caprimexican · 3 years
americans be like:
"i'm gonna park my car in the grawj"
"i'm gonna watch a whore movie"
"attack on titan is my favorite mainga"
"i need aloominuhm foil"
"i like guacuhmoly"
"look, a sqwerl"
midwest americans be like:
"ope, lemme just sneak right past ya"
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caprimexican · 3 years
ayo i know people tell u to think about the tattoo u want for like a year, but just do it. if u think too much about it you'll never do it so just fuckin do it.
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caprimexican · 4 years
they are my kings and i am their unworthy subject
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caprimexican · 4 years
does anyone want to help me avenge the death of Fred Weasley? because i’m still distraught and i’m currently crying.
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caprimexican · 4 years
y’all, kaminari’s got no business being as pretty as he is
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caprimexican · 4 years
my opinion on my hero academia ships
midoriya/uraraka: kinda cute, most likely to end up as canon but not my favorite
midoriya/bakugo: i love. so sweet. cute. would die for them
midoriya/todoroki: see “midoriya/bakugo”
bakugo/kirishima: pure and cute, the manliest couple
bakugo/uraraka: interesting. not my cup of tea and idk how it would make sense to be honest
yaoyorozu/todoroki: pretty cute, i can see it happening and it would be fun to watch, again not my favorite
jirou/kaminari: adorable. in love with it. make it canon horikoshi or else
iida/hatsume: didn’t know it was a thing until today. what a concept
tokoyami/asui: kinda weird but it might work? idk how but it might
kaminari/sero: nah, no thanks. i don’t see it working
aizawa/yamada: i get why people like it but doesn’t really appeal to me
aizawa/fukukado: i wouldn’t be upset if it happened honestly, it could be cute if she wasn’t super obnoxious
aizawa/yagi: um, no
aizawa/asui: why does this exist. i’m disgusted. jesus take the wheel
yagi/midoriya (inko): kinda cute maybe but don’t really like it
shigaraki/dabi: nope. don’t see it
toga/twice: lmao imagine the chaos
let me know if i missed any! i know i probably did lol
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caprimexican · 5 years
idk who needs to see this but...
please clean under your nails. please, i’m begging you.
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caprimexican · 5 years
i’m in a mcdonald’s right now and “Heat of the Moment” is playing i’m scared.
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caprimexican · 5 years
i’m glad a bunch of people like Minecraft: Story Mode because now that the queen of Sky City has my name people finally know how to pronounce it.
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caprimexican · 5 years
i’m not mad about natasha romanoff not being in the final battle scene, not even the mcu women team up. before you attack me, let me explain why. now, i know where you all are coming from, but it’s literally a case of “she ran so they could walk.” SHE GAVE HER LIFE so that all of these other powerful heroes would have the chance to FIGHT and WIN. and when all the women teamed up to fight? NATASHA DIED SO THEY’D HAVE A CHANCE.
that’s all i have to say about that.
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caprimexican · 5 years
IM SORRY. you can totally add it if you’d like :)
video games are art
if you don’t think that video games are art, what are you doing?
1. detroit: become human
amazing character animation
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beautiful environments/surroundings
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2. the last of us
how is this concept art not appreciated by everyone?
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3. red dead redemption 2
just look at this screenshot
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and this character art?
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don’t you dare tell me that video games aren’t art.
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caprimexican · 5 years
video games are art
if you don’t think that video games are art, what are you doing?
1. detroit: become human
amazing character animation
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beautiful environments/surroundings
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2. the last of us
how is this concept art not appreciated by everyone?
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3. red dead redemption 2
just look at this screenshot
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and this character art?
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don’t you dare tell me that video games aren’t art.
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caprimexican · 5 years
*steve walks into elevator*
steve: dang, i have to fight these guys again
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caprimexican · 5 years
remember that scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier where bucky’s like “you’re my mission” then steve is like “then finish it” and bucky’s like >:o, then steve goes “cause i’m with ya to the end of the line” and bucky goes :’o. i think about that a lot
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caprimexican · 5 years
being forgotten
this is for the people who are always forgotten. who have so-called “friends” who never include you. who forget to invite you places. who seem to forget that you have feelings. this is for the people who have had that same pain in their chest as i am feeling right now, when you know how bad it hurts but won’t admit it. where you just want to cry and you wonder if they ever really liked you at all. the things they do may seem small, but when it happens as much as it happens to us, it means everything. to all of you who have been forgotten, here i am. i remember you.
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caprimexican · 5 years
hey, guys and girls or neither, if youre in a romantic relationship with someone, talk. to. them. god, talk to them. let them know where youre going if youre gonna be really busy and unable to talk. let them know how youre feeling. tell them if they did something that made you uncomfortable. it’s ok to talk to them. they will appreciate it. trust me.
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caprimexican · 5 years
the feeling of being alive
you that feeling when you feel truly alive? im sure you know what i mean. when the sun is shining on your face and the wind is blowing through your hair. impromptu photoshoots with your best friend. watching leaves fall in the autumn. seeing rainbows after a bad storm. laughing until youre crying and your sides hurt and youre not even making any noise. feeling rain drop on your head and the smell of the earth. seeing snowflakes on your lashes and in your hair. casually roasting your sibling or best friend. watching musicals. driving with the windows down and music blasting, singing at the top of your lungs. stargazing on clear bright nights, a breeze rustling the trees. stolen kisses with the love of your life in the dark. hugs from people who notice how sad you seem. someone remembering the little things about you. drinking coffee in the morning. hearing birds chirp early in the morning. hearing the owls late at night. seeing flowers grow where it should be impossible. having deep conversations at 2 in the morning. hearing the purr of a kitten. watching the sunrise. watching the sunset. unplanned dates with your favorite person. singing awfully but not caring because its your favorite song. watching your favorite show. seeing that one person for the first time in a long time. finishing a book. smelling the pages of an old book. opening that package that youve been waiting for. drinking tea late at night with your dog cuddling with you. being in love. seeing someone light up when theyre talking about the thing that they love. damn. thats feeling alive.
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