#sorry it freaked u out that was not the intention
finnwrld · 2 years
If you don't want that people unfollow you. You might fix it. Because I thought you were a strange porn blog, without an age or pfp/header, and nearly blocked you.
ill do tmrw prob i just dont feel like doing it now, if it stresses people out they can unfollow or block if they want ig
also i would never put my age on my tumblr
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hemaris · 2 years
a guy i've never seen before in my life tried to get into my apartment at 2am last night and i'm unironically so normal about it
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niceandbluept2 · 2 years
no one besides me understands the acclaimed horror vampire series for 9 year olds cirque du freak the saga of darren shan by darren shan like i do . u all want to fuck mr crepsley but he is canonically ugly. u dont get it like i do like yes its funny vampire series but also its deeply devastating on so many levels and only i understand for why
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virgincels · 28 days
u/bwckennedy77 ・ 15h
AITA for having sexual relations with a girl that looks like my daughter?
(tags - daddy daughter incest, facial, oral sex, some coercion, bad writing bc i’m tired and can’t execute the idea properly, be nice and don’t look at any mistakes!! leon small dick ik but he’s big for my sake here.)
Hi Reddit! New to this thing, first post got taken down, I can’t imagine why. Now, to cut to the chase, my wife left me this year a little after our daughter (20) moved out. Our marriage (M47, F46) had been strained for a couple years prior so I understand why she ended things. I’m stretched thin with an intensive job that requires me to be away for days and weeks at a time. I thought she would get it considering it is related to the military/government, but I guess all those missed birthdays really got to her! I have no qualms with this and totally understand her reasoning haha.
I don’t get the time to go on dates because of work like I said before and I really don’t have the energy to go on them anyway. I have a bit of a drinking problem if I’m completely honest which is where my actual story starts I guess.
I was at a bar and I don’t usually attempt to pick up girls but sometimes they come onto me I don’t think I have the worst face in the world, some call it easy on the eyes. Long story short this girl comes up to me she’s pretty young, I don’t usually go for younger girls. I mean I don’t go for any girls at all because I was married up until recently obviously haha, but I’m not one to say no so I took her back to my place.
Chick got super freaked out and started getting her things when I bent her over in the bedroom. Thought it was just reality hitting her or some shit. She was calling me a creep and she left as my daughter let herself in, she’s back in town and only just arrived at that moment.
They looked at each other and it hit me. They looked the same. That chick saw the photo I have of my daughter on the cabinet and flipped. The chick leaves and my daughter gets super mad at me starts calling me names and she went up to her room and she won’t speak to me now. Didn’t think that it was that big of a deal you know? Don’t really know what I did wrong since it wasn’t intentional or anything but with the way she’s acting I just feel like a dick so AITA?
⇧ 52478 | ⇩ 💬 27821
Killer_RedQueen79 ・ 14h・ Supreme Court Just-Ass [124]
I hope to fucking god this is not you Leon.
bwckennedy77 OP・ 11h
I don’t know any Leon’s sorry
DuckieUnderWater ・ 13h ・ Partassipant [2]
Dude why the whole fucking life story. Title alone was enough for me to know that YTA and a fucking creep.
bwckennedy77 OP ・ 2h
I think you’re all taking this out of context! I didn’t want her because she looks like my daughter, I’m just easy!
NeonGenesis738 ・ 12h ・Asshole Enthusiast [6]
first post got taken down, I can’t imagine why
I could name a few fucking reasons why you sick fuck. YTA. She should call the cops and go non contact.
bwckennedy77 OP ・ 5h
I am a super cop buddy! Very high rank!!!
NeonGenesis738 ・ 2h ・Asshole Enthusiast [6]
Of course you fucking are
Leon scoffs, reading glasses slipping down the slant of his nose as he squints at his screen. He is not the fucking asshole here. No one is. You’re just a bit of a drama queen. Just like your ma, but you haven’t quite reached the levels of hysteria that Leon has managed in his day to day life.
Man, there’s never a clean slate. Just more and more shit piled on top of shit and more shit—Enough to break the ozone layer or whatever it is that’s going on in this little world. The other problems that he can’t save it from.
It has been two meandering days since you’ve talked to him, you move like a ghoul in the night to avoid a one on one Family Meeting that Leon has been itching to suggest. Reddit, as Claire suggested - not for this occasion, but for when he generally needs a variety of opinions - is unhelpful. Reddit is a crowd that wields its pitchforks at anything that passes by.
Like, seriously, it’s not like Leon picked her out of the crowd, he didn’t sit there waiting for her to show up—Well, he did let down the shortstack that approached him first, and the blonde with the hollow face, and the dude who bought him a drink. They just didn’t tickle his fancy and that’s alright. Can’t help having a type, and to clarify that type is not his daughter.
Divorce is tough, alright? Leon’s always looking for a friendly face, hers probably came with all those memories of you attached and he subconsciously picked her out. Fuckin’ made him release endorphins or some shit. And she was cute. Because you’re cute. Not in a weird way, just subjectively, you’re a cute girl with a nice body you can owe to him. Christ, it all sounds so wrong when he puts it into perspective, but that was never his intention.
He fucked his wife whenever he could get it up, he fucked her for a long fucking time for a number of years. Leon wouldn’t fuck a woman he finds ugly, he found her pretty hot, actually, and it just so happens that you look like your ma. So, you’re a good-looking kid—Not in a weird way. Never in a weird way.
That’s how it works, isn’t it? Kids look like their parents and parents can admire that and it doesn’t mean they want to fuck them.
But that girl was—She was hot, god damn it. He had her tits in his hands, squeezing them so tight she squealed, pushing them up and down, slapping them left and right, fat spilling past the gaps in his fingers. And so what if Leon thought that they looked like yours.
Maybe he thought about that time at the beach, when your string bikini did exactly what good string bikinis do - come undone.
(He had lowered his sunglasses and looked right at you.)
Maybe about that time you needed a towel and Leon took a peek at your body through the steamed glass when he tossed one over the shower door.
(“My eyes are closed, sweetheart!” He had promised while staring at you very open-eyed.)
Or when he sent you off to bed with a smack on the ass ‘cause he just wasn’t thinking too hard, Leon hardly ever thinks at all. He played it off as sportsmanship or whatever. Game got him amped up.
(You look like your mom from behind, he couldn’t help himself, it was an impulse—It was only natural.)
Leon has the bright idea to pass the time by watching porn, because honestly he’s been pent up since it happened. First time his dick kicked in weeks and she walked out on him all ‘cause she looked a little like his daughter. Weak. Freud never mentioned anything about this—Not that Leon knows much about that guy, nothing at all actually, but from what he’s heard, no dads crushing on daughters have ever been mentioned. Or maybe he's got reading to do.
Porn is usually a quick and easy fix. It is for everybody. Not Leon though, he’s gotta search hard for shit he likes, it’s not on the front page and it takes him forever to find one that’s suitable. Some of ‘em have too much dick, some of the positions just look painful, some of these clits aren’t being touched, and some of these girls are just plain ugly.
Then he finds one, she’s real cute, that’s all. Nothing is familiar about her eyes and nose and lips and body and hair. Not the way she smiles over her shoulder at him. Nothing at all.
He falls asleep with the tab open and a hand down his pants.
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To avoid detection, you creep around the house when it’s lights out. Dad wakes up easily, military training and whatnot. So you’ve gotten used to this, sneaking leftovers from the fridge past midnight, watching the TV on silent, squinting to read the subtitles.
He didn’t mean it. You think. You hope. Leon is so… So harmless. Your dad is sweet and a little stupid, he’s kind and clueless and all of the things most dads are. He buys you an abundance of apples when you tell him you like apples, he throws out the oranges when you tell him you don’t like them ‘cause they make your hands smell funny. He stands on the porch watching the clouds, he sleeps alone in his king sized bed and hugs his pillow tight. He keeps his wedding ring on his bedside cabinet next to a picture of you
But that was weird. Seriously, you thought he put a mirror in the hall for a minute. Or that you were in some strange dreamscape. Or in a coma. Or all of the above.
You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he just brushed you off like it meant nothing. Like that girl wasn’t your long lost twin, a sister he and your mom put up for adoption twenty years ago. So, yeah, you got a little pissy at him. ‘Cause it’s nothing to act nonchalant about.
Okay, and what if this is a little bit of a projection.
You got mad at him, real mad, ‘cause maybe you were a little jealous and maybe you like knowing that your dad is single and not fucking—Maybe you think about that time you went to the sauna together, all that sweat, beading along the firm lines of his abdomen, dripping down and down and down and melting into the fabric of his white towel. Maybe you wanted to see what was under there. Maybe you mix up the laundry on purpose, make it so he can’t find a nice shirt to wear and he gives up and does without one all together.
Maybe you do all those things. Maybe you don’t want to be a bad person, and the guilt outweighs your desires.
Or maybe you are just a very regular girl behaving in very regular ways to the sight of your dad fucking your lookalike. Maybe it’s that. God, please be that.
You wander into his room with a very dire problem. There’s a spider in the shower, and maybe you're ready for that Family Meeting now.
He’s sleeping, the blue light of his laptop casts a glow on his face, head tipped back, lips parted as he snores loudly. You almost don’t catch it. Then, when you go to shake him awake gently, you take a good look at his screen and find the weight of the world is not enough to support the wave of anger that rips through you, a tsunami tearing a nation in half.
No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way!
He’s watching porn, whatever, he can do that. Your dad is a grown man, and while you don’t exactly want to know about his tastes, you sorta had him figured out. The kind of man who watches corny studio porn with unwet pussy and dicks so big they shouldn’t be allowed within 10 feet of a vagina.
The girl on the screen—She looks like you. Albeit a little plastic in the way most professional pornstars are. Too-firm tits, filler migrating into the space above her lips, it hurts for her to smile and—Well, none of this fucking matters because she looks like you and your dad is watching her take two dicks in one hole.
And wow. She’s taking them well. Really… Really well. This isn’t so bad, you salute his taste a little more—Oh, wow, that guy is kind of… You recognise him, something about his face is familiar.
You press rewind.
It starts cheesy and devolves into something cheesier. It starts dirty and it ends with a dick in her pussy and one in her mouth, they might end up meeting in the middle, kiss tips in her guts.
It’s the loud one—The one that says all the dirty shit and spits in her mouth and slaps her tits and knocks her around—He looks like dad.
Mainly from the side, the straight edge of his nose, the way his eyes crease when he smiles down at her all mean.
(You skip anytime he faces the camera head on.)
“You’re really enjoying that, huh?”
“Jesus Christ—“ You jolt and knock your head against the headboard. “Dad!”
“You scared me,” you say, elbowing him in the gut as he sits up, “I wasn’t—Why’re you watching this?”
“What? I can’t watch porn in my room now?” Leon pauses the video, he’s not upset, amused but not upset.
“No—I mean you can, do whatever you want, but why is it… She looks like…” You wave your hand at the screen like it’s a hologram and it’ll go if you wave it away. It’ll flicker if you stare at it long and hard enough.
“Like what, sweetheart?” He drapes his arm over your shoulders, pulls you into his chest as you stammer like a fucking idiot. “Go on, you’re a big girl.”
“Let go of me,” you tell him weakly, a shoddy attempt at sounding horrified. Like you should when you’re caught watching porn—Your dad’s porn nonetheless.
“No, that’s not what it is, baby, answer my question.” He holds you in place, hand running up and down your side, rubbing circles into the fat of your hip. “Who does she look like?”
“Like… Like no one.”
“No, I don’t think that’s right, c’mon, I’ll give you one more chance, baby.” Leon’s fingers are cool on your skin, slipping under the hem of your shirt and settling on your waist. “Who does she look like?”
You turn your head, but he catches your chin and forces you to stare at the screen, right into her face—Your face. “Like me…”
“See, baby?” He kisses your forehead like he has a million times before. “Knew you could do it, my good girl,” he says like he does after you ace your tests, when you learnt how to ride a bike, and now he’ll say it while you learn to work his dick. “And who does he look like?”
“…Like you, dad.”
“Well done, baby,” he coos, kissing your jaw, “you’re so smart, aren’t you, baby?”
“Stop it—“ Your body catches alight when his hands slide upwards, taking your tits into his hands and squeezing so tight they might pop. “Stop it, dad—I don’t…”
What if, and this is a big what if, what if you get pregnant and the punnett square is one-by-one—It’s a punnet rectangle at that point.
What if your mom finds out?
What if you like it?
That’s the worst part of it all - you will like it.
You’ve wanted this—You can’t even keep up the lie anymore. You’ve wanted him for so long you couldn’t hold back a smile at court, when they signed those papers and when mom moved out you kept smiling. Fuck. What is wrong with you?
“You liked that didn’t you?” Dad says in your ear, his breath is hot and he smells like soap and sweat. His stubble tickles your skin when he presses a wet kiss to your neck. “Bet it got your little pussy all wet.”
“No it didn’t.” You try to level yourself, taking a shuddering breath when his hand dips past your navel to toy with the bow that lines the middle of your waistband.
“Okay, prove it.”
“How am I meant to prove that, dad?” You click your tongue, lay the annoyance act on thick, but make no attempt to leave.
“You gotta show me, baby.” He flicks your forehead with his free hand, the other cups your mound. “Can feel you already.”
“Then I guess I don’t need to show you,” you breathe out, placing your trembling hand on the arm that’s wrapped around you while his fingers run up and down your clothed slit.
“Nah, think I need to know for sure.” Leon’s teeth nip at your ear lobe, tugging lightly as he pulls your panties taut to your cunt, a makeshift g-string, caught between your pussy lips. “So fat, baby, whatcha been feeding her?” Your dick. Your dick. God, please, feed it your dick. He pinches your cunt, pushing your lips together and your clit throbs so hard you think it might burst.
“Dad,” you gasp, back going ramrod straight as the fabric rubs up against your swollen clit. “Don’t say that—So weird, you’re so weird, actual fucking weirdo.”
“Look at you.” His shirt slips from your shoulder as you rut your hips up, his grip on the waistband tightens, bunches up even further, pushing against your clit so hard it might split in half. “Dirty little girl, why you doin’ that?” You feel dad’s smile on your neck.
“‘Cause…” You grab at his arm, pushing your face into his bicep to muffle an embarrassing whine and it’s so fucking big. Muscle cushioned by a layer of fat, when you dig your fingers into it, his skin dimples.
