#imagine doctor strange
The Anchor - Masterlist
Summary: Every Sorcerer Supreme has an anchor. Someone whose magic is compatible with theirs, ensures that he is additionally protected and prevents him from falling prey to evil forces. You grew up in Kamar-Taj and studied the Mystic Arts there, but then you traveled the world looking for a more quiet life, a life away from magic and superheroes. When you return and meet the new Sorcerer Supreme, it soon becomes clear that you share a special connection.
Relationship: Doctor Strange x Magic!Reader
Tags: Slow Burn, Reader is a master of the Mystic Arts, spells and magic, this is a cute one, using of gifs, Stephen can be a dick, Loki is a friend, in Wong we trust, Angst, Fluff, all the stuff you love
Status: completed
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20
Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24
Bonus Chapter | Sequel One-Shot
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*~.It’s so comforting to know I can stay up till 2 am reading the most toe curling, filthy, plotless smut in a warm bed on thanksgiving break. This is what the holidays are all about. *~.
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Scarlet Webs
Wanda Maximoff x Spider-Man!Reader
For @tokufighter
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She thought it was the end. Wanda Maximoff was supposed to die on that mountain along with the Scarlet Witch. And yet the next thing that Wanda remembers was falling.
Falling in the open air towards a series of buildings. Was it New York? How did this happen?!
Wanda found herself falling towards the ground faster and faster, her magic rendered useless. And then came a blur of red and blue, zipping into her view.
Suddenly the ground stopped growing near, "don't worry ma'am I got you" you reassured her before landing on top of the Empire State Building.
"You good?" you tried to ask her, calmly reassuring this mysterious and beautiful woman before you.
"Peter? You're here?" Wanda asked you.
"Sorry?" you asked back a little confused. "Who's Peter?"
"Peter Parker? Oh come on" Wanda rolled her eyes at you, "I know you, Spider-Man"
You removed your mask, exposing your face. Wanda gasped, "You're not Peter Parker"
"Sorry. I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" you gave a smile to her. Your smile, something about it seemed familiar.
And then it hit her like a ton of bricks. It was the same smile that haunted her dreams. The smile that graced the faces of her twin boys.
"I've never see someone like you before" you spoke, interrupting her thoughts.
"Ever hear of the Avengers?" she asked you, a small blush making its way across her face.
"Yeah. I'm a proud member" you smiled back.
Could this be it? Could you of all people be the key to the life she had with her boys?
"Since you're not from around here" you gave a nervous shrug, "maybe I could show you around."
You held out your hand to her, a simple little invite but one that held so much more with it. Wanda couldn't help but smile and take your hand.
"I'd like that" she whispered back.
She could see herself already falling in love with you.
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wndasdoll · 1 month
⋆˚࿔ Oh baby 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
words: 1.1k
warnings: cheating, hurt/comfort, slight angst, neglect of partner, piss kink, slightly dark, slight pevert wanda, stephan strange (yes, he needs a warning), wetting yourself, jealousy, texture issues, alludes to possible eating disorders and possible abuse, smut, praise, degradation, brief ignoring/ghosting, kissing.
relationships: boyfriend!stephan stranger x female!reader & bestfriend!wanda maximoff x female!reader
18+ minors & men dni
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"oh my, that must have been awful.." wanda whispered, her words tickled against your ears. your boyfriend stephen had canceled on your date and you were upset because you hardly saw him anymore.
you looked down at your nails, picking at the skin near it. this was one of your nervous habits that wanda tried to help you break but it was no use. every time she'd think she got you to stop, it continued.
wanda hummed, with a swift response her fingers brushed your hand. her eyes followed your movement. you met her gaze, she was waiting for you to say something.
"i'm not even surprised, i don't think i'm his first priority. or his second.. or third." your eyes dropped. wanda could feel your pain but didn't comment on it. "it's just more convenient if we were together... i know that our mess of a relationship will be over in a few months." you mumbled, a stray tear escaped your eye.
"oh, baby.." wanda sighed softly, bringing her hand up to wipe your tear. she hated seeing a man, especially one whom she hated, get you all worked up.
you collapsed in her arms, your quiet sniffles filled the silence. her fingers traced circles over your back. her hot breath lingered against your skin. the smell of her sweet perfume.. it was almost too much for you.
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your eyes fluttered as you began to feel a warmth pressed against you. it was the arms of your best friend lazily draped around you. she had also fallen asleep it appeared.
your bladder felt full and when you attempt to make a run for the toilet, you found the woman's death grip to be wildly protective. so comforting.. the urge to lay numb against her was strong but you changed your mind when you find yourself nearly having an accident on her.
"wanda" you mumbled softly against her. she shifted in the bed, no response. "wanda" you repeat but the red-head just shushed you and wrapped her arms around your waist. "wandaaa" you whimpered, you couldn't hold it anymore.
wanda felt a warm liquid drip down your leg, spreading all over her bed. she smirked against you, this was her plan all along. to get you all embarrassed and flustered under her. now this isn't exactly how she envisioned it but she can't admit that this wasn't hot.
"oh, detka.. you had a little accident, let mommy help clean you up." wanda's eyes darkened, hovering over you. you hid your face, you were so embarrassed. first you cried to her about your boyfriend and now you've peed all over her bed. there are definitely better ways she could have spent her friday evening and now you've ruined her bed.
"hey, let me see you pretty girl." she cooed at you, removing your fingers from covering your face. she smiled at the reveal of your glossy tears, god you were so beautiful.
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she noticed after your previous interactions, you wetting her bed a week ago, you had been more distant. she felt hurt and upset that you were avoiding her. she saw you spending all your time with stephen again, you claimed he was trying to "make up for lost time".
she ran into you at the supermarket and to her surprise of course you were with stephen. his hand intertwined with yours while the other occupied his phone. he appeared to be wrapped up in whatever it is he was doing, or whomever he was texting.
wanda bite her lip to hold out the venom she so desperately wanted to let out. instead, she sighed and pushed her cart to align with yours.
"hey, y/n!" she exclaimed, her eyes fixated on stephan and the way he doesn't even acknowledge her presence. y/n looked at stephan nervously, you had on a baggy hoodie and this made wanda suspicious. she furrowed her brows trying to rack her brain why this could be. she knew you hated wearing baggy clothes, it was a texture thing for you.
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the next time wanda saw you was at a barbecue, you were all dolled up and she wished she could run her hands down your doll-like figure. kiss your soft cheeks, caress your shoulders, leave traces of her all over you. she knew she had to fix things.
wanda saw you with a tray in your hands making your eay to the kitchen so she grabbed a glass and quickly followed behind. finally, she could have a moment alone with you to talk things out. she hate the silence treatment, not being able to hear your sweet voice and laugh that could brighten anyone's mood.
"y/n" wanda called out, in a rush. you emptied the tray into the trash and placed it in the sink. wanda is hovering behind you when you turn around. this startles you and you bump into her. knocking the glass out of her hand.
oh no. "wanda, i'm so sorry-" you exclaimed. you felt so bad, you had been ignoring the girl because of stephen and know you've knocked a glass out of her hand. "No- no, please let me talk y/n." Her eyes full of guilt and sadness.
you nodded, the least you could do was hear her out.
