#Peter Parker field trip
byoldervine · 4 months
Unoriginal Writing VS Field Trips
A lot of writers worry that their ideas have been done before or rely too much on existing scenarios. And you absolutely do need to be original if you want to write your own book that you intend to publish professionally. But a lot of writers can also take this the other way and start worrying that every single idea they have, no matter how fleshed out and unique it actually is, is just a version of a very broad and generic trope, and so it’s automatically bad and nobody will ever want to read it since it’s all been done before
Let me tell you about what has been dubbed the Peter Parker Field Trip in the fanfic scene
The Peter Parker Field Trip is an incredibly specific type of one-shot fanfiction about Peter Parker visiting Avengers Tower with his class on a school field trip while having to try and hide his status as the Avenger Spider-Man, usually along with hiding the fact that he’s basically been adopted by the Avengers and they all treat each other as family, if not legally having been adopted by Tony. And this is only the summary, it gets way more specific from here to the point where you can follow each story beat by beat and the vast majority of these fics will follow them:
1. Peter discovers that the adults arranged for him to go on the trip despite trying to get out it/telling them not to sign the permission forms. Peter tries to talk his way out of it on the way but fails. Sometimes the teacher will discourage him from lying about having a Stark Internship while they’re there
2. While they’re on the bus Flash teases Peter about how now everyone’s gonna know he doesn’t actually have a Stark Internship, meanwhile Peter’s freaking out about everyone realising he’s more than just an intern
3. The kids arrive at Avengers Tower and pile out of the bus to be greeted by some of not all of the Avengers, usually with Steve and/or Tony leading the introductions. Peter tries to keep his head down but the Avengers either spot him or were actively looking out for him, but at this point they usually don’t acknowledge him too much
4. An actual intern hands out access passes to the kids, everyone has level one clearance except for Peter who has Level Ten Alpha Clearance™️, which is even higher than most of the other Avengers and is reserved for Tony and those closest to him. Peter asks if he can just get a regular pass like the others but the intern says they don’t have any extras, usually while being starstruck at meeting Peter
5. The kids go through a security scanner, through which Jarvis announces their security clearance. Peter has his Level Ten Alpha Clearance™️ broadcast to the entire class, leaving everyone shocked. Flash thinks Peter, resident Poor Kid McOrphanface, bribed Tony Stark, known billionaire, for higher clearance
6. The tour goes ahead. They meet Bruce either in his lab or the medical bay. Bruce has a pleasant chat with Peter, who quickly helps him with something while he’s there. People are shocked that Peter works with Bruce on science stuff
7. The tour goes ahead. They meet Natasha in the training room. She offers to give a demonstration and has Peter come up to fight her. The class are shocked when he doesn’t get instantly thrown on his ass, even though overall it usually ends with him on his ass
8. The tour goes ahead. They meet Thor either on the landing pad as he arrives back home or he’s in the kitchen making an absolute mountain of pop tarts. He’s the one that comes closest to leaking Peter’s Spider-Man identity because he has no social awareness and just wants to wrap the Man of Spiders in a bear hug
9. The class break for lunch. There’s an ungodly amount of coffee machines in the cafeteria. Everyone is talking about Peter. Flash is talking shit. Clint then proceeds to drop out of the vents to ask Peter about either Mario Kart or babysitting his kids, potentially both. Clint then realises the tour was today, apologises and goes back into the vents. Peter can’t even muster up the energy to be embarrassed
10. As the tour continues, Flash is getting more vocal about his dislike for all this. There’s a 50/50 chance he’s going to get physically violent with Peter. If he doesn’t, he’ll ask Tony Stark why he’s let Peter lie about all this stuff only to be told harshly that Peter is Tony’s kid or something similar. The bullying will be discovered and Flash will be kicked out. If he does get violent with Peter, one of the Avengers will stop him, Tony will defend Peter while revealing that Peter is his kid or something similar in the process, then will kick Flash out
I just described to you an ungodly number of fics beat by beat. And people don’t just read one of them and call it a day; we consume each and every one of them despite knowing the exact plot and having read it a gazillion times
And I think that these fics are the most obvious example of the fact that people don’t care about the repeated use of tropes or clichés or plotlines; if they like it, they’ll like it. They’ll be willing to read those tropes a million times over, even if they know what’ll happen at every turn. And that proves that it’s not the use of tropes that matters, it’s the way you use the tropes. Even if it’s just a new way of wording it, people will enjoy it. It doesn’t have to be completely new or original, it just has to be out there
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We all know about the 'field-trip to stark Industries trope', but does anyone have any recs where it's a camp?
(the one I'm currently reading is https://archiveofourown.org/works/18806527/chapters/44623549 it's very good but sad and any happy ones would be appreciated)
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remarcely · 10 months
How To Cover For Your Vigilante Classmate- Remarcely AO3 [MCU Spider-Man Fanfic]
“Your shoe’s untied.”