“‘Cause..?” Leon taps your clit, lets go of your panties to let your pussy breathe. “I’m waiting, baby.”
“Feels good, dad,” you whimper, hanging your head in shame, pressing your nose into the crease of his elbow as he slides your panties to the side.
“I know, baby, you can’t help yourself, can you?” Dad drags a finger along your slippery slit, pussy clicking wetly when he dips a finger inside your tight hole. “Think daddy spoiled you too much.”
“Not… Not true…” You stifle another noise into his bicep, suckling on his skin to taste it.
After this is all said and done, you might have to leave and never look back. You might have to emancipate yourself so you can marry him, take back your last name and pretend it was never yours to begin with.
Slowly, Leon rubs figure eights into your twitching clit, you grind into him, ears burning at the squelch of your drippy cunt—He isn’t even in your hole, he’s just playing with your clit and you’re making a mess, pussy all sloppy and noisy.
When you cum, it’s a gradual burn that washes over you like waves lapping at your ankles. Your toes curl and there’s a strangled noise in your throat as your pussy drips slick into the cupped palm of his hand.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Leon coos, “that’s what you needed, hm?”
You rock your hips into his hand as your high melts away, leaving half-guilt and half-regret and a wet pussy that’s perfect for fucking.
Dad lays you down, he still keeps mom’s perfume, he still sprays it on the bed sheets. It's the first thing you smell when your head hits the pillow with a soft thump. This is the bed you were made in, it’s the bed you slept in on sick days and nights when thunder was particularly loud. It’s the bed you slept in when dad was away and you and mom only had each for warmth.
What are you doing?
Well, you’re lifting your hips in the air so dad can take your panties off. Then you’re spreading your legs as far as they go so he gets a clear view of your pussy, glistening under the dimmed bulb, slick coating your puffy lips and drying on your inner thighs.
His sweats are lowered, cock springing up and smacking his abdomen, the tip drips and drizzles him in honey. Oh, god—It’s like big? You didn’t expect that, actually. You’d like to say you haven’t thought of it all, but you have and you do often.
“Think you can take it, baby?” Leon asks, tapping the fat head on your bud. Heart to heart, tip to clit. “Or does daddy need to eat your pussy?”
“I can take it, dad…” You nod, giving an earnest nod of your head and sizing up his cock, doing some mental mathematics as you try to calculate how many inches deep your pussy is and how big that fucking dick is. Although… You want his mouth on you—But that cock is more important right now.
“Atta girl.” He never pushes it in. You ache and shiver with each drag of his cock along your pussy, it bumps your clit and your whole body jolts.
For a moment, your mind and body disconnect, you’re watching a terribly taboo porn video and taking gross amounts of pleasure in it—Living out your fantasy through the bodies of others because it’s the closest you’ll ever get. But this is very much real and it is very much wrong.
When dad slides in, the fat head of his dick breaching your walls, the second he bottoms out, your pussy forces him back out as you cum for a second time, fucking gushing from the weight of his dick bumping into your cervix.
“Oh, baby, is it too much for you?” Sweetly, Leon presses a kiss between your tits as your chest heaves. “Is your pussy too little, daddy can try again another day, sweetheart.” He’s winding you up.
“Noo—Dad, please, ‘m want it so bad, please,” you beg incoherently, cunt dripping with your release.
“Okay, baby,” he abides, pressing the tip to your hole and pushing into you inch by inch. Being torn in half has never felt so good. “Only ‘cause I love you, my spoiled girl, huh?”
“Oh, fuck,” you sob, fat tears catching on your lower lashes as he stretches you out, “dad—daddy!”
“I know, baby, daddy’s right here,” Leon hums, he lowers his face to press into your tits, taking a peaked nipple into his mouth and popping off to suck on the other. Then he fucking motorboats you. Because of course he does.
You cry out, pushing at his head. “That’s so embarrassing, dad!” You manage to tell him through each of his mean thrusts, poking at your cervix like he’s trying to fuck your guts.
“‘S not, baby, dad just thinks your tits are real cute.” He pinches your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pulls until you squeal, smacking a fist against his chest.
Each drag of his dick inside of you is like—Gosh, you don’t know, it’s like heaven on earth or whatever the best feeling in this godforsaken place is. The smell of dew in the morning, a can of soda with a burger, the scent of cinnamon apple candles during Christmas time. It’s his dick rabbiting into your pussy with enough force to fuel a fucking rocket ship.
The schlick of your pussy goes unheard as his balls slap against your ass, and you dig your nails into his to push him deeper, it’s so fucking soft—Why is his ass so soft? 
“So little, baby.” Dad pouts down at you, one big hand on your tit and the other cups your cheek. “Daddy can’t even fit inside.”
You squeeze down on him, and your greedy cunt sucks his dick in to the best of your abilities, but there’s still an inch or two that you can’t possibly fit. The base of his cock is coated in a milky white ring, it drips down his balls and—God, you’re about to cum again. His thumb finds your clit, and thank god it does. You cum so hard you see stars and all of Saturn’s moons.
“Aw, baby, you needed that.” Dad continues to hump into your cunt, his furrowed brow and the puff of his breath on your face is almost too much for you to handle. “My baby, always mouthin’ off at me, you just needed some dick, didn’t you? Jus’ needed dad to play with this spoiled little cunt, hm?”
“Mhm…” You nod because what else are you meant to do? Say no? The man is right.
He pulls out and you whine, pussy gripping him so tight Leon groans as hm the head pops out with a lewd, wet sound. “C’mere, baby, come on.” He urges you to sit up, so you do, using your elbows to push up as you’re met face to face with his fat cock.
Leon smears the tip on your lips, and you swear to god you’d finish off a cute lip combo with his pre. You take the head into your mouth and suck on it, it’s velvety under your tongue, you wrap a hand around his shaft to make up for what you can’t suck. It’s uncut on the fat, skin folding and creasing each time you pump him, peeking out from underneath the hood so you can tongue his slit. He tastes like your pussy and something muskier.
He groans all deep and nice and smooth, low in his throat, makes your pussy tingle. You jerk his wet cock off, mouthing along the base of his cock until you suck on his sac, slurping and smacking like you oughta do for a dick like this. His balls plap, plap, plap against your hand and they tighten before he cums, thick sticky seed spilling from the tip like the slow trickle of honey. It paints your face white, dribbling down your cheeks and chin to stain your tits.
“Put those cute glasses on next time, baby.” Leon kisses your mouth, licking into it and tasting his salty cum. “The ones you wear to class.”
Dazed, guilty and giddy all at once, you look up at him with a frown. “Why?”
“‘Cause I wanna cum on them, stupid.” He flicks your forehead again, sends you out of his room with a hard smack on the ass.
“Wait, dad!” You hold onto him before Leon makes you leave.
“Hm?” He strokes your head as you pout up at him, softening so easily. “What’s up, sweetheart?”
“There’s a spider in the shower, can you get rid of it?”
“No,” he scoffs, “get outta here, ‘s all you use me for.”
“Dad!” You whine, latching onto him, “daddy, please, it’s so big! Please, we can… We can do it together, um, shower together not—not kill the spider together.”
Leon grumbles the entire time, he squashes it with a tissue and flushes it down the toilet, but any qualms are washed away by the hot water and your plush tits pressing to his chest as you stand facing him.
You could get used to this. You shouldn’t, but you will.
u/bwckennedy77 ・ 1m
AITA for fucking my daughter?
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callme-holly · 3 months
hiii! can u write headcannons for the greasers when you are on your period?
𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 [𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝.]
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - So sorry for my inconsistency when it comes to requests - I'm not working in any particular order but I will get to them all eventually! Anyway hope y'all enjoy and as always asks are still open for requests
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 901 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - none
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Darry Curtis - 
Darry would be so caring towards you, oh my lord.
If you need something, you best believe he is going to get it for you, among many other things. 
If you’re suffering with bad cramps, he will gladly lay with you and hold you for as long as you need him to. 
If the boys are bugging you in any way, shape or form, he is telling them to lay off and keeping you as far away from them as possible. He knows how annoying they can be first hand and the last thing you need right now is them all up in your face. 
He will come home from work during his breaks just to check on you and make sure you have everything you need; heat pad, blankets, snacks, entertainment. 
Sodapop Curtis - 
Much like his brother, Soda is super caring and sweet. 
He will go out and buy you everything you could possibly need; chocolate, medicine, you name it, babe, he’s getting it for you. 
Will take hot baths and showers with you after work. 
This boy will cuddle with you all day if that was what you wanted, hell, he’d take the day off work just to spend time taking care of you. 
If you’ve got cramps, he feels super guilty. He hates seeing you in pain and hates knowing that he can’t help you even more. 
Strongly believes that kisses will “cure” you and will shower you with attention until you’re feeling slightly better. 
Ponyboy Curtis - 
Pony doesn’t know much about periods other than the fact that you can get pretty damn moody. 
He tries his hardest to understand what you’re going through, but eventually he freaks out and has to ask Darry for help. 
If you need him to get you something, he will go into the store with the full intention of buying only the items you requested only to panic and buy almost every single product he could find. 
If you’ve got bad cramps, he’ll do his best to make you feel better. He���ll do whatever you need him to do but, in the end, he’ll just lay down and read to you until you fall asleep. 
Johnny Cade - 
Johnny is the sweetest. 
He gets so concerned about you and hates seeing you in any sort of pain/discomfort. 
If you’re sad, he’s sad. 
You want him to get you something? Medicine, chocolate, blankets? No problem, sweetheart, just sit tight and he’ll get it in no time at all. 
If you’ve particularly irritable, he tends to stay out of the way for a little while. He doesn't wanna upset you and he also doesn’t wanna get yelled at by you. 
He’ll cuddle with you for ages. When I tell you he isn’t letting go until you do, I mean it. 
If you’ve got bad cramps, he’ll lay with you and rub your stomach until they pass. 
He’s also not opposed to running you a warm bath if that’s what helps you.
Dallas Winston - 
When I tell you this boy knows nothing about periods, I mean it. His knowledge is very limited; he knows you get pretty moody and that’s about it. 
He’ll try to stay out of your way the best he can because when you’re on your period you kind of scare him. 
Once you snapped at him for being a pain in the ass and he never tried to bug you again. Instead, he went to find the gang and was like “damn, women can be scary sometimes, man.” 
He definitely showers with you but for all the wrong reasons. 
If your cramps are particularly bad he’ll get you blankets and will sit with you until they pass.
Either that or he’ll panic and call Darry. He does not know how to deal with this shit. 
Is definitely the type of person to say “can’t you just hold it?” 
Steve Randle - 
He’ll either take you to work with him or take the day off so that you’re not alone. 
He’ll let you sit in his lap whilst he rubs your back and presses soft kisses to your lips and forehead.
He’s actually so sweet to you. 
Will gladly feed you chocolate cake (he might steal a few bites too). 
Much like Soda, he has no problem taking hot showers with you if that’s what helps you to relax.
He will bring back whatever you want from the DX, just ask him and he’ll get it for you. 
If your cramps are particularly bad, he’ll just hold you until they pass. His comforting skills aren’t the greatest but he tries his best and we love him for it <333
Two-Bit Mathews - 
He tries to stay out of your way if you’re particularly irritable. He learnt the hard way not to bug you when you’re on your period and he vowed never to tease you again. 
He’ll cuddle up with you on the couch and you two will just watch TV together. 
Much like Steve, he has no problem feeding you chocolate cake, although he might end up eating the vast majority of it. 
Will pepper your face with kisses, claiming that it’s the only cure to your discomfort. 
If your cramps are bad, he’ll get you a heat pack and will do anything in his will to make you feel better. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous your requests may be, he will do it for you. 
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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faetima · 1 month
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𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞. .
. . one day you receive an odd text from an unknown number. you try blocking the number, but it doesn’t work.
oh well, it’s probably just someone pranking you.
// tws ; lil bit of cursing, stalking ; gn reader ; modern au, yandere au
a/n: sorry for the weird formatting!! tumblr wouldn't let me format it correctly :(
also sorry for the random bigger text, it keeps changing random letters and numbers to be bigger for some reason??
aconties — symbolize hatred and that you should be cautious.
aconite - veil
always forever - cults
jealous girl - lana del rey
suki suki daisuki - jun togawa
yes or yes - twice
saccharine - jazmin bean
stalker’s tango - autoheart
an unhealthy obsession - tbrso
candy coated suicide - night club
i wanna be your boyfriend - hot freaks
i’m a slave 4 u - jazmin bean
the red means i love you - madds buckley
body - mother mother
red lights - bang chan, hyunjin
playlist <3
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
18:12 december 12th, 2024
unknown number
hello, my aconite. :)
who is this?
unknown number
oh, dont worry about that.
youll know very soon, my beloved aconite. <3
read 18:20
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was unsuccessful ! please try again later .
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
13:27 december 13th, 2024
unknown number
hello, my aconite!
how was your day today?
sent 13:27
unknown number
sent 16:43
unknown number
please reply. i know youre online, aconite.
please stop
who is this??
unknown number
i told you before !
haha, my aconite is so silly. never remembers anything.
like your math homework yesterday, hm? completely forgot to do it!
so cute.<3
read 17:38
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was unsuccessful ! please try again later .
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
12:12 december 14th, 2024
unknown number
who is that boy?
unknown number
the one sitting across from you.
he keeps looking at you.
he keeps touching you. its pissing me off.
who is he?
he’s my friend
unknown number
well see how long that lasts. :)
read 12:48
you looked up from your phone, glancing towards bennett, and then around the small cafeteria which was packed with people, a shiver running down your spine.
whoever was texting you was here, and they were watching you.
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
12:58 december 17th, 2024
unknown number
my beloved aconite, arent you supposed to be in class rigjt now?
right ***
ignore that.
and, most importantly, arent you supposed to be paying attention?
come on darling, on your phone in the one class i so happen to be in?
you can do this in chemistry or something. dont do it just when i so happen to be near you. i know for a fact you dont do this in any other class.
anyways, see you later ❤️❤️
read 13:02
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you have started a chat !
09:27 december 18th, 2024
Huh? Wht happened? R u ok?
Huh?? Wdym?
