#what's cinder “look who's talking” fall gonna do?
strqyr · 14 days
salem may be in vale but even if she has prohibited cinder from going to vacuo until they find the crown, if there's no tangible progress in that end there's a non-zero chance that cinder might just sneak out and go to vacuo anyway.
i mean, she sneaked out to amity arena, what difference is one trip from vale to vacuo going to make :P
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howlingday · 2 months
Soo if jaune is the only one who pass.. Who gonna be his team? team cfvy? cinder team? Or his gonna be like qrow like a solo hunter
Short summary of my answer; I haven't really decided on an answer to this question at the time of writing this. For now, I'm thinking he's simply attending Beacon alone without anyone on his team until the next semester when a new team arrives, perhaps. OC team, maybe?
And to answer the suggestions; CFVY is a team of third years and it would be really awkward to just add a first year into their already established dynamic, although it would be very fitting considering the current canon. Cinder has yet to really do anything in Vale, let alone start infiltrating with Emerald, Mercury, and Neo under the disguise as Haven students for the Vytal tournament. Qrow is a solo huntsman after already graduating with Team STRQ, which tells me that having a team is required to graduate.
Jaune's siren wailed at him as he groaned, raising his tired limb and reaching for his scroll. Shutting it off, he blinked, feeling the stinging pain in his eyes. Sleep, once again, continued to be a privilege he hadn't yet earned, or at least not at night, anyways. Giving another groan, he pushed himself from his bed, ready to attempt another day.
The nightmares continued to haunt him, even after a week of his "passing" of initiation. He gagged on his toothbrush thinking about it, throwing up in the sink. With a weak groan, he turned on the faucet and washed away most of the bile. He'd get the rest later, if he had the energy for it. For now, he had to finish getting ready.
Looking to the time, he'd have to miss breakfast. Again. He couldn't remember the last time he had breakfast before initiation. He closed his eyes to try and remember but could only sway and nearly fall over after overcoming the pain in his eyes. Pulling on his uniform, he made his way down to class.
"Good morning, Jaune." The girl greeted as she passed him. He groaned like a zombie in return. He never caught her name, but he recognized her by her large rabbit ears on her head. She'd tried starting a conversation with him, but he was either too tired or she was too busy with her team to take it further than small talk. Still, it was nice to be greeted every morning by a friendly face.
"Mr. Arc, so glad of you to finally join us." Grumbled Professor Port.
"Huh?" Jaune looked to his watch. Crap, he was late. Class was almost over.
"I will see you after class, Mr. Arc. And don't worry, I've already informed Professor Oobleck, and the headmaster."
Jaune moaned as he slid into his seat. He was about to get another earful of 'no free rides at Beacon Academy' from the large, red huntsman. He blinked once, then twice, then was woken up by a thunderous roar of a weapon being fired.
"What the hell is the matter with you?!" A woman shouted.
"What? Shouting didn't work!" A fat hand waved into Jaune's direction. "And see? He woke up!"
"That is not the-!" The woman sighed. "Jaune Arc, you will return to your quarters and get some rest. You are excused from the rest of your classes for the day."
Jaune, however, couldn't hear her. He was too busy reliving the worst day of his life. Hearing everyone scream, the flash in the cave, the red-eyed nightmares that hunted him in the shadows. Suddenly, a face came into view. It was the face of woman with green eyes and glasses. He felt her cold hands touch his face, forcing her to look at him.
"Look at me." She calmly said. "Breathe with me, okay?" Deep breath in, deep breath out. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. "Do you know who I am?"
"Pruh... Professor Goodwitch." Things started to slow down around him.
"Yes. Yes, that's right. Do you know where you are?"
"I'm... I'm at Beacon." His heart slowed, too. "I'm at Beacon."
"Very good. Very good. Did you hear what I said?"
"I... No. No, ma'am."
"That's okay. I told you to return to your room and get some rest. Do you need help getting there?"
"No, I... I'll be fine." Jaune said, holding back the whole truth. He would be fine reaching his room, but what then? He didn't know.
The only thing he did know what that he was alive, and they were all dead.
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dragonform · 22 days
Dragons Rising Season 2 Pt1 overall thoughts!
In no particular order:
Wow, this season was the heaviest one yet. I'd been a bit disappointed by how Season 1 seemed a bit light on the life lessons that I found so compelling in Ninjago. Well, DR2 delivered in spades, from the theme of secrets, to the issues of mental health. Never should've doubted Ninjago writers!
WHY LEAVE SO MANY UNRESOLVED THREADS THOUGH. Not even clues for fans to speculate on?!?
Like what happened in Cole's journey to follow Master Wu?
What really is that glowing orb sprite thingy? Because it showed up in the Monastary of Spinjitzu to close the portal gate, right? How was it doing that before they'd even traveled to Mysterium? Have I misunderstood something? (Granted, I had to do chores here and there so I really might've missed something... need a rewatch)
Where did Cinder even come from? How did Ras recruit him? What's his story?
What really is Arin's object spinjitzu power?
Of course I'm sure all of this will be resolved/revealed eventually, but it seems a lot to conclude in the next 10 episodes. Oh wait, they've said they have enough material for a few more seasons right? Well, sure looks like enough for at least a third season.
I think the ones who are gonna have a falling out are Arin and Sora. It's gonna be revealed, maybe at some critical point, that he didn't actually do object spinjitzu to get them the win, and it's gonna destroy his self confidence as well as his trust in Sora.
They're gonna get all of the Forbidden Five out eventually, possibly by shoving more ninja through the gate. Which is fine, because the ninja will just meet up and come back through the Power of Friendship!
SO CURIOUS to find out what the elemental powers of the Forbidden Five are.
I was a little disappointed by the lack of Euphrasia though. I thought for sure she'd have a more major role this season, but she still remained a side character for most of it. Oh well, patience!
BONZLE. I did NOT expect her story to go this way. Still trying to wrap my brain around a sentient spell, but hey. It's Ninjago.
Love her so much though she's so precious.
Speaking of precious, ZANE. That's it. That's the whole thought.
No, I AM going to expand on that. Look at how he had such a vast knowledge of the Administration's rules and regulations. Look at how he stalled them with it. Look at the pride he had in helping them raise their efficiency by NINE PERCENT. IT COULD'VE BEEN TEN YOU GUYS. IF HE HADN'T GOTTEN RESCUED.
MR FROHICKY. I need that Frohicky plushie like YESTERDAY.
COLE. He's still protecting and trying to comfort everyone. What an amazing fight he put on at the monastary, almost a one-man army against the Adminstration's mechs, with Gandalaria's support. I bet his failure to protect Zane would have devastated him if Zane had been deactivated permanently. Fortunately Gandalaria knows more about nindroids than she should...
GANDALARIA! Endlessly positive and chirpy and disorganised. Like a more established Fungus. Wish I could be her. Loved seeing her dynamic with Cole being her straight man (hush, yes I know.)
So happy to see Kai get his focus for a change. Love Lloyd but he gets the focus like... every season. Kai needs the love. He's really cool this season.
Nya gets the least focus :( I miss her
WHY are all the ninjas' powers only as powerful as the plot calls for it :/ Zane's frozen way more than just a runaway mech back in the day!
I still think Ras looks too cuddly to be taken seriously as an antagonist. I mean would you not hug a Ras plushie? Look at those eyes. Look at that nose.
Is Ras's master a Source Dragon or the Overlord? OR BOTH?
Love Rontu, but she is such an archetypal (?) Nurturing Mentor to Egalt's Grumpy Old Master
Egalt has dragon cancer :( he looks way cooler in the show than he looked in the promotional materials and the set
I haven't talked about Jay, have I? JAY. Oh how my heart skipped a beat when he showed up pointing that gun/taser at Bonzle. I literally said out loud "OH NO OH NO OH NO".
I think that was the single most terrifying part of the whole season for me. I don't even know why it was so visceral. I think I was worried that his entire peronality had changed, though I don't know why I thought that, since in Pt1 he was literally playing video games instead of working.
So I was actually relieved to hear that he felt he didn't really belong in the Administration. Pre-merge Jay probably couldn't even fill out a single form properly. He probably had Nya or Zane or Cole do all the paperwork for him.
He clearly wasn't suprised that he had control over lightning. Why did nobody know about it? He's the kinda guy who'd use his powers for entertainment if he didn't have a good reason to hide them.
He didn't recognise his own ninja outfit D:
Lastly, the Finders - I'm also a little troubled by how Cole seems to put them ahead of his ninja family, but then again. He knows the ninja are all very capable warriors who can take care of themselves. On the other hand, for who knows how long, he had felt responsible for protecting his little newfound family. It makes sense that he would continue priotising them even after finding his old family.
In conclusion, Cole is such a dad :D
And to wrap it up, NEED PT 2 NOW 6 MONTHS IS TOO LONG TO WAIT NETFLIX /shakes fist
Sorry that was so long and rambling! Fun though.
I had wanted to do a blow by blow reaction post of every episode, but I can't seem to get clear photos from my device without major reflection issues. Still trying though!
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
New rwby ep dropped V9 ep6, my thoughts, praise, and criticisms (as well as obvious spoilers) beneath the keep reading.
