might as well help y/f/n. I ended up breaking my own heart in the process,” you broke down crying. “I still want y/f/n to be happy, so I just kept it all in, but it really hurts. I regret not confessing back then and not telling y/f/n that I liked him too. I really thought that I could be strong enough. I’m so stupid I shoved the guy I liked right into my best friend’s arms. I can’t even say anything now either that I know they both like each other. I don’t want to ruin their relationship. They should just be happy together. I did it to myself,” the tears flowing down your cheeks and your breathing is ragged. Gunil pulls you into his chest. Your tears soak his shirt, but he only hugged you tighter, rubbing your back up and down. “You can’t tell them,” you pulled away in a panic, wiping your tears away.
“I won’t,” Gunil looks at you so pitifully. “But what are you gonna do? You can’t carry on like this y/n,” he continued.
“I’ll get over him,” you declared. “One day I’ll be able to look back at this and laugh,” you added. 
“Let me help. I can be your shoulder to lean on. I know that you don’t like me, so I don’t expect anything from you, but can I just stay by your side?” Gunil offers.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I could really use that,” you tell him. 
Stay by your side Gunil did. Getting over Jungsu was rough, especially when you had to see him and your best friend together all the time. At times you really wished that you were in your best friend's place, but you weren't. You missed your chance. You always had Gunil to lean on though. He was always there to wipe your tears and hold you comfortingly. He collected all the pieces of your broken heart and held them while you worked on putting them back together. Somewhere along the way of piecing yourself broken heart back together you found that you didn’t mind Gunil keeping a piece. You knew that he’d take care of it, treasure it deeply.
“Gunil,” you called for his attention as the two of you were out taking a late night walk together.
“Yeah,” he turns to look at you.
“Can you confess to me again?” You ask him. His eyes widened and it looked like he was trying to see if he heard you correctly, so you added. “I’ll accept you this time. It’s your chance,” Gunil pulls you into an excited hug. You know he’s been waiting a really long time. 
“I like you. Actually no, I love you, I love you so much. Thank you,” he confesses for a second time. 
“I should be the one thanking you. You waited years for me, but I love you too. Thank you for waiting,” You confessed for the first time.
“I’d wait forever for you y/n,” Gunil tells you pulling away from the hug and you can see it in his eyes he’s one hundred percent telling the truth.
Jungsu will never know that you liked him, but it’s ok he’s happy and you’re happy too.
A/n: I was originally just gonna end this on an angst note, but Gunil decided to save the day.
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Phic Phight Phic 4
Title: Flamin' Hot Nails
For @phicphight
Words: 2070
Prompts: The Hot. NEW. Craze of Casper High: Ecto-Nail art! Things start to go awry in...not the usual way. (By @princessfanonanona )
Maurice did not expect to see his son hanging out with a ghost when he walked into Tucker’s room. (By @duchi-nesten)
Summary: Our favorite trio gets their nails done.
Warnings: brief mentions of burns (nothing graphic), fire
This one is kinda crackish in a way, but I hope you enjoy!
   It's been about two years since the ghosts started showing up in Amity Park, and things have been great. The ghosts no longer attack as much as they just hang around. (Though there are some who sometimes cause issues. Looking at you Box Ghost.) Life, or afterlife, was good. With the increase of ghosts in town came the increase of ghost-themed trends. Currently, a new trend has taken Casper High by storm.   
    Ecto-infused nail polish was being sold in droves to ghosts, humans, and liminals alike. The best part about them? They glow in the dark! Students have even made cute little designs including little ghosts, Phantom logos, flowers, and more! So far there hasn't been any repercussions using ecto-nail polish.
    "Not gonna lie, with as much as I normally hate trends, the ecto-nails seem kinda cool," Sam Manson mentioned to her friends as they passed a group of girls showing off their new nails.
   "I would totally paint constellations on mine! Especially since they glow in the dark!" Danny Fenton beamed. His freckles seemed to glow slightly at the prospect.
   "You guys can do that. Nails aren't really my thing," replied their techno-geek friend, Tucker Foley.
   "Aw come on Tucker! We could meet up after school and do our nails! It'll be fun!" Danny said, lightly jabbing Tucker in the arm. Tucker smiled at his friends.
   "Fine. Just because I want glow-in-the-dark DOOMED logos on my thumbs."
   "Alright then it's settled. Which house should we meet at?" Sam chimed in.
   "I would say my place, but my parents are detoxing the lab because they exploded some stuff last night," Danny replied.
   "Well, we could do it at my place! My parents won't mind," Tucker suggested.
   "Sounds like a plan."
   The trio proceeded to head for class. 
    The last bell of the day rang, and Sam, Danny, and Tucker headed over to Tucker's. On the way, they stopped at the store to pick up some polish in the colors they wanted. Each of them greeted Mr and Mrs. Foley before booking it upstairs.
    The trio began pulling out polishes and remover and began their work. Sam did most of the designs, since she had more experience with polish. On Danny's nails, she painted various constellations and Saturn on his thumbs. On Tucker's nails, she painted the DOOMED logo as best she could and added some stripes and whatnot to the smaller nails. On her own nails, Sam painted little glow-in-the-dark bats.
    While they waited for their nails to dry, the trio sat on Tucker's floor and talked, occasionally testing to see how dry the polish was. They somehow got onto the topic of ghosts, which brought an interesting question to Danny's mind.
   "I wonder what my nails look like in ghost form," he stated. His friends looked at him confused. 
   "Like would they have the stars on them? Would the colors be inverted? Would they be plain? If they're plain I could do a different design as Phantom!" Danny rambled. An invisible lightbulb turned on in his friends' heads.
   "Let's find out!" 
   Danny summoned his transformation rings. In his place floated Phantom who immediately went to take off his glove. Huh. Plain it is. Guess they get to paint his nails again!
   Sam pulled out the bottles and got to work.
   Maurice Foley was just informed by his lovely wife that dinner will be served in five minutes. She told him to go upstairs and tell the kids there's food. He heard his son's laughter as he walked up the stairs. 'I guess they're having a good time,' he thought.
    As he reached the top of the steps, he turned towards Tucker's room. The knob gently turned as he opened the door. He opened the door and stood in minor shock at what he saw. Floating inches above the ground was the ghost boy, Phantom. 
    Phantom was a local celebrity in Amity Park. Although disliked at first, he slowly grew into a town hero. What was he doing in Tucker's room? Maurice noticed the ghost boy's gloves sitting on the floor. He was doing his nails. Phantom looked rather relaxed and happy while Sam painted little ghosts on his nails. The three of them were so engaged in conversation they hadn't noticed his presence. Tucker and Sam looked as close with him as they are with Danny. Speaking of which, where was Danny? He wasn't in the bathroom because the door was open when Maurice passed it. Either way he should probably tell the kids about dinner. 
    "So, uh, I was told to tell you guys that dinner was ready," Maurice said, rubbing the back of his neck. All three teens' heads whipped over to look at him. Their eyes widened. 
   "Well, I, uh, should probably get going," Phantom spoke, "thanks for the nails!"
   "Wait!" Maurice called. Phantom stopped.
  "Would you like to stay for dinner? We made lot's of food, assuming you can eat human food."
   Phantom looked over at the other two and had what appeared to be a silent conversation with them. They must be really close then. The only other person they'd be able to communicate like that with would be Danny.
   "I wouldn't want to bother you. I was just here cause I wanted to get my nails done."
   "Oh nonsense! You wouldn't be a bother at all! Besides, it's the least we could do!"
   "Thanks, Mr. Foley!" 
    "Now, we should probably get down there before Angela gets impatient."
    The three humans walked down the stairs with Phantom following close behind. Maurice rounded the corner into the kitchen.
   "Hey honey, we got a special guest for dinner," he told his wife. His wife turned towards him with a confused expression. Phantom floated in from the living room.
   "Hi, Mrs Foley," he squeaked nervously. Angela's eyes expressed her surprise. 
  "I hope you like casserole. I made loads!" Angela said as she placed the dish on the table. The family and guests sat down and began eating. The first few minutes were awkwardly quiet before Maurice broke the silence.
   "So, Phantom, how long have you been friends with our Tucker?" He asked in a friendly tone.
   "Oh, uh, a while I guess? We've just seen each other around a lot, but we haven't formally hung out like this. They just flagged me down when I was passing by," the ghost rambled nervously. 
   "Huh. I woulda thought you'd know each other better since you seem so close," Maurice responded before taking a bite of his casserole.
    "Yeah. The casserole is really good Mrs. Foley!" Maurice noted the change in subject, but decided to drop it as to not spook their guest.
   "Thank you! I'm glad you like it! It's a shame Danny's missing it though. This dish is one of his favorites."
    "Speaking of, where's Danny?" Maurice asked. The trio's shoulders tensed. Sam replied, "He's, uh, probably in the bathroom."
   "Yeah. You know how his bladder is!" Tucker said, backing Sam up. Maurice arched his brow. Danny was most definitely not in the bathroom. The kids were lying to them. He looked over to see Phantom's nervous expression. It was the same face he's seen Danny make. Come to think of it, the two of them bore some uncanny similarities. Before he could dwell on it further, Phantom had finished his casserole.
   "Welp! It's been fun, but I should probably go back on patrol. Thanks for the dinner Mrs Foley! And thanks for letting me intrude into your house!" He said, hands on both his knees as he got up. He placed his dish in the sink and said his goodbyes before floating out of the room.
   Not a minute later, Danny Fenton appeared around the corner.
   "Hey, sorry I'm late, I had to use the restroom," he said as he walked over to grab some food. Maurice noticed he didn't take as much casserole as usual. These three are definitely hiding something. 
    As the evening went on, Maurice turned on the TV to watch his favorite cooking show. While the chef was in the middle of making a perfect creme brulee a news broadcast interrupted the show.
   "We interrupt this program to bring BREAKING NEWS. It seems the HOT, new trend of ecto-nails has really turned up the heat with several reports of fires. As it turns out the combination of ectoplasm and polish is extremely flammable when exposed to temperatures above 70°F. Several people's nails burst into flames while they were cooking dinner. Others have reported fires starting upon entering nursing homes or simply taking a hot shower. At least 10 people have been admitted into the hospital for burns. For your protection, we advise everyone with ecto-nails to please remove their nail polish before it's too late. More at 10."
    "Hey kids!" Maurice called up the stairs. He walked over to Tucker's room. Tucker answered the door.
   "Wassup, Dad?" Tucker asked and opened the door the rest of the way.
   "There have been reports of fires starting because of the fancy nail polish."
  "That's weird. Ecto isn't usually that susceptible to heat. It takes a lot to burn it," Danny replied, "maybe it was a hoax?"
  "That may be, but I still want you guys to be careful."
   The kids all made various sounds of agreement. 
   "Well now that that's settled, who wants some hot cocoa! I figured it would be nice since it's been so cold out lately!"
    The kids stampeded down the stairs. No one could resist the power of hot chocolate. 
   Angela Foley greeted them with mugs of steaming cocoa. Each teen dawned a cup and began sipping it carefully.
   It took about a minute before Sam started to feel a slight burning sensation on her fingers. Tucker and Danny started feeling the same. Uh oh.
   "OH SHIT!" Tucker screamed as his nails combusted. Before Maurice could scold him for his language, Danny and Sam started having the same issue. Angela scrambled to try to find the fire extinguisher while Sam ran to the sink to try to put her nails out. The water had no effect.
  Angela ran back into the room with the red canister to try to put out the fire. She pulled the pin and began spraying. Unfortunately, the foam that came out also caught on fire and fell to the floor. 
  "HOW DO WE PUT OUT THE FIRES?" Maurice called over to Danny, hoping his Fenton background would give him a solution.
  "The only way to put out an ecto-fire is with something that also contains ectoplasm. Like contaminated water or ecto-ice!" Danny replied. Danny's eyes lit up, but before he could enact any sort of plan, the spectral fire spread around the room. The room filled with a smoky haze and Maurice lost sight of the kids. 
   By some miracle the smoke started to subside and the fire was reduced. Maurice looked around to see layers of ice covering his kitchen. How was this possible? He glanced over to find Danny covering his friends hands with his own. His eyes were glowing an ethereal blue as he covered their polish with a thin layer of frost.
   "How? How is this possible? Where did all the ice come from?" Angela asked, breaking the silence. Tucker and his friends exchanged looks and nods before Danny stepped forward.
   "It was me. I created the ice." 
   Maurice took a look at the boy. He was shaking. The kid was scared. Angela stood with her hand over her mouth. Maurice kneeled down and set his palm on the boy's shoulder.
   "Thank you," he said simply. Danny's eyes flitted up showing both confusion and relief.
  "You don't need to tell us how you did it, but you saved us. Thank you." 
   Danny turned towards his friends. Back to the silent conversations. The raven-haired teen turned back towards the Foleys.
   "Actually, there's something you should know," he said solemnly. White rings formed at his abdomen and split, changing his t-shirt and jeans into a familiar black jumpsuit. In Danny's place, floated Phantom who couldn't bring his eyes up to meet theirs.
  "I'm sure you probably remember two years ago when the lab accident landed me in the hospital," he began and for the rest of the night told the Foleys about his ghostly adventures and powers.
    Ecto-polish was banned from all stores after the fire department had over 40 reports of burning nails.
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whisperofsong · 1 year
Only You
Chapter Two
Pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x Female OC
Summary: Jake makes Jocelyn a proposition...will she accept?
Word Count: 2,867 words
Warnings: Some language and sexually suggestive remarks
Note: Thank you for your support!  Reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated😘
A few days later, Jocelyn and Danielle decide to venture to the beach.  Jocelyn’s boss released her and her colleagues a little earlier than expected and Danielle is off from her second job.  Although Danielle is a teacher with summers off, she waitresses during the summer months to make some extra cash.  She suggested they devote time to tanning and relaxing as the final days of summer loomed ahead; how could Jocelyn decline her offer?
Danielle shuffles into the kitchen and eyes Jocelyn while she packs her already bulky beach bag.  “Two bottles of sunscreen?  Seriously?” Danielle raises her eyebrows as if to suggest there’s something seriously wrong with her best friend.
“What’s wrong with that?  My skin is fair and I’m really not keen on getting skin cancer in the next ten years,” Jocelyn explains.
“Ugh, you’re so dramatic sometimes,” Danielle huffs.
“Oh, I’m sorry, and you aren’t?” Jocelyn shoots her a teasing smile because they both know Danielle can’t possibly object to that.
“I never said I wasn’t,” Danielle singsongs as she plucks the second bottle of sunscreen out of Jocelyn’s bag and tosses it in one of the cabinets.  Before Jocelyn has an opportunity to protest, Danielle drags her down the hall.  “Now, let’s focus on more important things like the bikini you’re going to wear.”  