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"i can make you feel way better than he could.." she purred, exhaling softly against your neck. "let me take care of you, baby." wanda's hands ran through your body. light as a feather but just soft enough to have an effect on you, and she could see it.
she wanted to take her time with you to show you how making love should be like. your eyes widened, nodding. god you've wanted this for so long. "need to hear you say it, darling." wanda whispered, her eyes lingering on you. just aching to go forward but depending on your sweet voice to give her consent.
"i want this wanda" your words muffled against her skin. wanda waited no longer, her hands motioned for you to lay on your back as she hovered over you. she pressed dher lips against yours. you tasted so sweet, it was so addicting.
wanda let out a soft moan against your lips, she sounded so beautiful. you wanted to hear more. her hands lifted up your shirt, exposing your bra-less skin. the moment your shirt departed, the cold air hit your nipples. they began to harden, wanda bit her lip to try and control herself.
she so desperately wanted to take your nipples in her mouth, to suck on them, bite them, pull at them and just abuse them. she resisted, to use for another time. right now, a sweet little thing like you needed to be treated like an angel.
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wanda's masterlist
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angelofthenight · 4 months
Stephen: My cloak is not the new love of my life, you know I love you.
You, pouting in the back: Then how come the cape gets to ride in shotgun?
Stephen: He gets carsick, (Y/n), you know this-
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thelostsmiles · 10 months
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Barbie (2023) Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
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ironstrange1991 · 10 months
You Are My Home
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Pairing: Stephen!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is happy to get home and have you there waiting for him.
Word Count: 1,5k
Warnings: Very lovely p n v sex, basically just fluff.
A/N: Wrote this yesterday afternoon and decided to post it while the sex pollen fic isn't ready yet. Hope you like it.
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Stephen used to be a man of exquisite tastes, who wanted to own the best car, impress as many women as possible, draw the most attention to himself at all times. This was Stephen before the accident, then there was Stephen after the accident, the one who lost everything he owned, who stopped looking after himself because he just couldn't make his hands obey him, the one who found purpose in the mystical arts and which ended up being dragged into the infinity war and blipped for five years.
Today Stephen was a third type of man. Less arrogant, more wise, he liked to think. Neither rich nor poor, but a comfortable thing between those two, somewhat eccentric in style for his old self's eyes, but most important of all: Stephen had you now. The woman he met after returning from the blip, with whom he had been together for three years and who had now agreed to live with him permanently in the Sanctum. Stephen was for all intents and purposes married now, although the papers still hadn't been signed and he still hadn't slipped a ring on your finger.
He never thought it could make him so happy. Of course, you made him happy enough just by loving him, but there was something special about knowing that every time he came home you were there to welcome him. It made him feel that everything he fought for, sometimes such abstract concepts as reality, the universe, now had a form and a name. You.
That night when Stephen opened a portal to the Sanctum after returning from an extremely long mission, he felt lots of feelings welling up in his chest. Satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment for having succeeded in yet another mission, relief for finally being home and knowing that he could take a shower and give his tired body the much-deserved rest, and a much stronger feeling, one that dominated all the others: gratitude for you being the first thing he saw when he got home.
You laid lazily under a blanket in the sofa of the living room, distracted by whatever it was you were watching. Your face lit only by the brightness that came from the tv once all the lights were off and just for being there, Stephen thought, you made the Sanctum Sanctorum really feel like home.
The loud sound of the tv and the horrendous screams and a horrifying music were enough reasons for you not to notice his presence, which made Stephen smirk to himself and close the portal behind him. He walked slowly towards you, his boots making the floor under his feet squeak and finally you looked up at him with a beautiful smile and promptly sat down crisscrossed on the couch.
"Hey, you're here. I had already given up hope that you would come back today." You said stretching out your hand for him to hold and pulling him closer.
"I confess it took me longer than I expected this time, but in the end you know I always come back to you." He said snapping his fingers and turning on the living room lamps, which made you squint behind the lenses of your glasses. You examined him closely, running your hands down his arms and chest and then letting out a small sigh of relief.
"No injuries this time, a real miracle."
"Sometimes it happens." Stephen chuckled, reaching his hands up to the sides of your glasses and carefully taking them off. He placed them on top of the coffee table. "Now I want a welcome kiss."
With those words, Cloaky let go of his shoulders and flew up the stairs as if it knew the two of you deserved a few moments alone after everything Stephen had been through the last few days.
"Hm, I think I want to give you more than just a kiss." You replied letting yourself be pulled to his lips. Stephen wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the couch like you weighed nothing. He sat up and helped you straddle him and as soon as you settled into his lap you pulled him to your lips again, your hand holding him around the back of his neck, the other running aimlessly down his chest, your hips gridding on him until you managed to get a moan from his lips. Moan that you smothered with your kisses full of saliva, teeth, and desire.
Now this feels like home. Stephen thought.
"I missed you, Stephen." You breathed right under his ear, making his skin tingle and an electrical current run down his spine towards his cock, making him throb beneath you.
"I missed you too, Sweetheart."
Unable to contain the desire he felt for you, Stephen grabbed your hips and forced you down, grinding you on his cock and closing his eyes, lolling his head back and letting you continue with your kisses and nibbles on his lips, chin and neck. It all felt too good to be true. He had won one more mission, he was home and you were there in his lap.
He exhaled deeply cupping your face between his hands. "Let's go upstairs, I need a shower first, I'm all sweaty and dirty."
But you were eager to deny his suggestion, grabbing a handful of his hair in the back of his head and placing your other hand flat on his chest to hold him in place.
You buried your face in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply, "I like it. It's very masculine."
Stephen couldn't help but giggle, but shortly after he let out a loud moan when you rolled your hips on top of his cock in such a way that he saw stars. After 12 days away from home, he was climbing the walls, begging for some relief and you were more than willing to torture him with all that tease.
"You smell good actually. Makes me horny." You confessed. Stephen loved that about you. You were always so open about everything with him, especially in bed.
"May I?" You asked taking your hands to his belts and glancing at him through your lashes.
He nodded and you were quick to unbuckle all the belts. After years of doing that you could tell you were used to dealing with Stephen's robes, and an instant later you had his cock out of his pants. You pumped him slowly and then stopped for a second just to spit in your hand and bring the saliva to the tip of his cock. You lifted yourself up enough to pull the pajama shorts you were wearing to the side and direct him inside you.
"Fuck" Stephen groaned when you let yourself sink on his length. His head tilting back, eyes closing.
You kissed him passionately, but instead of starting to move you just stood there, still, feeling him pulsing inside you. That was like heaven for you.
When you finally moved, you did it slowly, not necessarily searching for a release, but taking your time, enjoying the feeling of having the man you loved between your legs.
He didn't thrust up, instead he pulled you to his mouth, placing kisses on your lips, on your chin, down to your neck, rubbing his goatee there and smirking at the prickling of your skin. He loved that.
You kept that slow motion pace for what seemed like a long time, neither of you willing to change a thing about it, reveling in that intimacy of making love instead of fucking that you knew was so rare.
When your release came it wasn't like an explosion, but like a flowing river, strong but calm, long but silent. You buried your face in his neck, moaning softly and breathing hard, your body trembling on top of his.
He tightened his grip on your hips, moving you back and forth on his cock, prolonging your climax and you felt his cock pulsing harder inside you, his breathing getting harder. You cupped his face in your hands and rested your forehead against his, your eyes locked, but neither of you said anything, not with words at least.
When his release came, he kissed you passionately and your bodies movements stopped completely, you could feel his cock pulsing and spurting his warm cum inside you. It felt right, it felt like home.