I'll give it to rwby, the twist that Alyx had a brother was not expected! I'm proud of them, actually, the two falling lights and the guy in the portrait, and even the footprints in the sand, that was all well done foreshadowing! Good on them.
The blink and you'll miss it reflection of Summer in the water is well done, not a lot of attention drawn to it.
Might hate that Jaune is here, but his line delivery of things like "I was the Rusted Knight" is well done too. Perfectly captures Jaune having wanted to be that, it captured his old feelings of pride that he must've felt, while obviously still bittersweet.
The thing is that I'm half-convinced that Jaune is going to be a secret accidental antagonist, and that his story about Alyx is him being an unreliable narrator, and if that's the case then to me the scene where he talks about Alyx seems - as of right now - pretty good!
The animators are once again knocking themselves out of the park on Blake's facial expressions.
I've already said it in another post, but it deserves repeating that after ten years, rwby confirmed main characters as queer. No matter how it's done (and I talk about my problems with it below) and how badly it's been handled before, it's a point blank period good thing and every bit of rep we see on screen helps normalize it and encourage it as expected for future media.
Again, I have very little praise.... Um, the sound effects remained good? That's all I've got tbh.
Me seeing even a moment of Jaune's POV going through a similar thing to Ruby in the beginning of ep1 was a curse. I am sincerely starting to hate him, and that's such a sad thing because I'm one of the few rwby critics who ever liked him at all (mostly as a concept, he's been used so badly,) but I just get so sick of seeing him and now me at Jaune is like:
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Honestly they really just wanted Jaune to get a time-skip and be super old but needed an excuse for why the same thing didn't happen to Team RWBY so they went with special time fruit that he picked that sent Jaune back in time in the Ever After and created himself as the rusted knight he knew from the story in a time-loop worthy of Doctor Who. But I think it's stupid as hell. Sure Jaune jus yank a clock-fruit off of a clock-tree, that sounds like a good idea. /s Sure writers, just make a clock-tree that sends Jaune back in time, that sounds like a good idea. /s
Little is still an annoying intrusion.
Weiss being into Jaune is a bad choice.
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I know it's hard for these writers because Jaune fans make up like fifty percent of their most loyal fans (the other fifty are bees shippers,) but if they could stop trying to convince us that Jaune is hot that would be great. Especially because let's not forget that Jaune was a total nice guy to Weiss, bothering her when she'd made it very clear she wasn't interested and I know 'times change' or whatever but it's a bad look to have her thirsting after him now and again it's just gonna feed the more misogynistic Jaune fans.
They cut away from Jaune actually telling Team RWBY what happened of course. Why would the audience want to see characters react to things when we can just understand they had emotions off screen? /s This is just like Yang's story about landing in the Ever After, we just brush it aside, but it makes the emotions so shallow and lacking.
Ruby: "We lost Atlas and the Relic." Blake: "But we got everyone out safely." NOOOoooooo babygirl, you did not do that. Not only were tons of soldiers sacrificed to try and hold her back, but Cinder attacked citizens on that bridge and apparently they were dead in the explosion, and also the Mantle and Atlas citizens were tossed into the middle of a sandstorm and got attacked by Grimm and that last one might not something the girls know, but they know the rest and nobody protests that Blake and Jaune both just think everyone is safe? This is especially weird to me considering that they don't know that Qrow, Robyn, Maria, and Pietro are safe (and they might not be!) And Penny is literally fucking dead. Like no, you guys are just delusional tbh and at this point I legit feel like the writers are trying to manipulate their fans into thinking that what they watched wasn't actually what they watched.
Ruby: "What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway?" Yang: "That's how Ironwood thought." So that's boiling down the volume 7 problem to being incredibly simplistic and tbh in not a very fair way (this is acting like Ironwood didn't want to save anyone in volume 7 and it's acting like Team RWBY had any real plan in volume 7 themselves,) but it's also.... Not wrong. If Salem gets all the Relics, the world could end and kill literally every person alive, Ruby is just saying 'we should've prioritized her not getting a doomsday key because not doing that could lead to Salem KILLING EVERYONE ALIVE ON THE PLANET. Yang is acting like being slightly realistic for two seconds is being on the path of villainy!
Blake's like "Hope the Cat is okay." I understand that the girls are processing a lot, but some of them didn't even think about the Cat risking itself, risking death, after having been freaked out by the Jabberwalker, and now the most they can muster when they remembered it existed at all is "yeah hope it's okay." Shouldn't they be slightly more worried about the life of an ally?
Jaune needs to take a million chill pills. Mr. Trauma he may be but if it's a choice between him or the Cat... I'm taking the cat. And he needs to not pull a "team RWBY" and draw his weapons on people. What was he gonna do, kill the cat? Nice thought, that Jaune might want to be a cold-blooded out-of-anger murderer as well as a it's-what-she-wanted out of kindness murderer.
Weiss: "We've been following this story the whole time and it's not even true?!" Okay, let's review. They arrived in the Ever After and a couple of things that happened to Alyx also happened to them so they assumed that they were going through the story in the same way as her - which is why they played the game with the Red Prince - but then when they beat the Prince's game same as Alyx, they got wildly off track without any of them mentioning it while none of them recognized the Cat right away and encountered a whole character who didn't exist in the book and then said they were off book, and then they went to a market to get a growgurt with none of them even sort of saying Alyx had done the same iirc, And now Weiss is insisting that they have been following the story? No, they stopped doing that like two episodes ago, right? The only thing they've been trying to do in the story is just go to the Tree, and they've been relying on the Cat for that since they ran from the Prince, not the book. So why is Weiss now acting like they've been following in Alyx's footsteps the whole time? They already know the Ever After contains lots of things that weren't in the original book - like the concept of Ascencion and the Caterpillar and other things they act like they don't know about like the loop, so why are they now acting like the story not containing everything in the Ever After is new?
So because of people being mad at the Cat, either the Cat or Ever After itself put everyone in a "punderstorm" (stupid name,) which is a "physical manifestation of a mental or emotional problem" (It's implied the Cat did it, but I'm unsure.) This is another thing that isn't in the Ever After book based on the reactions of the girls, and it immediately punishes Weiss for saying its the pits? Implying that the Ever After itself is an entity with enough consciousness to be offended? Also the gag where Weiss falls through the hole and then reappears falling on her back is very Marvel, very Spongebob. Oddly enough Weiss is just like "yep my bad lol" and doesn't say something like "omg did the Ever After itself just punish me for insulting it?!"
Jaune says the only way out is to fix the problem or 'wait for the storm to pass' before he directs them to keep moving before saying that Blake and Yang must've had 'something bigger' to work out. Here's the thing with that. Yeah, Blake and Yang did have their feelings to talk to each other about, but the Ever After forces them away from the others to talk about their emotional problem, and didn't like, force Jaune and Ruby into a place where he tells her he killed Penny? It doesn't force Ruby to stand across from her teammates and tell them she can't take everything anymore and it isn't fair that she's carrying them on her shoulders? The Ever After doesn't trap Weiss until she works out her clear emotional problems about losing Atlas? The Ever After doesn't put Jaune across from the Cat until they make up again over the situation with Alyx and Lewis? Why is it that Blake and Yang get singled out? Oh yeah, because the writers are singling them out. They might as well have had the RWBY writers appear on screen and shuffle Blake and Yang away from the others while breaking the fourth wall to tell the camera Office-style that they just can't write for characters to do things naturally so please stick with 'em for this brief intermission.
Blake and Yang need to get to the platform in the middle!
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It's too bad that they aren't hunters who can launch themselves into the air or have weapons that help them with that!
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Yang earlier: "Wasn't Alyx bad? She lied and cheated her way through the whole book." Jaune now: "She wasn't just a little petulant, or inconsiderate. She was selfish, cruel." Either Jaune misread Alyx in the book or Yang did, lol. 'A little petulant' is a minor character flaw (and every character ought to have at least one character flaw,) being a bad example for little kids on what not to do and a liar and a cheat through the whole story is something else entirely! This is hilarious, Jaune and Yang would've been out there accusing the other of being brainless antis who didn't read the same story. XD
So Alyx poisoned Jaune and he died? He says "I was dead" So... how did he come back to life? Is he alive?
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Also it's worth noting that Blake and Yang don't even call for Weiss, Ruby, or Jaune and don't act worried about them at all despite the fact that "punderstorms" and their role is clearly also not part of the book. That's not helping the 'no they do care about other people' argument tbh.
Yang: "I like that you've never been intimidated by me." No lie, when I heard this, I burst out laughing. Blake has never been intimidated by Yang? She acted like Yang would hit her because Yang chose to go on a separate mission! Blake has been animated to make worried faces all season long while she tries to patiently coax Yang into not losing her temper like one would talk to a five year old. Blake has acted hesitant to express her worries with Yang - heck, throughout most of season six, Blake was acting like she was waiting for Yang to hit her, and their 'triumphant' moment in volume six was Blake sobbingly trying to assure Yang that she wouldn't ever leave her. Again, these characters are acting like they're delusional. Yang claiming that Blake has never been intimidated by her when Blake as recently as three in-universe days ago at least was ducking her head with a sad face and hunched shoulders while she waited for a scolding looking like she feared being hit because Yang had left her... It just makes Yang look like she doesn't pay any attention to Blake really, and during their love confession, that's a very bad look!
