#tysm brother for giving me asks <333
morguemaw · 1 year
Glitchy say you take doodle requests!
Can you draw Angie? It's been a while >:>
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Ahh, i decided that i wanted to add abit more to his design. Adding more hair fluff helped <333 I also really love his all pink fit so i happily drew him in that :3c Ngl i even thought of abit of lore to also help flesh out his character !! [ as im still trying to lean further from him being too Angel Dust like ] And so far i had a idea he is a dead spider who became a cupid/love letter deliverer :D It was also to make alot of his stuff heart themed because heart themed items are always SO cute?? Some close ups of details i liked;
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
Hi<3 congratulations to your milestone! 1k followers what a number!
I've really enjoyed your Gojo oneshot sooo much<33 it was the best thing I've read in a while tysm for posting it and blessing my timeline with it<3
As for the event... Can I maybe request one with Portgas d. Ace and the angst prompt "hold on... I never told you about that" ? Thank you so much for your work ily<3
𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖓…𝖎 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 (portgas d. ace)
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pairing: portgas d. ace x gn!reader
content: (light) angst, misunderstandings, abandonment issues, hurt/comfort, alabasta ace, ace is insecure (illegal), vivi being mentioned (she’s my bbg <3), happy ending
a/n: thank you anon 🙏❤️ i’m happy to hear you enjoyed the gojo oneshot that much! 🥺🥺 i hope you enjoy this too! <333 it’s angsty but with a small dose of fluff in the end <33 and it turned out a little longer than it was supposed to <33 mwUAH! <333
☁️ 1k follower event
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Ace was in a bad mood. He’s been so since the both of you had separated from his brother Luffy and his crew a few days ago. At first, you had thought it was because of that, knowing how much Ace loved his brother and how, if the situation was a different one, he would have probably liked to stick around longer. 
You’ve been wrong. 
It was not just that Ace was in a bad mood. He seemed more distant and cold towards you. He wasn’t mean or anything, it just seemed like he was… holding back. 
The two of you got along great usually, Ace was a little bit of a flirt so he was constantly seeking your closeness, making jokes and teasing you. If he wasn’t talking himself he liked to listen to you, usually with a soft smile on his face and an attentive look in his eyes, like everything you were talking about was the most interesting thing he’s ever heard.
Now he was barely even looking at you. 
You had no idea what happened but you kept quiet, hoping that his mood would just improve on its own or that he would open up to you of his own accord and tell you what was bothering him. 
So you waited. 
It wasn’t until a few days later that the topic came up because you finally had a lead on where Blackbeard was, after weeks of searching. 
You hoped this was enough to lighten his mood but his expression just seemed to sour when you told him about your findings with a big grin.
You expected Ace to lighten up, give a thumbs up and a wide grin, maybe pat you on the shoulder and say a few words of encouragement. But instead, he met you with a cold stare, one that made the blood freeze in your veins.
You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong but he didn’t let you. 
Instead, he clenched his jaw, and grumbled, “Let’s get this over with.”
Your face fell, grin fading completely and replaced by a twist of your lips. “What do you mean?” 
Ace turned his back to you and started packing his things together, probably wanting to get ready and going as soon as possible. “We’ll find Teach, I'll take care of him and then you’re finally rid of me.”
You gaped at him, mouth falling open in shock. “What? Ace, what the fuck?”
You felt confused and hurt he would even say something like that. Rid of him? What was that even supposed to mean?
Ace frowned, avoiding your eyes, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 
“We both know you only went with me because you promised Pops,” he told you, sounding like he struggled to keep his voice calm, “Don’t pretend.”
His words were like a slap to the face for you. For a moment you didn’t know what to say, almost losing yourself to the sinking feeling in your chest as your heart dropped to the pit in your stomach.
Did he really think that? Just because you made a promise to Whitebeard didn’t mean that…
You frowned, eyes darting over Ace’s face.
“Hold on…I never told you that,” you realized, “I never told you about the promise.”
Your eyes narrowed in suspicion, wondering how Ace even knew about this in the first place. 
Ace looked upset, disappointment and hurt flashing through his eyes as he turned to look at you again. You saw his lips jutting out in a scowl.
“Yeah, you’re right. You never told me that!” Ace bit out, clenching his jaw.
You took a step back, feeling tears gather behind your eyes at his harsh tone. 
“How would you…” Your eyes widened as realization dawned on you “Vivi told you.”
