#thats his lovely wife and hes not afraid to show it
eternalbanamari · 11 months
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heromari kisses
wip sketches. (fore)head, neck and mouth
muah muah
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 5 months
Hi, please free to ignore( huge fan of your metas btw)
What are your thoughts on Peter pettigrew? In swm we saw him fanboying over james to being responsible for his death. Just because he was afraid or he never really loved his friends. Many people say James and Sirius treated him shitty thats why he betrayed. Some even say he was just a tag along. Please share your thoughts.
First of all, thank you!
(also, unless they are rude, I don't ignore any questions, it might just take me two years to answer)
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Peter Pettigrew
My very controversial opinion on Peter is that I love him (as a character).
To me, Peter is one of those characters who represent how Rowling's clear lack of self-awareness as a person translates in her work into her being unable to recognize her strengths as a writer. The majority of the most interesting things she comes up with are not the ones she focuses on.
And that's the case for Peter Pettigrew, who might be the Marauder with the most interesting story.
It's way too easy to reduce him to a coward as the author seems to want you to believe. And even claiming he didn't love his friends is a flattening of his character.
You can have a tendency to be influenced by peer pressure all you want but you don't become an unregistered animagus to help someone if you don't love the friend you are doing that for and you don't have a bit of courage (especially considering how long the whole thing was and that he wasn't particularly talented). He risked extremely severe consequences on his body due to the possibility of the process going wrong and he risked Azkaban for being unregistered.
That's fundamentally the opposite behavior of the one he later has with the Potters.
I also think it's important to point out how Remus is not a close relative (father, son, brother) and how the help Peter provides is not essential to Remus' survival, it's emotional comfort. The lack of necessity of the animagus matter and the easily cancellable bond with Remus increase the braveness and love of Peter's act (in contrast for example with something like what Narcissa does with her son by lying to Voldemort).
I think Peter's story is the one of someone who lost his courage, not the one of a person who never had it.
Doesn't this also make it so much more delicious how his downfall is caused by the return of a glimpse of honor?
I do agree with the fact that in SWM, James and Sirius don't treat him particularly well, especially Sirius, but I don't think they are that aware of it, especially James. They are a bit crude, and they are arrogant. They are two bright posh 16yo guys in a boarding school in the 70s. I don't expect from them a particularly high level of sensitivity in how they talk to people, especially to someone they take for granted knows to be their friend. Sirius is probably more aware of it, but I believe James to be quite unaware of himself at this point in the timeline. This is before his maturation really kicks in, his whole interaction with Lily shows a lack of self-awareness in how he talks to people (we know Lily turns him into a bit of an idiot, the problem is that he doesn't seem to be aware of it). Sirius on the other hand seems a lot more self-aware than James. A lot of people are not going to like what I'm about to say but: James is canonically a better person than Sirius.
And yet, it is abundantly clear that both James and Sirius love Peter.
James gives into Peter's hands his own life and the ones of his wife and son. Sirius gives in Peter's hands the lives of the family he chose.
In the Shrieking Shack, under all the pain Sirius has for the death of James and Lily, it is evident that there's also the pain that comes from the betrayal of a friend.
"THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED!" roared Black. "DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS, AS WE WOULD HAVE DONE FOR YOU!" - Chapter 19, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Lily herself is very attached to Peter, in her letter to Sirius, she calls him Wormy (how cute is that?). And, let's remember that she too puts her life and the ones of her husband and son in Peter's hands.
It's too easy to say Peter was just a tagalong, that they didn't love him. It incredibly diminishes the pain of his act.
I also would like to point out that Peter isn't stupid. He was a double agent, he managed to frame Sirius by using in his favor people’s low opinion of his skills (and Remus and Sirius' rocky relationship). James, Sirius, and Remus might have thought of themselves as smarter than Peter but I don't think they actually believed him to be stupid. Considering who the Marauders are, their knowing how good of a liar, and how cunning Peter could be, would be a perfect explanation of why they became friends in the first place.
Does this mean they all loved Peter but Peter only loved Remus out of his friends?
We can't really be sure of his feelings for Sirius, but the admiration he shows for James and the sense of guilt we know he has for his double agent activities don't really align with that image.
I think Peter's fear for his own life ended up winning over the love for his friends.
But why at this point? Why not at Hogwarts?
Something quite interesting is how Peter's father is the only parent of the Marauders who is never mentioned, not in the books, not in any additional material. Doesn't that align just so well with Peter always putting himself at the service of the most important male figure around? First James, and then after school, with the war going on, Voldemort.
Isn't it such a fitting image, Peter growing up without a father, with a too-cuddling mother whom he ends up resenting, faulting her for the absence of the father? It's so natural to paint him as a young man crushed by a sense of inadequacy towards an image of masculinity he idealizes but can't fulfill, supported by a society filled with a very toxic sense of masculinity and an absent father he can sew on any fantasy he wants.
When Peter was at Hogwarts, being friends with James, and being part of the Marauders, gave Peter a sense of security that allowed him to be brave enough to prioritize his love for his friends over himself.
Out in the real world, though, Voldemort is the dominant man and being positioned against the Dark Lord takes away the sense of security he had as a student. Both times Peter goes to Voldemort, he does it because he doesn't feel safe.
It's also abundantly clear how Peter's siding with Voldemort doesn't come from ideology. He becomes an animagus for Remus, he's a dear friend of Lily.
Peter dies because Voldemort doesn't trust him, and he is right in not trusting him. Somewhere in Peter, there's still the boy who risked his life for a friend.
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Try to tell me this is not an interesting character.
He's still a coward overall, but a complex one.
Also, Peter Pettigrew is a clear victim of pretty privilege when it comes to the fandom. I'm ready to bet whatever you want that if he had been described as handsome the most popular ship with Sirius would be Sirus/Peter.
Actually, he didn't even have to be described as handsome, he just needed to not be described as ugly. Draco is described as having a pointy face and people have been lying to themselves claiming he's incredibly handsome for the last twenty-five years.
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
for the ppl foaming at the mouth over genderfluid!soap on my dash, may i raise you angst in the form of catholic-raised soap and his family not accepting them (save for maybe a sister) and thats why having ghost and the 141 accept her so important to him?
OOH yeah I can see this
he never goes home to her family during leaves or holidays, just to avoid the family drama.
maybe they even go no contact with everyone except the one sister. and furthermore she and her sister probably get very close. and because I've always been in love with the idea of big sister protect little sibling, I bet Soap's sister was always getting in fights with their parents. she was always getting in trouble for not dressing like a boy. and every time, without fail, his sister would always defend him.
i wonder how internalized the trauma was? I wonder if for years she made himself dysphoric because he didn't allow themself to express the way he felt. or if maybe their sister always made sure to protect and nurture that part of him.
I wonder how the army affected the way he presented, or not. I wonder how hard he may have tried to hide it from the 141. I wonder how it all came out. I wonder if he froze up when it did all come out, or if he had a talk with them, or his avoided them for weeks after that. I wonder if he did all of that. i wonder if maybe he didn't hide it at all, and instead just slowly started incorporating more and more feminine accessories and clothing.
i wonder if he got scared when ghost found out. i wonder if he was afraid it'd be just like how it happened with his family. I wonder if his family loved him dearly before he came out. I wonder if he thought ghost would hate him after he found out.
I wonder if ghost buys her a dress as blue as their eyes to show that he still loves him. I wonder if ghost takes the to look at skirts and fishnets. ( i wonder if ghost would wear dresses with him)
I wonder if ghost calls her his prince. I wonder if ghost calls him his wife. I wonder if ghost calls soap his cowboy, his darling, his dove, his baby boy, his girlie, his love.
