#verse: soup
mooncovesnight · 2 years
smol yuechiya drabble 1
me trying to warm up for comms by writing one part that came to mind as im outlining this one yuechiya fic (that is not the comm or fic i should be writing ghfsjfksd)
faust cups her cheeks with one hand, thumb and finger squeezing her face together that her lips pucker up and jut out like a child’s. y’uemi whines, playful and childish, and faust gently bumps his forehead against her, eyes closed and eyelashes long against his star speckled cheeks. 
“to our future together.” he tells her when he opens his eyes. 
“are you aware of the weight of your words?” y’uemi giggles, voice light and betraying the way her heart climbs up the steep slopes of anticipation.
but he keeps his eyes on hers, his gaze sure and steadfast. when before he’d regard her testing his innocent promises with shock, with surprised confusion and a shallow realization of things that should not be said and things he can’t understand– this time, faustmarch doesn’t falter. eyes like the dark skies of limsa just before a storm clears, just as the cieldalaes waters find peace in its waves, eyes that find her and look at her with the conviction of something true.
y’uemi realizes then that something has changed, that a future beyond here and now is crashing into the shores of her present, with all too familiar but all too new waters to wade in and indulge in at her comfort and leisure. like home, except it’s with him now, an island sanctuary rooted in the depths of her heart.
when he kisses her knuckles, gentler than it’s ever felt in all the times he’s done it, y’uemi feels wave after wave of affections so overwhelming, she almost feels like drowning. he couldn’t have affirmed it in any better way.
“to that future,” faust starts again, eyes drifting back to hers like tides being pulled in by the moon, “and to our nows, with you.”
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 3 months
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@zu-is-here I contributed! I wasn't planning on posting anything till darkcream week, but leave it to this to inspire me. You can't tell me that if he's British, this wouldn't come up.
Original shattered dream and Sawyer belongs to @galacii
And zudio by @zu-is-here
P.s if anyone doesn't know this meme, it's about how the British accent can twinge when we say bottle of water
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gloomysarchive · 7 months
♡︎ Alphabet Soup Series ♡︎
abc headcanons || miles42 x black gn!reader
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M} — move
he’d take so long to initially ask you out, but he’d do it romantically when he finally plucks up the courage. it's been hard for him to get close to someone ever since his dad died, so you'd have to be patient. he didn't know what to get you as a token of his affection. flowers? what if you were allergic? candy? What if you didn't like candy? So he went with something simple, something he did best; he gifted you a portrait he made of you. he played it off all cool like "it ain't even my best work fr" "i can do better than that, yk?" basically trying to prepare himself if you turned him down.
╰╴he's genuinely surprised when you don't reject him. he didn't show it, but he was happy as hell.
I} — interests
he wants to know what you like. he'll check out anything you put him on to, really. movies, shows, artists, books, etc. he'll listen to you rant and ramble about your interests, and he'll nod along, hanging onto every word like it's the most important thing he's ever been told — and he genuinely feels that way. he'll keep tabs on what you like, and give you updates like "oh i heard it's getting a second season", "i think that's getting an adaption, you tryna see it when it comes out?"
╰╴ also, if he sees anything remotely related to your interests, he'll buy it. he hates not knowing what to give people, which is another reason why he pays close attention to what you're into. he keeps all types of merch in his cart so he'll never run out of gift ideas.
L} — love
it'd take even longer for him to finally say "i love you". those three lil words carry a lot of weight to him, and he can't just be throwing them around like it's nothing. he wants to make sure he can trust you, if you're actually his and not just playing with him. once he does say it, tho, he'd be dramatic about it.
╰╴"I need to talk to you rq," "ok... what's up?"
he'd stare at you, silently, studying you for a bit as he tries to build up the courage. he'd take your hands in his, holding them tenderly. he'd give them a gentle squeeze — then, he'd say it.
╰╴♡︎ “Eres tan preciosa para mí. Te quiero...”