Once Jocelyn is in her bedroom, she scans her options in her bottom dresser drawer and selects a baby blue bikini adorned with white flowers. “Whaddya think?”  She holds it up in front of her body.
“It’s cute, but…” Danielle pauses and cocks her head to the side in thought.  “Don’t you think you should choose something more…sultry?”
“Sultry isn’t my style.  Besides, I’ve had this one for years,” Jocelyn reasons.  “It’s comfortable.”
“Right.  Emphasis on years.  You could always borrow one of my bikinis.”  Danielle shoots a thoughtful smile in her best friend’s direction, although it does nothing to convince her.
“Please.  I would stick out like a sore thumb in one of your suits.  It’s okay, I’ll just wear this one.”  Jocelyn raises her slightly faded bikini halfheartedly.
“Whatever,” Danielle sighs.  “I’m going to wear the red one that’s ridiculously lowcut, but does wonders for my boobs.”
“Remind me again how they let you be a first-grade teacher?” Jocelyn asks.
“Just because I teach kids doesn’t mean I have to wear a habit and be boring,” Danielle replies.  “Besides, it would be a crime not to show off the girls.  They are two of my best assets,” she states in a matter of fact tone.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”  Jocelyn winks before changing into her bathing suit and sneaking into the kitchen to place the second bottle of sunscreen back in her beach bag.  If she wants her skin to remain one of her best assets, she needs to take care of it properly.
When the two women arrive at the beach, Jocelyn is pleased to see that there isn’t much of a crowd.  While Jocelyn lathers her skin with SPF 50, Danielle extends her chair back, her tan skin and taut abs glistening in the sunlight.  She exhales slowly, humming in contentment.
Once Jocelyn sits down, she reaches into her bag to retrieve the latest romance novel she’s devouring.  Although she solely writes informational pieces for work, she often finds herself seeking books teeming with romance as an escape…and perhaps to make up for the pathetic lack of romance in her own life.  She’s only eight pages in when she hears commotion in the distance.  
When she peers farther down the beach, she notices a group mainly comprised of men engaged in a rousing game of football.  It’s difficult to tear her eyes away from the sweaty, ripped bodies, their muscles beckoning to her.  All she can envision as she gawks at their ridges and developed V-lines is the way her tongue would fit perfectly-
“What’s got you in a daze?”
Danielle’s question pulls Jocelyn out of her reverie much to her chagrin.  She was caught and couldn’t even attempt to conceal what she was doing; to be fair, she had been pretty obvious.  Although she he has no reason to feel this way, she’s embarrassed that her friend noticed her ogling the men from a distance.
Danielle turns so she’s facing the direction in which Jocelyn was previously looking and slightly pulls down her sunglasses.  “Oh. My. God.”  She faces Jocelyn with her mouth agape.  “It’s like something out of a magazine,” she marvels.  Danielle stares for a couple more minutes, clearly impressed by the sight.  
“Wait…isn’t that your friend?”  Danielle’s awestruck expression morphs into a teasing one accompanied by delight.
Jocelyn cranes her neck to get a better view and it’s then that she spots him.  Jake Seresin in all his shirtless glory with his noteworthy muscles on full display. He’s flexing and cheering obnoxiously as some of his teammates rally around him.  Others roll their eyes and wave their hands dismissively.  Jocelyn joins his teammates in the eye rolling from her current seat, his bravado unbearable.
“Figures,” Jocelyn mumbles.  
Danielle glances at her.  “What?” she asks curiously.
“It’s just that he would be flaunting his body while playing football on the beach.  The man’s a walking cliché.”  Jocelyn scoffs and returns her attention to the book in her lap.
“Looks like someone is all hot and bothered,” Danielle remarks, pursing her lips in a knowing manner.
“Yeah, you,” Jocelyn retorts without looking away from the words on the page she’s trying to read, although she’s retaining absolutely nothing.
“I’m not the only one.  C’mon, just admit he’s hot.  There’s nothing wrong with thinking that.  It just means you’re a normal woman with basic needs.  No one can fault you for that.”
Jocelyn squares her shoulders, but refuses to converse about Jake Seresin any longer with her best friend.  
“Walking cliché or not…”  Danielle trails off as she admires the cluster of men once again from afar while adjusting her sunglasses.  “He is extremely hot.  And so are his friends,” she purrs.
Jocelyn shakes her head and within seconds, Danielle is out of her chair and sauntering down the beach in their direction.
“Danielle!”  Jocelyn shouts, irritation evident in her voice.  “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?  I’m going to get a closer look,” she says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.  She fixes her top so that her cleavage is more prominent, demanding attention from anyone within close proximity.
Jocelyn shakes her head once again at her friend’s antics and tries to read more of her book, but she’s too distracted.  She peeks up from her reading discreetly and gazes at her friend farther down the beach.  Danielle is chatting up a guy with brunette locks, a mustache, and broad shoulders.  At least she has good taste.
Jocelyn’s stomach drops when she takes note of Danielle pointing towards her behind her back while talking to the good-looking stranger…and Jake.  She brings her book up closer to her face to hide the fact that she’s been watching them. However, knowing her luck, Jake probably already noticed she was looking at them.
A couple minutes later, Danielle’s voice rings out.  “Look who I found,” she says cheerfully with Jake following closely behind her, looking smug as ever.  Unfortunately, Jocelyn doesn’t share her friend’s glee.  It’s hard to muster any enthusiasm when Jake is involved.
“Lucky me,” Jocelyn sighs facetiously.
“If you’ll excuse me.  I have other things to attend to at the moment.”  Danielle smiles mischievously and Jocelyn observes the handsome guy with the mustache waiting for her a few feet away.  Her friend strolls towards him and he snakes his arm around her waist as they head down the beach in the opposite direction, leaving her and Jake alone.  Great.
“Whatcha reading?” Jake inquires as he attempts to glance at the cover of Jocelyn’s book.
“None of your business,” she quips while turning it face down in her lap.  It’s not like he’s actually interested anyway and even if he was, there’s no way she’s going to share that with him.  
“It must be dirty if you’re so secretive about it,” Jake muses.
“It’s not,” Jocelyn answers a little too quickly, vexed by his insinuation.  Her cheeks instantly redden and Jake takes notice of her flustered appearance.
Jake swipes the book off her lap much to Jocelyn’s horror. “Teacher’s Pet,” he chortles. “I didn’t know you were into that. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, though.  You were always the teacher’s pet in high school.  It makes sense something like that would arouse you.”
Jocelyn yanks the book out of his hands and shoves it into her bag.  “Who said it arouses me?”  She knows that responding to his behavior only worsens things, but she can’t ignore the exasperation brewing within her.  She narrows her eyes at Jake, but this doesn’t deter him.  In fact, he’s delighted knowing he’s getting under her skin without exerting much effort.
“There’s no need to get defensive, Jocelyn.  We all have our guilty pleasures.”  He gives her an impish smile and she wants nothing more than to slap it right off his face.  “Then again, I thought a new ballpoint pen or a perfect test score would be more likely to get your waters flowing.”
“Please don’t ever refer to my waters again,” Jocelyn commands in a tight voice.  She crosses her arms over her chest, but refuses to meet his gaze.
Jake sighs and folds his hands behind his head as he lounges in Danielle’s beach chair.  “You know, we’ve really gotta stop meeting like this, sweets.”
“Finally something we agree on,” Jocelyn replies while she stares straight ahead.  She doesn’t trust herself enough to face Jake without her eyes wandering over his muscled physique.  Danielle was right: his body belongs in a magazine.  She grimaces, mentally chastising herself for even thinking this as Jake is the last person who deserves such a compliment.
“I’m surprised you’re here.  You’re not the type to blow off work on a Tuesday afternoon.”
“I didn’t blow off work.  I got off early today,” she corrects.
Jake’s eyebrows rise in response.  “When do you normally get off?  And how?”  Jake’s eyes twinkle in amusement, knowing he’s succeeding in making her uncomfortable.
“C’mon.  I’m just messing with you.  You make it so easy, darlin’.”
“And you find a way to turn just about everything into a joke,” Jocelyn fires back.
“I think I liked you better in high school.  You talked a lot less.  Speaking of high school, I’ve been meaning to ask you: did any guys ever get action from you?  Or was that only reserved for your textbooks?”  Jake lifts his chin in a dominant fashion and eyes her intensely.
“Go screw yourself, Jake.”  Jocelyn launches herself out of her chair and trudges down the sand, not even caring that she’s abandoning her things in Jake’s presence. She folds her arms over her chest and begins walking angrily by the water’s edge.  Although she’s not in the mood to walk, she desperately wants to distance herself from Jake.  She would never classify herself as someone who angers easily, yet Jake always manages to rile her up.  Yet another reason to dislike him.
“Jocelyn!  Jocelyn, wait!” Jake shouts behind her, but this only causes her to hasten her movements and stumble in the process.  She can’t stand to be around him any longer.
“Hey!  Hold on,” he says and grabs the crook of her elbow to halt her movements.
“Leave me alone, Jake!”  Jocelyn roughly removes her elbow from Jake’s hold and drags her hands through her hair in a frustrated fashion.
“High school was one thing, but this?!”  Jocelyn motions between them.  “I don’t have to stand for this anymore.  All you ever did was mock me and while I understand that probably made you feel like more of a man, I refuse to tolerate it any longer.  I accept that we have to coexist, but what I won’t accept is you treating me like shit.  Not anymore,” she asserts.  She’s breathing rapidly, her chest moving up and down at a quicker pace, while staring at the most infuriating man she’s ever met.
Jake looks at her, somewhat stunned by her words.  A sense of satisfaction travels through Jocelyn, knowing that her words had an effect on him.  When Jake eventually speaks, she’s not prepared for what he says.
“Did I…what I did in high school really affected you that much?” he says in an almost inaudible tone.  His eyes are softer than Jocelyn remembers ever seeing them and his eyebrows wrinkle in concern.  Was he demonstrating that he…cared?  Was he remorseful?
Jocelyn nods meekly, residual hurt bubbling up in her chest. Despite the incidents occurring ten years ago, Jocelyn was still impacted by them and couldn’t escape the sadness that resided within her.  “Yes. And I want to move on,” she states firmly, leaving no room for misunderstanding.  She gives him a stony glance before turning around and leaving him with his solitude.
However, this is fleeting because he sidles up next to her once more. “I want to move on, too.”
“Good.  So go,” she huffs.  The man clearly can’t take a hint and after her mini speech, she’s not sure what else to do to convey that she doesn’t want to be anywhere near him.
“No, I mean…yes, I want to move on, but I want to move on by starting over.  With you,” he clarifies.
Laughter rises out of Jocelyn and she claps the palm of her hand over her mouth.  She suddenly becomes still as she fixes her eyes on Jake, trying to process his words. “You can’t be serious.”  But Jake’s face is devoid of any trace of humor. “You’re serious?”  She cannot believe this is happening right now.
“Yeah.  I mean, we’re adults now-“
“One of us certainly is,” Jocelyn interrupts.  She tightens her already-crossed arms over her chest, unwilling to alter her resistant stance.
“We’re adults now and I’d like to start anew.”
“Why?”  Jocelyn’s tone is suspicious as she’s incapable of believing Jake could possibly possess pure intentions.  Has he ever?
“Because I don’t want you to despise me.  And I want to prove to you that I’m a decent guy.”
“Before a few days ago, we hadn’t seen each other in ten years and even then, our interactions were limited and…unpleasant.  Why do you feel the need to prove anything to me?” Jocelyn exhibits genuine curiosity as she waits for Jake’s response.
Jake sighs in a labored manner.  “Because you’ve managed to make me feel somewhat guilty about the past and…I want to redeem myself.”
“You should feel guilty, Jake.  You were a complete asshole to me.”  Jake nods, but doesn’t refute her words or try to justify his actions. “As noble as this desire to redeem yourself is, I’m not interested.”  
Jocelyn tries to walk away, but Jake clasps his fingers around her wrist.  Jocelyn turns around begrudgingly.  “Jake, just let it go.  Really. I forgive you, okay?” she says in a voice suggesting otherwise.
Jake eyes her knowingly and she corrects her previous statement.  “Okay, so I don’t forgive you now, but I will.  Eventually.”
“But that’s not good enough for me.  I’d like to be friends or at least…try to be friends.”
“You’re not in a position to request anything of me and it’s not my responsibility to make you feel better.”
“I know.”  Jake shakes his head.  “You’re right.”
Jocelyn examines him closely.  She’s always considered herself to be adept at reading others and detecting anything nefarious.  However, as her eyes scan his face, she doesn’t see anything but sincerity, something she would never have associated with Jake in the past.  Then again, perhaps Jake is adept at putting on a show.
“Friends?” Jocelyn repeats.  “You and me?”  She can’t fathom the notion and doesn’t want to imagine them as being friendly with one another.
“You, Jocelyn Sanders, and me, Jake Seresin.  Whaddya say?”  He extends his hand towards her and she stares at it for a few moments, contemplating what she should do.  While she isn’t jumping at the offer, she no longer wants to harbor the past and allow it to affect her.  However, she doesn’t believe anything good can come from a friendship with him.
“No, Jake.  I can’t,” she replies.
“Why not?” he presses.
“Because I can’t trust you.”
“What about a trial period?” he blurts out.  “For now, I’m on probation and if I screw up, you have the right to terminate the friendship.  No questions asked.”
Jocelyn ponders this proposition.  It does seem fair, especially considering she has the final say. After all, this may allow her to make peace with her past and in this moment, she realizes that’s what she wants more than anything.  As a result, she reluctantly accepts his outstretched hand.  “Let’s give it a shot,” she agrees.
Jake’s smile broadens and when he pulls away, he says, “You know, you never did answer my earlier question.”
Jocelyn rolls her eyes and shoves his shoulder playfully, earning a hearty laugh from her new friend, Jake.
@bradshawsbaby @luminousnotmatter @roosterforme @bobfloydsbabe @demxters @callmemana @gigisimsonmars @sebsxphia @therebeccaw @gretagerwigsmuse @notroosterbradshaw @novagreen04 
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beananacake · 2 years
Snapshot (Richard Madden x Reader)
Dad Days
(Headcanon 2)
Story Synopsis: Your story time Twitter thread of how your grandparents thought you were dating Richard Madden becomes viral and you get the chance to meet the man himself.
Headcanon Summary: When you thought you hit the jackpot when you married caring, wonderful, loving Richard, you couldn't help but be a little teary eyed because your son has a dad that loves and dotes on him.
