#you got this and here's what i (future maggie) think
cptnbeefheart · 3 months
i felt like i read a lot of books last year and its true that i read more than most years but i think i literally only read 3 1/2 books. reading is something ive always really struggled with and i think it has to do with needing to be like super hyperfocussed. idk i feel like if im not retaining and acknowledging the absolute most detail that i absolutely can then im wasting time. so I go pretty slowly and take plenty of notes to reference when i don't quite understand something mentioned in passing that happened chapters ago . and if i dont take a day or two between reading to absorb everything i feel overwhelmed. the notes help with my memory issues or putting everything together in my head. anyway ive always been super insecure about it and it probably sounds like no fun and too much work to everyone else and well it is a lot of work. which is what draws me to it and also discourages me. anyway pointless post im just saying it requires so much effort to me and i think its mostly due to myself and not the learning disabilities LOL. i heard once that dyslexic people tend to memorize facts because they learn information differently ironically i memorized this fact and perhaps thats why i feel like i need to get every single detail. also its just fun i really enjoy comprehensive breakdowns and literary analysis. i hope to read more this year perhaps its also a mix of not knowing what genres i prefer. vonnegut i can pick up immediately without trying as hard as other texts. i also force myself to read classics which are a bit more difficult bc i feel like i have to decode what theyre saying. ok im done now bye p[lease dont change your opinion on me im actually really self couscous (<- silly way to say self conscious ) about it
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One night at the Hotel, they're scrolling through HellFlix and Vaggie suddenly gasps.
Vaggie: NO FUCKING WAY! It's finally on here!
Charlie: What? You find a show you like?
Vaggie: Not just "like", this is the best show EVER! I've wanted to binge it with you for years!
Charlie: Oh, neat! So, what show is it? What's it about?
Vaggie: I got three words for you, babe. Xena. Warrior. Princess!
Charlie: "Wait, she kills the king of hell?"
Vaggie: "It's not a historically accurate show babe don't worry about it."
Charlie: "Still... now I'm picturing her murdering my dad. Not sure how to feel about it..."
Lucifer: (intensely eating popcorn behind them) "Well I'd feel GREAT about it!"
Charlie: "Wh- Dad!?"
Lucifer: "It would be an honor."
Charlie: "To be KILLED by her???"
Lucifer: "Of course! Look at her snarling war face! Look at her THIGHS-"
Charlie: "DAD!!!!!"
Vaggie: (sighing) "Wish I was king of hell so she'd murder me..."
Lucifer: "Poor Maggie." (pats her) "There there, maybe Xena- or Gabrielle might be better seeing as you've been cheering every time she comes on screen- maybe they'd agree to murder the princess consort of hell too?"
Vaggie: "I uhhhh- s-sir, me and Charlie, we're not-"
Lucifer: "Right yes of course! Future princess consort."
Vaggie: "Ffffffuture-?"
Lucifer: "Ohhh Char-Char.... Lilith would be FIRST in line for death at the hands of this warrior princess lady and her gal pal. Especially if they used those amazing thighs of theirs to-"
Vaggie: "Sir, please don't finish that sentence and ruin the best show in all creation for my girlfriend by adding more family trauma."
Lucifer: "Whoops! Gosh am I saying too much now? Oh golly, my bad my bad, ha ha ha!"
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "Sweetie? Wanna switch the show off for a while?"
Charlie: "....actually, Vaggie..."
Vaggie: "?"
Charlie: "... D'you think we could get a Xena costume in your size?"
Lucifer: (jaw drops)
Vaggie: "Hhhhh... I- yeah, probably? I mean.... this is hell, and her outfit is mostly leather, so...."
Charlie: "Would you wanna wearrrrr it~?"
Lucifer: (drops popcorn)
Vaggie: "Do you even have to ask?"
Charlie: "Mmmm heheh- but I like setting a good example, and you know I loooove it when people ask~"
Charlie: "ohshitballsdickfuck- DAD-"
Vaggie: "Hostia!" 
Charlie: "Dad- dad im so SORRY i forgot you were here-!"
Charlie: "You fell face first onto your own cane! You're BLEEDING!"
Lucifer: "Everything is fine! Once I've been sick into this bag of popcorn i will be extra specially FINE and our little impromptu family tv night together is going SO SPLENDEDLY WELL, isn't it Maggie!?"
Vaggie: "Ajo y agua..."
Vaggie: (sighing) (smiling) (standing up)
Vaggie: "...I'll go get the first aid kit."
-silly bonus-
Niffty: (from under couch) "I'll trade you the first aid kit for a vile of his bloooooood~~"
Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer: (screaming and jumping on the couch and clinging to each other in terror)
Niffty: "Don't worry!" (giggles) "It's just for my Collection~"
Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer: (screaming LOUDER)
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drconstellation · 26 days
Aziraphale-Beelzebub Parallels
Aziraphale's Edinburgh Journey: Part 2
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I've already written a series on how Crowley and Gabriel act as parallels and foils to each other in S2. Their other halves - their partners - also act as each other's parallels. I mentioned this briefly in the second post in that series, but here we need to expand on this.
We also need to talk about Maggie.
I think most people identify that there is good case for a many parallels between Aziraphale and Maggie as well. But when you consider Aziraphale-Beelzebub-Maggie together in a character triangle, Maggie suddenly starts to make a lot more sense. And I believe there is one more peculiar element thrown in that she is reflecting back to us as well about Aziraphale that has made her particularly hard to understand on top of all that.
But let's look at the Aziraphale-Beelzebub related parallels first.
They hold the highest ranking position
Beezlebub holds the highest ranking position in Hell under Satan, as the Grand Duke. They leave a vacancy at the end of the series, that we are yet to see filled.
For most of S2 the Supreme Archangel is missing - and it is only right at the end that we see Aziraphale step up and accept the offered role.
Two things to mention here:
One might argue that the Metatron is higher in ranking than the Supreme Archangel, but for purposes of this discussion he doesn't seem to have much to do with the day-to-day running of things like the Supreme Archangel would. Gabriel was also the one who appeared on the tarmac at Tadfield Airbase opposite Beelzebub when things weren't going to plan in S1.
Secondly, this is where I would like to start introducing the concept that we are being shown Aziraphale's future story in S2. Such as Aziraphale's future role as Supreme Archangel, however long he holds on to it.
I don't know how difficult it will be to demonstrate this as we go along from here, but I'm going to try and point out places where I think we are being shown glimpses of the future - foreshadowing - and a lot of them come through Maggie. Not all, though, there are exceptions, but we'll discuss them in due course. Such as in the next parallel.
They need words of affirmation
Crowley isn't the most loquacious character but he's not shy of boosting his angel's ego when it's needed. Whether it's encouraging Aziraphale to go big on stage in 1941 or supporting his detective efforts in Edinburgh Crowley is still going to put in a good word or two for Aziraphale's sake.
AZIRAPHALE: [over phone]: I think I've found some clues. And do you remember the statue of Gabriel in the graveyard in Edinburgh? I'm looking at it now. CROWLEY: Mmm, good job. AZIRAPHALE: Oh, do you really think so?
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We know Beelzebub needs words of affirmation as well because they ask Demon Josh this:
BEELZEBUB: Do you ever think, wouldn't it just be nice if someone told you what a good job you're doing? DEMON JOSH: In hell? BEELZEBUB: Yeah.
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Hang on, just a minute...Demon Josh...?
The demon who appears to be acting as the Personal Assistant/Secretary to the Grand Duke of Hell?
There is an old thread that points out that Greasy Johnson's name is basically another form of Jesus Christ. The TL:DR version is that Joshua aka Oily Josh is another form of Jesus.
So Beelzebub has Demon Jesus as her assistant.
Remember I was trying to tell you we are seeing future echoes of Aziraphale's story in S3 here? Jesus as the right hand of the Supreme Archangel, perhaps?
They give gifts
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A S1 crossover, Beelzebub gives Gabriel the Tardis-like fly storage container, and Aziraphale gives Crowley the thermos of holy water in 1967 to stop the crazy caper he was planning to steal some. Both acts were done unprompted at the time.
They enjoy music
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We've seen Aziraphale with his phonograph in action several times, and in S2E1 we see him in the midst of listening to the Shostakovitch records he got from Maggie when the arrival of Gabriel interrupts him.
We learn Beelzebub also has an ear for a good tune when they mention they like the song they hear in the American bar during the recap scenes of their meetings with Gabriel in S2E6.
They make an offer of "betterment" to Crowley
Beelzebub's offer to Crowley that he could be a Duke of Hell if he finds Gabriel for them, all while he is lounging across the two horned thrones in S2E1, is widely seen as a prominent piece of foreshadowing for S3.
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Really, the only question should be is will that be just a plain Duke or will he somehow end up in the Grand Duke of Hell position opposite of Aziraphale?
Aziraphale also made an offer to Crowley - to restore him to angelic status.
At the time, neither offer was accepted with any enthusiasm - especially the latter.
They have a date at Gabriel's statue
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I have pointed out elsewhere that this is a triple-parallel with a shot from Before the Beginning, but then I remembered that the parallel with Aziraphale looking jealously at angel!Crowley was written after this date pair with Gabriel's statue.
I intend to talk about the significance of the statue in Part 4: Judgement Day, as it makes a bridge between all three seasons and it needs some thorough and lengthy discussion around it.
They go to the pub
This is another triple-parallel between the two pairs. (I think @kayleefansposts first brought this up but I can't find the post it comes from now, even though it wasn't that long ago.)
First, they both meet in a cafe:
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Then they meet in a pub:
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And lastly, they meet - well, lets say with alcohol on the table and an option of food?
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Their partners make a reference to the absurd creativity of humanity
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For some time I wondered why when Crowley came back from the pub with Aziraphale, he plucked the Jane Austen off the shelf and shouted that inane line at humanity: "You people, I will never get the hang of you lot."
Eventually I realized it was a parallel moment to when just before Gabriel miracles the jukebox in the Resurrectionist to play Every Day the first time.
GABRIEL: What's that? BARTENDER: A classic 1960s jukebox. You don't see many of them these days. You just put your money in and tell it what you want to hear. GABRIEL: Oh… You people. Amazing. [hands over money] [miracles] Ha!
Both incidences are inspired by their partners - Aziraphale inspires Crowley to look for Austen's novels and Gabriel miracles the jukebox to play the music that Beelzebub likes.
Their partners accidentally leave them on their own
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Crowley was only going to take the human shopkeepers to safety, then return - but he got sidetracked with Muriel all the way up to Heaven. Thinking he would be back soon, Aziraphale didn't plan very far ahead, and that eventually led to a problem - and a long, anxious wait for the demon's return.
On his way out of Heaven, Gabriel was on his way to Hell and Beelzebub - we presume. But as soon as he put himself in the fly, he forgot, and headed to the next most memorable location in his remaining working neurons, which happened to be on Earth. Beelzebub was left wondering where he was - and very alone down there in Hell while their minions were out searching for him. @noneorother shows what happens to the thrones while they wait.
So, about Maggie, then...
Understanding Aziraphale and Beelzebub as a parallel pair helps us to understand Maggie a little better, as Maggie is actually a mix of the two characters, reflecting both of them back at the same time. I think that is why she sometimes seems like an angel and a demon at the same time - because she actually is!
I believe this would also explain the "ugrency" spelling mistake, as well as putting an emphasis on the word urgency itself for us. What is becoming urgent?
For example, Maggie always wears a combination of colours from both characters. Here we can Maggie is wearing Beelzebub's signature colours of orange and light blue, but with a white background as the angelic component.
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At the ball, she wears a blue blouse - blue is a colour associated with Heaven - but its a dark, demonic shade of blue.
She tries to give a gift to Nina, that doesn't quite work, but the thought and effort is there. She's very forgiving. And she says she says she'll still be there when Nina is ready to start seeing her again; she's reflecting the future Aziraphale to us.
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She doesn't want to leave the scene of danger with Crowley when its offered (sounds familiar, doesn't it? Let's go to Alpha Centauri - No! I Can't!)
She's done with being scared, she's ready to stand up and be brave and fight.
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She doesn't want to leave Aziraphale on his own (even though Aziraphale still has faith Crowley will turn up any minute now and have a plan - !!) She comes up with ideas on how to fight back. This is someone who steps forward and takes control. These all look like future echoes and set-ups for parallels in S3 to me.
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There's another line that no one ever talks about that I've always thought was a foreshadowing line that Crowley says to Nina:
NINA: He's never hosted a meeting, ever. Why the change of heart? CROWLEY: He's unpredictable. He's discovered his civic obligations.
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The parallel to this comes from Maggie, when Crowley goes to tell her its time for the meeting/Ball, she says she never misses a meeting. If that's not part of fulfilling your "civic obligations" I don't know what is.
If there was one aspect of Beelzebub I would perhaps just mention here briefly, but not discussing at length because I want to do it elsewhere again as well, is that they twice show restraint of their power and authority - they don't pull Crowley in for punishment as a traitor, even though they could (they pulled him down to Hell for a chat pretty easily) and they don't bother to rip out Demon Josh's tongue and send him to the dung heaps that day for being talkative and annoying, even though we get the impression it happens on a regular basis. In contrast, Aziraphale and Maggie both step up a bit and take some authority on themselves towards the end.
The lists above are not exhaustive of all the parallels between the three characters, but I hope it helps to get you started in thinking about them in a different way to how you might have been.
Next we try to tie the past<-present->future parallels together as we start getting our hands dirty.
The other posts in this series can be found here:
Part 1: Detective Aziraphale Part 3: Stocktaking in the Basement Part 4: Judgement Day Part 5: I Know Where I'm Going
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 month
Got Me Thinking
Part 7: Not Like We Want to Be
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Synopsis: Jack makes a difficult decision regarding the future of your relationship after finding the note that you left for him
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Series Masterlist 💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
After you had basically cried yourself back to sleep once the news broke about you and Jack while the two of you were still in Paris, his phone went off on the nightstand next to him. Without disturbing you asleep on his chest, he reached over to grab it and saw that it was a text from his mom.
Mom- I don't condone cheating and raised you better than that.
He knew he had to answer her because her next step would be to call him and he didn't want to risk waking you up. And he just knew that your mom was probably right beside Maggie at this very moment trying to figure out what was going on.
Jack- I know and I should've been more careful
Mom- Excuse me!?
Jack- I'm divorcing Kelsey and I’ve been seeing Y/N for a while
Mom- Wait…..
Jack- She's getting divorced from Xavier too so we can be together
Mom- I wish you would have gone about this in a different way, but at the end of the day I want to see you happy and I know that Y/N has always made you happy
Jack- I just have to protect her because I know navigating this isn't going to be easy and it's my fault that it's on display for the entire world to see
Mom- Then you need to make sure that you listen to her and don't push her feelings to the side. She's been through a lot already
Jack- I promise that I will
Mom- Just take care of you and take care of her. I'll see you two once you get back home and tell Y/N to text her mom back
Jack- I will once she wakes up
When Jack was going to put his phone back on the nightstand, he decided not to and immediately sent a text to Neelam.
Jack- Nee
Neelam- I'm doing my best here lover boy to put out this fire, but I don't know if I can………
Jack- She told me we should've gone inside and not had been on the balcony, but I didn't listen
Neelam- Well what's done is done and there is no going back. Is Y/N okay?
Jack- No and this is all my fault
Neelam- But we shouldn't be faulted for wanting to choose happiness. I admit that it could have been done differently, but this is the happiest I’ve seen you in a long time
Jack- Um there's something else. I need a favor.
Neelam- 👀
Jack- We're going to need a pregnancy test
Neelam- 😳😳
Neelam- And the plot thickens 😭
You were woken up by Jack placing kisses all along your face and a smile instantly popped up before he kissed your nose and told you to sit up.
“Come on baby, sit up for me. Do you feel any better?” Jack asked you and for a minute you had forgotten about this morning, but still did your best to put on a brave face.
“A little.”
“You need to eat something and I have this too.” Jack replied as he held up a bag and handed it to you. Hesitantly, you opened it to see that there were three pregnancy tests staring back at you.
All you did was look back at Jack and immediately frown.
“No, you aren't getting out of this so stop looking at me like that.”
“What are you so scared about? You have me and I'm not going anywhere.” Jack said as he brushed his fingers across your face.
“It's just…. This would be a lot at one time. I can't imagine going through a divorce and being pregnant. Too much stress.” You quietly confessed as you played with one of the tests in your hands.
“But you're not alone in this, remember that.”
“I know.” You replied while kissing the tip of Jack’s nose making him smile at you.
You went quiet for a minute and Jack grew concerned and lifted your chin so that you could look at him.
“What are you thinking right now?”
“That this baby is going to have a lot of hair between the both of us.” You answered while laughing and brushing your hand through Jack’s curls.
When Jack got off the phone with Clay, he immediately called Urban to ask if he had seen you and when he told him no, his panic level had risen.
He tried calling you again and when it went straight to voice-mail once more, he resorted to calling Janelle.
“Hey, everything okay?” She asked as she was looking in the mirror attempting to put one of her lashes on.
“No, Janelle, have you seen Y/N? Is she with you?” He asked and this immediately grabbed her attention.
“What? I thought she was with you!? I asked if she wanted to hang out earlier and she told me no because she was with you.”
“No! I was out all day and I came back to find a note from her saying she's overwhelmed and needs a reset and not to look for her. How can I NOT look for her!?”
“Oh shit.” Was all Jack heard Janelle mutter.
“What do you mean oh shit?”
“This…. This isn't the first time she's done this.”
“She's done this since her first year in nursing school. You know she has anxiety and panic attacks?”
“Yeah, she's had them since we were younger.”
“Except now when it would happen when she became an adult, she would run. I mean, homegirl would disappear for WEEKS and no one would know where the hell she was and wouldn't tell us when she came back.”
“I… so what am I supposed to do!? I don't want her to be by herself!”
“Okay, okay. Breathe for a second. She couldn't have gotten far. Just…. meet me at my parents house and bring Clay and Urban. I'll call Jeremiah and I probably have to call Tania so she can get a flight out here because she would be the only one that Y/N would talk to during that time if she did talk to anyone that is.”
Feeling your phone vibrate for what seemed like the thousandth time, you pulled it out of the back pocket of your jeans and looked down to see that it was Jack.
You should have known that leaving that note was better than saying anything at all, however you also should have known that he wasn't about to let this slide and wanted to talk to you to make sure that you were okay.
The plate of your food in front of you was left untouched as you pushed it around the plate before checking the time. It was getting close to two in the morning as Ms. Isabella slid in the booth to sit across from you.
Glancing up at her, all she did was grab your hand to give it a gentle squeeze.
“Y/N….” She started to say and you knew what was about to come after.
“You have got to stop running away when things get a little difficult for you. I let this slide when you were younger, but you are turning thirty in a few months. When does it end? I know he's worried about you.” She softly said and the tears were silently falling down your cheeks as you wiped them away.
Any time you would go missing, you came home to Louisville and would go straight to Ms. Isabella at the Waffle House to talk to her. You hadn't done it in a few years so she thought that it was done and over with until she saw you walk in tonight by yourself.
You would turn off your location, come and see her, and stay in a hotel down the street until you felt ready to go back into the world again. You would be right up under your family's nose and they had no idea.
“I know. He keeps calling me and my phone is almost dead.”
“At least let him know that you're okay so he can hopefully stop worrying as much.”
“Jack? Stop worrying when it has to do with me? Not a chance.” You replied while sipping on your mango lemonade that Ms. Isabelle would only make for you when she could tell that you were sad.
“I called it from the time the two of you were eighteen that you would be married so I was definitely surprised once the two of you got married to other people. And both of you were miserable. At least that’s what both of your mom's told me.”
“I… thought Xavier was it for me, however, my feelings for Jack never went away. And that should have been my sign right there.”
“As much as I love having you here, you can't stay with me forever and you need to get some sleep. At home. In your own bed.”
“He’s going to be so mad at me.”
“We don't know that, but what you need to do is be honest about how you're feeling. He's worried more than anything.”
Just then the phone rang in the front of the restaurant and Ms. Isabelle excused herself to answer it. Once she came back to the table, she gave you a look.
“What?” You asked wondering why she was making that face.
“That was him and he's wondering if I saw you.”
“Ms. Isabella….”
“Relax. I told him that I saw you earlier in the day which wasn't a lie and that I would be on the lookout for you. However, you have an hour to get yourself together and go home to a man who loves you and wants to give you the world. Do you understand?”
“Yes ma'am.”
It was around 3:45 when you pulled into the parking garage and began to make your way upstairs. Taking a deep breath, you placed the key into the lock before turning it and making your way inside to see Jack pacing around the living room and looking down at his phone.
Once you placed your keys down, this caught his attention as he looked in your direction and was surprised to see you in front of him.
“I know you're mad at me.” You quietly said to him while he just stared back at you.
“Y/N, you can't even begin to understand how worried you had me. And the fact that I call Janelle and she tells me apparently you would do this all the time. Be gone for weeks without saying something to someone. Do you not understand how dangerous that is?”
“Yes, I know and I'm sorry.”
“Are you? You saw me calling your phone and at the VERY LEAST you could have told me that you were okay. How are we supposed to be together if you aren't honest with me and tell me things? I'm thinking that you're fine and I come home to see a note telling me not to look for you? What the hell is that?”
“I get it, I do. And I should have told you but I’m back and….”
“Do you want to be with me, yes or no? Because if not we can end this right now.” Jack asked immediately, cutting you off.
“What!? Of course I do.”
“Because this is not the first, but the second time you’ve run off and just flat out ignored me without letting me know that you were okay. I am divorcing my wife to be with you and to me it's like you aren't even taking that into consideration with the way you're acting.”
“Are you serious? And I am divorcing my husband for you! And you don't even want to be with her. I've quit my job, lost all of my got damn endorsement deals and moved back here to be with you so don't you dare say that. Well excuse me for being overwhelmed since only one person in this room is being called a homewrecking whore by the media every day and newsflash Jackman, IT ISN'T YOU.” You responded as tears were now falling down your face once again.
“And why didn't you tell me that? That's what people in relationships do! Tell me so that I can help you!”
“I just want to go to sleep.” You shot back as you roughly wiped your tears away.
“Ain't no way in hell you're walking away from this right now. Answer my question, please.”
“Because you have enough to worry about, so I figured that I could handle it on my own.”
“Hmm, and how did that work out for you? You know what? Maybe we shouldn't be together how we want to be.”
“Wait, Jackman, what are you saying?”
“You are still hesitating even though you tell me that you're all in. I get that it's a big change, it is for the both of us but I want this and I'm not really sure if you do.”
“I promise that I do and I love you.”
“Sometimes love isn't enough. I.. want us to be in a good space, but we both have things that we need to work on and work through.”
“No… baby, what are you saying?” You asked as you were now panicking.
“I don't think we should be together right now. I want to be able to love you and love you properly and I deserve the same thing in return. But, you aren't there yet. And this isn't to slight you or anything, but we're both hurting from being married to people who didn't give a damn about us and we need to heal before we can even begin to be in a healthy relationship with each other. And I love you enough to tell you the truth and be honest.” Jack said as he began to play with the ends of your hair.
“No..” You said as you were shaking your head as Jack came closer to you and brought you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.
“Baby, please. If we want to do this the right way, this needs to happen whether we like it or not. You've sacrificed a lot to be with me and I feel like I was putting too much pressure on you and I'm sorry. If you want to go back to Cali, I understand.”
“But… I want to be with you and I'm sorry and we can fix this… just…”
“This is what we have to do in order to fix it. I want to be the person who you deserve and I want to be at my very best for you. I just want you to be able to see that.”
You nodded your head as you hugged him tighter and cried into his chest as he soothingly rubbed small circles on your back.
“It's all going to be worth it, you'll see.”
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djarindroid · 3 months
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Pairing: Rick Grimes x Reader
Summary: You spend most of your time trying to figure out your confusing feelings for Rick, could a simple run for supplies unravel your emotions? (Set during the prison era)
Warnings: Brief description of violence (walker attack).
Word Count: 3,633
Comments: This is the first time I've written for Rick, I loved doing it so will probably write some more in the future
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As you sat atop the watchtower, looking out over the surrounding woods your mind drifted back to before you arrived here, before he saved you. You’d been so alone, constantly hungry and never knowing where you would be staying next. 
You took a deep breath of the crisp morning air and thought about how lucky you had been for him to have found you out there. He plucked you out of your desperate life and invited you to join his group. Providing you with everything your soul needed, security, companionship and a stable place to lay your head every night. 
The sound of a metal door closing jolted you out of your thoughts, glancing down to see the very man you had just been thinking about walking outside. You watched as he strided down to the farm that had been built, admiring the way his rolled up sleeves hugged his biceps. 
The view completely consumed your attention, watching him get to work, you were filled with feelings of gratitude, admiration and… something more. Over your few months here you couldn’t help but feel drawn to Rick, though you couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
Were you just feeling this way because he’d saved you, or was it in the way he helped and looked out for everyone here, or maybe it was more personal. In the way he listened to what you had to say, the way he made sure you always got something to eat, or maybe it was none of that at all and just that you had been alone for so long.
You’d debated talking to him about it on many occasions, but you never ended up saying anything. Your confusion was nothing compared to the other problems people had. So you were content to just keep whatever it was you were feeling hidden.
You couldn’t stop your face from heating up as you watched him begin to pump water, his muscular arms flexing with each movement. Even from where you were perched, you could see the sheen of sweat that formed on his skin, shining in the early morning sunlight. It was such a simple task but the sight stirred an unexpected warmth within you.
The familiar sound of someone climbing up the metal ladder of the watchtower drew you away from your thoughts. Maggie had come to take over the watch and allow you to get some much needed rest.
‘Ya don’t need to act like ya weren’t just staring at him,’ Maggie joked as she reached the top.
You kept your face away from her to hide the small smile that formed. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ you half joked back.
She laughed as she approached. ‘Keep pretending then, but I see the way ya look, there’s something there,’ she nudged you with her elbow as she finished talking. 
You glanced at her, seeing the knowing smile etched on her face. She looked as if she knew your own feelings better than you did. With a small sigh and a slight shake of your head you opted to not respond, instead simply thanking her before descending the ladder. Little did you know that a certain pair of eyes were now watching your movements.
Rick couldn’t help the way his eyes glanced over your body as you climbed down from the tower. The rising sun casting a golden glow over you. He’d felt like he’d barely taken his eyes off of you since the moment he’d found you. Rick felt as though you were a breath of fresh air to him in this otherwise cruel world. He hadn’t so much as looked at another person since Lori passed and then along you came.
As you reached solid ground again, you chanced taking one final look over to the farm. There your eyes met with Rick’s, who was already looking over to you with a soft gaze. A brief shared moment unfolded, where neither of you made any move to look away, temporarily making you forget about the hell surrounding your safe haven.
The noise of Carl calling for his dads help quickly shattered the moment, drawing Rick’s attention away from you. A slight pang of disappointment rolled through you but you dismissed it and headed inside to grab some food.
