#wanda better pull through as a villain tho
alexawynters · 5 months
Scarlet Whispers pt 6
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Gif not mine
A/N: I edited this while stoned. Probably not my best idea. Also this feels so filler. Should I upload chapter 7 as well??
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Trigger warnings (let me know if I forgot to tag anything): Mentions of past child abuse, stalking, horror, dubcon, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, gaslighting, angst, smut. There will be bits of fluff tho.
Rating: M. Minors DNI
Masterlist with parts 1-5 here
Chapter Six
The next morning, you found yourself unusually attached to Wanda, refusing to let her out of your sight. You had always disliked the idea of being clingy with the few friends you had, but with your mind in disarray from the events of the previous night, she was the only bastion of comfort you knew. Playing your games only reminded you of your suspicions, and the fact that you could only watch hard copies of anything had the same effect. Instead, you longed for the witch to hold you, alleviating your treacherous thoughts. Unfortunately, you couldn't express this to her without giving away what you had discovered, so instead you clung to her side whenever possible.
Not that Wanda minded, of course. If anything, she was wondering why she hadn't thought to arrange a little home invasion or something to draw you into her arms sooner. But better late than never, right? The witch cooed and fawned over you in her native Sokovian every time you pulled her back to you when she started to get up or go to her garden. Part of you wanted to ask her for a translation - she always called you some nickname or another - but you never had any idea. Another part just savored the way her language rolled off her tongue. You began to consider that you didn't need to know exactly; you could grasp the gist of it well enough.
Wanda, on her part, began sharing more of her work with you. She didn't reveal everything, of course, but she would show you snippets, especially since you were so intent on being by her side. She wanted to make you more familiar with what she was doing. The witch would demonstrate how she observed the multiverse using one-way portals she would conjure, to ensure your protection from external dangers. Naturally, Wanda made sure to only show you versions of the Avengers who would actually be a threat to you, who were truly evil in their universe. She hoped this would sway you further to her side, seeing the atrocities they would commit, the powers they wielded.
For sure this made you fearful of the Avengers. However, you never forgot what Wanda initially told you about her origins, her experiences with her versions of the Avengers, and your own involvement. The current situation didn't align with what Wanda had previously shared, sowing doubt to further creep into your heart and mind. These individuals were supposed to be heroes, just like Wanda once was. So why were they now posing a threat to you specifically?
That's what you couldn't understand. All Wanda seemed to care about was keeping you by her side, keeping you safe. But why would the "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" have any interest in you? You weren't a villain. Incapable of harming even a fly, you had never harmed anyone in your life, despite times when you should have defended yourself. So if they didn't want you, then who did they want?
Your gaze turned from the portal Wanda was observing to the witch herself. Could they want Wanda? You had witnessed what she had done in Westview, but she had done the right thing in the end. Surely that counted for something, not just in terms of morality but also with these so-called-heroes. Wanda wasn’t a villain.. Was she?
As you looked at her focused figure, you reflected on all the ways she had supported you. Openly confessing to journeying through multiple universes just to locate you; she rescued you from an abusive family, shielded you from the monotonous 9-to-5 existence, and brought you to your new home. Throughout your time together, Wanda had consistently shown nothing but care and affection, fulfilling your every desire. If Wanda was considered a "villain," did that moniker truly matter to you?
Captivating green eyes, flecked with bits of gold, sparkled with intensity as they met yours. In that moment, you made a firm decision: you didn't care if she was a villain. Perhaps you wished she had been more honest about her intentions and actions, but as far as you knew, she hadn't done anything truly villainous. If her "crime" was saving you, she shouldn't be punished for it.
"What is it, lyubov moya?" she asked, amused, having caught you in the middle of your intense gaze. Wanda wasn't sure exactly what you were thinking without reading your mind, but the way you looked at her, as if you had appraised her and found her to be the perfect answer to all you were seeking, made her feel weightless. Warmth bloomed in her chest as she gazed fondly at you.
Caught in your staring, you blushed and shook your head in denial, trying to hide any thoughts you may have had. Instead of responding, you leaned your head on her shoulder and wrapped your arms around her closest arm, indicating to her to continue her work.
Wanda smiled at you briefly before returning to her task. She didn't want to spend too much time observing the multiverse, as she had already set up multiple wards and alerts in case anything significant happened. It seemed that you wanted to cuddle, and she saw no reason to decline. Finished with her goal, arm in arm, Wanda led you to the living room and turned on the TV to watch the Dick Van Dyke show, knowing you enjoyed it almost as much as she did, despite its age. Contentedly, you nestled into her embrace, inhaling the faint scent of vanilla, and settled in comfortably.
Although you had decided to accept Wanda for who she was, you couldn't completely shake the persistent doubts in your mind. Those doubts crept into your dreams, turning them into nightmares.
Unlike most of your dreams, and even nightmares, these were fragmented. They appeared as flashes, resembling memories almost. In some of these fragments, a woman dressed in black and red was chasing after a man in a cape, and a teenage girl, as they hurried through what seemed like a monastery. The same woman in red effortlessly utilized puddles and mirrors to traverse through the monastery, pulling people back through. Although her face remained unseen, the outfit seemed familiar; a feeling of dread and unease overwhelming you whenever you came close to catching a glimpse. 
Unable to do anything, you were a helpless bystander to what was surely a slaughter. You hoped that this woman was just letting these people go, simply getting them out of the way. In your heart somehow you knew that was likely not the case. Suddenly, you had a close-up view from directly behind the woman, as she pulled another unsuspecting victim through a puddle, swiftly snapping his neck.
You woke up to the sound of screaming, and it wasn't until Wanda held you in her arms, turned you to face her, shushing you gently, that you realized the scream was yours.
It took Wanda longer than usual, but eventually she was able to calm you down and get you to go back to sleep next to her. However, you were uncharacteristically stiff and silent, a stark contrast to the affectionate person you had been earlier. Wanda was tempted to read your mind, but she had been making a conscious effort to refrain from doing so. She wanted the connection between you both to be genuine, and invading your privacy by reading your thoughts would not contribute to that. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't hesitate, but you were the one person whose privacy she respected and didn't want to intrude upon if there was any other way.
Night terrors were common for you, which was expected given your level of trauma, and how often you had them in Wanda’s presence. This one felt different to her. You had never recoiled from her touch before, even in the beginning when she first brought you to Wundagore. Wanda's touch had always been a source of comfort, capable of dispelling your fears. So why were you suddenly so tense in her embrace, as if you wished to be anywhere else?
Her heart clenched with fear and hurt that you weren’t comfortable sharing what had upset you. However, she knew that pressuring you would only make you shut down. Instead, the witch took a deep breath through her nose promising herself to be patient. It was incredibly vexing that she always seemed to make one step forward with you, and then two steps back. Wanda believed that you would eventually come to her, if given enough time. She hoped at least.  If Wanda couldn't trust you, then who could she trust? She couldn't bear to entertain that train of thought. 
Gentle rays of sunlight streamed through the curtains into your shared bedroom, rousing you from your restless sleep. The bed felt cold, and the delightful aroma of pancakes filled the air, wafting in from the kitchen down the hall. You concluded that Wanda must be preparing breakfast. Yawning, you got out of bed and padded your way towards the witch and the enticing aromas that made your stomach growl.
An adorable sight greeted you, causing your heart to flutter pleasantly in your chest. Wanda, clad in her favorite blue plaid robe, black pajama top, and dark grey sweatpants, dancing around the kitchen as she cooked for you both, listening to some 90’s pop. What a dork, you thought, affectionately. 
As if sensing your presence, the witch spun around. “Good morning, detka! Breakfast will be ready in just a sec!”
