#awful time to post this. grr
eternalbanamari · 11 months
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heromari kisses
wip sketches. (fore)head, neck and mouth
muah muah
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saetoshis · 2 years
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sigh i need a hug
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uncouth-the-fifth · 1 year
pythia, a supernatural rewrite. phantom traveler, p.2
read it on ao3. masterlist.
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words: 4747 notes: HI FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELLO. uni is finally no longer kicking my ass, so here is a pythia update! since it's been an embarrassing amount of time since I last posted, i rly wanted to get something out for u guys - and as a result this chapter is shorter than what I'd like, but I hope still fun and silly ;) thank you so much for holding on with me and i can't wait to hear your thoughts! p.s - sam and dean are extra sweet this chapter bc i want all of u to love me again >:)
George Phelps was Max’s passenger, and, among other things, a loving and committed husband. He lived in a quaint little house in the suburbs, where his wife put his picture on the mantle and refused to say much to you. She didn’t have to. Just looking up at their house from the curb, decorated with soft glowing Christmas lights and silver crosses, you knew George Phelps wasn’t your guy. Maybe Max had seen him pry open the emergency exit on the flight, but you seriously doubted a dentist with acid reflux was behind the deaths of two hundred people.
Sitting in George’s living room and speaking with his wife, you swore that there was almost something there, but it was neutral enough that you doubted it was anything more than the wisps of George’s presence in the house. Fresh grief always felt the same.
You didn’t like how this hunt had been gnawing on you. The visions always itched you in their own way, but this time was distinctly, uncomfortably different, and you just couldn’t pin down why. It was your job to take the weird inclinations the Gift gave you and turn them into something usable. Somehow, you couldn’t even manage that.
You were the first one out of George Phelp’s stifling house and the first one into the Impala. In the safety of the backseat, you curled your nails into the upholstery until your fingers hurt and just felt. What were you missing? What were you recognizing, but failing to remember?
The thing you were hunting was big game. You’d had hundred-year-old vengeful spirits in your head, and they couldn’t even glimpse the kind of hatred you were dealing with here. It affected audio recordings, had loads of strength, and took a metal bat to your Gift every time you even thought about it. Somehow, it manifested with or connected to normal people. None of this rung any bells with you. Which was ridiculous, since it felt more and more familiar the longer you rolled your vision over in your mind—beyond close, like it was within arm’s reach.
Sam, in the Impala’s passenger seat, started giving you cautious looks in the rear-view. Dean had been halfway through griping about this case when Sam finally spoke his mind: “____… What exactly did you see in your vision?”
Both of the boys shared a furtive glance, then turned to look at you as one.
You must’ve shown the panic you were feeling on your face, because Dean’s clammed up with awkward sympathy. “...I know this one was tougher n’ usual, but I need you to buck up a bit, okay? This thing’s got nothing on you. C’mon.”
When you frowned, there was a bitter tang growing on the back of your tongue. You weren’t six. You didn’t need someone to coax your nightmares from you, and you definitely didn’t need anyone telling you to put your big girl pants on. Dean didn’t have to ask Sam to toughen up, even four years off his game, and you doubted he ever told himself to. Grr.
“Just start driving,” you gruffed, and failed to stop your lip from curling.
The arm Dean had hung over the front seat slouched into his lap. “...Sure thing. What’d you see?”
He turned the key and got you on the road again, joined, right on cue, by Sam’s kicked-puppy look swaying back to the windshield. You reminded yourself that the only reason you were pissed was because of how awful these last few days had been, and explained yourself.
“It was intense. Way more intense than most visions I’ve had. Not because of anything I saw—though the crash was… awful—but because of the feeling it gave me. Even when I got out of it… it just filled my head, I guess. This thing has a seriously powerful influence.”
Sam’s brows furrowed. “Did you see it at all?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted, reminded again of how little you were helping. “Most of it was just flashes of the passengers. The plane going down. Before that, I saw a man’s hand grab the handle to the emergency door, the pilots talking about a flight out of Pittsburg, and then smoke. Loads of it.”
The car sunk into a heavy, thought-honed silence that only served to ramp up to your anxiety. You kept the case on your mind for all of two seconds, then were pulled to the ceaseless clicking of Dean’s turn signal and how scratchy your bandages were. Your suit sat too stiff on your body for you to relax into your seat, squeezing your empty belly in the worst way and chaffing on Baby’s leather. The cold air was too dry and your eyes and throat burned with the strangest pressure. Not a sick pressure, but a living one, pressing in. Black smoke. Your pain meds were wearing off too, so the sinew in your body felt taut and worn on an unfamiliar skeleton.
You stared dead-eyed at nothing for a minute longer, then Dean hauled the Impala up to the curb again and declared: “Fuck it. We’re getting lunch. What are you in the mood for, baby?”
“That’s a weird way to say the car needs gas, Dean,” you managed.
“No—not her-Baby, you baby!” Dean flushed, and honestly, he deserved some serious points for scrounging up any humor right now. Again, he tossed an elbow over the seat and threw a dazzling, morale-boosting grin at you. “What do you want to eat, darlin’? We can go to a sit-down place, have an actual meal. Or we can just grab something from the store. Anything.”
You hesitated to answer, and caught Sam’s grimace—you were way too poor right now to go for anything beyond instant noodles. “...We can wait til’ later, Dean. I don’t really have an appetite right now,” you lied.
Dean never begged, but forever reason he was willing to today. Maybe you seemed even worse off than you’d thought. “...C’mon, kid, you’re killing me here. Whatever you want. My treat.”
Again, you didn’t jump at the chance to answer. Truth be told, you could eat a grocery store whole right now, but the three of you did not have the budget. Dean was insane and devoted enough to steal lunch for you, too, and you didn’t feel like bailing him out of jail right now. Just the idea made your wallet tear up.
You opened your mouth to try and be realistic, only for Sam to interrupt you.
“Ice cream,” he read your mind. “She wants ice cream. The big grocery store tubs.”
Dean didn’t wait for any objections. He whipped the Impala out of park, jerked back into your lane, and peeled away toward the nearest store. “Ice cream! Hell yeah. I could fuck up some cherry garcia right now. Sam? Could you fuck up some ice cream right now?”
“Me? Oh, big time,” he lied, catching your eyes in the rearview again. You’d maybe seen Sam eat ice cream twice in your entire life. Again, he was probably hiding that he was lactose intolerant.
You had only a sliver of fight left within you. “Boys…”
“Yes?” They chimed. In their own ways, their voices dared you to resist, but the combined power of both Winchesters was too strong to withstand.
You bit down your grin and fell silent.
A few minutes later, Dean pulled into a thirty-year-old mini-mart that looked it’s age. Of course, he parked the Impala as far from the other cars as possible, so the mile-long walk through freezing, finger-numbing winds put everyone in the mood for ice cold ice cream. The first euphoric rush of interior heating made you sigh out loud. When Sam and Dean had swiped the snow off their blazers, you made an attempt at leading them toward another toastier, cheaper snack.
“You want ice cream,” was all Sam said, shrugging, and scooped up a basket for the three of you to use.
Either you were predictable or he could read minds, because even with the snowy weather you were more than ready to fuck up some ice cream. Just thinking about it made your bandages feel less scratchy. Lounging on the couch and plowing through a tub was a privilege the road really didn’t allow, so you were pretty sure you hadn’t even had any ice cream since October. Since you’d actually lived in your apartment.
“How did you know?” You asked him, out of honest curiosity.
Sam gave you a mysterious smile instead of an answer, swiped some snow off your jacket, then tilted his head after Dean in an unspoken come on. His brother had already caught the scent of the frozen treats section, so you both hurried to catch up with him. You stole glimpses of Sam as you wove your way to the back of the store. He was a little taller than the aisles, and his loafers cleared the age-stained linoleum in half the time your heels did. For whatever reason this is when your heart decides to remind you how absolutely spellbound you are by him. He takes a turn around an endcap of Little Debbies to find Dean, and you float right after him, orbited by cartoon hearts.
Maybe that’s intentional on Sam’s part, since you forget all about money and budgets right up until you’re staring down the row of smudged freezer doors. Dean’s already hefting his tub of cherry garcia overhead when you approach, and after a lot of fake stadium-cheering and whooping, he free-throws it with a perfect swish into Sam’s basket. Then, he slides aside and unveils the mini-mart’s slim selection of ice creams to you. Unfortunately, you’ve been trained from birth to think Dean’s funny, so you bite down on your cheek-aching grin and take a look.
“I dunno…” you say, even though you’ve already come this far. The math is starting to stack in your head. One tub is fine, but one for each of you builds up, and that cuts into real food money and motel money and gas money and—
“How about this,” Sam interrupts your mounting anxiety, voice smooth and anticipatory. “Dean gets his and then you and I get one to share. Sound good?”
You thank him with a small smile, imagining the face he’d make if you yanked him down by the lapels and kissed him for knowing you so well. Sam was a great kisser.
“That’d be perfect.”
Instead of going for your favorite, you swipe the dairy-free cookies and cream.
Dean shoos Sam further down the aisle, and his brother props up the basket like a hoop and starts serpentining between the frozen pizzas, the two of them beaming like rowdy middle school boys. You turn your tub over in your hand and line up your shot. Dean’s taunting and pinching is ultimately fruitless—the victory grin is already comfortable on your face when your ice cream swishes flawlessly into Sam’s basket. Sam whoops.
“Not bad, Slayer,” Dean approves. He gives your shoulder a playful budge, and you budge him right back on the way to the registers.
With your bad mood successfully thawed, you’re easy to distract while Dean sneaks away to (hopefully) pay for your plunder. One minute you’re in line with them, and in the next Sam is coaxing you away to poke around the value movie bin, hypnotizing you with a few well-placed, dimply grins. You forget altogether that ice cream costs money. You’re only just remembering what money is when Dean reappears, shoving a receipt in his pocket and jabbing a thumb toward the bakery.