Back up in the tower Maggie had watched your little stare off, mumbling ‘idiots,’ under her breath as she reached for her binoculars.
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Later that same day, once you’d showered and changed into a different outfit you decided to wander over to the makeshift library, wanting a book to fill your time.
You found the room to be empty when you arrived, deciding to make the most of it you took your time perusing the shelves. Some books were in better condition than others that had been found on runs, but the room still managed to fill you with nostalgia. You found a selection you hadn’t looked at yet and sank to your knees as you began to look through the bottom shelf.
As you reached for a book, a shadow suddenly grew over you, blocking out most of the light. Raising your eyes you found Rick casually leaning against the edge of the bookshelf. You knew you probably shouldn’t but you took your time letting your eyes take in his body, sweat and dirt clung to him from a day of working outside. 
The air seemed to thicken as your eyes finally met his. Rick’s gaze was intense and he held yours as if coaxing you into revealing your confusing feelings towards him. 
‘Going on a run tomorrow,’ if he’d felt the same tension you did, he didn’t show it. ‘Thought you might want to join?’ he added.
‘You want me to come on a run with you?’ You asked, you hadn’t left the prison since he’d first brought you here. Not that anyone was keeping you here, you had just craved the safety the thick walls provided after being exposed for so long.
‘I’ve seen the way you can handle a gun,’ he said with a slight smirk, thinking back to when you’d first met. ‘It’s just a quick run to a pharmacy Glenn found. Figured you might wanna come, enjoy the ride.’ He stayed leaning against the shelf, awaiting your answer.
Unable to form words due to your mind flooding with questions, you replied with a smile and nod of your head. 
Rick returned your smile as he stood at full height, before turning he said ‘6am, we’ll take the truck,’ and with that he walked away. You stayed, almost frozen, in the same spot with your smile lingering. 
Yes, you were going to be briefly leaving the safety you had found here to go back out into the vicious, unpredictable world. But the idea of a drive sounded nice and the one on one time with Rick could help you figure out exactly what your feelings were.
As the rest of the day unfolded, the anticipation of the early morning run settled into your thoughts. Your evening passed by as usual, finishing with you in your bunk reading. Though the book you’d chosen was doing little to calm the restlessness that overtook your mind, willing you to think about unspoken questions.
Why had Rick asked you out of everyone here? Why hadn’t he asked Daryl or Glenn? What if something bad happened? What if you messed up? 
With the weight of the questions bearing down on you, you eventually fell into a fitful sleep. As your eyelids fluttered closed images of the outside world manifested before you, vague images of what was to come. Images of horror slowly changed to thoughts of the man you’d be going with, calming your mind. You’d be safe with Rick, you knew you would be.
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6am came around with a light fog rolling across the grounds. You found yourself staring through the prison gates waiting for Rick. You could hear the moans of a few surrounding walkers.
The moans were interrupted by the sound of an engine starting. You turned to find Rick a few feet away sat in the truck. You approached and quickly climbed into the passenger seat.
‘Ready to go?’ He asked as he shifted into drive, looking over to you. Your mind grew foggy as you took in the site of Rick. You guessed he’d had a shower before coming to meet you, his curls were slightly damp and you desperately wanted to run your fingers through them. 
Shaking the thoughts from your head you replied, ‘ready as I’ll ever be,’ and you buckled your seat belt. 
He nodded, and with that he started to drive. As the truck rumbled out of the safety of the prison, you raised your hand to Maggie and Glenn, who opened the gates for your departure. The sound of the gates closing echoed through the quiet morning as your vehicle ventured further away from the compound.
Gazing out of the window, you watched as the rows of trees rolled by, the leaves above filtered the sunlight creating patterns on the ground. It was peaceful, and the quietness that filled the car was far from uncomfortable. You could almost convince yourself it was a normal day, just the two of you going out for a drive on a quiet morning.
You were brought back to reality once the trees cleared and you were surrounded by vast fields, where you could spot the occasional Walker roaming aimlessly. Yet that didn’t even lower your mood, you felt content sat there with Rick, the hum of the engine serving as your backdrop.
You looked over to the man driving, his strong hands gripping the wheel making the veins on his forearms slightly more prominent. You subtly ran your eyes up his arms, where you briefly lingered on his broad shoulders, and then finally settling on his face. Taking the time to admire the salt and pepper stubble framing his jawline. 
Rick could feel your eyes on him, no matter how much you tried to hide it. He fought to keep a smirk from appearing, and let himself enjoy being able to hold your attention without having to do anything. He was happy he’d finally found an excuse to spend some time with just you, sharing a seemingly ordinary drive. 
The sight of buildings arrived far too soon for your liking, wishing this bubble that had enveloped the two of you on this journey could last longer. Rick pulled up to the pharmacy, the windows and door were still intact which served as a good sign that it hadn’t already been completely looted.
Without a word the two of you exited the truck. You were on high alert as you made your way around to the Rick, checking around you for any signs of walkers or people. Though the small town seemed empty, the months you had spent alone had taught you not to let your guard down so easily.
Rick silently motioned for you to follow him as he approached the door, knocking on it in order to find out if any walkers lurked inside. After a minute of nothing Rick pushed the door open, the creaking sound echoing around the small store. You couldn’t help but notice the way he deliberately stepped in front of you, you flushed slightly at the protectiveness of the move. 
Once he deemed it safe you saw his shoulders relax slightly. The shelves weren’t completely barren so you stepped around him and began filling your bag with anything that seemed like it would be of use. You quickly got into a rhythm of checking the items and shoving them in your bag.
Clearly deciding there was no immediate threat Rick split off to the other side of the store and began searching there. You sighed as you reached the end of your shelves, you’d packed a lot but you were sure there was more to find. Leaving your bag on the counter you walked around to the back, searching the shelves that should have only been available to employees. Apparently whoever had passed through before had cleared most of these out.
As you ventured further back you found a door with a ‘Staff Only’ sign on it. Driven by the hope of more supplies you opened the door without thinking. Everything happened so fast, the door had been shut for a good reason. In an instant it swung open to reveal two walkers that had been waiting, as if anticipating an unsuspecting victim to stumble upon them.
With their vacant eyes fixed determinedly on you they lunged forward. They fell over each other as they desperately reached for you. You fumbled for your gun as you backed up on unsteady legs, as you unclipped it from your belt you tripped on a fallen shelf, managing to drop your gun as you fell to the floor. A yelp escaped your lips as one of the walkers toppled on top of you, its gnashing teeth getting dangerously close as you struggled to keep it off of you.
Without hesitation Rick sprinted across the store, his urgency evident as he pulled out his knife. He slid across the counter and swiftly took down the standing walker. Wasting no time he grabbed the walker that was pinning you down and hurled it away from you. His blade sliced through the air once more, finishing it off.
You couldn’t move, remaining on the floor staring at the ceiling as Rick checked through the staff room for any others that may be lurking. You’d had close calls before but this was just careless. Your heart pounded in your chest as the gravity of what just happened surrounded you. You didn’t realise your ears were ringing until Rick reappeared in your vision, his mouth was moving but you couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Rick extended his steady hand to you, instinctually you reached for him and as his warm grip enveloped yours the ringing faded away. His touch grounded you in a way you hadn’t expected. With an effortless strength he helped you to your feet. Once you had steadied yourself, Rick's hands held onto your shoulders, ‘are you okay?’ he asked, a tenderness in his voice you hadn’t heard before.
You nodded slowly ‘it didn’t bite me,’ you managed to get out.
‘I know, but are you okay?’ he said more firmly, his eyes scanned over your face trying to read how you were feeling.
You nodded again, though you averted your eyes away from him. Suddenly feeling embarrassed by what you had done. Rick had trusted you to come out here with him and you couldn’t help but feel that you’d messed up. 
He gently placed his hand on your lower back and guided you out of the store, grabbing your bags as he went. Once you were out in the sunlight he turned you and took a moment to scan your body for any wounds. You still avoided looking at him, not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes.
If only you did look up, you’d see nothing but care etched on his face. He led you to the truck and opened the door for you to climb in, his eyes not leaving you once no matter how much you avoided looking in his direction.
The ride back was filled with a thick tension. You could feel Rick glancing over to you throughout the journey but you kept your eyes set firmly staring out of the passenger window. Any hope you had of today being the day you finally spoke to Rick to work out your feelings was completely gone. You’d settled with the fact you would now be avoiding him, nothing but embarrassment flowed through you as you thought about what had happened.
Rationally you knew you shouldn’t have felt embarrassed, if anything you should feel relief that everything unfolded as it did. You should be happy that you were still here, still sat in this truck, headed back to the safety of the prison. 
Luckily for you the journey went by without a hitch and before long the prison gates had come back into view. Once the truck was safely parked inside you didn’t waste any time jumping out and rushing inside. You ignored Rick calling your name, needing to put as much distance between yourself and him.
Rick stood beside the truck and watched you disappear inside. He sighed, wishing he knew what words to say to you. The weight of what had happened and whatever was going on between the two of you surrounded him as he thought about the best way to approach you.
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You’d somehow managed to avoid talking to anyone for the remainder of the day. You’d made your way out to one of the unused watchtowers, thinking everything over as the sun began to slowly disappear over the treeline. The memory of the walker falling on top of you played over and over in your mind, you’d never come so close to being bitten before.
You sighed, how had you become so careless? Allowing yourself to put your guards down. Your mind, once again, changed to Rick. The man that had been consuming your every thought, distracting you without even trying.
You replayed the moment he came to your aid. You were still battling with your embarrassment but gratitude had mingled into your emotions as well. If anything you were now more embarrassed by your actions following the incident, you hadn’t even thanked Rick for saving your life.
Rick’s protectiveness had struck a chord within you, deep down you knew he wouldn’t be upset with you over what had happened. You knew you should seek him out and apologise for your behaviour. He didn’t deserve to be dismissed the way you had. You decided you’d approach him in the morning, feeling that would be your best chance to get him alone.
Although you wouldn’t have to wait that long, the sound of someone ascending the steps of the watchtower echoed around you. You didn’t move, remaining seated looking out at the horizon. You knew who it was going to be before they even made it to the top, and mentally prepared yourself for the conversation to come.
Rick approached you quietly, taking a seat next to you without saying a word. You were pleased the tension from the truck ride had disappeared. The two of you sat in silence, and you appreciated that Rick wasn’t putting any pressure on you to talk. The evening breeze carried a chill, but the warmth coming from the man beside you wrapped around you. The changing colours of the sky created a peaceful backdrop to your quiet moment.
You chanced looking over to him and found him to already be looking over to you. The fading light cast a subtle glow on his face. His gaze was soft and filled you with comfort.
‘Rick I’m sorr-‘ you began, but he cut you off before you could finish. 
‘That next word had better not be an apology.’ He said firmly, causing you to snap your mouth shut.
‘I should be the one apologising, I should’ve been more careful. We should’ve stayed together and I left you alone, that’s not something I can brush off. It’s on me that things got dicey in there.’ He sighed as his eyes filled with regret before continuing, ‘if you’d of gotten hurt I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.’
How could he be blaming himself for this? Had he been feeling the same as you since that moment? 
‘Rick it wasn’t your fault, you don’t have to blame yourself for my mistake,’ you tried to tell him but he was already shaking his head.
Rick’s eyes bored into yours, showing a vulnerability you’d never seen before. He uttered your name and continued ‘you don’t understand, I was selfish. I just wanted… I wanted to spend time with you. You were out there because of me.’ His words hung in the air, and your mind raced trying to process the weight of what he was saying. Before you could even think of a response he carried on. ‘Earlier when I thought I could lose you... I-I saw you being taken from me and I knew I’d do anything to make sure that didn’t happen.’
The air around you seemed to grow thicker at Rick’s admission. The realisation that he thought he could have lost you cleared any lingering confusion. Everything became clear to you as neither one of you broke eye contact. Any words you’d prepared to say left you in that moment. 
Neither of you could look away even if you wanted to. Slowly he leant forward, and as months of uncertainty faded your lips pressed together. Warmth instantly blossomed in your chest at the feeling of his soft lips. His scent wrapped around you as his stubble tickled your face. You relished in it all, hoping to stay in this moment forever.
You hadn’t even noticed his hands gently holding your face until he pulled back ever so slightly. Not far enough that your lips weren’t touching, just enough to murmur ‘I swear I’ll keep you safe, no matter what. Always.’
‘I am safe Rick,’ you kissed him again before adding ‘with you.’ You brought your hands up to wrap around his neck as you kissed him again, pouring all your unsaid words into it, needing him to understand. 
It could have been hours you stayed up there kissing, lost in each other's embrace. Time completely faded away as you kissed under the moonlight sky. The world may have fallen to utter chaos, but at least you’d found everything you could ever want in Rick Grimes.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 2 months
A Mess || Part 6
New account! @ghostbones was banned! Transferring everything here starting with this series since it was the most popular!
Summary: Daryl has a present. Reader is called on a run with Daryl and things take a turn for the worst.
18+ MDNI || WARNINGS: TWD typical violence, profanity
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        As Daryl wandered up and down the aisles, picking out random bits and pieces of clothing for Judith, he couldn't help but recall his last encounter with you. In spite of the awkwardness and general humiliation, he did notice the rubber soles of your shoes beginning to separate from the tarnished leather. He found his way over to the women's shoes. He happened to know you were the same size as Maggie, only because your boots were given to you by Maggie back at the farm when your old shoes fell apart. He knew her size because Glenn asked him to keep a lookout for her size the last time they were out looting clothes and shoes together. So, he picked up different pairs of sturdy looking boots and checked them for their sizes until he found a pair in your size.
        They were gray Timberlands, so he knew they'd last you a good while. He dropped them in his duffel and moved on to find the other items on the list before he headed back to the prison.
        He hid the shoes under his bed before he found Beth and Judith to give her all the clothes he found. Some of them were a little loose but it was better than nothing. Then he added all the nonperishable food he found -- which wasn't a whole lot -- to the stockpile of canned and packaged goods. He also had found a few knives and random ropes and construction supplies that he thought would be useful so he handed it all over to Hershel.
        "These'll be good. Good job, Daryl." The old man nodded. Daryl nodded back and went to sit on his bunk for a while to unwind after his day.
        It was late afternoon by then. You were hanging clothes to dry with Carol and Maggie, chatting about the layout of the future garden and where you could potentially build an enclosure and raise some livestock. Maggie had some good ideas with her own farming experience, and Carol's efficient thinking helped too, but you were mostly just there to crack jokes and point out the fact that the men never helped with laundry even though their soiled clothes always smelled the worst. 
        "Well, that's all of it for today." Carol sighed, clipping the last shirt up on the line.
        "Thank God." You said, wiping some sweat from your eyes. "I think I need to shower. I smell like onions."
        "I was wondering what that was." Maggie joked.
        "I take credit for the onion stench but if it's garlic you're smelling, that's definitely Carol." You laughed.
        "Um, excuse me? I'm a lady. I don't stink." Carol said, slapping your shoulder lightly.
        "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Peletier." You shrugged.
        You went inside and walked to the bathrooms. Irrigation hadn't been set up yet, but the barrel of water would do just fine for now. You grabbed a clean rag and stripped down, lathering it with soap and scrubbing the surface of your skin quickly. You dumped a little bucket of water over yourself before drying off and getting dressed. By then it was surely dinner time. You wondered what was on the menu.
        When you made it back to the cellblock, people were eating some kind of stew out of a big pot. You grabbed yourself a bowl and dug in. Based on the plethora of rodents and woodland critters you had ingested over these last months, you reasoned that it must have been raccoon meat.
        When you were done you cleaned up after yourself and went to your cell to retire for the night. You lit the candle on the little desk that came in all the cells and sighed. What you wouldn't give for a glass of wine and a good chick flick. 
        "Hey." A voice sounded from the entrance to your cell. You glanced over at the dirty hunter.
        "Hey." You smiled.
        "Got ya somethin'." He said.
        "Yeah." He nodded, pulling a band new pair of boots from behind his back. You walked over and grabbed them, examining them with excitement.
        "How'd you know my size?" You asked with a grin.
        "Same as Maggie." He shrugged.
        "Wow." Was all you could say.
        "Timberlands are good. Should last ya a while."
        "Thank you." You said, setting them down by the bunk. "They're perfect."
        You wondered if his weird shoe compliment had something to do with this.
        "Goodnight." He said as he turned around.
        "Wait." You said. He turned back to you. "Are you going out for a smoke? I'm not tired yet."
        He shrugged. "I can."
        "Okay. I'll meet you outside." You smiled. 
        You slid into your new shoes and went outside. The breeze was nice compared to the scorching daytime, and the sky was turning black with a thin orange line on the horizon. The stars would be out soon.
        Daryl came out shortly after. He lit his cigarette and stood beside you, glancing up at the sky.
        "Maybe tonight we can find the big dipper." You suggested.
        "The little one ain't good enough for you?"
        "Shut up." You nudged his arm. He glanced down at your shoes.
        "They fit okay?" He asked. You nodded.
        "Perfect." You assured him.
        "Good. Store had a no return policy." He joked.
        "Right. That's become a real problem these days."
        "Greedy ass corporations. No respect for the workin' class." He shook his head.
        "Why'd you get me these anyways?" You asked. He shrugged.
        "Old ones looked like shit."
        "So you didn't like them?" You raised your brows.
        "I just.." He shrugged.
        "It doesn't matter. Thanks again." You said. "You know, since you're feeling so generous lately, I could use some new underwear."
         Daryl's suntanned skin drained of color. He could have seen a ghost with as pale as he got. 
        "You know," you pressed on. "I'm thinking something cute. Like lace and a pink bow."
        "Shut up." He grumbled. He felt his ears getting warm as he tried to imagine literally anything else besides what you'd look like in lacey panties with a pink bow.
        "No bow? You're right. That's too damsel-ish. Maybe a red--"
        "Can you quit?" He snapped. "The hell's wrong with you?"
        "Don't be such a prude. You act like you've never seen underwear."
        "Why do I need'a know what kinda panties you wear?" 
        "Oh, trust me. You don't wanna know about my grannie panties. I'm talking about what kind of underwear I could wear. Not what I have on." You corrected.
        "Grannie panties? What, like bloomers?"
        You laughed.
        "No, just oversized underwear." You clarified.
        "The hell?" He mumbled to himself. What was your game here? What were you getting at?
        "I'm just kidding." You shoved him. "Jeez, have you never seen underwear or am I just repulsive? Virgin behavior, Daryl. Not becoming on you."
        "I ain't a virgin." He defended.
        "What's your body count?" You asked.
        "Body count?" He asked.
        "Yeah, like.. You know. How many girls?"
        "Oh." He thought for a moment. "I dunno."
        "That many, huh?" You whistled. "A man of experience."
        "Nah, it's just.. Only when I was drunk."
        "Oh." You said. "I've only had one."
        "One night stand?" He wondered.
        "No, like, just one. Ever." You clarified.
        It wasn't that he thought you were the type to get around, not that it would really matter anyways, but he was shocked that Shane was the only one.
        "Were ya savin' it for marriage or somethin'?" He asked.
        "Uh, no. Not really. Just never cared to be the girl in school with all the rumors after one encounter, ya know? And Shane, I married him right after high school. He was older than me but we got drunk one night and I ended up knocked up. That was my first time." You recalled.
        "Y'all had a kid?"
        "Almost." You lamented. "Lost it after the wedding. I think he just married me 'cause the thought it was right, with a kid on the way and all. But he just got stuck with me."
        "'M sorry." He said quietly. You shrugged.
        "Probably for the best." You shrugged, swallowing sadness. "Better than raising a kid and something bad happening. I couldn't move on like Carol did. She's strong. I don't know if I could be that strong. Shane dying, I mean, that sucks don't get me wrong, but it was over before that."
        "Mm." He nodded. 
        "Wow, that took a dark turn." You tried to laugh it off. "Anyways, so you don't remember any of the girls you've been with? You never had a girlfriend?"
        "I had one. In grade school. Her name was Willow."
        "That doesn't count." You giggled. 
        "That was the only one. Mom died after that." He said.
        "Oh." You nodded. 
        "Plus, nobody woulda stuck around with Merle's sorry ass and his dirty mouth."
        "I'm sure someone would've. The right person wouldn't have walked away over that." You assured him.
        "You must not remember my brother." He remarked.
        "Oh, I do." You chuckled. "He's not the type you forget."
        "(Y/N), do you mind tagging along with Daryl today? He’s gonna need an extra hand on this run.” Rick asked as he approached your cell. It was early. You were just starting to rub the crust out of your eyes when he asked. 
        You nodded and stretched your arms over your head. “Yeah, sure.”
        “Alright, thanks. He’s heading out in fifteen.” He said as he walked away. You groaned. Fifteen minutes? You just woke up. You’d kill someone for an iced coffee these days. 
        Your bones creaked as you stood up off the cot. Your organs felt like they were filled with cement. You sipped water from the old cup you kept in your cell before slipping into some grungy jeans and a top. You finger combed your hair as quick as possible before throwing it into a pony tail and sliding into your new shoes. Ready as you’ll ever be. 
        A few minutes later, after sheathing your knives and checking your gun, you met Daryl by the front gate. 
        “Told ‘em I didn’t need no damn help.” He grumbled. 
        “Not a morning person, huh?” You croaked, voice still groggy. 
        “Mm.” He grunted. He opened the passenger side door for you before he walked around to the other side of the truck and got in. You got in and shut the door, leaning your head against the window with heavy tired eyes. 
        “How far?” You asked. 
        “‘Bout two hours.”
        “Okay. I nap.” Was all you said. He chuckled silently, shaking his head as he started the ignition and shifted into gear. As soon as Carl pulled the gates open, the truck was rolling. 
        Daryl drove silently for an hour or so, sneaking little glances your way any chance he got. You really were sound asleep. The way your head was slumped made a little double chin, and you even snored a little until a random bump in the road would wake you in the slightest. 
        You were pretty, no matter how silly you looked. Especially nowadays. Without the stress or grief plastered all over your face, that fiery personality could really shine through. 
        His attention was drawn back to the road when the truck approached a herd of walkers blocking the street. He squinted to try and see how many there were but he couldn’t see through the dense sea of corpses all bouncing off of each other. He looked down at the map. This road was the only way to that town unless he turned around and took a detour that would add at least another two hours to the trip, taking you through another town.  
        You began to wake from the lack of vibrations from the moving car. You rubbed your eyes and looked around. 
        “What’s happening?” You asked. 
        “Damn road’s blocked.” He said. You looked at the walkers. Some of them began to take notice to the vehicle and stumbled in your direction. Daryl sighed and put the truck in reverse, making a three point turn until the vehicle faces the opposite direction. 
        He pulled the map over to you and pointed out the alternative route. “We can follow this road through this town. It’ll add time to the drive but we’ll get there.” 
        “Can’t you just run them over?” You whined. It amazed him how you could act like a child getting up for school, even with probably thirty jaw-snapping walkers behind you. 
        “Nah. Too risky.” He said as he shifted the stick back into gear and sped away. You huffed and leaned your head back on the seat. “Could keep sleepin’ if ya wanted.”
        “The more I try to sleep the more tired I feel.” You admitted. He nodded. 
        “Best to just wake up when ya do.” 
        You didn’t respond. You were too groggy. You just stared out the window and watched the trees speed by. 
        Eventually the truck came to another stop. More walkers. You sighed. 
        “How?” You droned. “We just came from this way.” 
        “This one’s bigger.” He observed. The road was at a slight incline which gave you a bit of a vantage point to see how many were there. It was indeed a lot. You glanced at some movement in your rear view mirror. 
        “Uh.. Daryl?” You tapped his shoulder. “They followed us.”
        He turned to look out of the back window and indeed the first herd was closing in. 
        “Fast sims of bitches.” He grumbled. You looked around. There were no turns to make. 
        “So what do we do?” You asked. The herd ahead of you had already taken notice to you, and the one behind would be closing in soon.
        “Get your bag. We gotta go.” He said hurriedly. He slung his own bag over his shoulder and grabbed his bow. You got your bag and readied your gun. The two of you looked at each other. After a moment he nodded and you both threw the doors open and ran into the trees to the left of the truck. 
        He figured if you ran far enough you’d make it somewhere safe enough to ride out the herds that were about to merge. 
        You dodged the branches and trees as you followed behind him, barely taking the time to notice anything around you. You zeroed your vision on Daryl in an attempt to keep calm. You knew this man. He could survive anything. If anyone could keep you alive, it was him. 
        Your chest began to burn after some time, but you had to keep going. You could hear the groans and clumsy footsteps behind you. If you stopped for breath you’d be a meal. 
        So you just kept going, and going, and going. Thankfully there was a small tree house ahead with a rope ladder hanging down. Probably something a hunter built with how far from any kind of home or civilization it was. 
        As you approached, he urged you up the ladder first, following so close behind you that you could feel his breaths on the back of your legs. You periodically glanced down as you climbed. A few walkers had already made it to the tree, clawing upwards desperately for a bite of one of you. 
        When you made it to the tree house you climbed in on your belly, quickly moving aside for Daryl. He pulled the ladder up when he was inside, just in case one of those hungry assholes remembered how to climb. 
        You laid flat in your back, gasping for air as you caught your breath. 
        “Shit.” You breathed. 
        “If we stay quiet they’ll get bored and wander off.” He whispered. 
        “Thar many? You think they could push the tree over?”
         “Nah. It’s sturdy.” 
        “What if they don’t leave?”
        “They will. We just gotta wait.”
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naughtyneganjdm · 4 months
Naughty or Nice - Chapter 11
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Summary: Negan and his family go ice skating with the Greene family. While he's there Negan has some very important conversations with a few people that will change the course of his future.
Characters: Negan, Beau, Maggie, the reader (OC), Glenn, Beth, Erin etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51464518/chapters/133869538
Warnings: Swearing, angst, dirty talk, etc.
Notes: My nap ran a little over so I'm post this very, very late. I hope you enjoy it and as always, thanks to those of you who do comment! That kind of stuff fuels a writer to finish things.
“I can’t believe she really pulled this whole thing off,” Beau rambled while he sat down beside Negan at a bench getting his ice skates on. After the snowstorm last night, it had been more than enough snow to cross off the final requests that Beau had given Y/N when she asked him what he wanted to do for Christmas. Earlier in the day all of them had gone sledding at a location together, went home for a while to relax and now they were at the area in the small town where they were doing ice skating. “I asked so much of her and she was able to do everything that I asked and then some before Christmas.”
“She’s incredible,” Negan agreed with his son, tying his ice skates together letting out a loud sigh when he gazed out at Y/N. It was hard holding back on their emotions in public and having to hide things from everyone. Having her so far off in the distance pretending to be with Glenn always made Negan feel so uncomfortable. Even though they had a good night together, Negan could tell that Y/N was really upset about the things that she had discovered about her father and mother. It was weighing heavy on her and it was obvious to Negan that she was upset. Most of the night they had talked about their future together. Negan was doing his best to make her feel loved, hoping that she would see the light in the future she could have with him. Maybe it was strange, but they focused heavily on the idea of that baby they suggested they have together. This was all very fast, but it went with that old saying, you know when you know. And Negan knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this girl. During the night and morning she tried really hard to pretend that she was okay. There was no questioning that she was good at putting up a façade, but Negan knew better. “I think that booklet you found has really upset her. Everything with her father and mother has really distraught her.”