Stephen doubted he would ever get used to coming inside you. Not because of the act itself, but because of the sensation, the consummation of a love so great that it went far beyond sex, but that somehow was enshrined in that gesture. He was sure there was something sacred about the way you made him feel when he came on you.
You stayed a few minutes without exchanging a word. You dropped your body weight on top of his and he wrapped his arms around you keeping the two of you connected and the silence never felt more comfortable. Just your soft breath against his chest and his on the top of your head. Outside Stephen could hear the sound of cars passing in the street, but inside the Sanctum the complicit silence prevailed.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
Tag list: @doctorstrangelovemusic-blog @rachelessfreedom-world @a-tong @ppatricia34me @strangesgirls @dreamxonxx @benaddictcumberpatch @iamsherlocked1479 @evelyn-kingsley @veryladyqueen @notglucose @wickedscribbles @agathassscribbles @rmoonstoner @fanartka @katehawke @nicoletk @azu21 @captaincarmel416 @harlekin6 @coffedraven @withalittlehoney
@dontmindme262 @dementeddoll @yourmajesty13 @strangeions @bloodyflowerrr @insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @dragonqueen89 @newtsniffles @whiskeyho @sherlux @xourownsidee @kakashibabe02 @hobimysolecito @geeky-politics-46 @lykaonimagines @d0ct0rstrangewife @classickook @iobsessoverfictionalmen @bobateadaydreams @aphroditesdilemma @sassenach-on-the-rocks
@thealleydog @anadlockfan @pinkthick @loverofallbroken @butchers-girl @singhfae
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Mf with academic validation issues who grew up in an emotionally neglectful family gets 1 compliment once
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Save my boy Deuce 🩵🩵🩵
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bi-ss · 6 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Warnings - non, I don't think..
(This is a little bit of part 1, so I made write more I may not, we'll see. I'm also going to give the reader and her parents a positive relationship. idk I think it suits the best
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You always knew you were to be married off. Your mother was always transparent with you about that. She always told you that you may not like the man or woman, but love was always hard to find anyway. So one day, when you were 16, you typed up an agreement and gave it to your father about if you were married off, what you wanted, you do have your mother's stubbornness after all.
*knock knock*
"Come in," hearing your father grumble, you push the dark wooden doors which you are a lot heavier than your dad and his men made it seem. You stand in the doorway for a second before your dad gets up from behind his desk. He slowly walked round, motioning for you to come in and close the door. He pulled a comfy seat out a bit before sitting on his desk. You sat out looking up at him, handing him the typed papers in your hands. He looked at the title and gave it back to you.
"Read it to me, Ladybug." You smiled at the nickname he used and has used since you were a baby. "I see your mother as prepared you for this, and I see you listened for once," he joked, knowing you never liked working or school for that matter.
"I don't want to be a housewife, can't think of anything worse," you scoffed at your remark while your dad just laughed, still smiling down at you. "But I would prefer if you read it then get back to me as I told mother I'd help her cook.. it's burrito night!" He slowly nodded at you. Reading aloud wasn't something you liked doing. Taking the papers stapled together, you got up and started walking towards the doors, dreading the embarrassment of trying to open them again, but you didn't have to. Your dad was right behind you, holding it for you like you didn't just use all the strength to pry it just a little.
That's how you life's always been, your mother, a housewife. Your mother was the most beautiful and mature woman to probably ever exist, her long vibrant curly ginger hair, her pale soft skin loaded with freckle, her forest green eyes complemented everything about her even those rosy cheeks and lips. She adored your father as much or even more as he adored her. They do say opposites attract, fitting for your parents as your father, the breadwinner. Your father was a handsome and smart man, with dark chocolate hair which your mother loved putting into pigtails, his skin is covered with tattoos front to back, up and down, his toned and tan skin barely visible, his one good eye a smokie light grey colour, is other eye was sew shut while being littered with scars. Your dad has become more careful and gentle when your mother is pregnant. It wasn't hard to see that his men liked this change to, according to your mother. An example is when the twins joined, Wanda and Pietro maximoff joined, and they were put through uni with help from the family in case they wanted an out, making sure they had a choice. They stayed by the family's side.
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Now, 6 years later, you're sitting in your fathers office it hasn't changed a bit, you can't say the same about them, he was sitting on the worn-out leather chair with your mother behind him, their hair turning grey and with smile line proudly on display. You sitting at the side of the desk, not next to your dad and not next to Mrs and Mr Barnes, with their irritated son, James Barnes. The meeting was already off to a bad start when his girlfriend Sharon demanding to attend, but met with your dad saying he didn't have business with her and if that's know they did things, he'll call it off. You listened in on the conversation when your dad wasn't there, and to sum it up, Mr Barnes threatened, saying he'll disown his son and give it all to Rebecca. She's now at the bottom of the stairs being watched secretly by maids, workers, and guards. The elderly guest were very shocked at the fact they didn't even know you were there when they were giving the to toddler a reality check, which made both your parents proud and all 4 laugh about it. Before the definition of cantankerous, egocentric, and many more adjectives, you couldn't ever walk in.
. . . . .To be continued. . . .
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lokidokieokie · 6 months
Change is Never Easy
Summary: The two of you called it quits a month or so ago...and then Y/n faints during a shift. Change is never easy.
Pairing: Surgeon!Strange x Fem!Nurse!Reader
Warning(s): ex-lovers, exes to lovers(?), fainting, unexpected pregnancy
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The atmosphere at General-Metro had quickly become thick with tensions ever since the breakup. Dr Stephen Strange and Nurse Y/n L/n had officially called it quits a few weeks ago, and the lingering awkwardness between them was impossible to ignore.
Navigating the hallways was like tiptoeing through an emotional minefield.
Y/n, nursing her wounded heart, did her best to keep up appearances during her shifts. She tried to focus on her tasks and avoid any unnecessary encounters with Stephen.
The air of the hospital was constantly charged with unspoken words and unresolved emotions; and the slightest interaction left both of the medical professionals on edge.
On one fateful day, while Y/n was basking in her lunch-break, the build up of the emotional strain proved too much. In the break-room, surrounded by the hum of vending machines and the distant chatter of her coworkers, Y/n collapsed.
Panicked voices echoed through the room as her coworkers rushed to her aid.
The current events of Stephen Strange's ex did not reach him until later on in the day, courtesy of one Christine Palmer, who had intercepted him in the bustling hallway.
"Stephen, have you gone to check on Ella? Something happened to her during her shift, and I haven't had to opportunity to see her yet," Christine whispered urgently, concern etched into her voice.
Stephen's brow furrowed in confusion. "What? No, I haven't. Is she alright?"
Christine briefly briefed him on the situation before she got paged to another emergency, prompting Stephen to abandon his current path and seek out Y/n.
When he found her, lying down in a quiet corner of the hospital, seemingly alright, the relief on his face was undeniable.
Slowly walking over to her, he brushed a stray hair out of her face. "What happened to you?" Concern prominent in his voice as he dragged a chair over.
With a flutter of her eyes and a shaky smile, Y/n greeted him. "Hey, Stephen. I don't really know what happened. I just felt incredibly dizzy, and then everything went black for a moment. I'm probably just dehydrated, I'm sure everything is fine."
Stephen raised his eyebrows, and his professional instincts kicked in. "People don't just faint for no reason, Y/n. I'm going to order a few tests to make sure."
Before calling in others, Stephen quickly did an examination, asking her about her symptoms and taking note of her vitals.
