#rip steve rogers
manic-eddie · 2 years
are you excited for the new captain america movie? if so, how do you feel about the new captain america? 🙌🏽 👀
I am actually! I love Anthony Mackie and how he portrayed Falcon and now how he portrays Captain America. Do I miss Steve rogers?? Obviously I do! I adored Stevie and I miss him so much but he’s gone and he passed the shield to Sam so we just have to accept that Steve Rogers WAS captain America and now Sam Wilson IS captain America. I don’t think the new one will be as good as Captain America The Winter Soldier, but I still think it’s gonna be very good! Thanks for the ask!💞
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lefthandarm-man · 4 days
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Steve Rogers // Captain America Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
the way he looks at bucky (part 1)
(bucky vers.)
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livelaughlove-write · 8 months
We're in the endgame now.
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emmedoesntdomath · 6 months
there isn’t anything more beautiful than sticking around in a fandom just to spite the creator. like, no, I won’t support you financially. I won’t buy the media, or merch, or official shit. but. you get pissy when one of your characters is headcanoned as queer by your fans? guess what buddy boy, I’m not going fucking ANYWHERE. no no no, we’re actually going to start writing gay fanfiction for them. as a little gift. they can now kiss. you’re welcome. oh, that makes you more mad? oh I’m sorry, here’s some fanart that you’ll hate. I’ll sell it too, just to spite you more. really, I’m helping you out here. teaching a lesson, if you will. you can thank me later.
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koreanrage · 2 years
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Still think about Avengers Academy sometimes LOL
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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The First Beatle Meets the First Avenger by Andrew Robinson (author of The Fifth Beatle graphic novel).
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oddlydrawnscissors · 6 months
tumblr marvel fandom i come asking for help, i need to find a fic.
((this was back before i had an ao3 account and since i did everything in incognito it was lost when i closed the tab.))
im looking for a trans!peter parker fic, his deadname in this fic is Beatrice Parker. Tony is his father figure (im pretty sure Peter lives at the compound) and before Peter comes out he calls him Bea. im pretty sure most of the other avengers are in it, Natasha, Steve, Bucky etc. Loki Tony and May i believe are definitely in it. i unfortunately dont remember the chapter or word count, or when it was published but i remember reading it a couple years ago, pre pandemic i think. also p sure it was completed.
if anybody knows where to find this fic or what happened to it please please let me know!!!
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wwprice1 · 1 year
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Cap by George Perez.
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evilhorse · 8 months
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I thought I knew who the good guys and the bad guys were!
(Captain America #183)
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yourbuckies · 2 years
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— Moshi Moshi, Banana Yoshimoto
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fairysteve · 1 year
hm. not enough transmasc steve getting his name from steve rogers/captain america.
especially works if he gets his name while reading comics with dustin.
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emmyhildy · 2 years
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slashtakemylife · 6 months
Me: *writes a fic piece where Bucky confronts his feelings for Steve post-Endgame and let's go and moves on while still keeping a fond memory of him*
My salty self: Now write that salty snippet of Steve coming back crawling like the fxking bastard he is but Bucky kicks him out his house and life for good.
Me: But I thought we said we would get over it in a nice note for both characters
My salty self: You can get over it too by making him regret that last fxking choice he did for life
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chubbydrawer · 7 months
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*now on patreon* As Steve Rogers ran down the street after his muscle growth experiment, he began to feel heavier with each step… #maleweightgain #fat #chubby #thick #gainer #gainerart #bigboy #bigbelly #fatter #growingboy #growingbelly #tightclothes #poppingseams
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janeykath318 · 1 year
A Time Of Need (Shieldshock)
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Meeting one’s soulmate was supposed to be one of the happiest moments of a person’s life, and yet, Darcy had spent her life dreading hers because of the words on her right hand.
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
What kind of cruel joke was the universe going to play on her? Was she going to meet her soulmate at a funeral?
“You have a sick sense of humor, Universe!” She’d muttered multiple times, while looking at her words with disgust. She’d complained to Jane plenty of times. Her friend was sympathetic, but did her best to put a less depressing spin on it.
“I know it’s not fun circumstances, but I think it’s more common than we think. It just doesn’t get talked about. Hopefully, your soulmate will support you through your future grief. If they don’t, rest assured I will portal their ass to outer space.”
Darcy had chuckled and then sighed.
“Well I appreciate your attempts to cheer me up about it, i just wanted a cheesy meet cute. Was that too much to ask?” she grumbled. “Heck, I’d take a terrible pick up line at this point.”
