#that mf took ‘now that we don’t talk’ SOOO personally
peteparkre · 7 months
“you grew your hair long” no he buzzed it off actually
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atomicpaintercandy · 4 months
SMG4 Cyber World
Chapter 1: The decision
Before we start the story I just want to make sure somethings. 
This is a au created by me. This happened in a cyberpunk vibe world.
English isn’t my first language so I might do a lot of mistakes.
I wrote it a long time ago so it probably won’t fit with new episodes.
And it contains the ship SMG34 and more (Gæ)
Tw: Sexual themes, R@pe, Murd3r (prb),  Bad language, Blood, Violence.
So it’s for a mature audience (like 14+)
Good reading everyone!
3rd person pov:
14/04/XX 19:39
 Smg4 and Meggy were on the bridge of DigitalReality, the most famous city in the whole ring.
They seem to have a serious talk about something.
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💙-Are you sure you want to join the authorities, Meggy?
🧡-Yes Smg4, this city really needs some people to take cares of all the illegalities who’s here.
💙-But you know like me how dangerous this is to work with the police. 
🧡-I know 4..
💙-And all of our friends do illegal things, are you going to denounce them?
🧡-I don’t know.. I don’t think I will.. I mean, they.. WE aren’t in excess about our “crimes”.
💙-Bob literally burned a Sushi restaurant because his delivery arrived with two minutes late.
🧡-*sigh* Listen 4, I don’t want to enter the debate right now.. Just know that I will not  denounce you except if you exceed the limits.
💙-And what is the limits?
 Meggy staid silent for a few minutes, she didn’t know what was the “limits” she was talking about.
She could never denounce her friends but she couldn’t let them doing horrors. 
She gets interrupted in her mind by the smoke of the cigarette of 4 right in her face.
💙-Sooo? What’s the “limits”?
🧡-I don’t know 4.. there’s a lot of things I can’t respond you.
💙-I guess..
 Smg4 finish his cigarette and crush it in the ledge of the bride.
💙-Well, I hope we gonna see each other yet, but not during your work hours.
 They shared a laugh and leaved, each one in an opposite direction.
14/04/XX 20:03
 Smg4 arrived at his apartment (546 boulevard of endings), this wasn’t a very warm place, rather the opposite actually, there were only 3 pieces, a bath room, a bedroom and the kitchen and the living room was two pieces in one.
There was a big window in the living room showing the ugly streets were 4 lived, the walls weren’t very thick so he could easily hearing the traffic or his neighbor begin her husband to stop hitting her.
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Smg4 directly went to his bedroom without eating anything, he throw himself on his bed and took his phone who was on his pocket.
(The phones in this AU are like normal phones but the screen is totally transparent so you can see the screen on both sides).
He saw that he received a message of one of his friends, Saiko.
            20:05           67%
🩷-So? She still wants to work with the police?
💙-I know..
💙-I know Saiko
💙-Saiko don’t need to blame me even if we had the most convincing arguments possible she would still want to join those MF
 Smg4 put his phone away and looks at the stains on his roof.
He knew that Saiko said things she wasn’t thinking but it’s still painful to hear that you are the reason your friend will die, because yeah, Meggy will die, when you get in the “good” side you rarely live long.
He need something to change his mind, so he took his phone and continue the series he was watching (Robot bubblegum ep12 seasons4).
After some times he was slowly drifted to sleep when he gets a message.
            20:57            23%
💜-Hi dude you’re awake?
💜-Can we talk a bit? Im out of series to watch
💙-If you want
💜-Sooo how was the talk with Meggy?
💙-She still wants to join the police side
💜-Shit man.. I’m sorry..
💙-Its cool I couldn’t do anything anyways
💜-Why you couldn’t?
💙-Because she was very determined about being a policewoman and you know how is she when she is determined
💜-Yea it’s true..
 They didn’t sends messages for minutes who seems to be an eternity.
💜-Any name of series I could watch?
💙-Idk if you gonna like
💜-Tell me pls I couldn’t live another night without any show to watch
💙-Well Im watchin a series name “Robot bubblegum”
💜-Isn’t that a kids show?
💜-Smg4 even in message you suck at lying
💜-Nuh uh
💜-You gonna come to the tuna?
💙-Idk if I want to see Saiko
💜-She’s not goin to kill you dtw I talked to her and she told me that she was feeling really bad about what she said
💙-How do you know she told me smt? I thought you didn’t know what Meggy decided 
💜-Yeah well I ask to Saiko if you responded to her
💙-So why you ask me?
💜-I wanted to talk to you
 Smg4 stay online a moment but didn’t answer anything, after some times, he putted away his phone and finally fell asleep.
The tuna is the name of the lair where the crew sees each other, it’s the cave of the sushi restaurant Bob burned a year ago, but now it have all the modern comfort, electricity, sofas, a tv and even a billard.
The end of the chap1
Code color:
💙 = Smg4 
💜 = Smg3
🧡 = Meggy
🩷 = Saiko
(Sorry if you’re color blind)
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wishful-soda · 2 years
OMG Before I start talking I just wanna say that I haven't disappeared I actually did leave comments about last chapter idk what happend to that but whatever hahahah moving on also this has spoilers sooo 😗
THIS IS MY FAVOURITE CHAPTER. FAVOURITE. And this is coming from a person that is very indecisive. Holy shit.. THANK YOU FOR GIVING US THIS BEAUTIFUL STORY. The emotions that I've felt during this chapter.. I LITERALLY CRIED.. This is SO SO perfectly written. They really evolved from the beginning. And I'm not talking just about the statement friends. I'm talking about them ACTUALLY talking.
“Will you tell me about them? Your parents?” - I ALMOST FUCKING CRIED 🥺🥺🥺
The way she didn't even hesitate to tell him her story. That's growth. We would never see her do this few chapters ago. But now it just shows how much charecter development she had. She actually wanted to tell him about it. The way she couldn't said what she wanted and Daniel took her on his lap 🥰🥰🥰 that movement was so cute, hugging her and giving her the courage to continue.. It was on of the moments were my insides were melting.
Daniels little speech how he's so proud of her 🥺🥺🥺 im bawling my eyes at this point
"that he’s noticed you for much longer than just these past few months, longer than just this season" this what I was saying for a while now. This man knows a lot more about her than she thinks. I'm so glad that we are finally at that point where he can confirm it, say it, give her a compliment and and not act all stupid, not say it as I joke. Actually mean it, every single word.
“You’ve got me right in the palm of your hand and you don’t even know it…”  ohhhhh he's soooooooo closeeee. Almost c'mon Daniel figured it out!!! You can do it!!!
So she rememebered saying to Max 'i think im falling in love with him' and she was waiting to feel panicky and horror because Max MIGHT POTENTIALLY know about them but she didnt felt panicky because she just kinda admitted that she is falling IN LOVE with HIM. Okay missy I see you.
I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! I FUCKING KNEW IT. I KNEW THAT DANIEL DOESNT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING WITH THAT ARTICLE. I've said this for last chaper and I'll say it again. I feel like Daniel wanted always to be her friend but then she was the one who started hating him and he was like better something then nothing so that's why he's been hating her. I feel like he doesn't really have any big reasons like she does. He was like if hating her, making fun of her, teasing her, making her life miserable means that I can be close to her then I'll take it. Better that than nothing. I feel this is exactly what happened.
“We did. Mutual hatred.” she just confirmed that they don't hate each other anymore. I don't think she even realized that 🤭 yes they said that they are friends but they never said that they dont hate each other anymore..
Like I said this was SO PERFECT.. Loss of words honestly.. Also just wanted to say that I LOVED Max pov. That's something I didnt know I need it. i can't wait to reread it tomorrow and to come back if I noticed something new hahahaha. Thank you thank you thank you. I actually didn't expected this chapter to be published now and after the day we all had (looking at those mf from that team 😡) it was perfection. Hope you enjoyed my rant 😐🙃 lysm ❤❤❤❤
- introverted little bitch
Hi my dearest!!
I love hearing that it's your favorite chapter because it was one of my favorites to write!! I'm also so like...glad...that you cried? That sounds incredibly mean, but I don't mean it like that I promise!! I'm just so like...happy that my writing could invoke emotion like that? Y'know? I hope that makes sense and doesn't make me sound like a total bitch 😅
You're absolutely right, there's no way that she would have told him a few chapters ago. She would have been like 'fuck you gtfo' and resorted to being mean. I was a little worried that it was TOO cheesy and TOO soft and TOO over the top...? Maybe? I'm still worried I overdid it tbh.
I really loved writing his little speech about being proud of her, like honestly it felt genuine Daniel to me. I imagined how I'd feel being told similar things by Daniel and it made me feel like I was going to die so I ran with it.
Also; YES bby. You 100% called it. He has paid attention to her all of this time because he's never actually hated her like she thought he has. How else is he supposed to respond to her hating him? Just ignore it? No way, he's going to play the game right back because like you said, it's better than nothing!
You're also onto something with the Max situation! She's not worried that it's true, she's just worried about others finding out!
PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR HUNCH. I live for the predictions. Seriously, please tell me!
I'm glad that you enjoyed the Max POV! It was so refreshing and fun to write, it felt like something new, flip the script y'know? I planned on doing it and kept forgetting and it just fit so well for this chapter I think. Like I could have written it from hers, but it felt so much better from his? Idk! I'm glad you liked it though!!
I ALWAYS enjoy your rants so please continue to send them in or send any asks at all because I love to hear from you 🥰 ILYSM!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ MUAH 😘😘😘
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plutosexc · 3 years
When Haikyuu Boys Are Jealous.
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pairing ; Oikawa Torū, Iwaizumi Hajime, Atsumu Miya x fem!reader
Atsumu Miya, Iwaizumi Hajime, and Oikawa Tooru x gn!reader
request ; SIM MY LOVE! i loved your “when the reader gets jealous hcs” sooo could I request headcanons for Iwaizumi, Atsumu and Oikawa when they get jealous?? ily and have a wonderful day :))
a/n ; QUINCY MY LOVE! thank you for requesting even though you meant suggestion 💀 i appreciate it and i hope it’s to your liking <3 ilyt have a good day/night :)
format ; headcanons + small scenarios
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% T. OIKAWA does not get jealous easily. First off, Oikawa trusts you completely. Secondly, he isn’t cocky, but Oikawa knows he’s a catch. He has the looks, skill, brains, and you don’t deserve to settle. Despite this, sometimes he gets bothered. Let’s say the other person is harmlessly flirting with you. Oikawa would get so pouty and annoying. Through the eyes of this random guy, Oikawa seems slightly intimidating. But you know he’s just a big baby.
“Yes! I’d appreciate it if you looked over—”
- Yes. Oikawa literally huffed as if the conversation was boring him. He literally wasn’t even in it.
“Something wrong Torū?”
“No, I’m fine y/n-chan.”
then why did you huff mf
“As I was saying. I’d appreciate it if you could look over my paper!”
- Oikawa whipped his head to the side. Why couldn’t you ask him to look it over? Did you think he wouldn’t do a good job?
- This is the point where he got full on jealous. He swung his arm up and wrapped it around your shoulder.
- Your classmate is just looking at him like... 🧍‍♂️
- As if it wasn’t bad enough. Oikawa quickly glanced at the watch on his right arm and acted like you both had somewhere to go.
“Well, sorry to cut this short but my girlfriend and I have somewhere to be right now. Wouldn’t want to be late.”
- You looked at him like boy why are you lying? LMAO
- He grabbed your hand and dragged you away before you could protest.
“Uh, you know we have no plans. What was that back there?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about love.” 
- He gives you a kiss on your cheek or the front of your hand
% H. IWAIZUMI is your guard dog. He’s glaring at whoever was so bold to flirt with you. Queue his menacing aura. Now Iwaizumi is not big on PDA, this much you knew. Which is why you were so surprised by his actions. He snaked his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, all while never breaking eye contact with the other person. Swear he looked like he was tryna claim his “territory”. If you brought up how he was acting or the fact that he was jealous, he’d deny it.
“Haji, are you okay?”
“What do you mean babe? I’m fine.”
“Well you’ve been holding my hand kinda tightly ever since we left the cafe. Also the way you were staring at the barista could practically burn holes into his head. Ou you were jealous, that’s cute!”
- Immediately gets defensive. Him? Jealous? Iwaizumi acts as if the concept is foreign.
“HUH? Shut up. I was not jealous and it’s not cute.”
“Mhm, if you say so my jealous boy.”
- Your lovely boyfriend could never be so immature as to get jealous... or so he claimed.
- You were not buying it for a second. LOL
- Iwaizumi was definitely lying.
% M. ATSUMU gets jealous. Quite easily if I might add. He knows that you’re his and he’s yours, but sometimes people overlook this fact. Atsumu is another one that would get very protective and show that you’re taken. He gets all touchy with you and he radiates confidence cockiness. It’s really attractive.
- You and Atsumu were at a party your friend had invited you to. You barely knew anyone, but Atsumu seemed like a social butterfly. crying 💀
- After sitting on the couch for a while, you got thirsty and hungry. On your way to the kitchen you took note of everything happening around you. Loud, booming music, flashing colored lights, and the large quantities of people that occupied every room.
- Atsumu had noticed you disappeared and went to look for you. Immediately he goes from having a good time to being pissed off. There was a group of guys directly across from you, though you hadn’t noticed them. Atsumu did. He saw the way they smiled and stared at you, he heard the way they argued over which could ask for your number.
- Now, that really drove him mad. How could they even think they had a chance? They were really gonna make a move on his girl? He was willing to do anything to avert their filthy gaze.
- Atsumu practically marched over to you with a scowl apparent on his face. Not to you of course. Before you could even ask what was wrong, he grabbed your face with hands on each side and kissed you.
- He made sure the guys saw how you let yourself be consumed by him. Only he could manage to get you like that.
“Atsumu... what was that for?”
“What? There has to be a reason for me to kiss my lovely girlfriend?”
“No, you just surprised me.”
- This time you pulled him down to your level by his shirt and kissed him. I think the group of guys got the message.
- Atsumu flashed them a cocky grin on their way out because they could never have you. And now they knew that too.
