#these boys need hugs tho y'all
n3ptoonz · 6 months
How would they react to reader pegging them HEHEHE 👁️👁️🙏
mk1 hcs: how the earthrealm guys react to pegging
sorry i took so long to get to this anon! life is on my asssss and kept getting random spurts of writers block but WE HERE
warnings: explicit, smut elements, fluff elements, sub men obviously, sphinx might have favs idk tho😹
When you suggested pegging for the first time, it intrigued him. He'd always been down to try something new, especially if you bring it to him since he does it more
Y'all would be reeallll slow in the beginning. Luckily you knew all about preparation and making sure he was relaxed and okay the whole time. It didn't take long for him to get used to it, and even take a liking
He'd prefer for it to be a regular thing after his looonngggg days after work. There's nothing he needs more than to either be treated with tender, love, and care or just straight filthy coitus with him seeing stars and his hair tangled to all hell
The first few times he was a shy boy, cute lil whimpers here and there. Now? Doesn't give a damn, he will be as vocal as he feels like. You're gonna be the one who wakes up with claw marks and bite marks in the morning
Huh? You want to what? Were you inside of his head or something? How'd you know he wanted you to absolutely mix his guts whenever he gives you attitude? Something ain't right
He only acts reluctant because he didn't wanna look eager, but the man was waiting for this moment. The second you suggested it he was like "okay i'll say yes after like the third time i gotta look cool." when whole time he wanted to fall to his knees and hug your thighs in agreement
Don't try to go slow the first few times. His patience is shorter than his temper, this mf is the most power bottom individual in the bedroom. After he's gotten used to it he'll 'allow' you to go the romantic route (he's such a lil bitch for it we love it)
He barks orders at you like you won't grab his face and give him a taste of his own medicine. One good time where you're hovering over him, a thumb on the inside of his cheek while he drools and you fuck him like your life depended on it. Mission success!
He's the one who brought it to you. Any objections? I think tf not. He isn't saying it aloud, but his eyes are silently begging you to treat him like the town's whore
He likes both the romance and the pure filth. It's entirely up to you; he will never say no to anything you suggest. Fuck him like you're mad at him or go slow and steady while you kiss his jaw and play with his hair and sing his praises
Any and all positions available. If you can somehow prone this big boy, DO IT. He'd totally ride you too if you really down for the count. We are troopers around this bitch!
Sometimes it would concern you how rarely he tapped out, especially when shit was getting intense and didn't calm down for a while. If you were absolutely demolishing his ass, you'd see a pool of drool escaping his lips, his eyes glossed over, his whines and moans gradually getting louder, and when you asked if he was okay, he would nod and give you a thumbs up like he didn't just bust 3 times in a row
Johnny Cage
Every time I do any sexual hcs of this mf, I will continue to say he's a brat. I do not care. He's a fucking diva and will dare to bark orders at you too like you're not the one who brought it up
Y'all know that Meg the stallion lyric where she's like "no don't fuck me like that fuck me like this"? THATS HIS ASS. He KNOWS it'll piss you off but go one of two ways: you indeed do fuck him like that but added aggression, OR! you stop completely and pretend like you're gonna leave the room. Works every time
He thoroughly enjoys straight up sex over romantic sex, but every once in a while he indulges in popping champagne, throwing down rose petals, and playing sexy music in the back to set the mood. Ol dramatic ass
Remember how I said in my riding hcs that he records everything? Yeah. Even as far as come to you and be like "okay so like what if we sold these? i could cut your face out if you want-" and you're like !1!2? HOWEVER ik some of yall are FREEKIE FUCKS. If you say "fuck that leave my face in it", prepare to never need a job ever again
Kenshi Takahashi
Surprisingly is down with it. That's what #love does to a mf. He's like Kuai, anything you want you shall receive. If you wanna play around in that ass, say no more!
97% of the time wants to go slow and steady. He just loves looking at your face with the power of Sento while making love. Tell him how much you love and appreciate him and how he's doing so good for you and he'll instantly become the butter to your bread (like melting- ok y'all get it cool)
That 3%?? He would be on his knees and begging you to fuck the stress out of him. He's had such a tough week, just shove his head into the pillow and get to work!
If it's missionary just grip his neck, get real close to his face so he can feel your breath, and welcome him to pound town. All aboard the slut-Kenshi-out train
Secretly a whore. The first green light into pegging territory, you could see his pearly browns sparkle in excitement and eagerness. He's relatively chill and calm about it at first because he didn't want to scare you away, but that's gone in an instant when you actually do the deed
Walks up to microphone Raiden...enjoys the prepping damn near more than the actual pegging. This pretty boy sure loves to see you break out the lubricant and gloves just so you can get him ready. Bro is on the edge of the bed swinging his feet while you have the most devious look in your eye
He's 50/50 on sensual nights vs getting down and dirty. Literally has zero preference, just spread him!
Back to how I said he's secretly a whore, sometimes he does subtle things that get you riled up throughout the day so you can take it out on him later. It's kinda funny sometimes cause he can be vocal but he's more shy than ever, but he'll break soon, trust
Liu Kang
Out of everyone he'd probably enjoy it the most. Now hear me out, he's not used to something like this, so it may take some convincing, but it's very little. It's good that he was mortal before so this level of intimacy isn't completely out of bounds
Once you get the stamp of approval and you try it for the first time, he's in love. It's like all he wants to do. Like holy fuck, where has this been for all these eons? This is the ultimate relaxation and he gets to forget his worries for a few hours??
He's so fascinated that he'd be the one introducing YOU to different types of straps all the way down to the patterns. "A dragon one... have you heard of this one?" like damn bro we get it you fw dragons (literally 😹)
Given how calm he is he prefers slow and sensual. It's only when he's truly curious that he'd be like hmm...it certainly wouldn't hurt to try (prepare for his godly stamina to have you on the brink of death btw). also, there's no way he wouldn't request for his hair to be pulled 😮‍💨
Kung Lao
Kung Lao my beloved. Morphs into alpha with huge muscles and impeccable imagination. Kung Lao, the egotistical and prideful man he is would think he has the up on you simply because he brought it up before you did. This fine ass man can and will come prepared on his own, case full of toys and all
And if I said he likes to be tooted up with music in the back and you pulling his hair while being used like a barracks bunny, would you arrest me?? For speaking TRUTH? He's a whore your honor
He don't give a damn about slow and steady but he'll do it if you want to. Just know it will never end in slow and steady, the pace always seems to be picked up and all of a sudden he's strap-warming you as a punishment (he literally wanted this to happen)
Idek what more to say Kung Lao is a slut and I need him in a way that's concerning to women's suffrage. I will make that hat chucking dimple having sexy ass man a fucking mother, just you wait. [he is one of the first I will breed]
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littlestardude · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞☆Dating Kyle HCs || Kyle Broflovski x Reader
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Summary: Kyle Bf HCs!
Note: I'm so in love with Kyle it's unreal, he's so pookie, college kiddos :)) also sorry for being SO slow with reqs :(( I unfortunately lose motivation very quickly, so by the time I start it by then end I'm just.,. Trudging thru 😔 I HAVE SOME KENJORINE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET OUT! BUT ARGHHHH, also some Stan bf headcanons
TW: Smut at the end
Gender: AFAB Gen!Neutral
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I feel like sumtimes he'd be unintentionally possessive of you 😔
He can't help it, he feels like you're too perfect for him so he tries to keep you to himself
If you ever bring it up to him he'd feel rlly bad about it, and then tell you that
He's insecure, hold him :((
And when you do, tell him how pretty he is bcs
He's literally the prettiest boy ever I'm gonna fucking sob
His curls are so vibrant, and coily and long, I could get lost playing in his hair forever
We already know he hid it before
But you were talking to your friends and he was somewhere in the vicinity and you were just like,
"HIS HAIR IS SO PRETTY I COULD CRY, AND HE HIDES IT :,(( I just wanna play with it all the time but I don't wanna like... Accidentally make him self-conscious or something :((("
He stopped wearing his hat as much after that.
You noticed it too and you weren't sure if he heard you but you were happy his hair was free
Also his eyes are so pretty
He could be so pissed and ranting and u could just be. Staring into his eyes and he'd be like,
"What are you looking at. "
"Your eyes are so pretty, Ky :)) "
He calmed down pretty quickly after that.
The first time you used that nickname on him he. He melted. He turned so red like,
"W-what did you just call me"
He looked cute as hell tho :3
You started easing him into the nicknames and he got used to it, he even started using some nicknames for you too!!
He's so cute when he does to, because you can tell he's trying!
Sometimes when his temper gets really bad you just hold him to your chest and lay down and play with his hair, he calls down pretty quickly
And if you're in public you just bring him somewhere private and just hug him, and then you guys can walk around while you hold hands
He's not the biggest fan of PDA but likes holding your hand :))
But when he's in private he's all over you, just hugging and kissing you
He's not the best with words, at least words he says out loud bcs
He does poetry! Actual good poetry!
But he loves just hugging you, he likes you on top of him because the pressure feels nice
He's got autism! And he's got that unintentional autistic rizz, if yknow what I mean
Sometimes he'll just say something, you'll just stare at him and blush like crazy and he's just like,
"What'd I say"
You just stare bcs theres no words left...
Very unintentionally blunt as well
You two enjoy silent company a lot! esp Kyle
Sometimes his friends and family and school just get too overwhelming, so he'll just ask you to come over while he does his homework and sometimes you'll do yours and you guys just get to be close 🥰
There's been some times when... Yknow what I'll save it for the NSFW part :3
He's definitely a cat person and you guys would look forward to getting a cat together! Maybe 2 :)))
He really is a well intentioned person, he's just so sweet :((
I feel like this poor boy got SO nervous to meet your parents
Like, y'all went to a restaurant together and he dressed all fancy and was just. So awkward
He worries so much about what to say that he ends up speaking like a robot, and then would randomly follow it with awkward laughter 💀
He was so embarrassed 😭 but you cuddled him and told him it was fine
And you later got a text from your parents saying he was a good guy! Bcs he is!
He's so cat boy too like... When he just needs to recharge he just hobbles over to you and just. Flops.
Doesnt matter what you're doing, because now you're cuddling Kyle.
It's cute tho, because he's definitely learned how to recognize when he needs a break from college work
Bonus points if you play with his hair and kiss him all over 🥰
You guys used to, keyword, used to. Play games together, he would try so hard not to get competitive about it ,but let's just say you both said some things about each other's mothers, and it's just been awhile since you've played.
He likes sharing his music with you! And let's just say you were surprised to find out he was a The Cure fan, you just wouldn't expect it from his dorky self!
But they're one of the few artists he can freely stim to
You guys will listen to loud music together just to scream the lyrics bcs, MAN sometimes u just wanna scream, yknow?
He only likes to sing stuff he can scream, if it's something that requires vocal control he's outta there
But you heard him sing normally one time and he was so cute ☹️❤❤ he was cleaning around his dorm and had his headphones on and you arrive without him noticing and you just heard him singing his lil tune in his soft voice... Dead on the spot, there were no survivors.
Eventually learns that when partners complain about things he just has to listen, he's too logical and learnt the hard way that you just want to vent rather than actually solve the problem
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✰ - NSFW - ✰
So, "studying"?
The "both" of you were focusing on homework, just Kyle really. He was at his desk and he seemed to be focusing, he looked so intense. You found yourself staring at him for awhile, you just couldn't help it. You check the time on your phone.
"He has time." , you thought to yourself.
You closed the book you had stopped paying attention to 20 minutes ago and faced his turned back. You carefully tiptoed over and gave his back a tap, he turned around, still looking at his book and papers.
"Yeah, what's up? ", he said, not really paying attention.
You carefully grabbed his chin and turned his face toward you, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Kyleeee, I'm bored, can't we do something else? " you whined.
"I'm sorry, y/n but I really have to finish these assignments..."
You pulled out your phone and showed him the time and date.
"But Kyleee, you still have a few days before you need to finish them, I know you like to finish them before they're due but can't you take a little break? For some fun at least? ", you speaking the last words in a suggestive tone made him turn red, he seemed to be contemplating it but he had already made up his mind.
"Alright then, come here, " he sat you down on his lap and began kissing you. The both of your lips meshing together, slowly becoming more filled with passion.
"Do you wanna stay here or move to your bed? "
"Anything beats sitting in this chair... ", he picked you up and set you on the bed, not before stretching his back and cracking it, " that felt so good... I hate that fucking chair, man, "
He laid back down on the bed and continued kissing you, you slowly positioned yourself on top of him. He was so distracted, he didn't even notice.
You were about to take off your shirt, but we're stopped.
"What's wrong, Ky? "
"C-Can you keep the shirt on? I like seeing you in my clothes... "
The shirt in question was an oversized shirt he let you borrow after sleeping over the night prior.
You kissed him and smiled softly, "Okay, Kyle... I'll keep it on, but if I can't take off anything else I'll go crazy... " you laughed a bit and he laughed with you.
"Don't worry, I won't stop you anymore... "
"Good, " even before you finished speaking you shifted both of your legs to the side of him to easily take off the boxers he'd also lent you. You moved back and began kissing him again, this time with more heat than before.
As the two of your lips clashed together you began to gently palm at his hardening member, and as you did he let out a shakey breath.
You positioned yourself right above and began grinding into him, the two of you softly moaning into each other's kisses. He slowly traced his hand over your thigh and gave it a squeeze, a squeeze that would get increasingly tighter the more you played with him.
You could tell he was getting antsy with the way he squeezed your thigh so you figured it was finally time to set him free. You moved you hand to the waistband of his sweats and pulled them down, his hard cock springing free. The cold air down there made him grimace, but was soon changed as you slowly parted yourself on it.
You both fell out of the kiss as you two moaned as you slid down, your already dripping pussy making it easy to. It took a few moments until you were down at his base; his size was always something you had to adjust to.
