#who has amazing stats
fallloverfic · 21 days
Mithrun and the changeling shapeshifting
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but I see comments about Mithrun and the changelings/shapeshifting mushrooms a bit and I think there's some misunderstanding about what the shapeshifting does. Spoilers for the manga for chapters 51-the end/volume 8-beyond, and the Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: Adventurer's Bible (first one) below the cut. (Also yes, I know it's partially played for laughs in the manga, but I think Kui also does some neat stuff with it, particularly in Mithrun's case).
The shapeshifting emphasizes different racial traits, and that's going to be defined differently by each race, like how each race has different beauty standards, abilities, and puts on muscle differently (e.g., Senshi is maybe beautiful by dwarven standards, and his beard is huge, so as an elf he's beautiful by elven standards, but his beard is too powerful to shapeshift, so he has a mustache despite the fact no other known elves have facial hair). Kabru, for instance, is a sort of smaller tank, and is kind of waify as an elf (possibly because elves are just kind of waify generally, though this might also be due to his losing weight after being revived; he also doesn't have much magical ability: he has even less than Laios does, versus Mithrun, who's maxed the magic stats chart).
The most muscular elf we know of is Lycion, on the left:
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Lycion still looks "skinny" in a way, but he's strong and muscular, just not Hollywood bulky. He matches a race that doesn't put on thick, bulky muscle, at least not easily. Compare this to Mithrun on the right, who isn't as naked as Lycion so we can't quite see what he looks like as an elf under his clothes, because the clothes give him some padding. The closest we get to modern him as nude as Lycion is, is that shot in his cabin in the Adventurer's Bible:
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It's hard to tell, but his arms are decently muscular for an elf (also one-armed push-ups are hard, that's not something you do on a lark). His whole thing since Milsiril talked him into getting back into shape to go to dungeons has been solely that: getting back into shape to go deal with the demon, and he's had to build up his body to be able to walk on his own and stay alive long enough to deal with the demon. Given he's also a powerful magic user, but he seemingly doesn't have those abilities as a tall-man (or at least he wasn't using his magic on the door), it might be his tall-man form is also compensating for that. This is Mithrun's stats chart:
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"Though he's an elf, both his strength and stamina are excellent. His one weakness is his terrible sense of direction." p.73, Chapter 01 / Characters, Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: Adventurer's Bible. Dudes' beefy even for an elf, even if he doesn't precisely look it. But compare Mithrun and Lycion here:
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Mithrun's shorter, and the clothing is probably making him look bigger than he is, but they're somewhat similar, comparatively, once you compensate for the height differences.
We also get some shots of him in motion and wearing that tightish shirt/dress.
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Clothing can of course make your bust look more defined than it is, but it's notable that we get some obvious muscle definition to him in the chest area (for an elf), and his lower chest/trunk is rather solid-looking, rather than the thinner forms of his female companions. He seems to be a bit thicker in his mid-section than Pattadol, for instance, who's only slightly taller than he is, and she and Cithis have similarly-sized waists (actually Cithis might be a little thinner? Which would make sense as her focus is on casting).
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His focus is movement and physical interaction more than the other casters in his party (he has to touch stuff a little to teleport it), so he builds up his body accordingly. Which also makes sense for how he does one-armed push-ups in his ship cabin in his spare time.
I think a big reason Mithrun is viewed as weak/tiny is because he's often around Kabru so we often compare them physically. Mithrun is thinner and six inches shorter than Kabru, who is not in the best physical shape due to his revival, on top of, at this point, not having a great meal regimen due to neither of them being good at gathering or apparently making meals.
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Some shots of Kabru and Mithrun together, for comparison, including Mithrun helping Kabru stand. Kabru is more muscular, but not the bulkiest for a tall-man (he's smaller than Laios, even accounting for the height difference, though still tanky in his own right, I mean he grabbed Falin pretty easily, and Kabru and Falin are the same height; Laios is just big).
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(I know Laios' armor makes him look bigger than he is, especially when Kabru has his off, but, ignoring the height difference, Laios is broader than Kabru, seemingly, particularly in the chest and arms).
Yeah, Kabru lost weight after the first revival, so he's not the best comparison, but if Mithrun, an elf, doesn't look rail thin even next to Kabru, who's not that skinny for a tall-man (skinnier than he used to be, but not skeletal), it kind of also says something about Mithrun. He's not like... bones. He's thin, but not rail thin (we know because he was shown rail thin in Daydream Hour during his recovery, and he put on muscle since then). And shots of him, while variable at times - sometimes he's drawn thinner, sometimes thicker, often in comparison to who he's sharing a shot with, e.g., Sissel - often emphasize how thick his arms are, even near Kabru, who is broader and more muscular. I think my best description of Mithrun is "mostly solid for a dude often running on fumes".
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And we see him moving fast and hitting hard a lot. Whenever he fights, he's running, jumping, punching, or kicking something. Being lithe would help with that, but he'd need muscle too, especially for how fast he is (an easy comparison is a ballerina or a track runner, both of whom have to build up specific muscles for their craft, and regimens for both can be grueling). And he's not just teleporting people, he's smacking them hard.
He also was (and is) still notably good-looking for an elf. He has nice hair (that he doesn't pay as much attention to as he used to, but still is nice), a good body (even without half his ears, which seem important for elves), and would be considered attractive by a lot of people.
So yes, he's possibly still stringy-ish for an elf because he's likely exhausted due to lack of proper sleep (the bags under his eyes, his noted issues sleeping while in dungeons without aid), and doesn't eat regular meals (while in dungeons). But he's still muscular - to an elvish degree, anyway - and strong, particularly in terms of magical power, so it makes a lot of sense that the guy on the left would become the guy on the right when shapeshifted into a tall-man to become a race that better creates bulkier muscle and has to compensate for Mithrun's magical abilities (also looks kind of cliche handsome, maybe mimicking how Senshi looks as an elf).
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I mean obviously there are strong human magic users, like Falin... and she has stronger stats all around than he does/roughly close in some places, so it makes sense he'd be as tall and bulky as she is.
Mithrun is, canonically, way more powerful than Kabru, as well, (at least against monsters), hence probably part of why he's seemingly bulkier than Kabru as a human. Mithrun is the one who deals with almost all the monsters for a reason. It's only when Mithrun is distracted or tired that Kabru gets one over him (e.g., in Sissel's house, or when Kabru grabs Mithrun at the dungeon entrance). Notably, when Mithrun crawled out of a spider and got knocked out by Kabru in chapter 76, Kabru was pointing out that Mithrun needed to rest. He was at his most wet cat moment then... when he was exhausted. So to me at least, this shapeshift makes sense. Normal Mithrun isn't really a wet cat most of the time. He's strong. He just runs himself ragged for various reasons.
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gabriellowena · 2 years
Nflix being like “WOW amazing Wednesday is doing amazing and breaking records and succeeding!”
Like yeah of course it did??
You promoted it, it has known actors, it’s based on a beloved IP that’s been around for awhile, and is connected to Burton who has been making bangers for decades like it was never NOT going to do well. You could have left it alone and it still probably would have a top number of views lol
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the-golden-comet · 8 days
Lately on my dash, I have been seeing lots of wonderful mutuals get too hard on their beautiful minds.
Lovelies, your stories and art are beautiful because they are from you, and FOR you. Stats do not determine the quality of a product. Again, some of the BEST stories on the archive I have ever read were around 100 hits, and 0-10 kudos. Some of the BEST ART I’ve seen has 0 notes.
You know how I can tell? Because the authors and artists poured their heart and soul into their craft. As long as it can inspire ONE person, you should be proud. You just radically changed the life and perspective of ONE person. That’s amazing.
Sure, you might think your art or story is “cringe” or “bad”…OR, it can be someone’s comfort piece that they go back to after a long day. You may see your stats and think, “man, nobody enjoys this,” not knowing that maybe, juuuust maybe, you have that ONE person who you’ve inspired, who loves your work, and lurks your socials awaiting for your next project. Your art, your music, YOUR story has the potential to do that, but you have to love what YOU do.
And yes, your love WILL show. Maybe not with stats, or kudos, or notes, or comments. But you may be someone’s favorite without even knowing. As long as your art is out there, it WILL reach somebody. I will try to be that somebody for a lot of you, but there is indeed A LOT of you.
In a world where media is being “consumed” for “content,” remember that ART comes from the heART (sorry not sorry for being cheesy). Artists, Writers, Poets, Musicians, Sculptors, HUMANS: Get your hearts out there for the world to see. The world needs more motivated minds. 💫
406 notes · View notes
mrchiipchrome · 3 months
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yourinstagram hey, can you get me a glass of water? 
leahwilliamsonn no
 ↳yourinstagram meanie:(
    ↳leahwilliamsonn cry me a river
       ↳yourinstagram I’m telling Amanda
bethmead awww alvin is getting so big now
stanwaygeorgia i’m so ready to jump on a flight for some alvin cuddles
  ↳yourinstagram i feel so betrayed, WHAT ABOUT ME
     ↳stanwaygeorgia and some Y/n cuddles ofc
        ↳yourinstagram nope, too late now
           ↳stanwaygeorgia noooo i’m sorryyyyy
wosoforeverrrrr alvin needs his own account stat
    ↳yourinstagram don’t worry, i might have something up my sleeve…
       ↳wosoforeverrrrr YOOO WHAT
keirawalsh missing alvin hours
wosomyheart i would give you anything babe
    ↳fanofwoso EXCUSE ME LMAO
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alessia mmm sure
alessiarussonr1 this is actually her accepting my proposal xx
   ↳russoswife ummm obviously you haven’t seen our wedding photos
ellatoone 🥤💪🏻😁
  ↳yourinstagram ella what the actual flip are you doing
    ↳wosolover NOT FLIP😭
lottewubbenmoy looking good lovieee
yourinstagram i would lose my account again if i said what i was thinking xx
  ↳alessia Y/N Y/L/N 
arsenalfan i love besties hyping each other up
stephcately invite me the next timeeeeeee
   ↳alessia only if you bring calv
     ↳stephcately bring alvin and we have a deal
wosodetective anyone else think it’s a little suspicious that steph wants Less to bring Y/n’s dog with her?
   ↳leavemealone no actually i don’t
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yourinstagram you were out there somewhere and you weren’t looking for me?!
whatinthewoso love the caption
stinablackstenius always taking up the entire bench
   ↳yourinstagram are you calling me fat?