“Hm?” Peter jerked around at a tap on his shoulder. Michelle was stood behind him, pointing down at the floor, and he followed it down to find that his left shoe was in fact untied “Oh, thanks.”
“Figured you’d want a heads up before you trip and smash something.” She shrugged and wandered off, staying far from the rest of the groups of their classmates. It wasn’t hard to duck out of sight, the museum was littered in glass cases and exhibits, and it was mere seconds before MJ had disappeared from sight all together.
He crouched down and began to retie his laces, leaning his shoulder slightly against the wall to keep his balance. As he was tying it off, pulling the double knot nice and tight, a familiar buzz began and hovered in the back of his mind. Peter stayed crouched on the floor but moved closer to the window, following the buzz, in a weird crawl.
Outside, down the street, there was a totally inconspicuous black van parked up on the curb, right outside the bank. Anyone else, like the pedestrians walking past the van without a second glass, might have brushed it off and paid the car little thought. Not Peter. If the little buzz was to be trusted- and after all the dodged knives and bullets it was only fair to put his faith in it- it was trouble. He stared at the van- no logos or dents, and the license plate was blocked by another car.
“Uh, Peter?”
He jumped and landed butt-first on the floor, looking up to see a confused Ned standing above him.
“Ned!” He whisper-shouted and beckoned for him to crouch down too “Someone’s about to rob the bank across the street! You’ve got to cover for me, man.”
“What?” Ned whispered back and lightly whacked Peter in the shoulder “Are you kidding me? The last time for you I got detention for like a week!”
“No one told you to tell the librarian you were watching porn, my guy, that was all you.” Peter glanced back to the window. A guy, dressed in casual clothes, sunglasses and baseball cap pulled down to cover his face in shadow, was leaned up against the van. His hands were in his pockets and he glanced up at the bank ever few seconds, eyeing the security inside “I’ve got to go, man, I’ll be like ten- maybe fifteen minutes max.”
“What are we whispering about?” MJ jumped up close behind, her sneakers stomping on the ground, and smirked when the boys flinched and Ned joined Peter on the floor.
“Peter needs us to cover for him because someone’s trying to rob a bank.”
“Say no more.” She grinned and walked away; no further explanation needed.
One minute, a quick costume change, and a bank alarm later, Ned was visibly sweating as he tried his best to look as normal as possible. He walked about for a short while and stopped by an interactive exhibit, dragging his finger across a table-screen to fast forward and rewind the timeline on the animation. However, he paid it no attention, and instead stared at the clock hung up on the wall, each tick passing agonisingly slow.
When Betty approached him, Ned gulped and sent her a shaky smile.
“Ned, are you feeling alright?” She frowned sympathetically and reached out to place a hand on his forehead “Wow, you’re really sweating. Do you need some water?”
“I-uh, no I’m fine, it’s just, I um… have IBS?” He stammered and mentally slapped himself in the face for the answer.
“Oh!” She took a small step back and wiped her hand on her skirt, talking slowly “Do you… need to go, or something?”
“No, I’m just constipated?” Ned wanted to curl up in the corner and just die.
“Ah, alright.” Betty nodded and awkwardly tried to change the subject, looking around the hall “Hey, where’s Peter? You guys are joined at the hip half the time.”
“H-He also has IBS.” He shook his head and shut his eyes. Goddamn it “He said he felt sick, he’ll be back soon.”
“Alright, I’m gonna… leave now. Hold in there, buddy.” She patted his shoulder; she was standing so physically far away from him at that point she had to slightly lean to even reach him.
In a place where every nook and cranny held some sort of artifact or sign, it was surprising MJ had found a space to tuck herself into. Her legs were squished into the spot with just enough space to rest her sketchbook on them, open to a half blank page with the beginnings of the tour guides strained-customer-service-smile as she answered questions for her classmates.
Mr Harrington found her there, his eyes a bit wild and hand permanently plastered across his face in worry “Ah, Michelle. Good to see you’re still here- where’s Mr Parker? I’m doing a headcount and I can’t seem to find him.”
“Who?” She didn’t stop drawing, working on the shadows around the eyes.
“Y’know, Peter? Your friend?”
“I know a Paula, is that who you mean?”
“No, I mean Peter. Come on, I need to make sure we haven’t lost anyone.”
“I don’t know a Peter, sir, do you need to sit down for a bit?”
After a few minutes of being thoroughly confused by MJ, Mr Harrington went in search of Ned instead and found his student in the gift shop, turning the rack of postcards. He clapped his hands and walked towards him, hoping for an answer that actually made sense.
“Ned, you wouldn’t happen to know where Peter has run off to, would you?”