Just as you were about to start moving his eagerness got the better of him and grabbed now the both of your thighs and moved you up and down. You moaned loudly at the sudden friction and bounced along with his help.
The two of you were moaning messes, which only increased the faster you moved. You once again found his lips in a hungry kiss, the room becoming much quieter when you did as you muffled each other's moans.
"Y-Y/N, I'm.. Ngh... Close, " he moaned out, you were barely able to form words and just breathlessly told him you were too.
The speed increased and you were seeing stars, which you saw more of as he placed his thumb on your clit and started to rub it.
The two of you quickly finished after that.
Kyle's confidence during sex has improved MASSIVELY
The first time y'all did it, he had NO clue what to do
He was so scared about where to put his hands, or if he grabbed you in the wrong place, especially if he grabbed too tightly
It also took you guys awhile to eventually lead up to it, the second Kyle felt it getting too heated he'd gently pull you off
You actually started to worry that he didn't like you anymore the more he did it
You asked him why he always did it and he, as red as his hair, told you he was a virgin and was too scared, and that he wouldn't know what to do
You softened on him and told him that you didn't care he was a virgin and that you would lead him the whole way
You two did it soon after. :p
Once he eventually gets the hang of everything he's good. So fucking good.
Definitely a switch but leans more towards sub
You find his hands so fucking attractive because they're so perfect,,, and pale,, and long
You love him fingering you because he reaches SO far and you're just on the highway to heaven 😍
Also as shown before, he's VERY vocal and he's so cute when he moans and whimpers...
It's something he DEF tried to hide but you were not letting him get away with it
Has a bit of a mommy kink tbh
Sometime dabbles into a bit of a breeding kink... 😗
Kyle 🤝 Kenny
Having beautiful, milky thighs
The first time you sucked him off you were just mesmerized with his thighs... Can u tell I like men's thighs 😔
Pull his hair please!
You've probably pegged him once or twice ngl... :3
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Twst dorm leaders with an affectionate S/o
A/n: btw as for the minors basically everyone besides vil Idia Leona and malleus, this is not sexualising them it's just a fluffy scenerio
Riddle rosehearts
He is not used to affection at all so he's gonna be so shocked when you hug him for the first time my boy was confused he was like
"is there something you need?"
And your like "nah I'm just hugging you"
he's like "oh."
So he's very happy of course, plus he's touch starved (I mean who isn't in twst?)
"do you want me to stop?" "Oh no no it's fine I quite like it, I'm just not used to it is all" riddle said as he's faced reddened. After that hug he really liked faint wholesome touches here and there, such as hugging, headpats, high fives, hand pats (don't ask why i just see him patting your hand) etc. And when he does these often that means he feels safe around you since he only shows this side of him only to you, seven forbid ace and cater find out about this.
nah they lowkey saw riddle resting he's head on your shoulder with a happy look the face, they snickered and riddles head whipped so fast, then ofc they got the good ol' "off with your heads!" But overall he genuinely feels safe around you and absolutely loves having tea parties with only you.
Leona kingscholar
Okay so he's a smug bastard, so he acts all cocky when you show your "soft side" to him but on the inside he's over the moon. He loves how affectionate you are and how you show it tho ofc he'll never admit that.
"eh herbivore I'm always the one asleep on your lap didn't expect it to be the opposite"
"I don't even know how I managed to be sleepy before you but it is what it is" you said slowly dozing off
"yeah whatever, don't get your hopes up because this is a one time thing" he said coldly, you hummed as you drifted off. once he made your you were fast asleep he gently stroked your hair, his eyes filled with nothing but admiration
"I swear you have a love spell on me herbivore, it's annoying"
Azul ashengrotto
Like riddle he is touch starved, the only affection he received was from he's mama and no one else, so one day when you just go up to him and kiss his cheek his face goes wild red
"heheee look jade azul looks like goldfishie when he's maddd~" Floyd laughed at azul
"Fufufu indeed he does floyd~, dear prefect has quite a strong affect on him" Jade replied with a closed eye smile
"s-shut up! Both of you! Go back to your jobs otherwise I'm cutting off your salary!!" Azul screeched at them, the twins then backed off leaving you with a flushed octopus
"ahem..s-sorry dear prefect ahah.. it's just, you see I'm not very used to physical affection not that I don't enjoy it, no no it's quite the opposite"
"oh I see, well as long as I'm around you'll get used to it!" Azul smiled, satisfied with your answer as he hugged you and patted your back
"I have to go back now, i promise I'll make it up to you after we close the lounge"
"Ooo were gonna go to the aquarium right?"
"yes, since that's what you've been looking forward to, tho I don't understand why?-"
"it's okay azul you don't have to understand everything" azul scoffed at that comment but then patted your head and went back to doing he's work
Kalim AI-Alsim (I have no idea how to write he's name I'm sorry)
You guys are made for eachother like holy shit soulmates all the way, he loves affection, you love affection, perfect match. Jamil is so tired of y'all tho generally feel bad for him it always goes like this:
"KALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM" you yell running to him
"S/OOOOOOO" he yells back also running to you with he's arms out ready to tackle you, then you both tackle eachother and end up falling on the floor, Jamil in the distance contemplating his entire life like
"why was I born?
Why did I have to see this?
what did I do to deserve this?"
But you two are too preoccupied yelling your guts out
Vil scho....yea hell no I am not even gonna try to write he's last name
Okay this can go one of two ways. 1. He loves the affection but wont necessarily show it or 2. He hates it and will poison you if you don't get tf off him right no-" yeah I'm just kidding that was a joke, he loves it, he isn't touch starved he gets a lot of attention, just not like genuine love so he appreciates the fact that you love him for who he actually is and not because he's popular and pretty, like Leona he'll never admit that outloud but he enjoyes it.
Vil was doing he's makeup Infront of the mirror when you entered his room waving at him from the mirror
"hello dear prefect how are you doing"
"oh I'm doing fine, what about you? Anything new?"
"I'm doing good as well, also not much, except for the fact that epel threw another fit about not wanting to wear the uniform" vil sighed as you laughed
"yeah you'll never get him to wear it that's for sure" you said as you kissed the crown of he's head, vil looked surprised for a moment but he's eyes softened as he continued doing the makeup, he'll never say it outloud but oh how much he loves those faint pecks on he's head
Idia shroud
(my favourite omg 💗😞)
He is the most. Touch starved person in NRC, forget malleus and riddle he takes the cherry on top, so imagine the first time you kiss he's cheek he's hair goes all pink and he's screeching like "AH PREFECT WHAT WHY DID YOU KISS ME?" Don't mind him it's not that he doesn't like it he's just never expirienced it, ever so he's covering his face with his hands while rocking back and forth breathing fast, almost like he's having an asthma attack or something- so when you manage to calm him down he apologises, you of course tell him it's nothing to be sorry of and you two move on, but not Idia, he was thinking of a way to make it up to you, so that's why he took 3 weeks of courage and managed to kiss you on the cheek but then vanished from existence, no one knows where he went, only ortho.
Malleus draconia
He loves you no questions needed, and I'm not really sure if he received any affection? I think he did from Lilia but who knows, what I do know is that when you peck he's lips for a split second he reboots, he's trying to process wtf just happened and then when it hits him it hits him like a train, so he's smiling like little kid Jimmy when he first gets he's bicycle, he asks if he can and kisses you back, the kiss lasting a bit longer, after you said your goodbyes my man was skipping to he's house, he was like a sunshine he was so happy he was like
"Lilia prefect and I shared a kiss"
"oh great that means you must get married now"
"oh really?"
The next day you woke up to the whole nrc being covered in your favourite flowers and you were questioning if this was a ceremony of your funeral or smth. But in all seriousness he loves you. And wants your hand in marriage. N o w .
The end
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onyour-right · 8 months
First things first, I'm gonna need Gen V to never fucking do that again. How dare they release such a good episode and only have it be 34 minutes??? Is it a fucking sitcom??? They do that again and we WILL have problems.
Now, Cate. I done told y'all she was the mole and now look. I mean do I still love her? Absolutely. Do I think she is a victim of Dean Shetty's manipulations? 100%. Do I believe she thought she was protecting her friends? Yup. But do I also think Andre was right somewhat in what he said? Yeah, kinda do. Listen, with all the good intentions in the world the fact that she repeatedly made Luke forget about his baby brother when she knew the type of turmoil it was causing in him is twisted. The same way she was going to confess to Andre before the text came is the same way she should have confessed to Luke. Granted I think the reason she was even going to confess to Andre was because of how wrong things were going. But still, she ain't right for that..
So, I see three possible avenues they might take with her: first, kill her off at the end of the season in order to redeem herself to her friends; second, she could become an antagonist to the group (tho this is less likely); or third, she may act as a double agent and spy back on shetty so they can find out what's really going on..
Jordan Li. My beloved. My baby boy/baby girl. I can understand why they thought Marie couldn't accept both sides of them and I'm so glad they explored a bit more into their character's history. But baby, Marie wants to love on you no matter what your gender so just let her!!! At least they got to a point where they realised they were being unfair to Marie over the whole situation though, so hopefully episode 6 will have them talking about it properly. Alsooooo, Jordan getting pissed when Marie's brain was tampered with again? Good fucking food. Jordan moving closer to Marie at Cate's reveal? I was eating that shit upppp. Jordan this whole episode was kinda unhinged and you know what? I wanna see more, please and thank you!!!
Alsoooo, can we talk real quick about Jordan's conversation with Andre and Cate because I cannot have been the only one who was straight dyingggg through it. "is it a black thing?" "...oh my God!!!". The way Jordan didnt even dismiss the fact that him and Marie made a good couple too. Likeeeee. C'monnnnn.
Marie, my sweet girl. Once she finds out the true extent of her powers its over for everyoneeeee; she's gonna fuck everyone up and I personally will be cheering her on at the sidelines!! Slightly worried though because 1) who is her benefactor?? and 2) what if they are able to capture her somehow??? She is yet to go unhinged and I would like to see it, especially if it's in relation to something happening to Jordan.
Emma and Sam. I mean you know its real when one half of the pairing's mind has been wiped and still there is an undeniable connection between them.The fact that Sam went out of his way to find Emma after all the shit that went down??? Ooof, I'm living for itttt. The fact that even though Emma hadn't gotten back her memories she still believed him? Don't make me cryyyyy. I loved how Emma realised how wrong her mother was about her "getting big" & how she's beginning to carve out who she wants to be for herself. Also, her and Marie's friendship is honestly just goals.
Also, lowkey everyone should have just let Sam kill that Dr Cardosa because he's gonna bring big problemssss I fear, and on that note they should have him kill Dean Shetty too because ole girl needs to skedaddle her way out (although the person who takes her place could be even worse, so idk about that yet)
Also, someone please give Andre a hug that boy needs it. Seeing him unhinged tho?? Ooofffffff 10/10.
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xxoxobree · 10 months
Morales twin lil sis forcing them to do a tiktok dance with her and they go viral 🤣
Tik tok reference You sat in your bed bored as usual, mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, laughing and liking videos here and there. It was just another ordinary day, until a video with a familiar song caught your attention. As the two boys on the screen danced along, you couldn't help but sing along with them, a smile growing on your face. “Ya no llores, no me importa tu pasado.”
Inspired by their moves, you knew you had to learn this dance immediately. But you didn't want to do it alone, and fortunately, you didn't have to. With a smile still plastered on your face, you jumped out of bed and headed straight to your twin brothers' room.
Without any hesitation, you barged in. "Wassup losers, learn this TikTok dance with me?" You flopped onto Miles' bed, shoving the phone into his face. He looked at you and began to sing the song too, the lyrics familiar to both of you because of your mother.
"Mmm okay," Miles said, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
Feeling the thrill of this impromptu dance session, you couldn't contain your enthusiasm. You sprinted across the room to your other brother, Milo, determined to get him on board as well.
"I'm not doing that shit, Y/n," Milo said, shutting you down immediately.
"But you didn't even watch it," you tried to plead with him, hoping to convince him to join in.
"Don't need to," Milo replied with a dismissive tone.
Desperate to have him involved too you begged Milo, "Pleaseeeee, Milo.
He sighed. "Alright but hurry up." You squealed, jumping up and pulling them up. You began to teach them the dance moves which seemed hopeless at first. "No, Miles, like this," you said, correcting his moves. "Milo, Mom literally taught us how to cha-cha before we started walking. Are you serious?"
It took a while, but the twins finally got the dance moves. "Okay, now time to record," you said, setting up your phone and putting on the timer, getting into formation. The TikTok went perfect, you thought, as you watched it over and over again before posting it.
"Thank you," you said to your brothers, giving them hugs before walking back to your room. You went to sleep that night not thinking much of it, only to wake up with your video going viral, having over 250 thousand likes and comments. You weren't sure how your phone didn't explode.
Your jaw dropped as you opened the app to check your engagement and comments, only to see most of the comments were about your twin brothers and how good-looking they were. "Till the bed breaks," you read out loud, dying with laughter. "I can take both of them, but not in a fight," you read the next comment. "Ewwww," you said, fake gagging.
You got out of bed and ran to the twins' room to show them all the love they were getting. "Y'all are viral," you said, throwing yourself across Milo, showing him. "What does that say?" he questioned. "Wooowww, they wild," he said laughing. "Holon she bad tho."
"You're disgusting," you said, getting up to show Miles. His eyes just widened as he scrolled, making you laugh. "I'm never doing a TikTok with you again."
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lynn-writes-things · 2 years
If it’s not too much, can you do relationship HCs with the jjk men? Thank you Mun!!!
of course!!! thank you so much for the request!!! <3 I actually had something for this in the works for a hot minute haha. sooooooo without further do, here is:
jjk men misc relationship hc's!
starring: Yuta Okkotsu; Toge Inumaki; Megumi Fushiguro; Yuji Itadori; Noritoshi Kamo; Satoru Gojo; Suguru Geto; Kento Nanami; Toji Fushiguro; Naoya Zenin (I was nice to him this time); Choso Kamo; Ryomen Sukuna
cw: none! these are all completely SFW (maybe a touch suggestive like 2-3 times?)