     ↳stinablackstenius no
wosomyheart bruh i’d give anything to sit on her lap
 ↳wosoxwoso mate you need to get a life
kyracooneyx don’t be fooled, she let alvin attack me just before this
     ↳lovinalvin FREE MY BOY
leahwilliamsonn why are you like this
  ↳yourinstagram STOP THIS BULLYING
swedishwosofan y/n sitting like shes about to say ‘välkommen till mina områden’ 💀
location: Somewhere Out There
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alessia look who came to visit
yourinstagram love my boy but he absolutely killed my hand the second he saw you
  ↳alessia you’re just jealous he loves me more
    ↳yourinstagram b-b-b-b-blocked
leahwilliamsonn @/yourinstagram you’re such a nerd 
     ↳leahwilliamsonn because it’s fun
katie_mccabe11 let me kidnap him
  ↳yourinstagram no
bethmead loved seeing my little baby again:)
  ↳mylemeadema woof:(
     ↳bethmead nooo mylie moo i didn’t mean it like that
w.saliba mon petit amour, il est le plus mignon du monde 
  ↳arsenal alvin 🤝 william saliba
wosodetective hmm interesting
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yourinstagram love me
wosomyheart give me a chance and i will
  ↳russoswife bro go touch some grass, it’s getting unhealthy
    ↳alessiarussonr1 yeah bro listen to my wife bc she’s right
ona.batlle dream girl <3
  ↳wosoapprentice are they dating?
     ↳arsenalbarca you do know people can compliment others without dating right?
1maryearps i can be the 1 for you
  ↳yourinstagram sorry love, need 22 more
     ↳1maryearps i’ll steal you
        ↳yourinstagram please don’t
jordannobbs miss you and alvin
  ↳yourinstagram come home, the kids miss you:(
jbeattie91 alvin wants to come across the pond to visit auntie jen
  ↳yourinstagram when did he say this
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alessia amazing
mylemeadema woof woof
  ↳alvinthebuddy woof woof woof 
      ↳mylemeadema ruff woof ruff
alvinthebuddy who’s that pretty lady
  ↳wosogossip not y/n wingmanning for alvin and alvin wingmanning for y/n
liawalti looking cozy there
leahwilliamsonn really enjoyed the evening for the first time since @/yourinstagram joined
  ↳yourinstagram WHAT HAVE I DONE YOU
    ↳leahwilliamsonn you ate the last ice cream
alessia23lover loml
  ↳yourinstagram fr
wosodetective y/n commenting that alessia is the love of their life hmmm
  ↳woso123darling bro she was pretty clearly joking
arsenalfan we see you y/n
yourinstagram just so everyone knows IM SINGLE
  ↳1maryearps not for long
     ↳yourinstagram this feels weirdly threatening
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yourinstagram they said it was market price, WHAT MARKET ARE YOU SHOPPING AT?
lucybronze these captions keep getting wilder
chloekelly love the shirt
stanwaygeorgia answer my facetime or else
  ↳yourinstagram you don’t scare me
    ↳stanwaygeorgia i’ll send magda on you if you’re not careful
       ↳yourinstagram when do you want to call?
russoswife y/n being scared of magda eriksson was not on my bingo card
  ↳alessiarussonr1 she’s literally my roman empire
arsenal when you find out please tell me so that i can avoid it
  ↳yourinstagram help me find it please, it’s getting ridiculous
alessia i literally saw y/n cry when she saw the prices
  ↳yourinstagram STOP EXPOSING ME
alvinthebuddy grr grr ruff ruff
  ↳yourinstagram i know buddy, i’m sorry that you didn’t get the good food but i needed food too
     ↳alvinthebuddy GRRR GRRR
wosomyheart i’ll help you find the market baby
  ↳norflondonforever bro legit find a hobby
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alessia i’m going to run
ellatoone thanks for the clarification love, we totally don’t see the treadmills behind you
  ↳alessia shut up
mayaletissier come by for a coffee when you’re in manny next
racheldaly3 gorgeous gorgeous girl
  ↳yourinstagram real
russo23 y/n snitching on herself is so real, we get it girl
  ↳londonisred she’s actually so me
leahwilliamsonn yess beautiful
  ↳yourinstagram first time ever you’ve been right
    ↳leahwilliamsonn shut your mouth
      ↳yourinstagram i know where you live
        ↳leahwilliamsonn boo hoo
arsenalw serving cunt ml
alvinthebuddy come over
  ↳alessiarussonr1 y/n using alvins account to flirt with alessia will never not be funny 😭
wosowives i love literal captions
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yourinstagram be the batman to my spiderman? 
leahwilliamsonn are you stupid, those are two entirely different universes
  ↳yourinstagram obviously i know that, i’m a nerd
victoriapelova i know a certain someone who’s definitely getting flashbacks…
  ↳russofilms WHAT DO YOU MEAN
kyracooneyx i think i’ll pass xx
  ↳yourinstagram -everyone that sees you on tinder
wosomyheart i’m tired of saying it, but if you give me a chance i could be everything you need and more
   ↳y/nindoors bro try going to sleep instead of harassing our queen
      ↳alessiarussonr1 you ate 
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alessia best of three
yourinstagram …is behind the camera
  ↳kyracooneyx shut up
yourinstagram the one on the left tho
  ↳alessia no.
norflondonforever i adore the jackets
  ↳alessiasrussos they’re literally triplets
y/nrusso i love alessia shutting y/n down like that 😭
  ↳kimlittle1990 you went to jail? we’re talking about this at training
    ↳yourinstagram NO NO I DIDN'T IT'S JUST A TREND
arsenal not y/n getting scolded by skip 😭
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yourinstagram just pretend like you were asleep…
  ↳yourinstagram shhhh no you didn’t
wosodetective does anyone think that looks like alessia?
wosomyheart you’ll never have to pretend with me
  ↳spurssuck bro take a hint
lucybronze i’m telling sarina 
  ↳yourinstagram come on luce don’t be like that
    ↳lucybronze stop putting fake bugs in my bed and i might
      ↳yourinstagram i’m just a girl
niamhcharles17 we need to do it again, loved hearing hempo scream
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yourinstagram the troy to my abed @/alessia
alessia my loveee
  ↳yourinstagram my universeee
leahwilliamsonn ugh finally i don’t have to pretend that i didn’t know
  ↳yourinstagram will you finally stop being mean
     ↳leahwilliamsonn no
alessiarussonr1 honestly fair enough, this was the best soft launch of all time
   ↳abedswoso not only that but like y/n’s spiderman picture, donald glover has been fancasted as miles morales so many times so like that was genius. 
wosofacts y/n likes community?
  ↳russo23 THATS WHAT YOU DECIDE TO FOCUS ON?? but yeah she said it in some interview ages ago
wosomyheart so i don’t have a shot?
  ↳fanofwoso how stupid can you be
    ↳wosoxwoso so i see @/wosomyheart still hasn’t gotten a life
      ↳russoswife yeah no i don’t think they’ll ever get one right @/alessiarussonr1
       ↳alessiarussonr1 yeah i mean it’s been forever i think we’ve all lost hope
        ↳norflondonforever i don’t even know what to say anymore
         ↳spurssuck how desperate can you be like fr
bethmead cuties
arsenal our fav dog moms 
softlaunchwoso i guess i’ll have to add another couple to my list
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alessia troy and abed in the morning
liawalti too cute
yourinstagram if your left leg is halloween and your right leg is christmas, can i visit you between the holidays?
  ↳alessia i knew this would happen
russoswife i guess i’ll have to change my insta handle now:(
  ↳alessiarussonr1 change it to alessiarussonr1swife 
wosomywoso i love how this relationship has brought people together, like literally two people got together bc of them
giorgiorusso94 the whole russo family send their love
  ↳they/l/nfamily don’t forget us
katie_mccabe11 no more secretsss
kyracooneyx how did everyone EXCEPT me know?
  ↳yourinstagram you would’ve told literally everyone.
   ↳kyracooneyx fair enough
alvinthebuddy woof woof woof ruff woof
  ↳yourinstagram thanks buddy
    ↳alessia thank you vinnie
sorry y'all i geeked out massively i just found it funny😭
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Update 05/April/2024
A really successful week this week!
After some suggestions about multiple choices on the same screen from a few amazing patrons, I looked into how to do that and if it would work for the character creation.
And it really has! I could cry it feels like there’s finally a solution, lol! :D
It does mean I had to completely start over, but with how it looks now, I think I have found how I want it to be for all the future books. It means I should just be able to copy everything I’m doing to the next book’s character creation screen and then just add the last book’s stats. That’s going to save SO much time in the future!
Starting over also meant I could put in the new body part selection choice for those who want to specify, though there is also the option to pass it. It was a selection suggested by one of my sensitivity readers to help hopefully make intimate scenes much easier to write, as well as much clearer to read for everyone!
That selection will pop up in the actual narrative for those that import characters, so you’ll still have that choice if you want to specify it for your character, but it means for people creating characters they can go into the story already that choice in place for the intimate scenes (if you want the detailed scenes).
Here’s a glimpse at what the character creator screens are looking like now:
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So much cleaner and neater, as well as a WHOLE lot quicker! I’m just not sure how it will pop up on phones yet—hoping not too much scrolling!
The character creation is the last thing I need to finish before the demo section can finally go to the editor and first readers. It’s been worth the time to get it finally sorted though, especially as it means it’s also already set for future books, and I don’t have to spend this much time on it again, or melt my brain with figuring out coding, lol! :D
I’m not keen on the ‘Select a’ bit, but that’s how it shows up automatically, so I’m doing my best to work around that.
So yeah, it was so nice to finally get somewhere on this character creator after so many different tries. I really hope it’ll be so, so much quicker and easier for not just you guys to go through but also me and my readers for testing, hehe!