As Stephen focused on the exam, Y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. Their interactions were once filled with warmth and familiarity. Now, they were tainted by the awkwardness that hung in the air like a heavy cloud.
She was broken from her thoughts by Stephen's sigh of relief. "Physically, you seem find. I'm still getting other tests done to be thorough."
Y/n nodded, appreciating the concern emanating from her ex-lover. "Thanks, Stephen. I appreciate it."
It was probably about fourty-five minutes later when Stephen was given Y/n's test results. His eyes scanned the report, his expression changing from professional concern to surprise. Y/n, being curious and anxious about what he had seen, couldn't help up speak up.
"Stephen, what is it? What's on the report? Am I okay?" she pressed, her eyes searching his chiseled face for answers.
Taking a moment to compose himself, Stephen finally spoke, his voice a mix of disbelief and realisation. "Y/n, you're...pregnant."
Time seemed to still as the revelation hung in the air. Y/n's eyes widened, mirroring Stephen's astonishment. The awkwardness of their recent breakup was momentarily forgotten as they processed this unexpected twist of fate.
"Pregnant?" Y/n repeated, the word feeling foreign on her lips. "But we were careful?"
Stephen's mind raced, still processing the news. "Well, it seems we have to blame the twisted mind of the universe for this."
A/N So...I'm back from the dead 🙃 Sorry for another hiatus, Uni sucks, but I'm on break now :) Hopefully I can write more...but I'm me sooooo, please don't get your hopes up. BUT, there will be a part two of this that I have already pre-written so...
taglist (lemme know if you want to be added or removed) @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee @fall-myriad @ironstrange1991 @asgards-princess-of-mischief
sorry if you weren't added and had asked to be, I lost my taglists :(
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Delivery for 177A Bleecker Street
Summary: Most people just walk by the Sanctum’s doors without noticing it. While this is a gread security measure, it also raises questions when Stephen and Wong want to order food and have it delivered.
Tags: fun, slice of life, don’t take this too seriously, delivery persons deserve a lot of credit
Ko-fi | Masterlist | Word count: 2.1k
Author’s note: It’s been a while since I had a stupid writing idea and put it down on paper immediately.
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Delivery for 177A Bleecker Street
Danny was cleaning the counter when a new order came in online. He passed it directly to the kitchen, the rag still in his other hand, when his eyes fell on the delivery instructions and he frowned. They had to be kidding.
But a glance at the bottom of the receipt told him that the order had already been paid up front. So it would be an expensive joke if so.
"Cate!" he called to his co-worker, who had worked at Ginger Noodle way longer than he. Maybe she had more of a clue.
Cate stepped next to him and looked at the delivery instructions:
Address: 177A Bleecker Street
Added note: put the bag down at the corner of 181 and 175
„Oh, yeah, they ordered before,“ Cate told him. „Max will know.“
Max, the delivery boy, must come across some strange instructions on his tours.
„Are they homeless?“ Danny asked. He couldn‘t think of any other reason why they didn‘t simply name a doorbell to ring.
Cate shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. But they always pay up front, so I don't really care if it's a raccoon ordering."
That was one way to see it. And Danny was in charge of the counter, not delivering orders. Still, he couldn't get that weird instruction out of his head.
Stephen dropped onto the couch, groggily. Wong, who closed the portal behind them, also looked exhausted. Although he kept a bit more of his composure as he sat down on an armchair. But he also grunted in satisfaction – and pain – when his back hit the cushion.
„Let‘s never do that again,“ Stephen muttered.
Exorcisms weren‘t fun in general and even less if the demon managed to break out and possess one of them. The evil spirit had been a slippery one. Stephen had let his mental shields down for only half a second to warn Wong of an incoming attack and the demon took advantage of that to possess him.
Well, the two sorcerers still managed to banish it in the end. (Stephen was glad that Wong was too exhausted to scold him for his carelessness)
The demon had consumed a lot of Stephen‘s energy and he felt like he was starving. He needed food. Preferably immediately.
„Ginger Noodle‘s?“
When he thought about what they stored in the fridge, he shuddered. No way he would open that door.
Therefore he pulled out his phone to order something, but his hands were shaking. With his low blood sugar even worse than usual. He couldn‘t seem to bring up any more magic to stabilize then. It hurt just to type in the code to unlock it.
Fortunately, Wong saved him by leaning over and snatching the phone out of his hands. „Let me take a look at the menu. I heard they have a new dish.“
It was a weak excuse. They almost always ordered the same dishes. But Stephen didn‘t point that out, since he was glad not to have to move his fingers anymore.
Wong swiped and typed, but after a few minutes he frowned. „Ginger Noodle‘s closed.“
„Closed?“ Stephen echoed. They couldn‘t just close. It was their favorite place and they didn‘t ask weird questions.
Wong confirmed with a hum. „Due to a holiday.“
Stephen wasn‘t aware of any holiday but he also wasn‘t exactly sure what day it was. So it was entirely possible that it was a legit reason.
It should be around spring… his eyes wandered to the nearest window. There was a blue sky, barely any clouds. It was sunny but some people were still wearing jackets. Yeah, definitely spring. Early summer at most.
Wong spoke up again. „We could order from that other place around the corner.“
„No,“ Stephen protested weakly but firmly. „I refuse to eat anything coming from a place called ‘THAI TANIC‘.“
Regardless of his own last name and his job, Stephen did not appreciate stupid puns.
„Well, we have to eat something.“
There was a short pause when both men looked at each other while – again – thinking about what was left in the Sanctum‘s fridge.
„Fine,“ Stephen gave in. „But I will despite every single bite of it.“
„I‘m sure your food will know your disdain towards its vendor and act accordingly,“ Wong said in his yet driest voice while googling the place.
The phone rang.
„Thank you for calling ‘Ginger Noodle’. This is Danny speaking. How can I help you?“ The young man was proud of his customer voice. He had practiced for a long time to make it sound like he was highly motivated and this wasn't just a part time job while he went to college.
The person on the other end of the line sounded slightly annoyed and very tired. „Hello. I tried to put an order online to have my food delivered, but it always shows me an error message.“
„Yeah, I‘m really sorry about that. The server‘s down and it will probably take a day or two for them to fix it. You can put your order with me though and pay when your food gets there.“
There was a short pause.
Then, „You wouldn‘t be able to find my door.“
Danny rolled his eyes and gestured to the cook to hurry up with another order. „I assure you our driver has a one-hundred percent success rate. Max has found any door so far. You can leave the specifics with me and I pass them through. What‘s your address?“
„Bleecker Street.“
That made Danny perk up. Could it be? He took a look at the phone but of course there was no clue of the person he was talking to.
"That's not too far from here actually. Which number?" He tried to get more information. It could be a coincidence, but there was the small chance Danny was currently speaking to the odd 'leave the bag at the corner of two buildings on the middle of the sidewalk' person that ordered food at least once a week.
There was another pause and Danny thought that the man maybe had fallen asleep or just walked away from the phone (both happened more often than you would think) when the other man spoke up again.
„I can also pick the order up and pay cash, right?“
„Absolutely.“ This time the enthusiasm in Danny's voice was not fake. It meant that he would see the person. The mystery would finally be revealed.
He wrote the order down.
„It‘s ready in twenty minutes. Can I get a name for it?“ This was absolutely not necessary, but Danny was too curious to resist. He snuck every piece of information he could lay his hand on.