“How couldn’t it?” Beau leaned back on the bench that he was sitting on with Negan. Erin’s giggles were heard and they could see that Beth was holding Erin’s hand while they skated together on the ice. That was another good thing about being here. Beth had been great with Erin and Beau from the start. When they got here, Erin was so eager to go out on the ice and the only one that could keep up with her was Beth, but Negan trusted her. She had proved time and time again that she was good with his children so Negan was happy that Erin could find joy with Beth. “That’s a lot to find out all in one night dad. That her mother was actually alive for that small amount of time. To know that her father was part of it all and he was actually engaged to her mother? That’s an explosion of information.”
“It is,” Negan’s gaze fell upon Hershel who was at the other end of the ice rink speaking to Annette about something. Those two looked like they were fighting and it made Negan think about how Annette had finally told Hershel off last night. “We were really close to being thrown out last night.”
“I know. I was at the bottom of the stairs with Annette and Y/N when the two of you were fighting,” Beau mentioned to his father making a very dramatic expression. “I heard what he said. I’m glad Annette made it clear that she wasn’t going to let that happen,” Beau nudged his father with his shoulder, a wicked smirk tugging at his lips. “It must feel good to know that Annette gave you permission to be with her daughter.”
“Sure, it’s nice,” Negan began, holding his hands out like he was weighing something between the two of them. “But then again Beau, I would have been with Y/N whether I had her blessing or not. I love that girl and nothing is stopping me from being with her.”
“Like a true romantic,” Beau gloated, patting Negan on the shoulder. It made the bridge of Negan’s nose wrinkle and he chuckled at how Beau was speaking.
Lifting his head back up, Negan couldn’t help but steal another look at Y/N with Glenn. They didn’t look like they were talking either. What Y/N really needed right now was someone that would talk things out with her and show their support to her. Glenn was lacking in those areas. So right now she had to feel like she was completely alone and Negan hated that.
“I know she wants to talk to her father about everything, but she isn’t. I know she’s scared and I don’t blame her,” Negan noted letting his thoughts escape his lips. “It’s so strange Beau because I tell you what? At work? This woman doesn’t give a shit what people think about her. And she is the biggest ball buster. But what her family does to her? It breaks my heart because she is a spitfire. It’s like these people drain her and I hate it.”  
“I still think she’s that person, I just think she’s just afraid of being hurt,” Beau insinuated throwing his hands about while trying to gather what he was thinking. “People at work really don’t mean anything in the long run. Sure, they are the people you are with every day so you have to be civil enough to deal with that, but the people here? They are her family. They are the people that are supposed to love her from the start. Yet they have broken her down and made her feel terrible.”
“You know,” Negan lifted his arm enough to reach up to mess his fingers through Beau’s dark hair. “For a boy that is so talented with everything that he does, I can see you being a psychiatrist when you get older because you are so…”
“Deep?” Beau’s eyebrows bounced up and Negan chuckled. “Yeah, I get that a lot.”
“Highly intelligent and emotionally levelheaded was more what I was going for,” Negan hooked his arm around Beau’s shoulders to give him a firm hug. “At your age, I was not as bright as you are. You impress me every day.”
“I’m just perceptive and very aware of people’s emotions,” Beau admitted, resting his head against Negan’s chest to allow his father to pull him close. “People are easy to read if you take the time to notice,” Beau slurred out, tipping his head up to stare up at Negan who looked proud of him. “Speaking of which…you’ve been acting weird today too. What’s going on with you?”
“Beau,” Negan half laughed when he allowed Beau to sit back up straight again, “I think that’s a loaded question because so much has happened in the last few days that I don’t even know where to start. Hiding my relationship with Y/N is a hard one for starters.”
“Right,” Beau seemed to linger on what his father said before he shook his head, “I get that. I know what you mean, but you’ve just been odd around both Y/N and Maggie. Like you have something on your mind.”
“Oh,” Negan’s lips parted, shrugging as he debated if he could even talk to Beau about the things that he was thinking about. “It’s complicated.”
“When isn’t it with you?” Beau countered and it made Negan scoff, but also laugh at his son’s bluntness. “I don’t mean that to be rude dad, but you are in a sticky situation here with Y/N. It’s been nothing but complicated since we got here.”
“Okay then. Are you okay with me asking your opinion on a few things?” Negan knew that this wasn’t what he should be putting on his son, but Beau was always very good at giving his view on things. And he was always usually right. “Would you care if I married Y/N on New Years?”
“No,” Beau immediately answered folding his arms out in front of his chest, his eyebrows furrowing. How fast he answered surprised Negan. He knew that Beau liked Y/N, but the fact he was so okay with even the idea of that was something in itself. “Is that what you are planning on doing?”
“I asked her to marry me last night,” Negan informed his son and shock flooded Beau’s features when he sat forward.
“Did you give her the ring that you had gotten for Maggie?” Beau blurt out causing Negan to hush his son, placing his finger over his lips. Beau seemed confused when Negan shook his head. “Where did you get a ring?”
“It was kind of informal and not completely official. I asked her to marry me and then I gave her a ring pop,” Negan explained to Beau who stared out at him thinking he was joking. When Negan’s face remained serious, Beau laughed out loud and tried covering his mouth to hide his amusement. “It was cherry flavored.”
“And that worked?” Beau couldn’t help but be amused with his father’s answer. Nodding, Negan’s Adam’s apple bounced in his throat and Beau shrugged. “I guess she thought that was romantic, huh?”
“Listen, it was romantic,” Negan defended himself, holding his hand up in the air before placing it to his chest. “We walked around the loop again. It was snowing really hard and I asked her to marry me. She mentioned the whole ring thing and I remembered that your sister had given me a ring pop earlier. So I asked her with that. It’s a place holder for a real ring. One that we will get when we return to New York. I’ll ask her again the right way when we are home and then I want to marry her on New Years.”
“Okay, okay,” Beau snickered to himself knowing that his dad seemed quite proud of the whole thing. “You couldn’t at least swing for one of those mixed ring pops where they are two flavors?”
“All I had was cherry,” Negan recalled drawing Beau to snort with his laughter and Negan sighed. Beau visibly thought his proposal was tacky, but Negan was proud of it and he thought it was very sweet. At least he was happy when he thought back on the moment he shared with Y/N when he asked her. “Listen, she loved it okay? I just wanted to make sure that you were okay with the whole thing because I want to make you happy.”
“You think I’m going to have a problem with the woman who went above and beyond for me to give me the Christmas that she thinks I deserve?” Beau countered with an immediate shake of his head. “She’s the closest I’ve felt to mom in a very long time. It’s almost like mom sent her to me. To us.”
Hearing that broke Negan out of the emotions he was feeling in that moment, his heart raced and he looked to Beau who gave him a nod, “I’m serious dad. She’s so much like mom. The way she treats me. The way she is with you. It’s like mom knew we were both broken and she sent her to be in our life. She’s the first person I’ve actually seen try with us. Try with you. And she’s good at it. She loves you and she treats both Erin and me so good.”
Knowing that his son felt like Lucille brought Y/N into their lives really touched him and he let out a long exhale when he looked down toward his lap. At this moment, he was doing everything he could to bottle up his emotions to keep himself from crying. That whole idea really hit home for him and he knew it would be ridiculous if he started crying in the middle of town for all to see. Beau nudged his father and he heard Negan let out a huff, “That’s all?”
“Would you be mad if we had a baby together?” Negan inquired drawing Beau to lean back surprised with that question. “We were talking about having a baby together and I…I think we both want it. Would that upset you?”
“Is she pregnant?” Beau wondered, looking to her with worry in his eyes when she had made it onto the ice rink with Glenn. Shifting forward on the seat, Beau was clearly uneasy after finding out what they were considering. “Dad, if she’s pregnant she shouldn’t be ice skating. We need to keep her from…”
“I don’t think…I mean, I don’t know,” Negan noticed Beau going to go get up and he reached for his son to urge him back down onto the bench. “Don’t freak out, I don’t know if she is pregnant. And if she was, we probably wouldn’t know it for at least…a couple of weeks. I remember with your mom when she was pregnant with Erin. We wouldn’t even know yet if we tried.”
“So she is or she isn’t pregnant?” Beau demanded an answer, but Negan didn’t know if he could exactly give Beau one. When Negan thought of what to say, Beau threw his hand around in a circular motion trying to get Negan to give him an answer. “Dad! I’m going to need an answer here because if she is pregnant, I’m going to have to come up with something to get her off the ice.”
“I don’t know! I don’t think so. It doesn’t really happen that fast,” Negan reasoned with Beau, but that answer just made Beau more uneasy. “We just kind of agreed last night that we would try to have a baby and I wanted to make sure that it was okay with you first. I didn’t really think about if it worked or not because, well, fuck I don’t know.”
“I love being a big brother, of course I wouldn’t mind,” Beau declared, his eyes following Y/N’s movements while she skated with Glenn by her side. “As long as you give me and Erin the same amount of love that you do now, we won’t care.”
There was a silence that fell over them when Beau’s nose wrinkled and he let out a disgusted breath, “Wait, are you saying that the two of you…did…that,” Beau put emphasis on his words when he looked to his father, “when I left last night?”
“Uhm,” Negan bit down on his bottom lip, his thick eyebrows bouncing up when Beau gagged at the idea of it. “Do you want me to lie to you dude because I can. I just try to avoid lying to you and I always have.”
“God. Yup, the two of you are so much like you and mom,” Beau pinched at the bridge of his nose showing the tension that it caused him to know that they did that. “So you only started last night?”
“I mean,” Negan thought about how he had been intimate with Y/N and they weren’t safe. Any of the times they were together. Not even once. Beau’s face was pale at the idea of everything and Negan let out a tense sound. “You don’t want to talk about this stuff Beau. You’re just going to get more grossed out.”
“Oh, trust me. Nothing will ever get more awkward than you and mom explaining sex to me the first time,” Beau reminded Negan of the past hearing his father let out an uncontrollable laugh that he tried to mute by covering his mouth. “You remember that, right?”
Instead of answering, Negan simply nodded his head and dropped his head down, “Let’s just say mom was much better at explaining the whole thing without making me want to vomit.”
“Your mom was better with words,” Negan confessed, throwing his hand up in the air when Beau placed his hand in over the center of his stomach showing that he was nauseated at the thought. “I’m just very blunt and I try to be honest.”
“Too honest,” Beau waved his hand about in the air, looking to his father with a shake of his head. “Moving along. To answer your questions. Yes, I’m okay with the two of you getting married and yes, I’m okay with a baby. Is that all? Because I’d really like to go out on the ice and make sure that she is safe.”
“Beau, she’s not pregnant yet,” Negan stated with another half laugh, looking to the ice again. “As far as I’m aware.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better dad,” Beau let out a frustrated sound, his hazel eyes becoming frustrated with Negan. “If my brother or sister is growing inside of her, no matter how young it is, I don’t want her slipping and falling on that ice.”
“Don’t worry about that yet Beau. If we tell you that she’s pregnant, that’s when you can worry,” Negan urged his son to look away from the ice rink when Erin had found Y/N. They were skating together with Erin holding Y/N’s hand out on the ice.
“I’m gonna worry,” Beau declared with a very serious expression that made Negan laugh with Beau rolling his eyes in response. “Is that all you wanted to ask me?”
“Actually, no. This one is more serious,” Negan mouthed trying to gather himself after he found amusement in their last discussion. “With Y/N sad, there is something that happened yesterday that I think I should tell her about. Something that I didn’t mean for it to happen, but I always want to be honest with her.”
“Okay?” Beau’s eyebrow arched in curiosity. “That’s vague.”
“When it was dark yesterday, I heard someone come into my room and I thought it was Y/N after she was done with you,” Negan thought back on the night before, stopping to think about what the best way to explain things was. “The thing was, it was Maggie. And Maggie…kissed me last night. I feel really bad about it and think that I should tell Y/N about it. What do you think?”
“Haven’t you kissed Maggie before when you were pretending?” Beau shook his head from side to side. A scoff fell from Negan’s throat since he was trying to hide the adult nature of it. “Why would she be mad now if she already saw it before?”
“It’s a kiss that only couples do,” Negan suggested, his face twisting with discomfort when he tried to make it more clear to Beau without being completely honest to him. Beau was young and he didn’t need to hear all of this stuff. “I tried telling Y/N about it last night, but she was so upset that I didn’t. I’ve been trying to tell her today, but I can tell that she is emotional about everything that she found out about her parents.”
“And you think she will be upset if she knows that Maggie kissed you?” Beau questioned before Negan inhaled sharply and nodded. “But you didn’t know that it was Maggie kissing you? You thought it was her?”
“Yeah,” Negan answered, his eyes falling upon Maggie who was just now walking out after she got her skates. Now that he thought about things, Negan damned himself for thinking that Maggie was originally Y/N last night. He knew that Y/N was naughty, but the way Maggie touched him and did things to him was so vastly different than Y/N. But then again, Maggie wasn’t exactly acting like Maggie last night either. “I think she would be really upset.”
“If you want to have a future with Y/N where it’s good…” Beau began, standing up from the bench and pointing over toward the rink. “Then you need to be honest with her from the start. Even if it upsets her. You have to give her the chance to understand. Otherwise, you start keeping things from her and that’s not the way to start your relationship.”
“You’re right,” Negan agreed with Beau, who started back stepping toward the rink. “You’re going to be latched onto her while she’s on the ice rink, aren’t you?”
“Yup,” Beau answered Negan who smiled and looked down toward the ground again.
“You don’t think she will find that weird?” Negan pushed, nodding out toward the rink again when he noticed that Maggie was getting closer to the two of them. “You can’t exactly tell her that you think she’s pregnant.”
“I’ll figure something out,” Beau pointed backwards before giving his father a set of thumbs up. “Good talk dad. Now I have to go.”
Snorting, Negan leaned back on the bench and watched Beau get out on the rink as quickly as he could. From afar it was funny because he could only imagine what Beau came up with when he managed to get Y/N to wrap her arm around his.
“What was that all about?” Maggie questioned, sitting down beside Negan to get ready for skating.
“He’s just being silly,” Negan lied, turning to Maggie who looked upon him with her bright green eyes. “It’s just Beau being Beau. You know him.”
“Gotcha,” Maggie muttered staring out at the rink where most of her family was. “So, what happened last night after I left?”
“With your father?” Negan inquired, his eyebrow arching in curiosity when Maggie nodded. “We got into a heated disagreement.”
“And you’re still here?” Maggie frowned getting her first skate on and Negan shrugged. “Neither one of you were happy when I left last night and daddy hasn’t said much today. Neither one of you really talked about it.”
“The two of us butted heads and then Annette showed up. Hershel did tell me that he wanted me out of his home, but Annette gave him some attitude. Made him leave for bed,” Negan remembered clearing his throat when he adjusted his positioning on the bench. “Your stepmother is finally…stepping up.”
“Wow,” Maggie seemed impressed to hear that. A cool rush of air surrounded them and it sent a chill down Negan’s spine. It was amazing how fast it got cold around here. Reaching inside of his pocket, Negan grabbed his hat and pulled it on over his head. “Can we talk about last night?”
“I thought we were,” Negan reasoned with her throwing his hands up in the air. “I told you what happened with your dad. We just bickered. I told him what I thought about him and that was the end of the night. Beau and your sister heard the tail end of it too.”
“I’m sure she liked someone putting daddy in his place,” Maggie commented when Y/N and Beau stopped at the edge of the rink together. Beau was holding onto her hands and they seemed to be giggling.
“Rightfully so, don’t you think?” Negan quipped, knowing that Maggie had really gone back and forth with how she felt toward her father reacting the way he did to Y/N. “I think it’s time someone finally told Hershel what a shitty father and person he is.”
“He’s not really a shitty father,” Maggie corrected him with a frown and a tip of her head.
“No?” Negan replied back with a scoff. That was hard to believe considering all the things that Negan had witnessed since he had gotten to the farm.
“No. He was a really good father to me. He stepped up in the ways that mattered. Same with Beth,” Maggie thought back on her life with her family feeling uncomfortable that Negan was thinking Hershel was such a piece of shit. “He’s a good man too. You can ask the people here in town, he does a lot of good for people. He’s a retired veterinarian, but he’s helped a lot of people too. He’s had a hard past.”
“Do you think the way that he treats your sister is right?” Negan pushed knowing that previously Maggie had made it clear that she didn’t, but now it seemed like she was going back and forth with things. “Mags?”
“Obviously not, Negan. I’m not sure why he is the way he is with her,” Maggie suggested getting her other skate on while she sat beside him. “I want nothing, but the best for her. I do. But sometimes I do wonder if it’s not here.”
“What does that mean?” Negan blurt out and Maggie was starting to feel like he was interrogating her. “Mags?”
“Negan!” she snapped at him causing his thick eyebrows to bounce up. “I just mean it’s obvious that her and my dad are never going to get along. She’s looking for something here that she is never going to get. Everyone else loves her here, but when she’s with dad they both explode with one another. And it’s never going to work.”
“So she should just learn to accept that Hershel is always going to be abusive with her?” Negan didn’t like what Maggie was saying, even though she was right. The best thing for Y/N to do was separate herself from Hershel. “I know that you think he’s a good father to you Maggie, but he babies you. The way he acts about you being even around me is nuts. You’re nowhere near being a child. Yet he acts like you are one.”
“There are some things that he could be better at,” Maggie acknowledged wrapping her arm around the back of the bench, stroking her fingers through the hair at the back of Negan’s head. “The thing with you and my dad is that you are both alphas. You were destined to never get along.”
“What are you talking about Maggie? You’re more of a dominant in this relationship than I’ve ever been,” Negan reminded her with a snort. “Yeah, I’m an alpha, but so are you. You’ve never taken anyone’s shit and that’s what attracted me to you in the first place. You could kick my ass and I was smitten by it. You’re not this sweet, innocent country girl that needs protecting. You are a fucking bad ass country girl that doesn’t need anyone to protect her. Because she can kick anyone’s ass and it wouldn’t take much. Your father makes you believe you are something else.”
Maggie went to say something, but simply just smiled and shook her head, “You have no idea how good it feels to control someone as dominant as you Negan. You’re a pain in the ass and you are such an alpha male, but when you’re with me…”
“Exactly,” Negan snapped his fingers, his face scrunching up when he continued on. “I bow to no one and you were able to tame me. I was your loyal puppy dog for six months straight. So don’t pretend to be something you aren’t because your father has some kind of image in his head of you that isn’t even you. What you need to start doing is standing up for what is right. Stand up for yourself and stand up for your sister. Because it’s time someone did.”
“I don’t think she’s having a problem finding people to stand up for her,” Maggie sighed looking to the ice rink again to see that both Erin and Beau were holding her hands. “Beau latched onto her really fast. And Erin seemed to as well. It’s something that I had to work really hard for, but it wasn’t hard for her.”
“She’s like their mother,” Negan thought aloud lowering his head trying to avoid looking at her when they talked about Y/N. “Beau was best friends with Lucille. You know that. So he’s really latched onto her because she’s…so much like his mom.”
“I thought you said I was like Lucille,” Maggie pointed out drawing Negan to smile and tip his head from side to side.
“In one way. It’s the whole you have my balls in a vice grip thing,” Negan noted, his eyelashes fluttering when he looked to Maggie with a mischievous smile. “I’m attracted to bad ass people that can dominate the hell out of me and kick my ass. Powerful people turn me on.”
Sliding in closer to Negan on the bench, she swept her fingers over the side of his face and felt the warmth of his breath over her lips with how close she got to him, “Why don’t you follow me to the restroom so you can let me dominate you?”
“Maggie,” Negan’s eyelids were heavy, a lump developing in his throat with her green eyes hooked on his.
“Come on Negan,” Maggie leaned in, brushing her lips behind his ear drawing his eyes to close tightly. “Follow me into the bathroom. We’ll go into a stall and we can replay our first time together. What do you say? I’ll suck your cock and then we can fuck like we did the first time.”
“The first time we were in a bar where it was nothing, but adults…” Negan revealed turning his head ever so slightly to remind her of their time together. “Here, there could be children and I don’t do that kind of shit around children. You know how I feel about that stuff. This is a family place Maggie and I still don’t have condoms.”
“Then let’s go into the wooded area,” Maggie nodded off in the distance, her fingers sweeping in over the curve of his jawline. “You don’t have to wear a condom. One time isn’t going to kill us. You can come in me. I don’t care. It’s been so long. Let me relive things a little bit with you. Beau and Erin are busy with Y/N. We’re not at my father’s home…”
“Mags,” Negan sucked in a sharp breath when she slid forward. Snatching the scarf that Negan was wearing, she dropped it down into the center of his lap. When her hand lowered beneath the scarf, Negan felt her palming in over the center of his pants and he scoffed. Maybe in the past he would have been into something like this, but not when he was in love with someone else. “Please…”
“We can do anal if you want,” she kissed over Negan’s ear hearing him exhale loudly. “I’ll get you ready with my mouth and then you can take me from behind.”
“Jesus, you are laying it on thick,” Negan chuckled snatching her hand beneath the scarf to pull it out. Surprised filled Maggie’s features with Negan turning her down like he was and he couldn’t help but be amused with her antics. Snorting out, Negan couldn’t believe how hard she was actually trying with him right now. Speaking quiet enough, Negan knew that it was time he started to call her out on things. “You want me to fuck you in the ass now? With no condom, no lube? Do you want me to fucking hurt you?”
“You can use your spit,” she suggested like it was no big deal and Negan rolled his eyes before moving toward the end of the bench. “Negan?”
“That would really hurt you,” Negan corrected her with a shake of his head, his eyebrows furrowing at just how desperate she was to get him to have sex with her.
“I thought you liked that,” Maggie threw her hand out, her voice becoming angry with him being so anti everything she came up with. “You always did before.”
“Sure, but not hurting you. Anytime we’ve done anything like that, we had proper preparation. I’m an asshole, but I’m not a fucking asshole,” Negan grumbled under his breath finding himself annoyed with her suggestions. “I want to make the person I am with feel good, not like shit. It’s balls fucking cold Maggie. We’re wearing our skates. Yet you’re asking me to go have unprotected, uncomfortable anal sex in the middle of the woods where I will likely get frostbite on my balls and that wouldn’t feel good for you.”
“I just want you to have sex with me in general Negan,” she snatched her hand out to grab a hold of Negan’s jaw to get him to look at her. “I’m trying whatever it takes.”
“Why?” Negan pushed for answers, his face twisting with confusion. “Why are you so fucking desperate for me to fuck you, Maggie?”
“It’s been a long time Negan. Maybe I just want to come,” she shoved his face away letting out a disgusted breath with how Negan was responding to things.
“Okay Maggie. Let’s go in the bathroom and I will go down on you,” Negan was testing something when he turned in the seat, his brow line creasing. “You know you like my fingers. I’ll have you coming in no time. If that’s what you really want.”
“Why are you so against having sex with me Negan?” she demanded an answer causing Negan to huff before rolling his eyes, shaking his head with her question.
“Why are you so desperate to have sex with me? I just offered to go down on you. Is that not enough?” Negan waved his hand about in the air and she slid to the far end of the bench folding her arms out in front of her chest. “It’s strange Maggie, the things that you are offering me. First you want me to come inside of you, like it’s no big deal and then you offer me anal sex that could hurt you because we don’t have lube. You thinking I’d be appealed by that shows you don’t know me at all.”
“I just want to have sex with you Negan,” she threw her hands up, frustrated that he was getting as deep with things as he was. “Is that so wrong?”
“What aren’t you telling me Maggie?” Negan knew that this was just too extreme for that.
“You think I have something I’m hiding?” Maggie wondered, her jaw clenching when Negan smirked. It was the way he looked at her that made her feel uncomfortable. “What am I hiding from you Negan?”
“Are you pregnant?” Negan was blunt hearing her scoff when he asked her. “Are you pregnant with someone else’s baby and you are desperate for me to think that I’m the father?”
A loud smack filled the air followed by Negan’s grunt. Instead of keeping her skates on Maggie shakily took them off before working to get her shoes back on and storming off. Looking between Maggie and the others, Negan groaned out to himself. Unlacing his skates, Negan knew that he had to figure out whatever the hell was going on.
Returning the skates after he changed back into his boots, Negan headed over toward the pavilion where Maggie had run off. Maggie was sitting on top of one of the picnic tables with her head between her knees. Thankfully no one was around them so he could approach her on what was going on. He just knew he had to be a little better with the delivery.
“Are you pregnant?” Negan whispered, his face burning from where she had hit him. Sliding in beside her, Negan swallowed down hard and sighed loudly.
“If I was, how do you know it isn’t yours?” she lifted her head to look over at Negan who gave her a certain expression. “It could be yours Negan.”
“It couldn’t,” Negan shook his head, his nose wrinkling when he thought about things. “We haven’t had sex in quiet some time. We’ve fooled around, but we haven’t had sex. I also know that you’ve had your period since we’ve had sex. So if you are pregnant, you aren’t pregnant with my child.”
“I’m not pregnant,” she exhaled loudly, looking off in the distance when Negan slid in closer to her on the table. “I want to punch you right now Negan.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Negan joked with her, nudging her arm with his elbow. Maggie was quiet, reaching up to wipe at her eyes with the back of her hand. “What’s going on Maggie? If you aren’t pregnant, talk to me.”
“I don’t want to upset you,” Maggie admitted noticing the way that his hazel eyes were looking her over. Instead of pushing her, Negan just waited. There was no one there. Just a fire that was set up to keep people warm so they had all the time in the world. “I cheated on you Negan.”
Nodding his head, Negan braced his hands back on the picnic table to think about what she told him. Well, that was not what he was expecting. Maggie turned to face him, her shoulders slumped forward, “It just happened Negan. I didn’t mean for it to happen. And I’m so angry at myself because I thought…I thought I was head over heels in love with you,” Maggie waited for Negan to say something else, but he just gazed upon her with his hazel eyes following her movements. “I love Beau and Erin. I love you. I just thought if the two of us slept together again, I would realize the mistake I made. Feel that passion that the two of us had from the start. I’d realize it was you that I was meant to be with.”
“I love you too Maggie,” Negan finally spoke up after a while, his head nodding slowly when he dragged his tongue across his bottom lip. There was a sense of fear deep within him when he looked to her again and shrugged his shoulders. “And I’ll always love you Maggie…”
“Negan,” she frowned, reaching out in attempts to touch his face, but Negan grabbed a hold of her hand to stop her from touching him.