I would so much prefer a love confession where Blake and Yang naturally just told each other how they felt or kissed in the heat of a moment or something rather than having them forced into it, not only is it very fanfic in the worst way but it's also.... Cutting it kind of close to uncomfortable. If I was forced to confess my attraction to another girl, then no matter how sure I felt about my own feelings or how sure I felt that she felt the same way, I'd be pissed off. The fact that Blake and Yang are just like "aww I think we have to tell each other how we feel uwu" and not being like "god the Ever After doesn't even know if we're out and they're forcing this on us?" is weird lol.
Blake and Yang start telepathy communicating with each other?? I think??? And neither of them reacts to it????
Also here's the thing, being completely honest when I don't ship something, the attention and focus the ship gets and the shipping scenes are annoying to me. It's the same thing with Arthur and Gwen in Merlin, it's the same thing with having to watch Aragorn kiss Arwen. It's a complaint that I don't expect or even want to be adhered to because I'm not the only person in the world and I do think Blake and Yang needed the confirmation they got (though with most ships I don't ship my problems usually extend to not thinking they're super well done,) but it did lessen my personal enjoyment of the episode that such a large chunk of it was devoted to this ship that I honestly don't really like. This would be a skip on every watch through tbh.
Jaune: "Feels like I've been waiting forever for that." Buddy, when have you talked to Blake or Yang for more than a minute? Jaune is not only like twenty years removed from this situation but has very little established closeness between either girl involved. I feel like this would be like if I went back to my hometown in ten years and saw two friends of my sister kissing and I was like "I've been waiting forever for that!"
At first I thought I liked the Celtic Women style song that plays when Blake and Yang kiss, but on my second watch of this ep, I feel like I don't.
Anyway, those are my thoughts.... 2/10 episode. Pretty bad generally.
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Another Pawn
for Angstpril, Day 4: Why Did You Leave?
cw: violence, death mention
previous ///// masterlist ///// next
Sarah could still feel Cinder's arm around her throat as she and Akeela ran to the window, watched him slide down the fire escape and sprint across the pavement. They were the only two home. Hugo and Celeste were on a takeout run, and Rosie was nocturnal; always out and about doing who-knew-what after the sun went down.
Uriah was already siccing people on their little group. Sarah wasn't kidding herself. She knew breaking contract had put a big-ass target on their backs, she just didn't expect it to be so immediate.
Her mistake.
"Do we go after him?" Akeela asked, a new flame already blooming in her hand.
"No… last thing we need right now is a fight." Especially not against Cinder. Deadly assassin back from the dead, what a headline.
Sarah knew she should count herself lucky he hadn't decided to hurt her. Even with Akeela's help, they didn't stand a chance against a trained killer.
"Guess we're gonna have to move again," she muttered, eyeing the burned remains of her book. Now that had been a dick move.
"Where's he going?" Akeela said, and Sarah went to look, enhancing her vision, drawing in more light to see through the shadows, stealing from her sense of taste to lend power to her sight.
Cinder had darted into an alley, where a man in a suit was waiting.
She watched him strike the man.
She watched Cinder fall to the ground, body shuddering for a long, long time.
She almost jumped through the window, instinct driving her to go put a stop to it, but the man in the suit was running away before she could even reach for the ledge.
And she watched as two familiar figures made a dash for the man on the ground.
"They're back," Sarah said, watching as Hugo stopped several feet short, undoubtedly wary. Celeste kept going, crouching a few feet away with an outstretched hand, as if to offer assistance.
Sarah hoisted herself through the window and started climbing down the fire escape.
The assassin was pushing himself up off the ground with shaky arms, ignoring Celeste's outstretched hand.
Despite the fact that she'd just been attacked by him, Sarah felt a twinge of sympathy as she looked at his cybernetics. Overkast had taken that fight too far, for sure. 
And paid for it with his life.
"That looked bad," Celeste was saying in a soft voice as Sarah approached. "Are you okay?"
He muttered something in response that she didn't quite catch, and she silently cursed. Already enhancing her eyes to see clearly through the shadows, and now she'd have to sharpen her hearing too. She dulled her sense of smell—the alley wasn't exactly easy on the nose anyway—and shifted focus to her ears, stopping a few feet from where Celeste knelt.
There was a ton of background noise; the footsteps behind her as Akeela made her way to the group, the rats in the alley dumpster, the sounds of distant traffic, even the faint buzz of the streetlight half a block away. But above everything else was Celeste's voice, still soft in tone, but decidedly easier to hear.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, it's okay."
"Hurting my feelings talking to me like I'm a kicked dog," Cinder mumbled.
"Sorry. Do you want us to get the shock collar off? My friend Hu—Keystone is good with that kind of thing."
Meanwhile, Hugo was standing a good twenty feet back. Sarah didn't blame him. Neither of their powers were much use in a fight, and Cinder was really fucking scary. Then again, Celeste didn't even have powers and here she was, braver than any of them.
"Why bother? They'll find me again anyway."
"Are they tracking you? We can still help, right?" This time she cast a look over her shoulder. Sarah pressed her lips together thoughtfully.
Could they? Well obviously they could, Hugo was basically a technomancer. But was it safe? He'd just broken into their base, and while he hadn't hurt any of them, the threat was still there.
And yet at the same time, he seemed like he might be a victim of Titanium. Another one of Uriah's pawns, and it didn't look like he was playing the game willingly. If they helped him, maybe he could help them bring Corporate down for good.
Reformed Assassin would be a killer origin story.
"We can," she confirmed, stepping closer. "Look, we aren't enemies here. We hate Uriah just as much as you."
"He hates you back. 'Dead or alive', he said."
She tried not to think too much about that, giving him a shrug. "Looks like we're still alive."
"I could still change that."
Sarah couldn't come up with a response that didn't feel like it was poking the bear. A collection of small metallic clinks met her ears, and she saw Cinder had curled his hands into fists.
"I know your type. Think you're good people, think you can save everyone." His fists clenched, the movement accompanied by a slight schting. "But you can't. Some people just aren't worth it."
And when he disappeared into the shadows, not even Celeste dared to follow.
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor
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grimmgrinningghouls · 2 years
an idiot stares at the v9 teaser for a lot longer than she should
here we fucking go i guess This part, it opens with "there was once a girl who had a lot of problems" to me this isn't actually part of the fairy tale hell they're currently in, and more representative of Rubys inner mind.
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"before she went back home, the girl had a great many questions to ponder" Is pretty self-explanatory. She's gotta get answers before she heads home Gonna be real with you. I ain't got the slightest fucking idea what this is. A minecraft dropper??? Idk. I think its more there to show that this isn't remnant and the things we see aren't normal things we're going to see in reality
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Okay well, that fucking stings. Also, find it interesting how one of pennys maiden swords survived the fall. I've said it before and I highly doubt they'll do it, but what if they find pennys body down there. That'd be so fucked up but at this point, I'm not putting anything past them.
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"Who had she become?" Well considering the description of v9 I think Rubys definitely gonna have the biggest identity crisis or get a serious case of imposter syndrome. Or both. (Tumblr said no and wouldn't let me upload the image)
"Would she still be the same when she went back home?" this line can apply to all of team rwby. Either whatever they see here is too traumatizing and fucks em up more, or they go through some growth. Also probably both.
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The first thing I thought when I saw this was "Oh, Weiss's knight". Not sure what that means, but its there I suppose. It could possibly be the white knight from alice and wonderland (White knight shippers shut up)
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So I have no idea what the fuck this thing is either. His skin tone kinda reminds me of the god of darkness. Now I haven't seen or read anything alice in wonderland in years, but wasn't there some form of jester in the original? this thing reminds me a lot of some kind of jester. It had very quick and twitchy movements too. It's horns also kinda remind me of the jabberwocky.
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uh oh spaghettio-o's ice cream lady is maddddddd
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Who the hell are you? Not sure but I think it could be one of the civilians who got yeeted by cinders bitch beam. They're important enough to be added in, and the footsteps on the beach beside them look fresh. Once again not sure what it means but its there.
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This appears to be from the same scene as the clip at rtx. I wasn't there so i've only seen the lower quality version, but it maybe the mouses reaction to Ruby explaining she doesn't know where she is or why the mouse is talking.
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This HAS to be the queen of hearts. A potential villain aside from an angry ice cream lady. How interesting.
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Okay well i've hit the 10 image limt, one moment and I'll have the rest of this up.
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fanstuffrantings · 5 months
Gonna ramble about arkos in my rewrite for a minute (I want everyone to know I keep the canon ships as is I just alter things slightly.) Because they've been on my mind and watching the justice league/rwby crossover got me thinking:
For everyone: in this au Pyrrha is team leader and secretly more egotistical and cut off from others though she uses her canon personality as a cover, jaune is a gulible/friendly/supprotive hometown boy who joined beacon because every year Ozpin picks one random teenager to accept in to become a hunter hoping to craft a hero from nothing. There's a low survival rate but some do survive.