Yuta Okkotsu:
sweetest softest bf ever
he is so nervous and shy for the first month or so :(
he is so cuddly tho!!
he's a sensitive guy :((
absolutely loves any sort of physical affection because it lets him know that you're here with him <3
LOVES hand holding sm
not particularly against pda, but he's not over the top about it y'know?
but like quick hugs every now and then, forehead kisses, hand holding, those are all on the table tho
he's VERY in love and has no problems showing it <3
he doesn't get super jealous easily, but if he does, then he has no issue coming up behind you and holding you, he'll say shit like "Oh hey, baby!" just like lots of petnames to make it clear that you're his
not much good at cooking, but if he sees you cooking/baking something, he's always right there asking you how he can help
if something's hard for you to mix, no worries! he's happy to take over!
(also he will always insist on doing the dishes for you after helping you make something, no matter how much you try to protest, he refuses to hear it)
(especially if you let him taste test!!!)
if you're the type to make jams or jellies, you better believe that he's out in the garden helping you pick the ingredients (I made some dandelion jelly awhile ago, can you guess who I had in mind the whole time?)
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Toge Inumaki:
alright say it with me y'all: A FUCKING MENACE!! (yes, even to you.. okay especially to you)
matter of fact, his favorite activity is fucking with you
I personally fully hc him as being able to play the guitar (stereotypical quiet kid thing, y'know?)
so I think that he'd absolutely learn love songs for you, even tho he can't sing the words to match the riffs :(
can't express his love for you through his words, so he relies heavily on physical affection and his actions
he has all of your likes/dislikes memorized, and you can bet that he always has some of your favorite snacks or drink in hand whenever he plans on seeing you
very observant with you
if you ever shiver once around him? he doesn't need his jacket anymore, you can wear it! (he will not let you give it back, even if he gets cold <3)
you probably have an entire drawer filled up with the little notes he gives you
they're either cute, or rude, or both
lots of "I love you, stupid" type stuff
anytime you leave for a mission without him he sends you with a whole ass letter about how much he loves you and how much he's gonna miss you :( <3
also this mf WILL steal your food
like straight from your hand
he's too cute to be mad at and he knows it 🙄
absolutely no problems with pda, he's maybe a bit shy with kissing in public cause he's a bit insecure about the markings by his mouth :((
that being said, he does get pretty insecure about that and his limited speech, so he does tend to get kinda jealous if someone's flirting with you
he'll just kinda come and straight up steal you away or just wrap himself around you
(lowkey if you try to make him jealous then uh.. you'll pay for it later, let's just say that)
oh but!! if you kiss the markings, he'll get very flustered and kinda turn to putty in your hands
also!!!!!!!!!! alsoooo!!!!!! this motherfucker will tickle you, and he shows NO mercy!!
(he is also very ticklish tho, but he is also very fast, so if you can catch him, be sure to get your revenge!!)
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Megumi Fushiguro:
sweet boy :(
he shows his affection quietly (he gets too flustered when he tries to actually verbalize his love for you, but he does try!)
like he remembers you mentioned what your favorite book series was when you were growing up, so he buys them for you as a surprise!
he sees the way your eyes linger on something when you drag him to the mall, suddenly it shows up in a cute gift bag in front of your door with no note the next day, hmmmmm, how strange, wonder who that could be from? 🤔
I feel like he's the type of guy who'd take you on a date to--
I think he would really love it :(((
on the topic, if you're ever sad or having a bad day, he'll summon his demon dogs to cuddle with you and cheer you up! (it always works!!)
loves loves loveees it when you play with his hair
he plays with yours too, tbh I think he'd try to learn how to do braids in your hair if it's long enough
be warned tho, dating Megumi means you're subjected to extra teasing from Gojo
(psst, if you really wanna rile Megumi up, join in on the teasing)
does NOT like pda, but he's fine holding hands, especially if the street is busy (he doesn't wanna lose you)
oh but!! if you like pinch his shirt/jacket while you're walking behind him, it'll melt his fucking heart :(
if you tell him that it's because it makes you feel safer???????
he might just combust on the spot
he might kiss you on the forehead every now and then in public, namely if you're mostly alone (or at least far from the eyes of your classmates)
he gets jealous sorta easily cause he's pretty insecure, so if there's a guy trying to flirt with you, he will come up and grab your hand, or wrap his arm around you, probably glaring at the guy tbh
he doesn't say it all that often, so just know that when Megumi tells you that he loves you, he really really loves you, and he means it from the bottom of his heart <3
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Yuji Itadori:
he literally is the sweetest himbo alive idc
that being said... Nobara was 100% right when she said he's no good with girls
when he was crushing on you, he fumbled over all of his words, often tripped over thin air, asked really stupid questions ("so you're a sorcerer, right?")
after being together for a bit he settles down though, he gets back to being his regular levels of dumb <3
he loves seeing you in his clothes too much, so he's always offering you his hoodies and shirts!
movie dates!!!!!!
also he loves to cook for you!! he loves it sm!!
cooking with you is even better!! :))
maybe sorta kinda really likes to show off how strong he is whenever you're around
like he'll pick you up and carry you around every single chance he gets
it doesn't matter what size you are, he can and will lift you like you weigh nothing (if you let him, of course!)
LOVES pda!!! doesn't care who's around, he'll give you kisses alllll over your face, hold your hands, hug you, etc!
if he does get jealous (very rare thing) he'll just kinda walk up and wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulders, honestly he'd probably try and chat with the guy while making it very known that you're taken
he looovvveeesssssssss you tho!! says it very often!
he's scared that Sukuna will scare you off, but you don't actually mind him too much anymore
if you like talk back to Sukuna whenever the mf says shit to you (to Yuji's dismay) and like you give him sass? give the king of curses attitude?
ngl I think that would win Sukuna over, I think he'd be arlight with you if you do that, it'd interest him
Yuji cannot decide if that's better or worse
I wrote a whole thing about this that isn't finished yet, but I fully believe that if you're ever craving something, no matter what time it is, Yuji would immediately go get it for you, even if it's the middle of the night and he's just woken up
overall just 1000/10 goofy sweet himbo king, bestest boyfriend, lovestruck puppy dog <3
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Noritoshi Kamo:
VERY sweet as a boyfriend!
he's very shy and reserved at first when he realizes that he likes you
SO fucking formal when he confesses to you, it's almost funny (pls don't laugh tho, it took so much convincing himself to actually do this)
tbh I think he'd try to hide you from his clan for awhile because he doesn't want you to have to deal with THAT
he sure as hell doesn't wanna deal with it, so he doesn't wanna subject you to it either if he can help it
if you treat him like a person, like just some guy, I think he'd really like that a lot :(
like he's tired of having to be the heir to the clan, he doesn't want to have all of that responsibility all of the time, he wants to just be himself :(
so pls just treat him like he's Just Some Guy(TM)
I think he'd actually maybe let himself be kinda silly once he gets out of his own head, in his little safe space with you
his genuine laugh is so so so cute, you're the first person to hear it in such a really long time :')
does NOT do pda, not even hand holding, can't take the risk
in private tho?
ohhhh my god he is SO clingy!!
SO fucking clingy, he wants to be around you 24/7, wants you in his arms always
loves to kiss you, cuddle you, hold your hand, all of it
he's just... so touchstarved, so if it's in private then he literally wants to be touching you every single second <3
it took awhile, but he'll hold your hand in front of your classmates (not teachers, just classmates)
if you're all hanging out in the lounge or something then maybe he'll even put his arm around your shoulders on the couch or somethin <3
he DOES get jealous, but even still, the most he'd do is like talk to you and tell you that he needs something, just to steal you away from whoever it is
now...... you didn't hear this from me...............
he is extremely ticklish
might get kinda grumpy if you do tickle him tho (cuddles will make it better <3)
he's a guy who needs a lot of reassurance, but rest assured, this means that he's very open about communicating how he feels about you and how much he cares about and loves you
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Satoru Gojo:
you will never know peace ever again! (joking!! .....mostly)
you're treated like royalty, first of all
he's got more money than he knows what to do with, so his favorite thing ever is to spoil you!
you are also his favorite person to (lovingly) annoy <3
he's clingy as FUCK tho
doesn't care if it's in public or not, he has to be by your side at all times or he will die!! (jk but ya know, he's drama incarnate)
he has to make it known to everyone that you are his
he's got a very hot s/o and he's not afraid to show it :)
you ALWAYS have flowers, there's fresh ones every week (your favorite ones, or just ones that he sees that reminds him of you)
dating Satoru means that you get to see a side of him that nobody else gets to
you get to see the vulnerable side of him, the side that he hates
it takes a LONG time for him to open up to you about stuff, but once he does, he struggles to keep anything inside
ngl..... he has some MAJOR trust/abandonment issues after losing Geto, so he does need a good deal of reassurance once he does finally open up to you
also please for the love of god make sure he doesn't give himself diabetes with how much sugar he eats
he has the DUMBEST pet names for you tho
they range from stuff like "mochi; sweets; baby" to shit he knows you hate like "sugar bear; honey pie; sweetiepie" etc
surprising to absolutely no one, Mr. "Infinity is ALWAYS on" is EXTREMELY touchstarved
like the first few times he lets you really touch him, he shivers
ngl he might get kinda overwhelmed with it at first but before too long???
he's the type of guy to take the day off from work just to stay in bed cuddling with you all day cause omg he did not realize how much he loves feeling your skin on his :(
if he can't sleep in the same bed as you, then he simply does not sleep
he literally cannot sleep without touching you in some way
it's a problem
does he get jealous?? DOES HE GET JEALOUS???
ha! n-no..! obviously not, psshhhh, he's the strongest! why would he get jealous?!
nah but seriously he does get kinda jealous because of the abandonment issues, but he's mostly just possessive as fuck
someone's flirting with you? coooooool, let's see how long they keep it up after he comes up and makes it known that you're his
he really does love you tho <3
extravagant dates!!!!! anything you wanna do, consider it done, he'd do anything for you <3
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Suguru Geto:
we're gonna go ahead and pretend that he didn't go a lilll crazy and become a cult leader for this one :)
oh, this mad absolutely adores you, and you'll never have to question it <3
personally I just think that Suguru would be into plants?? like he's really educated about them
so he gets you flowers, but he knows the meanings behind the flowers, so he gets you like 9 red roses (9 roses = eternal love); honeysuckles (devotion + everlasting love); tulips (unconditional love); etc
he also gifts you misc houseplants, like he'll take a cutting from one of his own and gift it to you in a little pot that he painted himself once it takes root <3
he's also super artsy!! he's drawn you a couple times!! he'll also doodle on your skin if you let him <3
this man is SUCH a sap and I will STAND BY THAT
smooth as fuckkkk, he always has some poetic line to woo you with
he LOVES to do your hair!
he'll like actually help you find a haircare routine that works well for your specific hair type
gives you his old band tee's from his (emo days) teenage years if they'd fit you
he loves!!!!! to snuggle!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((
he doesn't really get jealous, this man is very confident in himself and he trusts you completely, but he is vaguely possessive but in a really cocky way???
like either he'll come up and be all lovey with you while trying to talk to the guy (but he's got this "they're mine, bet you wish you were me, huh?" type look in his eyes)
or, he'll just kinda give you this pointed look, one eyebrow slightly raised, and you just immediately understand that you've gotta go over to him now or you will pay for it later
pretty intimidating tbh, if anyone happens to see you with his arm around you, they're stayin' away
totally open to pda!! he honestly really enjoys it
alwayysssss wants to at LEAST be holding your hand in public
if you're someplace that's crowded then he keeps his arm around you the whole time
he may be a cunning, calculating, smug bastard of a man, but he is yours, and he loves you a whole lot <3
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Kento Nanami:
absolutely whipped
this man will always treat you like you're royalty, like he LIVES to make you happy <3
he does his best never to work overtime, he just always wants to get home to you asap!
that being said, he WILL take on a few extra shifts around special holidays or your birthday/anniversary just so that he can afford to get you something really nice and bring you out to a really nice restaurant :)
even if you tell him it's not necessary, he'll still do it, unless you tell him that you'd prefer more time with him than a gift, then he's happy to oblige (he will in fact still get you something and take you somewhere for dinner tho)
surprises you with flowers on his way home from work at least a couple times a month
now I'm gonna throw in an unpopular opinion here.....