“Cashier lady said they got spoons over there,” Dean explained.
You paused. “Don’t we have, like, a gazillion in the car?”
“You mean the car with the heater that takes ten years to start?” Dean sassed back, which instantly dissolved into one of his cheesy, goading grins. He started to rifle through the grocery bag for his flavor, half-walking and half-wrestling with it. “We’ll eat in here. Don’t worry about it.”
Somehow, you didn’t worry about it. Dean cracked jokes about adult freedoms and whole sleeves of raw cookie dough, Sam rubbed his belly like just the thought made him nauseous, and you giggled at every little thing they did. You were still laughing when Sam parked you by one of the bakery’s vents, the two of you crowded close to get as much warm bread fog as possible. Dean went over and bartered for three plastic spoons. The whole time he stole glances at you loudly giggling with his brother, and patted himself on the back for his job well done.
Dean wiggled closer to you both to be under the warmth of the vent. Now equipped with a way to get this ice cream into your ice-cream-ready belly, you borrowed Sam’s pocket knife to shred the plastic seperating you from your treasure. There wasn’t really a contactless way to hold the tub between you both. While Dean ravaged his cherry garcia, you and Sam tried, and failed, to preserve your personal space, only to lazily gravitate closer to each other with the first glorious spoonfuls of cookie-dough. The first bite balmed your sore throat and your sensitive burns. It was sweeter than you were expecting for dairy-free ice cream, but the surprise was welcome.
Dean stabbed his spoon into his cherry garcia. Then, he gave you another welcome surprise. He dropped his hand in your hair, smoothing it back, and asked around a mouthful of cherry flavoring, “Good?”
You couldn’t help but beam. “Yeah. I’m good.”
The next step in your investigation, naturally, was to break into a government warehouse, slip past security undetected, and hopefully learn something useful from the wreckage without being caught. No amount of ice cream could make that easy, but you couldn’t let your anxiety get in the way. The heart attacks you had showing your fake badge to the security guards were nausea-inducing, but the overpowering psychic weight of a disaster this fatal was going to be a thousand times worse. You steeled yourself.
Before you’d been a hunter, you’d come from a long line of spiritualists and occultists who made death their livelihood. They communicated with the spirit world, they studied life after death, they made the passing of old souls easier. Even before your Gift opened up you’d had similar connections to death. Beth, eyes gleaming with pride, used to tell stories about you at four, talking to the darkness of the attic’s crawlspace like there was someone there. Dean got head to toe heebie-jeebies when you brought that up, but a connection to the other side at such a young age was a Proctor mark of pride. The first time you’d ever seen an apparition had been celebrated as a milestone of womanhood. Death was your older sister, so you shouldn’t have been afraid of her.
You’d sensed her just a few miles out from the warehouse. It was gentle at first, seeping into your ears like a shift in air pressure, then gradually filling up your other senses. But over two hundred real living people—people who loved and were loved like you loved Sam and Dean—had died in that crash, so in no time you were squeezing your eyes shut and plugging your nose in the backseat. You felt Death every day in small doses. In Sam, restlessly watching the ceiling of your rooms at night, in your motorcycle, in the graves you dug up and the homes you questioned civilians in. Your sister sat beside you in the back of the Impala every day.
But two hundred whole people. You dug the nails of your right fist into your palm until it burned, thinking, desperately, about ice cream.
The closer you came to the scene, the more overwhelming the sense of death became. You were almost swaying on your feet flashing your badge at the security desk, who, of course, have to remind everyone of how useless you are.
“FBI? Don’t you guys usually work in pairs?”
Sam gave a tight smile. “She’s our aircraft specialist, thank you.”
A security clerk from the main office drove you out to the right hangar on a golf cart. Dean laid his action movie smolder a bit thick on the guy, but he at least could’ve passed as a trainee. By comparison, Sam at twenty-two and you at twenty-four were round-faced babies, too young to play agents on TV, nevermind in real life. The two of you squished together on the back bench of the cart and sat ramrod straight the whole ride, refusing to turn around. The less people who could remember your faces, the better.
When the warehouse was unlocked and the three of you were inside, your sister struck.
There was so much death. Great mouthfuls, lungfuls, chestfuls of it in the air, diffusing through your nose every time you breathed. You gagged on the psychic taste of it until your eyes watered.
A smarter person would’ve stayed in the safe bubble between Sam and Dean, but you’re done being babied. You break ranks the first chance you get. While the boys take slow steps around the perimeter of the wreckage, you gravitate toward the split-open center of the fuselage. All that remains of the plane’s body are a few rows of seating, gutted curves of scrap, and long tangles of roasted wires. There was so little left that you had room to walk through the middle, down the same path the passengers had taken to board.
When the ringing in your ears was too loud to hear over and you felt like a massive fist had closed around your chest, you stopped. Reached out. Felt, beyond the veil, the mark of the thing that had done this. It hung over this warehouse like a funeral shroud, but you felt it first through its spider web, which kept the last impressions of over two-hundred different people tethered to this place by invisible strands. None of the people—the spirits from the crash had manifested yet, but every living thing left an impression of itself behind. A footprint.
You pulled at different strands of the spider’s web for a while, sorting through the last memories of those on the plane for something useful. It was just as terrible as you’d expect. Mothers held their children, husbands clutched their wives, everyone wailed and screamed. This many people should’ve made up a whole nebula of different feelings, but instead you sensed just one: absolute, incalculable terror. With every passing moment the fear pressed in closer, but you ignored it. You pushed yourself deeper. Max Jaffey gasped into his oxygen mask. The seat in front of him was empty, and he was looking at someone—you reached and reached—across the aisle, a man sobbed and pressed his girlfriend’s trembling hand into his heart—you were going to die you were all going to die—
You’re ripped out of the swarm of memories.
For the millionth fucking time, you come out of the vision on your ass with the boys hovering over you. You’re slow to remember where you are and what’s going on, but the shame is there waiting for you, like always.
“—okay, just breathe, you’re okay—” Sam is telling you, soft and unbelievably patient, considering the number of times he’s had to do this.
His heart is full-on pounding like it’s gonna punch right out of his chest, and you wonder why you know that until you glance down. He’s got your wrist fished in his hand, pressing your palm to flat to the crisp chest of his suit, and it’s just plain embarrassing at this point how much it pulls you back to earth. Your dignity wants you to rip yourself away from him, but, luckily, Dean does it for you. He pushes Sam back and kicks a box of wires neatly between you, just in time for his premonition to come true: your twisting stomach makes its move, and you promptly throw up into the box like a sick toddler in a ball pit. Dean could always tell.
“Touchdown,” he winces.
This is it. You’ve reached the final level of humiliation you can stand. No matter how hard you try, every pathetic dive you’ve made to be useful to the Winchesters has ended with your face in the mud. You can’t even wipe your face right. Sam ends up doing it for you with his sleeve, and sighs, out loud, just to add insult to injury: “Poor baby.”
PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA - Dec. 3rd, evening.
Two hours later, you’re back in the motel, sitting criss-cross at the end of Dean’s bed and contemplating what color you’re going to dye your hair. You’ve already landed on what your new legal name will be—Elizabeth Ripley. Elizabeth as in Pride and Prejudice and Ripley as in Alien. Sam would appreciate a Jane Austen reference and Dean would appreciate anything Alien related, so everyone would be happy.
You’re not sure where this plan to change your name and face came from. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that, after you gracefully threw up everywhere and failed to learn anything new about the case, the real FBI showed up. Like. Real, gun-slinging, tie-wearing FBI agents. And they may or may not have chased you out of the warehouse. (Which you would’ve seen coming, by the way, if you hadn’t royally exhausted your powers). Just in case all that was enough—while you were off being useless, Sam and Dean got a potential sample from your mystery monster. An actual workable lead.
Fucking great.
The two of them are deciding what to do with you. If you were to look beyond the lens of your self-hatred for a moment, it’s more likely that the boys are worried about you and trying to figure this out. But you feel embarrassed and gross and unhelpful, so you strain to pick up every word you can and glare a new hole into the wall. They’re going to tell you to stay behind. Well that, at least, is something you can beat them to.
Ever since you were little, the three of you had a very special rhythm together. Sam was the mind and Dean was the heart and you were the subconscious. Each of you was important, and though you could work on your own, you were so, so much better as a system. With you sending out fucked-up signals, the two of them would be down a crucial piece.
Whatever. They’d probably function just fine without you on this one.
Of course, Dean sics his little peacekeeper on you. The door clicks open. You smear the last of your frustrated tears on your sleeve and talk before Sam can say anything: “Hey, is it okay if you guys take that sample to Jerry without me? It’d probably be good for us to get a leg up on research, and you guys don’t exactly need me there.”
Sam comes toward you, his voice extra soft and placating. Since, y’know, you’re a shitty timebomb that needs to be handled with kid gloves. “...Alright. That’s a good idea. That’d help out a lot.”
He says that specifically because he knows you feel unhelpful. He gives you those dewy, understanding Sam eyes and puts his big Sam hand on your shoulder, and all it does is piss you off. You hate how easily he can read you, and how much you want to listen to him. None of this should be such a big fucking deal. You’re twenty-four—you should have a handle on your Gift by now. Sam’s been back at this for, what? Two months? Nobody’s treating him like he can’t handle the pressure. He’s not being haunted by visions twenty-four-fucking-seven or dealing with stupid burns or—or being creeped on by random hunters! Or throwing up at crime scenes!
Your eyes start to burn. You glare harder at the wall, and force yourself not to take this out on him.
Sam’s hand goes to move off your shoulder, but something changes his mind and he keeps it there for another lingering moment. “Look at me a second.”
You force yourself to look at his face. As mad as you are, the boy-crazy teenage girl in your head gets one look at him and squeals into her pillow.
“Go easy on yourself,” he says, softer than before. “Really. Nobody’s built for this kind of thing.”