@rainerestored for you bestie :) also thank you @reythethey for the ask that let me spill my thoughts
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f1 drivers + love languages .ೃ࿐
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i'm bored and thought about what the drivers love languages might be. so here's my study, based on my very little knowledge of the drivers and my biases. enjoy.
i'm doing class of 2022, just bc im attached but also i have yet to observe/have better opinions of logan, oscar & nico
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max verstappen - quality time/physical touch
he spends a lot of his off time with the people he loves (as do all of them, but i feel like he does a little more). and based on interactions with kelly and other drivers on the paddock, he's also not afraid to share a tender touch.
checo perez - physical touch
this man just needs touch. clearly. he cheated on his wife.... he's constantly touch starved.
charles leclerc - words of affirmation
he always seems to have nice things to say about most people, always appreciating others' accomplishments and victories. and his face when people praise him? i feel like that's love language he appreciates and best reciprocates. i nearly added physical touch, but i think this one suits him more.
carlos sainz - physical touch/quality time
do you see how he manhandles lando/charles? he loves touching. i think with romantic partners, it's always on the low bc thats how intimate that type of love is for him. but also, quality time because he does spend so much time with loved ones doing their interests and bringing them along to his.
lewis hamilton - gifts/words of affirmation
i just think that lewis loves to spoil the ones he loves. whether with physical items or experiences, he loves to bring the ones he loves along for the ride. also he has such a kind heart, i think that he'd also show love with praise
george russell - acts of service
thinking of the 12 grapes in the club for carmen. he appreciates a partner's culture + who they are as a person, and i think he will go above and beyond for them to help them embrace themselves. he gives very much, 'sleep in, i'll take the dog out for a walk' or a breakfast in bed kind of guy.
esteban ocon - gifts/acts of service.
i wrestled with this one for a bit, but when i look at esteban i think of a very giving person. i think that he's the kind of person to see something that reminds him of a person he loves and buy it for that reason. he also seems like the type to try to do things to make life easier for the ones he loves.
fernando alonso - physical touch
he's such a "hands on you" kinda person. holding hands, hand on your back, hand on your thigh? he just seems like that kind of person you know?
daniel ricciardo - quality time
he goes dark when he has time off, and likes immersing himself with the people he's with. as loud as he is, i think daniel loves all the quiet moments with his favorite people.
lando norris - gifts/quality time
again, more so for the intangible experiences than tangible items. i think lando would drop coin to bring the people he loves along for the experience. he gives 'let me buy your plane ticket and come join me'
valterri bottas - quality time
based on his relationship with tiffany, valterri is such a quality time kinda guy. 'let's do what you like and then we'll try what i like' type beat. he just wants to spend as much time with his loved ones, doing very 'mundane' things.
zhou guanyu - acts of service
i'm thinking of a cultural standpoint, so this is slightly more biased than most. i think asian culture is all about giving back and being able to help the ones you love make your life easier. like zhou is the type of person (to me) who would fill up your gas tank just because. you know?
lance stroll - physical touch
he's also such a touchy guy. hand holding, legs over his legs, subtle kisses to your temple. he shows love with very simple and sly touches. like i picture him sitting at the dinner table with friends and then he'd have his arm over your chair, fingers twirling your hair subtly.
sebastian vettel - quality time/acts of service
please. everything about him screams this. i feel like i don't have to explain, you can just look at sebastian and know what i mean.
kevin magnussen - acts of service
he's a father, and i just think he's the kind of guy to try and take as much stress and pressure off his wife when he can. so he will do what he can to make home life easier.
mick schumacher - acts of service/quality time
he very much gives 'hey baby, i bought groceries' or 'i made lunch!' energy. and also, he just loves quiet time with people he loves. he wants to really spend time with loved ones. like turn off his phone and spend time kind of vibes.
pierre gasly - gifts
similar to lando in terms of dropping money to bring partner/loved ones with him for an experience. pierre is so outwardly living lavish he just gives that vibe. but also, not to say that his gift giving is not thoughtful.
yuki tsunoda - words of affirmation
he always has nice things to say about pierre, and we all know how much he loves pierre. yuki gives me vibes of being a very sentimental type, always remembering the little details. i think he loves when people he loves remembers the little things about him and praises his accomplishments
alex albon - quality time
alex just screams quality time. he'd do anything if it means spending time with his loved ones. the type of bf to follow you along for errands, or even just sit around while you read a book. so precious.
nicholas latifi - phyical touch
i think nicky is a pretty affectionate guy (based on sandra's posts). he's very much a 'hand always on you' type of guy. a very, always a kiss goodbye and goodnight kind of guy.
bonus !
nyck de vries - quality time/acts of service
i think nyck is the kind of guy to learn your hobbies to enjoy them with you. you like crocheting? guess what, he got his own hook and yarn. you wanna read a book? nyck is coming with own, + pens/sticky notes to annotate and share thoughts. but also, so nurturing to his loved ones. 10/10 will fill up your gas tank and also drive you all over town to run errands.
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rainybraindays · 2 months
Seeing people call book Colin abusive and being like "he had no reason to be so mad about Whistledown )):" and like...yeah he kinda did?
Whistledown may notbe as bad in the books but she is in everyones business still, shes spreading gossip, and people do have a desire to find her. Hes afraid of what happens when they do. Because hes right, Cressida, to most people is the more pleasing option because shes popular but not liked and conventionally attractive and people will more easily shrug it off. They'll still be mad but they'll consider it par for the course with her and move on. Some may not even believe her, like Lady Danbury but if no one else comes forward they've no reason to think otherwise.
Penelope, short, chubby, unimportant to most everyone Penelope? That will piss them off. She doesn't have the social capital to keep herself from being ostracized, people will be pissed this person they look down on, a spinster, someone who never even talks, had such control over their lives.
Colins worried, he says it himself, about this, about he risks shes been taking for over a decade. Hes jealous she's found something thats her and he feels like he hasn't done the sames. Hes mad hes been lied to, feels like hes been made fun of with his Eloise theory, but most of all hes in love and hes frightened by the prospect of what could have happened to her. By what still could happen to her if she was found out.
The other scene also often quoted as Colin being abusive is him grabbing her arm at their engagement ball.
Do you remember what happened in that scene?
An issue of Whistledown is distributed midball, the one that ends up giving Cressida enough to blackmail her mind you, the one Colin had asked her not to publish and thought she had agreed not to. Penelopes inner dialog tells us this wasn't planned. She'd planned it for a different ball, so she can enjoy hers, she knows Colins going to be mad, and I bet you she doesn't want to argue on their happy day. Colin grabbing her, while done in anger, has always read to me less as some rage fueled behavior with no thought, but as a way to keep her from trying to sip away. He knows she doesn’t wana have this argument again. He likely doesn't even want to have this argument, but he knows they have to.
People often view this scenes as Colin being physically aggressive and this unbelievabley abusive person. They look at this, and have been yowling about how he treats her so unfairly. This fandon is horrible about not looking at the entire scene. The carriage scene has them arguing, Penelope bites back at him just as much as he snaps at her. Their engament ball fight leads to their first night together. This is them seeing each other at their worst. And in the end they still choose wach other
His anger isn't entirely jealous like some try to paint it. Theres genuine worry, hes afraid for her he says so himself. People keep saying how Penelope is afraid of him but shes not thats made clear several times. She's more afraid of them arguing because she thinks that it'll be enough to make him not choose her.