The boy froze and quickly plucked a postcard from the mix, turning his head away from his teacher to look intently at the art “Oh, he um, his tooth fell out.”
“What, really?” Mr Harrington took a step forward as his voice rose slightly in panic “How? Did he hit his face on something? Is it bloody? Do I need to call an ambulance?” He lowered his voice for the last question, getting closer to Neds face .
“No, it was a uh-” Ned narrowed his eyes, deep in thought on how to climb out of the hole he’d just dug “-a baby tooth.”
Mr Harrington paused “Peter is sixteen, Ned.”
“He’s a late bloomer?”
MJ had moved onto her next drawing- an old man squinting at an exhibit as he tried to read the label- when Flash strolled her and hit her knee to grab her attention. Pencil freezing on the page, she slowly looked up to glare at him and felt a hint of satisfaction when he took a cautionary step back.
“What do you want Eugene.” She muttered lowly, turning back to her book.
“Where’s Peter?”
She sighed and shook her head “Eugene, I don’t know anyone called Peter.”
“W-What?” He stammered and looked around, as if searching for a hidden camera “Yeah you do, where is he?”
“This is a weird joke to make, skip to the punchline.”
“What punchline?” Flash stared at her in disbelief “You literally have a picture of him, it’s your background!”
“That’s a stock image, Eugene.” She shook her head again and sent him a withering glance, as if it were obvious.
“You’re being so fucking weird.”
“I agree, it is strange I have a random stock image as my background.” She moved on from the old mans sketch, finding the face Flash was pulling at her far more interesting.
Having watched the man jog around the museum while counting his students, Betty waved over Mr Harrington.
“Ah, Betty, have you seen Peter?”
“He’s probably by the toilets, sir.”
He thanked her and jogged off to follow the signs in the direction of the restrooms.
As promised, not twelve minutes later an out-of-breath Peter rounded the corner, back in his civilian garb with the Spider-Man suit tucked safely at the bottom of his backpack. The only thing off was a small bruise starting to form on his cheekbone, barely noticeable unless you were up close, and the thing would likely be healed before they even got on the bus home. Thankfully, the fight had been easy as pie and a bank employee had already called the cops, leaving Peter to simply web the guys up and check on the hostages.
As he crossed the hall, he bumped into a sweat-drenched Ned, who grabbed him by the shoulders on sight, shaking him slightly.
“You have IBS and a missing tooth.” Ned looked him dead in the eyes with a face unnaturally serious for the utter nonsense he’d just uttered.
“No? I don’t?”
“Listen man, I panicked and now Mr Harrison thinks you knocked a baby tooth out and Betty thinks we have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“I’m sixteen, Ned, why the hell would I still have baby teeth?” Peter shut his eyes in despair, just to open them a beat later “Why do we both have IBS?”
“I panicked!”
They were interrupted by Flash, still stood next to MJ who he’d been arguing the entire time and all but shouted while pointing madly pointing at Peter “See! He’s real!”
“Eugene, most people stop seeing their imaginary friends by the time they hit high school.”
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thefandomchaos · 2 years
Peter Parker field trip fics follow the same trope-
Tony either organized the trip or had no idea it was Peter’s. Peter gets it sign by either him or May. Flash is 10x meaner and more of a asshole than MCU Flash actually is (MCU flash calls him names and his actual a chill dude in NWH so I honestly don’t hate him) and MJ tells him off on the bus to the fieldtrip (Adding to this- Peter was either staying at May’s, or at the tower adding the “went to school to go back” trope) and MJ is only excited to meet Pepper and Ned is excited to meet everyone even tho his apperantly already met them. When they get to the Tower they meet up with the tour person who Peter may know and then they explained the security badges they now apparently have (and theres 50/50 chance that the highest badge is own by only Tony, Pepper, Happy and a “mystery person” who would be Peter or the highest is the Avengers. Anyway- Peter has the highest badge) and when Peter passes through and Friday outs him everybody stares at in shock and Chad Flash ask if he bribed someone or did something sexual with someone (which is just so gross people wtf) and then they make their way to a exhibit which they apparently have and Ned and Peter find the spiderman one which reveals Peter is actually afraid of spiders (I love that HC tho-) and theres a 50/50 chance that one of the Avengers will show up to embarrassed Peter, it may be Clint who was hiding in the vents or Natasha which we will proceed to get the iconic “мама паук” and “паучок”. Flash will again ask Peter how he knows them. They will proceed to the labs to meet up with Bruce and have robot building competition in which Peter, Ned and MJ team up and win because obviously. And through the way Peter will meet up with more of his Avenger family. At some point they will meet up at a gym with other Avengers (mostly Steve, Sam, Bucky, Wanda and sometimes Natasha) and they will ask Peter to train with them because nobody cares about keeping his identity a secret. After Peter proceed to shock all his classmates theres a 50/50 chance that Chad Flash will ask to train and get his ass beat. This is normally followed by a “Lunch” moment or them going to meet Tony (either @ his lab or meet and greet) if it’s lunch, then Flash and Peter will get into a fight and a Avengers may walk in. and if it’s meeting with Tony, Flash will ask if “High-Schoolers” can have interships and when Tony proceed to say no (even though he should remember Peter’s cover is in fact THAT HE DOES- ) Chad Flash will insult Peter and call him a liar and IronDad will get mad, insult/threaten Flash and his parents, telling his teacher what’s the point in Peter going back and they all live happily ever after without questioning the consequences of everything-
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dangerxox · 1 year
I never understood the whole 'fandoms starting their own fanfic tropes' thing till i joined the marvel fandom.