Word Count: 736 words
Warnings: None!
A/N: HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR BELOVED RICHARD MADDEN! Here's a little something to celebrate Richard's birthday and Snapshot!Richard's Father's day! You know what to do, guys. I hope you enjoy!
Bonus Content 1 | Bonus Content 2 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | One Shot 1 | Part 5 | One Shot 2 | Headcanon 1 | One Shot 3 | Headcanon 2
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• Richard is a very doting dad.
• You had seen him with his nieces and nephews; he would give them piggyback rides and take them out for ice cream every time he goes to London and Scotland.
• So it’s no wonder he and your son are attached at the hip. Literally.
• That is, if Oz isn’t attached to his dad’s chest.
• Richard would always ask to be the one to use the carrier on your son.
• You let him, of course. Oz had been in your tummy for nine months and the small relief was a godsend.
• He would proudly wear his little boy on his chest every time you two go out.
• And, naturally, the paparazzi wants a little glimpse of baby Oz.
• Richard hates it when they try strongarming their way to snap a photo of his son.
• So the next time you and Richard go out with your son, he makes sure he’s wearing a hoodie that he can just pull up to block his face from the paparazzi.
• As always, the hoodie has to be a T-Rex.
• And Oz looks like a small T-Rex strapped on his dad’s chest.
• At home, he would always initiate their skin-to-skin contact.
• “I’ve read a lot of articles and books saying dads should have skin-to-skin contact with their babies too,” he tells you when you caught him with Oz on his bare chest while he was reading his script.
• He has literally read a lot of baby books in preparation.
• Sometimes, he knows much more than you do and you ask him for information.
• Richard also likes taking Oz’s photos of just about everything with him.
• He took a photo of the first night he slept through,
• His first smile,
• His first giggle,
• His first frown,
• His first time using the bottle,
• His first hiccup (which was when you wanted to ask him why but knew better than to do so),
• His first big yawn,
• His first everything.
• “I haven’t used the camera in a while, love,” was his excuse but you knew he is just as smitten as you are with Oz.
• (He uses the film camera you gave him on his birthday a few years back to take all of Oz’s photos even though it is definitely being used every day even before your son was born.)
• During feeding time, he would always stand by you, ready to get your son for burping.
• He loves burping him.
• He doesn’t like changing his diapers, though.
• But he’s learning not to gag every time he does it.
• Richard had always loved hiking and when Oz was old enough, he brought him on his first hike.
• Of course, there were photos.
• And yes, he was still strapped on his dad, but facing forward this time.
• Richard will also do whatever it takes to divert the conversation to you and your son.
• One time, on James Corden’s late night show, he nearly talked about Oz for the whole time he was there, instead of promoting his new movie.
• “You have an Oscar, is that right?” James asked and from the backstage, you only pitied James at the trap he unknowingly set up for himself.
• “I have two Oscars, James, and the other has the same name as you,” Richard says proudly.
• “Two?” James asks before rechecking his cue card to see that Richard does only have one that he’s won.
• “Yes, my son, James Oscar Madden,” Richard replies matter-of-factly. “He’s Jamie to his friends and family, Oz to me and his mom. He is actually named after James Bond and Oscar is because he was born the very night I got my first Academy Award.”
• He then proceeds to tell him everything he could share about Oz.
• And it nearly took up the whole segment if not for James redirecting the talk back to the movie he was supposed to be promoting.
• He definitely would have gone on if James (the TV show host, not your son) didn’t interrupt him.
• Every night, Richard would be the one to tuck him in.
• He always insists on doing that if he can’t get him in the morning. It’s always one or the other.
• And when you thought you hit the jackpot when you married caring, wonderful, loving Richard, you couldn’t help but be a little teary eyed because little James Oscar Madden has a dad that loves and dotes on him.
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greatunironic · 1 year
Hey!! I absolutely love your writing. You always strike such a good line with emotion, characterization, and background character management (I'm looking at that scene where Will is running book on Steve and Eddie). I was wondering what your writing process is like? You just fit so much in so seamlessly and its just so good.
aw shucks thanks -- that means so much!! also this got long so i'm dropping it under the cut so i don't clog up people's dashes, and folks can ignore me rambling pretentiously about The Process lol.
(i should also preface this with saying that i am a very type a person, and i like lists + guides, and the idea of writing a story without an ending in mind makes me want to break out into hives.)
(and also everybody is different!! write how you want to write, write what you want to write and what makes you happy, and have fun, and if you find something valuable in this, that's awesome! if you don't, that's awesome too!!)
so my personal background with writing comes from playwriting, specifically, and then screenwriting, so i feel like i come at it from that angle a lot? or, at least, it informs how i think about structure + storytelling + planning...
when i'm getting started, i like to do a sort of logline, which helps solidify the main story thrust for me; often these will become my summaries, which you can see for "remarkable" specifically + also the regency au.
from there it depends on if i want to do a one shot or something with parts. if it's a one shot, i'll expand the summary and write out the major events that i want to happen in a list; if it's a multi chapter project, i'll write out the major events for each chapter. for example, here's what i did for the first three parts of the regency au:
part one: introductions to steve + the harringtons, loch nora manor, robin, the town; we go to market day, listen to some gossip, begin to see a little something going behind steve’s mask part two: the new tenants arrive + steve, robin, chrissy go to say hello; eddie is introduced; we also get a glimpse into something that happened to steve post-eddie, that only mrs hopper (nee byers) and max (hopper’s ward) seem privy to part three: steve finds himself becoming part of the hopper family’s day to day existence, after the children find out he is an excellent rider, all of them demanding lessons from him on his gentle bay mare bimmer; steve is slowly befriending hopper’s demon horse as well, is determined to ride it at some point; he attends a few dinners with the hoppers, etc etc; two encounters of note: one with mrs hopper, and one with eddie; we also introduce heather in this part as a potential love interest for eddie
this is also when i write out the list of characters i'm using, and the roles i want them to play in the story. another regency au example: "joyce: a former governess, now his wife – knows steve’s darkest secret from when she was a governess for the hargroves ". depending on the story, these will be more fleshed out here + there in an attempt to make sure everyone has some sort of internal life i can reference, even if they're not the main focus of the story. sometimes this gets unwieldy; i have a genuinely insane document in my google docs called "remarkable apocrypha" that details the lives of the kids and other characters off screen for that story.
if we're covering a lot of time, i also write out my timeline around this step for any prior major events that may have happened preceding the story, so that i can easily reference them + make sure i'm internally consistent with said timeline.
also, if there's any specific research i want to do for the story, i do that around this time too, and give that it's own google doc. (each story or universe has it's own folder in my drive, so i can manage it easier lol.) i compile any musical influences, or mood boards, here too to get my vibes in line. (i talk a little about that here in reference to titling stories.)
after i have those written out + organized, i do an outline; these typically look like the diary of a crazy person, to be totally honest. it's stream of conscious stuff, lots of asides to myself, occasionally actual lines and phrases that i want to use. it's really about fleshing out smaller events around the main beats that i want to hit with the story-telling. having written all the character + timeline stuff previously, i pick + chose from there too to add any background color for people, or throw away jokes (specifically like will running book on them in "remarkable").
once i have the plot completed, i'll start writing in earnest, using my ramblings as a guide post. obviously, things change. (if you're reading the regency au, you'll see above that the part three summary makes no mention of the dance -- this idea appeared when i was outlining/plotting it out.) sometimes my ideas don't work, or sometimes i think of something else to add, and i need to shift some stuff around to make something make sense. sometimes i get long winded and end up writing 8k about a fictional dnd encounter and have to add an entire extra chapter to something because i've lost control of my own life! shit happens!!
all of this to say: this is why i find all the leg work i do leading up to writing the actual story super valuable, because if i write myself into a corner, there's usually something in there that helps me get out; or, if i'm writing + posting in real time, it helps me adjust course + fine tune ideas based on reader feedback or observations or, indeed, those verbal sojourns into nonsense (but fun) interludes.
then, after i get a part (or a story, if it's a one shot) finished, i let it marinate out of sight for a few days before i circle back. this is when i like to read it on a different device than i wrote it on -- personally, i write on a laptop and then read it on my phone. something about the way it looks helps on a different screen helps me see it in a new light as i begin the first phase of editing. i also like reading aloud here and there, because that also helps me catch typos or overly repetitive lines, and if the dialogue actually sounds like a human being and not too overly poetic or pedantic.
i edit it myself a few times like this, switching between devices and sometimes just even changing the fonts or background colors (i'm in dark mode constantly on my phone and it's a white background on my laptop), i'll try to send it off to one of my homies for a final pass + edit from a different set of eyes. usually, tho, i'm pretty happy with it at that point -- usually by the time i'm writing, i've worked out most of the bugs through the outline or the idea generation stage, but sometimes someone will suggest different pacing, or moving a scene around.
finally i set it free in the world (and catch a few new typos on the ole ao3, naturally) and anxiously await the approval of the readers like i'm sweet dee in "it's always sunny". (tell me that was good tell me tell i'm good tell me i'm good tell me --)
anyhoodle. i hope this answered the question, and i hope if you got to the end of this there was something interesting in it lol.
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Anki & Sentence Mining
I first came across the idea of sentence mining when I read a blog called AJATT (all japanese all the time). Maybe I don’t remember every detail, but the basic idea was to put sentences from your immersion content (books, games, online articles, … ) in a spaced repetition system like Anki for review.
These sentences should contain 1 unknown word or grammar point you want to learn. This way, you review words that are relevant to you (because they come from content you like) and by reviewing them in full sentences you’ll learn them in context (instead of learning single words in isolation).
(This is just a short summary in my own words. If you want to learn more about sentence mining you can find more information on AJATT but also on Refold. There are also lots of videos on YouTube.)
I liked the idea and was very motivated to try it out — several times.
I added sentences with one unknown word from content I've read. In the beginning I was very motivated. But somehow after a few weeks creating and reviewing cards felt more and more meaningless and tedious. I didn’t know where these feelings came from. I enjoyed reading books in Japanese, but somehow I didn’t enjoy reviewing sentences from these books in Anki.
Sentence mining sounds great in theory but after trying it out I came across some difficulties:
Reading on the computer makes card creation very easy thanks to Yomichan. But since most of my favorite reading material is physical Yomichan doesn’t help much. This makes copying sentences more time consuming.
I’m working full-time so my free time is very limited. Creating and reviewing cards takes time. Using sentence mining means in my case that there's much less time left for reading & listening.
I struggled to find good sentences that fulfill the conditions. Often sentences were long and contained more than one unknown word. And even when I’ve found a sentence with one unknown word it was not always a sentence that provided enough context. When you read words in the full context of a story, you have much more information that are connected to this word (situation, who is talking to whom, what happens before and after this sentence, ... ). That's why sometimes one sentence is not enough.
Reviewing cards felt meaningless after a while. I was not happy with the sentences I collected. Although they were from content I liked, I didn't enjoy reviewing them. Some of them didn't provided enough context. I also started to ask myself why I review these sentences. Some words come up often enough in the books I read so it’s not necessary to put them into Anki (natural SRS). Other words are rather rare or are only important in certain books so that it’s not a big deal to look them up when they come up once in awhile. That’s why I started to ask myself "Why using sentence mining at all?“.
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not against Anki or sentence mining. I just describe what I experienced. Anki does work, it's just that these feelings and doubts made it very difficult for me to use sentence mining longer than a few weeks.
After trying sentence mining several times I gave up. I wondered how some people are able to use sentence mining for several years and create and review thousands of cards during this time — while still reading and listening a lot to Japanese content.
Since then I mostly read extensively and look up words that seem important or come up several times. I don't review them seperately. I don’t have much time for Japanese but this way I enjoy every minute.
I still like the idea of sentence mining, though. I often think that my vocabulary would improve faster if I would use Anki. I really wish I would like using Anki as much as other people do. But for the reasons I described above I would really have to force myself. After a long working day, I don’t want to spend my little free time with something that drains my energy even more. :(
I really would like to find a way that makes it easier for me to use sentence mining over a long period of time but I have no idea how. I tried different ways of sentence mining in the past, but the result was always the same.
What do you think? Do you use sentence mining? Is there something I can do?
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
It Takes A Village
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: None. Kiara with her family, and maybe a little bit of Hakim x Joëlle.
Rating: G
Summary: A young Kiara Thorne has something important to say to her parents.
Word Count: 2,234+ words
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW.
A/N1: This fic takes place in the universe of my series featuring Hana x Kiara, Petals and Thornes, but will precede the events of that series. Because of this, the family name is written as Thorne, not Theron. Kiara is 15 years old in this fic (and is 17 by the end of it).
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(Gif is from GIPHY)
"Something the matter, ma fée?"
Kiara jumps with a start at the sudden break to the silence. Guiltily, she realizes she's been picking at the same merguez sausage for the last ten minutes - the poor food item is now mutilated beyond recognition. Kiara has somehow managed to create a well in the middle of the subtly spiced couscous without eating any of it too.
Right next to her, Ezekiel raises his eyebrows. Well...you telling them today?
Kiara remembers what she'd confessed to her brother two days ago and sinks a little further in her seat.
She isn't sure why this feels so hard to do. It's not like Castelserraillan is a place that will not accept this...nor like Maman and Baba will throw a fit over it. In fact, her home has attained worldwide fame for being Cordonia's "LGBTQ+ capital" - the first place in Cordonia to publicly celebrate Pride, and the first to have an internationally known queer community and events of all kinds, year round.
Every October, her parents throw themselves headlong into organizing and supporting Pride, getting exhibitions ready, screening films, informing their friends at the press in advance so the events are covered with all the style and pizzazz they'd need for promoting. Every year, they fund more groups and organisations in the duchy, striving to ensure that the queer community in Castel lacks for nothing.
Yet somehow, telling her parents that not only does she find herself attracted to boys and girls, but that she still isn't entirely sure what she should label herself as...somehow the prospect of opening up to them about that is turning this normally-delicious sausage into dust in her mouth.
It had been easy enough with Zeke. It usually is - he accepts just about everything with the same laconic nonchalanance, the kind that makes you wonder if you were the one being melodramatic.
"You're bi?"
"Oui...non...ugh!! Je ne sais pas!" Kiara groaned, throwing her hands in frustration, "Sometimes I think I am...I mean right now I have a crush on that new artist Maman is mentoring..."
"Chantal Bachelet? The cubist?"
"Oui. Her."
"What's there to get confused about! Three months ago it was that stable-boy from the royal palace -"
"He's not a stable-boy. That was for just one summer! Drake lives there!" Kiara hissed, uncomfortable at the warmth creeping up her cheeks again. She was grateful her brother thought this one crush was recent...but it really has been going on for five months and shows no sign of subsiding. Maybe in another five...
