bangtan-azra · 2 months
Journaling prompts for when you've got a new start in life
What's one badass goal you've always wanted to crush? Why haven't you started yet?
Describe your dream life in vivid detail – we're talking no holding back!
What's the biggest obstacle standing in your way, and how can you kick its butt?
List three things you're leaving behind in the old chapter of your life.
If your life had a theme song for this new beginning, what would it be and why?
Who's your support squad? How can you strengthen those ties?
What's a skill or hobby you've been itching to pick up? Why not start now?
Reflect on a past challenge – what did it teach you, and how will you apply those lessons moving forward?
Write a letter to your future self, giving them some epic advice.
What's one small, achievable step you can take today toward your bigger goals?
Explore a moment when you felt unstoppable. What can you learn from that experience?
List three things you're grateful for right now, in this moment of new beginnings.
Describe your ideal morning routine to kickstart your day like a boss.
If fear wasn't a factor, what bold move would you make right now?
What's a quote or mantra that'll be your guiding light through this new chapter?
Share a memory that makes you smile from ear to ear – what joy can you bring into your future?
What's a habit you want to cultivate to enhance your well-being?
Reflect on a time you surprised yourself. How can you channel that confidence moving forward?
Write a mission statement for this exciting phase of your life.
List three people who inspire you and why. How can you incorporate their wisdom into your journey?
What's one fear you're ready to face head-on? How can you conquer it?
Explore a passion project you've been putting on the back burner. Time to bring it to the forefront!
Describe the kind of energy you want to attract into your life. How can you embody that energy?
What's a lesson from your past that you'll carry with you into this new adventure?
If your life were a movie, what genre would it be, and what plot twist is coming next?
Write down three affirmations to boost your confidence and self-love.
Who's a person you need to forgive to truly move forward? What's your game plan?
What's your go-to self-care ritual when things get a bit hectic?
What's an old belief or mindset that's holding you back? How can you flip the script?
Visualize your ideal day in this new life. What does it look like, and how can you make it happen?
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bangtan-azra · 2 months
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bangtan-azra · 3 months
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its high time i shared my magnum opus with tumblr
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bangtan-azra · 4 months
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to listen to the song on spotify please click here

탕진하다: to waste, to squander
사치: luxury
돈: money
피로: fatigue
티끌: mote
모으다: to collect, to save up
지불하다: to pay
적금: savings
저당: mortgage

쥐구멍: mouse hole

일주일: one week
붓다: to pour
깨다: to break
걱정하다: to worry
젊다: to be young
고민: to worry
- 고민보다: rather than worrying
아끼다: to save (money)
문지르다: to rub
달리다: to run
bonus 지갑: wallet

sources: google translate, @bts-trans (Yein)
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bangtan-azra · 8 months
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bangtan-azra · 1 year
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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ive spent my afternoon by the sea and journaled for a while, also walked for a while in the park. i just realised it is so cool that we have see right next to our local park wow
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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to listen to the song on spotify please click here
유난히: exceptionally, especially
반짝이다: to shine, to sparkle, to glisten
땀: sweat
이상하다: strange, unusual
숙제: homework, assignment
대화: conversation, dialogue
서로: each other
특별한: special
계속: continuously, unceasingly
새끼손가락: pinky
멎다: to stop, to die down
여름: summer
겨울: winter
번: time (as in one time, two times)
추운: cold
추억: memory
수많은: a lot of, many
잊지 마: don’t forget
뻔한: obvious, evident
싸우다: to fight, to argue
얘기: story, conversation, talk
채우다: to fill in/up
한결같다: unchanging, constant
교복: school uniform
함성: shout, roar
기억하다: to remember
사건: incident, case
영화: movie
오늘: today
bonus 장미: rose
sources: naver dict., google translate, @bts-trans (Mary & Yein)
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
clouds are like the screensaver for the sky
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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dpr ian // dope lovers
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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harry styles falling
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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cat falls asleep after grooming himself
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
“I want to look back and say that I was alive. That I didn’t turn my back. That I tried. That I was happy.”
— Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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tiniest tiny
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bangtan-azra · 2 years
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names in order
Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent
My Dear Melancholy,
The Perfect Red Velvet
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