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! I’m going to be working this weekend to get this completely finished so the demo section can go to the editor next week, but will be offline as usual, so I'll update you all again next week! <3
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phanchester · 2 months
since there are so many data nerd phannies i decided to make a compilation of all the spreadsheets i could find - lmk if i missed any or if you want me to add any additional details <3
last updated: 29/04/23
actively updating spreadsheets
dan and phil uploads from 2021-2024
dan and phil’s upload schedule from all their channels with days and dates
amount of days in between videos in each channel
pie charts of days of the week they upload
made by @ahappydnp 
everything dan and phil related
all of dan and phil’s video links from all their channels from all their accounts (including super amazing project, snapchat, vine, tiktok and more)
all of dan and phil’s radio shows, including reuploads and playlists, as well as the dan vs phil, fan war and internet news if available for each show with misc clips and written recaps
all of dan and phil’s liveshows, including some written recaps and the app where it was originally posted
all of dan and phil’s vyous including the question they were answering
all of dan and phil’s collaborations and video features (even if they were in the background), including the channel they were originally uploaded on 
all of dan and phil’s interviews
all of dan and phil’s merch, including originally shop links and links to the phandom wiki which has further information
all of dan and phil’s professional photos as well as some fan photos, including the event, photographer and platform
the dates and statuses of each of these videos (lost, archived, unlisted or public)
made by @stillarchivingdnp
dan and phil 2024 upload stats
each of their 2024 videos with channel, upload date, upload time in uk, length, sponsor and editor/s (if applicable) with an accompanying colour-coded calendar
(for amazingphil videos) whether dan featured and (for dapg videos) whether it was gaming/talking and who tweeted it
interactive part where you can see the time period between two videos
averages, maximums and minimums for times between uploads, upload times and runtimes with accompanying graphs
percentage of videos with other editors, with pie charts for all channels and each channel
made by @dnpbeats
all or nothing: dan vs phil season 2
all of the games for season 2, with the year they played them and the results with and without all or nothing coming into play
how often all or nothing came into play and who suggested it
the general impact of all or nothing
made by @organized-chaotic-disaster
dan and phil saying “i love you”
when dan and/or phil said ily
the video and timestamp from when they said ily and whether it was prompted
pie chart of dan or phil saying ily
made by @ahappydnp
games where one of them decides the winner
date and link for each video
overall winner with the winner for each round
breakdown of the amount of times each of them have won each round and the percentage phil has won
made by @dnpbeats
dan and phil 2024 upload schedule
upload date for each video, with the day of the week and approximate time it was uploaded in cst, including the most common and second most common upload day for dapg
days between each upload, including the longest gap, shortest gap, average gap and first and second most common gap for dapg
a colour-coded calendar displaying the upload schedule for dapg and amazingphil
made by @kat-aa
completed spreadsheets
all or nothing: dan vs phil season 1 with a great accompanying document with further details and analysis of the data
all of the games they played, with the year they played them and the results with and without all or nothing coming into play
how often all or nothing came into play and who suggested it
the general impact of all or nothing
made by @organized-chaotic-disaster 
youtuber tours
(not necessarily dnp but it includes them!)
120 different tours, including the creators, names, dates, countries, links (if available) and producers (if applicable)
each tours’ venue capacity range, average and total attendance
individual tour show breakdown with city, state, country and additional notes
data on each venue’s capacity, number of tours, and which youtuber went to each venue
data on each country’s amount of shows, broken down into states and cities
made by @stillarchivingdnp 
gamingmas 2023 schedule
all gamingmas video titles from 2023
the time each video was uploaded in gmt
made by @cactuslester
spreadsheet screenshots in posts
listening trends in all or nothing
scatter graph for the correlation between track number and number of listens
analysis of the data
made by @serendipnpipity
analysis of dnp’s letterboxd ratings and movies with part 1 and part 2
(pt 1) rating distributions for all the movies they’ve rated, including details about which movies one rated higher than the other, and which movies they rated the same
(pt 1) a list of their five-star movies
(pt 1) a list of movies one logged but not the other
(pt 1) cute little misc notes about the specific movies and dates
(pt 2) ratings broken down into genre, studio and franchise with accompanying bar charts
made by @philsrosesweatshirt
views on post-hiatus dapg videos after specific time frames
i believe this is a work of progress!
video titles with the dates and months, along with details of whether they were sponsored or had external editors
view count after 24 hours, 48 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months
made by @goldenpinof
favourite dnp tour song statistics
years phannies started watching vs the year they joined the phandom represented in a bar graph
favourite dnp tour song in a donut pie graph and a bar graph
favourite song vs year joined represented in a bar graph
made by @serendipnpipity
326 notes · View notes
breachverse · 1 month
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Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 18 - 26th of August 2023
... This one's actually been brewing for 6 months, so... 1 Million Words folks!
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Update 21 has been released! Last public upload was pretty much a year ago so, I'm very sorry for the long silence, a lot of the updates have been mostly in the private testing phase on Patreon, but I am here with a bunch of fixes and hangout updates.
But most importantly... We've passed the 1 Million Words mark... My fingers are tired. ❤
You may play it on the link below.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#21 (15-April-2024)
Alpha - 21
Fixed something here, fixed something there, fixed something everywhere
SideModule: Fixed Justin's hangout background
SideModule: Fixed Hayne's hangout background
SideModule: Added Anna's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Charlie's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Kaz's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Carly's 1st hangout
Stats_Page: Added Archangel crew background notes
UniModule: Added 7 new weapons to the shop
MISC: Added AA-12
MISC: Added HK G36C
MISC: Added PP-19 Vityaz
MISC: Added Ultimax 100
MISC: Added SR-25
COMPLETED: Chapter 3 Part 1 of The ARC branch (100%) (PT only) W.I.P.: AA Hangout Part 1 (86%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (85%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout Part 1 (46%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (65%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (40%) Word Count: 1,007,622 words including codes (Last update was 971,142)
I'll be completely honest, when I started Breach 2 I knew it was going to surpass 1 million words. I just didn't think it would take this long. Through numerous challenges, both in writing and in real life. Through numerous ups and downs, I'm absolutely surprised and grateful to know that there are people out there who still support me. I've had many thoughts, numerous times, to give up and move on to other things in life, but I didn't want to disappoint, so I kept writing.
I bring to you, the 1 million milestone update. It's really not much, but it is one step closer to completion. This update has been in the works for the past 6 months mostly due to the weapons rework and also story changes for the crew members that I apparently couldn't keep track of without a giant excel spreadsheet. This update finalizes the Archangel's Gamma Crew hangouts, which is Kaz and Carly's hangout as well as Anna and Charlie's hangout.
As before, they share the same storyline so they will both share the same hangout. If you choose to go out with one, you cannot go out with the other. Kaz shares it with Carly, and Anna shares it with Charlie. Keep that in mind. Oh, and there's 7 new guns to play with. Have fun, Ian.
This update does not include the new Chapters. Chapter 3 will still be Patreon exclusive until Breach 2 finishes and I can send the demo to the public testing, and to CoG for the full release.
I really cannot reiterate how grateful I am to have an amazing array of readers and supporters who are still here after numerous hiccups and fuck ups. Thank you all, so very much.
Much, much love. - Max ❤
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As always feel free to drop however many screenshot feedbacks you'd like, either in the forums or in our Discord channel!
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
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Sophia Loren (Marriage Italian Style, Houseboat)—Major Italian star, first actress to win an Oscar for a performance not in English (for Two Women (1960)) and later when Roberto Benigni won an Oscar in 1999 he jumped over the chairs towards the stage going "Sophia Sophia!!" because he was running towards Sophia Loren and said he cared more about her than the Oscar, that's the effect she had on people. She was big in the 60s already even though she gained a lot more notoriety after that. And I mean. Can we take a moment and just.
Mbissine Thérèse Diop (Black Girl)—She’s a Senegalese actress known for starring in Black Girl, one of the first African films to receive international attention/acclaim. So much of the movie relies on her ability to convey her character’s sense of isolation/loneliness, she’s so amazing, I really wish she had acted more. However, she just recently appeared in the film Cuties!
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Sophia Loren:
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She has maxed out all her stats: beauty, elegance, sensuality, she's got it all. her mesmerizing eyes, her sensual mouth, her sharp face shape, her everything is so striking and unlike any other beauty in films. she was also voted the world most beautiful woman when she was freaking 65
im submitting her in honor of my dad bc she was the first celebrity crush of his he ever admitted to me and my sister :) and he was right. shes so pretty
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OSCAR WINNER. Worked with some of the hottest leading men in Hollywood but remained faithful to her husband whom she had a loving marriage with till he died (even though Cary Grant almost tempted her once, it's complicated)
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One of the most well-known sex symbols of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlike some unfortunate others, she seems to have been pretty well at peace with occupying that status. She made assertiveness and a tempestuous temper seem glamorous, and although she's famous for side-eying Jayne Manisfield's cleavage, honestly? She's one to talk.
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Absolutely, drop-dead sexy, also a hard working, extraordinarily talented actress who didn't shy away from the less glamorous roles to gift us some gritty, memorable performances
Submitting this on behalf of my dad, who knows nothing of tumblr or this blog, but I remember being a kid watching Houseboat while my mom thirsted after Cary Grant, dad thirsted after Sophia Loren, and I was excited that they lived on a boat. Anyway, she's extremely beautiful and was an international star, doing a ton of movies in Italy before being recognized in the US.
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Very smart and beautiful, the characters that she played (I mean those in the movies that I put in the previous question) are as strong and determined as her which I think adds to her hotness.
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Global superstar and my late grandfather's long time movie star crush and for a man as quiet as he was, and as hopelessly devoted to his wife as he was, the fact that I know that means she was EXCEPTIONAL.
Big in the chest, snatched in the waist, pretty in the face 😳
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Sexy, beautiful, deep. A real star.
Her performance in "Man of La Mancha" is just so very captivating. Dubbed as "the Italian Marilyn Monroe", she looks beautiful in any movie and at any age.
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Forget the exotic sexpot of her Hollywood films and go back to her Italian career: sparking with Marcello Mastroianni as the woman who drives him mad and outwits all his fumbling attempts at macho posturing in their early films, and showing a tender side in their 1970s films. Sophia isn’t self-conscious about who she is or her beautiful body: she enjoys being herself and she wants us all to enjoy ourselves too.
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She starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols of the time. She is a great cook and her filmography is immense.
On the misattributed quote that Sophia owed everything to spaghetti: 'Did you actually say the quote frequently attributed to you, "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"?' "Non è vero! It's not true! It's such a silly thing. I owe it to spaghetti, no, no. Completely made up."
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Mbissine Thérèse Diop:
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So it's been a while since i posted any books - mostly because i've been hiding my progress like a little sneak.
I just finished this bind last night of The Desert Storm by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning, or really it's volume 1 out of like ??? 15, maybe. Please take whatever i say with a pinch of salt (I have had 0 sleep for more than 24 hours, and that tends to make me a little very sleep-deprivation drunk a.k.a. unhinged). Okay, on to thoughts! The Desert Storm was foisted onto me by @celestial-sphere-press who told me under no uncertain terms that I WOULD FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT. Well, I did. This more than 1 million word epic about Ben Fuckin' Kenobi is pretty much god-tier fanfiction. It reads like a goddamn novel. I can never think of canon again without thinking that this good shit should be canon. I read it and then consumed half of it within a week, and I have zero regrets. @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning, i absolutely love you and love your writing. It is the best thing since sliced bread. It is better than sliced bread.
I also had the benefit of @celestial-sphere-press saying, hey would you want to use the typeset? MY GOD, i am grateful. I love this fic, i would have typeset it if it hadn't been typeset but Des did such a beautiful job that i am absolutely in awe and thankful that she and the author allowed others to use it. Look at it - it's so beautiful. I only had to think hey, i just gotta design the cover and et cetera and so the book happened.