You remembered your conversation in Alabasta, how you’d opened up to her about your and Ace’s connection and the background of your travels. But why would she have gone up to Ace and told him what the two of you had talked about?
He must have seen the betrayal in your eyes because he let out a sigh. “Don’t blame her, she thought I knew.”
His face went back to looking upset, “Because why wouldn’t I? Why would you tell this to someone you just met but not me? I thought we-“
He stopped and looked away, never finishing his thought. Instead, he took a breath and said something else, “He made you promise.”
You blinked, the tears long forgotten as you caught a glance at his face. How hurt he looked. You didn’t understand what got him so upset, didn’t understand why he thought…
Did he think you wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for the promise? 
He didn’t look up and with a groan you reached forward and clasped his wrist, tugging until he was forced to look at you. 
“You’re an idiot!” You yell, making him look at you with an angry look. You wanted to slap his arm for this but you just tightened your grip around his wrist. “I went with you because I wanted to. He made me promise to take care of you after I already told him I would go after you and he couldn’t stop me if he tried!” 
Ace looked taken aback by your words. He blinked down at you, disbelief still present in his gaze. 
“I want to be with you!” You continued, driving your point home.
Ace stared at you with wide eyes. And you froze. Realizing the meaning of your words you felt your entire face go red. That…no, not…
“I mean, I want to- You know, looking for Teach- Not like- We just…”
Ace’s laugh saved you from having to finish that sentence.
“You’re so red right now,” he teased, old grin back on his face as he turned his wrist in your grip and took your hand in his.
You huffed, feeling your panic die down.
“I’m with you, okay? You got that?” You asked, looking up at him with determination.
And Ace’s eyes held so much warmth and joy as he squeezed your fingers between his and told you, “Yes, you’re with me.”
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writerof-thewoods · 8 months
would you be able to please do CG!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley from COD or CG!König headcanons? I rlly love ur posts btw!! :333
Oooh my bois <3 I most definitely can!! I'm sorry this took me so long 😭 I couldn't decide between either one, so I'm gonna both of them!! I hope you like them and tysm for the ask!
Caregiver! König Headcanons🖤
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He definitely gives off enthusiastic dad vibes. Like he knows when to be serious and stuff, but just likes matching your energy/following your lead :D
This man is built like a HOUSE, so piggyback rides for the win. I highly doubt your feet touch the ground even once when he's around
Knows a ton of old stories and folktales (I mean he's from Austria, so it's not that far of a stretch) that he tells you! Whether it's just for fun or to put you to sleep, he just likes telling them since they remind him of when he was a kid
S O many petnames, both English and German, but mostly German. Mainly calls you mein Liebling (darling, my favorite), lämmchen (lamb), Bärchen (little bear), and Vögelchen (little bird)
Lets you put stickers on & play with his mask if you want! He'd even help you make your own so you could match
Takes you out on walks and sightseeing! He loves going outside with you and watching the birds, the rain, looking at clouds, just anything that has to do with nature
Overall, he's a very endearing and open cg. He's still anxious most of the time, but he works on it when you're around. (He'd definitely help you with your anxiety whenever he can) He wants you to feel happy and the first time you felt safe around him while regressed, he just about melted.
Caregiver! (Ghost) Simon Riley Headcanons 🖤
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(Ohh boy, I have a t o n of ideas for Ghost. The man's been through so much, I swear.)
When he first found out you were an age regressor, he didn't really know how to react. He wasn't weirded out or anything, just nervous. (Considering how his father was, to say he freaked out over being a caregiver would be an understatement.) Aside from Price, he'd never had a stable or good paternal figure, so he's really going in blind not knowing what exactly to do. He's still trying though! He's just really afraid he'll do something wrong or he'll come off as too stern or like he doesn't care
Because of that, he's more of an older brother figure towards you. (Which makes sense since he is one canonically xD) He just doesn't know how to handle being a "dad" in a sense, but he still cares about you and has an "older person watching over you" sort of vibe.
It takes him a while, but once he starts getting used to it, he gets a little bit better at showing his emotions and being more open towards you. He has a huge soft spot for you and later on, other regressors in general because he understands it
Usually very silent (I personally hc him as being selectively mute :D). So whenever or if you're non-speaking, he gets along with you even more. It's not as hard for him to understand or help you because he's the same way <3 I could see him being like "Wow, well you're just like me then, aren't you? :D" and then excitedly signing to you
Too many dad jokes. He loves the look on your face when you laugh and tell him to stop. He thinks about it for a second, but then tells another one without a second thought. You can't stop it because he will n o t
He keeps both a nightlight and glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling for you. (And him as well since he doesn't like the dark, but he won't admit it)
He actually enjoys being this type of person because not only does it help you, but it helps him as well. It gives him something to care about and to get out of his own head. The guy loves you even if he doesn't say it out loud. And if he can give you a better childhood now, it's completely worth it <3
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adrift-in-thyme · 6 months
I’ve never requested anything before so I hope this is right!