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a/n ; i am sorry Iwa’s is so short.. and oikawa’s is long LMFAO i hope you enjoyed !!
taglist | taglist form
@asaincy @morosis-haze @mypimpademia @angiebug101 @royalelusts @keiwaizumi @racistareversa @brithedemonspawn @b4ngal @emergencyfoodpaimon @0risha @g0joluvrrr @soupfrogy @crapimahuman @iheartgirl @dabisfireflower @asscheeks @antagonixxt @mitsukeys @harupill @cloudytamaki @manjiroarchiviste
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iwadori · 3 years
Hiiii can i request prompt 53 with tsukki? My annoying cousin u may know @chibiiichan(i cant tag her its a surprise) recommend ur account and well she never been right more than now I LIKE UR ACC TOO URM JUST TAG HER IN THE POST (bcs its actually her birthday next week monday so....the least i could do this bcs she likes tsukki and shes recently talk abt the iwazumi story of yours....lmao shes cringe but in the same time got mad n i was besides her hearing her whining like bruh 'its 1 am'...i know i should buy something for her but she got spoiled enough 💅...that mf-) thank you ✨
You were dying. You knew it. Your husband, Kei, knew it. Even friends you haven’t spoken too since high school knew it.
So why did you all pretend that everything was okay?
5 year old Y/N:
You were running around your neighbourhood park chasing after butterflies, without a care in the world. As you were frollicing in the grass, you manage to trip over a rock tumbling to the ground scraping your knee making it bleed. Looking down at your slightly injured knee, your lip begins to quiver which eventually leads to wails of tears streaming down your face.
“you don’t have to cry you know?” said a slightly quiet voice towering over you. Above you was a boy, quite tall with a fat pair of glasses, golden eyes and a head full of blonde locks.
“Well when I get hurt, I cry” you say matter oh factly (is that the phrase?) rubbing your nose as you sniffle. He held out a hand to you, which you immediately took shooting upwards and brushing yourself off.  
The boy, after looking at you wildly, turns around and walks back to the actual park. “Oi wait,” you call at the boy swiftly following him “aren’t you going to ask my name?”
“no.” he says simply, proceeding to walk ahead.
“well my names Y/N L/N pleasure to meet you,” you say jumping in front of him so he doesn’t move, waiting for him to tell you his name...which he doesn’t. “you don’t have to be so rude you know”  
“I’m not being rude” he says stiffly “ it’s just my brother says not to speak to strangers” a smirk appears on his face to say ‘you can leave me alone now.’  
As if on cue, his brother approaches the both of you given the boy a slap on the back making him cringe “Hey Kei, who’s the friend you’ve made here?”  
“My name is Y/N L/N and I'm here to be KEI’s best friend!” you said putting the emphasis on the word Kei after just learning that was the blondes name.  
Kei rolled his eyes and sighed saying “nii-chan can we go home now” he folded his arms in annoyance.
“No Kei, you’ve got to get to know your new found friend Y/N-Chan right?” his brother said teasingly, knowing it was the last thing Kei wanted to do.
“Yes ofcourse!” you say with a toothy grin, dragging Kei along with you to his demise.
Until the sun went down, you spent the rest of your time with Kei getting to know eachother (well him getting to know you more, since you did all the speaking.) Regardless of his previous annoyance in getting to know you in the first place, Kei would be lying if he said he didn’t want to know you now.
As the sun was setting, Kei’s older brother (who’s name you learned was Akiteru) called him to tell him he had to go home because dinner was ready. Before he left, you grabbed his hand and wrapped your pinky finger around his saying “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
back to present -  
In some odd way, this was Kei’s way of looking out for you. He knew what you had was uncurable and would weaken you even more as the days go by, so pretending like nothing was wrong seemed to be best in his eyes.  
Everything you and Kei did was a game or some nostalgic act that you once did when you were children. It was sweet to say the least, seeing Kei all engrossed and determined to make you happy.  
Your alarm rings snapping you out of you daydream, ‘it was time for medicine’ you thought with your face scowling at the thought. Immediately on time, as always, Kei comes In the room with all your medicine thats needed.
“Aren’t you my perfect little nurse Kei” you say teasingly giving him a wink, laughing as you see his face turn red.
“Do you have to do this every time y/n?” he asks rolling his eyes at your childish behaviour.
“Oh I'm just showing love to my best and favourite nurse” you continue laughing at your own words
“Im your only ‘nurse’” he deadpans giving you your medicine as you talk.
“Well that is more reason to make you the best nurse.” you say smiling.
Silence falls between you, and you stare down at your arm watching as your husband gives you the medicine making you frown. “Do we have to keep doing this?” you ask which is probably the 1000th time you’ve asked.
“Of course we do Y/N as I’ve said yesterday and the day before that and the day before that it-”
“But do we really?” you interrupt “I can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing this.”
“Do you doubt me Y/N, I can do this forever” he says “ I can take care of you forever”
“But I don’t wan-”
“I’m finished, I’m going to start on dinner” he gets up and leaves the room yelling “I’ll call you when it’s done.”
Sometimes you and Kei have these conversations. And all the time it ends the same way. You complain, he ignores and then you go and have dinner.
You can understand why he doesn’t want to have this conversation. Who would want to hear about their partners complaints about practically being alive. Kei was torn, ever since he met you all he wanted to was to keep you happy. But could he compromise his own happiness for it.
15 year old Y/N - flashback
“Kei Kei, aren’t you excited!” you yell smiling widley
“Excited for what?” he asks, amused by your enthusiasm “it’s just highschool.”
“Well it’s a new highschool! Karasuno high school, to be exact.”
“And that is still just a school.” he says
“Not just any! That’s the school nii-chan went too, and even tho he lie-”
“Let’s not talk about it Y/N” he murmurs “we should go now, don’t want to be late on our first date.”
Going to Karasuno was fun, at the start everyone was pleasant and nice. But after a week or two when you and Kei were still stuck to eachother like glue, people weren’t so pleasant. Kei was like a pop idol, being gorgeous and over 6ft at just the age of 15, caused alot of attention, especially when he was always around you.
At the start, the hate you got was bearable, it was the petty bitchy notes in your locker or just people blatanly talking badly about you infront of you. People didn’t do it when you weren’t around Kei, so when he had volleyball practice (which you were so excited that he joined the team) you were a big target for the bullies to come around.
Kei didn’t really know of the bullying that happened towards you, especially since he was mainly in practice or not around when it happened. But one day in practice he heard some of his teammates, kageyama and hinata who seemed to talking about a student in one of their classes that was always getting picked on by the other girls in the year.
“Yeah and I heard that Nana-san was planning on getting her and her friends to attack Y/N-san soon.”  said Hinata
“Shrimpy, who are they planning on attacking?” Kei asks to make sure he just heard the ginger correctly.
“Oh this lovely person in our class their name is Y/N-san” he says, looking at Kei’s reaction he also asks “Why? Do you know them?”  
Kei doesn’t respond, and immediately leaves the gym, ignoring Hinata’s and the other members of the teams yells of ‘Where are you going tsukishima.’ He didn’t care, he just had to get to you.  
He searched all the classes, asking every student if he knew where you were. Someone directs him to the toilets, where he burst through the door to see the other girls in your year surrounding you and beating you up.  
“What the fuck are you doing to them?” he yells startling the girls.
“T-T-Tsukishima-san" one girl says “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh fuck off” he says, with them still frozen in shock “I said go!”  
“And don’t think I don’t know your names either” he calls after them.
He rushes towards your bruised body on the ground and cradles you gently, confused on what to really do. “Oi Kei,” you say weakly catching his attention “I would’ve won if you didn’t come to stop the fight.” you joke making him scoff.
“Whatever you say Y/N.”
After you heal up, Kei already told on the girls that beat you up getting them suspended, and you explain how they were treating you because of their infatuation of him. And how they only did it when he wasn’t around.
Once he learns this information, he decides to quite the volleyball team, to your surprise. But you demands on making him not quit were ignored, as he excused it by saying “I have to make sure you’re always alright remember, and if that means quitting some volleyball team then so be it.”
That was one out of the many times that Kei put his happiness before yours.
Flashback over.
When you first got diagnosed, Kei was immediately researching on it as it was a very rare condition. But sadly, he only found what the doctor already told you both. It was uncurable and your immune system and your body will weaken as the days go by.
Which it did, you were a shell of your past self. It was always shocking for Kei to see, especially with you only being 25. ‘It wasn’t supposed to be this way,’ but he never let you see his sadness.
Whenever you knew Kei was sad you always reminded him “Kei, I may be dying but please don’t cry over me” every time you said, there was a slight undertone of humour in your voice which always worked in boosting Kei’s spirit.
The days passed and the years went by, and you and Kei were still alive and kicking it. Doing your daily routine of you making some joke, Kei giving you your medicine and then you eating dinner. You eventually stopped complaining, realizing and remembering your promise you gave to Kei at 5 years old in that park. “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
Of course you had your rough days, everybody did and it was even harder being sick with a terminal illness. But having Kei to guide you through the storm made It better for you.
However, Kei isnt a miracle worker. He couldn’t save you, noone could. And you both knew that. That didn’t mean it made it any easier when the medicine stopped working and your pain got too hard to bear. Kei couldn’t watch you do this anymore, “the choice is yours” he said with tears in his eyes.  
So you knew what you had to do, you got in your bed pulling Kei with you, and letting him envelope you in a big hug as you both cried.
“I love you,” you say “You know that right?”
“Of course I know that, idiot” he replies “And I love you.”
“Always and forever?”
“Always and forever.”
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seongwhy · 4 years
ateez if a curvier girl liked them
disclaimer!! i am 100% sure these boys would like you for you and not for how many curves you have. you are beautiful no matter what !!! as a curvier girl myself, writing this made me happy hehe
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let’s be honest. seonghwa loves curvy girls
i mean he loves all girls, but smth abt a curvy lady gets him going
so imagine his face when a curvy girl likes him !!!!!
you’d tell him “seonghwa... u kinda cute doe” and he’d be like😳😃
he’s had his eye on you for a while
he jus luvs your personality and your humour
and your curves
tbh he’s snuck a glance every now and then
you’d bend down to grab the tv remote and suddenly he’s blushing and thinking of everything he’d do to u omg
or you’d wear a crop top and sit down and your belly might show a lil bit and he melts in his seat
all he wants is to feel ur pretty body
but .. unfortunately u didn’t think that he would like you
you thought that he only had his eye out for the slimmer girls, but that was simply not true queen
so it took u a sec to confess your feelings for him
but once you did you were so surprised at his response
“hey seonghwa, i know that you probably don’t think the same but like i rlly think ur cute and funny and pretty and i rlly like u but i know i’m not rlly ur type and like that’s fine-“
“wait!!! u like me”
“i like u too !!!!!!! who tf told u that ur not my type bc i will beat them up ur gorgeous who told u that >:((((“
and u explain to him that it was just ur brain and he says Never to think that about yourself !!!! bc you are beautiful !!!!
and then ur both just uwu in love with each other and he’s in love w ur curves and ur in love with his chicken legs and it’s amazing and wonderful and you’re so happy you said something bc otherwise you wouldn’t have found the love of ur life :’)
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hongjoong is Obsessed
obsessed w your thighs and your tummy and your booty
when u tell him u like him he’s not only like “holy shit i like you too” he’s imagining alllllll the things he can do w u and ur curves
when u first start going out and dating and such it’s great it’s amazing he makes you laugh and you feel beautiful bc he makes you feel beautiful
but when you start opening up to him about your insecurities you thought things would change
but they didn’t !!!!!!!! he started loving u harder
and every day since that first time you cried in his arms he tells you you’re beautiful
“hi honey u look gorgeous”
“baby !!!!! i love that dress on you”
“hey bb, since i can’t see you today i’m just letting u know that you’re beautiful !! and i love and miss you !!!!”
“there’s my fav tummy!!”
he will not Stop telling you how beautiful u are you’re not complaining
he thinks ur a queen and he treats you like one
he loves all of you. all the cellulite and all the curves and all dimples
and he’s not shy abt it either ;)
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ok listen up sweeties
yunho doesn’t rlly pay attention to figure
i mean ofc he LOves your body and he thinks you’re beautiful
but he would not like you if not for your personality
which is absolutely amazing
and so he doesn’t rlly understand when you tell him that you don’t wanna eat that ice cream or the pizza
he thinks you’re beautiful (bc you are) so why don’t u think you’re beautiful too ??????
why won’t u eat w him ????
why wont you take ur shirt off in front of him ???
so one day he brings u mcdonald’s and a shamrock milkshake yummy!!!!
and he sits down w u and watches you try and do everything but eat
so he stops u and looks at u and tells u everything you’ve ever wanted to hear
“babe plz eat in front of me... i think your body is beautiful and i think you’re beautiful and i would not buy u food if i didn’t think so”
and u know this is true bc yunho loves his food and his own shamrock shakes
so u smile at him and lay in his arms and u eat that damn burger!!!!!!
he makes all your insecurities go away
he loves u so much u literally can’t breathe
he’s always hugging you and feeling you up and wrapping his huge arms around u
and he makes u so comfy with yourself
and you love him
and he loves u
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ok yeosang loves u
and u know it he lowkey highkey makes it obvious
everytime you walk in he either 1) gets all blushy and stops talking mid sentence
“dude!!! stop destroying my fucking hous- uh uh h-hi y/ n”
i don’t actually know what they do in fortnite but if u do and this is wrong just imagine minecraft instead
or 2) he tries to be all tuff and show off
“oh hey y/n” he says as he casually rolls up his sleeve and stretches
but what he Doesn’t know is that u like him too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he thinks ur waaaaaay our of his league
i mean just take a look at u!!! ur thighs ur belly ur boobiez
p e r f e c t i o n
but one day he accidentally walks in on you and seonghwa talking (he thinks u like seonghwa)
and he hears u like “idk seong he’s really cute and so nice to me and such an angel... also have u seen dem arms doe !!”
and What The Heck
yeosang cannot believe it
u???? the girl of his DREAm s ??? likes HIM ???