“But I’m in love with someone else,” Negan declared noticing the color draining from her face when he opened up to her about how he felt. “I still want to be in your life and I know the kids would want you to be in their lives too. I love you Maggie, I’m just not in love with you…”
Silence followed and Negan felt uncomfortable with the way that Maggie was glaring at him. Waiting, he almost said something until he felt Maggie’s fist connecting with the center of his face drawing him to fall back off the picnic table in a thud.
“Fuck,” Negan groaned out, reaching up to touch his nose to feel that there was blood against his fingertips. Lifting his head, Negan saw that Maggie was staring down at him from where she had slid to the end of the picnic table. “What the fuck was that for?”
“What do you mean what was that for?” Maggie snapped at Negan who slowly pulled himself up into a seated position on the ground. “You tell me that you are in love with someone else and I’m just supposed to be okay with it?”
“You just told me that you cheated!” Negan threw his hand up in the air pointing in her direction. “I figured since you were being honest, I should be honest too.”
“There is a difference between cheating and falling in love with someone,” Maggie explained, shaking her head with irritation for what Negan was saying.
“You obviously fell in love with the person you cheated with,” Negan countered noticing that his hand was covered in blood from her hit. “You’re here trying to get me to have sex with you again to prove to yourself that you still have feelings for me. The only reason you are doing that is because you are trying to determine who you really fucking love. Me or the other person. I just saved you the trouble of having to choose.”
Standing up from the table, Maggie had Negan immediately covering his groin with his hands and she tipped her head to the side, “What are you doing?”
“You can hit me wherever you want, but please leave the dick and balls out of it,” Negan begged of her making Maggie let out a laugh, her eyes narrowing before she shook her head and turned away from Negan. “When women get mad, it’s the testicles or the dick they always go for.”
“You’ve obviously been cheating for a long time,” Maggie pointed out causing Negan to grumble to himself when he tried to get up but didn’t have it in him to yet. “What?”
“Not as long as you would think,” Negan was obviously vague, not wanting Maggie to realize who he was in love with. “It’s…new.”
“And you know that you love them?” Maggie was curious, turning to look at him again from where she was standing over him. With a nod, Negan said nothing more and she rolled her eyes. “Six months and nothing with us? But you’re with them a short amount of time and you just know?”
“When you meet the person that you are meant to be with, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them,” Negan reasoned with her, taking a moment to make sure that she wasn’t going to hit him again before slowly standing up. “I do love you, Maggie. I don’t question loving you. I just think I love you in the way that someone loves one of their best friends.”
“You really think that two people that were dating and had as much sex as we did can be friends?” she scoffed at Negan, her hands finding their way to her hips.
“I was hoping we could,” Negan declared with a simple shrug. The taste of blood lingered over his lips so he assumed she hit him good.
“What is it about them that made you fall in love with them?” Maggie dug for details and Negan stepped forward closer to her.
“You don’t want to hear that,” Negan hushed her, shakily reaching out to caress his hands in over her shoulders in attempts to calm her. “I don’t want to talk about her with you. I want to talk to you about you. I don’t regret the time we had together. You helped me through some of the toughest times of my life Maggie. You are so beautiful. You’re strong. And I did love you. I fucking love you. I just don’t think the two of us are meant to be endgame. I want you happy. And I don’t think with me you will be truly happy. If you think you can find happiness with this other guy, then I urge you to try. Because I think the two of us were just finding comfort with one another for the time that we could.”
“Shit,” Maggie lowered her head and Negan shakily reached up with his hand that didn’t have blood on it to sweep his thumb in over the side of her face.
“I’m sorry,” Negan apologized for everything knowing that this was a shitty time to find everything out, but with her confessing things to him he knew that he had to open up to her too. “I didn’t want to hurt you, Maggie. Believe it or not, you are important to me.”
“No, I’m sorry for hitting you,” she frowned after thinking things over. Lifting her hand, she curled her fingers around his wrist, urging him back toward the picnic table they were on originally. Stepping before him had Negan looking up at her with his big eyes. There was worry in them when she reached into her pocket, but she pulled out some tissue trying to get the blood from his face. “I should have never hit you.”
“I mean, that depends,” Negan swallowed down knowing that she would have probably beat the ever living shit out of him if she knew who it was that he was in love with. “I probably deserved that.”
“I’m surprised no one saw,” Maggie took a look over her shoulder to see that people were still distracted while she finished cleaning up Negan’s face.
“Even if someone did, I don’t think they’d want to approach you,” Negan accepted the next piece of tissue that she had to hold it up to his nose. “You’re fucking terrifying. No one is gonna want to fuck with you.”
“So terrifying,” she agreed with him, laughing and moving back beside him on the picnic table. “Is she some bimbo?”
“No,” Negan snorted, shaking his head and then pulling the tissue away to look if he was still bleeding. “I promise you I wouldn’t have made this decision if she wasn’t my soulmate, Maggie. We just click and I wanted to wait until after Christmas to tell you.”
“But I fucked that one up, huh?” Maggie observed hearing Negan sigh. “We better not tell my dad until after Christmas. Because if he knows, he will undoubtedly explode on you.”
“Yeah,” Negan snickered, tipping his head back to stare down at her. “You deserve to be happy Maggie Greene. I hope you know that.”
Sliding forward, Maggie stroked her fingers over the side of Negan’s face, dragging her fingers down over his neck. Leaning forward, her lips hovered in over his drawing a sharp breath from his throat. Bringing their lips together, the kiss lingered with Negan’s hand raising to sweep his fingers in over the side of her face. Deepening the kiss, Maggie brushed her tongue against Negan’s hearing him hum before pulling away with a wince when her nose hit his.
“Fuck,” Negan laughed, lowering his head and she chuckled. “That was a good last kiss that my nose had to ruin.”
“My bad,” she pat him on the knee, giving it a firm squeeze. “I guess I shouldn’t have broken your nose. It could have been very romantic.”
“It was good enough,” Negan sighed lowering his head down to rest it over her shoulder. After a minute, Maggie lowered her head and rest her head against his cuddling into it. There was a few minutes of silence when Negan let out a long sigh. “I feel like I should go lay face first in the snow for a while because my face is on fire.”
“I can cover for you if that’s what you want to do,” Maggie teased hearing his snort follow, but she just cuddled her head in closer to his. “You think I can still see Beau and Erin?”
“Of course,” Negan promised, sliding his hand out to hook his fingers with hers. Holding her hand, they sat like that for a while before Negan finally sat upright. Curling his arm around her, Negan allowed her to lean in against his chest and he sighed. “I can’t believe you tried to get me to have anal sex with you in the woods with a shit load of snow.”
“Enough,” Maggie playfully hit Negan in the abdomen and a grumble fell from his throat. Carefully getting up from the table, Negan headed over toward the snow to grab a handful of it to bring it up to his nose. “Does it really hurt that much?”
“Oh yeah,” Negan assured her, hissing at the sensation it left him with. “My face is on fire and my nose is pinging. I’ll be the real Rudolph for Christmas because holy shit.”
“Okay, okay,” she hushed him, urging him back toward where her family still was. “We should get back before people get worried.”
When they got back, Negan saw that Beau, Erin, Y/N and Glenn were working to build a snowman together and it made Negan chuckle. Beau did the best he could to get Y/N off of that rink fast and it amused him. Approaching them, Negan heard Glenn let out a surprised sound when he saw Negan.
“What happened to you?” Glenn drew attention to the fact that Negan had a pile of snow covering his nose. “Are you okay?”
“Hit and run. Some kid just punched me in the face and then ran off,” Negan lied, pulling the snow away from his nose hearing the gasp that came from Y/N when he did it. “Is it swollen?”
“It’s red,” Y/N stepped forward almost considering touching Negan before thinking twice about it. “It looks fine, it just looks like you might be bruised later.”
“Ah, good. So I’m still good looking,” Negan joked drawing Maggie to groan out and roll her eyes. “I’m a little disappointed that you guys started this without me.”
“We only have the bottom two dad, you’ll be fine,” Beau assured his father, reaching for his father’s hands to pull him forward.
They all worked together to finish up the snowman using stones for the eyes and pebbles for the mouth. Beau and Erin had found two twigs that were good enough to use for the arms. Because they were at the park, they didn’t have a carrot to use for the nose, but Glenn lent his winter hat and Maggie used her scarf to bring together the design.
“Looks good,” Negan hooked his arm around Beau’s shoulders feeling Beau’s arm wrapping around his waist.
“We marked off everything,” Beau looked to Y/N who was holding Erin’s hand after they finished. “Everything on the list is done.”
“How do you feel?” Y/N asked, a weak smile tugging at her lips, happy that she was able to do at least this for Negan’s son.
“Accomplished,” Beau responded with a tiny laugh, his hazel eyes gazing over the snowman. “Thank you. All of you. I know it all probably sounded very lame, but it means a lot to me that you did this. I appreciate it.”
“Hey,” Maggie stepped forward before Beau eliciting his eyebrows to bounce up. Holding her arms out had Beau tipping his head to the side. “Can I give you a big hug?”
“Yeah?” Beau released his father long enough to give Maggie a hug and it lasted longer than Beau expected it to. There was something different about Maggie when she looked down at him and Beau frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Maggie lied and Negan knew it was because they essentially just broke up. Reaching down to pick up Erin, she gave Erin a big hug and heard her laugh. “I just want to give the two of you hugs. It’s been nice getting to spend Christmas with you two.”
“Yeah, you too Maggie,” Beau slurred, confused, but going with it because he knew what he needed to say in that moment.
“I was thinking of getting all of us some hot chocolate,” Glenn offered, rubbing his hands together. “What do you think?”
“I can get it,” Negan suggested knowing that he had likely more money than Glenn did to get the hot chocolates.
“No, it’s on me,” Glenn denied Negan, heading over toward the area that was selling them.
“Hey,” Negan stopped Y/N before she could join everyone else that was following Glenn. “Can we talk for a minute?”
“Can it wait?” Y/N requested hearing the long sigh that fell from Negan. “I’m only asking that because I have a lot on my mind right now Negan. I have to figure out how to talk to my dad and…”
“Yeah,” Negan interrupted her knowing that she had been different all day so he didn’t want to stress her out. After he gave her the okay, she headed over to join the rest of them. Instead of following them, Negan let out an overwhelmed sound and dropped back into the snow dramatically. The sky was clear tonight and the stars were bright. For a while he laid there until the sound of snow crunching was heard and he noticed Erin leaning in over him. “Hey there beautiful.”
“Are you okay?” Erin tipped her head to the side, her smile tugging at her young features.
“Just relaxing,” Negan responded and Erin eagerly moved in beside him to drop down to lay in the snow with him. Lifting his head up, Negan noticed his daughter was staring up at the sky mimicking what he had been doing when she came over. It made him smile to know that his daughter was copying him before he laid back down. “You having a good time?”
“Of course,” Erin clung to the stuffed animal that was in her arms and sighed loudly. “I still like New York better though.”
“Me too,” Negan confessed holding his hand out for his daughter to hook his fingers with hers.
“Do you think mommy is up there watching us?” Erin surprised Negan with the question with her eyes still locked on the sky.
“I think your mommy is everywhere,” Negan answered, turning in the snow on his side to stare out at his daughter. “I think she’s with us every day,” Negan reached out to tap Erin on the nose before bringing his hand to his chest. “Especially right here.”
Today Lucille had come up a lot and it wasn’t the first time that hearing her name made him emotional, “I like to think that she’s with us every day. Watching over you and your brother. And I know she’d be very proud of the two of you because you both are awesome.
“I miss her hugs,” Erin explained to her father, turning to face him in the snow herself. “Not that your hugs are bad because you give the best hugs. But there was just something special about her hugs.”
“Me too,” Negan confessed, leaning in just enough to press a kiss over Erin’s forehead. “You were always my baby that loved being held. I don’t think you walked right away because your mama and I never put you down. You always wanted us holding you.”
“I think I’m still like that,” Erin giggled, curling her arm tighter around the polar bear stuffed animal that Y/N had given her.
“You are,” Negan agreed with a wrinkle of his nose, peppering a few kisses against her cheek. “And I’m okay with that. My arms will always belong to you baby girl.”
“Good. I’m okay with sharing them sometimes though,” Erin got up on her knees and fell into her father’s arms so that he could hug her close to him. “You give good hugs and people need to also feel that sometimes.”
“Hey now,” Beau’s voice was heard and Negan let out a groan when he felt the weight of Beau dropping in over his stomach. Cuddling his head in beside Erin’s had Negan laughing out and wrapping both of them up in his arms to give them a big squeeze. “You can’t do this cuddling stuff without me.”
“I love you both, so much,” Negan declared, pressing a kiss over Beau’s temple before doing the same to Erin. A moment later Beth, Annette, Maggie and Y/N had stepped in to stare down at them. Giving a big cheesy smile, Negan could tell that they thought he was crazy for laying in the snow like they were.
“Are you okay?” Maggie was obviously worried that maybe he was having some aftereffects of the hit she landed on him earlier.
“I’m great,” Negan winked, squeezing his arms tighter around his children who were just happy to be with their father. “You should really just try it. It’s very relaxing. Just take a few minutes before we have to head back to the farm.”
“Here,” Maggie pulled out her phone to take a photo that had all three of them giving her the most ridiculous oversized smiles for the photo. And right there confirmed they were Negan’s children with the way they acted. “Perfect.”
“You can have your minute,” Beth laughed pointing toward the hot chocolate that she was holding. “Someone has to hold these.”
“You’re missing out,” Negan insisted with a shake of his head, dropping his head back out into the snow. Right now was just allowing him to take a moment to destress. Everything about this trip had been tense and now he finally got to relax. So he was going to take this moment and cherish the time that he had.
Tags: @slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes​ @tone-stark @lanadelnegan @flippittygibbitts @stickyhuesos
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spaceman-earthgirl · 4 months
Happy Holidays! This was based on the prompt "A leash and collar? Why?" She said, suspicious as she looks over the rim of her coffee mug." for @iamsuperconfused as part of the @supergirlfemslashsecretsanta gift exchange.
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Maggie knows something is up. She knows her girlfriend, she knows her tells, and she knows Alex is hiding something from her.
She’s not worried, because Kara is involved, and maybe that should make her a little worried but she’s come to find that anything to do with Kara usually just ends up being food or Lena related.
But since Maggie loves a good mystery to solve, she decides to do a little investigating herself.
Turns out, she doesn’t actually need to, because Alex gives herself away pretty much immediately.
First, it’s the dog food Maggie finds in the cupboard as she’s looking for a new bag of sugar. Then it’s the list of names she finds written on a notepad in the kitchen, and then finally she overhears a conversation between Alex and, who Maggie assumes, is Kara.
As soon as Alex hangs up the phone, Maggie can’t help but ask about a few things she’d overheard.
"A leash and collar? Why?" She says, suspicious as she looks over the rim of her coffee mug.
Alex freezes and Maggie has to fight to keep a straight face. Does Alex really think she’s being subtle?
“Who were you on the phone with?” Maggie prompts.
“Kara...she wants a dog.”
Maggie narrows her eyes. That is a pretty plausible scenario, and Maggie would probably believe Alex, if not for the way she’s avoiding eye contact.
Alex looks down at her watch. “I have to go, I’m meeting Kara, but we’re still on for lunch?” Alex asks.
“Of course,” Maggie replies. At least Alex’s suggestion of a picnic in the park for lunch makes a bit more sense now.
Alex walks around the kitchen island. “I’ll see you later,” she says before giving Maggie a lingering kiss, dog and lunch and everything else forgotten for a moment as she chases the contact when Alex tries to pull away.
“Bye,” Alex laughs, pressing another quick to Maggie’s lips.
Maggie watches her go, missing Alex as soon as the door closes, already excited for lunch. With their busy schedules they don’t get to spend nearly as much time together as Maggie would like.
Maggie would put money on the fact that Alex is going to surprise her with a dog. Maggie’s not sure why it’s a secret but it’s cute her girlfriend is trying to surprise her. They’ve talked about getting a dog in the future, so it’s not completely out of left field that Alex would get them one. They’ve talked about everything together. She knows she’s going to marry Alex one day, this is just the first step.
When Maggie arrives at the park, her heart stutters in her chest when she sees Alex, standing beside a picnic blanket, a picnic basket and flowers set out on the blanket beside her.
“Hey,” Alex greets her, smile shy as she lets Maggie pull her into a hug.
“Hi,” Maggie smiles. “What’s all this for?”
“Can’t I treat my girlfriend to a nice lunch?” Alex asks, tangling her fingers with Maggie’s.
Alex gives Maggie’s hand a tug and Maggie follows the gentle command, taking a set beside Alex.
“I got all your favourites,” Alex says, opening the basket and for a moment, Maggie feels like she might cry.
“I see you said “got” and not “made”,” Maggie points out.
Alex rolls her eyes.
“I’m teasing,” Maggie smiles. She waits until Alex is looking at her again. “Thank you, for all of this.”
Maggie’s heart stutters in her chest again, she knows Alex means it.
It’s after lunch, before they’ve eaten the dessert Maggie spied in the basket earlier, that the mood shifts and Maggie knows what’s coming when Alex starts to talk, clearly nervous.
“I actually had another reason for inviting you here today,” Alex begins, reaching into her pocket. “I’ve tried to keep this a secret from you so I hope you’re surprised.” She pulls out a box and Maggie gasps, she doesn’t need to be able to see inside to know what’s in there. “Based on your reaction I’m assuming I managed to keep it a secret.”
Maggie prides herself on being a good detective but even she didn’t see this coming.
“Maggie,” Alex continues, reaching out to take one of Maggie’s hands, box held in the other. “I love you. I never thought I’d get to feel like this but then I met you and you changed everything. When you first kissed me, I knew then and there I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re my favourite person, you’re my best friend, you make me so happy, and, if you’ll let me, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you the way you deserve to be loved.”
Maggie is nodding before Alex even gets the words out.
“Marry me?”
“Yes,” Maggie blurts. She doesn’t even need to think about it, she’s known since even before she kissed Alex that she was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
They’re both grinning as Alex shakily slips the ring onto Maggie’s finger and as soon as the ring is on, Maggie reaches out and tugs Alex into a searing kiss.
“I love you too,” Maggie says into the kiss, and it’s only when she pulls away that she realises she’s crying.
“Did I surprise you then?” Alex asks, wiping Maggie’s cheeks with her thumbs.
Maggie smiles. “You did.” And then something clicks. “Wait, what about the dog?”
Alex laughs. “I needed something for you to focus on while I planned this. I figured a little mystery would do the trick.”
“So, we’re not getting a dog?” Maggie asks, oddly disappointed now that the idea had felt tangible.
“I mean, it was just meant to be a distraction but we can definitely still get a dog. I’m sure Kara would love that, she spent the whole time being sad it was just pretend.”
“We do have a bag of dog food at home,” Maggie points out. “Did you really just buy dog food so you could propose to me?”
“That is not the story we’re telling people.”
Maggie laughs. “No, the story I’m telling people is that my fiancée is secretly romantic and planned this whole picnic, including an elaborate distraction, so I wouldn’t figure out what she was up to.”
Alex smiles, and Maggie knows it’s because she slipped the word ‘fiancée’ into the sentence. It makes Maggie feel the same. “Maybe I just really wanted a dog,” Alex teases, but even as she says it, she glances down at the ring on Maggie’s finger.
Maggie looks down too, admiring the small ring and how it looks perfect on her finger, like it was made for her. “Marry me and we can get as many dogs as you like.”
Alex laughs. “I’m totally okay with that.”
They get married six months later, their dog bringing the rings down the aisle. Maggie thinks she’s the luckiest person in the world.
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siriusleee · 9 months
wip game | like blood on iron preview
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i was tagged by @dotcie in the wip game; i got 34 votes for Like Blood on Iron so here is a preview into the future.
as always, if you want to be alerted of future chapters, please follow my ko-fi (no need to donate, it's just where i will be alerting new followers) or set tumblr up to follow my posts. thank you @devcica for donating this week - me and my classroom say thank you!
The dress is beautiful, you think as Maggie's fingers lace the back up gently. You want to apologize to her; this should have been her dress - she is the one who wants to get married. The weight of your disappointment grows heavier as Lily works around Maggie, her fingers pinning your hair up deftly with Grandma's pins. 
You don't recognize yourself when they step away; the white of the dress sparkling back at you in the wavy mirror, blurring your features as you furiously try to blink back the tears that threaten to ruin the entire thing. 
"It's going to be alright," Maggie soothes, fingers running down the fabric of your shoulders. "And you'll still be close - Jonathan asked Father if Lily and I could come stay with you for a while after the two of you return from your trip."
"I'm not sure my husband would appreciate sharing a bed with the three of us."
Maggie's distorted reflection smiles weakly at you in the mirror; you clasp her hand tightly, hoping the sweat doesn't stain the delicate white fabric. 
A heavy knock reverberates through the house - you feel it shake the floorboards beneath you. 
"I'll get it," Lily says, slipping out of the door, heavy dress swishing around her ankles. You think of her asking you to tighten her dress, of the way she'd smiled at the boy in the market. Soon you'll be getting her ready for her own wedding, and you wonder if she'll consider it a death sentence like you or look forward to it like Maggie. 
Her voice is muffled; you try to focus on it as Maggie ducks beneath your bilious skirts to help you slide your shoes on. You teeter on one foot, and she grabs your calf to try to help you from falling. Lily's feet patter up the steps, and she trips through the door, skirt catching on a snag on the floor.
"There's-" she's breathless from rushing up the stairs, "there's someone here to see you."
You know who it is by the way she stumbles over the word 'somebody'. 
Maggie's warm hand finishes the lacing on your shoe before she emerges from the cloud of skirts around you, hair disheveled. Lily's still staring at you, the thread of her dress connecting her to the floor.
Your heart squeezes in your chest; you grip the lace at your wrist hard enough you can feel some of the threads snapping. 
You know it's a horrible idea: to see him now. But you push past Maggie and Lilly, tripping on the skirt as you do your best to keep your balance flying down their stairs. The feeling of him courses through your veins as your feet hit the main landing; but the entryway is empty. Your stomach sinks; he must have left, must have -
"You look beautiful."
Simon stares at you from the kitchen doorway; hands clasped behind his back. He's devoid of his usual mask; pale skin exposed to the world. His eyes are dark, the skin around them gaunt and sleep deprived. You long to reach out and grab him, but you keep your hands to yourself. 
"What are you doing here?" You ask, trying and failing to keep your voice steady. 
"I wanted to see you again before I couldn't."
A thousand wild thoughts course through you: this wouldn't have to end the two of you. You could still see each other, in secret; you would do anything to keep him, but you know what his answer to it would be. How he would shake his head, and tell you it's impossible. 
"Why today? You could have come to see me days ago."
"I wanted a glimpse into a different life."
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tag list: @silverianni, @milfs4lifee, @koi-feish, @shirabeastly, @pookie90, @ghostlythot, @hearts4sky, @crystallizedtime, @the-worlds-tempest, @myconglomerateromance, @elena-ph, @chaoticgoblindev, @pipocfamily, @canadianmilkbag, @caspertheassholeghost, @2512121morningstar, @glitterypirateduck, @elli0t3r, @clairdelunelove, @captainprice4life, @generaldestinychild, @crowsjourney, @c0pernicus, @wistfullyhypomanic, @arbesa-mind, @ray-rook, @daisyfrubies, @september-22-1996
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if you knew a fic where Muriel and Crowley are just like,, hanging out? Or if the soho gang (nina and maggie) comfort crowley or something? I really liked their dynamic in season two so I was wondering if there were any fics like that. thanks so much!!
Hello! We have a #crowley & muriel tag with a couple of posts. Here are some fics to add where Crowley spends time with Muriel, Nina, and Maggie...
The recovery of a bog body by Joseph_Amadeus (G)
On the third day of sitting in his car at the bottom of the Border Mires Crowley receives a prophetic vision — Dorothy Zbornak of The Golden Girls appears next to him, all gray curls and no-shit-taking attitude, and reminds him, as kindly as she can, that one shouldn't turn mourning into a way of life
Muriel And The Art Of Bookshop Maintenance by cosmic_day (G)
Muriel has taken over the bookshop, and is doing their best to run it, with helpful advice from Maggie and Nina, and occasional visits from the depressed demon who seems to come in a package deal with the bookshop. And for the first time in their life, they’re reading a book, a book called The Crow Road. All of it is new, and exciting, and wonderful, but it is quite a lot for one 37th class scrivener to handle.
Angels Like These by slapsticks (T)
They shifted back as Crowley stood up, smiling, "You know what? Forget about–all of this, Constable, I think I'll be going now." He declared, shoving the teacup into the startled officer's hands. "You know me, I've got errands, that terrible demon-y stuff," The cup and saucer clanked together as Muriel struggled to hold them. "But – you just arrived," They protested, almost sadly. "I'm..." The words died on their tongue. "Mhm, yeah-huh," Replied Crowley, hardly listening, or at least trying not to, sauntering towards the doors. "Nice seeing you – now, goodbye, for the forseeable future." "The forseeable future?" "For the forseeable future, Inspector!" in which crowley begins to form an unlikely bond with nina, maggie, and muriel ! birthday gift for my good buddy pal bro frank who basically wrote the last couple interactions with me and inspired the whole fic . i might be too dedicated. I Dont Care. happy birthday bro
In Nothing Else So Happy by Ducks Have Ears (NR)
"I count myself in nothing else so happy, as in a soul remembering my good friends." Richard II, Act 2, Scene 3 - Shakespeare Crowley had only ever had one friend and he was beginning to realise that maybe one friend simply wasn't enough. (Part two of the Crowley & Friends series)
That's What Friends Do by Barbarian_MP (NR)
Nina had found him, coming around the corner on her bicycle and at first not being at all surprised to see the car parked in front of her shop. The car seemed to be in that very spot on the daily. Little early for it to be there, sure, but maybe it had been there all night. She wasn’t all that worried about it until she noticed the car’s owner was inside, unmoving.
The F-Word by haleinedelail (T)
Post Series 2, how the living f**k is Crowley ever going to find solace or comfort? Whiskey? Coffee? Cursing? Antisocial behavior? Yes, all of the above. But HOPE is a puzzle that we all must put back together multiple times throughout our lives, and demons are no different. He will find it again, but it might take a village to get all the pieces together.
- Mod D
50 notes · View notes
inevitably-johnlocked · 9 months
A Breakdown of My Thoughts On Good Omens S2
(That may or may not also be a meta about my predictions for the future interwoven in)
Hey All!
All right, I’ve officially watched Good Omens Season 2 twice, and am almost done my third time through, and I want to put out some thoughts before I start reading other people’s meta about S2 so that my initial thoughts aren’t influenced by those. I was GOING to post it to my GO blog @inevitably-ineffable-husbands first, but decided instead to make the initial post here since this is my largest audience (my GO blog is mostly a reblog blog, but it’s been pretty active the past week with people sending me asks there!).
During my second watch-through, I took some notes about stuff I wanted to expand upon. This got a bit messy, long, and disorganized so I tried to just clean up those notes so they’re more legible. I think I inevitably want to write separate meta about each section, especially after my next few rewatches (AND especially since I want to talk more about 3 or four Big Thoughts that I have about S3). 