I’m going with some Malink angst, I absolutely LOVEEE reading your whump fics for them so I guess… more pain please? 🥲 if that’s okay?
Tysm for the prompt @endlessartpumpkin <333 I had a lot of fun with this one. It’s very angsty hehe
I hope you enjoy it!
CW for blood and injury
Malon has always been aware of the possibility that Link would die before her. He is a hero, after all, her knight in shining armor through and through. If someone needs help — whether to reunite with a loved one or save an entire kingdom — he will never refuse them.
Sometimes, she has the selfish yearning that just once…he would.
And now, as she gazes at the heroes standing on her doorstep, as she gazes at her husband lying limp in Twilight’s arms, she wants it more than ever. Because Link, who is full of life and laughter and love, Link who has faced the moon itself and lived to tell the tale, her Link who proposed with the biggest, gaudiest ring in Hyrule because he wanted to show her how much he cared…Link the love of her life should never look like he does right now.
She steps forward, one hand held to her lips, the other reaching out to touch him.
He is so pale. His chest hardly rises, breathing so shallow it is hardly there at all. If she allowed it, she could be convinced that he is already gone.
Malon forces herself to take a deep breath. She won’t do that. She won’t imagine that her fairy boy is dead.
“What happened?” She asks, tone sharp with panic.
It is Twilight who answers, in a broken voice she has never heard him use before.
“He…he took a hit that was meant for me.”
His breath hitches. It is only slight, but Malon hears it anyway. She lays a gentle hand on his shoulder. When he looks at her, there is such pain in those gray eyes, such sorrow, that it breaks her heart.
There is hardly time to comfort him, however. They both know it.
“Bring him inside,” she orders, shoving aside the emotions churning about inside her. “Set him on the bed. I’ll get some supplies.”
Twilight moves without a word. The others follow him into the house, expressions tight and pained.
A hand comes to rest on her shoulder. “I’ll get the supplies,” Warriors says. His face is a mask rapidly shattering. But he smiles, strong for her, strong for the man he calls his little brother.
“You go to him.”
Malon nods, sighing. “Thank you, dear. The medical stuff is in the bathroom. You remember where that is, don’t you?”
“Of course.” In a swirl of royal blue fabric, Warriors is gone.
Taking a moment to steel herself, Malon heads into the bedroom.
They have already laid him on the bed when she steps through the doorway. From this angle, if she didn’t know better, she would think he was merely asleep. But unfortunately, she does know better. And the ashen color of his face, the sheen of sweat upon his brow, the feverish trembling of his body tells her a different story.
Then, of course, there is the blood.
The heroes are in the process of bandaging him. (They work quickly, she thinks with a spark of pride.) But even the thick swaths of fabric that they wind around his abdomen can only do so much to halt the onslaught of crimson liquid.
It soaks them through within minutes.
Malon makes her limbs move, bringing her forward. There is no time to sit here and gaze in horror at what has become of her husband. With firm hands, she grabs a new roll of gauze and sets to work.
Between the ten of them, Link’s wound is cleaned and wrapped in little time. And through it all, Hyrule stands beside her, magic glowing at his palms, trying in vain to heal the injury. But it fights back of its own accord.
“What on earth hurt him like this?” Malon asks, voice tight. The other heroes have backed up now, giving her room to stand by her husband’s bedside. She leans over him, fingers brushing aside his limp bangs. He gives a shuddering breath and turns slightly into her touch.
“We don’t know what manner of monster it is yet,” Warriors says. “But it’s stronger than its companions, and smarter too. And…when someone gets struck by it the wound struggles to heal.”
Malon swallows. “But it does heal eventually, right?” She looks up at all of them, at their sorrowful expressions, at the way they struggle to meet her eyes. “Right?”
“It can.” It’s Twilight now, his voice gravelly from the tears he struggles to restrain. “He’s just gotta keep fighting.”
She turns back to her fairy boy. A ray of sun illuminates the side of his face, making his markings stand out starkly against his pale skin. The crimson stripes look especially fierce in the early morning light.
