#the fact is if you know MJ you pretty much know me
l13 · 1 year
part two here
cw: NSFW 18+ MINORS DNI!!!! f!reader, peter is married and having thoughts of reader soo cheating? voyeurism, masturbation, peter getting off to you and miguel fucking:), not proofread
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perv!peter b parker who comes in Miguel's control room (or whatever the fuck) ready to annoy the fuck out of him, when he’s suddenly very glad he didn’t bring his daughter with him as the obscene sounds from up above reach his ears.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl for me, mi vida. Look at you, dripping down my cock. Couldn’t even wait till I was finished hm?” if that wasn’t proof enough for what you guys were doing, then the sloppy sound of Miguel fucking his cock in your pussy gave it all away.
Peter felt as if someone threw cold water down his back, and he searches his brain for answers- something to justify the outline of his now hard cock in his pants. You were attractive, he wasn’t blind, but weirdly enough he’d never thought about you that way.
Until now, that is. Now, that he can hear your pretty moans and whimpers of Miguel’s name as you beg him to go faster, to fuck you deeper, to make you come.
Peter’s thankful that the floating platform is all the way up, and that he has no view of you, or else he’d never be able to get the picture of your body, of your face scrunched up in pleasure, out of his mind. It would ruin him.
In fact, Peter could see nothing except Miguel’s wide back, shoulders hunched over, no doubt holding your thighs up for easier access. Fuck, Peter could feel precum dripping down the tip of his cock, at the vile picture forming in his head.
He was so hard that it hurt, and he could feel the stinging of his eyes, tears gathering up fast. He wanted to touch himself so bad, but he couldn't. He shouldn’t.
“Hah- shit. What if someone came in here, bebita? hear you like this? See you like this? You'd like that, wouldn’t you? Ffuck you tightened up so much when I said that. Such a little slut for me. Say it.”
Peter turns around, ready to walk out the door. He shouldn’t be here, he wasn’t allowed to be here during this. He should go home. MJ was waiting for him to- Fuck, MJ. He has a wife. What the fuck was he doing? He-
“Yes! yes fuck, i want everyone to know that im a good slut for you!Ah-want them to see me like this pleasepleaseplease”
Peter clamps a hand over his mouth, and moans, letting himself fall against the wall, elbow propped up against the surface to keep him upright, and he bites his lip roughly, keeping his mouth shut just so that he could palm himself through his sweatpants.
God, fuck, he wanted to see you so badly. He wanted to be the one fucking you, to be the one pulling those sounds from you. Hell, he’d let you pull those sounds from him. he’d do anything - using you or being used by you. Peter couldn't decide which thought excited him more.
His last remaining morals were thrown out the window when you cried out, and he could hear you thrash around, Miguel muttering praises and encouraging words that fall deaf on peter’s ears. By that point, Peter had completely tuned out any sound Miguel made, choosing to focus on your pleas and cries.
Peter was full on jerking his cock now, sweatpants bunched up at his ankles, as he fucks the lame excuse of a hole his hand made, all the while imagining that it’s you. He was timing his thrusts to the sound of your broken moans, having to bite on his forearm to keep quiet as he whimpers and grunts, drool running down his chin.
Unbeknownst to Peter, the platform, slowly but surely, makes its way down to the floor. After all, even if Peter made sure he was being quiet, that was still loud as fuck to Miguel's ears, who had heard him the minute he stepped in the room.
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2023 © l13 | Do not steal, copy, edit, translate or re-post any of my works.
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tarjapearce · 5 months
I wonder what mama would be like when she was pregnant with benji? Was she more active?? Anyways, have a good day/night!
Benjamin's Pregnancy
Suggestive, fluff and little angst. No proofread ~ c:
After the little stunt in the lookout spot and the police officers calling out your hornytis, you returned home.
But that only had you climbing Miguel like a tree as soon as he closed the door behind you. Not that he complained in the slightest.
"W-Wait" He was mumbling through kisses as you struggled to get his damned shirt out. Hormones running in a brazen flurry all over your body. A single purpose engraved in your grey matter. Make a baby.
"Te juro que si no me haces un bebé-" (I swear that if you don't make me a baby right now)
Miguel only carried your hormone crazed body over his shoulder and gave a low whistle.
"Espérate tantito, mi reina."(Wait a minute).
He tittered as his ears turned pink, like his cheeks, "Let me get the water first."
Cause in truth, you wouldn't give him a rest. Not until your body knew that it was enough. It both amazed yet low key terrified him. He'd awake sore and stiff, spent and completely drained while the overall glow oozed from every pore of your body. Both sex's drive were high, but when ovulating, he had to acknowledge your stamina undoubtedly outmatched him. But the goofy and spent smile you'd awake with later was the perfect reward.
With a roll of his shoulders and a water pitcher on hand and some glasses, he closed the master bedroom's door and begun his work.
Your grip only tightened on his waist as tears flowed down your cheeks. He showered your face in soft kisses and loving praises upon watching the positive outcome in the pregnancy test.
"We're having a baby!"
God, he loved the excitement in your voice, the way your tears were out of joy, and the fact you were gonna make him a father, again. It was impossible to not feel the same amount of excitement you were experiencing.
His big hands wiped your eyes and cupped your cheeks while kissing your forehead.
"Can't wait to tell Gabi. She'll be over the moon!"
Now that the first step on his husband duty was completed, the second was just starting. Spoiling you until you were ready to pop his child.
To your surprise MJ gave her own news on the girl's chat group. It was a good distraction for a freshly broken hearted Jessica. A celebration ensued.
Peter was asking Miguel for guidance as you gushed with MJ the future changes her body would take.
Miguel's lips turned into a fond smile upon watching you. Your married ring fit perfectly in your hand, and shone brighter, like your smile whenever you rubbed your belly.
Never once the doubt of you being a bad mother crossed his mind, despite your inexperience and both being young, you had done a pretty good job with Gabriella. And this new stage in your lives would only polish some skills that needed a bit more refining.
His heart nearly stopped when the doctor said it was a boy. So far, as long as his kid was healthy, the rest was just a bonus. But now that he'd have a boy it both worried and excited him.
It worried him cause he had no paternal figure to grow with, but like you had told him once.
"You're not your father. You're way much better than him. Look at the wonderful child you've raised, without his help. Be proud of yourself, Mi amor."
He adored your reassurance, and now he'd teach his baby boy everything he had to learn on his own. He'd be a good father.
The tidal craving waves made you scourge the fridge at random times thorough the night.
The first crave was simple, jalapeños smeared in peanut butter. You didn't know how, but the flavor was way too good for you to just eat one.
Miguel would find you guzzling his own can of jalapeños while scooping up a spoonful of peanut butter.
"You'll get sick if you eat that much spiciness"
"No, Miguel, wait!"
"Uh-uh. You'll get cramps and-"
Oh shit.
Your eyes turned glossy as he placed the can above the fridge. A spot you certainly didn't reach.
"You're so mean."
A hiccup echoed between you two, followed by a sniff.
"Mi reina" His tinge amazed and full of disbelief, "I don't want you to get an upset belly, that's all."
"But I am hungry! They're not even that spicy!"
You sobbed and half yelled. Miguel could only sigh and take the can back
"I don't want it anymore."
You took another spoonful of the butter and walked back to your room.
He rubbed his face in defeat. Now he felt like an idiot for not giving you the canned spicy goods. And definitely that night you didn't cuddle him.
Hormones were surely making a mess out of your emotions, and it took him a bit to adapt at the quickening pace they often changed. Exercise and long walks helped you to keep relaxed and active.
The next day you were crying while apologizing, only for him to hold you and offer you a couple of jalapeños in return. He even tried the odd mix with you to try and understand why you loved that specific combo. Neither good, neither bad, like something he tried before. But glad you were no longer at odds with him.
But soon they stopped being your obsession, instead strawberries and tuna came up. And just like Gabi, you'd wake him up in the middle of the night at the devil's hours to get him to fetch you strawberries cause you had ran out of them. Or called him when he was a few blocks away from your home to let him know and God forbid if he returned with empty hands.
The dangerous months had been long gone, and seeing your baby bump growing with each passing day, made his phone to be filled with a daily picture of you, holding it. Gabi occasionally appearing it them with a goofy grin.
One particular rough day at work, had his energies and emotional reserves drained. But changed immediately when he saw you laughing as Gabi painted over your belly.
"Papa! The baby is kicking!!"
Gabriella gasped and pulled him to place his hand over the clean parts devoid of paint in your belly to feel his baby boy kick.
"Look at that." Miguel huffed in child like wonder as he felt every powerful little kick. He then kissed your belly and your forehead with new energies.
You and Gabi were the reason he'd wake up and work. You'd help him with paperwork at home whenever he needed it.
Hormones kicked in harder in the last trimester, everything was a trigger for tears to fall down.
You couldn't reach your toes? You'd cry. The cream cheese was too perfect for digging a spoon in it? You'd cry. Gabriella existing around you and being a happy kid? You'd definitely cry. And if Miguel couldn't find his sock in the washing machine, you'd cry harder.
It was low key funny for him, even had some compilations of you crying over the littlest things in his phone. He'd watch them over and over whenever stress was rampant on his office.
But also, would stare both in awe and hungry when he saw your body bouncing ontop of an exercise ball.
"It brings back memories." He muttered while your cheeks flushed. It was the exact way you rode him while making your baby boy.
When hormones hit between your legs, you wouldn't let him go until he came out of the room, drenched in sweat and breathless. That's where he discovered his lactation kink.
But all horny and sexual thoughts were sapped out his body when he saw you curled in bed, crying and wiping your eyes with tissues. A couple of them used and gathered before you.
"'Tas bien?" (You alright?)
Another muffled sob.
This wasn't the usual hormone craze that made you cry over dappy things, but true and unadulterated sadness. His brows creased as he sat before you.
"Wanna share what's wrong?"
"I feel so useless, Miguel."
You nodded while sobbing a couple of fresh tears and covered your face with your hands, ashamed.
"I can't even put my shoes on my own. And-" A sniffle, "I feel like I'm leaving all the load to you. It's not fair."
Even in your condition, you still worried about him and his stress. It humbled him.
"Mi reina." With a gentle, yet firm voice he sat next to you and wiped your eyes with utmost care, "You're growing my child. Do you know how important that is?"
You hiccuped and shook your head.
"I wanna do more. Help you around. Not just being a housewife that leeches off-"
"No, no. Stop. Stop." the last word said with a warning tone.
How could you think of yourself such way?
"Pinguinita, mi amor, look." His shoulders slumped with a deep sigh, "For how long have we been together? Ten, twelve years now?"
You refused to look his way, but his hands gently pulled your chin towards him. Makin your gaze meet his.
"In all those years, I've worked for us cause I wanted to. And I don't want you to work because you already do more than enough here."
His lips were warm, conveying all his love in another kiss.
"You're growing my child, Mi reina. Pregnancies are hard. And look at you, doing your best. Cause that's all I could ask from you."
He cradled your shoulders and kissed the side of your head with a gentle smile.
"You've taught me how to be a good parent, even now, you are teaching me things I didn't believe myself capable of doing. I'm a better man thanks to you."
His hands rubbed your lower back in soothing yet shapeless patterns.
"And now, I'll be an even better father. All thanks to you."
His words were like a soothing balm from your doubtful and insecure heart.
"You'd still love me if I was another ten pounds heavier, right?"
"The question is offensive in itself. But yes, I would. Come here."
You basked in his affection, all you could do was let him love and pamper you.
The footrubs and backrubs were a staple on your pregnancy, like the hammock in the porch. The cotton nightgown he gave you while pregnant with Gabi had been such a wonderful gift that came in handy when the last trimester's hot flashes appeared.
You'd sit in the tub with him, Miguel rubbed and caressed your shoulders, eased the tenderness in your breasts and helped with the sore points in your. lower back.
"What about Miguel Junior?"
He snorted while lathering your back in the lavender scented shower gel.
"No. I don't want a traditional name for my boy."
"Me neither, I mean, Max doesn't sound bad-"
"That's a dog's name, mi amor"
Your laugh was like music to his ears. He rinsed off your back with the tepid temperature water.
"Short for Maximilian."
"Junior doesn't sound that bad now that I think-"
"Wait! I know! I know. Benjamin."