Just block him
Well I dont think u can do anything abt it besides that
Bc u dont hv any proof that he has any malicious intent
So uhm maybe just ignore him
Maybe hes just trolling u
read 10:01
you let out a sigh, putting your phone face down and burying your face in your arms.
what could you even do at this point? you didn’t have any proof they had any bad intent, and you couldn’t block them.
this whole situation was starting to freak you out. it didn’t help that you were pretty emotional and easily scared.
maybe you should look on the positive side. hey, someone finally has a crush on you!
you swallowed hard, breathing rapidly, heart racing. you buried your face deeper in your arms, scared of what was to come from this whole situation.
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you exhaled shakily, a small fog appearing from it. you were shivering, the outside cold pinpricking your skin like tiny needles.
choosing fashion over warmth probably hadn’t been a good idea, but who cared? you liked dressing up. it was worth sacrificing your comfort for something you enjoyed! plus you would’ve been cold either way. it would be heated enough in the classroom anyway.
at least you hoped it would be.
you walked at moderately fast pace to your school, putting in your earbuds. you scrolled down your playlist on spotify, finally finding the song you had been craving to listen to. you clicked the play button on it, refraining from humming along to it.
you found yourself repeatedly glancing behind yourself, even though each time you looked no one was there. every time there was even the slightest of rustling able to penetrate through the sound of the music you were listening to, you’d jump, paranoid.
ever since you had received the first message, you had been on edge, and for good reason. this whole situation was extremely different from what you experienced in your day to day life.
before this, you hadn’t even known of anyone liking you romantically. it wasn’t that everyone hated you or something, you were just pretty shy, which led others to socialize with and notice you less.
a lot less.
it was a bit disappointing, but at least you had a few friends.
you had been lost in your train of thought too long. as you walked forward mindlessly, you hadn’t noticed a figure also walking in front of you.
you crashed into the person and staggered a little before regaining your balance.
luckily the person didn’t fall or anything, but instead stood rigid like a stone wall.
you gasped out a few apologizes, repeatedly saying “sorry”.
but you immediately shut up when the person turned around and when electric purple eyes met your own.
you swallowed hard, freezing as the person scowled at you.
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“watch where you’re going,” the person muttered, still scowling at you. her loosely braided hair—a shade of bright purple, similar to that of an aconite, with some lighter purple highlights within it—fell down the front of her shoulder, and she pushed it back. the motion itself was filled with pure elegance and grace.
”i- uhm, sorry,” you mumbled, your neck getting hotter as you lowered your head a little in shame.
the girl rolled her eyes.
even that was full of daintiness and fluidity.
she sighed the slightest bit, seeming to soften a little.
”it’s fine, i guess. just watch where you’re going in the future.”
she mumbled those words quickly before turning and walking away briskly, pulling out her phone and rapidly texting someone whilst walking.
the sharp clicking of her heels was the only thing heard in the crisp and cold morning air.
suddenly, your phone buzzed. you took it out, hands trembling the tiniest bit.
‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
07:54 december 19th, 2024
unknown number
where are you?
youre in class by this time.
read 07:54
unknown number
answer me.
read 08:01
unknown number
stop fucking leaving me on read.
read 08:04
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was successful !
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22:39 december 20th, 2024
unknown number
youre going to regret this so, so much my pretty aconite.
im going to pick all your petals off.
one. <3
your message was not able to be sent ! you may have been blocked by the recipient . if not, please try again later . if the problem persists, please contact customer support .
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a few days had passed since you had blocked the number.
now you sat in class, chin placed in the palm of your arm. you felt eerily drowsy, but knew it was just because of how bored you were. the teacher droned on and on about some sort of math formula. you didn’t bother listening, knowing it would only make your head hurt if you tried to understand what was going on.
you were snapped out of your sleepy daze when the teacher said something about a “group project”. she said there would be groups of three or four, and that groups would be predetermined, but you could request to be put in a group with someone else.
the person sitting in front of you passed you the slip to request to be put into a group with someone.
you passed it to the person behind you after realizing what the slip was for.
you just had to be assigned a group project in the class you had no friends in. it could’ve been in literally any other class, but no, instead it was in the class where you barley knew anyone.
you didn’t put anyone on the slip because you barley knew anyone in the class, and the people you knew probably were already going to put someone else on the paper.
you put your head down in your arms, closing your eyes, listening to the erratic chatter around you.
what you didn’t notice was that, on the slip, someone had already put your name down alongside theirs.
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you sighed softly, finally done with school for the day. you opened the door to your house, and were hit by the strong and unmistakable aroma of your favorite meal. 
you stepped into your house, closing the door quietly and setting your backpack down. you greeted your mom, who greeted you back. she stood in the kitchen, cooking your favorite meal.
”can you go to the store for me? i need salt for this, but we ran out,” your mom stated, gesturing towards what she was cooking.
you nodded silently, turning to leave. you opened the door, closed it, and started walking to the store.
upon entering, you couldn’t help but notice how empty it was. usually there were at least a few other people, but right now you could only spot around four.
you walked around the store but, even after ten minutes of sauntering around, couldn’t find the salt for some reason. maybe you were going blind or something.
you decided to ask an employee, timidly walking up to one and tapping him on the shoulder.
he turned around, bright purple eyes meeting your own. a scowl, which didn’t quite seem to fit him, adorned his pretty face. his hair was a dull shade of purple, and light wispy bangs fell on his forehead. his skin was extremely clear and pale like porcelain, and looked as if it could shatter any second. the resemblance to a doll he bore was uncanny.
”what?” he snapped, glaring at you through his bangs.
”uhm, sorry to bother you, but, uh, do you.. do you know where the salt is?” you asked, fidgeting a little with your fingers.
he let out a long, deep sigh.
”yes. follow me,” he muttered, already walking towards the isle.
you followed in suit.
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tentatively, you looked up from your hands to see who was in your group.
the first person you laid your eyes upon was a girl with light blue hair tied into an elegant and sleek ponytail with a black ribbon with golden streaks. she had a small beauty mark under one of her eyes, which were a pale shade of blue, matching her hair.
sitting beside her was a guy who was a bit taller than her. he had green eyes and messy honey-yellow hair that was tied into a ponytail with a scarlet red ribbon.
you moved your gaze to the last person.
he seemed oddly familiar, like you had seen him somewhere before. you couldn’t quite remember where though, maybe at park or store?
he had feathery bangs which fell down his forehead in a almost perfect matter. his hair itself seemed to be styled in a jellyfish cut of sorts, and was a dim shade of lavender. his eyes matched the color of his hair, and were narrowed to form a scowl on his pretty face. his skin was eerily pale, almost like porcelain.
the boy who you were just looking at let out what seemed to be an annoyed sigh, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at something.
the blonde boy spoke up first.
”so, uhm.. hi. i’m thoma.”
following in suit, you all said your names after him.
thoma spoke again.
”do you guys have a phone number or something we can use to contact each other with for the project? i already have ayaka’s, so i just need you boths’.” 
scaramouche shook his head.
”i don’t have access to my phone right now,” he muttered, still scowling
”we, uhm, we can use instagram or something to message each other?” you said, the slightest hint of nervousness lacing your voice.
”sure,” ayaka said.
scaramouche and thoma nodded in agreement.
you all wrote down your usernames on a piece of paper.
once you got home, you took out your phone, typing all their usernames into the search bar and following them one by one. after doing so, you added them all to a group chat.
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you have started a chat !
18:12 december 27th, 2024
hi. ig.
shut the fuck up.
pls stop
sorry. ig.
okay anyway
there’s two parts on the project
i was thinking we could split up into teams of two and then each do one part or smth?
idk man 😭😭
That sounds good.
i call dibs on working with ayaka 😛😛
1 user disliked
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you stood in front of his house’s door, rocking back onto your heels and then up onto your toes, nervous. you clutched the bag you were holding—of which was filled with notebooks and various school supplies.
you were anxious, waiting for scaramouche to answer the door. it had only been a minute, but to you it felt like ten.
you couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. you didn’t know why or how or when or where, just that you had a bad gut feeling.
but you shook it off, knowing you had to work on the project.
all of the sudden the door opened, slamming against the wall in a violent manner, making you flinch a little, torn out of your thoughts.
you glanced at the doorway, laying your eyes on the indigo-haired boy.
”uhm, hi,” you mumbled, swallowing nervously.
”hi,” he replied, voice and face blank; devoid of any emotion, “uh, d’you wanna come in?”
you uttered a small okay, walking inside after he shuffled a little to the side.
“we can work in the living room, i guess.”
you nodded silently, following scaramouche as he walked to the living room.
upon arriving, you placed your bag—which you had been clutching so hard your knuckles had turned white—down. you both sat down on the ground, and, after taking your things out, started working on the project.
scaramouche was sitting slightly behind you, doing his part of the project. once every few minutes, he would lean his head over your shoulder—face almost touching it—in order to see what progress you had made.
your heart beat much, much faster every time he did it, face getting hot.
and of course that didn’t go unnoticed by scaramouche.
around an hour after working on the project, you asked scaramouche where the bathroom was.
”straight, then go left,” he said. he didn’t even glance up at you as he told you where to go, just continued writing on the notebook splayed out in front of him.
you got up, walking out of the living room and straight like he said.
only problem was you didn’t quite remember if he had said to go right or left after going straight.
you decided to go right, and came across a door. assuming it was the bathroom, you opened it.
you really wished you hadn’t after you saw what was inside.
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after you had opened the door and seen what was inside, you really wished you hadn't.
inside there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of photographs. they were plastered all over the walls, overlapping each other. they covered the ground, the walls, the ceiling, everything. the only things in the room besides that were a bed, a desk, and a computer monitor, which was lit up.
the bright screen blared at you, enticing you to come look.
the monitor displayed pictures of a house, probably running from security cameras or the like.
but it wasn't just any house, no.
it was your house.
your room.
your kitchen.
your living room.
your fucking house.
a wave of dizziness and nausea hit you. you felt sick to your stomach, leaning on the doorway for support.
then you heard something clattering behind you, falling to the floor.
you looked behind you, eyes wide.
scaramouche was standing there, frozen. he had dropped his phone to the ground, which had a photo of you working on the project opened on it.
”why the fuck are you in my room?” he burst out, almost yelling at you.
his room?
you became even more still than you were before, if that was even physically possible.
”y-you- your room?” you uttered, voice audibly shaking.
scaramouche just glared at you, hands fisted up.
then he took a step toward you.
you, in turn, stepped backwards.
the slightest rusting of paper was heard—presumably some of the photographs getting crushed underneath your feet.
he walked closer.
you backed away.
it was a vicious cycle which eventually ended when you bumped into a wall. some photographs fell down to the floor from the motion.
scaramouche cornered you in, staring at you with an unknown glint in his eyes.
it was a combination of everything you had made him fucking feel—obsession, anger, lovesickness, loathing.
he leaned in towards you, mouth almost touching your ear from how close he was. his hot breath fanned across your neck.
”well, since you’ve already seen everything, there’s no point in letting you leave now, hm? not when you’re right where i want you, my beloved aconite,” he whispered, pulling away. scaramouche grinned.
he stared at you with a mixture of emotions in his eyes, but the most prominent was limerence.
 “you’re finally all mine. my aconite.”
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g1rlken · 2 months
hi dolly! 💕i just discovered ur blog n i love ur writing sooo much! 🙈💞 can u pls do 2 or 16 for nate!! 💗💗
you’re so freaking nice woah I love u sm 😠🫶🏼
Prompt: 2. Sunshine x grumpy + 16. Help get out of a toxic relationship
Nate Jacobs x fem!reader
2.7k words
Just the ninth if not the tenth party of the month. Another house party, on a school night, way past her usual bedtime and really overwhelming that it just won’t near its end. Y/n couldn’t bare it sometimes but she had to attended because her boyfriend Ryan did. It was fun though, driving him home as he’d be piss drunk and the party itself had the most obnoxious teenage charm. In order to block out on the godawful bass and flickering lights y/n guided herself into the kitchen when Ryan most probably didn’t even notice.
“Oh what have we here!” Nate exclaimed as he followed in some time after, she jumped down from the kitchen counter where she previously sat with an awkward smile. She’d known of Nate and him partially. They were supposed friends ever since that one term last year where she had to tutor him. Though they didn’t really reconnect after that once she started seeing Ryan. It was somewhat majorly due to him that y/n didn’t see a lot of her friends who seemed potential threats to him.
“Hi” she greeted him awkwardly looking out the door to see if Ryan was coming, she was scared he’d cause a scene if he saw her with Nate. Even if it was just a conversation, two of them at a reasonable distance with a probable small talk following. Ryan wouldn’t have it, he’d loose his shit over her even breathing in the direction of some other guy.
Nate could tell that she was a bit frantic over something and he was fast to connect it was a ‘someone’ rather. “What are you doing here all alone?” He asked pouring himself a glass of water.
“Nothing really just uh-“ she tried thinking of proper words to say. But the soft dread of Ryan walking in any minute made her mind preoccupied.
Nate interrupted her pause, “Beer pong’s too boring for you? Already calculated the probability of winning?” He joked, when she had helped him with math and there were similar questions as such counting probably of winning a coin toss. So it was a small jab from something between them.
A small laugh seemed to escape her genuinely as he correlated their previous connection through maths, “I didn’t think about that wow…” she trailed off, “one throw amongst ten glasses”
“One in ten probability of winning.” He answered his instant calculation.
“I don’t know the glasses are set up like a triangle and they’re not all equally probable to get in, maybe we take like one row at a time and then apply bayes theorem for each-“ she was going off about the self curated math problem between the two of them as he listened intently but looked absolutely clueless so she stopped herself “oh wait I’m rambling aren’t I? Sorry” she cringed to herself letting out a soft chuckle.
“It’s alright sweetheart” he added with a shrug, “I like hearing you talk.”
“Surely because math is so fun isn’t it?” She said sarcastically rolling her eyes at him.
“It’s not. But when you talk like that, it’s fun to watch.” Nate replied just mildly, contrary to his chance making intentions out of this conversation. Even apart from that he did mean that, he’d missed it, her.
“Like what?”
“That…” he pointed to her face vaguely, unable to describe how her eyes lit up and a cheery tone followed her voice whenever she talked about something she liked without being made felt like it was a chore to the listener “You get all smiley...happy. When you talk about something you love”
“Well I don’t necessarily love math.” She told him, it was true. Despite of being good at something, having a passion for it was unilateral to it.