“He will,” she says, and it is both a demand and a plea, a promise and a prayer. “Don’t y’all worry. He will.”
It isn’t until that night that he awakens. The other heroes have drifted away by then, reluctant to leave, but all too aware of the suffocating nature of everyone packed into one room. Only Hyrule and Twilight remain. But both have finally caved to her urgings for them to get some much-needed rest and are slumped over the arm chairs in the corners.
So, when Link drags open his eye, she is the only one who sees it.
His gaze is bright with fever and pain, its usual sharpness dulled. But it only takes him a moment to find her.
It is breathed more than spoken, hardly a hoarse whisper. He lifts a trembling hand, clumsily cupping her cheek. Gently, she threads her fingers between his.
“I’m here, hon.”
“Mal I…” His breath hitches into a wet cough. It wracks his body, violently, and sends tears sliding down his cheeks. The sound of it tears her heart in two.
“Take it easy, fairy boy.” She fetches a cloth from the side table and wipes away the blood that dribbles from his lips. “That monster did a number on you.”
Link hums. “Would’ve hurt Twilight if-if I hadn’t…”
“I know.” A small, sad smile lifts her lips. “I know.”
He sags against the pillows, breathing shallow, eye half-lidded. He is already fading again, Malon can tell. So soon, too soon.
“The boys,” he whispers, “they’re…”
“Fine. Worried sick about you though. You scared ‘em half to death.”
She shakes her head. The pain within her feels like it will cleave her chest in half.
“Why’d you use your own body to block the blow, Link? You’ve got shields and items – so many of them I can’t even keep track of ‘em all. Aren’t those there to try and make sure this-this…doesn’t happen?”
Link’s expression dulls further. He looks all of his true years now, weighed down by the duties he has long born, exhausted from a lifetime of pain.
“Knocked my shield out of my hand.” He looks up at her and something in his gaze pleads that she understand. “There wasn’t time for-for anything else.”
Malon gazes at him for a long moment.
“You’re insufferable, fairy boy,” she says, at last, a choked chuckle erupting out of her. “Why’d I have to fall in love with such a hero?”
He smiles back, though it is a weak effort.
“Because…of my unbelievably good looks.”
She laughs again and it sounds more like a sob.
“Well, I can’t pretend that that wasn’t a part of it.”
He chuckles, but it quickly dissolves into another coughing fit. She holds his hand through it, battling against the tears that beg to pour forth. And when it is over, she wipes away the blood again, and the tears. He closes his eye and leans into her touch.
“You gotta promise me somethin, fairy boy,” she murmurs, as she sets the cloth aside and rubs her thumb against his cheek instead.
Link looks up at her, something terribly vulnerable in his expression. She has only ever seen him gaze at her with such a look. It is an overwhelmingly precious thing.
“Anything,” he says and she believes him.
“You keep fighting, no matter what.” She encases his hand in two of her own, grip as desperate and firm as her words. “Don’t you give up, you hear me? Don’t you dare even think of giving up.”
Her voice cracks, but she plows on anyway. “I can’t lose you, Link.”
His lips quirk up in the slightest of smiles. When he squeezes her hand, it is a feeble movement, but it is there nonetheless, a confirmation that he has heard her.
“I won’t,” he breathes. “Promise.”
The tears come now, cascading down her cheeks in traitorous rivulets. She brushes them away. Then, leaning down, she plants a gentle kiss on Link’s brow.
His eye flutters closed. “Love you, Mal,” he murmurs, voice so soft and quiet she has to strain to catch the words.
But she does. She catches them like the flitting butterflies she used to capture between two careful hands when she was a girl. And she holds them close to her heart.
“I love you too, fairy boy.”
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nogenderbee · 1 year
TYSM<333 Ok- so like obey me boys(everyone but if you don't want to I'm thinking Levi, Satan, Solomon, Beel and Belphie) x reader who's a witch? Like practices divination, tarot, spells, maybe deity work? I'm a witch myself and I practice most of these things. (If u need any help can can totally help u with like practices, and other things witches practice)
Thank u<33
Oh my yes! All Obey Me squad was a little too much so I picked your preferred team! To be honest I was interested in witchcraft some time ago but then gave up, although I still do tarot! So I hope I won't get much things wrong and that you enjoy <3
Levi, Satan, Beel, Belphie, Solomon with witch!reader
SPOILERS: for lessons 16 not sure if it's this lesson tho- for Belphie
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⊱ oh? So you're a witch? Huh, maybe that's how he will get second elder give him his money back...