Imagine if Jaune's affections for Weiss never made it past volume 1. She gives a very calm, very to the point talk to him about how he doesn't know her and how unwelcome his advances are. Having 7 sisters and being raised properly means he bows out and accepts that he acted too quickly.
So through volume 1 and part of 2 we get him and pyrrha growing as friends and both of them shifting from their initial opinions (pyrrha viewing him as a simpleton/puppy and jaune viewing her as just his leader and friend) towards something neither quite expected. They go to the dance together, pyrrha thinking it was an intentional date and Jaune not understanding his own feelings awkwardly saying "friendship date" several times. Something that bruises Pyrrha's ego yet she's willing to let go once he comes crying and apologizing for not realizing her feelings or his own.
They become our first canon couple. But they don't kiss. Specifically because jaune gets embarrassed every time something potientially can happen and Pyrrha isn't the type to chase. When Pyrrha is informed she's expected to become the maiden it's not worry so much as pride she starts exhibiting and Jaune can tell but is saddened when she avoids being honest with him about what's going on. He's not perceptive but he starts to see through her facade and understand her. Even barely.
Penny's death is the first time we see Pyrrha's composure falter. She's also very controlled in battle. Nothing goes wrong. And yet to all watching she just killed another student. When the groups reconvene she's not acting right. Her callouts for attacks are wrong. She's getting agitated, her own fighting is stumbling. And Jaune is trying to help. He doesn't understand but he's there for her. The way she's acting is scaring him but he figures they can talk about it once they get to safety.
In the mean time he is her partner so he won't let her go anywhere alone. He goes with her and Ozpin to the maiden. Again he doesn't understand but he knows she'll tell him later. He has to believe she will. The death of the Fall maiden shatters her composure more. She becomes desperate. But Ozpin forces her out. She allows herself to get far enough away, to look for an opening. As her and Jaune stand there knowing Ozpin lost and Cinder is still there she internally decides to reclaim her victory.
Jaune is the one who kisses her. Starting to understand how she thinks. Hoping that getting her to focus on the people around her will lead to her running, because she doesn't think she can die. But he is painfully aware she can.
And things follow the same, she gets him out of there. Shows him a slightly unsettling grin and says she'll see him soon. Runs into a fight she's positive she can't lose, only to die in the process of it. The Pyrrha Jaune was only beginning to see, that he still wanted to understand.
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mean-and-rwde · 1 year
Volume 9 thoughts
[Spoilers, possibly]
[Rambling ahead]
I don't want to throw out all hope that V9 won't be absolute ""filler"", but it clashes too hard with the high emotions of the V8 finale.
If V8 was trying to be V3 (it failed), then I guess one could say V9 is like V4.
Except V4, while personally being one of my lesser-favorite volumes, does a nice bridge between the absolute chaos of the V3 finale to the V5 chaos. It's slower, a lot more dialogue heavy, and yet manages to remain somewhat true to canon without breaking it too much.
V9, however, looks to be a V1 - V2 ish theme but definitely not nearly as light hearted. I mean, they look to be in fucking wonderland (I heard it's called the Ever After, which is not much better, in my opinion). We've got talking mice among possibly other wild scenarios.
Meanwhile in Remnant (? I don't think Ever After is part of Remnant, I don't know tho):
- Atlas has become Atlantis (to quote my brother, who I guess heard it from a review somewhere?)
- Everyone who didn't fall into The Void / died when Atlas fell is now in Vacuo, the last standing kingdom.
- Vacuo is already very much struggling with what the citizens have. Now what's left of an entire kingdom has been dumped in as well.
- Salem has 2 / 4 relics needed to end the world and is on her way to Vacuo, where the last relic is being held.
- Cinder is still here. Like a damn cockroach
Side rant: I'm sorry, I just don't care for her anymore. I miss V1 - V3 Cinder, who was a legitimate threat and actually scary. Now she's an villain who is funniest when she fails. When I see her now, the sense of dread is more like "ugh this bitch again" instead of before where I was like "oh shit she's back what is she gonna do now?".
Adding her backstory in V7 (or was it V8? I literally can't remember) did nothing for me. It was way too on the nose, there was nothing subtle about it. And the song playing was basically beating the audience over the head with what was happening. It's too late to give her backstory, now it's completely unnecessary. It means nothing. And she has resorted to relying on the maiden powers in fights, makimg her fights boring and monotonous.
Also in Remnant:
- A shit ton of people fell into the void
- Penny is dead. Again. But permanently.
Our mains are in some weird wonderland like world where I'm guessing Neo somehow already has what looks like some sort of gang (in the intro, she's seen drinking tea with a bunch of shadowy people behind her).
There's also the mystery girl, who may have something to do with Ruby.
The intro hints that Ruby has become far more depressed and not nearly as hopeful as she once was. In the beginning, we see her as she transitions between her outfits over the volumes, while her emblem slowly fades.
While her team is running through various scenes, Ruby is dragging her feet, noticeably falling behind everyone else.
I hope this actually goes somewhere and makes Ruby + WBY + Jaune realize that they (especially Ruby) haven't made the best decisions as of late.
I haven't seen Episode 1, but I've heard some bits and pieces of it and I'm generally not thrilled. I know it's only the first episode, but I'm really not down for this whole wonderland shenanigans thing when the real world of Remnant is in danger of literally ending.
I don't know, it really feels like how when the White Fang arc was abruptly cut short and dropped (rip most of Blake's character). Things have gotten too heavy and too much, so the writers cut to something else entirely.
In this case, something comedic (or at least trying to be)
A / N 1: Apparently there's a con-man raccoon called Jinxy who is very... Stereotyped and racist. I have not seen this character, but from what I've heard... I don't think I want to know.
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wolfbetweenrivers · 1 year
Thoughts on RWBY V9C1 (SPOILERS)
Now that RWBY is back with Volume 9, I wanted to take this opportunity to try and make it a habit to write my thoughts about each episode in detail as they come out. Part of the reason I wanna try doing this is because it’s an attempt to practice my critical analysis skills, as I feel they’re very important for my personal career aspirations, along with the fact that I find this kind of thing quite fun to do. So to start off, I’m gonna be writing out my thoughts on the first episode of RWBY V9, including a brief summary of the episode, what I liked about it, and what I think the episode sets up for the subsequent episodes.
This is gonna have lots of spoilers, so I’ve kept it below the cut.
The episode starts by recalling Ruby’s ordeal in the V8 finale, her evacuation plan for Mantle and Atlas being sabotaged by Cinder, witnessing Yang fall into the void after getting ambushed by Neo, losing her scythe, Crescent Rose, as it falls into the void when Neo disarms her, being pushed into the void along with Neo by Cinder who betrays the latter, Ruby getting rescued by Blake using her chain scythe, Gambol Shroud, only for them to be thwarted by Cinder who cut Gambol Shroud’s ribbon, causing Blake to lose half of her weapon as she and Ruby fall into the void. As Ruby falls through the void, she is attacked by Neo once again, before they both black out. Ruby comes around and finds herself in a new world, in the edge of a strange island. She searches for Blake and Yang there, encountering a talking mouse along the way, whom Ruby names Little. Little guides her to Blake and Weiss, the latter of whom also fell after Ruby. They then find Yang, who’s prosthetic arm is missing as they find her fighting a strange beast known as the Jabberwalker before it retreats upon being cornered by the team. With the team reunited, Weiss finally breaks the news about what happened after Ruby fell, the shock of Penny’s death causing Ruby to black out. As she regains consciousness, Team RWBY discuss their situation and what to do in order to find a way home when Blake discovers a huge part of the island that looks like a fairy tale.
First thing I wanna address is that I’m really glad they were able to quickly reunite the team within just the first episode. This volume is gonna be 10 episodes long and each episode on average isn’t that long, so time is of the essence. I would not have liked for them to spend any longer reuniting the team since it is very clear that this volume is going to be very heavy with both lore and character development. 
Obviously the highlight of the reunion was Yang. This is mainly for two reasons. First of all, Blake tackling Yang for a hug was very very beautiful and satisfying in the context of the development of their relationship. Second reason is her interaction with Ruby which happened before Blake hugged her. The first thing Yang could think of when she saw her teammates was the idea that she failed to protect them when she put risked her life and ended up falling. She later mentions that when she woke up on the island, she thought she was dead, so when she saw them she thought they died too and had difficulty reconciling it with being happy to see them again. The reason this scene is so good is because of the way it hints at her character development for this volume, the possibility that the series will finally address her self-sacrificing tendencies that constantly worry her friends and family, and how she needs to realize the harm it causes them. She even had a hard time grappling with the fact that they would even go out of their way to come back for her. Hopefully this volume is where she learns to overcome that at last, with not only Ruby’s help but Blake’s too.
I also wanna talk about Ruby. The flashback of her experience at Central Location is executed in a way that shows how fast and disastrous the whole ordeal was for her. Even as she was falling through the void she had to deal with the trauma of being attacked relentlessly by Neo who kept on shapeshifting to the likenesses of people Ruby cares about, before waking up in a strange world, alone with no idea how to get back, knowing that the woman who tried to kill her is also out there somewhere. And when she reunites with her team, she has to learn about the death of Penny, a person she cared so deeply about and went to great efforts to try and protect. The news is too much for her that she blacks out. But when she wakes up, she is different. She’s completely jaded. In the later half of V8, she was in a similar state upon learning that her mother might have been turned into a Grimm after discovering that the Hound was a silver-eyed person turned into a Grimm by Salem. The only thing that maintained her hope though, was being able to save Penny. But now Penny is dead. Ruby must feel as if all of her efforts were for nothing. What is she supposed to do now? Even if she wanted to do something it’s not like there’s much she could do, from her perspective. She’s the only member of Team RWBY who has lost the entirety of her weapon, something she sees as an extension of herself. 