"Benjamin" He tried as the name rolled off his tongue, "I like it."
He kissed your neck. Fresh lavender scent etched to your skin.
"Benjamin it is."
Little Benjamin "Benji" O'Hara was born at 3 pm. Nearly putting you under a c section. Miguel had been there, cheering you on as soon as complications arrived. But thanks to yours and the doctor's efforts, his baby boy wailed healthily as soon as he came out of your womb and the touch of the nurses alarmed him. They weren't you. Benjamin needed his mama.
Miguel showered you in kisses and praises while the nurses cleansed him and dressed him up with the clothes you had provided them.
And finally, you could hold your baby boy in your arms, immediately feeding him and silencing his acute cries.
"Míralo nomas. Mi campeón. No parece que casi lo hicimos en el auto." (Look at him, my champ. He doesn't look like we almost made him in the car)
Miguel fixed the tiny hat ontop of his head, some lovely and dark chocolates curls twisted ontop and around his forehead as you tittered, exhausted.
" Stop, oh my god."
"He's definitely have your curls."
Gabi was allowed to enter a bit later and her lips pursed
"I wanted a sister."
"I know, Solecito. But we did our best"
"Still... I was prettier, right?"
Jesus. Like Father, like daughter.
"Of course you were, Gabibi."
Miguel was ready to start his lessons as a father. With a baby boy on hands, he'd be the dad he never had.
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zeroone-eleven · 5 months
Scorching Cold; Bela Dimitrescu (Resident Lover):
Requested? ☑
"Take me back to you, into your wild heart."
Summary: Bela's iconic outfit isn't suited for all climates, as she finds out by letting her hubris get the best of her.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
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After getting her heart back, Bela is finally able to really feel cold. She keeps shuddering even indoors once the colder season hits, Bela does her best to play it off but the shudders do not escape your notice. It was when Bela tried to suppress the reaction to the cold inside her private study room- That she now shares with you- When you decide to suggest an outfit change.
"I think a leather jacket would work with a hooded long sleeve underneath. If you wear a dark toned hoodie, it'd make your eyes and your hair pop!"
Bela scoffs, straightening her back before elegantly running a hand through her hair. "I'd sooner catch a delirium inducing fever than switch out the outfit I'm known for."
You raise an eyebrow at how she's willing to brave the cold just for an outfit before chuckling to yourself in disbelief, shaking your head as you playfully bump shoulders with Bela.
"Don't put your foot in your mouth, pretty girl."
The next day you wake up with a groan as sunlight shines into your window. The crook in your neck from spending so much time hunched over papers had carried over from the day before. You take a moment to let your mind wake up before checking your phone.
3 texts from Jassmine
10 texts from Angie
1 text from Bela
You go through all of them, answering Jassmine's questions and doing your best to decipher Angie's hammered typing style. The last message had you jumping up from your bed before you could even register the fact that you were in pajamas.
The oldest Dimitrescu is stuck in her apartment. She did infact, catch a delirium inducing fever last night when the temperature dropping significantly lower than normal yesterday.
Daniela wastes no time in tagging along, she was already on the couch drinking a mug of coffee when you throw your door open, offering nothing more than a "Bela's down with a high fever.". The heterochromic Dimitrescu runs and drags you to MJ's dorm building to commandeer her bike before telling you to hop on.
Daniela paddles as fast as she can and you get to her older sister's apartment in what can possibly be counted as record time.
(The roommates currently sharing half a braincell end up throwing themselves onto the curb infront of Bela's apartment when Daniela squeezes the front brakes instead of the rear ones first.)
The bedridden Dimitrescu sits up in her bed, looking at the pair by her bedroom door. Squinting and sniffling as though trying to discern who the roommates are.
"Oh hello there pretty eyes! Daniela, Hiiiiiiii!"
Bela smiles at you, lovestruck and red eyed and sniffling before every other word she utters before she flops back down on the bed. Groaning with regret when the mattress shakes due to the impact.
Daniela's jaw falls open in shock, arms crossing before her shocked expression turns into a light hearted scowl when stomps her foot in indignation. "Hey! I have pretty eyes too, you know!"
You leave Daniela to watch over her sister, patting her on the shoulder while heading to the kitchen to cook up a pot of chicken soup- It's found to be an easy task, with how Bela keeps her pantry organized. You smile to yourself as a fleeting thought pops up in your head:
It's easy to move around like it's second nature because I know her now.
It takes just as much time as you'd anticipated it to take, even if you moved around the kitchen in a hurry. You come back to the bedroom to find a scene that would've made one hell of a story if only anyone who would listen could even find it in themselves to believe you.
Quite frankly, you doubt that even Angie would believe this story once you get the chance to tell it.
"That's not tissue! Let go! I'll find you some more, I swear!"
"If it's not tissue, then why is it so soft and nice!?"
"It is nice and soft because I take good care of it! Hey stop, that's my favourite jacket- HEY!"
The shock wears off soon enough, allowing you to really take in the scene of Daniela pushing Bela's head away with one hand while using the other to try and pull her beloved jacket out of her older sister's grip. Bela keeps trying to bring the hem of Daniela's jacket to her nose, and Daniela's sweating with effort while looking like she's seriously considering throwing her sister out of the apartment window- If only she could figure out a way to carry the blonde without being treated like a piece of tissue paper first.
You quickly set the tray down on the night stand before Daniela can find a way to act on her thoughts, you jump into the fray. Getting to work on pulling the sisters apart.
The of you eat chicken soup in silence.
It took a lot of coddling and an infinite amount of forehead kisses to convince Bela to drop the puppy dog eyes and let Daniela's jacket stay untainted. The redhead quietly lamented that she's in warshock after witnessing the normally stoic Bela Dimitrescu beg for you to help her pry the jacket off of her own sister's shoulders.
At that point, Daniela's just thankful to have been saved by you.
Bela's trying her best to look seductive, slowly slurping her soup without breaking eye contact with MC. She sneezes into the soup and Daniela goes from looking weirded out from witnessing Bela's delirious antics, to choking on her own soup because of it. She laughs even as her sides hurt, and she laughs even when Bela chucks a pillow at her sister's head.
You wipe Bela's face clean of soup droplets, valiantly trying to force the laughter bubbling behind your lips only to fail despite your best efforts. Your girlfriend crosses her arms in indignation, and you're almost thankful for the fever because all it takes is a kiss to her cheek for her scowling to cease and be replaced with a lovestruck smile.
Daniela places her own bowl onto the tray before lifting it off the nightstand, replacing it with an unopened tissue box.
"I'll go ahead and wash these up and take my leave. You sure you can handle her, MC?"
A mischievous smile makes its way onto your lips, and you can't find it in yourself to feel sorry for the words that are about to come out of your mouth.
"Better than you and your precious jacket can, Daniela."
The youngest Dimitrescu flips you off over her shoulders before closing the bedroom door. With a shake of your head, you look to Bela who has her arms outstretched towards you. "Now what am I gonna do with you, huh?"
She grins, bright and hazy eyed due to the fever. "You could give me my well deserved cuddles!"
You smile, taking her hands in yours before slipping into bed with her and laying her head down on your chest. In her current state, she deserves to be spoiled- What are you to do but obey when your blonde haired Goddess asks something of you anyways?
The teasing about the chicken soup incident can come tomorrow when the fever breaks and she's back to being fully conscious of the things that are happening. But for now? Small wins are still wins.
"It's a deal sweetheart, but only if you start wearing layers once you're all better."
Attention all Bela stans: 01-11 has rung the dinner bell. Tonight's course consists of Fluff-infused chicken soup, thank you and enjoy.
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tay-tay-everlark13 · 1 month
I have to tell you something. When I first read the line in MJ, where Katniss says that Peeta finally sees her true self, just the way she is without this all idealizing her 'cause of his feelings to her, I literally was crying. And, don't get me wrong, I still wanna cry because of this, that is just very sad. But it made me think about that more.
I just hate what Capitol and Snow did to Peeta. I really do. But I think there is one thing that we can say was good. You know, Peeta's love was pure and pretty, right? We all can agree with that. He loved her so much, he didn't have life without her, he didn't want to live without her. He has never pushed her to love him back, when he found out about her true feelings to him. This all made Katniss fall in love with him when she didn't even want to do it.
But we have to remember one thing — he fell for her when he was in such a young age (which makes it even prettier, but). And since 5 he idealized her. Of course, he saw her bad parts, but he was too focused on all these good staff she did. That's beautiful too, really, but I think more beautiful is the fact, that even then, when he was hijacked and literally hated Katniss and wanted to kill her AND he saw these bad things in her, he could still fall in love with this great woman, because that's what in love is the most lovely thing — you love someone not because, but despite. And that what Peeta and Katniss did.
And of course this situation meant for Katniss much too. She always thought Peeta's love is certain, that is never going to change. But it did, and she had to fight for it, while she learned how much it's worth.
I think if anything is for something, that's for what was hijacking Peeta. I don't know if it was worth it. But I'm just so happy for them and the fact that they get their happy ending together, after all they had to go through.
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waitimcomingtoo · 10 months
hoax ~ p.p
chapter one: just a sweet, sweet fantasy
series masterlist
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Despite the fact that Peter had been pining for you the last three years of college, he had never had a conversation last more than a few minutes with you. As hard as he tried, he always got flustered and ran out of things to say or just made the conversation awkward. You never noticed him the way he noticed you, even after you were paired up with Ned for a school project last semester and your friend groups merged in the process. Peter thought his luck will change now that he was running in your circle, but all it did was make it more evident to him that he didn’t have a shot with you. You only saw him as a friend, and even that was an exaggeration of your relationship.
You jumped a little when you heard Peters voice and looked up from your phone. You hadn’t even noticed that he was already sitting at the table you agreed to meet your friends at. It was pretty common for you not to notice Peter, but that didn’t mean he’d ever stop trying to get your attention.
“Oh, hi Peter. Sorry, I didn’t see you there. How are you?” You asked politely.
“I’m good. You?”
“Good. Thanks for asking.” You replied. You then pulled your phone back out and started to text, making all conversation cease.
“I like your skirt.” He said after a long beat of silence. You looked up in surprise since you thought the conversation had ended.
“Aw, thanks. That’s so nice of you to say.” You smiled before going back to your phone. He sighed in defeat even though this was how your conversations, or lack there or, usually went.
“Yeah, no problem. It’s like jeans but…not.”
“Oh, yeah. I think it’s called denim.” You laughed awkwardly and didn’t know it was was socially acceptable to go back to texting.
“Right. Denim.” He nodded, and conversation ceased once again.
“I like that it’s pleated.” He said after a full minute of silence.
“What?” You asked and looked up from your phone again.
“Your skirt.” He explained while his face turned bright red. He knew he was beating the death out of the skirt topic and it was made even worse by you knowing the same thing.
“Right, my skirt. Thanks. So do I.” You smiled politely again and touched the skirt.
“Hey losers.” MJ said as she approached the table. Peter heard you sigh in relief over not having to be alone with him anymore, and he couldn’t even blame you.
“Hey. Sit with us.” You smiled and patted the table. MJ sat down and the awkward tension dissolved with the presence of a third person. Your other friends, Kate and Gwen, soon joined the table too and the dynamic of the friend group was restored. Much to his disappointment, you and Peter seemed to lie in opposite ends of the friend group. You were friendly with each other, but also couldn’t be left alone together without maximum awkwardness ensuing. You were the people that would laugh at each others jokes in a group setting but never be able to hold a one on one conversation.
“Did you do the trig homework?” MJ asked you.
“Oh yeah. You need it?” You asked and put your backpack on the table to get your homework out. Peter looked up and noticed a pin of Spider-Man’s mask on your backpack. He did a double table and looked at you in surprise to confirm the backpack belonged to you.
“Is that a Spiderman pin?” He asked you.
“Oh, yeah. You haven’t heard? He’s her latest obsession.” Gwen teased you.
“For the record, I’ve always liked him.” You insisted. “I’ve been a fan since day one. The obsession has just gotten worse as I’ve realized he’s the only man for me.”
“Wait, really? He is?” Peter asked with a surprise smile.
“Please don’t get her started.” Kate whined. You ignored her and leaned towards Peter to talk to him.
“You know when you have a celebrity you like and you just know that if you ever met, you’d be great friends?”
