#transsexual safe
foxfairy06 · 1 year
For all you tremendous transgenders
Or I could say transcendent transexuals
Either way have a great day💙💓🤍💓💙
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foxyourfaveislgbt · 1 year
Desmond from Carole & Tuesday is Duosex nonbinary, and Viramoric
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They're also technically intersex, but this is about LGBT stuff.
9/10 representation. They're an amazing character, and being enby is a small part of their character, yet crucial to who they are. I am doxxing point because it frames them as if they become enby, and that isn't how it works, however the world does work differently there.
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baileyjayy1 · 1 month
React and text me for a 25% discount babies
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
a past therapist explained to us that plurality is extremely common in trans people because we are very used to having to live alternative lives in order to stay safe, or keep things quiet and live relatively peacefully. whether or not that person dissociates or develops trauma doesn't really matter, from a young age we start living several lives-it only makes sense that many of us adapt to live as many people.
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bartmobile · 7 months
this is the first version of my trans/genderqueer sex archive, i’m looking for anything ranging from websites to photos to zines to novels to interviews— if you have anything to contribute please reach out! ❤️
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sugarclarice · 2 months
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Hello Everyone 😊
New contents available for your pleasure... You are just a DM away.
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alexisbliss694 · 28 days
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Am bored 😴 at home, want me message on telegram: Alexisbliss07
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radykalny-feminizm · 11 months
Trans "women" are either:
1. Perverted misogynistic men with degradation kink who see femininity as the highest form of degradation
2. Gay men with the levels of internalized homophobia so high that they would rather pretend to be a woman in a het relationship than to be a gay man in a homosexual relationship
3. Autogynephiles
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genderstarbucks · 14 days
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Transsexual Enby is a term for trans enbys who identify with the term transsexual.
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Transsexual Agender is a term for trans agenders who identify with the term transsexual.
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Cissex, also known as Cissexual, is a sex label to refer to someone whose current and desired sex characteristics match their natural/original sex characteristics. This means that their, genitals, gonads, and other secondary sex characteristics have not been altered through hormone replacement therapy, or surgery, and they have no intention to do so.
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Cissexual Boy | Cissexual Girl
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Cissexual Nonbinary | Cissexual Agender
Transsexual flags based on these
Transsexual is not necessarily synonymous with transgender and cissexual is not necessarily synonymous with cisgender!
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d-vewing · 5 months
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♡ Sleepy transsexual ♡
[pt: sleepy transsexual] [no spoons for id]
A flag for transsexuals who are sleepy, or feel as if their sleepiness is connected to their transsexual identity :3
Self indulgent because i am the sleepy transsexual
Dividers by essthereal
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
it's not a far cry to think that transness and being a system/plurality are very closely related experiences when you realize that most trans people have to live several lives, in several different spaces, for safety, for whatever reason. most of us have to live several lives from the get-go so even if you do not fit the model for DID or OSDD, your likelihood for experiencing some other type of plurality or systemhood can be innately higher if you have to live that type of life. i was told by one of my therapists that most patients who have DID are trans and vice versa, so it's just an interesting thing to consider. obviously DID is not the only way to be plural, just passing along the info.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
I notice articles of Radfems' teaming up with conservatives to curb trans activists. I thought radfems are left-leaning. Why do radfems team up with the right wingers if that's the case?
This is going to be long but contain a lot of very important information people need to understand about the radfem perspective on gender compared to both the conservative one and the genderist one.
I don't personally know any radfem who would ever do this so the simple answer is I can't tell you why someone would bc I've never even witnessed it, let alone gotten to ask their reasoning. People who call themselves gender critical and get called TERF aren't necessarily radfems. Radical feminism is by definition a left wing ideology. If you were active on radblr, you would see frequent posts calling out conservative women who try to act all buddy-buddy with radfems re: trans stuff. We on radblr do not tolerate that or their presence - at least not in the corner of radblr where I exist. I block right wing blogs on sight.