„Doctor Strange.“
Danny‘s eyes were beaming. Of course! It sounded so very fake, but considering who he was talking to it seemed just fitting.
After hanging up, he passed the order to the kitchen and told them to prioritize it.
The next twenty minutes couldn't go by fast enough. Danny stowed the order in a plastic bag and placed it on the counter, eyeing the door every few seconds to catch any first glimpses of that mysterious person, whose secret he was about to reveal.
Fortunately, no other customer was in the shop and the phone was silent too. It was that small window between lunch rush hour and dinner that allowed the staff to each take their breaks one after another.
It also left Danny with nothing to do but to re-organize some stuff. He knew how to keep himself busy while looking like he was working hard.
Then there was a sudden shriek from the kitchen and when Danny turned around he saw through the serving hatch the cook holding his hand as if it had been burned. The man cursed as he stumbled back, bumping into a stack of take out containers as he did so.
Like in a cartoon, the tower wobbled comedicly slow, before it fell over – onto the cook.
For a second Danny just watched. Then he rushed to help, not hearing the faint hiss on the other side of the counter, nor seeing the golden sparks. Instead the young man helped pick up and re-stack the containers while the cook tended to his hand. (It wasn't bad, he had just gotten to the hot wok carelessly).
Just then, Cate returned from her break and saw the mess. Shaking her head, she ignored it and went to the front. Only to be back a second later.
„Hey, someone left twenty dollars on the counter.“ She held the bill in her hand, questioningly.
Danny looked up. The money had certainly not been there when he left. „I don‘t…,“ he started but than noticed that the plastic bag with the order was gone. He rushed over to check if it fell on the floor, but that wasn‘t the case.
„Did you see someone picking up an order just now?“
„No, just the money.“
Danny blinked. Twenty dollars was enough to cover the food, it even left a small tip. He couldn't believe he had missed the customer.
Weird, normally a bell rang in the back when someone entered through the front door.
Danny can‘t help but think this was just another mystery of the Bleecker Street orders.
Stephen was sitting in the library. A book hovered in front of him, the pages turning with a single movement of his finger. It was a quiet day, almost lazy, if Stephen would ever know these kinds of days and he spent the time reading.
He sat in a comfortable silence. Only the rustling of the cloak's fabric, that was draped over his lap like a cat and the low buzzing of magic in the background that was ever present in this building, was hearable.
Somewhere in the Sanctum, Wong was taking care of the relics, dusting them.
Stephen was not often able to relax. It came with the title of the Sorcerer Supreme and with the burden of protecting reality.
The city outside was as hectic as ever, but thick stone walls and magic shielded the inside from the noises. Once upon a time, Stephen had liked the hustle and bustle, but since his time in Kamar-Taj, the sorcerer had learned to appreciate the quiet as well.
Suddenly something interrupted the silence, when something shifted in the aura of the Sanctum. A second later, there was a knock at the front door.
Stephen frowned. Visitors were rare and usually meant trouble. He stood up. The cloak of levitation also shifted and rested on his shoulders. With the next step the sorcerer stood in the foyer and opened the front door.
On the steps of the Sanctum stood a young man with a take out bag in his hand. "Delivery for 177A Bleecker Street."
Stephen eyed him warily. „Why can you see this door?“
Although Danny’s voice had been uncertain a moment ago, he didn't back down. Instead he straightened his shoulders as he looked at the man in front of him. The guy wore a cape – this had to be the address he was looking for. It was the weird worded question that made him speak with more confidence.
„To be honest, I‘m not sure. I looked everywhere for 177A but not even in the tattoo parlor next door they knew nothing. So, I was ready to leave the bag between 181 and 175 like in the instruction but when I turned back around there was suddenly this house.“
He tried to pry behind Stephen, but didn't see much except a big staircase.
„Huh,“ the sorcerer said eloquently.
„Are you Doctor Strange?“
„I am.“
The bag was taken from the student's fingers, but it wasn't Strange’s hands but the cape’s corner.
Danny stared at it dumbfounded. A piece of clothes that moved on its own?
The door was being closed and would have been shoved right in his face, if Danny hadn’t taken a quick step back. He didn‘t even get a thank you for delivering the food, but the young man was surprisingly okay with that. He had finally solved who was behind the weird order instructions of Bleecker Street.
Even though he now had even more questions than before.
Stephen, meanwhile, walked up the grand staircase shaking his head, glancing at the food he had ordered online earlier. He decided to recheck the wards of the Sanctum later today.
Danny smiled the next time an order with special instructions came in online.
„Bleecker Street. You know where the door is. (Mind the Boggarts. They bite.)“
Danny worked the counter but would do an exception for one kind of food delivery: the strange one.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Peggy and Y/N walk out to intercept the Scarlet Witch…
Y/N: hey baby
Wanda: do I know you?
Peggy: you didn’t look at the family photos? Wanda, seriously, love.
Wanda’s eyes soften…
Wanda: oh…it’s not fair. Why am I so loved in this universe and not in my own?
Y/N: you can be. I exist there. Just find me and I know I’ll be crazy about you. Also maybe don’t hunt Chavez.
Peggy: seriously that girl is hurting and wanting a family as much as you.
Wanda: I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
The Scarlet Witch leaves Wanda’s body…
Peggy and Y/N catch their Wanda…
Wanda: detkas? How did I get here?
Peggy: we’ll explain over cuddles after we tuck the boys in tonight, love
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For @konstantin609
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fanartka · 2 months
What if...?
Imagine Stephen Strange as Howl and Clea as Sophie
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lilstephenlover · 7 months
Wong: how much longer are we going to let them do that? Stephen: *rubbing the bridge of his nose* just... just give him a minute Y/N: *still pushing the doors of sanctum that are clearly labeled pull*
188 notes · View notes
angelofthenight · 5 months
You: Do me a favor, promise me you won’t drive
Stephen: That’s sweet. You’re worried about me driving
You: No, I’m worried about me.
You: I’m a pedestrian
213 notes · View notes
Glimpse of Us
Summary: Years after the faithful night, reality brings the two back together, with all the years of unresolved pain, feelings and comparisons
Warning: Angst is all the warning I can think off ehehhe, Hard core Angst
Note: ehehehehe the long awaited sequel to She use to be mine is finally here! After what? nearly 2 years. its finally here! I'm so sorry for the long wait and thank you to those who encouraged me to continue on with the next part. I won't dawdle on and let you lot enjoy the concoction i seem to have mustered on. ehehe again sorry for the months delay.
oh and i almost forgot, the italics are best imagined as her singing
P.S. I drafted this post 7 or 8 months after the first part and dear god, how time has passed. Looking back at the story, I'm not really too proud of this one and ended it because I really have no idea how to continue it. I have an idea for a next part (dangerous words coming from me) but I'm not gonna set a date for when I post it because we all know how the last part turned out. Anyways enjoy
😊❤️💛💚💙💜🖤😊 -T
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‘Hey, you’re up in five’`
‘Yah sure, just touching up’ you say as you smacked your lips after applying a bit of lip gloss.
‘You don’t need it’ he replied.
‘Still. I can’t believe I agreed to this’ you scoffed, fiddling with your hair for the hundredth time.
‘You’ll do great’ he smiled ‘Now your hair is fine, you look amazing, and I have to go. Break a leg’ he bid before getting on stage to rouse the crowd. Admittedly, you are nervous. You wouldn’t call yourself a singer, but you do have a good enough voice and can hold a tune. You knew it was a mistake singing in front of Harvey and you were only doing this as a favor. God. You checked the mirror one last time before finding it was good enough.
