#spiritual intelligence
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aaronabke · 9 months
An Overview of Self Mastery Blueprint | Aaron Abke's
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sarkarhealingsblog · 9 months
Learn Spiritual Intelligence to Unlock Your Full Potential
Learn Spiritual Intelligence to Unlock Your Full Potential | Upgrade your self to Stay ahead in this fast changing world In a world bustling with constant change, finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment is paramount. This journey toward self-improvement and realization can be elevated through the concept of Spiritual Intelligence. Join us as we delve into this transformative topic and explore…
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queenoftreasures · 9 months
How Spiritual Practices Upped My Wellness Quotient
Wellness is more than a need for a healthy body; it is the art of living a harmonious and happy life. There are many dimensions of wellness—I kindled my wellness journey with spiritual practices The concept of wellness might have gained popularity in the recent decades but the rishis and yogis had already brought wellness to the sub-continent centuries ago. They knew that a calm mind, healthy…
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alexandraswords · 10 months
It's really, really simple, Alexandra.
Love what you do (what you're now doing), and you'll become a magnet for all things good.
As if you needed the extra incentive.
“What you’re now doing,”
The Universe
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moontherapycafe · 10 months
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Are we spiritual beings having a human experience? 🙀
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valtoybob · 1 year
Creating Magic at Work with Amy Lynn Durham
“What mask are you putting on?” In this episode, Amy Lynn Durham enlightens us on emotional and spiritual Intelligence and skill building that could help us realise our life purpose.
“What mask are you putting on?” In this episode, Amy Lynn Durham enlightens us on spiritual Intelligence and skill building that could help us realise our life purpose. She talks to us about the relationship between spiritual and emotional intelligence. She shares practices to energise and transform our lives and the workplace. “Your life is extremely profound and also a tiny piece of the…
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awacadoz · 3 months
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diariesofanoldsoul · 5 months
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apotelesmaa · 24 days
I like to imagine there’s at least one huge nerd at kamiyama in their third year and they’re always studying to get the best grades like really hitting the books & taking classes outside of school but they continually get the second highest scores and they’re seething with rage about it because the only person outdoing them academically is that purple fuck who never pays attention in class, is put in detention every week for blowing shit up and brings his whimsical ass gadgets to school. & he doesn’t even care about his status as the most academically talented kid in the grade. They’re planning on going into medical school or some other STEM field and he’s going into the arts.
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noosphe-re · 10 months
One should remain a process, one should never become a thing. That is intelligence.
Osho, Intelligence: The Creative Response to Now
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spiritualseeker777 · 7 months
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
guys cmon. be ffr please. akemi did Not love taigen. the only reason why she was desperate to search for him to the point of putting herself in danger is because she didn't want to get married to an abusive man (which she believed at the time that takayoshi was). when seki tried to dissuade her from running off, her reason was not "but i love taigen and wanna be with him 🥺" it was because she refused to be controlled and have her autonomy taken from her; she literally says "i won't be locked away in edo married to a stranger." and when seki still tries to argue that getting married to the heir of the shogun would be better than getting caught by brigands, she then says "that kind of man"—referring to takayoshi—"treats women like animals. they say he's a tyrant." and when seki chuckles and says "what man isn't?" her response is "you." she doesn't even talk about taigen. she is using him as much as he was using her. they both see—or, well, saw—each other as means to an end. for taigen he saw that marrying into the tokunobu clan would elevate his status and wealth. for akemi she wanted the right to choose who she married, and she wanted that person to be someone kind. that's it! neither of them loved each other. but since they were courting of course they acted sweet to each other, and they do still care for one another, especially due to their romantic history. but let's be real! akemi is a boss bitch who dropped taigen and forgot all about his ass as soon as she saw takayoshi was a nice guy. because duh? not only is takayoshi a better lover (it's implied their lovemaking lasted a long time) but he's also kinder towards her and presents her with an opportunity to claim power and freedom, which she would not have if she had married taigen, as she would have still been stuck under her father's thumb. so literally why should she settle for taigen's stupid ass! she may be a little naive at times but she's still incredibly intelligent. she would not do something stupid for the sake of "love." you know who would though? taigen.
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anne-bsd-bibliophile · 6 months
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peufeministe · 2 years
23 sentences that will improve your life more than any self-help book:
1. Discipline, consistency, and perseverance will take you places motivation never could.
2. Depend on yourself, never on others.
3. The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
4. Chase your dreams, not people.
5. No matter the situation, never let your emotion overpower your intelligence.
6. Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well.
7. One day you will thank yourself for never giving up.
8. Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it will happen.
9. Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done.
10. No one is coming to save you. This life is 100% your responsibility.
11. Trust yourself. You've survived a lot, and you'll survive whatever is coming.
12. You are always one decision away from a totally different life.
13. Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
14. Re-set, re-adjust, re-start, re-focus. As many times as you need to.
15. Detachment is power. Release anything that doesn’t bring you peace.
16. If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent.
17. Minding your own business will take you very far in life.
18. Promise yourself, no matter how hard it gets, you'll never give up on your dreams.
19. Don't lower your standards for anyone or anything.
20. Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts out being excellent.
21. Be crazy enough to know you can do anything you want in life.
22. Be busy improving yourself that you have not time to criticize others.
23. You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.
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azura-tsukikage · 7 months
Depersonalizing criticism is the practice of not taking criticism or negative feedback personally. It's an essential skill for maintaining a healthy emotional state and effective communication.
Understanding Depersonalizing Criticism
Criticism as Feedback: Depersonalizing criticism involves recognizing that feedback is primarily about the situation, task, or behavior, not about your worth as a person. Feedback is often given to improve something or help you grow.
Separating Self-Worth: Your self-worth and identity are not defined by your actions or the feedback you receive. You are a complex individual with strengths, weaknesses, and room for growth. Constructive criticism helps you grow; it doesn't diminish your worth.
Mindful Listening: Practice active listening when receiving criticism. This involves fully engaging with the feedback, understanding the points made, and seeking clarification if needed. By focusing on the content of the criticism rather than the emotional tone, you can better depersonalize it.
Detaching Emotionally: Understand that people's opinions and judgments are influenced by their perspectives, experiences, and emotions. Sometimes, criticism may be fueled by someone's frustration or anger, and it might not reflect your actual performance.
Cultivating Resilience: Developing resilience is crucial for depersonalizing criticism. Resilience allows you to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive self-image. It involves managing your emotions and stress effectively.
Maintaining Perspective: Keep in mind that one piece of criticism, especially if it's not constructive, should not define your self-esteem or self-concept. It's essential to maintain a broader perspective of who you are and your accomplishments.
Practical Steps for Depersonalizing Criticism
Take a deep breath and give yourself a moment to process feedback.
Ask clarifying questions to ensure you fully understand the criticism.
Focus on areas for improvement and how to address them constructively.
Seek support from friends, mentors, or a therapist to help process criticism.
Practice self-compassion and remind yourself of your strengths and achievements.
Depersonalizing criticism is a skill that takes time to develop, but it can lead to greater emotional resilience and better relationships. It allows you to receive feedback without feeling attacked or diminished, fostering personal and professional growth.
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