⊱ those are first thoughts Levi had when he discovered that you're a witch, second thoughts were like "alright, definitely not pissing them off and not going out of my room untill exchange program is over" do I really need to mention he HAD to get out at some point?
⊱ at first he's very distant from you, not only he's scared of socializing but he's also not good at it, so he doesn't want to accidentally piss you off and experience witch's wrath
⊱ although as the time pass and both of you warm up to each other, he starts seeing you as character from that one anime with way too long name where main character was a witch!
⊱ whenever you practice any witchcraft while he's around, he'll get excited saying how he saw the exact same or similiar enough spell in anime
"OMG!! You're just like the main character from [insert way too long anime name] while they were casting spell to kill the final boss blocking their way!"
⊱ he's too scared to help you with anything though... so I'm afraid you'd have to ask one of his other brothers
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⊱ Satan definitely figured out by himself that you're a witch, be it because of reek of magic or maybe cards he saw peeking out of your bag
⊱ definitely knows some spells that you don't and uses it asking you for many favors which depend on your relationship
⊱ he'll either ask you to pull a prank on his eldest brother or something like that or will tease you asking for passionate kiss if you're together
⊱ if you ever want to practice something, he's always up for that since he knows a lot and he probably will be very helpful for you
⊱ but don't expect him to hold back any criticism, although he's not completely mean either, he'll just say his honest opinion and then tell you better way to do it
"You're really casting it like that? Sure it is good if you want to risk your life. Before you do all of that you should..."
⊱ definitely asks you for tarot reading before pulling a prank on Lucifer and depending on the result, he'll either do it himself or make someone else do it for him
⊱ don't worry tho, he won't use you, he might not be scared of you but he still doesn't want a witch to be mad at him
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⊱ Beel is probably the only one who doesn't care if you're a witch or not
⊱ like... it's nice that you know magic so well and you're interested in it because he's really supportive of it but he doesn't see why he should see you in other way
⊱ as a demon, he met witches (maybe not much, but he did) and mostly didn't had anything against them
⊱ if you ask him tho, he'd gladly help you with whatever you might need, just expect he'll be snacking a bit while doing it
⊱ but if you specifically told him not to eat while helping you with anything you might've wanted, then he'll try his best to not do it but expect him to not last long
"YN... we have been doing it for a while now... can I just get myself one small snack?"
⊱ if it happens that he knows a spell or anything that you don't, then he'll even offer himself to help you with it
⊱ definitely gets you any resources you can't necessarily get yourself
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⊱ Belphie knew you're not a normal human the first time you entered the attic
⊱ I mean... demons can tell if someone or something is magical or not, so it's not a surprise that he could tell that you have much to do with magic
⊱ and so when he finally discovered that you're a witch, he kind of started to consider if you're not gonna turn him into a frog after killing you like some witches would
⊱ but once your relationship gets better, he becomes really supportive of all of this
⊱ he knows a bit of spells so he'd be glad to help you with some if you'd ever need any help
⊱ he's probably also interested in tarot reading or divination, so you can give him reading for practice with sure that he won't make fun of you because he'll fall asleep faster
"Don't worry, everyone needs practice... I can asleep while you're doing the reading tho, right?"
⊱ to be honest, he's probably a little scared to fall asleep around you tho, especially first few days after killing you
⊱ likes to scare second elder with "be careful or they'll turn you into a frog!", his reactions are just always extremely funny
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⊱ Solomon was already interested in getting to know you since the two of you were only humans on Devildom but when he discovered that you're also interested in magic, he become interested in you even more
⊱ he definitely would love to exchange spells, potion recipes and much more with you
⊱ everyone is afraid of you to be honest
⊱ like when you're together, there's high chance you'll end up experimenting with magic and all
⊱ you literally don't even know how many times the two of you failed at casting spell because of distraction that none of you expected (if you're experience tho, fault is probably at his side to be honest)
"Oh, another failed experiment... but I think we're getting closer and closer to discovering our first goal."
⊱ definitely keeps contact with you even after exchange program
⊱ so after your year ends, everyone is relieved because Devildom is not in danger anymore but now human realm is
⊱ you guys would be chaotic duo, I know it
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softwebss · 2 years
haiii! so can you write some short & sweet things that percy would do if he dated y/n? like "dating percy would include:" <3333 tysm in advance!!!!