Please also check out @celestial-sphere-press 's amazing post here and here, who is the only person i know who's started and is almost complete in fanbinding this epic, and is also making an author a copy of the entire series.
Some stats, if you will.
96215 words || 380 pages
Title font: Ghaomiec
I took some inspiration from starblight bindery's lovely desert scape as well as this amazing cover of Dune which i own. I love that the landscape emanates Dune vibes while being oh so Tattooine - just sand and heat, relentless loneliness and melancholy. This fic centres around Obi-Wan Infinite Sadness Kenobi so it needed SAD VIBES TM, which i tried to deliver in desolate landscape form.
Also thank the heavens for Renegade members, who in a masterful stroke of Group Buy Saves Money, managed to source extra-out-of-production colours of Colibri and help a fair number of us get really cool limited edition versions of bookcloth. I am now a proud owner of a lorge stash of Duo and Colibri of which i am now sitting on like a shifty dragon with a hoarding problem. Good luck getting your bookcloth now, Folio Society, ha ha (gloating)! This particular bookcloth is Colibri Copper which has been wholly stashed for The Desert Storm series. I am leaning on transitioning to Malachite for Rise and Fall when I get to it.
The front cover design was done with a stock image and converted to a PNG, which i then fiddled with and did some HTV magic with. It was remarkably easier to weed than expected. I tried something new and ironed the design on the naked bookcloth first before gluing it to the boards, which was a new challenge in making sure everything was aligned.
Endpapers are marbled endpapers (Renato Crepaldi) which I got from Hollanders, which perfectly fit the colour scheme of the bind. The only hiccup was as I was cutting, I realized the sheet was running in the opposite direction of his usual papers and half the size, and only yielded 3 A5 size endpapers and so my heart went noooooooooo. oh well. i guess i will use it for quartos.
Endbands are my favourite - silk in 3 colours in the french doublecore style (as i was binding this i did not have the mental capacity to handle the difficulty of 4 strands). the truth is i usually only can do 4 when I have higher brain function and am willing to spend 80% of my time unraveling it from getting tangled.
I also forgot to mention I had mild fuck-ups, I got glue on the front endpaper which I had to hastily remove with wet cloth, and the back square is preposterously bad but I'm ignoring it for now.
Anyway, i've actually managed to complete a few other binds which have not been mentioned here as they've all been gifts/ surprises or event books in some form. I am SO EXCITED, also because I am travelling in the latter half of July to San Diego and L.A. and I get to meet some bookbinding friends in the flesh. Renegade is fucking amazing y'all. I am ready to embrace these crazy lads who have enabled me for the last 1 year, even when i'm the solitary (1) weirdo from my country of origin in the server. Also... potentially bookbinding trip early next year??? I am enthused.
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frannyzooey · 11 months
The Dinner
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Marcus Moreno x f!college reader
The Secret Universe
Rating: Explicit, Daddy Kink™ (seriously, like a lot)
A/N: I have many people to thank for this one: @imaswellkid @the-ginger-hedge-witch @whatsnewalycat @obiknights and the amazing @the-scandalorian - every single one of them gave me the most amazing advice, but also gave me endless reassurance when I needed it, and I could never thank them enough. Sometimes it really takes a village ❤
“How is stats this semester? Need any help?” 
You take a slow sip of your ice water, listening. 
“It’s okay,” Missy replies. “Better, now that I signed up for tutoring during my free period, which — “ she points her fork at her father, who currently has a slightly smug expression on his face, “— totally sucks. I know you said it would help, and it did, but at what cost, dad?”
His shoulders move as he huffs a laugh and he pokes around his dinner plate, spearing some roasted broccoli. Shrugging, he glances at you. “Is a couple of hours a week impacting your guys' social life that bad?”
“No, sir,” you answer with a polite smile. 
The title slips off your tongue with ease, and his playful expression falters for a moment. 
Clearing his throat, he shifts in his chair. “That’s what I thought.” 
He takes a swallow of his water — a small sip, then a larger one — and the three of you continue to eat. 
The dining room where you sit is seldom used, but cozy. The lighting dim but inviting, the sparse surface of the table lends it a more formal appearance and you think about how much you would have preferred to eat at the table in the kitchen. The one you passed earlier, cluttered with mail, magazines, keys, and other things that never really have any other home than a flat surface in the kitchen. 
Eating there would have made you feel more at ease. Eating here makes you feel more like a guest. And with Marcus at the head of the table, the formality of the seating arrangement pulls at you: a constant reminder of who he is. 
Forks slide against plates, glasses being set down with a muted thud on the wooden surface of the table and when Missy reaches for another bread roll, a glance over at him has you noticing his body language.  
He’s looking everywhere but you – at a painting on the wall, at his half eaten plate, at the condensation gathering on his glass. He lets his hand rest around the glass, his thumb swiping through the water and a thrumming, heady pulse that Missy seems oblivious to grows until it fills the space between your chairs. 
Swallowing, you place your elbow on the table near his own. A muscle twitches in his jaw, and his attention turns back to Missy. 
“What else is new?” he asks. “I never hear from you anymore. The room still okay? The bed still make that funny noise?”
Missy frowns, holding a bite of chicken aloft in front of her mouth. “How did you know about that?” 
Marcus sits up straight, shifting again in his chair and opening his mouth as if getting ready to speak, but Missy interrupts him. 
“Oh yea, it was there on move in day,” she remembers. “Whatever. No, we got that tool kit out that you gave me at the beginning of the year and fixed it yesterday. A real girl boss moment.”
She looks over at you and grins, and you return it despite the rapid beat of your heart.
“Yea,” you add, not allowing your eyes to stray from her face. “You killed it.”
You can feel his eyes on you, aware out of the corner of your eye how they slide down your frame and back up again. Whether he’s conscious of it or not, he’s been doing it all night and you want nothing more than to return the look, but you don’t. 
“You ladies have any plans for the weekend?” Marcus asks. 
Missy nods, excitement filling her eyes. “Yea, I think so? I got laundry and stuff to catch up on, but there is this party tomorrow night I wanna go to. I got a text about it earlier, I think it’s around 8ish?”
A small frown appears between Marcus’s brows. “Where’s it at? Around here?”
“Yea, I think so? I’m not really sure. I’ll have to look up the address or something.”
He doesn’t like that answer, you can tell by the way his frown doesn’t go away and you chance a peek at his face while he’s distracted. A pulsing beat gathers between your thighs, at both the sternness of his expression but also the care behind it. 
“Well,” he continues, taking another bite of dinner. “Let me know, okay? I’ll drop you off and pick you up.”
“Dad,” Missy playfully whines. “You’re embarrassing me.”
He rolls his eyes, stretching his legs out under the table and when one of his knees knocks into yours, you still. 
His eyes glance down, a short, apologetic smile showing briefly in your direction but he doesn’t move it. It stays there, his leg shifting just enough to press against yours with intent and as the dinner goes on, you resist the urge to smile. 
You met them both for the first time on move-in day. 
Cars lined along the driveway to the dorms with their trunks crammed full of new bedding and boxes and the bare essentials for kitchens and showers, you noticed them right away. 
Missy, true to the picture she emailed you weeks ago when introducing herself as your new roommate, and Marcus, when he stepped around the side of the car to open the trunk. Close-cropped dark hair shone browner in the sun, the strands neatly combed into place, yet slightly curled with the humidity. His shirt stretched tight across his wide shoulders, tucked neatly into dress pants that fit him perfectly. The fabric pulled across his back when he leaned forward to reach in for the first boxes and when Missy shouted your name, he turned around. 
You had to pull your eyes away from his face to greet her with a shy smile. 
He stuck around the entire morning – making sure the lofts were set up correctly, helping move furniture, his kind, good humored eyes on his daughter as he took in her first day at college. He offered to take the two of you out to lunch in celebration, but before you could reply, Missy shooed him away. 
“We’re gonna go grab a coffee or something. Get to know each other. You can get outta here, dad. Thanks for the help.”
You could tell she genuinely meant it, but the paltry thanks wasn’t enough in your opinion. He had already done more than your parents had ever done for you, and you wondered what it was like to grow up in a house where it happened so often you took it for granted. Your parents hadn’t even bothered to give you a ride on your first day, you had taken the bus with your meager boxes. 
He humored her, giving her a soft smile and when he turned to say goodbye to you, you made sure to hold his gaze when you thanked him. 
“Not a problem,” he replied sincerely. “It was really nice to meet you.”
“You too.”
The two of them clear the plates while you grab what you can from the table, and it’s apparent that they have their own shorthand method of communication with each other. She clears, he starts the dishwater. She empties scraps into the trash to stack plates neatly by the sink, and when you help her, his eyes linger on your mouth when he turns to say thank you. 
A routine that had never taken place in your own home, you revel in the roles everyone plays. The comfort of them, the domesticity. You imagine the two of them doing this every night before Missy left for college, and the mental image of Marcus standing at the sink with his t-shirt stretched over the strong muscles of his back warms you from the inside out. Even more when you think about him reminding Missy to clear her place, or asking her what she wants in her lunch tomorrow. 
The qualities of a dad: one who does because he cares, but also guides. 
Done clearing, Missy leaves the room, the telltale sound of the washer door opening down the hall, and Marcus stills at the sink, listening. 
“Listen, don’t jam it all in there like last time, okay?” he warns, his eyes looking up at the ceiling. “You can do more than one load. No rush, Missy, okay?”
“Yea, yea, I got it,” she yells back, and he sighs, shaking his head. You meet his eye in a knowing look, and the corner of his lips pulls up in a rueful smile. 
“She almost broke it last time, trying to fit about a month of clothes in all at once.”
You laugh, and nod. “She does that at the dorm too.” 
He shakes his head, pushing his hands into the water. 
“You don’t need to use those machines — either of you. You’re always welcome to come over and do it here,” he offers, searching in the sudsy water for a plate. Finding it, he begins scrubbing it with a rag. “Either of you. Even if she can’t come, you can.”
A pause.
“Anytime you want.”
The invitation hangs between the two of you in the silence, and you keep your eyes on his forearms as they flex above the suds. A sudden, unbidden image of them flexing between your thighs flashes through your mind, the weight of his fingers felt inside you. 
His voice lowers. “We could even plan it that way, so we don’t have to keep…“
He gives you a knowing look, and guilt gnaws at you as you listen to Missy hum in the next room.  
“It’s not that I don’t want that,” you explain, your voice keeping quiet. “I just don’t want…” Uncertainty flashes across your features and when you look up, you find that he’s already looking at you. 
“Don’t want what?” he asks. 
Unsure how to put your fear into words, you hesitate. Moving your meetings to his house somehow makes them more of an offense in your mind. In the space he shares with his daughter; their family home. 