“I guess you love being heard then.” It might just have been a note as Nate mentioned it so casually but as she thought about it, she couldn’t help but wander back to Ryan and how he never listened.
No. That couldn’t be, everyone’s a different lover perhaps “Yeah…” she trailed off with a small smile as her expression fell. Comprehending those moments where talking to Ryan about something in her life would just feel like talking to a wall.
“What’s wrong?” Nate asked catching on her fallen expression.
“What?” She asked confused, nonchalant because surely he wouldn’t fix anything “Nothing…”
“It doesn’t seem like nothing, what’s wrong?”
“What?” She frowned but couldn’t help laugh when she saw his ever so concerned face like her smile falling was that big of a deal. “Nothing’s wrong!” As a joke, she splashed some of the tap water on his flickering it on him through her fingers. She laughed as he took the attack of tiny droplets.
“You did not just-“ if it were some one else he would’ve most probably said the worst cusses in the book but with her he just let out a small huff.
“Did what?” She attempted to sprinkle his face once again but this time he got a hold of her wrists with one of his hands, she couldn’t contain her laughter. It was infectious to him as well, this light hearted moment was flooded all over like a forest fire with an irking voice.
“What the fuck’s going on here?” Ryan seethed, y/n immediately pulled her hands away from Nate’s as that boy strided in.
“W-we uh were just talking” y/n spoke frantically, it was disheartening to Nate to see her all panicky and frantic again, when she was just laughing and at peace a few moments ago.
“That’s what you’ve come up with?” Ryan questioned as he aggressively walked towards her “Why do you always have to slut your way about, everywhere I take you huh?”
“I wasn’t doing anything I swear-we were just talking, I used to tutor him math and we were just reconnecting over it I-“ y/n jumped rapidly to explain herself before Nate could intervene for her.
“Over math huh?” Ryan scoffed “Someone dumb like you? You were talking about math?”
“Hey calm the fuck down alright” Nate interjected before y/n could. “She said we were just talking so we were just talking.” He added authority to her words but it just made things worse.
“This is our matter so can you fuck off?” Ryan barked at Nate, the two weren’t friends but just distant acquaintances. Ryan naturally couldn’t stand anyone trying to talk to her because it was all ‘flirting’ and Nate couldn’t naturally stand y/n because that boy made his sun rays embodied girl feel awful.
“No.” Nate said adamantly “How about you grow a pair and stop being a little bitch about everyone who looks in her direction? Do you not think yourself man enough to keep her or do you have to berate her to have her around?” Nate was poking at him purposely because he himself wanted a go at this guy but he didn’t want y/n to think Nate was the guy who’d throw first punch, even though he wanted to.
But that was it, Nate received the punch he was asking for but he barely flinched very overpowered with his own urge of showing Ryan his place they two were at each other’s throats. This was the exact scene y/n was worried about Ryan creating, she tried to soothe the fight pleading them both but it didn’t work.
“Get off of him!” She kept on trying as she held Ryan from his arm, trying to tug him away but it was distracting him so much from throwing his hands at Nate. Her constant nagging and tugging.
“Get the fuck off me!” Ryan roared at y/n pushing her off of him very aggressively, intently pushing her so hard she fell to the ground and that was when Nate no longer held his punches. He beat the boy bloody red. By now the others had gathered too to help escalate the situation but it was of no help, Nate was like an animal unleashed.
A week since that, y/n couldn’t even meet Nate’s eye. She ignored him in hallways, changing her direction, she sat far across him in class always hurrying out before he could talk. She wouldn’t reply to his messages, not even see them. He hadn’t seen her around with Ryan either in their designated spots around the school so that was a good sign but he just wanted to talk this out with her because he couldn’t understand the relentless feeling of having lost her. Even as a friend. He never regretted having beaten Ryan, he deserved it. Nate was so certain of it. But y/n. He hated thinking she saw him differently after that, his obnoxious rage to protect that he wanted to cherish. Did it repel her? He felt entitled to at least find that out, he’d leave her be to just glance from the sidelines and wait till she’ll finally look his way if that made her happy but he’d like to know.
Another house party after that one with a facade, Nate as he lounged with his friends overheard a group of girls behind him gossiping about how y/n and Ryan are back together. Eavesdropping as his blood boiled he found out that she’ll probably be around here since Ryan’s here. When he heard that he immediately rose to his feet setting down his beer without a care to respond to his mates who asked about his sudden leave, they kept asking where he was going before he was lost in the crowd. He could barely register anything at this point.
As he walked through the crowd in disbelief and anger he finally did find y/n, out in the garden with some other girls he simple pulled her by her arm to himself without a word or explanation to others he received a few woahs he didn’t care for.
Nate would’ve pulled her aside to talk to her if she was standing with Ryan if that boy weren’t to busy getting piss drunk. “Hey!” Y/n resisted trying to walk herself but he continued to drag her with a tight grip on his arm getting to a quieter place by the small space between the backward and out shed. “Nate what are you-“
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked her, brows furrowed.
“What? What are you talking about…” y/n trailed off as some embarrassment and regret creeped within her but she full well knew what he was talking about.
“How are you even seeing Ryan again? Are you out of your mind?!” He exclaimed. He had so much to demand about, Nate swallowed his pride with timid hurt whenever she ignored him. He could bare her dismissiveness but not her sadness.
“Look…” She breathed unable to meet his gaze, “it’s different-“
“It’s different is it? What is tell me, has he come up with more ways to make you feel shitty?”
Remaining silent as she looked to the ground like it was the most interesting thing ever she felt horrible. Even more horrible of the life she could be otherwise leading but the life she was afraid of leaving. Afraid of the change leaving ryan would bring, afraid of its consequence the emotional weight.
“And you’ve been ignoring me this entire time. Do you think I can’t see that?” Nate spoke and this time she looked up increasingly confused at how he could see through her that much “You don’t look at me, always hurry away even right now you can’t even meet my eyes what are you so afraid of?!”
“It’s just…it’s difficult to explain” y/n tried to reply mildly as she sighed on the verge of tears.
“As long as you can explain it to yourself right?” He scoffed, really agitated how she couldn’t see what he could. Nate was an intense lover too, ferocious one that. But he’d never make her feel this miserable if she was his. She wouldn’t even have to be his he just wanted Ryan to leach away from her because she’d be happier exactly like she was before that boy. Constantly governing her and disrespectful. Nate had a bad temper and he was difficult but he’d never be difficult enough to the extent of hurting her.
Now tears brimmed her eyes and he instantly held back from his words realising just how distressing it must be for her “Hey…hey” he urged her raising her chin with his fingers to make him look at him “I shouldn’t have said that I’m sorry…” he apologised but it didn’t stop the tears streaming down her face. “Y/n…it’s alright” he brought her to himself enlacing her into his arms and he rubbed her back letting her cry it out.
“I just don’t know what to do-he—he apologised and he said he’d change and this is the second time this has happened and I-i felt embarrassed to see you because you did so much and yet I went back to him…I keep on doing this, I just, I’m very lost on that account” she wept “He’s my first-first everything and I do really like him but he just makes me miserable and awful. Every second I’m with him I just feel horrible I don’t even want to be here at this party but I am…because of him.”
“Look at me” he said pulling away from the hug to face her but she still kept looking down so Nate cupped her face in his hands “Look” he urged “It’s okay…it’s difficult. You’re learning to love and you’re too attached to him right now. You will get out of it only if you get out of it. You have gotten over much difficult things and you have been okay. You’ll be okay this time around too.”
“How do you know that?” She asked as her voice broke but her tears composed.
“Because I love you.” Nate blurted and didn’t even regret it, almost felt free of letting out a feeling so intense in him whether or not she reciprocated “I love you. I love all of you and I’m not embarrassed to admit it but I want you whole. I want you happy, I promise you i will maintain it and I don’t want you to think of it now” he said wiping her tears “we’re going to go home. I’ll drop you home. You’re not answerable to anyone if you don’t want to be at a place you don’t want to be. You think about Ryan, break up, sort your head out yeah? You deserve better than him because love shouldn’t make you feel awful and miserable. it doesn’t necessarily have to be me or anyone, your own self needs you the most right now. Act right by you.”
Nate drove her home after that, she was truly glad. The car ride was full of a comfortable silence and the genuine serene smile which adorned her face when she told him good night after dropping her off was all worth it to Nate.
Following two days were a bit long as Nate didn’t hear from y/n in any way. She wasn’t even at school. The game day was on the weekend so people rarely came from class these days. Regardless on the game day when he had to play himself he searched for her in the crowd full of people but couldn’t find her. That’s what he told himself weighing light on the fact that she might not have showed up.
He played his well that game, where they won. But he still felt like he had lost somewhat. Since he didn’t have y/n, or a sign of her that could bring his heart some peace. It’s as if his wish was turned alive, he saw y/n come rushing towards the team where everyone was congratulating each other.
He dropped his helmet to the floor when she came running and picked her up in his arms, feeling won, feeling at home. Nate hugged her as if she wouldn’t exist if he let go and likewise. Y/n finally felt liberated, happy, like herself again. Following his word of advise.
Y/n had broken up with Ryan, with a lot of comprehension and conversations with her feelings y/n had reciprocated Nate’s. “I love you too” she replied to what she couldn’t that night at the party and he smiled so hugely kissing her as she was still lifted up into his arms. She kissed him back wrapping her arms around him and like he’d promised, she felt alright again.
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HEY!!!! Please let me know your thoughts I will think about it twice a week if you commented a smile face even. Anyways, THANK YOU for reading I love you and go drink water
+is my nate semi non toxic? Yes as a descendant of bob the builder family I fixed him
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geppettospuppet · 7 months
pino affection hcs<3
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a/n: two hc posts in a day bc i'm insane I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! ok hope u sillies enjoy
ok remember how i said in my last post pinocchio would be gentle?
yeah so anyway that 100% includes how he interacts with his lover
actually, pino would go out of his way to learn to become more gentle and empathetic for the person he developes feelings for (once he learns what empathy is ofc)
because he isn't very vocal, don't expect him to say "i love you" too often
i mean HE WILL!! but with the way his mind works, he'd rather just show you that he loves you through actions
one of the biggest things for p is quality time
i've seen some people on here have the reader read stories to pino and oh my gosh i absolutely love the idea
not only would he listen to you read stories to him, but he would also just be a great listener in general
whether you're telling him about your day or ranting about a pet peeve
he will always listen to you intently because well!!! he loves you and you could never annoy him
not that pino gets annoyed often... unless it's at gemini...
another thing i can see that pretty boy doing is kiss his partner periodically without warning
and he will do it EVERYWHERE
be prepared for surprise kisses
but pino isn't the type to be aggressive about it at all. it's more like... you'll be doing something mundane and p will just come up and kiss you softly on your head/hand/cheek/lips/ect
tbh this is giving me a oneshot idea
he also loves to cuddle, but was super hesitant to do it at first because he's so heavy that he's nervous you'll just feel uncomfortable:(
but over time i can def see him crawling into bed with you and snuggling after you gave him a talk about it
"pino you never make me uncomfortable when you cuddle with me!!! now get in bed!!!" and he just obeys and the topic never gets brought up again
also, i hope you're not freaked out by people staring at you
because tbh... pino would absolutely stare at you intently over everything you do
but the boy is just so enamored by you and your beauty HE JUST NEEDS TO LOOK AT YOU ALL THE TIME!!!!
im sorry he's kind of a weirdo </3
also? because he's learning what it means to be human what better way to do it than to just watch it happen in real time!! and from his favorite person at that!!!
another thing i can see p doing is giving you random things he finds while adventuring
sometimes they're really cool things like extra parts from a giant puppet he fought!!
other times... it would be trash
but nevertheless, you still accept it because it truly is the thought that counts
and if it's cool to him and brings him joy, it brings you joy too!!
overall this boy just adores you and and would give you the world if he could. you're just so delicate and precious to him💞
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cherryflavoured7777 · 6 months
okay i’m thinking a fic where you’re spending your first christmas with Hazel 🥹 and making a gingerbread house while drinking hot cocoa and watching movies… like TONS of fluff im in love with her.
PS i love u and ur writing so much 🩷
(THIS IS PURE FLUFF. BORDERLINE TOO SWEET BUT I AM A very cheesy hoe IM SORRY, you have been warned)
You and Hazel spend your first Christmas Eve together. <3.
word count: 2k
December 24th, Christmas Eve, found you spending the entire day at your girlfriend Hazel's house. The two of you totally immersing yourselves in a festive atmosphere, indulging in baking sessions, adding last minute decorations to the space, and listening to a blend of both classic Christmas tunes and your personal favourite songs.
You stood at the kitchen island, putting the finishing touches on a round of baking.
"Smells amazing, baby," Hazel sighed as she wrapped her arms around you from behind, observing you intently as you worked on mixing your second batch of cookies.
"Yeah?" you hummed.
"Mhmm, can't wait to try them." You felt the comforting weight of her chin resting on your shoulder, a warmth spreading through your body.
In the oven, your initial batch of Christmas cookies baked, ready to accompany the gingerbread house you were about to create.
Hazel snakes her arm in-front of you, dipping her finger into the cookie batter you're mixing.
"Hey! no tasting the batter yet." you protest.
"It's not for me, I already snuck a taste when you weren't looking. Open your mouth. You gotta try it."
Hazel’s hands met your waist again, and she gently spun you around.
She drew you a bit closer, fingers gently encircling your waist as she slid her batter-covered finger into your mouth, inviting you to taste. Her eyes grew slightly darker as she watched you slowly suck the batter off her finger, pupils fixated on your mouth. With raised eyebrows, she watched you expectantly.
"See?" She removes her finger from your mouth and licks the excess batter off her finger. "My girl can bake."
It all feels incredibly domestic, and merely being in her presence evokes a flutter in your stomach, a sensation that persists despite the fact that you see her almost every day. Love with Hazel unfolds in unexpectedly simple moments, and you can't help but feel fortunate, a sentiment she shares. The idea of experiencing such a pure connection once seemed unlikely to her, until she met you.
Your eyes stay fixated on hers before for a moment before she speaks.
"I love having you here,” she blurted out.
“I love being here,” you replied.
"No," she seemed a bit frustrated, as if you didn't fully grasp how deeply she meant it.