and what do u know when he hears that he suddenly can’t keep his balance and trips right over
over what exactly ?? his dignity
and he falls right in front of u and seonghwa
seonghwa just snickers and laughs and leave the room
yeosang just stares at u for a moment before getting up and just staring at u some more
“uh yeosang?? u good”
“h a hah yeah .. i’m good”
“ok. did u hear the part where i said i think you’re cute”
“. yes i did y-es”
“ok. do u like me too”
“uh y-yeah i uh yes”
“ok. get over here dummy”
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ok we all know san
this weirdo
this secs ee mf that gives zero fucks
haha mmmm
^^^^ that’s what he’s like every time u walk by
idk it’s getting late i’m tired plz don’t judge
when he sees u he’s all like hehehbajsbs ajdosndbdniejn ùwú
but externally he’s like heh he h wassup
and he makes hand gestures at u like outlining ur curvy body
and winking at u
and let’s be honest he may or may not have slapped dat ass a few times
and even though it’s kinda nasty u kinda like it
u know he means well and it’s just one way he shows his love and appreciation for u
and he wouldn’t do it if you told him no !!! consent is key
and u consent bc u like the way he gets slightly flustered everytime he does it
eventually u have to give in one day bc he’s been teasing you long enough
so one day ur walking by him and he smacks ur dump truck and u spin around and grab his arm and pull him up to ur chest
and he’s like HUH
and ur like hi sannie
and he’s like “h-hi”
and he’s feeling u up and he sits you down and pulls him into his lap
and ur scared that ur too much for that
so when u start pulling away he’s like “NO I LIKE U HERE STAY U LOOK SO ORETTY SITTING ON ME”
and u giggle and stay
and then more kissing and cuddling and loving
and he makes u laugh and feel good
and u make him happy and so excited all the time
and it’s sooo good omg he luvs allllll of u so much
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i may have a soft spot for this man
he’s jus so weird and funky
but he’s so cute like idk
don’t tell seonghwa
those are your exact thoughts abt him too
your relationship was always like....there was tension there
ofc u always thought abt him
and he always thought abt u
u lived in his head rent free
ur curves and dimples and amazing bodyodyody
accompanied w ur amazing personality!!! what could he not love
so when u became friends he was already obsessed w u
he’s always whiny and needy for ur attention
when the boys are there he’s like “😎😈💪🦵”
he does a full 180
his voice goes from deep and scruffy to all soft
the boys clown him for it
but he doesn’t care
he sends u memes all the time
he texts you every day
at first it was an occasional hey wsp and now it’s like “good morning!! how’d u sleep” “hey bb girl wanna go get boba” “u looked rlly good today”
it makes ur heart flutter
and when he started calling u baby girl in PERSON
and tbh he didn’t mean to say it the first time it just slipped out BUT he loved the way it made u blush and look down and cross your legs a lil
so he just couldn’t stop saying it
eventually the reaction u had went down a lil bc u got used to it
and that was when he decided he needed to do more
so eventually he got up the courage on a boba date to stop u and sit u down on a bench
and when u were like yes what is it mango
it took him a sec bc u looked so PRETTY in your dress
your thighs crossed and the way your boobies sat in it
he couldn’t help but stare (respectfully)
and u were like HELLo
and he cleared his throat and was like “ur really pretty”
and u blushed and covered yourself w ur arms
and he was like No >:( ur gorgeous and took your hands in his
and kissed them and kissed your arm all the way up to ur face
and he kissed your cheeks and was like these cheeks are so cute
and kissed ur nose and was like i love your nose
and then ur lips
and he didn’t have to say anything for you to know he loved your lips just as much as he loved your everything else
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okay if i thought hongjoong was obsessed .
wooyoung is a whole other story
as soon as u step into the room ur the only one that matters
he would stop answering the boys
he would only be looking at you
trying his best to make u laugh it works
bc he loves the way your face lights up when u smile
and how your body shakes when u laugh
and he loves talking to u
abt anything and everything
so he becomes your very best friend
and when u get comfortable to share your insecurities with him he gets so sad and mad
he gets so ANGERY
and one day ur ranting to him about something SOME DUMB ASS BOY said to u in class
and ur like 😳 “y-your baby?”
and he’s like oh fuck fuck fuck fuck
he starts to apologize and ramble
and u just giggle
he’s like ??????
and ur like “i’ll be your baby wooyoungie”
“if you’ll be mine too”
he runs up to u and picks u up and spins u around and he kisses u and he’s like MY BABY
“dats ma baby and aint nobody finna touch em”
^^ that’s what he’s like w u
and he’s so happy youre his and he’s yours
cuz now he gets all your curves to himself hehehehehehehehehe
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jongho is such a softie
especially for u
he melts everytime he sees your soft skin and your pretty face
he tries really hard to be all tuff around u
but it never pans out
bc he’s so in luv w how pretty you are
in his mind u are the most perfect person ever
he lets u vent to him abt anything
he likes to talk to u abt everything
deep or not
and one day you’re like “hey jongho, i’ve never heard u talk abt a girl before”
and he goes all blushy and is like ha ha i uh i guess u haven’t
and u ask if he has a crush
and he goes even redder
and ur like “U DO OMG TELL KE ABT HER”
sooooo he does
“well she really pretty and has such a kind heart and beautiful eyes and an amazing smile and the prettiest curves i’ve been talking to her for a while and she makes me so happy”
“she’s so gorgeous but she doesn’t think so and it makes me really angry i just wanna tell her she’s beautiful”
and ur like “awww just tell her then! she’ll love hearing that from you” oblivious mf
so jongho sits up straight and looks u right in the eyes and says “ok then. you’re beautiful y/n”
you’re eyes go wide and u open ur mouth to say smth but nothing comes out
so u just hug him
and he wraps his arms around u and says “it’s true, you’re so beautiful”
and u just hug him tighter
and the night is perfect :,)
and he’s perfect
and he’s so grateful u asked him that question
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jinkicake · 4 years
Paint For Me
Nishinoya, Tendou, Ushijima with a s/o who is an artist.
Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
Tendou Satori x Reader
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
For Anon who requested this~ I kinda went a little A LOTTA soft on Ushijima’s but.... can you blame me.... Also, I’ve been reading Haikyuu-bu and Tendou’s little manga chapter was sooo cute I had to take inspo from it!!! Anyway, I’m going to try the minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge again and if I die,,, I will pass away on the spot so if I go silent it is minecraft’s fault. 
WC- 1,687
Nishinoya Yuu
Nishinoya would think your artwork is the coolest thing he has ever seen,,,,
He will beg you to draw on his bags or notebooks, he wants you to customize all his stuff because he wants to show you off
Nishinoya would watch you whenever you’re working on something, but then get bored after like five minutes and start going through his phone
He likes being in your presence so even if you work on something for hours, he will lay right beside you with his head in your lap while he naps or plays games 
Nishinoya would probably ask you to teach him how to draw stuff like a lion or something,,, you would have art lessons with him. His art is a work in progress...
Please, he is such a big show-off that if you give him something he will proudly go around presenting it to everyone…. Tsukishima is usually the person he always brags to 
‘Did (Y/N) make that for you senpai’ ‘They did! How did you know?!’ ‘Well, I know you certainly can’t draw that good’
Cue Nishinoya tackling his favorite first-year and trying to steal his glasses. Yes, Tsukki is his fave first-year 
If you ever want to go out to the park or the mountains or the beach to take pictures for inspiration or even do something cute like drawing the sunset, Nishinoya would tag along. Please, he would make it his own little adventure
Nishinoya has his own love for volleyball so he can really appreciate the love you have for art, he finds it super intriguing and it makes him fall in love with you even more~ 
“Right here!” Nishinoya points to the handle of his bag and you stare confusedly at him.
“You want me to paint on the strap?” You ask and Nishinoya eagerly nods, you squint at it while thumbing the fabric. “I’m not sure if it will work on this material.”
Nishinoya sighs dramatically and you flick his forehead.
“I can draw you something else though, here,” You lean up and kiss the area you had previously hit before digging right into your sketchbook. Your pencil flies across the paper and Nishinoya watches with interested eyes.
That lasts for about thirty seconds.
“Is it done yet?” You glance over your shoulder to see Nishinoya hanging off your bed, a bored expression on his face.
“Yuu, it’s been like two minutes.” You laugh and go back to the sketch you’re working on.
“Is that a yes?” He asks hopefully.
“Mmm, it’s a no.” Nishinoya sighs at your words, he drags himself off the bed and brings the blanket with him. You jolt slightly when you feel his body press up against yours and you glance behind you to see him curled up against you. 
The sun continues to fall from the sky and you diligently work on the paper in front of you. Nishinoya wakes up from his nap with a quiet yawn, the sleepiness still inside of his body. His arms wrap around your waist and he rests his head on your shoulder.
“Are you done yet?” You answer his question with a brief head shake. “Let’s go to sleep do it later,” He moans and you can already feel him falling asleep against you once again. “I want cuddles.”
Tendou Satori
Tendou is that kid in school who always begged you to draw him when he found out you could draw 
LOL like this mf will get on his knees ‘pls draw me’ and when you finally ask him what you want to draw he’d be like ‘me fighting a dragon’
Tendou would be very supportive of your art, he would love to sit there and just watch you paint or draw or make sculptures, whatever you do he loves to watch 
He will sit there in your room and lay on your floor and just stare, watch every brushstroke you make, you’ll have to physically push him away for space
I feel like when he sees you draw he, himself, will want to draw something as well 
Tendou will practice making little stick figures or draw portraits of you 
You have to hype him up and put it in your phone case or hang it on your wall because it is too cute
Tendou will make you work with Ushijima to create his manga, he will have the two of you draw the entire thing
He’d love everything you create and will always cherish it like he will definitely have a little place just for all of your artwork
Tendou loves encouraging you in everything that you do,,, your hobbies will somehow also become his 
“And then when it gets recognized we will become super famous!” Tendou tells you with excited eyes, his hands tightly gripping your shoulders. “We will get to work together in the future, angel! I get to spend even more time with you!” You laugh softly at his eagerness for the future as you continue to sketch in the tiny boxes.
“That’s the plan, huh?” You ask and Tendou nods, he swings one of his long legs to sit on the bench beside you, moving to practically sit on top of you.
“This is going to get sued for copyright.” Shirabu comments, his eyes narrow towards Tendou, as he reads through the manga ideas that Tendou created.
“I simply took inspiration from other shows, Naruto did it with Hunter Hunter!” Your boyfriend defends and Shirabu simply shakes his head, continuing to thumb through the papers.
“(L/N), I will take the next page,” Ushijima tells you, already reaching for another piece of paper to draw on.
“Woah, you’ve finished already Ushijima? Can I see it?” Ushijima nods and shows you his paper, your eyes widen when you look at his drawings. “This is really good, Ushijima! You’re good at everything!” You compliment and Tendou pouts when he notices your attention is no longer on him. 
“I, too, am good at everything.” Your boyfriend tells you, moving his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him. 
“If you’re so good then why didn’t you draw it yourself?” Shirabu asks, his eyebrows raised behind his bangs. 
“I can’t be the writer and illustrator, Kenjirou!” Tendou defends and you put your hand over his own. 
“We believe you Tendou, you’re the most amazing person ever!” Tendou practically melts at your compliment and hides his face in your shoulder.
Ushijima glances up at you, nods his head, then goes back to work.
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Let me first say. Ushijima is also kinda artsy,,,, he is the perfect man,,,, we all saw how he drew for Tendou’s manga! It brought Goshiki to tears!!! 
He can appreciate all the works that you create because he knows how much effort is put into each piece 
Ushijima used to draw a lot when he was a kid and was really interested in it so seeing you do your thing will probably pique his interest again
He might start drawing again, aimlessly, whenever he is bored and it’s all for you~
Ushijima loves when you show him whatever you create, even if you think it is bad, he will always find the beauty in it
He’d probably sit there while you describe what you drew and why, how you did it, stuff like that because he loves to hear you talk 
Whenever you two hang out in your respective dorms, Ushijima probably reads magazines while you work on your latest project
He’d probably try to sneak peeks at what you are creating just because he is curious but he doesn’t want to disturb you when you’re in the zone 
If you ever draw something for him, Ushijima’s heart would bust the fattest nut, he would be so happy. He would praise you for like ten minutes and then hang it up in his room
Ushijima loves how passionate you are about something that you like and in turn, he wants to support you with it!!! He’d probably buy you supplies as little gifts, even when you don’t ask for it
“Let’s paint the sunset!” You beg Ushijima, your hands cupping his own as you pout up at him. “Please, it’ll be so much fun!” 
Ushijima glances down at you and then to the art supplies collected in his room from your daily visits, he really can’t say no, can he?
“Okay.” He responds and you squeal happily before placing a kiss on his cheek and grabbing all the things that you’ll need. 
“Here, hold this.” You thrust your bag of supplies into his arms before grabbing a blanket. “Let’s go up to the roof.”
Ushijima follows you quietly, listening to you as you ramble about how excited you are. His heart soars at the happiness you emit at this moment. 
“Wow.” Ushijima comments when you open the door, he knew sunsets were pretty but damn, this is something else. 
“This is going to be so much fun!” You grab his hand and drag him to the center, placing the blanket down before hopping on it. Already you’re grabbing for the orange and yellow paints. “Don’t you think?” 
Ushijima nods and sits down beside you, unconsciously making it a point to rest your legs in his lap, he always has to be touching you.
The sun continues to change colors and you keep up with it to the best of your ability, your canvas no longer the original color. Ushijima’s, however, is still blank. He’s been unable to take his eyes off of you the entire time. Instead of painting the sunset, he finds something better to paint. 
When the sun eventually goes down and the two of you are now under the moon, you hide your canvas away from him.  
“Let me see yours first before I show you mine!” You bargain and sit up, looking over his shoulder at what he painted. “That’s not the sunset.” Your lips part when you notice what he painted was you. Ushijima glances at you while trying to calm his racing heart.
“I know, I decided to paint something even prettier.” 