"Fine. Whatever. I still don't see why you're so confused."
Kiara pursed her lips in annoyance, too tired and confused to explain herself any further. This isn't what she imagined being bisexual to feel like (not that she'd seriously dwelled on it before). Somewhere she'd imagined it would be a perfect split - that one would likely be attracted an equal amount to both. Yet most of her crushes since age 13 have been boys...and Chantal is the only one so far who has made her rethink things.
They're questions that keep her awake some nights, and make her feel a little bit silly on others. Would calling myself bi make me a fraud? Is it too early to tell either way?
What if I come out, and it turns out I was straight the entire time?
Kiara sighs, trying to make the best of the sausage she'd just mashed to oblivion. It had been far easier to come out to Zeke because he hardly seems to have an opinion on most things. And even if he does - he won't show you one way or the other. There are times she wonders if he deliberately strives to make himself a mere sounding board whenever she wants to hash out things.
Her parents, on the other hand...she suspects they'll follow the revelation up with a hundred questions. Questions she's not entirely sure she has the answers for, yet.
"Kiki," her father begins, his voice warm and gentle. His mouth twists a little in amusement when she frowns at the nickname. "if something is troubling you, you know you can tell us, don't you?"
"Um..." Kiara swallows. "Maman...Baba..." Damn this sudden dryness in her mouth.
Her mother takes a deep breath, trying to follow the advice she's about to give. "Prends ton temps, cherie... don't rush."
And as it always seems to happen since she's turned thirteen, Kiara does the exact opposite of what her mother says. "MamanIthinkI'mbi."
Silence. Confusion.
"Pardon?" Baba says.
Kiara tries, and fails, to clear her throat. She winces as she hears her voice, speaking its truth in the most embarrassing squeak. "I...I think I might be bi...but I'm not sure." She covers her face, cursing the Fates for making this Big, Super Important Moment into such a colossal dud.
"Not sure?" Maman echoes, a frown burrowing lines on the fine skin. Kiara can just see her mother's brain scrambling to pick the right words, her voice tentative and her words unsure. "I don't understand. You are attracted to a girl, I take it, yes?"
Kiara bites her lip, trying to gauge from Maman's face how this conversation will go. "Yes, Maman."
Maman fingers a stray ringlet of hair by her ear, as she often does when she gets a bit confused or agitated. "... shouldn't that settle it then?" She picks a piece of invisible lint on her dress. "I'm sorry - I think I don't entirely get how this works."
Kiara feels a small rush of relief at the words. " I don't know if I really get it either."
"You're young yet," Baba says, his deep voice an oasis of calm rippling around herself and her mother. In another ten minutes they will both wonder why they agonized over this so much. "No one ever knows everything at 15, not even smart young girls fluent in four languages or who can best Auvernese princesses even when they cheat at chess." He chuckles, Zeke hides his giggle behind his hand, and both Maman and Kiara can't resist a tiny smile.
Her parents think she won't notice, but she detects the slightest movement of Baba's hand, presumably covering Maman's. Maman likely places hers over his.
Kiara is half-sure this gesture might prelude a discussion. A discussion involving her. That she may not be a part of.
Normally, she would hate that. But today - her own head too muddled and thoughts too scattered to think further without getting a headache - she feels a bit more relaxed.
It would be nice to let her parents do thinking for her once in a while.
By tacit agreement, Kiara's mother and father choose to skip their afternoon siesta, preferring to sit in his study and ruminate over today's revelations with a potful of mint tea.
"I don't see why you're so worried, Joli," Hakim tells his wife, his knuckles absentmindedly brushing over hers. "I mean...you're not against her caring for women, are you?"
Hakim won't lie: there were moments at the dining table today when he wondered whether his daughter's truths made his wife uncomfortable. He's heard about it before - parents and loved ones who will genuinely believe they support queer people, yet struggle when they find them in their own families. He won't deny he's still getting used to Kiara's revelation himself...but over here in Castelserraillan, they always come around. They always work on their discomforts themselves, because they know it's their loved one who needs the most support.
It's just that Joëlle - who usually moves through her life with confidence and pizazz even when she doesn't completely know what she's doing - seemed so unexpectedly unsure of herself.
Hakim steels himself against the possibility. Surely even if Joëlle did feel that way, she'd try to process it in a way that wouldn't hurt Kiki. That much he knows about his wife.
"What! No!" Joëlle bursts out. Hakim lets off a stuttering laugh, feeling ten times lighter. "It's just... I know it's silly, but I'm worried. For her."
Hakim runs a hand lightly, slowly across her hair, running a small curl through his fingers just the way she likes it. "What's there to worry about, bonbonayet albi? She has us."
Joëlle looks him straight in the eye, her own dark and wide-set on a heart-shaped face. "But will that be enough? Are we enough?
His hand stills. "What do you mean?"
"She has us today, yes," Joëlle says, covering his hands with her own. Distractedly her long fingers twist slowly over his wedding ring. "But we don't know what it's like, do we? Even when we host events, we are at best on the outside looking in. Sooner or later she's going to want guidance from those who have gone through it too, won't she, mon bijou?"
Hakim's answering smile is one of slow recognition. "You're saying what our Kiara really needs...is a community. A community of people who may have been where she's been, who might give her the answers we won't always have."
Joëlle rests her head against the crook of his neck, breathing in the spicy-sweet cinnamon scent of his cologne. Suddenly she is not only grateful for this man she married, but this place she married into. Because her mind may be a maze of doubts about a lot of things, but the one pillar of certainty she can cling to is that Castelserraillan is a safe place for children like her daughter. A safe, welcoming, accepting place. "Maybe we should start small. Baby steps."
Hakim nods. They saw Kiara's face at breakfast today - no matter how confused they were now, she had to feel twice as much. Push her into finding answers now and their daughter is bound to shut down.
"I trust you, ghazali. Absolutement."
Joëlle smiles, already feeling optimistic about her daughter's future. "And I you, cheri."
The gallery has never been this packed, Maman had told her just the other day. Kiara's feet feel worn and tired from standing and walking all day, but she's never felt more invigorated. It's been two years since Maman had brought her here, convincing her without much fanfare to volunteer at an art exhibition they run every year during Pride month. She and Baba never told her why, never made it a priority - just put forward the offer and let her choose.
No assumptions, no unnecessary fanfare, no pressure to figure out who she was or what she identified as. In retrospect, Kiara thinks as she approaches a newer, more nervous face, it was the best thing her parents could have done.
They knew they didn't know everything...had no ego acknowledging that fact...and eased her into a community she knew deep inside would accept her but still felt afraid to approach.
"New here?" She asks the new girl, who wraps her shawl around her thin frame tighter, struggling to look Kiara in the eye.
"Yes," the girl says, "Bethany, from Cormery Isle. I'm...here to support a friend."
The brief pause tells Kiara straightaway that Bethany may be hiding a detail or two, but that possibility only makes her own smile grow wider.
When Kiara finally came out as bisexual in public, a year after that suggestion from her mother, it had felt natural - like it was time, like she was ready and felt safe to tell the world who she was. She had agonized over the decision in the months before, wondering if her new friends would turn away from her for lying...whether they would even believe her...whether she was bisexual enough.
But no. People around her embraced that news with the same warmth that they showed when they knew of her as Duke Hakim's straight-ally daughter, not a trace of surprise in their eyes when she told them she wasn't straight after all. And not a single question about whether she really was what she claimed she was - just acceptance and whispered promises to lend an ear if she ever needed to talk. Promises that she took up, figuring out more and more about herself in the process.
She would learn from several of them, much later, that she wasn't the only one.
Kiara doesn't know what the journey of the girl standing before her - 15 just like she was, afraid just like she was - is going to be. Maybe she'll find herself here. Maybe she won't. Maybe she'll discover she's straight, or not. Maybe she'll recognize she's cis, or not. Maybe she'll realize labels were never for her. The possibilities are endless.
All Kiara knows, is that an entire community of people once enfolded her within their wings, gave her time and made her feel safe about exploring what she wanted. And the only reward they would ever ask for, is that you pay that guidance forward.
That's the way Castelserraillan is. That's the duchy her parents are so proud of running, that she and her brother are so proud to call their home.
Kiara calls Mlle Bachelet, the star artist for this year's exhibition, for an introduction (she notes with faint regret, a slight dull pang that she thinks one feels when a crush is over), and grins at how starstruck Bethany looks. I think I'll leave them to it...for now. And come see Bethany later.
Kiara walks away from the two, footsteps light as air. As she passes paintings and portraits chronicling journeys as vast and diverse as Cordonia itself, charting personal and communal histories, she can't help but remember a line she's heard from the grandmothers in both sides of her family. It takes a village to raise a child.
Smiling, she wraps her arms around herself. Safe in the arms of a community that quietly let her blossom, secure in the promise, that they trust her to do that for so, so many more people.
Ma fée - "my fairy" in French.
Oui...non...ugh! Je ne sais pas! - Yes...no...ugh! I don't know!
Prends ton temps - Take your time
Pardon (in this context) - Excuse me
Mon bijou - My jewel
Bonbonayet albi - my heart's bonbon sweet (an endearment)
Ghazali - literally means deer, can be used as an endearment for a female loved one.
A/N2: One of my earliest HCs about Castelserraillan, after TRR3, was that Castelserraillan which was a hot-seat of culture, had one of the most chill Duke and Duchess in Cordonia leading it, would have a vibrant LGBTQ community and culture. I tried to incorporate that into this fic.
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mchalowitz · 2 years
the woman is the king, part 8
summary: a throughline of the matriarchal scullys; be they ethereal, sharp-witted, and ill-omened.
part 1: melissa / part 2: dana / part 3: emily / part 4: scully / part 5: samantha (the interlude) / part 6: them / part 7: maggie
part 8: maggie, part 2
read on ao3
No more than two days in a motel is their first self-imposed rule to protect their identities. After 36 hours at the Leisure Inn, she spreads a map across the bedspread. 
Already clocking hundreds of miles trapezing across the Southwest, Scully is tired of the long stretches of desert. Mulder sits behind her, tracing his finger from their current location near Salt Lake City, and up toward the state of Washington. He stops a few inches short of Seattle. 
“That’s a little populated, don’t you think?”
When running from the law, an ideal location boasts less than five thousand people. Scully once found the unforthcoming communities of a small town infuriating. She now takes the silence of the populous as an advantage. 
“It wouldn’t be Seattle proper,” Mulder amends. “I have a contact in the area with a cabin. I’ve stayed there before.” 
An interconnected community of like-minded people, as Mulder would explain, have fed him information for years. He categorizes his contacts as creditable allies. Scully wonders where these people source their information to gain their expertise and resources. She heeds their abilities with caution. 
He attractively describes not-Seattle-proper by recounting his memories of a lake view, an impressively restored stone fireplace, and unequivocable privacy. It only takes an hour to map their route and pack their gear into the SUV. 
Mulder still isn’t over the unfairness of the reality of running from the law. After so many endless months of longing for her, he and Scully can finally be together, and he can list a thousand things he would run from just to be with her forever, but sometimes he dwells on what they should have. 
He reunited with Scully two months ago and neither of them have fully broached the events of the last year. It’s way too soon to wreck the elation he feels by confessing thoughts his mind hasn’t even fully accepted yet. Mulder can only attest to confronting the loneliness that almost killed them both in unspoken actions. Someday, maybe, he might be brave enough to chip away at the new hardness he sees she carries. 
He drives with one hand while clawing his face with the other. He’s never grown more than a five day beard. His face constantly itches. Scully attempts to convince him it looks rugged, like Sean Connery or Burt Reynolds, and it’s the biggest fucking lie she’s ever told him. It’s a patchy mess; an undeniably horrible disguise. 
Scully’s change in appearance is courtesy of drugstore boxed dye, a collection of large framed sunglasses, and as they criss-cross the southwest, the shortest of shorts. It’s a sight he’s grateful to witness.
Her nose buried in a crossword puzzle book, Mulder gets her attention with a gentle squeeze to her bare inner thigh. It’s starting to get dark after nearly four hundred miles of I-84 and probably best to stop for the night. 
“Any motels coming up?” 
Reaching under the seat, Scully pulls out a guidebook from the last gas station. She flips through the pages, cross referencing the map. 
“If you can last another hour, there’s a three star that sounds decent.”
“I can last as long as you want, baby,” he jokes. It earns him a giggle and a whack on the bicep with the book. 
They continue on. Scully watches the scenery through the window, having spent most of the ride focused on her puzzles, and they haven’t really talked all that much. He reaches for her now unoccupied hand to briefly bring her wrist to his lips. The next major junction leads them toward Portland. 
“My brother lives near here,” she casually comments with her eyes still focused on the passing highway.
“You didn’t tell me Bill was restationed.”
“Not Bill,” she corrects him. “Charlie.”
She still hums with uneasiness; even while asleep atop the floral duvet in their room at the Snooze Lodge Motel. It is unlikely worth its three star rating but wholly average for budget accommodations. 
Her pounding heart rouses her from sleep. No warm hand pulls her in tighter; no drowsy murmur of comfort brushes her ear. Scully panics. 
Usually, she finds Mulder writing at the desk only a few steps away, or in the bathroom, and has her nerves easily calmed. He is nowhere in the room. She assures herself she would have heard sirens or an altercation. It is still possible he is gone completely; he would go willingly to protect her. 
When Scully steps out into the surprisingly warm night air, her eyes land on movement in the pool below. A splash rises before his head breaks through the surface of the water. She pockets their room key and takes the steps quickly.
She sits on the hard concrete, submerging her legs in the water. Illuminated by only the underwater incandescents, Mulder rests his chin on her knee. She watches his soft hazel eyes; his overgrown beard scratches her palm when he nuzzles into her hand. 
“I didn’t want to wake you,” he admits without prompting to her unexpressed worry. She nods on a deep breath. 
She observes his graceful strokes; not unlike the thousands of laps he swam during the first years of their partnership while she gazed on. He begins to tire and floats on his back. 
She can thwart her endless concern for his safety during their untroubled moments. Her brainpower can refocus. Her letters must have arrived by now. Bill is likely furious. Scully pictures her mother’s shaking hands and heavy heart. 
In final, unsteady words, on a desert highway barely a month ago, she requested, “Watch out for my mom,” as she embraced her superior. A duty Skinner will undoubtedly fulfill. 
For those she calls family, Scully cares fiercely. A singular sign along Oregon highway reminds her that ferocity came with age. When she should have stood up, she retreated. Her youthful rebellion rarely applied to anyone’s benefit but her own. 
