#thanks for lifting me up and believing in me
rafeandonlyrafe · 2 days
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words: 1.2k
warnings: sexual assault!! (not from rafe), established relationship, brief violence but its nothing more serious than a shove, rafe is a bit grumpy at first but hes a softie for his girl
“can't believe you're dragging me to this dumb shit.” rafe grumbles, both yoga mats tucked under his arm.
“oh come on, it's an intermediate class! it'll probably be challenging.” you enter into the room, spotting a good place for your mats near the back of the room as you navigate through the people who arrived even earlier than you.
“besides.” you hum. “it's good to stretch those big muscles of yours.” you poke rafes bicep with a sly smile on your face, getting on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.
rafe grumbles something under his breath, but the frown is gone from his lips as he lays out your mat and then his.
you both sit, arranging your other workout supplies, only one large water bottle shared between the two of you, rafe insists there's no need to bring two, liking when you're at the gym and have to come over to him to take a drink.
“people take their shoes off?” rafes face scrunches up as he looks around the room.
you can't help but giggle. “you don't have to if you don't want to, baby.”
“yeah, im definitely not.” rafe resists the urge to leave, call it quits on this class. he looks at you, reminding himself who he's doing this shit for.
“ive never taken this guy's class before, you know i always go to ashleys on tuesdays and thursdays.” you keep your voice lowered as the instructor walks into the room, greeting a few people before heading to the speakers to get the music for the class setup.
“yeah, i like ashley better than this guy.” rafe is extra thankful he agreed when you dragged him away from his weights. something about this guy already irks rafe.
you roll your eyes at rafe, chuckling softly.
“alright, hello everyone.” the instructor says, stepping to his mat at the front of the class. “i see some new faces so let me introduce myself. im christopher and this is intermediate yoga. if at any point a pose is too difficult for you, feel free to modify or drop into child's pose…”
he continues with his normal speal that you tune out, favoring to watch rafe in the reflection of the mirror, admiring your boyfriends handsome features.
“shit.” you mutter under your breath, too distracted to realize that the class had started as you quickly get into the first warm up poses.
the class flows naturally into the harder moves, the instructor walking around the room on occasion to double check no one is extending themselves too far or arching their back improperly when they're not supposed to.
you move into downward dog upon his instruction, your eyes flickering over to rafe as his shirt falls down his torso slightly, revealing his muscled abs.
you yell when a pair of hands suddenly grab your hips, pulling you a couple inches backwards.
“just correcting your form, dear.” christopher says.
you swallow harshly, feeling your cheeks heat in embarrassment at being so distracted and shouting out.
“you okay?” rafe asks, not caring that the instructor is still standing just a few feet away.
“yeah.” you quickly nod. you know rafe is probably resisting the urge to beat the shit out of him for touching you, not realizing it's quite normal in these classes, although ashley always asks your permission beforehand.
“now lower yourself onto your stomach.” the instructor comes to stand behind you again, so you make sure you're doing everything properly with the highest level of fluidity you can.
“and now spread your legs. sit back into your heels and lower your belly button to the earth. arms extend forward for wide childs pose.”
you can practically feel the instructors eyes still on you, and you know from the way rafes head is lifted that he's paying very close attention to his movements.
he leans down next to you and places his hands on your thighs, going to adjust your pose again, but you gasp when his hands don't slide to your hips and instead onto your butt.
rafe is onto his feet in a flash. “get your fucking hands off her.”
he doesn't wait for the instructor to react, pulling him off of you and pushing him into the wall. you flip to sit, as everyone else in the room does to watch the scene unfold.
“i was just correcting her form!” he quickly defends himself.
“as if.” rafe scoffs. “you were fucking groping her ass. get the fuck out of here and i never want to see you at this gym again, consider yourself fired.”
“fired?” christopher shrieks. he's not a small man, but he looks pewny next to rafe. “you can't fire me!”
“would you rather me call the police on you?” rafe grunts. “i prefer to handle shit on my own but if that's what you want…”
“you can't prove anything.” christopher says.
“i… i saw it too.” a woman next to you stands up, coming to your defense even though she doesn't look 100% sure about it.
“and he touched me inappropriately the other week.” another woman stands up. “i thought i was just being sensitive but if he's doing this to other women…”
the rest of the class nods in agreement, clearly this is a pattern with this creep.
“now get the fuck out.” rafe shoves christopher away. “and never touch another person without their permission ever again.”
everyone's eyes are on christopher as he leaves, fleeing in obvious fear.
“baby-” rafe drops down onto his knees, both his hands cupping your face. “are you okay?”
“i-” you bottom lip quivers before tears run down your cheeks. rafe moves quickly, scooping you into his lap and holding you tightly against him, letting your emotions run their course.
he watches as the other women and couple spread out guys collect their mats, understanding they aren't getting a full class today before they head out of the room.
“im so sorry, baby.” rafe coos softly. “he'll never touch you again. i won't let anyone hurt you.”
you sniffle into his shirt, grappling with what just happened. you tilt your head up to look at rafe, needing to see the softness in his eyes.
“i love you.” rafe says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“i love you.” you tell him, moving quickly to press your lips together in an actual kiss, letting yourself find comfort in his mouth.
you pull away with a content sigh, wiping your face with your palms before you slide out of rafes arms. “im… im okay.” you say honestly, glad nothing further happened. “thanks to you.”
“come on.” rafe stands. “let's get our mats and get out of here. ice cream?”
“mhm.” you nod, knowing rafe is going to be doting over you for the rest of the week, keeping an even closer eye on you than usual.
you walk out of the yoga room and down the hallway into the lobby, seeing the crowd of people with mats tucked under their arm taking to the director of the gym.
“there he is!” the woman who spoke out about his inappropriate touching says. “there's our hero!”
you smile at rafe. your hero.
sfw taglist: @bejeweledreverie @winterrrnight @ethanthequeefqueen @ladyinbl00d
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faithfulren · 1 day
secret supporter
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you have always admired izuku midoriya from afar, inspired by his unwavering determination despite being quirkless. seeing him bullied by his classmates, you decide to offer your support secretly. you start leaving encouraging notes and small gifts in his locker, hoping to lift his spirits and show him that he's not alone. izuku is initially surprised and touched by these gestures, and as time goes on, he becomes more curious about his mysterious supporter.
you watched from a distance, heart aching as izuku midoriya endured another round of taunts from his classmates. the ever-present bullies, led by katsuki bakugo, never seemed to relent. yet, Izuku stood firm, his resolve unbroken despite the cruel words and occasional shoves. his determination, even in the face of such adversity, had always inspired you.
izuku didn't know you very well, but you knew him. how could you not? his dream to become a hero despite being quirkless was something you admired deeply. it stirred something within you, making you want to reach out, to support him in any way you could.
that's how it began, small, simple gestures. the first note you left in his locker was scribbled hastily, your heart pounding as you slipped it between the slats. "keep believing in yourself. you're stronger than you think." the next day, you watched anxiously as izuku found the note. his eyes widened in surprise, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he read it. you saw the brief, precious smile that tugged at his lips, and it made your heart swell with warmth.
you continued this secret support, each note a little more personal, a little more encouraging. "your dreams are worth fighting for." "don't let them bring you down. you have the heart of a hero." alongside the notes, you started leaving small gifts a keychain of all might, a new notebook for his hero analyses, a pack of his favorite snacks. each time, you stayed hidden, watching his reactions, feeling a mix of joy and nervousness as he accepted each token with growing curiosity.
one rainy afternoon, you saw bakugo cornering izuku again. your fists clenched in anger, but before you could intervene, a teacher appeared, dispersing the group. izuku was left alone, drenched and shivering, but you saw the determination still burning in his eyes. that evening, you left an umbrella and a warm scarf in his locker, along with a note: "for the days when it feels like the world is against you. you're not alone."
the next day, you noticed izuku lingering by his locker longer than usual. he took out the scarf, running his fingers over the soft fabric, and for a moment, he looked around, as if hoping to catch a glimpse of his mysterious supporter. your heart raced, but you stayed hidden, not yet ready to reveal yourself.
weeks passed, and the notes continued. you saw a change in izuku, he seemed a little more confident, a little more hopeful. it made you happy beyond words to know you had a part in that change. but as time went on, you knew it couldn't stay a secret forever.
one morning, as you approached izuku's locker with another note, you found him standing there, reading something with a puzzled expression. his head snapped up as you came closer, and you realized with a start that he was holding one of your notes. his eyes widened as he saw you, and your heart skipped a beat. had he figured it out?
"y/n?" he asked softly, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "is it… is it you?"
you swallowed hard, but the sincerity in his gaze gave you courage. "yes, izuku. it's me."
for a moment, there was silence. then, slowly, a smile spread across izuku's face, a smile that was brighter and more genuine than any you'd seen before. "thank you," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "thank you so much. you don't know how much this means to me."
tears welled up in your eyes as you took a step closer. "i just wanted you to know that you're not alone, izuku. you inspire me, and i believe in you. i always have."
izuku's gaze softened as he reached out and gently took your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "i… i believe in you too. and i'm really glad to know that i have someone like you by my side."
in that moment, standing together in the bustling hallway, you felt something shift between you, a spark of deeper connection, a bond forged through kindness, support, and mutual admiration. it was the beginning of something beautiful, a budding romance that neither of you would ever forget.
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harleehazbinfics · 3 days
Learn more about you Cannibal chef! reader m.list | Author profile
Word Count: 512 A/N: Hello, lovies! Been so long since I updated. But hey! I came back to also say I graduated woohoo! Nothing permanent yet, I don't want to get your hopes up with daily updates like I used to since I'll be looking for a job now, omg. But, I'd love to hear requests from you. I honestly don't know what more I should add to Cannibal Chef!Reader. I'm out of creativity lmao. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR HOLDING OUT THIS LONG! MWAH!
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"Good morning, Miss Rosie!~"
"Y/n! Sweetheart! Here to take your order?"
"Here ya go. Looks like a big order. Did something happen?"
"Unfortunately, yeah. So, Sir Alastor was in a good mood, and we went to eat at a restaurant in the circle, but the food was so inedible that Sir Alastor had to spit it out in public. Something, I've never seen him do honestly. Then after we bumped into the Vees and got into a bit of a scuffle with them. After making it back to the hotel, Sir got splashed with alcohol right in the face," you mutter, awkwardly laughing.
"Well, that's one hard day he had there. You gonna make him something then?" she asks flashing you her sharp teeth.
"Mhm! I was thinking of making hotpot or a casserole. He must be famished after such a tiring day," you smile.
You then hear the bell tower chiming then whipping your head to see the time.
"Well, that's my cue. I'll see you around Miss Rosie!" you called before leaping from building to building.
"Take care, dear!"
You arrive at Alastor's room where you hear the bathroom door close and hear the rushing water after. You nodded to yourself as you walked to the kitchen he conjured just for you and tied your hair back to prep your meal.
After leaving it on the stove with a timer on. You strolled back into the living room and picked up Alastor's drenched clothes into the laundry chute for you to deal later. Of course, not before you took his handkerchief and took a whiff of it. Eyes drawing into hearts that in delight.
Amidst your happiness, the handkerchief got tugged away and thrown into the chute along with the rest of them. Alastor stands behind you, still dripping with water from the bath. Chest bare-naked and red shorts around his waist, and his towel on top of his head as his hair stuck on his forehead.
"Come on now, if you wanted one you could have just asked, sweetheart," he says with a smirk before pinching your pouting face.
He turns away from you and sinks into his favorite chair with a drawled sigh. You compose yourself and slowly walked beside him after.
You pursed your lips and pouted, "You just don't understand the smell fresh from the source, Sir Alastor."
"Oh, believe me. I know the feeling," he chuckles, waving his hand as shadows appear under you and lifted you onto his lap. He embraces you and sniffs from your collar, as you stared at him with shaky heart filled eyes as he stares back with his half-lidded ones.