This meta turned out to be a lengthy essay-style meta with a few bits of point form and free thoughts, broken into sections for easier consumption, so I hope you will give it a read through. It’s longer than I intended (it’s about 5,000 words), so if you need to pause anywhere, I’ve conveniently broken it up into sections below the cut, which you can see the breakdown of here:
Before The Beginning
Crowley is A-Major-Angel Theory (or The Angel That Crowley Might Actually Have Been)
Maggie and Nina (Mirrors. It’s about mirrors)
The Ineffable Bureaucracy (MORE MIRRORS YAY I LOVE DYING!)
Crowley and Aziraphale (& Their Relationship Arc) (which includes my thoughts on THAT moment and why it was wrong)
The Metatron and Aziraphale’s Decision (I actually covered a large chunk of this on THIS POST so you can read just that if you want instead)
Other Things (That I Didn’t Know Where Else to Put) 
Final Thoughts
Also, so it’s not hidden under the cut, here are the things I’m interested in expanding upon in the future, if you guys would like to read more. The first one is the only “for sure” one on my plate right now:
A Thought on AziraCrow from an A-Spec Perspective [REDUX]: An expansion on the above-linked meta I put out a week ago about their relationship arc and how I feel it’s being portrayed and what it means foor the future.
THAT Scene Small Thoughts: And its importance RIGHT NOW and why the confession will be so much more powerful in S3. Actually I think I MIGHT cover this in the AziraCrow meta, but I DO want to expand upon the scene anyway regardless.
And I don’t have many things to say as of finishing this meta, but I would like to put out my thoughts on why Aziraphale made That Choice. (EDIT: It would be an expansion on THIS POST which would include some points I made under the cut in the various sections, compiled together. I know I’ll have more thoughts as the weeks move on and as I understand the scene more and more).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I’ve written! The next meta I’d like to tackle is the Relationship Redux meta, provided that the asks I got in my inbox aren’t going to take up too much of my time.
Feel free to add your thoughts in the reblogs and replies as usual! I welcome other opinions and thoughts, and I will try my best to keep all the threads together. This blog is and will always remain a community project! :) 
PLEASE be advised, in that case, that Spoilers WILL BE in the notes, and OBVIOUSLY there are spoilers below the cut for the entire season! Cheers, and thank you! Enjoy!
I have running theory that’s kind of on strings right now, but I feel like Aziraphale feels responsible for Crowley’s Fall, that he feels he didn’t do enough to help prevent it, which may explain his actions in Episode 6. 
Now, I’m not saying that the entire reason he spends so much time with Crowley is because of some underlying guilt, NOT AT ALL (just a small part of it), but more that he feels like he could have done more to dissuade Crowley from asking questions – It’s why he spends their entire lives trying to convince Crowley he is good! Aziraphale loved seeing an angel so happy with what they were doing, and his warnings were making Crowley unhappy. Instead, Aziraphale decided to compliment Crowley on his work to make him smile again. I think it’s absolutely something to note since this scene and the finale of E6 suspiciously bookend each other, meant to be compared and contrasted with each other. 
When Azzie is presented with the opportunity to give Crowley back something he loved doing – being happy making galaxies – Aziraphale took it, because he knows how much Crowley struggles with his own sense of self.
Unfortunately, Azzie thinks Crowley’s inner turmoil is because of who he is and his status as a demon, not because Aziraphale is literally his whole raison d’être and why Crowley keeps coming back to him – he’s only ever truly happy being around Aziraphale.
Crowley, in turn, has become Azzie’s own reason for being, he just sadly hasn’t come to that conclusion yet at this point in the story. Aziraphale thinks that by being the Supreme Archangel, he will have the authority to make things RIGHT, not knowing the info that we as an audience have through Crowley that that is FAR from the truth. I’ll go more into it in my Metatron section below.
Basically I’m saying that this sequence at the beginning exists to show who Aziraphale is as a person, an angel who struggles with his OWN sense of self and his desire to do good and make people happy. Aziraphale is so consumed with believing that he can change things if only he has some control over a situation, then it can all be better; he fails to see that he already has everything he wants right in front of him. He doesn’t think he can TRULY be with Crowley safely unless something changes the status quo, and he naïvely thinks that taking the job is the best way to do so. I think next season we will see Aziraphale finally understand that he CAN’T be “free” until he accepts that he and Crowley ARE better as one. 
Another note I wanted to make about this is just an aside commentary: Aziraphale ABSOLUTELY was smitten by Crowley. I suspect until he met Crowley, Aziraphale had never seen another angel be so joyous in his work. It intrigued Azzie and blossomed into something-unknown in him.
Azzie was smitten since before the beginning, and that he indeed pines for Crowley. He’s just terrified about what happens After if he were to do anything about it.
CROWLEY-IS-RAPHAEL THEORY (or another Top-Ranking Angel)
This is one of my favourite theories that circulates in the fandom, and I went into a bit of detail about this on this post here, but I want to expand more upon it briefly (hah).
I think this season further proved Crowley was A Big Angel™ before he Fell (not necessarily Raphael, but it IS the prominent theory about his identity). It’s a Big Point that I think they’ve been planting the seeds for in both seasons so that we as the audience can figure it out; maybe not exactly WHO Crowley was (the general audience wouldn’t know about the theory), more that Crowley was indeed a higher ranking angel than all of them. This could be a big reveal in S3 for the general audience, and will be the reward for the “easter eggs” that the fans picked up on. 
Here are the clues that I have so far, both from the fandom theories for S1, and my own observations of S2... I have not read any meta yet as of writing this, so I probably missed some if people are talking about it:
Raphael is notably missing from the main Archangels. It’s very odd, because he was a prominent figure in a story about Abraham
When we first see Crowley in S2, we see him as the primary creator of the universe. That kind of task isn’t given to just any angel. We knew in S1 that Crowley created stars, just not the full story of it.
The only Top Angel who recognizes Crowley is Saraqael and we don’t find that out until Episode 6. They mention that the two worked together during the creation of a nebula. Saraqael is just as old as Crowley and was there Before the Beginning as well. Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel don’t recognize Crowley when they come down during Job’s trials, meaning that Crowley probably Fell before they came to be Top Level Angels. 
“A throne, a dominion or ABOVE” is who Muriel said were the only angel classes that could open the file on Gabriel, and Crowley literally just opens it without issue. Crowley faffs it off as an old password (but even then, why would he HAVE an old password for a confidential file?) but I think it’s more true that he actually had and hasn’t lost the clearance he had as a higher order of angel. Muriel NEVER stated that an Archangel can open the file at ALL. BUT I think Gaiman’s Archangels are technically top of the chain so they possibly are able to open the files as well.   For shits and giggles, I actually looked into the orders of angels: Muriel’s listed angels are part of the top 4 levels of Angel rankings. Now, I know that the authors took creative liberty with Capital A-Archangels for story purposes, but it’s a very interesting thought, isn’t it? I wonder if Crowley was actually one of the first Supreme Archangels? Just something to nibble on until S3.
The INSANE power level of HALF of a bit of a small miracle from TWO people that can raise 25 dead people is very interesting thing to literally flash red in your face as if to say “THIS IS A REALLY IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER, DON’T FORGET IT”. Why? Why make this the catalyst of events in the series if it’s not important and won’t be brought up again? Was Crowley’s power the one that set off alarms in Heaven since his part was to hide Gabe from Heaven?
The writers have deliberately avoided giving us Crowley’s name in Before the Beginning. Crowley has a penchant for changing his name when he wants to distance himself from the past, and there’s a good chance he purposely threw away his Heavenly (dead) name to cast aside any memories of that former life. It’s not who he is anymore, nor who he wants to be ever again.
Crowley constantly references the problems with Heaven, stuff that Aziraphale seems to have no knowledge of. 
Crowley has an uncanny sense of where Aziraphale is and what he’s up to at all times. Actually, he’s able to sense trouble from everyone regardless. NOW, this might be down to him just... being so smitten with Aziraphale that perhaps he’s purposely attuned his senses to him, but none of the other angels nor demons seem to be able to do this unless it’s with their own kind. Crowley seems to have it for everyone. This is an odd power for one “measly demon” to have.
I’m certain I’m missing a few other easter eggs here that were mentioned, but in the interim, I think these definitely the ones that are worth noting.
“One Character Split Into Two”
I’ve seen a theory that ties into the Angel Theory where Crowley and Aziraphale are actually two parts of the SAME angel, Raphael, and I only remembered it after I saw this quote from David and Michael’s interview:
“Well, now we’re playing one character that’s sort of split into two”
Interesting choice of words... Did one of them slip up here? I don’t think that this is the case, that it’s just me over-reading into an interview quote, but it is something I did came across in my readings of the Raphael Theory that I thought I should mention.
While trying to find a couple posts to link to for this theory, I came across this super interesting post regarding Aziraphale’s name meaning in Hebrew, and it does list ONE of the “unlikely” possibilities being that it means “Raphael is my strength”. While the author links this to be part of Crowley!Raphael theory, I kind of like it for the Duality Theory, where Crowley IS Azzie’s strength in the sense that he’s the Emotional Support Demon. Crowley IS kind and gentle and protective of Aziraphale. And Azzie, who gets his strength from Raphael Crowley, is the brains (or main single braincell carrier) of the operation.
Kind of like an overly-romantic version of soulmates, literally One Soul split into two people who are meant to find each other again and become whole.
Also, I go back to my point about their power being ASININE at less than half each. WHY IS THIS POSSIBLE? A theory: They are stronger than an Archangel’s miracle together, so it’s not absurd to speculate that it was stronger because it was finally at its full power with the SINGLE soul concocting the miracle.
Anyway, this Duality Theory is probably definitely not the case since we see them both Before the Beginning, BUT we can argue that the scene we saw was their first introduction after being split... Aziraphale just HAPPENS to zoom by, the only single angel in the area? Hmm.
I ALSO just want to say that perhaps when they body-swapped, that may have also activated dormant “together” powers within themselves? Just a little thought I had while writing this section.
Aziraphale is Raphael and Doesn’t Remember
And finally, there’s the theory that they will pull a Shyamalan and reveal that it’s Azzie that’s actually Raphael. I honestly think this is the least likely scenario, given that all the clues they’re putting in the show don’t at all point to this, other than the possible entomology of his name (I read somewhere that Gaiman initially was going to spell it Aziraphael to coincide with the naming conventions of the other Angels) could be a play on the Raphael name and it’s Aziraphale who’s actually the missing Raphael.
I don’t think it’s this at all, for the record. I just wanted to point it out since it is a theory that I’ve seen thrown around linked to the Raphael Theory.
Regardless of which theory it is, I just CANNOT get it out of my head at how often they kept bringing up elements of Crowley’s past, and I just.... mmmm. I know he’s more Important than he lets on. There’s just too many eggs dropped in this season for me to let it go without a bit of grumbling.
Or maybe I’m just looking too much into it. *shrugs* I can’t help it, reading between the lines is a hobby of mine I do so enjoy.
UGH, I absolutely love character mirrors... I love seeing the parallels of characters and how they’re supposed to represent the protagonists in situations. 
Regarding Maggie and Nina, upon rewatching the series, I see now that Nina is primarily Aziraphale’s mirror and Maggie is Crowley’s. 
For Maggie, as an expansion on a drunken post during my liveblogging:
She’s smitten (”pathetically in love”) with someone just out of reach, hopelessly pining and watching from afar.
She’s STUPIDLY protective of and adores Mr. Fell and Nina.
She, like Crowley with Aziraphale, attempts to make Nina happy: She gives a record as a gift without thinking about the “after” (Crowley tends to do the same)
She’s stands up to the demons and for herself.
She’s “unloved and unloveable”, which Crowley believes himself to be
She’s the one who thought up the plans to get them out of trouble
For Nina:
Fussy and stuck in her ways
Doesn’t want to disappoint but can’t seem to do right by anyone
“we’re just friends, well, we hardly know each other” (which I believe is a line similar to one Aziraphale said in S1)
Afraid to start a new relationship for fear of not being good enough
Makes their love interest wait and hopes they’ll be there when the time is right (She will be)
Her relationship with Lindsay appears to me to be a parallel for Azzie’s relationship with Heaven, with them being "done” with Aziraphale for one too many indiscretions. Lindsay also accuses Nina of “cheating” which Aziraphale technically does with choosing Crowley over Heaven 
Their inevitable NOT match-made is a gentle parallel to the painful NOT match-made by our heroes. There’s a bump in the road, and when they’re both ready, they’ll eventually get together. 
Also, another thing I wanted to note here, is that Nina’s VERY heartfelt conversation with Crowley is super, SUPER important to AziraCrow’s arc, and I believe it is the catalyst to why Crowley made the decision to try to confess in Episode 6. Like, he genuinely looks like he’s re-evaluated a few things after Nina walks away. And because it was the Aziraphale mirror stating this, Crowley perhaps starts to get ideas in his head that maybe Azzie is ready to move forward, since “it certainly looks like [you’re a couple from the outside]”. Why not make it official then? Maybe Aziraphale IS just waiting for Crowley to make the move.
Food for thought.
I don’t have much to honestly say about this one, other than I am SHOCKED that it only took them 4 years to figure their shit out but our idiots still are at first base after 6000 years. Get your asses moving, idiots!
Seriously though, they’re the biggest pair of mirrors in the season, but funnily enough, I think Gabriel is Crowley’s, and Beez is Azzie’s.  
Gabriel, like Crowley to Azzie, introduces human things to Beez. 
Gabe questions Heaven and convinces Beez to question their side... essentially he “Falls” when the trial happens, abandoning Heaven. 
Gabe throws everything away to be with Beez. 
Beez is the one who learns from Gabe, just like Azzie learns from Crowley.
Beez compares themself to Aziraphale: “I imagine he took better care of you than I would have”.
Beez calling Gabe “you silly, silly angel”... Aziraphale called Crowley silly in the first half of the season.
And as an aside, just... the casual “I love you” from Gabe is like an unfiltered Crowley. Because I am certain Crowley will be the first to say it.
That’s just a super simplified version of it all, but just wanted to point it out so y’all can see where I’m coming from on why I think that.
And I REALLY BELIEVE that Aziraphale will repeat this or a similar line to Beez’s in S3: 
“I just found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides.”
I think it will be the line before the climax of S3 that Aziraphale says when he finally rejects Heaven. Because that was a POWERFUL line, and it will solidify the mirrors and parallels that are all over this season. I feel like Heaven won’t suffer the same incident happening twice, so we might even finally get to see a ridiculously protective, vengeful angel Aziraphale, to rival all of Protective Crowley moments! WHAT a payoff that would be after two seasons of him just kind of sitting idly by not standing up for himself, eh?? GOD I want it.
I have just a few notes to immediately take away from S2, but I do plan on expanding more upon these thoughts in my Revision of my A Thought on AziraCrow from an A-Spec Perspective meta I wrote prior to S2. 
In that meta I state very clearly how important their relationship and its portrayal is to me. I do concede that, because of this fact, I may be biased in my opinions about literally the entirety of S2′s relationship arc. I ADORE Aziraphale and I really see a lot of myself in him, and I can understand why he did what he did at the end, and why the “rejection” happened. But again, I will touch upon that with the revision meta.
Instead, I took some additional notes while I watched and rewatched S2 that I don’t think I can fit well into that meta without ham-fisting it in. I’ll try my best to break it into yummier sections so it’s not so messy.
Protective / Jealous Crowley (and his possible PTSD)
This point deserved its own little section, because it’s one of my favourite things this season. I love just how BLATANTLY PROTECTIVE and JEALOUS Crowley was, to the point of being near-murderous. I LOVE the confrontation scene with Gabriel so much, because it’s SO revealing to just how terrified Crowley is of Aziraphale being hurt and not being in Crowley’s life again. 
I imagine he constantly replays the fire in his head: what if Crowley WASN’T there to save Aziraphale that time??? To step into fire for him??? He’s seen how bad No-Azzie would be with the Bookshop Fire, and I think he STILL believes that it was Hellfire that discorporated Azzie (not the accidental summoning circle). So imagine the psyche of a demon who is hopelessly in love with an angel, having to be face to face with the fire that he believes killed Azzie the first time and THEN have Azzie’s boss basically tell Crowley how little he thinks of Aziraphale? Ooof.
And I also will standby the fanon theory that it was Crowley who left all the fire extinguishers in the bookshop, and not Aziraphale. Bless Azzie, he knows that this is a “New Fear Unlocked” in Crowley and lets him do it to ease the anxiety.
And isn’t it funny that Crowley (aside from the 2 year lockdown) seems to have spent every waking moment keeping a steady eye on Aziraphale? He’s scared, which is why I think he might have some PTSD related to everything he’s seen that Aziraphale is blissfully unaware of.
Their Arc and The Kiss
It’s so clear to me now more than before that Aziraphale IS Crowley’s whole life, to the point of obsession. I think the final arc that Crowley has to go through before he can truly be with Aziraphale proper is learning to let Aziraphale also protect him, to loosen the stranglehold that his fear of loss has on him. That Crowley doesn’t have to shoulder everything by himself and be Aziraphale’s shadow. Because that’s what he is in S2 – a lot of scenes of them together in the modern day is Crowley trailing just slightly behind Azzie, always watching and waiting for trouble and being there for him.
I think Crowley has a genuine fear of loss of control similar to Aziraphale’s. Where Azzie’s is related to “well if I can do this thing then everything will be alright”, Crowley’s is “well if I can just keep Aziraphale safe, then everything will be alright” and that’s... not a good foundation for a relationship. Their Big Breakup had to happen for them to both realize this. 
Aziraphale has NOT gone through his “lost my partner” arc like Crowley has with the bookshop fire. I go more into it in the Metatron section, but I think that Azzie’s arc will look more like Crowley being used as a leverage tool against Azzie by Heaven, and those seeds were planted in the final moments of E6. Perhaps something DOES happen when Crowley inevitably comes to his rescue, and he also “loses Crowley for good” (but we know that the totally-made-up-just-now law of parallels will bring him back, we hope).
They’re currently at the Miscommunication and Separation stage of their relationship. They’re both so scared of hurting each other that they DON’T communicate... they DON’T expose each other to “bad things” that they know and instead just focus on the good. The breakup had to happen the way it did for Aziraphale to finally Get A Clue – because I honestly don’t think he realized Crowley loved him until the kiss – and that Azzie himself wasn’t the only one with a crush on his best friend. It had to happen that way for Crowley to understand that his overprotectiveness and lying by omission only harms Aziraphale in the long run.
Listen, I think it’s possible that Azzie thinks that Crowley only did the kiss because he didn’t want Aziraphale to leave at that moment, just another “Crowley thing” that he would do. It was piss-poor timing that was at the tail end of too many emotions and anger, and it’s easy to see how Azzie could have interpreted the kiss wrong. 
They both expressed wanting to be together, but misunderstandings will ensue because neither of them are good at communicating WHAT exactly "being together” entails. Crowley thinks Azzie means “working together side by side for a shitty company”. Aziraphale thinks Crowley means “just doing what we always do and having fun doing it”, both without shifting the status quo, when in fact they both mean “I can’t see myself with anyone but you and I want you forever in any way we can be, let’s please shift the status quo”. 
Then Crowley made the situation worse (though I do think he was VERY brave in doing it because WE the audience know his intentions are true and honest) by adding a kiss into the mix when they’re both upset and angry at each other. Both are left crying (Aziraphale turns around when the Metatron arrives, and there’s NO reason he should unless it’s to wipe his eyes. And Crowley deliberately put his glasses back on, so I think it was to cover up the tears) and no one gets what they truly want.
I think we’ll get a payoff for this next season, when they’re finally BOTH on the same page and NOT misunderstanding each other. I think there will be a “did you mean it?” from Aziraphale, and then a verbalized “I love you (or a variation of those words)” from Crowley, and then the paralleled line of “our side” I mentioned in the Gabe & Beez section. I think there will be a better, more satisfying kiss next season. I really do have faith about that.
Other AziraCrow Things
I saw a meme that put it best: “Aziraphale fell first, but Crowley fell HARDER”. I think Crowley is more comfortable in his pining because he’s not constrained by the same hangups and “obligations” that Aziraphale has. Aziraphale is worried that it’s “sinful” to love a demon.
I mentioned this before in the Raphael section, but I want to reiterate the point about The Miracle, because it’s SUPER important that this was a big plot point. The fact that it was so strong for something apparently so minuscule according to them proves that they are better together, and now that Heaven is aware that their powers combined to create that miracle, they absolutely want to keep the two of them apart. They suddenly became very aware that Aziraphale and Crowley are RIDICULOUSLY stronger together, because if a tiny miracle can set off alarms in Heaven, what can two full miracles combined create? I feel like this is a BIG Chekov’s gun for S3. 
I think a large part about why Crowley is offended by Aziraphale’s acceptance of the job offer is because Crowley is upset that he’s not enough for Aziraphale, especially when he rejected Beez’s offer for Aziraphale. His voice shakes when he asked what Aziraphale did. He’s hurt.
THE TOUCHING in this season is insane. It’s so casual and it’s EVERYWHERE. Their relationship, when it’s finally actualized, is going to be heart wrenching in a good way, the “good sort of hurt”. I truly do believe AziraCrow is endgame.
It amuses me to no end that the fact that these two idiots and their one braincell think that they can make a human relationship work when they’ve been mutually pining over each other for 6,000+ years with very little progress. And good lord, they both take their advice from fiction. It’s hilarious.
Aziraphale’s unending faith in Crowley’s “goodness” also kills me. I love that Crowley actually never wants to kill anything, he’s literally just trying to get by without getting caught, and he always gently encourages Aziraphale to do the same. He cares so much about being gentle with Aziraphale. The scene on the rock where Crowley is SO SOFT with Aziraphale melted my heart. It’s so sweet.
I LOVE that it was CROWLEY who got Aziraphale into food and drinks. It explains a LOT about why Crowley likes watching Aziraphale eat. HE did that. It was his first “gift” to Aziraphale (to his knowledge at this stage, when really it was Crowley’s smile at making the universe that really did it).
Crowley’s devotion to making Aziraphale happy while Azzie is just oblivious to how Crowley feels hurts a LOT, but I want to expand more upon this in my followup reblog to my relationship meta. I see myself SO MUCH in Azzie it’s goddamned scary.
Actually, I don’t think Aziraphale is oblivious to be mean, since he makes a point that “rescuing me makes him so happy”, BUT I think Aziraphale might misinterpret Crowley’s devotion as “Crowley wanting to do good” and not “omg he’s in love with me and wants me safe always”. Which I think is why Azzie is naïve enough to believe that Crowley actually WANTS to do good and not get in trouble for it, so thinks that Crowley will jump at the chance to go back to Heaven with him. Aziraphale always saw the rescues and the saving of children and animals on the same level –  as a demon fighting against his nature – when in reality it’s a demon who just does what he wants because he cares about everything and Aziraphale happens to be at the top of that list.
This section will be short since I actually covered a large chunk of it in my Manipulation of the Metatron Meta Reply a couple days ago, so please go read that if you’re interested. The shortened, summarized version of that is this:
The Metatron is playing Aziraphale, and he’s only using Aziraphale to bring about Armageddon 2.0, using Aziraphale’s desire to be needed and useful against him. Azzie DIDN’T see what Crowley saw in Heaven when he accessed the files and I don’t think he knows about the Book of Life Threat that was the punishment for harbouring Gabriel, either. Only Crowley knew about that, but didn’t tell Azzie (again, a huge problem in their communication that needs to be worked out).
Heaven and the Metatron KNOW that Crowley is a liability and I suspect they also know how powerful they are together. They needed to drive a wedge between them, and knew Aziraphale was pure-hearted enough to believe that he could make a difference, AND that Crowley would never take up the offer that was presented given his vocal disdain for both Heaven and Hell. 
And they chose Aziraphale as opposed to the other angels because the angels actually lust for the power, and that can be unpredictable. But because Azzie has ALWAYS only wanted to do Good with no ulterior motives other than to Make Everything Better, he is easier to manipulate. Crowley is the bargaining chip that will be used against Azzie if he attempts to go rogue like Gabe, that I am pretty certain about. I think that Azzie will find out about the Book of Life because they’ll place blame on Crowley for harbouring Gabriel. Aziraphale has no idea that Gabriel really didn’t have any power. The minute Gabe turned against them, a trial and ousting happened. Aziraphale got himself into a no-win situation, and upon discovering this, he’ll believe that, because he rejected Crowley, Crowley won’t come to save him this time, so to save Crowley, Azzie will go along with the plan. Crowley’s life will literally be in Aziraphale’s hands.
I’ve no idea how Crowley will find out about it (from Muriel maybe?), but Crowley’s POV will be the primary focus next season (since this season was Azzie’s) and we’re gonna see a vengeful demon and I’m here for it. Will there be a dramatic rescue or sacrifice? I think so. Not sure who the whump candle will go to, but my bet is on Crowley this time since we got Aziraphale in S1. Who knows. I’m all for “Aziraphale is hurt, so now Crowley goes feral”, but that’s a personal preference that I can get from fanfics, LOL.
Anyway, the long-short is that this job will be the wake-up call Azzie needs to finally see what Crowley saw, without the manipulation of words to confuse him. That Azzie can’t just “make things better” because he will never be allowed to make things better. As a Supreme Archangel, he will have the clearance and ability to find out everything Crowley did. Unfortunately, it will be too late... or will it? ...
OTHER THINGS ON MY MIND (that I didn’t know where else to put)
Aziraphale NEVER FELL because they didn’t want it to look like an Institutional Problem. I even hazard a guess that NO angel has ever Fell since the Initial and Only Fall that sent Satan, Crowley and the other demons down. But Aziraphale doesn’t know that and I suspect that it’s this constant fear of Falling that keeps him complacent to Heaven. He’ll find out how they’ve really been dealing with problems when he’s in his new position.
And I think Azzie also never fell because Crowley made a point to never ever snitch. He knows they would eat him alive in Hell, so he protects Azzie from that as well.
I love that the Bentley clearly has a favourite and it isn’t Crowley!!! The car literally tries to follow Aziraphale. It’s so cute.
And on the subject of the Bentley... Crowley can feel everything going on with his car?? So like... is that a metaphor for Aziraphale being inside Crowley or.....? hee hee heeeeeee.
I loved that David got to use his natural accent in the Edinburgh scenes. IT’S SO PRECIOUS OMG.
And and and while Crowley was high off his rocker, he clearly says “Where are you??? 😢” and Aziraphale had to reassure him that he was there. So sweet.
Aziraphale and his inability to do literally anything humans do “the normal way” (mobile phone use, be a “newspaper man”, properly drive, learn French properly) while turning around and lowkey mocking Muriel is... something else. What a hypocritical dork.
The realization that they have a WHOLE-ASSED apology dance hit me like a tonne of bricks, and we KNOW it’s coming back in S3. There needs to be an entire cabaret from Azzie this time ‘round, LOL.