Mulder’s thumb smooths the crease between her eyebrows. Barely above a whisper, he simply says, “Tell me.” 
“I could’ve done a better job protecting my family,” Scully responds. She is being vague; purposefully making it difficult for him to articulate a follow up question. 
“It’s hard to face something you’ve tried to stop thinking about,” he finally tries. 
A motel parking lot is prime territory for a patrolman. The Snooze Lodge is no exception. Headlights nearly blind her. “We should go,” she insists to Mulder. 
Mulder pulls himself from the water. Keeping a keen eye on the cruiser, and their hands tightly linked, they watch until it disappears down the road. 
In the rosy of hue of morning, Scully listens to running water and last night’s baseball scores on talk radio. When she closes her eyes, she can imagine Hegel Place.
He emerges showered; she admires his casual nudity as he searches for clothes amongst their small collection of possessions. 
Reacquainting themselves physically fills the spaces between sleeping and a life on the lam. She considers neglecting their schedule to entice him into a second shower. 
“Mulder,” she murmurs lowly. 
However, when one of them wants to rebel, the other swoops in with rationality. “Oh, good, you’re awake,” he responds with eagerness. “We should hit the road soon.”
Her clothes for the day land at her feet. Mulder practically buzzes with high energy around the small room. “Mulder,” she finally repeats. When their eyes meet, she raises her eyebrow. 
Mulder rounds the bed to kneel at her side; no other hints are necessary. His lips meet hers in a deeply sweet morning kiss. 
Within the hour, Scully stares down another day of never-ending highway. 
He belongs to a truly skilled network of like-minded individuals; a group that aids each other in endeavors that fall outside mainstream channels and, arguably, in legal grey areas. While Scully sleeps, he receives the information he seeks in his covert, bi-weekly touch base and praises their group’s efficiency, and in due time, Mulder will repay the favor with his own expertise. 
Scully teases him with small bites from fast food breakfast sandwiches during the stop-and-go morning rush hour. She brushes crumbs off his face while he attempts to nip at her fingers. “You cleaned up your beard,” she remarks, tracing her fingertips along the even line of his jaw. 
“I hate this stupid thing,” he laments. His nails dig into his opposite cheek. Scully tries to soothe him with a series of I knows and Maybe once your hair gets longers but she doesn’t exactly sound hopeful. 
When they finally break through the barricade of morning commuters, he can sneak longer glances at Scully. Making a bold inference that their exchange at the pool brought some peace to her, Mulder watches as her arm extends out the window; her fingers surfing the resistance of the breeze. She smoothly mouths along with songs on the radio. 
She carefully tracks their route; their map blanketing her lap as she refers back to it often. Her head snaps up from its reclined position on the headrest when he takes a different exit than their planned itinerary. 
He counters her unspoken question with a playful smile. 
"Let’s embrace the adventure, shall we?”
His supposedly adventurous detour could not be more non-descript to Scully. Only a faded cross above the main entrance gives her any indication of their whereabouts. Mulder rarely goes out of his way to bring her closer to God. 
“I’m confused,” she finally admits. 
A pair of men materialize from a side door, pushing a cart of boxes that overfills the back of a tiny blue sedan. Vivid auburn hair catches her eye. Scully’s head snaps to the reckless lunatic in the driver’s seat. 
“He’s the pastor here,” Mulder confirms. 
The rigidity of theological devotion spawned an explosive splintering of their family; a life of faith seemed like the last thing Charlie would do. She wonders briefly if anyone knew about her brother’s career path. 
What appears to be a discussion of official church business ends with a brief kiss between the two men. A breathy “oh” from her partner divulges a carefully guarded excommunication nearly fifteen years prior. 
“Yeah,” she replies as her brother drives away.
Her father denounced her youngest sibling with an unforgettable, undoubtably cruel sternness. The Scullys would never all be in the same room again. 
She believes that final gathering illustrates the pull between motherhood and matrimony. A balancing act Scully has now walked herself. 
She and Mulder so actively, so knowingly disagree on many things, while following one another unquestionably. An inconceivable notion to her parents; to love each other and differ in values. Charlie suffered for it. 
A mother’s child is forever changed by acts of finality. She wonders if her final act will be forgiven. 
Mulder opens his door in a burst of sudden movement. Scully grips his arm, curling her fingers into his bicep. She is constantly ascertaining his every intention. He should be narrating his every move to her. 
“We’re going in,” he states. His tone suggests that should be obvious. She shakes her head in refusal when he outstretches his hand to her. 
Quick fabrications of an identity is one of their vitally important, well practiced skills. “My wife and I are new to the area,” she hears him explain, describing her as a former Catholic, and how funny, so is the pastor. As they continue to converse, Scully notices the prominent accent of her brother’s partner, and Mulder offers to carry boxes to the dumpster to extend the conversation. 
“He definitely thought I was homeless,” he claims when he finally returns. “And my wife is just a face drawn on a paper bag.” 
“Don’t count out that possibility,” she deadpans. 
Mulder actively ignores her comment, although she catches his amused smirk. A bright piece of orange paper enters her hands. He bounces tigerish eyes between the paper and her eyes. She begins to scan the words. 
Charlie relates a Psalm to the crushing and ever-evolving weight of loss from his sister’s murder. Scully takes a long moment to register her new lifestyle has completely altered her sense of time; another year without Melissa was not so much as a passing thought. She wants to cry. 
Scully remembers those words on her answering machine. Melissa was safe with people she knew in California. She briefly believed her sister was pregnant with Emily during those months. Melissa vanished to reconnect with their brother. 
“What was his name?”
She slowly pieces together a theory aloud, as she has done with Mulder a thousand times before. “My sister used to write to me about a translator that traveled with her in Peru. I think that’s him.”
“You think she introduced them?” 
Scully nods; it seems like she should have something else to say. Or be more inclined to wait for her brother to return. She could comment on Melissa’s fearlessness to reject their parents’ prejudices and introduce Charlie to a life-altering love, exactly like she encouraged Scully’s own transformative love, but to say anything else would be a rightful admission of the cowardly self-centeredness of her youth. 
Instead, she only mumbles, “We should keep driving.” 
This seemingly cozy cabin was once a prison of complete seclusion and crippling loneliness for Mulder. A reminder he combats by scooping up his girl to carry her across the threshold. He plans to show the proper respect and erase every forlorn memory by absolutely defiling this place with her. With an appropriate amount of romance. Of course.
Her nose crinkles at him and she teasingly admonishes him with, “You are so gross,” as she begins to explore their temporary abode. 
“I’ve already picked where we’re gonna make out later,” he informs her with an added tap on the ass. Mulder retreats from her playful scowl, hands raised in surrender, to retrieve their belongings from the car. 
Mulder turns and slides a labyrinth of locks with duffle bags at his feet. It's the reality of this most picturesque hiding spot. A long string of numbers activates a powerful security system. He’ll probably tell Scully about the pack of wild turkeys that roam the backyard before he shows her the closet with feeds from outdoor cameras. 
While Scully reclines against a throw pillow with her eyes closed, Mulder assesses their food situation. His homelessness theory feels confirmed by the extra food pantry box that seemed to magically appear for him at the church. He’s still thankful, because it will be a few days before they can explore the nearby town, and the contents of the box is enough to get them through. 
Unpacking the final item, Mulder grins, and casually offers her a snack. She mumbles an affirmative response. It only requires a slice with a knife and a transfer to a plate but he enjoys burying the lead by slamming cupboards, running the sink, and starting the microwave. 
He presents the plate of white cake with strawberries and whip cream frosting, coming down to a kneel at her side, as he announces, “Dana-cake for my Dana-girl,” and smacks a loud kiss on her cheek. 
Mulder watches Scully hold the plate in both hands; her reaction starts with the sound of a whimper, and within seconds, she has broken into full sobs. 
Utterly unclear as to what he did wrong, listening to Scully sob for ten minutes seems like an eternity. Her favorite dessert is one of her simplest, most decadent of pleasures; a tearful breakdown was not a reaction he could have ever predicted. He only prepared to lose a finger or two trying to steal a bite. 
“Water,” he finally blurts out. “I’ll get you some water. Do you want some water, Scully?” With her unexplainable distress, Mulder reaches the point of useless panic to comfort her. He starts to stand, only to be pulled down by the hem of his shirt. 
“Where did you get this?” 
“In the food pantry box from the church,” Mulder answers in a rush; his shirt is still clutched in her fingers. “I thought you would be excited. It looks homemade.” 
With the plate held right between their noses to give him a micro view of the dessert, Scully’s voice shakes when she says, “They’re hearts.”
Mulder still has an oral history of Scully’s fondest memories from when she was sick with her cancer tucked away in the back of his mind. It seemed important for someone to have a mental record of the little things. She never told him she needed him to remember. But Dana-cake was a Scully family tale worth remembering with every detail. 
It was her childhood obsession; a summertime constant no matter where military life took them. Her mother grew the strawberries at home, hence why it required such extreme patience, and became so associated with the third Scully child that it was renamed for her. 
When Scully’s health reached a decline, Mulder made his first and only attempt at baking in his life from a handwritten index card. Scully stressed the dire importance of the heart shaped cut as she stepped in before he “ruined it.” Even the ones no one would see had to be hearts.
Because the love had to be on the outside and the inside. 
Her chest aches from heaving sobs; Scully senses the endlessness of running away. She has been given so many second chances at living and what she reclaimed threatens to fade away.
“What if we’re doing this forever, Mulder?”
Her throat stings. She should have accepted his offer for water. 
“Scully,” Mulder whispers quietly. A few snaps near her ear earns him no response. Her deep sleep emboldens him to pull the cord from the phone until he’s in the bedroom with the door shut. He dials and lets it ring. 
“Mrs. Scully,” he says. “Hi.”
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Never Ending Truths (20)
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Indiana Jones x OC
Summary: Indiana and Harley have their first-ever fight and things get tense.
Warnings: violence, arguing, blood, angst
Words: 3266
**One month later**
Life with Indiana has been nothing but blissful. He opened a whole new world for me and made me want to jump his bones any chance I can. Indy doesn’t complain he enjoys it and sometimes starts it. I like to use our connection and tease him to get him in the mood. I’ve already learned so much and I’m not afraid, I’ve actually gained more confidence. He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
I sat on the couch reading a book while I waited for Indy to finish his meeting at the museum. They wanted to discuss some artifact they wanted him to recover. I should make him dinner so he can eat some food when he comes home. I get up and start cooking, lost in my own world, not paying much mind to anything around me. "Hey, beautiful." Indy walks in the front door hanging up his keys with a smile on his face. "How did the meeting go?" I ask him as I put the food on the plates.
"Great! I'm leaving tomorrow, and I am so excited. I'll tell you all about it after I shower." He came over, kissing my cheek before walking off to the bedroom.
I set the table and poured the drinks before cleaning up the mess I made in the kitchen. Indy came out dressed in his nightclothes as he sat at the table. I walk over and pull out my chair and sit down then start blessing the food. I finished praying and then looked up to see Indy was waiting for me to finish so he could tell me everything. "They want me to go to Egypt and get the Merneptah Stele." He smiles wildly. I could feel how excited he was by the beating of his heart.
"What!?! Really?" I smile back getting equally excited.
"Yeah, I'm so excited; I'll take a picture of it and show you if I find it." He smiles before taking another bite.
"What, I can't go?" I asked him as I processed what he said.
"No, you have school. Plus, it will be suspicious if we are both gone at the same time." He explains as he takes a bite of his supper, not looking at me.
"Am I ever going to be able to go?" I wonder as I felt left out. He's going to be gone for who knows how long, and I'll be here all by myself.
"Yeah, I'll take you on some easy ones where there isn't too much danger." He finally looks up at me.
"I can handle myself." I inform him as I set down my fork, staring into his eyes, trying to make my point.
"Harley, it gets perilous. I don't want you hurt or worse. I can't imagine life without you. Not feeling our connection every day because you are dead will tear me apart." He tells me honestly as he leans on the table with his arms trying to be sincere.
"I can fight and shoot; I don't see the problem. I can handle myself; I don't need to be babied." I try to make my case. I know I'm useful, and I can handle myself, but I don't understand why he doesn't see that.
"You are the clumsiest person I know. You wouldn't last ten minutes out there. You'd try to run and then trip, and then you'd die. You walk down the stairs and fall, you'd step on a boobytrap, and you can't focus on anything." He tells me as I feel him start to get irritated.
"So you lied to me before, you said I'd be helpful, and you wouldn't have to babysit me, and I would notice things faster because of my ADHD." I glare at him feeling hurt and betrayed.
"That was before I knew how clumsy you are. Just last week, you twisted your ankle from stepping in a hole in the grass." He squints back at me as his voice starts to rise.
"One time!" I roll my head in annoyance as I throw my hands up.
"You can't even handle a bully at school. You honestly think you can handle people who want to kill you!?!" He throws that in my face saying he's the one who has to look out for me. 
"That's because I don't fight back! I'm trying not to get kicked out! If I fight him, I'd definitely get kicked out and possibly thrown in jail."
"You aren't that good of a fighter." He rolls his eyes and snorts as he leans back in his chair with his arms crossed. I was stunned as the words came out of his mouth. I've fought him, and we tied. How can he possibly say I'm not a good fighter? He hasn't seen me actually fight and finish my opponent. I took it easy on him because I didn't want to hurt him, and now he sits there cocky, saying I'm not as good as I think I am.
"We tied; what does that say about your fighting?" I sass back as I lean on the table.
"I had you pinned several times. I took it easy on you because I didn't want to hurt you. If you were the enemy, I could have finished you easily." He sighs, rolling his eyes once more.
"So I'm some clumsy, distracted damsel in distress you always have to save?" I toss my napkin on the table as I wait for his response.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but you are. I would have to constantly watch you to make sure you don't do anything stupid. You always get yourself into bad situations." He tilts his head to the side as his lips curl in as the venom in his voice stung me.
"Nice, real nice." I try to control my temper, not wanting it to go any further than this.
"This was supposed to be exciting news." He pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh.
"I'm sorry, I ruined it for you! That seems to be all I'm good at! Getting distracted and ruining everything." I get up abruptly as I push my chair out. "I'm so happy for you, dear! Have a great trip! It will be so easy since you don't have to take care of a damsel in distress!" I give him an attitude as I slam my chair back in.
"I will!" He shouts after me as I storm into the bedroom and slam the door. Damsel in distress! As if! So what If tripped a few times? He honestly thinks I'm a damsel in distress and I'd be useless. He lied to me just to make me feel better! What else has he lied about? I couldn't help with how angry I was as it was boiling inside me. I wanted to knock everything off the dresser and break everything in the room. I need to calm down before I do something stupid. I walked out of the room to see Indy leaning over the sink with his arms spread wide as he looked out the window. "Where are you going?" He sighs as he doesn't even turn to look at me.