"I-I never knew you were this cheeky, Sir," you stutter under your breath nervously. Your hands on his chest while he purrs under you snuzzling closer and closer.
"There are many things you don't know yet," he mutters as he grazes your neck with his teeth then his eyes flicker from your neck to your eyes and asks, "Would you like to learn?"
"I'd love to." <3
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Cannibal Chef! Reader Taglist 🍴:
@bonnie-02 @marxo5 @whaatttlaufey @froggybich @rybunnie @midorichoco @lucifers-silhouette @kimmis-stuff @bontensbabygirl @janey @akiqvq @wonderlandangelsposts @spoiled-slutt @roboticsuccubus83 @atlas-rin @yuriohoe04 @azullynxx @milk-bulb @hahalame @aria-tempest @speedycoffeedelight @0strawberrysorbet0 @amitiel-truth @corvid007 @kaminarithebest @enby-goblin @whydosnakesnotdance @wtvbabes @willow404 @psychoanalyze0 @sweetadonisbutbetter @manachpo @dionysusismypatrongod @obessivlyonline @idkwhy5000 @izzieg3987 @nishayuro @gabile18 @skyeliteratures @nanaloverz @bonbontastical @saccharine-nectarine @pastelpinkhobbies @sooha-neul @purplerose291 @parasite-bubble @futureittomainn @galaxyreader260 @sappire904
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luvj4key · 1 day
sweet impulses - yjw
pairing - bf!jungwon x f!reader genre - drabble, fluff, established relationship wc - 612 warning(s) - skinship, kissing 🎐⋆⭒˚。⋆ tiana's note 🎀 - this has me sick. i need a man saur bad. also, your girl's back <3 ✧˖° ... (library)
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jungwon is usually good at holding himself back from acting on his impulsive thoughts - well, he claims to but you don't believe it for a second. but when it comes to you? he's letting them win in a heartbeat. he will give up everything on the spot for you. so when he saw you sitting at your desk, completely immersed in the book you were reading, he knew he had to approach you.
you suddenly feel a pair of lips on yours. surprised, you glanced up, meeting eyes with jungwon who had a grin on his face. "may i help you?" you smiled while asking, raising an eyebrow.
"no need for help. you just looked very kissable." he answered. “i needed to kiss you.” he added.
“really? how?” you chuckle, bookmarking your book, "i'm just sitting and reading my book." 
"did you know you pout when you're concentrated? i think it's the cutest thing ever," he points out, leaning against your desk, "does that answer your question for you?”
"do i really? there's no way." you said in disbelief. to jungwon's amusement, you unconsciously started to pout as you tried to recall any moments where you did make that face. you stopped, growing conscious, "i'm doing it now, aren't i?"
"absolutely," he cooed, leaning over to pinch your cheeks to which you whine, trying to swat his hands away, "never beating the cutie allegations."
rolling your eyes, you scoffed, "yeah, yeah are you done yet? 
“why should i be? i’m your boyfriend, it’s my job to smother you.” he replied in a matter-of-fact way.
“smothering, huh? is that what you call it?” you jokingly remarked.
“uh yeah?” he raised an eyebrow, “what’s your version of smothering?”
you give him a mischievous smile before getting up and launching yourself into jungwon’s arms. catching him off guard, the two of you nearly lose your balance however, jungwon was quick to regain his footing. "careful there” he chuckled, patting your head affectionately. 
wrapping your arms around his neck, you surprised him by attacking his face with kisses all over. a warm smile grows on his face and when you finally reach his lips, you give him a small smile before melting into a tender kiss. he pulls you in closer by the waist, not wanting to let go.
jungwon could go for hours kissing you. to jungwon, you are addictive - like a drug he refuses to quit. he’s always left wanting more from you. 
when you finally part for air, you catch jungwon’s gentle gaze - you didn’t miss the great amount of love he had in them. your smile grew bigger as you moved closer and nudged your nose against his, knowing how weak he gets when you do that. a faint blush spread throughout his cheeks. “are you done reading?” he asks softly.
you pretended to think, “hm…yeah i’m done,” tilting your head to the side, you asked, “why-“
suddenly, you feel yourself being lifted off the ground causing a surprised yelp to leave your mouth, “we’re going to bed.” jungwon says, walking towards your bed.
“but it’s the afternoon?” he gently places you on the bed to which you get under the covers without any protests.
“so? we can cuddle and rot in bed together, just for awhile.” he insists, climbing into bed and pulling you closer to him. as you lay your head on his chest, you feel his steady heartbeat and you can already feel the sleepiness creeping in. 
“see? this isn’t so bad now, is it?” he whispers softly, his hand gently stroking your arm, as the two of you slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
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thank you for reading! reblogs and feedback would be very much appreciated <3
©luvj4key 2024. all work is written by me. do not copy or repost
taglist (open): @j-jinxee @j4keluver @suneng @ikeuzsn
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memento-rory · 1 day
No but imagine Ted/schlatt (idc you pick) kissing you while they're drunk and then also while they're drunk being so sad that they cheated on their wonderful partner and oh god how could they and won't let you anywhere near them to comfort them because they are a married man (even if you're not married)
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ted’s face is red as you pull away from him, and his eyes are glazed over, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
you give him a questioning look and he holds a hand up in your face, sitting up straighter.
“stop, this isn’t right.” he says, and your eyebrows shoot up.
“baby, what do you mean?”
“don’t call me that.” he tells you, “that’s reserved for my girlfriend. why did you kiss me? oh my god, she’s going to kill me. and she should.”
you can’t help the laugh that bubbles up out of you and he scowls at you. “don’t laugh, i’m serious. i can’t believe i did this to her.”
“ted,” you say, touching his shoulder. he shrugs you off. “ted, look at me. i’m your girlfriend.”
ted’s eyebrows lift from the deep scowl, and he gives you a goofy grin, leaning back in his seat, his head lolling. “babyyy, it’s you! thank god. some girl wouldn’t leave me alone. had to tell her i’m taken.”
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schlatt fully gives that scene in pearl where she’s like “I’M MARRIED!!!!”
you don’t even get a kiss from him. when you lean in, his big hand engulfs your face and pushes you away.
“what the fuck? don’t touch me. i’m a married man.”
“schlatt, it’s me.”
“i don’t give a fuck who you are. you are not my wife.”
…and he’s not wrong, you suppose.
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gwilymz · 2 days
Imagining Patrick utterly obsessed with you but you never give him the time of day. You think he’s an asshole and a douchebag and you know he would end up breaking your heart like they all do. Plus you’ve sworn off tennis guys. He flirts with you every day without fail, brings you snacks for practice, helps you practice drills and only peeks up your skirt the tiniest bit (when you’re not looking). When he’s drunk he slurs compliments to you and has the most lopsided smile and crinkled eyes. You’ve almost caved after a few drinks yourself, but then Art will come drag him away, or you’ll sober up once Patrick’s thumb grazes your chin and you realize everyone in the bar can see you.
You convince yourself you don’t like him, oh not at all. Or just as a friend. Until he starts dating the new freshman on the girl’s team. She’s shy and not that good and people gossip about nepotism behind her back. But you’ve seen Patrick whisper in her ear and carry her rackets out to his car after practice. And you’ve noticed that his car will linger longer than it has to, and the subtle creaks of a rocking SUV in a cold parking lot after dark when you’ve stayed an extra hour to practice more. That’s what you tell yourself—for practice.
But you’ve been angry lately. Losing a match always pissed you off, but now you’re smashing rackets and snapping at the coach.
You run after Patrick after practice one foggy day in April, early morning. His little girlfriend is out sick. He hasn’t spoken to you in weeks.
“Zweig,” you urge, catching up to him.
“Hey hon,” he take a swig of his water as he pulls his tennis bag from his back, shoving it into his car. His reply is douchey and nonchalant
“I can’t believe you’re dating nepo baby.” You poke. “You make fun of people like that.”
“Why do you care?” He crosses his arms over his chest. You notice it looks stronger; his arms do too. “Miss your attention?”
Your face flushes. “No-“ you push a strand of hair away from your face. “I mean I thought we were friends but I’ll just fuck off I guess.” You shrug and mime his own posture, huffing and crossing your arms.
Patrick opens the driver door. “Get in.”
“No I’m not getting in-“
“Get in!” He leans over to push the passenger door open, and you don’t even realize you’re getting into his car until he is grabbing your chin and pulling you into him. You straddle him as he struggles to push his seat back, and your ass pushes against the horn. He smiles against your lips, his hands pushing under the built-in shorts under your tennis skirt.
“You’re such an asshole, cheating on your fucking girlfriend right now.” You lift his shirt up and trace a finger down his abs until you reach the tie of his little shorts.
“Something tells me you don’t really care about that.” He pulls your ponytail to expose your neck to him and presses hot kisses against your throat. His dick twitches against your core.
“I have nothing to lose, Patrick.”
“It takes two to cheat.” He spanks you and pushes his thumb into your mouth, giving you a toothy smile.
“Then let’s stop right now.” You suggest, leaning forward into Patrick’s cock, your back arching.
“No, thanks.” His hand pushes under your tank top. “No bra? Slut.”
You wish you didn’t like that so much, but you whimper into his mouth.
“I-“ he stumbles on his words as you palm him. “This was my goal, you know.”
“What was?”
“I’ve only been trying to fuck you for 2 years.” He pulls his cock out of his shorts and you gasp at the size of him. “I knew this would be the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
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berryhobii · 3 days
this is so LFW couple coded https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2kkbOYo8jj/?igsh=MXZrY3JsNDAwcWVkZA==
Thanks for your request and I’m sorry it took so long!🩵🩵🩵still hope you enjoy
Jungkook emerged from your huge walk in closet carrying a shoe box. Now, your husband loved to spoil you; he’d buy you whatever you wanted and whatever he wanted you to have. You could just glance at something in a store and best believe it would be in your lap days later. You always appreciated whatever he did for you, thanking him immensely and doing anything to reciprocate that love.
You also had a remarkable memory which meant you could look at something and determine if Jungkook had gifted it to you.
But you’ve never seen that shoe box before. Just the color told you they were YSL.
“Where did those come from?” You inquired as he dropped on his knee in front of you, placing the box down next to him.
He sent you a cheeky grin. “I picked them up while I was out earlier. I thought they’d go well with your dress.” He removed the top of the box along with the tissue paper that covered the shoes.
You gasped as he pulled out the pair of pumps; shiny black and open toed with a gold plated YSL as the heel.
“Jungkook, you didn’t have to get me these.” You gasped, still in shock. You personally only owned a few pairs of luxury shoes and Jungkook purchased almost all of them. Name brands didn’t matter that much to you since you prioritized comfort and durability over price. You also loved H&M and Nordstrom Rack because sales were like drugs to you so super expensive shoes never really pulled your attention.
Those gorgeous doe eyes locked with yours, full of adoration and respect for you and you were sure you were looking at him the exact same way.
“You deserve it, baby. I want you to have all the nice things in the world.”
You smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek and running your thumb across his cheekbone as he nuzzled into your touch. “I have you. That’s all I need.”
He lifted your foot, sliding the shoe on and then going about securing it to your foot. After placing a kiss to your leg, he did the same with the other shoe. He stood to his own feet, holding out a hand for you to take so you could stand.
You twisted your leg to get a good look at the new footwear. Then you turned back to him, lifting your arms to wrap around his shoulders and his went to your waist.
“They’re beautiful, Jungkook. Thank you.” He could feel the sincerity rolling off your tongue. Jungkook knew you could be a little bashful and your humble nature meant you weren’t very materialistic but he just couldn’t help himself from spoiling you. He married you, not only because he loved you dearly(which he did) but also because he wanted to give you the life you deserved.
One side of you was a dedicated professional, educated and self sufficient; he knew you could take care of yourself and get the job done.