“Of course.” Peter shrugged. “Dylan O’Brien would be my best friend if we ever crossed paths.”
“Exactly. That’s how I feel about Spiderman. Except instead of friends, we’d be lovers.” You said simply. A blush painted Peters cheek to hear you talk about him like that.
“Sounds like you really like him.” He smiled shyly.
“I’m in love with him. I have so many videos of him saved on Tik Tok.” You laughed and pulled out your tik tok to show your friends your collection of saved videos.
“Girl. 407?” Gwen gasped. “You’ve saved 407 edits of Spiderman with sexy songs in the background?”
“Um, yeah. I watch them before I go to sleep.” You shrugged and pulled your phone back. Peter was stunned to silence to hear how deep your obsession ran.
“You need help.” MJ snorted. “You don’t even know him.”
“I feel like I do. Haven’t you ever felt that way about someone you haven’t met yet?”
“I have.” Peter spoke up, making you smile.
“See? I’m not crazy. Just a romantic.” You sighed. The conversation changed subjects and Peter was silent as he thought about what he had heard from you. After three years of being hopelessly in love with you, he may have just found his way in.
A few days later, your group agree to meet up in the library to do homework together. Ned was still out sick with the flu, so Peter didn’t have his crutch to lean on. You arrived early to the library and saw that Peter was the first one there. You gulped and braced yourself for the awkwardness that was about to happen and sat down across from him.
“Hey, Peter.” You said politely. He looked up at you and blushed before trying to think of something cool to say.
“Hey. How’s it going? How are you?” He asked.
“Pretty good. I’m a little stressed out over this stupid paper but Gwen said she’d help me today. How are you doing?”
“Really good. And you? How’s it going for you?” He asked before realized he already asked that.
“Uh, I think we covered that.” You joked.
“Right, right. You’re still good, I’m assuming. And, uh, nice shirt by the way.” He complimented you.
“Aw, thanks. It was my moms back in the 80s.” You smiled at him and then opened your laptop, ending the convo.
“I like your hair too. Did you change it?” He asked to try to resuscitate the conversation.
“No. I haven’t washed it in a few days. It’s just greasy.” You laughed awkwardly and ran your fingers through the it.
“Oh.” He gulped. “Well, it looks good.”
“Thanks.” You smiled again just as the rest of the friend group joined you. You both seemed to relax now that everyone was there and you no longer had to limp through a conversation. Peter didn’t say much as the group talked about homework and weekend plans but snuck glances at you the entire time.
“Wait a minute. Why do you have a magazine? What year is this?” MJ laughed and pulled a magazine out of your open backpack. You gave her a playful look and snatched the magazine from her.
“Because. Look at this picture someone took of him yesterday.” You smiled cheekily and laid the magazine out for the table to show them a picture of Spiderman.
“Oh my God. Please. It’s too early for this.” Kate playfully whined and banged her textbook against her head.
“This is the most detailed photo I’ve seen of him yet. It’s so clear. I bet he’s so cute under the mask.” You sighed happily and looked at the picture again. Peter watched the way you stared at the picture in the way he’d been looking at you all these years and smiled to himself. He’d never been able to turn your head, but he was pleased to know Spiderman could.
“Or he’s 30 and has a greasy little rat face.” MJ grimaced.
“Stop it. Don’t ruin my fantasy.” You said and playfully smacked her arm. She laughed and wrapped an arm around you while you continued to stare at the picture.
“Fantasy?” Gwen smiled coyly. “Uh oh. Spill.”
“Okay, so I have this fantasy where he sees me walking home and drops down from the sky to walk me home. Just to make sure I get there safely.” You told the group with a dreamy smile.
“Oh. That’s a lot less erotic then I thought it would be.” Kate said in disappointment.
“Oh, trust me. I have plenty of those. But I’m not sharing any of them here.” You smiled coyly and drummed your fingers on the table. Peter gulped when he realized what you were talking about and turned bright red.
“What else do you fantasize about?” Gwen asked you.
“Mostly him saving me from danger. But low key danger. I don’t want to actually be in danger danger. Maybe just tripping on the sidewalk and he catches me. Or, you know, he stops a car from crushing me like in Twilight.”
“This little crush of yours is getting out of hand.” MJ laughed and shook her head. “You’re literally asking to be crushed by a car now?”
“But imagine how amazing it would be to be his girlfriend.” You gushed. “He could swing me around the city in his arms and kiss me on the top of the Brooklyn bridge. Or take me on dates on the top of the Empire State Building. I want it so bad.”
“So stand in the street until a car comes near you and wait for him to swing you to safety.” MJ said sarcastically.
“Don’t give her ideas.” Kate groaned.
“You don’t think I’ve considered that? I’d do anything for a date. Just one. I swear, I could get him to fall in love with me. I just need one chance.” You sighed and picked up your magazine to admire it.
“I bet he would.” Peter spoke up. You looked at him over the magazine and smiled.
“See? Peter supports me. At least someone’s on my side.” You said and gestured to Peter. You made eye contact with him again and this time, it didn’t feel awkward. You liked that he was being supportive, no matter how silly your argument was.
“I think you’d make a great couple.” Peter continued, making you smile once again.
“Thank you.” You told him. “Now I just need to find a way to talk to him.”
“Maybe leave a couple flies on your windowsill.” Peter suggested. All the girls looked at him in confusion and he felt embarrassed that his joke didn’t land.
“Because he’s a spider. And they eat flies.” He shamefully explained. You stared at him slack jawed for a moment before throwing you head back laughing.
“That was genius.” You laughed. “Although, I hope he doesn’t actually eat bugs. I don’t think I could kiss a guy who eats flies.”
“He doesn’t.” Peter said with such certainty that everyone looked at him in confusion again.
“I’m….I’m guessing.” He lied. You smiled at him again before going back to talking to your friends. The conversation faded to background noise as Peter constructed a plan in his head.
After class that day, Peter changed into his suit and hung out on top of a building to watch the people walking in and out of campus. If you wanted to talk to Spiderman that badly, he was gonna bring Spiderman to you. Finally, he spotted you walking to your dorm with your earbuds in as you typed away on your phone.
“Hey! How are you? I’m Spiderman!” He whispered to himself to practice what he would say to you.
“No. That’s stupid. She already knows it’s me.” He grumbled. “Hey! What’s up? It’s me, your friendly neighborhood giant fucking loser Jesus Christ this is so difficult. Okay. Just be normal. Just talk to her. Just…”
Peter trailed off when he heard the sound of an engine revving. A car was speeding down the street and heading right towards the blissfully unaware you. Peter immediately jumped down and landed between you and the car, putting his hand up to stop it right before it could hit you. The car bent against his hand and came to a halt as Peter held you close to his body. People on the street gasped and started to take picture while you gasped for air. You pulled your earbuds out and looked at Peter in disbelief.
“Hi.” He said through the mask.
“Oh my God. It’s you.” Your voice shook as you tightened your grip on him. You were shaking with adrenaline and fear so he tightened his grip around your body.
“It’s me.” He said weakly. He had almost seen you die but now had to pretend you were a stranger he had never met before.
“You just saved my life.” You told him as a smile crossed your face.
“It’s my job.” He said simply. Your smile grew and you threw your arms around him in a hug.
“Thank you.” You whispered into his ear. Peter blushed under the mask and hugged you back. People on the streets clapped and took videos, but you were unaware of any of it. The man driving the car got out just as the police arrived to take yours and Peters statements. Once you were all squared away with the police, Peter wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Let me get you somewhere safe.” Peter said before swinging you a few blocks away from the sight of the crash. You held on tight and let out a happy scream as he swung you since it was a dream of yours coming true. When he set you down, you smoothed your hair down and looked at him.
“Thank you so much for saving me. I’m such an idiot. I was so focused on my phone that I just mindlessly kept walking even when the walk sign wasn’t on.”
“You’re not the idiot. That driver was. He was going 60 miles an hour in a school zone. It wouldn’t have mattered if the wall sign was on or not. I’m just glad I could be here to stop the car.”
“Just like Twilight.” You whispered to yourself.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Sorry. I’m just a little starstruck.” You admitted with a shy smile.
“Don’t be.” He shrugged. “I’m just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.”
“I know. But I’m kinda your biggest fan.”
“Well, I’m flattered. It’s nice to have a fan.” He chuckled through the mask. For the first time, Peter actually found it easy to talk to you. Conversation was flowing and he didn’t even have to try.
“I’m seriously obsessed with you. I’ve been following you since you first started, back when I was in high school. I think what you do is amazing. And now that you stopped me from becoming street meat, I’ll love you forever.” You told him before you knew what you were saying. You felt embarrassed to be freaking out so much over him, but he didn’t seem to think it was weird.
“I’m happy to hear that.” He smiled shyly at the sound of you promising to love him forever.
“Good. And I promise, I’ll never look at my phone while walking again. I’ll be super careful from now on.”
“What were you so focused on anyway?” He wondered.
“Oh, um…” You trailed off and just showed him your phone instead of trying to explain. It turned out the thing that had distracted you so much that you almost got hit by a car was a Tik Tok of footage of Spiderman edited to the song Deep Throat by Cupcakke. You smiled in embarrassment while Peter burst out laughing.
“That’s…intense.” He said once he regained his composure.
“I’m sorry. I tried to warn you. I said I was a fan.” You laughed and relaxed a little. You felt like you were being so weird, but he seemed to enjoy it.
“Can I walk you home?” He offered, making you light up.
“Really? I mean, yeah, sure.”
Peter put a gloved hand on your back and started walking with you back to your dorm. Conversation flowed easier than it ever had before and Peter felt like you were meeting each other for the first time. Talking to you as Spiderman was the antitheses of talking to you as Peter. His jokes didn’t fall flat, there was no awkward silence, and you were the one constantly complimented him.
“You know, I’ve fantasized about this very moment a million times.” You admitted to him as you neared your dorm.
“Have you?” He smiled coyly.
“Yeah. I just didn’t think it was actually gonna happen.”
“I don’t mind walking a pretty girl home. Maybe it can happen more often.” He timidly suggested. You stopped walking and looked at him to see if he was serious.
“I would like that.” You grinned.
“Cool. I’m smiling back at you, by the way. Sorry, I know it’s hard to tell under this.” He joked and gestured to the mask.
“It’s okay. I actually could tell.” You told him. Peter smiled only again and felt his heart swoon for you. You got to your dorm all too soon, meaning this conversation had come to an end.
“This is me.” You smiled sadly and pointed to your building. “Can I ask you something? Before you go?”
“Sure. Go ahead.”
“How old are you?” You said, close to a whisper.
“Really?” You gasped. “Me too. You have no idea how relived I am to hear that.”
“Relieved? Why?”
“Because now I know my crush is age appropriate. So I can fully indulge in the fantasy. And because now I get to laugh in my friends faces who thought you were 30 or something.”
“It’s not really a fantasy if it’s really happening, is it?” Peter said as he stepped closer to you. Your breath caught in your throat and you broke into a dreamy smile.
“Trust me. It’s definitely a fantasy.” You sighed happily.
“Well, have a good night.” Peter said and squeezed your arm.
“You too.” You replied as you touched where his gloved hand had just been. Peter looked over his shoulder to wave at you before swinging away. Once you thought he was out of earshot, you let out a happy scream and jumped up and down. But you were never out of ear shot when it came to Peter, and he heard the whole thing with a grin on his face.
chapter two is out now!
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splendidnothings · 1 year
Is it in your opinion that Peter would be able to manage suddenly coming into tens of millions of dollars?
We've actually seen exactly what happens when he comes into tens of millions of dollars (and his own company) post-Superior Spider-Man. And let’s just say it did not end well--
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("Now, let's tear it down!" Amazing Spider-Man #31 (2015))
Truly, the man did not last more than a couple months, in-universe, before force-ejecting from the entire enterprise, super-villain plot notwithstanding. Even without Otto forcing his hand Peter was routinely giving his money away or using exorbitant amounts for the benefit of his family and friends. His philanthropic work with the Uncle Ben Foundation. Helping out May, Flash, and Carlie. Generally, giving his money away at any opportunity. He bought the Baxter Building for Johnny!
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("Everyone was trying to buy this place...and I outbid 'em all..." Amazing Spider-Man #3 (2015))
Peter during Parker Industries didn’t “manage” this money at all. He spent and spent and the only reason he didn’t eventually run out was because his corporation imploded first.