"For a walk, is that okay with you, or is it too dangerous?" I sneer as I have my hand on the front door handle.
"It's going to get dark soon." He states in his monotone voice, not even bothering to look in my direction.
"Oh, so it is too dangerous. Don't worry; you'll know if something bad happens, and you can come and save the day." I sass as I wave my hands for emphasis. I walk out, slamming the door behind me before storming down the street. How could he think I'm useless? Clumsy as if! So what if I trip? He's never seen me in action or focused on something! He's going to take me to stupid little digs where there is no adventure! How come he can go out and have all the fun while I stay here like a good little soulmate. He's just like all the other men who think women should stay home and be an excellent little housewives! He's promised me adventure since the very beginning, and now he's going back on his word! Just when I thought things were going good, he goes and tells me I'm useless. It was all a lie!
The world around me turned dark as the sun went down, causing the temperature to drop and sending chills down my body. I kick a small rock I found as I walk down the sidewalk, not paying attention to anything around me. Useless, clumsy, distracted mess. How can he possibly say those things to me!?!
"What's a woman like yourself doing out so late and all alone?" A deep voice asks me to my left. My head snaps up, immediately becoming alert of my surroundings. I notice a man leaning against a fence as he plays with the toothpick in his mouth. He was a tall, muscular man that screamed terrible news. I look around, trying not to be suspicious, figuring out I walked into the wrong part of town. I shouldn't be here. I keep walking, trying to ignore the man as I turn away and go back the way I came. "Come on, doll face, don't be like that." He follows me.
"Leave me alone." I tell him as I keep walking, not wanting this to end badly. Maybe Indy was right; I always get myself into bad situations. Only if I focused on where I was walking, I wouldn't have ended up here.
"Oh, feisty, I like it." He chuckles from behind me. "Why don't you come with me, and I can take that pretty little mind off of whatever is bothering you."
"I'm not going anywhere with you. Leave me alone." I walked faster as he caught up and began to walk next to me. I felt him put his arm around me as I felt a sharp tip on my side. Great, the situation bad turned worse. "I guess it's going to be the hard way."
"Yeah, I guess so." I chuckle. He was shocked that I started laughing and not panicking that he had a knife at my side. I quickly hit the blade out of his hand and spun around, grabbing his arm and pulling it behind him twisting his wrist up so he would feel pain if he tried to move. "I told you to leave me alone, and you had to pull a knife on me when I'm already pissed off." I push his wrist up, causing him pain. I kick the back of his knees, causing him to fall to the ground, crashing to his back, making me lose the grip on his hand. "Now fuck off," I tell him as I take a few steps back, grabbing his knife and throwing it to the other side of the street. He got up and tried to charge at me, but I quickly got out of the way as he crashed into the white fence. He got back up, clearly not learning his lesson the first time, as he took a swing at me. I ducked out of the way and punched him right in the face by the jaw, causing him to stumble back.
"I can take care of myself!" I shout, letting all my anger out as I think about my argument with Indy. The man refused to give up and be beaten by a woman as he came back for more as his pride was hurt. I ended up pinning him to the ground as I punched him over and over, watching as he began to bleed. "I'm not some damsel in distress who can't take care of myself!! I can hold my own!" I finally noticed he stopped fighting back and stopped my attack. His whole face was swollen and bloody, and I was the cause of it.
I checked his pulse, feeling he was still alive and breathing. I get off him and turn him over so he wouldn't choke on his blood and die. I quickly walk home, thinking about everything that happened. Indy was right; all I do is attract trouble and don't pay attention. I ruined his happy moment and thought of myself. This is his job that he has been doing long before he met me; I'm just a student that happens to be his soulmate. I was selfish, and now he's pissed off at me and probably will never tell me what he's doing. He said he only wanted to keep me safe and couldn't live with himself if anything happened. It was I who escalated the whole situation with my temper. I'm the one who got myself into this mess in the first place. I should have just let him have fun as he told me how excited he was. Why do I have to overreact and escalate things? Indy doesn't deserve to be treated like that after he's taken such care of me. He also escalated it by telling me I suck at fighting and always do stupid stuff. He basically told me I was worthless and he would have to watch me constantly. He was just pissed off. I was throwing a fit and turning it to make it about me. I fucked up and shouldn't have asked about myself when this was his work. I saw our house dreading going inside, knowing I was covered in someone else's blood.
Indy was still upset, but there was a new emotion that I didn't feel earlier. Worry. Why is he worried? Probably felt me fighting and how long I've been gone. I sigh, knowing I'd have to get this over with sooner than later. I walk over to our little gate, careful not to get blood on it as I walk to the front door. I went inside to see indy was at the key rack picking up his keys before he turned around to look at me. He looked me up and down, noticing the blood on my hands and over my clothes. "What happened?" His voice was low, and I knew he was pissed. I sigh as I walk over to the kitchen sink. "You were right; I don't pay attention and attract trouble." I start cleaning my hands, trying to get the dried blood off me.
"Why are you covered in blood, Harley?" He came over, turning me around to look at him as my back was slammed against the counter.
"I...I." I couldn't find my voice and tell him what had happened.
"Spit it out! What happened!?!" He grabbed my arms tightly as he stared down at me. His mouth was turned down sharply while his nose crinkled with anger.
"I wasn't paying attention where I was walking or my surroundings and ended up Beacon where some guy pulled a knife on me and tried to get me to go with him. I fought and left him on the sidewalk bleeding, but he's alive." I say quickly as my heart raced out of fear. I've never seen him this pissed off, and honestly, I was terrified of him.
"DAMN IT, HARLEY!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! THIS IS WHY I DON'T WANT YOU TO COME WITH ME! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT HE WANTED TO DO TO YOU?? HE WANTED TO RAPE OR SELL YOU OR END UP KILLING YOU!! YOU CANT EVEN PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE YOU'RE GOING AND PUT YOURSELF INTO THIS SITUATION!! I COULD HAVE LOST YOU FOREVER!!" He yelled as his face turned a crimson red while spit flew from his mouth. He let go of me and ran his hands through his hair before placing his hands interlocked on his head, trying to calm himself down. I've never felt him this furious before as I watched him close his eyes and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I hung my head as tears ran down my cheeks.
"SORRY!?! SORRY ISN'T GOING TO CUT IT!!" He tossed everything off the kitchen table swiftly as the flower vase shattered to the floor, spilling all its contents. "ALL BECAUSE YOU THREW A FUCKING TEMPER TANTRUM, YOU END UP THERE!! YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T BE WALKING BY YOURSELF AT NIGHT IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD!! I HAD NO IDEA WHERE YOU WERE, AND ALL I FELT WAS YOUR DAMN HEART RACING AND A KNIFE AT YOUR SIDE!! I THOUGHT THE WORST! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO FIND YOU DEAD IN THE STREET!! THEN MY HANDS BEGAN HURTING, AND I KNEW YOU WERE FIGHTING SOMEONE OFF!!" He came over to me, getting in my face. "YOU.." He raised his hand, and out of reflex, I held my hands up, fearing him hitting me. He froze, and his expression quickly changed into regret as he took a step back from me. I noticed his hand was only pointing to the door, and he wasn't going to hit me. I slowly put my hands down as I continue to sob, feeling nothing but regret for everything. I didn't say anything for fear of setting him off again. He's right; it's my fault I ended up in that bad situation. Indy went to the opposite counter, leaning on it, and crossed his arm around his chest while his other hand went to his face rubbing it with a sigh. He looked over at me before looking at the contents of the table that lay shattered on the floor. He walked over and got his keys from the ground before going to the door, placing his hand on the handle, and looked at me. He sighed before shaking his head and walking out the door, slamming it behind him. I slowly go to the floor and sob into my knees knowing all this could have been prevented.
I finally controlled myself and looked at the mess of shattered glass, water, and food all over the floor. I start cleaning, not wanting something else to set Indy off. The first fight we have, and I never want it to happen ever again; I never want to see that much wrath on his face. The kitchen was finally cleaned up, so I decided to take a shower and clean myself up.
*** I get into bed, trying to get this day behind me, and hopefully, Indy will return. I fucked up. I end up crying myself to sleep, waiting for Indy to come home.
*** I woke up feeling how dry my throat was from my weeping needing some water. I noticed Indy wasn't sleeping next to me, which made my heart drop. I looked at his clock to see it was two in the morning. I slowly got out of bed, making my way to the kitchen dragging my feet as I kept my head down in shame. I grab a glass from the cupboard, getting some water before looking out the window. His car is in the driveway, but where was he? I turned to the living room and noticed him sleeping on the couch. He didn't even want to come to bed with me; he must still be pissed off with me. I hang my head before going back to the bedroom to go back to bed.
*** I wake up to the sound of shuffling in the living room, knowing Indy must be getting ready to leave. He entered the room and grabbed his bag from his side of the bed before walking out. Is he not even going to say goodbye to me? I get up and watch him walk to the door with his bag in his hand. He paused as soon as he felt me standing at our bedroom door. He opened the door and walked out, not even bothering to look at me. He hates me. I sigh as I walk to the bed and curl up in a ball as our fight plays in my head.
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The duty of a servant
Inspired by a post I once saw on Tumblr, if I find it again I'll leave the link here.
Work Text:
Petter and Wendy were adults trapped in the little bodies of an infant, they were malicious and served their dirty and evil interests of Mr. Kelvin. They had helped prevent many children from ever seeing sunlight again, and they did not regret it.
However, Maylene knew neither of those things when one of her bullets, accurate and deadly, had pierced from side to side the head of what appeared to be a girl not much older than her young master.
He didn't waste much time looking at her or watching her do those graceful and agile pirouettes in the air. As soon as he had her in his sights he had pulled the trigger on her.
He tried not to think too much about it. That was one of the things they taught her when they made her a murderer, not to write her epitaphs, not to try to figure out who hers were, how they got there, in front of the barrel of her gun, they were targets and nothing. plus.
But sometimes she did, who doesn't, right? Who is able to look at the inert body of a stranger he has just killed without asking?
It's like reading the last page of a book…
Imagination begins to work on its own. But that's when you get distracted,
careless, let your guard down, and then it's someone else's turn to wonder what happened to you. He tried to put it out of her mind. Instead, he began to wonder how many more there might be in the mansion, how many more were seeking to disturb the nocturnal peace of the house, and how many more shots it would take to finish them off.
After all, delivering a clean mansion is the duty of the Phantomhive house maid.
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 2 of Viñetas Funtom Next Work →
Malaise Airs
Sebastian Michaelis has a lot of experience with children. As a former teacher at Lockwell Private Academy, Sebastian knows all about troublesome brats. At least- he thought he did.
When Sebastian's life-long friend Agni offers him a new job opportunity, to which he reluctantly accepted, Sebastian finds some children can be a lot more interesting- and annoying, than he was once lead to believe.
*Trigger Warning- for about chapter 6 onwards*
(Fluff, non-sexual boyxboy Pairings, rape (mentioned), pedophilia (mentioned), mental illnesses, Ect.)
Chapter 1: Welcome To The White Queens Private Academy~
(A/N: please read trigger warnings in the description, this will apply for future chapters mostly, thank you! *flashbacks are in bold*. A/N at end)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
En•nui ( noun) /an-we/: a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from lack of occupation or excitement.
Welcome to the White Queens Private Academy, we look forward to your working here. Below you will find the necessary information for your employment.
-All luggage will need to be dropped off at your provided housing before your first workday. (be prepared for introductions with the owners of the surrounding units)
-Please report to the main office (Mr. Tanaka or Mr. "Undertaker") to get a workday schedule and information after breakfast.
Breakfast is served at 7 am sharp. Please do not be late.
{Sebastian's POV}
As he exited the train, he was greeted with a cool breeze of autumn wind. The air wasn't necessarily cold, but the blowing wind served as a reminder that winter was fast approaching. Struggling through the crowds of people hurrying to their own affairs was much more difficult than he first had anticipated. Of course, it should have been expected of England's capital.
Finally seeing his cab from the corner of his eye, he headed straight towards it eager to escape the bustling crowd. Only just saving himself from falling straight into the back seat, he set his luggage in the trunk and was on his way.
The drive was only about an hour from the station and had quite a few local shops and tourist attractions along the way. A deep irking feeling infiltrated his head about twenty minutes into the trip. "What was he even here for" he had nearly convinced himself that this would a wonderful change to his normally mundane life teaching spoiled rich brats. How had he even convinced himself that he would have an even remotely nice time teaching traumatized or otherwise messed up spoiled rich brats, who are locked up at some boarding school waiting to re-enter society like normal civilized human beings?!
Calming himself down after that sudden inward display of anger, he thought of the meeting that caused all of this nonsense.
Sebastian was having tea at a famous cafe in town with that person. Being quite good friends ever since college they tried to meet every couple of months as to not drift too far apart.
"Agni..." Sebastian sighed, "I'm perfectly fine being where I am. There's no need to try something different." "Sebastian please, I promise it won't be the least bit boring. Besides we're short on actual teachers. The school is still in primary trials, you would only have to look after 9 children."
"Even still, I can't just up and quit my job." He answered, "We don't need you right away! You can come in a few months." Agni was desperate.
"I would be leaving spoiled brats to go take care of needier spoiled brats, not exactly what I call entertaining of any sort."
"3 weeks."
"Not even a full month. After 3 weeks you can do whatever your heart desires, but please help me out for 3 weeks! As a favor from an old friend.
How could he refuse? "Fine. But only for 3 weeks."
"Why did I even go through with this?" He thought just as his new (and temporary) home came into view. It seemed like all of his woes just kept adding up.
Paying the driver and retrieving his luggage from the truck, he finally looked up at the two brown, castle-like buildings.
The main building; At least that's what he assumed would be the main building because of the size difference, Was big and elegant. Like a smaller version of Hogwarts or a rightful Victorian manor. The courtyard was teeming with red, orange, and yellow leaves giving off a warm yet chilling aura.
On the side of the school enclosing the courtyard was the dorms. It was the size of 1/3 of a Victorian manor, not reaching the height of the width of the academy.
Deciding that was his destination, he ascended the few steps leading to the entrance. He took a deep breath and opened the door. "It can't possibly go as terribly as I think it will."
(Authors note: Don't be so sure sebbyyy~ haha I enjoy putting my characters in misery. Thank you for reading the first chapter! This is my first ever fanfic. I plan to make about 10 chapters? More, much longer than this, please look forward to it!)