‘Now for tonight’s performance, A very dear friend of mine has agreed to perform tonight, though with a little bit of persuasion.’ Harvey mumbled the last part, getting a laugh from the crowd and a chuckle from yourself ‘She has a voice made by the gods above, though I don’t remember Thor being much of a singer. She can lure you in better than a siren, but I think that’s the other mythology’ he said cheekily.
‘Now, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a dear friend of mine, Y/N Y/L/N!’ he introduced, that being your cue to emerge from the curtain, you stepped on staged and made your way over to the middle where he and the mic was, the spotlight following your movement. You waved and smiled at the crowd, glad there wasn’t much. Grasping the mic, you chuckled as the small crowd continued to clap.
‘Hi everybody’ you began, getting a hello in response from the crowd ‘Wow, thank you for the warm welcome and thank you Harvey for that unrealistic introduction’ you chuckled with the crowd, turning to Harvey who waved you off.
‘Now, taking something off of Harvey’s speech, I am made by no god or am one. Nor am I a siren from the Greek mythology. It did take some persuading to get me to do this and hopefully I don’t regret it.’ You laughed sheepishly.
‘I don’t normally sing on stage or in public really unless it’s karaoke with friends, which by the way is how I got tricked into doing this, so pardon me if I seem a bit nervous’ you smile shyly. Glancing back at Harvey, with a smile on his face, he nodded, pushing you to continue. Pulling out the rest of the confidence you still had stored, you turned back beaming at the crowd.
‘Now to not keep you waiting any longer, Paul if you will’ you gestured to the man on the piano and he nods before gliding his fingers along the keys, playing the start of the song. Letting out a breath, you closed your eyes, feeling the rhythm of the piano before singing the lyrics. Grabbing hold of the mic, you opened your eyes and began.
He'd take the world off my shoulders
If it was ever hard to move
He'd turn the rain to a rainbow
When I was living in the blue
You let your eyes flutter to a close as you gripped the mic firmly. Swaying your body occasionally to melody.
Why then if he is so perfect
Do I still wish that it was you?
Perfect don't mean that it's working
So what can I do? Ooh
Opening your eyes, you scanned the crowd, completely surprised by how the much you can see of the crowd seemed entranced.
When you’re out of sight
You saw you’re your friends in a booth over on the corner, the people entering the establishment.
In my mind
Then the bar where you found him, staring at you. You locked eyes with those beautiful ocean blue orbs that you love loved so much. Stumbling over your words, you nearly forgot about the song but once the piano keys hit the right note, your lips continued in autopilot.
Cause sometimes I look… in his eyes
And that's where I find
A glimpse of us
Eyes leaving contact, you scanned his entirety. The grey streaks at his temples have grown longer since the last time you saw him. The old clean-shaven face he used to don had a goatee. Prominent lines and creases were evident in his features and really the years have aged him well. He wore a suit, complete with a vest, a red handkerchief in the breast pocket and everything. A glass of whiskey at his side and he was still as handsome as the day you left. 
You closed your eyes once more, willing this to just be another trick or hallucination by your imagination. Though it was a horrid idea as memories of the day came back crashing onto you, you let them stay shut as you continued.
And I try to fall for his touch
But I'm thinking of the way it was
There you stood, as beautiful as the day he met you, if not more. In all your beauty, and the signature grin you adorned, you were radiant. Though the spotlight might have something to do with it, you were still a ray of sunshine through the darkest of clouds.
The rest of the world faded out to him and his mind finally faltered. There you were. Standing a few feet away as you introduced yourself. Your hair’s cut short, or at least shorter than the last time he’d seen you. Earrings hid behind your curls and the lightest bit of make-up was applied to your soft features. Though that didn’t hide the blossoming pink tint gracing your cheeks. Your lips glistened with the lip gloss you had on just like you use to. Smile lines drew at the corner of your eyes as you chuckled over your own words, explaining how you ended up in your current situation.
You always smiled, even when you were feeling down, you always smiled. Whether to hide what you were truly feeling or to just be nice to people, you always smiled. He nearly forgot how beautiful that smile was, with only his dreams used to recall that charming grin, since it has been a rarity for him to look you up or even open the box full of pictures during your years together. Even with the picture he kept in his nightstand, he rarely opened the drawer. Funny how this photographic memory of his nearly forgot the most beautiful piece of art he’s ever seen.
He listened to every single word you uttered as he looked and committed every single detail he could of you to memory. Your hair curled into soft waves, parted and pinned on one side. Your frame, fuller since the last time he saw your thin, nearly skeletal figure on that fateful night. You wore a wine-red wrap top that reached down to your wrists, paired with simple jeans and boots, you looked divine. The dip in the neckline of your shirt revealed the top of your cleavage but the gleaming gold necklace is what caught his attention. It was a simple gold bar plate though engraved with a heartbeat on one side. Common and a bit of a cliché now adays but what was special about that was it was an actual heartbeat. His. He gifted it to you when you both got accepted at Metro General. He explained that it was how his heart beat whenever he thought of you. As you tried to find the words to thank him, he made you turn it over to the other side to another engraving. You know I love you so, it said. A line from one of your favorite songs. He remembered how tears brimmed your eyes as you leaped to him, capturing his lip with yours.
What came as a shock to him now was that you were still wearing it. As he continued to look you over, the sound of your chuckle registered in his ears. God, he loves that sound. A sound he hasn’t heard long before you left. Looking back up to your face, he sees the girl he met all those years ago, buried under piles of books in the library on campus. The very same girl that chuckled at his horrible attempt at a flirtatious first introduction. A small smile tugged at his lips both at the memory and the sound. He hasn’t heard that sound in so long, it was a wonder when he heard it last. He just knew it was long before he fucked up and just chose to relish in the sweet sound now.
Now focusing and giving his undivided attention to your voice now, he listened.
‘I don’t normally sing on stage or in public really unless it’s karaoke with friends, which by the way is how I got tricked into doing this, so pardon me if I seem a bit nervous’ you laugh timidly. A chuckle bubbled at his throat as flashes of you singing whilst cooking in the kitchen of your tiny apartment came into view. Wearing nothing but his shirt as you flipped pancakes, singing from Coldplay to Queen at the top of your lungs or humming to Ed Sheeran whilst you worked and studied case filles.
He knew you enough to know that you were nervous, you didn’t have to say it. After all these years he still knew you better than the back of his scarred hands, heck better than he knows himself.
He saw you look to the side and his eyes followed, landing on the host from earlier. With a smile on his face, he nodded, giving you the reassurance you needed to continue with your performance. And it did, he saw how you pulled the last of your confidence before turning back to the crowd.
A pang of jealousy shot through him as he watched. I mean what did he expect, for you to be alone after all these years. A stupidly selfish part of him even hoped that you’d be waiting for him. To get his act together and you’d be back together. It was incredibly stupid; he knew that but that didn’t stop the creeping grip of jealousy from grasping his heart. As much as he knew how selfish the thought is, that didn’t stop the pain and hurt he felt seeing you look for reassurance in another man. Even after all these years.
The smile he had drawn up earlier had faded to a look of melancholy. It was good you had someone, he thought. Someone to be there for whenever you needed them the most, unlike him.