You want to scream. Me! I am! I’m built for this! But you’re not a teenager anymore, so you compose yourself, sigh, and tell him, “...I’ll try.”
Instead of getting up, Sam stares at you for a long beat. There’s something in his eyes you can’t describe, and his hand is still on your shoulder, tethering the two of you to each other. Your mental teenage girl is about to succumb to romantic psychosis when Sam’s greenish eyes find something else to look at, and he passes you something from his pocket.
He mutters something like feel better and gets up, leaving you with a shard of metal about as long as one of your fingers. He doesn’t explain what it is to you. He doesn’t tell you what to do with it. Because you’re a hunter, dammit, and Sam knows you can handle yourself. His warm, calloused palm slips off your shoulder and you get the impression that he was never using any kid gloves with you to begin with.
Sam leaves. You stare at the shard as the Impala slinks out of the parking lot. Just by touch, you know it’s a piece of flight 2485’s fuselage.
…You do as Sam asked, and go easy on yourself. After a shower, a little teeth-brushing, and a lot of mints, you’re feeling way less gross and a lot more like a hunter. The whole time you pour through research on your laptop, you rub the shard of flight 2485 between your fingers and sort through what this thing could be. Inhuman strength. Uses a vessel. Black eyes. Black smoke.
Nobody’s built for this kind of thing, Sam had said, and he’d been wrong. You’d been honing this Gift before you’d even known you’d had it. Most of your life had been spent learning every kind of divination under the sun, so there was no way this thing could hide from you.
You started easy, reading the shard through psychometry. The nauseous feeling rose up inside you again, and again, you heeded Sam’s warning and chose to push away from it. You tried numerology, which felt like a push in the right direction; 2458 wasn’t relevant, and though 7 survivors could mean something interesting (luck, the union of the physical and the spiritual, yadda yadda), your gut told you it was something else. The plane crashed 40 minutes in. Biblical numerology, maybe? Promising. But also potentially terrifying.
When your bone casting read felt flat and uninspired, you defaulted to the simplest method you could think of. Tarot.
The first time you’d seen an apparition, your mom had scooped you up into a massive hug and paraded you around the house, declaring to the spirits of the underworld that a new heavyweight champ had entered the ring. (This became a lot funnier the older you got). You were bought ice cream and root beer and told in a thousand ways, subtle and unsubtle, that this was a good thing. One of the ways Beth convinced you was with her childhood tarot deck, which she’d gifted you that day.
You turned the cards over in your hands, imbuing the worn-smooth texture of the paper with the feelings from your vision. The first card you pulled was done on nothing but pure instinct. And the second. By the third, you shuffled the deck as thoroughly as possible, but the answer was still the same every single time. You’d never pulled the same exact card three times. All at once, things pulled together—the overwhelming sense of evil, the human host, the numerology, the way it sucked up death like a goddamn sponge—no survivors, it’d said on the EVP. Holy shit.
You were dialing Dean’s number the second you set the card down. He answered on the second ring, and spoke at the exact same time as you—
“It’s a demon."
Underneath the illustration were two blemished words. The Devil.
tags: @samssluttybangs @cookiemumster1 @lacilou @cevans-winchester @leigh70 @seraphimluxe @emily-roberts @emme-looouou @aloneatpeace @williamstop @ornella0910 @chaoticshepardplaid @dakota-dream @lcvecstiel @goghkiss @spnexploration @stoneyggirl2 @urm0mmmbbg @mulattomoonn
NEXT PART: phantom traveler, p.3.
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nextstopwonderland · 10 months
Masterlist of Bryan Danielson content I've posted Part 1
BCC/Bryanmox related content & links to other masterlists
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(Original post)
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(Original post)
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(Original post)
Video clips
Bryan Danielson puts over Orange Cassidy during the Forbidden Door II press conference
“Is that real leather?”
“I don’t put myself in high energy situations because I don’t enjoy necessarily frenetic energy” - Bryan Danielson on the outlet wrestling provides
Daniel Bryan calls out Raw for not showcasing women
Bryan Danielson doing a promo in a makeshift crop top while stroking his “sexy beard”
Bryan on Eddie Kingston
Best moments on Rampage compilation by TNT
AWS promo - April 30, 2005
A wild Bryan Danielson appears at Starrcast
Bryan puts over Ricky Starks at the All Out 2023 media scrum
Full match: Bryan/ZSJ round 1
“Who’s overrated now??”
Bryan sells his ass (no, he really does)
“Let’s talk about the illusion of free will”
Bryan and Paul London dolphin pod promo
Bryan + Henry’s Gym
Bryan and Brie
Bryan + Blue Panther (includes screenshots)
“I am going to break your arm. I am going to break your right arm and you’ll never be able to do the rainmaker again.”
“I haven’t done a cartwheel in a long time”
“I’m not what?”
Bryan’s commentary promo vs Eddie
Bryan’s pre-match promo vs Eddie
Bryan’s post-match promo vs Eddie
“Oh, I’m on!!”
“I just wanted to subdue him a little”
“My wife and I joke we could turn it into a gimmick”
“That makes me feel alive”
“Put your cameras down, wink wink”
“I can feel the end coming”
“My brain is so focused on wrestling”
“So at what point am I deceiving myself?”
“Im beat up, but happy”
Dragon grr’s, but is merely adorable
WK slow-mo vid
Daniel Bryan + Muppets
Bryan addresses Eddie
Random ROH WRD clip
Bryan is superstitious of a cat
Bryan on his history with Eddie
“I should have given him my respect a long time ago” - Bryan and Eddie, post-revolution
“Because I know what I’m willing to do.”
“Blue Panther has been my favorite luchador since I was 15”
Bryan gets his hair braided in Arena Mexico
“You said you wanted to introduce me to proper Lucha libre.”
Wrestling to me has never been about proving I’m better than anyone else.”
Bryan returns to Mexico City
“My heaven will be standing in a wrestling ring bleeding in front of all of you”
Video compilations/edits
Bryan Danielson sings boy bands
HEY (EW) supercut
Bryan I don’t like frenetic energy Danielson being unhinged
Ring of honor compilation
Bryan’s got legs and he knows how to use ‘em (fanvid set to legs by ZZ Top)
Supercut of Bryan/ZSJ round 2
Wrestling road diaries supercut
“I may suck. I am opening to sucking” - 4 min and 33 seconds of why we should be thankful for Bryan Danielson’s existence
“He's trying to shake my hand, but we're not friends” - Bryan and Eddie in roh (plus some Nigel in the background)
Bryan + Will + doctors post-dynasty
The I have till 5 edits
Bryan has till 5 (a fanvid/fancam set to he’s a rebel & also a scaled down edit)
Bryan and his opponents still have till 5
Bryan and even more of his opponents have till 5
Audio clips
Robin Tran thanks Bryan Danielson for inspiring her to come out as transgender
Part 2
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what do you like doing in your free time?
why is your name clenched buttocks (I wanna know the reason, pls its so funny lol)
what are things you're good at? (own it babe) (and i don't mean 'babe' in a weird way - just gotta clear that lol)
do you have a best friend?
do you write OG stories and/or fanfics?
one thing you hate about yourself
one thing you love about yourself
do you want a pet? if so, what pet and why
(pls at this rate, its sounding like an interview, so sorry 😂 i'm just...i have a lot of time in my hands and i decided to do this for no particular reason)
fave type of music?
what made you like bsd? and did you always like it? (cause for me, i didnt like it too much at first but it grew on me the second time around)
have you read the bsd light novels and what's your fave light novel if yes?
any pet peeves?
what's your 'ideal' partner (do you have a type like Kunikida or are you fine with anything as long as you're having fun)
Would you rather be single and rich or taken and with a normal salary?
are you happy with where you work/study?
what's your dream career?
what's the app you use the most?
would you rather draw or write?
*** (P.S just pick the ones you want to answer) **
i think im going to look like a weirdo asking so much questions but whatever. at least we dont know each other HAHA i hope you have a good day. <3 and also i love your analyses. just keep posting what you like. i find some of your posts funny lol
good day.