These arguments are necessary. They help Colin see her as a whole person, it helps him solidify that his feelings are as deep as he thinks. It helps Penelope see him as a whole person as well not just the man shes been crushing on her whole life, which she mentions in the book. It shows that they can get through the big issues in their relationship without falling apart.
And remember Cressida blackmails Penelope. Very much one of the things Colin was afraid of. The only reason he can do the big reveal is because its after they're married, and he tells Anthony and Simon whats happening beforehand. She has far more social capital as a Bridgerton wife than she ever did as a Featherington daughter
Should Colin have grabbed her? Maybe not, but I don't think thats enough to label him as an abusive asshole unworthy of love. You don’t always make the best decision, but one slip, especially one so minor as grabbing your partner so they can't slip away before you get to talk to them about a issue you know they won't like talking about, does not make you horribly abusive like some of you suggest.
And another related side note, a huge thing i see ALL the time, is how Colin's anger comes out of nowhere.
"ooooh in the other books colin doesn't have an angry bone in his body, hes so nice and relaxed, how could Quinn write him as such an ass in his own."
A temper not often showing is not the same as it not existing. When he says he wouldn't marry Penelope in the books? Very much an angry scene. Hes being teased after having her pushed on him by his mother, and hes tired of it and snaps aggressively to make it stop. Colin has always had a temper, it just wasn't nearly as important to the other books thus not explored. I know he says in the book how he doesn't think he has one, but we also tend to push away traits we view as negative when thinking on ourselves.
Anyway, please remember that Show Colin is going to have the worst reaction to the Whistledown reveal, as said by the cast themselves, and I'm kinda living for it.
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ronsenthal · 5 months
Part five and final of Jess Reads Fierce Valor as we reached his post WWII military career, his retirement and last years of his life
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Notes: Please read the book and take your own conclusions if you can, this is my view and my own clonclusion from my experience reading it
okay now really not much happens, he got married for a second time, stayed in the army, got divorced again
he came to the veterans reunion in 1947 and then never showed up again until some 50 years later
he made his final combat jumps in Korea, he had like 4 which was like a LOT
btw do you guys remember Albert Blithe from the series right? Right! the guy lived after recovering from his wounds and actually served in the 187th Infantry Regiment, guess who was the company commander? thats right! our very own bald man
ok so he worked and had time studied Russian and became the governor os Spandau, at this time there was already some cold war shit going on
speaking of shit, his german was shitty (so is mine!!!) so he couldn't quite undestand the prisioners but played chess with one of them??
Ah yes got married and divorced again
trained and organized some stuff for the the Royal Lao Army and some more army duty??? but nothing interesting is said really
he was then Lieutenant Colonel and worked with the Pentagon, it says that his army duty came to an end in 1964 but his name came up in army records in 1965 at a special division, so he had some function? was he a spy? we will never know for sure
okay now he is retired, married again (the man was a machine), had some health related problems and had to do some heart surgeries, like 5 of them or even more
at this point he was really introspective over his life, then the Ambrose book came and old man was PISSED because guess what??? Ambrose didn't even bothered to actual fact check his book and Speirs felt that he did dirty to his first ex-wife and even to himself
Dick became his biggest advocate and tried so many times to reunited him to the last members of Easy but he couldn't, he even begged Speirs but remember he is a Taurus so he said no again and again
toward his late years and after the release of the book he was afraid some n30-naz1s would come after him for some kind of vengeance so he asked for his name adress and personal info to be removed so Dick was the only one who knew hot to contact him
then there was the reunion for the screening of Band of Brothers and he finally showed up after his last wife made him show up and it was really emotional, Matthew Settle just watched the real Speirs and Dick watching the first ep and then Matthew showed up on his door and asked him to sing his cast, cause he got hurt his feet somehow
oh right forgot to mention that he loved his poodles, he was really into square dance (I don't know what the hell this is don't ask me), had some weird hobbies like pan for gold on rivers??? also normal ones like playing golf and he was also a nice elderly to his grand-sons and great-grand-sons, nephews, nieces and stuff
he had really bad PTSD specially while sleeping ans even after being retired he couldn't relax while sleeping and always eat his food fast.
he wouldn't let people kill spiders, like black widow spiders because of the William Wallace story and because he served in a company that the symbol and nickname was one
also he didn't talked about his army life like AT ALL, he said it was harder for him to remember things since he spent great part of his life om the army while the other guys served like with one company and that was it, for me it's clear it was bullshit he was so hard on himself and self critical on the basic stuff he didn't so one can only imagine how he dealt with the heavy stuff
his final years he was losing his strength, already loss great part of his hearing and was so ashamed of it and was really frustrated and miserable
after his death this one person of his family took his ashes and spread somewhere in a beautiful lake near the Canadian border where he rests today, quite emotional really
Okay so overall this was such a great reading, it's really a testament to how complex, mysterious and sometimes twisted his character really was.
I loved how the authors didn't pushed any agenda or narratives, I feel like they did a good job because they didn't tried to justify any of his actions, they just wanted to bring as many facts to the table as they could so we, as readers, could come up with our own conclusions
Mine is: He was crazy indeed, he did some questionable stuff and it took it's toll on him during and after the war, but also really cared for the man on his side, he sure could be cruel, flawed, cold blooded, impetuous and a true killer, but at the same time protective, respectful, really smart and incredible skilled as a leader, so much that everyone respected him for it, some loved the man dearly, some despised and that it was what truly amazed me by
A big thank you to everyone who followed my dumb takes during this reading, it was really fun to do!!!
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taglist: @mads-weasley, @mutantmanifesto, @love--persevering, @gorgeousundertow, @grumpy-liebgott, @wexhappyxfew, @latibvles, @1waveshortofashipwreck and @executethyself35
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cuntgirlboy · 11 months
You go study abroad and you're staying with your host family who are pretty different. They kind of act like they forgot you're there, walking around naked after showering, fucking with the doors open, being loud, one time fucking on the kitchen counter. They're otherwise very nice and respectful, but none of the rooms lock and they keep walking in on you everywhere. And it's not like they walk in and apologize. You'll be showering and they'll go in and brush their teeth and look curiously at you. They have a friend of the family who's more like a son. He acts the same way and afayct he's not having sex with them.
For the first week or two you're afraid to masturbate but it just turns you on so much. You start to watch and listen to them and you realize they're sometimes talking about you. The guy saying how much he wants to finger your wet cunt while he's fingering his wife. Her saying that she wouldn't mind because of how hot you are. When they're fucking they constantly get your gender wrong. "I'd love to see you show her what a real cock feels like. I bet she'd find a way to thank me for sharing you. Her lips look so soft. Do you want to see her face on my clit?" And so on.
It turns you on so much to be objectified in this way, but you still try to hold out. Sometimes you hear the friend watching porn, and you fantasize about it, squirming.
Eventually you break down one day in the middle of the afternoon and start to masturbate. You're so wet and it feel so good to touch after so long, you are in heaven. As you reach the first edge you realize the friend had walked in on you and you stop, all embarrassed. But he just walks over and starts fingering you, telling you how hot you look. How he's been thinking of putting his cock in that pussy of yours. How hard it makes him and all the things he wants to do to you, and all you can do is moan and tell him not to stop.
omgg fuck thats the hottest thing any1's ever sent me 🥵
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Look, I didn't want to be "that" person
who criticizes something just because "it was different in the books".
But I love PJO just way too much to not feel frustrated at the tendencies of modern adaptations that I think new series is suffering from. And I feel much more frustrated because in others aspects the new show is great.