So, I think the easiest answer is if he suddenly came into a lot of money, like for example, if he won the lottery, he would not so much manage the money but just use it until it ran dry and then find a gig to pay next month’s rent. 
Now, Parker Industries is a pretty on the nose example so if we disregard that run I still think it's clear that Peter would manage a million dollars just as well as he would ten dollars and that is to say quickly and/or probably for the benefit of someone else. Peter genuinely just does not care about having money just to acquire wealth. 
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(“I don’t value it.” Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10 (2019) I personally think this is a clunky panel because it’s telling us instead of actually showing us he doesn’t value money but alas it suits my purposes for this post.)
This is obviously not to say he doesn't know the value of money or that he is oblivious to the fact that he needs money for rent or that having money makes life easier. Most of his struggles come from a lack of money. But he doesn’t view money in the long term, he’s not thinking of it as a potential investment but merely a tool to solve immediate problems. Even when he comes into a bit of surprise money he needs it all just to cover bills (Thanks Robbie!)--
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(“I have [a savings plan]?! You mean when Robbie made me sign all those forms last year?... That’s just enough for my back rent and a pizza!” Spectacular Spider-Man #126) 
Peter and his relationship with money is established early as core to his character and in connection with his economic status. When you are poor any money you earn is for immediate necessities, not something to be saved and managed. 
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("Without Uncle Ben, we've no money to pay our bills." Amazing Spider-Man #1) 
He just needs to make enough to pay rent, for May's medical bills, for food. Maybe he wants to get something nice for May or Betty, Gwen, or MJ. Later on, his money worries are in relation to being able to support a wife (this occurs with both Gwen and MJ). But it's all short-term and a means to an end. Past the immediate obstacle where the money is needed, he doesn't care about money at all.
His very first superhero team-up was less of a team-up and more of Peter thinking he could make money by joining the Fantastic Four!
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("There's the way I can make some money--by joining the Fantastic Four!" Amazing Spider-Man #1) 
I’ve been using multiple panels from Amazing Spider-Man #1 so far because I think it’s important in showing how ingrained Peter’s overall views on money are to the character. This is his second appearance ever (after Amazing Fantasy #15) and not only is his socio-economic class crystal clear but so is how he handles and thinks about money. 
Canonically, almost every time Peter does come into a little extra money he gives it away. This is also a pretty consistent trait of his. He's just not one to keep extra cash around unless he's specifically saving for something. Why would he hoard money when he can help someone he loves or give it to a New Yorker who needs it more than him at that moment. 
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(...other people need it more than me, right?) 
Further, he doesn’t view Spider-Man as something that holds monetary value. 
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(Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1(2019))
And he knows how important money is for the average person-- 
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(“If that money isn’t recovered, what happens to relief payments this month?”)
And--let’s be clear here--Peter could very easily make all the money he wants. He could easily make loads of money. Whether it be because he is a certified genius. Or because he has superpowers and could employ them in a variety of different ways to get money...and he knows this.
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("If money's a problem, then I'll just get money." Amazing Spider-Man #542)
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(“I can go anywhere! No one, nothing can stop me! Any amount of money could be mine...” Amazing Spider-Man #1 (ASM #1 really doing the most work in hammering home so many core character traits huh!)) 
But, Peter is just not a character who aspires to be wealthy. He wants to be comfortable. He wants an apartment with a tiny skylight so he can easily sneak out and be Spider-Man. He wants enough money to take care of the people he loves. But that's it.
In fact, the jobs that have made him money usually become a problem because they get in the way of him being Spider-Man. He values being Spider-Man over making a name for himself, finishing grad school, making big science lab money, etc., etc. or he wouldn’t be dropping these pathways to a better economic status. He's had many well-paying science jobs throughout canon and he doesn't keep them because he eventually stops showing up. He's a flake who at the end of the day doesn't value that work or that money more than being Spider-Man and helping people Grad school meant so little to him at one point that he full-on dropped out, in part, because he thought he needed to make money to pay for Felicia's medical bills--
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(“I might not have quit school to devote more time to making a living...OH WELL...”)
Pulling back a bit we also have to look at Peter and his purpose as a fictional character that requires thought and consistent theme-work. A Peter who acquires wealth. Who hoards such a valuable resource is kind of antithetical to his whole deal. Arguably, his most well-known villain is Norman Osborn the literal embodiment of what an evil man with lots of money and no responsibility can do. So, it really doesn’t make for a character like Peter so rooted in the lower class, so known for helping the ones who truly need him for him in his civilian life to be a well-off guy. Spider-Man is THE street-level hero dealing with street-level crime. At his best he is stopping muggings, beating up unfair landlords, or wealthy people taking advantage of the unfortunate. He's a man of the people and doesn't like when people misuse power and what gives people power more than money?
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("...I had the most money!" "Oh, give it a rest." Spectacular Spider-Man #145) 
Wrapping this up, I also think a big reason Peter never feels so beholden to money is because he knows how self-sufficient he is. He invents his own webbing, web-shooters, is shown to be extremely handy, and is a genius. Why should he care about money beyond his basic needs? He can figure things out as the situation calls for it even if all he has is $23.50 in his bank account :p 
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spiderpussinc · 10 months
You know your post about divorced Peter got me thinking. A lot. Then I realized that I, in fact, never thought about this much because from the beginning I just stay in my lane rather than judging people for divorcing Peter again. I think I am really too old to care that much about what people write especially if it end up limiting other out of moral obligation.
Basically it's dumb and you're right
Ur the most normal for this. Its incredibly fucking silly discourse to me bc Peter Parker *has* been divorced for pretty much two decades now. (Not even just divorced - the marriage was ERASED out of canon. they are just ex bf/gf.) MJ has her own share of past and present different partners! There are multiple universes where she is either *canonically* a lesbian, or implied to be coming to terms with it. Peter had countless girlfriends/hookups in the meantime! I think what gets me the most is how confidently wrong a lot of these assumptions are; I keep seeing this weird "one-and-only, first and last, soulmates.." thing applied to Peter and MJ and its like...
1. Peter dated multiple people before her AND after her; Gwen wasn't the first either, but for a long time, Gwen *WAS* the biggest regret of his life and they were meant to get married. Gwen was the one based on stan lee's wife, the closest thing to a planned soulmate; and she dies bc it's not meant to be. Not ever. There is no predetermined true spider-man love interest, you're just talking about some of the adaptations you've seen. This is one of the most debated superhero writing convos of all time LOL even Marvel editorial internally disagrees on this - everyone has their favorite. That's the point!
2. Divorce is based and awesome and maybe I'm just getting old but when a marriage doesn't work **having a child** certainly isn't the thing that's going to save it. I know how that one goes! Be prepared to crash even harder once the baby glow passes and the complex shit kicks right back in! To be honest it'd be even more realistic if it crashed again post-mayday, or if MJ divorced him bc she was already pregnant and wanted to do something better with her life instead of playing second fiddle to spider-man forever or being in peril to motivate his character arc.
But the thing that does annoy me is how entitled some ppl have become. Siding with actual homophobic redditors and posting up under gay fanart with the most annoying 'umm. hes married? the sanctity of marriage???' comments. who fuckin care. It's comics. It's all fanfic. Even the published stuff. Stream:
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Authors Note: Part 2. I didn't think this other version of Joe I'm fantasising about would get much attention but turns out we like the cocky boy. Thanks for reading, please reblog if you enjoy it or leave a comment if you wish to kept up to date with future parts! 🥰
Summary: You’d set your sights on him and he on you. It all started with a visit to a newly talked about bar which kept you coming more regularly, in the end not just for a drink but yet the inevitability of a creeping flame set alight by a stare which kept dragging you back. After all, lust shouts and love whispers and in the end, only the heart knows the difference.
Under 18's DNI. Warnings: Smutty and angsty af Word Count: 3.6k
Taglist: @eddiemunson-mylove @joeschains @daleyeahson @itsfreakingbats @etherealglimmer @xlilithb @live-love-be-unique @lma1986 @shawnamae87 @fluffysmutmnstr @ches-86 @aysheashea @definitionwanderlust @palomahasenteredthechat @figmentofquinn @harringtonfan4 @chrissy-mj-stan @lovelyblueness @tlclick73
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Part 3 ✨ Part 4
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You were up all night, there was no doubt about it. Your mind pondering constantly on what tomorrow was going to bring, what tomorrow meant and what would happen between the two of you. There had been some quite flirtatious remarks back and fourth between you and the fact you were correct in assuming that he'd remembered you after a brief encounter, assuming that he meets plenty of women a day in his own bar? Now that made you feel special. That made you feel something that you didn't know if it would be worth screaming from the rooftops about or keeping quiet and retaining your dignity; after all, it was only early days.
You stayed in your attire, refusing to take it off because it was what he'd made you feel good in, that he'd given you the time of day even though he was busy with work, that he'd pulled you away from the perverted creeps that lurked in the shadows, laying on top of your bed you found yourself dreaming consciously about him, Joe. His name was that of a sweet melody that drained through your body, seeping through your veins and now he'd admitted that he was kind of into you, wanting to see you again, you were dying to see him again instantly. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough, tomorrow was already today and you were nail bitingly nervous from the inside out. The fact he'd given you no food for thought and had to keep you guessing added to his mysterious vibe.
You'd admittedly found your hand creeping through your underwear that was revealed to the lonely bedroom from your skirt being tucked up above your hips, imagining those deep, perplexing brown eyes staring back at you searching your soul, you closed your own eyes in attempt to see him properly, his lips were parted as he leaned over you, leaning down on one elbow directly next to your head, his hands mirrored your own movement, rubbing against your cunt, fingers finding the exact spot to hit, circling your aching bud whilst his retinas bore into you. Your squirms around the bed became frantic as your thighs pressed together, he comes to lean his lips to your ear, a short subtle and deep whisper erupting from his vocal chords: "Open your legs for me, pretty girl."
You were grasped quickly away from your stunning and erotic fantasy, moaning out loud, your eyes flying open to the realisation that you were alone, his voice sounded so apparent and altogether there in your thoughts that it almost felt real.
The words he'd spoken to you, the home truths and the cursed promises were reeling over and over in your head:
Just to put it out there, you're really fucking attractive darling. I know you came here to see me again. I know the feelings mutual. You give me your number and once I get off work tomorrow, you come here and I'll show you what you came for tonight.
There had to be more to what he was suggesting. There was one thing playing on your mind out of everything, you hadn't got his number back, he'd not text you, he'd not called and he'd not given any inclination of what time tomorrow you should be heading to the bar. Is this what happens? He was to keep you on your toes and not message, the audacity of that flummoxed you. Maybe he'd been too busy and forgotten about you, you were becoming to rapidly eager when you shouldn't even care about that? He was still too much of a stranger. You stared at your phone, the clock just barely turning 7am, you decided to get up, take a shower and get ready ahead of your long wait for the inexplicable and hopefully inevitable message to come through.
You'd been sat inexplicably twiddling at your thumbs for the last couple of hours, picking up your phone and then launching it across your sofa in disappointment to no notification and when you did you'd scramble to grab at it like an excited teenager, to avoid further distress, you went over to your bedroom and put it onto your bedside table, that way you'd not think about it as much. Except you did. Every deep sigh you took made you contemplate whether this was a joke, whether he really did just speak to all the girls this way, a little way to flirt for a while to pass time then get you out and rather just leave you hanging.
The soft features about him didn't explain this bewildering theory of yours, there was more to Joe than that meets the eye and you were certain of that. This is why you didn't trust your instincts one bit, the last time you almost did that you were completely wrong. The man remembered you, you of all people and that was enough to put up, shut up and wait it out.
A nap on your sofa sorted you right out, though only meaning to shut your eyes for half an hour was the initial indication, four long hours had passed and you scrambled from your own filth, skidding through the laminate flooring of your flat to your bedroom to look what time it was. Midday. Your eyes grew when they looked an inch down to find a notification from an unknown number, you entered your passcode in your phone wrong at least three times before managing to get to read the prolonged message.
Joe: Hi pretty girl. Sorry for not texting, hectic life and all that. See you very soon? It's Joe by the way.
As if he had to clarify who he was? Not like you'd been waiting for this stupid message for the last thirteen or so hours. Idiot. Though there it was, your newly given nickname now staring back at you in the face, did you play it off cool or did you sound eager and desperate?