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @littleshopoflove @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee​
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bastardbvby · 3 years
I finally get online and ppl r going crazy so I decide to take this supposed are u in love w ur best friend test and like idk maybe I’m just a distant person or sth but we’ve been eachothers best friends for 10+ years like we r in this for life and I got probably not in love.... and like I rlly took my time thinkin my answers .... now I’m thinkin.... like mf got “a little in love” and from the few clips I’ve seen, seems like he was holding back sooo... idk what to tell u dream
dream wasn't even able to respond accurately to the physical type questions because they haven't met in person yet like. i want him to retake this quiz maybe a month after george moves to florida afjdksk
answering the rest of the asks from last night under the cut <3
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dream raiding people after his podcasts is honestly so sweet like i love how he's always just trying to support other streamers he's so <3333
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dream literally surpassed all expectations like as far as im concerned he's done enough to get through the weekend like i dont even want more content right now because i cannot mentally process it
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i doubt it's going to be awkward like while that quiz was a lot™ they're still best friends and whenever they go more than a day or two without talking to each other they complain lmao like i dont think there's anything to be concerned about~ i would love to see them stream next week though
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i genuinely don't even know how i would feel waking up and finding about all of this like watching it live was such an experience holy shit ajfkdk. you can watch the discord podcast here !! the quiz part starts at around 1:38:00 if you want to skip it, but other than that it was a sweet podcast with a bunch of fun moments between them :]
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i didn't know that he deleted the tweet, but that makes it even funnier lmao,, like im sure the tweet could have been about anything but the timing definitely made it seem like he was talking about dream and george lmaoooo. their friends are rightfully tired™
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im very glad my incoherent thoughts and late night ramblings was entertaining afjdkdk i feel a bit more put together not but damn im still reeling from that podcast
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sarasfm · 4 years
Sarauniya “ Sara ” Davies, 24, pansexual, cisfemale, ISFP Enneagram 9w1; Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising 1st year Advanced Encryption Major; did not go to a spy prep hs
Imma keep it real with you, chief, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I mean, obviously, I know what espionage is ; I’ve read books and articles, and I’ve seen Spy Kids and all the Charlies Angels and James Bond movies, but I genuinely think I need a minute to wrap my head around everything. Make that two weeks, because what’s this I hear about two murders ?  I literally just got sent here to be safe, I — I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Give me five seconds, and we can start again, because I promise I can totally pretend this is all normal. @gallagherintro​
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full name: sarauniya “ sara ” davies
dormitory room: 105
birthday: 20 march 1995
soundtrack: “ go gina ” by sza
favorite dish: efo riro
aesthetic:  when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of light reflecting from her earrings, eyeglasses perched on top of her head, and a caviar iphone always in her hands
Bio Points
her mom’s a nigerian baddie billionaire & her dad’s a soft academic brit
she grew up between london and abuja where their family’s business is based. it’s a trading enterprise, the largest industrial conglomerate in sub-saharan africa
she’s the eldest of three siblings, was raised to be prim & proper and groomed to run their family’s business. her family’s not pushy though and they’re really cool. very healthy dynamic so she doesn’t mind ; she loves her fam and would do it w a smile !
Coding is her Passion though. total dork. stayed up all the time just sleuthing and being an internet geek since she was a youngin’
loves education and is the type who would willingly stay in school to learn. has a degree in economics from harvard and was almost done with her mba when her littlest sister got abducted !  was it about business ? money ? who knows ! the sister’s fine now but her family sure is Scared especially since sara’s alone in the big bad united states
her mom made some calls and went “ gimbiya, look, u aint safe n we sorry. we’ll work something out to make sure u get ur mba degree somehow but shit is wild so we gotta get u somewhere near that’s safe asap. u like studying & ur a geek with computers right ? cool beans, go back to school & welcome to gallagher, babe ”
she enters gallagher in the middle of the spring semester very overwhelmed & inwardly ignoring how unhappy she is about having to be here bc she is not & does not want to be a spy. she just tryna distract herself by looking at this entire thing as a weird vacation where she can do stuff she wasn’t able to before because it’s literally detached from the world. she is mostly probably in way over her head, but let’s see ! 
Other Information
Nicknames: Sara (to everyone), gimbiya (to family, means princess in Hausa)
Languages: English (native), Hausa (native), Arabic (C1), French (B2)
Strengths: is money a strength ? also coding. and being the sweetest. and a general smartypants but that’s in a university setting & gallagher probably doesnt give a fuck
Relationship History: only has one (1) experience. ( well,,, 2 if a three-second drunken kiss w kass counts ) his name’s royce and they’ve known each other since their bougie secondary school back in britain. started dating at sixteen and went to harvard together. they’re long term as fuck. he’s like her best friend and their families adore the couple & each other. got engaged last september and sara broke it off before leaving for gallagher, oof. she deadass milked the opportunity but lbr she wasnt rlly Feeling It so she’s kinda glad for the ‘valid reason’ to appear bc it rlly wasn’t Love for sara so boy bye
Physical appearance: 1.76m, 55kg, long black hair, slim and toned build
Classes: GEN 105, GEN 206, AE 101, AT 101, PE 101
the sweetest. v charming & sensitive to others & curious about things. enthusiastic too ! loves adventures & is very passionate. queen of empathy. 
she’s not stuck up even tho she loaded. she doesnt rlly talk abt her family having 12B or the fact that she’s an ivy league girl, bc she’s just generally very uwu 
easily stressed and flustered and overwhelmed ! man, gallagher’s gonna shook this goddamn academic dork to her core for the love of god someone pls get the aed ready
rlly fun !!! can be a lil unpredictable bc it b lyk dat for rich girls. loves her independence which she hasn’t maximized bc of her ex fiancé & responsibilities but it’s chill so chill totally chill, no ounce of further longing exists in the crevices of this girl’s heart
she is so not good with confrontation and is so allergic to conflict ok. she will sweep discomfort under a rug and lie on it ‘til it’s flat which makes her a queen of repression & conforming
is she easily overwhelmed & stressed ? yes, but she’ll try not to show it so much. it’s all mostly an internal monologue so don’t underestimate her pls. she’s v smart and competent. can be so competitive ( albeit mostly inwardly ) and a boss ass business bitch like her business momma bc that’s what she’s been training for altho she is still generally a soft bab so ... yeah, if u would be so kind as to Estimate her, that’d be grand
she needs to always be on top of her game. maybe not the best in the class, but definitely pushes herself to be her best, so a lot of late nights studying & won’t settle for bad grades ever. gonna be rough in gallagher bc she is not spy material ok, she’s just a pretty rich geek behind a computer
just imagine her as the nice girl in ur ap classes who’s a lil awkward & just so happens to be super hot & stinking rich
Fun Facts
has a six-month old rescue pup named sooty ! who kinda looks like a sheparnese
has a tendency to ramble if she’s comfy w u enough or mayhaps if it’s too much man 
is v diligent w keeping a journal & does it everyday 
likes to dance ! not super good but she likes it. hits da clubs for dat shit 
is a lil instagram famous bc she’s a gorgeous rich harvard girl & all that jazz. queen of selfies & of looking hot but doesn’t actually get to play around rip ffff 
doesn’t drink much bc she is an extreme lightweight and 2 is her tap out limit
if she’s had more than 2 drinks, she is Very Honest but still very ramble-y 
she is physically active but mostly just runs and does yoga. knows very basic self-defense. is not sporty, definitely not a fighter, may god have mercy on her soul
isnt a virgin but is not sexually experienced lmao lbr she kinda Itching to get out there 
don’t ask me what her accent is because i have no clue it’s all over the place
Established Connections — just bc i think y’all would like to know
kassandra sutton — internet friends ! loves kass to bits. have known each other since sara was 14. when kass was 18, sara took her on a grad trip to montreal and became a lil lowkey into her. doesn’t help that kass drunk kissed her & doesn’t remember lmfao. poor sara told her then-bf & they had a lil fight but they made up bc sara didn’t talk to kass for months. eventually they became friends again & now sara’s in gallagher w no idea that kass is a mf sutton & honestly, my girl is just very shook w everything 
Possible Connections
crushes — she does not know how to flirt. she is ,,,, p pathetic tbh but a real heckin cutie. will be super nice to ur bab ok  
flirtationships — sara and i r gonna continue to keep it real w u chieves, her ex fiancé royce was vanilla and bland as fuck. can u believe she has not been single in a decade ? ? someone give her love & attention & fluster this soft innocent child. get her Experienced but also dont hurt her
enemies/angst !!! —  or maybe do ! maybe hurt her. maybe obliterate her. maybe smash her poor heart to pieces, because tbh i would love that.  so someone pls for the love all things holy and divine, someone hurt her !!!!
fwb — probably just one (1) bc she’s still a romantic ? and she’s probably gonna want something exclusive even if it’s no strings attached and will surely want to ,.,. get to know them a little bit more first ,,, at least ideally , idk , maybe impulse & thirst gets the better of her one of these days who knows lets find out !
friends !!! — sara will love u ok. she may be a lil easily flustered but she’s doesn’t rlly give up on ppl quickly. as i’ve said, queen of empathy. probs feels v sorry for majority of the gallagher & georgetown kids bc, .,.,., this environment just screams highkey Trauma to her and she’s valid bc she’s right
mentors !!! — she hates feeling dumb ok she Always has to be on top of her game, so u can bet ur ass after her first meetings in her classes she goes to ppl going “ hey could u help me out w working out ? boxing ? firing a gun ? literally everything & anything ? ”   
anything & everything — meaning just come @ me & let’s talk about it uwu 
( did i just create georgina’s antithesis ? fuck yes, and i am sooo excited to have a child that’s not always plotting & scheming & being mean like y’all have no idea ;_; nywy, that was long bc shutting up and brevity are things i do not possess. whats up it’s ur og flower garden girl rose here aka bugleweed aka fiancée of many and lover of all, and i am open to anything and everything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love, plots & sanitized hands x )
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riskeith · 3 years
hi babe ! its snowing so much here today i’ve been cold all day :( but i got some chai latte and made snow angels so i’m feeling a bit better,.. <3
i wish there was a way to trade objects or send them away!! ik it would spiral into hacking, scamming and would probably defeat the purpose of the game by making it much easier but still :( it would be nice to help out friends with some objects.. :(
actually the most annoying thing about mobile is the camera. it sometimes glitches especially during battle and i find myself stuck facing a mountain bc the camera. so i see why people might complain. also sadly NO :( i wish!! i have an old laptop i thought of using but idk if it can handle it. i think i wanna try it out though. do you use a laptop or pc?
that’s true. i wish we could like... unable easy mode and just chill LMAO hsjshdhdk. but combat does get more fun the more you progress, i’ve started to really enjoy it. now i get why you started to like dragonspine.... i think.... i’m still iffy about that place... 🤔 fuck the cold.
dude. they’re sooo good. i love how they just.. angrily reassure each other constantly. kageyama’s just ARGH *literally smacks sense into hinata’s head* and hinata’s just EEE *takes the compliments and spikes like a mf*
i actually didn’t know much about voltron when i first started watching. i only knew about shiro because an acquaintance had posted about his gay announcement but i never checked it out. i actually got into it in a funny way... i was on yt one day and i saw a video titled ‘are keith and lance gay?’ and i was like who the fuck are keith and lance? then because i’m such a gay person myself i decided to check it out and i saw keith and was like... wow that’s a cute boy... then i saw their dynamic and said WOAH. and well... i just started watching and got hooked and i thought everything was neat and fun so i watched up until season 3 without engaging in any fan activities so i had no idea what people were saying...,, then i did and i was greeted with the shit storm. and the rest is history. but i can imagine it must’ve been so fun... the excitement of not knowing where the story will go and getting new content and being in the fandom while it was alive despite everything.... ahhh how did you find out about the show?
dude YEAH!!! do you feel like university affects the way you handle your fandoms? we talked a bit about hobbies and stuff but what about fandoms?
(MAKES A SECOND REROLL ACCOUNT JUST FOR THIS.... 🥺 omgggg imagine how cute that would be wait omg i’m actually like ahhhh.. we could go on dates at liyue... or watch the sunset at cape oath.... or have picnics at any mountain top... 😳 YEAH PLS that would be so nice... help is anyway nice to have and you’re such a op now you’d just murder the villains in a second... 😳 oo. although i checked earlier and my server is in america for some reason? i really hope they do the cross-server thing life would be SO good. i’d ask you on a date in a heartbeat. 😳 which characters would we use on this co-op date?)
KOSMO!!! BEST PART OF VOLTRON???? kosmo... come back to us please.. please. ok maybe second best part after keith in the bom suit..... god keith in purple just sits so right <3333 sooo right <3333 I VOTE FOR KEITH BECAUSE HE’S HALF-GALRA SO I GUESS THAT MAKES HIM THE FUTURE *LOVE-SICK SMILE* yeah... hahaha fucking fools. ‘rewrite where lance was looking for keith to confess to him bc they were going back to space’ CRIESSSSSSSSSSSS... CLUNAAAA... 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 hi.. 🥺 now i’m just gonna think about this all night and clutch my heart. thank you for that. btw how would you feel about a voltron movie ?
(i love how our topics just jump from genshin to voltron to genshin to voltron again lmao)
lots of kisses from your m.a. <3333
(okay this ended up being very long bc i combined your second ask too and talked a lot so i hope it’s okay i put it under a read more fkdsjhfks)
omg snow!!! is it all pretty and fluffy 🥺🥺 also ‘chai latte’ and ‘snow angels’ in the same sentence when you said you were cold made me fhfksfjs but i’m happy you’re feeling better! muwah 🥰
yeah same!! i said that to my brother when i first started playing i was like ‘i wish you could trade characters’ and he just gave me a deadpan look and was like.. why would they allow that FHDSFKHD sigh but it would be fun!
ah yikes no! sometimes the camera fucks up even on pc so I can’t imagine what it’s like on mobile in the pivotal moments fhdkfjsd. and i use a laptop! i don’t have a pc ahaha. ahhh i hope you somehow manage to find a laptop/pc to try it out thoo
AHAHAH come on m.a. give dragonspine another shot 🤪🤪 but yeah the challenge is fun sometimes! tho i tried to do a domain like 3 times today and kept failing so... it’s also not fun. (i also tried to find some vids about how to build my characters and got overwhelemd fkhsdfks i feel like i’m going about it all in the wrong way ahhhhhhhhhhhh)
FSHDFKJSDHFKSDHJF THAT DESCRIPTION OF KAGEHINA YES 💯💯💯💯 the accuracy omg.. they’re such chaotic idiots i love them!!!!
!!! what a story that is ahah omg it’s like fate... icb you got that vid recommended to you lolol iconic... and i found out about it from my dash!! someone reblogged a screenshot and i was like “legend of korra?” FHSKFJHSKF so basically i thought it was a korra comic or something bc the art style was so similar fhskdfjd. and then i went searching and gave it a shot! and fell down the rabbit hole..
ooo wdym by handle my fandoms? i do know that last year when uni got overwhelming i locked my twitter and made a priv to vent and just. didn’t really go on social media if that’s what you meant FHSKJSDHKF but yeahhhhhhh uni fkn sucks. sucks out all the motivation i have for anything... i type so many words for lectures that i don’t have the energy to write fic :// FJKDSHKSDHFKSHF don’t meant to get so negative but yeahh lol. hbu?