Then you had that other side of you that he had worked hard to pull out; the side that allowed you to put down your workload and relax into your femininity. When you could be a little ditzy and absentminded because you knew your man had your back. He applied that pressure all throughout your relationship, letting you know that you could depend on him. Not necessarily financial wise even though he could but also emotionally and mentally.
He truly brought out a side in you that you didn’t even think you were capable of expressing and you loved him so much for it.
“Anything for you, my pretty girl. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Tugging him down, you connected your lips in a passionate kiss—intimate and loving.
“Would it be too forward if I asked you to sit on my face right now?” He whispered against your gloss smeared lips, hands wandering down to squeeze at the fat of your ass through your dress.
You breathed out a chuckle. “We’re already late. I promise I’ll sit on it later though, okay?” You pecked his lips one last time, patting him twice on the cheek before strutting away in your new shoes. Jungkook’s eyes followed your hypnotizing backside, dreamily sighing.
He had really hit the jackpot with you and hopefully he’d be able to hit something else later.
“Kookieeeeeeee, my feet hurt!” You whined loudly, your pinky finger barely holding onto Jungkook’s hand as you two walked the 2 blocks to the car but they felt a million miles long at this point.
You trailed slightly behind him as the pain in your feet forced you to slow your ass down.
“You’re the one who wanted bubble tea. I told you we could go to the place closer to home but you insisted on walking up that hill.” He chastised but there was no real heat behind his words, a smile perpetually on his face from the few drinks he had and your antics.
“It was disgusting too! The girls on Instagram make it look so delicious! Why did you let me do that?” You complained, stomping your feet but then regretting it when your toes said no thank you.
“I told you not to get the matcha one. You hate matcha.”
“Stop combating my complaints with facts!”
You slowly came to a stop which made Jungkook stop too. He turned around, an endearing expression crossing his face at the sight of your pout. You had released your natural hair from the cute, curly bun it was wrapped up in earlier. He remembers you pulling about 100 Bobby pins from the tresses as the heat of the club started to get to you. The fullness was now packed into a claw clip that he helped you secure.
You looked adorable.
Sighing and shaking his head, Jungkook took your purse from you and looped it over his arm before bending down and picking you up.
You immediately relaxed in his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and snuggling closer to him.
Placing a sweet kiss to the side of his neck, you, you murmured, “Mmm, thank you baby. I promise I won’t fall asleep before I get to sit on your face.”
Jungkook snorted. “Whatever you say. Let’s just focus on getting home.”
“I’m serious. I never break a promise.”
“Neither do I.” He soothed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He promised he’d always care for you. That he’d always love you.
That he’d be everything you needed and give you everything you deserved.
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these blurbs are so so good!! i’d love prompt 2 with matty (reader being the one crying) <333
thank you so much! oh love that prompt, 2-> crying during sex that leads to a pause or early end to comfort and take care of whatever emotions bubbled over 
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You’re on the couch, matty on top of you, fucking himself into you very slowly.
It’s not even fucking it’s too sensual for that, he’s taking his time with you, savoring every moment with you.
His rhythm is in perfect harmony with the pulse of your body, matching the rhythm of your breath as his love for you grows with every stroke.
You don’t know when your thoughts started to run wild, your eyes are getting more teary by the second and Matty doesn’t notice because he’s prepping kisses down your breasts.
“hmm darling, need to be slower more often,” he mumbles against your skin and you don’t say anything because you’re afraid you will ruin the moment.
He’s gone soon, off on tour for almost two years and you can’t join him because your job is making it impossible.
Your hips are grinding against one another in perfect synchronicity. You get lost inside each other’s arms. There was no way of telling where your body ends and his begins. Together you chase the sweet relief with heavy breaths and accelerated motions.
“M’ so lucky to have you,”he groans, “to call you my girl.”
A tear slips from your eye, not really able to believe his words even though deep down you know he means everything he says. It’s just hard to believe that you will love each other without being able to actually enjoy each others company.
“My gorgeous, gorgeous girl,” he says looking down at where his cock is disappearing inside of you.
You fucking want to finish, to let him finish but you’re starting to feel pain. It’s starting to hurt and you’re biting your lip so hard it’s starting to draw blood. You can’t suppress it anymore and you let a sob slip.
Matty’s eyes shoot up and his hips come to an immediate rest.
“Fuck,” he says , his hand coming up to your cheek, “are you hurt, did I hurt you?”
Matty's eyes widen in concern as he gently cradles your face, his thumb brushing away the fresh tear that has slipped down your cheek.
You shake your head, your lips trembling as you try to speak, “no, it’s not that.” You can’t do anything but whisper because your voice is breaking, “sorry to r-ruin this.”
He notices how bloody your lip is and how your body trembles under him. He pulls out of you slowly.
“Baby, whats wrong? Did I really not hurt you?” he asks, clutching the sides of your face in his gentle hands and tilting your head up to meet his eyes. The blackness there is gone, replaced by tender warmth. 
“Fuck,” you sigh, “it’s ridiculous.”
“S’not when you’re crying while we fuck,” he tries to joke and you give him a small smile while sniffling. “Let’s get proper comfortable, not when I’m with my dick out and then we talk, is that ‘right?”
You nod, staying under the covers while Matty puts on a pair of boxers. He’s still half-hard because he couldn’t finish but he doesn’t really care which you don’t know. You think you’re being selfish.
He takes your panties from the floor and slides them up your legs, making you feel a lot more comfortable. Furthermore he lifts his pink durex shirt to let you put it on.
“There we go,” he says, finally settling beside you, sitting down cross-legged. “What’s wrong- shit your lip is bleeding, what are you doing.” It’s more calm then accusatory and it’s clear that he just cares.
Matty's fingers gently dab at your lip with the tissue he picked up from your nightstand, his eyes filled with concern. "Hm? Baby, talk to me," he murmurs, his voice soft and coaxing. You can feel the warmth of his body close to yours, even through the thin material of his shirt now draped over you.
You take a shaky breath, trying to steady your emotions. It's difficult to find the words, the right way to express the turmoil swirling inside you. The weight of it feels overwhelming, and the vulnerability of the moment only amplifies it.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, your voice cracking. "It's just… I can't help thinking about when you'll be gone. On tour."
Matty's face softens even more, if that’s possible, his thumb brushing a stray tear from your cheek. "Oh, love," he sighs, pulling you into his lap. "Is that what this is about?"
You nod, burying your face in his chest, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "I know it's selfish," you mumble against his skin. "I should be happy for you. I am happy for you. But I'm going to miss you so much, and it scares me."
Matty's arms wrap around you tighter, his hand stroking your hair soothingly.
“S’ neither daft nor selfish," he reassures you. "It's natural to feel this way. I miss you when I'm away too, more than you know."
You lift your head to meet his gaze, finding the sincerity in his eyes calming.
He shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips. He knows you feel bad about crying and stupid and you regret opening yourself like that.
“I care about you,” he gives you a quick soft kiss to your lips, “we’ll find a way to make it work, okay? We’ll talk everyday, I’ll send you silly pictures, anything.”
The warmth in his eyes, the gentle tone of his voice, it all makes you feel a little more secure, a little less alone in your fear. You nod, feeling a weight lift from your chest. "Okay," you whisper, feeling a sense of relief wash over you.
Matty leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "We’ll figure it out together," he promises.
You manage a small smile, the tightness in your chest easing. “Yeah,” you agree, snuggling closer to him, “thank you.”
“Don’t worry,” he whispers against your hair, “I love you too much to let you go.”
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c-t-r-l14 · 3 days
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Tennesee Waltz
“I remember the night, and the Tennesee Waltz
Now I know just how much I have lost.”
Synopsis: You introduce an old friend to Xanthus.
Based off of this post.
You were never one to believe in soulmates. That concept simply never made sense to you. The notion that some “universal force of nature” chooses the person that is “perfect” for you, how it ties an invisible red string of fate to you and your lover's pinky finger—forever making you two bound to each other for all eternity—was simply ludacris.
Sometimes, when you were out with your friends, they’d talk about how they met their lovers, and how they just instantly knew that they were the ones. And they’d say it with the tenderness, warmth, and certain fondness of love swimming in their bright eyes. You’d watch how their bodies swooned with adoration, how the corners of their lips were lifted up into a smile of utter enchantment. As you sat there, watching them whisper and swoon about how the “stars aligned for them to be together,” with their hands on their hearts—their bright, love struck eyes gazing longingly at the sky—you couldn’t help but think that for a moment, for just a moment—how nice it would be if the theories of “soul-ties” and “soulmates” were real. But, as soon as those thoughts came, they vanished just as instantly—fading away from existence like the steam that permeated from your hot cup of tea. Although it was a nice thought in theory, it was absolutely ridiculous in practice. There is no destiny, or “path of fate”, when it comes to falling in love. There are no “outside forces” pulling the strings behind the scenes—no cupid or Eros to shoot an arrow of love in your back. You simply meet someone, get to know who they are, fall in love, and eventually settle down with them. A completely natural process—one with no red strings attached. And for a little a while, that’s what you truly believed.
That is, until you met Xanthus.
You were drawn to everything about him—his air of mystique, and his beautiful golden hair, how his bangs fell over his forehead and framed his pale face, how his eyes of red seemed to sparkle brightly with the radiance of rubies—and how his thin lips seemed to form the most gorgeous smile you’ve ever seen. You loved the way he held you in his strong arms; the way you melted in the cocoon of his warm embrace. When the evening made way for the night—when the red, orange, and yellow hues morphed into a midnight blue, you’d be comforted by the faint sound of his breathing and the smell of cologne lingering in the air; and as the night made way for the dawn, your heart was filled with so much bliss—so much happiness—simply because you were lucky enough to wake up to him sleeping beside you. You thanked your lucky stars every time he used you as his muse for any new book he composed. Your body felt lighter than air when he recited the sonnets he wrote for you. You beamed brightly every single time you posed for any painting he’d create in your honor. With him, the world was bathed in pink hues—bursting with absolute beauty.
And, on one clear night—without a single twinkling star in the sky—when there was nothing but the luminescence of the full moon hanging over the city, he held your hand tightly as he stared into your eyes, and said to you:
“Dearest, my love for you is deeper than the deepest depths of the vastest oceans, and is as plentiful as the stars in the sky. It extends to even the most remote regions of the universe—reaching a distance above the very heavens itself; a devotion so strong that it breaks the concept of time. Whenever you’re around me, my heart sings—a simple song morphs into a symphony whenever I look at you. You bring me comfort on my darkest nights, and laughter in my lowest moments. You’re a beacon that melted the ice of my once frozen heart. And that is why, I want to be there for you—for as long as you allow me to be.”
You can practically hear the fast paced thumping of your heart beating loudly in your chest. And your vision blurred with tears as he reached into his pocket.
“I promise.”
In his hand sat the most beautiful ring you’ve ever laid your eyes on—complete with brilliant red rubies encrusted in the golden band. Ruby red—the color of his eyes. Your mouth, although quivering—quirked up into a smile as he slid the ring onto your finger. And he smiled back as he took out another ring, with diamonds that shone with the luminance, beauty, and color of your own eyes—sliding it on to his own finger.
You let the tears flow. And, on that clear night—without a single twinkling star in the sky—you two shared a tender kiss under the ethereal glow of the full moon hanging over the city.
It was a moment that you cherished for a long time. But even as you stood there, staring lovingly in his ruby red eyes, his face and blond tresses bathed in the pale white glow of the moonlight—you still didn’t understand what your friends swooned and sighed about.
Because despite the immense love you felt, and the sweet aroma of romance wafting through the air, you still didn’t believe in soulmates.
As you ascended the long staircase, you nervously fiddled with your hair, trying your best to give your whole ensemble a finishing touch. Your stomach was swimming with apprehensiveness, and a bit of anxiety as you got to the top—your heart thumping wildly in your chest as you came face to face with the large ballroom. You huffed as Xanthus chuckled with pure amusement.