Contrary to popular trans belief, we don't agree with conservatives on trans matters either. Where conservatives want to reinforce gender, maintain the existence of gender, and are bioessentialist (a term genderists use incorrectly btw*) by nature of their predominantly Christian beliefs, radfems are gender atheists and abolitionists.
*Bioessentialism doesn't mean "vagina = woman, penis = man." It refers to the belief that women (aka female humans) are genetically/inherently nurturing, caregivers, emotional, sensitive, intuitive, quiet, physically weak, like pink and princesses and flowery dresses, etc., and that men are genetically/inherently strong, resilient, tough, outdoorsy, aggressive/violent, stoic, rational, leaders, like trucks and mud and red meat, etc.
While bioessentialism is the belief that all these stereotypes are innate, these stereotypes themselves are what make up gender. "Gender stereotypes" and "Gender roles" are redundant phrases. Gender *is* just stereotypes based on sex. Male aka "amab" people are expected to adhere to the truck-loving, tough, aggressive, stereotypes mentioned above. Those stereotypes are placed based on their physical body - the male body - not placed on them because of their INTERNAL "gender identity." For proof, look no further than the baby gifts an expecting mother receives after finding out the sex of her unborn child: they are not random, gender-neutral gifts, they're blue pajamas with dinosaurs on them because boy.
Radfems want to eliminate gender. We view sex as a neutral biological fact, like your height, foot width, or hair or eye color.
Imagine if, before a baby is born, doctors tested its future hair color, and that information was believed to determine everything about the child. Oh, it's a brunette! So it will be opinionated, love playing with building blocks, enjoy science, and its favorite color will be green! Oh, a blond? Well, better get it yellow EVERYTHING covered in butterflies, and order some craft supplies (blonds are just naturally more creative than brunettes, of course). Be prepared... blonds are soft and sensitive and moody. They're very artistic but struggle to keep up in math and science classes, and are so indecisive!
This is what gender is. A massive, all-encompassing set of traits that are assigned to one sex or the other, designed explicitly by patriarchy to maintain the oppression of the female sex. It defines everything, starting with how people treat you before you're even born, including who you will be expected to be all your life forever, up to what jobs you're likely to get and how much you'll be paid. Society has decided that which type of gametes your body is designed to produce (whether or not you successfully produce them is utterly irrelevant to what your body is DESIGNED genetically to do) determines every last thing about your life. There's a stronger argument for astrology than gender.
So conservatives want to perpetuate gender, keep males doing all those things I listed (which we call "masculinity") and females doing all those things I listed (often called "femininity"). Radfems want gender gone. We want your sex to be no more relevant to your life than your height or hair color. We believe that regardless of whether your body is structured to produce large gametes or small ones says absolutely fucking nothing about who you are, what you are capable of, your likes or dislikes, your intelligence, or anything else.
So, no. I would sooner die than team up with conservatives. We have nothing in common. You are by definition NOT radical feminist if you support gender and will team up with those who do, just to ~own the trains~. That isn't a no true Scotsman, it's just how definitions work.
I am not against trans people. I am 100% in favor of safety and protection for trans people. I simply don't view gender the same way many trans people (specifically those we call genderists or TRAs) do. I don't believe in an internal gender identity any more than I believe in an internal hair color identity. I do, however, believe in EVERY human's fundamental rights to bodily autonomy, healthcare, self-expression, non-discrimination, etc. I believe clothes and toys and hobbies and occupations and likes and dislikes and skills and weaknesses all have zero to do with your sex.
This is my struggle with gender identity ideology: nobody has been able to answer the most fundamental defining question I have about it. If, as many trans activists claim, their gender identity has nothing to do with clothing, nothing to do with haircut, nothing to do with being hairy vs shaven, nothing to do with personality traits, nothing to do with likes and dislikes, nothing to do with whether you prefer dolls or hotwheels, nothing to do with all those stereotypes I mentioned... but it's also not simply a descriptor for one's sex, what is left? What remains to give gender meaning? What is a boy/man or girl/woman? Without referencing any sex stereotypes or sexed body parts, how do you know which one you are?