(all those options got my heart going doki doki 😩 who needs real life dating when you can date in the gorgeous atmosphere that is genshin? AHAH. and oh? america??? maybe they just did that as default hm. as for which characters.... i don’t know that we have any that make up the popular ships fhdskjfj (xingqiu/chongyun, zhongli/childe, beidou/ningguang).. tho i see xiao/aether and xiao/venti on the rise so when the time comes ... AHAH you can be the venti to my xiao <3 LOL)
!!!!!!!!! okay i’ll list that down as the fic idea.. but no promises once again sdjfhksdf but i’m also very 👀👀👀 at the concept so! will def keep it in the back burner. 
hm. i honestly don’t know if i would even pay any attention to it hfksdhfjds like voltron left such a sour taste in my mouth i don’t even know that i could consume any canon content ever again. but it’ll also depend on what the plot would be? lol. would you be okay with it?
(lmaooo we be balancing many convos at once look at us 🤪)
ALSO!!! i’m watching spirited away rn and omg. i love haku sm. i love no face too!!! (at least in the beginning when he (?????) was helping sen <33) all the characters are really good as well tho and ofc the art and music!! i really wanna draw something for it now...... and it makes me very excited to watch howl’s moving castle!!
‘I saw the person my younger self had been enraptured by. I saw someone who took my breath away. And when I blinked, I saw the present you. A soul which, slowly but surely, I’d started to fall in love with.’
UMMMMMMMM CLUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! explain yourself right now.........., what is this goddamn beauty you hide ? why is that so beautiful..,,, i take it the last klance fic is a multiverse fic???? literally everything good in one????? i saw hints of royal au as well? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 you do us so good i literally love you sm just reading those small snippets just Ahhhhhh..... i love them they sound amazing i just wanna exist in them yk... 😭😭😭😭😭😭
FHDSKJFHDSFKJ IF YOU THINK THAT IS GOOD JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU READ THE LAST SECTION!!!!!!!!! but at the same time i’m surprised by myself too... me @ past me you ain’t bad! shdfkds I legit have no recollection or writing the snippet you sent but i’m glad you like it 😩😩 and thank you for being so kind always ilysm too 😭❣💓💖💫💞💘❣💖
oh and to answer your question (oops almost forgot) yes it’s a multiverse fic!! that’s why i thought it’d be good for the last one ehehe. just shoved in everything i loved and made klance in love in them!!
hope you’re treating yourself!! loveeeeeee your c.r. <3
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ohhhhmyblog · 7 years
#StoryTimeWithMy - Me & #HurtBae handle things differently...clearly.
Ok... So I was with him over 3 years at this point. But in recent times, we had had multiple convos about not being together for various reasons...but there was still that lingering love. You know? Where you still speak everyday, still hang out, are still intimate, etc... Still...to the point where one week prior to this "incident" we did a little day trip where we took Teagan out to eat and to Liberty Science Center. You know, regular shit...
So on this day, I spoke with him a couple times throughout the day. I let him know I had made plans in his area later and we agreed to just hang out until my girl got off work. Soooo.... I go.
I get to his house and everything's regular... drinks, music, his friends, their girlfriends...typical weekend night at his place.
Then the bell rings, he goes to open it, and a woman comes in. I don't think anything of it at all...at first. Then I notice all of his friends get weirdly silent (completely out of character for this bunch). The woman is totally comfortable. She goes into the fridge for something, takes a charger out of the wall and heads toward his bedroom. She's out of sight for about a minute and I decide to go follow her.
And there she is...sitting on his bed, phone plugged in the wall, just scrolling through her phone...super comfortable. I do the only thing there is to do... "Oh hi...I'm MyAsia. Who are you? I'm *insert name i dont remember because it didn't matter*. Oh. You're here for *him*? How do you know him...because you clearly KNOW him? I've known him for years." She starts to look worried. She's catching on... (lol, funny now...wasn't funny then)
I go back into the living room. I approach him. I just stare at him. He gives me this look like "Fuck!" but tries to play like he's confused. "What?" he says., I just stare at him...
In that moment, I am trying soooooo hard not to burst into tears because...y'all...she was comfortable there. She wasn't new. She knew where the outlets were in his bedroom. She didn't require an introduction to his friends. She was comfortable enough to go in the fridge.
"Who is she? Why is she here?" He just stares at me with the goofiest "I have fucked up" face. She walks into the living room. It's now awkward af. I. LOSE. IT. I have so many questions and I'm asking them all...in front of everyone...at max volume...without one single fuck to give. Not. One.
His friends start to head to the door. The gf of one his boys stays behind and attempts to get me to relax. Nope. I'm on one. Then something in my head is like "MyAsia, you are making a fool of yourself. You are flipping your shit and he isn't even reacting." He is still in the same spot...looking dumb.
The woman gets her things to leave. I start to leave too. He follows. (I think he thought we would get into something...but no, my issue was never with her.) But in that moment, I interpreted that as him wanting to save her from me. I started swinging. You know when you swing as you talk? Why👊would👊you👊do👊this👊to👊me? Why👊have👊her👊come👊here👊when👊you👊knew👊I'd👊be👊here? He gives me this "I didnt know she was coming" bs...which only pissed me off even more. Now I know she's comfortable just popping up here? Ok.
I start bawling. I am sooo hurt. I felt betrayed. I felt stupid. I had placed him on this pedestal...because in my mind, he would never be "this guy". I attempt to storm out. He stops me. Now he has answers. Now he wants to explain. He wants to tell me that "we broke up already". He wants to tell me "we already decided not to be together". He wants me to believe she just came around in the last couple weeks...this woman who goes in his fridge, knows his friends, comes over unannounced and knows where the outlets are in his bedroom... I. Can. Not. Stop. Crying. I want to...because I feel weak and stupid...but I can't.
I snatch away from him and leave. I can't leave. I have an excruciating headache suddenly. I can't see thru the tears. I was a wreck...smh. I get in the car, drive one block up and park. I call the friend I was suppose to link up with after she got off. I am hysterical. She can't understand me. My phone beeps. There's another call coming in. It's his friend's gf from back at the house. She wants to know where I am. I tell her and click back over. I give a short, prob super inaccurate version of what just happened. At this point, he is Satan to me...so I can only imagine what I said.
Anyway, I tell her where I am and hang up. I am legit hysterical. My head is hurting. I am angry. I am hurt. This woman wasn't new. This woman was comfortable y'all. When he reacted to this whole "incident", he considered her. I saw it. It was too much. I sat in my car just shaking...trying to talk myself out of setting his house on fire. Seriously... The ONLY thing that stopped me was knowing that children lived in the unit above him...the children who stomp around and make so much more on those weekend mornings when he and I just wanted to sleep in. Those loud ass children kept me from making a super irrational decision that night.
I'm startled by a knock on my window. It's his friend's gf. She tells me to unlock the door. She gets in the passenger seat and just sits there, silently. I'm still crying. I can't make it stop. My head is racing. Then the other friend shows up. She gets in the car. We just sit there for a minute. Then my friend who missed the whole thing says "what the hell happened?"... I tell her...and finish with "My head hurts. My stomach hurts. I need a drink."
We all get in her car andride around North Newark looking for a bar. It's dark. It's late. Everything is closed. Then we see this little corner bar that seems to be open. We get out. We go in. There are all Hispanic men over 50 in this bar, y'all. I didn't care. They had liquor...lol I had shots and cocktails with these 2 til the bar was closed. I spilled my little heart out in there...to 2 women who weren't even THAT close to me...but in that moment I appreciated them. They let me vent and talked me down...well kinda... ...Because now, I'm angry AND upset AND still feeling stupid...and I've spent the last hour drinking continuously...
I decide I am going back to his house. They try to talk me out of it...but nah, I'm going back. I call his phone. He answers immediately. I tell him I'm coming back and he needs to be there and alone. I promise you in my head I was going back to that house to hurt him. I considered killing him...in real life. I thought of how I'd do it, how I could get away with it, how it'd make his mom and sister feel, how I'd explain it to Teagan...all that. SMH
We leave the bar and head back to his house. They wont let me go in alone. I ring the bell. He comes to the door. In that moment...something happened to me that I cant and wont ever be able to explain. In that moment, I needed him. So many times before I he had been the ONLY person to see me through bs and tough times. This time was no different. In that moment, I was searching for and anticipating comfort and consolation...from the very person who had just hurt me. SMH Why was I like that?!
I start yelling, crying and carrying on...and he tries to hold me. I'm fighting him...I want him not to touch me and I want him to hold me tighter...at the same... damn...time. Y'all... I was all messed up.
We go inside and he's giving me the same story and I'm so over hearing it. I zone out and I'm just wondering why I'm back at his house...seeking solace in the same man who had upset me in the first place. I got angry. I was back and forth between literally throwing blows and falling into his chest crying asking him why. The whole time my head is KILLING me.
Suddenly it's silent. For a while there's just me doing that "I just finished crying", sniffling thing lol Then he takes my jacket off of me, lays me down in his bed, takes my shoes off and just cuddles up next to me. He says he's sorry and that he never meant to hurt me like this and this isn't how he ever thought this would go. I fell asleep...in the arms of the same mf who I had just thrown jabs at...the same mf I seriously considered killing just hours before. I woke up the next morning and left silently.
I was violently ill for days. I learned then just how real "mind over matter" is. I had literally gotten physically SICK...because of mental and emotional pain. I also learned that you can not ever view someone the same after heartbreak. I learned that anyone is capable of anything and pedestals are for trophies, not people. I learned that everyone is just moments of hurt & anger away from a Snapped episode so I don't judge.
Fast forward to present time...fast forward pass months of personal growth and experience...fast forward pass a bunch of laughs and tough convos between us over the years... This guy is still one of the closest ppl to me. I still love him to death. I currently consider him a friend of mine. I just know I can't ever look at him THAT way again...and that's ok.
That #HurtBae video struck a nerve with me. No one is above being hurt. But when you're in a situation that is emotionally and mentally draining, get the hell out of it!
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mechanintendomaster · 6 years
Unused Mario and Bowser: Frenemies Forever Chapter 17
Mario and Bowser 17
Noon of the restless Mario Characters (Chapter 17)
Created: like a month ago -5/16/17
Disclaimer: Why do I bother? I don't own Mario and co.
Author note: Long chapter, go!
Real note: Last edited May 18, 2017. Not technically unused since this was the original draft of this chapter. Still, the current one was edited down making this version ‘lost’.
Mario strolled into the bustling Toad Town. This was going to be a beautiful day, he thought. The weather was warm and the sky blue, the only thing ruining it was the frequent smell of exhaust fumes. The town really had urbanized in recent years with more and more people owning their very own kart to drive around. Mario could even spot a Mercedes-Benz or two pass by. Foot traffic wise, Toad folk and other local Mushroom Kingdom species went about their daily business, going up and down the sidewalks in waves not entirely different from what Mario would see back in Brooklyn. The Usonian resemblance didn't stop there; recent structures and vehicles were designed to be sleek and modern and only a few buildings still shaped like the mushroom structures of old.
After a moment, Mario approached town square to meet a bigger crowd. Men and women in business suits, parents with children, and teenagers on cellphones among them, no one seemed to care that Peach had put the Kingdom in a state of emergency not long ago. In the past, such an announcement would shut up the citizens in their homes until the moment Mario and his brother saved the day. Now it was like any other day. Just another Bowser attack. Mario wasn't entirely surprised, because Peach wasn't actually kidnapped in this "emergency", and she also omitted the fact that Mushroom Flu was apparently being spread by secret agents, for the sake of avoiding panic. For all the kingdom's citizens knew, the emergency involving Bowser could have been him invading a land on the other side of the globe. Still, the change of social climate from what he used to remember made Mario feel older than he was.
After waiting forever to finally be able to safely cross the street, because he refused to jay walk like everyone else, Mario made his way to the post office. Despite recent developments surrounding the humble wooden structure, it hadn't changed a bit on the outside. As he entered, he was greeted by the aged but active Postmaster, a Paratroopa with a busy grey mustache and thick glasses.
"Long time no see. You have no letters, guess no body's worried about you!"
"Oh I just have a little something to send off," Mario said walking up the counter. He noticed that the inside changed either. Same wooden floors, yellow walls, and fake house plant. "And you know, a lot of people don't really get written letters anymore."
"That's tomfoolery!" the Postmaster exclaimed. "I get letters all the time, son! You need more friends!"
Mario laughed at the irony as he handed him a letter labeled for 'Smash Mansion'. "I need first class mail. I have the money."
"Mario, it's on the house for you. No need to fret, we deliver no matter what, remember? Who's it for?"
"Can't say. It's a secret," Mario said with a wink.
"Ah, fair enough. Whatdaya think of this Mushroom Flu issue?" the Postmaster chucked.
"What..was that again?" Mario asked, trying to hide his surprise.
The Postmaster put a label on the envelope. "Mushroom Flu. You heard of it, right?"
"Yeah, but why would you bring that up?"
"It's all over the papers. See here?" The Postmaster pulled out a drawer and gave Mario the day's paper. This particular one was 'The Kingdom Enquirer'.
The headline read: MK citizens struck by 'MF'!
Mario gasped and immediately read out loud front page article. "According to rich entrepreneur 'James Monty', the president of the ministry of health, Toad Toadstool and Princess Daisy Bloom were stricken by Mushroom Flu, known as MF. According to him, he has no idea where it could have came from, but he suspects aliens. Citizens of MK, watch out for aliens! Suspects include Tatanga, Shroobs, Kirby....." Mario stopped reading and looked up confusingly.
The Postmaster smiled. "I know Mario, that was my reaction as well! Completely idiotic, right?"
"Well," Mario muttered, taking another glance at the headline, "it didn't sound like they knew what they were talking about...At all."
"Right. Tomfoolery as well. I caught wind of people being sick at the hospital but that's just crazy. These journalists really think we'll believe anything, except Kylie of course."
"Kylie...Koopa?" Mario mused.
"Right. You getting sick of me saying 'right'? Anyway, she's the writer of the Koopa Kronicle, and a darn good one. That's the only paper I trust now a days. So anyway, I'll have this sent out right away. That all?"
"Oh yeah. Thanks…"
"Right. See you later, Mario!"
Mario left and stood on the street corner, deliberating on his next course of action. It was clear to him now that mass hysteria wasn't about to spread just yet. Peach was wisely discreet with the state of emergency warning, and horrible journalism had diluted any sense of panic that could come from the surprisingly correct assumption of Mushroom Flu, apparently revealed by MKDCU agent Jimmy M., assuming he was that supposed "rich entrepreneur president of health" person quoted in the paper, and Dr. Mario would have the letter by tomorrow for sure. Considering the situation, things we're going as well as they possibly could.