The duality of the man standing next to you has been messing with you all night: the Marcus that stands beside you now versus the Marcus that you know. The unassuming, kind face of a good father masking the hooded lust you know his eyes contain. The strength held in his arms when he takes the trash out; the flex of them under your bare knees when he spreads you wide. His plush bottom lip in a soft smile for his daughter; the same pressing against your skin, your mouth, between your legs. 
A secret shadow follows him around constantly, fleeting slices of the man you know appearing if you watch him long enough. His throaty laugh, the spread of his thighs on the couch, the flex of his jaw.
Seeing him here in his kitchen or at the head of the dining room table has the men merging in your mind despite your ability, until now, to keep them separate. You pull your bottom lip into your mouth with your teeth, thinking. 
“Don’t want what?” he repeats, softer this time, tenderness curling around the words and you’re about to answer when Missy walks back into the kitchen. 
“Hey, you don’t have to help him with that. I got it.”
He stands taller, shifting away from you and you back up from the sink, making room for her. She immediately scoops a delicate mound of bubbles and flicks them at Marcus, laughing when he grimaces with a chuckle. The teasing makes you smile.
He’s so good with her — so patient, and kind, and attentive. So genuinely invested in her answers in a way you’d never experienced, and though you are happy for your best friend in that she has such a doting parent, you’d be lying if you said a little jealousy never crept into your heart when you watched them. 
Not because you wanted either of them to choose you, but because they so clearly had each other. Someone to depend on; a traditional parental/child relationship full of trust and respect and love. 
You watch them for a moment as they work in tandem, their mannerisms similar from behind. 
“I’m gonna take a shower before bed,” you announce, and excusing yourself from the room, you leave them to finish the dishes. 
“I didn’t think you were gonna come.”
Down the hall from his room and across from Missy’s, the guest bedroom door clicks shut quietly in the dark. The shuffle of sheets whispering as you shift to make room for him in the bed, the mattress dips when he joins you, the heat of his body felt close. His hands reach for you, pulling you closer and there are no other words spoken as his mouth meets yours, deepening the kiss immediately. 
His tongue slides against your own, your taste familiar and maddeningly addictive, and he groans deeply into it, rolling you onto your back. 
Beneath the solid weight of his body is your favorite place – secure, safe, desired, wanted. Trapped between the soft bed and the scent of his warm skin, his mouth takes and takes and takes from yours until you’re drunk with arousal beneath him, wanting to stay there forever. 
“I wanted you so bad at dinner,” he breathes in a low confession. “So fucking bad, even when you walked through the door.”
Every one of his words is matched with a weighted grind of his hips into the cradle of your thighs, and you roll right back against him, a soft sound catching in your throat at the delicious pressure. There is something that makes you weak about his voice in general, but when he swears – especially in his desperation to express how much he’s wanted you – it lights a path straight from your ears to your center; need blooming fierce and bright.
You would tell him how much you thought about him just as much if his mouth didn’t immediately cover yours again, and pushing your fingers through his close-cropped dark hair, you match his urgency. Your knees hitch higher around his broad torso, your thighs tightening with every flex of your hips up and the stiff length of his cock underneath his sleep pants fits perfectly along the damp seam darkening your underwear. 
You can feel the thick ridge of it, aching for the filling heft as he grinds his hips against you again and again, and whimpering for more underneath him, the words slip out. 
“Please, daddy.”
He stills for a split second, breaking the kiss as a shudder slips through him and a wash of embarrassed heat floods your face, but it’s quickly replaced with arousal when he groans as if in pain, his furrowed brow pressed into the plane of your chest. 
His hand splays against your side to keep you in place with a pained press of his fingers. “Jesus Christ, baby, you can’t — you can’t say things like that. Please. Please.”
“But I want it,” you whisper. 
You do. You’ve wanted it ever since you met him, just knowing by looking at him that he would give you what you need. So thoughtful, so considerate and kind, so attentive and warm but also very much a man – a handsome, understated man with needs that showed clear on his face every time you met him after that first time. 
The second, third, fourth time you met him, the flicker of interest in his dark brown eyes. 
The magnetic, heady pulse of attraction that filled the small room when he showed up once while Missy was at class. 
The lunch that he invited you to instead of her, and the undivided attention he gave you from across the table. The way he reminded you to buckle your seatbelt, and the way you leaned over and kissed him when he waited a beat too long reluctantly saying goodbye outside your dorm, on the street.  
That first, tentative kiss after he followed you back to your room at the reassurance Missy had classes that afternoon, and the frown furrowed between his brows, both at how wrong it was to want this and relief at finally giving in. 
The soft cotton of your sheets sliding against your bare back, the way his body seemed too big for the narrow twin. 
His giving mouth, soothing guidance rumbled in his deep voice. 
Something that’s taken root in your mind with every time he brings you to bed, you don’t know how else to describe how you want to be tucked into his side to be made felt safe and secure, while also fucked deep into the mattress until you’re sobbing with fullness. 
Being here with him has made the need for it unbearable, and what you do know is that no matter what you want, he’ll give it to you. 
Your confession is a quiet one that lingers in the air and he looks up, his doleful, brown eyes finding yours. They stay there, searching for the truth and when he finds it in your slightly ashamed expression, he pulls himself up until you are face to face. 
“Yea?” he asks, soothing stray hairs at your temple. “You want a daddy?”
The word gives him pause, but his cock hardens painfully against the cool sheets and when you nod, the vulnerability shown on your face is so open that he finds himself mirroring it, wanting to soothe. 
He not only understands but wants, so very badly.  
“Okay, okay,” he agrees. The tension in your body drains as you soften underneath him; pliant and moldable for his needs. “Say it again, baby.”
“Daddy,” you whisper in a relieved rush, your plush lips parting only just. 
His hooded eyes watch the word slip from your mouth, and his thumb skates along the plump cushion of your bottom lip, before pushing just inside. He slides his thumb over the wet muscle of your tongue, letting you suck on it. 
Bright need swells and aches between his thighs, your soft, lush skin slipping against his as you squirm in need underneath him and he slips his thumb from your mouth before pressing his lips to yours with a rough kiss. 
Desperate to feel the clutch of your tight, wet cunt, he reaches down to open you up for him, his hand slipping beneath your panties and his fingers sliding with a familiar swipe through your soaked curls. He finds the dip where you need him most, your arousal soaking the pads of his competent touch and his breathing quickens, his eyes flitting between your face and his cotton covered hand. 
The same fingers that made dinner, that queued up the movie, that clasped under his chin when he listened to Missy talk. The same ones that held the steering wheel in a loose grip as he drove you to the store.
They’ve slid into your mouth before, and then your cunt. Brushed against the puckered rim of your asshole, swirled with divine pressure over your clit, and filled you to the brim until you cried out, your cunt a snug slip around them. 
Two fill you now with an urgent slide, the action making him swallow the soft catch of your whine and the ease in which he slips them in and out is aided by how wet and ready you are for him. 
Always so wet; his perfect girl.
“When you called me ‘sir’ at the dinner table,” he pants, nuzzling the bridge of his nose along your jaw as he looks down at his hand. Your thighs open wider for him, and you softly moan, chasing the thick fill of his fingers. “I almost fucking lost it. So sweet. So sweet, baby.” 
“Just – just for you.” Your brow furrowed in pleasure, you chase what he’s building inside you, your small hand slipping down to cover his larger one. Your fingers push over his, guiding him as if he needs it, and the both of you get lost in the slick, consuming motion; his eyes glued on your parted mouth. “I’m sorry if you didn’t want me to say it. The daddy thing, I –”
“Don’t be sorry. No, fuck. Don’t be sorry, baby. I wanna hear it. I want it.”
His soothing words wash over you, your cunt accepting him deeper as he adds a third finger and before he gives you time to adjust, he’s slipping them from your wet heat, sliding them into his mouth with a suck. He groans with a frown, his lashes dark against his face as his eyes flutter shut and he shifts abruptly down the bed. 
His fingers grip the band of your underwear and tug them roughly down your legs before the width of his shoulders forces your knees apart. The heat of his mouth felt in a humid gust against your spread, bared seam, he tugs you tight to his face, and the emptiness left by the sudden absence of his fingers is immediately replaced with his thick, eager tongue. 
His whiskered cheeks brushing roughly against the tender skin on the inside of your thighs, he devours your cunt, his back flexing as he nearly pushes you up the bed in his hunger if not for the way his hands curl around the top of your thighs to hold you in place.  
“Shhh, baby. Shhh,” he reminds you, and you let out a quiet sob, clasping your hand over your mouth. 
He’s so much, a sensory overload being amplified by the darkness around you: the needy grip of his large hands, the slick slide of his tongue, the muffled groans he’s letting out between your legs. 
“You taste so good, baby,” he breathes, his mouth dragging damply over the inside of your thigh with a thick kiss before he licks your clit with the flat of his tongue. He slides it from side to side with pressure, a motion that makes you bow off the bed. 
Mindless with pleasure, you’re overcome with the need to anchor yourself to something — the direct attention is so much, too much — and your hands fist the sheets, your back arching. 
“I washed it just for you, daddy.”
You should be embarrassed but all traces of shame are turned to cinder the second he groans deep and loud, the sound muffled by the way he immediately buries his face with an open mouthed kiss. It’s messy and decadent, his tongue pushing inside you and then it swipes lower. 
Your hips jolt up to meet it; his low, satisfied groan sounding between your cheeks. 
“Fuck,” you whine, the tip of his tongue pressing against the tight ring of muscle before he flattens it to lick a wide, wet stripe from the seam of your ass all the way to your clit. Another one, before he gives your soaked entrance a hungry kiss and the pressure of his face being buried so deep makes you grind against him, your hips moving in time with his, as he seeks his own relief against the sheets. 
“I’m gonna — I’m gonna fucking come. Daddy, you’re gonna make me come.” 
It’s a plea if he’s ever heard one, and he zeroes his focus in on your clit — circling it with his tongue before giving it a light suck. He keeps going as you thread your fingers into his hair with a tug, keeps going as you press your lips together to try to stifle your moans, and keeps going when your thighs tense around his cheeks and you come with a breathless whimper; his tongue swiping hungrily through the salt of your release.
All tension in your body gone, he kisses a path slowly up your body while you lay and catch your breath – up over the top of your thigh, the rounded curve of your hip, the soft, plush underside of your breast. 
He cradles you to his chest, tugging you onto your side as his mouth drags along the line of your neck. He kisses a path over the skin and your hips shift, seeking his out. He can feel you squirming, looking for relief and bellies together, he rolls you onto your back, your hands working together to push his pajama bottoms down and off. 
Your touch is back to frantic as he pulls from your mouth, his hands cradling the sides of your head to keep you in place as he gets his fill and you wind your legs around his waist, encouraging him to push inside. 