Fortunately, for Darcy’s wish, funerals were few and far between for her during the busy years interning with Jane, then briefly wrangling Avengers before the world turned upside down.
She was a little surprised that she didn’t meet her soulmate after the snap, but it seemed it wasn’t yet time, because despite the myriad of memorials, no awkward soulmate meeting occurred.
Two years after Thanos, the unthinkable happened.
Why did it have to be Jane? Why? After all the unthinkably crazy stuff she’d lived through, she was taken out by cancer and Darcy was left reeling.
She sat by Thor at the memorial service, doing her best to be supportive even as she felt numbed by the grief herself. She stared at Jane’s picture while Eric eulogized her in long-winded form.
“I am not dying for six college credits!” Memories flashed through her mind from New Mexico, Norway, and London. From Jack-booted thugs and killer robots to Dark elves and visitors from Asgard, they’d had a good run. It would have made a killer memoir if most of it wasn’t classified.
After the service ended, she quietly chatted with Jane’s family for a little bit and shared some funny anecdotes of science mishaps that brought teary smiles to their faces.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Thor talking to a tall blonde dude who looked eerily familiar.
Curious, she approached her friend, who turned to her with one of his excited puppy expressions. Her heart melted. She hadn’t seen that look in months. Clearly, Thor’s friend had brought him some comfort.
“Darcy!” He exclaimed. “My shieldbrother Steven came to pay his respects. Have you met him?”
Darcy mutely shook her head, stunned at seeing Steve Rogers in person. He was wearing a dark suit and looked very different from the Captain America she’d seen on the news. It was a good difference, though. He looked like he’d just walked out of a GQ ad.
Thor took it upon himself to introduce her and soon she was shaking the very large hand of the former Captain America.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Dr. Lewis.”
Darcy gaped. There it was. Her Words. The Dreaded moment. She considered fleeing, but the sincerely empathetic way Steve was looking at her held her still. After a few moments of silent panicking, she found her voice and blurted out “I thought you were on the moon or something.”
Steve looked shocked for a second, then he slowly grinned, which sent Darcy back to speechlessness.
“Darcy? Are you okay? I have never known you to go so long without speech,” Thor questioned worriedly.
In answer, she mutely held up her hand, showing them her words. Thor’s eyes widened and he excused himself after patting them both on the back and congratulating them in hearty Thor fashion. Steve nodded and looked at her with another one of those caring looks. She swallowed past the lump in her throat.
“I’m sorry it had to be under these circumstances, but I am very happy to meet you,” he said softly. “My words are right here, in case you’re wondering.” He gestured to his left side.
She knew he was ripped under that nice black suit and let a little smirk appear.
“On top of your six pack, I hope?”
“Not quite,” Steve chuckled. “As to your first statement, I am retired and mostly off the grid right now, but I don’t know how the secret base on the moon rumors got started. I suspect Sam and Bucky.”
“A reasonable assumption,” Darcy agreed. “Your friends are goofy like that. Gosh, I can’t believe this. I bet Jane is laughing so hard at me in Valhalla. She tried to set me up with you once upon a time.”
“Oh?” Steve queried, one eyebrow quirking up in interested amusement.
“Yep,” Darcy admitted. “I’d just been dumped and wasn’t ready to try again. But fate prevailed, I see.”
“Yeah, it did. Natasha would have loved this. She talked about you a lot and said you were totally my type.”
“What? A feisty brunette who punches douchebags and has no filter? You’re in for a treat, then, Steve-o.”
She winked at him saucily.
“I think I am.” he agreed.
As she left the funeral home on Steve’s arm, she smiled affectionately at Jane’s picture.
You were right, Janey. Thank You.
Meanwhile In The Afterlife:
“Finally!” Jane crowed triumphantly, pumping her fist and doing the happy dance she’d used to do when celebrating a scientific breakthrough.
“Yes. If only the stubborn mule had listened to me. I could have helped plan their wedding,” sighed Natasha ruefully. “Maybe I’ll finally get a little namesake. I have never forgotten Nathaniel’s betrayal.”
“Hopefully, we’ll both get namesakes,” Jane agreed. “Those kids will have fantastic genes.”
She mimed fanning herself and made Natasha laugh again.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 days
thinking about ur hunky hockey boys on this fine 1st day of pride
related to my series "On Thin Ice"
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Aw, I'm thrilled to hear it!
God, it's been a while since anyone mentioned them to me, so I'm glad they're still around for you, at least, lmao. Also, Jesus Christ, I can't believe I finished writing that in November of 2021...
W h a t .
How long have I been around here again?
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