“Dearest,” he laughed, “there is nothing to worry about. The way you look tonight will take everyone’s breath away.”
“Thanks, Xanthus, but this is the first time I’ve ever been to a ball! We’ll be dancing in front of people, too. I have to make sure I don’t mess up.”
He chuckled once more. “We’ve danced with each other many times before; it’s not really anything to fret over.”
“Okay, but the difference is that people will be watching.”
“You worry too much, my dear. You’ll do wonderful.”
He gave you a reassuring smile as he offered his arm to you, and you took it—smiling back as you both sauntered into the ballroom.
You were taken aback from the level of absolute grandeur that encompassed every single inch of the ballroom. The silk velvet drapes, which were the color of old red wine, cascaded from the ceiling to the ground—their gold trimmings almost sweeping against the marble floor—its own tiles embellished with swirling patterns and geometric shapes. Frescoes—paintings that were vibrant in colors and rich with lore—adorned the high ceilings as it stretched far across the room. And, in the center of it all, was a crystal chandelier looming overhead—casting a beautiful, soft glow—almost as astonishing as the moonlight that engulfed you and Xanthus just a few days prior.
The room was filled with people who were dressed to the nines—opulent gowns and dresses that cascaded all the way down to the floor, grazing it as the women walked. Men dressed in their best suits and tailcoats, standing with nonchalance as they carry on a conversation with the person talking to them. And, besides from the magnificent harmonies melted together by the woodwinds, percussions, and strings played by the live grand orchestra—the quiet sounds of excited chatter, laughter and clinking wine glasses filled the air. However, within the sea of fancy dresses and tailcoats, you spotted a familiar face—one you hadn’t seen in what felt like a million years. Still as beautiful as they were on the last day you saw them, their smile as radiant as ever—their laughter loud and full of life. And while they did go many names, you chose to call out the one that was most familiar to you.
In an instant they caught your gaze, and their own eyes lit up as you two made your way over.
“Well, I’ll be! It’s been so long!” They exclaimed, grabbing your hands and squeezing it.
“Too long!” You laughed, “Oh, and before I forget—Love, this is Xanthus.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Love,” Xanthus said—with a certain softness in his tone as he extended his hand.
“Pleasure’s all mine,” they responded shyly, shaking it.
And for a moment, they both stood there, staring into each other’s eyes—almost as if they were in a trance, or under some sort of spell. But, there was something different in Xanthus’ gaze; while it was true that he had looked at you with adoration and astonishment swimming in his eyes, there was something very unfamiliar about the way he looked at Love. There was a certain something in his stare—something that never appeared when he looked at you. And, that very same something gleamed in Love’s eyes.
Suddenly, the excitement that swam in your stomach—and the warmness that filled your heart froze over. You opened your mouth to say something, but then the live orchestra started playing a song that made all the women squeal and drag their dates to the dance floor.
The Tennessee Waltz.
Xanthus pulled away from you, and took their hand.
“May I have this dance, Love?”
“Yes you may,” they giggled.
You watched as they sauntered to the dancefloor, hand in hand, never once letting the fire of captivation fizzle out of their bright eyes. You couldn’t bring yourself to call after them, because even if you tried, the words would get stuck in your throat. So, you stood there, and watched from afar as they waltzed.
You watched as the melody consumed them—never taking a step out of turn—always on beat.
You watched as they laughed when Xanthus gave Love a twirl—his smile so wide that his teeth were showing. He never smiled at you like that.
You watched as they still held each other close, even when it was time to switch partners. They danced as if they were in their own little universe.
And, while the orchestra played the finishing note, you watched as they both shared a tender kiss, bathed in the soft glow that was casted by the chandelier looming overhead.
Your heart clenched, and a pain that burned like a wildfire consumed your chest. With great haste, and blurry vision, you ran out of there. The ballroom air was suffocating; it was filled with their new found love, and the scent was so thick and strong that it was getting harder to breathe.
You stumbled into the ballroom garden, and let the tears flow—heaving sobs and broken cries filling the atmosphere. It was a clear night, without a twinkling star in the sky—with nothing but the luminescence of the full moon hanging over the city. You cried under the very same sky your darling Xanthus declared his love for you.
The night you believed in soulmates wasn’t the night he recited his first sonnet to you. It wasn’t the night he used you as his muse for his first book, or when he made his first painting. It wasn’t even the night he gave you a promise ring, vowing to stay by your side for as long as you’d let him.
No, the night you believed in soulmates was the night Xanthus found his.
The night your friend stole your sweetheart from you.
The night they were playing the beautiful Tennessee Waltz.
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I had so much things to do. I’m glad to be back! Have some angst!
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earthtoharlow · 17 hours
Don’t Like The Lights
Sequel to Flashing Lights series, must read Flashing Lights first to understand
Series Masterlist
4. Flights Booked
When last did we feel this close together? Chasing sunsets in California. Don't make me wait, babe, it's been forever
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Jack taps his fingers along the steering wheel as he waits for his phone to connect to the Bluetooth in his car. “Hey, CoCo, it’s Jack Harlow”
CoCo answered, her tone teasing. “Do you always answer the phone by saying your first and last name?”
Jack chuckled, “Only when I want to make a good impression. Got a sec to talk about Maryse’s schedule for the next two weeks?”
Her tone shifted to one of curiosity. “Sure thing, what’s up?”
“I was hoping to plan a surprise vacation for us before things get too hectic,” Jack explained. “Just wanted to know if she has any free time coming up.”
He heard shuffling on the other line before CoCo said, “Hmm, let’s see… Well, she has a couple of interviews and a few studio sessions lined up, but nothing that can’t be moved around. You’re in luck—she’s relatively free the next two weeks.”
“That’s perfect! Can you shuffle things around without giving away the surprise?”
“Consider it done,” she replied with a smile in her voice. “And just so you know, this is incredibly sweet of you. She’s going to love it. I’ve been begging this girl to go on vacation for years now!”
Jack profusely thanked her before hanging up, he then called Doja’s number, hoping she’ll be up for the challenge. He knew that keeping a secret from Maryse was no easy feat, especially when it involved her wardrobe.
“Hey, it’s me,” he greeted Doja, who answered on the second ring. “I need a favor. A big one.”
“Uh-oh, what did you do?” Doja teased.
“Nothing bad, I promise. I hate to interrupt the girls trip but I’m planning a surprise vacation for Maryse, and I need you to help pack her some clothes. Just tell her it’s a surprise if she asks,” Jack explained.
Jack could hear Doja’s excitement through the phone. “That’s so sweet! Of course, I’ll help. When do you need this done?”
“As soon as possible.” He tells her. “I’m still in Kentucky but I’m going to surprise her at the airport when she’s on her way back. From New York we’re going straight to our destination.”
“I’ll get Saweetie involved, and we’ll handle it. You just focus on making this the best surprise ever!”
“Thank you, you guys are lifesavers,” he said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.
“Anything for you two. She’s going to be over the moon.”
After they hung up the phone Jack started booking the private villa and making sure his plane was ready for the two of them. He wanted this vacation to be perfect.
A few hours later as Jack was finishing up packing for the trip, he heard his phone chime with a text and he knew it was Maryse. “What are you planning, white boy?!
Jack snickered, texting back “What are you talking about?”
He laughed out loud when he saw the string of angry emojis she sent his way. He proceeded to send her a voice message letting her know that he loved her and that he couldn’t wait for her to come home. Jack stayed up a bit longer to organize a few more details for the trip before he finally turned into bed knowing he would have to get up early to make the short trip to New York to surprise Maryse.
Maryse walked into the airport, tired but happy to be heading back home. She still couldn’t believe Kentucky was home now. She had no idea what was in store for her. As she made her way through the terminal, she spotted Jack waiting for her, a huge smile on his face. She quickened her pace, her own smile spreading as she approached him.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, surprise and delight in her voice as she leapt into his arms and squeezed him tight.
“I fucking missed you.” Not caring that they were in a crowded airport, and crashed his lips against hers. Jack could have stayed there just kissing her forever and it seemed like Maryse was intent on doing that but Jack pulled away, saying, “I have a surprise for you.”
Maryse looked at him curiously, but nodded. “Okay, lead the way.”
Jack couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he led her through the bustling New York airport. He could tell the suspense was eating at her. Maryse kept glancing at him, eyes wide with excitement.
“Where are we going?” she asked for the tenth time, her voice a mix of excitement and impatience.
“You’ll see,” he replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
Finally, they reached a secluded part of the airport. Maryse’s eyes widened even more when she saw the sleek, private plane waiting for them on the tarmac. She stopped in her tracks, looking from the plane to Jack in disbelief.
“What is this?” she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.
“This,” Jack said, turning to face her with a wide smile, “is our ride. We’re going on vacation.”
Jack was living for the look of pure joy on her face. He swore he would have done anything just to see that look on her face that only grew when he explained, “I called CoCo and got everything taken off your schedule for the next two weeks and we’re going to Brazil right now.”
“Right now? I haven’t even packed, and do we have somewhere to stay?” The planner in her was stressing out as she began to ramble.
Jack pulled her back in arms as he brought his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. “Everything is taken care of, Doja emptied out your suitcase while you were out and put everything you’ll need for the trip in there.”
“You did all this?” Maryse asked, stunned. They had talked about taking a vacation a couple weeks ago but Jack hadn't brought it up again so she thought he forgot about it.
He nodded, his smile widening. “Yep. Just for us. I wanted everything to be perfect.”
Tears welled up in Maryse’s eyes as she threw her arms around him. “You’re amazing. I can’t believe you did this.”
Jack hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth of her embrace. “You deserve it,” he said softly. “We both do.”
They spent the 12 hour flight cuddled up on the couch of the plane, trading kisses back and forth. Their phones were off, they were in a plane alone, and they had nothing on their schedules for the next two weeks. They were truly going to be able to relax.
Hours later, they landed at a small, private airport in Brazil. From there, they were whisked away to a stunning, secluded villa. The moment they arrived, Maryse's eyes widened in amazement at the sight of their temporary home. The villa was nestled on a pristine beach, with crystal-clear waters stretching out as far as the eye could see.
“This is unbelievable,” Maryse said, her voice filled with awe. As she looked out the balcony of their bedroom. “It’s like a dream.”
Jack wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “Welcome to paradise,” he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I wanted to give us a place where we could really relax and reconnect.”
She looked up at him, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. “You’re incredible,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Thank you.”
“I need to see what Doja packed for me.” Maryse said, pulling away so she could go to her suitcases. “She didn’t pack one bikini that will even cover my ass, and I’m pretty sure the rest is just all lingerie. There’s only like 3 dresses in here!”
Jack put his hands on his hips looking at the clothes. “I don’t really see the problem.”
Maryse shook her head at him. “I guess she doesn’t expect me to leave this house based on what she’s packed for me.”
Jack grabbed her hips, pulling them up against his own while he told her, “I’m still having a hard time figuring out what the problem is.”
“Of course you wouldn’t, but can we take a nap before we start exploring? I’m sleepy,” she said, turning in his arms and snuggling closer to him.
“Yeah, c’mon,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “We have all the time in the world.”
He helped her to her feet. The bedroom was just as luxurious as the rest of the place, with a king-sized bed that looked incredibly inviting. Maryse sighed with contentment as she crawled under the soft, white sheets.
Jack joined her, wrapping his arms around her as she settled into his embrace. “This is perfect,” she murmured, her voice already drowsy.
“Just like you,” he whispered back, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
She smiled sleepily, not even having the energy to call him out for being corny. “Thank you for this. For everything.”