He watched as you turned and gestured to the pianist who nodded and started to fiddle with the keys. He watched as you took a breath, closed your eyes and began to sway to the smooth melody of the music. A small grin was itching at your lips. You were always more comfortable whenever listening to music and this was evident, unbeknownst to you.
Then you started to sing. You opened your eyes, took a firm grip at the mic and the lyrics just came dripping smoothly from your lips. That melodic voice of yours that he loves so much reminded him of the early mornings in the kitchen, the concerts in the shower and the lullabies to the kids under your care. Little did you know but the sound of your sweet voice always comforted him during the hardest times. He didn’t ask you to sing directly but he always listened whenever you hummed a simple tune or sang a song from some Disney movie to calm the kids in peds ward.
He took in every word that came from your lips. From what he’s heard so far from the first verse, it was about how the man lightened and took away the burden and sorrows the singer felt. The way you sang the song, it was beautiful. It was as if you were truly meaning the words that left your lips and he couldn’t help but feel the envy creeping back up at him, though at the same time, he’s conflicted with relief. He didn’t know if you’ve had someone during the past couple of years but as hurt as he is at the prospect of you with somebody else, it sort of gave him a sense of comfort thinking that you were getting taken care off. It eased some of the weight he felt and often times he thought maybe it was good that you separated. All he'd done with you the last few months of your relationship was hurt and neglect you and if you ever found someone that remedied that, maybe it was for the best that you left.
He watched your eyes flutter to a close again. The way your body moved to the melody of the music completely hypnotized him that his drink was deemed long forgotten.
Why then if he is so perfect, Do I still wish that it was you?
At those words, for some reason that gave him hope. He didn’t know if it was just the song but really, just the way you sang it made it seem all too genuine. He still loves you; he knew that very well. He also knows that he had a better chance in coming up with a new strategy in defeating Thanos (despite the many but one failed attempts he saw using the time stone), than ever getting back in a relationship with you.
You are the most kind, caring and understanding person he knew but you were also stubborn. He might have the chance in getting to apologize and to ask for forgiveness, but a relationship was a billion to one cosmic fluke. Though that didn’t stop him from wondering if you meant those words.
You opened your eyes and continued with the song. He noticed you looking at the growing mass of people watching. From the corner booths to the door, he knew from that growing look at your face that you were surprised to say the least at how many were captivated by your performance.
Then you met his gaze. Those soft blues meeting that beautiful shade of your own eyes. God, how much he loved those shining y/e/c orbs could never be put into words. How they twinkle in the light. The comfort and understanding they held and how they always seem to know he felt.
When he woke up from the crash, the first thing he longed to find were your eyes. The warmth, comfort and security they held, he ached to see those beautiful orbs because for the briefest moments he forgot everything but you. You were his main thought. He forgot about the fight, the neglectful months before, the pale, emaciated figure of yours that haunts his dreams, everything. Only the kind, gorgeous face of the woman he fell for all those years ago stayed in his mind because whenever he thought of comfort, the only thing that formed in his head was, no… is you.
He was hurt, in pain, his body ached, he could barely see let alone open his eyes. He needed comfort, he needed you. But when was life ever nice.
Instead, he was met with the fluorescent lights of the hospital room and the horrific sight of the mangled hands that once led a successful career in medicine. There was no warming gaze to be greeted with, only the sad sympathetic ones he now knows to be from the wrong woman and a cold, sterile room.
Cause sometimes I look… in his eyes
You stumbled over your words as you continued to look at each other. You continued singing but your eyes were locked together. Neither of you could look away. Your mouth moved on autopilot as your eyes lost the spark of a flame you had earlier, just like that night all those years ago, replaced by a reflection of the pain and grief he caused. The very same one that haunts his dreams.
A glimpse of us
You finished, your voice fading as the lyrics came to an end. As soon as the piano tuned out, you smiled and gave a little bow at the crowd who erupted in applause before leaving the stage in a hurry. Welled up tears spilled down warm cheeks as emotions and memories continued to riot your mind. After all these years he still managed to make you cry. Why can’t you move on?
You were quick on getting your belongings from the small prep area behind the stage however your plans of a speedy getaway were quickly ousted by the very same gentleman that perpetrated this whole ordeal.
‘You were amazing! The emotion you put in the performance…’ He continued to ramble on, looking past the curtain and to the roaring crowd cheering on for an encore, completely oblivious of his friend’s distraught state. ‘I mean the teary eyes, come on. Doctoring ever not work for you, acting could be something to con…’ he paused after finally getting a glimpse of you, swiftly wiping away tear streaks that ran down your cheeks but the growing redness in your eyes were dead give aways. ‘Shit’ finally piecing things together, he cursed, his attention fully set on you now. ‘It was real. Fuck, are you okay?’ he asked, finding it difficult figuring out what to do, yet a hint of urgency too as he still had to go back on stage.
‘Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.’ You swallowed, lying through your teeth. ‘I just… have to go’ you mumbled quickly, giving him a grin in hopes to resemble something as composed as the friend he knew. Though he knew you enough to know you were not ‘fine’, with great reluctance he let you go, rushing to the stage shortly after exchanging goodbyes and promising to check with him later.
As your friend went back on stage, you quickly took a survey of your appearance on a nearby mirror, making sure you didn’t look as dreadful as you felt. The bit of makeup you had on survived, however your eyes weren’t as forgiving being red. Nevertheless, you sped out to leave.
Considering your options, your only available exits were the front or back door and wanting to avoid individual who has left you in this state (just by being present), you turned to the corridor that lead to the back door but as unfortunate as you were, the exit was blocked by men hauling in delivery shipments and by the looks of things they weren’t going to be done any time soon.
You were antsy enough as it was and waiting by the second for them just added to your agitation. You really needed to leave now.  A lump was lodging itself on your throat and the air around you seemed to be thinning. You need to leave NOW.
Swallowing all the anxieties you had, you had no choice but to rush out the front. You stayed on the side, avoiding the patrons and the one in particular perched up at the bar but unlucky you (your luck really seemed to have vanished really), the man saw your abrupt departure, unbeknownst to you.
You made it out to the street and the open air was a fresh welcome, letting you finally breath, whereas the establishment you had left felt suffocating.
You thought it was done. That the lump in your throat would finally dissolve as you walked down the street, thinking that you had successfully avoided the now famed sorcerer of New York. The hero, Doctor Strange…
but when was life ever good to you.
‘y/n…’ he breathed out, catching the sight of you sprinting toward the doors he entered only moments before. It pulled him out of his reverie, wondering if he should talk to you, what he’d talk to you about, an apology perhaps, contemplation of your years together, however the sight of you pulled him out like it always did, especially in the beginning. He sometimes had the tendency to be too deep in thought, he’d ignore everything and everyone in his surroundings, but he always caught you. Your scent, your voice, let alone your image, it always drew him from his stupor. 
Now the sight of you cemented his thoughts.
Downing the last of his drink, he pulled a bill from his wallet and slammed it down the counter without so much as a look onto how much it was before he scurried out, chasing after you. (Like he should have done all those years ago)
He called out your name once he reached the sidewalk, turning left and right in search for you. The street wasn’t crowded much so it was easy to spot the figure stood still a few yards away to his right. With the last few rays of the dying sun and dim streetlight, he made out the curled head of hair the same shade as yours the figure had, and he just knew it was you.
‘Y/N!’ he nearly shouted, causing a few heads to turn in his direction but not yours. You kept your back to him as he sprinted your way. He knew you heard him. You would have kept on walking had you not.