Chapter 2: Welcome To The Dining Hall~
(Authors Note: Slight warning for Grell being...well, Grell)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Fraught (adjective) /frot/: a situation or course of action; filled with or likely to result in something most undesirable.
{Sebastian's POV}
When one usually enters an unfamiliar building, one's first instinct would be to look around. And well, he did exactly that.
After the first 7 minutes, he was starting to have doubts that he picked the dorm building. Although the more he explored the more certain he was that he picked the correct building. The large structure was separated into two parts by a wall on the right, the second part not being accessible by the outside. When Sebastian first entered, the floor looked like an office building. To the right was a large doorway leading to a sitting area made for children. Deciding that was most likely the student quarters he felt no need to enter that threshold.
Continuing his search through the left side of the building seeing no signs of human life, he ascended the large staircase to the second floor. This floor unlike the previous, had many doors filling up the long hallway. Opening a random door felt like his best option, so he did.
This was most likely the best choice he had made in a while considering the circumstances. Behind the door was A maroon haired lady standing no-so steadily on a step ladder trying to reach for several plates in a large china cabinet.
"Excuse me, Miss?" He suddenly called, causing the maroon haired lady to lose her balance dropping all those plates during her fall. Luckily Sebastian was able to catch both the plates and the maiden before they fell fully unto the ground.
"O-oh hello! so sorry for that just now, I'm very clumsy you see." She rambled, obviously distracted by the man holding her up. "I'm glad I found you, I almost thought I had gone to the wrong building. My name is Sebastian Michaelis, pleasure."
"Sebas-...M-My name is Mey-Rin! I'm a maid here, very nice to meet you." She bowed her head slightly embarrassed of the way she stumbled over her words.
Sebastian let the maid stand back up and stepped away, giving her enough room to regain her balance. The step ladder that had been teetering back and forth finally fell with a loud 'BANG!' due to the added weight on the uneven floor.
Looking around Sebastian noticed this was actually a supply room for plates, napkins, silverware, and the like.
Snapping out of his thoughts he heard footsteps approaching the room. The door was left open due to Sebastian's rush to save Mey-Rin, The two people only had to poke their head through the doorway.
Just to his luck, he recognized one of the two intruders. "Agni.." he sighed slightly relived "There you are, I was starting to wonder if I had entered the wrong building." "Ahh, Sebastian?" Agni checked the time on his watch. "I completely lost track of time! I was having a meeting and-" "It's fine." He interjected.
"We should head to the dining hall. There is no need to be late for supper." The other person stepped a bit more through the doorway, checking his pocket watch. 'I can already tell that one has a horrid attitude; And, who even uses a pocket watch nowadays?' They ended up walking in silence, well, mostly silence aside from Mey-Rin's quiet murmurs of who-knows-what. The group passed most of the doors in the long hallway leading to what seemed like the dining hall.
As they arrived, once again another load noise was heard from what he assumed was the kitchen. Angi rushed in yelling "Was that you Baldroy? Don't worry about cooking haha, I'll do it!" in a slightly panicked manor. Once again Sebastian was alone, of course, with the company to many strangers.
'Sadly, I'm getting used to clumsy workers and strange noises. Is that bad?' He thought. "Before dinner is served you introduce yourself to the other workers. After dinner, I will take you to meet the children." Claude interrupted. Again, barely glancing at him.
The dining hall was one of those places which, when you think about it in your mind was a very large, extravagant place. It was not. And, while it did look nice, it was more homely than anything. It was a large but not too large rectangle room. Part the room was cut off because of the half wall separating the dining part from the kitchen part. Inside you could see Agni running around trying to prepare dinner whilst being pestered by a tall, bulky, blonde-haired man smoking. Well, if you could call it smoking if the cigarette wasn't lit.
The dining part of the room had wooden walls with windows on one side, tile floors, and wooden tables. It reminded him a little of a smaller version of an off-brand harry potter dining hall. There were 4 tables, all rectangular, and fitting for the space they were in. The lights in the room were bright yet gave off a yellowy-orange glow. Comforting.
As one would assume there were in fact other people working here. And, based on their appearances; all had very colorful personalities. Only four people were in the room, occupying two of the tables.
At one, a flamboyant red-head was annoying a stern-looking man with glasses. The man looked almost ready to punch the red-head halfway into space. At the other table a blonde-haired boy, who looked young enough to be attending the school was talking to a lilac haired young woman. One of her eyes was covered by a bandage.
He opted to introduce himself to the lilac-blonde-haired duo first. The other two gave him a bad feeling.
Claude and Mey-rin trailed behind him as he walked over. "Ah! 'ello Mr. Claude, 'ello Mey-rin! and umm, who are you?" "I'm-" "He is Sebastian Michalis, the new teacher here. And, the one whom you were supposed to greet at the door, Finnian." Claude interrupted, glaring wholes into 'Finnian'. 'Does this man have a personal vendetta with everyone?'
"So sorry Mr. Claude, I was helping Hannah change her bandages and lost track of time!" You could've seen a halo floating near his head. "The Names Finnian, but you can just call me Finny!" He said holding out his hand. "Sebastian, as you already know." he took the handshake. "This here in Hannah!" Finny said gesturing towards the lilac haired girl. She bowed her head slightly at him then looked away.
Sebastian could feel a piercing glare at the back of his head. It was, of course, Claude. Sebastian assumed he was telling him to 'Hurry up and move on, we don't have all day.'
"Well well well, you never told me that our new addition was coming today did you Claudey~?"
All-day the greatest thing on Sebastian's mind was, 'what did I get myself into?' And right now, he regretted not listening to the little voice in his head more than he has ever thought possible. Really, he contemplated walking out of the building and straight back to his regular life, away from whatever it is he had originally agreed upon.
The red-head in question. The one who made Sebastian truly regret his decision was walking towards him. Or- more correctly, strutting towards him. Sebastian, of course, had nothing against them. It was the way they basically screamed. 'I'm going to completely ruin your calm life because I'm a chaotic walking bar.'
"Sebby~, is it? My name is Grell. I hope we can be very close." they said huskily, as they held out a hand. "Pleasure..." Sebastian replied bitterly, leaving Grell hanging. "Stand down Sutcliff, your already an annoyance."
"I love it when you talk down to me!~" Grell moaned, their voice going at least an active higher.
"I am William T. Spears, Sebastian, isn't it?" William nodded. "Yes, looking forward to working with you."
While Sebastian couldn't quite place a finger on Williams's personality, it seemed they had an unspoken agreement on how to handle the eccentric red-head.
"w-well Sebastian..." Sebastian turned around to face Mey-rin. He had almost forgotten she was behind him. "You can sit with us...o-only if you would like of course!" She stuttered gesturing towards Finny and Hannah. "That would be wonderful," he replied politely smiling. Mey-rin turned a deep crimson.
a bit after introductions Agni and whom he now knows as Bard, or Baldroy, came out from the kitchen and sat down with them.
"Dinner is served"
(Authors Note: Thanks so much for reading this chapter! I was really procrastinating about writing the introductions. I actually have up to chapter 5 in drafts right now but I kept changing the concepts midway. They will be out soon.)
Chapter 3: Unexpected Awakenings~
(A/N: Just a small surprise chapter that still relates to the story. Oh I just 'wonder' who pov it is.)
Chapter Text
In•som•ni•a (noun) /in'sämnēa/: habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
{??? pov}
It's dark .
The sound of crying children rang throughout the night. Yet, their location; so far, so isolated. No one can hear them.
It's cold.
One by one, they were being slaughtered like cattle, dispensable objects moved around by the will of others. Used and then thrown away.
No one is coming to save us, are they?
"Hurry up there coming!" "Quit down ya' little mutts!"
"Keep the ones who'll fetch the best price! We can only take a few."
You were right.
He hugged on to the limp body in his arms tighter. The large cage was covered with a cloth cover and loaded unto a truck.
You're always right.
"--------" "They caught up!" "Just drop them here, we gotta run" "But what if they-" "The kid has been lifeless ever since we gave him the body back. Good as dead I tell ya'."
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I'll protect you.
The men fled the truck leaving them stranded.
So please, wake up?
Lights could be seen, even under the thick cloth covering the cage. They approached. He held on to the body tighter. 'I won't let them hurt you anymore.' The strangers started uncovering the cages. "I found some!" "Hurry over here!". He could hear footsteps approaching.
'Go away.' 'Don't hurt us anymore.' An officer pulled off the cover to reveal one eye looking up at him fearfully. "That undertaker...I've found them! The Phantomhives, they're alive!" The officer looked in the cage again. He saw the limp body. "No..." The officer opened the cage door and reached inside to check the body's pulse. The boy shrunk back into the cage. "It's okay now. We're here to save you." The boy made no movements in response.
"Go away..." he responded quietly. "GO AWAY! I won't let anyone hurt him anymore!" Tears streamed down the young boys face.
"Please, I can help. I can save him. Trust me." The officer was pleading.
'Never again'
Please, Ciel?
Chapter 4: Welcome To The Children's Area~
(A/N: Hey so this chapter is going to be a lot shorter and might have a few mistakes. This is because I'm basically writing this with no draft and in a 3-hour time slot. I start school tomorrow so the update schedule will be once a week- every Saturday or Sunday. I posted 2 chapters over 2 days because I either had them already or they required very little editing. Thank you for understanding!)
Everyone: "Chutzpah?" I know you like using big words but did'ya have to go with that one?
Author: Well I'm sorry, I couldn't find the right word to give a feeling of annoyance towards the impertinence of children.
Everyone: Come' on you just found it funny didn't-ya?
Author: Fine! I spent 5 minutes straight laughing it the word, it's funny right!?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Chutzpah (noun) /KHo͝otspə/: shameless audacity; impudence.
{Sebastian POV}
Dinner- made by Agni with bards help, of course, was wonderful. Agni's curry was always the best. A refreshing end to an otherwise chaotic day. except- it wasn't quite over yet, after dinner he and Claude descended the staircase and headed toward the children's room he had noticed when he first arrived.
The doorway was pretty large and didn't impede your ability to see the entire room, even from a fairly large distance away. The only difference from then and now was that magically, children occupied the space. Looking closer the room was divided from a colorful sitting area with toys to a dining area with a small kitchen. As of right now, the children were in that sitting area. A nameless maid was clearing away the remains of their dinner, while they chatted happily.
"Children..." Claude's entire personality was demanding and cold. One could help but to shut up and listen when he entered a room. A complete mood ruiner.
"This is Sebastian Michaelis, your new teacher. He is in the same position as Mr. Agni. Please introduce yourselves politely." Claude's words came out more like a command than an instruction.
A boy with orange hair went first, he seemed like one of the oldest. "Nice ta' meet ya', I'm Joker."
Claude didn't bat an eye. 'Joker? who would name their child joker?'
He continued. "This here is Beast." he pointed at a girl about the same age with wavy black hair. He kept pointing each one out individually. "That's Prince... Wendy and Peter... Dagger... And last but not least, Doll."
'These have to be nicknames...' Wendy and Peter were the most normal names Sebastian had her in "Joker's" little introduction. "Nice to meet you all..." he replied.
"Oh, uh, and Smiles up in his room. You probably won't see him for a while. And there's only one more he'll uh..." Joker glanced at Claude. "Nevermind."
"We'll see you in the morning. Good night children."
(A/N: haha, I've made it my personal mission to make Claude as creepy as possible. In reality, I write all of my stories on Wattpad because I prefer their options for publishing, then transfer them unto ao3. So please point out any mistakes that might occur and I will do my very best to fix them.
Let's have a poll! what should Alois's circus nickname be (Comment what you think)?
-His highness/majesty
Chapter 5: Welcome To Your First Day~
(A/N: School is really taking a toll on me and it's only been 3 days. Is it possible to have senioritis as a freshman????)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Hel·lion (noun) /ˈhelyən/: a rowdy, mischievous, or troublemaking person, especially a child.
{Sebastian POV}
...Before Sebastian knew it he was waking up in a bed considering if all the ludicrously he went through yesterday were all just a bad dream. Of course, it wasn't.
Sebastian looked around the room, a bit confused from the grogginess of the morning. 'After I met the children...' He really, really couldn't remember. It was like a hangover after your dog just died. Just, without the headache or nausea.
He decided if his mind didn't want to let him remember he probably shouldn't remember. And got dressed.
His bed chambers- a medium-sized room with a small bathroom attached, accompanied by a wardrobe, desk, and bed. Was extremely simple. Obviously meant for more suitcases and personal touch than he cared to bring with him.
Exiting the room, he was greeted with the lovely image of William trying to pummel Grell out of his room. Something clicked in his brain.
(Last night- after they got back to the dining hall)
"Please report to breakfast at 7:00 am sharp- or earlier, do not be late." And just like that Claude disappeared out of the doorway.
And again- just like that he was attacked from behind "Oh sebby~ you disappeared, I was sad you didn't spend more time with me!" Grell was literally hanging off of Sebastian's back. he looked to William only for him to look away.
Grell swung around to his front and- "Mwa!~" A kiss, right on the lips.
He was in a daze of pure anger. he could hear Finny, Mey-rin, and Bard all laughing. Yet all he could see was red.
"Well then! It must be time for me to make my grand exit! Ta-ta~" Grell said as they scurried off in a panic.
Angi came up to him, almost as dumbstruck as him. "Are you alright?" "I will be." Sebastian cracked his knuckles loudly. "hah~ Please don't be violent Sebastian." Agni sighed...
Some things should stay forgotten.
His anger flared up again.
William spotted Sebastian exiting his room and grabbed Grell by the collar. "No liability." William said to Sebastian, holding Grell at arm's length. Sebastian knocked them over the head once and proceeded downstairs to the dining hall followed by William. Grell, still clutching his head and spouting tiny wines, stayed.
'6:55 am, just in time.'
Breakfast was especially wonderful today.
As soon as Sebastian walked trough the large doorway leading to the children's area, a shiny dart whizzed past his head. 'We haven't even spent one hour together and these brats are already out to get me!' Sebastian's eyebrow twitched.
"Really Dagger! you almost decapitated him!" Said Wendy sitting on the floor. "It's not my fault, really! He just spooked me...walking through the door ya'know." 'Dagger' shouted back. He was met with a symphony of eye-rolls. "Ah. I'm really sorry. Good thing it missed!" 'Dagger' turned toward Sebastian who was still standing in the doorway. "It is a good thing, it wouldn't just be his head if he got hurt." Said 'Joker'. "Really Dagger, be more careful." 'Beast' sighed. "Yes, Miss Beast." 'Dagger' pouted.
Agni, who had been walking with him peaked through the doorway. "Please be more careful, we already had to confiscate your darts before..." Agni sighed.