(# you asked and i delivered) (# just me looking for an excuse to use this line) (# cause you said you wanted more questions in your other post TT) (# also ik this isn't a real tag but i wanna be ✨creative) (# fan behavior? idk anymore lmao) okay bye mwa <3
i have no free time. I either overwork myself or sleep. however, assuming that i've got a sliver of time to do something, I swap from one obsession to the next <3 rn it's going for insanely long bike rides and turn down every road I feel like until I'm lost,, and going to the gym like an absolute maniac bc i want my arms to be the size of a regular adult's legs
my username is what i desire in life. it is was I strive to be worthy of. it is beauty and life itself, it is the culmination of the universe's most wonderous accomplishments all squished into two raging enormous, gargantuan muscular earth shattering sea trembling ass cheeks 😩😩 (BUT in all seriousness I chose this bc I felt like having tecchousthiccthighs wasn't quite as pleasant??? eheheh buttocks is a funny word)
MY TALENT IS SAYING ANYTHING THAT CROSSES MY MIND TO STRANGERS i've been on this spree lately where I just straight up call anyone pretty when I run into them and HOLY MOLY PPL ARE SO CUTE ABT IT this is your sign to compliment someone today ✨✨ but nah baby i'm good at everything it's a curse ngl (U CAN CALL ME WTV HUN IT'S OK KJKDJFKJS UR SO ADORABLE WHAT)
no best friend bc i can't do commitment and bully friends that get too close to me 😍😍 BUT i'm gonna tag @bellyjellyfish for being my one and only and somehow not hating me thru my unironic "uwu" phase <33
I wrote a 700 page story when I was 12 and it remains unfinished bc I kept rambling and there was no plot 🕴️I love writing but abandon a whole lot of works bc I dream up the rest of the plot and go "oh well why write it now i've been there done that" I DO WRITE FANFICS 👁️👁️ I have a wp account where i wrote a bunch of awful stories and it still stands to this day! (no i will not disclose it don't even try me grr)
I hate how sexy I am 😭😭😭😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I love how sexy I am 😳😳😳😳🥶🥶🥶🥶😜😜😜😜
I WANT A TARANTULA I WANT A TARANTULA I WAS A CHILEAN RED KNEE TARANTULA AND I WANT ONE SO BADLY OMFG I've always liked spiders but the ppl I live with would absolutely kick me out if I got one??? once i live on my own i'm def buying two cages so that whenever I have guests, I just put out the empty cage, hide the real one, and be like "oh no what happened to billy my tarantula, he escaped again :(" just to wreak havoc
fav type of music is classical bc i'm edgy and not like other girls 🤩🤩🤩 something about la campanella just hit so hard when I was like 10 that I have taken it and ran, but I do listen to rnb a lot, never in just one language tho bc sometimes english sucks my d
I liked bsd as soon as I saw ranpo's silhouette in the first episode, I was like "him. I want him 🏃‍♀️" but it was solidified in my head as soon as I saw natsume bc 1) he's hot AF IT'S NOT FAIR I WANT HIM 2) I had been reading his irl works and fell in love, so I started exploring other bsd authors and it introduced me to gogol (i'm so in love with his writing style it's not ok) soooo yeah :)) I started reading bc someone (you know who you are) liked chuuya and I haven't looked back since, tbh it's one of my favs just bc of the characters and their depth
I've read all the light novels I could get my hands on, and I have to say stormbringer FOR THE ONLY, SOLE REASON THAT I AM IN ABSOLUTE LOVE WITH ADAM
pet peeve hmmmm idk??? i'm chill with everything except pickles I hate those mfs, but if I had to chose smth it would be when someone shoves a ship down my throat (it's me i'm bitches go stan satosugu rn)
no ideal partner! I'm aro fyi, but also I feel like I'd be chill with just abt anything?? if u match my energy, we can be partners in chaos and i'll feel understood, and if you don't, I get to learn abt a different kind of lifestyle and get to have someone sane to hold me down (or to corrupt), so either way it's a win. I find culture to be incredibly attractive, speak a language I don't or tell me about a tradition of yours with a wholesome smile and I'd move mountains for you 💖💖 teach me abt something that you're emotionally invested in and an expert, and I'm literally yours <3
haha i don't ever wanna be in a relationship so i'll take being rich,, but honestly it ain't about the money, i'd want to have a normal salary and be taken, but it just ain't my vibe ?? dunno how to explain erm-
app i use most is my local library app bc i'm constantly trying to renew my books that are incredibly close to being overdue 🫡 but nahh i don't use my phone that often it still irks me i'm actually a 60 year old gilf who hates technology and complains abt kids these days
I CAN'T DRAW BUT I ALSO CAN'T WRITE YOU'VE GOT ME AT A DEADLOCK BRO??? if it's which I would rather be GOOD at, i'd say drawing bc imagine thinking abt something and just printing it out on paper??? yall fr got some magical talent omg
WHAT IF WE DO KNOW EACH OTHER THO??? WHAT IF WE'RE ACTUALLY NEIGHBORS??? CHILDHOOD FRIENDS??? YOU NEVER KNOW AND YOU PROBABLY NEVER WILL MUAHAHAHAHA i'm gonna stop now but ty for all your questions and have a wonderful day, darling <33
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snobgoblin · 2 years
Is it just me or does anybody else feel like damon gets credited and praised in the fandom than Jamie? Like I barely see any posts or videos or people talking about Jamie it's always damon that has most of the attention ( like I even saw someone say that Ace's appearance in gorillaz was because of damon when it was literally Jamie's idea like what??? )
Stop feeding Damon's ego! Stop erasing artists! Stop treating Damon like he's a god!
He's better now, for sure, but he used to be awful and he used to treat Jamie horribly and have some serious issues with being a menace, and it sucks to have seen all that go down, and Damon still getting praise
Jamie isnt perfect either but Damon used to be horrible
also try to remember these are real people besides that so like? recognize they have flaws. It's kind of gross the way Damon is praised and I wouldnt wish that on Jamie- just, some normal credit though?? please?
This went off topic but I have a lot of thoughts about this
I feel bad ranting about Damon like that. At the end of the day he's only human. But theres something so real and infuriating about seeing Jamie interviews where it's so obvious Jamie thinks the world of him, and then Damon talks badly about Jamie, just- grr
Jamie is. So humble. But don't take advantage of that by treating him like a doormat. Give credit where credit is due, and the art credit is not to Damon, looking at you wikipedia
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wyverncult · 1 year
copying u. 001 matel gear 002 otasune or whoever else u want to talk about. 003 SNAKE !! or strangelove <3
this took so long to do
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: basic as hell i love SOLID SNAKE though, i love his writing soo much. i also like miller strangelove & otacon. shoutout to amanda for being the only helpful bitch in all of PW though & mantis for looking like that
Least Favorite character: ROSEMARY. sorry. their relationship in 2 made me feel insane
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): IM BASIC... otasune, bbkaz, strangeboss. not favs but i also like fox/gustava & maybe bosselot
Character I find most attractive: genuinely this is hard. probably big mama she's cool as fuck
Character I would marry: raiden should ditch rose and get with a man like me. i don't want to marry him i just think i could treat him better
Character I would be best friends with: let's be real it's probably otacon
A random thought: ^ spent 3 minutes wondering about otacon's love for anime and whether he really liked it or if it was a thing fandom took and ran. i think he does like anime i just also think the whole terrorism thing took over his life for a minute
An unpopular opinion: i dont think rising is bad but i dont think its a masterpiece either. i think its moral is just currently relevant rn 👍
My Canon OTP: strangeboss OF COURSE
My Non-canon OTP: otasune & bbkaz ofc. bbkaz is dubiously canon though so... Schrödinger's canoninity
Most Badass Character: PROBABLY EVA she's just off the shits 99% of the time honestly
Most Epic Villain: i'll be honest even though she didn't get much screentime the boss is the most iconic & her battle was difficult. also made me cry
Pairing I am not a fan of: ......snox, so sorry LOL
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): MGS4 NAOMI. FUCK.
Favourite Friendship: otasune 100% no matter whether what they intended was platonic or romantic i love their partnership the most
Character I most identify with: i mean ill use miller as my icon but i do not identify with or agree with him at all LMAO
Character I wish I could be: UM. NONE. HELP. i WOULD dress like mantis in a heartbeat though.
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: i'd heard about them beforehand but i didnt know who they were until i started playing the game. probably when i got to the Do you think love can bloom? line i was like. was that necessary LOL and thats about when it cemented
My thoughts: GRRR they compliment the other so well. also they seem like pretty bad parents in 4 but i wanted to see more of that and whether it was just everything coming to a crux
What makes me happy about them: i just really appreciate the amount of trust one puts into the other & keeping the one's life in the other's hands. sooo good.
What makes me sad about them: all of mgs4 GRR. i love it it just makes me sad
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: wish there was more than just fluff or philanthropy-era fics
Things I look for in fanfic: post mgs2-era & longer or more seriously-toned fics :]
My wishlist: i wish we got to see between mgs2 and mgs4! that & i wish we got to see more of sunny, maybe in side content, or see otacon post-mgs4 (mgs4 novel is written in past tense but it doesn't exactly count). also someone drew concepts of a co-op game with otacon and snake and i need that in my life
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Mmmmmmm. no clue. i ship snake with weasel sort-of jokingly LMAO
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: HES MY BEST FRIEND HES AWFUL AND I LOVE HIM
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: see above ^ otacon & to an extent weasel
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: OOH. i love his seniorship to raiden & of course i have to mention sunny. thinking about his relationship (or lack of) to big boss and liquid also makes me feel insane though
My unpopular opinion about this character: none off the top of my head!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: normally id want them to put the main protagonist to rest but I'll be honest i DO want another game with snake. that or books about things we havent seen happen. a book written from his pov would be really interesting
Favorite friendship for this character: YOU ALREADY KNOW IT !!! otacon is his lover and best friend
My crossover ship: i don't do crossovers, can't think of any!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: SHE MAKES ME REALLY SAD id really like to see more of her. ellie you and me lets listen to her tapes sometime i haven't finished them
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: need you ask
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: we didn't really see much of it but her relationship with big boss is extremely interesting just by association of the woman they both lost
My unpopular opinion about this character: i can't believe this is an unpopular opinion.. she's a lesbian 🤯 Also i think that her having a child w huey is fucked up on her part but also extremely funny. sorry you got involved strangelove
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: UGH. we should've seen more of her. shes such a background character it is genuinely sad
Favorite friendship for this character: ... this girl has friends? so sorry..