Your lips quirked upwards in a grin. How could this woman be so perfect, you wondered?
“No rush. Is there anything I can help with?”
Viridescent eyes twinkled with appreciation. Her girl always had such good manners, so sweet, so helpful. “No, dorogoya, I have it covered. Sweet of you to offer though.” Wanda walked around with your pancakes and set them on a plate in front of you, before placing a quick, but gentle kiss to the top of your head.
On contact, your body froze. A furtive glance cast in the witch’s direction but Wanda had already turned her back to you, completely unaware. You didn't understand what had just happened, but when the former avenger had entered your personal space, you felt an unexpected and almost overwhelming urge to run. Even now you were actively resisting it, trying to stay seated. It would look weird if you suddenly fled from the room, and you weren’t sure how to explain to Wanda when she inevitably would ask you why.
 Taking a few moments to breathe through your nose, you swallowed nervously and willed yourself to remain in place. What the fuck? What was wrong with you? This was Wanda, not some stranger out to get you. Gods, how traumatized were you anyway?
Before the witch could notice your discomfort, you quickly devour the breakfast she had prepared for you. With a disarming grin, you tried to regain a sense of normalcy by complimenting the chef. Wanda responded with a brilliant smile and plated her own breakfast before sitting down in the chair next to you. A soft, cool hand gently brushed across your lower back as she passed by.
This time, you shivered pleasantly, grateful that your body had recognized the familiarity that was Wanda, and she posed no threat to you. The anxiety that had been coursing through your veins just moments before began to fade. In an attempt to regain that sense of safety that the witch typically provided, you moved your chair closer to Wanda, earning yourself an affectionate look from the older woman.
Your behavior was a significant departure from the stiff and silent demeanor you had the night before, and Wanda was relieved that you weren't still pushing her away. If you had continued to distance yourself, she had resolved to read your mind without your permission to understand what was troubling you. Understanding that you had trust issues, and some uncertainty was to be anticipated, but Wanda was growing weary of every bit of progress being quickly overshadowed by your own lack of confidence. The witch contemplated how to better help you grow more than she already had been.
Conversation between the two of you flowed easily once again. Wanda had promised herself to be patient with you, although personally she knew patience wasn't her strong suit. For you though, she would try. A breakthrough in your relationship felt imminent. Maybe all you needed was a gentle nudge. Perhaps time for Wanda to stop allowing you to doubt her intentions and take a more direct approach with you. As ideas began forming in her mind, she had to muster her facial expression so as not to inadvertently reveal her plans for you, and how excited she was to surprise you.
A/N 2: ehhh... how are we feeling about where this is going? Again, edited when stoned so sorry if its... rambly.. Rambles? Words are hard.
Again thanks as always to @flowers-shouldnt-die as well as my friend Brooke for beta-ing these for me. You guys are so helpful and the best cheerleaders and I appreciate y'all.
Taglist: @dorabledewdroop
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witches-and-cows · 3 years
Warped Reality (pt. 1/???)
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pairing: peter parker x fem!reader 
requested? yep: “Could you please do a Peter Parker x reader? Where the reader has the same powers of Wanda? And in the end of the infinity war she thought she lost him and created her own reality where everyone is alive and well. The more she spends on her on reality the more she becomes insane and becomes the next *cough cough* villainess of the next spiderman movie.”
warnings: a lil bit of cursing, follows the plot of wandavision LOOSELY, like, same synopsis, might be a series???? also i’m aging both peter and the reader up to 18, to better fit the plot
a/n: i’m sorry this took so long, i’ve been organizing requests so I could ge them to y’all :(
It didn’t feel real.
You were numb as Tony Stark descended from the wreck of a spaceship he’d called home for the past week, and uttered the words, 
“I lost the kid.”
You felt your heart drop to your feet, as fresh tears welled up in your eyes. Natasha went to put a hand on your shoulder, but you roughly shoved her off, storming toward Tony with a malicious gleam in your eyes. “YOU LOST HIM?”
Your magic pulsed through your veins, as your eyes glowed a bright purple, ready to react to the news that your lover was dead. 
“[Name] stop, stop!” 
Carol held you in a vice-like grip, encasing you in her arms. You continued to shout at Tony, at Steve, at everyone, grief overwhelming you. 
Carol was thrown back as your magic exploded, and you flew off in a rage, sobs echoing through the sky, smoldering earth and purple embers in your wake. 
                                           ______2 years later_______
You looked over at Peter as your car pulled into the driveway of the house you’d bought, eyes soft and sentimental. He cut off the engine, and took your hand, kissing the knuckles. “We’ve done it, [N/n]. We’ve finally gotten to Capetown.” 
“The place we’ve been scouting since we were 10!”
You took your wedding dress in your hands, and stepped out the car. “Smell that? It’s new beginnings, baby.” 
Peter popped the trunk of your jalopy, saying, “Yes indeed. Can’t wait to make a life for us here; Now, about this car...” He went on muttering about how you’d need a new car to commemorate your new chapter. You gazed at him lovingly, before his head came back into view. “Oh! I read in a newspaper article that a husband should carry his new wife over the threshold; It’s supposed to give us good luck!” 
You bit your lip, nodding. “O-okay, Okay! Let’s do it.” Peter lifted you in his arms, and looked at the doorway. “In we go, wife of mine.” You giggled and put your arms around his neck. “Let’s go!” 
And you walked into your new life. 
--------------- Yeah yeah i got another one out !!
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stuckybarton · 3 years
Sucker For Pain i
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SUMMARY: You were new to the team, but what everyone didn't know was you weren't so new to the God of Mischief. CHARACTERS: Loki Laufeyson x Ex!Reader [Ex to Lovers again?] WARNINGS: Profanities. Suggestive Themes. Slight Angst and horrible self-image. Grammar Mistakes. English not being my first language. [Not Beta’d tho] WORDS: 2,956 CHAPTERS: [1/3] A/N; Life happened and yeah, didn’t have much time to write. Not my best work for this mini-series, but I’m fighting through for this. Hope you guys enjoy~
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"Agent Y/N Y/L/N." You introduced yourself the first moment you were escorted into the compound by Director Nick Fury. Multiple sets of faces both new and old had come to greet you. For a moment you wouldn't even believe that this is was the new life you would find yourself to be a part of from now on.
Years in the job for SHIELD before disappearing off the grid to get as much information about HYDRA, everyone had thought you had betrayed them and you had accepted that they would think so lowly of you after all the near-deaths you had to endure on the job. Even with the mission becoming more of a death wish, you had accepted the role Nick had given you all those years ago and now you were rewarded, immensely. A spot on the Avengers as part of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
The familiar face of Nat was the first to greet you with a hug. A fiercely tight one, it had been so long since you've seen a friend. Then your eyes fell towards the rest of the team; Bucky Barnes, who you had a few close encounters with during your time with HYDRA. You had witness everything they had done to him and stood on trail to clean his name. Steve Rogers, who, with Sharon Carter, had assisted in guarding Steve while SHIELD was still under HYDRA's control. But among the familiar faces, one stood out the most.
Loki Laufeyson.
To many, the man was a snake, a God that had once brought death and destruction in New York. But to you, he was different, this was the man that you had spent your lonely nights with while under the guise of a traitor. It had once just been a physically thing between the two of you, neither wanting to know about each other's lives. You knew he was a God, a man that had wronged the world, but he had never known about you, the woman that had painted yourself as a traitor for the better of the world. The one that had been called every name on the book for the sake of making sure you did your part right.
Then it got serious between the two of you. Admission of love was told between both of your lips. But it was dangerous for you two to be together especially when you were already told by Fury that you can come back to the surface. You didn't know what side he was on, and you did not have the heart to make him choose if the time would come.