You: No worries. Was beginning to think I'd given you the wrong number, oops. Do I get to know your cunning plans yet?
You had to sit down. Your head was rushing madly and your heart was almost being vomited out of your mouth in anticipation.
Joe: It wouldn't of mattered because you'd of turned up anyway, tell me I'm right sweetheart ;)
You: Confident much?
Joe: I see the way you look at me...
You: Could say the same about you...
Joe: Touché love. Be at the bar for 4pm?
You: I'll be there sweetheart.
Joe: I can already tell you're rolling those eyes, it's driving me mad.
You: I'll make sure to do it around 4:01pm right in your direction.
Joe: Watch what happens when you do.
You threw your phone to the other side of the bed this time, screaming but no sound came out, just a mild screech, falling back and kicking your legs up in the air like you'd just heard the best news in the world. You didn't care about all the stupid thoughts that'd crossed your mind earlier, they'd all disappeared, the will to be trifled with made it all worth it.
You counted down the hours, not like you'd already felt like you'd spent half of your life waiting for this man, you'd slowly got ready ahead of schedule, no idea what you were to be doing so you opted in for a casual kind of outfit, just jeans and an off the shoulder jumper. You were overthinking the time you'd spend together, should you be bringing anything, should you come prepared for a more formal occasion, is this a date? Did he officially ask you out? No he didn't, but he wanted to see you again so I guess that suffices in what some people may class as one.
You'd got to the bar by 3:50pm, too eager to say the least. Waiting outside on the public bench until 3:59pm exactly, you wandered through the familiar doors. A little emptier than you'd seen it last night, you wandered over to the stool you'd sat on both times you'd came in.
"Hey." A man looked over who was wiping down the tables, you swerved straight to look, almost jumping out of your skin since you didn't notice him when you came in originally. "We're closed, we'll re-open at 7pm."
"I know I-"
"She's here for me." Joe walked through the Staff only door, looking as beautiful as ever. His white shirt complimenting his figure, a couple of buttons to which you could see a little chest hair sprouting out and the adorned silver chains made him all the more sexier.
"I'll see you later mate, get yourself off." Joe shook hands with the man, eyes firing straight back to you. He waited until his employee had grabbed his jacket and closed the door shut, Joe headed over locking it behind him and taking a deep sigh, one you couldn't work out whether it be stress or nerves.
"Hi." You gulped down a ball of saliva, hiding your own anxiety. He didn't even respond, just kept gawking at you silently, the warm chocolatey stare was truly astonishing.
"Cat got your tongue?" You can't believe you even used that dumb expression.
"Look how pretty you are for me." You squeezed your legs tight when Joe bit down on his lip, a welcoming sight indeed. The footsteps got louder the closer he came over, walking in such a slow pace you just wanted to grab a hold of him and yank him so he'd hurry up, purely for the better view. That same smirk you'd missed appeared on his features instantly, his eyes falling from your face down to your feet and back up again.
"So what're we doing?"
"You tell me. You came to see me last night didn't you? Had that look in your eye. I could tell you wanted something, desired something." Joe leaned against the bar next to you, his arms folded against it, turning his head to blink at you, you rolled your eyes back at him in an attempt to wind him up, as promised.
You stumbled on your words, he'd truly made you speechless.
"You- You- Why would you come back here randomly? All by yourself, obviously in search of what you need, or should I say, who you need."
He was the cockiest motherfucker you'd ever met but a god damn dreamy one at that and you loathed every second of it.
"Don't flatter yourself." Joe's eyebrows and hands raised up in a quick defeat like a rabbit in headlights yet his mind clearly worked quickly on a response back to you, he seemed to be good with words and that was seriously demeaning yet so hot.
You rolled your eyes again.
"Remember my last text?" Joe's lips were set in a straight line.
You shook your head. You remembered well, but you obviously wished to be reminded of it. Joe turned his full body to you, reaching out for your hands and pulling you off the stool, bringing you to straddle between his spread thighs on the stool he now sat on next to you. Your cheeks flushed in a matter of seconds, was this really happening right now? Joe sat up straight, leaning forward to your ear.
"Watch what happens when you do." He leaned back to look at the state of your exhilarated features, smirking lightly once more. You rolled your eyes again, hoping his next move would prove to you that he was willing to show you exactly what was to happen.
Joe stood from his stool, making himself look taller than he was, making you feel tiny. Instantly, he grabbed at your hips, lifting you onto the counter of the bar.
"I warned you." Your lips crashed together in the most disgustingly passionate kiss you'd ever encountered, you were panting instantly from the lack of oxygen that was given from the space that had now closed between you, the butterflies in your stomach raging from not so much nerves but the fever and delirium of making out with what was almost a complete stranger. Your arms wrapped around his neck pretty much the same time as his tongue plunged itself into your mouth, humming as his senses got a taste of you.
He pulled away from you and yet a new found confidence in you managed to force him back to touch your lips with his once more, you felt that same smirk you loved to hate rise against your mouth, his hands wandering down your hair, to your neck and down your back, both soothing and exploring you wholly. You pulled back this time in search of the air your lungs were craving.
"Is that all you got sweetheart?" You pried a little deeper, making his blood boil when you rolled your eyes again.
"Do I have your permission?" Joe held back onto your waist tightly.
"Permission for what?" You kind of knew what he was insinuating when you looked down to see the shadow of a large bulge trapped inside his trousers.
"To fuck you senseless." You removed Joe's hands from you and he stood back when you leaped off of the bar. Pushing him by his chest to fall back a few more steps, he watched as you undressed yourself down to your underwear.
You bit down on your lip, mirroring his image of earlier, when his jaw almost fell to the floor at the sight of you.
"You're such a naughty girl, shit. My kind of girl." Joe walked forward but you reached out to place your hand back on his chest immediately, stopping him as still as a statue in his wake, he obeyed to you like you were some sort of goddess, becoming patient all of a sudden.
"I believe you're still dressed." You tilted your head to the side in a moderately cheeky state.
Joe removed his clothes faster than you could blink twice, his cock springing free from his boxers making your eyes almost pop out of their sockets. He wasn't too big nor too small, perfect in size but wide in girth, the perfect ratio.
"Bend over right now." You rolled your eyes at him once more and turned, slowly removing your cotton panties, feeling them fall to the floor once past your thighs, you kicked them out of the way and bent over as instructed.
Joe came up behind you, falling straight to his knees, patting at your thighs to open them slightly, you moved them open and without a second thought, Joe pushed his face right up to your cunt, tonguing straight inside your hole, humming along with your instant cries of pleasure. He fisted at his length slowly, throbbing to the way you tasted and the sounds of your rhythmic moans. The more noise you made, the faster his tongue would dart in and out of you. His hands were clutched to your ass, squeezing at the peachy cheeks. Joe slurped and tongue fucked you well, you couldn't imagine what the real deal would be like if his smaller muscle worked like this.
"Joe, fuck I-"
"Oh no. Not just yet, only good girls get to cum." Joe muttered, the vibrations of his voice sent straight through your core.
"Please." You bit onto your arm as tears seeped out of you, your release evident when he replaced his tongue for his fingers, fatter than you'd anticipated, he moved them through you erratically, leaving little nibbles against your ass cheek that his hand once occupied. You heard a wicked laugh behind you, making you clench around his digits in utter desperation.
"I get to fuck you first and then we'll see about letting that pretty pussy have it's orgasm." You gritted your teeth, his fingers pulling out of you and being replaced by his cock, stretching you out and filling you inch by inch, his hands slowly became one with your skin, his finger tips making marks around your waist as he didn't even give time to adjust, he began to pound ferociously, sending you into a fucked out mess.
"Fuckkkk, you're so tight. Are you going to be a good girl for me?" You nodded, but the ruckus that was being created from him railing you against the counter was mistook for ignorance on his part.
Joe's hand came down with a blow against your ass, not once but twice, harder the second time.
"Answer me. Are you going to be." His thrusts were powerful, his balls slapping up against you. "MY good fucking girl."
"Yes! Yes!" You squealed.
"Yes what?" Joe panted.
"I'll be your good girl. I swear."
You could feel the smirk from behind you as he continued to pound into you hard like you were a useless toy, a rag doll.
"Look at you, you're such a mess. Cum for me, pretty girl." Your body gave way, your cunt throbbed and tightened, you felt as though you were paralysed from the waist down, your teeth latched to your arm almost drawing blood from it's intensity.
The way you reacted to your release had Joe fucking into you, moaning at the top of his lungs. He pulled out without letting you know, you felt empty all of a sudden.
"On your knees." You turned and fell straight down, obedient and understanding for what he wanted more than anything.
"Open your mouth."
You opened up, staring up at him, Joe's eyes focussed on you as he jerked at his cock, seed flowing straight into your mouth after one last tug. He moaned your name clearer and no less beautiful than you'd ever heard him say it. You swallowed without thought watching him grin his teeth back at you, a little devilish chuckle following shortly after. He offered you his hand, standing you back up. Joe headed straight for the bathroom, leaving you alone. You grabbed a hold of your clothes which were thrown in various puddles around you, redressing yourself and hopping back onto your now obviously claimed stool.
As he came out, he gave you the most innocent and sweetest smile you'd ever seen; there was the soft boy you'd been wondering about again. The façade he puts on was so clearly an act, he was obviously a sweet person inside, but you'd quickly realised it was something you'd have to earn, especially after what had just occured.
"I couldn't stop myself, after knowing you clearly wanted me, do you know how much that made me want you?" Joe spoke out, interrupting your thoughts.
"Do you still want me?" You asked out right, like was this a one time thing? A one night stand if that's what you could call it, because it's not everyday you come and fuck a random stranger, it wasn't in you to do that ever, it was quite clear he'd got some form of hold on you to bring that side out of you which you were usually so shy about in such a hurry.
"Come by tomorrow and I'll definitely show you how much I want you again."
You furrowed your brows a little bit, slightly confused. Did he not want to get to know you?
"Is that all you want me for?" You were scared of the response but you had to know. Joe moved closer to you, pushing his knuckle up against your chin, bringing your eyes to meet his.
"Absolutely not. But it's a bonus." He made you feel like nobody else ever had. You were longing for someone you didn't even know at all, it was a dangerous game that you were entering but you were adamant to play along and see what happened next.
"You'd better be going, my staff will be back soon. I'll text you." Joe leaned down to plant a peck on your lips, holding back from stopping, he prolonged the kiss from ending, his fingers holding your chin, kissing you again and again. You left shortly after, more clueless than you'd felt before entering the bar in the first place. As you shut the door, you crossed over the road to head back to your house, turning back with a random instinct after hearing footsteps that weren't far behind you, you turned to see another girl heading into the bar, shadily looking side to side to make sure nobody was looking, someone that you were pretty sure was not his employee.
Your heart beat ten to the dozen, yet you had no right to be angry. So what, you were probably just another girl he wanted to fuck? Yet why were you fighting the urge to cry.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, a notification from Joe.
Joe: Same time tomorrow? You were such a good girl for me.
Locking your phone and shoving it back into your pocket, you almost turned back to bash on the doors to find out the truth. Feeling overcome with more anxiety than independence you removed yourself from the sight of that cursed bar, away from the man you thought for a second might have actually wanted you for more than just sex.
You decided the better option was to try and call him, you pressed the call button and placed the phone to your ear, the tone rang once and then was sent straight to voicemail. You were just a fuck.
Shaking with upset and now full blown anger, you stared at the block button, stopping yourself for a second, holding yourself against a brick wall as it was too much effort to stand, your body felt heavy and dirty, your head was a trainwreck. Your thumb did the work for you, blocking Joe's number after much deliberation.
Fuck him.
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shayyprasad · 5 months
stargazing and pretty boys | peter parker
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synopsis: you see peter stargazing at a park, and find yourself joining him.
tw: none. just fluff! (well, maybe, like, pining?)
for the sake of the plot... pollution doesn't exist. :)
word count: 1.3k+ words.
struggling to make my fics more aesthetic.