He does – a motion that makes your moan get lost underneath his deeper one – and the snap of his hips is immediate and hard, the filling weight of his cock pushing the air from your lungs. 
His lips kiss your closed eyelids, his tongue sweeping over the salt rimmed lashes where a tear lingers and his mouth finds the fragrant, soft skin below your ear. His lips press against it, his mustache tickling you, the roll of his hips never ceasing. 
“You’re being so good for daddy. So good.”
Your eyes open and find his, and he throbs with how sincerely vulnerable you look underneath him right now, desperate to know you’re being good. 
“You’re such a good girl. Always letting me fuck you the way I want. Always letting me take care of you, like you take care of me.” His lips find the corner of your mouth, the delicacy of the kiss in contrast with the way you have to dig your nails into his broad back to hang on as he fucks you harder and he pulls back just enough to look at your face.
“You’re so good, aren’t you, baby. Aren’t you.”
It’s not a question for you to answer, but rather a statement he needs you to confirm and you nod, a tiny frown of pleasure appearing between your brows as you shift rhythmically underneath him. 
“My baby,” he murmurs, catching your mouth in a deep kiss. “My baby.” 
Your hand trails down the line of his spine and splays over his tailbone, sweat beading along the skin as he fills, fills, fills and you widen your thighs, digging your fingers into the swell of his ass to force him deeper. 
“Please, daddy. Please.”
His hips shift into a slow, weighted grind when you beg using those words. He never pulls all the way out, rather forcing himself so deep into the heart of you that you tremble with the need to come underneath him. 
“You’re so fucking pretty. So pretty when you’re gonna come.”
His praise fills you with light from the inside out, pouring out through your sweat damp skin where it’s flush with his own and another tear slips free; your release both a bright, shining edge that he’s guiding you towards and a strong, powerful current that threatens to pull you under. 
“Give it to me.” 
His voice is husky and strained, a quiet plea for you to let go and when you do with a silent cry, the deep dimpled smile on his face is a proud one, equal parts awe and lust. 
He follows shortly after, the tight, wet clutch of your cunt too much for him – but it’s your relieved face that makes him spend every ounce inside you with slow, smooth strokes until there is nothing left. You look so light underneath him, so content and drowsy and drunk with relief. 
He can’t help himself when he bends to kiss the tear track that runs over your temple, giving you another kiss on the apple of your cheek. 
“So good. You were so good.”
You’re so spent you can’t even kiss him back, rather letting him gently nudge you to meet his mouth and even then you let him take what he needs from your kiss swollen lips, opening up for him when his mouth demands it. 
Eventually he shifts, just enough to settle beside you rather than on top, but you automatically follow the heat of his body, curling into his chest. 
“There’s, uh —” he starts, closing his eyes. You watch the thud of his pulse under the tanned skin of his neck. He licks his plush lips, trying to catch his breath. “There’s milk and cereal — or eggs, if you want those in the morning. I didn’t know what you guys would want, so I —“
Your quiet laugh stops him and he looks down at you, smiling when he sees your expression. 
“Are you really telling me about my breakfast options, like some kinda guest?”
“Yea, I guess I am,” he grins. “But you are a special guest in this house,” he replies, tugging you closer. His mouth finds the curve of your collarbone, his smile felt against the skin there. “Especially for me.”
“Guests really get the full treatment here, huh,” you tease. “Dinner, laundry, breakfast, their ass eate—“
You can almost feel his blush in the dark, his fingers immediately digging into your side to stop your sentence, and your stifled giggles fill the dark room but he doesn’t let up until you’re squirming underneath him, breathlessly begging him to stop. 
“What?” you laugh, trying to keep quiet. “I liked that part of the turn down service.”
He grins, the knowing smile of a pleased man who is well aware he did good. He leans in, putting his mouth by your ear. 
“Good to know. Maybe tomorrow the service will include it again.” He pulls back and winks, leaning back in to give you a quick, full kiss. 
“I wish I could stay, but I better get back to my room.”
“I know.”
“See you in the morning?” he asks, so soft and mussed and hopeful yet grown; his voice low and husky. His eyes are soft with affection, his unwavering gaze showing that he genuinely wants to make sure you’re okay before he leaves. 
His hand cradles the curve of your cheek, his thumb swiping along the line of your cheekbone and you tilt to press a kiss against the heel of it. Relief like you haven’t ever known floods through you, but more than that is what you feel underneath that earnest gaze. 
Safe, secure. In both yourself, and what you mean to him. 
“Yea. See you in the morning.”
He smiles, bending to place a delicate, warm kiss on your forehead. “Goodnight, baby.”
You sigh with contentment. 
“Goodnight, daddy.”
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wildlife4life · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the super amazing @cal-daisies-and-briars @daffi-990 @bekkachaos @tizniz @diazsdimples @wikiangela and @theotherbuckley
SURPRISE!!!! In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs winning back to back super bowls, I have posted the first chapter of Three Taps for the Lombardi aka NFL Buck! Woooooo! The biggest and loudest shout out to @hippolotamus who so graciously beta read this, was one of my biggest supporters, and kept my secret! You are so amazing! This fic is my pride and joy and I am so excited to share it! Hope you all enjoy!
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Three Taps for the Lombardi
Mature // 3.8K // Chapter 1
Eddie Diaz is the 118's new transfer from Houston and he is a bit of mystery. The team knows a few things about the stoic man. He's was a medic in the army with a silver star, he has a son, a dead ex-wife, is gay, and has long term boyfriend named Buck who he moved to L.A. with. Oh, and Eddie is never on shift when there is a home game for the L.A. Rams. Evan Buckley has been traded to the L.A. Rams from the Houston Texans. He has amazing stats, awards, and been named one of America's most eligible bachelors. All he's missing is a super bowl win and a WAG to cheer for him alongside his sister in the stands. Or at least, that's what he's led the world to believe. Almost ten years ago Paramedic Diaz ran onto the Texas Longhorn's field to help college football star Evan Buckley after he was knocked unconscious. Months later, secrets are made so dreams can come true. Can they keep those secrets intact as Eddie takes on the challenges of being a firefighter in L.A. while Buck battles for the Lombardi with a new team?
Tagging for WIP Wednesday (no pressure): @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine @spotsandsocks @devirnis @buddierights @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon @aroeddiediaz @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @buck-coded @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley @nmcggg
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revryebread · 4 months
The Kickstarter for Interstitial 2E: The Premiere Fanfic TTRPG is live!
Interstitial encourages you to play with your toys. Take characters from media you enjoy, relive multi-fandom RP days, & be your most indulgent self.
In it's themes, Interstitial is a game about the connections between people, the impact of changing relationships, and the power of friendship.
Cringe is dead—you're free now.
The first edition of Interstitial was the first game I ever designed & released. I'm proud of the it, but aware of it's setbacks.
Interstitial 2E fixes what never worked, breaks what needed breaking, and gives everything just a bit of a buff—all while maintaining the heart.
If this is your first time here: Interstitial is a PBTA game that is based around the Links System- connections with others you gain over your adventures.
They're separated into four categories- Light, Dark, Mastery, and Heart. These will end up being your stats and currency.
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This game wants you to pull characters from books, games, podcasts, anything and play as them. It's not "I'm basically playing darth vader", you just are playing Darth Vader. Vegeta is here, Catra, Kermit, Luffy. It doesn't matter who they are, you can and should play them.
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2E has new playbooks, new rules, it's all been rewritten to just be better- It's the game that finally gives the polish that Our Hearts Intertwined deserved.
If you want to hear it played, check out Riley Hopkins & Their Amazing Friends' latest season!
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
Keep Your Distance (Request)
Pairings: Travis Kelce x Reader
Words: 2,094
Warnings: Angst, Language, Fighting
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“What time is your family getting to the stadium?” Travis asked you as he got ready to head to Arrowhead for the game against Green Bay. You were getting ready at your bathroom vanity, finishing up your hair and makeup. Your parents flew into Kansas City the night before, excited to get their first NFL game experience. “My dad set up a private tour of the stadium, so they might already be there.” Travis walked over and placed a gentle kiss in your hair. “Is your dad excited?” You turned quickly in your chair, making Travis laugh. “Are you kidding me? He wouldn’t shut up about how excited he was to see you play and how thankful he was that you got him these tickets on the 50-yard line. He called you son, baby, multiple times.” Travis couldn’t hide his smile if he wanted to, beaming with excitement. He knew the moment he met you he wanted to be with you forever, so your parent’s love and acceptance meant the world to him.  
“Mom, Dad, over here!” you called your parents over to the entrance of the stadium, both of them looking lost in the crowd. They were small town folks who rarely left their home, so this was a new experience for them. “Love, there you are!”, your mom pulled you in for a tight hug, planting kisses all over your face like she’s done since you were a child. “Your dad had no idea where to go so we’ve been walking around the outside of the stadium for the past hour.” Your mom rolled her eyes as she looked back at your dad who was approaching. You took in the sight of your father, who was dressed in head-to-toe Chiefs gear, including a red and white knit beanie, even though it was a good 72 degrees outside. He was nose deep in the team program, reading the stats of all of the players. You chuckled when he bumped into another spectator, his eyes looking down at the book in his hands. “Hi Dad!” you wrapped an arm around him, laying your head on his shoulder, peering into the program. “Did you know Travis has 110 receiving yards, the third most receiving yards in the league? Is he here? I’d like to talk to him. I’ve got some ideas on how to improve his game.” You patted your dad on the back, trying to direct your parents to their seats. “I did Dad, he’s the best Tight End in the league. We’ll see him later tonight, he’s already getting ready.”
Once your parents were settled in their seats, you were finally able to enjoy your favorite part of the game: warmups. You and Travis had been dating for two years already, but every time he ran out of the tunnel to warm-up with the team, you felt like the giddy girlfriend of the quarterback in High School. Getting to see him in stretch in those tight pants was just an added bonus. Your seats were right behind KC’s bench, so when Travis was finished warming up he ran over to you to say hi.
“Hi, baby.” You leaned over the railing to give him a sweet kiss on the lips. “Hi, baby. You look amazing.” You blushed, grabbing his bicep. “Travis, you nervous?” your mom asked him. “No ma’am, just another game for me.” You gave Travis a look knowing he had told you last night that he was a bundle of nerves. He felt his play had been off the last two games, and the Packers were known shit talkers, so he wasn’t looking forward to this game at all. “Travis, I’ve been watching you play, I’ve got a couple of pointers-“, “Dad!”, you cut your dad off, Travis giving him a nice smile, and shaking his hand. You looked at your boyfriend, mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ to apologize for your dad. He squeezed your hand. “I’ll see you guys tonight, I’ll take all of the pointers I can get.” He gave you a wink before running back on the field. “See?” Your dad bumps you in the side, “you think I’m embarrassing him, but I’m only trying to help.” You rolled your eyes. “Dad, how would you feel if Travis came into your office and told you how to be a lawyer? You wouldn’t like it.” “The difference is I know something about football, Travis knows nothing about law.”