“Anything for you,” he replied, watching as she drifted off to sleep. He stayed awake for a while, holding her close and listening to the sound of her breathing. It felt surreal to be here, in this beautiful place, with the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
As he finally closed his eyes, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. They had gone through so much, but they had come out stronger on the other side. And now, they had this time together to heal, to reconnect.
Maryse woke up before the sun had full risen, she turned to see Jack still asleep beside her, his mouth slightly open, soft snores escaping his lips. A smile tugged at her lips as she watched him.
Unable to resist she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Jack stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. “Good morning,” she whispered against his skin, trailing kisses down to his cheek and then his lips.
Jack groaned softly, a lazy smile spreading across his face as he woke up to her tender kisses. “Mmm, morning,” he mumbled, reaching up to pull her closer. “This is the best way to wake up.”
She laughed softly, her fingers tracing the lines of his jaw. “I thought so too. How did you sleep?”
“Perfectly,” he replied, tightening his hold on her. They lay there for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, soaking in the peace of the morning. The sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore outside added to the calm atmosphere.
“I love you,” she whispered, her heart full.
“I love you too,” he replied, his eyes shining with sincerity. “So much.”
“Let’s get up and shower together. I want to start our day right.”
He chuckled, stretching his arms above his head before pulling her closer for a lingering kiss. “That sounds like the perfect way to start the day.”
They untangled themselves from the sheets and made their way to the spacious bathroom. Jack turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature before they stepped in together.
Maryse tested it with her hand and frowned. “This isn’t hot enough,” she complained, turning to Jack with a playful pout.
Jack laughed, shaking his head. “The temperature doesn’t need to be in hell, you know.”
She giggled, rolling her eyes. “I like it hot.”
“Clearly,” he teased, but he adjusted the temperature a bit more to her liking. “How’s that?”
“Better,” she conceded with a satisfied smile.
The shower seemed to grow warmer around them, the steam mingling with their breath as they held each other close. Jack’s hands roamed her back, and she felt a familiar thrill of excitement and comfort all at once.
Maryse leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against her skin. She closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to his in a slow, passionate kiss.
The kiss deepened, and Jack backed her against the shower wall, his arms coming up to cage her in their bodies pressed together. He pulled back slightly, his breath mingling with hers. “Tell me you love me,” he said, his voice a husky plea.
“I love you,” she responded without hesitation, her eyes locked onto his, as she slid her hands back up his chest, resting on his shoulders as she pulled him closer, pulling him back into the kiss.
Breaking away for a moment, Jack pressed his forehead against hers, both of them breathing heavily. “Is it bad that I wanna keep you just like this for the rest of the trip?,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the water.
“Not bad at all,” she said, pressing a kiss to the freckles on his shoulders. “In fact, I was thinking the same thing.”
“I mean, exploring Brazil is great and all, but being with you like this… it’s perfect.”
“Perfect, huh?” She teased, her hands running up and down his chest. “I like the sound of that.”
“But we should actually shower before we turn into prunes,” Maryse said, gently pushing him back with a playful smile. “So, keep your hands to yourself.”
Jack grinned, reluctantly letting her go. “Alright, alright. But only because you asked so nicely.”
She laughed, turning to adjust the water temperature. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy this,” she said over her shoulder, “but we did come here to see more than just the inside of this shower.”
“Fair point,” he admitted, watching as she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. “But just so you know, you’re making it very hard to focus on anything else.”
“Focus, mister,” she teased, handing him the body wash. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later.”
He sighed dramatically, but took the body wash from her. “Fine. But I’m counting down the minutes.”
She rolled her eyes affectionately. “Of course you are.”
After the shower, they decided to put on their swimwear and take a walk along the beach. Maryse slipped on the only one suit that her friends seemed to pack while Jack donned his favorite swim trunks. Now afternoon the sun was shining bright.
“Ready to go?” she asked, adjusting her sunglasses.
As they made their way to the shore, Maryse stopped and tugged on Jack’s hand. “Wait a minute,” she said with a playful grin. “Let me put some sunscreen on you so you don’t turn into Larry the Lobster.”
Jack chuckled. “Larry the Lobster? Really?”
“Yes, really,” she replied, reaching into her beach bag and pulling out a bottle of sunscreen. “Your skin’s too nice to get all burned up.”
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, turning his back to her. “Lather me up.”
Maryse squirted a generous amount of sunscreen into her hands and started applying it to his back. She took her time, enjoying the chance to touch his skin and make sure he was well protected. “You know,” she said as she worked, “I always thought you had great skin.”
“Is that so?” he asked, looking over his shoulder with a smirk.
“Yep,” she confirmed, moving her hands up to his shoulders and neck. “Now turn around so I can get your chest.”
Jack obliged, turning to face her. As she applied the sunscreen to his chest, he couldn’t help but admire her concentration. “You’re really taking this Larry the Lobster thing seriously, huh?”
She laughed. “I am. Can’t have you looking like a cooked crab.”
“Well, I appreciate it,” he said, leaning down to kiss her lightly on the lips. “Now, your turn.”
“Oh no, I’ve already put some on!,” she started to protest, but he was already squirting sunscreen into his hands.
“Turn around,” he instructed with a grin.
With a resigned smile, she turned her back to him, and he began to apply the sunscreen to her shoulders and back. His touch was gentle but thorough, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands on her skin. “You only wanted an excuse to touch me.”
Jack laughed, not denying it. “Can you blame me?”
“Not really,” she admitted with a smile, feeling her cheeks warm under his gaze. “Now, make sure you get every spot. I don’t want any sunburn.”
“As you wish,” he said, his hands moving gently across her back, spreading the sunscreen evenly. “Just doing my duty to keep you safe.”
“You’re such a hero,” she teased, feeling more at ease with each passing moment.
“Since day one.” Jack said, pressing a kiss to her head.
Once they were done they walked further down the shore “This place is beautiful,” Maryse remarked, looking out at the horizon.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Jack replied, giving her hand a squeeze.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Corny.”
Just as they were getting comfortable, Jack suddenly stopped and turned to her with a gleam in his eye. “You know what this beach walk is missing?”
“What?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Without warning, he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder. “A little fun!” he declared, sprinting towards the ocean.
“Jack!” she shrieked, laughing as he ran. “Put me down!”
He charged into the water, the cool waves crashing around them. When they were waist-deep, he gently set her down. The surprise and exhilaration made her giggle uncontrollably.
“You are such a kid,” she said, splashing him with water.
“And you love it,” he replied, splashing her back.
They played in the water, their laughter echoing across the beach. For a moment, all past worries and concerns were washed away by the ocean. It was just the two of them, enjoying each other’s company and the simple joy of being together.
Jack watched as Maryse people watched from her beach chair, he couldn’t help but take his phone out to snap a photo of how beautiful she looked. Knowing this would be his only time on social media for the whole trip, he wanted to make it count.
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liked by urbanwyatt, yungskylark, dojacat,joeywagner, torikelly, jaytatum0, lifeofmonet and 856,789 others
jackharlow: if you need me….
view all 7,456 comments
user: the world is better now that y’all are back together
user: finally taking a vacation? I’m shocked
CoCoGram: thank you for getting her out that studio
urbanwyatt: oh so that’s where you escaped too
user: you get to wake up to that every morning and it’s not fair
dojacat: 🇧🇷
lifeofmonet: do not disturb 😌✌🏽
Maryse was doing her makeup in the bathroom mirror, carefully applying the final touches to her look for the evening. She was focused, making sure everything was perfect, when she glanced up and saw Jack standing in the doorway.
He was dressed in all white, looking almost god-like. The sight took her breath away. For a moment, she wished she could skip dinner altogether and have her way with him right there.
“You look incredible,” she said, unable to hide the admiration in her voice.
Jack smiled, walking over to her. “You’re not looking too bad yourself.”
Her cheeks warmed, turning back to the mirror to hide her smile. “You’re going to make it hard to concentrate on dinner.”
He leaned down, his breath warm against her ear. “Maybe that’s the point.”
Maryse shivered, a thrill running down her spine. “We have reservations, you know,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
“Reservations can wait,” Jack replied, his hands gently resting on her hips. “But if you insist, I guess we can make it quick.”
She laughed, playfully swatting his hands away. “As tempting as that sounds, I think we should at least show up before we cancel all our plans.”
Jack sighed dramatically. “Fine, but you owe me later.”
She turned to face him, their eyes locking. “I think I can manage that.”
They shared a lingering kiss before finally pulling away. With one last glance in the mirror, Maryse took Jack’s hand, ready to head out for their dinner date, even though part of her wished they could stay wrapped up in each other all night long.
As they sat down for dinner, Maryse found herself seated across from Jack, enjoying the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant. However, Jack had other plans. With a mischievous grin, he motioned for her to switch seats and sit next to him, wanting her closer.
Maryse laughed, but obliged, sliding into the seat next to him. “You just can’t bear to be apart from me, can you?” she teased, nudging him playfully.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “Not even for a second,” he replied, planting a kiss on her cheek.
As they perused the menu, Maryse noticed that parts of it were in Portuguese. Having picked up a bit of the language from her time during tour last year, she was able to help translate for Jack, pointing out dishes that looked promising.
“Here, this one looks delicious,” she said, tapping on an item. “It’s a local specialty.”
Jack grinned, grateful for her help. “Thanks, love. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he said, giving her a squeeze.
Like always when they went out to dinner, they always ended up switching plates. As Maryse was taking a bite of his food she felt a chill run through her. Looking up, her heart dropped as she saw Nate walk into the restaurant, holding a girl's hand. What were the odds that he would be here at the same time as her? 
She froze for a moment, feeling a surge of unexpected emotions. Despite the time that had passed, seeing him brought back a flood of memories of their last encounter. 
Jack noticed the change in her demeanor and followed her gaze, his expression turning serious as he saw her ex enter the restaurant. “Is everything okay?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
Maryse took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “Yeah, it’s just… I didn’t expect to see him here,” she admitted, her voice slightly shaky. 
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Hey, you don’t have to worry. You’re with me now, and I’ve got your back,” he said softly, his gaze steady and supportive.
They both continued dinner with Nate in the back of both their minds. Maryse decided to go to the restroom just as they were getting ready to leave the restaurant. She cursed to herself when she realized she would have to walk past him to get there. 
She tried to maneuver past Nate, hoping to avoid any interaction, but he reached out and stopped her.
“Maryse, wait,” he said, his voice pleading.
She turned to face him, her expression guarded. “What do you want? And let go of me.” she asked, her tone curt.
Nate immediately dropped his hand from her wrist. He then took a deep breath, visibly nervous. “I just… I wanted to apologize,” he began, his words coming out in a rush. Maryse had never seen him this nervous in her life. 
“I’ve been going to rehab and therapy, and I’ve been working on myself. I’m actually in a new relationship now. I know I messed things up between us, and I’m sorry. I just want you to know that I’m trying to be a better person.”
Maryse listened to his words, feeling a mix of emotions stirring inside her. She appreciated his efforts to change, but she couldn’t ignore the pain he had caused her in the past.
“I’m glad you’re getting help, and I really hope you’re treating her a lot better than you treated me,” she said finally, her voice tinged with resignation. “But the damage has already been done. I need you to respect my boundaries and leave me alone. I’m trying to move on with my life.”
Nate nodded, his expression crestfallen. “I understand,” he murmured, taking a step back.
She gave him a brief nod and turned around back towards the table deciding she just wanted to go back to her villa with Jack. As she got back to the table she could tell he had caught the tail end of her conversation with Nate. 
Jack reached out, gently squeezing her hand in reassurance. “If you ever need to talk about it, I’m here,” he said softly.
“I know.” Maryse said, bringing his hand up to her lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of his hand.
On the walk back to their villa, Maryse couldn’t help but be amazed at how much she had grown since the breakup with Nate. A year ago, an encounter like that would have sent her spiraling into a whirlwind of emotions, but now she felt a newfound sense of strength.