I would die for peter parker field trip fics. My beloveds <3
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I was reading a bunch of happy, fluffy ‘Peter Parker field trip to stark tower’ fics but the one I’m currently reading takes place after the snap so Tony isn’t there and I’m sobbing
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 4 months
ATSV As Things My Friends Said On Our School Trip
Miguel: listen here motherfucker I don’t need to be on my period to be a bad person
The Spot: oh would you look at that - it’s time to go batshit crazy! :D
Hobie: 🎶 I just crapped my pants, thought it was a fart… it was diarrhoea 🥰 🎶
Jess: if you’re trying to make Mayday feel better this is not how you do it.
Pavitr: (trying his best to shuffle) CALIFORNIA 🌴 GIRLS 👧 WE’RE UNFORGETTABLE 💋 DAISY DUKES 🩳 BIKINIS 👙 ON TOP
1610!Miles: (watching him with Gwen from a distance) …who’s gonna tell him
Gwen: I think he’ll figure it out in 3… 2…
Pavitr: (falls into pool)
Pavitr: nuh uh
Hobie: fym nuh uh??
Pavitr: EAT PLUS 4S MOTHERFUCKER (slams card on table)
Peter B.: And what do we say when we hurt someone’s feelings?
Mayday: (raises her hand) FUCK THE PATRIARCHY
Peter B.: Mayday NO
Hobie: Mayday YES!
Gwen: FEEL THE WRATH OF THE TEENAGE GIRL ANGST (sprays water at everyone through a hose)
Hobie: I’m having a midlife crisis, people!
Gwen: …midlife? You only plan to live until you’re 36?
Hobie: honestly if I live that long that’s quite an accomplishment
Margo: do you have games on your phone
Miguel: no
Margo: then SHOVE OVER and let me download my dress up game or I WILL burn this place to the ground.
Miguel: wh-
Margo: LISTEN HERE BUDDY. Super Stylist is the one thing keeping me sane, okay? Okay. Give me your phone. This is not a request.
42!Miles: oh look! It’s the less cool version of me
Gwen: what if-
1610!Miles: Look. I love you with all my heart and I always will, okay? YES I would love you if you were a goose. Yes I would love you if you were a poisonous caterpillar. Yes I would love you if you were a tree trunk. You don’t have to keep asking.
1610!Miles: now go to sleep PLEASE it’s 3am and you’re a demon in the morning until you have coffee. I’m not sure I’ll have the energy to hold you back from socking people when they wish you good morning
(Nikita is my spidersona and Maitreyi is @hobiebrownismygod ‘s)
Pavitr: currymuncher
Nikita: Basic ass bitch ‘oh plain dal chaaval mera pyaar’
Nikita: oh yOU DID NOT JUST-
Maitreyi: everyone shut up right now or no gulab jamun
Maitreyi: that’s what I thought.
Maitreyi: …useless bowls of veg biriyani
Pavitr & Nikita: IT’S FUCKING PULAO-
( @hobiebrownismygod the moment this conversation happened I immediately thought of the 3 idiots 😁)
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 3 months
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⬇ What I've Been Reading Recently! [In No Particular Order]⬇
Rivers and Roads (Rivers Till I Reach You) Series by peterparkersbff @pbpsbff
[Series Description and Notes] Zombie Apocalypse, No Powers AU centered on Peter, Tony, and Rhodey (But if we're being honest, it's pretty Peter-centric)
Updates will likely be posted out of order, but will be reordered so they are in preferred reading order. I'd recommend reading in series order.
Peter Benjamin Stark Series by MoonBoo
[Part 1, Stars Align Summary] Pepper is concerned about Stark Industry's image and organizes a tour for a group of orphans. It's during this tour that Tony meets a five-year-old Peter Parker, who is mute due to the trauma of witnessing Ben and May dying in a robbery, and realizes they're soulmates.
Time Brings All Things to Pass by MsWinifredQuale
Tony feels like he's in a good place right now. He's got a great fiancee, a makeshift but settled little family, and he's even in a fairly ok place with the former Rogues.