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PAIRING – fem ! reader x percy jackson SUMMARY – what dating him would be like GENRE – fluffffffufufuuf & a bit of angst at the start WARNINGS – none <333 NOTES – for you hun! ily annon
(( 🌊 )) DATING PERCY PLAYLIST 🦋 I recommend listening to this playlist as you read !
riptide by vance joy honeypie by JAWNEY pasta by new rules backyard boy by claire rosinkranz with jeremy zucker stupid for you by waterparks talk too much by COIN cooler than me by ethan fields cupid's chokehold / breakfast in america by gym class heroes men are trash by scotty sire sucker by jonas brothers classic by MKTO into you by ariana grande
he has attachment issues because he kinda sorta almost LOST everyone he LOVED and he doesn't want that to happen to you
loving whispers in your ears, caressing your hands, and putting them into his..
its already almost CANNON that he has hot ASF hands. they are rlly soft and veiny??? hot???
will kill for you~ if anyone dares to even look at you and make you uncomfortable he will chop their head off with no consent. You are HIS and HIS only!!!
he is a softie at all times except when harm comes your way
lets just appreciate him for a moment
being that one pda couple, kissing during conversations and cuddling legitimately all the time.
literal forehead kisses and hand holding in public. Percy does not give a fuck about what people think, everybody should know that he has this super hot girlfriend.
when he's angry at you he will sit in a corner being a cranky scrooge. and since he's too in love with you, he always comes sobbing back. literally true love.
he steals your clothes.
like yeah Percy knows that blue hoodie you own is two sizes too small for him BUT ITS SO CUTE AND IT HAS YOUR PERFUME ON IT??? HE HAS TO WEAR IT, THE CUTIE!
sally adopted you.
"so uh, sugar, do you wanna stay over for dinner?" "DO YOU WANT TO STAY OVER FOREVER HONEY? CUZ YOU CAN-" "MOM WHAT THE HELL"
you're officially part of the jackson family
when you first stared dating he would be this overconfident lil shit and literally boast about you to everyone who would hear at camp.
Every other conversation was truckwheeled into how much of an spectacular soulmate you were to him- and even though everybody liked you at camp they were getting the SLIGHTEST BIT tired of it, you know?
"well that's great and all BUT have you heard that Y/N is my new GIRLFRIEND yeah I know its cool but see she ISNT yours she's MINE you know" "I just asked how your day was man-"
part two coming~
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ghansey-archive · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by @readinglikewildfire​ @evangeliensamos @sansastavks @jemcarstoirs tysm lovelies <3
tagging: @feyrearchsron @feysanded @hanrywinter @aqueenpromised @rhysandsdream @williamherxndale @mattjostensbutt @ohsturmhond @aryaes 
the last 1. drink: soda 2. phone call: my best friend 3. text message: my brother 4. song you listened to: Lover, Where Do You Live? by Highasakite 5. time you cried: monday (i think???) me and my mom where on a roadtrip together and i was driving, and then we were in a roundabout and i didnt know which lane to pick because i didnt know where i was going???? and my mom dont know the difference between left and right apparently?? so she just waves noncommitedly and was like over there, and i’m???? whAT???? and then i misunderstood what she meant and i got so annoyed at her but then it passed and i just started laughing so hard??? that i cried???? i couldnt even see the road, you obviously do not want to meet me on the road im a danger 6. dated someone twice: yes :/ (that was a bad call, dont repeat my mistakes pals) 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yup :/  8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: no 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yup :/ (i repeat: do not repeat my mistakes pals)
3 favorite colors
12. maroon!!!! 13. this light blue really pretty color, its kind of the color of the sky but softer?? (i suck at explaining im so sorry, i can never be i writer) 14. grey
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: yes 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: not really 19. met someone who changed you: no 20. found out who your friends are: yes 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i know who all of them are but i havent talked to all of them 23. do you have any pets: yes, (five!!!) 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do for your last birthday: basically i was just at home since its in the middle of finals and all my friends were busy :/ 26. what time did you wake up: 9.00 AM 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading Addicted After All <333 28. name something you can’t wait for: THE LAST HOURS!!!!!!!!!! GIVE THEM TO ME 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: im watching her knit right now 31. what are you listening to right now: siste gang - bendik 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes  33. something that is getting on your nerves: hearing people chew!!! its!!! grating!!! my!!! nerves!!!! 