hyuuukais · 7 months
minho winning the poll was actually another sign i need to reconsider who my sjz bias is
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funtergeist · 4 months
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been playing a game
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wariomolly · 1 year
why do cats heads smell so good 😤
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gathoscorner · 4 months
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Day 8.Bonding
You know they love challenging each other
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f1shart · 9 months
pl easantview ?
please has it really been almost a month oh my godddddddddddddd
anyway YES I KNOW I CALLED PV BORING AND. YES I REGRET IT. so to make up for it takemyshart
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tagging @fridaydevils while i hate being unoriginal i was soooo inspired by her designs for the twins I'M SORRY 😣😣💗 THEY'RE SO GOOD I COULDN'T NOT
so friday you can consider this fanartshit i guess it was already fanart
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wolfram-but-art · 4 months
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2am again
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b0tler3 · 7 months
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Last night i discovered the podcast Sherlock & co and swiftly became obsessed..
So here's my take on John and Sherlock!
(John wears london hoddies.. PROVE ME WRONG! /j)
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falling-raine · 15 days
i feel like im going crazy looking for a fic....
so if you have a read a fic where jon and martin are dating/married before jon is promoted to the archives and they have to hide it by jon being super mean to martin so nobody notices can someone tell me name
ive been looking for what feels like hours
my normally pinned info post
im begging you all
i think tim and sasha where betting om them and martin was forced say yes to the archives job
and i think jon wore his ring on a necklace
idk what else to do besides look through the entire jon/martin ao3 tag
edit: please please dont just like this!!! if your are going to like it reblog as well so more ppl see it! just liking does nothing!!!
edit 2: IT HAS BEEN FOUND THANK YOU @dropkickable
link in case anyone wanted to read it
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nana2009 · 8 months
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dk family for the ones that need to cease the rage
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
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@baccp a little bac!jerm because hes TRAPPED IN MY BRAIN rearranging my MOLECULES i love him SO MUCH
this ones also for @mountain-dew-tickledpink thank you for being an enabler
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xenomorphicdna · 5 months
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Ok well if Dreams gets to be tied up, so should Flames
Except Dreams can take a lil wire pulling, yeah stings a bit but he's had worse. This guy tho? Having his wires pulled around him like that, whole new experience
Next posts will be normal I prommy
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sexybagels-masa · 3 months
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I was playing Sims 4 and I had made alot of dc family's on there
And Thad and Kon ended up getting really into cooking, with Bart hating it
It was so funny, so I got all his friends on there that I know of that liked cooking and made him cook with them
And Thad and Kon were just yelling at him the whole time with Jaime just cooking like normal in the background
It was so funny so I had to
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the-crimson · 1 year
Poor Pomme. Trying to sleep in the hotel after yesterdays events.
I imagine she holds the blanket over her head, shutters closed tight - perhaps she got one of her parents to hang blankets over the windows or board them up with planks… I imagine she lays on her side facing the wall remembering the screaming and yelling as the entire server fought to keep her safe… as she remembers the soft beating of butterfly wings.
As she remembers how beautiful and hypnotic they were. “Come play with us” they called out to her. “It is safe, come on out and play”. The panicked shouts as she warped out of her room to catch one were muffled at the time but now, laying in bed eyes squeezed shut with nothing but her own breathing to keep her company, they are clear as day.
She couldn’t help it. She almost couldn’t stop herself from chasing the beautiful red creatures. She didn’t notice the sky change color. She didn’t notice the new wave of screams as ghosts and wraiths descended on her friends and family. She didn’t notice the ferocious code entity that had lured her out of safety one last time.
Pomme holds the covers tighter over her head. Beads of tears leave icy streaks across her nose and into her hair and she feels her hands trembling. She curls her legs to her chest as she feels the room bearing down on her. Her heart surging into her throat as it threatens to tear open her rib cage to escape. Thu - thump! Thu - thump! Thump…. Thump… thump. Like the beating of butterfly wings.
“No!!!!!!” The word tears through her as she bolts upright.
A gentle - always gentle - hand reaches for her as Bagerha sits up from the floor.
“Pomme, Pomme! You are safe.”
Pomme graps the hand in hers hard enough that Bagerah has to force a smile through a flinch of pain.
“We are here, little Apple. We are here.”
Pomme glances past her to see all her fathers together, sleeping on her cramped hotel floor in a delicate jenga arrangement of limbs. The sight brings a small breathy laugh the Pomme’s lips as tears fall down her cheeks. She burrows her face in her mother’s feathers and can’t help the small whimper.
Pomme crawls out of bed, blanket dragging behind, and curls up on the floor in the pile that is her parents. What was once chaotic shifts slightly as, even asleep, her parents feel her distress and they curl around her.
Pomme finally finds sleep in the arms of her family… the rhythmic sounds of their breathing lulling her to sleep. The soft wishes of air through lungs… as gentle as butterfly wings.
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eggworlg · 5 months
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yippee-optimistically · 3 months
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hey guys here is my little crazy man hodge podge. im insane about him
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any way . how are yo u guys
erm bonus creature one too . guh
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stxr-bxy · 3 months
tony be like: i’m straight
also tony:
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like you are fooling no one 😭
(for anyone wondering yes this scene is canon and it actually happens)
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