First of all, what's with this downplayed brutality of PJO world? The moment Sally started her speech about Perseus I smelled trouble. In her story, in her reasoning she named him after Perseus because of this beautiful story where happy ending is just something that happens. While in the books thats a huge deal that Percy is named after THE ONLY HALF-BLOOD HERO that had that happy ending. That fact is supposed to highlight the mortality rates and that for most of these demigods happy ending is pretty much NOT IN PROSPECT. Like, despite that rambling post I'm usually fine with some differences that are made in adaptations, most of them I usually can understand. But why do you need change the message of "I named you that way because I hope you will live happily ever after despite being in constant danger" to "I named you that way because it's a beautiful story about a mother and a son"? Especially when they absolutely could do both?
Secondly, the Gabe issue. You see, Percy Jackson books were great because they were able to discuss with children some pretty heavy themes without downplaying them - like domestic abuse. And that scene with poker players and Gabe getting from Percy money was brilliant because it showed that Gabe was so awful that he took everything he could even from a 12 y.o. There were also heavy implications that he beat Percy. But now Gabe is just your usual jerk who is lazy and doesn't have a good relationship with his stepson and argues with his wife all the time. Look, I know, that is awful too, I know that. But the point of Gabe that he was absolutely the worst. That he's the worst of the worst that's why he smells on this metaphysical level and is able to hide Percy. That he kinda deserved what happened to him in the end. And now I sure that we won't get that end because apparently that stuff is too brutal for kids. If they're afraid that much younger audience would get shocked by it they could at least do that in hints, you know. Old shows were great with things that you didn't understand as a child and then later while rewatching them you finally could get the message.
And what's with this Grover thing? Okay, I understand they probably didn't have the time for establishing why Percy would feel betrayed by his teacher but wanted to save this "low point" for Percy's character. But why? Why? How Percy as a character and we as viewers are supposed to feel that amazing friendship if it started for us with betrayal? That just sucked.
Also, personal flaw - they really could insert "This is a pen" line when Brunner gave Percy the pen. They really could and that would be so awesome. But they didn't.
And the sad part is that now I understand that there was no way they could include this important stuff in the series. Because Disney is too afraid to show domestic abuse. They afraid to show Sally Jackson that put up with heavy abuse just to keep her son safe. They afraid to show that literal children die in PJO world. That that half-blood stuff is no game - as Percy said in the very first minute of the series. For fuck's sake they didn't even mention him having ADHD! They implied that by saying that he was being weird! That was so so so so important that those things that kids with ADHD are struggling make them so special and strong in their own way. And now that message is gone too.
And all of that is because Disney doesn't have any balls left. It's like they sanitize everything they make into that 0+ versions of stories while sometimes the point of the story is in discussing something from a real, sad and unsanitized world.
The stuff I listed is just from the first episode and I don't know if the show will go that way, if this tendency of sanitizing the story will continue or not. I'm just really afraid that all of that means that they decided to leave out all the brutality that made Percy Jackson so iconic. It is like watching this new version of Harry Potter where he doesn't live under the stairs - that maybe doesn't change much story-wise but it's just not the same Harry Potter that way.
I want to like the show, I really do. Walker is so amazing is this role. Other actors are really great. I see the effort, I see how people tried to make this adaptation as close to books as they could. The show looks truly amazing. The fight with minotaur was absolutely stunning. Ending sequence is a masterpiece. I have so many good things I can say about it. But those little things they changed - they weren't little at all. A huge chunk of what made those books so special at least for me is gone (especially in comparison with Harry Potter books). And I can't help feeling sad.
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cream0fwheat1998 · 3 days
Our girl pt1.
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Kung LaoxFem!ReaderxRaiden (MK1) *They live in a city area for this one, but it's unspecified, they drive*
Summary: After living with Kung Lao and Raiden for sometime, the men propositioned you for naughty night with both of them. Out of fear that it'd ruin your friendship with them you declined. They'll have you anyway.
Warnings:CNC(ish), dark/yandere(ish), penis stuff, vagaina stuff, threesome, softdom/hardom, aftercare.
-They love you and you love them. You just don't love them in the same way.
-Raiden and you discuss books you've recently read; you enjoy taking nature walks which are often cut-short when Kung Lao decides he's had enough of the heat.
-You like cleaning with him; you both crafted a fair schedule for how chores will be done around your shared apartment.
-You both beamed at seeing Kung Lao whine while he mopped or swept your living area.
Kung Lao
Kung Lao and you were competitive at video games. He'd boast when he won and pretends that he let you win if he loses.
-You both debated politics while Raiden preferred to stay away from those conversations; Kung Lao was much more intelligent than people perceive him to be.
-The one thing Kung Lao truly had with you that you didn't share with Raiden is your late-night drives.
-Due to Raiden's late night shifts, Kung Lao had you to himself from 6-12 most nights; a fact Raiden pretends not to be bothered by.
-Kung Lao practically drags you to his car and drives you through the city while you talk about sweet things like your favorite memories or life plans.
-Kung Lao would hold his breath, hoping that he and Raiden's names would pop-up in your future plans. Sometimes they did just not in the way he'd hope.
-You'd say things like, "I'd love to meet your future wife or children one day" or "I hope we keep in touch after I move out". -It made him roll his eyes how blind you were to his and Raidens affection for you.
-You were too sweet & clueless for your own good; this is why you needed to stay with them so they could protect you from bad guys. -Both men had made a pact to share you, however, should you prefer one over the other, they'd respect it.
-But it seemed no matter the gifts, the subtle gestures and affections did not reach you.
-Raiden had to calm Kung Lao down one night after you had brushed off the idea that you and him could be lovers; you took it as a joke, laughed in his face then went to bed.
-As Kung Lao went off on how it seems you look down on him, you treat him like a little brother rather than a grown man thats the same age as you. Raiden grabbed his childhood friends' shoulders to bring him back to reality.
-Raiden was afraid that Kung Lao would scare you off with his secret temper so they decided they'd lay it bare one night. They'd tell you their exact feelings since you don't get their hints; let them show you the lovers they can be.
-And when they did that, you blushed and stared at the ground.
-Tired of you twirling your fingers and not giving them an exact answer ; Kung Lao lifts your chin and forces eye-contact with you.
-You rejected their offer. You stuttered out that both men were very special to you; you'd never forget them or their friendship but you felt that sex would cheapen your relationship with them.
-You didn't want to have a fling or be a conquest and you assumed this 'transaction' would get in way of the pure feelings you had for them.
-With that you left and stayed at another friends house for a couple of days; embarrassed about the entire conversation.
-Raiden and Kung Lao were speechless….and mad. They weren't entirely mad at you but you were now being difficult.
-They decided that they needed to show you even if you weren't accepting of it. You would be theirs, it's for your own good.
Tonights the Night.
-You came home to what you thought was an empty apartment; assuming both of the guys were gone for the day.
-You tossed your bag and phone to the side and decided to strip from your work clothes; you always did this when the boys weren't home.
-Little did you know that the roommates you'd genuinely come to love and appreciate were waiting to pounce.
-God, they loved your mismatched socks and underwear.
-They loved your spirit and the cute smile you made and they wanted it all to themselves.
-From their hiding spot, they saw you bend over to pick something you dropped.
-The flesh of your plump ass directly staring at them; Raiden had to grab Kung Lao from pouncing on you right then.
-Raiden became undone seeing the way your chest bounced around from the movement. The plushness of your mounds invited him in.
-Both men started their count down before go time.