But wait, he thought. He still just need to get to Bowser before Luigi! How would he pull that off, considering they would have already gotten an hour head start on him? There were no shortcuts he knew of that Luigi didn't, and his Sky Pop plane had been out of service for ages. Mario would just have to hope Buckenberry could slow them enough. The thought of the young hero brought up his spirits up a little. If Buckenberry could humble himself and get it together, he could too. He was just disheartened that he couldn't reveal to him that he DID know of Dr. Mario's whereabouts. Mario had promised to keep it a secret for the doctor, and Mario knew he couldn't afford to break anymore promises.
Just then, Mario gasped as someone rounded the corner to met him. "What are you doing here??" Mario asked.
The person beckoned him to follow them to a more secluded area.
At the Mushroom Press, Jimmy continued to entertain the reporters with stories of his past misadventures. After the coast was clear of Richard and Wiggletron, he'd slipped back in. He couldn't let the offer of free coffee go to waste!
"-And I said to em 'he's red as the dickens! Just dunk the guy in the cream', and they did! You haven't lived until you've seen an 300 pound Toad jump in a giant tub of anti-itch cream!"
The Toad next to him, Mitch, laughed harder. "Aww man! This is going into the Mushroom Enquirer next! Hear that, Kylie?"
"Kylie? The girl's been gone ages ago," the desk receptionist said restlessly, putting some more hot water in the coffee maker.
Mitch looked around a bit. "Oh. Ah-hem, I knew that! Well anyway, how long are you sticking around? I uh...." Mitch suddenly stopped and put some sunglasses on.
"What?" Jimmy asked.
"You should probably go outside," Mitch said with sudden seriousness.
Jimmy stop lounging on their chairs and looked at the wall clock. "Oh! Didn't realize I'd been here so long! Guess I should go, ladies and gents, the work of a MKDCU agent is never done!"
The writers and reporters clapped as he got up and proudly marched to the door.
The moment he exited, he was greeted by Sebastian and Parabilly on the sidewalk, both shooting daggers at him.
"Boys? What's happenin? And where's the- Whoa! Stop!" Jimmy yelled.
"No can do sir," Lakitu said. He had the van secured with a giant fishing hook to an oversized cloud. On the side of the cloud, it was printed, "Lakitu's Independent Towing Company".
"Shouldn't you be fishing up go-carts or something?!" Jimmy screamed up to him.
"Sucker, this is my day job. What else I'm gonna do? Not like we'll be having any sports games any time soon by the looks of it. See ya!" The cloud began to float away with the van.
"First the hospital, then the coppers, now the towing companies?! I hate the Mushroom Kingdom!!!" Jimmy yelled at one in particular.
Sebastian crossed his arms. "What did you think was going to happen?!? I'm I still in Subcon? Because this a nightmare, and I'm sooo tired!"
"Me too!" Parabilly piped up as Lakitu took off, "He said this was the most illegalest parked car he ever done seen! All I'll have you know that we're tired of it!"
"What? You twos gonna quit too??" Jimmy asked harshly.
"Well....maybe! Ain't that right?" Parabilly asked, turning to Sebastian.
"Uh huh. Why did we make you leader anyway? Your actions have just made everything worse. We could have been at the bottom of this yesterday, and why aren't we finding a cure for their disease? Aren't we the health experts?"
Jimmy threw his hands up. "We ARE! Do you really think you can lead a disrespectful team while dealing with a deadly plague better than me? Cause this is a severe violation of protocol and I can fire you all right now!"
"Then do it. There's only five dern dollars at stake!" Parabilly spat, making Sebastian look to him questionably. "I quit myself! I ain't learned nothing and we ain't done nothing. We got em all locked up somewhere and we can't even help em. We might as well have never showed up! I got a home, a family to feed, and real job opportunities down home, and you can't keep me here any longer!"
Sebastian gasped. "Billy? You-"
"I already said It! That's it!" Parabilly threw his badge to the ground. "I'm outta here!"
Jimmy fumed. "You know what? It don't matter, you're right! We gotta get em to the Special World hospital but that's it. It's done, and I don't need you all anymore anyway! Get outta here!"
Parabilly wordlessly flew down the sidewalk and disappeared around a corner. Jimmy turned around and went the opposite direction, leaving Sebastian forlorn in front of the Mushroom Press entrance.
*tap tap*
He turned around so see someone peering through the glass door and knocking. When their eyes met, the person motioned him to come inside. He brought Sebastian to his office space and told him to take a seat.
"So you're Sebastian Bullet of Subcon, right?" Mitch asked.
Sebastian nodded.
"I still got!" Mitch said with a twinkle in his eye. "By the way, I'm Mitch T., writer of the Mushroom Enquirer, most famous newspaper ever!" He reached out to shake Sebastian's hand. "Okay, so you got towed by Lakitu. Right?"
"Uh yeah??" Sebastian responded.
Mitch leaned back in his comfy office chair and put his arms behind his head. "Great, well not for you I guess. Sorry I didn't see it sooner." he said somewhat flippantly. "I've gotten so used to blocking it out now, but never mind. James was full of crap anyway, you probably won't miss him."
"Now that I can agree on!" Sebastian said.
Mitch then leaded towards Sebastian. "Listen, I put out a nice fairytale for the paper but I know is really a big deal. I need you to me what really happened," he whispered.
"Well..." Sebastian hesitated.
"I'll pay ya!" Mitch added.
"Sure thing! And I have lots to tell." Sebastian started from the beginning and Mitch wrote down his account studiously. Sebastian felt better about getting fired now that he'd met Mitch, though he still had an odd feeling about him.
Outside, less than five minutes later, Jimmy took a wrong turn, being unacquainted with traveling on foot, and hit a dead end in a dark alley.
"Well this is just great. No van. No equipment. No agents. No directions! No respect! The Mushroom Kingdom can kiss- what the?!"
In the darkness, Jimmy saw a cloud of some sort stirring up in front of him, coming up from the ground. He was about to turn back to run when he was frozen in shock by a wicked laughter.
"Hehehehehehehehehehehehe! Stop right there!" someone cackled. "I've been looking for you!"
"I'm sorry! P-please Eldstar, no!" Jimmy bawled.
The cloud settled down to reveal a dark Boo, its face twisted in a psychotic smile. "Stop crying! Laugh, or else you fool! Hehehe!"
"A Boo?! W-what do ya want with ME?"
"I saw the whole thing in front of that Mushroom Press place, hehe. You must feel sooo sad.."
Jimmy didn't respond and continued to shake in fear and hold back tears.
"I said, LAUGH OR ELSE!" the Dark Boo barked.
"Ha ha ha ha haaaa!" Jimmy cried.
"That's better, hehe. They call me Z by the way. Let's have some fun!" Z moved closer. "You hate the Mushroom Kingdom, I hate the Mushroom Kingdom, we're a perfect match. Yaayy!" Z hugged Jimmy. "Come with me, buddy!"
"Hold on, now!" Jimmy said, pushing Z away. "I have a job to do. I ain't no Boo Hunters candidate. What's the meaning of this?"
Z scowled at him briefly, flashing some sharp teeth in the process, then went back to a smile. "Aww, not scared anymore? Well good, maybe we can talk, hehe. You are James Monty of the MKDCU."
"Uh huh? And?" Jimmy crossed his arms, trying to seem unafraid.
"Well, I'm only your biggest fan! We're both from Donut Plains, and I've followed all of your medical journals. I've always admired you more than the others and well," Z looked away bashfully, "I just really wanted to work with you. Please let me help you!" Z latched on to Jimmy again in a tighter hug.
"Alright, alright! Uh, you can help, uh somehow!" Jimmy yelled, his voiced muffled by the bigger Boo's embrace.
"Great," Z said flatly, "but first I need you to help me, hehe. Let's go on a little trip..."
"What? Let me go you- Ahhhhh!"
A Purple cloud engulfed them as Jimmy screamed, unable to get out to Z's grasp. His screams died down as the two disappeared into the shadows...
On another street, Parabilly waited at a bus stop. He had already phoned his relatives down in Southern Mushroom Kingdom. The 'city folk' life and the stress that came with it wasn't for him after all, he had resolved. He'd be better off as the local prairie physician like he always was. Soon the bus pulled up and he hopped on. He was heading out of Toad Town, possibly forever...
Toadsworth knocked on Peach's door. After a moment it opened, revealing Toadette, who was wearing an apron and holding a feather duster.
"Mr. Toadsworth? What's wrong?"
"Princess? Wait, what were you doing in here?" Toadworth asked.
"Uh...I was just cleaning."
"And why, young lady? Where could she be?? She isn't OUT is she?" he asked harshly.
Toadette was about to remind him that she was authorized to clean Peach's room when ever she felt, but she held her tongue.
"Is she out?!" Toadsworth repeated.
Toadette kelp silent. When Luigi texted Peach an hour ago that Mario was put out of the mission, Peach immediately made plans to meet him. She had some unresolved feelings about Bowser's message and wanted to speak to Mario about it. Toadette didn't know what she meant by that, but she promised to keep Toadsworth at bay in the mean time. Still, she didn't feel good about lying to the oldest and loyalist servant in the castle...
"Answer me! This is no time for childish games!" Toadsworth scolded her.
"Umm, so why do you think she's out, Mr. Toadsworth?" Deflection, maybe that would work, she thought.
"I have been all over our dear castle, except for her room of course, which brings me here. Is she inside?"
"What do you need, sir?"
Toadsworth pouted. "I need to speak with her about a private matter. You are a higher level servant and I appreciate your hard work, I really do. I am sorry, my dear, for yelling so much. These are just dreadful and stressful times, you understand?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Indeed! What I have to say involves her safety. You know, with secret agents of Bowser running amok and whatnot."
Toadette shook her head. "I understand, but you can't come in!" Toadsworth looked to her surprisingly. "-Because...she isn't dressed! And..she's in the bath!" So much for not lying, Toadette thought. "Besides, the water was taking a while to heat up, but if you must tell her something now, you could just tell me." Toadette smiled sweetly which mollified Toadsworth further.
"Hmm...Thank you dear, but I will just come back at a more appropriate time." Toadsworth smiled. "Good day for now, Toadette."
Toadsworth walked back down the stairs, relieving but also disappointing Toadette who was very curious about that info. She retreated back inside the room and collapsed on Peach's bed, letting out a deep breath. Now she'd just need to keep this charade up for the entire day!
The Mushroom Bus stopped at the Peach's Castle stop. This bus stop was usually used for castle tours or employees but the locals also used it to get to the the lake near Peach's castle or the private racetrack. A group of fifteen or so people exited, including Jelectro Bond, Kylie, Dick and Wiggletron. There was now only a short walk to the castle up a sandy rural path.
"Have y'all ever visited this place before?" Dick asked, breaking the silence that been between the four since getting on the bus.
"Yes, as an young child," Wiggletron answered. "Have heard that it has not been redecorated since."
"Well I haven't been inside but I've heard it's drab. You know, empty rooms with only giant paintings in them and a flooded basement and an endless staircase?"
Kylie, who was leading the way, suppressed a laugh. "Who told you that? Super Mario 64?"
"Umm, yeah? You're trying to tell me that game isn't accurate? What ever..." Dick looked to Bond. "Hey Bond? You alive?"
Bond mumbled something and walked along in the rear, deep in thought.
Kylie glanced back his way and then looked ahead again quickly. "Stay focused, brother. The game plan is this, when we get there, let me do the talkin'. First, we tell them a little of what we know. Make them think we know a lot, okay? Then we get them to tell us what they know. Easy as pie.. or cake considering where we are. Think Peach ever made pies?"
Dick rolled his eyes. "You must be hungry, girl. Anyway, I thought you and Bond knew everything by now!"
Kylie took a quick glance at her phone. "Yeah and no. It came up on my phone that Peach has put the kingdom in a state of emergency-"
"What is that?"
Kylie pouted. "You don't know?!"
"We are not natives to the Mushroom Kingdom," Wiggs reminded her.
"Oh yeah. Sorry bout that, brother," Kylie said apologetically. "Peach does that when there's trouble. Back in the day, this would put everyone's lives on hold until we knew we were safe. I would know, I've time traveled. Now? Pffft! So since she has the emergency out, Mario and the rest must know on some level that trouble's a brewin'. But we still don't know a few key points, okay?"
"What would those points be?" Wiggs asked.
"Well my main one is why Bowser would think he could get away with this. I know he can be more shortsighted than a Bob-omb with a one inch fuse with his plans, but this is so obvious it's stupid!"
"Oh of course you meant that!" Dick said, thinking he was sounding smart. "Yeah, that must be why he was helping Mario earlier at the hospital. You know, be all involved so you can claim it couldn't be-"
"What?!?" Kylie gasped. "Bowser was helping Mario?? When??" She stopped and turned around to face the rest.
"Yes! When?" Bond piped up from behind Dick and Wiggletron. He joined Kylie standing in front of them. Dick gave them a confused look.
"That was yesterday? I thought I told ya? He was confused and junk and he was there when Toad and Daisy when wild. Mario dropped to the floor and he was all about to cry in stuff-'
"Agent Richard and Wiggletron," Bond said sternly, "this changes everything!"
"I should have mentioned it also," Wiggs said, avoiding their gaze. "I apologize as well. The over abundance of new information we have acquired along with the frequent separation of our team has made it difficult to remember who possesses what knowledge..."
"Uh..okay? Well, that's why you record everything in a notebook!" Kylie groaned, scribbling a few more notes down. "Well it's game time now 'cause here's the guard. Everyone stay quiet like I said."
They approached the front castle guard. He was a teenaged red capped toad holding a spear under his arm playing a Nintendo DS. "Halt! All tours are prohibited in times of emergency!" he said in a rehearsed fashion without looking away from the game.
"We aren't here for tours, friend. We are umm, the plumbers that were called!" Kylie said. Even she wondered where she got that excuse from, she had a feeling she had heard it before somewhere...
The guard closed the DS and stared for a moment. "Oh, like Mario or something?"
"Yeah. Just like em. We need to fix that leak!"
"You know, that leak y'all have? We need to fix it. Right guys?" She pointed back to the rest with her thumb.
"Where is Princess Peach?" Bond asked, not bothering playing along. Kylie shot him an annoyed look.
The guard shrugged. "Inside I guess. Look, as long as you guys aren't Bowser, you can come in or whatever. I really don't care." He pulled the door open for them and went back to his game.