I..... do not think Nanami is a good cook
he is busy literally all the time, man loves good food, but he's never spent much time actually learning how to make it for himself
he loves trying tho!! so if you cook WITH him, he will fucking MELT
even if the food doesn't turn out quite right, it's safe to say that you both have a really great time regardless :))
you bring out a sillier side of him!! especially when baking, if you like smidge some flour or frosting on his nose, he WILL retaliate until you're both covered in a confectionary mess <3
usually he's very sleepy when he gets off work, so he really really really loves to cuddle :(
he just wants to lay with his head on your chest and let you play with his hair until he falls asleep <3
not HUGE on pda, but he will hold your hand everywhere you go if you want to, and he's not opposed to occasionally giving you a kiss on the cheek or forehead <3
if you're somewhere busy he'll keep his arm around you, he wants to keep you safe!!
he's..... hm..... I don't see Nanami as a jealous man. he's confident in himself, he trusts you completely, and he isn't one for making a show if someone's flirting with you really
if you get uncomfortable tho, then he will absolutely step in and put an end to it
now.. if you're TRYING to make him jealous, maybe giggling too much at what the guy says, thennnnn he's stepping in (and you'll be paying for it later babe, lemme fuckin' tell ya)
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Toji Fushiguro:
ahh, my favorite bastard man <3
now, canonically, Toji is actually a very sweet, devoted man when he's with someone that he really loves
and he does really love you!!
hear me out, this man exudes Cane Corso energy
looks mean, big, buff, dangerous to fuck with, and incredibly protective and affectionate to His Person (you, you are his person)
he doesn't have much to spend on fancy gifts, he can't afford flowers every other week, but he does his best
he's never one to care about rules, so he's absolutely the kind of guy to go like... steal flowers from displays, or from planters outside of businesses, and he'll give you a bouquet of those <3
"My baby wanted flowers, you're gettin' some fuckin' flowers"
he'd also actually try to save up his money to afford to give you nice things every now and then <3
he's not great at it, but he does like cooking with you
PERFECT man to have around if you're having trouble mixing something, he's happy to help!
he tolerates a LOT with you
seriously, who would ever believe that the big bad sorcerer killer himself doing a fucking face mask with his s/o because you asked him to?
he remembers exactly how you like your coffee/tea in the morning, and if he wakes up before you then he'll surprise you by bringing you a cup in bed <3
protective as FUCK
he's indifferent to pda, if you wanna be all over him in public, he's happy to let you and he'll gladly reciprocate it all
he won't often initiate it other than holding your hand tho
double whammy: jealous AND possessive
he trusts you, he does... but he's had a rough life, he kinda expects you to just up and leave at some point :(
if someone's flirting with you, he's VERY quick to wrap his arm around you, steal your breath away with a kiss, etc
he'll hit you with a "Hey there, doll" while giving the dude flirting with you the cockiest smirk
let's be fuckin real here, Toji is ridiculously intimidating, absolutely nobody is gonna make a move on you with him around
if someone tries to start shit with you, this man will not hesitate to start (and win) a fight
overall he really does try his best to be a great boyfriend to you, but he's been through SO MUCH so pls be patient with him while he learns how to love again :(
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Naoya Zenin:
for the sake of things we're gonna ignore the misogyny
he's sweet on you and you alone
pampers you SO much!!
you need something? he's on it, he'll send someone to get it for you asap
he really actually likes cuddling, but he will never admit to it
if you ask him to cuddle tho then I hope you're comfy, cause you ain't getting up til he decides he's had his fill of affection
now... would y'all believe me if I say that he really actually likes to be the little spoon in bed?
he's tired of having responsibilities, pls just hold him and play with his hair and tell him that you're proud of him :(
he is WHIPPED and he HATES IT
you like a certain scent?
surpriseeee, you now have an arsenal of candles/lotions/bath stuff in that scent
he's secretly a sleepyhead, wants to nap with you all the time
takes you on really fun dates actually!!!!
I feel like video game dates, or arcade dates, would be a big thing with him <3
you bring out a kinda goofy side in him, letting him act like the kid he never let himself be <3
this man has NO IDEA how to even cook an egg, but if you ask him to help you in the kitchen, he will
(after asking you why you want to cook in the first place, you have people for this you know-)
LOVES to kiss you!!
anywhere, anytime, if he wants to smooch you then you shall be smooched!!
ngl he is jealous cause try as he might, he is pretty insecure because his family is just SO struct, especially with him, so he just kinda never fully believes that he's good enough, like his confidence is majorly forced
so if someone's making him jealous, he has no shame about walking over and kissing you right then and there
not a lil peck either, he will kiss you with intent to send a message to this mf
he really does try to be good to you, he's trying very hard to unlearn his misogynistic ways for you <3
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Choso Kamo:
absolute sweetheart, confused as fuck by a lot of modern shit but GOD he loves you :)
treats you like a fucking deity, this man worships the ground that you walk on!!
he's also a very very sensitive guy and gets moved by stuff pretty easily
ngl he's probably the type of guy to ask you why you're crying, and after you tell him (even if it's something small/silly) he'll hold you AND ALSO START CRYING CAUSE YOU'RE CRYING
let's you do makeup on him and paint his nails!!! (I mighttt be pushing my E-Boy Choso agenda here lmao)
he doesn't understand your fascination with his hair, but he practically purrs every time that you play with it
any type of affection you give him, he will reciprocate
like he LOVES affection sm
idk I have this very strong image of reader putting little flowers in his hair
Choso would be SOOO confused, but he will smile the whole time, and will do the same to your hair :)
baby boy is clingyyyyyyyy <3
ADORESSS affection, giving and receiving it, so he always always always wants to be holding you or kissing you or anything!!! just loves you!!!!!!
has no concept of being ashamed by pda, if anything you'd have to be the one stopping HIM cause he really does not see a problem with it??
very much a lovesick puppy dog
he'd definitely take mental notes of things that you do/don't like
alwayyyssss tries to surprise you with the stuff that he knows you do like!!
I can't see Choso as being the jealous type
I think if he saw you talking to a guy he didn't kow, he'd just get kinda concerned for your safety and come up and kiss you or wrap his arms around you y'know?
he's just really really protective over you <3
if it's something that he does know then he just kinda.. keeps an eye on things (especially if the person happens to be Gojo's slutty ass-)
overall he is 1000/10
he is trying his BEST and he is SO VERY DEVOTED TO YOU!!! <3
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Ryomen Sukuna:
hear me out here, yeah?
if he loves you, he LOVES you
even if he has no fucking concept of how to show it
like he's still gonna be a bastard to you, gonna tease you, give you a hard time for most things
but as the king of curses, he of course treats you as his queen <3
he really really really likes to kiss your hand :(
idk why I think this, but I can just see him like coming up and grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles, the back of your hand, just kinda kissing his way up your arm real slowly and sensually
makes eye contact while he does it, and there'd just be so much fondness behind his eyes, a degree of soft vulnerability that only you get to see :((
he's not really much for kissing your lips unless it's leading to uh... ya know
cheek kisses are much too soft, forehead kisses are alright, but his favorite way to just causally kiss you is to kiss your hands <3
he will almost never initiate cuddles, but if you do, he will never ever turn you down
he loves it when you sit on his lap while he's on his throne, he'll let you kiss him all over his face when you do
tbh he likes showing off to his followers that he has such a stunning s/o, he wants them to be jealous <3
(does that make you his trophy s/o?)
this man will MELT if you play with his hair!!!
he really likes listening to your heartbeat, it makes him feel so peaceful :(
he'll tolerate any pda you initiate, he has no reason to care what anyone thinks
after all, who the hell is gonna say anything to him? he'll kill anyone who dares make a comment
is he jealous? no, not at all
is he possessive? abso-fucking-lutely, possessive as FUCK
you are HIS, no other man has the right to so much as flirt with you
if he catches another man even looking at you wrong? he's tightening his grip on you and glaring at the poor soul
(that man is lucky Sukuna was in a good mood)
needless to say, you are the safest person alive, his man ain't ever letting ANYONE or anyTHING harm a single hair on your pretty lil head <3
there is not a single god in existence that could help the mf who tries
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
Can u do more uhhh HCS with like dating Johnny n stuff? I'M SORRY I JUST LOVE THEMSELVES SO MUCH! Anyway tyyyy
- 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐇𝐂𝐬
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: 𝗋𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖼!𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇𝗇𝗒 𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: 𝗎𝗇𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖾𝖽
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝖺 𝗂 𝗐𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗁 𝗌𝗈 𝗂 𝖺𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗂𝗓𝖾 𝗂𝖿 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝖺𝖽. 𝖨𝖳𝖲 𝖮𝖪𝖠𝖸 𝖨𝖬 𝖨𝖭 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖬 𝖳𝖮𝖮 <3
{ 💍 }
- humble af
- absolutely 100% let people walk on over him when he was by himself
- but when you came into the picture, everything was flipped upside down
- dally seemed tame compared to you when you were upset
- im talkin: "you even breathe 'round my boyfriend again, i swear to everything on this damned planet, you'll be scared to take a step outide your house again, savvy?"
- JOHNNY LOVESSSSS BEING HELD BY YOU (later on in the relationship)
- the first couple weeks you guys started dating where kinda awkward, speaking as johnny had to really make himself vulnerable in a romantic relationship
- but all the waiting was worth it <3
- big on linking pinkies if i havent already said that
- johnny's hands get sweaty for one, and two it's something unique and different and johnny loves that sm
- needy when tired
- it's so cute, fam. like, he'll have his head buried into ur chest, smothering himself but refusing to leave bc he needs to be that close to you
- the kind to seek you out in crowds or whatever
- sloppy kisser
- i
- he's super shy, so please let him know it's okay that he's not that good of a kisser, etc.
- LOVES when you compliment/praise him
- dally was wary of you at first obvi
- he didn't like how close you were getting with johnny, so he kept an eye on you
- but he realized johnny was smiling a little more, branching out, speaking up the smallest bit, cracking jokes
- dally absolutely sat you down to talk about your intentions with his son (/j?)
- it's so sweet tho, like,
- hug from behind? red. a kiss to the sensitive skin under his ear? squirming. praising him? woozy. calling him 'pretty boy', 'sweetheart', 'angel', 'my love'???? passed out.
- you could pour hot soup in his lap and he'd apologize for wasting your time
- simp, tbh
- reassure him. constantly. please.
- he thinks its so hot
- yearns to do it with you, but wont say anything in case you get icked by it
- if you don't smoke, johnny's very careful to keep his cigarettes and cigarette smoke away from you
- either a physical touch, acts of service, or affirmation kinda guy, mainly depending on how you show your love
- goodbye kisses are a must
- wouldn't really talk about his parents unless you guys where like way into ur relationship
- mb
- please kiss the scar on his face
- it makes him feel vulnerable n shiz, but when u like brush a thumb over it with a small smile, johnny always wonders whats goin through ur head
- one time when you did that really late at night, johnny finally asked why you looked at that little scar with so much emotion
- you shrugged, only offering "it makes you look tuff" but he knew there was more behind ur words <3
- 102829282029202974389347902999/10, where can i get one
johnny taglist: @paxdawg
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sunoorintarou · 9 months
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Catharsis: Polaroids.
Phos!Reader × (Platonic) Gojo Satoru
Warnings: Gojo being himself, Gojo being concerned about the reader, probably the fluffiest part so far, still pretty sad, mentions Phos' defection at the end, brief mentions of Haibara, Riko and Geto.
Notes: The urge to post like 5 parts of this a day😔 I'm tryna pace myself and like post once a day but I already have like 5 more parts done, perhaps I like this idea more than I thought😭 maybe I'll post mini snippets about phos, like a Playlist or smthn to listen to while y'all read, idk, might add songs to certain parts? Expect me to post about Catharsis and Catharsis only for a while tho💀
"Gojo - sensei?"
Gojo turned to face you, seeing your silhouette in his doorway. He almost wondered if this was a dream, pulling up his blindfold to look at you. It had been a good few weeks since you'd approached him, approached anyone for that matter.
"Y/n! My beloved student, it's been so long." He grinned, standing up and running to you comically. You didn't move, letting Gojo wrap his arms around you, forehead against his chest. You didn't hug back either, however.
"Ah, I know this is sudden, but could you do me a favour?" You asked, bashfully.
"Of course! Now, what does my lovely, precious, adorable student need?" Gojo used his animatedness to hide his concern and relief.
"Can- can you go out with me?"
Gojo paused, eyes widening as he pretended to blush, fiddling with his hands and swaying like a school girl.
"B- but, you're my student, that- that isn't allowed." He said shyly, batting his eyelashes at you.
"Not like that! I just want to go to a store." You huffed in annoyance.
This was how you found yourself walking through the crowded streets with Gojo, in search of what you were looking for.
"What are we looking for anyways?" He asked. Although you hadn't noticed, Gojo had been using his cursed technique nonstop since you left Jujutsu Tech. He refused to take any chances.
"You'll see." You sighed. It was winter. The air was cold, and your face was practically buried in your scarf, hands stuffed into your pockets. You hadn't worn your uniform in a long time, settling on sweatshirts or one specific hoodie Yukio had leant you that you never got to return.
Gojo watched you, noticing the little changes in your appearance. You had gained confidence and strength, back straight and head high, the jacket you were wearing looking ever so slightly less oversized than it had before. You were always covered from head to toe, your body composition something you often found embarrassing, not to mention hard to explain to normal people.
Watching your back as you walked in front of him, Gojo really noticed how things had changed. You had never previously walked in front, always settling for standing back and walking in silence next to Megumi.
You were an awkward but energetic kid. Always smiling, always happy, watching out for the group, making sure no one was left behind. You had reminded him of a girl he once knew, one he had failed to protect. And a cheerful boy who used to hang out around Nanami.
Now, however, you reminded him of someone else. Someone who had meant the world to him. His one and only best friend. And he refused to let you walk down the same path as him.
Your eyes lit up when you noticed the shop you were looking for, stopping in front of it. You looked at Gojo for a second, handing him your bag.
"Please wait outside with this, sensei." You said. And with how bright your teal eyes were in that moment, Gojo couldn't say no.
When you left the store, you had a plastic bag, the contents still concealed. You led Gojo across the street, to the park, letting him watch you in curiosity as you began opening the box inside the packet, assembling whatever was inside.
You had your back facing him, feeling embarrassed as you rushed to put what you had bought together. It was going to snow soon, and you had to be quick.
"Sensei! Y/n!" Gojo turned at the voices, eyes widening when he saw his other students returning from a mission.
You finished just in time, holding up your brand new camera and taking a picture of the moment Gojo noticed them. Capturing their smiles and excitement in the first snow.
Although Gojo and the others hadn't realised it, you had built up your resolve. Your fear of forgetting everyone had built up, and now you had found your solution. Even if you did forget their faces, you would never forget the way they made you feel.