"Seeing you here gets me excited. Excited about what the future holds for us, you know? I know it sounds insane, or maybe like I’m thinking too far down the line, but I can't wait to come home to you existing in our place one day. Our kitchen, with the stuff we picked out together." Though confident and intentional, you could tell Hazel’s words were laced with vulnerability and a tad of insecurity.
Hazel’s words didn’t freak you out, though, they actually did the opposite. You never imagined you could feel so deeply enamored with another person. Truthfully, you would give her whatever she wanted.
"I know, Haze. Me too. I think about it so much, more than you know," you reassure her.
Hands still on your waist, she lifts you onto the countertop, adjusting slightly to stand between your legs.
Your hand instinctively reaches up to hold her face. You were both so young, and perhaps naive, but you never let that stop you from having these thoughts. You felt you owed yourself a completely lovesick, teenage romance, not tainted by fears of the future, not yet at least.
Your hands brush a strand of brown hair from her face, and you lean down to kiss her.
Whenever you kissed Hazel, you understood why people wanted to kiss, why they chased this feeling.
Growing up, you never quite understood it as much. But here in this moment, and every other one like it, you finally did. The warmth of her lips against yours, the subtle taste of cookie batter lingering between you—it's a simple joy that seems to encapsulate everything sweet and pure in your shared world.
You pull away, leaving her chasing you for more “Alright we gotta get these out of the oven, get out of my way,” you playfully command.
Walking over to put on your oven mitts, you take the tray out, carefully placing it on the stove. The sugary sweet aroma of the cookies envelops the kitchen with a rich warmth.
“I think we make a pretty good team,” Hazel says, smiling at you and admiring your baking.
“What are you talking about? I did all the work,” you tease, giggling as you await her response, turning back around to face her.
“Hey! That’s not true, I-” You cut off her protest with another kiss, choosing to indulge her instead of teasing her further. She smiles into the kiss, grabbing your waist before before her fingers start to trail along your spine, igniting a electricity against your skin. Letting the heated exchange linger, the playful banter transforms into a more intense moment as she slowly walks you backward and pushes you against the counter again.
The kitchen's warmth now feels more noticeable as ever as Hazel's lips leave yours and find their way to the sensitive curve of your neck. Soft, breathy sighs escape your lips, and you feel the air thicken around you. Hazel's hands move with purpose, exploring the contours of your body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
The magnetic pull between you intensifies, making it momentarily hard to focus on anything but the rising wanting in your chest. Yet, amidst the heat of the moment, Hazel manages to steer the energy back to your task, her lips lingering near your ear.
“Okay, ready to tackle this beast?” she asks, motioning to the unopened gingerbread house. The mischievous glint in her eyes tells you that she knew exactly what she was doing.
“Absolutley.” you smile, trying to seem unphased and ignore the growing heat between your thighs.
The next half-hour is spent constructing the gingerbread house with Hazel around her kitchen table. She eventually pulls you onto her lap on her chair, her arms encircling you as she reaches behind with the frosting, guiding your hands to steady them as you outline the bodies of the gingerbread men. Laughter reverberates through the room as you and Hazel engage in a frosting fight, adorning the gingerbread with colorful candies and sprinkles, not really paying too much attention to where you're putting them.
“This looks like shit,” you say, staring at your handiwork. Hastily, you reach to save the drooping roof thats caving in.
You can feel Hazel’s breath against your ear behind you as she lets out a laugh, her arms wrapping around you to help salvage the falling structure. The shared moment becomes a sweet memory, even if the gingerbread house didn't turn out as planned.
"I think it's perfect," Hazel declares, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
You glance around the room, the glow of Christmas lights casting a warm ambiance. The sound of holiday music playing softly in the background adds to the sweetness of the moment.
“Come on, I’m getting sleepy, let's go watch a movie,” she says, lifting you off her lap, interlacing your hand with hers as she pulls you up the stairs to her room.
You make your way up to Hazel's room, quickly discarding your T-shirt in exchange for one of her oversized sweatshirts, carrying her comforting scent.
Entering the bathroom, you find Hazel already brushing her teeth. You grab your toothbrush from the cup beside her sink, one that you kept there all the time because she insisted.
Staring at each other in the mirror, you both giggle as you brush your teeth in tandem, finding joy in the simplicity of shared routines. When Hazel finishes, she comes up behind you, grabbing a hair tie to keep your hair away from your face as you wash it. She mindlessly held your hips as you bent over to splash water on your face.
You and Hazel were both extremely clingy, but you couldn’t help it, always wanting to be close.
After both of you finish your skincare, you make your way over to her bed, clicking on the remote to her TV as you get comfortable under the covers.
“Okay, you have two choices, Home Alone or The Holiday?” you say as she climbs into bed beside you. She smells like soap and cookie batter.
“Why only those two?” She shifts under the covers, positioning herself beside you.
“Because those are my favourites,” you reply.
“I’ll watch whatever you want, babe,” Hazel says, a yawn escaping her mouth as she wraps her arm around you.
“If you fall asleep, I’m gonna be sad,” you warn. “I want to stay up with you until at least midnight. It's our first Christmas together, and I have to go home in the morning.” You pout.
Hazel’s eyes reflect a certain sadness in them, like she didn’t know how much you wanted her to stay awake. All of a sudden, it's as if her tiredness is gone as she sits up and walks across the room. She opens her closet and pulls something out, a large, flat, wrapped gift.
"Okay, I have something for you," Hazel grinned, excitement dancing in her eyes.
“But, my gifts for you are at home, I thought we were waiting until tomorrow.” You say, a pang of guilt hitting you.
“Shh- it’s fine. I want you to open it now, it’s just a small thing, I have more for tomorrow.” she says.
Her hands trembling slightly with anticipation, Hazel handed over the gift, a hint of nervousness in her smile. Your eyes light up as you accept the package, curiosity mingling with joy.
"Oh wow, Hazel, it's so beautifully wrapped," you say, carefully unwrapping the present.
As the paper fell away, revealing a sleek and elegant box, Hazel couldn't help but hold her breath. You opened the box to find a delicate frame containing a customized star map. The night sky on the night you first met, immortalized in a celestial display.
"Oh, Hazel," you gasped, your eyes welling up with emotion. You recongized the date immediately "Is this…?"
Hazel nodded, her heart swelling with affection. "It's the night we first met. The stars above us that night," she explained, her voice tender.
You and Hazel constantly argue about your first official time meeting. The truth is, she’d watched you from afar for months, never thinking she’d actually have a chance with you. You didn’t officially talk until the first night of senior year, at the annual senior campout. You’d spent basically that entire night with Hazel, following her in awe as she pointed out different constellations to you, her infatuation with astronomy becoming quickly apparent.
You traced your fingers over the constellations, a smile playing on your lips. "This is incredible. I can't believe you did this."
Hazel leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. "I wanted us to have a piece of that moment forever. Something to remind us of where it all began."
The room seemed to shimmer with warmth as you pulled Hazel into a tight embrace, the framed star map cradled between you two.
“Thank you, Haze. I love it.” You whisper into her hair.
“Your welcome, baby. I’m glad you like it” she whispers back.
You spend the next two hours tangled up together watching The Holiday. Completely content in eachothers presence. As the credits roll, Hazel’s hands find yours, lightly toying with your fingers. “Hey, pass me your phone.” She whispers.
You reach for it beside you and hand it to her. She turns it on, the clock showing 12:13am, December 25th. She turns to look at you, beaming.
“We made it,” she says smiling, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” She buried her head in the crook of your neck, peppering warm kisses all over.
“Merry Christmas, my love.” You whisper, hands finding her hair.
She coaxes you onto your side, pulling you into her, gently stroking your hair. The movie soundtrack faded into the background, replaced by the quiet cadence of your shared breaths. Hazel's fingers traced soothing patterns on your back, and as the clock ticked away the minutes, you succumbed to the gentle pull of sleep.
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lustkillers · 6 months
Tyler smut, pls? It can be drabble, hc's or an one shot, Anything! I'm starving for him
Love your blog 💞
⊹₊ ⋆ summary. - desperate times call for desperate measures.
┃ tags/warnings. ࿐ ❪ nsfw freak shit! dom!tyler, sub!reader, waitress!reader, unprotected sex, rough-? sex, public sex, work sex, creampie, wall sex, throat fucking, overstimulation ?? & (slight?) biting, & hair pulling!! ❫
⊹₊ ⋆ pairing - tyler x fem!reader
⊹₊ ⋆ note - i'm literally crying and screaming for him thank u for the request!! 🙁 i need more tyler requests before i explode. this is sort of short IM SO SORRY...
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THE restaurant was booming with business, and orders were coming simultaneously. What that eventually meant was that you and Tyler wouldn't be flirting every now and then, and instead you were both in the kitchen, making things come and go.
Tyler's voice roared through out the kitchen as he constantly rang bells, yelled orders, and asked for help in different directions. Your job was to hand food to the hungry customers, and between the heat from the kitchen and Tyler's throat-shrieking orders, you were beginning to feel hot.
The kitchen was steaming from the heat of the stoves, and everytime you came in there, it felt like you entered the gates of hell. You were sweating profusely, but you had to keep going. Your only choice to "cool down" was to unbutton the first couple of buttons of your shirt.
It gave somewhat of a relief, the cool air coming in between your chest. As you went back and forth to retrieve orders, Tyler noticed your undone buttons in one of his glances, and you could see his expression changing into something... different as he stared at you.
You felt his eyes on you as you worked, and sometimes when he thought no one was looking, his eyes would linger on your chest for a few seconds. You weren't sure how to interpret it though; did he like it or was he judging you?
The sexual tension in the air was palpable and it made you uncomfortable, yet somewhat excited at the same time. You started to feel a bit bolder, so when Tyler would deliver orders or ask for help around the kitchen, you'd stand a little closer than usual and try to make eye contact with him.
You would think he wouldn't notice, but oh boy, he did. His gaze on you was intense and almost felt like he was undressing you with his eyes. You could see a slight smirk tugging the corner of his lips every time you two would lock eyes, as if he knew exactly what your game was. He seemed to enjoy this little dance between the two of you, and everytime his eyes averted to your breasts, his pants felt tighter.
The door at the back of the kitchen leading outside had opened, a bright light from the sky leaking through the now open door. A gust of wind blew in, cooling the warm atmosphere slightly. It was Tyler's break, and he didn't waste any time making a move towards that door.
Before he left, he shot a wink at you, signalling he wanted you to follow him.
Your other co-worker had also been scheduled to share the same break as Tyler, and you couldn't shake off that feeling that he left you with. Your break had been scheduled for later, but you needed this. You needed him.
Before your co-worker could leave the door, you stopped them. You told them that you were swapping shifts - that you would take their break - and with a quick nod and groan, they obliged.
Once outside, Tyler pulled you close and cupped your face with both hands. He leaned in closer, looking into your eyes intently before pressing his lips against yours. His kiss was feral yet passionate, like he was trying to devour you. As his tongue slid between your lips, you felt a sudden wave of heat course through your body.
Your back hit the brick wall that stood behind you, and Tyler leaned into you. His rough hands moved up your body, almost as if they had a mind of their own. You gasped audibly as his finger tips ran across the outline of your neck before planting feather-light kisses all over it.
You palmed his hard-on, making him groan out loud. He slipped his hands inside your shirt, tugging and pulling at the fabric as he explored your body. The sensations of pleasure electrified you to the core; it was like nothing you had ever felt before.
As the kiss deepened, Tyler began to lift up your shirt as he trailed his lips across your collarbone and down your belly. He made his way back up, giving you a final kiss before saying, "On your knees, now."
You obeyed, kneeling down on the ground as Tyler undid his belt. You had cursed yourself for only wearing a skirt with fishnets, as the gravel you kneeled on dug into your skin. But the pain only added to the pleasure as Tyler directed his cock towards your mouth, your lips on the tip that soaked precum. You opened your mouth wider, taking him in as far as possible before licking, sucking and swirling your tongue across the entire length of his cock.
That was before Tyler gripped onto the back of your head, shoving your head down to the base of his cock, your drool spilling off the sides of your mouth and dripping down his balls. He was going deeper and deeper until you felt his tip reach the back of your throat. You coughed and spluttered, the sensation of being filled beyond capacity overwhelming your senses.
However, this only made you wetter as you dipped your hand towards your soaking cunt, tossing your skirt to the side and ripping the fishnets to create a gateway to your pulsing pussy. You rubbed your clit in time with Tyler thrusts, each movement allowing the sensations to increase tenfold.
Your moans vibrated on his cock, making him even harder as he felt your hunger for more. He swelled within you, pushing himself deeper and faster until your legs shook as you gushed onto your own fingers.
You immediately pulled away from his soaking cock, whimpering as a line of saliva was strung between his tip and your plump lips. Tyler smiled, knowing that you were thoroughly satisfied, but his own pleasure was yet to come.
He picked you up by your hair, yanking you up to stand straight. Your knees wobbled, a string of whimpers escaping your lips.
"P-Please, Ty... I can't-" You pant, desperately clinging onto his shoulders. He smirked and shook his head, pushing you back against the wall and guiding himself back inside of you as your legs shakily wrapped around his waist.
"I know you've got one more in you, babe." He murmured, slowly thrusting inside you. You could feel his body tensing up as he moved in and out of your tight warmth, sending waves of pleasure through your entire body.
You let out a loud moan, biting his shoulder to silence the moans. He pushed deeper and harder each time, his own pleasure increasing. You clung onto him as he thrust inside you, your pleasure amplifying with every passing second.
As he thrust up, the pain of your back grinding up against the jagged wall had faded away, replaced with pure undiluted pleasure that overrode every other sensation.
"S-Slow down, please..." You whined, but you both knew you didn't want him to. His fingers ran down your sides as he continued to thrust, his movements increasing in speed. You could feel yourself rising towards the edge of orgasm, each thrust pushing you closer and closer till you finally peaked with a loud cry.
Your cunt gushed on his cock, liquids seeping down his exposed thigh, as he continued to move inside you. You clung onto him for dear life, as you felt your pussy feeling sore and beaten by his cock.
Chanting your name, he released hot cum inside you, the warmth of his seed sending chills up your spine. The pleasure was intense and now that it had reached its peak, he started to pull out slowly. As he pulled out completely, you felt a void inside you which only made his presence more needed.
He kissed you tenderly on the lips, and as he moved away you could feel his cum running down your thighs. You stand there in a post-orgasmic bliss, feeling both exhausted and fulfilled at the same time.