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
I am the anon who sent you the long message, I am also a dude , Im of a rare breed in the fanbase , dont seem like there is alot of us here and thats ok lol I have sent you something before actually about how when men know we know. And I will say that over and over again. Seems like alot of the anons you get seem to be from people who are losing faith in that and think whatever Miss Gerber has with Austin is real. A man knows when he found his wife, not to get all preachy and sound like a religious crazy person but there is legit a whole bible verse in the book of Proverbs about it. I am 31, still young but old enough to know , especially as a married man myself when a guy has found his wife, he isnt hiding that shit. When i proposed to my wife we were on vacation and I legit facetimed my friends when she was in the shower and told them the news, up there squealing like a woman excited as hell LMAO. Austin is someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, if he saw that life with Kaia we would know it will show. So all that privacy BS is exactly that.....BS....like he dodges questions about her all the time and Kaia does the same, i personally have never seen celebs go that far to do that, even the ones who wanna be private. They still talk about each other. I think these shippers as I stated see themselves in Kaia,so when things are said about their relationship and lacking chemistry they take it as you saying about them and Austin...anyways I will stop ranting here but i wanted this to known and to give your blog a guy perspective
aaah welcome back in! nice to have you here. the fandom truly needs bit more guys in the fandom to balance out lol. and i think there are, but us women are a lot more vocal about it i'd say lol. and to each their own, it's so cool to have you here.
but i thank you once again for brining in the much needed male perspective on this situation. and coming from a man that is married and is Austin's age, that seriously should be everything that we need to heed your words.
i think a lot this discourse stems from the fact that the super young girls in this fandom closer to kaia's age clearly are showing that they haven't been in a serious relationship, or they don't have a lot of life experience. because a man should love his woman entirely and not be afraid to show it or talk about it. if a man hides his girl in any way then he's not happy with her. austin moves with kaia like a man that is not taking her serious. plus he knows she is too young for anything serious anyway. and when a guy TRULY thinks he has found his future wife, he won't waste time. i know this from personal family and friend experiences. i come from a parental background where my mom and dad got engaged after only 6 months of dating and they are still together 30+ years later. i know someone else where after only a week their man proposed and they are still together. like...it is what it is. a man can be just as emotional, clingy, and lovey-dovey to his woman than the woman is to him. ladies reading...if your guy doesn't act like the sun doesn't rise and set with you then he is not the one and he won't ever be. and that's okay. go find yourself a person that leaves no question as to their feelings for you. if you have to guess or question then, as the famous movie goes, he's just not that into you.
and you mentioned a verse in proverbs. i'm not necessarily a religious fanatic, however i am spiritual and i won't turn my nose up at acknowledging that stuff. . so if you would like to share the verse then go for it.
but once again, thank you so much for your insightful input!!
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presleyanswrites · 6 months
I love outer banks I would love to know/didn’t really like
give us more backstories… like how the pogues met and became friends
i would not do the pope x kie thing, like not drag it out that long. poor pope. kie and jj just aren’t it . I also would not pair up literally everyone just leave it about friendship like that’s what I loved about the show I would love to know a bit more about and his mum what happened but i think his mom just left when he was little but I would love to know what actually happened . i’d also do some explaining regarding the cameron family and rafes, sarah’s and wheezies mom because they never ever mention her.
i think personally they should of do more episodes per season so we can get character development and some filler episodes like idk just not rush everything like that x
anon!! litterally !! we need to send this to the writers for fourth season.
pope is so underrated too. like what? he's so fine.
i really wanted kie to be one of my favorite characters but i feel like she was toxic when she wanted John B to pick sarah over her? thats starting fires.
also just because she didn't invite you to her party? Like that makes sarah a bitch? You are a grown ass 16 year old why are you acting like you're in kindergarten.
and then she proceeds to call the cops on her 😐 the world does not revolve around kie. Kie drinks beer probably often, hypocrite energy.
and then she makes pope feel bad for her and then luries him in by hooking up and then rejects him after playing with him? Girllllllll
i dont know. I love kie but I dont think she deserved that much time in the show with pope. like broooo just stop dragging it out.
Heres what i assumed about the group. I think the pogues met because john b was friends with JJ natrually growing up, pope probably lived nearby since he "was a pogue just like the rest of us".
Kie was there because "shes not like other girls" and she couldn't get along with anybody at her school which kind of proves something about her......just saying.
Sarah got in through falling for John B and she wanted to live outside the bubble wrap she was in her whole life and she was afraid she could never get out of it, she saw john b as a gateway into a more flowy future of teenage fun.
I think she regretted being a pogue at one time because of all the shit that happened from it. Would sarah be the same person if she didnt be with the pogues?
I think JJ's mom left when he was really little so i think thats why they dont put any backstory on it because he might have just been too young to remember much and theres not much emotion there on JJ's side, and since luke is an abusive asshole, no one is really going to be interested in hearing what he has to say about it regarding his wife.
I think the point of it all is that they basically have all fucked up families which makes them need the pogues more as their family.
I agree with the friendship point! Except sarah and john b, and pope and cleo are my favorite ships.
They have to provide romance in the scene because its what keeps the viewers attracted.
I love popes character development where he finds a girl who loves him for him, and doesn't have to be played with to get her.
I love sarahs character development too, because i think she was taught how to let people in and she got a group of people that she doesn't have to feel like she needs to cut out.
I think Wheezie should join the pogues.
I dont know how i feel about rose enough to determine what i want to hear about sarahs mom.
Ward isn't an asshole, i think he has some actual mental issues that clearly runs in the family that was obviously passed to rafe....
rafe is still hot though xxxx
also is it true that sarah is getting pregnant from jj in fourth season?? Holy shit.
anyway i agree with all of your points and i take the perspective outer banks really seriously because it is one of my main writing points and the better i understand the show and each character the better i can write for you !! 💗💞
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loveydive · 2 years
i just finished reading giovanni’s room and i am curious about the immense amount of ‘room’ imagery in the novel. i mean duh, a novel called ‘giovanni’s room’ is going to use that analogy. but ive seen people interpret giovanni’s room as soooo many things but none of them felt satisfying enough for me.
ive seen ppl call it a physical cage for davids idea of masculinity, or a place of freedom and love where david can love who he loves away from society’s expectations, or a toxic and claustrophobic place that forced him to stay in the closet. but i feel like the room can be all of these at once. in my eyes, the room analogy is amorphous and its meaning changes throughout the story because my take on it is that giovanni’s room is giovanni.
when david first sees the room, he remarks that it is organised by ‘punishment and grief’ (p. 78). and he thinks that his role is to ‘destroy this room and give Giovanni a new and better life. This life could only be my own, which, in order to transform Giovanni’s, must first become a part of Giovanni’s room.’ (p. 78). the implication is clear - he must become a part of giovanni’s life and to destroy the grief that wracks giovanni and give him a better life.
but its important to highlight that giovanni never saw his room like david did. because when david asks him why he has buried himself in ‘that hideous room’ (p. 104), giovanni doesn’t agree with him. he rebutes:
‘The world is full of rooms - big rooms, little rooms, round rooms, square ones, rooms high up, rooms low down - all kinds of rooms! What kind of room do you think Giovanni should be living in? How long do you think it took me to find the room I have? And since when, since when’ - he stopped and beat with his forefinger on my chest - ‘have you so hated the room? Since when? Since yesterday, since always? Dis-mois.’ (p. 104)
if you consider that the idea that giovanni’s room is giovanni, this conversation is essentially david calling giovanni hideous and giovanni having to justify his existence, his humanity to him. giovanni simply lives in that room, he never thought of it as stinking or dirty like david did. because unlike david, giovanni ‘is not afraid of the stink of love’ (p. 125), to him this is simply the reality of love and being human. and when he asks david when he has started to hate the room, it prompts the reader to question of when he has started to hate giovanni himself.