Not even a year later, however, Gojo could only question what was going through your mind. Your room was empty and clean. Bed made neatly. And in the centre, was the only part of you they had left, your camera. The memory card was still in it, full of photos of everyone and everything from your team to Shoko and Nanami. Photos of everyone's birthdays, of a cat you had seen that reminded you of Gojo, of Nobara's favorite crepes, Megumi's demon dog, Yuji's disgusted face after he had eaten one of Sukuna's fingers. And a note on a piece of white paper was on top of it, with only the words: Thank you.
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trashiewrites · 2 years
What would the MW Boys be like in relationships? Here are some HCs (wrote these like last year tbh :/)
+this one has trouble showing his love at times
+work is honestly the worst obstacle
+very lightly brags about you to the boys.
+loves getting home and seeing you in the kitchen cooking.
+mainly because he can hug you from behind
+ he also enjoys going to bed and cuddling you.
+you would think hes light sleeper, you guessed wrong.
+neck kisses for days
+you two leave little notes for eachother.
+usually before he goes to work you pack him a note in his lunch
+ if you feel gracious enough you'll put chocolate in there too.
+this man doesnt need drug he needs chocolate.
+yall playfully argue over stupid shit. Like how snickers is better then kit kats
+He like big spoon alot.
+motivational couple of the year
+honestly when it comes down to relationships it scared him
+you two bond over music for sure
+there are legit times where you too do not speak. Silence is just okay with y'all.
+he likes to quietly sing you little love songs
+he isn't fond of PDA but if any guy start getting too cozy, he will fucking dip and kiss you
+he trusts ya around the 141 boys.
+I refuse to think he doesn't randomly hug you throughout the day
+Such a gentleman deadass.
+will get the boys to help intimidate other guys
+you wonder how someone so sweet and soft became a SAS soilder.
+you also wonder how you got so lucky with this sweet baby.
+yall never wake up before noon
+B a d p u n s f o r d a y s
+Alex is a mean cook
+cannot clean for shit tho.
+making you laugh and smile is his ultimate goal in life
+you hate it but he calls you "pumpkin" or "crack master" either one.
+In spite of this you call him "mushroom" or "methhead" again, either one.
+puppy, HE IS A PUPPY
+he loves talking to you on his free time at work
+ “no you hang up first” for 5 mins straight
+tbh you two are very competitive with eachother
+video game couple
+tbh whatever COD equivalent games their is in there you two prob play together
+protective but not confrontational. He knows you can stand your ground and that you are loyal but he cant help but when you two cuddle after to hold you a little bit tighter than usual.
This was written a while ago and I'll be making stuff for Alejandro and Graves separately
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henkoukazue · 1 year
Meeting you was a Blessing...
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Summary: When polar opposites meet, everything becomes chaotic. Does coexisting will be just fine…. or rather much more difficulty?? We'll never know unless…
WC: 5.0k (not quite edited tho, and this will be quiet long so ready some snacks and tissues if needed ehe~)
Pairings: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader (*and slight Cynari<3)
Warnings: MDNI 18+, NSFW, suggestive/explicit content, possible mentions of SH (slightly??), Trauma (reader), Panic and Anxiety Attacks, Mild Depression, (...will add some after i complete this or y'all can give me suggestions huehuehue)
Tags: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader, Fluff, Smut, Angst kinda heavy??, miscommunication?, established relationship, slow burn (unsure), arranged pairing, mutual pinning, crack!fic, marriage (at fisrt you agreed to marry him bcs of your parents and... "of his high salary and stable job" but...), whipped!Alhaitham, slightly jealous!Alhaitham??, modern au (kinda.. idk), Kaveh and the other Sumeru boys and girls cameo, exploratory ff, might be ooc on the latter (yes.... I'm talking abt Haitham here BASHAHSHASHA idk tho, not sure)
a/n: This is my first time doing something like this and idk if this'll be successful, but I'm just doing this for fun and also like a stress-reliever (abt stuffs from school & at home😭😭 ....GOSHH i hate it here /jk) lmaoo and this is kinda like a self-indulgement ff sorry abt that I guess... I hope you all will also enjoy my writing. TYSMM!!🖤💚 ouhh and also, bfr I forgot, English isn't my first language sooo~ if there's any mistakes or errors lemme know my cinnamons <3
>> and also 'here' is a dabble of their domestic life awiee enjoy!!
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There was a point in your life when you fantasized about having or being in a romantic relationship with someone, but... you learned through time that love isn't the only thing in the world. You relished the freedom and independence that came with discovering yourself. A soft sigh left your lips ‘It felt like ecstasy being out of the cage,’ you mumbled. Walking down the streets of Sumeru city, you spotted your closest pals since college. There were Candace, Nilou, Dehya, and Tighnari.
Candace noticed you and waved softly, saying, 'Looky here, our bachelorette is here!' Little chuckles escaped their lips. 'Heh, what are you guys talking about and giggling there?' you pouted and hugged them behind their back. You noticed your friend Tighnari blushing, looking at his phone and you inquired, "Eyy, are you and Cyno going out now?" eyes sparkled, and the others turned to look at him. He smiled nervously, then said 'Uhh yes, we are now officially going out now, but, please don't announce it to others yet. It's pretty embarrassing,' he says, straining his eyes shut. You were surprised that they were going out now, and the girls were as well, so you guys cheered 'Congratulations!!' ' to your best friend Tighnari, gaily. 
You and your friends now bid farewell to each other. Now alone, a sudden call from your parents came. 'Uhm, hello? Mom, Dad? ' you answered. 'Why hello our dear sweetheart, have you found a man you'll mar----' your father interrupted what your mother was about to say 'Uhh hahahaha my, don't worry about that my child.' clears throat 'How are you doing now? ' He expressed concern. You let out a sigh. 'Oh, I'm doing well and.... You no longer need to be concerned. I'm an adult now, and I have a great job, even though I'm still living in that leased apartment'. 'Ohh, I see,' your father said, before the call fell silent. 'Darling—-' you cut off the phone before your mother begins to whinge about your love life once more (if you ever have...).
When you got closer to the apartment, you noticed your friend Tighnari's flower shop, where he and his lover Cyno were all lovey-dovey, and a faint smile slipped your lips. But after a minute, you felt a sharp pain in your chest, you came to a halt and sighed heavily. 'Man... I shouldn't be feeling this,' you said as you resumed your walk.
Now that you're inside the apartment, exhausted and sluggish, you just throw yourself in bed. 'I guess I'll go visit them and consider about that marriage they're talking about, and blah blah,' you muttered, closing your eyes shut. Dawn arrived, feeling the beams of sunshine on your face, you got up and started your just-so-normal daily routine and headed to work. 
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After an hour of dedicating yourself to your job, you rewarded yourself with some sweets and a cup of coffee at Puspa Café, which is also pretty close to your place. Knowing you as a regular, the owner immediately listed your orders and awaits you if you ever want to add something. 'Well then, mister, I'd like to take out some of your freshly made Padisarah pudding!' you said warmly. The owner then chuckled and said, 'All right, dear, your order is on its way!' Then motioning his hands a kind-of-salute gesture.
While you were leaving the café, you noticed that your phone was not in your purse, and as you looked around, you observed an ashen-haired man motioning something with his hand and muttering something. 'Miss! Miss! I believe this is your phone.' …..
'Miss umm, here, your phone,' he said slowly, motioning his palm over your face. You shook your head, 'Ohh! Ahh yes, thank you very much.' you nodded modestly and bid farewell to the man. 'Yes, you're welcome,' he mumbled under his breath, watching you with his bright teal eyes motioning out of the café.
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It's that time of year again, summer. Because of that one phone conversation, you decided to pay a visit to your parents' house. 'Ughh, seriously, your mother? Why can't she leave you be? You're all good now and doing great, the fu---,' Dehya exclaimed, only to be cut off by a piece of bread Nilou shoved into her mouth. 'This woman! Aish,' Nilou sighed and glaring at Dehya with an expression saying 'What? What did I do wrong?'. Candace and you both laughed.....  'Well, then, what can I do? They're old and such, I assume they're simply worried about me.' Candace and Nilou gave you a pitying glance.
You were apprehensive about your journey to your parents' house because you knew your mother would nag you all day and all night about how you didn't have a relationship. As you arrived at the front door, you were debating whether to knock or go back when your father abruptly opened the door. '..... Oh. Ohh! Dear, goodness you're here. How's the trip?' He hugged you and you just plainly stated 'Well, it's summer and I'm on a break, so I decided to pay a visit since…. It's been a long time... I suppose?' an awkward silence filled the doorway.
The only thing that broke the silence was your mother clapping her hands. 'Hey, the two of you come on over here now, and how's the trip, my darling, how about a boyfriend?' You gave her a deadpan expression, indicating that 'Please, just shut up, I'm tired!' to only earn a small chuckle from the elderly man, your father.
Sitting at the dining table, memories of the past came rushing. You recall how this home and its people made you feel horrible as a youngster, how they used to control and mistreat you. You smiled bitterly at the memory. While you didn't notice it, your father, looking at you and clenched his fist under the table and kept saying, 'I'm so sorry, my dear,' who knows how many times. Breaking the awkwardness, your mother started. 'So, would you mind if we do an arrange pairing?' You shoot your heads up and look at your father and mother to only mutter, 'What?'
After some minutes have passed, your mother smiles, 'Well isn't it why you came here too?' …..your mother isn't wrong. You cleared your throat, 'Yes. I'm also here to discuss that arranged pairing and marriage thing you're so eagerly asking me for.'
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A month later, a matchmaker was dispatched to your place, accompanied by your parents. Still can't process what is happening, although you agreed to it that you’ll do the arrange pairing, you let them in.
The session was then initiated by the matchmaker. She asked you quite numerous questions, and some of those were; 'What do you wish for in your life to be my dear?' gently staring at you... 'I want a tranquil life where I can exhibit my independence, value space from each other, and the partner who will be partnered with me is also committed,' you gulped, ending with a shaky voice. The old lady giggled softly and delicately wrote it down on her vintage paper. Then she again asked another one, 'What is the thing that interests you the most?....it might be from the past or currently.' She smiled again, assuring you to be true to yourself. 'I-- I like books and anything that I think is very valuable,' you looked down, turning pinkish-red. The old matchmaker then pursues you to say it. You inhale, regain your confidence, and continue, 'I also adore deep sea creatures...... if that makes sense.' you awkwardly smiled. She then resumed her writing.
You hurriedly go towards the elderly matchmaker and, of course, your parents, as usual. You grumble in a low tone upon seeing them. The matchmaker then motions with her hands for you to enter the room and address the matter, but this time your parents are not present, so you feel relieved.
You noticed the man standing near the furniture set reading something about literature after slightly opening the door. He then noticed your presence and politely nodded, as you do so too. The matchmaker then instructs the two of you and tells you what topics you will be discussing before leaving.
'Oh, um... Hello, pleasure to meet you,' you said as you extended your hand in a handshake. The man then accepted it and said, ‘Same here, I'll be in your care then, my partner?’ Your body became stiff by hearing his voice. He then felt your hands stiff, so he released your hands gently and said, 'Are you alright?’ looking straight at you with eyes which remained neutral. You, startled by his stare, so you shifted your sight to the window and murmured something. Him the observant he is, noticed you again but didn't do anything and let you be. He's not sure as to why he gave in to his deceased grandmother's will that at that age, he'll go to meet a matchmaker and be paired to the person he'll remain for the rest of his life, love, and cherish him.
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A day turned into a week, a week turned into months, and then those months turned into a year. Now, him helping you move out to his house, you asked midway at the entrance door. 'Umm, about the wedding ceremony, when was it again?' looking at him neutrally, like you have no any interest in it whatsoever. 'Hm, I think it will be expected 8 weeks from now?' He looks up at the sky, then yours. '..... Alright, do you have any guests you'll have invited? Moreover our wedding will only take place in the government office.' He looked at you blankly for a few seconds before saying, 'No. I don't,' he says as he walks inside….
The time then has come, the two of you then recited your vows and filled out the papers prepared by the clerk for both of you and your parents. Of course, no honeymoon occurred; instead, you and him organized some of your belongings and the entire house now that it is occupied by two people.
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After three years of marriage, you've gotten used to each other's habits and company. He occasionally notices you dancing while cooking and humming a song, noting mentally that you're having a nice day, just to elicit a small genuine smile, noticing it and contemplating at himself why he did that.
You also had the impression that someone was watching you from behind while you were cooking, so you stopped whenever you noticed your husband's presence in the kitchen or when he took a sip of his coffee nearby.
'.......' sips coffee, 'What are you cooking?' he said. Startled by the man you yelped and said in return, 'You! You almost gave me a heart attack there! Ohh, I'm cooking Sabz Meat Stew, the one you said is your favorite.... yes?' only to receive a blank expression from the man and one brow slightly raised. 'Hmm~ okey.' then leaves the room.
You pondered, 'Huh? The hell??'
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Alhaitham grumbled after he woke from his peaceful slumber. He recalled that he had a job today. He then got up lazily and looked back at the bed to only see you snoring (not that loud), although from the looks of him, he thinks you are cute.
As usual, he didn't feel tired or anything in his office corner, but it was quickly shattered by his senior approaching him, and a former housemate, Kaveh, the star of the firm, renowned as the passionate designer with exquisite taste in arts and romance. Alhaitham scoffed, 'What?' glaring at the platinum-blonde haired man. 'Ugh, save that glare for later, will you!?' Kaveh exclaimed. Putting a bunch of papers at his desk. 'Here. This needs to be approved today so do it now, alright?' The man earned a minute of silence, then Alhaitham spoke up, 'Alright then. Now go.' Kaveh, being used to his antics responded, 'Bah! Alright, alright I'll go now~'
'Great. Now I can have peace,' Alhaitham whispered as he walked to the nearest café in the company. He then spotted Puspa Café and, shortly after, he noticed you with your friends. But he didn't approach you, he simply chose to observe you from afar.