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gavinsmg24 · 1 year
I was pondering on telling the truth here but I will. I got to the pool and it was chained up! Idk if they have an open time of day. I guess 940am is kinda early but idk. Come on! It’s Florida that bitch should be ready as soon as the suns up! Grr I’ll make time for it some day soon princess. And I’m thinking about going to the strawberry festival tmar. By myself but I think it’ll be cool and a good experience for me to be in public by myself. I’m sure I’m not gonna be that extroverted. But I’ll get to follow my own path. It’s a 45 min drive so it’ll be a day. I’ll post while there prolly. Idk what all there is but I’m mainly gonna get strawberry food items lol. But! Onto your words 🥺 you’re so sweet 🥰 the way you talk to me is what I love. Your so! Free! Lovely! I love it. And yes works been bleh lately. The short story of it is I think I mentioned the other FedEx I decided not to go to. We’ll. They basically took more people than they needed/ should’ve taken more volume. But instead now there’s just no people really at our building with about normal volume. Next week I’m doing a different set tho bcuz I told them I was done doing the set I did this week bcuz it was too much. So I’m making them take it easy on me and yes I am searching for other jobs. For starters will just be that Umbrella job with chase. And if I get another with benefits that’s be ideal. But. I appreciate your concern 🙈. Would you massage my achy poor body 👉👈🥺 I want you to be bad and tell daddy you would! I’m kidding! You know you don’t have to do that at all. But bad daddy did want to say tht 😖 heh heh. Hmph to being depressed but hehe to getting better! I hope you find some joy today! Or that it comes to you! And! Awe 🙈 you’d be happy floating with meee I’d love that so much 💘 I love you! See you! Like you!😍
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echoesofadream · 1 year
no literallyyyyy I loved when he was rawr emo boy grr !! but now he is wealth wealth rich Justin Bieber going insane. I guess we should have seen it coming, considering his young debut age and big success ofc hed land in that weird space eventually... aw this Made me kinda sad actually like it was funny being like yucky greasy long haired sweaty gamerboy but actually hes just child labor ptsd crashdown era :(( maybe he can collab with vernon and make a cringey emo song and get motivated to become a rockstar instead of twitch streamer? *have u seen Vernons solo its. its uh im really embarrassed I will forever remember the review a mutual or something posted "the song/mv is like something I made up to make fun of him" lol...) oh my god im getting more and more stressed thinking about jungkook now... even tho im not following him super closely cause yeah I dont have time to watch all those lives cheesus I dont rlly like lives anyway unless theyre special like tea time w hao or jungkook drinking wine or the hilarious bts live the legendary one anyway.... many worries.... also I agree maybe drugs would be good for him? its best to suffer in swagfull ways if u should suffer but I fear he doesnt have enough swag like, technically its swag to be an alcoholic but Liam Payne of one direction is swagless so his alcoholism is cringe so I think maybe jungkook couldn't pull of drug addiction unless he like killed someone maybe or became a girlblogger ? hmm much 2 think about and im sooo tired im gonna sleep now zz goodnight echo -misa ofc
Hi hi good morning misa hope you slept well 💞
wait you’re right. This must be a really confusing time for him because he has everything he could ask for but all his members are doing different stuff and like what should he do? When hes been working for one goal since literally t h i r t e e n y/o literally a CHILD. Like he has strived to be an idol and the best and given everything he has, literally sacrificed his youth. Like i would be so lost. But it seems like maybe he is just chilling. Maybe he should keep the dog…
That said yesssss can he PLEASE make emo music I KNOW hes got it in him, he can make IU-esque ballads also, punk rock indie pop.. but he should become a rockstar.. well whatever he wants i mean i think he just needs direction.. baby boy… AKDJFK thats so funny i think i saw something similar that vernons* lyrics seemed AI generated but yours is even funnier. Yeah good idea. Also no I cant watch his like three hours lives no matter how much i love his voice id rather just listen to decalcomania 1 hour version than all those endless kareoke covers. Hmmm yes all the fics ive read where hes done drugs hes been in like a downward spiral and im afraid theres truth to that, i think he could possibly go overboard also especially if he needs the drugs to do music. And hmm he does seem to be drinking in those lives and idk how to feel about i mean its his life i just mean theres a difference between decadence and suffering artist. Not to self insert on my favorite kpop boy but i think he also has the addiction gene. Maybe he should stick to the dog walks and gym routines for the sake of his wellbeing and maybe just go be a twitch streamer if thats what he needs💔 i feel like hes got so much inside of him to let out but its stifled by the fact that hes a 20 smth (idfk) millionare whos been cut off from the outside world due to being an idol since literal childhood. ok wow this is depressing. :/ i agree he should kill someone, he needs new demons
*playing Sad girl by lana*
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the vlogs been out for over 5 hrs am I allowed to be mad abt it now
#disclaimer. i am not actually mad abt it#i just. started thinkin abt That Fandom™ again and got mad at them#not the vlog tho im sure it was. fine.#i just dont wanna touch it with a 50 foot pole 😌#and like. nothin against that guy or anything. he seems fine. but like.#genuinely? The Worst fandom experience i have ever had in my.... 11 years on the internet. THE WORST#and i was in both superwholock and homestuck. for extended periods of time#and they dont even. COMPARE. to how shitty anf awful the j#s#e#one is. fucking godawful i never want to hear abt it ever again.#grgrgrrhrhrr i didnt wanna make a post abt this but i have nowehre else to talk abt this grr#im in a discord server rn and ive got it muted but it still gives me the lil notif button and jt makes me SO mad#bc ALL theyre doing is talking abt j . s // e and i dont wanna hear it!!! i dont wanna see it!!! but i cant leave the server bc im the one#who MADE the stupid thing !!!! urgh#anyway. didnt think i would have to talk abt that on my new shiny remade blog but like#j s. e fan is one of the biggest red flags for me EVER. dont come near me bestie im never going thru that again#ppl talk shit abt the homestuck fanfom but like. all i ever met were nice supportive people#j . se i posted one (1) thing abt not liking how a suicidal character was portrays#and like 20 people were immediately in my inbox tellin me to kms#and like. best part abt it was 3 of them were from the same person eho forgot to turn on anon#and like. that person was one of my '' friends'' so . lol#most fuckin weirdchamp people ever. dont talk to me . ur disgusting <3#<< ok ill stop being mad bc. that was a lil harsh. but like. even tho i blocked the tag ages ago#i am still seeing untagged shit on my dash bc of the vlog!!! let me be kinda irritated abt it !!!!#i just wanna watch my friend read funnie webcomic and also find nice art for my fuckign wife who is SICK#dont LOOK at me !!!!#sighhhhhh#delete later
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wannabcool-blr · 2 years
Here you go - my thoughts in no particular order
I have so many thoughts and emotions. The episode was so beautiful but also devastating and also made me cry. (I still need time to recover lmao)
I doubt Steven is gone for good (I hope not). He is my favorite. His origin story ie. why there is a Steven broke my heart. Admittedly I’m happy that Steven gave Marc comfort even despite Steven being in control.
Marc went through some tough shit. I can’t even express how much I feel for him. He seriously deserves the world.
And I’ve got some serious beef with Konshu. Homeboy is a manipulative sleeze-ball. And this is me saying so after starting to like him. I adored how Steven is like “he’s been manipulating you from the start”. Yes, yes he has.
And I suspect that Konshu will need to be released to continue the story line like Marc and Steven told the hippo-lady. But knowing him - will he finally free Marc? Idk. I kinda wanna see the comic strip I’ve seen posted everywhere where Konshu dissolves?! And Marc accepts himself?! Idk I think it would be cool to see.
Also - the fact that Marc remembers every person he has killed despite them “deserving” it just goes to show how much he regrets what he did and/or feels terrible about it.
And “laters, gators” meaning breaks my heart. Me and my siblings were very suspicious at the beginning that the person he was talking to was dead. I know that probably sounds like I’m lying but me and my family had full on discussions about it (as you know I haven’t read any of the comics yet).
And I agree with the memes. My man Steven didn’t get to go to the land with the reeds- that he knew all about- grr *angry emoji*
I absolutely and totally adore this show. Oscar Isaac I am a HUGE fan of yours and you are so talented.
Figured I’d admit that I stan Oscar Isaac & yes I continue to be in awe of his acting. ;)
phenomenal just phenomenal
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hornime · 3 years
can we please see the inky 500(nsfw alphabet) for osamu? thank you in advance <333
part of my 500 event! [CLOSED]
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warnings: 18+, gn!reader, uhm idk nothing else i think
a/n: i got so lazy halfway through this like my mind malfunctioned idk what happened to it
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
would you hate me if i said he cooks. because he cooks. and it might suck if you’re cuddly post-sex but whenever the smell of whatever dish he’s making for you wafts through the door, your entire body just relaxes. he sits you in front of him and feeds you >:( GAH perfect man
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
himself: tongue for uhhhhhh,,,,,,, obvious reasons hehe. but cmon. his entire career relies on his sense of taste AND he’s able to make you cum in like under a minute just with his mouth. so yeah. he’s got a bit of ego about it. sue him.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
shamelessly, SHAMELESSLY I SAY, has tasted his own cum. made it a habit because he wanted to make sure it tasted good before he ever got oral. what a gentleman. (yes it tastes good, duh).
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
gives the messiest head. the sloppiest toppy. gets off on seeing your junk just soaked in his saliva like he literally cannot get enough of it. only time he’s a messy eater.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
experienced in vanilla but not w kinky shit HOWEVER he watches/reads the most DEBAUCHED PORN like he has so many suppressed desires pls help this man out <3
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
69. HLEP. pushing the osamu head agenda.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
hm. i’d say that sex w osamu is like more,,,, sexy?? than anything else????? like there is no humor there is only phase one: tearing-the-clothes-off-of-each-other, phase two: fucking-til-you-cry, and then phase three: eating (food is optional).
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
trims them like really well??? like he has special scissors that he read an article about and is so serious about it>??? it takes him like an hour to cut them because he tries to get them all the same length LOL.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he gets so romantic when he’s gonna cum. like turns into this whiny blushy mess talking about how much he loves you and how good you feel.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i already said he’s eaten his own cum but he’s so noisy. atsumu hates him.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
overstimulation: man, he gives oral sex for himself. if he’s not done, he’s not done. don’t rush the man. aw, your legs are shaking? too fucking bad. you can’t breathe, can’t think? suck it up, baby, he’s not finished with his meal.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
just touching your body. he’ll immediately remember what you felt like when you were in bed and well,,,,
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
don’t think he’s the kind of guy that’s into degrading/impact play. he just can’t help but get all soft when he’s with you GRR
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
giving (99%): ...no comment
receiving (1%): i mean he’ll take it but he likes giving more. the reason he likes 69 is because he gives you head til you physically cannot stay upright and like collapse and he lives for that shit.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
slow. takes his time. gotta enjoy what he’s been given to the fullest extent, ya know?
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
once again he takes his time so i don’t really think he’d be into quickies?? but who knows. 