this discovery is all the more heartbreaking when giovanni says this monologue when reuniting with david after hella’s return:
‘Sometimes you were here all day long and you read or you opened the window or you cooked something - and I watched you - and you never said anything - and you looked at me with such eyes, as though you did not see me. All day, while I worked to make this room for you.’ (p. 121-2).
and yes i did cry at the bolded section. it just reminded me of the man called ove and how in that novel love was shown so much through building. how ove builds a ramp for wife so she can go to work, builds all the tables in their houses lower for her, builds bookcases after bookcases. and thats what giovanni was doing for david. he was working to make that room for him. to make himself for david. and when he lost his job, he found other ways to show his love for david through the room and david knows this:
He had some weird idea that it would be nice to have a bookcase sunk in the wall and he chipped though the wall until he came to the brick and began pounding away at the brick. It was hard work, it was insane work, but I did not have the energy or the heart to stop him. In a way he was doing it for me, to prove his love for me. He wanted me to stay in the room with him. Perhaps he was trying, with his own strength, to push back the encroaching walls, without, however, having the walls fall down. (p. 102)
the room where these two have spent so many hours in had begun to feel smaller when they were struggling with money. giovanni recognises the desperation of the whole situation - that he has nothing to offer david anymore. he has no job, he is no longer entertaining enough to pique davids interest, and davids fiancee is coming back. the room has become smaller and boring - he has become small and boring. so when he begins pounding at the brick wall, it was as if he was trying desperately to change himself so that david would stay with him.
but david doesnt. when david first kisses hella upon their reunion he describes her as a ‘familiar, darkened room’ (p. 108), almost as if he is imagining kissing giovanni instead. but when she makes up her mind and they agree to marry, when they make love, he describes her as a ‘strong, walled city’ (p. 110) - david has already learnt to forget giovanni. because no matter how hard he tried, giovanni’s life was so much smaller than hella’s, he could never hope to compete. hella is a city, giovanni is just a room.
and when giovanni was caught, he was caught ‘no farther than the Seine’ (p. 135). giovanni never even left paris even though he knew he would be arrested. he remained there where david had left him - like a house; like a room.
the room was never just a room - the room is him; he is the room. and he could not make himself into a city for david as much as he wanted to try.
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chloeangelic · 8 months
OMG! The new chapter of ''Love Me Back'' is so much. How can something that starts like this chapter end up so badly? As with any good story, I knew the angst was around the corner, but what an ending.😳
I loved how you put her mental issues out in the open, with her thoughts and the therapy session in the first part of the chapter. It makes her more realistic, complex, and easier to comprehend. I totally get her. I share some of her thoughts, but at the same time, this chapter made me a bit angry. I hope the next part makes sense at the end. The mix of feelings this chapter made me feel is murky. Which shows me how well-written I found it and how much I liked it.
Self-worth can be a tricky thing, especially when starting a new relationship adds the fear of showing your true self and being rejected, a thing she's already gone through by the glimpses of her past relationships. Being told you're not girlfriend/wife material can create deep wounds, increasing her mental health struggles.
Their relationship is new, and they still have a lot to settle. I know WORDS are IMPORTANT, and they are needed, but seeing Joel show her with his actions what he wants (after all, he wouldn't let anyone get close to his daughter and develop a connection) while the reader is not able to acknowledge it, is frustrating. Not talking beforehand makes the whole situation way worse. The offer of take of Sarah, I feel like she might not be using her words yet, but she's putting herself out. She's trying to give Joel what he needs and be someone he can rely on, to be a team. The pain of Joel's rejection, coupled with his initial lack of attention, causes everything to explode. When, for once, she has the strength to defend herself and express her feelings, it's one of the worst moments.
I would love to read Joel's thoughts on the whole scene. He has so many fronts at the same time. I'm not excusing him because he could have handled the whole situation better (both of them could have). He also has his struggles and anxieties clouding his perception of the reader's emotions, making it harder for him to open himself and accept help. I hope the situation gets solved soon.
I trust you can pull out something from my ramble and that it wasn't too much, lol.😅 Thanks for the chapter! Despite preferring fluff, I'm a sucker for angst like the one you wrote.♥️
Ahhh im so glad you enjoyed it and got something out of it!!! i definitely think that new relationships are a massive catalyst for self worth issues because its such a vulnerable state to be in and youre so afraid of the other person finding something out about you thats suddenly a dealbreaker and just peacing out.
LMB girl has held soooo much back from joel, thinking shes shielding him from it, and it blows up in her face so bad cause she has this vault of crap thats bound to explode open with one little bad vibe from joel, even though theyre both misplacing their frustration. ive tried to make this fic as realistic as possible, and i think a lot of us have had periods of bottling things up and not being able to expect when the last drop hits
the whole series having such a mental health focus wasnt my intention when i started writing it - my initial idea was for it to be more FWB centered actually, but ive ended up including so much of my own experiences with self worth issues and subsequent healing, and that has made the whole thing more interesting i think
joels thoughts come out in ch 7!!!
so glad youre willing to suffer through my angst, and theres a lot of fluff coming up which is very uncharacteristic for me but we all need to see joel and his crab girl happy - they deserve it hahaha
thanks for sticking around, i love reading your detailed thoughts on the chapters <3 <3 <3
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
Been thinking about what kind of interaction haruka and seto would have since they never spoke with each other (from what i know), but i think they'd be the cutest together because they're both so... idk i just love them (they are my wiwis you have to understand). Setomary harutaka double date would be insane, like, picture this: while haruka and seto would probably be talking about how much they love their girlfriends (they are full of love and whimsical feelings), takane would be like "how tf do i start conversation with this lovecraftian ass creature (with due respect)" because mary wouldn't know what to say either BUT SHE WANTS TO SHE'S JUST REALLY SHY 😔😔😔
oh i got GREAT NEWS for you
you know im always talking about post str haruka keeping a little distance from the dan cuz he knows them but they dont know him and etc etc etc etc. well! i actually hc that outside takane shintaro and ayano of course, SETO is the one member of the dan haruka is very good friends with in early post str. and thats cuz.... he is also the one member of the dan (again outside the quartet)haruka has actually spoken to before being konoha!!! its time for me to talk about the novels again❤️
IM ABT TO KAGEXPLAIN TO YOU BUT ILL GET TO SETOMARY & HARUTAKA AT THE END and my hcs on their dynamics :3 but first let me tell u abt seto&haruka's and mary&takanes friendships. spoilers duh
in the sixth novel, haruka stays over at kenjirou's house for 1 week while he works on the game with him. there haruka meets ayano for the first time, and finds out mr tateyama has FOUR kids. despite haruka is pranked a little by these mysterious 3 siblings he never meets them directly. its rly funny cuz haruka's like can i introduce myself to them i mean im gonna be staying for a week. and ayano's like WHAT. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. and harukas like ok damn i guess i wont meet them
but haruka DOES meet seto during his stay! its one of my FAVORITE chapters of the whole novel. this bit has a 2 page illustration cmon!!!!!!! SETOS HAMSTER BITES HARUKAS FOOT
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ok erm anyway. chapter summary of seto&haruka's interaction: haruka went to buy some snacks at the convenience store at night, and when he comes in seto's hamster hanao BITES his damn foot!!!!!! (attacker shown on pic) seto rushes right over like NOOOO HANAOOO
haruka and seto share an awkward greeting bc seto wants to run away asap but haruka's rly desperate to meet him so he invites him to eat the free pudding he won at the grocery store and seto accepts. then they sit and chat while eating pudding :3
haruka invites seto to come to the festival, seto thanks him but says he cant bc he's bad with crowds and he also has a job interview for being a part time paperboy. he assures him his other siblings will show up (as we know, kido and kano do show up but haruka never knew they were ayano and setos siblings at that point!!!)