I’ve also noticed that in Ruby’s compromised state, Blake appears to have stepped up as a leader of the team. She’s shown the most initiative and the most willingness to work hard and create a better outcome as she assesses the situation. She’s definitely come a long way from being the jaded girl she was back at Beacon. It’s also worth pointing out how every time Ruby is experiencing an emotional low (lamenting her situation before meeting Little, fainting after hearing about Penny), it would rain. But as soon as Blake was showing the most resolve, the rain cleared up, the sun shined on her and she was able to find an area on the island that gave the team a better idea of what kind of world they were in now. 
And finally, there’s Weiss. She was the last person to fall, and the only member of the team to know about Penny’s death. She knew how much the news would break Ruby. She struggled with it as she reunited with each teammate one by one, putting off the question every time she was asked about it until they finally found Yang. And yet, when she told Ruby what happened, she only referred to Penny’s death as a self-sacrifice, not mentioning Jaune’s hand in it, but only how he tried to help at first. Does she not know that Jaune was the one who helped Penny kill herself? There’s also the fact that none of the people who fell know that Jaune is here too. It seems to be a major set up for Jaune having to confess to Team RWBY, and we can only wait and see how each member will respond to that. I wonder if it will create some kind of conflict between Ruby and Jaune.
So right now, Team RWBY’s plan is to get to get Ruby’s scythe and Yang’ arm back before figuring out how to get back home. Neo is still out there and is a huge threat. Jaune is also there but none of the others know that and he has to carry the guilt of killing someone Ruby deeply cared about. Everyone who fell has had their fighting capabilities compromised in some way. Ruby is missing her scythe, meaning she can barely fight. Weiss is low on Dust, limiting her range and versatility. Blake is missing a huge portion of her sword’s ribbon, limiting her mobility. Yang is missing her prosthetic arm, now only able to fight with one arm. Neo lost her umbrella but can still trick others with her Semblance. Jaune had half of his sword’s blade cut off, rendering it unusable. There’s also the Jabberwalker, which is also presented as a major threat that will come back soon. And of course, there’s the unpredictable nature of the whole Island itself. It’s a whole different world that nobody thought even existed. Nobody can know what to expect. And if they do find a way out, what will their next plan be?
So overall, I think this episode was a great start to this new Volume, and a great comeback for the series after a hiatus of 2 years. It quickly reunited Team RWBY and also did a good job of setting up their development as characters, especially Ruby, who is the most dejected after hearing about how horribly things went after she fell. 
I am really looking forward to the next episode to see what happens next.
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V3 was finished, and I'm still not ok you guys : D
One would think it would get less painful as time goes on, but nope, still hurts like a bitch. Well done RT, well done.
I gotta start by saying the I may fall fighting sequence will forever have a special place in my heart. The moment we finally understood the lyrics to that song, the moment we finally saw Velvet fighting to her full potential, the callback to the trailers and everything Monty put into this show, the moment Weiss finally was able to summon her knight. It was perfection.
Also, the part were the music drops as Velvet calls on Penny's backpack will always make me tear up, and I always enjoy seeing the same in reactors lol we're a cruel fandom, but it's just because we understand.
Another also; the fact that Weiss just ran straight to put herself in between Velvet and the palladin even before she knew she could summon or that the knight would show up. That's growth. I felt so proud of her, she has come so far<3
Cinder saying 'not a foot out of place' and then Amber discovers them for Emmerald's foot raisikg diste, can't believe I hadn't caught that lol. I wonder how much things would've been different if that didn't happen, because it looks like the rest of plans were already in motion by the point Cinder went after the Powers...
Could've we have Pyrrha still if Cinder had killed Amber in time? I feel horrible for asking, but hey, it's Pyrrha.
I gotta say that as much as Adam is garbage and I always remember him with this picture:
Tumblr media
His design is so fucking cool... I've always loved his hair honestly, and the Rose design in his jacket? Amazing. Why do cool designs happen to awful people?
That pink apron saying 'Please do nothing to the cook' made me headcanon Ren as a Birromantic Ace, I still think the headcanon makes sense so I hold it lol. Also, I still want one of those aprons, my girl is Ace and she loves pink lol.
I always thought it was so cool and sad how so many storylines got interrupted or just never started thanks to the fall of Beacon. We never got to know what Penny's plan to stay at Beacon was. We didn't get to see the timelime where Yang ran away with Qrow to meet Raven. Arkos was barely trying to raise from the ground when it was shot down. So many little plans that can't be anymore, because that's life.
I know it's a very serious moment but I can't watch the scene when Yang calls Blake to make sure they're ok and ask for Ruby, and not remember when Arryn and Barbara said that Blake and Yang are probably always on a facecall with eachother lol.
Tell me I wasn't the only one who thought Port and Oobleck were gonna die when they told the kids to leave the coliseum? I remember being so sad when Port said 'one final match! Place your bets!' and I couldn't believe it when they appeared again during chapter 12 lol. I'm happy they didn't die, they're so great <3
Speaking of 12. I still can't believe they released that chapter on fucking February 14th. That was just cruel...
Yes I'm avoiding talking about Penny... I just can't, sorry.
Kevin the Wyvern grim is a friend <3 I would totally buy a plush of him if shipping to México wasn't so ridiculously expensive </3
Honestly why aren't there more grimm plushies? They're like Pokémon but Black and white and more deadly!
I.. I gotta go ahead and say It... I really, reaaaaally don't like Taiyang... Sorry, but I have never liked him, don't think I ever will... Never considered him a great or cool dad, kinda feel he only gets that rep because of Burnie. Burnie's cool, but Tai's not for me*shrugs*
Qrow saying that 'sometimes bad things just happen, you just have to move on' after knowing about her semblance is painful. This volume is just full of pain.
Cold being a song about Monty that also perfecto fits Pyrrha it's so heartbreakingly poetic to me... THE world is cruel, but sometimes there's beauty in that cruelness.
As a side note is it weird to get a tattoo of someones signature? I've always wanted to get something to honor RWBY and Monty and his signature is so cool...other ideas include a couple lyrics from Indomitable or Penny's symbol
Emmerald's face when she says 'it's almost sad' was the moment we knew she would get her redemtion. Girl's just alone and needing friends, I'm happy to know where She's gonna end later. I still think we must protect Emmerald.
Seriously I didn't remember how much I missed seeing Pyrrha fight until I saw her again. I wish we could see her again!
Speaking of things I wish we could see again: Roman and Neo fighting together was so great, it's a shame we only got one fight with them. Also, I miss how much Neo used to loved causing mayhem with Roman. Neo in the newer volumes always looks so angry and sad, she literally lost the one thing that gave her happiness </3
Seriously why do Robots eyes' always turn red when they go evil? Lol.
Yang talking to Ruby on that last scene Is the literal embodiment of "I don't care, I say caringly, while I care a lot."
Blake why you must hurt your girl so much? And we're now into the separated Bees period! I loved this period of the fandom lol.
Ironwood against the beowolf is honestly pretty epic. Good job RT, you really sold us the character there.
Remember when we saw the Arkos kiss, and that was the moment we knew Pyrrha was not making it out alive? Yeah, that sucked... And still does.
Divide Is probably my favorite ending credits song to this day. It's epic, it's dark, I love how we got all that insight towards Salem just after meeting her. Definitely a fave. Also, Salem's reveal scene always gives me chills<3 Another favorite part to watch reactors get to.
The call back to players and pieces with Ruby running up the wall<3 I was so happy for a second, then it stopped. I haven't been happyever since (?
And so it starts the very long list of things that Ruby needs years of therapy for. I hope that girl gets the happiest, more perfect life after all this is over. Protect the RuBean. And honestly just give everyone therapy.In a world where negative emotions are literally a magnet for death you would think people would try to take better care of their mental health.
Oh yeah, also. People who get mad at Jaune for getting distracted at the vault:. Dont talk to me. Jaune doesn't deserve that hate, I know I wouldn't fared any better, cut him some slack on this.
And there's that... Fuck this volume hurts. Great thing we got chibi to help with the pain a little lol.
Anyways, thanks for the talk guys! Next one is v4! Spoiler Bout that: I was so traumatized by 3 that I 100% thought Ren or Nora were dying on that finale. Thanks for that CRWBY.
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loftec · 2 years
Furlough Deux?!
I know 🙈 It was supposed to be a whole long thing and I only have one small section written, and it's not the most cheeful thing I've ever written haha. Here's a big chunk of it just because the poor thing's been in my drafts for so long. One day, omg, one day.
”You’re gonna make him leave,” Yevgeny eventually mutters but doesn’t meet Ian’s eyes when he glances at him.
”Who?” Ian asks with a confused frown.