"Perfect, young man. Thank you," Bond said genially. When everyone entered, they were then in the castle main room and mezzanine, an open checkerboard tiled area that connected to all of the parts of the castle. The decor was pretty, with lots of flowers and glass ornaments but there was also a lot of dust and dirt pulled up, making the place look slightly unkempt.
"Welcome to the castle- wait. Aren't visitations over?" A purple capped Toad standing at a podium asked them.
"Where is Peach, mon ami?" Bond asked.
"I can't tell you exactly but she's definitely home. We can't have her running around with Bowser's secret agents spreading the Mushroom Flu!"
Everyone looked to the worker surprisingly. Kylie also wrote something in her notebook.
"Do you at least have an idea?" Bond asked hurriedly.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" The Toad asked with sudden suspicion.
The toad smiled instantly. "I'm so sorry, hon! Plumbers are always welcome here! Just go on up the stairs when you get to the room behind me. If anyone asks who you guys are, just tell them that, okay? Have a wonderful day!"
They went to another room that had stairways going up and down and halls leading to other ground level portions of the castle. The room was deserted of anyone except for a Toad that was vacuuming the carpet while wearing headphones. Said Toad glanced their way exactly once and then proceeded to ignore their presence.
Bond turned around to face everyone. "A little lonely here, is it not? Okay mes amies, I have appreciated all of your efforts until this point, but now that we all have the same knowledge, it is not necessarily for all of us to be present when we meet the Princess. It might look suspicious if we are all here and do no plumbing work at all, so-"
"I see," Kylie said, glancing towards the ex-MKDCU agents. "Why don't you two wander around and find something to fix?"
"Ugh, seriously?" Dick whined. "You mean like the flooded basement?"
"Again, the basement isn't- never mind... y'all keep busy okay?" Kylie took sides next to Bond, who was also looking to them expectantly. It irritated Dick when they used their "team power" against him and Wiggs, like they were their employers or something, he thought. Well actually...
"Sure," Wiggs said, pulling Dick closer to him, which made Dick look to him indignantly, "I would like to explore anyway so as to discover what has or has not changed since my childhood visit. You can count on us to assist you in your operation, right Richard?"
"Wiggs, lay off! Okay whatever. We'll give you love bugs some privacy, alright?"
Kylie did her signature finger snap. "Great brother, we'll just-"
"Hold up 'sis', I'm not done. Bond said he appreciated us and junk, and we have done a lot for you two, so I say we make it clear that we expect compensation! We are for hire agents remember?"
"What? Y'all want pay?!" Kylie put her hands on her hips. "Is the experience of true justice in action not en-"
"-No," Dick interrupted.
"I uh, agree to Richard's preposition," Wiggs added bashfully.
"Hold on," Bond muttered while digging in his wallet. He pulled out a couple of American hundred dollar bills worth 10,000 coins each and handed them out to Dick and Wiggs. "You are right, how could I have been so stingy before? Help yourself, mes amies!"
Dick jumped up and down like an excited little girl. Wiggs gawked at the amount of cash in his hand, the most he'd ever held at once actually. Kylie was surprised and jealous and babbled about how they hadn't really done much. Bond just stood back amusingly.
"Let us go," Bond said finally, grabbing Kylie's arm to lead her away. After Kylie could finally pry her eyes away from their cash, they made way upstairs. They were silent as they went up the steps, but Kyle noticed that Bond seemed to be in a particularly good mood now.
"Hey, what are you so jolly about?" Kylie asked.
"The joy of giving!"
"For real though, what is it?" Kylie asked seriously.
"Ha. Clever as always. Actually it was previous events. You see, you used my idea!"
"What? The- oh! That's where I got the plumber thing from? Yeah that was gonna be our disguise at Bowser's place at first. We discussed that in your car or something, right?"
"Something like that, but I am glad you bought it up. I would not have remembered it otherwise. Excellent work from you as usual."
"Oh yeah, thanks." Kylie said, trying not to smile.
"What is our plan exactly? Your idea that they know something we don't was correct. I suspect Bowser sent them a message."
"I guess so. Secret agents? That sounds like fear mongering. It's all because of stale soda, for pete's sake. Don't eat stale food!"
"Don't underestimate the power of nostalgia, mon ami."
Kylie looked to him solemnly. "Right...So I'm sorry too about last night. I blew up on you like twenty-five Bulky Bob-ombs and I shouldn't have. I've just been having a hard time."
Bond shrugged. "It's okay. This is a dire situation, after all."
"No not that." Kylie stopped on one of the steps. "It was because of you."
"Well, not you. I really do like you. It was just...your abilities..."
Bond's head sunk. "Ah. I see..."
"I guess I should explain. Back when I was new on the reporter scene, I dated this Toad guy who was a fellow reporter. His name was Mitch. He was real nice and stuff and he had powers similar to you which I thought was cool at the time. Well..after a while I realized he was stealing my scoops for the Mushroom Enquirer and was just a jerk overall. Worst thing is, I still have to work with him! Again, I'm sorry. It really wasn't personal but when you told me about yourself last night, it all came back to me..." Kylie was starting to tear up.
"Mon ami," Bond said, grabbing her shoulder, "I am very sorry you had to contend with someone who would abuse their power like that. You say you still work with him? Was he not reported?"
Kylie sniffed. "Yeah actually, but it's hard to provide evidence of mind invasion. It didn't really matter, he realized that his paper could get way more hits if he ignored the truth all together and published exaggerated bogus garbage that people eat up. So he just kind of quit doing it and is more of an annoyance than anything now."
Bond grabbed her hand as they started climbing the steps again. "You have to give me another chance, mon ami. You know I'd never invade your mind...At least not on purpose...." Kylie looked at him. "Uh yeah, it can't always be controlled. I subconsciously followed you this morning..."
"You did??"
Bond looked away awkwardly. "You were on my mind...Literally. I mean, you know what I mean. Listen, I'm decommissioning myself after this ordeal and incidents like that will never happen ag-"
"-You are?? Why??" Kylie demanded.
Bond looked back her way, surprisingly. "Because it isn't allowed according to Super Spy HQ. I mean, I theoretically could if I behaved normal but I clearly can't."
"Don't say that, Bond," she plead as they made it to Peach's room. They stopped outside the door.
"What do you mean?" Bond asked.
Kylie crossed her arms. "I mean, don't let silly ol me and my personal issues take that away from you. We don't do the same bring, but we both work for truth and justice, don't we? I wanted your help in the first place because I knew you were the best of the best. The top dog! And you mean to imply that you could keep this under control then but not now? What's really the issue, Bond?"
Bond took a deep breath as Kyle stared him down.
"-And don't even think about lying to me, Bond. I might not have your gift but I know a fib when I see one!" Kylie said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. Bond chuckled slightly, then took off his glasses to look her in the face. Kylie was once more surprised and at his unusual eyes and found herself gazing back with the same intensity.
"Kylie," Bond said softly, "you are aware that our abilities may be affected by our emotions, correct?"
"Uh huh...." Kylie mumbled.
"Well, I guess there is no other way to say this." Bond grabbed her hand. "Kylie Koopa, I l-"
The door to Peach's room opened, revealing Toadette who was holding some dishes. "Who are you guys??" she gasped. Bond threw his glasses back on and Kylie snapped out of it. They both froze up for a moment.
"Well?? I'm calling security!" Toadette warned, putting down the dishes and grabbing her radio.
"We're plumbers!" Kylie and Bond blurted out.
Toadette let out a deep breath. "Oh why didn't you say so!....Wait, dang!" Toadette stepped forward and closed the door behind her. "I'm Toadette by the way. Did Mr. Toadsworth send you guys up here because I said something about the water taking a while to heat up? I shot myself in the foot with that excuse," she huffed.
"So is there a problem then?" Bond asked.
"No. I just needed to get him away. The bathroom is fine, sorry you guys had to go up all of these steps for nothing," Toadette said sympathetically.
"Oh the trip was no issue," Bond assured her.
"Hmm. Really now? Because there's like a thousand steps from top to bottom, and I know you plumbers don't get paid much to deal with this. I'm kind of tight with the Marios you see. Who are you guys anyway? The Noki Bros?"
"I'm a girl, sister," Kylie said, mildly offended.
Toadette flushed in embarrassment. "Oh I knew that. I guess I was just thinking about like, Smash Bros or something. You know, they have female fighters too. I mean, never mind..." There was an aura of awkwardness in the hallway after she said that.
"..So can we speak to Peach, Toadette?" Bond asked.
"No. She's away- but not OUT! Don't tell Mr. Toadsworth I said that!"
"You mean she is not here at all??"
"That's not what I said! I just can't bring her to you, okay? Bye!" Toadette put her hand on the door knob, ready to retreat.
"Toadette, wait, mon ami. We are not really plumbers, I'm Jelectro Bond, a secret agent and this is Kylie Koopa, a reporter, and we have very important information that the Princess needs to hear. We have been on the case since yesterday and I assure you we know more about what's going on that anything you heard so far." Bond spoke quickly in his signature low but authoritative voice.
Toadette frowned at them both. "Excuse me?? Our Kingdom is at stake and we are at war! Prove to me that you really know what you're talking about. And yes, I'm aware of that stupid story The Mushroom Enquirer put out earlier today. If you even bring that nonsense up, I'm calling security immediately!" Toadette spoke authoritatively as well. Bond immediately thought about how she should have been the one guarding the front doors.
Kylie fumed. The moment Toadette had mentioned the Mushroom Enquirer, she blocked out the rest and got red hot. "So Mitch really did it! He put out a half baked-baloney-sorry excuse for a-no journalistic integrity-"
"What's wrong with her?" Toadette snapped.
"Never mind. Just listen to me. Here is the proof. The Mushroom King is now showing symptoms of Mushroom Flu. You can prove this by checking with MK East hospital. Emery T., the rooftop ems can verify everything. What else do you need to know before we can see the Princess?" Bond asked impatiently.
Toadette went pale and speechless for a moment. "HOW?-" she finally gasped.
"The secret is FungusUp, mon ami!"
"Bowser used that? But he said he used air pollutants and- well that message was confidential but-"
"We need to see that message! That's the only way we can solve the missing pieces. Is Peach here or not?"
"No, she's gone to see Mario!" Toadette admitted. "And our King is sick too? I hate Bowser so much!"
"Maybe Bowser ain't totally in hot water," Kylie said, recovering herself, "he was helping Mario all the way last night. Now show us this message!"
"I know Bowser WAS helping Mario but, I can't show the video...it was a onetime broadcast but I can describe it in full I guess. In fact, I might never forget it.." Bond and Kylie, who were growing impatient with her until that point, toned things down.
"Take your time, mon ami," Bond said softly. Kylie nodded and got her notebook ready.
"Okay," Toadette muttered, holding back tears, "this is a safe place by the way. Trust me, no one else is up here. So this Dark Boo messager sent it and it was a video of Bowser himself but kind of vacant looking. Like, I didn't see the video, I only heard the message, but that's what everyone was saying later. Anyway, he started talking about how he had given Toad, Daisy, and everyone else sick the Mushroom Flu. He said he had deployed some secret agents here in the Kingdom to infect them by airborne viruses and if Peach didn't surrender in a day, he'd infect more. And so Mario and the rest went off to fight and Peach put the Kingdom in a state of emergency but she wasn't specific about anything. She figured it would be better to keep quiet about it and hope that the Mario brothers could take Bowser out in the one day than cause mass panic, you know? But Mario had put Luigi in charge or something and then Luigi put him off the team so it was just Luigi, Buckenberry, Alagold, and Yoshi on the mission now I think. Peach went off to talk to Mario because of reasons she didn't go into with me, but she said to not let Mr. Toadsworth know she's out."
Kylie put her pen down and reread her notes, Bond seemed to be thinking about the recount.
"Hmm. A clone. No.. coercion .." Bond spoke to himself.
Kylie thought of something as well. "And you say Bowser's message seemed fishy?"
"Well they said it was kind of stilted and just off in general. I guess we were so distracted by the fact that he was threatening to change all of our lives forever that we forgot about his weird delivery. Why?"
Bond clasped his hands, pleased. "Mon ami? It's all figured out! We have cracked the case, of at least the main parts of it!" Kylie and Toadette gawked.
"Bond," Kylie exclaimed, "I kind of knew you were getting at something but you lost me!"
"Bowser did not do it. In fact, he is completely innocent likely. Someone has forced him to threaten the Kingdom and throw in a red herring with the method of infection. The whole point is to move the kingdom to immediate war, and the targeting of close friends along with innocents with a virus is to sever any chance of a peaceful relationship afterwards."
"Ah ha!" Kylie said triumphantly. "That's probably why they intentionally used a disease that everyone knows could only come from Bowser's castle. It was always meant to lead to Bowser.."
"Sharp as always, Kylie." Bond smiled. "Still I wonder where the MKDCU come into the picture. We know that they were called to the hospital, but not who called them exactly."
"Yeah, me too. Hmm. Their meddling is the only reason why word of MF got out. Obviously MK East was wholly unequipped with mad doctors and all. Why would anyone call em unless they were in on the scheme?...Unless someone was sabotaging it! Now that I think about it, I wouldn't have showed up if not for the crowd they caused."
Bond nodded. "I sort of stumbled into this because of the MKDCU's incompetence at the hospital as well. Still, those are secondary points, we know what we have to do."
"What?" Toadette asked. "If there something Peach needs to know, I can contact her."
"Tell her to warn citizens of drink any FungusUp, and instead turn them in at the the Toadley Clinic, NOT the MK East hospital or here."
"Why not here? MK East is Peach's official hospital and our infirmary here is great too!"
"A cohort to Bowser's conspirers is still at MK East. The other must have been the doctor that jumped out of the window, and I don't want dangerous cans of FungusUp anywhere near this castle. Now, you need to tell her this, Bowser isn't to blame, and there are no air pollutants, but his threat still stands."
Toadette, still overwhelmed by the information they were spewing, gave him a worried look. "What do you mean? Even after that, we'd still be in danger?"
"Yes. You can bet that after today something will certainly happen, even if Bowser is not the one to do it. Mario, or Luigi I mean, and his group DO need to reach Bowser today, but they need to take out exactly who is the cause of this. We can't know their exact mindset, but it has to be those in high ranking league with him. Then of course, there the matter of getting in contact with Dr. Mario before those currently sick go off the deep end..." Bond's voice got quieter as the gravity of the situation sunk in.