34. most visited website: tumblr rip 35. hair colour: blonde/dark blonde 36. long or short hair: long 37. do you have a crush on someone: no 38. what do you like about yourself: my passion about things, also that i rarely stress about things 39. piercings: ears 40. blood type: no??? idea???? 41. nickname: jules 42. relationship status: single :/ 43. zodiac: gemini 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: b99, skam, new girl, tvd, teen wolf, modern family 46. tattoos: none 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: no 49. piercing: wait wasn’t this asked already 50. sport: uhhhmmmmm                 51. vacation: southern europe 52. pair of trainers: some i guess?? two or three or something MORE GENERAL 53. eating: n/a 54. drinking: n/a 55. i’m about to: do the rest of the tag games thats piling up 56. waiting for: my friend to decide if she wants to go to a festival or not 57. want: to have an eventful summer                                                                                            58. get married: i want to some day if i find a great guy 59. career: well, im becoming an construction engineer so i guess that?? WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: kisses (lmao my answers to this change everytime) 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker (is that even a question lmao) HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: yes.. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: yes 73. had your heart broken: yes 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: yes 78. miracles: yes 79. love at first sight: kind of/kind of dont??? 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: idk, i guess if the chemistry is there??? 82. angels: yes OTHER: 83. current best friend’s name: stine, hanne, lisa 84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: how??? do i choose something like that??? i mean ive watched titanic  and she’s the man 9483732 times, but i know that there are movies i like better as well i just dont remember them now
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Yeah, I think I’m ok :D (I’m gonna reread the entire series now though because my parents decided to buy it for me. I might cry during the reread…)
Ah, well. Death does make the most sense for Hohenheim, and now that I think about it, he was probably tired of living (that’s depressing but hey)
I don’t really know how I feel about Ed’s alchemy but I was a tiny bit disappointed because it felt like it was a small-ish price to pay to get Alphonse’s body back? Maybe it’s just me?
I’m always happy to get recs :D
WAIT. I actually know that book!!! I saw it when I was searching for a new fantasy series to read…most of the reviews were really negative and now I see why XD
Hisoka’s trash, but so is his best (only) friend (who could totally cut off his head with little to no regrets), Illumi. Illumi is the oldest son of the Zoldyck family. Let me tell you about the Zoldycks:
-terrifying assassins
-baby assassins
-did I mention that they’re assassins?
-birthdays in the Zoldyck family=cake, presents, hugs
-the cake is probably poisoned to build up tolerance
-the presents are bombs
-mom’s probably hiding a knife in her skirt to stab you as she hugs you
-now figure out how to get out of this party alive
-good job, if you’re still fine by the end of the day momma is proud of you
-now go out into the world and murder people like a good child
-(Apparently they sometimes don’t bother to teach kids about manners and basic human interaction though, because Illumi has all the charm and social skills of a wet rag)
-(a wet rag with dead fish eyes)
-(a wet rag with dead fish eyes who literally digs holes in the ground and sleeps in them)
-(he’s also so obsessed with his adorable little brother Killua that he basically shoves a magic needle into Killua’s head and uses mind-control on him in order to make sure he never does anything dangerous)
-(even if that means controlling Killua so he’ll abandon his best friend to save himself)
tysm ;-;
sometimes I hate TG so much
Kimblee x Explosions vs. Alex x Shot glasses: which one is the bigger OTP?
Kimblee’s idea of sweet: “I only blew up twelve people and two buildings today. Are you proud of me?”
(and imagine when this couple gets into fights
Kimblee: “Really, Evans, I don’t understand why you can’t appreciate my art. I always support yours.”
Evans: “MY art doesn’t involve explosions! This ISN’T FUNNY, ok?!”
Kimblee: “No need to shout. And of course it’s not funny, it’s beautiful.”
Evans: “You know what, couple therapy. That’s what we need. Along with a lot of relationship counseling.”)
omg we’d literally be team rocket thank you for that mental image
That’s SO CUTE <333 I’d probably call you queen on purpose sorry not sorry
Evans might actually join you at some point. Poor Moblit would be left all on his own with three maniacs XD (I know right)
Hopefully Armin will live ;-; cinnamon roll child
I’m actually considered really tall for my age and I was actually mistaken for a college student once XD but yeah, I’m smol compared to you…
(that’s cool ^^ and wow, Levi.)