So you two parted. A month ago. The pain still throbbing you like an unattended bullet hole right through your heart. It was still so painful to look at him and not remember him crumbling on his knees begging you to stay. The first sob that escaped his lips and forever haunted your dreams. A never-ending loop in the back of your head as your demons screamed at you for breaking an already broken man.
"I for one am happy you're finally here. Another woman to add to an already Man's Man world in the compound." Nat teased glancing towards the other individuals that had come to know the new face. "With introductions out of the way, you've got a lot of explaining to do for the past few years."
You could only smile at your friend. You did have so much to explain to her, things had been murky between you and Clint, but after everything, Nat had refused to believe you would betray them, betray her, and it was finally a relief to be able to return back home, seeing the people that mean the most to you.
"Tell me about it." You muttered allowing Nat to quickly pull your away from the crowd, but it missed your eyes how he was still looking. Ice blue eyes a contract to the burning gaze he had towards you.
Forget about him. Forget about him. You were here for a new opportunity. No him. Never him.
For the next few weeks, everyone had grown to accept you in your new role as part of the Avengers. You kept up with Steve, Bucky, and Sam during their runs. Sam more than happy to finally have someone that had the same pace as him, but only for you to laugh and out run him just to get a reaction out of the high flier. Tony and Bruce had also found a kinship in you, having provided them enough information about HYDRA's experiments and location made most of their missions easier. Then there was Nat and Clint, your confidant in this new life. Every single moment that was not dedicated to a mission was spent with them; may it be movie night or a simple get together outside the compound, often times bringing Wanda and Vision along just to mess with you and call you a 5th wheel of the group.
But among number of members on the team, everyone had noticed you constantly avoided one Thor Odinson and one Loki Laufeyson. The only real time you would even dare talk to either of the brothers would be during training--other than that, you tried your best to avoid them, Loki most especially. Every single moment that would force the two of you to be in the same room, Loki had a glare while you tried your best to avoid his gaze.
Everyone noticed, everyone didn't seem to worry too much. It comes with having a former-villain part of the team. They thought you would eventually get used to the God's presence just as much as they did.
"You ever gonna tell me what's going on between you and Loki?" Nat inquired avoiding your punch.
What you hated the most about sparring with Nat was her capability of multitasking. Talking and snooping about someone else's business while also kicking their ass in the process--this was the predicament you were in right in this very moment.
"Nothing is going on." You muttered landing back first on the mat after being thrown like a rag doll by Nat. Eyes looking at the ceiling, you wondered if it was a good idea to actually come clean to her about her past with the God of Mischief. "I know what he's done to New York and I think you can't blame me for taking precaution when it comes to him."
Nat now comes hovering on top of you, the narrowed eyes and gentle smirk was all you needed to know--she knew it was bullshit. But when she had stopped pushing you for more information, it was enough for you to just change the subject.
"They found Dominic?" You inquired. One of the first big missions that everyone was focusing on was one of the leading Scientist for HYDRA. With the exposure of HYDRA to the world, some of them had moved away and found themselves in much shadier company, much to everyone's radar now spiking.
Dominic Wagner was, in part, partially responsible for the Winter Soldier program in the modern era. One of the pioneers in moving the project into a much younger sets of test subjects. You lost contact with the man as soon as your got back into the surface, but it had also meant a target was on your back when they found out you were a double agent.
"He's in Russia. Wasting away all the funding for the program with parties" Nat points out. "Still a better way to spend the money that abducting kids everywhere."
You nodded, memories of files upon files for the prospects still haunted you to this day.
"When are you taking him out?" You inquired. In your time with the SHIELD, the red in both of your ledger had made you two a hot commodity if the situation present itself as shoot to kill. Neither of you would hesitate. You knew you would now, after everything, but if it means one less bad people in this earth, you would swallow your new morals.
"Fury wants him alive." She pointed out finally standing back up to her own two feet, leaving you on your back, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. "I know as much as you do, we want him dead for everything he has done, but we need him alive so we can get the others."
You nodded, this was one of the few things you had to get used to as part of the team. Death was best solution in SHIELD--at least in your team, not here. As long as you were part of Steve's team, you would need to choose whether or not killing would be the best option. Hope that you weren't so blessed to be given in your time under.
"I get a first shot when we don''t have any use of him anymore." You muttered finally standing back up with Nat's help. Steps faltering at the sight of the God of Mischief, training with the likes of Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, and Bucky Barnes. A weird mix up, but wasn't hard to understand why.
"Why don't you shoot your shots with him for now." Nat teased, finally making you break from staring at the plain black shirt and green sweatshort-clad Loki Laufeyson. "If we try to ignore the death count during his attack, he is sort-of your type in men." Nat wiggled her brows. quick to avoid you as you attempted to swat her in the ass, eyes now turned away from God and his training partners.
"By type, you mean psychotic with possible Daddy-issue? Then you might just be right." You snort.
"I'm offended you think of me as such, Darling"
Jerking your head to the owner of the voice, how the hell did he sneak up behind you without you noticing. You glanced at Nat in panic and like the traitor that she was, made a terrible excuse of being needed in Bruce's lab. Now being left in the man's presence, you could all but remember the last time you had been this close to the man.
Words that you didn't mean.
Words that he didn't mean.
It still hurt you, and you were sure it hurts him just as much, if not more now, finally realizing why there had been a need for a breakup between the two of them all those weeks ago.
"Here I thought I would have someone to trust. You mortals continue to disappoint me." He hissed.
Your eyes glanced at the other training trio, noticing all three of them were in their own little world to even noticed what was going on between the two of them.
"Tell me, Darling..." He whispered, head leaning towards the shell of your ears. The familiar shiver run through your skin as just his voice. Memories of the very things his silver tongue had whispered had you flustered and breathless, more than from your earlier training with Nat. "Was it satisfying to play with a God?"
Before you could even mutter a word, his constantly gentle hand now covered your jaw, emitting a squeak from your lips and stopping you from saying a word. He was never this forceful, nor did he do anything that would hurt you. Was this the true nature of the man you had finally thought you have been the best part of you. To have loved a man that everyone was right to stay away from?
"Or is it shame finally coming to you, to be ever involved with someone like me?"
You tried to pry his hand away from you, but he was too strong--stronger than you could ever think of being.
"Or is this you taking your opportunity to move from one bed to another? Who will it be this time, Y/N? My oaf of a brother or will it be Soldier out of time? Who will you whore this time?"
And you finally snapped. With a resounding slap, all three individuals had heard your attack on the man and Loki finally releasing his hold on your jaws. A chuckle escaped his lips and only brought the first line of tears to fall from your eyes. You never wanted to believe him to be a monster, but here he was, proving her wrong.
"I am in doubt of the foundation of our relationship for the past years, Y/N. I am the God of Mischief and Lies and the only mortal I had ever truly opened to had done this to me. Lied to me for such a long time, lied about the entirety of our relationship."
"You will never understand."
"Oh no," he chuckled darkly, eyes glaring straight into your own. "I understand well enough to know, you would never love someone like me and I deserve every lie and heartache I am enduring because of everything I have ever done in my past."
Before you could defend yourself and the genuinity of your relationship with the God, he had made his excuse. Leaving you to ponder of the true damage of your breakup with Loki, and the aftermath it had now held for the both of you. He was right, you had lied, and either way, their relationship will fall apart because of those lies.
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He was the God of Mischief and Lies.
Yet, he did not expect for this biggest lie to break him the most. The separation had been painful, he had always hoped for a better life with you. Then a month passed since your breakup, he sees you, it hits him like a sharp knife to the chest all over again. He experience the pain of a stab to the chest, but it would never compare to the pain of seeing you in this very compound with the truth of your life that you refused to ever open to him.