"Really! I'll be more careful."
The children's area had not changed from the events of the last night. Only one person was missing from the troupe of children, that 'Prince' character. "Is Soma still sleeping?" Asked Agni. 'Soma?' No one Sebastian had met last night went by the name Soma. "Ya' know it, boss!" Said 'Joker' with a laugh. "Really that child. He would sleep forever if nobody was there to wake him up! He really needs to learn..." Agni rambled on as he ascended the stairs.
"So! ya' meet everyone, Black?" 'Joker' turned to Sebastian. "Are you referring to me?" Sebastian questioned. "Who else would I be talk'in to?" 'Joker' smiled. "You've worn almost all black every time I've seen ya' and you have black hair."
"You give everyone nicknames, correct?" "Almost. Mostly just the kids. But you seem nice, so I'll make an exception." Joker's smile got even wider. 'So there all nicknames. hm.'
"Joker a nickname then?" Sebastian asked. "Yep! so is everyone else's, 'sept for Wendy n' Peter." "Then what is your real name?"
Agni came just in time dragging a tired-looking 'Prince'- or what from what he knows- Soma, down the stairs. "Just a couple more mintueeeesss." "You've slept long enough." "But Ciel gets to stay in his room all day..."
A sigh.
"Hmm? You're the new teacher, right?" Soma questioned, spotting him from halfway down the stairs. "Ha! you meet em' last night Prince, do ya' really not remember?" Dagger sighed.
"...Right! I remember now! You came in with Claude, You remind me of him. But a more smiley, better version. Your also more good-looking." Rambled Soma.' This child really doesn't stop talking...'
"Don't bother him too much Soma,..." Agni's voice wasn't heard among the children's sudden conversation about- who knows what.
"Not everyone is here as of now... There are actually 9 children in all." 'Oh great. Considering how 'colorful' these kids are, I wonder what the other two are like.' Sebastian sneered at his thoughts.
"Then where are the other two?" He questioned. "Ciel is in his room...You won't see him for a while, I think."
"And- hm. Do remember meeting Hannah?" "The lilac haired woman?" "Yes- the other child- Alois, is on leave for...Attacking her." Agni looked away.
"Attacking her!? And he's just on leave? Shouldn't he be headed to an asylum?"
"It's...complicated. I'll explain later." Agni fully turned away. Signaling the end of their conversation.
'What is wrong with this place?'
(A/N: I'm so, so sorry for the well... 3-week delay. I said I would post every week but school really roundhouse kicked me in the gut. I will work hard for future updates. And sorry for the short chapter...I only proofed half of it, *The half that I wrote 3 weeks ago*)
Chapter 6: (Update!)
Chapter Text
Hey everyone! It's Author~ I am officially changing my update time to every 2 weeks!
Just wanted to let you know the rest of this will just be ranting and explaining why- I kinda explained in my last post.
Ok! so for some reason I just really enjoy overworking myself while somehow still remaining lazy. Because of online school (I'm full time online) I working on the computer all day! Then I have club meetings and then dance (for about 2-3 hours Mon-Thurs + Saturday) so only have about 2 hours to myself. I figured I would only write on the weekend to save myself from the unnecessary stress that I love to put myself through.
Also, it seems like I want to write everything except "Malaise Airs"! During these few weeks (Before and after the last chapter I posted) I created an entirely new story* And even wrote 2.5 chapters of it in a few days. I have fallen off of that as well but it keeps coming into my head.
I will not be abandoning "Malaise Airs" Just extending the time when I update it I'm not quite so popular yet so it won't leave to many people waiting on me.
*{Info on the other story}: I actually wrote a story that kinda qualifies as an Au- it was originally a DEN-NOR story. But if I change the names to something different it would be a completely different story- for some reason I really enjoy AU's like that.
If you could tell me if you would rather it be an original story or a den-nor (Hetalia), Au, I would really appreciate it, and I might even post it. But- for now, it will stay in my google docs- never to see the light!
Chapter 7: Welcome to Interrupted Routines~
(A/N: I started this on 9/29/20, 5:49 pm. I swear future me if you don't finish this within 2 weeks as you promised- In all honesty during my little break last time, I forgot everything about this stinking fic, I had to go back over the last 4 chapters!!)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Ma•laise (noun) /me'lāz/: a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
The next few days were unusually normal- definitely a matter of concern. There were no sudden attacks (Aside from a few stray darts)- nothing serious had happened.
The children, as children do, tried to test his patience time- and time again. But if he couldn't handle a few mischievous children- What kind of teacher would he be?
The only thing that was bothering him now- accept for the unexpected peacefulness- are the two children he has yet to meet.
He hasn't even seen Ciel- the boy who never leaves his room- go out for lessons or food. He tried- of course, to knock on his door one or two times but to no avail. 'Don't bother...' Agni had always said to him.
It seemed as though he should bite his words.
Today was like a miracle. He hadn't seen Grell or Claude all morning, Agni seemed to be in a good mood talking to him about something or another- No darts were hurled at him the moment he walked into the children's area, and most of all; a dark blue-haired boy was sitting on the couch, curled up with a book- whom he had never seen before.
He was petite- smaller than a thirteen-year-old should be. (assuming on the information Agni had blurted out-) He could guess this was Ciel. The boy had a black eye-patch perfectly covered by his dark cerulean hair.
He also 'didn't seem like the type to poke someone's eye out' in Sebastian's opinion. But of course, looks could be deceiving.
The child barely spared a glance at the new faces.
The little girl- Doll was sitting by his feet, talking to the air. "Ciel! you've come out- does that mean? I forgot! this is Sebastian, you haven't had the chance to meet him yet." The child ignored him, opting to look at the clock instead.
'What a brat'
"Smile- Alois is coming back today right?" Ciel nodded "So that's why you're out of your room! I might've thought you just wanted to see the new guy." Doll laughed.
"You seem like you in a worse mood today- did you sleep?" Ignored. "You should ask doc or Claude for more of those pills-" "would you shut up, you're giving me a headache." He spoke and then proceeded to bury his head back into the book. 'most definitely a brat.'
'Maybe all of the calm days were compensation for having to deal with him later- these were the brats that he was so tired of.'
Doll didn't look like the comment bothered her at all, but shut-up all the same- the other kids in the room moved on as nothing happened too. 'Was this a common occurrence of something?'
She started to search through the pockets on her jumper and pulled out two lollipops. "Sorry...Strawberry or chocolate?" the boy glanced up with furrowed eyebrows- seemed like his head really did hurt. He pursed his lips. "Chocolate."
Sebastian sighed, 'children really are just children.'
Sebastian turned to Agni, "I'll go get Souma, he should have learned to get up by now!" He said with a sigh.
A few more minutes passed before Claude came through the doorway, a blonde...something clinging on his waist.
This time, Ciel was staring intently. He got up from the couch leaving the book in his place and reached out toward the blonde, shooting an annoyed glare at said dark-haired man.
"You're much too soft on him" Claude muttered. Ciel scoffed and dragged the now-seen blonde boy into his room, slamming the door.
Claude gave a side glance to Sebastian then proceeded to turn around and leave.
Just as soon as commotion had started everything seemed as calm as they had been just a few days ago.
"You must'a been surprised, eh black? Don't worry not usually like that. Just in a bad mood." Joker smiled while patting the elder man's back.
"The blondie there was Alois- just came a few months back. Smile n' him are...close?"
"So Alois doesn't get a nickname but I do?"
"Cause he's a little' jerk! No idea why Ciel likes him so much." Dagger butted in.
"Oh come on! We gotta all gotta try and get along here." Joker scolded.
"Truth is he gets a bit violent when something annoys him- almost poked my eye out for giving em' a nickname!" Joker half-whispered to Sebastian.
'Oh great. A glaring brat and a violent brat. What a wonderful combination.'
"Joker is correct! You are all friends here!" Agni smiled. "You never know what someone has been through." 'what a saint.'
In these normal days, Sebastian had almost completely forgotten this was supported to be an institute for spoiled-rich traumatized brats. And that Alois-kid just reinforced that fact. The only strange thing is why they didn't have someone that violent somewhere more...suited.
"Ciel told me Alois reminds him a bit of someone else. Maybe that's why they're so close?" Doll said, interrupting Sebastian's train of thought.
"Not like we really know anything about either of them." Peter huffed, turning back to his board game with Wendy.
"Is Ciel new here too?" Sebastian thought aloud.
"Come 'ere I'll tell you a story black!" Joker guided him to the couch where Doll was sitting.
"What kind of story?"
"The lore of this place of course!"
"You're exaggerating' joker..." "I'm just tellin' a story Lil' sis!"
"Ciel's been here since this place was built! It was only 'bout 3 years ago but still! Me and the gang only came about a year back."
"Some of us think this place might'a been built for 'em!" Doll laughed.
"...Built for him?" 'Why would an entire school be built for one person?'
"Do ya' know Ciels last name?" Joker asked.
"It seems you kids only use nick-names here." Sebastian was slightly frustrated.
"It's not like we don't have 'em. His names' Phantomhive! The family was in the papes' a few years back."
"Phantomhive. The Queen's 'Guard Dogs'?"
"Correct! People were sayin' someone set the estate on fire with everyone inside- near Christmas too! No one was seen for months so the entire family was confirmed dead." Joker scratched the back of his head.
"The only one to come back was Ciel. He told me his parents had died and that he's been 'ere ever since." Doll looked down at her hands, Dark bangs covering both eyes. "Never said what happened or how he got back- or anything. Mr. Undertaker seems to know him well though."
"That's all we really know! hmm...He likes chocolate! And candy- basically anything sweet, haha. He's allergic to cats too!" Joker said trying to lighten the mood.
'The Phantomhives. The Queen's guard dog, London's underground family. Anyone would be stupid not to know them.' Sebastian smirked.
"This was going to be...Interesting"
(A/N: Would you look at this! imagine me actually getting something done on time- or even early. I never would've guessed!)
Chapter 8: (Short Haitus Notice)
Chapter Text
I really should've posted this earlier but stuff happened and yeah. I going to take a short hiatus to focus on school until about... thanksgiving break. Which starts 2 weeks from now. So sorry- I'm just really tired.
I will be continuing to update this after my hiatus with the regular schedule of every 2 weeks- hopefully. Thanks for the support- byebye for now.
Chapter 9: Welcome to The Children's Area Pt.2
(A/N: The descriptions may or may not get a little crazy this time haha. I've been reading and analyzing Ray Bradbury books for literacy and now my mind Is filled with making crazy metaphors for everything just to make it hard for the readers to understand. You can tell I'm upset huh.)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
De·spond·ent(adjective) /dəˈspändənt/: in low spirits from loss of hope of courage.
The next day, Sebastian walked into the children's area to find- Suprise, both boys out of hiding.
Instead of lounging on the couch like yesterday, Ciel was sitting in the corner occupied with playing a game of chess with that blonde boy, Alois.
Alois however, looked like he would rather be anywhere else. He was half-sitting in the chair opposite of Ciel, half-laying on the table between them. Paying no to mind to the chessboard in the way.
"Cieeeeelllllll" Groaned Alois. "Can we just do something else? Anything else? You always win and we've already played like, 500 games. Let's I don't know, go outside or something?"
"We've barely played 2 games before you started complaining. And you can't beat me because you're not even trying. Also, we can't go outside because classes start in an hour." Ciel sighed resting his chin on his hand. Alois frowned.
Sebastian drew a bit closer to the pair when Alois suddenly turned his attention away from Ciel and to Sebastian. "Your the new guy right?" Alois mumbled just loud enough for Sebastian to hear. "Sebastian Michalis." He responded, "You must be Alois? Pleasure." He added with an obviously fake smile. "Right..." Alois glanced away, paying no mind to him in the first place.
Alois rose from his seat. His face brighter and smiling sickeningly sweetly at him.
"Oh! New guy! Sebastian right? How would you like to play chess with Ciel, hm? Isn't it just a fine idea? You would love to wouldn't you!" Alois said as he grabbed Sebastian by the arm, sitting him down at the chair he once occupied. "You're the only one who hasn't, so now it's your turn. It's almost like a tradition. Right joker?"
"Wah? a-ah yah, everyone has lost to 'em including students and staff..."
"And! If you win against him, he'll give you a prize! No one has ever won though..." Alois interrupted, moving around the table to sit on the arm of Ciel's chair.
"Care to play a game?" Ciel said looking at him, a small frown still attached to his porcelain face. "I'll try my hand." Sebastian responded.
Interestingly enough the boy was gracious enough to participate in small talk. "Sebastian isn't it?" "That is I." "Sebastian was the name of my dog." The small boy moved his knight.
"Is that so?" Sebastian's forced smile twitched. "It was a big black one- he was quite annoying." The conversation paused. The silence surrounding the table was defending, even with the ongoing chaos surrounding them. Strangely enough, even the eccentric Alois was quiet, only a mirroring frown adorning his small face.
The silence continued for a few more moves. Sebastian moved his king. "Wrong move." Alois's frown deepened. "You were doing so well too. Thought I was finally gonna see what that prize was. How utterly boring." Sebastian realized the blonde boy wasn't just talking about the game with that final line.
"Checkmate." Ciel announced. And with that their short game was completed.
"Everyone should start getting ready!" Agni informed the room. School for them was getting ready to start in the main building in about 20 minutes.
Ciel left his seat, Alois following close behind. Not sparing even a glance at the man behind him.
The week went by in a flash, and not once had Sebastian beaten that boy. His days looked like this.
Get up, go to the children's area- and enter just in time to hear Alois complaining loudly about whatever game he and Ciel were playing, Get roped into playing one game, lose, then rush everyone out to the main building for lessons.
They never played more than one game. And that brat always had something snarky to say.
The first time they played together he had said "My dog's name was Sebastian." A statement. However, in the following days, it seemed the little boy was merely there to leech at him. And whilst the insults were akin to little bug bites, barely puncturing his skin...Bug bites are exceedingly annoying.
"He looked like you too." Are you saying I look like a dog to you!?
"He was so annoying, always barking and trying to bite me." What are you even trying to refer to!?
And while one could mistake this absent-minded mumbling for a boy reminiscing about his childhood dog. The barks of laughter coming from the boys' side- Alois. Assured him otherwise.
"I didn't know you had a funny-bone in your body Ciel-y!" He would say in between his never-ending stream of giggles.
And while this wasn't the worst week Sebastian had experienced thus far, he couldn't get over the nagging suspicion that he was forgetting- or missing something.
(A/N: Lucky I had a snow day and finished nearly on time! Regular 2-week interval updates are back! Also happy holidays!!!!)
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