"I'll get on it, Eldstar be with you guys," Toadette said determinedly, pickup up her dish and retreating inside Peach's room again.
Kylie turned to Bond. "Zoinks! The truth is out! Guess our part in this skirmish is over?"
Bond turned to her regrettably. "I am afraid so, mon ami. We are just the justice seekers, not the justice enforcers. It is in the hands of Mario and the rest now that they know the truth, or at least enough truth."
"Yeah, and I gotta get on the scoop of the century back at the press. I suppose it's early on the draw, but after the journalistist garbage Mitch put out, I'd better counter it with the light of justice, ya know?" Bond laughed out loud at Kylie's eagerness, his baritone voice echoing slightly in the hallway. Kylie started to giggle too. "We have no business being this giddy. The show ain't over yet! Guess we'd better round up those other two. By the way, where we going for our next date?" She noticed Bond's look. "Yeah I know what you were gonna say, it don't take a psych to know when a guy likes ya!"
Bond flushed. "So it is a date then, my lovely Kylie!"
Mario and Bowser 17 continued
Toadette texted Peach with shaky hands. Explaining the whole deal went past the maximum amount of characters per text so in the end she sent off five or six. Bond and Kylie's revelation made her feel better and worse in ways. Before at least, she had a single person to blame and hate. Even through her sadness and anger, she could feel like she did know what was going on. Now though, she didn't know what was really happening. Who exactly coerced Bowser? Did they now have to deal with an even bigger villain? Then there was the fact that the plan wasn't even into motion yet. Now that Peach hopefully understood the situation, it didn't mean they were going to be successful. Knowing the truth now didn't help Toad and Daisy much, after all. The damage had been done for them.
Only one thing could comfort her now. She opened her messenger and scrolled through the contacts.
Luigi, Boo, Yoshi, Buckenberry, and Alagold stoped at a Water Land Toad House to check the map again. It was empty, surprising no one, but they found a mushroom left behind to add to their inventory. There were now six mushrooms, three fire flowers, one cape feather, two Tanooki suits, and one starman in their arsenal.
Meanwhile Alagold clicked on a YouTube video called "Mario is a sociopath". First there was an advertisement with a scene at a park. A hipster looking Yoshi wearing a scarf and holding a cell phone addressed the camera. "Can you hear me now? Oh right, with your phone plan you don't have the range that YoshiMobile has. You could be getting full coverage in all of the Mushroom Kingdom for twenty percent less than those other guys!"
"Yeah right," Alagold mumbled, furiously tapping the "skip ad" prompt that was still counting down. "I should have installed that ad block!"
"Alagold, stop!" Luigi said sternly, looking up briefly from the map he had pulled out .
"Yeah," Boo, who was just standing around, added, "content creators need that ad revenue!"
Luigi shook his head. "Actually I meant that just because Bowser didn't capture any fortresses, it doesn't mean we can have our guard down. Bowser could have deployed soliders, or worse, secret agents to stop us." Saying it out loud sent shivers down Luigi's spine. That, and the fact that this was his first hero mission without Mario in a long time.
"Right, gotta stay focused! Got ya Weegee! ...Hmm, wonder when I should drink this fungus up?" Boo pulled it out of the bag.
"Gross. Never liked that crap, stale or not..." Buckenberry said, looking out of the window in boredom.
"Different strokes," Alagold teased. "When will you learn that?"
Buckenberry looked to him and rolled his eyes, incidentally catching a peek of what Alagold was trying to look up. The video title made him gasp, "How dare you, Gold!"
"What? I know that's a stupid game theory but I'm so bored! We haven't fought anything yet and we'd been walking for almost an hour!"
Luigi shot Alagold another glance, which made him finally put the phone away. Buckenberry noticed that Yoshi was extremely quiet off in the corner of the house.
"You okay?" Buckenberry whispered.
Yoshi nodded silently. Just then Buckenberry felt his phone vibrate.
"Umm, I have to go to the bathroom. That okay?" Buckenberry asked.
Luigi looked to him disappointedly. "Have we not forgotten that we're on short time? Hey, where are you-"
Buckenberry entered the stall quickly and checked the message.
Toadette texted, "Hey baby. How r u?"
Buckenberry replied, "Okay. We've made some progress. Is it better at the castle?"
"Not really. I've just got news from a spy and journalist."
"???" Buckenberry would have added an emoji, but he wasn't hip enough to know which one to use.
"Uh huh. They say Bowser is innocent. *crazy emoji* I think we can trust them tho. They know that our King is with MF too now!"
Buckenberry almost dropped his phone in shock. His sweaty hands from Water Land's humid sticky weather weren't helping. "!!!!" He managed to text.
She replied, "Yea. I know."
"Toadette. Right after Mario was kicked off the team, I spoke to him and he had a theory like that."
"Really? Get this. you do need to get to Bowser still."
Buckenberry debated. Should he let his girlfriend in on the secret? Wouldn't hurt. "Toadette, Mario told me to stall our team. He said he needed to get to Bowser before us!"
After a moment, she replied, "Peach went out to talk to Mario! She was doubting something too. Guess what MF comes from?"
Knock knock knock! Splash!
There was a loud rap on the door, making Buckenberry actually drop his phone this time, and in the toilet!
"AAAHH WHAT?" Buckenberry screamed. "My brand new on contract phone from MushroomWireless!"
"What's wrong? Did you fall in??" Luigi asked from outside the door.
Buckenberry dunked his hand into the tank to retrieve his phone.
"What?" Luigi repeated.
Buckenberry kicked the doors open, narrowing missing Luigi. "I dropped it in the toilet!"
"And you say that I'm on the phone too much!" Alagold, who was also standing near the stall, mocked. Buckenberry shoved him hard and he fell to the ground.
Luigi immediately stepped in between them and he had to pull the Toads away from each other. "Stop this right now! Blue, you can get another phone later!!!"
Buckenberry stopped trying to strangle Alagold but was still seething. So much in fact, that he'd practically forgotten Toadettes's message. What was it? Something about needing to still get Bowser? Close enough, he thought.
"On the plus side guys, we found a warp pipe that will skip a world!" Boo said excitedly.
"Oh no!" Buckenberry exclaimed. "...I mean okay, but where is that FungusUp?"
"I thought it was gross to you," Alagold teased, this time cautiously standing behind Luigi.
"Shut up! Where is it? I need to see it!" Buckenberry demanded.
"Okay okay, here it is?" Boo pulled it back out of the paper bag. Buckenberry snatched it quickly.
"What's with you all of a sudden, Blue?" Luigi asked, approaching him again. "We need to move on, not fight over phones and soda!"
"I need a drink, okay? I'll even drink this garbage."
"But I found it!" Boo moaned, reaching for it back.
Buckenberry hid it behind his back. "But-"
Luigi suddenly snatched it from Buckenberry. "I will just hang on to it. Okay?? Any further objections? And I don't want another outburst from you, Blue. I don't want to have to dismiss you too."
"...Whatever," Buckenberry muttered, on the verge of tears.
"No need to be so angry," Luigi said delicately, "It'll all be over soon. Let's just work together this time. Okay?"
Everyone got silent. Luigi shook his head as he lead them to the pipe. Buckenberry followed as well, with his head sunk low, disappointed at himself yet again.
Dick and WIggletron were in the torch lit basement. The downstairs area of Peach's Castle was just storage area and sleeping quarters, and the two had toured the whole little area in just a few minutes.
Dick yawned as Wiggs turned to him. "Well it is just as musty and banal as I remember. Let us explore on the ground level-"
"Halt!" a Toad said to them as they rounded the corner leading to the stairs. "State your authorization!"
"Okay 'pipsqueak the second'. We're plumbers and stuff. In fact, we were just leaving.." Dick said insultingly, but without passion. He felt like he might fall over sleep any moment.
The Toad crossed his arms and continued to block the stairway "Plumbers? Name please?"
"Richard. Call me Dick. And my friend here is Wiggs. Now let us up the stairs, or will I have to walk over you?!"
The Toad, ignoring the threat, pulled out a radio. "I'm going to need to verify your name and occupation for security reasons. Hold on."
"No, you hold on to your face!" Dick charged forward, only to be pulled back by Wiggletron.
"Security!" the Toad screeched.
"What is the meaning of this?" A British voice called from up stairs. After the sound of a few more footsteps, Toadsworth appeared.
"Mr. Toadsworth, these suspious people are down here and they attacked me!" The Toad said, pointing to Dick and Wiggs.
Toadsworth raised his hand to to silence the servant. "This is just a big misunderstanding. These must be the plumbers that were sent here, right boys?"
"Right, Mr. Old Toad Person. We were just fixing your moldy old pipes!" Dick said, winking to Wiggs.
"What? You called plumbers?" The servant asked in disbelief.
"Actually, I thought someone else called them! That is what the servant stationed at the podium told me.."
"No, Mr. Toadsworth. If you didn't do it, no one has that I know of. We've had no outcalls on our castle's phone line." When he said this, he and Toadsworth looked back to Dick and Wiggs suspiciously.
"-That is because the call was made from a cellular telephone," Wiggs spoke up, "but I can assure you that we were called and did not enter the castle under our own intuition or anything!" Dick looked to him with an expression like, 'you've just saved our tails'.
Toadsworth had a hearty laugh. "Of course! I always forget about those newfangled doohickeys! Carry on gentlemen!"
Toadsworth went back upstairs, making the Toad scoff. Dick smirked and lead the way upstairs, purposely brushing past the annoyed Toad and Wiggs waved in a friendly gesture.
Upstairs, it was still empty looking but they saw Bond and Kylie talking in an obviously romantic way on the freshly vacuumed carpet.
"Wow, I'm so surprised you two are dating at just one day!" Dick greeted them sarcasticly. Kylie and Bond turned to them.
"Oh, you're back...well how long have you known Wiggs, brother?" Kylie asked defensively.
Dick thought for a moment. "A month. Why?"
Wiggletron suddenly had a fit of laughter. "Ha ha ha! You are under the assumption that we are-"
"-Business partners! Are you not?" Bond asked.
Wiggs flushed. "Uh, no?"
"What is going on?" Dick asked, confused.
Bond leaned in to whisper to Wiggs. "You know what I mean, mon ami...." he leaned back. "Anyway, we can leave now. Our mission is over, everyone is paid, the proper authorities know the situation-"
"And you have a hot date now, yeah yeah," Dick interrupted. "So it's time to finally split? Well at least we got our highest pay ever. What now?" He turned to Wiggs. "Buy one of those new Mercedes-Benzs that everyone has now? Hang out with 'Munchie'? I mean that Yoshi guy?"
"I am not sure about that last option, Richard," Bond added amusingly, "Yoshi is off with the Marios to fight Bowser. Or one of them."
"Bond is talkin about that green guy...what's his name again?" Kylie pondered for a moment.
"Luigi Mario?" Wiggs answered.
"Ooooh him?!" Dick exclaimed. "Mr. Green leading the assault against Bowser? Anything really can happen in the Mushroom Kingdom!"
Bond glanced at his Rolex Submariner. "Look at that! Lunch time already?" He looked to Kylie slyly will Dick rolled his eyes. "Let's bail."
At Bowser Castle
Kamek ran around Bowser's private quarters, relentlessly opening every dusty file cabinet and going through every file of Bowser's that no one had went through in years. After two knocks on the door, Ludwig and Iggy stepped in the room to find a massive mess.
"Gramps! Whatareya doing making this mess?" Iggy asked. "We don't have a maid anymore, remember?"
Kamek grunted without pausing.
"It's alright gramps, really!" Iggy said quickly, about to approach before Ludwig stoped him.
"Iggy. Let Kamek continue, we can tell him our news while he works. Ah hem!" Ludwig paused to retrieve a note from one of his jacket pockets. "As you know, Prince Bowser Junior's location is unknown, and we also know he spoke with Father before leaving. This being the case, we sent an agent specifically for him."
"Ah, our secret agents?!" Kamek exclaimed, still completely occupied in his file searching. "Which one of you useless brats chased after him?"
Ludwig hesitated, thinking about his next choice of words too deeply to even notice the insult. Iggy spoke up.
"We sent Z after him. Don't worry, Z won a track in field race in high school of something and will definitely catch up to-"
"You WHAT?!" Kamek screamed, tossing a few papers up in the air at his disturbance.
Ludwig covered his face. "I was GETTING to that! Yes, we have ally from out side of our dynasty assisting us for-"
"-Who is it? Z what? Who did you tell?!" Kamek asked, startling both Koopa princes.
"Just 'Z', gramps!" Iggy cried. "You know, Z the Dark Boo garbage collector?"
"But why, you idiots?!?" Kamek marched up to them in a conniption. "Don't you know what will happen if others know of our plans???"
"Because," Ludwig quickly interjected, "Z got in on our plans due to a completely random and unavoidable accident. Z just happened to be in the garbage room and, as we all know, our garbage shoots transfer sound much like the horn of a phonograph. You are familiar with the things, no doubt. Anyway, a message was heard, a conversation ensued, and we decided to take Z into our confidence rather than punish a servant who was only doing their job and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I rest assure you, Z is without pretense and is nothing but an asset to us in our objectives."
Kamek stared at them for a moment lost in thought. "Those good old phonographs," he mused, returning to the mess of papers he'd made. Iggy and Ludwig gave each other a glance and left the room.
"I've never seen gramps so...frantic, angry, absent minded. Really he had a bit of everything going on. He had to have set a record for strange behavior," Iggy whispered as they distanced themselves from the room.
Ludwig pouted. "Also notice that we failed to bring up our original inquiry!"
Iggy threw his hands up. "Dang! You're right! Now what?"
"I will put up a line of defense. Nothing too crazy, but enough to not make it too easy for Mario."
"You think gramps will mind us taking all of these liberties? It can't be good for his blood pressure to blow up again like that."
"True, he has been disturbed lately. Don't want to send him over the edge, do we? I AM the army general however," Ludwig said with some importance, "and I believe I am authorized for such small scale endeavors. Tea?"
Iggy shook his head. "I'm gonna do something else instead. By the way, you heard of Peach's emergency call? Mario and the rest are definitely gonna get here today."
"Yes and? Better to get this over. See you later I supose." Ludwig waved as the separated from Iggy to head for the kitchen.
Back inside Bower's private quarters, Kamek almost jumped for joy. He held the paper close to his face, so as to read the small print. After heading a few lines, he folded it up, satisfied, and left the room, not bothering to tidy up.
"Just in case..." he said to him self.
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