Glad I could make you laugh :D (I laughed way too hard while writing it too). But Kimblee would probably just blow up the court tbh
TYSM I’M SO HAPPY IT DOESN’T COMPLETELY SUCK ;-; and yeah, when I saw that quote I immediately thought of Uta…
I totally need help so yes, please, if it’s ok? TYSM <3
(and you’ve probably seen by now but I sent in two other aesthetics :D)
I adore all of FMA’S OPs and EDs. I agree with you, though, ‘Again’ is beautiful- I love the singer’s voice :)
Aww, it’s gonna be fine! You’ll get over it ^^  Eventually… And that’s so nice of your parents! I wonder if you’ll actually cry :))
Honestly, I can’t blame him… His life wasn’t all that nice, but he was at least reunited with his wife? So he’s probably happier this was ^^;;;
Well, considering how valuable alchemy is to Ed, and how much he actually relied on it, it might not be such a small price after all. But, then again, a whole body in exchange for a skill that could potentially be brought back, that might be a bit unfair, true… I’m just glad my cinnamon roll finally has his body back T^T
FATE/ZEROooooo. Zankyou no Terror. Re:Zero. All of these have plenty of suffering mixed in. Also, don’t let Re:Zero fool you with its light colors and character design. That is one of the most mentally draining anime I’ve watched recently, because it’s literally a never ending loop of suffering.
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This is Re:Zero.
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This is also Re:Zero. Pay attention to the head.
Oh god if I was a person who left reviews on books, I’d leave a whole wall of text for the review. There’s a difference between making a character seem perfect, but making that a facade and using it for character growth and actually making the chacter flawless. Wow, that book irritates me XD
I mean… we all have our own quirks? But wow that’s messed up, big time. Shoving a magical needle into your younger bro to ‘protect’ him? Boy, that’s like one of those ‘I’m pushing you away to protect you’ *proceeds to angst* plots. Is Killua by any chance one of the two kid main boys? Cause the name sounds familiar ^^
Tokyo Ghoul is the manga that you have the love-hate relationship with. It’s more hate, but whatever.
Well, Alex x shot glasses at least isn’t destructive? So I’ll pick that one over Kimblee x explosions any day XD
Right, so sweet. Instead of 40 buildings, he only blew up 12. You should buy him chocolate as a reward XD Hopefully he doesn’t blow that up as well...
If you ever get Kimblee into art, make sure to give a separate room for that, otherwise, it might become a hazard. I mean, I can imagine him filling up water balloons with paint, hanging them on a canvas and then blowing them up. 
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Who’d be the smol pokemon tho? ((I don’t know the names XD))
I’d probably become an actual tomato.
I feel sorry for Mobilt XD He wouldn’t have just Hanji to deal with anymore, he’d have to deal with us as well... Poor Moblit.
He will! The fandom would probably riot if anything happened to Armin, especially after we already had the scare. 
Kimblee would blow up Shuu. No evidence left behind (other than the huge crater that was probably left after the explosions)
You’ll definitely grow some more soon ^^ 
Uta is the one who brings popcorn to the fights,  because they entertain him. 
I’ll be honest, when I saw Tatsuo’s aesthetic, my first thought was Jumin Han. Then I remembered you never played Mystic Messenger XD
Right, so the thing you have to watch the most when making aesthetics is color. Always have a color palette in mind, because it’ll make finding the right pictures easier. Pick a color and stick to it. That way, it’ll be a tiny bit better, since it’ll also please the eye more. Also dark/light shouldn’t mix too much. It’s better if you pick one of those and mix with another color. Heck, if you get stuck, you can at least search *(color) aesthetic* and find a pic that fits through that XD
I’m sorry I didn’t answer yesterday, we had guests over and were preparing more or less the whole day. Among those guests was my 9 year old cousin, otherwise known as the most annoying kid on the planet. I wanted to punch a wall... First of all, I had to entertain him the whole time, and that’s not an easy feat for someone like him. I swear, the boy has worms in his ass or something, cause he can’t sit still for more than 10 seconds.  Then, at one point, I took the laptop and started writing something, because inspiration struck (and internet died again). It was in english and he can barely speak the language, yet he was still trying to read what I wrote out loud and always asked me to translate what I was writing. At one point, I wrote the word ‘Shit’ and he went to my parents and told them ‘Luna is writing bad stuff’. I had to explain that the character swears a lot and that I actually keep it very kid-friendly with how it should be.  Then, I received a message from my friend, but the two of us talk in english, so he started reading my texts out loud (a huge no-no for me, because I want my privacy when talking to people) and was basically being a brat the whole evening. Also, he chews with his mouth open. I almost ripped out my hair...  True, I also get childish when he’s over, because he brings out that part of me. I mean, he’s the kid who tells me to let him win if we’re playing a game, even if the game is based on pure luck and I couldn’t let him win even if I wanted to. I sincerely hope your little sis is nicer than him XD
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