I adored season two, more than season one for sure, and I loved that it built up upon the AziraCrow relationship. It was an interlude that lets us know that they’re sort of in a rut, stuck in a status quo that both are afraid of changing, and that they both need a catalyst event to happen to truly be together.
I remain more hopeful and certain for a satisfying conclusion to their arc than I ever have before. Which is saying a lot because privately, after Sherlock S4, I kind of was ready to not put my faith in another show to canonize a ship I love ever again. 
But there’s a huge difference between this finale and Sherlock S4′s finale: GO S2 DOESN’T feel complete, and Neil wants to finish the story.  I went into more detail about it on this post here, but essentially it boils down to S4 left me feeling hollow and empty because its 4th season felt so detached from what we already saw. It felt like the closing of a book with the wrong pages in it, with no confirmation in sight of concluding the series proper with the S5 they’ve been promising for years. GOS2, on the other hand, left us feeling like everything’s WRONG but in the right way, you know what I mean? Like there is a part two to this saga to be completed. And that Neil himself seems determined to finish the story regardless of what happens.
I like to think that both Michael and David know what Gaiman plans for the endgame of their characters, given that Gaiman HAS said he does “have the final fifteen pages of Episode 6 [...] written. Given what we got in S2 with The Kiss, and Michael and David’s adoration for this story and its characters, I am hopeful that Neil entrusted them with what he wants for AziraCrow. They in turn play those characters better for it. 
So yeah, maybe I’m just putting clown shoes back on with this one, but I will remain... optimistically skeptical. Like, I REALLY want and believe that AziraCrow is endgame, that the Husbands will be actual husbands, but I also will remain skeptical that it can happen and not be upset if it doesn’t. I got a kiss (a terrible one, but a kiss nonetheless). I got a tonne of touching. I got them dancing together. I think that’s more than we ever could have hoped for, and it’s already leagues above what I am used to.
To conclude, here are some more questions, thoughts, and hopes for S3:
There are SO many “Chekov gun” moments in play in S2 currently, little things that really seem so pointless to have introduced (like the apology dance) and I am TRULY hoping that it’s true that Gaiman didn’t put things in this series unless it’s important later. I feel it will all come back around. Where S1 had open and closed plot points, S2 did NOT. 
Why was Crowley able to get into Heaven without any issue? Is THIS part of the Ineffable Plan? Why does Crowley not want anyone to know who he was before the Fall? It’s clear Crowley POSSIBLY knows more than he lets on about Everything. I think he was at one time the Supreme Archangel... Gabriel’s banishment could foreshadow this, given that Gabe is deliberately used as a Crowley mirror in this season.
I hope for a stupidly emotional, makes-me-sob-fat-tears, reunion, confession and acceptance of each other. Oh, and of course, the infamous cottage in Sussex we all hope for. I am a SUCKER for emotional beats and I CRAVE it.
Oh, and a HUGE apology dance from Aziraphale. You introduced that shit, I want to see Azzie go all out in return.
I think Crowley will be the first one to confess verbally. The Gabriel mirror kind of sealed that for me.
FINALLY, that’s that! Thank you for reading all the way through, if you did. Again, as I alluded to in my introduction, I may expand upon a few sections of this meta on other posts in the upcoming weeks as I catch more and more things, and start integrating other people’s meta into my own theories.
Apologies for any errors in this, it took me nearly 2 days to write and a very tired couple proofreads through it to clean up hanging text.
I hope you enjoyed my foray back into meta-writing, and please, do not hesitate to send me an ask to either of my blogs if you wish for me to expand more on a topic.
Cheers, and good day 💙🖤
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beebopboom · 3 months
Words of a Wise Angel
(Intro, part 1, part 2, part 3)
Finally made it to the end - four post later for a character that only has around 10 minutes of screen time - and there was going to be more
Originally this was going to be how the Metatron fashioned himself the king in God's game of chess and was going to relate it to Shakespearean Kings heck we were even going to go into Monty Python and the Holy Grail - but honestly I kind of just lost the motivation……maybe in the future I'll revisit.
However I still got shit to say.
(oh my god how did this get so long - I promise I’m a little sane over here)
So let's look into his actions in the show and maybe fill in some blanks
Disclaimer: just want to say I am focusing on The Metatron (obviously), his pov, and how he twist things - not what happened between Aziraphale and Crowley in the final 15, besides like one thing - just heavy emphasis on that
The Judge
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(Of a very weird courtroom)
The trial itself seems to mirror Hell's trial in the way there is no true defense - I’m sensing a pattern
In the trial of Gabriel he is centered in the middle - at this moment neither left or right
He doesn't cut in until Gabriel starts going on about what an angel just gotta do sometimes- and brings up a reminder of what happened to the last angel of his position that started with this way of thinking - it after all is a great story for controlling and best not be repeated because then it looks bad on Heaven's part
This establishes The Metatron as a character whose main concern is the reputation of Heaven - that even though this is an action that is casting out worthy he won’t can’t do it because then it would be an upheaval.
But he frames it as a kindness, as if he was doing a favor - it's manipulative, it keeps the "Heaven is all good, here look we are doing a special favor just for you” narrative going
After Gabriel leaves he moves to the side and brings up that it is taking him a while to come back but for the most part takes a backseat to the happenings around him until they start talking about ringing the alarm bells -
He tells them they are just going to have to find him and he is amused about it. Which tells me a few things
that he doesn't want this getting out yet- fewer that know the better
he didn't actually care about what happened to Gabriel - in fact this might even be a better outcome for him in the way he just doesn't have to deal with him any more
he doesn't actually think they will find him
this might just be a great story - let’s just let it play out
Now this is all happening right before episode 1 perhaps bleeding into the time where Crowley and Shax are talking (which begs the question of how does Shax know) - so it is days before we see him again, a very eventful few days
The First move
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When he does show back up he’s in a corporation and getting coffee - second in line behind Mrs. Sandwich.
And his eye is on Crowley - he watches Crowley converse with these two humans and bring Mr. Brown back
Now the coffee shop - I lied I do have something to add
So before even ordering what is he witnessing? Maggie and Nina having a moment - where Nina accepts Maggie's offer of help and asks her to go get milk for her and we as an audience can see this is a big moment for Nina.
Now imagine what it is to a staple of Whickber St. and someone who is not hesitant to tell her opinion about Nina's relationship and just so happens to be first in line, Mrs. Sandwich. I would not be surprised at all if she made a remark to Nina - a remark The Metatron overheard, so now he has the following information
they are friendly with Crowley
something is up with their relationship
But now it's his turn to order - and Maggie is back how long did your order take Sandwich!? - and asks for his oatmilk latte with almond syrup and his whole human picking coffee over death being predictable thing - and yet this isn't the end of their conversation
The next time we see Maggie and Nina they are getting ready to head back over to the bookshop but what got them on this conversation in the first place? That's right I'm suggesting the Metatron said or did something. Nothing to overt but something that got them thinking, talking, and maybe wanting to confront a certain duo about it
But back to the Metatron - he has entered the bookshop and interrupted Michael
Now the Metatron has always been a character that uses human expressions and his funny little words. But he comes right out the gate with balderdash and piffle so lets talk about them
They mean practically the same thing and yet he repeats it twice so why? I think it has something to do with their origins
Balderdash - although it is not certain it is said to originate during Shakespearean times, around this time though would have been used to describe a mixed drink
Piffle - started to appear 1860 - 1870ish
They are also both games and when you search them together it is a british show that goes into the origins of words - so yeah just keep those dates in mind
He uses Crowley to point out who he is - the demon who has a bad history with him, another subtle reminder of what going against Heaven gets you.
Then he starts up with the praise for Aziraphale who actually says his name, and we see a shift in tone from when he is addressing Aziraphale and then ordering the Archangels back to Heaven - which here is another one of the human phrases, spit spot
Spit spot - I don't know exactly when it was created but it is most commonly recognized as something Mary Poppins said, which the books where published between 1934 - 1988 with the movie coming out in 1964
But anyway (I promise there is a point to those) the Archangels reaction to him, Uriel's specifically. They are nervous, they are stuttering, they are praising him - they are groveling in front of him as if he were a king, and it reminds me of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. But the Metatron has no time for them and dismisses them. (Lord I talk about this moment a lot)
Ah, just him and Aziraphale now (not really) and they need to have a chinwag
Chinwag - around the 1870s
In response to Aziraphale saying he has made his position quite clear he offers him the coffee - which we know is not something Aziraphale prefers to drink - he offers another option that Aziraphale would not normally take, foreshadowing much?
well I say offered but really it’s kinda shoved in his face.
He separates Aziraphale and Crowley - leaving Crowley behind with a glare and ominous music which really is the first blatant instance of us knowing that the something that is up - is bad
and guess who enters the bookshop - Maggie and Nina here to talk about relationships and interference - convenient timing almost like it was influenced by someone
We join back with the Metatron when he is telling Aziraphale he doesn’t have to make a decision yet and to go tell his friend the good news and then he blends back into the crowd to walk to Muriel at the coffee shop and encourages them to read books. He proceeds to stand up and look into the bookshop, watching
Now the bits of conversation we see from Aziraphale- I see this as a few possible different things
this is the actual conversation and Aziraphale is telling Crowley an edited version
this is the edited version that he is telling Crowley and something else happened
he didn’t edit it and this is actually what happened and what was told to Crowley
but all I know is we didn’t see this full conversation and it reminded me of the misunderstanding conversation between the Nuns last season - either way it's what we got to work with people
Before moving on there are a couple particular sentences I want to point out from this conversation - and I will get to these later
"It's why Gabriel came to you in the first place, I imagine. There are huge plans afoot, enormous projects, and I will need you to run them.”
"Yeah, I've been looking back over a number of your previous exploits, and I see that in quite a few of them you formed a de facto partnership with the demon, Crowley. Now, if you wanted to work with him again, that might be considered irregular, but it would certainly be within your jurisdiction to restore your friend, Crowley, to full angelic status”
The Aftermath
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Upon entering the bookshop and getting Aziraphale to say what they both already know happened out loud - he immediately chimes in with the rhetoric of “this is how Crowley always was, he chose this and his actions are his own doing - you Aziraphale are making the right choice here, you can’t change those who don’t want to, those who are damned”
congratulations Metatron you got what you wanted - pls this is sarcastic I’m still salty
Now that he has basically taken care of everything in his way of getting Aziraphale to come with him - he asks if he is ready to go (at no point yet has Aziraphale actually said yes) and asks if he needs to bring anything with him, a dig and a probe to see if there is anything else. He then just starts walking, not waiting for Aziraphale - a manipulation tactic to pull him along
and on the walk to the lift and in waiting keeps giving Aziraphale praise and then finally revealing The Second Coming as he gets in the lift which makes Aziraphale have to choose - it’s the final one and he still has to make it seem as though he actually had a choice.
But what does this all mean? What was the point of doing all this? Why does he need Aziraphale?? What’s with the word choices?
What’s with your funny words, Magic Man?
some of the dates might have rang a little familiar - Shakespeare? the 1860s? Mary Poppins? They are all around the times Aziraphale and Crowley were meeting up - well duh they’ve been meeting up since practically forever
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the Mary Poppins one you could look at two ways - the actual time period they were being released, which would have been the 1941 or 1967 dates, or the fact that Crowley inspired his Nanny look after her
Looking at past exploits indeed you were Metatron, or perhaps you were even there hmmmm…
The Metatron just used words that are from some important times,
1601 - discussing their arrangement (them working together)
1862 - their holy water fight and then not talking to each other
1967 (or 1941) - they start working and meeting up again and the holy water disagreement is put to rest.
and then he eventually hits him with, "if you wanted to work with him again”
which interestingly enough seems to hit the insecurities that Aziraphale expressed in the coffee shop, on the head - that loss of structure and purpose.
Aziraphale and Crowley also just did some big moves on their own in the bookshop and heaven - ones they weren't working together on. “You came back” is starting to hit even harder
End Edit
But also The Metatron put emphasis on the word friend when referring to Crowley, for the most part he referred to him as “demon” until then, until he pulled his final card - such an interesting word that had such an impact on Aziraphale in 1941 - well played Metatron well played (I hate it)
Now this could have all been a coincidence - if Aziraphale hadn’t picked up on the same thing.
When he interrupts Crowley he says something along the lines, “what’s that lovely human expression, hold that thought”
Hold that thought - came into play around the 70s through 90s and gained popularity due to the rise of broadcast television, like the News. But there is one definition I want to point out as well - “Used to acknowledge that one's attention needs to be diverted from what a speaker was saying.”
or in other words, “remember all those human expressions the Metatron was saying, yeah those have meaning and so does the one I’m about to say - we are being watched don’t pay attention to my words” but well we aren’t gonna talk about it (pls I’m still coping)
The Metatron has certainly done his research - bringing up words and phrases from important times in their relationship - and The Metatron is certainly watching just like he was now
Why does he need Aziraphale?
Now if you remember back when I discussed who The Metatron was in scripture there is actually an interesting overlap between these two with Tree of Knowledge and The Tree of Life - The Beginning and The End. Aziraphale was always meant to have a special part in The Second Coming for the exact reasons The Metatron said - an angel of his talents, an angel who knows about humans - the angel that guards them
But even just ignoring all that - What literally just happened before he showed up
called for Heaven’s help in a time of trouble - the portal
discoporated a fuck ton of demons
declared War on Hell
took charge and was a mediator between Heaven and Hell
and he did this all on his own (I really doubt he counts Maggie and Nina)
Aziraphale did exactly what Heaven had planned - what Gabriel was meant to sign off on - he started back up the plan he put on pause with Crowley - he made that first move
but also the 25 Lazarii miracle - which set off alarms in Heaven - and the Halo - which also set off alarms in Heaven. That’s twice in one week. One would imagine The Metatron would take notice.
Let's switch gears a little and talk about why The Metatron mentions Gabriel coming to Aziraphale in their little talk
Whatever other reason Gabriel may have had for going to Aziraphale, giving him something etc., it was all done under a baseline understanding.
That Aziraphale would get it, be a safe space with an understanding that they don't want everything to end for some similar reasons (their demon partners) - and Aziraphale did help him despite not knowing this exact baseline
He helped the Supreme Archangel hide from Heaven and escape punishment - who’s to say he wouldn't help other angels?
The reason The Metatron doesn't care about Gabriel and Beelzebub running off together is because they went off
Their relationship doesn't have the same level of connection to Earth and humans as Aziraphale and Crowley - they didn't want Armageddon to happen because they wanted to keep seeing each other, the Earth part was optional - a matter of circumstance as it was the easiest place to keep seeing each other. Now that they were gone and together - his reason for objecting is practically void.
That is not the same as Aziraphale and Crowley
But also it works in the Metatron favor - Beelzebub is out of Hell. The Grand Duke of Hell just up and left the same time Heaven is getting their replacement Supreme Archangel - it's now time for Hell to be in shambles.
All while The Metatron just came to snipped away the bud - that seed of safety on Earth if another Angel decided to go against Heaven’s plan.
If he gets the angel that put a stop to Armageddon- that chose the Earth over Heaven - that protected his executioner just at the hint he was on the run from Heaven. If he brought that angel back to Heaven he would not be able to be that anymore, do those things anymore - not with being closely monitored anyway. Keep your enemy close and all that.
And he pulled out all the stops to achieve this - the clothes, the words, the coffee
End Edit
But The Metatron also still needs the Bookshop for some reason - a bookshop he left in the care of an angel he just encouraged to read
So he gets the best of both worlds - The rogue angel back under his thumb and an angel that will listen to him going through the bookshop
What does this all mean? What’s the point?
Well he’s an angel in dark, an angel in reverse
When we went over the tarot cards he’s been linked to, but especially the King of Cups, he seems to represent the reverse side of them while trying to maintain the upright version- which is interesting
He’s an angel in trouble, an angel who needs a scapegoat
The Archangel Metatron is a controversial angel, his existence, his story, his position of power. He even has a story under his name where he is punished and demoted by God when someone assumes him to be another God in Heaven
The Metatron as a character that likes to be surrounded by fours, covered on all sides. And each and every one of those angels has done something to get them in trouble - meaning he has dirt.
After all every scribe needs their soldiers - however backhanded it is
and maybe he has something big he is hiding of his own - using the others faults to hide his - something concerning the Book of Life - either him not having it or at least not having all of it
But anyway he has set himself up to be protected from any fallout - he has not been seen, only heard for centuries probably. Sending angels in his place to do jobs (yes, I’m talking about the change to Gabriel being the one at the airbase - I’m giving it a reason)
Until now - until he walked into that bookshop and made himself known. He put himself in play thinking he knows the game, thinking he just brought in the perfect angel to blame things on if they all go wrong(which they will)
but really he just opened himself up to the start of his downfall. Double edged sword and all that
For the next season I imagine he is going to keep up the pleasantries, take up that backseat role, act as a guide, being subtle in his manipulations - he after all believes he got away with it - just all those things until it all comes crumbling down and he gets exposed, and at the center of it all is Aziraphale (and then Aziraphale gets offered his position which he turns down, saying no to Heaven and choosing to be with Crowley) what? I said nothing.
(I think that’d be funny and this is a comedy after all)
It’s the Punishment of an Angel, the Fall of a King
and that’s all folks - that’s the end- for now. Hope you’ve enjoyed -I had to watch the final 15 so many times and I’m totally ok
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layce2015 · 9 months
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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(A/N: So the way this episode is gonna be written is gonna be different. I forgot about this episode and when I watched it the other night I was like 'well, crap! How am I gonna do this?' So it's gonna be a mix of how my book is normally written but when the characters are 'speaking to the camera' it's gonna be written like how a play is written. But when Harry and Ed speak to the camera or voice over, Ed is in italics and Harry's in bold. Hopefully that makes sense.)
Hello. I am Harry Spangler
And I am Ed Zeddmore. Now if you have received this tape, you must be some sort of bigwig network executive. Well, today is your lucky day, mister.
Because the unsolicited pilot you are about to watch is the bold new future of "reality TV."
Mmmm. We know you've had it hard during the crippling writer's strike.
Lazy fat cats.
Who needs writers when you've got guys like us? Our team faced horrible horrors to bring you the footage that will change your world forever. So strap in for the scariest hour in the history of television.
In the history of your life...
Strap in for...
Harry and Ed exit an AMC Gremlin with Wisconsin license plate, each carrying a metal briefcase with a "Ghostfacers" sticker.
You know, it can get kind of hard balancing our daytime careers with our nighttime missions.
Yeah, but Ed and I pretty much call the shots at the Kinko's where we work, so we can usually pretty much get off by six every night?
Yeah, six o'clock. It used to be just, you know, you and I taking on the cases -- just Harry and me.
Two lone wolves.
And two lone wolves need, uh...other wolves.
"Morning, 'facers." Ed greets the gang as he and Harry enter the Ghostfacers office. "Good morning, Ghostfacers." Harry greets. "It's seven p.m., dude." Spruce, one of their teammates, informs. "It's morning to a Ghostfacer. Corbett, what do we got, buddy?" Harry asked the younger man.
"Oh, I'm just putting up some of the --" Corbett stammers before Ed speaks up. "Yeah, this has got to go up here. That's got to go here...got to see the whole field. Markers, eraser -- good job." He said as he looks over the board.
Corbett: I first saw Ed putting up flyers down at the -- the outlet mall in Scogan, so I-I read one, and I thought to myself, "huh. Where do ghosts come from?" And now here I am.
"Ed, your sister's abusing staff." Harry groaned as Maggie rolls her eyes at him while she sat in front of the computer. "That's adopted sister, thank you very much." Ed corrected him.
Maggie: Ed has been obsessed with the supernatural since we were kids, you know, and then he meets Harry at computer camp...and love at first geek.
Spruce: Spruce here. What up, playaaa? I am 15/16 Jew, 1/16 Cherokee. My grandfather is a mohel, my great-grandfather was a tallis maker, and my great-great-grandfather was a degenerate gambler and had a peyote addiction.
"Okay, people. Let's cut the chatter and get on a mission. Okay? Morton house...one of our big fish. All right, we all know the legend. Every four years, supposedly, this becomes the most haunted place in America." Ed explained to the team. "The leap year ghost, some call it. The ghost returns at midnight just as February 29th begins." Harry adds.
"And no one has ever stayed the night, right?" Maggie asked. "Yeah, well, every testimony that we dug up, every eyewitness has cut and run well before midnight." Harry tells her. "Well, that's all about to change, baby." Ed said, cockily. "Absolutely true, Ed. Absolutely true." Harry said as Ed drinks his cup of coffee then hums approvingly.
"Mmm. That's good." he compliments as he looks over F Corbett. "It's French vanilla, 'cause the other day, you said how much you liked it, so..." Corbett said, bashful, and Ed nods. "Thank you." He said. "You are welcome." Corbett said, awkwardly.
I like Corbett. I do. Shows up early, does his job, lot of good hustle out -- I think he's got the hots for Ed, and that could spell trouble for the whole team.
Corbett: Ed's kind of the more rugged, with that really golden...beautiful sort of beard. Definitely nice. Uh, and Harry's nice.
"29th is this Friday, facers. We want this mission, we got to move on it now, or guess what -- He's gone for another four years." Ed tells the team when there was a sudden loud noise. Ed's whiteboard crashes to the ground, caused by the garage door it was attached to opening up.
"Oh, watch out!"
"Who is that?"
"Dad! Come on!" Ed yells as his dad tries to pull in the garage and looks around in confusion. "Just cut the cameras. We don't need that. We don't need this part. We don't --" Harry tells Spruce before he turns the camera off.
"Stay low. Follow formation." Ed tells the team as they walk up to the chain linked fence at the Morton house. "Okay, as suspected. A lot of people have tried to break into the Morton house. The local authorities have just gotten fed up." Ed explained to them. "Looks like the cops have got this place pretty well fenced off." Harry said as he begins to pull out the wire cutters.
"Wait. Didn't you guys get, like, a permit or something?" Maggie asked them, making Ed and Harry look at her. "A permit?" Harry said, confused, then he and Ed share a look. "That's a good idea for next time." said Harry and Ed nods. "Yeah." He said and they start to cut the chain when Spruce shouts. "Car!"
"Car. shh, shh! Flashlights off." Harry tells the others and the team turns their flashlights off. "Keep totally still." Maggie whispers as the loud rumble of a car engine approaching, along with a radio playing "We're an American Band."
The car pulls up and they could see three people inside of it. The passenger and backseat driver stick their head out and pull out their flashlights. They shined them towards the Morton House for a few moments before they drive away.
"It's okay. Not cops -- just hicks." Spruce informed him friend as Ed opens the gate with the wire cutters. "Ed's got it." Harry said and everyone gets up. "Guys, let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Go! go!" Harry said and they start to make their way to the house.
"Hear that, people? Let's keep it quiet." Ed tells the team as they make their way deeper into house after they make it inside of the buildings. "There's the kitchen sink." Harry tells Ed. "Copy that. Copy that." Ed said as they make it to the living room area. "All right, everybody. Ghostfacers, let's line up. Everybody. We'll set up camp right here. This is command center one." Ed said and everyone sets down the equipment on the floor. "We're gonna call this the Eagle's Nest." Harry said and everyone starts setting up equipment.  
"Hallway cam one up and running." Corbett said after he sets up the camera in one of the hallways. "Looking good, Corbett." Ed compliments from the main base, through the walkie. "Copy that, Ed." Corbett said, smiling, while Ed seemed baffled. "Uh...uh, you're welcome." He stammers.
'All right, Spruce, how are we doing there, buddy?" Ed asked Spruce through his walkie. "Checking basement camera two, mein fuhrer." Spruce replied. "Maggie, I got no visual on you, Maggie." Ed said. "This is Maggie. Do you copy?" Maggie's voice asked through the walkie. "There you are. Hello. Harry, are you alive?" Ed said. "Upstairs, Ed. Camera one." Harry replied.
"Looking good. I can smell syndication. All right, fellas. Let's regroup at the Eagle's Nest." Ed said to the others.
Morton House
Base Camp
"All right, Spangler. Battery check, battery check. Check. Okay." Harry said as they check their equipment. "Check. Check. Yo, Corbett, dude." Spruce said as he looks through the camera and at Corbett, who has a flashlight strapped to his head. "Lookin' good, Corbett." Harry said.
"You're Robocop." Spruce said to Corbett. "R-robocop? You think I -- you think I look like Robocop?" Corbett asked but before Spruce could reply, Ed speaks up. "Everybody, bring it in. Bring it in." Ed said and everyone gather up in a circle..
"We've all been here before. Standard walk-through. Team one, west. Team two, east. Spin the tires, light the fires. Ghostfacers on three. 1, 2, 3..." Ed said then all of them shout. "Ghostfacers!"
Morton House
10:51 PM
1st Floor
"Hello! I'm speaking to the restless spirits of the Morton house!" Ed calls out as he and Corbett walk around the first floor. "Okay." Corbett mutters as they continue on. "Hello! My name's Ed." Ed shouts then he turns to Corbett. "Careful. Watch my back." He said to him. "Okay. Okay." Corbett said.
"What's your name?" Ed calls out as he looks at his EMF meter. ".3, .29." he reads out. "Is there an entity or entities here with us now? Can you give us a sign of your presence?" Corbett asked, quickly, without taking a breath. "You got to breathe, buddy." Ed tries to calm him.
"I can't breathe." Corbett said, slightly panicked. "Corbett, night vision." Ed tells him and Corbett nods. "Okay. Okay. Yeah." He whispers as he flips the night vision on the camera. "Calm down, buddy. Breathe, all right? Calm the whirlwinds of your mind." Ed tells him, calmly.
2nd Floor
"We're doing a basic EMF, EVP, temp-flux sweep. Looks like we've got all of our ducks in a row here." Harry said as he, Spruce and Maggie walk down the hall. But then there was camera interference on Spruce's camera just as the EMF makes a noise.
"What?" Harry said, shocked. "I don't know. It's weird." Spruce said but then it quit. "It's gone." He said then they come up to a door. 'All right. Get this. Get this." Harry said and he tries unsuccessfully to kick in the door.
"Turn the knob." Spruce tells him. "All right...that's a good idea." Harry said and he opens door then jumps back and runs away. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" He exclaims, fearfully. "It's just a rat, dude." Spruce said, unfazed.
I don't really like rats. They're gross. Rats are like the... rats of the world.
"What -- was that an apparition? Was that a spectral -- was that a .4? What do we got, 'cause the EMP was just off the --" Harry asked as he comes back but then Spruce throws a dead rat at him. "Oh, God! Oh, that is so not funny, Spruce!" Harry screams as Spruce chuckles.
1st Floor 
"Oh, God. Okay, it was just...I think it was just this branch...Okay...in the window." Corbett said, shakily.. "This is spooky, man. This place..." Ed started to say when they were confronted by three figures, approaching them with flashlights. "Freeze! police officers! don't move!" A male voice shouts. "Oh no!" Corbett exclaims. "All right. All right. All right. Take it easy, take it easy." A different male voice assures them as Ed and Corbett start to freak out.