Your eyes averted to the watch on your wrist, as so much time was wasted on this so-called "break."
Your mind went blank at a sudden realization.
"Ty?" You inquired.
He let out a hum.
"Where did my skirt go?" Your stomach bubbled with sudden fear, mixed with leftover arousal.
"It's probably somewhere," he said with a shrug. "But don't worry, I'll buy you a new one."
How the hell were you going to work with fishnets on?
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jhopezwrld · 10 months
omg can i request an ateez or stray kids reaction to finding out their s/o having nipple piercings 🤭🤭🤭 i’m giggling
oh i hear sum purring…. IM DOING BOTH CUS IM A SLUTTTTT🫶🏽 ateez next hehe
warnings: smutty, mentions of consensual recording/picture taking, sorta pervy!changbin
chan: oh the minute he sees them he’s busting in his pants like he’d be so obsessed with them i just know it. he’d immediately ask if he could touch them and when you give him permission just know his hands (and his mouth) will not leave your tits alone until you physically cannot take it anymore. he’d also very hesitantly ask if you’d let him take a picture of them so he could look back on it every time he’s away from you. plz do him one better and let him cum on them and record it he would probably die of happiness. your nipple piercings are now his number one obsession.
minho: oh i just know he’s planning on how he’s gonna buy u all kinds of pretty and sparkly nipple rings so that he can admire how pretty they look while he tit fucks you bc there’s no way that ISNT happening. he’s probably gonna sit u in his lap and just play with them cus he’s meanie and a tease but also bc he’s so infatuated with them. he will never leave them alone honestly he’s so obsessed with them he’d probably accidentally (or not so accidentally) tell the boys ab them and now everyone knows u got pierced nips and jeongin can’t even look you in the eyes 😭
changbin: binnie is already such a simp for u but once he sees ur piercings he probably falls a little more in love with u i’m not even joking. i just know he’d be OBSESSED with them and would think ab them 24/7. he’d always try to convince you to go braless just so he can admire how pretty the rings look thru ur shirt. he’d probably keep it super cold in his room just so ur nipples are constantly poking out of ur shirt and he can just..stare at them. sorry idc changbin is an undercover pervert like he won’t say anything to u and will try to hide his nasty intentions but is secretly getting off on how oblivious you seem
hyunjin: loves them but is lowkey mad u didn’t tell him when u got them done bc he probably would’ve gone with u to get one too LMAO. he’d 100% wanna draw you nude as soon as he sees them tho like he just thinks they look so pretty on u and that u look so perfect and he just needs to sketch you so he can memorialize the image forever. i lowkey see him just playing with them casually too like he’d 100% stick his hand down ur shirt to wiggle the little bar or twist your ring in circles during a movie night or something (it always leads to sex btw).
jisung: boy would be in disbelief. he’s the ‘pics or it didn’t happen’ kinda mf but if u actually send him a picture oh he’s freaking OUT! immediately removing himself from whatever area he’s in so he can go into the bathroom and jerk off real quick. i feel like jisung is so easy to rile up so probable just the mere thought of you + nipple piercings has him shifting around uncomfortably and adjusting himself in his pants. he’d fly home as soon as he could and just pounce on u. like he’d literally yank you into his lap and pull your shirt down to see them. as soon as he gets his hands/mouth on them i’m like 90% sure he cums in his pants
felix: he’s so sweet about it omg. as soon as he finds out he’s asking u all kinds of questions like ‘did it hurt?’ ‘are they healed’ or ‘did you get both or just one?’. felix is a shy bby so he probably won’t ask to see them himself but the way his eyes keep flicking from your face to your chest makes it so obvious so plz just lift up ur shirt for him. he’d be in AWE like almost drooling type shit. he’d also be too nervous to touch them himself so you’d either have to reassure him that it’s ok and he can cop a feel, or you’d have to physically grab his hands and put them on your tits. he’d be so gentle while touching them and would probably try to hide his boner but his lil whines make it pretty clear how he’s feeling.
seungmin: he’s so annoying he’d probably try to act so nonchalant ab it. ‘oh u got ur nipples pierced? cool.’ but on the inside he’d be freaking out. he wouldn’t ask to see them not bc he’s shy but bc he doesn’t want u to know he’s extremely excited ab this so he’ll wait for u to show him urself but once u do hoooooo boy he’s going to TOWN on u so prepare urself. dom seungmin mode activated u are not leaving that bed for days i’m telling u. he’s trying all types of positions so he can see how pretty they sparkle in the light while he fucks you. when you get a package in the mail with like 10 different kinds of nipple rings don’t look at seungmin bc it definitely wasn’t him (it was)
jeongin: went back & forth on this one but honestly i think he'd be so nervous about even looking at them. he only noticed because it was particularly cold in his dorm and you had decided to forgo a bra since you were spending the night. he doesn't even know how to react when he realizes, but the crimson blush creeping up his neck and cheeks, and the fact that he cannot look at your face make it pretty clear that he noticed them. i feel like innie is so shy when it comes to anything remotely sexual so do not expect him to be the first to mention your piercings. instead he will silently suffer and would probably go to bed with a boner unless you help him out (plz help him he's so hard its painful).
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Jizz Fingers║ ⓞⓝⓔⓢⓗⓞⓣⓢ
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|| ꂵꍏꀤꈤ ꂵꍏꌗ꓄ꍟꋪ꒒ꀤꌗ꓄ || | PAIRING(s): alien!Joel x reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 3.2k | CONTENT: This is a crackfic. Joel is not Joel. He’s an alien that can shapeshift and isn’t into the splorgimums on their own planet. He wants to nut in you with his creampie fingers. It’s not supposed to make sense. It’s not supposed to be anything but fun and sexy and silly. It’s meta. It’s tongue-in-cheek. It’s self-indulgent. If you’re not into that kinda thing then idk what to tell ya, bud. 
| SYNOPSIS: u get creampied by a dick finger alien Joel Miller.
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The sonorous silver ship glided above you before descending gently into a large clearing in the field ahead. Bright light flooded your vision as a hidden door pushed away from the spacecraft and revealed an occupant.
It appeared to have an amorphous, fluid corporeal form, but no matter the shape it always remained an off-white greenish gray color. Six large onyx orbs were situated near the top of the form. You assumed they must be eyes or some other sort of organ. When the greenish grey flaps snapped together and apart a few times in quick succession, you realized they were in fact lidded eyes.
A warbled voice sounded inside your mind. “Do not be afraid. I come in peace, and I stand before you with no intention of harming you.”
You realize the creature is speaking to you through your own mind.
You should be afraid, but instead you’re just fascinated and exhilarated. You aren’t sure why they’d say the same thing twice, though, just in a slightly different way. You also aren’t sure if you should respond in your head, out loud, or at all.
“That’s kinda a weird thing to say. Like, you said it twice,” you point out, speaking loudly and clearly enough that the creature can hear you.
At least, you think they can hear you. You don’t see any ears. Then again, they possess the capability of telepathic speech, and there must be some equivalent to hearing for that. You try to think what that is called or what that might be called when the creature shifts back and forth but still doesn’t approach.
“Those were two separate statements,” the voice in your mind contends firmly.
“Huh?” you ask. You’re sure you sound dumb, but you were never really going to be a match for a higher level intelligent being anyways.
“When I bust, it is peaceful for every being involved. I also greet you with good intentions,” the voice patiently clarifies.
Suddenly you are standing no more than arm’s length away from the being. “I saved your achilles the trouble,” the voice in your mind said, as if it was some huge favor.
“My achilles is fine,” you grumble awkwardly. “I know I should hit leg day more, but sometimes it’s just so–”
“Our sex organs are complimentary,” the voice interrupts. “We could perform the Divine Dance, if you’d like.”
You wanted to ask why they had to come all the way to Earth just to get laid, but you think better of it.
“The splorgimums on my planet just don’t get me,” the voice explains. You realize you said your thought aloud.
“Oh. Uh, okay. S-Sorry about that. I, uh, didn’t mean to offen–”
The creature waves a gelatinous blob arm dismissively. “No offense taken. You’re not like other splorgimums. I can tell. You’re different,” it assures you.
You feel a blush creep onto your cheeks. “Oh. Well, uh–” an awkward giggle “—thank you. But I’m not really that special, here on Earth I mean. There are other women who are wayyyyyy more attractive. Oh! I know! You should try driving by Doja Cat’s house because oh my god she is so. fucking. fine. Like, if I had her in that I’m A Cow Bitch Moo costume for 5 minutes I’d—”
“No. No Doja Kitties. Only you.”
You shrug and accept their obsession with you.
“Okay. So now what? I don’t know where your Divine Dance hole is, and your floating blobs are sort of freaking me out,” you admit.
You keep tabs on the hovering goops that orbit the creature. They remind you of the time you tried to make Key Lime Jello Shots for your uncle’s cousin’s dog’s recital but added too much vodka.
“I can take the form of something pleasing to you. An earth male, perhaps? The female of your species is more difficult to capture as they are far superior.”
“So fuckin’ true,” you agree. “But, hhmmmm, a male specimen? I mean, I hate all men, but Pedro Pascal seems pretty decent. Maybe you could turn into Joel Miller? You know, from The Last of Us?”
The creature nods — you think it’s a nod — and transforms into Joel. Game Joel.
“Oh, uh, look, Pixel Daddy is fine as hell, especially in part 2, but I meant the HBO adaptation of the game. Please,” you correct.
“How’s this?” Pedro’s version of Joel’s voice asks aloud.
Your pussy bottoms out. “Oh, fuck yeah.”
You disrobe completely as you enter the spacecraft.
“I set it to 72º Fahrenheit. Is that a suitable climate for your meat suit?” Joel asks.
“Yeah, that’s perfect. Mr. Alien, could you, like, put more of the twang into his voice? And use words like he does?  Like, how he sounds on the show? You know what, let’s watch a few clips to get it right.”
You pull up your account on your phone, but it takes you a minute to find it because you forgot they changed it from HBO Max Go to just Max. “So fuckin’ stupid. Purple is a better color than blue anyway,” you mumble to yourself as you pull up an episode.
The galactic creature uses some magical time skip thing to binge the entire series and gets a yucky smudge of goop on your phone screen when it attempts to find season 2.
“There’s just one season? Please tell me there’s another one,” Joel implores.
“Yeah, there’s a second season, but it’s not out yet,” you inform him.
“Damn. But you said there’s two games already? So what happens in the second game?” he asks.
“You know what, we super don’t need to get into that right now. Let’s see what you’re working with,” you quickly change the subject and grab at his crotch.
He grunts in approval. “Needy lil thing, aren’t’cha? You want my cock, baby?”
Your eyes narrow suspiciously. “Did you use a time jump thing to read a whole bunch of Joel Miller smutfic on Tumblr?”
Joel blushes and scratches the back of his neck. “Eh, mighta read a few.”
“Oh my god, you’re gonna be super nasty and dominant, aren’t you?” you sigh.
“Only if that’s what you want, baby. I’m a consent king,” he assures you.
“Well, alright then. I want you to rawdog me and slap my ass, okay?”
He smirks and pulls you close. “I’ll give ya what I give ya, and you just gotta take it,” he grunts into your neck as he nibbles and sucks downward.
You gasp at the sensation and grind your hips into him. “Oh fuck, Joel,” you whine. “I want you to wreck me, please!”
“Gonna fill that cunt up,” he says gruffly as he gropes your ass and breasts.
“Yes, Daddy, please!” you beg.
He pauses for a moment and looks confused.
“Oh, uh, you must not have got to those kind of fics–” you cough awkwardly “–uh, anyway. Sorry. Joel. Yes, Joel, please.”
“I can sense the vibrations of your inner sex organ when you call me that. If it is sexually gratifying to you, I wholly welcome the use of it,” the original voice says inside your mind.
“Oh wow. I love that you’re not kink shaming me. Glad you didn’t make it to that side of Tumblr,” you huff in a laugh.
Joel suddenly pins you against the wall and presses his hard, clothed cock against your bare skin. Even through the denim you can tell he’s huge. Apparently all those fic writers were right all along.
“Who’s gonna fill up that pretty cunt uh’yours, huh?” he demands as he grabs the back of your neck for leverage.
“Y-You, Daddy,” you say in an aroused tremble.
“That’s fuckin’ right. When my fat cock is inside you, I better hear you singin’ some thank you’s to Daddy for fillin’ you up so good,” he warns.
“Yes, Daddy, I’ll be your good girl,” you promise. 
He flips you around without warning and pushes your chest flush against the wall. 
“Even good girls need to be reminded every once in a while what happens if they don’t listen to Daddy,” he says in a low gruff.
His clothes have magically disappeared with the help of his alien outerspace boi powers. You feel him firm against your backside before a harsh slap of his palm replaces it. You jump and yelp in pain at the surprise spanking.
“Mmmm, pretendin’ you don’t want it, but I feel you pushin’ your ass back for more,” he taunts. 
You whine because he’s right. You can only imagine the derisive comments he’d make if he felt how wet you are. 
He lands another three harsh swats on the same patch of skin. Tears prickle up in your eyes. “D-Daddy,” you moan. 
“You gonna thank Daddy for keepin’ you in line, baby?” Another swat. It stings so much you know there must be an imprint of his hand clearly outlined by your welting red flesh.
“Thank you, Daddy!” you choke out. “Th-Thank you for k-keeping me your good girl and not letting me b-be bad, Daddy. I only wanna be good for you, Daddy!” you wail.
“That’s what I like’tuh hear, baby,” he grunts into your ear. “Ask Daddy to make you into his own little cocksleeve. Ask Daddy to give you this big, fat cock.”
You whimper as he slips his length between your folds and rubs back and forth in teasing passes. 
“Daddy, I want you to use my pussy. I need it so bad. Please. I just wanna be your cocksleeve. Use my holes, Daddy,” you whimper.
You barely finish your sentence when he flips you around again and lines himself up with your entrance. Apparently the alien creature was just as into this as you are because their altered form reverted back to the amorphous gray green blob. You’re way too horny to be picky about it right now, so you squeeze your eyes shut. You forgot to charge your vibrator, anyway.
Their penis was more like fingers that kinda moved around randomly. You don’t know. You’re not an astrophysicist or whoever it is that would best be knowledgeable about alien wieners.   