This was karma coming to haunt him it seems.
It had been well over a week now since the first time he had actually confronted you about everything. It wasn't how he planned for things to go through. He never wanted to hurt you, but he was a monster after all. A monster that his own father had told his people to avoid. A bedtime story to scare mischievous kids into submission.
He had always thought after everything he had to endure, had to do, had to escape, he could finally live a peaceful life. A life to finally start anew. A life where he could finally change for the best. A mortal woman had made him make those ideas come into reality, you had always became the reason why he would never have his redemption in life.
A bitter idea with no possible resolution.
How could he have ever believed that anyone would ever love someone like him? After everything he had ever done, he was never allowed to be loved. You had proved that somehow.
'Mr. Laufeyson, you are needed for a meeting with the team'
Breaking from his little bubble. He sighed finally returning back to reality, into the little comforts the library could give him. The week had been gruelling for him, three individual witnessed the altercation between himself and you. It had spread like wildfire, but thanking the Gods that no one was able to listen to the conversation.
He had to endure most of the questioning. In everyone's eyes, he was, after all, still under everyone's constant scrutiny. A man that no one could trust. But he refused to say a single word knowing you did the same thing. It was better to keep your mouth shut instead of letting people know exactly what had happened. Somehow that brought a smile on his face. He might not share a future with you, but might as well make the most out of making your life a living hell, as much you did it to him.
Shutting the book he was barely even reading, he placed the book back into the shelf before walking his way towards the meeting room.
He could easily teleport, but he preferred to enjoy his moments of peace without his oaf of a brother breathing down his neck or Stark constantly testing his patience with his quips. It also gave him a moment to school his features, he knew well enough about the mission to know you would also be in attendance. Be more invested in this mission than anyone else.
It was a few things he was relearning about you now that you were out in the open as everyone claims you to be. You were a free spirited being that could meld with anyone you were in the area with. He had watched you throw relentless jabs at Tony during your first few days that had the man surprisingly raise a white flag. But the most dangerous thing he had to learn was the familial relationship you had with one Natasha Romanoff and Clint Burton, two people that he kept his distance with the most.
"Professor Snape has finally graced us with his presence."
Loki has learned since joining the team to choose his battle when it comes to Tony. This was one of those moment. Finding a vacant chair besides his brother, he had taken his seat. A big mistake on his part as he finds from across the table, you sat. In between a glaring Romanoff and Barton.
Wearing a smirk, just to get on the two super spies' nerve, he turned his attention right back into the meeting. He begins formulating a few little schemes to not only get on the two's nerved, but most especially yours.
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lenissa · 3 years
Fall back into Place (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
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Warnings: angst, grief (optimistic ending tho!)
Summary: After you and Wanda both lost the two most important people in your lives, you are lonely wolfs. But you don‘t want to be alone anymore…
Word Count: 1K
A/N: Another song inspired fic, this time based on the „Space Song“ by Beach House. It‘s set after WandaVision. Feedback is as always welcome!
Good reading!
Those were crazy times. The endgame battle has been fought. Thanos lost and the Avengers fell apart.
Steve went back in time, Tony and Nat died. Natasha… God, you loved her. She was there for you when the snap happened. She was your mentor, your best friend. The one that kept you going. You two spent the time after the blip searching for chances to get the others back. The redhead and you never gave up hope, and you were so grateful you had her on your side. Cause it paid off. You got the other half of the universe back, you won against Thanos.
But at what cost?
You lost the only constant in your life. You lost your best friend, some would even call it a platonic soulmate. But so did Wanda.
Which is why you‘re sitting in a jet right now. You land the quinjet in a forest next to a lake. It took a while to figure out where Wanda had gone, but you were trained by the Natasha Romanoff, it was a matter of time when you would find her. After you heard about what happened in Westview you decided to look after Wanda. You feel bad for not being there for your teammate, who knows, maybe you could have prohibited the hostage taking of an entire town. Yes, you are grieving too, but Wanda has nobody, and in addition it seems like the whole world is turning against her and seeing her as a villain. And deep down you know Nat would have wanted you to go and take care of Wanda instead of mourning her.
So, you walk the steps up to the door of the lonely cabin. You take all the courage you have and with one final breath you lift your fist to knock on the wooden door. You are anxious and feel guilty, but pull yourself together after all. Westview was the past, you swore to yourself you would try and make it a better future for Wanda.
Tho it is late at night, it doesn‘t take long until you hear foot steps approaching the front door. Wanda opens the door cautiously and when she recognizes you, she gasps delightly. Despite her general positive reaction, she holds tightly onto the door frame, her nails digging into the wood nervously. You squint around the room and you could swear you saw some kind of red light coming from an empty seat, but before you could overthink, Wanda speaks up. „(Y/n), how did you find me?“ You direct your attention back to the Sokovian and give her a weak smile. „Nat‘s old techniques. She didn‘t teach me just for fun.“
At the mention of your fellow Wanda freezes. „Sorry I-“ you sigh, „I should have been there for you. You shouldn‘t have to be all alone.“ The redhead‘s grip on the door frame tightens and she looks at the floor. „I- I don‘t think it‘s a good idea that you‘re here. I‘m dangerous and I hurt-“ „The only person you‘re hurting by pushing me away is yourself, Wanda. It‘s not right that you‘re going through this alone.“ You pause a bit, awaiting a denying reaction, but she stays silent and you continue, now quieter than before. „Not when I have to go through the same, alone, too.“
You both say nothing for a while, the only audible thing in the dark night are the distant crickets chirping. Wanda raises her gaze and searches your eyes. „Do you want some tea?“ „I‘d love to.“ Your heart jumps at her antics and the possibility that you were not alone with your grief anymore. She invites you into the cottage and puts a can of water on the stove.
You sit down at the dinner table and are the first to break the silence. „It‘s funny how tender the night is for a broken heart, don‘t you think?“ „What?“ Wanda laughs confused and turns her head to you. „Well, in our dreams. We gotta see them again. The night gives us the chance to see them again.“ You point to your head with your index finger. „I think it‘s a gift.“ „And when you wake up, who‘ll dry your eyes when it falls apart?“ The redhead questions and now it‘s your turn to be confused. „The dreams. When the dreams fall apart, stop and you wake up alone.“ She clarifies. You mouth a silent „oh“ and think briefly before answering. „I hope you, from now on. I‘d do it for you, for sure.“ She nods and subconsciously chews on her lip. But then she can‘t suppress her feelings anymore.
As if every emotion was hold back by her teeth brushing her lips, the moment she disconnects them her feelings flow. Literally. Tears. Uncontrolled tears. You rush up from your place and place your hands on Wanda‘s arms. „Can I hug you?“ She nods weakly while sobbing and you take her in your arms. Soon after your shoulder is soaked in her tears, your neck tickled by her warm breath and your senses flooded by the witch‘s perfume.
„Look at me, Wanda.“ You wait until she calms down, then she pulls away from your embrace and uncertainly looks at you. „Somewhere in these eyes, please.“ You laugh warily. And finally emerald eyes meet yours. „Thanks. I‘m on your side. I‘m on your side, Wands. You don‘t have to go through that alone anymore.“
Wanda forces a smile and turns to the now whistling tea pot. „I see. It‘ll take a while to make you real smile, huh?“ She stays silent and passes you a mug. Then she shows you the couch you can sleep on and starts making dinner. „I‘d do it for you, too.“ Wanda mumbles to herself while cutting ingredients.
You were two loners, forced together by trauma and death. It will be a hard time. But that‘s okay. Because time heals every wound. And time moves even faster when you‘re not alone.
Everything will fall back into place.