After finishing your job at the library, Tighnari, your friend, messaged something at your group chat, saying that 'Guys, I'll have you all meet my boyfriend today, of course if you guys are free.' You smiled at your phone and waited for others to reply, then you saw Nilou's message, 'Yes we are all free today, where do you want us all to meet up? ^^ .' You then added, 'Me too, just concluded my work.'
You met Dehya first and welcomed her after all of you agreed to meet at Puspa Café. As is typical, Dehya has always tried on make-up with you and the girls since your college years, as she is doing just now, claiming boredom while waiting for the others. After a few minutes, you two noticed the other three and waved your hands where you were seated. 'Eyy, Tighnari, where has your boyfie gone? 'Dehya said. 'Hahah, Dehya, wait a minute, I'll go fetch him outside,' the man said as he ran out of the café.
After a minute of waiting, you and the girls see a tanned man joyfully conversing with Tighnari, all lovey-dovey. 'Yuck,' muttered Dehya in another hand. ‘I wish I was too sheesh, good for them I guess?' She shrugged, glancing at us, only to get a nudge at her side from Nilou. 'Oof-- the hell?'
Tighnari then waved and exclaimed, 'Guys! This is my boyfriend Cyno. Hope you all will be well acquainted with each other! ' smiled. Nilou approached Cyno first and enthusiastically handed him a handshake adding, 'I am very delighted for the two of you, that you are now officially going out!' Cyno then nodded and chuckled. ‘Thank you~’ said Cyno. Candace and you then bestow your blessings on the pair. Finally, there came Dehya, who looked at them with critical eyes. 'Hey, is there something wrong?' Tighnari said, tapping Dehya on the shoulder. Then Dehya looks at them both. 'No, nothing. I'm just happy for the two of you. But. BUT! If you Cyno--' pointing her index finger at his chest, 'I won't forgive you, okay? Don’t hurt my bestie.' Then Cyno chuckled and said, 'Heh, you can trust me lady,' and grinned silly at her.
Your husband was observing you guys from the other side of the café when he noticed a familiar figure. Slowly closing his eyes. Not sure whether he's seeing things correctly, but after repeating it a few times, he seemed astonished (although, actually kind of shocked lol). He then tried to go in your direction, only to be halted by his senior. 'Ugh...' Alhaitham exclaimed in his mind.
'Alhaitham!! I've been looking at you everywhere in the office. Remember how you agreed to have lunch with me today? You also said that someone's cooking delicious food for y----!!' Alhaitham then shoved his hands in his colleague’s mouth to show how annoying Kaveh is to him. He sought to hide somewhere when he noticed your presence approaching him. And silly Kaveh, left there standing, questioning what the hell is going on with his junior.
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Alhaitham returned to your shared house and discovered that the lights were turned off and the room was chilly. Traversing the living room, he noticed a loud thud in your shared bedroom on the second floor. When he arrived, he noticed you weeping and.... you have a cut on your wrist that seems to be quite deep.
He embraced you ever so delicately as if you were about to crumble at any minute, trying to calm you down before asking any questions. Hearing your sobs go down, he then caresses your locks.... very soft locks. Didn't have the time to question what happened seeing you calming down and noticing you about to fall asleep in his embrace, he carefully lifts you up and places you on the bed. Looking at you, his heart breaking as he saw your state, he got up and cleaned and bandaged your wrist wounds.
Morning came, you noticed something on your hands. It was your husband, Haitham. You were taken aback by the sight, carefully releasing his calloused hands, which were securely entwined with yours. You were startled by your husband's unexpected motion and questioned, 'Uhh.... What- what happened?' face turning pale, smiling awkwardly.
'........., well aren't you the one who needs explaining here? My wife?' eyes widened by the sudden call of a familiar address. You gazed at his eyes, dazed, still taking in what he had just spoken. He softly bumped his forehead on yours, while you, bobbing your mouth open and closed. 'Take your time, anytime you are ready, my wife.' Again, your eyes widening, oblivious to a torrent of tears exiting your gorgeous eyes. You wept incessantly and were put back to sleep.
Alhaitham then began informing your coworkers at the library that you will be absent today due to you not feeling well… called Cyno to inform Tighnari and some of your friends.
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You were back at work a few weeks after that event. Your coworkers begin to wonder who the man who contacted them that day was and what your relationship was with him. You ignored their queries and just stated, 'Enough of this chit-chat, remember we're at work, keep it for later,' before continuing to arrange the shelves. Quite embarrassed, you asked the Chief Librarian if it was okay to take your leave early today. The elderly then kindly nodded and waved you goodbye.
Alhaitham is waiting outside the library. He then glanced at Cyno and said, '.... What exactly do you want to know? ' while he was reading his book. Cyno, on the other hand, peered at him for a few minutes before saying something. 'I've been meaning to ask you this question, Alhaitham.... My lover claimed they didn't know you, and his friends wanted to know what your relationship is with her.' declared unequivocally.
'I-- we are married.... that is all I have to say.' Then continue reading where he last left. Cyno was taken aback, his mouth agape slightly, by what he heard from the man who is reputed to be distant, intellectual, dislikes small talk, and is difficult to engage with. '.... Cyno, please stop being so animated, you're not funny.' he said flatly, without glancing at the tanned man. 'I know you're joking. It was a great one, but—-' ,Cyno utter, only to be cut short by an impending disaster that Alhaitham despised oh so much (lmao sorry my bbg).
It was none other than Kaveh, his senior.
'Hey! What are you two talking about leaving me for? 'Kaveh remarked, not entirely aware of the very kind-of-awkward situation happening at the moment. ‘Huh? What?’
You, on the other hand, witnessed the scene. Ears turning flushed pink. 'What? WHAAAT!?? 'You exclaimed in the back of your mind as you walked straight to where your husband was, Haitham.
'My~ hello there Cyno.' you stated, smile feeling forced. '.... Oh. Ahh! Hello.' he nodded and glanced at you and Alhaitham, dazed. Kaveh, taking in what is going on. 'OHH!! Wait, wait, wait, wait!! ' shooting a surprised and uncharacteristic kind of glare at Alhaitham. Kaveh trying to connect the dots as to why you, a very beautiful— no, ethereal lady— would marry this man whose only interests are books and knowledge.
Two men are astonished by what is happening right now. Alhaitham then smoothly held your hands and excused, 'Uhh, apologies but me and my wife have to go now.... Bye.' walking out their way, the two men stilled on that very spot, gaze following you both, mouth twain agape.
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The next day, you were greeted by your friends at the front door.
Flabbergasted by Candace by abruptly holding your shoulders and shaking you, 'Waaaaah our- our baby is married! Since when? AAAAA!!' Dehya in the back restrains her snickers since it's uncharacteristic of Candace. Then you gaze at Nilou, tears welling up in her beautiful blue-ocean eyes.
'Uhmm, I--' stopped by Dehya, 'NO! Let us in first.' then eyeing every corner of the house, finding where your said husband is. '..... My husband isn't here. He's at work right now.' Suddenly Dehya turns around and runs in your direction, exclaiming, 'Whaaat!? You're not lying, are you?' gasped loudly and animatedly. Nilou and Candace both chuckled at her sudden reaction.
You and your friends were seated at the sofa. Calmly explaining what and how it happened, then there's Dehya asking. 'Sooo, did you guys do it?' The other two women were stunned by what Dehya said, and Nilou responded, 'Sorry about that,' she smiled at you and smacked Dehya on the head.
You gave a forced smile and responded, 'Heheh, however we did not. And we don't even have feelings for one other...' you gaze down, a familiar aching in your chest welling up. Nilou notices it and pats your back. 'Actually.... I- I think I have feelings for my husband, however..... I think if I say it to him and announce it, he'll be appalled by the concept.' Tears well up in your lovely eyes. The females listened to you and offered words of sympathy.
When night fell, you were alone, waiting for Alhaitham. Thoughts from a while ago flooded your head, and thinking about them just made you feel upset again. So you went to your shared bedroom, covering your mouth to prevent sobs from escaping your soft lips, duvet covering you.
Alhaitham was drained after working overtime, now on his way home. He sluggishly put his shoes on the rack. Afterwards starts waltzing to find you and notices the bedroom door is slightly ajar. Alhaitham heed the quilt trembling; he then patted it. You, startled, you stopped moving and tried to make your voice not too strained from crying. 'Ohh! Welcome home Haitham. I'm sorry I wasn't able to cook for you, I wasn't feeling well.' Then the next thing that happened is that silence fell upon the room.
'........ Umm, Haitham?' you said still under the quilts. You tried to peek since you weren't receiving any reaction.
Alhaitham, being the person he is, saw an opportunity as you attempted to peek, a small smile escaped his lips. 'What are you doing? Hiding there and all.' looking at you with an unreadable expression. You gasped by the sudden touch at your hands by his. Flailing from his iron grip, but can't unfortunately, you accept defeat.
'I have a question.... and I'd want to say something to you.' Upon hearing that, your thoughts are clouded with pessimism, and you begin to wonder what he is going to say. Him observing your figure under the quilts, shaking. Without any further ado he started, 'I know you didn't want this kind of life, and that…. your parents made you do it..' He sighs, then says faintly, 'but—' suddenly a sob escapes your trembling lips. Surprised by it, you swiftly cover your mouth.
Alhaitham reacted quickly, pulling the quilts down to see you weeping uncontrollably. When he saw you in that state. His heart were shattered into pieces seeing you in that condition.... He hates it, he hates seeing you cry. 
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He daintily wiped your tears away and kissed you on the temples and next your forehead, also cupping your cheeks. You, on the contrary, are at a loss for words, mustering the confidence to speak up, 'Hait—-!!!' a quick sweet kiss pressed against your plump lips.
'Ahh!' You gasped, both lips parted, and the expression on his face was lustrous, though he kept the neutrality in it. The abrupt realization of what is happening causes your cheeks to heat up. 'Ahhn, Haitham! AH!... Wait, no, please!' squirming out of his towering figure.
Hands began to trace your contours, as if in adoration. Alhaitham then pulls your skirt's waistband...... and then your undergarment. A moan left your now swollen lips from the kiss as you felt his cold fingers under your skin. The ashen-haired man grins, the hue of his eyes darkening by the second.
'Hah~ Ah! ahh.... Nghh.. Haitham.' you looking at him eyes half-lidded. The gaze you gave him drove him over the edge. He couldn't wait any longer, so he began to slip his digit into your aching folds. 'AHHH! ' left your quivering lips, body trembling from his penetrating satisfaction. The way you called him in your angelic voice has skewed his judgment.
The unexpected stretch made your honeypot tighten even harder as he inserted another two of his digits. 'Hah~ so good for me.' Alhaitham can't contain his smirk from making you feel good. He then began to pace his digits faster, motioning where you felt the most ecstasy.  Mind becomes hazy, don't know what is right and wrong. 'Hahh, please....' you said ‘I- I want it inside.. AHH!.. nghh mn... of me now.' The thrill has caused your eyes to close.
Alhaitham drew away, as if taking mercy on your predicament, or perhaps his desperation had reached its limit. Tears welled up in your eyes as he positioned his length with your thirsting cunt. He slowly pushes it inside then outside of your sobbing cunt. 'Aghh! S- so tight and... hah~ warm.' You can hear him growl near your ears, feeling the closeness and warmth of each other's bodies.
Shaky hands grasped their lover's toned back. A growl broke from his chest as he dove into your arms, his length thrusting completely into you. 'OH!' you mewled out from the stretch of his length, nails digging at his back and his shoulder blades.
Alhaitham feeling your walls clenched violently at his length, merciless pistons and teases your cunt with slow and deep thrusts. Nothing interrupted the pistoning of his hips as he fucked you through your orgasm. Slapping of skins and the thick musky scent of your both filthy actions filling the room.
Feeling the knot in your stomach starting to form, you attempted to move your hips only to be halted by Alhaitham's unrelenting grasp on your thighs and hips. When he became aware of your foreboding knot, he drew his length out at your sobbing folds. Holding your thighs up, positioning unto his shoulders, he started to lick the honeypot that was presented to him.
‘Ah-hh ahh~’ Alhaitham kept slurping all those liquids out. You whined loudly at him, vocalizing your exhaustion, as you felt his warm breath on your folds and his tongue tease ruthlessly.
‘.... no.’ Left his mouth. 'Huh?' You exclaimed, your consciousness beginning to waver. '....... I'm not done yet.' hazy scarlet eyes, now noticeable.
His pace was suddenly much faster, harder, and deeper. You clung on to dear life by strengthening your grip on his shoulder blades and your thighs on his enticing hips. He bit at your delicate neck, feeling his locks in your neck, as he neared your release and his. Squelching noises and moans filled the entire room once more. Eyes now rolling back from the overwhelming pleasure, back arching, mind went blank, limbs were limp, and nerves fried.
Alhaitham panting steadily at your shoulders, length still buried inside. You felt him stir, straining against the bed to unpin you from his frame, after a few more coarse pants and feverish breaths. ‘Hnn~ ahh-h… Hahh~’ you utter.
Pulling out his length, you could feel a thick string of mixed slick connecting through his tip and to your hole.
Your consciousness started to drift for real amidst the exhaustion you two had experienced a while ago. Alhaitham then shifted gently your sleeping form to the side, covered you with quilts, and walked out of the room.
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As you awoke, you felt a sharp ache in your chest. When you tried to move your numb body, tears began to stream from your eyes, and then it turned into loud choked sobs.
Alhaitham was sipping coffee in the living room when he heard you weeping. He dashed into your shared bedroom and held you with great care, assisting you to sit up at the edge of the bed. He holds your hands softly and gently strokes the back of your palms, you still crying.
He inquired as to whether you were in pain or experiencing breathing difficulties, only for you to look away from his concerned gaze. Alhaitham felt that pang in his chest again, and after overcoming his guilt, he asked you again what you wanted.... him suddenly remembering, that you like your personal space. You didn't even spare a glance at him, just straight up responded, 'I- I.....' you then started to cry uncontrollably again.