So naturally the universe decides to throw him some curve balls, when he gets a call one morning from the police claiming they've just picked up Howard and Maria Stark from the side of the road.
And that's not the only time-related event about to unfold.
Tony really hates time travel.
[Also includes de-aged Peter Parker]
Please obey the signs by Bergen
“This young man claims to have been invited by you personally.” Tony has learned to read Happy’s expressions. That one is disapproval, and it’s highly familiar. “Peter is helping me out in the workshop today.” “Why?” “Uh.” Tony has enough presence of mind not to carelessly throw Peter’s alternative identity around. “He won a competition.” Happy’s expression flickers, grows tense. “I did not approve any competition that included a trip to Avengers Tower.” “Okay. Well. If we had theoretically organized a competition, he would definitely have won it.” - Tony’s life lately has been a perfect storm of incompetence. But perhaps he can get some solid spiritual advice from a mischievous teenager with a secret identity he meets by the side of the road one evening, like a lucky little leprechaun. If only Happy would stop being so paranoid about Tony inviting a random kid into Avengers Tower, sheesh.
The Chill Factor by Tashie
5 Times Peter's thermoregulation caused issues +1 Time Others tried to do something about it.
Broken Thoughts (I Remember Everything) by blackwatchandromeda (avenris)
"Peter, who am I?"
He hesitates. "I'm sorry. I... I don't know."
Peter Parker has been missing for thirty-six days. When Tony Stark finally finds him, he's wandering around New York with no memories, unaware of where and who he is. The missing month is a mystery, and nobody knows what happened to him - least of all the kid himself.
Peter, meanwhile, is trying to piece together who he was. What doesn't help is the big secret he's sure Tony is keeping from him, or the way the man is avoiding him.
Nobody notices how the missing month is catching up to them until everything goes wrong.
(Not Infinity War compliant, but takes place after Civil War.)
When spiders tour their houses, chaos ensues by pirateninja9
"I am very pleased to announce that we’ve been invited for an overnight tour at Stark Industries.”
Join Peter and his Academic decathlon team on a chaotic field trip to the Stark Industries. Featuring a bullying teacher and student, a confused tour guide and many Avengers shenanigans. With luck like his, Peter should have known this would be as far from a normal tour as possible.
Mugs Are A Problem (I Do What I Want) by JAWorley
It’s not usually a problem. Tony doesn’t usually have to work so hard to hide it because Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey know. He can be himself around them. Right after the compound had been built, Tony had been worried about moving in with the Avengers full time… worried they’d notice his tics and figure out his secret. Then Germany had happened and the team had split up before they could fully move into the compound. Tony had had two years where he hadn’t needed to worry about it. Now that the Rogues are back and are living in the tower full time, it’s on his mind again and stressing him out. The problem? Coffee mugs. Well… coffee mugs, and other things and the fact that when he’s stressed out, the tics get worse. But mainly coffee mugs. Coffee mugs are the bane of his existence. OR Tony has Tourette Syndrome and he doesn’t want the Avengers (or Peter) to find out about it. The newly returned Avengers think Tony is just being a jerk when he knocks things off of tables and counters, because they think he’s doing it on purpose. Despite the angsty summary, this is all about the team coming back together and Tony learning that the people in his life can’t accept him as he is until given the chance to know him as he is.
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aintinacage · 14 days
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New York Field Trip | Spiderman: Homecoming Field | @monthly-challenge
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trapezequeen · 4 days
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Every Shot of Michelle Jones (Part 29/♾️)
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indominusavenger · 3 months
Headcanon (but feel free to use as a prompt): When Peter goes on the inevitable Stark Industries field trip, he gets so flustered when Mr. Stark finds him and his tour group that he activates another previously unknown spider power and literally turns invisible.
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ungrateful-sneeze · 6 months
An excerpt from a fic I wrote based on your typical field trip fic, except Peter is self aware-
“Whatever Penis. Get ready to have your lies exposed.”
As he trotted off, Peter turned to Ned.
“Ned, I’m having a really Y fucking N coded day. I have a sudden urge to stand up to my bully and go sing ‘fight song’ on the roof.”
Ned just laughed. “Calm down Peter, I’m sure today is going to go just fine.”
Peter just chuckled nervously.
“I’m scared Ned, I don’t want May to sell me to mafia boss Harry Styles for drug money.”
“I’m not even going to question why you would think that.” Ned laughed at Peter's inner turmoil.
“Don’t laugh Ned, you know a messy bun wouldn’t compliment my brown orbs.”