Taglist: @mrs-avenger3000
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love-peterparker · 3 years
In Extremis || Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary: After the reveal of Spider-Man’s secret identity and the release of Quentin Beck’s murder video, there isn’t a lot going right for Peter Parker. But he has you. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, protests and rallies, mentions of murder, a gun that is never shot, and some hair description for Y/N for plot purposes (but it should still be generic enough).  
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I’m first a Captain America and Agent Carter fan, and I wanted to recreate what makes their relationship so special, but with Peter and Y/N… ‘cuz I also love Peter Parker. I really loved writing this, and I hope you enjoy it.
Also, thanks to @marvelouspeterparker, @sinisterspidey (she actually has a blurb called I’ll Follow You and it builds off of Spider-Man’s identity reveal) and @stuckonspidey for answering my anon asks for general writing tips and Peter’s character. And @spideyspeaches with her kind words after reading one of the final drafts of this fic. Lastly, a special thanks to @peterbenjiparker encouraging me with this fic and for making me so emotional with her series Invisible String (Read this!... but only if your heart can take it) that I needed to write something. This story has nothing to do with it, but it does make some small generic references to her fic, and I would like to think that Y/N and Peter are soulmates in this story.
This takes place in a universe where a FFH-esque identity reveal happens when Y/N and Peter are young adults.
This fucking city didn’t deserve him.
Peter rarely admits it, but you say it all the time. When you hit a dead end in the Avenger’s database. When checking for your gun before leaving another safehouse. When reaching for him in the dark of night.
This fucking city didn’t deserve him.
It had been over a year since Peter’s identity as Spider-Man was revealed and the dubious video of Quentin Beck’s murder was released. But it felt like a lifetime.
These two Peter problems were like ivy. They rooted, twisted, and spread. Winding into chokeholds around their victims.
But heroes knew how to play with fire.
Peter’s identity was dealt with in a straightforward fashion. Plenty villains who would do anything to exact revenge on Spider-Man, but they would have to find Peter Parker and identify his loved ones first. And for someone like Peter? Well, it was going to take some time.
To you, Peter was lifegiving. A shining ray of golden hope. You fell to sleep and rose to press kisses into his face. To cherish and hold. To share tears. But to the world, or even New York City? He was a nobody, one who couldn’t even hold a steady job.
You all worked fast while the wicked played catch-up. The Avengers searched and wiped all, but ultimately little personal information Peter had on the internet, as well anything that might connect him to your shared inner circle. Everyone was given an Avenger’s signal watch. And both you and May opted to move as a precaution. May to Brooklyn. You to Avenger’s Tower.
The case of Quentin Beck’s murder was a much more grinding process. Through polished superhero reputations, the lawyers secured an Avenger’s Tower house arrest during court proceedings. An overwhelming amount of evidence in Peter’s favor was gathered. Press conferences were held. Speeches were given. And when it all seemed like it was too much for too long, you and Peter would lie in bed, arms and legs entangled, whispering that everything would turn out all right. Good will win. You just had to keep going.
It was taxing, but not impossible. And just when you all thought you were pulling at the end of the thread with the jury in your favor, the ground beneath you crumbles into nothingness. You spiral and crash into a labyrinth, lush and high-walled. Maybe this was the way out- oh wait, you’ve been here- or have you? You all turn and turn only to face a new dead end. A new set of incriminating videos were released. Spider-Man’s videos took the spotlight, but videos of Wanda and Bucky were also revealed. The streets of New York bustled in whispers.
Can we really trust these heroes? What if these videos are the truth?
And what happens when these powerful people think they are right when they are wrong?
When public protests against Earth’s heroes sprouted and jury members started to disappear, it was clear that the whoever or whatever was behind this had greater motives and powerful allies. It was time to buy time.
Everyone had tried to convince Peter to go into hiding somewhere else. Anywhere else. He had enough super-friends where anywhere was possible. Lay low while everyone else above ground scrambled to unweave this massive web of lies. But Peter was infuriatingly adamant that New York, regardless of her wavering loyalties, was his to protect.
So two months ago, he started bouncing around New York City, investigating when he could, and making polarizing headlines with every swing he took.
You tried to continue as if Peter was still by your side. After being terminated from your junior journalist job for “suspect ties to Spider-Man,” Spider-Man became your mission. You originally attended press conferences and rallies as moral support, but after Peter’s first awkward mumbles of a speech, it was painfully clear that he needed a new voice. The public herself needed a normal person who interacted with superheroes. Who better than Spider-Man’s girlfriend? But after the last kidnapping attempt and the Avengers’ numbers shrinking, it was clear that this wouldn’t last. The world now knew who you were too.
The thick ivy had caught up, and you were on fire.
But to hell with it because there was no universe where you would be leaving this nightmare without him. So the next time you looked in the mirror, you donned short red hair and heavy eyeliner.  
Days were spent questioning possible witnesses. Nights were spent in the light of a computer. And when you could barely drag yourself to continue, moments were spent staring at your beautiful boy’s picture. He needed you.  
You had only heard from him twice since he went into hiding, though there were a few times answered unknown number calls would lead to abstract rustling and distinct web shooter noises. To those, you always whispered “I love you,” before hanging up.
That was until last night, when you noticed small slip of paper in the crack of the window of the safehouse you had been staying at. Only a time and an address were written, in messy, but undeniably Parker script.
You spent the next day visiting arbitrary places in the Bronx, trying to determine if anyone was following you and collecting items in an unsuspecting backpack.
It was a balancing act between comfort and practicalities. An extra stealth suit. A waterproof jacket you both shared. Protein bars. Extra web fluid and a first-aid kit. A hefty wad of cash, just in case. And in the smallest pocket, things to help him in the darkest days to come. Letters from you, May, Ned, and your other friends. A few packs of gummy bears. And a picture of you and him, laughing in Central Park on one of your many dates. Sunlight casting halos on your heads. Bright. Carefree. Brimming with love.
Your heart cried and cried and cried, begging for those days.
But they were gone. And as much as you didn’t want to admit it, so were the people in that picture.
You travelled to the building location and made your way to the rooftop. Rows and rows of white sheets were hung, all whipping in the wind to dry.
A small smile graced your lips. You had to hand it to him. He was smart.
You folded yourself into one of the corners of the rooftop, gun in hand and waited. Eerie silence slowly lulling you to…
You woke up to the soft footsteps, sleepy eyes registering a shadowy figure behind one of the bedsheets.
“Hans?” you whispered, pointing your gun with a finger on the trigger.
“Leia,” the figured replied, equally hushed. The shadow lifted the curtain. It took a second to register, but it was really him. You raced towards each other, quick hold each other, beaming. Today, you existed in the same place at the same time.
“That was so stupid. I can’t believe you got me to do that,” you laughed, pressing your face into him, holding him tightly as if he could disappear at any moment.
“Oh, come on, you loved it!” he quipped. You hummed in appreciation.
“True, but I love you more.” His eyes brightened at your confession, pink dusting his cheeks.
“I know.” You shook your head, smiling at his response before turning your head and taking in who he had become. Gone were the luxurious curls, replaced with a buzzcut. A pair of fake glasses perched on his nose in further attempts to conceal his identity. Hallowed eyes. His skin tinted gray from the stress. You ran your fingers through the fuzz on his head, massaging his scalp. A sigh escaped his lips, eyes fluttering shut, with hands reaching to caress yours.
“You cut your hair.”
“You did too.” His fingers danced in the ends of your own tresses. A sad smile furnished your face.
“It had to be done,” you replied, before pressing your lips to his cheek and gently removing yourself from his embrace to get your laptop. “We need to get started. We’ve found a lot since you left.”