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out of the corner of your eye, you could see your classmate, barely a friend, peter parker. (that didn't change the fact you were hopelessly in love with him.)
you didn't know much about him, aside from the fact that he interned for tony stark and was basically a genius. he was laying on a field at night, in the park you just so happened to be at.
why were you in a park at 12:36pm?
probably for the same reason he was. you couldn't sleep. there was nothing to it really, just a lot going on. you needed to clear your head.
but then again, maybe it was a good thing to be in someone else's company, being left with your own thoughts was always a slipperly slope. maybe this was a chance to make a new friend, too.
at first, you were hesitant. yes, peter was insanely cute and you'd love to talk to him. but what if he, unlike you currently, did want to be alone?
who were you to intrude on that?
you glanced back at him, watching him gaze at the stars. peter's hands were tucked behind his head, a soft smile adourning his face.
he seemed so at peace, and you yearned for that, too. and more importantly, you yearned to be beside him, tucked away into his hold.
peter parker was a busy boy, from what you knew. he was always rushing from place to place, always had something to do. this seemed... so odd. watching him lay there, not carelessly, but idly.
it felt out of character for him, almost.
peter had drawn you in, leaving you so intrigued. he was mysterious, and not in an jedi master yoda way, but just in general.
he was quiet and kept to himself, you saw him hang around with ned, and sometimes talked to mj (who always sent you into a bi panic).
peter wasn't... popular, to say the least. but his actions spoke louder than his words. you were always watching him, not in a creepy way, definitely in a creepy way, and taking note.
whether it was lending someone, even if it wasn't his friends, notes and studyguides, or checking up on people.
you absolutely knew there was something special about him. he was different, you could tell.
you couldn't help it when you thought; pretty boy.
finally, you decided to do it. walk right up to him. after all, what did you have to lose?
you plopped down right next to him, "hi."
he looked over at you, not startled or fazed, but simply smiling, "y/n. hi."
"you know my name?"
"'course. we have math and science together. and history."
"oh. yeah." how did you get so awkward so fast?
"you- do you know mine?"
"yes! i- yeah. i mean, yeah, i do. it's peter. peter benjamin parker," you blurted, face flushing.
he laughed, and you decided it was your new favorite sound.
so pretty. just like him.
"sorry," you said, "i get a little nervous around you," you'd said it like it wasn't a big deal, but you really hadn't meant to say that at all.
"me? why?"
shrugging. you wished you hadn't said anything at all. "i don't know. you're just-"
"big, burly, and intimidating?" he joked.
"yep. that's why."
peter laughed, and this time you joined in.
pretty boy.
it was quiet for a while, and you were perfectly content with that. it wasn't an awkward silence or anything of the sort... but you wanted to hear his voice.
you needed to.
how infatuated were you with this boy? very.
"do you come here often?" you asked quietly.
"sometimes. when i need to clear my mind. or if i'm, i dunno, bored? it's pretty."
"yeah," but you weren't looking at the sky.
"what about you?"
"uh, same thing. lot going on, i guess."
"tell me about it," he chuckled, before gently asking, "do you wanna talk about it? you don't have to, of course, i'm just... i'm here if you want someone."
want someone? i do want someone. i want you. but not in the way you're thinking.
"no," you said instead. you didn't want to ruin the mood, it was nice as it was. "same goes for you though."
peter's smile faltered slightly, "i can't," he murmured.
"what's that?"
"nothing. it's- it's not anything."
"okay," you didn't press it. if he didn't want to talk, you wouldn't force him.
"did you know stars can exist in binary systems?" peter asked suddenly.
"no, but now i do," you smiled, wanting to hear more.
"they produce energy through nuclear fusion."
"less metallic stars may actually have planets with a higher percentage of carbon and water. this is because there would have been higher ratios of carbon to iron or oxygen to iron in their preplanetary nebulae even though these elements would all have been a smaller percentage to hydrogen and heliium."
he'd lost you there, but you urged him to go on anyways.
"active galaxies often pump out 100 times more light than a normal galaxy. with the discovery in 1963 of quasars, it was clear that the light comes not from stars but from a central region smaller than the solar system."
"what are quasars?"
"quasars are a subclass of active galactic nuclei, extremely luminous galactic cores where gas and dust falling into a supermassive black hole emit electromagnetic radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum."
he laughed, bemused. and then it went quiet again. "...pete?" you asked, trying out a new nickname.
"you pique my interest," you blurted it out, and immediately hated the way it was worded. "i mean... not just the quasars and whatnot. i feel like there's so much more to you. you're honest. i like that the best about you. you're not talkative, but you don't need to be. you aren't afraid to speak your mind, and it's never controlling... just alluring."
you hadn't been thinking, just speaking your mind. it was weird, being around peter. it was easy. it felt easy. he was easy. you could let loose around him, and maybe that's why you were so drawn to peter.
but you might've just said too much.
after a moment, "really? you think?"
you scooted closer to him, feeling a little colder. laying down beside him, you inhaled his pinewood scented, tinged with slight sweat.
"well... yeah."
"thank you." he turned to face you. "my favorite thing about you is your passion."
"passion?" you snorted. "please."
"you're invested, but i don't think you see yourself like that. you don't give yourself the credit you deserve. remember the annual state writing competition?"
you nodded, smiling as you recalled that memory. you'd won first place, and you had no idea how.
"i remember when you were talking to liz about it, right before you turned it in. you said that it wasn't great, but you tried to... you said that you tried to make it 'you'," peter chuckled. "you totally dissed your own paper!
"and then i remember seeing it pinned up in the award's case. i read it... and damn. it was so good. i remember thinking, 'jeez, if this is her idea of sucky, then what's her idea of good?' you certainly have a way with words, y/n. you're talented, but it's not just that. you're hard-working."
you turned over on your side to meet his gaze, your hand brushing his as you laid together on the grass.
"wow, parker. i have a way with words? recite something like that to a girl you like, and watch, she'll be down so bad." you weren't lying, not exactly. you had already fallen for him, now you were falling harder.
"i did recite it to a girl i like. just now."
you sucked in a breath, mirroring his expression, grinning from ear to ear.
"pretty boy," you whispered, so softly, you didn't think he heard it. but what would you know?
what you did know was that stargazing was your new favorite thing to do.
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bloodybreakupscene · 10 months
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tom holland! peter parker x reader
-> so uh basically flash makes fun of peter and is like "embarassinggg 😳!!" so he runs out the cafeteria like a disney channel character but u comfort him l8r so it's okay
-> wrote this while i was in sugarland texas!! it was so much fun :3 n e ways im so hungry ( ;∀;) and i want a fruit smoothie
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"peter look! there they are!" ned pointed, hinting peter towards your presence at the table across from theirs.
"shh! keep your voice down, what if they hear you?" peter said, shoving ned's arm down.
"they probably heard you already." mj rolled her eyes.
"no way, we're pretty far. . . right?" he asks, half rhetorical and half serious. mj ignores it and ned laughs. "don't worry pete! I'm sure they love you already, you just don't know it_!"
peter lays his head down on his arm and absentmindedly stares at you, you were talking with your friends sitting at a semi occupied table, hand swirling around a straw that was inside your chocolate milk carton. there was only one person he recognized sitting next to you and it was flash.
"penis parker! something you wanna say to us or what?"
speaking of flash, peter's lovestruck face falters and is replaced with a confused one. he noticed that each and every one of the people in your small friend group were staring at him, including you. his face immediately flushes as you both make eye contact.
"is he gonna say anything?" one of your friends mentions to you.
"how about you leave us alone, flash, he's not hurting you." mj defends, frankly tired of flash's behavior over the years.
"exactly, it's not even you he's staring at!" ned attempts to defend. peter and mj really don't know how to respond to that other than a shocked and 'oh my god i can't believe you just said that what the hell ned' look.
the table collectively goes 'oooo' [ aside from you ] in a childlike manner, which embarrasses him even further. he wanted nothing more than to crawl underground and become one with the moles and dirt.
flash whistles, "damn then, who were you staring at." he eyes you, in which you glare at him, a silent message for him to not say what he's about to say.
"i think i know who it is, but you gotta help me out here man, who's got your—"
"flash shut up." you say, in a light tone, but stern enough for him to know that you were actually kind of serious.
"that confirmed it." he jokes, no one really paying attention to him anymore.
you shoot peter an apologetic look and he stares back at you, an unanalyzable expression painting his face. your group continues to discuss miscellaneous topics as his exponentially smaller trio try to comfort him. you save him the embarrassment by not sparing him any glances.
"it wasn't that bad of an interaction! at least they defended you."
"ned! it was your fault this happened in the first place!"
"nuh uh."
"it's okay guys, not that big of a deal." peter brushed off, "gonna do the restroom really quick, yeah." they look at him unconvinced but inevitably let him go. he sits outside the restroom near a water fountain.
embarrassing, is all he found that interaction to be. he just needed to be alone for a bit. what pissed him off was that it was a joke, he wasn't supposed to take it this seriously. it was worse that he walked out of the cafeteria feeling and looking stupid, at least in his mind.
he looks up; oh shit it's you.
"oh, uh, hey."
"sorry about. .you know. .flash."
"it's fine, nothing i'm not used to!" he laughs slightly, ignoring the fact that he is most definitely not used to flash's bullying just yet.
"well uh, whatcha' listening to?" you sit next to him on the floor.
"oh just, generic stuff, i guess, here." he hands you one of his earbuds, blush apparent on his face. you smile as you put in your ear as you guys share your different tastes in music, eventually spending your whole lunch period together.
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thesweetnessofspring · 5 months
What did you think about Peeta and Gale’s conversation in chapter 23 of Mockingjay? I don’t think Peeta was in the right state of mind yet to wonder who Katniss would choose in the end, so I remember being really surprised that he would even partake in a conversation like this one. To be fair, Peeta wasn’t the one who brought it up. He just stated that he thought Katniss loved Gale and that she pretty much confirmed it to him after his whipping, but it was Gale who mentioned that it was Katniss’ problem who to choose to which Peeta agrees and then wonders how she will make up her mind. Do you think it was out of place? Or what was the real purpose of this exchange between them in your opinion? Thank you 😊
So, I think this conversation is hugely important to the love-triangle-as-two-sides-of-just-war-theory angle in the series. Of course on the surface there's still talk about kissing and proving love, but there's still a few interesting lines. One is:
It's so strange to hear them talking like this. Almost like friends. Which they're not. Never have been. Although they're not exactly enemies.
Which is interesting. It's not odd for two competing men in a love triangle to be nasty to each other, but Katniss says their dynamic is more similar to friends than enemies. And that they aren't enemies, although they're both in love with Katniss. Which is interesting from the two sides they represent. Because both are fighting on the same side, to take down the Capitol and end the districts' oppression. So they aren't enemies, but their tactics are different. Peeta is diplomacy and persuasion. Gale is war and force.
While the two love interests are posed as Katniss's potential worldviews, I can't help but think that Katniss, then, represents Panem. She is the symbol people look to, the random girl who, yes, has some things that make her stand out, but never wanted glory, only safety for those she loved. Her want is what the people want. So what will Katniss/the people choose?
Gale's response: "whoever she thinks she can't survive without."
We don't get the answer until the end of MJ that it's Peeta she can't survived without, that "What I need is the dandelion in the spring." This scene between Peeta and Gale poses that question and Katniss ends up responding to it, even if it pisses her off at the time.
I think this is the reason why Suzanne included it, and why it adds to the themes and the love triangle as a literary device. Now as for how it fits in, I won't say that it doesn't at times stick out to me as a bit strange. However, I think that Suzanne put it in just the right place to make it the most natural.
Peeta has been uncovering what's real and not real for several chapters now, starting with mundane things. Gale helps him remember District 12 and they've been fighting alongside each other, including Gale promising to kill Peeta if necessary. I think that's set up a sort of bonding where they can now look at each other beyond "other dude into the girl I'm in love with." And we know Peeta has had an anger or jealousy toward Katniss that Gale recognizes as his own jealousy, but without the ability to recognize the nuances of the situation. He's riled her up about their kissing, the love triangle, their nights on the train, flirting with Annie. So their romance/showmance is on his mind. But things have started to become a bit more real as he figures out how to identify no-real memories (shiny) and real memories start to surface, like what Katniss's favorite color is and the fact that Katniss got him medicine for his leg. And of course, this is also after the big "stay with me"/"always" scene.