Yevgeny sighs and throws the plastic frog across the room, it bounces against one of the mirrors and squeaks when it hits the floor.
”Dad,” Yevgeny replies curtly, and it takes Ian a second to realize that he’s talking about Mickey, ”he’s gonna leave again if you’re not nicer to him.”
Ian sighs and pulls a hand across his face, Yevgeny must have heard them arguing.
”If you make him leave I’ll never ever forgive you,” Yevgeny states and sounds like he’s on the verge of tears when he slumps down on the bed and turns on his side, making himself as small as possible and hiding his face from Ian’s view.
”Yev,” Ian repeats and instantly regrets the way he can’t help sounding a little amused at his son’s threat when Yevgeny pulls his shoulder up further and digs his face into the pillow.
”I’ll hate you forever,” he says, and Ian would probably be worried if the kid didn’t sound so torn up about it, ”I promise I will.”
Ian doesn’t really know what to say, so he scoots back on the bed until he can lean against the wall and be a little more comfortable. He carefully touches his hand to Yevgeny’s ankle, and encouraged when the kid doesn’t try to kick him off, he rests it on his calf and gently moves his thumb over his slightly dirty jeans. The kid’s been playing soccer in the mud again, he can tell. He’s gonna have to do another load of laundry tonight and the thought alone is like another cinder block tied to his ankle, pulling him further down into pressure and numbness. He wants to sleep, he wants to go away. But Yevgeny needs him to get over it, at least until Mickey’s got his bearings and can take care of the kid on his own. Ian isn’t looking forward to becoming unnecessary, or obsolete, or dumped, but he’s pretty sure it’s gonna happen, that that’s where this is leading. He hates the thought, but there’s an odd sort of relief to it, too. 
Make sure they’re fine, and don’t need you, then you can rest. Then you can rest.
”Listen,” he says after a little while, ”Yevy, this is important so you really gotta listen to me, alright?”
He waits until he sees Yevgeny’s hair move over the pillow in a small nod.
”Mickey will never leave you again, you got that?” Ian squeezes his leg gently for emphasis, but Yevgeny doesn’t move. ”Your dad was in prison, Yev, that’s why he wasn’t around before, you know that. I need you to believe me when I tell you there’s nothing on this Earth that could keep him away from you now. Not me, not anyone.”
Yevgeny doesn’t say anything, but his shoulder raises and falls with a heavy sigh.
”Now,” Ian clears his throat and winces at himself, ”you gotta understand… I missed Mickey too, and maybe it’s gonna sound stupid, but it’s not just the good stuff we’ve missed, alright? We’ve missed six years of arguments and fights, and we gotta go through that too, same as everything else. Doesn’t mean I don’t love him, or that he doesn’t-”
Ian lets out a shaky breath. He doesn’t know, Mickey hasn’t said it. Not since Terry’s funeral, not in the following two years for understandable reasons, not in the past three weeks for reasons only known to Mickey. 
”Me-,” he breathes in and shakes his head. He’s so angry with himself for not being able to say these things directly to Mickey, this crippling fear of losing him again is gonna be the very reason why Mickey’s slipping out of his life.
”I’m never gonna let him go again, not if I can help it,” he promises, honestly more to himself than to Yevgeny, ”but, and this is really important too, kiddo… if Mickey decides that he doesn’t want to be with me anymore, you know, it doesn’t change anything. He’s your dad whether you like it or not, and so am I. Whatever happens we’ll still both be in your life more than you probably want. You won’t get rid of us that easy.”
Yevgeny snorts, wet and unconvincing, and Ian can’t help but smile, just a little. It’s not a lie, it really isn’t. Ian can keep his head above water for as long as he’s needed, he can, he will. This is not permanent, this feeling will pass. The heaviness, the distance. It’s part of a pattern he knows well, and has come to expect.
And if Mickey’s fallen out of love with him, it’s something he never expected. But he’ll just have to deal with that, too.
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s0merand0midi0t · 2 years
A few others shared their RWBY x FNF so I'm sharing my other idea (Yes it's gonna involve sonic.exe cause why not)
Friday night funkin': Team Rwby Tussle
General idea is this: Boyfriend and Girlfriend are in the kingdom of atlas *For safety reasons let's say Volume 7 ep 6-14 and the ENTIRETY of Volume 8 NEVER. HAPPENED. EVERRRRR....Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay. Back to the post* walking around casually looking for a place to eat , not really paying attention to their surroundings. As they're walking they just so happen to bump into team RWBY who was doing the exact same thing and then the dialogue starts.
Dialogue *I know bf and gf don't have canonical names but for the sake of this. They will,alright?!*:
*Keith and Cherry are walking down town and talking to each other*
*cut to team RWBY who was also walking while ruby was talking*
R: So then I was like *Fake gunshot and fighting noise*
*The others laugh*
R: But that's not even the best of it! Then after that i-
*Ruby and Keith bump into each other*
R: Gah!
K: Ah!
*They both fall back*
Both: Ow!(Beep!)What the hell?!(Bop Beep Bo?!)
*Team WBY and Cherry look at the 2*
R: Yo! What-!
*Ruby looks up*
R: Oh geez. Sorry, I kinda got wrapped up in my stories again
C: Oh don't worry w-
C: Hang on...don't I recognize y'all?
*The team looked confused*
Blake: what do you mean?
*Keith got up and looked them*
K: Bee(Hey)...Beep Skedibo da bo!(Hey wait a second!)
K: *Clears throat* Aren't you 4...You're team RWBY right?!
*Everyone looked shocked*
Yang: You recognize us?!
C: Recognize?
C: We're big fans of you 4!
B: Really?
W: Huh...we have fans
*Keith Chuckles then gets an idea*
K: Hey since we've ran into each other.
K: Would you 4 be willing to do rap battle with me?
*they looked shocked*
W: Well
B: I dunno about that...
R: Oh come on guys! They're fans of ours!
R: Besides,this day's been booooriiiing! All we've been doing is walking around all day!
Y: Hmmm...she is right.
Y: Maybe a rap battle would liven things up a little!
W: Well I AM musically inclined
B: Ehhh...Alright you've convinced me.
*Ruby Smiles*
R: We accept your offer...uh..what's your name exactly?
K: The names "Keith .XML"!
R: Weird last name but alright *Ahem* We accept your offer Keith .XML!
R: Let's do this!
K: Yeah!
*End of dialogue*
Aaaand that's the dialogue!
I'd add more but I'm not typing out more scenes
Week name:
RWBY Rumble
(Week 1)
Song list:
Red Rose
Petal burst
Ice cold
Kitty claws
(phase 1 Calm) Firecracker
(Phase 2 Angry) Solar flare
Gimmicks (Mod charts):
Ruby- Fast but predictable (Lane moves + SS and speeds up every time you miss and resets everytime you die)
Weiss- Summons can mess with your notes (Pull notes back or cover them)
Blake- Normal scroll speed but is unpredictable every time you lose (Can fake out her arrow placements)
Yang- (phase 1 calm) Double notes and some triple notes
(Phase 2 angry) either a note mechanic or dodge mechanic from ember celica
Cover songs:
Shotgun shell and Parasite (Entity/Agoti)- Yang
Worship and Prominade (MFM/Entity)- Weiss
HairBall and Headache (Kapi/Garcello)- Blake
TicTacFoe and Technicolor Tussle (Mangige matches/Indie Cross)- Ruby
Spectral and Ballistic(Vs Retrospecter/Whitty)- angry yang
Challenge-EDD (Fnf online)- Ruby feat. Cinder as Eduardo
Athazagoraphobia- Team RWBY V. Legion
AND MORE! (That I won't name)
Bonus songs:
Grimm- Salem
Bull horns- Adam
Sunbeam- Sun
Y'know how In FNFever they have 2 sections? One for normal songs and one for Halloween ones? It's that but it's a section for normal songs and a section for cover songs. The sonic.exe portion of the mod however is it's own separate mod.
I've got no new names for the specific songs, I've got some names for team rwby tho (Check out my Triple trouble team rwby post for info about that):
Blueflame yang- vol 5-6 Yang as fleetway
Miss B- vol 5-6 Blake as lord X
Yenk- Vol 1 yang as sanic
Fakerose- Vol 1 ruby as faker
Wess- vol 1 Weiss as sunky
Penny doll- vol 1-3 penny as tails doll
And more!
Mod references (in terms of remixes):
Corruption (not pibby)
Mad com
BG references:
Mods (like starlight mayhem, rising volume, madness combat)
Camp camp ref
RvB ref(which I've never seen)
Nomad of no where(Which I've also never seen)
There's more but let me know what y'all think.
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emi1ll · 25 days
Ninjago dragon rising s2 (maybe spoiler idk)
Autism (this is about Zane)
What is fatigue
Is it just me or did Arin’s voice changes
Master Wu jumpscare
It did sound very silly
This might not end well
Cinder vanished or smth
Ok I’ll continue in like an hour (it took like 10 minutes)
The blood moon is coming 🗣️‼️‼️‼️
Idk bagels
Is that cinder or the ninja
OMG PERcivallll
Sora one of my fav trans icons
It’s ok Arin it would happen to me too (it’s the scene where they are interrogating some kind of serpentine)
Ion nooo colon ruphtaidaaaaaa nooooooo what are guy doing what oh okay
And very very bad..