E} — emotions
he doesn't like being vulnerable; it takes a while for him to open up to you, but he eventually does, piece by piece. he'd tell you what he stresses about or his other hopes and dreams. he plans to get you and his mama away from all the chaos of the city.
╰╴and he's there for you just as much as you are for him. He listens patiently when you're ranting or venting about something that's bothering you. he waits until you're done talking and tries his best to calm you down after you get worked up and give you advice. other than “i should beat that bitch ass”, he gives really good advice.
S} — sleep
he INSISTS he never sleeps 🙄 he's always up at night doing his vigilante work, protecting what he loves (his city, his mama, you, ofc) but whenever does get the chance to get some rest in, it'd be with you. he'd stop by your place during one of his patrols, just to check on you. y'all would talk for a bit, just enjoying each other's company. then you'd notice how low and hazy his eyes are, and how he's dragging his words a bit.
╰╴"i got shit to do, I can't be tryna go to bed n shit," "i'm not sayin' go to bed, you can take a lil hour nap..." after going back and forth for a while he'd finally give in, with reluctance, flopping onto your bed. he's out almost immediately, clutching you tight as if someone would take you from him while he's asleep.
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bear w me y'all I haven't written in a lil bit LMAO
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keys-hellscape-1020 · 11 months
Hobie With Autistic!Reader
A/N: I really wanted to try and make this a one-shot but I just couldn’t think of a good prompt so I resigned myself to headcannons. If you have a good prompt with an autistic reader though send it my way I would love to write it!! @juvenile-arm here u go hun <3 hope it’s to your liking! Sorry it took so long.
Hobie Brown x Autistic!gn!Reader
Summary: How Hobie Brown would act with an Autistic significant other.
Content: slight food aversion, mentions of overstimulation, mentions of meltdown, fluff
To begin, there is absolutely no feeling lesser because you’re not “normal”. That kind of thinking goes against everything Hobie believes in. You might not be “typical” but he isn’t either and he thinks it great that you’re not. It’s literally ingrained in you to fight the system and he loves that about you, even when you don’t.
You don’t have to worry about subtle social cues with Hobie, he’s the type to always say exactly what he means in plain language. Which is a blessing and a curse, but you appreciate it either way.
He’ll also really want you to meet his friends, but he understands that the pub might be to loud and crowded for your senses + having to meet new people and be social on top of that.
He’ll suggest that you all go to a park instead, his friends will probably question him briefly, as he not really the “let’s go have a picnic in a park” kind of person but once he explains that he wants you to meet them and you don’t like crowded spaces they’ll agree with no hesitation.
I have no doubt in my mind that Hobie’s friends are punk, or at least share his values. They want to meet the person who has their friend so smitten but not if that means you’ll be uncomfortable. Time for a bunch of punks to have a picnic in a park.
On the topic of his friends, he’ll absolutely want you to come to one of his performances, but he also doesn’t want you to get overstimulated. His solution is to have you sit on the side of the stage (where no one can see you) so you can still hear and see his performance but without having to be so crowded. He’ll also get you a pair of noise-canceling headphones for if the sound gets to much.
On a completely different note, food. I for one tend to hyper-fixate on foods super bad and that’s all I want to eat. Hobie won’t even question that, he’ll just ask if you want him to pick it up while he’s at the store. He’ll also work around any textures/flavors you might not like. When a recipe calls for an ingredient you don’t like but he does he’ll just pour your portion into a separate pan and keep cooking. It doesn’t bother him, so long as you wash the dishes.
On the subject of touch, if you say you don’t want to be touched right now he might pout for a moment but that will be all. He’ll bounce right back and just continue with his plans. His first love language is Physical touch but quality time is a close second and he’ll make do until you’re okay being touched again.
If you’re the type where overstimulation sneaks up on you Hobie will take to carrying a pair of earplugs, so if you start to have a meltdown you can put them in while he works on getting you both out of the environment that overstimulated you.