All of that to say, between Gale appearing more like a friend during the war and the dynamic between Katniss and Peeta returning more to how it was before, Peeta has questions. The first one starts off tame enough, more of a prodding than a question: "That was funny, what Tigris said. About no one knowing what to do with her." And it builds from there. Peeta returning to his assertion that Katniss was in love with Gale, and Gale voicing his doubts because of the beach kiss. Gale is the one who first brings up Katniss having to choose, which at this point, he doubts will be a problem (oh character who is unaware of their plot armor). I think this was sort of Gale's, "well, we got bigger shit to deal with than our love lives, since it's not even going to be an issue" type of statement. But Peeta is the one stuck on the choosing. Perhaps because he hasn't been chosen before, perhaps because he wants it to be real and not a "well Gale died so you're it," perhaps because he often sees more positives and has hope they'll all make it out. It might be a bit of a stretch normally, but a hijacked Peeta who's asking questions when he's confused, I can believe him wondering how she'll choose, even if it sounds out of place. In any other context it would, but I think Suzanne sets it up to fit with the characters in that moment.
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literaticat · 2 months
Can an author secretly sign copies of their own book on the shelves in shops? Is it legal? I’ve heard Neil Gaiman does it at airports? What does an author say if they get caught doing it?
For what? Like could you not?
Here's the thing: If you have been invited to do a signing, or you have said hello, introduced yourself and asked to sign stock -- fantastic. We love that. I'd give you a good pen! I'd make sure that the books are all pulled out of wherever they might be in the store so you don't miss a copy! I'd put "autographed" stickers on them and take a picture for social media and promote the books! Yay! We have signed copies!
If you are a random customer in the store and you just start pulling books off the shelves and writing in them with a sharpie -- ummm.... WTF???? I am pretty sure that's vandalism?
If I were to walk into a shoe store and whip out a sharpie and start doodling on the Air Jordans, that'd be wild behavior, right? I'd probably get kicked out of the store, at least. But IF I WERE MICHAEL JORDAN and I was doing that -- I'd be creating collector's items. Probably the shoe store would have ZERO problem with Michael Jordan doing that, and would in fact encourage it.
I have seen posts from some very (VERY) famous authors, like Neil, about doing things like this. How cheeky! Good thing he's the MJ of SF and pretty much every bookseller in the entire English speaking world knows what he looks like, so hey, if he just really wants to have that little shenanigan, go for it bro, I guess. If he "got caught" -- he and the bookseller would have a laugh, probably. Or if he ran across the one bookseller that doesn't know him, he'd be like "uh - I wrote this" and they'd look at the back of the book and see his face on it, and they'd I guess say "oh ok, carry on then?"
But personally, as a bookseller, I would MUCH prefer that he introduce himself, let me make sure he has all the stock and a comfortable place to sign, let me put the "autographed" sticker on the books so people don't just think it's random scribble-scrabble, etc. Then I'd know that these books were in my store like, ON PURPOSE, rather than worrying some joker off the street might have come in and vandalized them.
And I would DEFINITELY prefer that you, Not-Neil, ask before you sign. You won't have to think of something to say, because you won't "get caught", because you'll have permission. Yay!
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endlessnightlock · 1 year
Hi! Here to request #43 from your smut prompts 😍 Would be nice to have it in a “growing back together, post-mj” context! Kinda see it as Katniss asking Peeta this as he seems to be just naturally good at everything Katniss related ~ if you catch my drift~, also with the whole “having two older brothers” thing, I’m pretty sure he’s gotten some “advice”.
Thanks! ❤️
“Are you sure this is your first time?”
Thanks Anon!
Inexperienced Smut Prompts
Katniss had always assumed their first time would be not great. Not that she had any expectations, it was just something she’d accepted as fact and didn’t think about too much because your first sexual encounter was just that—a first of many. That a guy’s first time was over before it began, which the girl was alright with because her first experience with penetration would hurt and leave her sore and bleeding.
Yeah, that wasn’t how it was going.
Cut to her lying in bed, gasping for breath and Peeta sliding up her body with a cocky grin. His mouth and chin wet from making her come around his fingers and tongue she didn’t know how many times.
He captured her lips and they kissed hotly. He laid on top of her, pinning her down, the feel of his bare skin making her crazy. He smiled against her mouth as she sunk languidly into the mattress, moaning around his tongue, turned on beyond words by the taste of her in his mouth. It surprised her how much she liked that intimate possession.
The room was humid, their bodies sticky and damp with sweat and the sheer amount of her slippery arousal. Everything felt hot and dirty in the best way.
Their hips moved restlessly together until he sat back with a gasp, taking his cock in hand. She watched him with wide eyes. She couldn’t wait to have him inside of her.
He hovered over her, his sturdy hips and muscled thighs heavy between her legs. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” she said, hips rolling unconsciously up when he rubbed the head of his cock through her folds. He didn’t fumble looking for her entrance, finding his way inside of her, coming in with a slick slide. He was all the way in, she was sure, but there wasn’t any pain. His shaft was thick and rigid. It was too much but absolutely perfect. She writhed beneath him, waiting for him to move.
“Uhm, you feel so good,” he whispered in her ear, voice thick like honey.
Even his voice like this was doing things to her. She clawed at his back in desperation.
Her nerves were sensitive from the myriad of other ways he’d made her come, leaving her overstimulated and overwhelmed. She thought a few more thrusts was all it would take to get her to come on his cock. She thought he could make her come all night if he wanted to.
“Yeah?” He murmured, slowing down his thrusts, moving in and out shallowly, never thrusting fully into her the way she wanted him to. His eyes dropped to her chest, watching her breasts bounce lightly.
“Peeta,” she whined, shifting restlessly beneath his hips.
“Touch your breasts for me,” he said, smirking. It was like he could do this to her all night.
She scowled at him
“I’ll give you what you want if you do,” he said in a sing-song tone, rolling his hips deeply into her. The motion made her breath catch.
Knowing she would do almost anything he wanted to get him moving, she cupped herself beneath his watchful eye. “Like that?” she asked, face hot with shame but desperate for release.
“Yeah, squeeze them for me. I want to watch you.”
She complied, finding it wasn’t difficult touching herself in front of him.
And he gave her what she wanted, but he took his time getting her there. By the time she finally came her mind and body seemed to separate leaving her soaring above herself.
He followed her over the edge, collapsing on top of her when they were done.
“You love me, real or not real?” He whispered, lips pressed against her ear.
She smiled. That answer was as easy as the rest had been. “Real. But Peeta,I have to ask you something.”
She sucked in a breath. “Are you sure this is your first time doing this?”
He pushed up, his face hovering inches above hers. He looked confused. “Well, yeah.” He said, flopping l onto the other side of the bed. “Why?”
He turned his head to look her in the eye. She threaded her fingers through his, letting their hands drop between them to rest on the mattress. “I thought our first time wasn’t going to be like that. You know, not good. That’s what I’ve always heard.”
A snort came from him. “So it wasn’t terrible?”
She grinned shyly. “No, no it wasn’t. It was really amazing. But why was it like that?”
He laughed. “Katniss, I had older brothers. And I may have done some research once I thought sex might be a possibility.” He stared at the ceiling, avoiding her eyes, cheeks reddening more than they already were beneath her focused gaze. “And I may have jerked off a couple of times before coming over here tonight,” he admitted sheepishly.
Once she had her uncharacteristic giggle fit at his admission under control she sighed, leaning over and kissing him, arms resting on his chest. “I love you, you know that?”
He buried his hands in her hair and she leaned in to kiss him deeper, lips opening eagerly to receive him. “Well then. Why don’t you show me what a recent virgin can do,” he murmured, hand on her thigh, urging her to straddle him.
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hirofall · 1 year
Little Peter Parker hc’s!!
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•He either regresses to 0-3 or 4-6
•His caregivers are Tony,Ned and aunt May
•But he also has other people that take care of him a lot when he’s small,like Mj,Happy,Steve & Wanda
•Pretty much all of the avengers will not hesitate to take care of him tho
•His favorite stuffie is a monkey and he carries it with him absolutely everywhere
•The only people that know about him being a regressor are in his closer inner circle.It’s something he likes to keep private
•Before he told anyone about him being little,he used to absolutely neglect his sleep for it.At night he’d already be outside spidey-ing,and instead of napping in the afternoon he’d use it as his little time and watch cartoons and play
•But he told people and they helped him get a healthy schedule for it
When he’s 0-3:
•Absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs.
•The Land Before Time is his absolute favorite movie
•He’s fussy with food a lot.He drinks up bottles and eats food he’s familiar with without making much of a mess and behaving really good,but the second someone tries to feed him something he doesn’t know,he will be a mess.He closes his mouth shut,cries,and if he keeps being pressured he’ll throw a whole tantrum.It could even be food he already knows just in a different shape,nope,nuh-uh,he’s not eating that (in the end he’ll think it’s yummy and eat even more off his cg’s plate)
•Sometimes sleeping is very difficult for him.He needs lots of reassurance,kisses,cuddles,a warm bottle,a nightlight,a bedtime story or lullaby and his stuffie
•He also gets lots of bad dreams,so often less than half the night is spent in his own bed and the most of it in his cg’s
•He’s a curious baby,whenever something happens he’s gotta be there and see
•Sometimes walking can be a little hard for him,but he crawls absolutely everywhere (luckily he doesn’t know how to use his spidey powers when he’s that young…)
•He loves the ocean sooo much,so aquarium trips are a must!!
•Playground trips are always great too,that boy could play in the sand for hours in pouring rain and he’d still be all smiles
•Wherever he goes,his stuffie Monkey has to come with.It’s not a want,it’s a need.If it doesn’t come,he doesn’t either
•Loves Bluey!!His favorite episodes are “Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound” and “Sleepytime” (Seriously tho,Sleepytime is the best episode)
When he’s 4-6:
•He’s a very creative kid,give him some legos and he’ll build an entire castle
•He likes to color!!Especially with crayons
•Still obsessed with dinosaurs.Although with this age range,he prefers to watch the jurassic park/world movies over the land before time
•Loves loves loves superheroes so much!He has an iron man Halloween costume that he wears like every day
•He’s a good kid,he doesn’t break rules…but he does like to push them a bit (a lot)
•Will randomly drop fun facts all the time,like “Did you know that Australia is wider than the moon?”
• And how could I forget,he is OBSESSED with Star Wars (Me too,Petey,me too)
•Has multiple lightsabers (thanks to Tony,these things are so expensive),his room is full of Star Wars posters,he has a massive R2-D2 pillow,and on Halloween he likes to dress up as Chewbacca
•Will also reference Star Wars at any chance he gets.Does anyone (but Ned) get it?No.Will he still continue?Absolutely
•Also,MOVIE NIGHTS.Like,every movie night it’s a decision between dinosaur movies and Star Wars,and believe me when I say that is a very hard decision.Sometimes he’ll just sit in front of two dvds for half an hour just to decide which one to watch
•Discovered that he can stick to things.Luckily he doesn’t know about the webs,but every now and then his cg will just hear giggling above them and when they look up he’ll just be chilling on the ceiling
I have so many more oh my god
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
May i suggest a fic or whatever of Kaeya inspired by this song??? It's just so cute to think of it!!!
Hmm I'm going to Indulge a bit :D the reason why ive chosen this trope is bc 1) this song gives me driving at night vibes 2) i konw nothing about mj outside of my friend in elementary LOVED his music and was devestated when he died 3) this song also makes me think of fall in middleschool and that disctinve smell but?? you and him are not staying as tiny children i just used my school experience to set up context :D
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You don't know much about Kaeya, other than the fact that the two of you have grown up in the same area. As far as you're concerned, your friend groups don't have much in common and his crowd was very different than yours.
However, he was polite, and you liked that enough. Whenever you two had a class together he made it a point to say hi to you, and if he was sat next to you he'd even make conversation. Outside of that, you had no reason to seek him out, especially thanks to the throng of people he seemed to surround himself with.
Unfortunately for you, Kaeya's somehow developed a devastating crush on you. You didn't seem to remember this, but once when he was younger and new to the school you sat and played with him through many a recess. He knows he's changed a lot, but he had no idea it was so drastic you couldn't put two and two together.
He thought it was just something passing, and that if he spent time with other people he'd get over it. But, the more time passed the more this ache to have you in his life persisted. Kaeya could never act on it - he was far too terrified to change the seemingly inert state of your relationship.