"Let's see some identification. Come on. Let's see some i.d." a female voice demanded as Corbet hands in his ID. "What -- are we under -- under arrest?" He asked, fearfully, as Ed said. "We are unarmed."
"Want to explain that weirdo outfit, Mr., uh, Corbett?" the man asked as he looks at the ID but Ed stops and realized that these three people looked familiar. "I know you." Ed said and the first man, Dean, looks up at him. "Yeah, sure you do. Give me some identification." Dean demands but Ed shakes his head. "Yeah, ho-- whoa, hold on a second." He said as he looks between the three people, shining his flashlight at them.
"I know all three of you. Yeah." said Ed as he looks between Dean, Sam and (y/n). "What?" Corbett said, confused, as Ed nodded while (y/n)'s eyes widen in recognition. "Holy sh--!" She said and Dean looks over at her. "What?" Dean asked as Sam's eyes widen in recognition too. "Sh--!" Sam mutters as (y/n) turns to Dean.
"Uh, West Texas...the...the tulpa we had to take out. Those two goofballs that almost got us killed...The hellhounds or something?" She said and Dean looks over at Ed. "F--- me." Dean grumbles. "Yeah, we're not hellhounds anymore, okay? It didn't test that well." Ed snapped at them.
"Ed, what's going on?" Corbett asked Ed. "They're not cops, buddy -- no, not at all." Ed tells him. "Ed, you had a partner, too, didn't you -- A different guy?" Dean asked him. "Oh, yeah, yeah." Ed replied. "Is he around here somewhere?" Dean asked him. "He's running around, chasing ghosts." Ed replied. "Okay, well, listen, you and Rambo need to get your girlfriends and get out of here." Dean tells them and Ed gets annoyed.
"All right. Listen here, chisel chest, okay? We were here first. We've already set up base camp. We beat you." he said then Dean turns to Sam and (y/n). "They were here first." He said to them as Ed nods. But then Dean grabs Ed and pushes him up against the wall. "Oh, God." Ed exclaimed.
"Ed..." Dean said in a low voice. "Yeah?" Ed said, unsure. "...where's your partner?" Dean asked again.
​​​2nd Floor
"10.6. 10.7, guys. The EMF is really spiking here." Harry said as he and his team walk down the hall. "Temperature's down, like, 11 degrees." Maggie informs as she holds the thermometer. "All right, all right, keep your eyes peeled. This could be it." Harry said then he turns to Maggie. "Maggie, can I get a reading in here, please?" He asked when Spruce noticed the camera interference. "Something keeps messing with the chip. I don't know what's going on here." Spruce said as there was more interference, then suddenly a man in 50s-style suit and hat appears.
"Guys. Guys. Guys." he shouts and Maggie and Harry turn and see an apparition of the man. "Look buddy, I'm sorry. That's it. I'm telling you, that's all the money I --" the apparition said until gunshots ring out and the apparition of the man falls and disappears, making the three Ghostfacers jump.
​​​1st Floor
"What are you doing in the Morton House, Ed - on leap year -- what are you thinking?" Dean asked Ed, angrily. "We're here to spend the night, okay? It's for our TV show." Ed replied. "What? Great. Perfect." Sam grumbles. "Yeah, nobody's ever spent the night before." Corbett said and the three hunters turn to them. "Uh, actually, yeah, they have." (Y/n) said. "Uh, we've never heard of them." Ed said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yeah, you know why? 'Cause the ones that have haven't lived to talk about it!" (y/n) said to them, loudly. "Oh, come on, I don't believe you." Ed said, exasperated. "Look -- missing-persons reports going back almost a half century. John Graham stayed on a dare -- gone. Julie Wilkerson -- gone. There are tons more. All of them came to just stay the night through, always on a leap year. The only body they ever found was the last owner, Freeman Daggett." Sam explained to them as he shows the reports to Ed and Corbett.
"These look legit." Ed said, shocked. "They are legit." (y/n) said, annoyed. "Look, Ed, we ain't got much time here, buddy. Starting at midnight, your friends are going to die." Sam said when Harry, Maggie, and Spruce run down the stairs and into the living room.
"Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Guys! Guys! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! We got one! Corbett! Corbett, we saw one! We saw one!" Harry shouts to Ed and Corbett, frantically. "Get outta here!" Ed said, amazed. "It was a full apparition! It was like a class four. It was a spectral illumination! It..." Harry said before Maggie speaks up. "It was amazing!" she said then Harry noticed Dean, Sam and (y/n).
"Hey, aren't those the a------s from Texas?" Harry asked. "Yes." replied Ed. "All right, let's have this reunion across the street, guys." Dean tells them.
"Crap. What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked as Sam, Dean and (y/n) try to usher them out of the building. "Come on, come on. We'll get you ice cream -- our treat. What do you say? Let's go." (Y/n) said but Harry stands his ground. "Yeah, I say no." He said and Maggie goes over to Ed.
'Look at this. Look, look. Ed, Ed. No. No. Look at this. Okay, honest-to-god proof, all right?" Maggie said as she shows the group their footage on the laptop. "Are you kidding me?" Ed said, shocked. "Yeah. No, not kidding." Harry said, smiling.
"What kind of reading did we get?" Spruce asked. "Uh, it was a 10.9." Harry replied. "10.9?" Ed said, shocked. "Yeah, it was 10.9. It was almost 11. I came out, and I was like, 'what's going on?' And I was like -- wait, watch this. Oh! He got blasted. It was crazy." Harry exclaimed while Sam, Dean and (y/n) walk away from the group and talk amongst themselves.
Spruce follows them, still recording them on his camera.
"Think we were off on this? I mean, that was just a death echo." Sam said. "Yeah, but what's it doing here? Did anybody get shot here?" Dean asked his brother and girlfriend. "No, not that Sam and I could find." she replied as Sam shakes his head.
"What's a death echo?" Spruce asked and the trio look over at him. "Look, we got a problem here. That ghost ain't it." Sam said. "Yeah, that's real. Like, that happened." Harry said, pointing at the laptop. "What's a death echo?" Spruce asked again. "Echoes are trapped in a loop, okay? They keep replaying how they died over and over and over again, usually in the place where they were ganked. It's about as dangerous as a scary movie." Dean replied.
"So maybe the echo's not dangerous, but maybe something else is." (y/n) said and Dean turns back to her and Sam. "You're right." he mutters then he turns to the Ghostfacers. 
"All right, we need to get out of here, guys. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Pack it up." Dean shouts. "Guys, time is running out!" Sam said as the trio go to try and move them out. "We're moving!" (Y/n) shouts.
"What about all of our equipment? What are we gonna..." Maggie asked but the trio usher them out of the room. "Lots of fun. Let's go." Dean orders while Harry talks over him. "We got more material. We got all kinds of stuff. We'll make you guys recurring guest stars." He said but Ed looks around and shouts. "Wait! Wait! Where's Corbett?"
2nd Floor
"I wish to communicate with the restless spirits here." Corbett said as he stands in a room by himself. Then there was camera interference. "Uh, lights out? Oh, I think I got night vision here." Corbett mutters and he switches to night vision. "That's better." He said as he points the camera to himself, not realizing a tall figure standing behind him.
Living Room
"No man left behind." Ed said when they hear an anguished scream in the distance. "That was Corbett." Harry and Ed said then they run up the stairs while Dean, Sam and (y/n) protest. "We'll get him! Go back!" Dean shouts. "Guys!" Sam shouts. "Damn it!" (Y/n) growls in anger.
2nd Floor
"No! where are you, dude? Tell us where you are! Corbett!" Ed shouts as they run. "Let me go! Guys!" Corbett shouts but they couldn't find him at all, just hear him. "Corbett, you need to come back, Corbett." Ed shouts then they hear Corbett screaming. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Come on." Dean said to Ed, stopping him from going anywhere as they hear Corbett's screams continue, fading away.
"Corbett's...He's not here. Let's go. Let's go." Sam encourages the Ghostfacers but Harry shakes his head. "No. No. No. No, that was Corbett. Didn't you hear that?" Harry asked while Dean, Sam and (y/n) usher the others back to the living room. But the clock had already midnight.
"Oh, god, what's happened? Oh, god. He's gone. He just disappeared." Ed mutters, devastated. "Okay, let's just go through all the angles. Let's go through all the cameras we have." Harry said while Sam, Dean and (y/n) walk off to the side.
"Well, it's 12:04, boys." (Y/n) said and Sam sighs then turns to Dean. "You good? You happy?" he asked him. "Yeah, I am happy." Dean said, sarcastically. "Let's go hunt the Morton house, you said, it's our Grand Canyon." Sam mocks. "Sam, I don't want to hear this." Dean growls.
"You got two months left, Dean. Instead, we're gonna die tonight." (Y/n) said, annoyed, as Sam picks up a chair and smashes it against the sealed front door. "Whoa! what the hell is going on, guys?" Spruce asked and the trio turn to him. 
"I'll tell you what's going on. Every door, every window, I'm guessing every exit out of this house -- they're all sealed." Sam replied. "But w-why are they sealed?" Maggie asked, scared. "It's a supernatural lockdown, okay? Whatever took Corbett doesn't want us to leave, and it's no death echo. This is a bad mother, and it wants us scared." (Y/n) explained. "Or it just wants us." Maggie said when the sound of the EMF detector goes off.
"Uh, guys, the camera's fritzing again." Spruce said as there was interference on his camera. "Whoa. Whoa. Guys, the EMF's starting to spike. This is a big one!" Ed said as Harry and Maggie walked to the middle of the room, both of them secretly holding hands
"Everybody, stay close. There's something coming." Sam said when another apparition appears. "Woah!" the Ghostfacers shout. "Is this the same echo you guys saw earlier?" Dean asked Harry. "No, it's a different guy." Harry replied and Dean looks over at Sam and (y/n).
"Multiple echoes? What the hell's going on?" he asked them. 'Beats me." Sam said as (y/n) shrugs. "Okay. All right. All right. All right." Dean said then he goes up to the apparition and starts to yell at it. "Uh, hey, buddy! Hey. Hey. Wake up. You're dead! Hello!"
"What's he doing? What's he doing?" Harry asked Sam and (y/n) as Dean continues to shout at the apparition. "It's rare, but sometimes you can shock an echo out of its loop if you can talk to the part of the ghost that's still human, but usually you have to have some kind of connection to the deceased." (Y/n) explains while Dean shouts.  Come on! Wake up! Be dead!"
The apparition flickers and turns around as everyone hears a noise. 'You guys hear that?" Harry asked. "What's that sound?" Ed asked as Dean shouts.  Snap out of it, buddy, huh? Come on, what are you waiting for? You're gonzo! You're dead!" 
A bright light shines on the apparition and the sound of a car horn approaching. The apparition flies backwards, as if hit by an invisible vehicle. "Where the hell did it go?" Harry asked as everyone looks around, confused.
The group follow Sam, Dean and (y/n) down the hallway of the 2nd floor. "Dude, there's no records of any of this here. No one got shot here. Obviously, no one got run over by a freaking train." Dean grumbles to Sam and (y/n). "Stay close." Sam said to the others as they walk on.
"Did the echoes take Corbett?" Maggie asked them. "Yes. No. I don't know. We don't know what's doing what here; that's what we're trying to figure out, okay?" Dean said, annoyed. "All right, stay close." (Y/n) tells them before Sam turns to the others.
"Okay, look, um, death echoes are ghosts, okay? Now, ghosts -- they usually haunt places where they lived or where they died." he explains. 'Except these mooks didn't live or die here." Dean added. "Right." (y/n) agreed.
"So, what are they doing here?" Maggie asked. "Hey, give the lady a cigar." Dean exclaims and (y/n) turns to her and see Maggie still holding a camera. 'All right, seriously, does looking at this nightmare through that camera make you feel better or something? I mean..." she said and Maggie stammers. "Um...I, uh... Well, yeah. Uh, yeah. I think so." She said and (y/n) huffs at this as they continue to walk through house. 
They enter a room full of stuffed animal heads on the walls, as well as file cabinets. Sam goes over and holds up a broken framed certificate. "Freeman Daggett, house's last owner, officially commended for 20 years of fine service at the Gamble General Hospital." he said. "He was a Doctor?" Dean asked. "Janitor." Sam corrected as (y/n) looks around the room.
"This looks like his den. When'd you say he died -- '64?" she asked him. "Yeah, heart attack." Sam replied. "What are these, c-rations?" Maggie asked as she points out something that looked like food trays. "Yeah, army-issued, three squares -- like a lifetime supply." Dean said.
"God, is that all he ate?" Maggie asked. "One-stop shopping." (Y/n) said as they continued to look around the room.
"Oh, come on, guys. This is ridiculous. I mean, how the hell is this supposed to find Corbett, huh? We should be digging up the friggin' floorboards right now." Ed said as Sam holds up a dusty pamphlet. "Huh. Survival Under Atomic Attack. An optimist." He said then there's a loud BANG as Dean pries the safe open then he and (y/n) leaf through the file box.
"Crap. Crap. Taxidermy. Okay. You said Daggett was a hospital janitor?" Dean asked Sam. "Yeah." Sam Reid when (y/n) found something. "Ewww. Got three toe tags here -- one, death by gunshots, train accident, and suicide." she said and Sam and Dean's face scrunch up in disgust. "Ewwwwww!" they said, disgusted. 
"What?" Harry asked. "Well, that explains why all the death echoes are here. They're here because their bodies are here...somewhere in the house." Sam said. "Daggett brought the remains home from the morgue. To play." Dean simplified then Harry and Ed made the same face. 
"Ewwwww! Ugh!" they exclaimed, disgusted. "That's nasty, dude." Spruce said. "Right." Sam said and Dean looks around. "Wait a minute." He said, realizing Maggie was missing. 
"Corbett." Maggie said as she walks around another room. Then she startles herself by coming across her own reflection in a mirror. "Okay, Maggie." She mutters and she swings the camera around, frightened, to reveal Dean. "Closer to the herd, okay?" Dean said as Harry runs in. "Maggie? Maggie?" He calls out. "She's fine." Dean assures him.
"Harry. Harry, I got an 8.6 and climbing fast. Something huge is coming. Look. Something big is coming." Ed exclaims. "It's past 11, you guys." Harry said as Spruce's camera got interference. 'What? Nobody move! Hold on. Hold on. Stay quiet." Dean said, quickly, as there was more camera interference.
Then suddenly (y/n), standing between Sam and Dean, disappears into thin air. "It's really cold in here." Ed said. "Harry?" Maggie said, worried, while Dean and Sam look between them to see (y/n) was gone.
"(Y/n)?" Sam said, confused, while Dean was taken aback by this. "Some kind of surge." Ed said. "(Y/n)?" Dean calls out but no answer. "Where'd she go?" Spruce asked. "Oh, no." Maggie whispers as Dean finds (y/n)'s dropped flashlight and picks it up.
"(Y/n)!" Dean shouts, panicked and worried.
"(Y/n)!" Sam calls out as they walk down the hallway. "Corbett!" Ed shouts. "(Y/n)!" Dean yells, his heart beating against his throat. "Corbett! Talk to us!" Harry shouts as they look around as well. "(Y/n)!" Sam and Dean shout just as Maggie and Harry stopped in a spot in the middle of the room, Spruce turns his camera to them.
"God, I am so scared. I'm so scared." Maggie said, fearfully. "It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay, Maggie." Harry assures her. They share a look before Maggie and Harry start to kiss.
"Corbett!" Ed's voice called while Maggie and Harry were still making out. "Bom-chicka-bow-wow...woah." Spruce whispers behind his camera until Ed finds Maggie and Harry. "My best friend... And my best sister." Ed shouts and Harry and Maggie break their kiss and embrace.
"Ed. listen, Ed." Harry said, trying to sound calm. "Are you banging my sister?" Ed asked Harry, angrily. "No! No!" Harry said then Ed takes off his glasses and turns to Spruce. "Hold my glasses." Ed tells him. "You got it." Spruce said as he takes Ed's glasses. "Ed." Harry said but then Ed attacks Harry. "Ed! Ed! Ed! Ed! Ed!" Harry shouts. "Guys!" Spruce shouts as Maggie screams. "Get off Harry!"
Then Dean and Sam show up and break up the fight. "What the f--- are you doing?! Cut it out!" Dean yells at them. "We're down by two people." Sam tells them then he and Dean turn away. "(Y/n)!" Sam shouts as he walks out. "(Y/n)!" Dean shouts.
"Great." Maggie grumbles as Harry and Ed look at each other. "Sorry." Harry said to Ed. "I'm sorry." Ed said then he turns to Spruce. "Give me my glasses. Did he knock my -- my tooth there?" Ed asked Spruce as he hands the glasses back to Ed. "Uh, no." Spruce said.
"I won that, right?" Ed asked him. "Yep. You're good." Spruce said, which annoyed Harry. "Thanks, Spruce." Harry said, sarcastically. "Yeah, it's my fault." Spruce grumbles. "That's real great. That's nice. Thanks." Maggie said as she walks off.
Meanwhile, in the basement, the song, It's My Party was playing in the background. In the middle was a table with cake and confetti and what looked like people gathered around. Corbett, who was at one end of the table, starts to come to consciousness when he heard a voice call out to him. 
"Corbett. Corbett. Hey. Corbett, hey." the voice said and he raises his head to see (y/n) across the table, she was tied to a chair just like he is. "(Y/n)?" Corbett said, confused. "Corbett, hey, you got to keep listening to my voice, okay? I'm right here. Stay awake." (y/n) said but then another voice comes in.
"Don't listen." a deep voice said and Corbett and (y/n) look up to see Daggett as he picks up a knife. "It stops hurting, so don't worry." Daggett said as he goes around Corbett and stands behind him, which started to make (y/n) panic but she does her best to stay cool. 
"Corbett, stay with me. Stay with me, you got it? I'm right here." she said to Corbett, who looks straight at her, and she could tell that he was beyond terrified. "Hey. Stay with me. Don't. Don't." (y/n) shouts at Daggett but it was too late as Daggett stabs Corbett through the throat. "No. Corbett! No! Corbett!" (y/n) screams as blood pours out of Corbett's wound and she watches him die in front of her.
"Corbett! Where'd you guys go?" Harry calls out as Dean and Sam look around. "Where are you guys?" Maggie calls out when Harry looks over at Dean. "Dean, what are you doing?" He asked. "Okay, so Daggett was a cold war nut, okay? He was -- he was an amateur taxidermist. He liked to slow dance with cadavers, and all he ate were c-rations, so what the hell are we looking for?!" Dean growls.
"Horrible little life." Maggie suggests. "Yeah, a lonely life...A cold war life. He was scared." Sam said but then he stops as he realized something. "He was scared...he was scared." Sam said as he and his brother share a look and both of them came to the same conclusion. 
"Scared of what? What?" Harry asked but Sam and Dean run off. "Guys, where are you going?" Harry asked as he follows them. "Wait, don't leave me in here, you guys." Maggie said as she catches up to them.
"Get away from me." (Y/n) growls at the man as he walks up to her. "This won't hurt. It's okay. It's okay. Relax. Relax." Daggett assures her and he straps a party hat onto her head while Corbett slumps dead at the other end of the table.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?" Maggie asked Dean and Sam as they start to walk towards the door of the basement. "Guys like Daggett back then, the ones who were really scared of the Russkies -- they built bomb shelters. We're guessing he's got one. I'll bet you it's in the basement." Dean said and Spruce follows him when the door slams behind Dean, cutting him and Spruce off from Harry, Ed, Sam and Maggie.
"Woah!" Harry shouts. "Woah! That is not funny!" Ed said, shocked, while Sam goes to the doorknob and tries to open it but it wouldn't budge.
"Um, who closed the door?" Spruce asked Dean, nervously. "It did. It wants to separate us." Dean replied and goes up to the door. "Sam!" He yells. "Dean! You okay?" Sam asked. "Yeah, listen to me! There's some salt in my duffle. Make a circle and get inside." Dean said. "Okay." Sam said and he walks away from the door while Ed, Harry and Maggie look at him, confused.
"Inside? Inside his duffle bag?" Ed asked Sam. "In the salt!" Sam shouts at him. "Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah." Ed said and they make their way back to base. Dean continues down the basement stairs.
"Okay. Get in the circle. Get in the circle." Sam tells the others after making a salt circle. "Come on. Come on. Quick, quick." Ed said as Harry and Maggie get into the circle with Sam and Ed. "Guys, guys, I don't want to die, okay, and I don't want you to die." Harry cried. "Harry, listen -- listen to me, okay? listen. If we don't die...it's totally okay if you, uh, do my sister." Ed said and Maggie pushes Ed. 
"Hey, hey, stopped." Sam yells when Maggie realized there was another interference on her camera. "Hey guys, hey guys, it's coming again." she tells them. "Oh, god. Oh, OK. Oh god, oh god." Ed stammers when the lights continue to flicker.
Then the group sees Corbett standing in front of them, bloody and unable to speak. "Oh. Oh, C-Corbett." Ed said, sadly, as they all look at him.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Spruce asked Dean as they make their way around the basement. "What?" Dean asked. "Earlier, you, (y/n) and Sam -- she said you had two months left?" Spruce asked. "Yeah, it's complicated. A while ago, (y/n)..." Dean started to say but stops himself and shakes his head.
"No. No. No. I'm not gonna whine about my b------- problems to some b------- reality show. I'm gonna do my f------ job." he tells Spruce and he looks around some more. "Is it cancer?" Spruce asked. "Shut up." Dean growls then he stops as he hears music.
"You hear that?" he asked Spruce.
"I've been waiting for some more friends." Daggett said to (y/n) as he leans down to her. "I get lonely. But you're coming to my party, aren't you?" He asked her as she tries to pull back as much as she could in her chair.
"Is that music?" Spruce asked as Dean goes up to a cabinet. "Yeah, it's coming from behind this wall." Dean said and he singlehandedly pushes a cabinet away from the wall. "Wow, you're strong." Spruce said with sarcasm and Dean flips a middle finger to Spruce's camera.
"You'll stay a good, long time." Daggett said to (y/n) and he raises his knife until Dean breaks the door open to the bomb shelter. "(Y/n)!" Dean shouts and he shoots Daggett, who disappears, then unties (y/n). "Oh god." Spruce mutters, horrified, as he sees the whole birthday table, with the party guests of old corpses and one new corpse: Corbett. "Oh, no, Corbett." He whispers.
Ed, Harry, Sam and Maggie were still in the salt ring as Corbett's death echo happens again. "Oh god, what have we done? Oh god." Ed mutters. "Keep calm." Sam said to them. "Ed. Ed. Corbett's a -- he's a death echo. He's reliving his own murder." Harry tells him. "Over and over forever." Maggie said, sadly.
"What's this Daggett guy's problem anyway?" Spruce asked Dean and (y/n) as they walk out of the room.
"Loneliness." (y/n) replied.
"What, he's never heard of a Realdoll?" Dean asked. "No, no, no, Daggett was the Norman Bates, stuff-your-mother kind of lonely. I mean, that's why he lifted these bodies from the morgue, threw himself a birthday party, except they were the only ones who would come. Anyway, so, at midnight, he sealed them in the bomb shelter and went upstairs and o.d.'d on horse tranqs." (Y/n) informed and Dean looks at her, confused.
"How do you know this?" he asked her. "'Cause he told me." She replied. "Oh. yeah. Okay, so now that he's dead, what? Same song, different verse, trying to get people to come to his party?" Dean said. "Pretty much, yeah. Stay forever." (Y/n) said and Dean starts to load his gun
"Are those real bullets?" Spruce asked him. "It's rock salt." Dean replied.
Harry sings the Ghostfacers theme song that they made up as they stand there until Corbett's apparition appears again. "Guys, it's -- it's Corbett. He's -- he's -- he's trapped. He's in a lot of pain, you know? We got to try and...we got to try and pull him out of his loop. We have to." Ed said as he stands up and faces Corbett. "Ed." Sam and Harry said. "Corbett. Corbett, it's -- Oh, god." Ed said as he looks down at the salt line.
"Don't cross the line of salt." Harry said. Ed hesitates, then steps over the salt line, confronting the ghost of Corbett. "I gotta do it, Harry." Ed said. Harry looks over at Sam, who nods, and Ed turns to Corbett. "Corbett, listen to me. Okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. Listen. Listen. Oh, god. Corbett. Oh." Ed said but then the ghost starts to flicker.
"Get back!" Harry shouts and Ed quickly retreats. "oh, god. Whoa. Oh, I can't, okay? He's not hearing me, okay? He won't stop dying." Ed said, fearfully.
Meanwhile, Dean is attempting to break down the basement door that's still separating Dean, (y/n) and Spruce from the others. (y/n) turns and sees that Spruce was still holding his camera and he had it aimed at her ass. "Hey!" She growls and he moves the camera back to her face. "Eyes up here, buddy. And are you seriously still shooting?" She asked. "It makes him feel better. Don't ask." Dean said when there was camera interference and flickering in Spruce's camera.
"Ah, hell, guys. Get in your ghost-role thing. Something's coming." Spruce said as he spins around and sees Daggett. Daggett then knocks Spruce and his camera to the ground, causing him to roll and scream. Spruce screamed as Daggett approaches Spruce, but is shot and dissipated by (y/n).
"I...I know how we can get through to him." Harry said. "How?" Sam asked him and Harry looks over at Ed. "Ed...He had feelings for you." He said and Ed gives him a bewildered and shocked look. "He wanted you." Harry said. "Wa-- wanted me to what?" Ed said, confused. "You know..." Harry said then he demonstrates with a slight grunt and pelvic thrust
"And you know what you've got to do. You can do it, Ed. You've always been the brave one. Yes, you can. You make us brave -- Maggie, right?" Harry said to her. "Yeah. Yeah you do. You totally do." Maggie said as Ed looks between them. "Ed...You got to go be gay for that poor, dead intern. You got to send him into the light." Harry said then Ed looks over at Sam.
"It should work." Sam said and then Ed approaches the ghost of Corbett again. "Corbett." Ed said as he steps over the salt line. "Corbett, look. Hey, it's just Ed, buddy. It's just me. Hey, hey, Corbett, listen to me. Listen to me." Ed said as he approaches Corbett..
"I -- we...Okay. You meant...Corbett, you meant a lot to the team. You meant...You meant a lot to me. You know, never back down...Never say a bad word, okay? I remember that, Corbett. I-I remember that. I remember because I love you, Corbett. I really, truly love you. Do you remember that? do you?" Ed asked, a tear running down his face, and then Corbett looks over at Ed.
"Hey. Ed?" he asked. "Yeah. Yeah, Corbett, it's...Corbett, yeah, it's me. It's me. look at me. You got to help us, man. you have to help us, Corbett. Please. please. Please help us right now." Ed begs as Corbett stares at Ed.
"Take it easy. You all right?" (y/n) asked Spruce when there was camera interference and flickering in Spruce's camera. The ghost of Daggett appears behind Dean. "Uh, guys..." Spruce said then Daggett throws Dean, then (y/n) against the wall and was about to attack Spruce.
