#this is just a rant dont mind me
insteviewetrust · 1 year
I've been getting a lot of anti-wolfstar posts these days and I fucking hate it. I get that some people don't like the ship but those posts are just so hate filled that it makes me sick. Like what the fuck. I'm blocking a lot of people cause I keep getting their posts and it's driving me crazy, the "this post is not for me" doesn't seem to work either. I genuinely can't stand these people. I would not befriend one of these people. I don't think I'd be able to have a single conversation with them about the fandom. The posts I've seen are so fucking angry for no fucking reason, so hateful they're bordering on homophobic most of the times. Some say that they find unnerving when it appears in the wlw fics they're reading, as if their ship isn't fucking plastered in the tags. I get that you want a wlw fic that focuses on the main pair, but we must remember that Fanfiction authors write primarily for themselves so if they add a chapter about wolfstar in their dorlene fanfic, it's their fucking business and no, "a gay person doesn't die" if they do. And most of them are jegulus fans. Like what the fuck. I get that it bothers you if you wanna read something with your favourite ship as main characters and you don't want the author to focus on some other ship that you don't like all that much; I had to stop reading a lot of fics after jegulus started to become important for their plot, cause I don't like jegulus, (hell I hate it even, I have all the tags jegulus related blocked and filtered, because I don't wanna see it, and when a tiktok ends up in my fyp, I scroll the fuck down, maybe leave a like if I like the creator and wanna support them. And I really don't like the ship) but you don't see me spewing hate about them or the authors that write about them. People need to go out and make friends with some grass.
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thrumbolt · 6 months
Sometimes I forget why exactly I disliked ACOMAF as much as I did and then I see a random quote and am instantly reminded.
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This is exactly the type of gaslighting that this book does that annoyed me so. fucking. badly.
'All he'd wanted to do wasn't free me, but fuck me' - ah yes, because it totally wasn't her who went for his pants first.
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'He hadn't tried to kill her, hadn't crawled for me'
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Excuse me? He crawled as he was bleeding out from a chest wound, still tied up. Not to mention he DID kill Amarantha in the end. (Also he couldn't kill her before, because that's how magic bonds work - none of the high lords could lift a finger against her. There was literally nothing he was able to do).
Also it makes no SENSE for Feyre to be resentful of Tamlin not rescuing her all of a sudden? Tamlin saved her already by returning her to the human realm. SHE returned to fight and die for him. She KNEW she'd most likely die but she was there to rescue HIM. It's not like she got kidnapped by Amarantha and he just watched, no she came to die for him. It's kind of weird to blame him for not getting her out when she came in to get HIM out.
So yeah, ACOMAF is awful in this regard and I just don't get it. It would have been quite easy and possible to make Feyre realize that Tamlin isn't right for her without literally making shit up about him that conflicts with book one.
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celia-witch · 3 months
You know Blue Poison is an incredibly unsubtle character to me. Which may be why she's the first Arknights character I actually became completely obsessed with.
Literally made a touch starved weirdo, who everyone assumes is literally poisonous to the touch, even if she isnt... and then gave her a trans flag color scheme!
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Anyways there is no other operator with a similar color scheme in anyway! And definitely no-one who has a character arc about coming to her own with the people who care about them deeply, causing me to come to a relatively similar character read! Wait who's that?
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guaxinimraccoon · 29 days
making a long trip throughout the country for my graduation, staying at a friend's place while visiting my college friends and being completely out of my usual routine, working full time, about to travel again to visit sister, questioning life choices, doing an online course, wanting to make comics, answer asks and do something for mermay, wanting to practice more, being an adult, GRADUATING help-
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all of this just to say- i'll do something for mermay but i'm afraid i'll be late bc a lot of things are happening at the same time and i'm like :)))))))
and i just graduated haha i dont wanna be an adult somebody save me
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murdererofthumbs · 1 year
Seeing reactions after this episode is actually slightly hysterical? It proves that this fandom can be so blind-sighted by characters relations, that they forget what show they are watching. Like, I have always been a self-proclaimed Roman-girl, because I find him compelling and extremely psychologically interesting, and like all of these characters, to a certain extent, I do empathise with him on the level of trauma that he went through. But why the fuck are people surprised that THIS is how he behaved in this episode is beyond me. Oh, suddenly Roman is dead to you because he behaved in the way that was very much consistent with who he is? That’s who all of these people are, like come on, what do we think we are watching here? You didn’t really think he will suddenly become a defender of democracy because it serves a greater good of the country? He was the one to fucking choose Mencken as a president, he cherry-picked him for Logan, because he knew that their views align, that Mencken will be a smart business decision. This whole thing is a transactional procedure - they needed to get someone who will be willing to serve their corrupt interests. Roman doesn’t see a problem in having fascist as a president, because he will never be touched by the consequences of having that kind of man in power. He is very much safe at the top of the mountain, and who the fuck cares what will happen to the peasants at the bottom of the chain? In this way, he imitates Logan the most, because in the end of the day, people are units to him, to all of them really, some of them are just more willing to admit this than others.