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themculibrary · 17 days
Field Trip To Stark Industries Masterlist 3
part one, part two
Anything For You (ao3) - pancake_thursday G, 8k
Summary: Peter Parker is going on a trip to Stark Industries. Flash Thompson is a bully. Tony Stark just wants his favorite spider-kid to be happy. --- If Peter was uncertain before, he was certain now. He had to go on this trip. Just yesterday Flash had punched his lights out behind the storage shed. He received looks in the hallway, eye-rolls, and heard whispered conversations he shouldn’t have been able to hear from teachers. The Stark internship wasn’t the problem, it was that no one believed little orphan Peter Parker. Besides Ned and MJ of course. And while everything would never stop, what if he went on the trip and proved it?
dog days are over (ao3) - syzdiezel T, 50k
Summary: Peter looked at Ned for support, who slowly nodded. “Okay yeah��� if I was in your shoes, this would be very humiliating,”
“Thank you, Ned,” Peter smiled and turned towards MJ to stick out his tongue at her, who muttered a ‘real mature’ back at him.
“But… well… I’m not in your shoes. So, to me, it is kind of funny,” Ned shrugged, and MJ started cackling.
“Ned!” Peter groaned. Did nobody understand his plight?
Peter and his AcaDec team go to Stark Industries on a field trip. But that’s in two weeks. Until then, Peter has a lot of surprises waiting for him, that could change his life for the better… or worse. You really never know which one might happen when the Avengers are involved.
holy moly (it's a real do-nothing day) (ao3) - RJam9 T, 36k
Summary: (i could change address and try another state, i could change my name, it won't do anything)
The school year has managed to continue on without incident, even with the Rogue Avengers having officially been pardoned. However, what is more important is that the Midtown High Academic Decathlon Team won their national competition. Technically, they don’t get any awards other than boring money stuff from it, which — when Tony Stark hears about it — he intends to rectify.
Which means they get a special, end-of-the-year field trip to Stark Industries on the behalf of Tony’s two interns; Peter Parker and Harley Keener.
Peter is not enjoying this. Harley might be enjoying this a bit too much.
(or, since i’ve technically already done a twitter fic, i’m tackling the next biggest trope in irondad content — welcome to the mandatory field trip fic, everybody!)
If I Can Be Like That (I Can Do Anything) (ao3) - JAWorley T, 12k
Summary: Peter and his class get to Stark Industries for their field trip, but when they get to the front desk there’s no tour guide waiting. Instead Happy pulls Peter aside and tells him the tour guides are all out sick with the flu, and that Pepper wants Peter to lead the tour. Peter’s not freaking out… totally not. He can do this (maybe) if he can just channel Mr. Stark for the day.
Peter is doing his best, Flash is being a jerk, Mr. Harrington is awesome, and Peter and Tony get some important things figured out.
Interim Intern (ao3) - Singing_Siren G, 7k
Summary: The moment Peter hears Mr. Harrington say the words “field trip” and “Stark Industries” in the same sentence, he knows he’s doomed. Not even Flash’s repetitive and entirely too uncreative taunts can snap him out of the daze he falls into at the sight of the field trip permission slip with STARK INDUSTRIES printed in big, bold letters. Oh, boy.
Another Field Trip to Stark Industries fic featuring SI Legal being BAMF, Peter and Harley as genius siblings, a new fledgling AI, and daily life at a tech giant like SI
it starts with a series of unfortunate events (ao3) - raccoons_bubbles_killerG, 2k
Summary: parker luck strikes again, and peter doesn't realize until it's too late
or; due to a series of unfortunate events, peter is left in the dark about the upcoming field trip to, *drum rolls* stark industries! and of course it wouldn't be funny if his acadec team didn't surprise him in the middle of a rush on the job
Just Greeaaat (Or: A Flashlight?) (ao3) - Writing_Desk_Raven T, 5k
Summary: One of Midtown High School's classes gets a special treat - a tour of Stark Industries. Which is just greeaaat for one Peter Parker, who's trying to keep the extent of his involvement there under wraps. In a place where everyone knows you, your classmates don't believe you've even met anyone, and where you actually do end up having a job to get done, what are you supposed to do?
(Alternatively: The one where a flashlight is a lot more than just bright.) (ONESHOT)
Just My Luck (ao3) - butwhyytho mj/peter T, 18k
Summary: Peter Parker is balancing school, his "internship" as Spiderman, his actual internship with Tony Stark, and the pressures of being a teen genius. Of course, his school field trip will take place at Stark Industries. How will he keep his identity a secret? More importantly, how will he keep the Avengers from embarrassing him in front of his entire class?
Features Ned, MJ, and Peter friendship, IronDad, and fun with both the Avengers and Stark employees.
Neon Liar (Hiding In Plain Sight) (ao3) - isaDanCurtisproduction T, 70k
Summary: Peter is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or more literally, he's stuck between the will of ten other teenagers and the knowledge that if anyone finds out he's living with the Avengers he can kiss his normal high school life goodbye. Can he keep it a secret from his classmates that he's living with the world's loudest superheroes? And can he keep it a secret from the Avengers that he's accidentally bringing his classmates home for a field trip?