If anyone could give me a genuine, logical answer to this, an explanation for gender identity that has nothing to do with sex stereotypes and makes concrete sense, on God I would become the biggest TRA on earth.
Because I don't believe that gender is anything more than sexist stereotypes, the idea of gender identity is incompatible with my values. Because I view sex as a simple biological fact which should be as neutral as hair color, I don't think it makes sense to believe one can fully and truly change sex. If you dye your hair blond, the roots will still grow in the original brown color determined by your genetics. You may be able to appear as a blond and convince some people you are naturally blond, but it doesn't *actually* change the reality.
I believe there are people with physical sex dysphoria, like myself and my best friend, for whom medical transition is in many cases beneficial (it was for me) in alleviating those odd "phantom sex characteristic," very neurological-seeming symptoms. But while having a double mastectomy did help the sensations, it didn't turn me into a male human (man), and I have certainly never wanted to be one. My best friend lives a life where everyone perceives her to be female, though she was born male, simply because the medical process she went through to alleviate those neurological sensations resulted in people perceiving her as female (passing). Her "social transition" was not intentional or gender related, just an incidental byproduct of the medical one. It was simply easier, and probably safer, to assimilate into social womanhood than to tell everyone she's actually male despite appearing female, though she still does not have a gender identity, does not wear makeup or skirts or perform femininity, and couldn't care less about pronouns - I use "she" because that's how my brain naturally perceives her. Outside of this concrete, material, neurologically plausible view of sex dysphoria (which still has nothing inherently related to *gender* about it), I don't understand what it means to be trans.
Radfems want both sexes to be utterly free to be whoever they are, without being influenced/socialized into gendered (aka sex-stereotypical) behaviors and preferences. We want males comfortable & safe wearing flowery sundresses and crying often and being homemakers if they wish, and females under zero societal pressure to shave, wear makeup, etc., and totally free to speak their minds and wear cargo shorts without so much as a sideways glance. Conservatives want males to be "masculine" and females to be "feminine," whereas we want "masculine" and "feminine" to be as absurd concepts as "blondian" and "brunettian" sound. Fundamentally, radfems & conservatives exist in opposition.
Anyone who has an issue with trans people, and for whom that issue is so important they'll team up with conservatives just to fight the trans movement, has utterly lost sight of the goal of feminism (if they were feminist to begin with), which is female liberation. Radfems believe gender abolition is a crucial step toward female liberation; working with people who want to enforce gender such as conservatives would be working against our own interests.
I've been on radblr a few years and never seen anyone team up with conservatives. Whoever you've heard about in the news, idk who they are, but I fully condemn cooperation with the right wing and assure you that is not something your standard radfem will tolerate. Much like how most trans people feel about Caitlyn Jenner.
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jadekushsblog · 2 days
Wana go for a ride honey 🌹
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marblecakemix · 10 days
I saw a man ask a great question on the internet. He asked trans people "would you still be trans on the deserted island?" on the basis of that gender is a performative act you put up for others to let them know what sex you are. I think it's a great question, I personally know the answer to that and was not interested in listening till the end of his video. The interesting part is what followed after that, "I'm not a TERF, transphobe, guys! Just curious."
It honestly shows how much the trans community will hate and ostracize you if you ask really simple and not even invasive question that might just sound to them a little provocative. TRAs say the community is so open to everyone, but the moment someone just questions their idea/beliefs, that person better clarify that they're an ally and trans women are women, because otherwise they are a disgusting transphobe and a TERF!!1!!!1! (even if that person is a man I guess???).
It's not transphobic to ask "controversial" questions. It's not transphobic to point out that trans people will never be the opposite sex. It's not transphobic to say that transness is a fallout of strict gender roles, sex based oppression and failed mental health institutions.
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mogayis-socool · 5 months
🐚 Homosexual transsexual
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genderstarbucks · 10 months
T-boy + T-girl!!
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T-boy and t-girl are essentially just synonyms for transgender boy and transgender girl
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