Also, like, “uuu, Roman was such a misogynist to Shiv this episode, he just didn’t listen to her at all”. Look, can we stop being delusional here for a second or is it some sort of selective memory situation? Roman is a misogynist. Kendall is a misogynist. Shiv, in fact, has a lot of internalised misogyny going on, and her being a woman never stopped her from pushing other women under the fucking bus, so let’s be real here for a second. And that is not to be said in defence of Roman, frankly nothing what I’m saying here is supposed to justify his behaviour in this or any other episode, but it’s more of like… reality check? I know that Roman’s self-destructive spiral and semi-decent behaviour at the beginning of this season might have clouded certain aspects of who he is, but please, go back to season 3 and count all the instances of him throwing misogynistic and, frequently incestuous jokes and innuendo, at Shiv? How many times he undermines her position on the basis of her being a woman? Or how Kendall, for that matter, uses similar arguments in 03x02? All the siblings use aspects of each other as weapons. Kendall is undermined because he is unstable, because he is a drug-addict, because he has a tendency of flying off on the cloud of mania, and crashing in the heap of depression. Shiv is crossed out because she is a woman, because she frankly has no real experience in the firm (which, although people might be super angry about that, because she is such a “girlboss” apparently, but this is a factual argument), because of her relationship to Tom and tendency to take several sides at the same time (with not much thought put into it). And Roman is frequently undermined because he is a freak and a pervert, because “there is something wrong with him”, because he is the weakest dog that is most easily manipulated, who crumples like a wet tissue if only to receive a bit of affection. They all weaponise their “weak” points against each other, because this dog-eats-dog mindset is focal to who they are as a family, to how they were brought up, to how Logan wanted them to be. So please, let’s not be surprised, when Roman suddenly uses misogyny as an argument against Shiv, because it’s not sudden at all, and it’s always been there.
I think what we have on our hands, is the same situation we had in 03x07 during Kendall’s birthday (and previous episode with Mencken), where some people are so outraged by Roman, and by his ability to shove the knife where it hurts, that they suddenly cross him out completely. Again, all these characters are bad people, there was never any doubt about that. They are compelling because of the complexities of their familial relationships, because of their childhood trauma and the consequences that this trauma has on them as adults. But they are still completely reprehensible as human beings, and I think some viewers forget about that and then get outraged when show about awful people features awful people. And I’m sure, either in next or final episode, something will happen and Roman will become sympathetic again, and he will regain his position as a “poor meow meow”, just as he did in the finale of season 3. Its always a fucking carousel with this character and people get sucked in and have their eye’s covered just to realise that nothing really changed, and nothing will change, because in this show people, at their core, remain the same.
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liamthemailman · 5 months
feeling small
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wil-fae · 2 months
I had more ideas, so today is more streamer tim and jason (help me with what their twitch users would be, begging)
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subpar-celestial · 2 months
I HATE when fanfic writers villainize certain characters so they can make their fic more angsty, or so they can have a canon couple break up to do their ship.
like some teen wolf writers got me defending Scott and I don't even particularly like Scott.
If you want conflict between characters you can DO THAT without having to make one the devil.
Also there's many ways to get your ship going even if a character is in a canon relationship without making their partner like abusive or toxic or whatever. YOU COULD EVEN MAKE IT SO THEY WERE NEVER DATINGGGG!!! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE LITERALLY ENDLESSSSS!!!!!!