And once he starts hiding things, keeping secrets, and lying, will he be able to stop?
And even more importantly: will Ned be able to keep his mouth shut long enough for Peter's secrets to stay a secret?
At least MJ can be trusted to keep a lid on things
nobody knows (ao3) - oriocookie G, 6k
Summary: Peter was dreading going to school. He’d been up for half an hour now, pacing around, fiddling with his hair so bad it looked like several small rodents had taken up residence there.
Because today. Today was the day he’d been fearing for a month. The day of the Field Trip.
Peter had taken every precaution to ensure that everything would go right, and that his secret identities, as both Spider-Man and the secret adoptive son of Tony Stark, wouldn’t be revealed.
Permission Required (ao3) - harrysthirdghost G, 4k
Summary: Peter Parker is just your average high school genius who works as an intern for Stark Industries, and is very close with Tony Stark himself. Somehow, his high school’s science class managed to book a tour of the building he practically lives in.
Peter Parker's Perfect Field Trip (ao3) - The_Mishamigo N/R, 3k
Summary: After saving his classmates at the Washington monument, Stark Industries’ offers them a tour as a way to lift their spirits… and it’s obviously not because Tony Stark wants to embarrass Peter Parker.
Snazzy Suits, Decathlon Trips, and the Almighty Intern Lab (ao3) - ironfidus G, 24k
Summary: Once the students have wheeled their eyes back around to face her, awestruck and visibly eager for a rundown, Roxanne beams and explains, “What we have here is hands-down one of the most exciting intern labs in the entire building. More importantly, it’s our only intern lab that combines students from multiple scientific disciplines. But I’ll let the lab director tell you all about it—Dr. Grayson, if you would?”
“Hello, Midtown,” LD Grayson says cheerfully, “and welcome to Lab 17A!”
“Or as we like to call it,” one of his interns pipes up, grinning impishly behind thick glasses, “the Cool Kidz’ Lab. With a Z.”
Or: Peter goes on a field trip to his workplace, bonds with fellow interns and secret coworkers, and watches it all (not) blow up in his face.
ft. A visit from Tony Dramatic Stark, the Academic Decathlon team living up to their reputation as complete nerds, and Ned finally getting the internship he deserves—not necessarily in that order.
Still Better Than Last Year's Field Trip (ao3) - mytimeconsumingsidehobby G, 2k
Summary: For once a field trip goes fine. Mostly.
The Field Trip (ao3) - Angeeelatin G, 5k
Summary: The field trip fic.
Or: how peter's team decided enough was enough and invited midtown over to SI to deal with their baby boss' bullying issue . Surprisingly, they didn't have to do a thing.
At SI, Peter Parker bows to no one, especially not to an entitled brat like Flash Thompson or this asshole from the military who came to stir up trouble.
There is Happiness (ao3) - See_the_starlight T, 6k
Summary: After moving into Stark Industries, the last thing Peter wanted was to take a field trip to his own house. Peter really hoped that today would go off without a hitch. Of course, the universe had to have other things to say about that.
Just a classic field trip fic, with a little bit of angst sprinkled in there.
The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Field Trip (ao3) - its_kale_chip G, 19k
Summary: Peter is just trying to live a normal life: going to school, being spiderman, and spending every free moment he has at the avengers tower. When it is announced that his chemistry class will be taking a field trip to SI, Peter panics as he watches his worlds collide.
Welcome To The Avengers Compound (ao3) - funkylittlebidiot mj/peter, tony/stephen G, 10k
Summary: Peter didn’t respond, simply pointing a blank and exhausted stare at the wall opposite his bed, trying to switch his brain on and shake off the remnants of sleep that clung to his skin. The windows were still dark despite FRIDAY having pulled up the blinds already, and it took a moment of confusion to realize his usual wake-up music was, in fact, playing.
Tony turned to leave, probably in search of his second cup of coffee as he waited on the boys to get ready, but called back at him from the hallway. “Don’t forget you have your field trip today!”
When Plans Fail (ao3) - OrangeOranges G, 3k
Summary: Another SI field trip from yours truly, featuring Peter Parker and his potty mouth.
Peter makes all the plans to avoid the Avengers and anyone else from embarrassing him in front of his classmates. However, this plan backfires when he meets an unlikely roadblock: his non-existent mouth filter.
When spiders tour their houses, chaos ensues (ao3) - pirateninja9 harley/peter, mj/shuri T, 7k
Summary: "I am very pleased to announce that we’ve been invited for an overnight tour at Stark Industries.”
Join Peter and his Academic decathlon team on a chaotic field trip to the Stark Industries. Featuring a bullying teacher and student, a confused tour guide and many Avengers shenanigans. With luck like his, Peter should have known this would be as far from a normal tour as possible.