If you do end up getting overstimulated and having a meltdown he will get you to a quite, calm space as quickly as possible. Once there he’ll just sit with you, but he’s not the type to stare at you while you try to calm down (idk about y’all but I’ve had people do that). He’ll probably ask you before-hand what he can do that helps you. Whatever it is he’ll do his best to make it happen. He’ll probably hum a song under his breath, a gentle soft one, maybe a lullaby his mom used to sing to him when he was younger.
All in all this man doesn’t treat you like you’re different, these are things that he would do for any one he cares about if they need him to. A true provider through-and-through, and always there for you.
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brooklynsspiderman · 5 months
I think im allergic to mint
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scandals-r-us · 10 months
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Why is migs so big? To hold his family of course
And yes he ate it. And liked it
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sinigangrobot · 7 months
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Making some spider-ocs ^_^
Spider-Pop / Perry Parker / She's got the best of both worlds / 🥺 Perry, my silly spider 🫶
Perry Parker is my clumsy spidersona who was bitten by a radioactive spider and turned into teen pop sensation Spider-woman.
She protects the city by challenging villains to dance battles and protecting the sanctity of good music and dance in an industry that is rotting from the inside-out.
Her biggest rival is ex-best friend Haley Osborn (aka outspoken punk-rock sensation Green Goblin) who doesn't know her best friend is also Spider-woman, her most hated industry rival.
Venom (rap god) and Carnage (black metal and hard rock king) are also there *_*
Spider-pirate / Peter Parker / He's a pirate.mp4 / he will be the vessel for my harry osborn x peter parker agenda 😤 💯
I need Harry and Peter to come to a misunderstanding about the powers granted by the Osborn Family Heirloom (also: Green Goblin's Pendant): Peter ends up stealing the pendant and turning to a life of piracy to protect his best friend, Harry, from his family treasure/curse while preserving the Osborn's social standing as philanthropic, upstanding citizens. Harry won't believe him when Peter tells him the artifact is cursed and killing him slowly, so Peter sneaks away with the stolen artifact on a ship to find a way to break his best friend's family's curse.
Cue the game of keep away while Peter takes on the Curse of the Green Goblin himself (balanced out by the enchantments/magic of his own magic spider-artifact) as Harry chases him across the ocean in pursuit of his stolen family treasure and his best friend.
(Harry doesn't understand why Peter left, not really-he thought they were okay, more than okay, they promised they'd be by each others side to the end. He doesn't believe Peter would use him for his money like everybody else around him, no. Not Peter, anybody but him)
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fsh-bowl · 1 year
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ihamtmus · 2 months
it's weird how jhope is Right There and he's like the Most Talented Person but some armys just. don't see him. should be studied
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gooptroupe · 10 months
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holy shiiiiit, its the guy!!!!!!!!
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mooncovesnight · 2 years
oHmygod i just remembered i had an hc- about yuechiya in rak'tika 😳
after defeating the lightwarden, and just as they arrive in slitherbough, that one guy approaches yuechiya asking for help on how to propose to his beau... specifically mentioning that they seem so happy and in love and completely married so he thought they could help him best cjxjjs
ichiya surprisingly takes it well- doesnt deny it but y'uemi does notice the little smile and the way his cheeks flush a little, and it makes her smile too,,,
and in the end the guy tells them about the custom of exchanging real names..