Arin camouflages a bit with the coukoud kingdom
A language that looks evil 😱😱
Who is that oh is that guy. I don’t remember his name
Gross.. but kind of awesome gross
Who is the forbidden five
Arin why are you standing like that are you gay
Ok that was my fav thing i have wrote in here
A bit too late
Shut up lesbian (jordana)
It does look pretty real
Oh shit
He certainly can stop all of you
This reminds me a bit of morro when he appears for the first time to the ninja
Oh shit he hurt her bad AND ALSO ZANE
Is jordana and cinder going to have some kind of rivalry
WHAT ARE TO Even thinking about Lloyd
Lloyd talks to himself
Oh is this again
Why does he always huh what is that dragon
I love Kai and wyldfire (not in a ship way
Yep there will be a rivalry between cinder and jordana
Yay Nya and Lloyd uhh sibling thing. Idk how it’s called but it’s hermandad ok
It’s wykdfire I KNRE IT WAS HER
Huh what is that
They are so fucking gay. This is about Cole and geo
Cole come back your children and husband miss you
What a weird way to befriend a dragon
Huh who is that
Oh yay they passed the tests
Hi rontu and heal
They came all the way here to beat geo? Unexpected
Omg coleerrr
Ohh they are EREALLYYYYYY old
Is bonzle hiding something
Ok I’ll continue this later
Why does Zane have a doll of the frog man
Was that master Wu
Yay gay people
Is this a coming out allegory (bonzle)
OH SHIT SACRIFICE. Even cinder and jordana didn’t seem to like that idea
Oh cool a serpentine
Mf always has to fucking shut down couldn’t you wait for the third season so you could sacrifice
Oh never mind he is alive again
I thought it was going to explode with them inside the mech
That dragon is too bright
Oh shit wild mask warrior
Why did cinder smile like that
Huh what’s going on
Lloyd shut the fuck up
Oh just nktingness
Are they gonna fall
Yes they did
Ok shut up
EUPHRASIA GT OUT OF HERE!!!!! LELASEBvvvvv! (Not in a neg way)
Girl the mech thing kinda gives you away
Hurry up ARIN
Oh it wasn’t it was Lloyd and Nya
Oh shit the forbidden 5
Cinder shut te fuck up
Oh shit man
Oh shit man what even is your name
Idk what Zane just said but ok
Ok can we skip the lesson of the episode
Shh wyldfire shhh
Why did they fucking vanish
A lot can happen in like 2 weeks
Where the fuck are they
Oh shit
What is going on with jordana bro what the fuck is that face
YAYYYY COLE AND LLOYD HUG I love the brothers
Cole supporting his trans daughter yay
Kai again get this guy out of here (literally)
Ok that’s the end of dragon rising s2 bai
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
You know I gotta ask for Pyrrha lol
Yeah, Pyrrha for the ask game, let's go.
1: sexuality headcanon
I like to headcanon Pyrrha as a biromantic demisexual.
2: otp
Gonna have to say Pyrrha x Weiss for this one, but Pyrrha x Blake is a close second! Pyrrha and Weiss just have great potential as romantic partners, and their first season clips together so easily read as Weiss having a crush on Pyrrha and Pyrrha being like "Oh pretty disaster girl, I can fix you." XD
3: brotp
Pyrrha and Nora! I already talked about them recently, but they could be such close friends!
4: notp
Can I say 'anything involving a Jaune harem?' I don't mind Pyrrha x Jaune on its own if it's done well (in a way that doesn't treat Pyrrha as the prize to be won or Jaune's cheerleader,) but every time I see some Jaune x Pyrrha, Weiss, Blake, Ruby, Neo, Glynda, Willow, Cinder all at the same time any of that... Ugh. That's so embarrassing.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I saw a fanart once of Pyrrha and Neptune as kids together living in Argus, and now I love the headcanon that they went to combat school together and actually know each other pretty well. (Of course, in my headcanons, Neptune isn't nearly as sucky. XD) Oh wait, no, I want to talk about Pyrrha's parents! Because the whole monument to Pyrrha seems like something Pyrrha really wouldn't want, I've started headcanoning that her parents were the ones who fought to get that statue made but that they both never really listened to Pyrrha and had kind of pushed her all the time growing up, and were sort of similar to pageant parents. So even though Pyrrha loved them, she also had very complicated feelings towards them, and felt like they didn't know her well, which made her very eager to establish a found family at Beacon (and to latch onto possible mentor/parental figures.)
6: favorite line from this character
"I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your fall maiden." This line is so good at further establishing what we already know about Pyrrha. She's trusting, she's a follower, she's kind, she's good, she wants to do the right thing because it's the right thing, she doesn't even ask for an explanation because when someone tells her that people need help and this will help, she jumps in with both feet before even thinking through the implications. It's both a sign of some flaws (it's pretty naive to trust people just because they're your teachers and some guy, it's pretty reckless to let people do experiments on you without even asking very many questions,) and proof of her deep goodness and her good intentions. Also I like to think that Pyrrha looked at Amber and felt a connection to her, something drawing her to Amber, and felt like she understood Amber in that moment even though they'd never met, and then her being so willing to take on that power and that responsibility was also for Amber and for her legacy. (Side note, the concept of Amber is slept on both in the show and in the fandom.)
7: one way in which I relate to this character
We both seem to be attracted to disaster people? Lol. But in all seriousness, I feel like I do share some minor similarities to her like her tendency to be protective (I will break his legs) and her over-polite awkwardness and slight passive aggressive tendencies. XD
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The romance with Jaune. As I said before, I don't mind Arkos in theory. But the way it's done in canon? Gross tbh. They more or less invented Pyrrha for Jaune, made the majority of her story revolve around him, didn't give her real connections with other characters, used her death to prop up his character in a very fridgey way without letting anyone else grieve, and in volume six they gave her a tribute she wouldn't have wanted to remind everyone of how sad Jaune is... And Pyrrha never got any song that wasn't about her feelings for Jaune. Yikes!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
One of the only cinnamon rolls left in this show! Pyrrha may have her minor flaws, but by and large, she's a good person who tries to treat everyone well (except for Cardin the bigoted asshole bully which is a good thing) and she spent her life trying to help everyone. Rip that Pyrrha never got to connect with Penny because they would've been the ultimate cinnamon roll redhead duo.
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professorspork · 3 years
..... what if the first person Ruby finds in wonderland is Penny's body?
The falling feels like it takes days.
The thing is, she’s got sight of Blake. Wind and magic are howling around her, her pulse roaring in her ears, throat stopped with terror and regret, but. She’s got sight of Blake, even if they can’t talk. She’s got sight of Blake until suddenly she doesn’t, as they plunge through the dark, and all she can think is--
This is what it was like for Yang. This is what Yang saw, this is what Yang felt. At the end.
She hopes it won’t hurt.
(It doesn’t. Hurt, that is. When she lands. But she has no recollection of landing.)
When she wakes, she’s warm. She can’t remember when she last felt warmth, not in the frigidness of the Atlas air--
--that’s not true, she can, she can remember exactly. Arms familiar in their strength but thrillingly novel in their softness around her and Do hugs always make you feel this warm inside? and yes, they do, they always have. From her they always, always have--
-- but here it’s humid and balmy, sand beneath her back and a canopy of trees above her. She can hear the crash of waves, somewhere off to her left.
“Blake?!” she calls as she gets to her feet, because they couldn’t have been separated that long, Blake couldn’t have gotten that far. And then, when she hears nothing, she tries frantically, hopefully: “Yang?!”
(She remembers the market, back on Patch. How Yang would take her along in the wagon when she went for groceries because leaving Ruby alone at home-- well. Alone-enough, alone with Dad, who was there but not present-- didn’t seem like an option. How Ruby went wandering, once, enticed by the colorful fruit displays, and they spent nearly an hour missing each other by moments once they realized they were separated. How when they’d finally reunited, Yang had grabbed her by the shoulders and said, in her most serious voice, If you ever get lost I need you to stay where you are. I’m gonna come find you, okay? I promise. But if I’m looking for you, and you’re looking for me, that makes it harder. I will retrace my steps. That’s my job. Your job is to stay where you are.)
But there’s no steps to retrace, not this time. And if Ruby stops moving she’ll start crying, and if she starts crying she’ll never stop. So she puts one foot in front of the other and looks around to get her bearings.
She finds the beach easily enough, the shore spreading out endlessly in either direction. She calls names as she goes, but hears nothing but the water and the sound of her own voice.
And yet still-- despite the fact that she’s looking-- she’s surprised when she sees the body.
It’s the hair she notices first, coppery strands glinting in the sunlight (is it sunlight? she suddenly realizes she’s not sure) and she’s running before she’s even fully processed what’s she’s seen, “Penny Penny PENNY--” falling from her mouth as she stumbles and sprints and falls to her knees to turn her over, to check her breathing--
-- only Penny’s torso, when Ruby rolls her onto her back, is painted with blood. Not the green stuff she remembers from Schnee Manor, but. Blood. Real blood.
Red as rubies.