With his head on your shoulder, fingers laced with yours, and your laptop on your lap, you recounted the on-going investigation to him. The deep web that just kept going and going. Your theories and suspects. And when that was done, you kept talking. How Aunt May and his friends were fine but missing him. How the remaining Avengers were fairing. Peter was oddly quiet, sharing only a few thoughts here and there, but you attributed it to his weariness.
As the sun continued to dip, the silences between sentences stretched, but you mustered more words. As if your sentences were the delicate string that grounded him to you.
“Y/N,” he interrupted. You looked at him and hummed in reply. He began playing with your fingers, eyes never meeting your own. “I love you more than I ever I thought I could, and I’m really thankful for everything you’ve done. And you’ve done so much. Like, I don’t know if I would have even made it this far without you, but here you are, and well, you can’t keep doing this.” You cocked your head, before shaking your head, hair rustling.
“What? Peter, we are getting somewhere! I just need to visit the-“ He lets go of your hand, fingers clenching into trembling fists.
“No, no more visits. No more investigating. This can’t be your life. When this started, we thought there was a way out. But it’s been over a year. Clearly whoever or whatever is doing this won’t stop until we’re all gone. This may never stop. I can’t have you throwing away your life for me. Hell, I don’t even know when I’ll see you aga-“
“Peter,” you cut him off, your voice pitched lower in concern, “Where is this coming from? We’re gonna make it. It is just a matter of-”
“I can’t give you what you deserve! I’m Spider-Man, so we don’t get to have a house and two kids! We get this-, this fucking disaster! I live like this because I have to. I don’t get a choice. And you shouldn’t be stupid enough where you are doing the same thing!”  
Your mouth fell open, ready to spit back poison when he looked at you. It was in his eyes. Behind the falling tears and redness was the glint of insecurity that Peter had always carried. This was the child whose parents died. The teenager who didn’t stop his Uncle Ben from getting killed. Who held Tony Stark in his last moments. The man who was on the run.  
The hero who would never stop giving to a world who would never stop taking.
Your thoughts frenzied. If you held on to him too tightly, he would resist. The more he would thrash, determined to save you while slowly sacrificing himself until there was nothing left. Your brain was frozen, so your heart gave you the words-
“Marry me.”  
Peter’s eyes widen before retracting into a tight furrow, scrunching his nose.
“What?! No! Did you not hear anything I just said-“
“I’m not leaving you. I will never leave you. The one thing you never get to doubt in the world is us. So, I’m gonna ask you again; will you,” you took his hand, went to one knee, and let your voice soften as you held his gaze, “Peter Parker, marry me?”  
You both bathed in silence. His chocolate doe eyes boring straight into yours, searching for truth. The thought that maybe you had gone about this the wrong way started to crawl into your mind, but then a smile slowly creeped onto his face, bright red with blush. More salt-water pooled in his eyes. He pulled you into a near lung-constricting embrace, smothering wet kisses into every inch of your face. Mine. Mine. Mine. You could practically hear his thoughts as you basked in each kiss. I missed you. I love you. And oh my god, you’re here to stay.
“What did I ever-, I have no idea know what I ever did to ever deserve you.” A smirked formed on your lips.
“Is that a yes?” The gold stars in his eyes shined at your playfulness. There was the man you always loved.
“Yes, yes, oh god yes. I do, Mrs. Parker,” he said pulling you in for a passionate kiss. And you both stayed there, melting into the ground beneath you. Breathing each other in as moments passed. Tender “I love you’s” flowing generously from both of your lips. As if the world had vanished and all that existed was you and him, and him and you, and this understanding that this, this was a love until death do you part.
Peter was the one to break the string of kisses, leaving you to chase his lips before touching his forehead with your own. His breath hot on your face. “I- , if you go to my lab there is a secret compartment. In my desk. The code is your birthday. I was going to ask you myself, but then, well… this.” You chuckled as he stumbled on his words.
“I’ll get it as soon as I can.” You both leaned in to close the gap again when a cacophony of sirens and lights echoed in the streets below.
Frustration filled Peter’s eyes as he sat up. “Shit. I-, I gotta go. Are you gonna be okay?” You let out a shallow breath, but quickly forced a smile.
“Go get’em.” And with the whip of his webs, he was gone.
You sat there for a moment, taking in the new quiet. Your fingers graced your lips, still warm with the memory of his. A lightness had settled in your chest, and with every breathe you could feel it pulse stronger.
Because no matter what it took, no matter how long the wait, there was two things for certain.
He was going to protect the city. And you were going to save your husband.
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
It’s Gone
Paring: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: This is the beginning of how Reader loses something important to her and tries pushing people away but Peter won’t let that happen.
Warnings: Swearing. 
Word count: 2.3K
A/N: I am planning on making a part 2 of this that focus more on how Reader will be dealing with it. 
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"Remember kids, Don't mess this up." Tony reminds you as You and the team enter an abandoned building. You and Peter share a look before nodded at Tony, "I'm serious. This is an important mission." 
"Don't worry, Tony. We'll be fine. No touching anything." You raise both hands before nudgeing Peter, "Right, Spidey?" You wrap an arm around his shoulder.
"Right!" Peter wraps an arm around you with what you assume a goofy smile under that mask. Tony gave you two a dad TM look before walking away looking around the building.
"What are we after again?" Sam asks as he looks around the creepy building. There wasn't much here so why would anybody go here? You frown as you light up a ball of flame in your hand, lighting up the way.
"This man with strange appearance," Steve answers looking around for anyone or anything. You frown as you run your hand against the wall, flinching when you felt what strangely felt like words.
"What do you mean by strange?"
"No one really knows yet." Nat answers as she stops next to you, "Everyone who sees's him always flees before he can do any real damage. Prepare for anything." 
"That's ...vague." You frown as you move your flame covered hand closer to the wall to get a better look at the wall. 
"What's that?" Peter asks as he stares at what looked like a tomb of some sort. You frown as you look over at the tomb, "It looks old." There was what looked like to see a puzzle on it.
"Is that a puzzle?" Steve asks as he moves closer to it. Tony walks over to stand next to Peter and smirks as he gives Peter a pat on the back.
"Pete, this looks your kind of thing." Peter looks over at Tony with drooped shoulders, no doubly frowning under the mask. That made you chuckle before looking at the wall again.
"Can anyone understand this?" You turn toward everyone as Nat and Wanda walks over, taking a good and long hard look at the wall.
"I can try?" Wanda shrugged before putting a hand on the wall before closing her eyes. Her hand lit up for a bit as she is apparently reading what the wall is saying.
"Hey buck, help me with this," Sam smirks as he starts to do the puzzle, it was surprisingly simple so far. Bucky smirks before helping him with the puzzle. Peter frowns as he watches this happen.
"Guys, c'mon, this might be a bad idea," Peter says walking closer to the two men, who were at least halfway through the puzzle. They both froze before turning to face Peter.
"C'mon, it won't do any harm." They resumed the puzzle making Peter huff with a cross of his arms. Steve and Tony were walking around looking for any signs of anyone being there.
"I don't understand." Steve sighs as he turns to Tony, "There were witnesses saying the man hid here. where could he have gone?" Steve looked toward a large door.
"He probably left." Tony shrugged before walking toward the doors, "Smarter than other villains." Steve frowns before walking toward the door, completely forgetting about the puzzle and wall the others were distracted with. Wanda opened her eyes with a gasp.
"Stop!!" Wanda turned toward the two adults as they finished the puzzle. She raised her arms to stop them but it was too late, The doors open and a tall bulky man walks out with a frightening smirk.
"Well, well, well, look who it is." You all stand in fighting positions, "The Avengers are the ones who finally free me from my cold dark prison." He let out a dark throaty chuckle at that. 