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
yes. he wants to be the sub sometimes. let him.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
one or two. he’s a busy busy man and he gets tired easily. but these are some particularly long rounds so do not be discouraged!
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
yeah, he’ll use toys. nothing too hardcore but like a vibrator or a butt plug? sure, why not.
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’ll go slow but it only feels like teasing to YOU because he gets you all needy. for him it’s just getting started. shoulda known what you were signing up for smh. but he straight up is a teaser, loves making you squirm, cry, beg, the whole shebang, and also loves being teased the same way.
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I ALREADY SAID HE’S SO LOUD THAT ATSUMU HATES HIM SDLKAGHSIOKLDA SORRY THAT’S SO FUNNY TO ME. but he has the LOUDEST moans and whines someone tell him to tone it down 😐
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
man he loves getting dominated. dom this man. show him who’s the boss. it’s you.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
thick n girth just wanna eat it!!!!
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he’s not that horny but if you get him in the mood... you get him in the mood. it’s like a light switch.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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galateagalvanized · 3 years
I saw that post before you deleted it! I SAW IT. But seriously on the subject, I tag stuff DD specifically because of how vanilla the fandom is, and I want to give that extra reminder to check the bloody archive warnings and triple check the tags when anything like mcd, dubcon, or any of my variety of kinks show up. I even feel like I have to tag for stuff like 'no aftercare' or 'no kink negotiation' because of how fluffy and saccharine so much stuff is. And yes i'm on anon because shade, FFTI
HAHA, DAMN, YOU’RE FAST! I’ll admit I didn’t delete it because I was embarrassed—I just thought it was me complaining for no reason, which no one needs to read. But, honestly, it’s good to hear I’m not the only one. I’ve been in fandom for a long time, and this has got to be the most vanilla fandom I’ve ever been in. Yet here we are!! I hope your kinks haven’t brought you too much trouble, and I’m always glad to find another kink author 😏🌶 Maybe I’ll write something actually spicy for TCW soon hahaha.
And a small, probably entirely unnecessary contribution to the dreaded discourse beneath the cut, which is also FFTI.
I think the tag thing bothers me because A) It’s not something that exists outside of fandom. The rating system is used, of course, but it’s not like people are yelling at GRR Martin for not tagging properly. There is no regulatory parallel, no actual universally accepted lines in the sand to reference, which means, B) There’s no limit to what people can ask others to tag for the sake of content warnings. Tagging will always be a weapon in the pockets of antis who are intent on sabotaging a creator’s work, regardless of reason or their virtue-signaling ‘morality’. Plenty of people who tagged more than thoroughly in the SW fandom have gotten death threats for ‘not tagging’… which is hypocrisy in the extreme. I know it’s mainly from people who can’t get positive fandom interaction/influence and have resorted, in their desperation, to these tactics, but it’s still awful.
The dichotomy between the Transformers fandom I just came from—where a fic has to get kinky to the level of, like, “forced domestication, traumatic insemination, and noncon breeding” to get a warning in the tags—and TCW fandom—oh no, they’re in the same command hierarchy, must be dub con (!?!??!?!?!?!?!??)—has just made this insistence that there are universally accepted lists of “required tags” so frankly absurd. I’m not quite at the level of rageprufrock, who doesn’t include any tags at all and who is a beacon of inspiration to me, but I’m holding pretty firm on “I will always use the Archive warnings if they apply; I will always err on the side of caution for the fic rating; I will tag the theme and genre; and that’s all I promise.” That said, I’ve been considering some sort of “not comprehensively tagged” tag to add to everything to attempt to remove a potential weapon, but, well. We’re always hurt more in imagination than in reality, and it’s still my hope that the angry mass of antis is actually just a small handful of loud assholes.
And, as always, everyone is free to completely ignore my works hahaha.
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bioodorange · 4 years
so. i have been thinking. i know you said you wanted drabble ideas, but this is just a thought i had. how would the creeps react to seeing their s/o after a long time away? like, what do they do while they can't see their s/o? when they can see them in-person again, how is it? like, it's been months since they've seen each other and now they get to be together again?! :) (quarantine loneliness has low-key been getting to me lately tbh 😔) - dove anon 🕊️
Please excuse my shitty layout i have no idea how to use tumblr on a computer (thanks ava for letting me use your laptop at work) Also Im gonna include your favorites because you're my favorite.
So Toby is a very clingy person(?)
He craves attention, validation and emotional security
This mans would be a mess without his s/o around
You guys would be apart a lot considering you’d either be a proxy OR a human
You’d be used to him being gone alot because of missions but if it was for more then a week he’d have a hard time
During the time you were gone he’d call you A LOT
And on face time, not just calling or texting
He’d excitedly seggust you stay up all night
Three nights in a row
He would send you his hoodie in the mail or leave it in your room if it was quarentine or something
Would tell you everything about his day and send pictures of the smallest things that reminded him of you
He’d need a lot of support and love on your end
When he finally sees you again no matter your size you’re getting tackled in a hug
Lots of face kisses and nuzzling his face in your chest
He wants to play with your hair, look into your eyes, everything he couldn’t do before
Good luck getting away, this dude plans on keeping you in his lap for as long as he can
Tons of cuddling and him filling you in on absoulutely everything
When he’s done talking he’ll sit there and wait patiently while you tell him all about your life
Will be 100% you changed something about yourself even if you look the exact same
Tim is a grr im too cool for this shit kinda guy
But will melt upon seeing his s/o for the first time in a while
For this I kinda imagine maybe you’d have something outta town?
He would scroll through his phone all the time
Read old texts, look at old photos, hell he’d scroll to the end of your social media timeline
Constantly look at something when you posted
If you had a favorite food or something your favorite show- it’d be weird to him without you though
This dude would get so upset each day he woke up without you
Would call you just to hear your voicemail
Whenever you do have time to talk to him lots of asking if everythings ok
“I’ll come down there if I have to, it’s not a problem”
Just wants to make sure you’re okay as you can be
When you do come back he feels a bit awkward not sure how to express his emotions
Will offer lots of activities to do
Hiking, watching a movie, whatever you’d like
He’d hang around a lot more then he usually does
Wouldn’t be as clingy (physically) as Toby but would keep his arm around you
If he’s in the right mood might even make you breakfast or something
If you’re away for a REALLY long time he’d take picture of pretty views and make them into little postcards to send you
Babes doesn’t know how to express himself
As possesive as this little shit is
Thinks ‘Oh yeah I won’t miss em THAT much’
But thats because he can reach you like anywhere there’s a screen
Once he learns theres no devices allowed (where ever you are I dunno)
Automatically everything changes he’s like “Wait- wait what”
And suddenly he feels emotions
Tries his best to convince you not to go or to tag along 
“Fit me in your suitcase I’m t i n y!”
Will definetely get discouraged when you keep telling him now
This petty bitch would consider the silent treatment
Only consider because you’d be leaving you soon
When you leave he tries to tough it for the first few days
But not having you around REALLY gets to him
Would bug everyone else for attention and shit
When they eventually get tired of his shit he starts plotting
Lets say you were like doing one of those long cross country trips
Where you stay in hostels and shit
This dude would have like a 35 step plan just to show up in your room
and be like “I told you so!” “...Ben how are you gonna get back home?”
Would sulk around at the fact he was kinda dumb
Inbetween laughs you’d comfort him
Spend time with him as much as you could before he had to go back
From there he’d wait around his phone until you had internet to talk
As soon as you get back he hangs around you
When you’re watching TV hes there
Even if you can’t see him
Will NEVER admit how much he missed you
But you both know
So out of all these salty crackers this mother fucker is the saltiest
like so much damn salt the ocean is jealous
sorry I just like bullying Jeff
Anyway! He’d try and get you stay with really shitty tactics
Like he’d take your toothbrush or some shit 
“Aw dam what a shame you cant go anymore, why don’t we go watch some TV”
Dumb potinless arguing like “Why do you h a v e to go, you’re not gonna die. What if I die while you’re gone? How would you feel then hUH!?”
Will sit there sulking as you get ready to go cause he wants to see you leave
As soon as you leave he’s calling and checking in to make sure you’re ok
Would send you texts every morning for you to wake up too 
Would scroll through your social media and accidently do the thing where you like a 5 year old photo
Quickly unlikes it and tosses the phone in the corner 
begone demon!
He’d look through stuff on your desk or maybe a sketch book you left behind
Read old books you like
Just chill in your room all day cause he misses you
Has the day you’re coming back marked on a calendar
When you come back he‘s like “Yeah you’re never leaving again”
Picks you up and takes you to his bed or something
Yeah you guys are sitting there and cuddling until someone dies
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sakuatsutingz · 3 years
Hiya bubbas❤️ i saw the vb player crush one and its so cool!! Can you guys make that, but for Sakusa too? Thanks sm!!
aw well a few things
a. i'm glad you like it !
— brianna <3
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sakusa with a crush who was invited to the all youth training camp
check out our masterlist here
request or talk to us here
find the post w/ astumu and kags here
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you're the setter of the female team at inarizaki
came to the camp with astumu
you were invited to the camp becuase they needed more setters !!
when sakusa first saw you he didn't think much of it
"she's just another girl and another person who i don't want to speak to"
you knew sakusa from interviews and tv
and you knew he was a strong spiker
but there was a lot of talented hitters here, so you didn't think to much of it
but he just seemed to stick out
astumu noticed you pay extra attention to him and would tease the hell out of you for it
"aw does y/n have a crush~"
you just hit him away lol
you originally planned to work with astumu during the camp
but he gets put with komori
so sakusa is now partnerless
you two end up becoming partners !!
sakusa first noticed you because of how respectful you were being
didnt enter his personal space
didn't try to touch him in anyway
respected his boundaries to make him comfy
his is the first time he rlly noticed you
it was like the little butterfly moment he felt
but he was good at hiding it
also v impressed with your sets !!
you guys ended up hanging out outside of just the volleyball court
komori and astumu both notice smths different
like ya'll a c t different with each other
sakusa would ask you when you were leaving the camp
called you away from astumu and just was like
"i like you a lot ... and i think you feel the same? unless i read it wrong, but i still want to ask - do you want to go out?"
he's so sweet about it as well
like no pressure at all to accept
i feel like his tell would be that he's picking at his nails or just general hand fidgeting
you light up, smiley and all, quickly accepting the offer
it felt awkward for a moment
but then he hugs you !!