when seto starts talking abt this job interview he mentions his mom is dead. in that conversation haruka finds out about ayaka. idk about the original line in japanese, but haruka says "mr tateyama's wife is dead?" because of course from his pov the shock comes from his relationship with kenjirou. he feels rly bad that kenjirou acts all happy and normal at school while going through this. seto acts surprised haruka didn't know
haruka expresses sadness over being such a pain for kenjirou then, but seto says that's not true and that kenjirou talks about him all the time. *pretends to be normal about kenjirou*
seto reveals kenjirou called haruka his pride and joy while drunk, which makes haruka tear up. while drunk he also said he'd bring haruka over to make him be ayano's boyfriend lmao and seto says he and kano&kido freaked out about it and were like WE WILL PROTECT U FOR THIS GUY NEECHAN😡😡😡 WHICH IS LIKE. A LAYER OF CONTEXT TO A BIT THAT HAPPENS EARLIER IN THE NOVEL bc they give haruka A REALLY HARD TIME when he arrives and its basically implied they did this bc they were afraid he was gonna hit on ayano lol (jin jokes in his author's notes he literally wanted haruka to hit on ayano literally for shit and giggles but his editor was like dude this is ooc can you take this fucking seriously)
it's also implied seto read haruka's mind when he arrived and since haruka had been thinking of takane and being kind of... he was like her hair her eyes her lips etcetc he was just.... being a 16 year old about it. and seto assumed it was about ayano, told his siblings and there kano went in disguised as ayano to give haruka a piece of his mind. honestly read the sixth novel its hilarious idk if its cuz its a novel with all my faves but its one of the best erm anyways back to the pudding chapter
before seto goes his eye power activates and he basically almost collapses or something. haruka gets rly worried but seto is able to calm down and he leaves. i hc that in this scene seto found out haruka was dying. i dont have proof other than seto probably read his mind there. but i like the hc😄
anyways!! fast forward to the end of the eighth novel, seto (and mary and hibiya) are in the real world while literally everyone else is dead inside the daze. they make a phonecall because of reasons i wont explain and everyone is screaming into it trying to talk to the outside guys, and haruka has a single line where he says "kousuke its me haruka!!!!! remember when we had that pudding together 2 years ago!!!!" hehe its so cute im so glad jin added that
basically. haruka and seto BEST FRIENDS. when haruka is back post str he would be very comfortable with seto and seto would for sure approach haruka and hang out with him. i definitely think haruka's the closest to seto outside of the yuukei quartet!!! like come on theyd be such good friends🥺 i was thinking of harutaka cat last night and i 1000% think seto is the one to find them a pet. seto is always taking haruka to see cats
NOW!!! MARY&TAKANE!!! they definitely don't have as much interaction as haruka&seto bc jin would rather die than write proper scenes for his female characters alone However it is said they hit it off immediately when they meet! ene makes an unforgettable comment abt mary and momo being gay which mary doesnt understand and momo like a good kisaragi wants to kill ene. anyways thats a little funny one
ill talk what i remember the most! the fourth novel: shintaro wakes up and finds mary complaining she can't talk to ene and it turns out shintaro's phone has no battery. shintaro explains the concept of a Charger and Electricity and Mary's like whoa ene eats some weird stuff huh
so she starts looking for a charger. shintaro tells her not to hurry bc theyre better off without her anyways and mary gets mad at him and tells him to stop MEAN to ene!!!!! and says she must ALSO feel lonely in there!!!! and shintaro's like o_o!! ok damn!!!!
that's the only mary&takane i can think of. but they're really good friends i think takane's as much of a tease to her as she is to everyone but mary doesnt always understand LOL but they get along well :3 theyre besties :3 like for real mary momo & ene have a girl gang that could rule the world.
then mary finds some snakeskin in a drawer with the charger and shintaro and kido almost shit their pants etcetc BUT when mary got mad, shintaro has some rly cute thoughts about ene. he remarks how absolutely no one in the dan ever questioned what the hell is ene or how she works, bc theyre all weirdos so of course they dont question other weirdos(and one of my fave shinene lines, where shintaro admits hes developed an affinity for her and that it's because of her he met all these nice people and she might as well be his salvation *fucking explodes*) anyways. he thinks ofc mary and ene hit it off. i think its so cute that mary wanted to talk to ene and just took shintaros phone to do it!!
anyways. THEYRE ALL BEST FRIENDS :3 :3 :3 :3 setomary & harutaka double date is totally possible. and we should get seto&takane to be best friends too like i think theyd be sooooo funny together. i ALWAYS say when takane gets her body back there is no way she could walk so comfortably like she does and since seto (and kano) are there i hc seto carries her back to the hideout from the lab💥💥💥
harutaka & setomary is so funny since ive been in the fandom for so long i can tell u people always compared them like the insane pda ones and though i dont rly agree with that i still think its a funny and nostalgic hc. i think itd be cute if seto told haruka he likes mary but no one else. like everyone KNOWS. duh. but he tells haruka IDK I LIKE THIS HC Because kano and kido will tease him and ayano and mary are awkward with each other (bc i say so) so seto tells haruka like omg i have a crush on mary ://3 and haruka's like omg no way whats ur fave thing about her *kicks feet* they should get to talk abt their crushes together OKAY.
i do think haruka&takane start dating pretty soon or are dating in whatever moment seto comes to haruka to talk abt mary so idk i think its cute if seto went to haruka also bc he's like. hes the only person i know who has a partner 🫡 i like a lot of ships that i think happen eventually and all have their own shitshows and moments but i think haruka&takane are the very first to get together and everyones like yeah. they're the couple ig. Ok sorry someone hold me down before i start talking again about harutaka being the romance love story of kagepro
ermmm basically yes best friends!!!!!
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selamat-linting · 10 months
my parents aren't exactly fundamentalist people, but the day to day of living in a culture with a strong eschatological belief was enough to be traumatizing, no matter what religion it is. and im sure this is not just me, most people are just too afraid to even acknowledge how it fucks with them.
take a typical nature phenomenon, like eclipses, stars, black holes, sandstorms, weird animals, or rivers gone red from algae. this thing should have inspired curiosity right? well, in my country, all of the news articles and science videos regarding the subject is filled with people proselytizing, warning others its a sign of the apocalypse. worse when its a disaster like floods or tsunami or heatwaves or even extinction from poaching and environmental destruction. i've had people saying brazenly that climate change isn't man-made but god's punishment because the apocalypse / rapture is coming soon and we have too many LGBT people existing so of course trying to stop it would be a waste of effort, so just pray and prepare for akhirah and abuse others into falling in line.
the media does not help either. they made cheap infographic shows that are literally just about scaring people about the end of the world. a baby born with a life-threatening disability gets turn into shock fodder for tv because its born with one eye on its forehead. thats evil. do they even think of the effect it will cause for disabled people? of course they dont, in their mind theyre doing good because theyre reminding people that the apocalypse is coming soon and they should repent. i wonder, if someone from 2012 see a one-eyed child, would that kid be safe?
and in terms of personal experience, its horrifying to hear adults say, "yeah dajjal (the anti christ) will show up in your lifetime so you'll see the end of the world" and think that your parents didn't care enough to even think of the implication of bringing you to this world when its so corrupt and rotten. especially when you grow up knowing something is wrong and different with you.