His warmth in your hands disappeared, and his blurry figure walked out of the room. It makes you feel hopeless, but then he returns a minute later. You asked about seeing the shining thing on his palm, '.....what- What is that?' with a lethargic tone of speaking.
Alhaitham then queried with a breathy sigh; despite the fact that you can't see his face well due to your tears, you can tell he's nervous. '.... This.... is a wedding ring.' Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. He grinned now that he had your attention, you looking at him. 'I want to be your husband, not just legally, but also until we grow old and witness our child have a blissful life.'
'........ Wahh!? 'Not knowing what to say in response, you tried to move and hug (??) him, only to stumble. Yet in a breath of the wind, he caught your numb naked body. You then began to cry again at his embrace, nodding enthusiastically. 'Yes, yes! I- I'll marry you and make you my lawfully married husband and life partner… I do!!' You exclaimed, tears streaming down your cheeks, the man earning a smile from you ear to ear.
Truth be told, the sight was very silly because your clothings were all over the floor and your mattress was a mess. Yet, love triumphs when two individuals declare their adoration for one other.
©️henkoukazue DON’T PLAGIARIZE, MODIFY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE ANY OF MY WORKS. exclusively only to read on Tumblr. thank you.
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s/n: huaaah~!! now that it's finished i can now rest heheh :'D also hope you all enjoyed my fic,, and sorry again for the errors & everything. bahh! this was really hard to do (although it just took me 2 days😑lol), my brain was really jagged making this heuhusehu.. well that's all for now and the drabble for this will be updated who knows when (very soon) >v^)//✨✨
QUICK NOTE...!! QUICK NOTE! QUICK NOTE!!! yep this fic (some parts) were rushed, i'm very very sorry abt that fr and judgements or criticism even are accepted, feel free ;-) i take it as advice to further improve my writing skills, vocab and such tysmm!!
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nerdazzler · 10 months
✨What I think you act like based on your favorite twst dorm✨
(This is all for shits and giggles people. None of this is meant to be taken seriously it’s just my opinion.)
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You either simp for riddle, Or kin him. No in between 
You’re a pretty upbeat and cheerful person
You’re really cheerful and yet are also pretty shy and don’t talk to a lot of people, you have good friends though!
Okay I get it you like riddle 🥲 (god damn 😭)
50/50 y’all can bake (teach meeeeee)
Y’all can be pretty weird sometimes (dw me too 😌)
How them mommy issues workin out for ya? 😀
Ayo…any..any deuce kinnies looking for an ace kin wanna hmu 👀🤙 (jk jk…unless 👀 we can be friends 👉👈)
I’ll take a trey kinnie too (he says in riddle and cater kin ☺️🫶)
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Either Leona simps,Stans, or kins
Where tf are all the jack ppl?!
Y’all think ruggie is a skrunkly and you love him to bits
Y’all are the more cool laidback type (funny considering the amount of jocks in the dorm)
Very knowledgeable and wise about things, I like that about you guys!
You guys are also pretty funny, I like y’all!
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you Kin azul. No questions.(Me too, bestie. me too.)
I love you guys, y’all are like SUPER chill.
You either have at least some knowledge of a random sea creature or have an interest in marine biology 
How many of you ship JadeAzul? Because I’m sensing a good majority
Jade fans y'all in there too.
I like y’all, you’re really laidback yet funny as shit
Some of the octavinell fans need to calm tf down (they are Minors 😨!!)
Wut you planning 🤨
Y’all be weird as shit sometimes (love it tho 🫶)
Show me ur art 👀
If you kin Floyd I as a riddle kin automatically fear you /j
Any jade kins wanna talk? (*poses in azul kin*😎👌)
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I love y’all too! You guys are so fun to chat with
Y’all are the deep thinking type or the impulsive idea type
Jamil or Kalim. pick one, and you can’t say both. 😡
Y’all can sometimes be a lil unhinged I will admit-
How many Jamil apologists and defenders y’all got up in there? 🤭
#letkalimbesad fr 
Where my fellow Kalim kin’s at!? (Dm meeee I wanna be friendsss 😚✌️)
…I’m also a Jamil kin too,,,(but more of a Kalim kin ☺️)
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I barely see y’all wtf 😨 (I Have literally never met a pomforie fan in my life so all of this is from observation)
You like vil. That’s all ima say.
Yeehaw boy fans stand up.
You definitely have a cute looking artstyle. It’s cute but is hella well detailed.
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be my friend pls 🥹🙏
Y’all smart 
You guys are so sweet 
Can you share some of ur snacks pls 👀🤲 (I know you got a snack hoard.)
How many plushies you got🤨?
Y’all either actually like gaming, drawing. Or both (Mainly drawing tho.)
I’m assigning all the idia fans the song “Emo Boy” by Ayesha erotica (I do not support her) and you can’t tell me I’m wrong. BECAUSE I KNOW HOW SOME OF YA’LL BE ACTIN 🤨
Ortho fans where 🤔 (no I don’t mean simps*nastyass-* I mean people that genuinely like ortho’s character)
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y’all shy or really chill and barely talk to people and yet are some of the most interesting people to talk with 
I don’t see a lot of you! Where y’all at?!
You either like malleus a lil too much or Lilia No in between.
Sliver Stan’s idk where y’all at 😟
You. Nice, Amazing, Beautiful, Talented Human Being. Gimme a hug 🫂 
I can be the Kalim to your silver *lip bites* /j
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miitarashi · 4 months
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Oh- OH?? IS IT A REQUEST ABOUT BUFF WOMANS??? my dear unknow,consider yourself kissed. (Yeah,i'm using a photo cuz i had to delete the first one because i made something wrong but luckily i didn't lost what i writed).
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☆Tintin headcanon☆
- Buff woman 🙏🏽
Oh dear,this one is quite interesting not gonna lie.
First he would probably be surprised a bit,just a little.
He gave that quick up and down, took in the information and just kept his polite demeanor as always.
Traveling the world,he probably saw a buff woman or two but one close to him was something interesting in a way.
If you end up getting close to him,he would be more than happy to know you better.
If you talked about your workout routine and the amount of weight you lift,the boy would feel genuinely surprised,joking a bit that what he normally does in one adventure is almost a long workout since he's always running,jumping and or punching someone just to get his story.
And when he said it,now was your time to be surprised,even more because his body looked a bit ""petite"" for someone who does all of that (in a fucking daily basis)
One thing that I know probably happened is,when Tintin introduced you to Haddock,at some point,being an old marine like him, he probably wanted an arm wrestle just to see what would happen. You won,but it was a fair game lol.
Now,the dating part is kinda funny.
Do y'all know that couple dynamic “The amazon x the short guy”?
This. This is your dating life.
If you're taller,of course he wouldn't feel ashamed or anything like that,we all know this man,this perfect one that can do no wrong and does not have a fragile masculinity.
Just don't tease him about being short or trying to carry him like a bag of potatoes and we're good.
Only when not in public tho.
Like,having a buff woman is basically accepting the prince/princess treatment. Being held,hugged from behind and having someone to look up to for comfort??
A bit weird at first,but when he discovers the good things of having a buff girlfriend?
Sign he in.
Being used as a weight,like him laying on your back while you do push ups? A bit cynical at first,but when you easily do it,normally it becomes a thing. Like he is reading something while lying on your back or mumbling about this new mystery,it's kinda funny but he doesn't have a problem with it. (Again,as long it's made at home)
Would even go running with you as a way of spending time together, stopping at some park or little place to stay and just enjoy some quality time before going back home.
The cuddles? Being holded like a fragile thing always gives him the best naps he ever had in his life. Adore when you wrap yourself around him like a blanket.
I don't know why,but I feel like when you guys cuddle with you resting on top, hugging his waist and resting your head on his abdomen with a tank top or any clothes that shows your muscles,he would like,trace the definated line of it??
Like,I'm sure he would do it If you had body marks too.
Other girls hitting on him,he find amusing when you tower over him and kinda of send them off. (If you is far he would walk up and be by your side holding your hand)
He would even take you on adventures too,bonus if you learned some type of martial art. What is this? The perfect woman??
Although,if you're the tough exterior and fragile inside,the princess will be you. No questions asked.
He would find it lovely. The way you could be tough to be face to face with someone taller,but ask him to kill a roach out of fear clinging on his arm for protection.
The ✨cutiest✨
Insecure about wearing dresses? You're a queen in his eyes. Worshiped on the spot.
Need motivation? He's your number one fan,rooting for you and helping you out in any way.
Feeling insecure about him leaving you because of your looks? Didn't i said that this man sees you like a Goddess??
Let's not even get on the thighs part because damm he just want to be crushed-
Beside it! This man fell in love with every little inch of you and love being the prince or making you his Goddess, nothing less than this.
It's a Win-win for both of you basically.
N/A: hey! I said i wasn't dead. So the thing is,i'll probably settle sunday or monday to post fics and request. Maybe one day a week and in between i post some incorrect quotes that pass cross my mind while i write the big fic that i'll post on my AO3. Like i said i already have some things writed so don't worry,i'm still here and writing requests too. (Making bots too cuz i just made a Tintin bot about that "i could be a better boyfriend than him" best decision i've ever made🙏🏽). So yeah,hope you liked! Thank you for reading😘
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biggerbetterbat · 3 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: The group finds out that Terminus is just a trap, and their friends wait for a certain death there. Carol decides to save the group. Charlie worries that she will have to take care of Tyreese and Judith now.
Warning: maybe language?, violence
Song: Deep in the Meadow Jennifer Lawrence
Words: 1,947
A/N: Hi, guys! So like I told you, I’m taking a break from posting new chapters. However, I will be updating the old chapters as I think they lack some dialogues or descriptions, because the connections seem not that deep (I already updated from chapter 4-9). The plot won’t be changed tho, so if you don’t like, you don’t have to re-read.
Thank you for reading PART 1 of my work, liking and commenting. And I hope I will see you soon :)
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"I told Albert I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out."
"Keep your finger off the button and drop it," Carol commanded, ready to fire right through the stranger's head.
"Listen, y'all don't have to do this," he said. "Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone's welcome."
"To bleed us out, too?" Charlie leaned to him as he was being tied up. "We're the friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat. So give my friend one reason not to shoot."
Charlie was angry.
Her chest heaved with fury as she stared down the man who was casually talking about taking belongings of her family after killing them like animals. Anger simmered beneath the surface, muxing with the bitter taste of betrayal in her mouth. The people of Terminus had lured them in with promises of sanctuary, only to reveal themselves as nothing more than predators preying on the desperate and vulnerable. No better than the Walkers. In this juxtaposition, the walkers served as a reminder of the world's fallen state, while the people of Terminus underscored the thin line between civilization and barbarism.
However, beneath the rage, there was a flicker of relief, a glimmer of gratitude for the fact that Carl and the others were still alive. It was fragile, of course, but it was better than what she had even hours ago. Her family was, hopefully still alive.
"They attacked us!" the man tried to convince them. "We're just holding them."
As Charlie stood there, her fists clenched at her sides, struggling to calm her annoyance at the stranger who was clearly lying.
"Who else do you have? Do you know their names?" Charlie asked.
"We just have the boy and the samurai, that's it," he said. "We were just protecting ourselves."
"Hmm," Charlie nodded. "And the Santa Claus is real," she said and got up from her knees, walking away.
"Wait, no! Let me go," he strutted as Tyreese pushed him into a wooden house, more of a shed. "There's a bunch of us back there in six different directions. We need to set off our charges all st the same time to confuse the dead ones away. It's good for you too."
"No, it isn't."
"There's a herd heading toward Terminus right now," Carol answered. "We don't want to confuse them away."
"They'll see you coming," the man said. "If you even make it that far with all the cold bodies heading over."
"Don't worry about her pretty boy," said Charlie and walked out to keep a watch. "Are you sure you want to go alone?"
"Just...Stay here with them," the other woman said. "Tyreese just looks tough, but you know him."
"I do."
"And..." she opened her mouth, but just stared into the younger's eyes. "Don't hesitate to hurt the guy. It's either him or us."
"Yeah, I've noticed," Charlie looked down.
Carol pouted and squeezed Charlie's arm to show her support. "Take this. You will need it more than an axe."
She gulped looking at the gun that noise was still echoing through her head. "You'll need it more."
"Are you sure?"
"Be careful," Charlie whispered and hugged Carol tightly. Charlie's arms wrapped tightly around Carol, a silent gesture of solidarity and support as Carol prepared to embark on her mission to rescue their friends. Charlie watched as Carol disappeared into the night, her resolve unshakable, her determination unwavering. It was never too certain that she would be back.
Charlie stood watch, the weight of the world heavy on her shoulders as she scanned the horizon for any sign of danger. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, a palpable sense of unease settling over her. They saw the herd already and miraculously escaped them, but now there was no place to escape. She moved her eyes from watching mysterious and unknown forest, to the shed, not being sure that it would last.
Quickly she came back to her focus stare, and then, in the distance, she saw them – a shambling mass of walkers, their groans echoing through the stillness. She immediately drew back the string with a fluid motion and squeezed her fingers on the arrow, but she knew it would be pointless. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Charlie knew that they had to act fast. They were outnumbered, outmatched, and there was no time to waste.
With a silent prayer on her lips, she quietly and quickly opened the door to the shed. "They're coming," Charlie gasped entering the house. "Hey!"
"Back off!" the stranger yelled holding a gun and pointing it right at her. "Put your weapon on the ground. The bow, too! Kick them over right now. Right now!"
Fear gripped her heart as she realized their hostage broke free from her restraints. In that harrowing moment, she found herself staring down the barrel of the gun held in his trembling hands. Charlie's gaze immediately fell on the baby.
"Please," Tyreese sobbed with his arms raised. "Please don't hurt her. Please don't hurt them."