Its spongy gray appendage felt firm and slimy as it entered you. There was some sort of phantom connection to your mouth and throat as well, the sensation of its finger-penis dragging back and forth, able to be felt in both your pussy and your mouth. It was weird, but you knew if it was Joel Miller doing it then it would somehow become totally fine and very hot. 
“You’re getting too lost in the sauce,” you whine. “You’re in your true form again. Change back.”
“Mmmmm, sorry, baby,” came the familiar gravelly voice once more.
When you felt brave enough to open your eyes again, you saw those familiar Wreck-It-Ralph sausage fingers and sighed in relief. The alien had changed back to your preferred form of Joel Miller as portrayed  by José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal.
As much as you wanted to stare at his face, you also wanted him to dick you down through the floorboards of the ship. You wiggle to sink down onto your hands and knees. “Wanna be wide open for you, Daddy,” you pout.
He makes an approving growling noise and scrambles behind you, shoving you downward between your shoulder blades until your face is smushed into the floor. He makes no effort to warn you before slamming his entire length into you. The impact of his wide tip against your cervix is so forceful it punches the air out of your lungs. You let out a panicked, strangled moan, suddenly unsure if you were going to be able to take this dick like a champ.
Joel grabs your hips for leverage and starts pistoning rough, deep strokes into your drenched pussy. “Gaahh–Goddamn! Fuckin’ chokin’ it, honey,” he rasps in a labored voice. “Feel so fuckin’ tight for me.”
“It’s s-so big, Daddy. I dunno if I can take it,” you cry.
“You can take it. You can take it for Daddy. Be a good girl or m'gonna hafta punish you,” he cautions. As a reminder of what that might entail, he strikes your backside so hard your entire body jerks as you let out a sob.
A high pitched moan gathers in Joel’s throat as you start to accommodate his size. “Yeah, fuckin’ like that, huh? Like when Daddy spanks you? Makes ya listen?”
“You’re so good to me, Daddy!” you sob. Your arousal is practically dripping down your thighs. You listen to the hum of the engines mixing with the sounds of your drooling cunt being fed Joel’s massive cock over and over again. He grabs your wrists and pulls you upward, using your limbs like reins on a horse. You have no control over the depth of penetration in these positions, and Joel is opting for nothing less than utterly devastating your pussy.
“M’gonna give you these fingers, too, baby. Know you can take it,” he pants.
He releases your arms and lets you scramble to catch yourself before faceplanting.
“Hey! You could’ve at least–”
“Shut your fuckin’ mouth and take what Daddy gives you,” he snarls.
You whine and clench around him. You feel a boogery churro type object prodding at your asshole. You turn your head quickly enough to see the creature has let Joel’s arm halfway revert back into the wiggly blobby thing.
“Did I say you could turn around?” he barks. He spanks you again with his 100% Joel hand, hard enough that you know there are pinpricks of blood beginning to seep through.
“I’m sorry, Daddy!” you scream.
You feel him now inside both holes. It’s overwhelming and amazing. The phantom throat thing is back again, and you like how you gag even with an “empty” mouth.
“Got enough for every hole you got and then some, sweetheart,” he practically slurs. He sounds completely wrecked.
You feel your lower belly heating up and quickly tightening.
“Oh my fucking god, Joel. I’m getting so close,” you gasp.
“THAT AIN’T MY FUCKIN’ NAME WHEN I’M STUFFIN’ YOU WITH MY COCK, SWEETHEART,” he grits out as he wraps his hand around the front of your throat and squeezes.
When your breaths quickly become hard to take, you know you’re going to come soon.
“I want your space juice inside me, Daddy!” you cry out, not caring if you’re breaking the illusion. You still needed to be clear and consensual in your approach to this intimate exchange, and you needed to address the weird topic of whether or not your birth control could do effective hand to hand combat with spaceboi cum. 
“Our sexual organs are compatible, but our reproductive hormones and liquids are not,” the voice explained in your mind.
The Jim Carrey baby grinch was kinda cute, but you still felt better knowing you weren’t going to birth a little green gremlin alien baby. (Although you did think Victor or Clementine would be nice names.)
“Put a baby in me, Daddy! Fuck your baby into me!” you beg now that you know you can’t actually get pregnant. 
“Uh, I mean, there’s just so much pregnancy fic out there,” Joel hedges carefully, still maintaining his merciless thrusts. “You don’t really wanna make this into a whole thing do you? Ya know, with the pregnancy storyline and stuff? Some users have actually said they prefer—”
“No, Joel, I’m not actually—” you interrupt in a huff “—I’m just saying it to be sexy. It sounds sexy. Besides, there’s some fic writers who basically only write creampies but none of their characters ever seem to get pregnant. It’s kinda wild. There’s a fic writer I can think  of right now, actually. She loves creampies so much.”
“So she’s just really into pussy gettin’ drenched but nobody’s gotta deal with babies? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal if ya ask me,” he approves.
“Yeah, I think the only pregnancy fic she has is, like, this really nasty oneshot where the reader is already pregnant and she gets double teamed by Tommy and you at the same time. Oh and she lactates. I wasn’t into it at first, but it was kinda hot. Maybe you’ve read it? The author calls herself Puddles?”
“Oh, her? That Gasoline Rainbow lady? I thought she just made memes?” He sounds surprised and impressed. He’s hitting your cervix repeatedly with such force that you feel like your vagina is going to look like somebody dropped a tray of lasagna on a pubic hair linoleum floor.
“No, she actually has, like, legit fic on there, too. She’s, like, really talented. I can’t believe she doesn’t have more followers,” you laugh incredulously. 
You’re glad he doesn’t ask how you would know how many followers she has since that isn’t publicly available information. You hate it when plot holes have to be smoothed out nicely and still fit in with the story. It’s so boring and way too much work sometimes.
“Maybe stuff like alien jizz fingers is a little too much for people to–”
“Okay, this is getting too meta. Let’s just get back to you fucking me so rough I can’t walk right for an entire week, okay?”
“Hnngg, fuck yeah. Daddy’s gonna wreck this cunt,” he hisses as his thrusts pick up pace.
“DADDY, I’M GONNA COME,” you cry as you start clenching and seizing around the massive circumference of his cock.
Joel lets out a guttural, choked moan as he empties inside you. You can feel it from his weird creampie fingertips, too — even the invisible one in your mouth and throat. You’re trembling, trying to keep yourself upright as Joel fucks into you through his orgasm. You lick your lips. There’s a flavor there. Is that….?
“You like Daddy’s brisket cum, sweetheart?” he grunts as his thrusts slow to a sloppy grind.
“I thought I tasted barbecue,” you muse. It was bewildering, but mostly satisfying.
“Yeah, tastes just like those Fourth of July backyard get-togethers you love in that Texas heat,” he breathes. "You runnin' around in barely anything, makin' me hafta adjust myself so your dad don't catch his best friend ogling his precious daughter."
“I’m starting to think you read more fic than you admitted to earlier,” you assert.
“I like it, darlin’,” he shrugs.
“Are you gonna follow Puddles now? Oh! Can you do a mind link thing with her and see what she’s working on next?” you implore.
Joel appears to zone out for a minute, and you take the opportunity to stare at his naked body. He looked perfect. His eyes focused again as he looked at you.
“Her waveforms are erratic and very concerning, but once I subdued a Brain Goblin inside her mind I was able to discern she is likely to be releasing some Ezra from Prospect centered fictional stories,” the voice inside your head revealed. "They are very sexually aggressive."
“Nice,” you say under your breath.
“So you gonna let me have that sweet pussy again, sweetheart?” Joel drawls.
“Yes. But I’m going to need you to familiarize yourself with Pedro’s extensive works. I’m thinking we could do some really great Mando roleplay in this spaceship,” you say with a big smile as you gesture around.
Joel smirks at you. “Don’t matter what form I take. You’re still gonna be callin’ me Daddy.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you agree with a big grin.
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I hope those splorgimums understand what they lost bc that's our man now! Special thanks to Multiversed Daydreamer (Fuzz) for inspiring part of the title and @xdaddysprincessxx for the shared derangement over That Old Man™.
Undying thanks to @psychedelic-ink and @bonezone44 for writing some of my fave ~aLtErNaTiVe KiNk CoNtEnT~ and inspiring me to let my brain run wild with this crackfic.
Art in graphic includes transformed works of the Mucinex booger man.
catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
P.S. - I counted how many times "Daddy" appears in this, and it's 29.
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tagging: @wannab-urs, @gracieispunk, @milla-frenchy, @patti7dc. @lumoverheaven, @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog, @toxicanonymity, @rubyfruitjungle, @huffle-punk, @jupiter-soups, @swiftispunk, @theywhowriteandknowthings
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archie-sunshine · 5 months
Hi! Hello!! It's 5am and after reading the 1.5 Driftrod chapter I couldn't help myself by showing my appreciation for it- LIKE THANK YOU!!
My mean Drift apostle- I love how you characterise him! Thank you for sharing this! (Also, amazing how they both got send to horny jail, tho I doubt it would stop Drifty from being a mean teasing b-)
Anyways, a did question did pop up- two actually. But they don't really relate to each other. Kind off?
First, what are your thoughts on Hotlock? My heart, brain and evil horny half of me aches for both sides of Rodimus and Drift so I always have double brainrot about them (-size difference. it's the size difference.)
Second, I didn't find it anywhere on your info page(or maybe it's just me being blind, apologiesif it's the case) but do you have a Ko-fi or something similar? I'm a broke uni student but I still wanted to support you in some monetary way! (Also because I totally want to commission hotlock but felt guilty by just asking without paying hhh)
Sorry for the long ass ask! 5am me is ecstatic about what they just read and future me will feel shame and pass it down to at least three generations for making a fool out of myself.
Have an amazing day and keep being great!!
So do u guys ever get an ask that leaves u kinda sittin there like this?
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*ahem* anyways!! Sorry, i got very carried away drawing sketches for this ask so if this is like- super overwhelming i apologize
THANK YOU!! FOR ENJOYING THE SECRET DRIFTROD FIC!! I have a lot of thoughts about drift and his sex life and libido and personal preferences. I won't go into heavy detail(unless someone sends an ask wanting to hear about my thoughts) but i fully agree that drift has a mean streak the size of the grand canyon, but also has so much internalized guilt that he REALLY tries to not do anything about it. Rodimus is oblivious to it- until Drift eventually snaps and makes his intentions very very clear. But there were some obvious warning signs, i.e. being a very persistent sex pest and getting way too revved up from bullying rodimus with the magnetizer on.
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AS FOR HOTLOCK??? I genuinely hadn't thought about it- until i read an absolutely life changing brain shattering wip from a friend of mine. AND NOW!!!??? NOW ITS IN MY BRAIN. i cannot get it out of there. LOVE hotlock, lots of thoughts on hotlock. The tension, the hatesex, two pent up freaks with the libidos of rabbits. What's not to love right? (apologies, im not the best at drawing Hot Rod idw style but i think this gets the point across yea?)
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I personally find it very compelling that they would start out hating each other, and hot rod would likely continue to consider their whole relationship more of a sexually charged rivalry. but deadlock I believe would become almost animalistically possessive of hot rod. Still hating him, still savoring the thrill of hunting him for sport for the express purpose of beating the brakes off him. but uh... not wanting anything to get between that.
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I like to imagine that characterization for deadlock no matter who he ends up with, BECAUSE, I also really enjoy the idea that Drift would harbour a lot of guilt and shame for that part of his life? like i personally believe Drift would try to cover up as much of deadlocks remaining character traits as possible out of guilt, pretend they arent there and that he's a much more even tempered, normal person about the relationships he's in.
Now is that possessiveness or mean streak really gone?.... I mean...
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drift would probably very much like you to think so.
NOW!! about commissions, first of all holy shit thank you? what? Don't spend your money on me good god- I USED to have a ko-fi, but i have not used it in a very long time!! I really appreciate the sentiment, but especially if youre hard for cash, I'd be happy to just draw requests because i think they're fun!! so feel free to suggest whatever you'd like to see(as long as its like- one of my hyperfixations bbgfdgfds-) I personally really love making people happy with my art, so like- praise, recognition, and knowing that my work made people happy(via comments or tags or inbox messages) is like fucking crack to me. I'd love to draw driftrod/hotlock for anyone, literally anytime, bc it would make them happy :] and that would make me happy :]
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Like, see? I farted this drift out in under 10 minutes and it made me so happy to draw and i went 'omg the little people in my puter are gonna love this drawing' and it brought me infinitely more joy than the 25 bucks id get as payment for it.
IF!! I do open for commissions though, i'd likely be accepting payment via my paypal in CAD, and you'd likely see me open for them on my blog if you're following me!!
I know this post is already like exorbitantly long, for which i apologize, but i do want to say you should never apologize for the enjoyment you gain from someones work!!! This ask has made me so happy!! It makes me really glad to know that someone out there who i don't even know was brought joy by my very stupid fanfic at 5am somewhere. ALSO??? the fact that someone halfway across the world from me can see and love and enjoy something I made??? THE WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL WHAT?? The connection that fandom and creation can bring is beyond description and I am glad that my work reached you. any of you. all of you. thank you anon.
(jesus christ im getting emotional in this chilis today)
[Feeling nosy? Send me an ask or request in my inbox!!!]
[full sketchpage under the cut!]
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Hihi! May I req an emergency req? With male!reader accidentally dropping/pushing a plate or glass and breaking it. Reader rushing to clean the mess up even with his bare hands and out of concern, the character yells at them to be careful or smth and reader flinches? How would they react? (And if ur fine with it, reader having SEVERE daddy issues and domestic violence so that's why they act like that) pls don't make reader those crybaby types but someone similar to dazai but less uhm, dazai? Like dazai but when he seems human if u yk what I mean) and reader being a teen (14-17)
Format: Anything u want!
Characters: Kunikida, Fukuzawa, Chuuya, Poe and Ranpo (separate) (omg if u could, then ranpoe together being father figures I just love the ship it's my comfort ship😭💖💖)
Platonic pls :)) (chuuya being an older brother figure, Fukuzawa and kunikida being father figures)
I FEEL LIKE ITS TOO SPECIFIC SO FEEL FREE TO NARROW IT DOWN 😭😭. Make sure to take care of urself and have a wonderful day <33
okay so. i'm really REALLY sorry T-T but i do not write male readers so i am gonna go gn with this (again i am sorry ily <3)
When Reader flinches after they yell
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♡ characters: Doppo Kunikida, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Chuuya Nakahara, Edgar Allan Poe, Ranpo Edogawa (bonus Ranpoe together!), teenage!gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: Reader breaks a piece of flatware and when they go to clean it, they're yelled at and flinch. How do the characters react to this?