Jack was relieved to see Maryse handle the situation with such grace and composure. She seemed unfazed by Nate’s presence, and her boundaries she sat spoke volumes about her growth.
However, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that her Nate’s reappearance might stir up old wounds or trigger insecurities. He made a mental note to keep a close eye on Maryse in the coming days.
When they got back to their private villa from dinner, Jack carried Maryse in his arms, her laughter bubbling up as he strode through the doorway. He gently threw her onto the bed, a playful gleam in his eyes.
“Don’t rip my dress,” she warned, a teasing smile playing on her lips. “It’s expensive.”
He leaned over her, his breath warm against her skin. “I’ll buy you a new one,” he whispered before kissing her, silencing her protests. His lips were urgent, as he kissed her and she melted into him. His hands roamed her back, unzipping the dress with a practiced ease, his lips never leaving hers.
Maryse found herself caged in his arms, feeling the intensity of his need for her. “I love being in your arms,” she whispered, her voice barely audible against the rush of their shared breaths.
“And I love having you in mine,” he replied, his words a vow as much as an expression of his feelings. He kissed her again, slower this time, savoring the taste and feel of her, and she knew that this was where she was meant to be.
Hours later they were tangled into the sheets as they listened to the waves hitting the shore. “I’m obsessed with you,” Jack murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
She looked up at him, her eyes softening. “Good, because I’m obsessed with you too.”
“Say it again,” he demanded softly, his hands tracing gentle patterns on her skin.
Maryse loved how he always asked her to say it again, as if he needed to hear the words to believe in their reality.
“I’m obsessed with you,” she repeated, her voice filled with emotion. “I always have been.”
He kissed her deeply, a kiss that spoke of love, longing, and a future they both yearned for. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, together, wrapped up in their own world.
“I don’t ever want to be without you again,” he whispered against her lips.
“You won’t be,” she assured him, pulling him closer. “We’re in this together, now and always.”
As they drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but think about how much they had been through together, and how much stronger they were for it. The road to get back to this point wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
AN: I love them I really do let me know your thoughts!!
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henryspearl · 2 days
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that time of week again is it?! thank you to @theprinceandagcd and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tags🥂 here’s another snippet from my ‘no sex game’ fic which I’m hoping will be posted by the end of the week.
“Would you like a coffee?”
“Nah, I’m good thanks babe,” Alex responds, and suddenly without even a second thought, starts to lift his black gymshark vest top over his head and adds, “I’m gonna jump in the shower in a bit.”
For a more dramatic effect, he chucks the vest top on the floor. He knows Henry is watching, can see in his mind’s eye that his mouth is going slack and is almost drooling at Alex’s impulsive strip tease. When Alex’s eyes lure back towards Henry, he finds his blue orbs diverting to anywhere but at Alex, the view from their kitchen window looking very appealing all of a sudden.
However, Alex can just about make out Henry murmur against his steaming mug before he takes a sip, “Lucky shower.”
Alex smirks victoriously and strides the extremely short distance over to Henry, “What was that, baby?”
Henry wrinkles his nose, putting his mug back on the worktop and acting completely oblivious. But that front lets him down as his lips are twitching, “I believe I did not say anything dear.”
Alex gleefully grabs hold of Henry by the waist, their chests pressed together as he nestles his face into the crook of Henry’s neck and tickles his skin with kisses. He can feel Henry try to push him off.
“Get off me this instant,” Henry laughs. “You stink.”
Alex’s lips move up to Henry’s ear lobe and nips on it gently. He swings them side to side, “You don’t fancy joining me in the shower to help me scrub my back, sweetheart?”
tagging: @iboatedhere @fullsunsets @heysweetheart-writes @babygirlgalitzine @priincebutt @softboynick @henrysfox @jmagnabo92 @onetwistedmiracle @thesleepyskipper @anincompletelist @myheartalivewrites @kiwiana-writes @blueeyedgrlwrites + open tag
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swiftieblyth · 17 hours
I’m having his Baby
Warning list-
hunger games warning, abusive family, mother died in childbirth with the twins, Arachne, Coriolanus Snow, Dr. Gaul, violence, and murder.
I think that’s all, let me know if there’s more!
Word count- 563
Please like and reblog thank you!
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“You are a disgrace!” Mr. Crane yelled, throwing Y/N into her room. “What were you thinking? Screwing with a Snow?”
“What are you going to do to me?” Y/N asked, barely lifting herself off the ground, as blood dripped down her face.
“I’m gonna kill that baby of yours, and if it kills you in the progress then I don’t care. I’ve been wanting to get rid of you for a long time!” He yelled, taking out his knife, and walking towards her.
“And what will you tell all of Panem if I die?” Y/N bravely asked. “That you killed me? That I got pregnant by Coriolanus Snow as a teenager and we weren’t even married? Yeah go ahead. Either way it will destroy your reputation!”
“Shut up!” He yelled, running to her and stabbing her broken arm!
She screamed and watched the blood drip down as she fell to the ground. There was a knock and they both looked up to see Eiran standing on the doorway a blank expression on his face.
“Father,” he let out. “Highbottom is here. He’s waiting for you in your study.”
“Thank you,” Mr. Crane let out, taking out his knife and rubbing the blood off. “Please, come join us, Eiran. You will do well in this meeting.”
“I will.” He smiled. “Thank you, Father.”
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“Mr. Snow has been escorted to the train and is now out in the districts as a peacekeeper. Now all we have left is that troublesome mutt of yours.”
“I’m going to kill that baby.”
“And if it kills her?” Eiran asked. “Then what will you say, Father?”
“That Snow killed her.” Mr. Crane let out.
“Do you really think people would believe that Mr. Snow killed her?” Highbottom asked. “No one would ever believe that he would kill her. And what about Dr. Gaul? What if she says something?”
“she wouldn’t if she knows what’s best for her.”
“Dr. Gaul?” Eiran asked. “What does Dr. Gaul have to do with this?”
“Son, why don’t you go home.”
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”Y/N!” Eiran let out in a hushed whisper, rushing into Y/N’s room.
“Eiran?” Y/N asked, looking up from her bleeding arm.
“Here, let me,” he breathed, crouching down and wrapping her arm.
“What are you doing?”
“You need to leave now. Father and Highbottom are planning to kill you.”
“I have no where to go.”
“You have to leave the capital.”
“Go to twelve, it’s furthest away. Somewhere father will never go to again. Find Lucy Gray and be safe.”
“How will I get there?”
“Go out that window and meet me in the alley behind my old room. I’ll pick you up and drive you to the station.”
“What about you? What are you going to do?”
“I have to go tell Val.”
“Val?” Y/N asked, realization coming to her. “You know? You’ve known all this time.”
“Yes. I was close to her before Mother passed. I knew everything.”
“Does Father know?”
“Not that so know Val.”
“We’re going to figure this out. For both you and Coryo.”
“Thank you.” Y/N cried.
“Y/N?” Eiran hesitated. “Are you really pregnant?”
“No. Coryo and I have never done that. And we won’t until marriage.”
“Then why did you say you were?”
“Because I was scared. I didn’t know what to do.”
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Tag list: @uglyfish3rman, @Edb954, @joyfulyouthlover, @Warlike-morning, @melodyoflove99, @thatgurljen, @winter-solstice24, @Phoward89, @shadowolf993, @clearpoetryobservation-blog
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ohraicodoll · 1 year
Thank you so much for Red. It’s crazy how much I relate to her. We don’t live in a post apocalyptic world but we all live in our own worlds and sometimes it can feel like us vs them which Red helps me to navigate. She has helped me to feel less ashamed about the way my brain has turned out.
She’s so cathartic and has shown me that even when someone is as rough and ready, or completely rejecting of anything good that comes their way because they ‘don’t deserve it’ or that they will wreck it that some people could them her regardless. If that makes sense.
I especially love the new Tommy x Red friend post that just made me feel so fucking validated again! The way that Red has unusual ways of showing her love/gratitude and the people in her life just try to understand it until they do with no questioning!? To be loved in a way that is so accommodating and significant blows my mind. I know you’re writing fiction but sometimes discovering that this very specific thing is addressed and taken care of by another human being in the world is insane and has given me a bit of hope for my future.
It’s so soothing and Cathartic to read your work . I spent some of my childhood in survival mode and it never truly leaves you. You’ve written it so realistically I am in amazement with every piece of the puzzle you post.
I wish I had an ounce of your talent so that I could explain my love and gratitude for you in a way that was comprehensible. I’m sorry, I just had to say something now though, I’ve been having a weird couple of days and your writing is one of my only forms of escapism.
I am so interested in what inspired you to create such a specifically complex female character like her. I consume a lot of media, have read and literally studied the new era of woman (still hard to give them a specific name) and no character has ever come close to Red. Your talent blows my mind.
Thank you Sam.
Oh goodness, did you make me cry ❤❤
I'm so glad you feel seen and feel a bit of representation and catharsis with her. That's just all I can hope is that you all love the characters I create and the stories as much as I do. You've all kept me motivated and inspired to write her (especially as fast as I have haha).
The idea about Red came because I kinda got tired of only finding pure smut or timid characters in the TLOU fic tag. I love both but Tess was not timid and was more the dominant in the relationship. And I fully get that Joel radiates "I'll take care of you" dom energy but at this point in the apocalypse I doubt there would be many people left that didn't have some aggression in them or that need taking care of. I love character analysis too much to do the same type of character.
I've always been drawn to rage characters. I wrote a whole book series when I was a teen centered around one. And I think I wanted to go back to that since my character in my Sandman series is the opposite. Dahlia is an exploration of trauma responses, especially around acts of anger because that's what I experience. But I started writing with action and violence and someone who is angry all the time and motivated by rage and I wanted to go back to it because writing a character that lacks the moral responses to killing is fascinating. So often we get characters that regret or are remorseful around killing and I don't think that's Joel.
So it was a combo of just writing someone who doesn't regret her violence, doesn't regret killing, and has been alone in the wild for a long time focused only on surviving that they never thought they'd get more. Someone who is accepted for their violence and rage. And that's Red. She is a bunch of fractured pieces held together with string with no coping skills and Joel and Ellie love her either way.
There's the her before the Outbreak, the her that was broken by her sister (who she sees in Ellie), there's the her that was with her group, the her after being alone for years and years, and then the her with Joel and Ellie. Joel never shies away from her and may actually be drawn to her more because of it since there's a piece of that in him. This story is about being seen and accepting your ugliness.
I think being able to jump all over her timeline and continuously build her has been so wonderful and fun. Requests and prompts have been great in building her (though I do change some to make sure they fit the world and who she is). I fully acknowledge she's not a reader but an OC but I cannot write a character who is a blank slate because your past and history dictate your personality and actions (and tbh, most Readers are actually OC's without names or descriptions. I'm old, the x Reader/You thing is new but also just a relabeling of OC's)
I don't know how other writers write, but these characters fully inhabit me when I focus on them. It's why it's hard to switch between stories and characters at time because I can only see through their eyes. I feel their natural body movements, their conversations flow in my head and usually I have to race to write them down somewhere for later. Red is very much a part of me and it's been a joy to explore her and bring her to you all.