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remarcely · 11 months
“Hi Mr Stark, I know we haven’t talked before but I’m Peters friend, Ned-”
“Uh huh, sure you are. Mind passing the phone over to Pete?”
“Um, Peters a little too unconscious to come to the phone right now.”
“He’s what?”
“Unconscious. He got hit on the head and it’s bleeding a whole ton.”
“Jesus Christ, call an ambulance! I’m busy right now.”
“I- uh- know. We were on a trip for a Decathlon competition and the bus got hit by the weird metal spider-ball thing. Peter must have sensed it with his tingle thing and took the brunt force or something.”
MJ cursed under her breath, pointing out the crumpled form of Mr Harrington a short distance from the bus, and jumped off the bus to go help.
“Shit. I guess that means no backup. You said you’re on the bus.” For a brief moment, Iron Man stopped in mid-air to look around “Yeah, I see you. Get far away from the bridge, I’ll call someone and have you all evacuated. You said Peter’s out?”
Ned turned to look down at Betty and Chrissy, carrying Peter between them “Oh yeah, big time.”
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I'm comfort-rereading all of my bookmarked Peter-goes-on-a-field-trip-to-Stark-Industries fics rn, and I keep having the thought:
"Wow! I love these so much! I should write one!"
And then I have to remind myself that I've not only written one Peter Parker Field Trip Fic, but I have in fact written two of them!
They're just so so deliciously messy. Yum yum yum. I need so many more of them in my life
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Stark Tower Field Trip Rec
It seems like everybody has a Stark Tower Field Trip rec, and I just realized that I never made one. I know this trope is like, 5 years old, but I still find myself reading Stark Tower Field Trip fics today, so I’d figure I’d make my own rec of my favorites. So here they are!
Field Trips and Lab Days
By: BundiBirds
Summary: What Peter’s trying to say is: he didn’t know that today’s tour group was going to be Midtown High. Ned knew, but didn’t say anything because he’s a traitor, and MJ knew, but didn’t say anything because she loves chaos, and look, the point is, Peter did not expect to glance up from the guts of one of Tony’s prototypes and come face to face with his entire class, staring at him through the glass.
My Comments: Yes, this is a field trip to Stark Tower fic. It’s a pretty nice short fic if you’re looking for a quick read. It doesn’t really have much of the “tour” part of Stark Industries, but more so of the class’s astonishment that Peter was telling the truth about the internship. You do need an AO3 account to read this fic.
Status: Complete
Length: 3,184 words
From Your Perspective, the World is Flat
By: Bleuh
Summary: Peter successfully goes on a field trip, accidentally catches the school bleachers, survives a bus explosion, and reveals his identity as Spider-Man… Not necessarily in that order, much to the confusion of his entire decathlon team. 
My Comments: This is another field trip fic. And it is a Spider-Man reveal. This fic is pretty great, and I love the take they did on Peter being held hostage. I also love the relationship Peter has with the rest of the decathlon team. This is part of a series, so I’ll link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 18,378 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1497719
Sequel: Peter Parker’s Guide to Secret Identity Fails -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/20798489
It’s Above My Clearance Level
By: Tsk
Summary: In which Peter’s class goes on a field trip to Stark Tower, and no one knows why this kid has such a high clearance
My Comments: This here was actually the first Stark Tower Field Trip fic I read, and was what made me fall in love with the trope to begin with. It has everything you could want, with Peter knowing Friday, the classmates being nosy, and Flash’s reaction was just priceless. Plus it had a few additional details that I just loved.
Status: Complete
Length: 5,026 words
Air Force
By: Pomegranateboy
Summary: Peter has never really had a good time on field trips, this one appears to be the exception.
My Comments: While this fic isn’t really a Stark Tower field trip fic, I do think it deserves a place on this rec. In this fic Peter and the class go to the air force and see Rhodey instead. And it has other additional gems in it, from Peter solving impossible equations and being a self defense prodigy. It’s really a delight all around that I highly recommend. 
Status: Complete
Length: 2,935 words
Peter’s Field Trip & More
By: Climbergirlio
Summary: Peter receives a permission slip for a field trip to the Avenger’s Compound. And that’s before a photo of him and Tony leaks, and before he starts a Stark Inter Twitter Account, and before Bucky bugs him and finds out his whole school thinks he’s a liar, and before Tony decides he’s going to prove Peter’s Internship is real, and before his school visits his second home. At least Peter has his crazy protective super-family to get him through it, though. 
My Comments: I think that the summary just about says it all. This fic has everything you could want from it. And I really love how they pulled the social media aspect into it. And not to mention Peter’s entire school thinking he was a liar and then eating their words. Overall this fic is just magnificent. I definitely recommend giving this one a read.
Status: Complete
Length: 14,751 words
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