"You heard of us?" Wanda asks making you all look at her before turning toward the man. The man smirks as he looks at each and every one of you. 
"Kinda hard not to. You can hear and feel everything in that tomb, drunk teens love talking about a group of heroes saving their lives." The man rolls his eyes, "Getting sick and tired of it. But you freed me."
"Not for long," Tony says before sending a blast his way, That causes you all to start fighting him all at once. You sent fireballs his ways, as many as you could.
"The fire warms me." The man says before standing up and taking steps closer, "That tomb is cold the fire warms be greatly." He makes eye contact with you making you frown. He suddenly smirks at you, "I will take your fire." 
"What?" You ask with a confused tilt of the head. You turn to Peter and ask, "No one can do that. Can they?"
"I don't really know. There have never been reports about that happening." Peter explains and for some reason that makes you even more creeped out. Steve took a step forward with an indicating look.
"That won't happen. Avengers!" You all try to charge at him but an inviable force pushes the Avengers behind you as you are lifted into the air, close to the man. The necklace around the man's neck starts to glow, making you fear the worst.
"This won't be long, dear." the man smirks before opening his mouth, your whole body is suddenly covered in fire and the fire is being sucked into his mouth. You let out a scream as you struggle before your body goes limp.
"(H/n)!" Peter yells as the enviable force holds him and the others down. Peter frown before using all his strength to standing up with some struggles and charging at the man. Peter was able to send a hard kick the man way before the man punches Peter making him fall to the ground. 
Your eyes suddenly start to get heavy as you tried to keep them open, you were quickly losing the battle as you feel something being taken away from you. You make eye contact with the man one last time before closing your eyes and passing out. 
Tony flies over and tries to blast him the same time Steve stands up and runs over, throwing punches the man's way. The man momentarily stops taking your power to fight the two. You were just floating in the air as the man was able to get the two down. Tony and Steve got good hits in tho. The man chuckles before continuing what he was doing. 
"We have to stop him!"
"I don't know!" 
The last of the fire leaves your body and goes into the man's mouth. He chuckles as your body slowly goes on the ground. The others finally were able to stand up and run over to your sleeping form.
"Is she alright!?"
"Oh fuck man!"
"C'mon (Y/n), show me those beautiful eyes." Peters's voice was almost breaking as he puts your head on his lap, moving a piece of your hair out of your face.
"Thank you, Fire Elemental." The man's voice rang through the room, "For my gratitude, I will give you mercy."  He smirks before using his magic to chain the group up, including you, "I should get going. Thank you again, dear." He smirks before flying off using your flames. 
"Great, just great," 
"This is Sam and Bucky's fault," Tony grumbled as he looked at the chain. You all have been there for quite a while and Peter was starting fear even more since you still haven't woken up.
"Our fault!?" 
"Who opens a tomb before knowing what it does?" Nat raises a brow at the two adults as they all hung from the wall. 
"Dumbass move." Tony grumbles. Peter agreed as he looked over at your hanging frame, no one has asked about you for a bit which made Peter annoyed but they needed to focus on escape. oh wait, they aren't! They're doing the blame game.
"What about (Y/n)!? She got her powers stolen!"
"Hey! Watch it!" Peter nearly growled as he glares at them, "This wasn't her fault! She didn't know this was going to happen." Peter was angered that they could even say that. He looks over with a frown as your hair covered your beautiful face. He sighed angrily as he looked up at the ceiling.
"Peter's right, how is she?" Steve asks as he looks over at Wanda, who was right next to you. She looks at you closely, probably using her magic before nodding.
"She seems to be fine. She should wake up soon." She explains with a nod of her head, sending a look at you. You stirred a little in your sleep before going back to unmoving, Everyone stared at you for a moment.
"Do you guys think she'll be alright?" 
"She'll be fine, she always is," Nat answers as she looks at your sleeping form. Peter knew that she was worried for you, they all were. You loved having your powers, even if there were cons with them. He can't imagine how it'll be for you, how it'll feel for you. 
"She won't like it." Wanda quietly says, already feeling fear and worry through your body.  No one said a thing but they were all thinking the same thing, This was going to destroy you. 
"I don't like this."
"We need to find a way out of here," Peter speaks up before moving his feet in a way that he could push against the chains better. He grunts as he pulls with all of his strength against the chains. He opens his eyes as he realized something, "...Mr. Stark?"
"Yea, kid?"
"You have your suit still, right?"
"Are you serious Tony!?"
"We've been here for an hour!"
"Did you seriously forget about your suit?" 
"Goddamn it, Stark." 
"Okay, Okay, I got it," Tony grumbles before using the suit. He was able to free all of you, "Who will take sleeping beauty?" He motioned toward your body that was gently laying on the floor. 
"I got her," Peter grunts as he picks you up gently. He holds you bridal style as he tucks your face in the crook of his neck. Tony nods at him before moving forward. Peter stood there for a moment as everyone walks ahead of him, He looks down at you and frown, "Don't worry (Y/n). I gotcha." He started walking toward the group.
The light was on your face making you stir as you try moving away from it, that didn't work. You let out a small groan before sitting up and holding your head. You looked around to see that you were in the medbay bed. You felt a hand in your other hand as you squeezed the hand before looking at the owner, Peter.
Peter was sitting in a chair next to you snoring quietly, still in his spider suit. Honestly, that suit looks like it wouldn't be comfortable in his sleep, not realizing that Peter hasn't left your side since you were freed. 
"Your awake." a voice speaks, making you jump before looking over at Bruce. You let out a sigh in relief as you saw him walking over to your bed.
"Bruce, You scared me." You held your chest as you let out a few giggles, "I had a horrible nightmare." You looked at the floor before sighing, "So what happened?" You looked at Bruce, waiting for an answer. All he did was sigh heavily, making you frown. 
"(Y/n)...." He started but it seemed like he couldn't finish his sentence. You look down in thought before thinking back before flashes of you in the air screaming, fire leaving your body, feeling so helpless.
"It wasn't a dream." You turned toward Bruce, "Was it?" Bruce just stared at you, giving you your answer, "No..." you whimpered out, holding your head leaning forward on the bed.
"(Y/n), It's alright. we'll figure something out." Bruce tried to reassure you but you quickly stood up, "You need to rest." You shook your head before running out of the room. Bruce leans back in his chair with a deep sigh, this was going to effect you greatly.
"Bruce? Where's (Y/n)?" Peter's rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he looked around the almost empty medbay, "Did she wake up yet?" 
"Yea, She didn't take it well." Bruce explains with a frown as he puts some equipment away, "She ran out of here, don't know where she's heading." 
"I'll look for her." Peter stood up getting ready to leave the room, "thanks Mr. Banner." He left the room to see where you have gone. Where do you normally go when your upset? Think, Pete, Think! Got it! Peter thinks he figured out where you were.
Peter went to the roof to see your peacfully sitting there, knowing you your thought were anything but peaceful right now. Peter started walking toward you. 
"Heya Pete." your voice was quiet, "What are you doing here?" It sounds like you've been crying for a bit, making Peter frown. He silently opened his arms which you hugged him back, snuggling your face in his shoulder.
"Hey, are you okay?" you sigh in his shoulder and hug him tighter, Your shoulders were shaking. You were trying your hardest not to cry in front of Peter, "Hey, Hey, It's alright." he soothes while gently rubbing your arm. 
"Is it?" You whimper as a few tears leave your eyes, "Will it be okay? Every time I pass someone they always yell me 'You'll be fine', 'we'll find him', or even 'it's okay, you'll live'." You let out a sob as you cling to Peter, making him frown.