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potatobugz · 7 months
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come here son i am going to infect you with my inosuke + kanao sibling agenda
(do not tag as ship)
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sillycathorrors · 6 months
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kithj · 6 months
tired of the obsession with "ethical" vampires and also "good" vampires who don't eat.
i think there's a lot to be said about fatphobia and the glamorization of EDs in vampire media, particularly in more modern depictions... i don't want to place the blame solely on twilight because this was happening way before the 2000s but i do think that had a huge impact with meyer's weird obsession and unwillingness to depict the vampires as anything other than thin and pale (and her singular fat aka tall and curvy vampire is described as "intensely feminine" and we don't have time to unpack all of that in this post)
saying that vampire venom "melts the fat" off of people, or that the vampire venom turns a person into their "ideal self" - who is the one saying my ideal self would be skinny? why is that the ideal at all?
i also just find it soooo fucking boring to neuter your vampires in this way. the whole point is to explore these deep desires and impulses and especially in romance these power imbalances that come from human/vampire relationships. i find the "good" vampire to be such a cop out. why even make them a vampire. twc vampires are just glorified super soldiers that work for the government. twilight vampires are just a bunch of mormon models. there's no real substance to them. even if you wanted to make an argument about edward, it falls flat because stephanie meyer doesn't write him intentionally, she genuinely thinks this shit is romantic & isn't ever really interested in exploring their age gap or edward's hunger.
i think interview with the vampire (the show) approaches the "good" vampire in an interesting way with louis. the decision to make him a gay black man adds so much to his desire to be "good" (accepted) and there's more to it than just him not wanting to eat humans; he's worried about the way the world will perceive him. and he still has so much love for claudia despite how different they are and the things she's done (but ultimately he still chooses lestat over her!!!) and he tries to influence daniel's perception of her, too. i also like that they still actually show him eating, versus the cullens, who i don't ever recall being shown on screen (or in the book) eating anything.
when i write about the hunger in blood choke, i worried about how people would react to the hunting scenes in ch2. overall, way more positively than i expected. there's a lot more i want to expand on especially in the next chapter, and i worry about how it may look right now in the game's unfinished state. i don't want the hunger to be something bad, at least not at its core. everyone is hungry. everyone eats. and i wanted to make it so the vampires in my world could not just opt out of it. they can't eat animals, they can't sustain on blood alone, they have to eat.
when it comes to the mc, they struggle with the hunger, but it's more than that. like with louis, it's the combination of that visceral hunger but also being gay and gender nonconforming, someone who has always been an outcast in society struggling to find their way back in after having their memories and sense of self completely wiped clean. their hunger is a manifestation of this idea they have of their past self - the potential for them to become the next Standard - and their physical/sexual desire that they repressed for so long now untethered due to their lack of memories as well as waking up in a more accepting world.
i think this is a much more interesting way to approach the hunger as opposed to painting the actual act of eating as inherently evil. in twilight, all the good vampires don't eat, even when bella is a human she doesn't eat. in dracula, lucy is only ever good when she doesn't eat. and when she does eat, she becomes an evil, indulgent sexual demon that is a threat to all men and she has to be destroyed.
female vampires always get the worst of it; they are sexual deviants, they want to kill all men, they asked for it, they're disgusting and vile for desiring anything from food to sex to independence. this of course goes way back; again, look at lucy. even in more "progressive" vampire media like bit, the lesbian vampire is evil, hates all men, and is tricking and seducing her female companions into it.
it's interesting to see how far back these trends go. dracula and carmilla all the way up to the modern depictions today. the "good" vampire narrative almost never works; i think because the idea of what is "good" is always going to be influenced by the person creating it. edward is not a "good" vampire. he is a 108 year old man who preys on a teenage girl; this should have been far more important to his character than whether or not he, as a vampire, drinks human blood. but instead he's considered good because he only eats deer and he's skinny and white and looks like a model, and because stephanie meyer says he is.
i don't write all this to say that these topics can't be explored (twilight is terrible for many other reasons, and i think iwtv does do it well) but just to point out why, in my opinion, the "good" vampire is usually such a weak narrative. who decides what is good? and there are other ways to explore the themes of desire and humanity than just restricting their diet... just because your vampire doesn't eat humans does not make them automatically good. and to be frank no vampire will ever be ethical!!! that's the point!!!!