and its not just that. its the end of the world, of course people would constantly talk about it in hushed tones. i've seen predictions shared in facebook or whatsapp groups, talked by kids and adults in sermons and hearsays. it turns people hostile to others with a different religion, or at best, they learn to be apathetic or detach their inherent empathy to other people because they have a different religion so theyre going to hell for eternity. so why fucking bother being tolerant or befriending them? you dont want to commit a grave sin since you wished a non-muslim to go to heaven for their good deeds right?
and when i was a kid, my friends would all have this strategy to prepare for judgement day. creating a culture where kids make up survival scenarios to prevent eternal, senseless torture is bad. and hypocritical when you keep saying god's love and care are boundless and unconditional.
my dad and every preacher i know always say to not be afraid of death, its something to look forward to, because you'll meet god, but you cant kill yourself and you must make sure even if its a natural death you live in the right way so you dont go to hell and be tortured for eternity. i agree death shouldnt be feared, but none of these people are truly unafraid of death. they shaped their entire life to make sure their death is the right one, and they force others to have belief out of a misguided sense of love.
i had an uncle who went far into this religious group, and even if the practices are completely identical to mainstream sunni islam, the man stopped providing for his wife and just pray and pray without doing anything else. believing god would simply take care of everything and even if he didn't, the apocalypse is coming soon! becoming too successful will just distract you from akhirah anyway.
its disgusting. i dont care what any religious/spiritual people on this site says. religion never gave people a sense of gratefulness or wonder or fulfillment. it turn them into incurious, selfish, frightened fucks that are too helpless to even fight for themselves and their home because the world is ending and its an inevitability so why bother? but thats the best case scenario. at worst, the eschatological sentiment turn people raging bigots abusing others so they'd convert or fall in line with cisheteropatriarchy and blame every tragedy to powerless minorities instead of the people in power.
i might have some faith left in me, but i would still advocate for state atheism. because its obvious every dominant religion will be used as a tool for terror and submission.
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violetwinterwidow01 · 3 months
Civil War: Dumbfounded (AU)
This popped in my mind, i had to throw in my 2 cents😜
Before Ross leaves, Cevyn grabs his attention.
Cevyn: Hmm, seems like he finally grew some balls, but allow me to crush them before you go...
He drops his head, sends his security out of the room and turns around. Everyone's eyes land on her as she absentmindedly swivels in her chair staring up at the ceiling. Cevyn lulls her head to the side, to look at Ross, and scoots up folding her hands on the table.
Cevyn: If you could give us a logical explanation as to WHO or WHAT is going to save this planet from the next alien invasion, we will gladly get out of what little hair you have left...
She rises out of her seat before he can speak.
Cevyn: And if you're gonna stand there naming off the Army, The Navy, The Seals, The Air Force, Police, Firefighters, Doctors, Scientists, pretty much anybody that has no goddamn expertise in this field... youre gonna need a third tripple bypass fucking around with me.
Rhodey snickers. She smiles.
Rhodes: Cev, calm down-
She cuts Rhodey off.
Cevyn: I am calm. Im simply waiting for an answer.
All eyes are set upon Ross as he blankly stares at the enraged yet calm woman hes been afraid of since the day they met.
Heres a backstory on Cevyn and Ross. The hatred runs deep. When Cevyn was 10 , Fury thought it would be a good idea for them to meet so that Ross was made aware of her powers, but mostly because Fury wanted to know if he could trust him, and the only way he could tell was if Cevyn shook his hand. Shaking hands allowed her to read someone, sense their aoura, and to see into their future. Seeing everything caused Cevyn to snatch her hand away and give him a death glare that could make Satan piss himself. From that point on, Cevyn knew that she would never get along with him, so she stayed as far away as she possibly could. Until she became an Avenger.
She saunters standing in front him. At this point everyone can see how intimidated he his by her. She snaps her fingers to get him out of his daze.
Cevyn: You have nothing to say do you? Because that's exactly who you were going to put in place of us weren't you?
Ross looks around the room for any signs of help. Wanda looks down, Vision looks straight ahead, Sam looks behind him, Natasha smirks, Rhodey lightly chuckles, Steve's shaking his head grinning, and Tony... you know those really good silent laughs you get? Yeah, thats where he is.
Cevyn: After all these years, still the same dumb ass expression on your face. Do you know the real reason why we do this, cause if not I'll be happy to break it down for you. We do this because we love this planet. Its the only one we call home. Nobody else can do what we do. Yes, there will be consequences. Yes, there will be collateral damage. But we can't help it when that happens. It shows that we are trying our best to control the situation, and save lives all at the same damn time. Do you have any idea how hard this shit is?
At this point, her body is vibrating with malice, yet she never raises her voice and masks it with laughter. Steve gets up to rub his wife's shoulders coaxing her down, while the team watches the scene unfold before their eyes. Tony sits in the corner burying his face in his hands, trying his hardest to suppress his snickering.
Rhodes: Tony, nows not the time to laugh.
Cevyn: You're one to talk. Over here about to keel over in laughter, go ahead and laugh because it is funny. This asshole has been a joke since the day Fury took me to meet him. The nerve of you walkin' up in here with the gall and the gumption to give us this bullshit proposal, basically saying you wanna keep us on a leash. In case you've forgotten, we're here at our own free fucking will, so Ill be damned if any of us will turn into somebodys bitch. This aint prison.
Natasha/Sam/Wanda: Oh my god🤭🤭🤭
Cevyn: You wanna know why i despise you so much? Youre sneaky, conniving, undermining, and repulsive. But, more importantly, it's the fact that you don't let your brain catch up to your actions. You do before you think, and that is highly disturbing. All im sayin is that You need us, and until you figure that out you can shove these accords right up your scrotum. I'm going to take a nap.
Cevyn shoves the accords into his chest walking out of the room. Tony can't contain his laughter any longer, and neither can the rest of the team. Steve chuckles and halls ass to follow his wife.
Steve: Sweets???
Cevyn: Steve, i dont wanna hear it. That imbecille has been a thorn in my side since i was 10. 10!!! Do you know how fucked up you have to be for a child to realize, "Hmm, theres something wrong with this mothafucker! Piece of shit dont know left from right, north to south or yes from no." Its time someone had the cojones to knock some sense into him.
Steve calms down from laughter. God he loves this woman.
Steve: First if all, language. Secondly i was just gonna say you were right.
Cevyn: Well, Thank you.
He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her. He pulls back.
Steve: How are you feeling?
Cevyn: Tired. Not even showing that much, and this baby of yours is already kicking my ass. On top of that this asswipe comes in here causing a ruckus.
Steve laughs again. She joins in.
Steve: Can you see what he's gonna do next?
Cevyn: Ol' dumbass is gonna have chat with the United Nations. They're gonna realize what a terrible mistake this is and that if they were to go through with it, they'd be losing half of earth's mightiest superheroes. This also buys us more time to get to Bucky.
Steve quirks an eyebrow looking down at her and her stomach.
Steve: Us???
Cevyn: Yes. Me, you and Sam. Ill detach my conscience so she can go with you guys. She wont be pregnant.
Steve: okay.
Cevyn: Now, since all is said and done, take a nap with your wife and child.
She wraps her arms around his shoulders, leaving lingering kisses all over his neck. He scrunches up his nose.
Steve: A nap?
Cevyn: Yup. Why?
Steve: I was hoping to do something else. What you did back there, made me feral.
She pauses mid kiss, Pulling away.
Cevyn: Even more than you normally are?
He deadpans.
Steve: Im offering you some head. Take it or leave it.
Cevyn: Fine.
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