HUGS !! YOU !!
how to be y/n
it was the first time you guys actually had this type of contact
you became a blushing mess lol
astumu would always tease you for it
"y/n, did you get in a fight with a tomato? you're so red, makes me think your about to combust"
leave her alone astumu she just got the man of her dreams 🙄
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The girl next door - About plumbing
The Girl Next Door - Chapter 3 ABOUT PLUMBING*
<Chap 2 | Chap 4>
Summary: What do you do when your shower stops working after one very hot, sweaty run with your cute neighbour? Lizz finds out. 
Word count: 3.521
Warnings: smut alert, f- and m- receiving oral and bit of healthy (dwarvish) competition
Author’s note: SO. I wanted to pace this story and post every few days. But guess what? It’s friggin’ hot and I couldn’t sleep and..I may have written well into the night, finishing not only this chapter..but like..the next one too? Gosh I’m an incorrigible night owl.   
(Link to my Masterlist)
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‘Come on foxy! Keep up!’ Henry barely sounded out of breath as he trodded up the hill, a heavily panting Lizz not far behind.
As promised the two of them were going on a run, the morning still slightly chilly as the world around them slowly woke up after the stormy night that had forced Lizz to stay over at Henry’s place.
Lizz hadn’t caught much sleep that night, mulling over what to do about her ex-boyfriend..or did he still consider himself her boyfriend? Luis. And then there was Henry, this cute neighbour that stood at the ready for her every beck and call. A ridiculously cute neighbour, have you there. Henry, Henry, Henry. It took Lizz a lot of perseverance and innocent thoughts before she finally could stop asking herself the question: Is he big..everywhere?  
Henry hadn’t slept much either, his mind occupied with the fact his cute neighbour was laying downstairs on his couch and, as they had talked until deep into the night, he felt like their insidious teasing should either come to a full stop or a full go. A full go meaning she definitely wouldn’t be laying on that couch right now. Henry tossed and turned, his hands travelling where they shouldn’t. Eventually he had willed himself to sleep, afraid to awaken her, or even worse, get caught, if he gave in to his bodily needs. 
It made for this morning run to be particularly..exciting, for the both of them, even though neither one of them dared to admit their thoughts and midnight trepidations to one another.
Lizz growled while she finally made it over the hilltop, her breath short and raspy. ‘You just wait! ..We dwarves are natural sprinters! ..Very dangerous over short distances!’
Henry laughed aloud, turning around and tiptoeing backwards as he smiled from ear to ear.
‘Perhaps if you’d grow out your beard that’d work. But for now, it looks like foxy needs a bit of practise.’ Henry winked, making Lizz even more eager to beat him, her feet speeding up just enough so she could run past Henry, his body spinning to follow her lead. It was then her eye picked up the silhouettes of their houses just a few hundred meters away.
‘Last one home is a green pig!’ Lizz shouted, her tired legs kicking into gear, making Henry reel his head in confusion.
‘Oi! Wait up!’ He shouted after her, somewhat surprised at the sudden speed she was going at. Thankfully for him, it wasn’t long before Lizz was totally out of breath, her head red like a tomato as Henry finally managed to surpass her.
Reaching out his arms in victory he laughed, his legs slowing down to a walk before halting next to Lizz’s garden.
Both too out of breath to talk - Lizz near folding over with exertion - they stood there for a good moment, panting. Henry was the first to get his breath back, his chest reverberating with a chuckle. ‘You nearly got me there.’
‘Nearly.’ She panted, laughing through her short puffs.
‘Well, fair game foxy. Fair game. And thanks for joining me.’ He smiled, still panting softly. ‘’Twas good fun. See you at tea time?’
Lizz could only nod, her tied up red hair and red face a perfect match, her body still wrecked by her heavy panting. It took a good moment before she could manage to look up, her eyes just catching the last glimpse of Henry in his running shorts and simple grey tee. ‘Fuck me. Superman is fast.’ She muttered under her breath, quietly enough for Henry not to hear while he jogged back to his house.
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*A few blinks of the eye later.*
Fumbling hands turned on the faucet nobs with increased worry.
‘Oh no. Oh no. No no. Not now.’
Lizz continued to turn on the nobs, but no more water came, the shower head dripping its last few, sacred drops.
’NOO…oh man. Why…’ She groaned, slowly blinking, some shampoo prickling her eyes as she tried to look at the handles. Nothing seemed wrong or out of the ordinary. ‘Oh please shower gods! Give me WATER!’ She pleaded, stretching her hands up in the air.
It almost seemed ironic, after half the house had practically drowned in the storm from last night.
But alas, Lizz was quick to decide she was not going to have this fight with her house right now, and instead she stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a large towel and slipping into her fluffy slippers.
Her hands moved to her sink, but also here the faucet wouldn’t give water.
Could she just..let the shampoo dry and wash it off later?
Blinking her shampoo-tearing eyes, she decided that was a truly awful idea.
Moving to her bedroom - the floor, walls and bed still wet from the down pour from last night - she grabbed her phone from the sidetable, not hesitating a moment to call in for another favour from her friendly neighbourhood superman.
It only took a few rings before the superhero in question answered, his warm baritone voice greeting her with a tone of amusement.
‘Miss me already?’
‘Hen…No…Ehm..Okay. Here’s the thing. I think my house is cursed and the water gods have a bet running against me.’
‘I’m listening.’ He chuckled.
‘So, maybe I was showering and ..maybe the shower stopped working in the middle of me shampooing my hair? Just maybe?’ Lizz bit her lip, hoping Henry would at least lend her a bucket of hot water or something. Anything was better than the pots and pans with dirty, murky rainwater that were standing around in her house.
‘Hmm. Sounds like a problematic situation.’ He agreed, not giving her the pleasure of immediately offering her the use of his shower.
‘What do you want me to do about it, neighbour?’ He was obviously teasing her and she wished she could just poke his shoulder right now.
Darn him!
‘Well I don’t know. Maybe lend me your garden hose? Or invite me for an impromptu water balloon fight?’ She sniffled. Something about talking to Henry made her feel particularly eager to tease and joke.
‘Hmm..’tis that I do not have any water balloons laying around, and I have no idea whether I even have such a thing as a garden hose at my disposal. Would a hot inviting shower be okay, however?’
‘YES. Oh yes. Yes please. Can I come over?’
‘Sure thing love.’
The word had come out of his mouth faster than he could help it. And he was glad she couldn’t see him right now, his face frozen with horror as he realised he just called her “love”, his fingers fumbling to end the call. His sweet neighbour friend. Oh gods. What did he do? And now she was coming over …and..
*knock knock*
He didn’t even think twice about opening the door, his mind still scolding himself for being so forward with Lizz.
It made for the next moment to be even more interesting for the both of them.
‘OH.’ Lizz’s eyes near popped out of their sockets as a very topless Henry swung open his front door.
Henry looked down, realising THAT was probably even worse then calling her “love”, his mouth falling open in a futile attempt to apologise, but failing miserably.
‘I eh..’ He made a face as Lizz started to blush profusely, his eyes now accidentally drifting down her soaking wet, towel clad body. Had she really just walked up to his house in nothing but a towel? Well at least it meant the both of them were complete idiots.
He couldn’t wait for the snarky comments of their other neighbour, Mrs. Gatter.
Noticing his eyes first sliding down her body, then moving towards Mrs. Gatter’s house, made Lizz realise what he was thinking.
‘Oh gods.’ She gasped in horror, looking over her shoulder at the other house, her face becoming even more red.
‘Yes.’ Henry quickly pulled her inside, forgoing all Corona protocol as his hand slipped around her wrist, his other arm quick to close the door behind them.
Suddenly they were very close.
Breath to breath, eye to eye. 
And definitely, definitely not the required 2 meters, Henry’s chest blocking Lizz’s way into the hall.
Stumbling back she crashed against the wall, yelping in surprise as she hit a few photo frames, her body spinning so her hands could quickly steady the frames before they fell off.
And then…it slipped.
Her towel slipped.
Henry stared in quiet awe as the big white towel fell down to the floor, Lizz’s body now stark naked, her skin still glistening and soaped from her unfinished shower.
Milky, soft, luscious. And that tush. Gosh. Even in his wildest dreams he hadn’t thought of this.
Lizz choked on her thoughts as she looked down at the towel at her feet. Oh no, it wasn’t Mrs. Gatter she had on her mind right now, her doe eyes looking over her shoulder at Henry, his breath now much more heavy than it had been during their entire run this morning.
Now what?
It was a question they both mulled over in their heads, their eyes slowly tracing down each others bodies.
His gym hardened, bulking physique.
Her soft feminine body with its luscious curves.
And then their eyes met, both hesitant, yet unapologetic about their obvious stares. Neither one looking away from the other. 
‘Oh fuck it.’ Lizz muttered, deciding upon their faith, her body quick to press against Henry as she reached for him, pulling his face down in an almost aggressive kiss. Henry growled against her lips, immediately agreeing to the turn of events, slipping his hands through her shampoo lathered hair, locking her head just where he wanted it. Close to his lips.
‘Fmmck.’ He muttered under his breath, walking backwards and pulling Lizz with him, her hands now grasping for his biceps and her throaty keens muted by their hungry kisses.
Not breaking away from her once, Henry started to reach for one of the doors further down the hallway, his eyes half hoodedly checking out Lizz as he managed to lure her into his bathroom, his hand flicking the light switch so they wouldn’t stand here in the dark.  