“No, no, no, no no no no no-- please--”
She reaches, instinctive, to look for a heartbeat, but as her stretching fingers span Penny’s chest they find only the divots of puncture wounds. Arrayed claw marks, in the shape of a grasping hand, if only her grip were a little wider. A little less human. (There’s a stab wound, too, deep in her stomach, and that-- wouldn’t it be cauterized? Cinder’s never made a sword she didn’t set aflame, that doesn’t seem right, that doesn’t seem--)
(-- none of this is right--)
She’s cold to the touch, is the thing. And Penny’s never been that, not even when she was steel and circuitry; she always hummed with energy, with heat, with life.
“Penny, please--”
But she’s gone. 
She’s gone.
Kill me. Kill me, and I can make sure the power goes to you. 
That’s what she’d said.
Ruby takes a deep breath-- shuddering, a hiccup-- and tries to feel it, tries to trace the edge of a foreign power inside of her, but there’s nothing, she doesn’t feel any different--
--that’s not true, she feels wholly different. She feels changed, feels entirely unlike herself, feels monstrous and desperate and devastated. Feels like she could tear the world apart, like she could kick at the columns here in this place beneath all places that hold Remnant up and bring everything she’s ever known crumbling down on top of her with the strength of her grief; she just got her back, she just got her back, they were--
It stays nothing. When she reaches for an unlocked tempest within, all she finds is her own sorrow; when she squeezes her eyes shut and thinks fire, all that comes are tears.
So-- so Cinder took everything, then. 
Even this. 
Not the power-- Ruby couldn’t care less about that, not now, but. The legacy. The promise that at least a part of Penny might live on, might linger in someone who loved her.
-- who loved her--
She could swear she hears the sound of her own name, but it’s distant. Barely audible, even, over the unholy racket that’s surrounding her, this-- this awful noise--
-- it’s her, she realizes. She’s screaming, she must be screaming, wracked with incoherent sobs--
Sturdy arms embrace her from behind, a voice saying “Ruby, Ruby, I’ve got you, it’s okay, it’s-- is that blood? Is she--? Oh, Ruby--”
And Ruby collapses backwards into Blake’s shaking hold, and cries, and cries, and cries. 
Staying where she is, in the hopes that she’ll be found.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Actor AU 3
The previous one<-
Penny:*dancing on set*
Nora:Someone seems happy.
Penny:🎶First episode I don’t have to wear props! 🎶 This is so liberating!
Nora:You read the script right?
Penny:Just let me vibe!
Neo:*hanging off ledge*
Cinder:.....Long live queen. *pushes her off*
Ruby:Yo! Let’s add a lion king character!
Ironwood:*leans it closely* You have one hour...or I poison Gotham Harbor.
Yang:Pay up Weiss! I told you he’d say it!
Weiss:Damn it!
Ruby:*laughing hysterically.
Adam:*sips tea* Now you’re probably wondering why I’m on set for V8 when I have not scene or relevance. The answer is simple.
Neo:*hits Yang of the edge*
*faint laughing offset*
Blake.....*snickers* You asshole, I was in the zone!
Adam:I’m just adding to the tension!
Yang:*hanging from harness* You should’ve yelled “Lionized!!!!!”
Adam:Oh that would’ve been great!
Blake:You two are the worst!
Right after Cinder stabs Penny
Jaune:Penny!!!! H-Hold on!
Penny:J-Jaune? I don’t...I don’t feel so g-good... hehe, this...*tearing up* this really hurts...
Jaune:*crying* Don’t speak! My semblance, I’ll...I
Penny:No...don’t. No time, but....there’s still something I need you t-to do. Cinder...can’t get the power and the relics. *reaches for blade*
Jaune:W-What?! No, I....I can’t-
Penny:It’s okay Jaune. *smiles* Everything is...gonna be okay.
Jaune:*raising bl-
Penny:Hmm? *sits up* Oh no, did I miss a line?
Director:*points to Cinder*
They turn to see Weiss comforting the the woman with a hug while trying not to laugh at the situation.
Penny:What happened!?
Weiss:She’s crying over the scene!
Penny:What!? *runs over*
Cinder:I am so sorry I ruined take! You were doing so well. Too well! Ugh, god damnit!
Penny:Awww you know I’m fine right? Come here! *hugs her*
Weiss:Cinder fall everyone, the biggest teddy bear around. *wipping eyes*
Jaune:You’re crying too!?
Weiss:I am the second biggest teddy bear around.
Jaune:We have to go!!!
Winter:*points at Cinder*....Sleep with one eye open.
Director:Cut! Why!?
Winter:I couldn’t help myself.
Director:Be angry!
Winter:*glares* The next time I see you I swear, I’ll have your head!
Director:Less angry!
Cinder:That one actually kinda scared me. Haha geez, Winter giving chills!
Winter:Can I curse?
Director:We’re already at the limit before we’d have change ratings.
Winter:Dang it! I just one F bomb!
Director:We’ll put it the gag reel.
Jaune:We need to go!
Winter: Tsk, *points sword* You are going to pay for everything you’ve done! So watch you fucking back...
Winter:*grinning* Yeah that felt great!
Bomb starts sliding slowly.
Qrow:*clenches Clover’s pin*
Bomb falls off plan set
Vine and Elm:.....
Harriet:Well...boom! I guess!? For the love of- *face palms*
Qrow:....Uhhh I haha, I think hahaha- hahaha! Can we maybe tilt the plan a little less!? Oh boy! I guess someone should’ve grabbed that.
Harriet:You know what, can we keep this ending!?
Robyn: Rename the whole episode haha. “Adults watch bomb slowly fall”
Vine:Okay but I like how we’re all just waiting for it to stop, and then just tips right over! The moment it started moving I knew it was going way too fast!
Elm:Mission failed everyone. We’ll get em next time.
Interviewer:How do you think fans will react to this finale?
Penny:Well I can’t spoil anything for obvious reasons but I hope it resonates well. It’s fun having my character be around for a finale for once, and with so many other roles she doesn’t get interact with much. It’s been really fun.
Interviewer:Oh yeah? Who’s been best to work with?
Penny:Oooo that’s tough. My cousin, Nora, she’s been fun to interact with this volume. But uhhh I think I’ll give it to Jaune. We don’t have many scenes overall together but...it’s hard explain. I feel like between my character and his, there’s this kinda mutal headspace they have for their friends. If I had to pick a person I would say Jaune would have the ability to open up Penny in a way nobody else could.
Interviewing:Interesting, well I hope you both get more interactions and that this finale debuts well.
Penny:Thank you!
Winter:*dragging Ironwood off*
Emerald:....Wait, I know I do illusions, but how did the Ironwood not hear or feel the wind coming from an airship several feet away? I kicked up dirt and alerted Amber in volume 3.
Director:....Do we have time to rewri- no? Okay... just don’t think about it!
Nora:Someone cut the signal!
Watts: *playing Galaga* Hehehe all according to plan.
Neo:Change the tab! It’s- we see it in camera! Haha!
Watts:*strokes mustache* I know. That’s how genius I am. Cracking codes and high-scores! Muhahaha!
Ruby:Fun fact, we have two Hound costumes. One where he’s mainly doglike and the other when he’s beating up people. But I you wonder who’s playing him under all that? *takes mask off*
Ruby:Forever a bully, even behind the set.
Cardin:Pfft am not.
Penny:You had a laugh tossing me!
Cardin:You don’t count, you’re family!
Yang:*holding camera* Pssst!
Ren:*sipping coffee*???
Yang:Ready for our fight in the snow?
Ren:I can’t feel my toes! I’m gonna yell at you and then walk away.
Yang:I’ll mess up so we’ll stay here longer.
Ren:Yang! We can have a real fight in the snow right now!
Yang:Heheh, kidding. Mostly.
Ruby:Blake have you heard of Among Us?
Ruby:Among Us. You gotta do tasks without an imposter killing you. I only bring it up because we’re rebooting the power. Someone always dies in electrical.
Blake:Ruby this is real life. Besides this way more Resident Evil, but with no- Tyrant!
Hound:*busts through window*
Ruby:Wny is it always electrical!!!?
Ironwood:*doing shirtless pull-ups*
Ozpin:He’s getting ready for his fight scenes. Trying to look winded but a little bulkier in the moment.
Winter:*watching Ironwood*
Ozpin:*snickering* Winter is trying to get into the mindset of having to a play a character who has to go against all that. The agony of fighting someone you looked at for so long.
Winter:You can call it like it is. I’m gawking a little.
Ozpin:She’s gawking a little.
Hazel:*grabs Salem*
Salem:*squeezing his biceps* Its like my entire torso. You eat a bear for breakfast?
Hazel:Oh my god.
Salem:You know this isn’t the worst way to go out. I had a good run. At least you hold me, unlike Ozma! Why didn’t you hold me like this!?
Hazel:You’re so ridiculous.
Set crew adjusting lighting in manor. All but one stays on.
Oscar and Penny:*waltzing underneath it*
Nora:...I like how on or off camera I personally lose the dating game while another redhead wins.
Ozpin:Which pair you talking about?
Yang and Adam:*cracking jokes*
Nora:This is nonsense! Where’s Jaune!?
Weiss:Food run with Ruby.
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