So much love and thankfulness to you all ❤❤
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onepiexe · 1 year
i havent done anything manual labor in so long
#logbook#woke up to my body aching like crazy#. .i miss this feeling. idk when i'll have time bc of work but man. i should exercise.#couldnt pull some plant carts right away in my first week 😭 also yesterday i couldnt lift a box.#i was too short to put it on the shelf is what i said but i was also tired at that point in the day. augh.#i loaded up 2 ladies cars. . .also moved and lifted pots.#plastic but big stacks and some bigger sizes.#today we have a fl+werw++d delivery. wonder what all it is. probably just more perennials.#i figured the ache would go away but i miss my old coworkers so much. . .#and then i remember how long it took for me to stop aching and missing ml while at nnl. . .so yeah. just on top of new work lol#ive had several emps say i look like a kid. which. thanks guys. sorry but when i was 15 i didnt look 25. .#i feel sorry to ppl who look at old when that young tbh. also it makes me go insane bc im p sure most of the younger emps#ARE in fact. younger than me. based on conversations. but nobody believes me 😭#tbf l+wes had a 18+ policy but this nursery is a gen family owned so they hire teens looking for work and work experience.#i dont personally see how anybody can think im -18 bc im working FULL not part time and i'm mon-fri but still.#regardless ive had a guy joke abt child labor laws bc i get in early. and some dude yesterday asked if i was doing hmwk. jesus christ guys.#ok i have to get ready for work 😭 gaia give me patience and reward me plsssssss
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shegetsburned · 2 months
Uhm hi 👋🏻 could you please write something about Gojo, Nanami, Geto and Toji's reactions to their significant other's life being threatened? Like heartbreaking stuff that ends up well? 👉🏻👈🏻
LOSING YOU w. jujutsu kaisen men ˚ 𐙚 ⋆.
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• — ft. satoru gojo, kento nanami, suguru geto, toji fushiguro. took me ages to get to but i’m a sucker for angst, so i just had to do it. thanks for the request, luv! • — content. their reaction to your life being threatened. • — tw. mentions of death, violence, murder.
satoru gojo
₊˚⊹ ᰔ as soon as your name came out of yaga’s mouth, satoru wasted no time and vanished. he searched every place he knew, every corner and alley, in a matter of seconds. there was no coherent thought in his mind while he teleported. the only thing he could clearly see was you. that you were in danger and that you needed to be saved. that he couldn’t let you die and that he previously had so clearly promised that he’d never let anything happen to either you or him.
a liar, he thought he was. how could he have let this happen? what was the point of being the strongest sorcerer if he couldn’t even protect you. he really did believe nothing could happen to you if he was by your side. he’d murder anyone who’d ever try to harm you without even looking back. this time wouldn’t be any different.
he felt his heartbeat reach his ears when he finally felt you near an ally, back pressed against the wall. a hand on your chest, crimson blood dripping down your shirt. jerky breaths escaping your trembling lips. this curse had taken his sweet time with you. it wanted to feed and you were a tasty dinner. there were marks of struggle on your shredded clothes and bruised wrists.
nothing came out of satoru’s mouth when his eyes landed on you. he just couldn’t believe he had let this happen to you. his expression was stoic. when he slowly approached you the curse immediately felt it. the strongest sorcerer doesn’t let most curses escape from his grasp. but this one.. this one would inevitably suffer the most.
it wasn’t long before the curse felt his body being pushed against the wall in front of you. a yelp was heard when his skull hit the wall head-on. you could hear the bones crack and send shivers through your entire being. that’s when you realized your boyfriend had finally arrived. but when you lifted your head trying to catch a glimpse of his eyes he had already turned all his attention towards the threat.
you had never seen him like this. he was lifeless. his eyebrows were lowered and pulled closer together. you could’ve sworn his eyes bulged. he was enraged. he didn’t even bother to raise his arm towards the curse, he just advanced and slowly- very slowly crushed every little bone in the monster’s body.
you were out of breath but couldn’t shift your gaze from the horrible spectacle in front of you. the wall caved under the pressure as gojo used his infinity to create a space between him and the curse which only crushed it more. it was cruel. cruel but deserving considering the circumstances.
the curse’s body was retracting upon itself with no way out. a loud and piercing cry followed the sound of the wall being crushed under the weight of the infinity. the only thing you found the strength to mumble under your breath was your boyfriend’s name.
after a few seconds, black smoke emanated from the crushed bricked wall with no curses in sight. no remains, nothing. your heavy breath filled the air as satoru finally sighted. you could barely see his eyes when he turned to you, crouching down at your height.
his violence had surprised you, but you were so relieved. tears ran down your cheeks when you tried to speak. you tried to reach for satoru when he crouched but he was quicker and wrapped one arm around your back and another supporting the back of your head. he held you close and it made you feel at home. his scent and touch reassured you when you buried your head in his neck.
still silent, he held you tightly close to his chest. his hand threaded your hair, a slight pressure applied so he could make sure you were okay. you could feel all his anger slowly fade when you returned the gesture with one hand against his chest. your tears slowly fading as you felt the warmth of satoru around your body.
he shushed you. always pulling you closer and closer to him. he wasn’t going to leave this time. he’d never let you endure something like this ever again.
“i’m right here. you’re safe. lend me your pain, baby. i’ll carry you the rest of the way.” he whispered into your ear, caressing your back so that you’d warm up to his touch. you could feel he was slowly coming back to being the satoru you knew.
you were safe in his arms but guilt still ran deep inside of him. he promised to take you to shoko as soon as possible, resting by your side until you were completely healthy. he also promised himself to assign you with an escort when he couldn’t be here to protect you.
satoru’s only concern was you and he’d never let anything get in the way of your well-being ever again. if he had to show every curse on this earth that he’d destroy them if they ever tried to get near you, he’d have no hesitation in doing so. you were safe. you knew it, now.
kento nanami
₊˚⊹ ᰔ you were the most important person for nanami. his one and only. his love, his soul, his heart. he would’ve resigned in an instant if you hadn’t begged him to keep his job as a sorcerer. but knowing his personal feelings about loss, you knew it’d break him if something came to happen to you. that is precisely why you always acted cautiously, never putting yourself in harm's way and living your life as safely as you could. unfortunately, this time, your efforts had been in vain.
when he saw you, helplessly struggling at the mercy of a first-grade curse wrapped around your throat, all he could think about was how much he regretted not having taken a safer job and bought you that house you both talked about so much on a beach in malaysia.
he knew he needed to act quickly or the curse would finish you off as easily as it had taken you hostage.
you wiggled your feet when it lifted you off the ground, hands desperately scratching and holding onto his grasp so he’d let go of his claws around your throat. you could feel kento’s eyes on you but couldn’t even dare to look at him or do anything else than push against the claws so they wouldn’t crush your neck further.
therefore, you couldn’t see him remove his tie, wrapping it tightly around his knuckles. he knew he couldn’t use a weapon, scared that the curse would use you as a shield. his fists were more precise and his sword wasn’t enough to unleash the rage he had built up inside.
he slowly made his way to the curse but, with every step, its hold crushed you more. you were so scared, almost out of breath with tears rolling down your cheeks. these cheeks kento had kissed so many times to take away your pain. you were hoping he’d do it once more.
once he realized that the threatening stance he was in only alarmed the curse, kento stood down, lowering his curse energy’s flow to an almost invisible state. he made himself look harmless in the face of the monster which slowly but surely helped you to breathe better.
you knew your husband. you had heard it several times from yuji and Ino and you also personally knew that he always handled things the right way. this is was kept you from breaking down and letting go of your almost meaningless fight against the curse’s strength. you had never doubted him and you wouldn’t now. he built his strength with yours. that’s what kento had told you the day he had asked for your hand.
his eyes were locked with your struggling gaze. despite him trying to contain himself, his veins stood out from how tightly he clenched his fists. he would’ve massacred the curse right here and now if it hadn’t cowardly taken you hostage. nanami might have seemed harmless in the moment but his anger was apparent.
without thinking much about it, he threw his sword aside, lifting his hands above to show complete surrender to the curse.
“let her go.”
the furious and deep voice of your husband made you whine, finally hearing a sign from him. unfortunately you could feel that the curse was still hesitating. the clinging of the sword on the ground had startled it which only showed kento how weak it really was. it also showed that it did not want to fight but preferred to flee.
this strange demeanor encouraged kento to step closer, hands still in the air, and that’s when he saw his opening. the curse was looking left and right to find an escape which diminished his attention and loosened his grip around your throat. it lasted just a few seconds but it was enough for you to breathe out his name.
that’s when he drew his fist and used all of his force and cursed energy to deliver a devastating blow right into the curse spirit’s face. it was sent flying several meters away after dropping you so kento could easily catch you and keep you from hitting the ground, arms wrapped around your body.
it only took one hit. one punch to obliterate half of the curse’s body in pieces. the shock had been so violent that your savior’s knuckles bled on your shirt through his yellow tie.
you could feel his heavy breath against your neck when he got on one knee, holding you against him, a hand carefully placed on your cheek. his thumb caressing your skin and whipping the single tear you shed.
“my love..”
kento’s expression had returned to the one you knew. the calm but stoic gaze he wore returned your breath to a normal pace. his arms pulled you always closer to him and he felt his sense come back when your fingers brushed the hand he had placed on your shoulder. you couldn’t talk or you’d burst into tears so you smiled in admiration.
he placed his warm lips upon your forehead and you could feel how scared he had been, maybe even more scared than you. his eyes were stuck on your finger, the one that wore his ring.
losing haibara had crushed his soul to tiny little pieces and you had been the one to delicately put them all back together with your innocent kindness and understanding. he’d be damned if he was to let something happen to the one who saved his heart.
this was the first and last time your life had been threatened, thanks to the careful supervision of kento but also his promise to quit his job and buy that house. he hadn’t realized how much he already had with you and would curse anybody who tried to take his happiness away from him ever again.
suguru geto
₊˚⊹ ᰔ you trusted him. you trusted that, if you were in pain, suguru would find ways to eradicate that pain. you trusted that if you showed any sign of distress, he’d be by your side helping you in any way he could. most importantly, you trusted that he’d protect you no matter the cost and no matter the consequences, because he was devoted to you. if there was something he’d burn the whole world for, it’d be you.
these men, these humans, these pathetic monkeys that had attacked you on your way home never knew what would come for them. you were beaten and almost lifeless when the men started searching for any kind of money or jewelry you had on your person. of course, you had resisted. that’s the only thing you could do, because you were so scared that if you had willingly complied to their demand they would’ve asked for more.
being helpless was scary. you thought it wouldn’t be so scary with suguru by your side, but right now you had never been more terrified. you also knew that your boyfriend would never forgive the men that harmed you, so the only thing you could do was wait. because you did not doubt him. you never doubted him. you knew he’d come for you.
when the men had finished checking your bags and any belongings you had on your person, one approached you, lifting your chin with a vulgar smile. you couldn’t even look at him in the eyes but hit bullseye when you spat directly in his face making him drop you in anger. he cursed under his breath before tightly grabbing you by the collar. a hand in the air so it’d land on your face.
with a weak and desperate groan you turned your face away but was surprised when the slap never landed.
when you reopened your eyes to look at your aggressor, he had his own hands wrapped his throat. it’s like he was struggling to breath, a firm pressure was crushing his neck as he tried to break free from this invisible hold.
when you realized what might be happening you tried to take a peak at the other men who were all struggling with the same problem. scratching and screaming at the invisible menace that were preventing them from breathing.
under the distressed shoutings, a cocky laugh attracted your gaze. when you turned to look at the source, your face lit up at the sight of suguru. but he didn’t look as relieved as you were. his laugh was dark, almost cynical. it was psychotic and displeased.
you had seen him despise simple-minded humans before but killing them was a different story. he wasn’t only taking their lives, he was torturing them. their necks were getting slowly squashed by the curses he had sent on them.
seeing you struggle to breath, helpless at the hand of those who had harmed an innocent girl like you. his girl. it had awaken another kind of hatred in him. a hatred that had been buried deep for so long.
suguru took one good look at you, searching for your eyes but you were incapable of keeping them open. you were just glad your boyfriend had arrived. you knew you were safe when you rested your eyes, a small smile of satisfaction drawn on your lips.
when he concentrated his gaze back on the man that had touched you, he crouched in front of him, getting to his level before taking over the curse and wrapping his hand around the stranger’s neck. tormenting him and taking the air away from him. suguru tightened his grip, his smile fading when he brought the man closer and closer towards death.