"It's going to be hard but... We'll get through this." Peter pulls away before giving you a small kiss on the forehead, "I'll be there every step of the way, alright? How does that sound?" 
"Perfect." You hug him again before letting out a few sniffles. It's going to be hard but you might get through this. You just need some time, hopefully.
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bluebeetle · 4 years
15 for the superhero ask just DO IT
ok rant about a fave where do I BEGIN. actually i have a bunch of onions sorry.
ok 1) wanda maximoff deserves so much better than all the BS she’s been put through with all the trauma and acting like mental illness makes you a villain and then trying to erase her jewishness like UGH. also white washing her in the movies AND barely having her interact with her kids (especially poor tommy)
2) wally west. HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT WALLY HAS BEEN THROUGH?????? ok first, barry allen comes back in the 00s even when no one wanted that white bread boring ass who died in the 80s. he shoulda stayed dead. and basically barry replaces wally as the flash and wally gets screwed over for awhile (and is even mean to hartley during countdown which is sooo OOC). then wally dies in flashpoint bc barry allen wanted his mommy. 
then the reset happens and… wally doesn’t show up for THREE. YEARS. Three Full Years. and when he comes back he’s black, which is chill except they then pull a vaguely racist white saviour story with barry and wally as the angry black kid, and completely erase wally’s personality while also giving him a bad costume. and then kinda ignore him for awhile
after that rebirth happens and they decided yknow what, wally HAS suffered too much. lets bring him back! and make him kid flash–oh wait sorry, thats two different wallys. yeah bc apparently appeasing racists is more important than giving the current wally west an actual good personality (Tho they do sort eventually do that, and a better costume) so they bring pre52 White Wally back and its annoying and dumb that thers two flash characters named Wally West with the exact same powers BUT THEN
they decide that fucking over wally fans isnt done yet because White Wally becomes a murderer for no reason except ableism against the mentally ill and having lost his family, tries to cover it up, and then gets like fucking??? doctor manhanttens powers??? for no reason like STOPPPPP also he hasnt talked to hartley, his bff, in like a decade now. thanks. anyways kienyan is Best Wally
3) ok dami’s been having a character assassination as well between that weird illegal prison he had (which??? is so ooc???? for him now??? maybe 2009 dami woulda done it but not 2019 dami???????) and then being blamed for alfreds death just. UGH. 
4) when will the real dick grayson return from the war. also can writers stop implying his adoptive family isnt his real family lol
5) writers stop making bruce wayne an abusive dad challenge. hes a flawed father but he CARES. He LOVES JASON!! HE LOVES ALL HIS KIDS!! stop
6) speaking of bat fam, talia’s whole character assassination by taking her from a troubled femme fatale who was not overly cruel and did care about people and really truly loved bruce to a r*pist who is fine with killing her own ELEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD ???? yeah. fuck off. also racism 
7) hey speaking of movies with wanda, i dont hate movie loki but i am so so sos so fucking mad that we will probably never get the genderfluid bisexual loki from the comics. UGH. 
8) the fact that babs can walk again is BS and she shoulda been in bop esp since they erased cass’s disability. also cass has rly been screwed lately AND steph god
i could go on but there you go
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aslightstep · 7 years
Okay now I’M rewatching Civil War. Thanks @lavengadoraaa.
Note that everything here is my opinion and I’m gonna be super honest with y’all: if you wanna discuss, no prob, if you wanna straight up argue, maybe hold off. Indefinitely.
-I think part of what makes CACW so frustrating for me is that, like AoU, it clearly shows the steps involved in the ‘larger Marvel Universe.’ We must show Step A, to get to Step B, to make Step C happen. You build that fucking bridge, Feige, but maybe not leave it so barebones?
-Also the fact that CACW implies all sorts of things that are just mindboggingly and also kind of not congruent with former canon. I don’t watch AoS but where are all the Former SHIELD agents scurrying around the compound. Why don’t the Avengers already have some kind of official structure. If they do, is it through Stark? And as I’ve mentioned before, nooooooo, this is really not how the UN works and most likely Tony/Fury/someone would have caught the Accords as they were being presented because you have to roundtable that shit. (Although apparently it was expedited?)
-THE FRAMING OF THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE SCENE. A few times someone gets in between Wanda and Vision, Rhodey and Sam flanking Cap like that, Tony going from reclining and then as he asserts more authority and also gets more irritated, standing and moving. (Also Rhodey being slightly seated the whole time is just beautiful when considering his solid, poised stance on the Accords that is maintained throughout the film.) Natasha staying purposefully low, ScarJo doing something really cool with her posture there that I can’t quite pin.
-Oh my god, this is the moment “Congratulations Cap, you’re a criminal” that made my mom start hating Rhodey! Like. MOTHER. Homeslice just destroyed a freeway. You want Rhodey to give him a medal or something?
-In light of his teased role in Infinity War as a sort of Cassandra, Tony’s need to keep everyone together because a lot more...idk, sad. And terrifying.
-I think what I love in regards to What Tony Did Wrong In Civil War is this movie’s ability to have characters snap back at Tony about his need for control without ever saying it. (which is why I think Natasha being so rattled she has to resort to the old dig about his ego is so delicious. They let Tony’s actions speak for himself in regards to that, and Nat having to go after an insult so bare-faced to mask her hurt is neat writing.)(It’s also neat that like she’s not being her normal efficient self and yet it still kinda works? Tony’s like ‘what if i am getting in my own way, no more moping, lets double check this shit’)
-I think my beef with the “i cannot control their fear” line is not only is it completely unearned, it’s unfair to Wanda. Also, its this big sweeping empowerment statement (that is scary as fuck coming from someone who can and has gotten into people’s heads to do serious harm to others) and it. Goes nowhere? I have no idea how this movie wants me to feel about her. Is she a poor fragile innocent flower with no agency, is she a kickass powerful witch, is she completely deluded? Is she all of the above?        -(also why does this movie seem to glorify (that’s not the right word but idk a better one yet) acceptable losses? look, i’m a pragmatist at heart and I will totally pull a 616 Tony and run a numbers game if it comes right down to it, but this whole ‘sometimes we will lose people’/’i can’t control their fear’ coming from the characters it comes from is ???????)
-Poor Scott Lang is like the definition of Extra in this film. From flinging an oil tanker by accident to “It’s your conscience we haven’t spoken in awhile.” Who are you, bug man.
-I’m forever thankful for CACW for not making the sound of Rhodey crashing horrifying like TASM2 did with Gwen hitting the ground. Sheeeesh, that still makes me shudder thinking about it.
-Unpopular opinion! Yes, Zemo’s plan is bonkers, but I love Daniel Bruhl’s portrayal and I find Zemo incredibly effective as a villain.
-THE BLOCKING IN THE BIG LIE REVEAL SCENE. Tony immediately rounding back on Steve when Steve holds him back, the way RDJ kind of gathers himself, and asks the question that he really wants to know.
“Did you know?” “I didn’t know it was him.” And Tony just starts to flip all the internal tables because that’s Tony’s kind of deflection and that also not what Tony is asking. “Don’t bullshit me Rogers, did you know?” I love that.
(Unpopular opinion 2: I love that its so horrifying that Tony like so many others is so consumed by if Steve knew at all about his dead parents that to him Bucky becomes, for a brief moment, what HYDRA made out of him: just a weapon. “I don’t care, he killed my mom.” It is all about what Bucky did. It’s all about the bullet. That’s very human, but it also gives me a lot of hope for Tony and Bucky in the future because of anyone Tony would know that the hands that made a weapon were more important, more responsible than the weapon itself. Like, I think Tony has every right to be a little wary of Steve after the Siberia fight but I don’t blame Steve for taking him down, at all. And Steve would have cause to be wary of Tony too.)
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