The first quarter was over pretty quickly, the Chiefs winning 14-3. Overall, the game was going well, but you could tell Travis was getting frustrated, the Packers defense all over him. “You got this baby!” you yelled out to Travis when he sat down on the bench as defense went out, KC turning the ball over after a field goal. He rolled his shoulders back, hanging his head low. Shortly after, Travis was back on the field, one minute counting down on the clock before the end of the quarter. He tried to catch his breath, his chest feeling tight. Quay Walker had been on him all game, running his mouth. It was usual football trash talk, but God he wanted him to just shut the fuck up. “You ain’t getting this one 87. Ain’t getting this one.” Walker called out to Travis trying to get into his head. Mahomes snapped the ball, looking for Kelce, but Travis was completely blocked, the ball thrown offsides. “Fuck!” Travis was slow to get up. You noticed immediately, your heart beating fast, hoping he wasn’t injured. Luckily, the only thing bruised was his ego.
Travis usually waved to you as he jogged off the field at half-time, but you weren’t expecting that this game because he was playing terribly, and sure enough he was one of the last people off the field, skulking slowly back to the locker rooms. “Come on, let’s go get lunch.” You led your parents up the stairs toward the private elevators to the suites. You were trying to distract them, so they didn’t see Travis like this. You knew what their impression of him meant to Travis, and this one game didn’t represent the man you loved at all.
The suite was filled with player wives and family, as well as some benefactors of the football program. You introduced your parents to some of your friends before grabbing a bite to eat. “Is Travis okay?” Brittany, Patrick’s wife sat down next to you, whispering in your ear. You shook your head, truthfully not sure. Appearances were everything, and the wives could be a little cliquey and mean, so you were careful about what you said. “He’s fine. He’s coming back in the second half.”
“Good! Patrick told me that Travis was getting blasted on the field, the Packers LB has been laying into him all game.” You scrunched your eyebrows in surprise, quickly changing your demeanor. “Where did you hear that?”
“Christina’s husband is the PT on the field, he’s been texting her all game.” You stood up from the table, gathering your empty plate. “Well, I don’t like to talk about rumors. I’m gonna go get my parents. Have a good night.” You hustled out of the dining room, grabbing your parents and heading back to the seats.
The third quarter was a lot more hostile, the players getting flagged left and right for small infractions. Travis needed to turn it around or KC was going to lose this game, tied up 21-21. “What the fuck is going on, man?” Patrick ran up to Travis on the field before they got into formation. “Nothin’, man. Let’s go” Travis ran to his position before any more questions could be asked. “Come on bitch, you might as well go home.” Walker was leaning into Travis’ body, planting an elbow into his ribs. “Shut the fuck up.” Travis retorted, his focus on the ball. When Patrick snapped the ball, Travis grabbed Walker’s jersey to steady himself, Walker losing his footing. The referee blew his whistle, his yellow flag in the air as soon as Walker hit the ground. “Unecessary Roughness. Number 87. Half the distance to the goal. 1st down.” You sighed at the ref’s call, keeping your eyes on Travis on the field. When it rains, it pours. “What the fuck was that call?!” Travis yelled toward the ref, but his teammates pushed him away before anything else was said.
Walker and Kelce went at it for the next few minutes, every hard push and foul word going unnoticed by the ref. “Man, you know what? When this game is over, I think I’ll give your bitch a call. She’s got a tight ass, I wonder what else is tight.” Travis whipped around, grabbing Walker by the jersey, their helmets knocking together. “What the fuck did you just say?!!” he threw the LB to the ground, seething as he stood over him. “My bad man, I meant to say I bet she’s got a tight pussy.”
You didn’t see much from your seat but a sea of players rushing over to Travis and Quay, a two-person interaction quickly turning into a brawl. The crowd was in a frenzy, cheering for the Chiefs as the refs tried to separate the players. Once the dust had settled, Travis was removed from the field and ushered to the bench, a bruise already forming on the left side of his face. The ref’s microphone echoed over the loudspeaker. “Unsportsmanlike conduct, Number 87, offense. Unsportsmanlike conduct, Number 7, defense. Both result in automatic ejection.” The crowd groaned and booed at the call, with one of their best players in the locker room, they were certain to lose the game. Your parent’s looked to you, worry blanketing both of their faces. “It’s alright”, you assured them. You weren’t really worried. This wasn’t the first time Travis had been ejected, and it surely wouldn’t be the last. You just hoped he was alright.
After the game you took your parents to the family area so they could sit and relax. You waited about an hour, watching all of the players exit the locker rooms. When you were sure he was alone, you headed back. Travis was taking his time getting dressed, sitting at his locker, his hoodie hanging around his neck. Sadness aside, your boyfriend was still the sexiest thing you had laid your eyes on. When he noticed you walk in, he sighed. You sat down on the ground in front of him, your legs criss crossed under you. He looked you in the eye, waiting for you to reprimand him. “I know what you’re going to say.” You shrugged, messing with the shoelace on his left shoe. “I’m not going to say anything.” He slipped off his seat, settling down the floor in front of you, his knees to his chest. “I don’t care why you did it. I know you had a good reason.” He grabbed your hand, massaging your fingers.
“You’re not mad about your parents seeing me act like an ass?”
“Are you kidding me? My dad loved it! He’s going to grill you with a hundred questions tonight. Be prepared.” Travis laughed, the tightness in his chest relaxing for the first time all day. You both stood up and Travis pulled you in close to him, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, giving his booty a squeeze. You rested on his chest, and he placed a kiss in your hair before resting his chin on your head. “My parents love you. You could fight the entire Packers roster and he’d ask you if you needed backup.” You felt Travis’ deep laugh in his chest. You looked up to give him a deep kiss, and you both headed out of the locker room.
“Travis!” Your dad jumped as soon as he saw you guys walking toward him. “Hey, Mr. Y/L/N.” Your dad pulled his program out of his back pocket, waiving Travis’ formalities off. “Please, it’s Alan. Listen, I’ve got some ideas for your game.” He turned the book to reveal that he had scribbled down various plays in pencil. “Dad, please, can we just do this later? I’m sure Travis is tir-“. Travis cut you off, reaching around you to grab the book out of your dad’s hands. “Is this a ‘Rollout Throwback’?” Your dad nodded his head fervently. “Babe, your dad might be onto something.” You rolled your eyes, releasing your hold from Travis’ waist. You and your mom walked away as the guys continued to talk strategy.
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Broadway Divas Tournament: FINAL
So. It's all come down to this. Were any of us truly surprised? Are any of us really prepared?
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Six-time Tony winner Audra McDonald (1970) holds the record for most Tony acting awards a person has ever won. She is one of five actors to be nominated across all four respective acting categories and the only person to win every one (and the only actress out of the three who is still living...). Her stage work includes: Ragtime (1998), Porgy and Bess (2012), and Lady Day at Emmerson's Bar and Grill (2014). Internationally acclaimed concert tours, Tony host, crown jewel of the American Stage. Grammy winner, Tony winner, Emmy winner. Get this woman an Oscar, stat. This is a BROADWAY Diva tournament, and Audra Ann McDonald is BROADWAY.
Seven-time Tony nominee, two-time winner Bernadette Peters (1948) has a sixty-plus year stage career of monumental proportions. Considered the foremost Sondheim interpreter, their collaborative works include Sunday in the Park with George (1984), Into the Woods (1987), Gypsy (2003), and Follies (2011). She has a thriving concert career, and was a co-founder of the beloved Broadway Barks event each year in Shubert Alley. She has an honorary third Tony (Isabelle Stevenson Award) for her outstanding advocacy and philanthropy. This is a Broadway DIVA tournament, and I mean come on, look at her. That is the quintessential DIVA right there.
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"I don't know what to tell you if you're somehow on the fence here. Audra Ann McDonald is Broadway's most beloved darling, and that's a quantifiable fact. Look at her award shelf. Her voice could resurrect the dead. She is an Oscar away from EGOT status. She has overcome almost insurmountable racism on the Great White Way. She is everything to me. A triple threat of acting, singing, and dancing where not one takes a backseat and she looks and sounds amazing at all times. "
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"I have been besotted by Bernadette Peters (and her bosom) for more than two decades. Her name is synonymous with Broadway. She is THE Broadway Baby. She started in showbusiness as a child and has not left in seven decades. Her voice is emblematic of a time when we let people with unique, fascinating, wildly different voices star in shows rather than have everyone bow to the BA-ification of Broadway where everyone sounds the same and no one is distinctive."
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hummingbird-games · 5 months
2023 In Review (Indie Games)
Last year's! | 2021
I apologize in advance for how long this might be. As a reminder, I don't bash games here so even if I hated something with every fiber of my being...I ain't sharing. As a second reminder, my more in depth reviews and live blogging has moved to Gem's Game Gems so I don't clutter the HBG's main blog. Okay. ON WITH THE REVIEW!!
Diffraction (Demo)- A rainy day otome indeed. I love the quiet gentleness of this game, the two romance options, and the fact that our MC is a photographer and struggling with her art and stack of life "failures" (because...SAME!!)
Alaris - I was asleep and now I am awake: I came late for the advertised fae and dragon lore, stayed seated and waiting for Fenir zjgjdf. Oh, and I guess the mystery surrounding our MC's abilities LOL.
The Summit Library - When I say I was maaaaaad when I realized I blew through chapter 1 and would have to go back to waiting for more content??? LOL, I was very miffed. Anyhoo, check out this title for the gorgeous art, another intriguing mystery (like what is *up* with the magic in the poor library?? who or what is to blame?? 👀) and of course the lovely characters we've been introduced to thus far.
Of Sense and Soul - I'm a regency romance girl. Like after you strip away the other stuff, I am but a poor woman with simple needs: a good ass love story 🤧💛 It's about the yearning and the slow burn and the will they/won't they/PLEASEEE they...I've never been so charmed by a demo, and the full game is going to be amazing I just know it!
Made Marion - This project is a game I've been keeping tabs on for a hot minute but hadn't taken the time to sit and properly enjoy the demo. I'M SO GLAD I DID!!! It's in early access now, so I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to carve out some time to play, but guysss Velvet Cupcake is doing the Thing?!? No idea which love interest I'll go for first, but I had a fun time meeting the Nottingham peeps in the demo.