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degenerateshinji · 8 months
heey mutual im sure you get this like daily that your comics are pretty sad BUT OH MY GOSH the way you WRITE THEM! i get sosoosos amazed by every comic and or art you post because your art is WONDERFUL! just the way you can make so many people feel so much just by your drawings .. that is pretty badass
youre like goals btw keep it up the good work i love love love reading all of the hurt and suffering <3<3<3
thank you so much thats so sweet of you😭😭🙏
my personal biggest inspiration for storytelling is tatsuki fujimoto but SPECIFICALLY his oneshots. I cannot stress this enough but for both Look Back and Goodbye, Eri i was crying 20 pages in, and all his shorter oneshots just punch me in the gut
im also convinced i steal all my facial expressions from denji chainsaw man. like it kinda scares me when i see these next to each other i do it subconsciously
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
// genshin lore talk
getting more and more convinced that the entire teyvat is like a samsara from the sabzeruz festival. where time keeps repeating.
first off, what happened to the god of time? apparently they're dead and that lone island off the coast of mondstadt is our best hint.
secondly, why does venti know us? he greeted us like an old friend like we've met before.
third, the archons always hinted/talked about forgetting or memories being messed up what hsjdhdjbsr
fourth, just a thought, but the fact that the sky is fake and there are upside down things underground kind of tells me that.. the world is like an hourglass?
teyvat is on one side, the "underground" is on the other. if you flip it over, it doesn't exactly change anything. whats the real sky then?
and what if we're ALL underground? like we keep talking about those poor sad civilizations in the abyss, enkanomiya, the chasm etc. meanwhile, our own sky is fake, are we underground?
off to more extreme theories but— i like how the "sun" in our teapot domain is basically the spout of the teapot, is celestia like that too? lmao
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charmac · 2 months
i don't think people hcing charlie as transfem are trying to dismiss the transmasc charlie hc! i think it's more of a projection thing for a lot of people, since i know at least a few of the main people who enjoy the headcanon are transfem themselves!! i don't think you have much to worry about in terms of people dismissing the tmasc or other genderqueer charlie hc anyways, since it's already much more popular! i think you're perhaps being a bit too critical.
I've literally never said anything like this at all, I think you've either misinterpreted something else I've said or have the wrong blog.
All of my Charlie gender-based posts or reblogs I've stated/tagged that I think any interpretation of Charlie's gender can make sense, be it transmasculine, transfeminine, nonbinary, agender, whatever you want.
I am one of the ~3 blogs that has access to The Bathroom Problem script and who posted and pointed out that you can make out/slightly hear the Joyce cuts in the episode itself. I would not have excitedly shared that for open-interpretation if I was "worried" people are "dismissing" transmasc Charlie headcanons. (Which, again, I've literally never said, but in any case, I believe it's valid for anyone to dismiss a headcanon they don't agree with, fandom is a sandbox.)
What I personally don't care for are genderbends and, almost by extension, analysis/meta on canon scenes that rename/re-gender the characters with no basis (or, one that comes off wrong). Both topics I've literally never publicly spoken out against here, nor have I said anything bad/negative to everyone who personally enjoys these things, so there is no way for me to possibly be "too critical" in that regard. I keep most of my opinions to myself and my close mutuals, almost exactly for what you're saying: I personally don't want to harsh or dismiss anyone's headcanons.
I have never said, and have never meant to imply, that anyone interpreting Charlie as transfem is attempting to dismiss anyone else's headcanon (which again would be a non issue to me anyway).
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witherfide · 2 months
ugh Im so sick of them. (ive dug myself into a pit so deep analyzing their mind that we are starting to blend into one) ((they. are not ..REAL ))
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notpercieved · 6 months
Why are people SURPRISED that Alhaitham is nice???
He IS nice, yes hes cold but not intentionally, thats just how he is but he doesnt mean it in a terrible way
He doesnt flaunt any form of superiority over someone since he even says that he personally doesnt value himself more than others, rather hes stating facts that comes o f f as being cocky when hes just saying what IS correct, hes blunt till the point where people often consider it as rude and arrogant but he sees it as something that is normal because thats literally how he is
Yes, being blunt isnt always a good thing and people should know when to say the truth, not lie but postpone it, but theres also a consideration that not everyone is able to always know social cues and multiple (including myself) struggle to pick them up often, and of course it comes with consequences just like how Alhaitham is heavily disliked by some of the professors or even other students for his "unacceptable" attitude
His entire SQ is also about how he doesnt care how others perceive him but puts his foot down when it endangers others even when he doesnt even know who they are and all he wants is just a simple life
Hes not mean nor a terrible person, hes actually a nice person
Just because someone DOESN'T fall into the *common* character type of being a happy go lucky, always cheerful and smiling person doesnt automatically make them mean
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