This was too good to be true.
This was too good to be true.
Lizz was the first to pull back, her eyes dark with lust and a breathy grin etched on her face. She wanted to speak, but decided against it, both their chests heaving with excitement.
This was no time to speak.
Oh no.
This was..
Her hand slipped down Henry’s chest, following the happy trail of dark curls that led her down his abs to.. Her hand hesitating before she finally looked down.
Well that answered her question.
Her eyes halted at the very obvious tent in Henry’s shorts, her hand pausing just below his navel. Henry noticed and moved his hand to tilt her face back up at him, looking deep into her eyes.  
‘Lizz..’ He hummed, like her name was some type of enchantment, his fingers delicately tracing down her neck, down her collarbone, near whispering over her breasts.
‘Fuck.’ Lizz cried softly, tilting her head back as his touch was more than just welcome. It was what she craved.
Touch. Sweet, sweet touch.
Henry’s fingertips danced over her skin until they reached her nipples, his thumbs rubbing them to wanton peaks, not long after followed by his mouth as he ducked down, his tongue lavishly twirling over them as his hands became more demanding, groping and moulding her soft flesh.
Lizz tangled her hands in his curly hair and let her lust hazed eyes dance around the room.
White walls and dove grey floor tiles with on one end of the wall a large modern sink with a mirror and at the opposing wall a spacious walk-in shower. Oh mother have mercy. This was…mmm!…
This was too good to be true.
‘Shower?’ Henry breathed, getting up to standing height as he quirked up an eyebrow. Lizz playfully bit her lip and nodded.
‘Hmm.’ Henry moaned as he interlocked his lips with hers again - he was one noisy lover -, his hands now travelling down and, with the greatest ease, lifting up her hips so he could carry the both of them into the shower. Lizz gasped softly - never had a man carried her around like that -, quickly wrapping her legs around his hip to steady herself.
It was in that moment she realised how very clothed he still was down there, the constricting fabric of his shorts rubbing against her sensitive folds. She keened softly as Henry lifted her up even higher, breaking that contact, one of his arms wrapping around her lower back while the other moved to turn on the shower.
She was now placed high enough on his hip so he could kiss down her neck and the top of her chest, suckling the skin there as he waited for the water to slowly heat up, his free hand now squeezing her buttocks. Lizz didn’t know what to do with herself, her need muddling her brain to incoherent thoughts and her mouth to whimpering moans.
Desperately she kept pulling at his soft, slightly sweaty curls, tilting her head back, near floating in the air and giving in to Henry’s sweet administrations.
Sweet administrations that were a stark contrast to his sounds. Raw and animalistic. He’s a growler, Lizz smiled, biting her lip again as Henry’s chest reverberated with another deep moan.
So hot.
Henry nipped a trail back up, breathing hotly in her ear; ’Close your eyes.’
Before Lizz could fully register what he was doing, she felt the back of her head being dipped under the warm stream of the shower, one of Henry’s arms still supporting her lower back, while the other moved to support her head. She jolted in surprise, her hands quick to grasp at his shoulders, her nails leaving tiny crescent shaped marks in his flesh.
Henry chuckled, not in the least bit impressed by her feisty claws.
‘Easy.’ He warned her, allowing Lizz to relax back into his arms, the shampoo in her hair now slowly washing out of her auburn locks.
‘Sorry,’ She squealed, a nervous chuckle bubbling up in her chest.
It wasn’t everyday a man’d pick her up and waltz her into his shower to wash her hair. And sure, Henry LOOKED strong, but Lizz was not yet fully trusting of his capability to keep her up while manoeuvring around in a slippery shower. No amount of superman muscles can win from a poorly placed bit of soap, right?
‘Put..put me down,’ She finally hiccuped, her soft plea nearly drowned out by the falling water. Henry didn’t miss it however, without question putting her down and cupping her cheek again, a concerned look spread across his features.
Gosh, he was way too sweet for her.
‘You okay?’ He asked, gazing into her eyes. Lizz shook her head, unbelieving, a soft chuckle bursting from her lips.
‘Oh Henry.’ She started to laugh harder, looking into his confused puppy eyes.
‘What is it Lizz?’
‘Nothing.’ She sniffled, reaching out for a bottle of shampoo and holding it up in question. ‘You do me, I do you?’
Henry’s worried face broke into a smile, his head now also shaking like Lizz’s did just now.
‘You are one of a kind, foxy.’
‘You betcha.’ Lizz smiled, playfully biting her lip as she started to slather some of the shampoo in his curls. Henry hummed, his eyes closing as Lizz pressed and swirled her fingertips over his scalp, offering him a little head massage, his erection now bobbing restlessly against her belly. Lizz couldn’t help but look down, her mouth slightly watering at the sight of his now completely soaked shorts as they clung to his muscular thighs and…well..a very well endowed manhood.
Without much of a second thought she pushed Henry back underneath the shower head and kneeled down, soft drops falling down her face as she looped her fingers around the waistband of his shorts.
Henry slowly opened his eyes, missing the relaxing head massage he just got, before realising where Lizz had gone.
His eyes dropped to look at her, his pupils blown out so wide there was no more blue left to be seen, his eyes dark and lust-hazed.
Without needing much of a confirmation, Lizz tugged down his shorts, her face now mere inches away from a very happy-to-see-her member. It twitched slightly as she licked her lips, looking up at him once more before going in for the kill, her lips placing some experimental kisses on his lower belly and thighs before she enclosed them around his engorged member.
‘AAahh..’ Henry let out a breathy moan as he let his head fly back, his hair being rinsed by the water as it fell down from the large shower head. ‘Fuck.’ He muttered, a hand moving to the back of Lizz’s head as she started to suck and bob on him.
‘Fuck..fuck fuck fuck..Lizz..Lizz..stop..’ He pulled her back, his breath irregular and his chest heaving as she released him with a *pop*. She looked back up in question.
‘It’s been a while..I..’ He squeezed his eyes shut as he let out another groan.
‘You okay?’ Lizz asked in turn.
‘Oh Lizz.’ Henry smiled, his breath calming down somewhat. ‘Come. As much fun as this shower is, I..’ He pulled her up with ease, his mouth quick to place another passionate kiss on her lips. ‘..I much prefer to do this..right.’
Right? Wasn’t this right?
Lizz really wasn’t in the mood for slowing things down.
Can you imagine going this far, only to stop because of some unwritten sex protocol?
What did he want?
Wine, dine, date and marriage first?
Fuck no.
Henry chuckled as he saw Lizz’s brows furrow with question.
‘Upstairs.’ He added, nodding his head towards the door.
‘Ah..’ Lizz muttered, feeling stupid for even thinking that Henry was THAT much of a vanilla boy.
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Sprawled out on the deep blue sheets, her pale skin and red hair a stark contrast with the fabric, Lizz was an utter, complete mess.
For such a “vanilla” boy, Henry was really..really…really good at giving head. Like…ughh.
Lizz reached down her legs, her fingers tangling with the slightly damp dark curls that belonged to one very hot neighbour.
Henry chuckled, the sound reverberating pleasantly against her folds.
‘Gods Henry.’ She swooned, her back pressing off the bed as an orgasm started to build up.
He hummed again, his hands locking even more tightly around her hipbone, keeping her right where he wanted her as his mouth licked, sucked and teased her with more demand.
‘FUUCKK..Ah..ahh.AH!’ Lizz cried, her legs squeezing tighter around Henry as her orgasm came crashing down on her.  
Slowly.. Henry lapped up her juices, waiting for her hips to still before he pried himself out from in between her legs. A wolfish grin was spread wide across his glistening cheeks.
Okay, time for a correction.
Henry Cavill was NOT a vanilla boy, Lizz thought, pushing her head back into the mattress as she let out a breathy laugh.
‘What’s so funny?’ Henry purred, crawling back on top of her, his weight making her shift on the mattress.
‘Oh just that you are one of kind..’ Lizz laughed, opening her eyes and looking back at him. He grinned, then placed a kiss on her swollen lips before pushing himself back off the mattress.
Lizz frowned, propping herself up on her elbow as she looked at his well rounded buttocks walking into the ensuite bathroom.
She heard him rummage around, open some cupboards, groan, walk back in the bedroom, then offer her a most pained look.
‘Ehm…’ He started, not sure what to say - even though his face probably said it all.
‘Oh..is this the point where you admit to not having any condoms around?’ Lizz rolled back on the bed, shaking her head. ‘Cavill Cavill Cavill…’ She tutted, chuckling.
Henry groaned and crawled back on top of her, giving her an exasperated look.
‘Not funny Lizz.’ He growled, sulking for a moment as Lizz started to laugh out loud, eventually cracking Henry’s grumpy facade, a little grin appearing back on his lips.
‘Oh come on..now you’re just…’ Henry rolled his eyes, then decided to go ahead and abuse the situation, his fingers flicking down to tickle her ribs.
‘NO NO NO..Henners. STOP IT. Hahahahaha.’ Lizz squirmed underneath him, her laugh bouncing off the walls as she tried to pry herself out of Henry’s tickle assault.
Apparently Kal hadn’t missed out on the little party his humans were throwing in the bedroom, the large dog calling alarm from the bottom of the stairs.
Henry halted his tickles, smiling boyishly as Lizz finally managed to get her breath back.
‘You!’ Lizz pouted, giving him a playful pat against his pecs.
‘Me.’ Henry smiled, leaning down on his forearms again so he could place a number of sweet kisses on Lizz’s lips.
‘You you you.’ Lizz hummed in between the kisses, smiling against Henry’s lips.
The two of them stopped again for a moment, realising it was probably something else Kal was calling in the alarm for.
Focusing a little better, they heard a car drive down the small road outside, its wheels crunching over the uneven grit.
Lizz’s face froze over, recognising that specific way of honking far too well.
Oh shit.
| Chap 4 >
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