i think, sometime maybe before or after yshtola tells them (or ichiya) about the light tainting them (him), y'uemi takes ichiya to that one secret place that one vii took them to for relaxing.. maybe as an effort to cheer themselves up
they swim around and soak a bit, and then y'uemi calls ichiya by his real name.. and not just "faust"... but "faustmarch" and then she kisses him.. i think ichiya ends up whispering "uemi" back, but in a daze, after they pull apart,,,
they leave quietly but with the unspoken understanding that they're engaged after that, but the actual confession isnt a thing yet (theyre just both convinced they know what they are at this point, and ichiya starts regularly kissing her knuckles whenever he thinks no ones looking and being distinctly more attentive towards her bc he feels he has the right to do those now and most especially holds her closer and initiates it now when they sleep)
ichiya crafts them both their rings and formally proposes sometime soon that ill think abt when ive played enough to decide
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s0updemon · 1 year
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suffering-is-cute · 6 months
I don't understand or remember you sometimes, and your soul is unfamiliar to mine, but we've shared the soup. Minestrone stains. Crumbs from that time I broke bread in bed. Tomato under a corner. We've shared the soup. Imprints of you in me.
why else would I write poems?
I forgive myself for wanting to love you so badly i lied about it. I forgive you for pretending to believe it. Distance will blur everything. You can fly now. Still, come back to see me sometime. I think you'll still miss me, so I'll meet you by the gate where the cornflowers, long grass, and thistles grow.
You can pick some of the miniature violets. You planted them, afterall.
I'll play you couplets and you'll read me cello. Maybe one day we can write a beautifully messy, entirely distracted script together and the notations will be written in soft black ink the colour of berries. I'll hum the tune under my breath when I'm alone at home and you'll play it on guitar on a bench at a bar on your holiday and when pressed for more information we'll tell the birds and the drunkards who hear that this is a song we wrote together to sing as a duet,
as a couple,
to an audience.
and when we meet again, when you come home, we'll turn our faces away from each other and pretend to have forgotten ever writing such a song whilst making pointed references to it and refusing to look at each other while trying not to mutter and whisper the lyrics under our breath.
And we'll get drunk on cooking alcohol in the kitchen while our German potato pancakes burn and curse out the local politicians with no lock on our door, the car engine revving outdoors, and the birds chirping at a twilight that seems entirely too rowdy for just the two of us in a house more like a barn with gaps in the wooden steel-banded door. You'll sit on the step and give me a long look and I'll stand in the doorway and fall over immediately, wobbly as a horrid
drunk, and you'll let me fall in the mud without catching me.
the mud will splash on you too and then, then you'll pull me up with one hand and drunk, you'll whine a soft growl into my ear and we'll giggle like kids, again - again, when the sun starts to set and we get inside to shower and sober. Sober, we might do something inexplicable. We might watch TV together with the fuzzy static on the channel and one of your hands on mine, the other holding up the remote as you surf focused through the channels, tilting your chin in concentration. I'll have my leg linked over yours and the other foot on the coffee table and we'll lean over each other to savour the only warmth we've had in a long time and sabotage our relationship.
whatever I have with you, I cherish it, even when I can't name it. Especially because I can't name it. I feel like what I have with you defies naming. And that makes me happy.
happier than I've been in a long time. Being with you helps.
inspired by @viverid 's poetry
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lebuc · 1 year
tragicomic soup
* good stock, chicken w/ a pinch, garlic powder scallions, sliced shrooms, any kind will do
splash o' lemon, lime - if you got it
now i'm not a jalopeno person, but if you are this'd be the perfect place for a slice or two;
& you know that no noods are bad noods, right?
...pick 'em & stick 'em.
then take your grilled waygu steak slices by hand
& dunk each one - dont let go! ...into the soup,
smile, look at the camera and say "Gotcha!"
(nah -  use chopsticks & soup ladle like any civilized person...)
turn back toward the bowl & knock it off the table with your elbow - dropping the steak cause of the shock.
take a minute to lament your misfortune, your crazy delusion:
imagining there's a camera that you don't possess, filming -
in the apartment where you live alone
talking to who knows who, with no phone plan, where your internet died hours ago
& now you got no soup. * 5/23 - lebuc - tragicomic soup
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officialscouse · 5 months
now that i have mostly everything set up, ♡ for a small starter!
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amelia-rate · 4 months
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These crumpled construction barrels at my intersection speak to me in Bible verses for some reason.
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