For now, he'd satisfy himself by just spending time with you in class every so often, or waving hello to you in the halls. It wasn't until his last year of high school when he thought he was over you that he realised he was dead wrong. Being assigned the same home room and having to see each other at least once a day minimum made his heart skip a beat every morning, nervously checking his appearance to see if he could get your attention.
Yes, he feels a little desperate, no, he's not mad about it.
"So, did you apply for early admission?"
You look up and see Kaeya, looking behind him to see if any of his friends are behind him. You assume he's just killing some time, scooching over to let him sit down next to you until you're forced to stay in homeroom for once.
"Yeah, I did. You?"
He sighs a little, blowing his fringe out of his face.
"Yeah. I got accepted."
You raise a brow, looking at him a little impressed. Kaeya's been a good student as far as you knew, so you're not surprised but considering that applications just opened for University two weeks ago you can't help but be taken aback.
"Wow. I'm pretty nervous. Did you get a safety school too?"
"Nervous? You'll be fine - everyone gets in, and you do well in class," he reassures, resting his head on the desk.
"And I did. I'm just waiting for the safety schools to respond just in case I change my mind."
Kaeya knew that with graduation creeping up on everyone he was running out of time to try and confess. He's been trying to get the gall to do it, building himself up every morning but failing miserably whenever he sees you.
"Yeah. I'm planning to just go to school locally like everyone else does. Not exactly rich enough to go abroad. Or smart enough," you laugh, fiddling with a pen.
"I want to go there too!" he says a little too excitedly, clearing his throat as an attempt to cover up.
"Diluc, my older brother, goes there too and I think it'd be nice to stay local. Maybe we'll see each other?"
"Hopefully! The transit will be a bitch though, right?"
Kaeya sees this as his chance, speaking before his mind can catch up.
"I can drive you! We have to make our own schedules so if ours align then we can carpool. I won't make you pay gas or anything, just in company." He winks at you, hoping that his charm is coming out, not nerves.
"Sure, if you want. That'd be nice - only if it works out for both of us, alright?"
He nods in response, trying not to bounce his knee too aggressively at how excited he is at the prospect.
Fast forward some years later and the two of you are deeply embroiled in your studies. You got accepted where you wanted to be, and Kaeya ended up deciding to stick with his first choice at the local school. To his delight, he was able to strike up a stronger relationship with you, now both friends rather than classmates.
He drives you to class or makes you drive his car the mornings he's too tired to. You meet on campus between breaks, have lunch together, or crash each other's classes on occasion when someone's bored. It's everything he could have asked for but that doesn't stop that yearning he thought would go away.
He's tried other people, wanting to see if he could get over you without a rejection but it seems like he can't, mumbling lightly to himself as he waits outside the building you're in to pick you up.
He needs an answer today, even if it's no. Just something to finally shut up the voice in his head saying it might be a yes and to just finally shoot his shot after all these years. His fingers drum against the steering wheel, eyes watching as people flood out of the building for your familiar form.
"I always have so much fun with you," you say after catching your breath from a stupid joke Kaeya made, leaning back in your reclined seat as you look out his car window and out to the trail.
"I'm not wrong though," he says, still laughing a bit. "Why are we parked outside of a park when we could just go walk around!"
"It's nice to just be like this, don't you think?"
You sigh a little, yawning and closing your eyes as you take in the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. The sun is beginning to set, washing you both in reds and pinks and he takes the opportunity to admire you.
He knows that if he doesn't act soon he could lose you forever. Your journeys at school are beginning to close, giving him less of a chance to guarantee time with you. His heart thuds loudly in his chest, desperate for the chance to finally make his feelings known.
He opens his mouth, not expecting the weak little noise that comes out. You turn to face him, holding back a teasing laugh to give him your full attention. He tries again, finally finding the words.
"I'm in love with you. I have been since the day we met and I just want you to give me a chance. Can you do that? Please?"
He hates how desperate he sounds, playing with the edge of his sleeves and averting your gaze to avoid looking at you. He has no idea if you'll say yes or no, slowly raising his eyes back to yours when he feels you put your hand on his.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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When do you think Katniss and Peeta developing real romantic feeling toward each other?
Thank you 😊
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(gif originally saved from tenor, not mine)
In my personal opinion, I think Peeta begins falling for Katniss pretty much exactly when he says he does in the cave (aka, the first day of school when she sang, aka, "from that moment on, I was a goner"). He's not afraid of feelings/doesn't think of them as a weakness the way Katniss is/does, and while they don't officially meet until the day of the Reaping, they're not quite total strangers, either. It's sort of a running joke about small towns that "everybody knows everybody," so even when you aren't close to someone, you still kind of know things about them because you simply can't avoid crossing paths throughout your life.
[For instance: when I was in college, there was this one semester where I'd pass this same guy on my way to class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for three+ months. To this day, I don't know his name, I don't know his major, I don't know whether he was coming from a dorm or a class or the library, but I know he had to catch the 11:55 bus, that he liked vanilla protein drinks more than chocolate protein drinks, that he would rather trip over someone than elbow his way past them, that he really liked wearing gray, and that he could jump a bike rack if he wanted to, because I observed all those pieces of information just casually walking past him for that short amount of time even though I had no interest in him. Peeta, by comparison, was interested in Katniss from the get-go and saw her at least five days a week for about a decade, so I think it's safe to assume a lot of the knowledge he surprises her by airing during their discussion with Haymitch (the hunting skills, the good aim, etc.) are things he's picked up on because he's (as he says) "paying attention." ]
Because his dad points Katniss out and tells a story about her mother (and her father, and the baker, which in and of itself is kind of interesting as it can sort of be taken as foreshadowing since it involves two kids from one side of town who grow up together but don't end up together because one of the kids falls in love with a person from the opposite side of town which, ya know, sounds a little G/K/P but I digress), Peeta notices her. But that first notice isn't The Moment™ for him; instead, it's her volunteering (!!!) to get up in front of the class and sing the Valley song that does him in.
And to be honest, while I do understand where people who discount that first day of school thing because "they were just kids" are coming from, I personally think it has to be counted because, as Peeta himself points out, he "noticed just about every girl," but the only one who makes "a lasting impression" is Katniss meaning, in essence, that he sort of tested/examined his feelings for Katniss and realized way before the Games that they were, in fact, strong enough to make him want to try and keep her alive at his own expense in the arena. For him, the romantic feelings are already in place by the time we the readers meet him, and finally getting to know her only strengthens how he feels because a lot of the things he most admires about her (her strength, her bravery, her skill, her stubbornness, her love for her sister, etc.) are all on full display. (Also: he thinks she's funny even if no one else does, and like he tells her in Catching Fire when she's mad at him for laughing after the Johanna-Elevator incident, he basically loves the fact that she's intimidating on the outside and awkward as anything [aka, "pure"] on the inside.)
To me, it's kind of significant that for Peeta, it's emphasized at the end of THG how he's "already there" when it comes to being in love, and that he "[wants] it to be real" in CF when they're parading their fake but-maybe-not-so-fake relationship around, and I firmly believe that the main reason his MJ storyline hurts so much beyond the usual watching-a-favorite-character-be-damaged-by-the-narrative is because his inability to tell the difference between what's real and what isn't is such a perversion of his previously rock-solid love for Katniss. Up until that moment in the series, we the readers and Katniss, and basically all the rest of Panem know that Peeta's feelings for her are real; after what the Capitol does to him, his biggest point of confusion centers on what he feels for Katniss, but even when he doubts what he's seeing/hearing/thinking/feeling, reason still tells him that you don't start off risking a beating for burning bread and go back into a government-sponsored death match for someone you don't love a whole lot.
In Katniss' case I think it's more difficult to pinpoint one exact moment of origin, because she doesn't like to deal with feelings to begin with and is also too practical to take time to sit down and sort out how she feels when there are so many other things to do (and also, a lot of what causes her to fall for Peeta are the smaller, everyday parts of his personality rather than any single grand gesture or one particular moment they share together).
That being said, Katniss is one of the closest approximations to myself that I've ever come across in fiction in terms of how we think/operate, so I personally see a lot of giveaways regarding how/what she thinks of Peeta and how that shifts over time. And to me, the closest thing to an official Romantic Feels Are Sparking moment is the moment in the cave when she starts to wonder if he's a really, really, really good actor, or if what he's telling her is maybe based in truth.
One of the things I've noticed over time during HG discussions is that a lot of people seem to either not fully understand or to gloss over Katniss' practicality, which is a huge part of who she is and how she makes her decisions (including romantic ones). Like she says herself several times throughout the series, Katniss is focused predominantly on survival for most of her life. That's it. She doesn't go for things like music, ribbons, pets, etc., because they're not useful, and to her, romantic relationships also fall in that category because they carry an inherent risk with them in a world where children born outside the wealthy Capitol are in danger of starving to death or getting sent to the Games, and loving and losing someone has the potential to make you fall apart. Due to everything she's gone through in life (losing her father, being essentially forced to take his place, etc.) , she's become self-sufficient and distrustful, and also extremely good at compartmentalizing her feelings (with the sometimes exception of anger). From the second she volunteers for Prim, her focus is on how to maximize her chances of survival; while she knows her odds aren't good, she's too much of a fighter to go down without swinging, and when she sees ways in which she can improve her chances, she goes after them to the best of her ability.
Enter: Peeta, the boy she feels indebted to but has never interacted with even once, who she is now competing with for survival.
Also enter: complicated feelings Katniss very much does not want to deal with because they are a distraction from her current goal of survival.
While it's definitely tempting to make headcanons about how Katniss also maybe had feelings for Peeta prior to the Games because she "[keeps] track of the boy with the bread," I think the important takeaway is: no romantic feelings exist on Katniss' side, but the potential for feelings might...it's just complicated by the Games, because Katniss is so focused on staying alive that she's constantly on guard and keeps misinterpreting his actions as some sneaky, crafty plan when he's actually just being kind. So, even when he catches her off guard and makes her laugh/she finds herself not totally hating hanging out with him, she has to immediately nip all that in the bud because she knows that her survival will ultimately come at the cost of his death, and it's an ugly reality that's much easier to face if she doesn't like him, or at least doesn't know him, than it will be if they become friends and she has to kill him/watch him die/mourn his loss (basically, the whole insidiousness principle of the Games: it forces you into dehumanizing your competitors to save yourself, which will ultimately take a horrible toll on you no matter what).
Although Katniss is inclined to like him, she is also massively confused by him because he keeps behaving in ways that are contradictory to all sense and reason ("He's very hard to predict, which might be interesting under different circumstances, but at the moment only provides another obstacle"), so she's constantly sifting through information until basically, only three explanations for what he's doing remain:
He's trying to survive and jumping at anything that will heighten his chance of that no matter how ruthless (aka pretending to be nice so he can eliminate her later, joining the careers, etc.)
He's genuinely kind but also genuinely trying to survive and is just acting for sponsors
He's telling the truth and really does like her
The trouble is, if you run all those reasons through the logic filter, the answer that seems the most likely is #2, because in Katniss' mind, it doesn't make sense that he'd help her as much as he does if he were just trying to kill her, but it also doesn't make sense that he'd do everything he does because he loves her since she doesn't even understand why anyone outside of her mother and sister would like her. So in essence, every time Peeta sort of tips his hand about how he really feels, Katniss notices it, but is able to find a logical explanation for it/dismiss it as strategy until that one moment in the cave when she realizes he's telling her some things that have a basis in reality, which would imply that everything he's been saying about liking her but her not knowing he was alive is true. And that time when they kiss, she feels something that A) gets the blood pumping in her cut enough to make Peeta stop it all, and B) sticks in her mind enough that she mentions it again in connection with the beach kiss(es) in CF.
Anyways. This is super-duper wordy, so for purposes of succinctness, I have also provided a quick photo summary of my arguments regarding when Katniss first began having real romantic feelings toward Peeta:
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Everything is then (of course) further complicated by Snow and the Capitol, plus Peeta learning that Katniss was under the impression that the Star-Crossed Lovers story was a survival strategy, but the important thing to remember in my opinion is that Katniss explicitly states at both the end of THG and the beginning of CF that she is not sure how much of what she does in the 74th Games is an act, because those little moments in the cave feel real (coughcough), while most of the rest can be written off as planned pageantry.
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for the longwinded response! 😘
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