“so you think you can just harm her and get away with it?”
the man was hissing swears as small cries of help escaped his bloody lips. his face was swollen and breaking down under suguru’s hold and his watering eyes looked like they would pop out of their socket sooner or later. that’s how tight he held the man.
he fed on their cries. helplessly calling out for help, the men only fueled his rage with their insufferable sounds. the sorcerer remembered every time he had felt an ounce of empathy for these beings in the past and regretted every actions he had done to protect them when he saw your wounded state. what they had done was inexcusable and no amount of pain would be enough to atone for it.
after a while, resigned, your offender chocked out a weak apology. but as he did, all the bones in his body instantly broke under another a new kind of pressure coming from yet another curse suguru had unleashed upon him. so now he laid there, between your boyfriend’s compressed clutch. dead.
after a few seconds he dropped the body on the ground like garbage waste and walked to you, passing by the other men that were struggling to breath. he pushed the first one aside with his foot, throwing one on the ground, creating a path for him to walk to you.
“move. i’ve come to take what’s mine.”
on suguru’s command, two snaps followed when the curses broke the other men’s necks before they fell on the floor. three lifeless corpses were now scattered in front of both of you, and as soon as he made sure those stupide monkeys had payed for what they had done, he joined you.
when he leaned towards you, his hand grazed yours, wrapping it with his own in a warm grip. his eyes searched for yours, lifting your chin with his thumb before running it along your jaw, making comforting circles on your cheek.
“are you alright, my love? can you walk?”
suguru’s tone was calmer than before. his eyes never left yours when he wiped one of your tears. his comforting smile reassured you and you nodded at his question, holding onto his wrist when he helped you up, closing the distance between the two of you.
you could hear his calm heartbeat when you leaned against his chest, hiding between his arms and you wondered how he could be so tranquil after killing these men so easily. little did you know the only thing he felt was rage. he knew he was right to despise these inferior beings that had harmed the only important thing that mattered.
he could’ve burned the world for you.
toji fushiguro
₊˚⊹ ᰔ toji fushiguro was an asshole. a first-class asshole. you guys had slept together left and right and he always left first. you had no expectations regarding the man. no doubt that you were replaceable. he didn’t open up much and never talked about his work which didn’t alarm you much considering toji’s character.
basically, emotionally and personally speaking, you two weren’t close. that’s why, when two strangers raided your apartment, screaming fushiguro’s name in anger, you wondered why you had accepted to sleep with a man with a secret and violent past.
your furniture was on the floor and the men had destroyed most of your electronics so you had no way to call for help. one was guarding the door while the other took care of questioning you. it had something to do with a bet and broken promises. of course, money had to be involved, otherwise, why would they be threatening the girl he had slept with once or twice to know of his whereabouts?
tied to a chair, almost unconscious, he had been covering you with bruises and scratches using anything that he could find but you still gave him the same answer. you had no idea where toji was as he never kept contact with you. he was always the one that came to you. and if you were honest with yourself, you didn’t expect him to come save you anytime soon.
after a while, when the man realized he might not easily get an answer out of you, he reached in his back, pulling out a pistol from the edge of his pants. at the sight of the gun, your heart shattered. that was it for you, you thought. you couldn’t get out of this mess and you would die convinced toji was out there somewhere, probably getting rich and fucking naive girls like you.
you couldn’t even talk anymore, your head was hanging in front of you, blood dripping from your mouth to your thighs. you didn’t know if you’d last long, your vision was blurry and you felt yourself chasing the dark tunnel that clouded your eyesight.
you could hear faint words of command when your chin was lifted with the cold metallic canon of the pistol. the man had your life between his hands. you knew he’d pull the trigger if he eventually realized you couldn’t give him any information he needed. you knew he would kill you. it was so easy and you were pissing him off.
your eyes never left his nervous figure which only frustrated him more and, out of instinct, he slapped you with the handle of the pistol, almost knocking the air out of you. your jaw was broken and tears were flooding your eyes when the blow forced you to look away.
but as he pulled his arm up, preparing for another strike, he seemed to stop in his movement, startled by something behind him. sounds of struggles and a broken door were heard when he shifted his gaze entirely towards the front of your apartment. his accomplice had disappeared which alerted the man and made him call out to him.
several seconds and unanswered calls later, on his guard, the armed stranger decided to go take a look. as soon as he took a step towards the broken piece of wood that was left, a corpse dropped to his feet.
it was the other man, and he seemed to have been brutally murdered from the back, a hole at his heart’s level revealed the level of violence he had endured which left the man panicked and distressed. sweat was covering his forehead when he tried to peak out the door, fingers trembling against the handle and trigger.
unfortunately for him, a tall and broad shadow quickly covered him, before a shot came off. one single gunshot followed by a loud thud.
you could barely make up the identity of the person who had saved you with your weak sight, but his odour was enough for you to distinguish the man clearly. he always smelled the same.
toji was here. he was standing in the doorway, a tight grip around his gun and a grin covering his scarred lips. “can’t believe they send these weaklings to come after me.”
he carefully stepped between the cadavers, examining the poor state of your apartment and their lifeless bodies before his gaze shifted to you. a quick exchange was enough for you to sigh in relief and let yourself relax to an unconscious state.
despite himself, he did feel an ounce of guilt when he took a good look at you. his mistakes had almost gotten you killed. he couldn’t have imagined how he would’ve felt if he had arrived too late. the blood on your face, the broken jaw and the many scars were revealed by the moonlight passing through the door. the cold air misplaced your hair for toji to see tears strolling down your face.
his grin faded as he stood still in front of you and the mess he had made. his grip had loosened around the gun but he slowly moved the canon towards the second man he had killed. without hesitation, he emptied his clip through the culprit’s head, a look of contempt and disgust plastered on his face.
“tsk.. you just had to go and get yourself noticed, hm?” he said, now focused only on you.
thanks to toji, you were safe now. and you had silently thanked him for coming back for you.
carrying you bridal style as you laid there now unconscious but safe in his arms, he placed his thumb against your jaw, tilting your head to get a proper look at you. even now, you were so beautifully calm and your cheeks wore a pink tint, probably because of the cold, which only accentuated your beauty and innocence.
with a sigh, like it weighed on his conscience, toji murmured. “guess someone’s gonna have to take care of you, from now on.”
but the truth was far from what it appeared to be. saving you that night had just brought the man closer to the conclusion that he cherished you more than he thought he did. you weighed on his conscience like a guilty obsession which he could only nourish by spending more time by your side.
© shegetsburned 2024 please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own.
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lazi4ss · 2 months
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That's Not My Milkman
Warning: slight gore but not that detailed, doppleganger Francis
Gender neutral reader
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"So... Is everything in check?"
A tired voice mumbled out as your eyes trailed up from the ID and entry request in your hands to the source of the sound. Tired hazel eyes stared back at you as Francis rubbed the back of his neck.
You felt bad, here you were double and triple-checking everything while the exhausted and probably underpaid milkman was there standing and waiting to be let in. But it's for everyone's safety so don't feel too bad. You gave a small smile as you handed back his paperworks. Everything seems to check out and you were going to let him in but... what's that on his uniform sleeve?
You squinted your eyes as you scanned the cuff of his right sleeve. His gaze travelled to where you were looking and with a shrug of his shoulders he lifted his hand to give you a clear view. And it is in fact blood, and by the looks of it, quite fresh too. How come you didn't notice it before?
You raised an eyebrow, one hand slowly inching closer to the danger button as you tried to be subtle and casual about it. Because what the heck? He was confident enough to show you something so suspicious without batting an eye.
"Sooo... Uhm. Anything you want to share?"
You casually asked, yet nervousness was laced in your tone. He sighed, keeping his composed and nonchalant act as put his hand down, burying it in his pocket as he dragged his free hand on his face. If he's a doppelganger then he's really going the extra mile to act or seem believable.
"Mmm. I know you're on edge."
He mumbled, gaze traveling from your hand that was ready to press the danger button to your face. Staring a little too long as he examined your features. You got a very pretty face yet it was filled with mistrust. Shame. Catching himself, he quietly scoffed under his breath. Good job Francis, already had the doorperson suspicious of you.
"But this is not what it looks like. I injured my hand earlier with a broken glass, blood must've gotten on my uniform accidentally."
He finished, not breaking the staring contest you two have started. You don't quite seem to believe that story, but it was plausible. There was a tense silence for a while before you broke it.
"Show me your wound."
You requested and again, another tense silence. He didn't look like he was going to comply. Just you and him staring down at each other. No one backing down and tearing their eyes away.
"... Fuck."
He quietly hissed and that was enough confirmation for you. You pressed the button immediately, grabbing the phone as you dialed the D.D.D. A familiar voice on the other end confirms and tells you that agents are on their way.
You sighed in relief, although that didn't last long as you heard banging on the glass pane separating you and the doppelganger. Thank God those were strong enough to withhold the assaults. You should've been shaking in your seat right now, and you were albeit not so intense, but it was the first time you came across the quiet and aloof milkman's doppel.
Hell, it was the first time you even saw Francis up front, not just out of the picture in the folder provided for your job. Out of curiosity, you raised the metal shutters to take a peek at it. And what greeted you was a snarling, red-eyed Francis. His features twisted in rage as he banged on the glass repeatedly.
"Let me in, Y/n!"
He growled, to which you shut the metal blinds again on his face in response as you heard the agents barge in. You thought it would be like last time, after a while they would let you know that the cleanup was successful and that they would be on their way back. Easy peasy, right? Oh how wrong you were. Turns out, this one was putting up quite a fight.
You could hear shouting, a lot of screaming, and the sound of something sharp slashing at flesh. Wet sounds of people gurgling in what you presumed to be their own blood... That was disturbing. You were almost too scared to pull up the shutters to see what was going on. But suddenly the noises stopped. Did they catch him? Was it finally over?
With shaking hands, you pressed the danger button off. The blinds slowly ascended and holy shit, the sight was like something out of a nightmare. It was straight up a blood bath. The agents' bodies were piled on the right side. Some missing their heads, missing their upper or lower half, and others' stomachs were ripped out and just generally shredded and torn. But that wasn't what you saw first.
It was Francis, or well, his doppelganger, with blood splattered on his clothes and a little getting on his cheek. His forearm was resting on the glass as he leaned. His mouth opened and formed a smirk as he panted, breathing heavily while glaring at you. His left hand fiddled with the blood-drenched tie on his neck.
If he wasn't a murderous doppelganger, you would've swooned. But alas, you can't have nice things in life. You blinked at him before pressing the button again,
"Wait- damn it!"
He called out but the windows were closed off again as you dialed the number quickly. Yet again, the same old thing was said, another batch of agents were dispatched. You waited, fidgeting in your seat as you heard him call out to you.
"Come on... I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to frighten you. Can you open the door?"
He tried to coax you with that voice... That smooth and deep voice that sounded so tired, on the verge of begging you... Wait what-
You shook your head, patting your cheeks lightly because what the hell was that? Such intrusive thoughts are not welcome while your life's in danger!
More screaming and shouting was heard as the agents arrived and you could tell they were much more prepared than the last batch. Gunshots can be heard but another animalistic growl pulled you out of your thoughts. Everything went silent again. You stay rooted on your spot as the only thing that can be heard in the air is your quivering gasps and heavy breathing on the other side of the glass panel.
Is he still there? You thought as you turned off the danger button again. More bodies were piled up on the left corner and surprise surprise, he was still alive, albeit in a rougher shape than previously. He wasn't wearing his milkman hat anymore, letting his brown messy hair show. His uniform was missing three buttons at the top, slightly showing his chest, bowtie was nowhere to be found.
He was still drenched in blood but what stunned you was what he was doing. His form raised and dropped as he inhaled and exhaled heavily, tired hazel eyes staring back at you as his eyebrows scrunched up. His hands pressed together in a pleading manner. Is he actually begging?
"Y/n, let me in... Please?"
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