"You," the young man pointed at Tyreese this time. Charlie gasped and wanted to do something, but the stranger came closer to the box that Judith was laying in. She stopped immediately. "Go outside. Go outside! Just one twist, man!"
"Don't!" Tyreese yelled as he saw the man next to the baby.
"He won't survive!" Charlie called out. "There's a herd..."
"Don't make me!" he interrupted her firmly and looked back at Tyreese. "You. Go outside."
Tyreese emerged from the shadowy confines of the shed, his steps heavy with the weight of the impossible choice that had been thrust upon him. With a heavy heart, he cast one last glance back at Charlie and the baby, his eyes filled with a mixture of anguish and determination. With fear in her eyes she shook her head, but her friend just turned away, ready to leave. It was a certain death, leaving now, as the herd of always hungry Walkers just waited for an opportunity like this one. As she turned her head to the man, he had a smile on his face, knowing that Charlie and Judith were on his mercy right now. Charlie felt disgusted by him.
"Well, well, well..."
Then something moved outside.
As Charlie and the man who threatened her stood in tense silence within the confines of the shed, the air thick with fear and uncertainty, the distant sounds of a struggle erupted outside. The unmistakable clash of something against decaying flesh and the guttural moans of walkers echoed through the air, sending a shiver down Charlie's spine.
With each passing moment, the tension in the shed mounted, a palpable sense of dread hanging heavy in the air. And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it ended. However, not the man or even Charlie dared to move even an inch. What's more, they weren't sure if they should breathe.
Moments later, the door to the shed burst open, and Tyreese stormed in, his face contorted with fury and determination. Without a word, he approached the man who had threatened them, his fists clenched in anger. With a primal roar, Tyreese unleashed a series of blows upon the man, his fury fueling each punishing strike. Charlie used her chance and leaned to pick up the baby, and then ahead watched in stunned silence what was going on, hugging the baby close to her chest. Her heart pounding in her chest as she bore witness to the violent catharsis unfolding before her.
As the man crumpled to the ground, bloodied and broken, Tyreese stood over him, his breath coming in ragged gasps. In that moment, the weight of their ordeal seemed to lift from Charlie's shoulders, replaced by a sense of grim satisfaction and hard-won victory. Their eyes met, Charlie was slightly terrified, but surely not of Tyreese. Yet, he didn't know that, so his own eyes filled with fear. "I..."
"It's okay," she whispered nodding. "Sometimes..." but words didn't want to leave her mouth, so she just placed a hand on his arm and patted it. She left the house and waited for him to do the same.
Charlie stood amidst the aftermath surrounded by the dead who were really dead or just parted on the ground by her friend, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. With Tyreese and the baby by her side, she felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on her shoulders, unsure of what path to take in the face of such uncertainty. Every instinct screamed at her to flee, to seek safety in the unknown depths of the wilderness, as there was nothing left for them here. But a part of her clung to the hope that Carol was alive. Her and their friends who were still out there, fighting against the odds, ready to reunite with them once more.
Torn between the desire for safety and the longing for companionship, Charlie struggled to make sense of the chaos that surrounded them. With each passing moment, the shadows of doubt grew darker, threatening to consume her with their suffocating embrace. In the end, she knew that there was no easy answer, no clear path forward in a world defined by chaos and uncertainty. At the same time, she was not a leader. She was just a terrified girl with a baby that wasn't hers and a man who was just a big baby, a baby with muscles. On top of that they were in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, with close to no ammunition and herds of Walkers. All she could do was trust in her own instincts. And here instincts said: "We need to leave. It's not safe here."
"You think Carol won't come back?" he asked.
"I don't know," she said and gave him the baby. "I'm afraid it's going to be just us now."
Charlie stood in silence, her mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. Now that they were alone, she should probably be honest with the man, so the past would finally leave her alone. On the other hand, she feared the consequences of revealing her secrets to Tyreese, unsure if he would still accept her once he knew the truth.
"Tyreese, there's something I need to tell you," she took a deep breath."I have a past that I'm not proud of."
"We've all got skeletons in our closets, Charlie. What matters is who we are now."
"But you don't understand... I hurt people. Many died because of me."
"It doesn't define who you are," he placed a hand on her shoulder. "None of us are saints in this world."
Charlie nodded, grateful for his non-judgmental demeanor. "It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm still that person, that I can't escape my past no matter how hard I try."
"From what I've seen, you're a good person trying to make a better living for many people," he said. "We're a family now, and family sticks together through the good and the bad."
"Thank you, Tyreese," she answered. "That means..."
She furrowed her eyebrows and turned to scan the horizon. The sun was high on the sky, so she had to squint her eyes and it was still hard to make out who was calling her from the distance. Suddenly, Charlie's heart leaped as she spotted a familiar silhouette running towards her. With tears in her eyes, she rushed to meet him, their embrace a silent affirmation of their enduring bond.
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raidenssblog · 2 years
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With a tall boyfriend<3
Characters: tanjiro, Zenitsu, inosuke, nezuko, genya, sanemi, giyuu, obanai.
Genre: fluff
Pronouns: male
Warnings: swearing.
Absolutely loves it. But mainly loves the piggy backs or sitting on your shoulder.
Makes him feel safe or comfortable. Maybe even both.
Doses tend to blush easy because of how you easily tower over the poor boy.
He will make you hug him though he doesn't need too. And oh my fucking god. I you pick him up while hugging him. Jzbsjaoqw. He falls for you all over again.
With your height also involves a lot of body heat. And let me say this.
He. Loves. It. So. Much.
Overall 10/10 on him loving your height.
Quite scared at first but slowly learns he fucking loves it.
When I say loves it I mean to the point where he WILL climb on you.
Steals a shirt or to and says its 'because he doesn't have any.' but he just loves how big they are on him.
Cuddles in bed is a MUST. no exceptions. He loves the be hugged from behind so it's quite obvious that if you guys are spooning he would be the small one.
Your body warmth does tend to sometimes get to much. Especially in the summer. But other than that he loves it.
9/10 on loving your height.
Oh boy.
He think your height is your way of saying fight me. 😐
But is surprised on how tall you really were.
Definitely hates loves hugs. Just because you have to really bend down to hug him proply.
Makes him feel extremely small. And weak. But for some reason he doesn't not like it. He feels welcomed by it almost.
Play fighting is a must with this man. If he beats you, you'll never hear the end of it. He feels powerful after being you down.
You and Inosuke's body is almost the same temperature so it doesn't really work him to much.
Like her brother she lives it.
Hugs are nezuko's favourite part of it. She feels so small and so warm.
Will cling onto you when you guys take walks. Ether that or you pick her up.
Another favourite part is just your's and her size difference in everything. Hands mainly.
When you guys hold hand she feels like it's just so tiny and yours is protecting hers somehow?
Nezuko loves to sleep so when tanjiro goes out in missions she tends to sleep with you alot. (Not in that way😒)
11/10 on the love metre
Another one who adores but hates your height.
He hates it because whenever you're around he just can't stop blushing and stuttering.
Poor genya.
Tho I feel like he is one to wear your shirts to bed just because of the baggyness.
Genya will die if you hug him from behind, but only in private otherwise he'll be pretty awkward.
He loves your body heat during the night and rather like to lay on you chest or cuddled up together (face to face embrace)
He purely loves your height but don't know it :( 8.5/10
Fr thinks of you as someone who he can take down.
Hates your height most of the time because it makes him feel weak and small.
Hugs from behind wether he gives them or receives them.
You body temperature is completely different. Sanemi's body run cool while your body is basically a oven.
He would rather you cuddle him that the other way around. Especially during the colder nights.
Wears your shirts to bed wether you like it or not.
7.5/10 tho he adores you height when he wants to.
He someone who is used to people being taller than him, and he doesn't mind.
Tho he is in love with your height.
Sure you may be a bit if not a lot taller than tengen but he loves it.
There is a very large gap in your heights but he find the gap perfect.
He will on occasion wear your haori but that's only when his is being washed..
When y'all first hugged he swears that his stomach and heart was going to explode.
Now it's a must when ever you or him come back from a mission.
When you guys cuddle it is almost always the same. Him being curled up on you side with your arms easily wrapping around him:(
On the colder night he would just....lay on you. Like full in become a small blanket.
11/10 he is in love all over again.
Another one who is used to people being alot taller than him. He says he doesn't mind but deep down he minds.....a lot.
But when he met you. Oh man.
You were like double his size. That definitely made a spark somewhere tho he threw it off as nerves.
As we all know he didn't really let people in so when you guys started dating there was no hugging, kissing or even cuddling at the start.
Tho after you guys slept together (sleeping🙄) he was all like 'this is nice. I want to be around him more' even if he never said it.
He likes your hugs mainly because he feels safe and forgets about the world around you and him.
Your bodies warmth is definitely soothing for him. So when ever he has nightmares he goes to you for comfort.
You height also is comfortable for him. Sue it makes him feel small but it also makes him feel like you protecting him. He didn't get much of that as a kid.
Over all 9/10. He sometimes relies on you for comfort. :(
Sorry if this is bad. I feel kinda sick rn. But anyways. And sorry for not posting in ages I've been caught up with stuff.
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iamdefinitelyreal · 3 months
Chronicles of watching Hazbin Hotel with my chaotic bisexual bestie
Ep. 1
When alastor first came on screen, she said "[other best friend who's been simping over Alastor] was right, he is fine!"
"Wait. Are Vaggie and Charlie...you know...roomates???"
"Why is Doctor Faciller a cat"
"Why is the cat an alcoholic"
"Why is the cat kinda fine"
Ep. 2
"Why is purple guy bald. Vox can do better."
Ep. 3
*singing along to respectless*
"Velvette's right tho, why does gun mommy not want to fight if she sells guns?"
"Damnnnnnn, gun mommy can sing!"
"Wait, are Zestiel and Carmella married?"
"Is Vaggie Carmella's daughter? It would explain why they're both SO hot."
Ep. 4
"Why is Angel tied up"
"No Charlie don't make it worse"
*started crying so hard during Poison that she needed a hug*
*through tears* "[Angel dust] is trying so hard, he just needs to be loved"
"No baby don't ruin yourself!"
*got teary during Loser Baby*
"Husk is so sweet, he really does love Angel"
Ep. 5
"Fire duck! Fire duck! Fire duck! Fire duck!
"Y'all can't like Lucifer. Lucifer is for the short people. Only I (she's 5"2) and [friend who's 5"3] can like him. You (I'm 5"6), [other best friend who's 5"9], and [friend who's 5"7] can have the tall people, I get Lucifer and Husk."
*started sobbing during More Than Anything*
*again through tears* "He loves his daughter so much they are so healthy"
Ep. 6
"Why did they make that Angel a twink"
"Oh fuck Adam."
"Oml I ship Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious so much"
"Why is Sera kinda fine tho"
"Huskerdust forever omllll"
"The animation in You Didn't Know is PEAK"
Ep. 7
"Alastor is a girl's girl we love him"
"I'm so dissapointed in Alastor."
"Why is Rosie such a slay????"
"They (Rosie and Alastor) are married for tax benefits"
"Omg SUSAN?"
Ep. 8
"Huskerdust is love huskerdust is life"
"Shit why is Adam kinda fine"
I'm showing her good omens soon, I'm scared
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confusedfoam · 1 year
okay I’m home I’ve cut all my hair off I’ve sort of eaten dinner I think I can approach articulation let’s uuuuhh take this character by character I think
rip this kid, he got pretty fucked over this go around. his house got fire and water damage and his mom also got lit on fire so that sucks.
Also his attempts to connect with scary got undermined and brushed off, he was trying to tell her she has people who care and that they’ll be there and all this lovely stuff and link was going the complete opposite angle and undermining him. (note: this is not a complaint, his approach was too head on to get through to scary and I think it makes beautiful sense for everyone’s characters but damn sucks for normal tho)
and of course. Teeny, gone. His will they won’t they partner, a mole and betrayer. This boy is going to be shattered and somehow I don’t think the goofs realm is going to be exactly comforting.
oh and can we talk about normals cult susceptibility and his family history cause 👀👀👀 yo thank you will
Oh man him crying broke my heart, just thinking of him all heart broken and blubbering. I hope he gets to see Nick again soon but I feel like he probably won’t. I also love that his roll in the hug was just a shitty attempt at a sleeper hold.
failing to get through to his mom was one of the most frustrating shitty rolls of his so far but narratively its probably for the best. but man fuck willy and how things go his way (crack conspiracy of the minute: Willy’s got Cassandra on the back burner hoping to (already has?) knock her up for a back up source of daddy magic)
Links teen apathy arc is so valid. also congrats to the gothcleats enthusiasts this was a banger for y'all. I respect the hell out of Matt as a roleplayer. he knows what he wants to do with link so well. I don’t even know what to say I’m happy this is working out for him I guess, can’t wait to watch it crash down.
Ohhhhhhh boy. oh boy. my poor girl. She needs so much therapy. She needs her mom. She needs more hugs. Christ.
but for real god bless beth may “am I enough?” nearly fucking killed me there were almost real actual tears. her asking willy for a hug and getting so coldly brushed off, not even rejected just brushed off? crushing.
Scary embracing her apathy arc is such a set up for disaster. I am very excited about the soccer admission though I think that was a good start. someone get this girl a sunny afternoon and a beautiful soccer field asap. (the other crack conspiracy: Scary’s had her jock phase, her goth phase, it’s now time to enter her stoner burnout phase. this is founded nothing on other than how she said it when she confessed to wanted to play soccer and also that it would be pretty funny. no more feelings time to just smoke pot about them)
I mean that reveal was so much. like holy shit. also I know some people don’t like his name being herman but I actually love that so much sorry y'all.
mad and endless respect to my anti egot king that dad fact was so fucking funny. maybe a contender against the back tattoo incident
annnnd that’s my current run down of thoughts. what an episode. pls talk to me about it I’m dying out here
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