It only took a second to reach you and when he did, he hesitated, not knowing what to do. He wanted to reach for you and plead for forgiveness. On his knees if he had to. Instead, he opted for another call for your name, hoping you’d finally face him.
And you did, after dropping your hands to your side, he heard a small sniff before you turned to him with your gorgeous smile and said (in a somewhat forced cheer in your voice)
‘Stephen. Hi’
‘Hi’ he replied densely. You idiot, he thought at how stupid his response was.
A silence fell over you both as Stephen canvassed your entirety now at a closer distance. He took in every graceful line, freckle and strand of hair he saw to memory. Every little detail he took in was as important as every breath he took. How bloodshot your eyes were didn’t go unnoticed though. Puffy around the eyelids from crying, red possibly from -he guessed- how hard you were rubbing them just before he reached you.  
Surprising thing is, it still broke his heart seeing the distress you so clearly were trying to hide. The thought of tears running down your cheeks, was illegal. They had no business in gracing your face yet, he can’t help but realize that he just keeps being the reason you were left in that state. Where were all these sympathies back then? He asked himself, the very night flashing through his mind.
‘Stephen’ you said again, taking him out of head again. He missed that though. His name coming off your lips. It brought him back to all the mornings with you in bed, tangled in sheets as the morning glory woke you up and you woke him up with that honey sweet voice with the say of his name. Stephen
‘Sorry, um…’ he coughed, trying to piece a sentence, words, anything really that didn’t end in three syllables.
‘You were wonderful’ he finally managed, okay that’s five ‘Back there at the bar…. you were amazing’ like always, he wanted to add but stopped himself, pointing back to where he just left.
‘Thank you’ you muttered, nodding your head before leaving it down to look at your shoes. The way you responded lacked any sort of confidence, as if you didn’t believe his words or yourself. Truthfully, you were never really the most confident, even back then but always did step up when the situation needed. Either that’s the reason or you didn’t believe him, which considering his case, why should you.
Your hands were fidgeting, he noticed. Running and marking the bones of one hand with your fingers tips before your nails would start to pick on skin. This was something new to him. A new nervous habit of yours he hadn’t known before, so it was most likely picked up after your separation.
The person in front of him wasn’t the same one he knew all those years ago yet, still so similar and the same. He remembers everything about you, so if anything of the woman he knew back then was still in there, he knew by how you were acting that you were uncomfortable, agitated.
‘Really, you were amazing’ he affirmed, really wanting you to believe him, or at least to believe how wonderful you really are. ‘Truly, but are you okay?’
He’d done it. Ask that stupid question and that’s what broke the dam, causing the river to run past it with no mercy.
He heard a laugh at first, your hand raising towards your face. The sound bordered on maniacal, nothing like the one he loved but familiar enough to know he has heard it before. Slowly, your head rose, your hand half covering your mouth, half wiping away the rivers that flowed down your cheeks. The sight finally triggered the memory he was looking for. It was all too similar to that night, it felt like déjà vu.
‘um’ you started, finally managing to say after that little fit ‘I could lie but what’s the point? No. I’m not. I’m not okay because you’re here. Fuck, I actually thought that I could get away from this but no, evidently not.’ You tried to reason, looking him straight in the eyes ‘Christ Stephen, I was okay. I was okay when I was singing, I was okay ten minutes ago but then you just came out of no where and now I’m not okay. I’m never okay whenever it comes to you. Not anymore.’ You spit like venom, unrelenting in your streak to get out all your pain because of him. ‘I thought I could be civil but… I-I’m tired. I’m sorry, I’m gonna go. Enjoy your night’ you hurried, saying your goodbyes and turning your back to him to walk away. You would have gone had he not called you back in such a pleading tone.
‘please’ he begs and for some reason and it compels you to listen. You halt your steps, you don’t turn around, but you do wipe away your tears and he takes that as his chance to apologize for everything. 
‘I’m sorry.’  He starts, his own eyes teary ‘I’m sorry for everything. You didn’t deserve what I did to you and it…’ he swallows that lump in his throat, trying to get the rest of his words out ‘it haunts me every day. You’re the kindest person I know, and I took you for granted. I was an arrogant piece of shit, too self-absorbed to even notice that the woman I love was working herself to death.’ You start to turn around ’You were the purest thing I knew and you didn’t deserve the monster I was. And I am so sorry for who I was then. I’ve changed or I’m trying to change, to be better than- than that monster that hurt you and I could only hope for your forgiveness because, you were always someone I never wanted to lose, and I did. By a stupid mistake and horrible decisions.’ His tears start to run, and you finally face him ‘I never wanted to let you go but I was hurting you more than I was loving you and I understand if I don’t get your forgiveness but, I am sorry. I am so sorry for hurting you. For taking you for granted. For not treating you how you deserved to be treated. For everything. You didn’t deserve what I did to you and hearing myself admit this… really just proves I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I need you to know that I am sorry. I’m really sorry for what I did and that… that you deserve.’
You stare at him with tears running down both your eyes and he sees the same urge to wipe them away, in you. The hesitant twitch of your arm as if by instinct, to move and act on the need to clear away his tears and comfort him. At least that’s what he interprets the move of your arm because that’s exactly what you would have done, that’s exactly your character and he wants to do the same. To dry away your tears and take you in his arms in respite.
But you act against those thoughts, only balling your fist as some form of control. You stare into him, as if gauging to find the lie in his words yet there is none and he sees something in your eyes that he can’t explain before they dart away. He watches as you scan your surroundings, looking at the people likely to be watching you both but he didn’t care for them. He only cared about you.
When your eyes turned back to him, you closed them immediately, face scrunching as you desperately tried to hold back to tears but to him, it was as if you were so pained by the mere sight of him. He’d be lying if he said that it didn’t chip away a piece of his heart. 
Your head bowed for a bit as you tried to compose yourself but the words that left your lips once you rose again, only broke more of his heart.
‘You’re forgiven’ you were quick to say before turning back and walking away from him. He watched with wet cheeks, as you sped away from him, and he kept his gaze on you until you disappeared around the corner and then you were gone.
For what seemed like forever, he kept his eyes on that street corner, hoping for something that won’t happen. He knew that whatever he wanted wasn’t going to happen, but a man could hope, right? Though hopes are as easy to diminish as they are to ignite. Grief and disappointment, they tend to last.
The sun had set and streetlights and buildings are all that lit the side walk where Stephen stood. A man well known to the people and thus, there were those who were bound to watch the spectacle put on by the hero. Small crowds had formed over time as they watched the powerful sorcerer confess to the dreadful things he’s done to some doctor from before his fame, asking for forgiveness to all the terrible things he’s done.
To new passersby, they’d wonder why a hero of the city stood so stiff, looking at oblivion. They’d wonder for a minute without context before walking away with a shrug, figuring much more important things to think of.
Eventually, the crowd thinned to a trickle, til the lone man was all that remained the lone street, wondering what he had done to deserve you.
A/U: I've read this way too much to do a final proof read so sorry for all the grammatical mistakes and spellings and all that. Thanks for the read though
I'm hoping that the people who asked to be tagged don't mind me tagging them this late in the game and I hope you liked it. Hopefully it was worth the wait @strangesweetheart @evelynrosestuff @vesta-ro @doodle-cat16 @nabiilahadid @evansmusk @circe143 @dracoflaco
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