Herotome (Super Demo) - Oh gosh. Oh gosh oh gosh oh my GOSHHH. Where do I even began?? (Really the question is where the hell do I end because this is one of those projects I talk about a lot/think about a lot and surprisingly haven't run out of things to say zkjfksjd). Another game I've been following for a while, it 100% lives up to the superhero genre in its aesthetic, the characters you interact with, the music and sound design, and of course the slowly unfurling story. Jade and Mia had come out as my top faves, Warden is still there, like hovering in the backgroud, shhhh but I have a special place in my heart for Griffin too (that conversation we have with her?? I have so many screenshots just so I can go back and reread and sear the words in my brain. Like a weirdo. Yup.)
Celestial Crowns - Stats building, celestial royalty, dating sim where you fuck around and find out your choices directly affect your MC's personality?? I'm sat. I supported the Kickstarter and now I try to practice patience for the full game's release siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighh.
Please note this is a SUPER abridged list for my sanity and I fell a little more in love with these 2 jams with each entry I played...
Intertwine - As embarrassing as it sounds, I've never given much thought to the "red string" thing, and I consume more than enough romance media LOL!! But Van is suuuuuch a beautiful man, the UI for this game is so interactive and lovely, the music is ALSO lovely, just lovely-love all the way around teehee. (Also this game encourages replayabillity so like, do with that info what you will.)
Spring Boy [Demo] - I believe this game is going through a complete rehaul, so my thoughts and feelings refer to the original jam entry I played. The art is bright and cute and it's a super super short demo, but I was intrigued by the other student we meet on our mission to plead with our professor about our bombed exam lol!
Assignment Due: Project Blue - IRl group projects??? Suck absolute ass. Group projects with a guy name Asher?? Suddenly it's my new favorite thing in the world 😁
Cryptid Campaign Manager [DEMO] - Remember the last time I looked over a cryptid dating sim??? Remember how I was SUCH a fool?? Good thing I didn't make that mistake again!! The prologue is such a tease but you get an idea of what the full game is gonna be like, and I'm excited to see where my career involving love (and politics) goes!
Heart Cage [Demo] - Yoooooo I stay my ass far far far away from yanderes (could never get into the trope or the character type). WELP. Guess I just needed to keep searching because I really downloaded this off a whim--well, the whim being one of my fellow dev peers playing and rating-- and proceeded to get sucked in 🤧I thought being a detective would be the highlight, but I guuuueeesssss I was more into the romance options than I thought. Oops.
Evernight - I tried to explain what this game meant to me on the side blog, but words failed me. I still don't know what to say other than I loved it?? Which is like ummm I say I love everything, and yeah I'm easy to please BUT Y'ALLLLLL if you play no other game, play this one. Please. Date a werewolf. Or a vampire. Or a fae. Plz. Also figuring out the mystery of your MC's abilities and past is just delightful, ugh.
Bright Oak (demo) - Anotha one I wrote about on the side blog!!! Play this one!!! The writing is lush and atmospheric and the characters are all delightful and it's another game with a mystery to untangle!
The Faithfulness of the Universe- This one gets the award for most unique all around entry that I played. Theeeeee prettiest pixel art to bless my eyeballs, and this tasty mystery concerning Fate and witch Faustina's future (or lack thereof 👀) and what it all means. As a player I very much want to know what it all means!
A Cup For All Seasons - Another game that needs its flowers y'all. It's short but super healing and super cozy and the voice acting and music really tie the gaming experience together???
The Working Woman's Guide to Burning Bridges - DEMO - It's the way I played the demo twice and I've been thinking about it ever since 😭😭😭🙃 obviously life happens and things come up, plus this was a demo. But. BUT!!! I am on my hands and knees prayinnggg the team gets together again to finish the game. I love playing as a stressed, lowkey bitter hot mess who doesn't have her life together 😂somehow the fictional version is soooo much more entertaining!!!
Keyframes (Spring Demo) - After the game College Craze, this is legit THE college, slice of life visual novel of my dreams. I cannot wait for the updated demo next year, and the Kickstarter whenever that rolls around. And now that the developer is on Tumblr, I've definitely been stalking the account and reading each new post like it's my day/night/weekend job 🤧
Hello Counsel 💋 - Okay I take it back, Evernight is like a 20/10 but Hello Counsel is like an 100/10 👁️👄👁️ This game is necessary for my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, alright? The banter ✅ the character designs ✅ the music ✅ the sizzling chemistry between Poise and Salem ✅ I wish this game had more buzz because IT'S SO GOOD!!! (also the dev, Miseri, is who I wanna be when I grow up. I've made it through almost their whole backlog of games and there are no misses and EVERY game is different from the rest and it makes it hard for a toodler dev--ME--to cope LOL)
Candied Hearts - Isekaied into a candy themed game?? Sign me TF UP!!! (Peppermint I love you dearly, you must understand.)
Fully Released & Played (at least 1 playthrough)
The Knight's Dilemma - I don't even know how I originally stumbled upon this??? I just know it had been in my backlog for a hot minute and I was intrigued enough to save it way back when. Y'ALL WHY DIDN'T I PLAY SOONER SKJFHFJFH! There's a couple different endings, I loved the voice direction, AND it's such a simple concept of a game that was just executed beautifully.
Trouble Comes Twice - If I had to make a top 5 list of romance VNs, guess who makes the list?? Guess. Guess guess guess. Have you guessed yet??? LOL! I have been in love with TCT since it's development days and with each passing month, waiting in anticipation, playing the Pateron beta builds, screaming on the main blog about every single thought I had about Jace and Hazel (shoutout to Jace for helping me figure out *me*) Lol if you're curious about said thoughts, those posts are on this blog and not the side blog.
Aelfric the Wondrous - 10/10 would love to forget my first play through JUST to have that experience fresh again 😭😭💛Cute and funny and a wonderful parody type game all around.
A Summer's End - Hong Kong 1986 - Goodness, there's no excuse for why this took me years to finish but anyhoo, I finished, I loved it, I recommend it! It's romantic and achingly authentic and the art is soooo gorgeous I literally can't stand it 😭
The Things You Do For Love - Unhinged yandere manages to entertain and garner sympathy and laughter from Gemini. And that poly ending is chef's kiss too????
Band Camp Boyfriend - There are a handful of games I found and loved before I began my game development journey, and this is one of them. BCB is so dear to me, because of the story and characters but also because of the Dynamic Duo creators and their team behind the scenes. I was never a band kid I was a chorus kid but just as the band geeks loved this game to pieces, us normal folks do too!! Even the boys who I didn't like I STILL managed to find joy in playing their routes (still have a few more to finish at the time of this posting lol, GOTTA GET THE FINAL ROUTE YO). Anyway, this game more than delivered for me and I hope more people keep discovering it!!
Belle Automata: Chronicle I [RELEASED] - While only Chronicle 1 is out at the time of this posting, I already know that the 2nd and 3rd parts are going to be just as amazing???? I wrote about this one on the side blog, so here's my copypaste that still rings true:  
I love TNP (The Nightmare Prince) but Victor’s route hit the sweet spot for me. Maybe it’s the slow(er) burn nature of this route, maybe it’s the reserved nature of Victor and watching him slowly start to care (AND NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE FEELINGS TEEHEE) for me.
A Date with Death - I wrote about this on the side blog--again--. The demo. And then right after finishing a route. And then again where I was fully awake and still managed to sound deranged. No copypaste for that, I shall be nice. But yeah!! Another game where I was screaming at the sky about how much I love it and how I'll never know peace as long as I live.
Our Life: Baxter DLC - I need to offer an official apology to both Cove and Derek because falling head over heels, down the stairs, crashing into the parking lot, falling again but down a manhole for Baxter's infuriating ass was NOT on my 2023 bingo board??? HELLO???? I bought his DLC just to complete my OL collection. Was not expecting to love it this much. Was not expecting to be called to write fanfic and abandon all responsibilities to do this. WHILE DOWN WITH COVID TOO. Allow me to play the song of my people. *Send in the Clowns plays*
Our Cinderella - (this is so funny I'm taking about a side game before the main game LOLOLOLOL) Guys. Guysss. You guyyyysss 🥹if you're looking for a cozy, hilarious, equally oddly and wonderfully sweet short game, this is the one!! You may have your personal favorite Iggy ship (like me) but all the pairings are so amazing and just make sense lol!
Wylde Flowers - This is the only non visual novel game on here but it gets the spotlight because I did NOT spend 90+ hours on this game to gatekeep this beauty. No. It the coziest, the funniest, the funnest, the most addictive Switch game (after Teacup) I've ever played.
Fully Released (& still on 1st playthrough)
Garden of Seif: Chronicles of an Assassin - Life kicked my butt and then sat on me SO while I finally got my grubby hands on the full copy, I still have only played the entirety of the demo. But. We will return to this in 2024 and hopefully I'll have a full review for the next wrap up!
Our Wonderland - I looked back at the side blog and I can't believe it was only THIS year that I started OW??? Because I'd known of the game and the dev for longer than that??? So basically what I'm saying is that I was chicken shit for longer than I've been in love with this world that Developer Carrot has created kjzhhshggj. But OMG to get me, who is scared oh so easily to get hella invested in this clearly labeled horror game??????????????? And even with shit gets super absurd and hella disturbing, I cannot stop playing. At the time of this post, I'm only in Act 4, hence the category above, but it's only because I play each act in a sitting and lose track of space and time and myself. That's a compliment btw.
Okie!! That's 2023 in a nutshell! I played a looooot of really good games this year and while I would have liked to talk about them all, I think this list provides a nice overview.
Let me know if we share any favorites!
- Gemini 💛
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
*slams monopoly money on ur table* I need dad katsumi headcanons STAT *please :(🙏🏿*
*shoved it in my bra and clears throat* why of course…
(I finally crawled out of my little slump of perpetual sadness)
Baki Head Canons
Katsumi Orochi as a father
Tumblr media
Katsumi Orochi
Katsumi is the kind of dad who goes above and beyond. He’s an efficient multitasker. He will do his best and go to be there for all of his offspring(s)‘s first moments of life (like walking, talking, and crawling).
Katsumi takes pictures and video records everything. He’s not only your number one fan, but also his child(ren)’s
Katsumi is an amazing dad. He’s great with kids and he will play with them any chance he gets. Katsumi is willing to wear dresses for tea parties if his daughter wants that. He will be outside playing in the sand if he has a son. Katsumi would love his kid no matter what and support any of their interests
Katsumi would be over the moon if he kid(s) want to learn karate (they’re most likely gifted in it already).
Katsumi sometimes cries whenever he sees his kids doing something particularly cute (like coloring a picture of their family)
Expect him to try to have more kids with you. You will probably have to get your tubes tied to escape his never ending love of being a father
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