"This is bad -- very bad." Spruce stammers, fearfully, when Corbett appears behind Daggett. "Corbett?" Spruce said, confused, then Corbett's ghost attacks Daggett and they both disappear in a blinding flash of light.
"You all right, guys?" Spruce asked as (y/n) and Dean pick themselves up off the floor. "You all right?" Spruce asked he comes up to the couple. "God." (Y/n) groans while Dean looks back at the camera, covering the lens with his hand.
Morning came as the door to the Morton House opens, and Ed, Sam, Dean, (y/n), Harry and Maggie exit. Harry and Maggie pause to hug, while Sam gives Ed his phone number on a scrap of paper and Dean checks on (y/n). Then they start to load up and leave
Leap year, February 29th, the Morton House. A tragic day. A day of souls bound in torment, of lives held in cruel balance. But the Ghostfacers, they did the best that they could.
We lost a beloved friend, but we gained new allies.
We know this much: that every day, including today, is a new beginning. We learned more than we can say in the brutal feat of the Morton House.
The Ghostfacers were forced to face something far more scary than ghosts. They were forced to face themselves.
War changes Man.
 And Maggie and (y/n).
War changes man. And two women...You know Corbett, we just...ah gosh, we just like to think that you're out there, watching over us.
As far as we're concerned, you're not an intern anymore. You have more than earned full Ghostfacer status. Plus, it would be cool to have a ghost on the team.
Yeah. Heh heh. And here we were thinking that, you know, we were teaching you and all this time you were teaching us, about heart, about dedication, and about how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. Thank you, Alan J. Corbett.
Go well into that starry night, young Turk. Go well.
"Come on, Spruce, I gotta get all this stuff packed up!" Corbett said as he and Spruce load up the van, getting ready to head to the Morton house. "So, pack and talk!" Spruce said as he aims the camera at him. "I don't know what to say." Corbett said. "Say what comes to mind. This is one of our confessional moments, Corbett, so confess. What did you think was going to happen tonight? What do you think is going to happen on this trip?" Spruce asked him.
Corbett sighs then thinks before he speaks up. "I think tonight, I really do, I think all of our dreams are going to come true." He replies then looks over at Spruce. "Does that sound stupid?" He asked. "Kind of does, yeah." Spruce said and the two chuckle a bit.
In Memory of Alan J. Corbett,
King of the Impossible 
*(y/n)'s POV*
"So, guys, what do you think? Are you alright?" Ed asked us as the boys and I say there and finished watching Ed and Harry's show. "You know, I kind of think it was half-awesome." Dean replies. "Half-awesome? That - that's full-on good, right?" Maggie said, excited.
"Yeah, um, I mean it's bizarre how you all are able to honor Corbett's memory while grossly exploiting the manner of his death. Well done." Sam said as Dean secretly slips the device into a backpack under the table. "Yeah. It's a real tight rope you guys are walking there." I said. "Yeah, all right guys." Sam mutters.
"Nah, that's reality, man. Yeah, Corbett gave his life searching for the truth, and it's our job over here to share it with the world." Ed said. "Right. Well, um, our experience, you know what you get when you show the world the truth?" Sam asked him. "A straightjacket." I said. "Or a punch in the face. Sometimes both." Dean adds. "Right." Sam said.
"Oh come on, guys, don't be 'facer haters just because we happen to have gotten the footage of the century." Harry exclaims. "Oh yeah." Ed said. "You got us there." I said, shrugging. "Yeah." Sam said. "Yeah, well we'll see you guys around." Sam said as we start to head towards the door.
"Peace out." Spruce said as Sam, Dean and I leave and Ed shuts the door behind us.
"We clean?" Sam asked as we get to the Impala. Suddenly, we hear Ed shout. "No! are you kidding me?"
"Electromagnet wiped out every tape and hard drive that they have." Dean said, smiling. "The world just isn't ready for the Ghostfacers." I said as we get into the car. "It's too bad. I kinda liked the show." Dean said. "It had its moments." Sam said and I nod. "Yeah, it was pretty entertaining." I added then Dean starts the Impala and we drive off.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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pralinesims · 2 months
🍩 + 🍔 after the last post, i've got to choose margareta
TYSM for sending!! Here's some Maggie facts hehe
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🍩 - What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Let's say that I am absolutely confident in the fact that she might commit almost ANY crime that is out there, you never know what the future holds for Maggie! Though most things would rather happen on accident. ☝️ Most likely tho? Probably arson.
🍔 - Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love?
She really likes most trends that emerge, and also likes to keep up & engage with them whenever they're popular, for her it's pretty fun and I don't really believe there is one she genuinely hates. From all recent trends that happened, Y2K is her absolute fav one, she can't get enough of it.
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peaky-shelby · 1 year
DEFINE ME | Neymar Jr. x OC
Summary: Famous Singer and Actress, Gabriella Hamill, travels to Qatar after being invited on live television by her favorite player, Lionel Messi. Despite the invitation, Ella tries to avoid the cameras and hide in plain side, wanting to enjoy the games without the chaos that comes with being in Public places and it all seems to be going well until she meets Neymar Jr. in this bad boy meets good girl story, the definition of good and bad is lost between the lines and redefined by the past and future.
« Previous chapter:
Chapter 5: scared by definition
Chapter summary: just when Ney is getting closer she pushes away but how long can they stay away from each other.
Warnings: the most annoying cliffhanger in the history of cliffhangers 😂🤣
Writer's note: i hope you will all have an incredible new year's eve.
Taglist; @xngelsau @sirensanction @reneyahh @thegrinch101 @geekwritersworld @chaotic-taco-collector-blog
@blondedjoys @maneaterss @inthemoonlightblue @iluvneyney @woozarts @missamericana69
Apologies if i forgot to tag anyone pls comment and I'll tag you on the next one!!
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During the drive home Gabriella was singing Muchachos on top of her lungs and shaking Maggie who was sitting next to her, watching as she celebrated Argentina’s win against the Netherlands. A part of her wishes she could have gone and celebrated with the team but she also knew that it was dangerous, especially after the trick she pulled with hugging Neymar in the middle of the field.
Mid-verse she looked at Maggie who was scrolling on her phone.
“Would you stop worrying about that? There’s nothing connecting me to the figure. People don’t even know I’m in Qatar.”
“I’m still trying to understand what you were thinking.”
“I wasn’t thinking, that’s the point.”
“The point of why you should stay away from him?”
Gabriella snatched the phone out of Maggie’s hand and held it up, so she wouldn’t reach it. “Enough with this please. I’m happy. I’m a nobody here. Yes, it was a mistake but you should have seen him.”
“I did see him.” She reached to get back her phone “He had the same look in his eyes that you had- “
“No, listen to me. I’m happy that you are happy and as much as I complain seeing you like this makes me proud. But I have a responsibility to handle the consequences. If the same shit happens, its gonna be on me.”
Gabriella let out a weak sigh and looked out her window. Her eyes melancholically searching for something to hold on. As they reached the house she noticed a figure, dressed in black, sitting on the steps, head low to his knees. She must have opened the door to ran to him before the car had even stopped because she tripped, scraping her knee against the pavement. She got back up quickly and reached his broken figure.
“Neymar” she called but got no response until the 5th time she tried. She slipped her hand under his chin, to force him to raise his head. His glowing eyes landed on her, red and hurt. She cupped his face, mumbling words to bring him to his senses but it got nowhere.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Said Maggie, standing behind her. She pulled out the keys quickly and went to open the door. Then she stood next to Neymar and helped Gabriella pull him up to his feet. Maggie tried to get him to lean more on her than Gabriella but he seemed to be preferring her warmth. They almost fell about three times while trying to get him up the stairs, stumbling on the steps or their own feet. “Why not just leave him in the leaving room?” asked Maggie. Gabriella didn’t answer.
They laid him on the bed. He’d whisper words in Brazilian that Gabriella wouldn’t catch and reach for her whenever she’d move away. She sat on the edge of the bed holding a wet towel on her hand and placed it on his head, patting his entire face with it. He moved a few inches trying to get away from it. Then she had him sit up with his back on the head of the bed, drinking an entire water bottle, despite his complaints or him pushing her hands away from his lips. He seemed to be getting back to his true self, his eyes focusing on her a little easier. She used the wet blanket again to stroke his head, then passed it over his eyes and his nose. As she passed it over his re opened his eyes, that stared at her and the towel reached his lips, where she kept it a little longer before pulling away. He reached quickly for her hand, even in his state, Antonella was right, when he wanted something, he needed no encouragement. She smiled weakly at him.
“This shit hasn’t stopped ringing.” Maggie said, walking inside the bedroom, handing the phone to Gabriella. Thiago Silva was calling him. She stood up to go in the hallway, he tried to reach for her again but his hand fell short on the mattress.
“I just need 2 minutes” She reassured him and went outside, signaling Maggie to stay with him for a while. She answered the phone, feeling a little awkward. “Thiago?” she asked. The other line stayed silent for a few seconds.
“Who’s this?” he asked, a little angry and angry.
“We met in the changing rooms after the game. I was with Neymar.”
“He’s with you?”
“Kinda. Yes.”
“What do you mean kinda?”
“He’s pretty out of it. Very drunk.”
She heard him cursing in Brazilian and closed her eyes, knowing that Neymar would probably be in trouble tomorrow.
“You want me to come get him?”
She didn’t expect that question. She didn’t know how to answer or what to say. If he asked Maggie, she’d say yes, no second thoughts. Maybe that was what was best for him. But Gabriella wasn’t sure, then-
“It won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of him and bring him in the base tomorrow.” She said, only understanding what she said after she heard herself saying it. She closed her eyes again, like she had let something wrong slip and she wanted to take it back. Thiago thanked her and hanged up, letting her return to him.
Neymar was now sitting on the edge of the bed, Maggie was standing a little farther away from him, trying to pull him up be the arm.
“What’s going on?”
“He’s about to throw up in your bed- “
“Am not!” he argued. Gabriella replaced Maggie, who after that left them alone and sat next to him.
“Don’t leave me alone with her again, she’s mean.” He mumbled, sounding and looking like a 5-year-old boy. Gabriella couldn’t help but laugh at that. Her smiled faded away to quickly when he saw his expression changing, like he was actually going to throw up. She helped him up and he ran in the bathroom of her room. Gabriella stayed outside as he practically closed the door on her face. She leaned on the doorframe, rubbing her eyes together while he was probably regretting all his life choices over the toilet. “There are extra toothbrushes and toothpaste on the second drawer.” She said loudly when there was silence from the other side. A few seconds later, she heard him opening the drawers and then the sink and then the sound of him brushing his teeth. When he came out, he looked more tired than before, leaning against the door, but somehow he managed a smile. It was weak bit it was a smile nonetheless.
“Do you have any pain killers?” he asked.
Gabriella’s heart sunk. She shook her head quickly “no!”
He seemed weirded out by her reaction but he didn’t have the strength to keep the conversation going.
“This is usually the part they say they’ll never have another drink ever again.” She said in a whisper, trying to lighten the mood. He scoffed and let his head hand; he didn’t even have strength to keep looking at her. “Come on” she prompted and helped him get back on the bed. When he sat down, she noticed his shirt was wet and dirty. Without really thinking about it she reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up. He held his arms high, to make it easier for her. She gulped when she saw his bare chest and his six pack, standing frozen with his shirt on her hands. He caught her staring and smirked, slowly held her hands to take the shirt away from her. That movement awoke her and she looked in his eyes instead of his chest, seeing his naughty look. She pulled her hand away “Sleep” she ordered. She pulled back the sheets of the bed so he would lay under them. To her surprise he obeyed and laid down, his head sinking in the pillows. She covered him with the sheets, when she pulled them up to his chest, he held her hand again, this time interlocking their fingers.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. Gabriella shook her hand and sat next to him, looking at their hands.
“It’s ok.” She strokes his skin with her thumb. “But you should have been more careful.”
“I know” he said in the same way she had said it after his loss. In a way that meant I don’t give crap anyway. She smiled incautiously at that. He moved their hands towards her direction, pointing at her. “Did they win?” he asked and only then she realized she was still wearing her Argentina hoodie. She wanted to slap herself in the face and he must have understood that because he was quick to tell her that it was fine “just tell me. It’s ok.” She nodded, unable to hide her smile and he smiled back, an honest smile “Si! Joder Leo!” He called, seeming happy for a few seconds. Gabriella was in awe; despite his loss he was still able to celebrate for his friend. “Was it a good game?”
“It was a mess” she answered quickly.
“Tell me about it.”
Gabriella hesitated “are you sure?”
He nodded. Gabriella started telling him about the referee that was giving out yellow cards like it was an UNO game during the match. She got up at some point to go and change and she’d tell him about all the fights that escalated between the two teams while she was in the bathroom. She told him about it seemed like a clear win for Argentina in the first half but everything changed in the second half.
“The penalties were fucking nuts as well-“she said coming out of the bathroom, that’s when she was faced with his sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful in her bad. She walked on the other side to lay next to him but over the cars, using her shirt as a cover instead. She stared at him, the lines on his face and his lips, rosy and kissable. If she let in her intrusive thoughts, she would have kissed him by now but instead she let herself fall asleep in the sound of his heartbeat and his breathing.
During the middle of the night Neymar woke up. Saw her laying next to him but as far away from him as she could and over the sheets. He moved as gently as he could so he wouldn’t wake her and pulled the sheets over her, the second she did that she moved in her sleep, closer to him and snuggled herself with the covers. He smiled and fell back asleep.
The two of them woke up again by the sound of loud knocking. She stood up quickly, scaring him and opened the door while he was trying to open his eyes. Rubbing them. He could hear yelling from the other side of the door, he sat up, feeling dizzy and confused and reached for his phone which was blowing up with massages from his PR manager.
That message alone was bad and enough to wake him up. He stood up and opened the door, the two girls were arguing in the hall but stopped when they saw him. Maggie glared at him, reminding him that he was shirtless.
“What happened?” he asked, walking over to them.
“You happened.” Said Maggie bitterly and walked down the stairs. Ney looked at Gabriella, who just handed him her phone.
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“Puta...” he mumbled, reading the tweets.
“A fucking pair of shoes.” She cursed “I need coffee.” She went to the kitchen. Neymar went to quickly put on his shirt and went behind her, stumbling on some of the steps. She had already turned the coffee machine when he reached her.
“Gabriella- “
“Do you want coffee- of course you do, you’re hangover-“ she was moving around the kitchen like a robot, avoiding him in any ways she could. He couldn’t understand if she was angry at him or the media. “Sugar?” she asked, just when he was about to speak. He didn’t answer “I’ll leave it black.” She said then, pulling two cups and filling them “FUCK!” she cursed when she spilled some of it on her hand and let down the kettle, breathing loudly.
“We can play it off and ignore it. It will go away.”
She laughed at that. Sniffed her nose “caramel or cinnamon?” she asked. Neymar was completely taken aback by her reaction. He tried saying her name again but she asked louder “Neymar do you want caramel or cinnamon?” he didn’t answer. She waited for a few minutes before pushing the coffee away from her on the counter “it’s ready then.”
Neymar moved closer, taking hold of his cup. He watched her, putting sugar in hers.
“If we don’t say anything- “
“They’ll just find something to say themselves. Don’t act like you don’t know them.”
“Is it so bad to be seen with me?”
“it’s not about you Neymar!” she snapped, glancing up at him. “Not everything is about you.”
He scoffed, moving away from the counter and walking towards the kitchen table. She was back into being feisty with him and with everything that had happened he didn’t know how long he would be able to pretend its ok but he ignored her comment. Then she started speaking, keeping her gaze on the coffee, her back on him “Now that they know that I am in Qatar, they’ll never let it go. Same way they didn’t let it go in the past”
“But you’re here for your father-“
She halted her movements. Raised her head to look at him, her eyes shooting daggers. He was confused at what he said that was so wrong to her.
“How do you know that?”
He hesitated “You’ve talked about them in interviews-“
“I’ve never spoken about them on Camera! They’ve torn my life to pieces to find that information! You don’t know them! So don’t talk about them- “
“I think I know you enough!”
“You don’t!” she snapped, her voice loud and bitter “And I don’t know you that’s the problem but now we have to deal with this because I was goddamn stupid-“
“que passa Gabriella?” he asked, raising his voice and feeling a little annoyed by her outburst.
“Why are you digging into my past?”
“Why did you run on the field yesterday?”
“Because I felt sorry for you!” she said coldly. He knew she didn’t mean it but it still stunk. He looked at her hurt but she looked away.
“Wow” he exclaimed in disbelief. Lowering his head and clicking his tongue.
“That’s all it was. Same reason I took care of you last night.” She added, her sharp words cutting deeper.
“You know what, I’m gonna go. I’m sure you and your bodyguard will figure this out.” He left his cup down and stormed out of the house. Gabriella threw her spoon across the counter, letting it hit on the wall with a loud bang and slapped her fresh made cup of coffee on the sink, letting it break in pieces. Maggie appeared by the entrance, watching her. Gabriella took a towel to clean the spilled coffee.
“That wasn’t fair.” She said, making her look up confused.
“Since when are you on his side?”
“I’m not! But now that he’s part of this you might as well let him help.”
“He can’t help.” She shot back quickly and sat on the kitchen table, hiding her face in her palms. “He should stay as far away from me as possible.”
Maggie pulled back the chair next to her and sat down. “You have two choices. One of them is do what he said, ignore it and keep hiding but you risk making a bigger story that way. You look guilty. The other is going out, showing your face, making it seem like you just wanted to keep a low profile and you were never really hiding- hey look at me, it’s not going to be like 2020. It will be a small story about Qatar and it’s not going to get into politics.”
“I can’t go through the same thing.” Her eyes began to stink with tears. Memories of crowds outside her hotel and the headlines, the news like a mob surrounding her. Like she had done a crime, she hid deeper in her palms.
“You won’t. People are gonna be more interested in you and Neymar than Qatar and you don’t have to answer to anything. I’m not a fan of you being connected to him but what is done is done. Look at me-“ Gabriella uncovered her face, to look at Maggie. “Don’t let them define this for you…” she stroked her face “We’ll get through this. We’ve been through worst.”
Gabriella nodded “I know… I know… I just really wanted these two weeks to be normal...” Maggie held her hands smiling.
“I think that ship sailed when you met Mr. trouble.” She laughed. Gabriella wiped her tears, sniffing back her sobs.
“I shouldn’t have spoken to him the way I did.” She groaned, rubbing her face “he lost a game last night and no he has to deal with me and this…” she mumbled.
“I mean… You can always apologize.” Maggie whispered, looking down.
“you’re actually encouraging me to go speak to him?”
“never said that.” She smiled.
Gabriella walked out of the base, hoping that she would find him there. Instead, she met Thiago, who seemed in a rush. She reached her hand to him but his bodyguard stopped her so she called his name, making him turn and look at her. He signaled his bodyguard that it’s ok and walked over to her.
“Is he upstairs?” she asked.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He said bluntly. Then motioned his head for her to follow him and snuck her in the hotel.
“Why is everyone packing?” she asked, seeing all the suitcases on the hallways and the players carrying them outside.
“Most of them are going back home tonight. The others have to move somewhere else now that we lost.”
She wanted to ask what was Neymar doing but she didn’t. Thiago led her down the hall to Neymar’s room, careful not to be seen by anyone. He knocked on the door twice. Neymar answered in in Brazilian that he was coming and later opened the door, holding it a tower of shirts on his hand. He was also packing. He froze when he saw her and for a moment Ella thought, he’d shut the door on her face but instead he opened it wider, let her in.
“You have 10 minutes.” Warned Thiago to which Neymar nodded. Gabriella looked around the room, one suitcase was closed and the other half full. Neymar walked past her to continue.
“You’re leaving?” she asked.
“Yeah. No need to feel sorry anymore.”
“I didn’t mean it.” She responded. Neymar kneeled on the floor, placing the shirts on the suitcase. He didn’t answer anything to her. So, she moved closer, sitting on the bed. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok.” He whispered.
“Ney please look at me, I’m sorry.” He stood still. Moved his head just a little so she could see his face. “Can we go somewhere? Talk alone?”
“We are alone.”
“Thiago will come in here any minute now.”
“It’s not like we are gonna be naked if he does-“
He sighed, turned his attention back on the suitcase “Let me pack and we’ll go.”
She couldn’t help herself so she asked “why are you packing?”
“I have to move to another apartment until I get back to Brazil.”
“So, you’re not going back right away?” she asked, hopeful. He must have heard the hope in her voice because he smiled and gave her a knowing look.
“No, I’m not.”
After Neymar packed, she got in the car with him, music playing to fill the silence as the sun was going down. He stopped the car on the same hill they were a couple of nights ago. The music fell short as the engine turned off as well. She wanted him to speak first, it would make her feel more comfortable but he never did and she couldn’t blame him considering the way she had reacted before.
“I don’t like people talking about my parents.” She finally said “Not unless I’ve spoken to them about it myself. I deliberately never answer questions about them… still the media has found a way to make stories about them. People think they know them and my relationship with them. It’s annoying.” She explained, all the time looking away from him. He stared at the steering wheel, holding it tightly. “That’s why I snapped.” She waited for him to say something but he never did so she finally looked at him. She couldn’t quite translate his expression, if he was sad or angry or if he was accepting her apology. “Please say something.” She prompted. Neymar turned her gaze to him.
“Why are you so terrified of the headlines?” he asked her. “You should be used to it by now.”
“I wasn’t always like this.” She explained “It was after…” her voice trailed off “after the incident that I even considered on letting go of my career completely. Having people share their opinion about you twenty-four seven is one thing but… I was used as a political weapon. That was completely different. I don’t want to go through that ever again. It came with a lot of consequences.” She shivered just remembering the yelling.
“Who leaked the information about the abortion?” She looked at the street. Peter’s face came in her mind like a glimpse. She trembled at the thought. Then she felt his hand on her thigh and she turned to look at him.
“It doesn’t matter who leaked it. What followed was hell. I was used by the republicans to attack the democrats, meanwhile I was trying to recover emotionally and physically… the man I loved ha turned his back on me and couldn’t get out of my house because I was followed and attacked wherever I’d go. Shit like that messes with your head really bad, you know?” she hadn’t realized she was crying until she tasted the salt on her lips “and they didn’t know… none of them knew what I was going through, or why…” she took in a deep breath, sobbing in between her sentences. There was so much more she wasn’t saying to him about the rehab center, about the months she spent locked in her house and how she was just rebuilding her life and her career “When the worst was over, I kept a low profile. They still found a way to make my life a story. Any men seen around me is my boyfriend or a one-night stand.” She wiped her tears “Neymar, I’m scared-“
“Is it because of my past?” he wondered leaning closer.
She laughed in between her sobs “You’re not exactly the most uncontroversial person in the world.” He let his head hang. Out of instinct, she cupped it in between her hands, she felt the need to look in his ocean eyes. The eyes that had hypnotized her in these last few days to do things, she’d never actually do. She wanted to kiss him, everything in her wanted to kiss him, become his, sink in his touch and his perfume. “It’s not just about you. It’s about me too… I have a feeling that if we start this it’s gonna go crazy fast. I’m not gonna be able to control it. Think about what is going to happen in just a few days when you go back to brazil and I go back to work. They’ll eat us both alive-“ she looked at his lips.
“Why should my past define whether I can have the future I want?” he asked, leaning his forehead on hers.
“What is that?” she asked whispering, knowing what her breath on his lips was doing to him.
Can you smell the smoke? It's the steamy next couple of chapters 👀 comment to unlock them!!
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momentaryescape · 1 year
I'm Comin' Over
Jay Halstead x Reader Word Count: 853 Warnings: None Authors Note: This is the first of a One Chicago mini-series based on the "Im Comin' Over" album
 Jay was in the car before he even picked up the phone. He knew he shouldn’t, that after your last goodbye that should have been it. But no matter how many times he told himself not to, he would still drop everything for you. Neither of you could fully let go. He thought “to hell with closure” as he ran every red light he hit. Closure could wait, you needed him, and he needed you.
You called him after a hard day working at Med with the patients of a massive incident that Intelligence had been called in on. Every time Maggie called out that a patient was coming in you were scared Jay would be the one on the stretcher. Will was the only one who knew that you and Jay had been together, and he knew by the look on your face what you were thinking. 
“He’s okay y/n. I just got off the phone with him, and he told me they were safe.” He gave you a nod before walking away to go check on more patients.
For the next god knows how many hours you and the rest of the ED helped patch people. Will kept you updated when he heard from Jay. You didn't know but he was also keeping Jay updated on you as well. You loved your job but on days like this one when there are more patients than you can count you get overwhelmed and never talk to anyone, knowing others have it worse. Jay was the only person who could get you to open up.
When your name flashed on his screen he knew you needed him. This wasn't the first time one of you had called the other, but this was the first time it was for something neither of you could avoid.
“Hey y/n” His voice was soft.
“Hi, Jay. Do you uh..do you think you can talk to me? I need to talk to someone.” The sound of your voice reminds Jay of the night he would hold you as you let it all out. The times you would fall asleep and dream of what your future with him would look like before it was over.
“Always.” You broke down when he said that. “Today was rough, I uh…every time someone came in I was scared that it was you. That something happened and you were injured. But please Jay, I know moving on was getting closer, but I need you.” Your voice shook, trying not to cry.
“To hell with closure. You need me y/n. We can save it for another time.” You were his world, even if you weren’t his anymore.No matter what he would be there for you.
When he knocked on your door you jumped. You had gotten off the phone with him when he was around the corner from your apartment. In the few minutes since the call ended, you had zoned out, replaying the day in your head on repeat. The fear you felt every time a new person was rushed in that it would be Jay. 
Opening your door you instantly fall into his arms. The mask you had been wearing all day was no longer on. He guided the two of you into the house, locking the door behind you before making his way to your couch. Sitting down next to you he wraps his arms around you pulling you into him. Neither of you talks, the only sound in the room is the soft sob you let out into his chest. Tears marking their presence on his shirt. Pulling you closer, he places a kiss on the top of your head. After a while you look up at him, breaking the silence. “I'm sorry for making you come all the way over here.” He shifts, causing you to sit up. He turns so you are sitting facing each other.
“You never have to apologize for calling me or needing me. You are the most important thing to me. I will always be there for you. Night or Day. No matter how many times we say it's over I will always say fuck the closure. We keep coming back to each other, the fear you had of me being rushed into the ED is the same fear I get every time a victim matches your description. I don’t want to pretend that I don't care about you and that I'm happy without you.” He lifts your chin so you are looking at him. “You are my everything y/n. If you’re willing, we can try this again. This time we can do it right.” Leaning forward, your lips meeting his. His hand moved to cup your cheek.
When you pull away you smile at him. “I love you, Jay Halstead. And I want nothing more than for you to be mine again. This time through thick and thin. I don't want to lose you again.”
“You never lost me y/n. I promise to love you till the end.” He says pulling you in for another kiss.
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