♡ cw: Reader suffers from domestic abuse-related trauma and has daddy issues, yelling, trauma response (specifically a kind of silent/blunt affect type reaction), swearing, mentions of reader's hands being cut (unintentionally by flatware shards), father and older brother figure dynamics, lmk if I missed anything
note: I hope you're doing alright 💙 Anon, and I hope that these make you feel better :') come to me for hugs if you need them. I also hate yelling and have daddy issues so like, I feel you my dude. AND RANPOE IS MY COMFORT SHIP TOO omggg they're the best DM me and let's rant about them. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Let's say you're a mentee of his at the agency. Kunikida obviously only has good intentions and would hate for you to get hurt (Yosano...*shiver*), so he kinda freaks out a little when he sees you about to grab ceramic shards with your bare hands
Caught up in his alarm, he yells at you not to touch the shards and then goes to get a broom (or one of those little dustpan things) to clean up the mess
He comes back and sees your expression, and is honestly a little confused at first. You did manage to stay out of harm's way so he doesn't understand what's got you so distressed (he's so smart but also so very dumb)
You sit there while he quickly cleans the mess but when he notices that your eyes have kind of glazed over and you seem to be somewhere else, he gets a little worried and asks if you're alright
You tell him that you got frightened when he yelled because it reminded you of something and he has a moment of '...shit'
Kunikida puts down his dustpan/broom, puts a hand on your shoulder and gently explains that he wasn't mad at you but that he was just worried about you. He'd rather you made a mess unharmed than cleaned up the mess but gotten hurt
Don't be fooled by his calm demeanour, he actually feels really bad and will probably beat himself up for making such a mistake
He does end up cleaning it for you and asks you to please take care of yourself and be careful
He has an odd tendency of being very intense with his kids out of the blue and then immediately feeling bad for it which is exactly what happens with you
You were probably bringing him tea or something when you accidentally dropped the tray and the cup shattered. He probably barely even reacted at all to it honestly, mostly just because he doesn't care THAT much about a cup. He has more
But then you apologise and kneel down to get them and this man might be tough but he is a softie at heart and panics when his kids are in harm's way (you're basically his kid let's be real)
So he yells, and it's basically that one scene in the theatre from Untold Origins all over again, except unlike Ranpo he knows that you don't really shake such things off so easily due to your past. So he's still concerned just for different reasons
He knows that as a father figure in your life he's supposed to protect you and that he had good intentions but it still affected you negatively in a way, and he's like. Really really sad about that fact (but he doesn't show it awh)
He apologises for yelling and asks you not to try and clean up ceramic shards with your bare hands because infections and y'know your hands are a pretty important part of your body
Fukuzawa is still firm as he speaks but he's also very gentle and nice about the whole thing and sits with you until you feel better
If you thank him for looking out for you, he'll be thinking about that for like the next week :'((((
Chuuya yells like, a lot, but he often makes a conscious effort not to do so around you because he knows that you don't like it. Being a habit though, it sometimes comes out unintentionally
So say you're bringing him something to eat while he's working or something and while you're approaching him you drop and shatter the plate.
He's like 'Oh let me get that' and was gonna grab the shards with his ability (he doesn't have an issue with doing it himself cus it's lowkey quicker), but then he sees that you're about to collect them barehanded and yells at you to stop
When he sees you flinch he immediately starts backtracking like 'Wait, no- that's not what I meant' and comes to kneel beside you and pat you on the head (or back, whichever)
He quickly composes himself and apologises, saying that he was just worried about you, not angry about the plate or you wanting to clean it.
He tells you that he's gotten cuts on his palms before and they 'hurt like a motherfucker' so he didn't want you to get hurt too (and he's kinda being jokey about it because he's nice like that)
He just exudes comfort energy, so your panic moment doesn't really last that long. He's honestly very chill about the whole thing because he knows that you're not gonna make the same mistake
Even if you did though he'd help bandage your cuts without hesitation
Poe is the opposite of Chuuya- he just DOESN'T yell at all. That's why it caught you as offguard as it did
When you dropped the plate he was a little scared because of the loud noise, but was relieved to see that you hadn't gotten hurt.
He really doesn't care much about a broken dish, because he can buy a billion more with ease. He just cares that you were about to hurt your hand (I'm quite sure you can possibly injure nerves by cutting your palm, and as a murder mystery writer Poe would absolutely be aware of this)
So he yells in an attempt to get you to quickly stop when you kneel down to clean it, and when he sees your face he feels awful
Poe hates yelling too, so he is extremely apologetic about the whole thing. He feels really bad because he knows that you find a lot of comfort with him and he's scared he's just ruined your trust in him to keep you safe
You tell him that you know he wasn't trying to be mean or malicious but he still feels really bad about it (lowkey you end up comforting HIM ngl)
He decides to clean up the mess himself (and lets you cuddle Karl while he does because he's basically an emotional support animal)
Will literally do anything to get you to trust him once more because he feels such an unnecessary amount of guilt (you have to really hammer it into him that you DO still trust him- he doesn't entirely believe you (projecting sorry lol))
Ranpo is the Super Highschool Level Older Brother Figure. And as such he is appropriately concerned when he sees that you're about to try and handle a broken plate with bare hands
I'm absolutely certain that several times in the past Ranpo's dropped his fair share of dishes and gotten cuts from trying to pick them up too fast and he doesn't want that happening to you
So he yells to you not to touch them. When he sees your reaction to this, for a split second he panics but he actually handles it surprisingly well for a (2)6 year old
He comes over and sits down beside you. Then he explains to you that he doesn't want you to get hurt unnecessarily (especially somewhere like your hands) because he cares about you, so he panicked for a second and that's why he yelled.
(to everyone's surprise /j) he does apologise to you for it and give you a hug to help ground you and comfort you (he also gives you a little squeeze cus he feels bad aw)
If you ask him if he's mad about the broken dish he immediately goes back to normal and is like 'Pfft not at all. It's a plate Y/N' and tells you not to worry about it
He does make you feel better about the broken plate, but this is Ranpo we're talking about. You think he's gonna clean it up, or even help you clean it? No, that job unfortunately still falls entirely on you (damnit Ranpo)
Except this time you take cautionary measures before you do so. And Ranpo's happy to see it :)
Right, so these two are just little children in the bodies of men in their late twenties. However they are still very much in touch with their dad sides especially when it comes to you
So you're carrying a plate for some reason (maybe they're busy solving mysteries and eating snacks idk) but you drop it and it breaks. Poe's a millionaire and Ranpo is Ranpo so they don't care that they have one less plate
Then you hurriedly apologise to them and bend down to grab the plate and they both overreact and yell at you to stop (for the same reasons written above in their seperate scenarios)
Once they see you flinch they both have different reactions. Poe rushes over to see if you're alright but Ranpo is more wanting to give you a second to breathe and process
And that's literally what happens. Poe (and Karl) rushes over to check on you and Ranpo waits a minute before he joins him.
Ranpo comes to comfort you while Poe gets rid of the broken plate, then when he comes back he helps Ranpo explain why they both yelled earlier. He lets Ranpo do most of the talking though
They both express that they're just glad you didn't get hurt. And that you're allowed to make mistakes! Just don't do anything that will get yourself hurt
Will let you help them with their work/watch them work if you want to (usually that stuff's confidential but hey it's not like people are gonna question Ranpo and Poe now is it)
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anon i will be your parental figure and we can straight up just forcefully shatter plates together (with safety glasses on though!!!) to let off steam
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luvyunjinxo · 11 months
G!p yujin?
g1p!yujin x sub!reader
OMG IVE BEEN THINKING AB HER ANON . (I'll try to make this a short story no promises ..... it wasn't short story be prepared)
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚
Just imagine you are the 6th member of IVE , and the maknae. People think you're full of innocence and love and yeah you are I guess, but not towards your member Yujin.
You and her were enemies ever since you were trainees and when you found out you were gonna be in a group with each other, you both freaked out. Swearing to each other that you would try to avoid one another.
Until one day you were just left at the dorm by yourself and nothing to do. You decided to clean everyones room since you were dying of fucking boredom and you even cleaned Yujin's room while you were at it .. You were just wearing a bra and some really small shorts.
"I can't believe I'm stuck here and actually cleaning Ahn Yujin's room" you sighed. You picked up her boxers, shorts, shirts and every other clothing she had possible on the floor. You don't even know why but your first intention was to smell it .. something about it just smelt so good you have no idea.
You kept sniffing like as if you were an addict until you didn't hear her door open nevermore the front door either. But Yujin walks in seeing you like this. Still in your bra, smelling her clothes, and being in her room first of all.
"Really? You seem like you're smelling my boxers and hoodies"
She stepped closer to you and she had this lustful look in her eyes and desires. You really did not know what she felt. Turned on? Turned off? Who the fuck knows.
"I-I'm sorry" Is all you can mutter out. You were too scared to say anything even though you were never afraid of her.
"It's too late for that now don't you think? What would the others think of this hm? Seeing you sniffing your enemies clothes. Pfft. Pathetic."
"I-I'm so sorry u-unnie, I didn't m-mean to." you stuttered out.
"Shut the fuck up with your sorry and get on the bed now I don't care if we hate each other, you need to be taught a lesson." She spat out. You felt like you were gonna cry from this degration because even when having sex with someone you never got this kind of treatment.
You laid on the bed resting your back against the headboards not knowing what Yujin would do to you next. She made her way rummaging through her drawer till she pulled out handcuffs and a vibrator.
She handcuffed you to the headboard while she made her way giving you marks all over your collarbone and kissing practically anywhere.
"You're so pathetic. You hate me so much yet you're letting me do this to you?" she slapped your tit. "Answer me baby."
The word baby coming from her made your heart melt as fuck because you never knew you would be getting fucked by the person you hate the most. She put the vibrator on your wet pussy and you kept squirming and moaning like crazy. From time to time Yujin would say
"Keep still or else I'll stop."
"Tell me slut, what did you do wrong tonight?" And you wouldn't respond so she took away the vibrator and you whined. She put you on all fours and inserted her cock without warning. "Shit you're so tight." She moaned.
"Now tell me, what did you do wrong? Answer me or you don't get to finish." She thrusted into you while giving your ass a squeeze. If you were gonna be honest your ass was pretty big for a maknae like you.
"I w-was .. sh-shit! .. smelling y-your clothes without y-you knowing mommy" you managed to stammer out words even when your getting fucked this good by Ahn Yujin the girl you hated most.
"Good girl." And with that she finished you off for the night. You came so hard your eyes went rolling to the back of your head. It felt like you were in a whole other world. It just felt that euphoric.
But she still kept in mind that you both hated each other so she said nothing to you but a simple ..
"Get dressed and cleaned up then get out. We're never speaking about this again this was only a one time thing. "
Or was it a one time thing ? ...
IM SO SORRY IF THIS WAS BAD IT WAS RUSHED . I just wanted to eat chicken guys please forgive me and my fat ahh 🙏 .
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stursweet · 8 months
hi friends :) i’ve been putting this off HARD due to obvious circumstances in the fandom recently and strong opinions that have been circulating.
unfortunately it’s not possible for me to do so anymore that my inbox is filled with 160+ requests with sexual content. from my standpoint; this situation is incredibly bizarre and concerning. the infantilization of three 20 year old men is weird as fuck standing by itself, let alone coming from 14, 15, 16 year old girls. i myself as an adult can promise you that they are more disturbed by adolescents feeling the need to mother them rather than any content that could be written about them. i promise! with my most gentle and sincere intentions, i’d like those reading this to please stop and think.. and think deep. these are not minors. these are not people that are actively speaking out against “being sexualized”, - in fact, they made multiple videos of them reading content of themselves willingly and matt even made multiple joking requests to ‘make them weirder’.. if they had a genuine grievance i promise you that they would not willingly, and multiple times at that, read these types of things and record it and put it out. obviously in the fan fiction videos they are uncomfortable- and it would be bizarre if they weren’t! considering their fanbase is primarily minors! it would be concerning if they were eating it up! obviously they’re not going to be swaying their feet and giggling? please, let’s get a grip. the violent defense against writing for them (which by the way, may i add, if you do not want to read it / are made uncomfortable by the content, you can SCROLL! just swipe your finger up across the screen! hope that helps!) is beyond disturbing. and, they find it comical as well; nick just commented on a tiktok yesterday regarding sexual audios saying “they’re gonna quit” laughing his ass off at how insane some of u are.. they do not care. i’m sorry! they don’t. if they knew that peoples addresses were being leaked and people were being threatened with death over the head of FANFICTION about them they would be absolutely appalled: leaps and bounds more appalled than they would be if they were to read any pieces (which they aren’t, might i add: if you think chris and matt sturniolo have tumblr / google ao3 please get on meds). these are adults. GROWN ADULTS. i promise you that they do not need the defense of 11-16 year old girls. if they were bothered by this they would have explicitly spoken out at this point. the fanfiction video was not the cry for help that you all think it was. AND. they are so fucking busy; fan fictions written about them are at the bottom of their give a fuck list. infantilization of men older than you is WEIRD. every single male that has ever been on the internet has had fan fiction written about them and world war three did NOT start! your behavior is insane and embarrassing. nick matt and chris think you’re bizarre. they can defend themselves.
please losen the fuck up. please.
and : i’ve been lurking for a LONG long time. and i can very much confirm that some of these freaks making these posts and coming out against this were liking, requesting and even posting shit even worse than what they’re coming out against before it was a trend to be a weirdo infantilizating freak!! you know who you are!!!
as far as my account goes; i am unfortunately scared for my safety to post that content as people have literally had their personal information leaked.. and if you do not see an issue with that i am begging you to delete tumblr, unfollow the triplets and put the phone down. they would hate u and so do i. 💕
note: incest fics and nick fics with a female are absolutely fucking repulsive and are not okay!! that is a completely different story. i’m not okay with that i just want to make that clear .
if you have a different view that’s okay. block me or scroll! or read in secret and accidentally like one of my posts again! that’s okay too! love you i’ll write soon
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